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Regulation Of The Design Law (Design Regulations)

Original Language Title: Forskrift til designloven (designforskriften)

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Regulation of the design law (design regulations) date FOR-2003-04-04-418 Ministry of Justice and emergency Ministry published in 2003 booklet 5 entry into force 01.05.2003 Recently changed-2013-03-01-246 from 01.04.2013 Change FOR 1970-09-15-9122, FOR-1996-12-20-1163, FOR-1996-12-23-1264 applies to Norway Pursuant law-2003-03-14-15-section 13, law-2003-03-14-15-section 16, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 17, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 27, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 37, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 49, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 52, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 56, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 57, law-2003-03-14-15-§ 58 Announced 04.04.2003 Directed 07.04.2003 (section 18), 11.04.2003 (§ 1, § 30, § 33), 24.04.2003 (classification list added) short title Design Regulations Chapter overview : Chapter 1. Application for registration of design (§ § 1-6) Chapter 2. Priority (§ § 7-12) Chapter 3. The application processing (§ § 13-16) Chapter 4. Separating, sharing and merging of applications and registrations (§ § 16a-19) Chapter 5. Registration and announcement (§ § 20-25) Chapter 6. Administrative contested measure and appeals (§ § 26-29) Chapter 7. Different provisions (sections 30-35) Chapter 8. International design registration (§ § 36-39) Chapter 9. Final provisions (sections 40-41) classification of design Authority: Provided by URkgl.res. april 4, 2003 under the legal authority of the law of 14. March 2003 No. 15 on the protection of design (design law) § 13, § 16, § 17, § 27, § 37, section 49, section 52, section 56, section 57 and section 58. Promoted by the Ministry of Justice and the police.
Changes: modified by regulations, May 14, 2004 No. 749, 15 May 2009 No. 511, april 9, 2010 # 498, 25 June 2010 No. 937, 1 March 2013 No. 246. Chapter 1. Application for registration of the design section 1. Formkrav application for registration of the design are provided on special application form. Form with attachments should be complimented with printed publications.

§ 2. Language requirements the application will be in Norwegian. Attachment to the application and other documents in the case should be in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English.
Is the application or other documents on language other than determined in the first paragraph, the Patent Office may require that the applicant must submit a translation into Norwegian by a deadline that the Patent Office determines. The Patent Office may require that the translation be verified by a certified translator.
The Patent Office may in each case, accept language other than mentioned in the first paragraph.

§ 3. The application's content the application shall be signed by the applicant or its agent and include: 1 the applicant's name or business name and address, and if applicable, name or business name and address.

2 the designer's or designers ' names, group or company and address.

3 information on the required priority after the design Act section 16.

4 an indication of whether and how long the registration will be exposed after the design law § 18 second paragraph.

In addition, the application shall contain the information referred to in section 4 and section 5.

section 3a. Address for correspondence if not otherwise specified in the application, the address provided under section 3 No. 1 address for notices and sermons and more after the design law 49. Has the applicant appointed proxy, is fullmektigens address to address as far as the authority ranks. There are several applicants, or delegates, and unless otherwise stated, is the address of the first mentioned address for correspondence. The applicant may at any time notify the new address for correspondence.

§ 4. Product specification and application shall specify the class precisely the product or products that the design applies, so that the Patent Office can determine which class and subclass the product belongs to after Locarnoavtalen of 8. October 1968 No. 1 on the international classification of designs. Class and subclass to set in after Locarnoavtalen the application, but the setting is not binding for the Patent Office.

§ 5. Pictures and images that clearly show the model design, to accompany the application at the delivery. With images meant photography, drawing, or other graphical representation that is suitable for electronic recording, storage and reproduction. Technical drawings are not accepted. The length and width should be at least 3 cm, but the images must be no larger than A4 format. Each image should have a frame that is at least 5 mm wide.
The images will only display the product or the part of the product to which the design is for. If the design will be registered in color, pictures and models be in color.
The application applies to moving design, the Patent Office may require that a description of the design and, where appropriate, a sample of it stored in a suitable medium.
The application includes more than one design, jf. design law section 15, it shall be delivered into separate images, and any model of each design. Images should be consecutively numbered, so that it's clear which designs they apply. Comes the more pictures of each design, it shall be attached to the main number an additional number for each image (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.).
If it is considered necessary, the Patent Office may require that the applicant provide model. The model must be of durable and harmless material and included wrapping it shall not in any direction exceed 30 cm or weigh more than 4 kg.
The Patent Office can fix closer to requirements for the photos and give further guidelines on oversendelses ways and storage formats, etc.

section 6. The delivery day the application gets the delivery day even if it does not meet the criteria in section 2, section 3 and section 4, if the later be addressed or delivered on the correct way, cf. Design Law § 19.
If neither pictures or possibly model included with the application, is considered the only as delivered if it contains a claim of priority that match the criteria in the design law section 16 first paragraph, cf.. the regulations section 7 to section 9.

