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On The Necessary Financial Means For The Campaign To Inform The Population On The Transition From Analogue To Digital Terrestrial

Original Language Title: cu privire la alocarea mijloacelor financiare necesare pentru desfăşurarea campaniei de informare a populaţiei cu privire la trecerea de la televiziunea analogică la cea digitală terestră

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on the necessary financial means to conduct information campaign
population on the transition from analogue to the digital terrestrial

Posted: 08/04/2016
in the Official Gazette

Nr. 90-99
Article Number: 537

Based on the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Association Agreement Moldova - European Union for the years 2014-2016, which provides "Organizing and conducting public information campaigns on digital terrestrial television and on the consumer's rights this process ";
According to the Programme on transition from analogue terrestrial television to digital terrestrial, which requires "awareness campaign to inform the population on issues of transition to terrestrial digital television";
Under the letter no. 01/397 of 24 March 2016 the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic, requesting "as soon as possible to launch an informational spot";
In order to successfully launch digital multiplex and to inform the population about the benefits and opportunities of receiving digital channels, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council announces the selection of projects for the production of social commercials, video and audio on public information campaign on the transition to digital terrestrial television;
Following the public hearings, in accordance with the Broadcasting Code no. 260 of 27.07.2006, the Statute of CCA, approved by Decision no. 433 dated 28.12.2006 of the Parliament of Moldova, the pt. 11 lit. (A) of the Regulation on managing the Broadcasters Support Fund, approved by Decision No CCA. 125 of 04.12.2007, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council


1. A allocate the necessary financial means from the budget for 2016 CCA for producing two commercials, video and audio to inform the population on the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial (PRO - (8) UNANIMOUSLY - HAMMER D., O. Barbalić, Iu. COLESNIC, A. COZMA, N. DAMASCHIN, O. Gututui C. and D. VICOL bribery).
2. Control over execution of this Decision exercises control and direction digitalisation and service economy, finance and accounting.
March. This Decision will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova and the BCC website.