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Regulations On Trade With Live Poultry And Hatching Eggs In The Eea

Original Language Title: Forskrift om samhandel med levende fjørfe og rugeegg i EØS

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Regulations on trade with live poultry and hatching eggs in the EEA

Date FOR-2001-12-28-1616

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Published in 2001 Booklet 17

Commencement 01.01.2002





LOV-2003-12-19-124-section 6, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§7, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§11, LAW-2003-12-19- 124 §12 LOV-2003-12-19-124-§13, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§15, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§16 LOV-2003-12- 19-124-L-19, TO-2003-12-19-1790, TO-2004-05-05-884


Corrected 07.06.2012 (EEA referrals)

Short Title
Regulations on trade, poultry and hatching eggs

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. Purpose and scope (§§ 1-3)
Chapter II. Terms on importation and exportation within the EEA (§§ 4-12)
Chapter III. Administrative provisions (§§ 13-16)
Appendix A. Terms of salmonella sampling avlsfjørfe, slaughter poultry and flock as day-old chicks originating from
Annex B. Terms of salmonella sampling of use poultry to be used for production of Consumption eggs | || Appendix C. Health Certificates for use on importation and exportation within the EEA

Adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Food) on 28 December 2001 pursuant to Law 19 December 2003 no. 124 of food production and food safety. (Food Act) § 6, § 7, § 11, § 12, § 13, § 15, § 16 and § 19 cf. Delegated Decision of 19 December 2003 no. 1790, delegating decision on 5 May 2004 no. 884.
EEA -henvisninger EEA agreement Annex I (Directive 2009/158 / EC as amended by decision 2011/214 / EC and decision 2011/879 / EC decision 2009/436 / EC, decision 95/410 / EEC as last amended by decision 98 / 277 / EC decision 2003/644 / EC and decision 2004/235 / EC).
Changes: Amended by regulations November 6, 2003 No.. 1319, January 9, 2004 No.. 110, January 6, 2005 No.. 10, 18 Dec 2008 no. 1572, May 13, 2009 No.. 509, June 25, 2010 no. 1053, August 8, 2011 No.. 812, May 18, 2012 No.. 444, November 5, 2012 No.. 1026, 12 Dec 2013 No.. 1470.

Chapter I. Purpose and scope

§ 1. Purpose The purpose of this regulation is to prevent the spread of infectious diseases associated with trade in live poultry and hatching eggs.

§ 2. Scope This regulation applies to the animal and public health conditions for trade of live poultry and hatching eggs in the EEA.
Regulation does not import poultry in connection with the relocation, temporary importation or chargeback in connection with performance, exhibition, competition and the like.

§ 3. Definitions In these regulations:


Poultry: chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, partridges, ratites (Ratitae), quails, pheasants, guinea fowl and pigeons are bred, kept in captivity, kept for breeding, production of meat or Consumption eggs, or to deployment as game birds.


Hatching eggs, eggs laid by poultry utruging.


Day-old chicks, poultry younger than 72 hours and not feed after hatching. Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) or hybrids of this can still be fed.


Avlsfjørfe: poultry 72 hours old or older, and to be used for the production of hatching eggs.


Use Poultry: poultry 72 hours old or older and bred for the production of meat and / or Consumption eggs, or deployment as game birds.


Broilers Poultry: poultry fed directly to the slaughterhouse, where slaughtering shall take place as soon as possible after arrival and in any event within 72 hours.


Flock: all poultry of the same health status kept under the same conditions or in the same room, and constitutes an epidemiological unit. For poultry kept in house, this applies all the birds that share common airspace.


Holding: a facility where it reared or kept breeding or use poultry. A holding may comprise one or more poultry establishments.


Poultry Business: a facility or part of a facility located in the same place, with one of the following areas of activity:


Avlsenhet: a device which produces hatching eggs for the production of avlsfjørfe.


Propagation Unit: a unit which produces hatching eggs for the production of use poultry.


Livestock Unit: a unit that breeder avlsfjørfe until reproductive stage, or laying poultry use until laying stage.


Rugeri: a device for utruging and hatching of hatching eggs and supply of day-old chicks.


Approved poultry Business: A poultry establishment approved in accordance with the Regulations of 18 November 1994 no. 1020 on certification of poultry businesses or equivalent provisions in accordance with Directive 90/539 / EEC.


