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Promotion Of Investments Act 1986

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Laws of MALAYSIA Act 327 PRINT PROMOTION of INVESTMENTS ACT 1986 Contains all amendments to 1 January 2006 PUBLISHED by the COMMISSIONER of law revision, UNDER the AUTHORITY of law REVISION ACT 1968 in COLLABORATION with PERCETAKAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA BHD 2006 laws of Malaysia ACT 3272 PROMOTION of INVESTMENTS ACT 1986 date of Assent............ 7 May 1986 date of publication in the Gazette......... 15 May 1986 Text English text valid......... P.u. (B) 561/1986 REPRINT BEFORE Reprinting the first............ 2001 promotion of investments 3 laws of MALAYSIA Act 327 PROMOTION of INVESTMENTS ACT 1986 ARRANGEMENT of SECTIONS part I preliminary section 1. Short title, interpretation and commencement 2. Interpretation 3. The application of encouragement this is only about the company 4. Determination of activities encouraged or promoted 4A. Activity or output that characterized the activities encouraged or promoted 4B. Activity or output that characterized the activities encouraged or promoted for the purpose of subsection 5 (1 c), sections 26C, 26D and 26E 4 c. Determination of spaces are encouraged to PART II of the INCOME TAX EXEMPTION FROM Chapter 1 — Standard Pioneer 5. Applications for pilot status 6. Grant of pioneer status 7. The pioneer certificate 8. The withdrawal of pioneer status 9. Cancellation of certificate of Pioneer 10. Application for activity are encouraged or promoted additional laws of Malaysia ACT 3274 section 11. Effective in recent times 12. Restrictions on broadcast pioneer Declaration, etc.
13. The meaning of the company relating to agriculture 14. Tax relief period 14A. Extension of the period of tax relief 14B. No extension of the period of application for tax relief for pioneer status received on or after 1 January 1991 14C. Extension of the period for tax relief granted pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB) 15. Business pioneer and after pioneer 16. (Cut) 17. Power to direct in the particular case 18. Capital allowance 19. The hotel buildings are deemed to be industrial buildings 20. Income statement 21. Recount income over the period of tax relief 21A. Restrictions on income calculated during the period of tax relief 21B. Recount income during the period of tax relief with respect to applications received on or after 1 January 1991 21C. Recount income during the period in respect of the tax relief granted pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB) 21 d. Recount income during the period of tax relief in respect of a pioneer status granted to the company in the area encouraged 21E. Recount income during the period in respect of the tax relief granted pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AC) 21F. Recount income during the period of tax relief in respect of a pioneer status granted to high-tech companies or companies that participate in the program chain industry 22. Exemption from income tax 23. Certain tax exempt dividend income 24. Earnings were improperly excluded, etc.
25. The loss incurred during the period of tax relief promotion of investments 5 Chapter 2 — investment tax allowance Section 26. Application for approval of investment tax allowance 26A. Application for approval for investment tax allowance in respect of an activity or an output that is deemed under section 4A as activities encouraged or promoted 26B. Application for approval for investment tax allowance in the area are encouraged to 26C. Application for approval for investment tax allowance for company research and development contract 26D. Application for approval for investment tax allowance for company research and development 26E. Application for approval for investment tax allowance for carrying out research in America 26F. Application for approval for investment tax allowance for high-tech companies or companies that participate in the program chain industry 26G. Application for approval for investment tax allowance for technical training or vocational 27. Grant of approval for the purpose of investment tax allowance 27A. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under section 26A (1) 27B Sizzler anti-ship. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26B (1) 27 c. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26C (1) 27D. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26D (1) 27E. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under section 26E (1) 27F. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under section 26F (1) 27G. Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26G (1) 28. Withdrawal of approval of investment tax allowance 29. Investment tax allowance 29A. Investment tax allowance in respect of applications received on or after 1 November 1991 laws of Malaysia ACT 3276 Section 29B. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26A awarded approval under section 27A 29C. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26B, which has granted approval under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship 29D. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26C that have been granted approval under section 27 c 29E. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26D that have been granted approval under section 29F 27D. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26E was given approval under section 27E 29 g. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26F which has granted approval under section 27F 29H. Investment tax allowance for application under section 26G that have been granted approval under section 27G 30. Application of section 19 31. The meaning of the company relating to the agriculture Chapter 2a — industrial adjustment Allowance 31A. Definition of industrial adjustment 31B. Application for the industrial adjustment allowance 31C. Grant of approval in respect of the industrial adjustment allowance 31D. Withdrawal of approval for the industrial adjustment allowance 31E. The industrial adjustment allowance Chapter 3 — Income Reduction Larasan 32. Reduction due to location in an industrial area are encouraged to 33. The reduction of income larasan for small scale 33A. (Cut) 34. The reduction of income larasan observing Government policy on capital participation or employment in the industry 35. Exemption from income tax promotion of investments 7 Chapter 4 — reduction of statutory income for export Section 36. The reduction in the statutory income for export 36A. The landing of the products exported 37. Exemption from income tax of 38. The reduction could not be found Chapter 5 — Export Allowance 39. Export allowance 39A. Section 36A shall apply 40. Interpretation of 40A. Export allowance not be found Chapter 6 — deduction for promotion of Exports 41. Deduction for promotion of export of Chapter 7 — Allowances Infrastructure 41A. The definition of infrastructure 41B. Allowance for an ADDITIONAL 42 infrastructure PART III. Powers to enter, etc.
43. The power to make rules and Regulations 43A. Separate account 44. The abolishment of 45. Saving of 46. (Cut) 47. (Cut) 48. Application of Act regarding the period of tax relief laws of Malaysia ACT 49 Section 3278. Capital expenditure on plant and machinery in the business hotel 50. Application to obtain encouragement from the similar type of 50A. Application for investment tax allowance by the company that has given encouragement under the law repealed laws 50AA. Eligibility under the law repealed laws to obtain industrial adjustment allowance 50B. Eligibility under the law repealed laws in order to obtain a reduction in income larasan or export allowance 51. Application under the law repealed laws 52. The Agreement Of The Minister Of Finance To 53. Application of section 27 and 29 of the law repealed laws 54. The function of a public officer 55. Reference to the law of promotion of investments TABLE 9 repealed laws laws of MALAYSIA Act 327 PROMOTION of INVESTMENTS ACT 1986 an act to make provision about the promotion by way of discharge from income tax, the establishment and development of enterprises in industry, agriculture and other commercial enterprises in Malaysia, concerning the promotion of exports and for purposes incidental and related.
[1 January 1986]
BE IT enacted by the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: part I preliminary short title, interpretation and commencement 1. (1) this Act may be cited as the promotion of investments Act 1986.
(2) subject to section 2 of this Act shall be read and construed together with the income tax Act 1967 [Act 53] (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act").
(3) this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 1986 and effect for the year of assessment 1987 and the relevant year of assessment: provided that if the approval in respect of any application, whether made before or after this Act comes into his powers, granted under this Act with effect in recent years from a date prior to 1 Januari1986 This Act shall become effective from that date.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32710

(4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), sections 36 and 39 shall have effect only in respect of products manufacturing and agricultural products that are dieksportkan on or after 1 January 1986.
Interpretation 2. (1) in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires — "promoted activities" means an activity in manufacturing, agriculture, integrated agriculture, hotel, tourism or other industrial or commercial activities prescribed by the Minister in accordance with section 4 and including activities mentioned in section 4A, 4B or 5 of subsection (1A);
"integrated agricultural activity" means an activity consisting of the production of agricultural products and the manufacture of the results and includes any activities related and incidental to such activity;
"production day" means the day specified as such in the pilot certificate in accordance with section 7;
"property" means any property, which includes hotels, motels, chalets or hostel, from standard approved registered with the Ministry of culture, arts and tourism;
"spaces are encouraged" means any area specified by the Minister under section 4 c;
"promoted" means any products prescribed by the Minister in accordance with section 4 and include output referred to in section 4A, 4B or 5 (1A);
"pilot plant" means a plant certified by a certificate of a pioneer as a pilot factory;
"cooperative-based agriculture" shall have the meaning assigned to it under the farmers ' 1973 [Act 109];
"Minister", except with specific reference to the Minister of finance, means; Minister of international trade and industry;
Promotion of investments 11 "research within the company" means the research and development conducted in Malaysia in a company for the purpose of its own business;
"research and development" means any systematic studies carried out intensive or in science or technology with a view to using the findings to production and repair materials, tools, products, or processes, but does not include — (a) quality control or routine testing of materials, devices, products or results;
(b) research in the social sciences or humanities; (c) the routine data collection; (d) survey efficiency or research management; and (e) market research or sales promotion;
"pioneer certificate" means a certificate pilot given under section 7 or any such certificate as amended;
"business hotel" means the conduct of a business in the hotel where the business is to be held and may include the holding of food, beverages and other services or facilities and the granting of concessions for any part of the hotel for the purposes of and incidental to the promotion of tourism;
"the pioneer business" means the business of a company pioneering in relation to activities encouraged or promoted the company conducted by him during the period of tax relief;
"pioneer pre business" means the business of a company pioneering in relation to activities encouraged or promoted the company carried out by him before the start of the period the tax relief;
"business after pioneer" means the business of a company pilot who deemed under section 15 as was established and begins on the day following the end of the period the tax relief;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32712 "Association Areas", "Federal Association" and "Fishermen Association State" shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Act Association 1971 [Act 44];
"The Association of Area farmers ' Association", "Federal" and "farmers ' Association State" shall have the meaning assigned to it under the farmers ' Association Act * 1967 [Act 22 of 1967];
"the defined authority" means the Minister with written consent of the Minister of finance;
"the industrial chain program" means a program integrated by a Ministry or Government agency in which a company small or medium companies, which are the manufacturers and suppliers are linked to a bigger company or to a small or medium company to another through manufacturing and supply of parts and components or by technology or research and development;
"tourism project" means a project, in addition to the hotel's business, which in particular is carried out for the purpose related to the promotion of tourism and registered with the Ministry of culture, arts and tourism;
"standards approved", in relation to a particular hotel, means standard as defined by the appropriate authority;
"related company", in relation to a company, means a company — (a) that its operation is controlled or can be controlled, either directly or indirectly, by the company that first-mentioned;
(b) that controls or can control, whether directly or indirectly, the company handling the first-mentioned; or (c) that its operation is controlled or can be controlled, either directly or indirectly, by a person who controls or can control, whether directly or indirectly, the company handling the first-mentioned: * ENTRY — farmers ' Association Act 1967 [Act 22 of 1967] was repealed by the farmers ' organisation Act 1973 [Act 109] promotion of investments 13 provided that a company shall be deemed to be a related company to a another company if — (aa) at least twenty per cent of the capital He published shares beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by other companies; or (bb) at least twenty per cent of the issued share capital of any other company that is owned beneficially, directly or indirectly, by the first-mentioned company;
"high-tech company" means a company which is engaged in promoted activities or in the production of promoted products in the field of new technologies and has been;
"small" or "medium" company, unless expressly provided otherwise, means a company — (a) incorporated in Malaysia in accordance with the companies Act 1965 [Act 125]; and (b) residing in Malaysia in a basis year for a year of assessment, the money shareholders at the date of the granting of the status of the pioneer and pioneer certificate production does not exceed such amount as may be declared, from time to time, by the Minister of the statutory order published in the Gazette;
"technical training or vocational company" means a company which provides technical training or vocational in Malaysia;
"research and development" means a company that provides research and development services in Malaysia to its related company or to any other company;
"the company research and development contract" means a company which provides research services and development in Malaysia only to companies other than its related company;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32714 "pioneer company" means a company which is certified by a certificate of the company became a pioneer pilot in respect of the activities encouraged or promoted products in respect of which the period of tax relief has not yet ended or has not expired;
"the period of tax relief", in relation to a company means the pioneer period determined in accordance with section 14 and any extension of that period under section 14A;
"accounting period" means a period which has already been made to him in accordance with paragraph 15 (1) (c);
"the money shareholders" means the aggregate amount of paid up capital of a company (in respect of the preference shares and the ordinary shares and does not include any amount in respect of the bonus shares to the extent such shares issued from capital reserve which was created by means of the revaluation of fixed assets), reserve (other than any capital reserve has been established by means of revaluation of fixed assets and provisions for depreciation , renewal or replacement and a depleting asset value), the balance of the share premium account (not including any amount credited therein upon the requirements of the bonus issue shares with a premium from the capital reserve which was created by means of the revaluation of fixed assets), and the balance of profit and loss appropriation account.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), in the case of an industry, other manufacturing industries, this Act shall apply with such modification as may be necessary; and, in relation to any such industry, without prejudice to the generality of the provisions mentioned above — (a) a reference to construction may be set aside if it cannot be;
(b) a reference to a release shall be construed as a reference to activities in accordance with the industry concerned;
(c) a reference to the production of an output can be construed as a reference to the conduct of the activity or activities (a reference to the production of a promoted related shall be construed accordingly);
Promotion of investments 15 (d) a reference to the day of withdrawal shall be construed as a reference to the next day of a pioneer company began to produce related digalakkannya quantity of marketable or carry out the activity or activities on a commercial basis; and

