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Regulations To The Sámi Language Law Rules

Original Language Title: Forskrift til samelovens språkregler

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Regulations to the Sámi language law rules Date-2003-01-07-13 Ministry of local government and modernization the Ministry published in 2003 clips 1 entry into force 07.01.2003 last edited by-2009-06-26-870 Change FOR-1992-01-30-79 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1987-06-12-56-section 3-7, LAW-1987-06-12-56-section 3-10 Announced 14.01.2003 short title Regulations to the Sámi language law rules set out by the legal authority: Culture and Church Affairs (now the Ministry of local government and modernisation) 2. January 2003 with the legal authority of the law of 12. June 1987 No. 56 of the Sami Parliament and other Saami legal matters (a Sámi law) § 3-7 and § 3-10.
Changes: modified by regulation June 26, 2009 # 870. § 1. Supervision etc. Work and social inclusion oversees the implementation of the rules in Chapter 3 of the Sami Act and this regulation.
All public bodies covered by the same Act, Chapter 3 and this regulation, duties to make sure the rules are followed.
Each agency is responsible for that it has competent Northern Sámi language personnel.

§ 2. Leave rules in the public body Where the practical and economic is beneficial, Sami tutorial happen in collaboration between multiple body covered by the same Act, Chapter 3 and this regulation. Added in the body that is given leave to learn Sami by an educational institution, has the right to pay during the tutorial. The payment of partial pay may be granted when the education is more comprehensive than the body needs and when education is not directly required for the service.
Leave of absence with pay is conditioned by that it added after finishing the leave of absence is committed to work for the Agency a specific time after finishing training. Duty service should as a rule be twice the amount of leave time and should begin as soon as the education is completed. It can be set as a condition that the person concerned to have participated in documents tutorial.
If the employees fail to fulfill the terms of duty service or documentation of participation in training, he or she shall refund a reasonable part of the expenses the Agency has had to education. When strong welfare or service reasons, the Agency can waive the reimbursement requirement. The right to a leave of absence after a Sámi law § 3-7 do not limit the leave access pursuant to other rules.
Also body not covered by the same law § 3-7, should give leave to their employees for the Sami training when the need for skills in Sami.

§ 3. Expansion of scope rules in a Sámi law § 3-2, section 3-3 first paragraph, section 3-7 and § 3-11 also applies to the Sámi Parliament, the reindeer husbandry administration, Sami University College and State Sami schools.
The rules in a Sámi law § 3-2, section 3-3 the second paragraph, section 3-7 and § 3-11 also applies to the Directorate for nature management and for the University of Tromsø.

§ 4. Implementation Regulation is set in the works immediately. From the same time repealed regulations by 30. January 1992 Nr. 79 to the Sámi language law rules.