Authorized veterinary, veterinarian of official veterinary authority of the requesting country and under its responsibility, have been tasked to carry out inspection in a poultry unit.


Government approved laboratory: a laboratory approved by the sending country's public veterinary authority to carry out the diagnostic tests that are specified in these regulations.


Medical examination: inspection of the health status of all the poultry in a poultry unit conducted by public or authorized veterinarian.


Quarantine Station: a facility where poultry are kept completely isolated without direct or indirect contact with other poultry and where they observed and tested over time.

Countries with non-vaccinating status as regards Newcastle disease: Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Chapter II. Terms on importation and exportation within the EEA

§ 4. General hatching eggs, day-old chicks, breeding and use poultry must come from approved poultry listed business with authorization number on a list published by the competent authority of that country. The agency shall meet the following conditions:

at the time of shipment not be imposed government restrictions that include poultry and

not lie in an area that is imposed restrictions because of outbreaks of infectious disease poultry is susceptible.

Originating herd shall upon shipment do not show symptoms of, or suspected of having, contagious poultry disease.
By vaccinating day-old chicks, breeding and use poultry or flock that produces hatching eggs, the vaccines should be approved by a public authority in the country where they are used.

§ 5. Health Certificate With the shipment must be accompanied by a health certificate in the original which has been signed by an official veterinarian and drawn up in a standard form as set out in Annex C. The certificate must be issued on the shipment date and is valid for 5 days. Each certificate will only include the number of animals being transported from a holding to a receiver. The certificate must be on one sheet, or when there is a need for more than one page, be designed so that the pages form a whole. The stamp and the signature shall be in a different color than the certificate.
Attestation of conditions concerning salmonella, additional guarantees have been met, may alternatively be stated in a separate health certificate, cf. Decision 95/410 / EC, Decision 2003/644 / EC and Decision 2004/235 / EC.

§ 5a. Requirements for health status Shipments of hatching eggs, day-old chicks, breeding and use poultry slaughter poultry and game birds shall fulfill the animal and public health conditions set forth in the respective health certificates in Annex C.

§ 6. hatching eggs hatching eggs shall satisfy the following conditions:

come from flock for at least six weeks prior to shipment have stayed in approved poultry business,

come from flock

not vaccinated against Newcastle disease, or

vaccinated with inactivated vaccine against Newcastle disease, or

vaccinated with a live vaccine against Newcastle disease at least 30 days prior to collection of the hatching eggs,

come from flock

has undergone a medical examination conducted by public or authorized veterinarian during the 72 hours prior to shipment, and that at the time of the survey showed no clinical symptoms of, or giving rise to suspicion, infectious disease, or

has undergone monthly medical examination conducted by public or authorized veterinarian and the final check has been completed within the last 31 days. In such case the public or authorized veterinarian during the 72 hours prior to shipment undergo owner-date documentation of health status and ensure that this does not provide grounds for suspicion of disease. If the documentation or other information providing suspicion of contagious poultry disease veterinarian shall examine the herd to dispel suspicion

be disinfected. Disinfection must be approved by an official veterinarian. In Norway, this veterinarian employed by the FSA, and

be labeled in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No. 1868/77.

If during utruging breaks out or is diagnosed contagious poultry disease in the herd which the hatching eggs come from and the disease can be transmitted through eggs, the hatchery and the public authorities responsible for the hatchery and the flock notified.

§ 7. Day-old chicks Day-old chicks shall satisfy the following conditions:

originate from hatching eggs satisfying the requirements of § 6 of these regulations. Incubators eggs must come from a Rugeri where working practices ensure that they incubated out separately from eggs that do not meet the terms of § 6 No. 2,

not be vaccinated against Newcastle disease, and


For shipment to show symptoms of, or suspected of having, contagious poultry disease.

Day-old chicks other than ratites, to be inserted in herds of breeding or use poultry shall come from herd has been isolated for at least 15 days and where it is tested negative for all serotypes of salmonella in accordance with Annex A to this regulation, cf. decision 2003/644 / EC, or that have undergone a similar salmonella control program has been approved by the European Commission.