(e) a reference to a factory shall be construed as a reference to premises where activities are encouraged to have carried out or, if an interpretation is not appropriate, can be waived.
(3) Section 136 of the principal Act shall apply with regard to the functions of the Director-General under this act as it applies with regard to its functions under the principal Act.
(4) where this Act makes provisions of any income so exempted from tax under the principal Act, the income in question must be set aside for the purposes of the principal Act.
(5) subject to subsection (1) to (4), if a word or expression used in this Act have defined pengertiannya (or have the meaning assigned to it) by any of the provisions of the principal Act, whether for the purpose of the act as a whole or for the purposes of any of its provisions that specifically, unless the context otherwise requires, words or expressions in this Act shall have the meaning as defined or given such.
The application of encouragement this is only about the company 3. Subject to sections 5 and 6, this Act shall apply only about a company.
Determination of activities encouraged or promoted products 4. (1) the Minister shall from time to time determine any activity or output as it thinks fit as activities encouraged or promoted.
(2) a list of promoted activities and promoted as determined under subsection (1) shall be published through statutory order in the Gazette.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32716 (3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1), the Minister may consider the following: (a) whether or not carried out any activities or issued any release in Malaysia on a commercial basis in accordance with the will or the economic development of Malaysia or not carried out or issued; or (b) either — (i) prospects to further develop the activity or output; or (ii) the lack of facilities in Malaysia to allow the activities carried out or a release issued on a commercial basis in accordance with the requirements of the economy.
(c) (struck by A862 Act).
(4) the Minister may consult with any person or organization as he thinks fit in exercise of its powers under subsection (1).
(5) the Minister may from time to time to review the list of activities encouraged or promoted as determined under subsection (1) and may make additions, changes or amendments to or deduction from the list of promoted activities or promoted it.
Activity or output that characterized the activities encouraged or promoted 4A. Notwithstanding section 4, the Minister, with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance, may be on a case to case described any activities or products that are important in terms of national and strategic for Malaysia as an activity encouraged or promoted.
Activity or output that characterized the activities encouraged or promoted for the purpose of subsection 5 (1 c), sections 26C, 26D and 26E 4B. Notwithstanding section 4, the Minister, with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance, can be described any activity or output as an activity encouraged or promoted for the purpose of subsection 5 (1 c), 26C, 26D, section 26E and 26G.
Promotion of investments 17 determination of spaces are encouraged at 4 c. (1) the Minister may from time to time specify any area as it thinks fit as recommended.
(2) a list of recommended determined under subsection (1) shall be published through statutory order in the Gazette.
(3) the Minister may from time to time to review the list of recommended determined under subsection (1) and may make additions, changes or amendments to or deduction from the list of recommended it.
PART II of the INCOME TAX EXEMPTION FROM Chapter 1 — standard of Pilot applications for pioneer status 5. (1) any company or person proposing to register a company, who want to establish or participate in an activity encouraged or want to issue a promoted and intends that a factory built, or if already existing factory, occupied in Malaysia for the purpose, may make a written request to the Minister to pioneer status, or ask that a pioneer status company given when a proposed has been registered , in relation to the activity or output and also the factory: provided that if the application is made by a company who intend want to establish or participate in an activity encouraged or want to produce something promoted products and the company controlled directly or indirectly by — (a) a pioneer company or of a company has been granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27 that participate in activities encouraged or promoted as the company;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32718 (b) a company granted pioneer status in relation to the activities encouraged or promoted as the company; or (c) a pioneer or a company after company that has granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27 and the period as may be prescribed under paragraph 29 (2) (b) or 29 (2) (c) has expired, the application will be considered if it meets the conditions prescribed by the Minister in a statutory order shall be published in the Gazette.
(1A) any company or person proposing to register a company, who intend want to establish or participate in an activity or want to participate in the issue a significant issue in terms of national strategy for Malaysia and intends that a factory built, or if already existing factory, occupied in Malaysia for the purpose, may make a written request to the Minister for pioneer status , or calling for pioneer status granted when the company proposed it was registered, in relation to the activity or output and also the factory: provided that a company that is currently operating in Malaysia may, if it meets such conditions as may be determined by the Minister, make an application in writing to the Minister for pioneer status.
(1B) (a) any company or person proposing to register a company, who want to establish or participate in an activity encouraged or want to issue a promoted within an area are encouraged and intends that a factory built, or if already existing factory, occupied in Malaysia for the purpose, may make a written request to the Minister to pioneer status, or calling for a pioneer status company given when a proposed has been registered , in relation to the activity or output and also the factory: provided that if the application is made by a company who intend want to establish or participate in an activity encouraged or want to issue a release 19 promotion of investments are encouraged in an area are encouraged and the company controlled directly or indirectly by — (i) a pioneer company or of a company has been granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship who joined promoted activities or products recommended as the company;
(ii) a company granted pioneer status in relation to the activities encouraged or promoted as the company; or (iii) a pioneer or a company after company that has granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship and duration as may be prescribed under paragraph 29C (2) (b) or (c) has expired, the application will be considered if it meets the conditions prescribed by the Minister in a statutory order shall be published in the Gazette.
(b) where a company has given pioneer status in relation to an activity encouraged or promoted pursuant to an application received on or after 1 November 1991 but on or before October 29, 1993, it may be eligible to apply for pioneer status under paragraph (1B) (a) once submitted grant pioneer status in relation to the activities encouraged or promoted it: provided that notice of the surrender is given not later than 31 March 1995 and that the Minister is satisfied that the reason for surrender in respect of the standard of pilot activities are encouraged or promoted it.
(1 c) any company or person proposing to register a contract research and development company, which intends to be set up or participate in an activity relating to research and development and intends that a factory built, or if already existing factory, occupied in Malaysia for the purpose, may make a written request to the Minister to pioneer status, or calling for a pioneer status company given when a proposed has been registered , in respect of the activities and also the factory.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32720

(1 d) (a) Any company or person proposing to register a high-tech company, which intends to be set up or participate in an activity encouraged or want to issue a promoted in the field of new technologies and has been, or any company participating in an activity encouraged or issue a promoted in a program of industrial chains, and intends that a factory built, or if already existing factory , was occupied in Malaysia for the purpose, may make a written request to the Minister to pioneer status, or calling for pioneer status granted when the company proposed it was registered, in relation to the activity or output and also the factory.
(b) a company pilot or a company which has given pioneer status under subsection 6 (1) in respect of an application under subsection 5 (1) or 5 (1B) or approval under subsection 27 (1) or 27B Sizzler anti-ship (l) shall be eligible to apply for pioneer status under paragraph (1) (a) in respect of activities encouraged or promoted the same: provided that the period of tax relief for companies that pioneer or period as may be prescribed under paragraph 29 (2) (b) or (c), 29C (2) (b) or (c) has ended.
(1B) a company that granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under subsection 27 (1), 27B Sizzler anti-ship (1), 27 c (l) or 27F (l) in relation to an activity encouraged or promoted can be eligible to apply for pioneer status under subsection (1), (1B), (1 c) and (1 d) once written notice given to the Minister to submit the approval in relation to the activities promoted or promoted the : provided that until the date of the submission of the notice the company yet do capital expenditure for the purposes of subsection 27 (1), 27B Sizzler anti-ship (l), 27 c (l) or 27F (l) and that the Minister is satisfied with the reason approval submission in relation to the activities promoted or promoted it.
(2) every application under subsection (1) or (1A) shall follow the regulations made under this Act.
Promotion of investments 21 Granting pioneer status 6. (1) on receipt of an application made under subsection 5 (1), 5 (1B) or 5 (1) the Minister may, subject to subsection (2) to (6), give a pilot if he is satisfied that it is expedient to do so to the public interest, by giving particular attention to — (a) to the number of pioneering companies have already established or to be established in relation to that activity encouraged or promoted products mentioned in the application;
(b) the production or production expected for the company referred to in paragraph (a);
(c) to good prospects to further develop the activities encouraged or promoted it;
(d) if the application is made by a company, to the position of Director of the company and a description of the person who became a member of the company; and (e) if the application is made by the person proposing to register a company in connection with the application, the proposed Director of the company and a description of the person to whom the share capital or of any part thereof proposed to be offered for subscription.
(1A) upon receipt of an application under subsection 5 (1) the Minister may, subject to subsection (2) to (6), giving the standard pioneer to a small company or decide to give the pioneer status following the registration of a small company, if he is satisfied that the applicant has met or will meet the criteria set out in the statutory order shall be published in the Gazette.
(1AB) on receipt of an application under section 5 (1A) the Minister may, subject to subsection (2) to (6), giving the standard pilot if he is satisfied that the activity or products are deemed eligible activities encouraged or promoted under section 4A.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32722 (1AC) on receipt of an application under section 5 (1) the Minister may, subject to subsection (2) to (6), giving the standard pioneer company to a research and development contract.
(1B) the Minister may, from time to time, review the list of criteria set under subsection (1A) and can make additions, changes or amendments to or deduction from that list as he may deem fit.
(2) Pioneer Status may be granted according to the requirements of the application or can be given subject to any variation of the requirements, and subject to such conditions as the Minister thinks fit.
(3) If an application for pioneer status is made by the person proposing to register a company with respect to the application, the Minister may decide to give the pioneer status under this section following the registration of the company, and if he decided such — (a) the decision, in respect of the granting of the pioneer status under subsection (1), can be noted as subject to such conditions relating to any of the matters mentioned in paragraph (1) (e) , as stated by him, or in respect of a decision granting pioneer status under subsection (1A), (1AB) or (1AC), can be noted as subject to such conditions as may be specified by him;
(b) he shall give notice in writing of the decision and any conditions to that person; and (c) if the company is registered within three months from the date of the notice or such extended period as permitted by the Minister, and the Minister is satisfied that the conditions, if any, has been or will be complied with, the pioneer status may be granted accordingly.
(4) where a company is not registered in that time or such extended period as may be prescribed in paragraph (3) (c), the Minister shall cancel the notice mentioned in paragraph (3) (b) thereof.
Promotion of investments 23 (5) nothing is a pioneer status may be granted by the Minister, and there is nothing on the decision to give the pioneer status may be taken by it, unless the decision to give the pioneer status and terms and conditions of the written consent of the Minister of finance.
(6) the Minister may amend any conditions imposed under subsection (2) or (3) but can't do so without written consent of the Minister of finance.
The pioneer certificate 7. (1) any company which has given pioneer status under section 6 shall within six months from the date of grant of such or such extended period as permitted by the Minister, request a get a pioneer certificate.
(2) a company that asks for a certificate a pilot shall state — (a) the quantity of marketable for promoted products related produced by its factory before demand for the pilot certificate;
(b) the date the factory started production of promoted products of marketable quantity and rate of its production;
(c) that the conditions imposed under subsection 6 (2) has been complied with, or if any of the conditions have not been complied with, the reason not to be bound by them.
(3) the Minister may ask for any details or further proof of the date specified in paragraph (2) (b) and subject to it and if satisfied that the requirements have been complied with or satisfied with the reasons given under paragraph (2) (c), he may issue a certificate acknowledging the pilot — (a) the company as a company pioneer; (b) the factory where the promoted activities carried out or promoted it was released as a pilot factory; and (c) the day the pilot company for production.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32724 (4) the Minister, with the written consent of the Minister of finance, may impose such conditions as it thinks fit when issuing a certificate of pioneer.
(5) the Minister, with the written consent of the Minister of finance, can change conditions in the pilot certificate.
(6) the Minister may where necessary amend pilot certificate issued under subsection (3).
The withdrawal of pioneer status 8. (1) If a company, which was granted pioneer status under section 6, failed to comply with the requirements of subsection 7 (1) to (3), the Minister shall by notice in writing require the company within thirty days from the date of delivery of the notice, recover the failure or prove to his satisfaction that the failure is caused by something outside the control of the company.
(2) the Minister may withdraw the pioneer status granted to a company — (a) if the company has failed to comply with a notice served on him under subsection (1); or (b) if he is satisfied that the company has violated any provision of this Act or any condition imposed under subsection 6(2) or (3) and that in all the circumstances it is beneficial to do so.
Cancellation of certificate of pioneer 9. (1) where a company pilot fails to comply with any conditions imposed under section 7 or any other provision in this Act, the Minister shall by notice in writing require the company within thirty days from the date of service of such notice giving reasons why a pilot certificate should not be cancelled.
Promotion of investments 25 (2) the Minister may cancel the certificate of pioneer pioneer — a company

