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Regulation On Technical Specifications (Tsi) For Interoperability Of Subsystems Maintenance, Management Control And Signaling, Infrastructure, Energy, Operation And Rolling Stock Of The Tra ..

Original Language Title: Forskrift om gjennomføring av tekniske spesifikasjoner (TSI) for samtrafikkevne for delsystemene vedlikehold, styringskontroll og signaler, infrastruktur, energi, drift og rullende materiell i det tra..

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Regulation on technical specifications (TSI) for interoperability of subsystems maintenance, management control and signaling, infrastructure, energy, operation and rolling stock of the trans-European high speed rail system.

Date FOR 2003-03-17-342

Affairs Ministry

Published in 2003 Booklet 4

Commencement 03/17/2003





LOV-1993-06-11-100-§4, LAW-1993-06-11-100-§5, LAW-1993-06-11-100-§16 FOR-1999-04-08- 424 § 5-1, TO-1999-04-08-424-5-6, TO-2006-04-10-410-§3


Short Title
Regulations on TSI HS

Adopted by the State Railway Inspectorate 17 March 2003 pursuant to Act 11 June 1993 no. 100 construction and operation of railways, including tramways, metro and suburban railways etc. (Railway Act) § 4, § 5 and § 16 and regulation 8 april 1999 no. 424 on the interoperability of the trans-European high speed rail system § 5-1 and § 5-6.
Added basis: Regulations 10 April 2006 no. 410 on the interoperability of the trans-European high speed rail system (speed regulation) § 3 fifth and sixth paragraphs.
EEA information: EEA Annex XIII. 37a (Directive 96/48 / EC) no. 37aa (Decision 2002/730 / EC) no. 37ab (Decision 2002/731 / EC as amended by Decision 2004/447 / EC) no. 37ac (decision 2008/217 / EC) no. 37d (decision 2002/733 / EC) no. 37ae (decision 2008/231 / EC) and no. 37af (decision 2002 / 735 / EC).
Changes: Amended by regulations February 9, 2005 No.. 117, 5 Dec 2008 no. 1310, 5 Dec 2008 no. 1311.

§ 1. The following decisions of the Commission of the European Communities applies as regulations:
Commission Decision of 30 May 2002 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem "maintenance" in the trans-European high speed rail system referred to in Article 6. 1 of Directive 96/48 / EC (Decision 2002/730 / EC) Annex in English version.

Commission Decision of 30 May 2002 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem 'management control and signaling "of the trans-European high speed rail system referred to in Article 6. 1 of Directive 96/48 / EC and its Annex in English. Amended by Commission Decision of 29 April 2004 amending Annex A of Commission Decision 2002/731 / EC and establishing basic requirements for control and command and signaling (ERTMS) for conventional rail referred to in Article 6. 2 of Directive 96/48 / EC (decision 2004/447 / EC) Annex

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Commission Decision of 30 May 2002 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem "energy" in the trans-European high speed rail system referred to in Article 6. 1 of Directive 96/48 / EC (Decision 2002/733 / EC) Annex in English version.

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Commission Decision of 30 May 2002 concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem "rolling stock" of the trans-European high speed rail system referred to in Article 6. 1 of Directive 96/48 / EC (Decision 2002/735 / EC ) with attachments in English version.

§ 2. The Norwegian Railway Inspectorate exercising authority under these regulations.

§ 3. The Regulation comes into force immediately.