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Approving The Composition Of The Nominal Ministry Of Information Technology And Communications

Original Language Title: cu privire la aprobarea componenţei nominale a Colegiului Ministerului Tehnologiei Informaţiei şi Comunicaţiilor

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approving the composition of the nominal Ministry of information technology and communications

Published: 31.12.2015 in Official Gazette No. 361-369 art no: 995 pursuant to art. 20 section 3) of law No. 64-XII from 31 May 1990 on Government (republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2002, no. 131-132, 1018), as amended and supplemented, and art. 33 of Act No. 98 of 4 may 2012 on central public administration (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, no. 160-163, art. 537), the Government DECIDES: 1. It approves the nominal composition of the Ministry of information and Communication Technology, according to the annex.
2. It is established that, in the event of a release of the members of the College of public functions, their tasks within the framework of the College shall be exercised by the persons designated in new-posts, without issuing a new governmental decisions.
3. Government decision No. 3902 610 of 21 July 2014 "approving the composition of the nominal information and Communication Technology Ministry" (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, nr. 209-216, art. 658).

Interim Prime Minister Gheorghe BREGA