(a) if the company has failed to comply with a notice served on him under subsection (1); or (b) if he is not satisfied with the reasons for non-compliant at conditions imposed under section 7 or any other provisions of this Act.
(3) If a company pilot certificate pilot is cancelled under this section, such revocation shall be declared as a beginning — (a) from the date of the pilot certificate comes into operation; or (b) if the Minister thinks fit, from a date after the date of the pilot certificate comes into operation as may be prescribed by the Minister.
(4) where paragraph (3) (a) apply in relation to the cancellation of the certificate of a pioneer company pioneer — (a) subsection 11 (2) and section 14 to 25 shall be deemed to have never been in force relating to the company;
(b) any tax repayable to the company pursuant to subsection 11 (2) shall be due and payable by the company on the date of cancellation and the principal Act relating to recover the tax shall apply; and (c) if subsection 11 (2) with effect from the date of cancellation, any time that is running under the principal Act on the date subsection 11 (2) have effect in relation to the company shall be deemed to have begun to run from the date of the revocation.
(5) If paragraph (3) (b) apply in relation to the cancellation of the certificate of a pioneer company pioneer — (a) the period of tax relief the company shall be calculated for the purposes of section 14 to 25 as has ended at the date of the revocation is declared as a start; and the laws of Malaysia ACT 32726 (b) if there are any business account pilot for the company has made to that date, figures in first accounts for the company made after that date, that account — (i) made for the purpose of preparing on the pilot business and first account for business after the pioneer for the company; and (ii) in relation to the accounting period which includes the date of cancellation, shall for the purposes of section 14 to 25 be assigned according to the number of days in the period that runs before that date.
(6) If a company pilot certificate is revoked under this section the pioneer status granted to the company shall be deemed to have been cancelled.
(7) this section shall apply notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act.
Application for activity are encouraged or promoted an additional 10. The pioneer companies or companies that have been awarded pioneer status with respect to an activity encouraged or promoted can apply to get a pioneer status with respect to any activity encouraged or promoted pursuant to section 5.
Effective in recent times 11. (1) the determination of any activity encouraged or promoted under section 4 or the granting of a pioneer status under section 6 or the issuance of a pilot certificate under section 7 may be made so effective in recent times from a date not earlier than 1 January 1986.
(2) where in accordance with this section a certificate of the pilot is to be enforced in recent years from a date before the pilot certificate is given — (a) any act or thing has been done or that has occurred for the purpose of the principal Act since that date and which may not be performed or not promotion of investments happening 27 if the certificate has been in force on that date shall at any time be necessary for the purposes of this Act and of the principal Act is counted as not done or not happen; and (b) where the Act consists of the payment of any tax by a company pilot, it shall be repaid in the manner provided in the principal act as soon as may be after the expiration of the ninety days from the day of production for the company.
Restrictions on broadcast pioneer Declaration, etc.
12. Contents of any application made or any certificate given under this section in respect of an America pilot may not, except on the needs of the company, published in the Gazette or in any other way: provided that the Minister shall cause to be published by notification in the Gazette the name of any company — (a) that a pilot acknowledgement was given to him; or (b) a certificate of the pintar pilot was cancelled.
The meaning of the company relating to agriculture 13. For the purposes of this chapter, in the case of an application for a pilot status in respect of activities encouraged or promoted in relation to agriculture, "company" includes agricultural-based cooperatives, farmers ' Associations, farmers ' Association Federal Area, farmers ' Association, State, Area Fishermen's Association Association Association of federal, State and sole proprietorship, partnership or association practically involved in agriculture: provided that section 23 applies only on a company incorporated under any written law.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32728 Period tax relief 14. Tax relief period a company pilot shall commence on the day of its release and continues to run for a period of five years.
Extension of the period of tax relief 14A. (1) subject to section 14B, the Minister may, with the written consent of the Minister of finance, extend tax relief under section 14 a company pilot who runs a manufacturing activity or an activity in relation to the processing of water if he is satisfied that the company has, at the end of the period of tax relief under that section, meet the requirements under subsection (2).
(2) the Minister with written consent of the Minister of Finance shall specify in an order published in the Gazette the statutory activities encouraged or promoted products and any other requirements for the purposes of obtaining the tax relief extension.
(3) the period of extension of tax relief provided under this section shall commence as of the date following the end of the period of tax relief under section 14 and continued for five years.
(4) the pioneer Company shall make application in writing to the Minister to extend the tax relief within thirty days or such extended period as may be allowed by the Minister after the end of the period of tax relief under section 14.
(5) when an application under subsection (4) is received, the Minister may request further details or any evidence of the information given in the application as he thinks necessary and — (a) if he is satisfied that the company has complied with the requirements of this section, with the written consent of the Minister of finance, give the tax relief extension; or (b) if he is not so satisfied, shall cause a notice of the extension to give the keengganannya sent to the company.
Promotion of investments 29 (6) extension of a period of tax relief shall be granted subject to terms and conditions imposed in a pilot certificate or change the terms and conditions in the certificate.
(7) the Minister with written consent of the Minister of finance may change the terms and conditions imposed under subsection 7 (4) and (5) in a pilot certificate issued under that section.
No extension of the period of application for tax relief for pioneer status received on or after 1 November 1991 14B. Section 14A shall not apply to an enterprise application for pioneer pioneer status accepted on or after 1 January 1991.
Extension of the period for tax relief granted pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB) 14C. (1) Notwithstanding section 14B, a company which has given pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB) may apply in writing for an extension of the duration of the tax relief provided under section 14.
(2) the Minister with written consent of the Minister of finance may extend the duration of the tax relief provided under section 14.
(3) Subsection 14A (3) to (7) with regard to an extension of the period of tax relief shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of an application made under subsection (1).
The pioneer and pioneer business after 15. (1) If a business a company pilot conducted by him before or after the end of the period of tax relief, for the purposes of the principal Act and this Act — (a) the business shall be deemed to have stopped forever at the end of the period of tax relief for the pilot;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32730 (b) in respect of that business, the pioneer company shall be deemed to have been set up and started new business (hereinafter referred to as "business after the pioneer") on the day following the end of the period the tax relief;
(c) the pilot shall make accounts for business pintar pilot — (i) for a period not exceeding one year beginning on the date when the pioneer business began for the company;
(ii) for a period of one year in a row after that; and (iii) for a period not exceeding one year then ended when tax relief period ended; and

(d) in making the first account for business after the pioneer company pintar pilot shall take as the initial figures to the figures closing the accounts in respect of assets and liabilities as shown in his account ago for tax relief period; and the following account for business after pintar pilot shall be made by making reference to the closing figure in the first account, and any account which then has to be prepared that way also by making reference to the closing figure for the account that originally for business after pintar pilot.
(2) where a company pilot has deemed to be established and start business after the pioneer and business accounts after the pilot made till the day equal to the days when the annual accounts has been made the pioneer business — (a) the basic period (year of assessment the pilot business) in which falls the day first business after the pilot shall be for business after the pilot of the basis period for the year of assessment; and (b) there is no such basis period for business after a pilot for any year of assessment which led the first date it.
16. (Cut by the Act A656).
Promotion of investments 31 Power to direct in the case of certain 17. For the purposes of the principal Act and this Act, the Director-General may direct that — (a) any sums payable to the company a pioneer in any accounting period which, if it's not because of this Act, may be reasonably and should have been expected to be paid in the normal course of business after the end of that period it should be — (i) as not payable during that period but as due on a date after that period as it deems fit by the Director General; and (ii) if that date is after the end of the period of tax relief for the pioneer companies, such as due on that date as a sum of money payable in respect of the business after pintar pilot; and (b) any expenses incurred by a company pilot within one year after the end of the period of the tax relief, if not for this Act, it may be reasonably expected to be and should have been done according to the ordinary course of business during the period shall be calculated as emission tax was not done within the year but have done — (i) for the purpose of business pintar pilot; and (ii) on a date within the period of tax relief as may be deemed fit by the Director General.
Capital allowance 18. (1) the company's Income in respect of the pintar pilot pilot which includes business to ascertain in accordance with this Act for any accounting period shall be ascertained so (after making any adjustments necessary as a result of the direction under section 17) after deducting the allowance to be made under Schedule 3 to the principal Act although no claim for that allowance had been made: provided that if the plant or machinery used directly or indirectly for the purpose of storage , the laws of Malaysia ACT 32732 processing or disposal of scheduled wastes as defined in the regulations of the environmental quality (scheduled wastes) 1989 [P.U. (A) 139/1989] by a company pilot for business purpose pintar pilot, any capital expenditure incurred during the period of tax relief by the pioneer company in respect of plant or machinery shall be for the purposes of Schedule 3 of the principal Act is deemed to have been effected on the day following the end of the period of the tax relief.
(2) (Cut by the Act A751).
(3) subject to paragraph (6) (b) — (a) If an asset used for business purpose pioneer pioneer pre a company and continue to be used for business purpose the pilot company pioneer — (i) the expenditure of bakian at the end of the basis period for the year of assessment immediately before the year of assessment in the basis period in which the initial business pilot terjatuhnya day shall, with respect to the pilot business and for the purposes of Schedule 3 to the principal Act , be deemed to be expenditure bakian the assets on the day of the beginning of the pioneer business; and (ii) any capital expenditure incurred by the pioneer company in respect of the assets in the basis period in which the business cessation date terjatuhnya pre pilot shall, for the purposes of Schedule 3 to the Act, deemed to have been effected on the day of the beginning of the pioneer business;
(b) If an asset used for business purpose pilot a company pilot and continue to be used for business purpose after the pioneer company of the pilot — (i) the expenditure of bakian at the end of the basis period for the year of assessment immediately before the year of assessment in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya today the beginning of business after the pilot shall, in respect of the business after the pilot and for the purposes of Schedule 3 to the principal Act , be deemed to be expenditure bakian the assets on the day of commencement of business after the pilot; and promotion of investments 33 (ii) any capital expenditure incurred by the pioneer company in respect of the assets in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya date of termination of the pilot business shall, for the purposes of Schedule 3 to the Act, deemed to have been effected on the day of commencement of business after the pilot;
(4) (Cut by the Act A751).
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 75 Schedule 3 to the Act, if the assets used for business purpose pioneer pioneer pre a company and because there is not enough or no income larasan from our pre the pioneer for year of assessment immediately before the year of assessment in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya today the start of the pilot implementation of business, cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of such allowances or the aggregate amount of such allowances in respect of the assets to be given to the company for the year in relation to the pioneer pre business, the aggregate amount of such allowance or, as the case may be shall be deemed to be an allowance will be provided to the company in connection with the pintar pilot business for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya today the start of the pioneer business.
(6) if in the case that subsection (1) and (3) applies, the assets used for the purpose of an activity encouraged or withdraw something promoted that is also used for the purpose of an activity or issue a production activity or its products is not an activity encouraged or promoted products or activities or its products an activity encouraged or promoted products in respect of which the company has been granted a period of pilot status and tax relief has ended — (a) shall be made under Schedule 3 of the to the principal Act in respect of any capital expenditure on the asset that any deduction is reasonable in view of the extent of the assets are used for the purpose of the activity or the release of the second; and the laws of Malaysia ACT 32734 (b) bakian expenses as determined under paragraph (3) (a) or (3) (b) shall be reduced by the lesser of any deduction made under paragraph (a).
(7) for the avoidance of doubt it is declared that if an asset used for business purpose pilot a company pilot and because there is not enough or no income larasan from the pilot business for the year of assessment immediately before the year of assessment in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya today the start of business after the pilot, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of such allowances or by the aggregate amount of such allowances in respect of the asset is to be given to the company for the year the business with regards to the pilot, or the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be, shall not be deemed the allowance to be made to the company in respect of the business after pintar pilot for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya today the start of business after the pilot or any later year of assessment.
The hotel buildings are deemed to be industrial buildings 19. (1) where a company has incurred capital expenditure on building hotels from standard approved in Malaysia or capital expenditure in Add or modernize existing hotel buildings so that the standards approved in Malaysia, and a business hotel in the building by a company pilot, the hotel building or part thereof that is added or modernized, as the case may be shall notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 65 (3) of Schedule 3 to the Act are deemed to be industrial buildings for the purpose of The table: provided that if the defined authority is not satisfied that the hotel building, including any part thereof added or modernized it, maintained the standards approved in the basis period for a year of assessment, the building or part thereof that is added or modernized it shall cease to be industrial buildings for the year of assessment and the later year of assessment.
Promotion of investments 35

