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Regulations Relating To Medical Examinations Of Glider Pilots, Micro Pilots, Drivers Of Free Balloon And Cabin Crew (Bsl C 1-2)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om medisinske undersøkelser av seilflygere, mikroflygere, førere av friballong og kabinbesetningsmedlemmer (BSL C 1-2)

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Regulations relating to medical examinations of glider pilots, micro pilots, drivers of free balloon and cabin crew (BSL C 1-2).

Date FOR-2001-08-23-1067

Affairs Ministry

Published in 2001 Booklet 11

Commencement 08/23/2001



FOR 2000-01-23-103, FOR-2000-12-20-1630



LOV-1993-06-11-101-§5-1, LAW-1993-06-11-101-5-3, FOR-1999-12-10-1273.


Short Title
regulat. medical examinations (BSL C 1-2)

Chapter Overview:

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. General provisions
4. Medical examination implementation, scope and duration
5. Protocol of medical examinations
6. Appointment of doctors
7. Exemptions
8. Appeals
9. Penalties
10. Commencement

Established by the Civil Aviation Authority on 23 August 2001 pursuant to the Law of 11 June 1993 No.. 101 aviation (Aviation Act) § 5-1 and § 5-3, ref. Delegated Decision of 10 December 1999 no. 1273. || |
1. purpose

Purpose of this regulation is to set requirements on doctors' examinations of the applicant for aviation certificate and -Property are medically fit for air service.

2. scope

This regulation applies to the medical examinations required for the issue, revalidation and renewal of aviation certificates and card, joining in addition to the later control of the certificate holder's medical fitness for the particular service.
The regulations also require the subsequent control of the license holder medical fitness for the service he will perform.

3. General provisions

Medical examinations

Applicants and holders of aviation certificates and -Property to undergo the following medical examinations:

general aeromedical examination

examination of color perception.

Investigation Authorities

The medical examinations of sailplane pilot, micro pilot and the master of free balloon shall be performed by one or more of the following: any physician with Norwegian physician license, designated AME, appointed specialists, AMC or The military flylegenemnd.
The medical examinations of cabin crew shall be performed by one or more of the following: AME, appointed specialists, AMC or The military flylegenemnd.

Initial investigation

Applicants of aviation certificates and -Property shall in connection with the initial examination submit confirmation, preferably from a spouse or close relative, that the applicant has not had epilepsy, convulsions or loss of consciousness during the last 10 years.

Supervision and control

AMS in the CAA can when it deems it necessary, require summoned to control survey all personnel who have a valid medical certificate for aviation certificate.
Control survey shall be conducted by appointed doctor, specialist, or abroad at an approved doctor.
AMS in CAA may also require performed required additional studies.
AMS in the CAA can impose holders of aviation certificate / card that has been declared incapacitated to submit to special supervision and control.

Under Correction Duty

Holder aviation certificate or -Property shall not render service when it is occurred change in health status which means that the medical requirements are no longer met. AMS in the CAA shall be notified when the license holder must understand that illness is of a permanent nature.

4. Medical examination implementation, scope and duration


The scope of medical examinations for the different types of aviation certificates and card, joining the conduct of investigations and validity of the medical examinations referred to in section. 3.1 above, are contained in the tables in the following sections.

The study's scope:

Certificate and proof applicable to:
On initial issuance required:
At subsequent renewals required:

Sail Pilot, micro pilot, the master of free balloon
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE General aeromedical examination
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE General aeromedical examination

Cabin crew member
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE General aeromedical examination
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE General aeromedical examination

Validity of medical certificate:

Certificate / proof applicable to:
Validity, months

under 40 years
40-50 years
over 50 years

Sail Pilots, micro pilots, drivers of free balloon

Cabin crew

Doctor Approved Stens validity calculated from the date the medical examination was performed. Upon renewal accepted that the medical examination will be carried out until 45 days before doctor allowed boyfriend's validity date expires.
The extension is calculated from a doctor attested boyfriend's last expiration date.

5. Protocol of medical examinations

Requirements form

Doctor who examines applicants and holders of aviation certificates and card, joining should provide a declaration of survey conducted on prescribed forms. Such forms can be obtained from the AMS in the CAA.
The appropriate forms are:

Application for a medical certificate to aviation certificate

The application form contains personal information and private information about health as the examining physician shall review with the applicant.


Doctor who makes the aero-medical examination of glider pilots, micro pilots, drivers of free balloon and cabin crew leads the investigation results in a medical certificate form.

Documentation and control of medical information

Sail Pilots and drivers of free balloon

When applicants for driving license for gliders, microlights and free balloon consult a doctor who is not appointed by the Civil Aviation Authority, the applicant must bring the following documents to the doctor:

BSL C1-2 and C1-3.

Application for a medical certificate to aviation certificate / doctor's certificate - General aeromedical examination.

An envelope with fields for the applicant's name, Social Security number and address, investigative heal ruling (fit or unfit), signature and date.

A statement from one of the applicant's close relatives about the absence of medical history for epilepsy, seizures or unconsciousness.

When searching by leading evidence glider or free balloon sees a doctor appointed by the Civil Aviation Authority, the envelope, as discussed in item c) is taken to the doctor.
When survey is completed and the envelope completed as discussed in section c), a sealed envelope containing the application form and a medical certificate sent to the Norwegian Aero Club.

Cabin crew members

Cabin crew members shall be examined by doctors appointed by the CAA and the application form and medical certificate must be submitted to the AMS in the CAA.

6. Appointment of doctors


AMS in CAA is authorized to appoint AMEs for general aeromedical examinations and specialists for specialist examinations.

Oppnevnelseskompetanse outside the realm

Medical examinations abroad may be performed by physicians appointed by the respective national aviation authorities.

7. Exemptions

CAA may, on special grounds, grant exemptions from the provisions of this regulation.

8. Appeals

Individual decisions regarding medical certificates made by the Civil Aviation Authority pursuant to these regulations may be appealed to the Norwegian Board of Health in accordance with the Public Administration.
Other decisions taken by the Civil Aviation Authority pursuant to these regulations may be appealed to the Ministry of Transport.
Complaint sent via the CAA acc. Administration.

9. Penalties

By violation of these regulations come penal provisions for the Aviation Act Sec. 14 applies.

10. Commencement

This regulation comes into force immediately.
From the same date, the Regulations of 23 January 2000 no. 103 on medical examinations for glider pilots, drivers of free balloon, flytelefonister and cabin crew (BSL C 1-2) and Regulation of 20 December 2000 no. 1630 amending the Regulation about medical examinations for glider pilots, drivers of free balloon, flytelefonister and cabin crew (BSL C 1-2).