§ 8. Breeding and use poultry Breeding and use poultry shall meet the following conditions:

have stayed in approved poultry business since hatching or for at least six weeks prior to shipment,

not be vaccinated against Newcastle disease, and

during the last 48 hours prior to shipment have undergone a medical examination conducted by public or authorized veterinarian, the survey have shown clinical symptoms of, or given grounds for suspicion, contagious poultry disease.

Case of import of breeding and using poultry from countries without non-vaccinating status as regards Newcastle disease, the following additional conditions:

animals must have been isolated in a holding or a quarantine station under the supervision of an official veterinarian at least 14 days prior to shipment. Poultry located on the farm or in the quarantine station shall the last 21 days prior to dispatch have been vaccinated against Newcastle disease. In the same period, it should not have been recorded poultry in the holding or quarantine station, unless they be executed. Vaccination is not allowed in the quarantine stations, and

animals will during the last 14 days prior to shipment have undergone a representative serological test for the detection of antibodies against Newcastle disease, with negative results.

Avlsfjørfe except ratites must come from a herd that before importation have been isolated for at least 15 days and where it is tested negative for all serotypes of salmonella in accordance with Annex A to this regulation, cf. Decision 2003/644 / EC or to have undergone a similar salmonella control program has been approved by the European Commission.
Use poultry, except ratites, to be used for production of Consumption eggs must come from a herd that before importation have been isolated for at least 15 days and where during the last 10 days before the shipment is tested negative for invasive salmonella serotypes in according to Annex B to this regulation, cf. decision 2004/235 / EC, or have undergone a similar salmonella control program has been approved by the European Commission.

§ 9. Broiler Poultry Broiler Poultry must come from a holding:

animals have resided in since hatching or for more than 21 days,

not required animal health restrictions that include poultry and

not located in an area which is required for animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of disease poultry is susceptible.

Animals must come from a herd that during the last 5 days prior to dispatch have undergone a medical examination conducted by public or authorized veterinarian. The herd should the investigation have shown clinical symptoms of, or given grounds for suspicion, contagious poultry disease.
Case of import of slaughter poultry from countries without non-vaccinating status as regards Newcastle disease represents one of the following additional conditions:

animals not vaccinated against Newcastle disease shall within the last 14 days prior to shipment have undergone a representative serological test for the detection of antibodies against Newcastle disease, with negative results, or

been vaccinated against Newcastle disease shall within the last 14 days prior to shipment, and on the basis of a representative sample, have undergone a virus isolation test for Newcastle disease, with negative results.

Broilers Poultry, except ratites must come from a herd that during the last 14 days prior to slaughter has tested negative for salmonella in accordance with Annex A to this regulation, cf. Decision 95/410 / EC, or have undergone a corresponding salmonella control program approved by the European Commission.

§ 10. Additional requirements for poultry older than 72 hours of launching that game birds Poultry older than 72 hours of launching that game birds must come from a holding:

animals have resided in since hatching or for more than 21 days and where they have not been in contact with recently arrived poultry in the last 14 days prior to shipment,

not required animal health restrictions that include poultry and

not located in an area which is required for animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of disease poultry is susceptible.

Animals must come from a herd that during the last 48 hours prior to shipment have undergone medical examination conducted by public or authorized veterinarian. The herd should the investigation have shown clinical symptoms of, or given grounds for suspicion, contagious poultry disease.
The provisions of § 4 subsections and § 8 subsection number 1 is still not applicable.

§ 11. Parties of fewer than 20 poultry or hatching eggs provisions of this section shall not apply to ratites and hatching eggs of ratites.
The provisions of § 4, § 6, § 7, § 8, § 9, § 10 and § 12 shall not apply to poultry or hatching eggs in batches of fewer than 20. The provisions of § 4, second and third paragraphs, § 6, first paragraph, number 2, § 7 first paragraph number 2 and subsection, § 8, paragraph number 2, second, third and fourth paragraphs, § 9, fourth paragraph, and § 12 subsections nevertheless apply.
Poultry and hatching eggs must come from crowd:

at least 12 weeks or since hatching stayed within the EEA

not required animal health restrictions that include poultry and

not located in an area that is required for animal health restrictions because of outbreaks of disease poultry is susceptible.

All animals will during the last month prior to shipment have undergone a serological test for the detection of antibodies against Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum, with negative results.
Hatching eggs and day-old chicks must come from the company that during the last three months prior to dispatch have undergone a serological test for the detection of antibodies against Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum, with negative results. The number of samples must make it possible with 95% accuracy to detect an occurrence of salmonella of 5%.