Chapter 2. Priority section 7. Application priority the applicant can claim priority after the design law section 16 the first paragraph on the basis of the first application for design registration or usage pattern protection that shows design, if this application was filed in a State that is affiliated with the Pariskonvensjonen 20. March 1883 No. 1 on the protection of industrial property rights or agreement 15. April 1994 no. 1 on the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement), or if it was filed with the regional registration authority for such States.
The claim of priority must be included in the application by the submission to the Patent Office. It cannot be claimed priority after this time. A design can only have one priority.
The requirement to disclose the design authority the invoked application was filed to the, what day it was filed and the application number. If the claim does not contain this information, the Patent Office shall give the applicant a time limit of one month to file the information. The right of priority, if not, comply with the deadline lapses.
The Patent Office may require that the that requires priority, to mail a priority evidence within three months from the claim for this was sent from the Patent Office. Priority the proof will include information as mentioned in the third paragraph, the applicant's name, the copy of the application and be confirmed by the design authority that it invoked the application was filed with the.

section 8. The basis for the application priority For that application to be able to provide a basis for the priority after the design law section 16 the first paragraph, it must be the first to enter the design.
A later application that specifies the design, can still provide the basis for priority if: 1 it is filed in the same location as the first application and by the same applicant, or its legal successor, 2 the first application is withdrawn or refused, without the shelved design was widely available when the later application was filed, 3 the first application not have served as the basis for any claim of priority and 4 the first application not forms the basis for some made up right.

§ 9. International rights agreement about the priority the Patent Office can provide priority after the design law section 16 the first paragraph on the basis of an application that is filed in a State that is not affiliated with Pariskonvensjonen or the WTO agreement, if this State gives to priority on the basis of design applications that are filed in Norway.
The regulations section 7 and section 8 applies to priority after the paragraph here.

§ 10. Exhibition priority the applicant can claim priority after the design law section 16 the second paragraph if the design is shown at an official or officially recognized exhibition as mentioned in the Convention of 22. November 1928, no. 1 about international exhibitions. The regulations section 7 second paragraph applies accordingly.
The claim of priority shall specify the name of the exhibition in which the design was first shown, the State that the exhibition was held in and the time of the first show of the design of the exhibition. If the claim does not contain this information, the Patent Office shall give the applicant a time limit of one month to file the information. The right of priority, if not, comply with the deadline lapses.
The Patent Office may require that the that requires priority, to mail a priority evidence within three months from the claim for this was sent from the Patent Office. As evidence a statement accepted priority from the responsible management of the exhibition that the exhibition is international and about the time of the first show of the design of the exhibition.

section 11. Applications with more than one design (samregistrering) includes the application more than one design, jf. design law § 15, can the applicant claim the priority of one or more of the designs.
Priority can be invoked on the basis of one or more earlier applications. This is true even if the applications are filed in different States.

§ 12. Revocation of claim for priority requests for priority may be withdrawn by written notification to the Patent Office until the application for registration is determined.

Chapter 3. Application processing section 13. Standard survey in the registration letter should the Patent Office Orient design holder about what conditions the Patent Office have examined after the design law § 17 the first paragraph.

section 14. Supplemental examination After the claims of the applicant to the Patent Office conduct a supplementary examination of the design application, jf. design law § 17 the second paragraph.
The requirement for supplementary examination must be included in the application by the submission to the Patent Office. The application includes more than one design, the survey apply to all the designs in the application, unless otherwise specified in the application.
By the supplementary survey to the Patent Office to map conditions that may preclude the design right after the design section 3 to section 5, section 7 second paragraph and section 8. The Patent Office shall including map all of the: 1. design that is or has been applied for or registered in Norway 2.
international registrations which have or have had effect in Norway and how Norway is designated 3.
the trademark that can be a hindrance for the design right after the design law § 7 third paragraph No. 1. is the Patent Board knowledge of other conditions that can have a bearing on the protection of the design, it should be included in the survey.
The Patent Office will orient the applicant about the result of the survey, without the conditions of design right is met.

section 15. Protest during the application processing If the Patent Office before a design is registered, receives a protest of importance for the assessment of the application, the Patent Office shall give the applicant notice of this.
Protest against the registration of a design does not give the party's rights. If the protest is not sustained, to the person who has put forward the be made aware on freedom to require administrative contested measure.

section 16. Partial refusal and registration in the modified form application Includes more than one design, and one or more of the designs do not meet the criteria for registration after the design law § 17 the first paragraph, these designs separated after the regulations section 17 or deducted from the application. If the applicant does not want this, the application will be rejected in its entirety.
If the Patent Office finds that a design can be registered in the modified form after the design Act section 14, the Patent Office shall give the applicant notice of this with a deadline of two months to file pictures of the design in the modified form.