(2) if subsection (1) applies, in determining the expenses bakian under paragraph 68 of the schedule in relation to any asset at all whatsoever the date after the beginning of the basis period for the year of assessment 1987 attention shall be given of any annual allowance relating to the asset for any year of assessment as if the asset was industrial buildings.
Income statement 20. So much of part V of the principal act as applicable in the case of a company shall be applicable in all respect as if income a company pioneering in respect of taxable pintar pilot business.
Recount income over the period of tax relief 21. (1) revenue a company pilot for each accounting period for pintar pilot business of the principal Act shall be calculated with — (a) regard each accounting period such as the basis period for the year of assessment which includes the day of the end of the accounting period in question; and (b) determine the applicable income as if it statutory income from business pioneer for the year of assessment.
(2) the amount of income a company determined under subsection (1) shall be subject to — (a) any conditions specified in the certificate of the pioneer company is issued under section 7;
(b) any restrictions under section 21A.
(3) If an amount available under subsection (1) or under subsection (1) and (2), as the case may be, or if the amount is reduced by the loss of larasan of the pioneer business pursuant to subsection 25 (2), the Director General shall cause to be delivered to the company a statement showing the amount in question or reduced amount in question , as the case may be.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32736 (4) for the purposes of section 97 and 99 of the principal Act, statement submitted under subsection (3) shall be deemed to be a notice of assessment submitted under the principal Act (instead of a notice relating to the assessment made under section 92 of the principal Act).
(5) this section shall apply to — (a) a company which has given pioneer status prior to 1 January 1991 in accordance with an application for pioneer status received before 1 January 1991; and (b) a company which has given pioneer status on or after 1 November 1991 but its application for pioneer status has been received before 1 January 1991.
Restrictions on income calculated during the period of tax relief 21A. (1) where a company pilot was specified as having a loss larasan for the basis period for a year of assessment in respect of the enterprise in respect of — (a) an activity or manufacture a product that is not an activity encouraged or promoted;
(b) an activity or manufacture a product which is encouraging the activities promoted or for which it is not granted approval status of pioneer or approval under section 27, that much of the company's statutory income any pilot in respect of the pintar pilot business, as may be, as determined under section 21 for the year of assessment shall be reduced by the total of the losses.
(2) where a company pilot was specified as having a loss larasan for the basis period for a year of assessment in respect of a business in connection with an activity or manufacture a product which is the activity encouraged or promoted which was given status of pioneer or approval under section 27 but a period of tax relief or a specified period under the promotion of investments 37 paragraph 29 (2) (b) , (c) or (d) has expired, that much of the company's statutory income in respect of the pintar pilot or other pintar pilot business, as the case may be, as determined under section 21 for the year of assessment shall be reduced by the total of the losses.
(3) that much of the losses that have been applied to reduce the statutory income of the pioneer company in respect of the pintar pilot business, as the case may be, for the year of assessment is not in check-in into account for the purposes of subsection 43 (2) and 44 (2) of the principal Act.
(4) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, if there are adjustments to the loss referred to in subsection (1) and (2) for any year of assessment which result in an increase or decrease in the loss, the Director-General may, at any time within twelve years after the end of the year of assessment, making — (a) adjustments to statutory income company pioneer determined under section 21 for the year of assessment; or (b) the assessment for the year of assessment as it considers necessary to menindak reply any interest exemption obtained before the loss adjustment.
Recount income during the period of tax relief with respect to applications received on or after 1 November 1991 21B. (1) this section shall apply to a company that has been granted pioneer status pursuant to an application for pioneer status received on or after 1 November 1991 in addition to a company which has given pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB).
(2) subject to any conditions specified in the certificate of the pioneer of a company is issued under section 7, the income a company pilot for each accounting period pintar pilot business of the principal Act shall be calculated with — (a) attributes of each accounting period such as the basis period for the year of assessment that includes the last day of the accounting period in question; and the laws of Malaysia ACT 32738 (b) determine the applicable income as if it statutory income from business pioneer for year of assessment.
(3) Seventy percent of the amount of income available under subsection (2) shall be subject to — (a) such restrictions under section 21A; and (b) any reduction by losses in larasan of a pioneer business the company pursuant to subsection 25 (2).
(4) for the purposes of the principal Act, thirty per cent of the amount of income available under subsection (2) shall be deemed to be income of a whole or part of the total income, a company pilot for the relevant year of assessment.
(5) the Director General shall cause to be delivered to the company a statement showing the amounts available under subsection (3).
(6) for the purposes of section 97 and 99 of the principal Act, a statement submitted under subsection (5) shall be deemed to be a notice of assessment submitted under the principal Act (which is not a notice in respect of the assessment made under section 92 of the principal Act).
Recount income during the period in respect of the tax relief granted pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB) 21C. (1) this section shall apply to companies that have been awarded pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AB).
(2) subject to any conditions specified in the certificate of the pioneer of a company is issued under section 7, the income a company pilot for each accounting period pintar pilot business of the principal Act shall be calculated with — (a) attributes of each accounting period such as the basis period for the year of assessment that includes the last day of the accounting period in question; and promotion of investments 39 (b) determine the applicable income as if it statutory income from business pioneer for year of assessment: provided that in the case of a company is operating in Malaysia, the income of the company for each accounting period pintar pilot business is the company's value-added income.
(2A) for the purposes of this section — (a) "additional value of income" means statutory income for the basis period for the year of assessment less basic income adjusted according to inflation; and (b) "basic income adjusted according to inflation" shall be determined according to the formula — (i) for the first year, from the day of production: A (1 + B) where: A is the average statutory income for up to three years before production; and B is the inflation rate for the base year; (ii) for the second year, from production and then: C (1 + B) where: C is income adjusted according to inflation for the previous year; and B is the inflation rate for the base year.
(3) the amount of the company's revenue obtained under subsection (2) shall be subject to — (a) such restrictions under section 21A; and (b) any reduction by losses in larasan of a pioneer business the company pursuant to subsection 25 (2).
(4) the Director General shall cause to be delivered to the company a statement showing the amounts available under subsection (2) or (3), as the case may be.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32740 (5) for the purposes of section 97 and 99 of the principal Act, a statement submitted under subsection (4) shall be deemed to be a notice of assessment submitted under the principal Act (which is not a notice in respect of the assessment made under section 92 of the principal Act).
Recount income during the period of tax relief in respect of a pioneer status granted to the company in the area encouraged 21 d. (1) this section shall apply to a company that has been granted pioneer status in the area are encouraged.

(2) subject to any conditions specified in the certificate of the pioneer of a company is issued under section 7, the income a company pilot for each accounting period pintar pilot business of the principal Act shall be calculated with — (a) attributes of each accounting period such as the basis period for the year of assessment that includes the last day of the accounting period in question; and (b) determine the applicable income as if it statutory income from business pioneer for year of assessment.
(3) Eighty-five per cent of the amount of the company's revenue obtained under subsection (2) shall be subject to — (a) such restrictions under section 21A; and (b) any reduction by losses in larasan of a pioneer business the company pursuant to subsection 25 (2).
(4) for the purposes of the principal Act, fifteen per cent of the amount of income available under subsection (2) shall be deemed to be income of a whole or part of the total income, as the case may be, a company pilot for the relevant year of assessment.
(5) the Director General shall cause to be delivered to the company a statement showing the amounts available under subsection (3).
Promotion of investments 41 (6) for the purposes of section 97 and 99 of the principal Act, a statement submitted under subsection (5) shall be deemed to be a notice of assessment submitted under the principal Act (which is not a notice relating to the assessment made under section 92 of the principal Act).
Recount income during the period in respect of the tax relief granted pioneer status under subsection 6 (1AC) 21E. (1) this section shall apply to a company that has been granted pioneer status under section 6 (1AC).
(2) subject to any conditions specified in the certificate of the pioneer of a company is issued under section 7, the income a company pilot for each accounting period pintar pilot business of the principal Act shall be calculated with — (a) attributes of each accounting period such as the basis period for the year of assessment that includes the last day of the accounting period in question; and (b) determine the applicable income as if it statutory income from business pioneer for year of assessment.
(3) the amount of the company's revenue obtained under subsection (2) shall be subject to — (a) such restrictions under section 21A; and (b) any reduction by losses in larasan of a pioneer business the company pursuant to subsection 25 (2).
(4) the Director General shall cause to be delivered to the company a statement showing the amounts available under subsection (2) or (3).
(5) for the purposes of section 97 and 99 of the principal Act, a statement submitted under subsection (4) shall be deemed to be a notice of assessment submitted under the principal Act (which is not a notice relating to the assessment made under section 92 of the principal Act).
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32742 Recount during the period of income tax relief in respect of a pioneer status granted to high-tech companies or companies that participate in the program chain industry 21F. (1) this section shall apply to a high-tech company or a company that is participating in an activity encouraged or issue a promoted in a program chain industry that has given pioneer status under section 6 (1).
(2) subject to any conditions specified in the certificate of the pioneer of a company is issued under section 7, the income a company pilot for each accounting period pintar pilot business of the principal Act shall be calculated with — (a) attributes of each accounting period such as the basis period for the year of assessment that includes the last day of the accounting period in question; and (b) determine the income in question as if it is a statutory income from business pioneer for year of assessment.
(3) the amount of the company's revenue obtained under subsection (2) shall be subject to — (a) such restrictions under section 21A; and (b) any reduction by losses in larasan of a pioneer business the company pursuant to subsection 25 (2).
(4) the Director General shall cause to be delivered to the company a statement showing the amounts available under subsection (2) or (3), as the case may be.
(5) for the purposes of section 97 and 99 of the principal Act, a statement submitted under subsection (4) shall be deemed to be a notice of assessment submitted under the principal Act (which is not a notice relating to the assessment made under section 92 of the principal Act).
Promotion of investments 43 exemption from income tax of 22. (1) If a statement issued under section 21, 21B, 21 d, 21E, 21C or 21F has become final and conclusive under section 97 of the principal Act, the amount shown in the statement shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act.
(2) before a statement issued under section 21, 21B, 21 d, 21E, 21C or 21F has become final and conclusive, the Director-General may, if it thinks fit, declare that the whole or part of certain of the amount shown in the statement is not disputed; and if he do so, that much of that amount as affected by the Declaration shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act.
Certain tax exempt dividend income 23. (1) as soon as any amount of income a company pilot exempted under section 22, the amount shall be credited to an account in senggara by the pilot company for the purposes of this section (accounts and their company is called masingnya with the exception of account and related companies in this section and section 24).
(2) if the exempt account shows a credit at the date of any dividend paid by the related companies have been exempt from income under section 22, an amount equal to the dividend or credit, as the case that understated, shall be debited to the account exception.
(3) that much of the amount of any dividend is posted to an account exception under subsection (2) as may be accepted by the shareholders in the company shall, if the Director-General are satisfied with the entries in the account exception, exempt from tax under the principal Act that is in the hands of the shareholder.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32744 (4) any dividend is posted to an account exception under subsection (2) shall be calculated as having been distributed to the shareholders (or to any particular class of shareholders) for the company by the same rate to the rate that the shareholders in question entitled can the payment of dividends that gives rise to such debit.
(5) until the Director General is satisfied that no longer have to maintain accounts with the exception of that, the company shall deliver to the Director-General a copy of the exempt account made up to a date specified by him any time required to do so by notice in writing sent by the Director General of the registered office of the company.
(6) if — (a) an amount received as a dividend from the company by a shareholder;
(b) the amount is exempt from tax under subsection mentioned above; and (c) the shareholder of a company, any dividends paid by the company holding the shares to the shareholders shall, to the extent that the Director General is satisfied that such paid dividends paid out of that amount, tax exempt in the hands of the shareholder.
(7) Section 108 of the principal Act shall not apply in respect of any dividend or part thereof is posted to an account exception or in respect of any dividend or part thereof which are exempted under subsection (6).
Earnings were improperly excluded, etc.
24. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act, if it appears to the Director General that any promotion of investments company income 45 related exempt under section 22 or any exempt dividend is in the hands of the shareholders under section 23 should not be excluded because of — (a) a direction under section 17 has been granted in respect of a pioneer company after any income the company has exempted under section 22;
(b) the revocation of a certificate of the pioneer, he may, at any time within twelve years after the date of the direction or such revocation, make such additional assessments on any person as it considers necessary to prevent any benefits derived from the exemption, or directing of the company so exceptional that debiting my account with any amount as required by the circumstances.
(2) a direction given under subsection (1) shall, for the purpose of section 99 of the principal Act, deemed to be a notice of assessment which is not relevant to the assessment made under section 92 of the Act.
Losses suffered during the period of tax relief

