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With Regard To The Keeping Of License Insurance Company "klassika" S.a.

Original Language Title: cu privire la reperfectarea licenţei Companiei de Asigurări „KLASSIKA ASIGURĂRI” S.A.

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    Following the examination of the application of reissuing license insurance company "KLASSIKA" (str. Sfatul Țării 59, mun. Chisinau, 1003600129440) on WHOSE BEHALF the inclusion of new addresses of licensed facilities in the annex of licensed, pursuant to article 8 c) and para. (2) of law No. 192-XIV of 12.11.1998 "Concerning the National Commission for financial market" (republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, nr. 117-126 BIS), article 14 para. (6), article 15, article 18 para. (6) and paragraph 3. (8) of law No. 451-XV of 30.07.2001 on regulating "through the licensing of entrepreneurship" (republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2005, no. 26-28, art. 95), the NATIONAL COMMISSION of financial market DECIDES: 1. reperfectează license insurance company "KLASSIKA" INSURANCE series NCFM No. 000795, issued on 2 august 2010, indefinitely, for the right to carry on insurance business (life insurance) through the substitution of the annex to the license with the inclusion of the following addresses of licensed facilities:-str. Vadul lui Voda, 21/2. Chişinău;
-Lenin str. 231, AP. 1, mun. Comrat.
2. the fee for license of the keeping of 585 lei and the fee for the issue of two children on the licence of 1170 lei poured over the Authority's budget.
3. The control over the execution of the given decision is put in charge of the Directorate-General for insurance supervision.
4. this decision shall enter into force on the date of publication.