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Regulation For Technical / Operational Approval Of Airports

Original Language Title: Forskrift om krav til teknisk/operativ godkjenning av flyplasser

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Regulation for technical / operational approval of airports

Date FOR-2001-10-30-1231

Affairs Ministry

Published in 2001 Booklet 13

Commencement 01.01.2002





LOV-1993-06-11-101-§7-11, FOR-1999-12-10-1273


Short Title
Regulations concerning approval of airports

Chapter Overview:

1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Definition airport
4. Technical / operational approval
5. Application
6. Exemptions
7. Appeals
8. Penalties
9. Commencement
Guidelines for application for approval of airport

Adopted by the CAA on 30 October 2001 pursuant to the Law of 11 June 1993 no. 101 of the Aviation (Aviation Act) § 7-11, cf.. Delegated Decision of 10 December 1999 no. 1273.
Changes : Amended by regulations 15 June 2006 no. 780, 25 August 2015 No.. 1000.

1. purpose

Purpose of these regulations is to provide clear criteria for when required technical / operational approval of an airport.

2. scope

The regulation applies to any airport within the Aviation Act's geographic scope, with the exception of the airports that are certified pursuant to the Regulations of 25 August 2015 no. 1000 on certification of airports, etc.

3. Definition airport

The airport in this regulation means any area on land or water where aircraft make start, landing or taxiing.

4. Technical / operational approval

4.1 General rule

Required technical / operational approval from the Civil Aviation Authority for airports to be used for:

flying in accordance with instrument flight rules

air route traffic

flying with landplane with paying passengers, but not on the water or ice

main or secondary base for commercial aviation enterprises

main or secondary base for pilot training with motorized aircraft or helicopter.

4.2 Requirements for technical / operational approval in special cases

CAA may, if there are special reasons, decide that other airports than those mentioned in section 4.1. Shall have the technical / operational approval. Such special reasons may be heavy traffic, difficult approach and departure conditions or other aviation safety issues related to the use of the airport.

5. application

Application for technical / operational approval shall be sent to the Civil Aviation Authority in good time before the airport to take effect or validity of the current approval expires.

6. Exemptions

CAA may, on special grounds, grant exemptions from the provisions of this regulation.

7. Appeals

Individual decisions by the CAA pursuant to these regulations may be appealed to the Ministry of Transport in accordance with Public Administration.
Complaint sent via the CAA.

8. Penalties

By violation of these regulations come penal provisions for the Aviation Act Section 14 applies.

9. Commencement

This regulation applies from 1 January 2002.

Guidelines for application for approval of airport


According to the Aviation Act § 7-11 first paragraph, airport be approved by the CAA. Which airports for approval set out in the Regulation for technical / operational approval of airports, BSL E 1-2.

For approval will be set such terms CAA deems necessary, cf. Aviation Act § 7-11 third paragraph.

To the extent that the conditions for approval are not set out regulations or regulations are not considered relevant or desirable, the Civil Aviation Authority, pursuant to the Aviation Act § 7-11, third paragraph, make individual decisions about what conditions should apply.

Conditions for approval

Great airport

Conditions for airport to be approved for

Flying under instrument conditions (IFR) and / or

Air route traffic and / or

Flight of aircraft with maximum take-off mass of 5700 KG or approved for 10 or more passenger seats

Will normally include the following areas:

Application and quality and safety management system

Design and ground services


Air Navigation Services and equipment

Air traffic service.

Small airport

The terms of airport that should not be approved as large airport will usually only include the following areas:



Ground service.

It may also for a small airport, depending on the airport's application, be applicable to the approval requirements in other fields, ref. Section. 2.1.

Quality and safety management system

Requirements for quality and safety management system set out

Regulations on quality in occupational aviation businesses - BSL A 1-1

Regulations on safety management of air navigation services and ground services - BSL A 1-9.


Requirements for the design of airports to be approved for traffic with aircraft with maximum take-off mass exceeding 5700 kg, or which has been approved for 10 or more passenger seats, stated

Regulations concerning the design of major airports - BSL E 3-2.

Requirements for the design of airports to be approved for traffic with aircraft with maximum take-off mass up to 5700 kg or approved for 9 passenger seats or fewer, stated

Regulations concerning the design of small airports - BSL E 3-3.

Requirements for the design of the seaplane seats stated

Regulations concerning the design of the seaplane seats - BSL E 3-4.

Requirements for design of heliports to be approved for flight under instrument meteorological conditions, and / or for which separate landing and starting area and ment and lifting area, stated

Regulations concerning the design of large heliports - BSL E 3-5.

Requirements for design of heliports to be approved for flight under VFR conditions and who have ment and lifting range centric on landing and starting area, stated

Regulations concerning the design of small heliports - BSL E 3-6.

Ground service

Requirements for ground services stated

Regulations concerning ground services at airports BSL E 4-1

Regulations on space service BSL E 4-2

Regulations on electrical service BSL E 4-3

Regulations concerning fire and rescue BSL E 4-4.

For seaplane seats, the requirements in BSL E 4 series so far these requirements appropriate for seaplane seats.


Requirements for security stated

Regulations on prevention of attacks on security in aviation - BSL A 2-1.

Air Navigation Services and equipment

Requirements for Air Navigation stated

Regulation on Air Navigation Services - BSL G 6-1.