25. (1) The amount of any loss incurred in any accounting period for pioneer business a company pilot shall be calculated in the same way as any income to be calculated under subsection 21 (1), 21B (2), 21C (2), (2), 21 d 21E 21F (2) or (2).
(2) where — (a) the amount of any loss of a pioneer company were calculated for an accounting period; and (b) in accordance with subsection 21 (1), 21B (2), 21C (2), (2), 21 d 21E 21F (2) or (2) the accounting period has been calculated for the purposes of the recount as a basis period for a year of assessment the amount of the loss shall be deducted in the manner provided by subsection 43 (2) and 44 (1) of the principal Act from any statutory income from business pioneer or the aggregate statutory income from business pioneer , as the case may be, for the company after such restrictions under section 21A for the year of assessment.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32746 (3) where by reason of the insufficient or no statutory income from business pioneer pilot a company other than a company research and development contract for a year of assessment the implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full in respect of any deduction to be made for that year in accordance with subsection (2), the deduction that has not been made (or so much of it that has not been made) for the year cannot be made when calculating the total income of the company the year of assessment in the basis period in which the initial days after terjatuhnya business pioneer or any later year of assessment.
(4) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income from business pioneer a company research and development contract for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full in respect of any deduction to be made for that year in accordance with subsection (2), the deduction that has not been made (or so much of it that has not been made) for the year should be made when calculating the total income of the company for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the terjatuhnya Today the start business after the pioneer or any later year of assessment.
Chapter 2 — investment tax allowance application for approval of investment tax allowance of 26. (1) subject to subsection (2) and (3), any company that participated in or intend to participate in Malaysia in promoted activities or in the production of a promoted may make application in writing to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance: provided that if the application is made by a company that participated in or intend to participate in an activity encouraged or withdrawal of a promoted in Malaysia and the company controlled directly or indirectly by — (a) a company pilot or a company which has given approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27 that participate in activities encouraged or promoted as the company;
Promotion of investments 47 (b) of a company is given a pioneer status in relation to the activities encouraged or promoted as the company; or (c) a pioneer or a company after company that has granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27 and the period as may be prescribed under paragraph 29 (2) (b) or (c) has expired, the application will be considered if it meets the conditions prescribed by the Minister in a statutory order shall be published in the Gazette.
(2) the pioneer Company of the company which was given status of pioneer or approval under section 27, is only eligible to earn investment tax allowance under subsection (1) in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted in addition to the activities encouraged or promoted products for which a certificate has been issued or the pioneer pioneer status or investment tax allowance has been given.
(3) where a company has given pioneer status with respect to an activity encouraged or promoted, it may be eligible to apply for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under subsection (1) immediately handed over the grant of status in respect of pilot activities are encouraged or promoted it: provided that this subsection applies only if the Minister is satisfied that the reason of delivery pioneer status with respect to the activities encouraged or promoted it.
(4) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with such regulations as may be made under this Act.
Application for approval for investment tax allowance in respect of an activity or an output that is deemed under section 4A as activities encouraged or promoted 26A. (1) any company proposing to establish or participate in an activity or want to participate in the issue a release in Malaysia registered under the laws of Malaysia ACT 32748 section 4A as activities encouraged or promoted products can make a written request to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance: provided that a company that is currently operating in Malaysia can , if it meets such conditions as may be determined by the Minister, make a written request to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance.
(2) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Application for approval for investment tax allowance in the area encouraged 26B. (1) subject to subsection (2), (3) and (4), any company that participated in or intend to participate in Malaysia in a promoted activities or in the production of a promoted in an area recommended may make application in writing to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance: provided that if the application is made by a company that participated in or intend to participate in an activity encouraged or in the production of something promoted within an area are encouraged and the company controlled directly or indirectly by — (a) a pioneer company or of a company has been granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship who participate in activities encouraged or promoted as the company;
(b) a company which provided the pioneer status in relation to the activities encouraged or promoted as the company; or (c) a pioneer or a company after company that has granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship and duration as may be prescribed under paragraph 29C (2) (b) or (c) promotion of investments was over, 49 of the application will be considered if it meets the conditions prescribed by the Minister in a statutory order shall be published in the Gazette.
(2) a company pilot or a company which has given pioneer status or consent under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship can only be eligible to apply for investment tax allowance under subsection (1) in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted products other than activities encouraged or promoted products for which a certificate has been issued or the pioneer pioneer status or investment tax allowance has been given.
(3) where a company has given pioneer status with respect to an activity encouraged or promoted, it may be eligible to apply for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under subsection (1) immediately handed over the grant of status in respect of pilot activities are encouraged or promoted it: provided that this subsection only applies if the Minister is satisfied that the reason of delivery pioneer status with respect to the activities encouraged or promoted it.
(4) where a company has been granted approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under section 27 in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted pursuant to an application received on or after 1 November 1991 but on or before October 29, 1993 and has not done any capital expenditure in respect of activities encouraged or promoted, it may be eligible to apply for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under subsection 27B Sizzler anti-ship (l) once submitted the approval with respect to the activities encouraged or promoted it: provided that notice of the surrender is given not later than 31 March 1995 and that the Minister is satisfied with the reason approval submission in respect of the activities encouraged or promoted it.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32750 (5) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Application for approval for investment tax allowance for company research and development contract 26C. (1) subject to subsection (2), any contract research and development companies that participated in or intend to participate in an activity relating to research and development can make a written request to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance.

(2) where a company has given pioneer status with respect to an activity relating to research and development, it may be eligible to apply for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance under subsection (1) immediately handed over the grant of a standard pilot in respect of the activities: provided that this subsection applies only if the Minister is satisfied that the reason of delivery pioneer status with respect to such activity.
(3) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Application for approval for investment tax allowance for company research and development 26D. (1) any company research and development who participate or intend to participate in an activity relating to research and development can make a written request to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance.
(2) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Promotion of investments 51 Application for approval for investment tax allowance for carrying out research in America 26E. (1) any company that participated in or intend to participate in an activity relating to research in America can make a written request to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance.
(2) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Application for approval for investment tax allowance for high-tech companies or companies that participate in the program chain industry 26F. (1) subject to subsection (2) and (3), any company that participated in or intend to participate in Malaysia in a promoted activities or in the production of a promoted in the field of new technologies and has or any company participating in an activity encouraged or issue a promoted in a program chain industry can make a written request to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance.
(2) a company pilot or a company which has given pioneer status under subsection 6 (1) in respect of an application under subsection 5 (1) or 5 (1B) or approval under subsection 27 (1) or 27B Sizzler anti-ship (1) can only be eligible to apply for investment tax allowance under subsection (1) in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted products other than activities encouraged or promoted products for which a certificate has been issued or the pioneer pioneer status or investment tax allowance has been given.
(3) where a company has given pioneer status with respect to an activity encouraged or promoted, it may be eligible to apply for approval for the purpose of an allowance laws of Malaysia ACT 32752 investment tax under subsection (1) immediately handed over the grant of status in respect of pilot activities are encouraged or promoted it: provided that this subsection applies only if the Minister is satisfied that the reason of delivery pioneer status with respect to the activities encouraged or promoted it.
(4) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Application for approval for investment tax allowance for technical training or vocational 26G. (1) any technical or vocational training company who participated in or intend to participate in Malaysia can apply in writing to the Minister for approval for the purpose of an investment tax allowance.
(2) an application made under subsection (1) shall be in accordance with any regulations made under this Act.
Grant of approval for the purpose of investment tax allowance 27. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26 (1) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, and such approval may be given with effect backdated from a date not earlier than the date of the activity or the product has been determined to be an activity encouraged or promoted under section 4 : provided that — (i) if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity encouraged or in the production of a promoted, or has otherwise do capital expenditure in respect of the promotion of investments, from 53 to it a date before the date of the activity or output has been set as an activity encouraged or promoted under section 4, the approval may be given with effect backdated from a date not earlier than the date the company has involved the promoted activities or in the production of promoted products, or capital expenditure has been done thereto it; and (ii) no approval may be granted with effect backdated under subsection (1) or under the proviso mentioned above from a date earlier than three years from the date of the application under subsection 26 (1) is received by the Minister.
(2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
(4) the company provided approval under this section may, at any time during the period set out in paragraph 29 (2) (b) or (c), surrender the approval by notice in writing to the Minister if the Minister is satisfied that the reasons for surrendering the approval or that the company has complied with the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1) or (2) or any other provisions of this Act , surrender shall take effect from the date specified by the Minister in the notice of the approval of the surrender and the date shall not be earlier than the date the notice is received by the Minister: provided that in respect of a notice of surrender received by the Minister on or after 1 January 1986 and on or before March 31, 1987 and when the Minister is satisfied as provided in this subsection , The Minister may, upon the approval of the surrender, stating a date not earlier than 1 January 1986 as the date of the surrender is to take effect.
Laws of Malaysia ACT Granting approval for 32754 investment tax allowance made under section 26A (1) 27A. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under section 26A (1) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit: provided that — (i) if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity or issue a release, or has otherwise do capital expenditure in relation to it, from a date prior to the date of the activity or the products have been deemed to be an activity encouraged or promoted , as the case may be, under section 4A, the approval may be given with effect backdated from a date not earlier than the date that the company has been involved in activities or in issuing the release, or capital expenditure has been done thereto it; and (ii) no approval may be granted with effect backdated under subsection (1) or under a provision previously from a date earlier than three years from the date of the application under section 26A (1) is received by the Minister.
(2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection (1) 26B 27B Sizzler anti-ship. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26B (1) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, and such approval may be granted with effect from a date, the recent promotion of investments 55 not earlier than the date of the activity or the products have been determined to be an activity encouraged or such promoted under section 4 : provided that — (a) if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity encouraged or in the production of a promoted, or has otherwise do capital expenditure in relation to it, from a date prior to the date of the activity or the products have been determined to be an activity encouraged or promoted under section 4, the approval may be given with effect backdated from a date not earlier than the date that the company has engaged in activities advisable or in the production of promoted products, or capital expenditure has been done thereto it; and (b) no approval may be granted with effect backdated under subsection (1) or under a provision previously from a date earlier than three years from the date of the application under subsection 26B (1) is received by the Minister.

(2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26C (1) 27 c. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26C (l) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit: provided that if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity or was otherwise guilty of capital expenditure in relation to it, from a laws of Malaysia ACT 32756 date before the date of such activity has been deemed to be a promoted activities under section 4B the approval may be given, with recent effective from a date not earlier than October 29, 1993.
(2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26D (1) 27D. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26D (l) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, and such approval may be given with effect backdated from a date not earlier than the date such activities have been deemed to be a promoted activities under section 4B: provided that — (a) if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity or has otherwise capital expenditure in relation to it, from a date before the date of such activity has been deemed to be a promoted activities under section 4B, the approval may be given with the effective power in recent years from a date not earlier than the date that the company has engaged in such activity or capital expenditure has been done thereto it; and (b) no approval may be granted with effect backdated under subsection (1) or under a provision previously from a date earlier than three years from the date of the application under subsection 26D (l) received by the Minister.
(2) the Minister may vary the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
Promotion of investments 57 (3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under section 26E (1) 27E. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under section 26E (1) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit: provided that if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity or was otherwise guilty of capital expenditure in relation to it, from a date before the date of such activity has been deemed to be a promoted activities under section 4B the approval may be given, with recent effective from a date not earlier than October 29, 1993.
(2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under section 26F (1) 27F. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under section 26F (l) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit: provided that if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity encouraged or in the production of a promoted, or has otherwise do capital expenditure in relation to it, from a date prior to the date of the activity or the products have been determined to be an activity encouraged or promoted in pursuant to section 4, the approval may be given with effect backdated from a date not earlier than October 29, 1993.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32758 (2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Grant of approval application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26G (1) 27G. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application for investment tax allowance made under subsection 26G (1) subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit: provided that if the Minister is satisfied that the company has engaged in an activity or was otherwise guilty of capital expenditure in relation to it, from a date before the date of such activity has been deemed to be a promoted activities under section 4B the approval may be given, with recent effective from a date not earlier than October 28, 1994.
(2) the Minister may amend the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(3) in the exercise of its powers under subsection (1) and (2), the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Withdrawal of approval of investment tax allowance 28. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 27, 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship, 27 c, 27D, 27E, 27F or 27G fails to comply with any term or condition imposed under subsection 27 (1), 27 (2), 27A (1), (2) 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship 27B Sizzler anti-ship (1), (2), 27 c 27 c (1), (2), 27D (1), 27D (2), 27E (1), (2) 27E, 27F 27F (1) (2), 27G (1) , 27G (2) or any other provisions of this Act, the Minister shall by notice in writing require the company within thirty days from the date of service of notice to show cause why such approval should not be revoked.
Promotion of investments 59 (2) the Minister may revoke an approval given under subsection 27 (1) (1), 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship (1), 27 c (1), 27D (1), (1), 27E 27F (1) or 27G (1) — (a) if the company has failed to comply with a notice served on him under subsection (1);
(b) if he is not satisfied with the reasons for not complying with the terms and conditions imposed under subsection 27 (1), 27 (2), 27A (1), (2) 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship 27B Sizzler anti-ship (1), (2), 27 c 27 c (1), (2), 27D (1), 27D (2), 27E (1), (2) 27E, 27F 27F (1) (2), 27G (1), 27G (2) or any other provisions of this Act.
Investment tax allowance 29. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 27 have done in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of activities encouraged or promoted capital expenditure for the purposes of activities encouraged or promoted it, must be given to the company for the year of assessment the investment tax allowance of the amount approved by the Minister of finance, and allowances shall not be more than one hundred per cent of the expenditure.
(2) Allowance for expenses granted under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (5), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred within five years from the date the approval was initiated into operation;
(c) subject to subsection (3), shall be given in respect of manufacturing activities in integrated agriculture activities for any expenses incurred within the past five years another from a date to be determined by the Minister, being the date in or after the period mentioned in paragraph (2) (b); and the laws of Malaysia ACT 32760 (d) shall, in the case of surrendering the approval under subsection 27 (4), granted in respect of expenditure incurred from the date of that approval is to be started in force until the date of surrender: provided that — (i) where a company doing capital expenditure from the date of such approval shall come into effect as referred to in paragraph (2) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted the expenses shall be deemed to be in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business; and (ii) where a company doing capital expenditure before the application under section 27 and if approval under section 27 is given with effect backdated from a date earlier than the date the application is made, the allowance under this section in respect of the expenses shall be granted, subject to subsection (5), only for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company was informed of the approval of the application.
(3) where a company has been granted approval under section 27 in respect of integrated agricultural activities, the company shall, within six years from the date of approval, provide to the Minister such particulars as may be prescribed for the purpose of determining the date under paragraph (2) (c).