Chapter 4. Separating, sharing and merging of applications and registrations section 16a. Separating design in the new application Is it delivered new images showing a different design than the one stated in the original picture material in the design application, jf. design law § 14, can the applicant claim to excrete this design in a new independent application.
The applicant shall, together with the requirement of separating deliver new application form, provide the original application's number, as well as attach photos showing the design. The provisions of section 3 to section 5 applies accordingly. It is to be paid the prescribed fee for the new application.
Claims about the terms of separation if declined the first and second paragraph are not met. Design Law § 19 apply accordingly.
Be carried out, given the separation the applicant this message with information on the number of the new application. The new application is considered delivered on the same day as the images of the design was delivered in the initial application.

§ 17. The sharing of applications Includes the application more than one design, the applicant may require the application split into multiple independent applications.
The requirement of sharing to provide the original application's number and which of the designs the original and the new applications should include. Seeking to deliver the new application form and enclose pictures for each new application. The provisions of section 3 to section 5 applies accordingly. It is to be paid determined fee for each new application. New application known as divisional application.
Divisional application must be submitted before the original application has been finally settled. Divisional application may not include design that was not covered by the initial application before the split. Divisional application may not include the same design as the original application or another divisional application.
Demands for sharing if the criteria declined in the first to the third paragraph are not met. Design Law § 19 apply accordingly.
Be implemented, the applicant is given sharing message about this with information on the number of the divisional application. The original application keeps its application number. Each divisional application be given new application number. Divisional application will have the same day as the original application, and the individual design retains its original priority. Documents that were provided in the original application and with the implementation of the Division, to be considered as documents in a divisional application.

§ 18. Sharing of registrations Include a registration more than one design, the design holder require registration split into multiple independent registrations.
The requirement to specify the sharing the original recording number and which of the designs the original and the new registrations should include. It is to be paid determined fee for each new registration. New registration is known as Divisional registration.
Requirements about sharing must be provided before the original registration has ceased. Divisional registration cannot include design that was not covered by the original registration prior to the split. Divisional registration may not include the same design as the original registration or other divisional registration.
Demands for sharing if the criteria declined in the first to the third paragraph are not met. Design Law § 19 apply accordingly.
Be carried out sharing, gis design holder message about this with information on the number of the Divisional registration. The original registration retains its number. Each Divisional registration is given new registration number. Divisional registration will have the same day as the original recording, and the individual design retains its original priority. Documents that were delivered in the original registration up to and with the implementation of the Division, to be considered as documents in a divisional registration.

§ 19. The merging of divisional applications and registrations the applicant may request that the Patent Office merges the earlier divisional applications, see. section 17, that are delivered to the Patent Office on the same day if the designs belong to the same class by Locarnoavtalen 8. October 1968 No. 1 on the international classification of designs.
The requirement to specify the application's number, the number of the application it will be merged with, and what design the merged application shall include. By claims about the partial merger should the applicant indicate the design that will be included in the application as they are transferred. It is to be paid the prescribed fee. Claims about the merger is denied if the criteria in the link here is not true. Design Law § 19 apply accordingly.
By the merger of earlier divisional applications where the initial application are included, is always the application that has the original application number.
Implemented full or partial merger, be given the applicant this message with information on the number of the merged application.
The holder may request that the Patent Office merges the former divisional registrations, cf.. § 18, when the application is delivered to the Patent Office on the same day if the designs belong to the same class by Locarnoavtalen 8. October 1968 No. 1 on the international classification of designs. The provisions of the other to the fourth paragraph applies accordingly.

Chapter 5. Registration and announcement section 20. Design the register the Patent Office leads the register of design applications and design registrations. For international design registrations where Norway is designated applies to section 21. The information in the registry is available to design any.
The register shall contain the following information about the application and registration process: 1. the applicant's name or business name and address 2.
fullmektigs, if any, name or business name and address 3.
any special address for correspondence, jf. section 3a and design law § 49 4.
the designer's or designers ' names, group or business name and address 5.
application day and application number 6.
If priority is claimed, and in the case of the basis for the priority and information as mentioned in Chapter 2 7.
pictures that show the design, with the indication of whether the design is in colour 8.
If it's delivered model 9.
Note about samregistrering 10.
specification of the product or products that the design applies, and the classes in the Locarnoavtalen 8. October 1968 No. 1 on the international classification of designs that include product 11.
the registration day, the registration number and the announcements day 12.
the registration period 13.
If the application is a spinout or divisional application, and in case the original application's number 14.
If the registration is a divisional registration, and in the case of the original recording number 15.
about it by separating from or sharing an application or registration is accumulated new applications or registrations, with information about the new application or registration numbers 16.
If the application or registration is merged with another application or registration, and in case the original application's or recording the number and delivery day 17.
If the applicant has requested deferred registration 18.
the day documents that could reveal the designens look was available for everyone after the design law § 21 19.
received and sent documents in the case 20.
paid, the outstanding and, optionally, refunded fees 21.
other decisions that are hit in the case and the status 22.
about the design registration is renewed after the design law section 24 and the renewal fee is paid, 23.
date of termination after the design section 33 or section 34 24.
about the claim that the term oversittelse is not going to get the effect and the decision of such a requirement, cf. Design Law § 50 25.
that it has been filed for administrative requirements of the contested measure and decision in such a case, cf. design law § 25 26.
that it is delivered to the examiners complaint Complaint for industrial rights after the design law § 36 27.
that it is raised after the design section of litigation law 39 28.

