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Regulations On The Registration And Exchange Of Information (Report System) In Order To Implement The Provisions Of The Reconciliation Law Etc

Original Language Title: Forskrift om registrering og utveksling av opplysninger (meldesystem) for å gjennomføre bestemmelsene i samordningsloven mv

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Regulations on the registration and exchange of information (report system) in order to implement the provisions of the coordination law etc.

Date-2000-07-06-727 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs published in 2000 1676 entry into force 01.09.2000 last edited FOR-2010-04-20-527 from March 1, 2010 Changes FOR-1961-04-07-4116 applies to Norway Pursuant law-1957-07-06-26-section 25 Announced short title regulations on sign system for coordinating the legal authority established by the law: social and Health Ministry 6. July 2000 under the legal authority of the law of 6. July 1957 No. 26 about the coordination of pension and social security benefits section 25 No. 2. changes: modified by regulations 13 March 2002 No. 265, June 30, 2006 no. 790, 20 april 2010 No. 527. section 1. Purpose and scope the purpose of this regulation is to ensure that it happens correct coordination and customization of the benefits from the pension or social security schemes covered by the reconciliation law. Private pension plans covered thus not of the provisions here.

§ 2. About the registration of information 1.
When a person is granted the benefits received from a pension or social security scheme, the details of this are recorded in the common local office in labor and welfare administration in the municipality where the person is registered in the following national population register. Labor and welfare Directorate determines which organ to record information for individuals who are permanent resident abroad.

2. When a retirement move from one municipality to another, or to/from abroad, should the information be transferred to the new joint local office or to the body that records information about people who are stuck living abroad.

3. it shall be recorded information about your name, address, birth number (or D-number for persons residing abroad and who are not assigned personal identification number), pension or social security scheme, pension art, effect time, fire and any other time information that labor and welfare Directorate determines.

4. Labor and welfare Directorate determines a registration number to each pension or social security scheme and a registration number for the species of performance/retirement.

5. The registration even though the performance has lapsed as a result of tax policies in the coordination or the law special tax rules for the competent pension scheme (so-called 0-pension).

§ 3. In General about the messages to/from the common local offices of labour and welfare can enter into agreements with pension plans that the exchange of information with the common local offices going to happen mechanically over the line via the labour and welfare.
Otherwise be given messages on the form established by the labor and welfare Directorate, and in the number of copies that the agency determines.

§ 4. Message from occupational pension schemes to the common local Office 1.
Occupational pension scheme shall promptly send the message to the common local office when: a) the performance is granted.

b) Performance expires.

c) the retiree move from one municipality to another. The message is sent both to the common local office in the country and the municipality of tilflyttings. Be paid the pension from the local office, the occupational pension scheme does not send the message about moving.

2. The common local office shall promptly register the information that is reported from occupational pension scheme.

3. When a performance is granted, the occupational pension scheme does not pay performance, if applicable, assign it to the payment through the common local office, before the return message from this Office is received, see section 5 No. 1 letter a.

§ 5. Messages from the common local Office of occupational pension schemes 1.
The common local office shall send the following messages: a) return message, when the common local Office has received the message from an occupational pension scheme that it is granted a performance, jf. § 4. Return the message must be sent immediately and provide information about the benefits that have already been registered on that person. The common local office to send the return message also when there is no registered other benefits.

By benefits that are administered by the labour and welfare, the common local Office provide occupational pension scheme the information that is necessary for it to be able to make the correct pension calculation and coordination.

b) message that the benefits that are administered by the labour and welfare be granted, modified, or terminated (yet not by changes of base amount).

When a performance is granted or changes, the common local Office provide occupational pension scheme the information that is necessary for it to be able to make the correct pension calculation and coordination.
When the avklarings money is reduced due to work at the same time, change notice is sent every three months.
Any changes made in the actual or expected working income after insurance law § 17-8 leading to a pension from the national insurance scheme, converted to the common local Office provide the new income to the pension scheme together with the message that performance from the national insurance scheme has changed. In these cases it is not necessary with the request of the occupational pension scheme for insurance law § 25-9.

c) new performance as it is received the message from another occupational pension scheme.

2. The common local office shall seek to correct any incorrect or incomplete information about personal details, address, etc. faced with occupational pension schemes.

Section 5a. (Repealed from 1 July 2006 June 30, 2006 CF regulations No. 790).

section 6. Other messages from occupational pension arrangements Any occupational pension scheme shall notify about own pension calculation to another pension scheme or social security when this has importance for the calculation of the benefits from the competent scheme.

section 7. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force the 1. September 2000. From the same time repealed regulations of 7. April 1961 No. 4116 for registration of people with pension and social security benefits covered by the coordination law, etc. (coordinating regulation 47).