(4) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the company's income from business larasan of the company in respect of an activity encouraged or a promoted for the basis period for the year equal to the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act for the year of assessment.
(5) where, by reason of insufficient or no income larasan a company out of business the company is in respect of an activity encouraged or a promoted for the basis period for the year of assessment, the implementation can not 61 promotion of investments carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for the year in relation to the resources comprising the business , notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), (2) and (4), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which the basis period for which there is a larasan of the business income, and so on for year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it is entitled to receive such : provided that allowances arising under this subsection shall be given only after the income reduction larasan, if any, the company is entitled to receive under section 32, 33, 33A, 34 or 36.
(6) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (4), section 23 shall apply concerning the income (with any necessary modifications) as it applies on income exempt under section 22.
(7) for the purposes of this section, and subject to subsection (8), "capital expenditures" — (i) in relation to manufacturing, means capital expenditure made for the factory or any plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purposes of activities encouraged or promoted;
(ii) in relation to agriculture, means capital expenditure made in respect of — (a) clean and menyiapsediakan land; (b) the planting of plants; (c) grant system of irrigation or drainage system; (d) hold plant and machinery used in Malaysia for the purpose of planting crops, livestock animals, aquaculture, fishing in the Interior or in the deep sea and other agricultural or livestock work;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32762 (e) construction of access roads including bridges; and (f) the construction or purchase of buildings (including buildings provided for the welfare of the person or as a shelter for people) and fixes at the structure on the land or other structures used for the purpose of planting crops, livestock animals, aquaculture, fishing in the Interior and agriculture or other livestock: provided that for the purposes of subparagraph (e) and (f) roads, bridges, buildings, improvements on the structure on the ground and other structures on the land forming part of the land used for the purpose of crop cultivation, livestock animals, aquaculture, fishing in the Interior and other agricultural or livestock work;
(iii) in relation to a business hotel, means the capital expenditure incurred on the construction of a building of hotel standard approved in Malaysia, including any changes, additions and expanded add or hold plant and machinery or other facilities used in connection with the hotel's business;
(iv) in relation to tourism project means a capital expenditure made in respect of a tourism project in Malaysia and including capital expenditure on — (a) clearing land for the purpose of a tourism project;
(b) the planting of trees and plants; (c) the construction of roads and other infrastructural facilities provided they are on land forming part of the land used for the purpose of a tourism project;
(d) holding of the exhibition of birds, animals and other exhibits;
(e) the holding of plant and machinery; (f) to buildings (including buildings provided for the welfare of the person or as a shelter for people), fixes at the structure on the ground and other structures on the land forming part of the land used for the purpose of a tourism project.
Promotion of investments 63 (8) for the purposes of this section, capital expenditure excluding capital expenditure incurred on buildings used as dwellings, plant and machinery in which building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
(9) this section shall apply to — (a) a company which has granted approval under section 27 before 1 November 1991; and (b) a company which has granted approval under section 27 on or after 1 November 1991 but his application under section 26 have been accepted before 1 January 1991.
Investment tax allowance in respect of applications received on or after 1 November 1991 29A. (1) this section shall apply to companies that have been granted approval for the purpose of investment tax allowance pursuant to an application received on or after 1 November 1991 in addition to the companies that have been granted approval for the purpose of investment tax allowance under section 27A.
(2) where a company has been granted approval under section 27 have done in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of activities encouraged or promoted capital expenditure for the purposes of activities encouraged or promoted it, must be given to the company for the year of assessment the investment tax allowance of sixty per cent of the expenditure.
(3) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (2) — (a) subject to subsection (6), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred in the period of five years from the date the approval will come into operation;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32764 (c) subject to subsection (4), shall be given in respect of manufacturing activities in integrated agriculture activities for any expenses incurred in the past five years and the other one from a date to be determined by the Minister, being the date in or after the period mentioned in paragraph (3) (b); and (d) shall, in the case of surrendering the approval under subsection 27 (4), granted in respect of expenditure incurred from the date approved it will have effect as of the date of surrender: provided that — (i) where a company doing capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in paragraph (3) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business; and (ii) where a company doing capital expenditure before the application under subsection 26 (1) and if approval under section 27 is given with effect backdated from a date earlier than the date the application is made, the allowance under this section in respect of the expenses shall be granted, subject to subsection (6), only for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company was informed of the approval of the application.
(4) where a company has been granted approval under section 27 in respect of integrated agricultural activities, the company shall, within a period of six years from the date of approval, provide to the Minister any prescribed for the purpose of determining the date under paragraph (3) (c).
(5) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (2) for a year of assessment, that much of statutory income from the business of the company in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted for promotion of investments 65 year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act : provided that the amount waived shall be seventy per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.

(6) If, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of the resources comprising the business, notwithstanding subsection (2) , (3) and (5), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it is entitled to receive such : provided that allowances arising under this subsection shall be given only after statutory income reduction, if any, which the company is entitled to receive under section 36.
(7) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (5), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(8) for the purposes of this section and subject to subsection (9), the term "capital expenditure" has the meaning assigned to it under subsection 29 (7) and shall include capital expenditure made in respect of the assets as determined by the Minister with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance through statutory order published in the Gazette.
(9) Notwithstanding subsection (8), "capital expenditures" excluding capital expenditure made for the building (used as a shelter for people), and the laws of Malaysia ACT 32766 if building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly for the number of directors or individuals who are members of management, administrative or clerical staff.
Investment tax allowance for application under section 26A awarded approval under section 27A 29B. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 27A was doing in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity or issue a release that is deemed under section 4A as activities encouraged or promoted capital expenditure for the purposes of the activity or the production of the products, shall be given to the company for the year of assessment the investment tax allowance of 100% of the expenses.
(2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4) and (5), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred in the period of five years from the date the approval will come into operation: provided that — (i) where a company doing capital expenditure from the date approved it will have effect in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity or issue a release that, the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business; and (ii) where a company doing capital expenditure before the application under section 26A and if approval under section 27A is given with effect in recent years from a date earlier than the date the application is made, the allowance under this section in respect of the expenses shall be granted, subject to subsection (4), only for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company was informed of the approval of the application.
Promotion of investments 67 (2A) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the expenses incurred prior to granting approval based on an application made under the proviso to subsection 26A (1) shall not be deemed to have been done within the approval basis effect whether or not the assets obtained from expenditure that was later owned by the same company or a new entity.
(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of the activities or produce the deemed under section 4A as an activity encouraged or promoted the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act for the year of assessment.
(4) subject to subsection (5) If, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income in respect of the company's business activities or produce the deemed under section 4A as an activity encouraged or promoted for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of resources consisting of the business , notwithstanding subsection (1), (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(5) If a company fails to comply with any term or condition under section 27A at the end of five years from the date the approval will come into force, subsection (4) shall not apply for the allowance to be implemented is not provided under this section for that year of assessment base period including the last day of the period under paragraph (2) (b).
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32768 (6) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(7) for the purposes of this section and subject to subsection (8) the term "capital expenditure" has the meaning assigned to it under subsection 29 (7) and shall include capital expenditure made in respect of the assets as determined by the Minister with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance through statutory order published in the Gazette.
(8) Notwithstanding subsection (7), "capital expenditures" does not include the capital expenditure incurred on the building (used as a shelter for people), plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
Investment tax allowance for application under section 26B, which has granted approval under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship 29C. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship was doing in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted in an area recommended capital expenditure for the purposes of activities encouraged or promoted it, must be given to the company for the year of assessment investment tax allowance of eighty per cent of the expenditure.
(2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (5), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred in the period of five years from the date the approval will come into operation;
(c) subject to subsection (3), shall be given in respect of manufacturing activities in integrated agriculture activities for any expenses 69 promotion of investments made in the past five years another one from a date to be determined by the Minister, namely a date in or after the period mentioned in paragraph (2) (b): provided that — (i) where a company doing capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in paragraph (2) (b) in relation to a business almost want to it undertook with respect to an activity encouraged or promoted in an area are encouraged, the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business; and (ii) where a company doing capital expenditure before the application under section 26B and if approval under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship granted with effect in recent years from a date earlier than the date the application is made, the allowance under this section in respect of the expenses shall be granted, subject to subsection (5), only for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company was informed of the approval of the application.

(3) where a company has been granted approval under section 27B Sizzler anti-ship respect an integrated agricultural activities, the company shall, within a period of six years from the date of approval, provide to the Minister any prescribed for the purpose of determining the date under paragraph (2) (c).
(4) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted products for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act : provided that such exempt amount shall not exceed eighty five per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32770 (5) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of resources consisting of the business , notwithstanding subsection (1), (2) and (4), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(6) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (4), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(7) Subsection 29 (7) and (8) in relation to capital expenditure shall apply, mutatis mutandis, for the purposes of this section.
Investment tax allowance for application under section 26C that have been granted approval under section 27 c 29D. (1) where a contract research and development companies that have been granted approval under section 27 c did in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity in respect of capital expenditure on research and development for the purpose of such activity, shall be given to the company for the year of assessment investment tax allowance of 100% of the expenses.
(2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred within a period of ten years from the date the approval will come into operation;
Promotion of investments 71 provided that if a company capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in subsection (2) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity relating to research and development, the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business.
(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of an activity relating to research and development for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act : provided that the amount waived shall be seventy per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.
(4) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity relating to research and development for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of the resources comprising the business, notwithstanding subsection (1) , (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(5) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32772 (6) for the purposes of this section and subject to subsection (7), "capital expenditures" — (a) in relation to research-based manufacturing, means capital expenditure made for the factory or any plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purpose of activities in respect of research and development; and (b) in relation to research-based agriculture, means capital expenditure made in respect of — (i) cleaning and menyiapsediakan land; (ii) trial crops;
(iii) grant system of irrigation or drainage system; (iv) conducting plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purpose of activities in respect of research and development;
(v) construction of access roads including bridges; and (vi) the construction or purchase of buildings (excluding building provided for the welfare of the person or as a shelter for people) and fixes at the structure on the land for the purpose of activities in respect of research and development.
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (6), "capital expenditures" does not include the capital expenditure incurred on the building (used as a shelter for people), plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
Investment tax allowance for application under section 26D that have been granted approval under section 29E 27D. (1) where a company research and development that have been granted approval under section 27D was doing in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity in respect of capital expenditure on research and development for the purpose of such activity, shall be given to the company for the year of assessment investment tax allowance of 100% of the expenses.
Promotion of investments 73 (2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred within a period of ten years from the date the approval will come into operation: provided that — (i) where a company doing capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in paragraph (2) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity relating to research and development the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business; and (ii) where a company doing capital expenditure prior to its application under section 26D and if approval under section 27D granted with effect in recent years from a date earlier than the date the application is made, the allowance under this section in respect of the expenses shall be granted, subject to subsection (4), only for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company was informed of the approval of the application.
(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of an activity relating to research and development for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act : provided that the amount waived shall be seventy per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32774

(4) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity relating to research and development for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowance or company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of resources consisting of the business , notwithstanding subsection (1), (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(5) where any income exempt from tax by virtue of subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(6) for the purposes of this section and subject to subsection (7), "capital expenditures" — (a) in relation to research-based manufacturing, means capital expenditure made for the factory or any plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purpose of activities in respect of research and development; and (b) in relation to research-based agriculture, means capital expenditure made in respect of — (i) cleaning and menyiapsediakan land;
(ii) trial crops;
(iii) grant system of irrigation or drainage system;
(iv) conducting plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purpose of activities in respect of research and development;
(v) construction of access roads including bridges; Promotion of investments and 75 (vi) the construction or purchase of buildings (excluding building provided for the welfare of the person or as a shelter for people) and fixes at the structure on the land for the purpose of activities in respect of research and development.
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (6), "capital expenditures" does not include the capital expenditure incurred on the building (used as a shelter for people), plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
Investment tax allowance for application under section 26E was given approval under section 27E 29F. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 27E did in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity relating to research in the company's capital expenditure for the purposes of such activity, shall be given to the company for the year of assessment investment tax allowance of fifty per cent of the expenses: provided that for the purposes of this subsection "capital expenses" does not include — (a) capital expenditure as defined under subsection 29 (7) (8), 29A, 29B (7), 29C (7), 29D (6), (6) 29E, 29 g (6) or 31E (6);
(b) the capital expenditure for the purposes of Schedule 7A of the principal Act; and (c) capital expenditure made for the plant or machinery used directly or indirectly for the purpose of the storage, treatment or disposal of scheduled wastes as defined in the regulations of the environmental quality (scheduled wastes) 1989 [P.U. (B) 139/1989].
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32776 (2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred within a period of ten years from the date the approval will come into operation: provided that if a company commits capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in paragraph (2) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity relating to research in America the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business.
(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of an activity relating to research within the company for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act : provided that the amount waived shall be seventy per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.
(4) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity relating to research in America for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of the resources comprising the business, notwithstanding subsection (1) , (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
Promotion of investments 77 (5) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(6) for the purposes of this section and subject to subsection (7), "capital expenditures" — (a) in relation to research-based manufacturing, means capital expenditure made for the factory or any plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purpose of activities in respect of research within the company; and (b) in relation to research-based agriculture, means capital expenditure made in respect of — (i) cleaning and menyiapsediakan land;
(ii) trial crops;
(iii) grant system of irrigation or drainage system;
(iv) conducting plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purpose of activities in respect of research within the company;
(v) construction of access roads including bridges; and (vi) the construction or purchase of buildings (excluding building provided for the welfare of the person or as a shelter for people) and fixes at the structure on the land for the purpose of activities in respect of research in America.
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (6), "capital expenditure" shall not include the capital expenditure incurred on the building (used as a shelter for people), plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery, it allocated wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32778 investment tax allowance for application under section 26F which has granted approval under section 27F 29 g. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 27F has done in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted in the field of new technologies and has or in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted a program in an industry chain for capital expenditure purposes are encouraged or promoted it, must be given to the company for the year of assessment investment tax allowance of sixty per cent of the expenditure.
(2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
(b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred in the period of five years from the date the approval will come into operation: provided that if a company commits capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in paragraph (2) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted in the field of new technologies and has or in respect of an activity encouraged or a promoted in a program chain industry, such expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business.