that it is raised about the order or lawsuit invalid transfer of registration after the design law § 25, and the outcome of the case when the verdict is finally 29.
new proxy by change in the proxy conditions 30.
that it's taken disbursements and arrest in a design registration, 31.
If the transfer or license 32.
about the applicant's, the holder's, fullmektigens or licensee name, business name or address has changed.

Notification of changes after the No. 29, 31 and 32 are to be delivered on special form laid down by the Patent Office.

§ 21. International design registrations international design registrations where Norway is designated be entered in the register referred to in section 20. The information in the registry is available for everyone.
The register shall contain the following information about the international registration: 1. international registration number 2.
design holder's name or business name and address 3.
information about who has brought to the world the design if it appears from the international registration 4.
fullmektigs, if any, name or business name and address 5.
any special address for correspondence, jf. section 3a and design law § 49 6.
date of the international registration and announcement of the registration of the International Agency's bulleteng (International Designs Bulletin) 7.
If priority is claimed, and in the case where the invoked earlier application has been delivered, as well as the delivery day and the application number of the application 8.
date of decision on the effect in Norway and the announcement of the decision 9.
pictures that show the design as well as the indication of whether the design is in colour 10.
specification of the product or products that the design applies, and the classes in the Locarnoavtalen 8. October 1968 No. 1 on the international classification of designs that include the product in English 11.
Note about samregistrering 12.
for renewal of a registration 13.
date of registration or any renewal period 14.
If the registration has lapsed or is expired and the date of the 15.
other information received from the International Bureau of the international design registration that apply in Norway when the information has meaning for the right to, rights in or protected by the design in Norway 16.
information as mentioned in section 20 the second paragraph Nr. 19, 21 and 29 to 32.

§ 22. Announcement of the national registration, renewal and termination announcement of registration of the design after design law § 18 shall contain the information referred to in section 20 the second paragraph Nr. 1 to 16, 18 and 19.
Announcement of the renewal after the design law section 24 shall contain the information referred to in section 20 the second paragraph Nr. 1 to 5 and the expiry date of the renewal period.
Termination of registration shall be made known. The announcement shall contain the information referred to in section 20 the second paragraph Nr. 1 to 5 and that the registration has ceased to apply, and the date for this.

§ 23. Announcement of the international registration, renewal and termination announcement of the international design registration for the design law § 57 fourth paragraph should contain the information as mentioned in section 21 second paragraph Nr. 1 to 10 and 13, as well as the date of the announcement in the Norwegian design time end.
Announcement of the renewal of the international design registration after the design section 58 third paragraph should contain the information as mentioned in section 21 second paragraph Nr. 1 to 5 and the expiry date of the renewal period.
Announcement of the termination of the international design registration for the design section should include details such as 59 mentioned in section 21 second paragraph Nr. 1 to 5 and that the registration has ceased to apply, and the date for this.

section 24. Announcement of the administrative claim for contested measure of administrative Announcement contested measure after the design law § 27 should include: 1. the information referred to in section 20 the second paragraph Nr. 1 to 3 and 10 and 11 2.
name or business name and address of the contested measure that requires administrative, and any fullmektigs name or business name and address, as well as any particular correspondence address under section 30 the second paragraph, cf.. § 3a 3.
date for the claim about the administrative contested measure.

Announcement of the final decision in the case of administrative contested measure, jf. design law § 35, should include: 1. information as mentioned in the first paragraph 2.
information about the outcome of the administrative overprøvingen 3.
the date the decision was final.

§ 25. Other announcements Announcement after the design law § 50 shall include: 1. information on the deadline that is I have missed the and that it is decided that the term oversittelsen not affect 2.
information as mentioned in section 20 the second paragraph Nr. 1 and 5 or 11.