Requirements for navigation, communication, surveillance and air traffic management equipment is provided

Regulation on Air Navigation Services - BSL G 6-1

The meteorological observation instruments and equipment shall be in accordance with the standards and recommendations of ICAO Annex 3 and requirements established by the Civil Aviation Authority.

Air traffic service

Requirements for air traffic services stated

Regulations on the establishment, organization and operation of air traffic services - BSL G 2-1.

Requirements for meteorological services obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority.

Applications for initial approval

Before the airport, to be approved, may be used must airport proprietor search CAA to get the airport approved.

To prevent approval of the airport may not exist at the time the airport desired adopted, should the airport operator as soon as possible contact the CAA with the aim of mutual information, including registration of any problem areas.
For airports to be approved for

Flying under instrument conditions (IFR) and / or

Air route traffic and / or

Flight of aircraft with maximum take-off mass of 5700 KG or approved for 10 or more passenger seats

Should applications for initial approval sent no later than 6 months before the airport desired adopted.
For other airports should applications for initial approval sent no later than 3 months before the airport desired adopted.

For airports to be approved for the first time

Flying under instrument conditions (IFR) and / or

Air route traffic and / or

Flight of aircraft with maximum take-off mass of 5700 KG or approved for 10 or more passenger seats

Should contents of the application discussed with the Civil Aviation Authority no later than nine months before the airport desired adopted.

For other airports to be approved for the first time the application should contain the following:

Concession and operator

Indication of any concession to construct, own and operate the airport. Requirements for licensing set out in regulations on concession contained in BSL E 1-1.

Information operator if the airport's owner is not the person responsible for operating the airport.
B. Application
airport application and expected developments, including:

Particular aircraft types.

Number of movements (starts, landings) in the week and on an annual basis.

Conditions under which the airport will be used; daylight / dark, instrument conditions, summer / winter etc.

About airport will air route traffic or other scheduled air services, primary or secondary base, school base for motorized aircraft or helicopter etc.

Proposed restrictions in the airport's application as compensatory measures in relation to the requirements imposed, ref. Section. 2 above. Compensatory measures used in connection with discrepancies that can not be corrected or that it is not appropriate to correct. Compensatory measures to ensure that aviation safety keeps prescribed level although there are discrepancies.


Reference to the regulations that apply to the design of the airport.
Map or drawing of the airport on an appropriate scale.
Description obstacle situation; ie objects or terrain that penetrates obstacle surfaces.
Indication of any deviations from the requirements of the design that will be at the time the squares desired adopted.
Proposed compensatory measures for deviations.

Ground service

Description of responsibilities and organization, including who should be flyplassjef.
Description of how the ground services will be at the time the airport will be started, including how far the work of the Operations Manual is here, see. BSL E 4-1 § 5 (1) b).


Information on schedule until the airport desired adopted.

Application for renewal of approval

The approval of an airport being given a period of validity, and airport proprietor may only allow the airport used as long as approval is valid, cf. Aviation Act § 14-21.

The holder should be able to expect that the approval is renewed, an application for renewal of approval be sent CAA well before the date of expiry;

For airports with flying under instrument conditions (IFR) and / or air route traffic and / or the flight of aircraft with maximum take-off mass of 5700 KG or approved for 10 or more passenger seats, no later than 6 months before the validity of the future expiration,

For other airports, not later than three months before the date of expiry.

Application for renewal of approval must be submitted separately and not combined with any application for license renewal.

Application for renewal of approval must contain the following:


Reference to any application for renewal of a license to construct, own and operate the airport.


Updated information about the usage and expected performance, including:

Particular aircraft types.

Number of movements (starts, landings) in the week and on an annual basis.

Conditions under which the airport will be used; daylight / dark, instrument conditions, summer / winter etc.

About the activity at the airport; air route traffic or other scheduled air services, primary or secondary base revenue flights, base training flights with motorized planes etc.

Conditions for approval

Application for renewal of approval shall contain information on the changes in the deviation as stated in the terms of approval or the emergence of new deviations.
Information must be provided separately for each of the areas covered by the approval conditions, cf. Approval document and section. 2 above.
For each deviation shall be specified either a plan for correction or proposals for compensatory measures.


Who is flyplassjef. For flyplassjef which must be approved by the CAA, enclosed renewed declaration of acceptance.

Application for modified / extended approval

In the event of changes to airport, its fittings or airport setting results in changes of the conditions was the basis for the approval the airport's owner promptly report this to the CAA. This also includes changes in usage and ownership.

In a similar basis, it may be appropriate to send an application for modified or expanded approval. Such an application may also be submitted in good time if there are plans for developments and new installations so that the modified approval may exist when the expansion / reinstallation desired adopted.


Application for modified / extended approval must refer to the relevant provisions of the approval conditions, cf. Approval document and describe the new relationship and what underlies the need for modified / extended approval.

It must also state whether there are changes in the deviation as stated in the terms of approval or whether there will be new deviations.
For each deviation shall be specified either a plan for correction or proposals for compensatory measures.


The fee must be paid for approval of airport according to the current scale of fees, cf.. BSL A 1-2.

Fee for initial approval must be paid to the CAA at the time of application. The proceedings will not be initiated until payment is received.

Fee for renewal of approval included in the annual fee the airport will pay according to the same scale. Fee changed / extended approval payable by invoice which is sent to the applicant after the proceedings are concluded.