(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted products for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act.
Promotion of investments 79 (4) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of resources consisting of the business , notwithstanding subsection (1), (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from the businesses, and so on for year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(5) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(6) Subsection 29 (7) and (8) in relation to capital expenditure shall apply, mutatis mutandis, for the purposes of this section.
Investment tax allowance for application under section 26G that have been granted approval under section 27G 29H. (1) where a technical or vocational training company that has been granted approval under section 27G was doing in the basis period for the year of assessment in respect of an activity in relation to the technical training or vocational capital expenditure for the purposes of such activity, shall be given to the company for the year of assessment investment tax allowance of 100% of the expenses.
(2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32780 (b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred within a period of ten years from the date the approval will come into operation: provided that if a company commits capital expenditure from the date the approval will come into operation referred to in paragraph (2) (b) in relation to a business that is almost to be undertook in respect of an activity in relation to the technical training or vocational the expenses shall be deemed to have been committed in the basis period in which it begins to carry on that business.
(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income in respect of an activity in relation to technical or vocational training for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act : provided that the amount waived shall be seventy per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.
(4) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income business of the company in respect of an activity in relation to technical or vocational training for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of resources consisting of the business , notwithstanding subsection (1), (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which kemudiaannya up to the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(5) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
Promotion of investments 81 (6) for the purposes of this section and subject to subsection (7) "capital expenditure", in respect of technical training or vocational, means the capital expenditure incurred on the building or on any plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purposes of activities relating to the training.
(7) Notwithstanding-even subsection (6), "capital expenditures" excluding capital expenditure made for the building (used as a shelter for people), plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
Application of section 19 30. If a business hotel in Malaysia by a company that granted approval under section 27 in a building of hotel standard approved or in part of an existing hotel building added or modernized in which the modernization of the approved standard, section 19 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, of the hotel building or any part thereof to be added or modernized.
The meaning of the company relating to agriculture 31. For the purposes of this chapter, in the case of an application for approval of investment tax allowances in respect of activities encouraged or promoted in relation to agriculture, "company" includes agricultural-based cooperatives, farmers ' Associations, farmers ' Association Federal Area, farmers ' Association, State, Area Fishermen's Association Association Association of federal, State and sole proprietorship, partnership or association practically involved in agriculture: provided that section 23 applies only on a company incorporated under any written law.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32782 Chapter 2A — industrial adjustment Allowance the definition of industrial adjustment 31A. (1) for the purposes of this chapter, "industrial adjustment" means any activities proposed to be undertaken by any particular sector of the industry manufacturing restructuring by means of organizing again, reconstruction or merger in specific sectors with the intention to strengthen the basis for subsistence industry, developing industrial technology, enhance productivity, increasing the use of efficient natural resources management and efficient manpower.
(2) such activities must be approved by the Minister with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance.
Application for the industrial adjustment allowance 31B. (1) any company participating in the industrial adjustment can make a written request to the Minister to obtain the approval for the purpose of an industrial adjustment allowance.
(2) a company pioneering or a company which has given pioneer status or approval under section 27 is only eligible to apply for the industrial adjustment allowance under subsection (1) — (a) in respect of an activity or product manufacturing terkilang other than activities encouraged or promoted products for which a certificate has been issued or the pioneer pioneer status was given; or (b) in respect of capital expenditure other than capital expenditure for which investment tax allowance has been given: provided that if a company pioneering or a company which has granted the approval under section 27 to carry out the same or similar product manufacturing after a period of tax relief or the period specified under section 29 ended or halted, the company can apply for the industrial adjustment allowance under subsection (1) only in respect of capital expenditure in relation to the activities or the products made by the company after the end of the period of tax relief or the period specified under section 29.
Promotion of Investment approval in respect of the granting of the 83 allowance industrial adjustment 31C. (1) the Minister may give the approval in respect of an application made under section 31B, subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.
(2) the Minister may give an approval under subsection (1) with recent effective from a date not earlier than the date the application is received by the Minister.
(3) the Minister may vary the terms and conditions imposed under subsection (1).
(4) in the exercise of its powers under this section, the Minister shall act with the written consent of the Minister of finance.
Withdrawal of approval for the industrial adjustment allowance

31D. (1) If a company which has granted the approval under section 31c fails to comply with any terms and conditions imposed under it, the Minister shall, by notice in writing, require the company, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice, indicating the reason why the approval should not be revoked.
(2) the Minister may revoke an approval given under section 31C — (a) if the company fails to comply with a notice served on him under subsection (1); or (b) if he is not satisfied with the reasons for not complying with the terms and conditions imposed under section 31C.
The industrial adjustment allowance 31E. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 31C was doing in the basis period for a year of assessment in respect of the manufacture or release terkilang capital expenditure for the purpose of manufacturing or the terkilang release, shall be given to the company for the year of assessment the industrial adjustment allowance of the amount approved by the Minister of finance, and allowances shall not be more than one hundred per cent of the expenditure.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32784 (2) Allowance for expenditure given under subsection (1) — (a) subject to subsection (4), shall be given only for the year of assessment in the basis period for which the expenditure was made; and (b) shall be given in respect of expenses incurred within five years from the date the approval will come into operation: provided that if a company commits capital expenditure from the date of approval of the want to have effect in relation to a business that is almost to be carried out in respect of an activity or product manufacturing, the terkilang expenditure shall be deemed to be effected within the foundation that it starts to run the business.
(3) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the company's income from business larasan of the company for the basis period for the year equal to the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act for the year of assessment.
(4) If by reason of insufficient or no income larasan a company of enterprise the company for the basis period for a year of assessment the implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for that year in respect of the resources comprising the business, notwithstanding subsection (1) , (2) and (3), that much of the relevant allowances can not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the year of assessment is then the first for the basis period for which there is a larasan of the business income, and that the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it is entitled to receive such : provided that allowances arising under this subsection shall be given only after the income reduction larasan, if any, the company is entitled to receive under section 32, 33, 33A, 34 or 36.
Promotion of investments 85 (5) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (3), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
(6) for the purposes of this chapter, "capital expenditure" in relation to capital expenditure means manufacturing activities performed on a factory or on any plant and machinery used in Malaysia in connection with and for the purposes of terkilang products but excluding capital expenditure made for the buildings used as dwellings, plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly for the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management , administrative or clerical staff.
Chapter 3 — Income Reduction Larasan Reduction due to location in an industrial area are encouraged to 32. (1) subject to subsection (2) to (5), if the income of a company for the basis period for the year of assessment obtained from manufacturing products and business in the basis period of the company is for the purpose of that business have factories that are operating in the industrial area are encouraged to be declared under subsection (4), shall be given to the company for the year of assessment the reduction of five per cent of the income in respect of the business larasan : provided that this subsection shall not apply to an enterprise — (a) for the period sepanjangnya the company — (i) the pioneer status was granted in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and being applied for or intend to apply for that given certification pioneer; or (ii) have been given a pilot certificate in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and tax relief period has not yet ended or halted;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32786 (b) for the period specified under paragraph 29 (2) (b), (c) or (d), 29C (2) (b) or (c), 29D (2) (b), 29E (2) (b), 29F (2) (b) or 29 g (2) (b) in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted products for which the company has been granted approval under section 27, 27B Sizzler anti-ship, 27 c, 27D, 27E 27F or.
(2) where income larasan company for that business for the year of assessment consists of activities other than the operation of factories in the industrial area are encouraged, the amount of income larasan for a year of assessment to be reduced under subsection (1) shall be the rate of earnings for so larasan the company from that business for the basis period for the year of assessment as related only by the amount that is included in the gross income of the company from the business for the period obtained from plant operation in the area industries encouraged: provided that in determining the income rate larasan a deduction under section 4 of part III of the principal Act of the gross income of the company from the resources for the period shall be made — (a) only if it is clearly related to the operation of the factory in the industrial area are encouraged; or (b) if part only of the amount relating to such berbandingan with the same rate with the deduction as that amount is included in the gross income of the company from the business for the period arising from the operation of the factory in the industrial area are encouraged to berbandingan with a gross income of the company from the business for the period.
(3) income Reduction larasan under subsection (1) shall be provided for each year of assessment in the basis period for which the factory operates in the industrial area are encouraged: provided that such reduction shall be granted for a term not less than five years successive assessments also notwithstanding Declaration of an industrial area that was cancelled by the Minister are encouraged.
Promotion of investments 87 (4) for the purposes of this section, the Minister with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance may from time to time, by statutory order in the Gazette — (a) declare for a specific period of any area in Malaysia as an industrial area are encouraged;
(b) add to, delete from, alter or amend any order made under this subsection.
(5) this section shall not apply — (a) for a company not resident in Malaysia for the basis year for a year of assessment; or (b) for a company if the company's revenue is derived from the operation of a factory in the industrial area are encouraged and the plant started its operation on or after 1 January 1992.
The reduction of income larasan for small scale company 33. (1) subject to subsection (2), (3) and (4), where a company resident in Malaysia in a basis year for year of assessment and that is a small company in the basis period for the year of assessment running a business to manufacture products in Malaysia which started on or after 1 January 1986, the company should be given a reduction of five percent of income larasan in respect of that business for the year of assessment : provided that this subsection shall not apply to an enterprise — (a) for the period sepanjangnya the company — (i) the pioneer status was granted in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and being applied for or intend to apply for that given certification pioneer; or (ii) have been given a pilot certificate in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and tax relief period has not yet ended or halted;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32788 (b) for the period specified under paragraph 29 (2) (b), (c) or (d) in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted products for which the company has been granted approval under section 27.
(2) the reduction referred to in subsection (1) shall be granted for a period of five years of assessment in a row starting from the year of assessment in the basis period for which the business began.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) and (2), the reduction shall cease from given from the year of assessment in the basis year which the company no longer domiciled in Malaysia or in the basis period for which the company ceases to be a small scale company.
(4) for the purposes of this section — "small company" means a company money shareholders on the first day of the basis period for the year of assessment not exceeding the amount as declared, the Minister may from time to time, by statutory order published in the Gazette.
(5) this section shall not apply for a small business company that started manufacturing output in Malaysia on or after 1 January 1992.
33A. (Cut by the A862 Act).
The reduction of income larasan observing Government policy on capital participation or employment in industry 34. (1) if the Minister is satisfied that a company residing in Malaysia in a basis year for a year of assessment and that a engage in manufacturing activities in Malaysia was in the basis period for the year of assessment in compliance with government policy on capital participation or employment in the industry, the company should be given a reduction of income larasan in respect of its business in relation to the promotion of Investment activities for the year of assessment 89 according to a rate as may be prescribed by the Minister of finance : provided that this subsection shall not apply to an enterprise — (a) for the period sepanjangnya the company — (i) the pioneer status was granted in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and being applied for or intend to apply for that given certification pioneer; or (ii) have been given a pilot certificate in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and tax relief period has not yet ended or halted;
(b) for the period specified under paragraph 29 (2) (b), (c) or (d) in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted products for which the company has been granted approval under section 27.
(2) the reduction referred to in subsection (1) shall be given for a period of five years of assessment in a row, starting from the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company was first given the reduction.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) and (2), the reduction shall not be granted for the year of assessment in the basis period in which the company fails to meet, to the satisfaction of the Minister, the Government's policies on capital participation or employment in the industry.
(4) this section shall not apply — (a) for a company who has complied with the Government's policies regarding capital participation or employment in the industry from 1 January 1986 to 31 December 1991; and (b) for a company that has been granted a reduction in income larasan under subsection (1) before 1 January 1992.
(5) for the purposes of this section, the Minister with the consent in writing of the Minister of finance must be in a statutory order published in the Gazette mention the reduction rate.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32790 exemption from income tax of 35. (1) if the reduction is given to a company under section 32, 33 and 34 for a year of assessment, that much of the income of the company larasan for the basis period for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of reduction (or with the aggregate amount of any reduction, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act for the year of assessment.
(2) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (1), section 23 shall apply concerning the income (with any necessary modifications) as it applies on income exempt under section 22.
Chapter 4 — reduction of statutory income for the export decrease in statutory income for export 36. (1) subject to subsection (4), if in the basis period for the year of assessment, a company mengeksportkan directly or through the agent any products manufactured by the company in Malaysia, the statutory income of the company for the year of assessment shall be reduced by the amount determined in accordance with subsection (2): provided that this subsection shall not apply to an enterprise — (a) for the period sepanjangnya the company — (i) the pioneer status was granted in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and being apply or intend to apply for that given certification pioneer; or (ii) have been given a pilot certificate in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and tax its divestment is not yet ended or halted;
(b) for the period specified under paragraph 29 (2) (b), (c) or (d) or subsection 29A (3) in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted products for which the company has been granted approval under section 27;
Promotion of investments 91 (c) for the period specified under paragraph 29B (2) (b), 29C (2) (b) or (c), 29D (2) (b), 29E (2) (b), 29F (2) (b) or 29 g (2) (b) in respect of an activity or issue a product for which the company has been granted approval under section 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship, 27 c, 27D, 27E 27F or.
(2) the amount of statutory income to be reduced under subsection (1) shall be the amount determined by the statutory rates income equal to twenty-five percent of the total export sales total sales: provided that if the basis period of a company for the year of assessment 1994 including a period prior to 1 January 1993, the amount to be reduced shall be the sum of — (a) an amount determined by the statutory rates income equal to fifty percent of sales exports in the period prior to 1 January 1993 on the amount of sales for the rest of the basis period; and (b) an amount determined by the statutory rates income equal to twenty-five percent of export sales in the period after 31 December 1992, on the total sales for the rest of the basis period: provided further that if the basis period for the year of assessment 1995 a company including a period prior to 1 January 1994, the company shall be the income reduction statutorinya under subsection (1) and the amount to be reduced under subsection (2) shall be an amount determined to impose the statutory income a rate equal to twenty-five percent of export sales in the period prior to 1 January 1994 on total sales for the rest of the basis period.
(3) (Cut by the Act A656).
(4) the Minister with written consent of the Minister of finance, may by statutory order in the Gazette — (a) (struck by A862 Act);
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32792 (b) declare any product in respect of which this section shall not apply; and (c) add to, delete from, alter and amend any order made under this subsection.
(5) for the purposes of this section — "export" includes the sale of local manufacturing products from a company that is in addition to the free industrial zone and licensed manufacturing warehouses to the company in the free industrial zone and to licensed manufacturing warehouse and selling film and video outside Malaysia;
"export sales" means the value of the free into the ship for a dieksportkan release.
The landing of the products exported 36A. (1) there is nothing statutory income reduction can be given to a company in respect of products which have been dieksportkan and then didaratkan again in Malaysia.
(2) where a company has been granted a reduction in the statutory income with respect to any product that has been dieksportkan and then didaratkan again in Malaysia, a reduction of statutory income given such shall be withdrawn and given such shall be considered as part of the statutory income in the basis period for the year of assessment in which the claim has been made.
(3) for the purposes of this section, "didaratkan back in Malaysia" means products manufactured locally here which has been dieksportkan by a company and brought back to Malaysia and includes improvements to the company, which claims to obtain a reduction of statutory income under subsection 36 (1), the output will be manufactured locally here which is sold to a company in the free industrial zone or to the licensed manufacturing warehouse.
Promotion of investments 93 exemption from income tax of 37. (1) if the reduction is given to a company under section 36 for a year of assessment, that much of the company statutory income from the business of the company is equal to the amount of the reduction shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act for the year of assessment.