The Patent Office shall also announce: 1. right to continued exploitation after the design law section 31, stating the designens registration number, information about the holder and information about the one that has the right to continue to use 2.
the abolition of registration after the design law § 33 and slettelse of registration after the design law § 34 3.
lawsuits about the invalidity and the transfer and final decision in such a case 4.
the lawsuits after the design law § 39 and final decision in such a case 5.
merger of registrations, with specification of the Divisional registreringenes numbers and the new registration number 6.
message on transfers 7.
notice of license 8.
message about the change of the applicant's, the holder's, fullmektigens or licensee name or business name and address, as well as any change of special correspondence address 9.
notice of appointment, change or deletion of delegate 10.
disbursements and arrest in the design.

Announcement after no. 3 and 6 to 10 should include information on the date the message about the relationship that can be entered to the Patent Office.

Chapter 6. Administrative contested measure and complaint section 26. Administrative claim for contested measure contested measure to contain the administrative information as mentioned in the design section 27 first paragraph as well as the name or business name and address of any proxy. § 3a applies to correspondence with innsigeren, jf. design law § 49.
If the requirement for administrative contested measure be withdrawn, the processing of the case just continue after the design law § 27 fifth paragraph if the design holder is given notice of two months after the claim was withdrawn.

§ 27. Claims about the contested measure from the Ministry Ministry of Foreign Affairs can promote requirements for administrative contested measure after the design law § 26 second paragraph Nr. 3, but demands for administrative related to contested measure national control and guarantee marks, which can be promoted by the Ministry of Justice.

section 28. Partial invalidity shall Include the registration more than one design, and one or more of the designs do not meet the criteria for registration after the design law § 17 the first paragraph, these designs separated after the regulations section 18 or be deducted from the registration. If the design holder does not want this, the registration is revoked in its entirety.
The regulations section 16 the second paragraph also applies when a registered design can be maintained in the modified form after the design law section 28.

section 29. (Repealed July 1, 2010, cf. Regulation 25 June 2010 No. 937.) Chapter 7. Different provisions § 30. Language requirements and correspondence address after registration Documents that apply to design registrations, including the document in the case of the contested measure or administrative, transfer the complaint, etc., should be on Norwegian, Danish or Swedish. The same is true for the document that applies international registrations from other than the International Bureau, including for the document in case of renewed consideration under section 37 the second paragraph. Is a document on the different language, the Patent Office claim that it provided a translation into Norwegian by a deadline that the Patent Office determines. The provisions of section 6, second paragraph, second sentence, and the third paragraph applies accordingly.
§ 3a applies to correspondence with the holder of a national or international design registration.

section 31. Claims for slettelse after the design section 34 Requirements from the design holder about the slettelse of the registration after the design Act 34 subsection are delivered to the Patent Office and shall be signed by the design holder or its proxy. The requirement to enter the registration number and, where appropriate, the design in the required registration deleted. § 3 the second paragraph applies accordingly.

section 32. Renewal of registration shall notify the Patent Office design holder about the deadline after the design Act section 24 the first paragraph one year before the registration expires. That notice is not given, does not give the right to require the renewal after the deadline.
If a claim for renewal does not meet the criteria in the design law section 24, the Patent Office shall give the holder a deadline for correction of the relationship. It does not fix the relationship within the time limit, the recurring requirement.
When a registration is renewed, the Patent Office shall send notification of this to the design holder.

section 33. Document formats, delivery time, deadlines and fees Application and other documents can be delivered in paper format or electronically in accordance with the regulation on the fees to the Patent Office, etc.
Provisions on deadlines, fees, and about when a document to be considered as shipped with the fristavbrytende effect, is given in the regulation on the fees to the Patent Office, etc.

section 34. (Repealed July 1, 2010, cf. Regulation 25 June 2010 No. 937.) section 35. Storage of the model it is delivered into the model to the Patent Office in respect of a design application, the Patent Office shall keep it for five years after the registration is ceased. Have the design holder within this time not asked to have relinquished the model, the Patent Office may destroy it.

Chapter 8. International design registration

section 36. Application for international design registration application for international design registration can be delivered either directly to the International Bureau or to the Patent Office, on the International Agency's official application form. On delivery to the Patent Office to the application as well as any attachments, be in English. The application form should be filled in with the printed font. By the way should the application meet the criteria in the design law § 56 first paragraph, Genèveavtalen article 5 as well as rule 7 in the supplemental policies to Genèveavtalen (Genèvereglene).
If the payment after the Patent Board's tax regulations section 49 is timely filed to an international application which is submitted to the Patent Office sent to the International Bureau so that it can be received there within one month after the delivery at the Patent Office, cf. rule 13 in Genèvereglene.