§ 12. Transport Cages and transport must be designed so that:

loss of excrement is prevented and loss of the spring is minimal,

animals can be inspected visually, and

cleaning and disinfection can be performed.

Vehicles and containers, cages, boxes and packages that are not disposable should be cleaned and disinfected before being filled and after they have been emptied. Cleaning and disinfection should be performed in accordance with instructions from a public authority. In Norway, this veterinarian employed by the FSA.
Transportation shall take place without undue delay directly to the destination. The consignment shall not come into contact with other live birds than poultry of the same category satisfying the requirements of this regulation.
Poultry intended for importation and exportation shall not be transported through a declared infection zone for Newcastle disease or avian influenza unless transport occurs along the main thoroughfares.
Transportation shall take place under the current transportregler1 and in such a way that the animals' health status is assured.
In addition, day-old chicks and hatching eggs are transported in suitable reusable packaging or cleaned and disinfected reusable packaging. The seals should contain only day-old chicks or hatching eggs of the same species, category and type of poultry, and must come from the same poultry business. The seals can be grouped together in appropriate containers. Number of packages in container and information on the packages must bear the container. The gaskets shall be marked with the following information:

country's ISO code, as well as regional animals sent from,

dispatch establishment Certification number

number of eggs or chicks in each package, and

poultry meat chicks or hatching eggs belong.

In addition, breeding and use poultry is transported in crates or cages which contain only poultry of the same species, category and type and shall come from the same poultry business. Crates and cages must be marked with the establishment of origin certification number.

Chapter III. Administrative provisions

§ 13. Supervision etc.. FSA supervises that the provisions of the regulations and individual established pursuant to these regulations, cf. Food Act § 23

§ 14. Exemption FSA may in special cases grant exemptions from the provisions of this regulation, provided that it does not conflict with Norway's international obligations, including the EEA agreement.

§ 15. Penalties Deliberate or negligent violation of these regulations or provisions and decisions issued pursuant thereto is punishable under the Food Act § 28

§ 16. Entry into force This regulation comes into force on 1 January 2002.
From the same date, the Regulations on 31 December 1998. 1485 on animal health conditions for importation and exportation of poultry and hatching eggs.

Appendix A. Terms of salmonella sampling avlsfjørfe, slaughter poultry and flock as day-old chicks originating from

Microbiological examination:
The microbiological examination shall include all serotypes of salmonella and should be performed by the International Standards organization standardized method ISO 6579: 1993 or revised editions, or by the method described by the Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL Method No. . 71, 4th edition, 1991) or revised editions.
shall be an aggregate sample of stool, which shall consist of single samples of fresh faeces each weighing at least one gram. The samples must be taken randomly at a certain number of places in the building where the birds are kept, or in each group of buildings where the birds have free access to more than one building on the holding. Number of samples of faeces to be taken with the aim of collecting samples, are summarized in Table 1. Table 1

Whole poultry that are kept in a building:
Whole stool samples to be taken in the building or group of buildings on the holding

A number corresponding to the number of poultry but not exceeding 20








500 or more

Annex B. Terms of salmonella sampling of use poultry to be used for production of Consumption eggs

The microbiological examination shall include the following invasive serotypes:

Salmonella gallinarum

Salmonella pullorum

Salmonella enteritidis

Salmonella berta

Salmonella typhimurium

Salmonella thompson

Salmonella infantis

Shall be an aggregate sample of stool, which shall consist of single samples of fresh faeces each weighing at least one gram. The samples must be taken randomly at a certain number of places in the building where the birds are kept, or in each group of buildings where the birds have free access to more than one building on the holding.
The number of samples must make it possible to detect with 95% certainty an instance of salmonella of 5%.
The microbiological examination shall be conducted by the International standariseringsorganisasjonens standardized method ISO 6579: 1993 or revised editions, or by the method described by the Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL method no. 71, 4th edition, 1991) or revised editions.

Annex C. Health Certificates for use on importation and exportation within the EEA

Certificate Model I - hatching eggs

Certificate Model II - Day-old chicks

Certificate Model III - Breeding and use poultry

Certificate Model IV - Lots less than 20

Certificate Model V - Broilers Poultry

Certificate Model VI - Bird Game