section 37. The treatment of claims that an international design registration shall have effect in Norway there are no obstacle for an international design registration may be given effect in Norway, the Patent Office shall provide the international agency notification of refusal after the design section 57 subsection within six months after the day on which the registration was announced in the International Agency's bulleteng (International Designs Bulletin), cf. Genèveavtalen article 12 Nr. 2 and rule 18 Nr. 1 letter a in Genèvereglene.
The holder of the international design registration may require a renewed assessment of the question whether the registration in whole or in part, may be given effect in Norway. Demands for renewed consideration with any corrections of defects must be delivered to the Patent Office within two months after the day on which the notification of refusal was sent the applicant.
The Patent Office will find that there is something to the obstacle that the international design registration in whole or in part, may be given effect in Norway, this design is introduced in the registry and be made known within the time limit specified in the first paragraph in the section here.
Design law section 49 applies in matters of international design registration.

section 38. Waiver on its own initiative If an international design registration is given effect in Norway by an obvious error, the Patent Office revoking the introduction in accordance with the design section 33 if done within the time limit specified in the first paragraph of section 37 of the regulations here. The Patent Office shall, within the same time limit give the International Bureau notice of revocation.

§ 39. (Repealed July 1, 2010, cf. Regulation 25 June 2010 No. 937.) Chapter 9. Final provisions § 40. Waiver of other regulations the following regulations are repealed: 1 Regulation of 15. September 1970 Nr. 9122 about classification of pattern 2 the regulation of 20. December 1996 No. 1163 to pattern the law 3 the regulation of 23. December 1996 No. 1264 about closer to the provisions of the law pattern.

§ 41. Ikraftsettings and transitional provisions the regulation here will take effect 1. May 2003.
The earlier the regulations applies to the design that is registered or applied for registered before the regulation came into effect here, as far as nothing else is determined in the third and fourth paragraph.
The provisions of section 26 to the section 28 also apply to registrations that are made on the basis of the design law, even if the application was filed before the regulation came into force here.
Chapter 7 of the regulations here, apart from the first paragraph of section 32, also applies to the design that is registered or applied for registered before these regulations came into force here.

The classification of the design Below is rendered an unofficial Norwegian translation of the Convention of 8. October 1968 No. 1 on the international classification of designs (Locarnoavtalen), last revised in november 1998. Locarnoavtalen will be used for the classification of design, jf. design regulations section 4. 

Overview of the classes: class 1-foods.

Class 2-Clothing items and notions.

Class 3-travel articles; cases, parasols and personal belongings are not covered by other classes.

Class 4-brush items.

Class 5-Textile goods, not forarbeidede m, flat fabrics (foils) of synthetic or natural material.

Class 6 — Furnishing.

Class 7 Household items not covered by other classes.

Class 8 — tools and iron trade goods.

Class 9-packaging materials and containers for the transport and handling of goods.

Class 10 clocks, watches and other measuring instruments, control and signal instruments.

Class 11-Ornamental objects.

Class 12-Transport and lifting or hoisting devices.

Class 13-Equipment for production, distribution or transformation (transformation) of electrical energy.

Class 14-Equipment for registration, telecommunications and data processing.

Class 15-machinery, not specified elsewhere.

Class 16 — Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus.

Class 17-music instruments.

Class 18-Press-and Office machines.

Class 19-Paper is all goods, Office equipment, materials for artists and for teaching.

Class 20-sales and advertising equipment, signs.

Class 21-games, toys, tents and sports articles.

Class 22-Arms, pyrotechnic articles, articles for hunting, fishing, and extermination of pests.

Class 23-Equipment for the distribution of fluids and gases and for sanitary, heating, ventilation and air conditioners. Solid fuel.

Class 24-medical and laboratory equipment.

Class 25-buildings and building elements.

Class 26 — Lighting articles.

Class 27 — Tobacco and articles for smokers.

Class 28 — Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, toilet articles and apparatus.

Class 29 — Devices and equipment against fire hazards, for preventing accidents and for rescue work.

Class 30-Articles for the care and treatment of animals.

Class 31 machines and appliances for preparing food and drink-not specified elsewhere.

Class 99 — Miscellaneous.

  List of classes and subclasses class 1 Foodstuffs 1-01 baking, biscuits, pastry, macaroni products and other products based on corn, chocolate, confectionary and spiseis.

1-02 fruit and vegetables.

1-03 Cheeses, butter and butter substitutes for, other dairy products.

1-04 Slaktervarer (bold items); and fishing items.

1-05 [expired] 1-06 Foodstuffs for animals.

1-99 Miscellaneous.

  CLASS 2-Clothing items and notions 2-01 Under clothes, appliances, corsets, bysteholdere, nightwear.

2-02 clothes.

2-03 headgear.

2-04 footwear, socks and stockings.

2-05 Neckties, scarves, mufflers and handkerchiefs.

2-06 gloves.

2-07 Notions and accessories to clothing.

2-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 3-travel articles; cases, parasols and personal belongings are not covered by other classes 3-01 trunks, suitcases, hand briefcases, handbags, nøkkelholdere, cases specifically made for its contents, wallets and similar artifacts.

3-02 [expired] 3-03 umbrellas, parasols, sunshades and walking sticks.

3-04 fans.

3-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 4-brush items 4-01 Brushes, brushes and costs for cleaning.

4-02 Toilet brushes, klesbørster and shoe brushes.

4-03 brushes for machines.

4-04 Costs and brushes for painting, costs and brushes for use in cooking.

4-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 5-Textile goods, not forarbeidede m, flat fabrics (foils) of synthetic or natural material 5-01 Thread 5-02 Lace, lace.

5-03 Embroidery.

5-04 ribbons, cords and other possementartikler 5-05 are pushing and substances.

5-06 Flat fabrics (foils) of synthetic or natural material.

5-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 6 Furnishing 6-01 Beds and seats.

6-02 [expired] 6-03 tables and similar furniture.

6-04 furniture for storage.

6-05 Composite furniture.

6-06 other furniture and furniture parts.

6-07 mirrors and frames.

6-8 hangers.

6-09 mattresses and cushions.

6-10 Curtains, drapes and blinds.

6-11 carpets, mats and runners--.

6-12 wall hangings.

6-13 Overbredsel and other solid substances, household linen and tableware.

6-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 7 Household items not covered by the other classes 7-01 Tableware and glasswares.

7-02 Cooking appliances, utensils and containers.

7-03 Table knives, forks and spoons.

7-04 appliances and tools to prepare food or drink.

7-05 Ironing Service, equipment for washing, cleaning and drying.

7-06 other equipment for the table.

7-07 other household bathtub.

7-08 accessories for indoor fire place.

7-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 8 — tools and iron trade goods 8-01 tools and implements for drilling, milling or excavation.

8-02 Hammers and other similar tools and implements.

8-03 cutting tools and implements.

8-04 screwdrivers and other similar tools and implements.

8-05 other tools and implements.

8-06 handles, knobs and hinges.

8-07 Close or lock devices.

8-08 mount, support or mounting devices that are not covered by other classes.

8-09 Metal fittings for doors, Windows, furniture and the like.

8-10 Bicycle racks.

8-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 9-packaging materials and containers for the transport and handling of goods 9-01 bottles, jars, flakonger, damejeanner, glass balloons as well as containers with dynamic distributing AIDS (aerosol).

9-02 jugs, barrels and casks.

9-03 Boxes, boxes, containers, containers and cans.

9-04 Big baskets, crates and baskets.

9-05 Bags, bags, tubes and capsules.

9-06 Rep and other ombindingsmaterialer.

9-07 Closing devices and accessories.

9-08 Pallets and platforms for forklifts.

9-09 Waste-and garbage containers and racks for these.

9-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 10 clocks, watches and other measuring instruments, control and signalling instruments 10-01 clocks, pendulum clocks, and alarm clock.

10-02 watches and wrist watches.

10-03 other time-measuring instruments.

10-04 Other measuring instruments, apparatus and devices.

10-05 instruments, apparatus and devices for managing, security, or testing.

10-06 Signal appliances and devices.

10-07 Innfatninger, washers, wizards and all other parts and accessories of instruments for measuring, managing and signaling.

10-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 11-Ornamental objects 11-01 Juvelérvarer.

11-02 Nipsgjenstander, table-, chimney-piece-and wall decorations, flower vases and pots.

11-03 medals and marks.

11-04 artificial flowers, fruits and plants.

11-05 Flags, party decorations.

11-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 12-Transport and lifting or hoisting devices 12-01 Vehicles drawn by animals.

12-02 handcarts and Barrow.

12-03 locomotives and rolling rail materials and all other rail vehicles.

12-04 cable cars, chair lifts and ski lifts.

12-05 elevators and lifting devices for loading or transportation.

12-06 ships and boats.

12-07 aircraft and space ships.

12-08 Automobiler, buses and trucks.

12-09 tractors.

12-10 trailers for road vehicle.

12-11 Bikes and motorcycles.

12-12 baby strollers, wheelchairs, medical stretchers.

12-13 Special vehicles.

12-14 other vehicles.

12-15 tires, hoses and snow chains for vehicle.

12-16 parts, equipment and accessories for vehicles, not covered by other classes or subclasses.

12-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 13-Equipment for production, distribution or transformation (transformation) of electrical energy 13-01 Generators and motors.

13-02 transformers, rectifiers, batteries and accumulators.

13-03 equipment for distribution or control of electric power.

13-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 14-Equipment for registration, telecommunications and data processing 14-01 equipment for recording and reproduction of sound and images.

14-02 Data processing equipment.

14-03 telecommunications equipment, wireless remote controls and radio amplifiers.

14-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 15-Machines, not elsewhere specified 15-01 engines.

15-02 Pumps and compressors.

15-03 agricultural machinery.

15-04 Construction machinery.

15-05 washing, cleaning and drying machines.

15-06 textile, sewing, knitting-and broderingsmaskiner.

15-07 Cooling machines and sets.

15-08 [expired] 15-09 Machine tools, grinding and støpemaskineri.

15-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 16 — Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus 16-01 Photo sets and movie cameras.

16-02 Show sets and viewing screens.

16-03 photocopying apparatus and enlargers appliances.

16-04 Developing apparatus and equipment.

16-05 accessories.

16-06 Optical articles.

16-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 17-Music instruments 17-01 keyboard instruments.

17-02 wind instruments.

17-03 stringed instruments.

17-04 percussion instruments.

17-05 Mechanical instruments.

17-99 miscellaneous.

  Class 18-Press-and office machinery 18-01 typewriters and computers.

18-02 printing machines.

18-03 Typographic letters, digits and characters.

18-04 Book binding machines, staplers for commercial printers, cutting and cutting room machinery for book binding.

18-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 19-Paper is all goods, Office equipment, materials for artists and for teaching 19-01 writing paper, cards for correspondence and messages.

19-02 Office equipment.

19-03 calendars.

19-04 books, writing booklets and other objects with similar exterior appearance.

19-05 [expired] 19-06 materials and AIDS for hand writing, for drawing, for painting, for skulptering, for engraving and for other artistic purposes.

19-07 teaching materials.

19-08 Other printed matter.

19-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 20-sales and advertising equipment, signs 20-01 vending machines.

20-02 the exhibition and sales equipment.

20-03 signs and advertising equipment.

20-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 21-games, toys, tents and sports articles 21-01 Games and toys.

21-02 equipment and apparatus for gymnastics and sports.

21-03 Other amusement and entertainment articles.

21-04 tents and accessories for your tent.

21-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 22-Arms, pyrotechnic articles, articles for hunting, fishing, and extermination of pests 22-01 firearms.

22-02 other weapons.

22-03 Ammunition, rockets and pyrotechnic articles.

22-04 targets and accessories.

22-05 hunting and fishing equipment.

22-06 Traps, articles to the extermination of pests.

22-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 23-Equipment for the distribution of fluids and gases and for sanitary, heating, ventilation and air conditioners. Solid fuel 23-01 Equipment for the distribution of fluids and gases.

23-02 sanitary ware.

23-03 heating equipment.

23-04 Ventilation and luftkondisjoneringsutstyr.

23-05 solid fuel.

23-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 24-medical and laboratory equipment 24-01 Fixed apparatus and equipment for doctors, hospitals and laboratories.

24-02 medical instruments, instruments and tools for laboratory use.

24-03 dentures.

24-04 articles for forbinding of wounds and bandaging, for nursing and medical care.

24-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 25-buildings and building elements 25-01 building materials.

25-02 Prefabricated or assembled building parts.

25-03 houses, garages and other buildings.

25-04 Stairs, ladders, scaffolding.

25-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 26 — Lighting articles 26-01 candlesticks and candlesticks.

26-02 torches and portable lamps and lanterns.

26-03 Public lighting fixtures.

26-04 light sources, electrical or not.

26-05 table lamps, floor lamps, chandeliers, wall and ceiling belysninger, lampshades, reflectors, photographic and cinematographic prosjektørlamper.

26-06 lighting equipment for vehicles.

26-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 27 — Tobacco and smokers articles 27-01 tobacco, cigars and cigarettes.

27-02 pipes, cigar-and sigarettmunnstykker.

27-03 ashtrays.

27-04 matches.

27-05 Guy clothes.

27-06 Cigar-and cigarette cases, tobacco boxes and-made purses.

27-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 28 — Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, toilet articles and apparatus 28-01 pharmaceutical products.

28-02 cosmetic products.

28-03 Toilet articles and beauty care equipment.

28-04 Wigs, artificial barter and beard.

28-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 29 — Devices and equipment against fire hazards, for preventing accidents and for rescue work 29-01 Devices and equipment against fire hazards.

29-02 Devices and equipment for accident prevention and for rescue work, not specified elsewhere.

29-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 30-Articles for the care and treatment of animals 30-01 Clothing items for animals.

30-02 Enclosures, cages, dog houses and corresponding protective devices.

30-03 equipment for feeding and watering.

30-04 harness.

30-05 whips and sticks.

30-06 Expensive rents and nests.

30-07 waggle my and other equipment to the cage.

30-08 Brand iron, select and foot links.

30-09 Tjoringsbom.

30-99 miscellaneous.

  CLASS 31 machines and appliances for preparing food and drink-not specified else CLASS 99-miscellaneous