(2) where, by reason of insufficient or no statutory income of a company from the company's business for the basis period for the year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of the reduction of that company is entitled to receive under section 36 for that year in connection with resources comprising the business, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) and subsection 36 (1) , that much of the reduction under paragraph 36 (2) (b) that could not be given for that year shall be deemed to be a reduction to be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which the basis period for which there is a statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received overall reduction which it reserves the right to regain it such.
(3) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (1), section 23 shall apply concerning the income (with any necessary modifications) as it applies on income exempt under section 22.
The reduction could not be found 38. This chapter shall not apply to — (a) a company which is not resident in Malaysia for the basis year for a year of assessment; or (b) a trading company as defined under section 40; and (c) a corporation in respect of the export of made on or after 1 January 1994.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 32794 Chapter 5 — Allowances Export Export Allowance 39. (1) in determining the income larasan a company for the basis period for the year of assessment, shall be deducted from the gross income of the business for that period an amount that will be found by wearing a subsection (2): provided that this subsection shall not apply to an enterprise — (a) for the period sepanjangnya the company — (i) the pioneer status was granted in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and being applied for or intend to apply for that given certification pioneer; or (ii) have been given a pilot certificate in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted and tax relief period has not yet ended or halted;
(b) for the period specified under paragraph 29 (2) (b), (c) or (d) or subsection 29A (3) in respect of any activity encouraged or promoted products for which the company has been granted approval under section 27;
(c) for the period specified under paragraph 29B (2) (b), 29C (2) (b) or (c), 29D (2) (b), 29E (2) (b), 29F (2) (b) or 29 g (2) (b) in respect of an activity or issue a product for which the company has been granted approval under section 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship, 27 c, 27D, 27E 27F or.
(2) for the purposes of this section — (a) shall be determined amount, if any, of gross income derived from — (i) the exportation of any agricultural products declared in accordance with subsection (3); or (ii) the export of any commercial companies are any products manufactured in Malaysia;
Promotion of investments 95 (b) the amount of the deduction to be made under subsection (1) shall be the amount equal to three percent of gross income as determined under paragraph (a) obtained from — (i) the export of agricultural produce in the basis period for a year of assessment; or (ii) the exportation by a trading company are products manufactured in Malaysia in the basis period for a year of assessment: provided that if the basis period of a company for the year of assessment 1994 including a period prior to 1 January 1993, the amount of the deduction to be made under subsection (1) shall be the amount of — (A) an amount equal to five percent of gross income determined under paragraph (2) (a) derived from the export of agricultural produce or export by a trading company the output will be at the factory in Malaysia during the period prior to 1 January 1993; and (B) the amount equal to three percent of gross income determined under paragraph (2) (a) derived from the export of agricultural produce or export by a trading company are production at the factory in Malaysia during the period after 31 December 1992.
(3) the Minister with written consent of the Minister of finance may by statutory order in the Gazette — (a) declare any agricultural produce or products manufactured in Malaysia for the purpose of paragraph (2) (a);
(b) add to, delete from, alter or amend any order made under this subsection.
(4) this section shall apply to a company which — (a) resident in Malaysia for the basis year for a year of assessment; and the laws of Malaysia ACT 32796 (b) engaged in the export of agricultural products and not given a reduction under section 4 of this Act in respect of the same product; or (c) is a trading company as defined under section 40.
Section 36A shall apply 39A. Section 36A shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the export of agricultural produce or export by a trading company are production at the factory in Malaysia under section 39.
Interpretation of 40. For the purposes of this chapter — "agricultural products" means agricultural products, fisheries or marine grow, revenue kept, reared, caught or extracted in Malaysia in the form of raw, fresh, living or dead and includes pengekstrakannya;
"gross income" means the income calculated at the free value into the ship for agricultural produce or products at the factory in Malaysia to dieksportkan;
"company" includes agricultural-based cooperatives, farmers ' Associations, farmers ' Association Federal Area, farmers ' Association, State, Area Fishermen's Association Association Association of federal, State and sole proprietorship, partnership or association practically involved in agriculture;
"trading company" means a company which main activity was trade and the export of agricultural produce or products purchased from terkilang producers of agricultural produce or the manufacturer in Malaysia.
Export allowances not available 40A. This chapter shall not apply to a corporation in respect of the export of made on or after 1 January 1994.
Promotion of investments 97 Chapter 6 — deduction for promotion of export of deduction for promotion of exports 41. (1) the Minister of finance may make rules prescribing deductions in respect of expenses and the expenses incurred for the promotion of exports from Malaysia.
(2) Method of the type mentioned in subsection (1) may include a provision setting — (a) the types of expenses and expenditures intended by that method;
(b) the conditions permitting the deduction meant by that method; and (c) the ratio that will apply, for the purposes of determining any such deduction, to the amount of the expenses and expenses.
(3) the Rules contained in the Schedule shall be deemed to have been made under this section and may be amended or revoked accordingly.
(4) except with respect to the methods contained in the schedule, section 149 and subsection 154 (2) of the principal Act shall apply on any rules made under this section.
Chapter 7 — Allowances Infrastructure Definition infrastructure 41A. For the purposes of this chapter, "infrastructure" means any construction, reconstruction, expansion or repair any permanent structures including bridges, jetties, ports or roads in respect of business operating in an area are encouraged.
41B infrastructure allowance. (1) where a company resident in Malaysia for the basis period for the year of assessment have committed capital expenditure on infrastructure in respect of business operating in an area driven, shall be given the laws of Malaysia ACT 32798 to the company for the year of assessment an allowance of one hundred percent of the infrastructure spending it: provided that for the purposes of this subsection "capital expenses" does not include — (a) (struck by A993 Act); (b) capital expenditure as defined under subsection 29 (7), (8) 29A, 29B (7), 29C (7), 29D (6), (6), 29E 29F 29 g (6), (6) or 31E (6);
(c) qualifying capital expenditure under Schedule 3 of the principal Act;
(d) capital expenditure for the purposes of Schedule 7A of the principal Act; (e) capital expenditure made for the plant or machinery used directly or indirectly for the purpose of the storage, treatment or disposal of scheduled wastes as defined in the regulations of the environmental quality (scheduled wastes) 1989; and (f) capital expenditure made for the buildings used as dwellings, plant and machinery if the building, plant or machinery is provided wholly or partly to the number of directors or individuals who are members of the management, administrative or clerical staff.
(2) If an allowance is awarded to a company under subsection (1) for a year of assessment, that much of the business of the company statutory income for the year of assessment the same lot with the amount of the allowance (or with the aggregate amount of such allowances, as the case may be) shall be exempted from tax under the principal Act: provided that such exempt amount shall not exceed eighty five per cent of statutory income business of the company for the year of assessment.

(3) If, by reason of insufficient or no statutory business the company income for a year of assessment, implementation cannot be carried out or cannot be carried out in full respect of any allowances the company is entitled to receive under this section for the year in relation to the promotion of Investment in resources 99 comprising that business, notwithstanding subsection (1) and (2) , so much of the allowance in question that could not be given for that year shall be deemed to be an allowance will be granted to the company under this section for the first year of assessment for which there is a later statutory income from that business, and the next year of assessment which then until the company has received a total allowance that it reserves the right to regain it such.
(4) where a company has been a pioneer for business purpose pintar pilot do capital expenditure on infrastructure during the period of tax relief, capital expenditure shall be deemed to have been effected on the day following the end of the period of the tax relief.
(5) where any income exempt from tax pursuant to subsection (2), section 23 shall apply to the income (with any necessary modifications) as they apply for income exempt under section 22.
PART III ADDITIONAL Power to enter, etc.
42. (1) any public officer authorized in writing by the Minister or the Minister of finance may at all times reasonable — (a) have access to — (i) any premises occupied by the company or used for the storage of goods or products of the company; and (ii) any record or account of the company, for the purpose of checking the production, composition, storage or packaging any goods or products, and generally for the purpose of ensuring the implementation of this Act; and (b) take samples of any goods or the release of any such purpose.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 327100 (2) any person who prevents an officer public in carrying out any of the powers conferred by subsection (1) commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.
Power to make rules and regulations 43. The Minister may make rules and regulations — (a) without prejudice to the generality of subsection 2 (2), designate any modifications that are necessary in the application of this Act on any particular industry rather than a manufacturing industry;
(b) prescribing anything required by this Act so prescribed; and (c) generally to facilitate the enforcement of this Act.
Separate account 43A. (1) where a company was awarded a pilot certificate under section 7 or an investment tax allowance under section 27, 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship, 27 c, 27D, 27E 27F or the company may not, before the end of the period of tax relief, or the period specified in paragraph 29 (2) (b), (c) or (d), subsection (3) 29A, 29B (2) paragraph (b), 29C (2) (b) or (c), 29D (2) (b) , 29E (2) (b), 29F (2) (b) or 29 g (2) (b), carry on any business other than a business that the overall gross income derived from promoted activities or products digalakkannya without tell the Minister.
(2) where a company is referred to under subsection (1) do business other than the business where the total gross income is derived from promoted activities or digalakkannya products, the company shall keep separate accounts in respect of that business.
(3) any company which has given pioneer certificate under section 7 or approval under section 27, 27A, 27B Sizzler anti-ship, 27 c, 27D, 27E 27F or in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted or an activity encouraged or promoted additional shall keep separate accounts in respect of Investment Promotion 101 the business relating to the activity or product or additional activities or the additional output.
The abolition of 44. Subject to the provisions below, the Investment Encouragement Act 1968 [Act 199] are hereby repealed.
Saving of 45. Regardless of pemansuhannya Investment Incentive Act 1968 (hereinafter referred to as "the law repealed laws" in this Act) shall remain in force and effect and continue to apply to any company for all purposes and in all its forms in relation to any certificate issued or approval given to a company under the law repealed laws it before start the currency of this Act so long as it is still valid and in force , and thereby — (a) the law repealed laws shall, in respect of him or her of that, apply to the company for any year of assessment, whether before or after the start the currency of this Act; and (b) if to implement any certificate or approval that, should make any subsidiary legislation under the law repealed laws that, the authorities have such powers under it to make subsidiary legislation can make the necessary subsidiary legislation.
46. (Cut by the Act A656).
47. (Cut by the Act A656).
The adoption of this Act of the period 48 tax relief. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 45, if the tax relief in a company which has been issued a pilot certificate or granted approval under section 12A of the law repealed laws has not expired on January 1, 1986, the company may apply to the Minister for approval so that Act on tax relief period.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 327102 (2) if the Minister gives approval in respect of an application made under subsection (1), the law repealed laws in relation to the period of tax relief the company shall cease and this Act shall apply in respect of the period of tax relief the company: provided that the amount the company tax relief period shall not exceed five years from the day of its production that has been determined under law repealed laws but the company shall , at the end of the tax relief period and subject to section 14A, are eligible to apply for the extension of the period of the tax relief under section 14A.
Capital expenditure on plant and machinery in the business hotel 49. (1) where a company has been granted approval under section 30KA law repealed laws and have committed capital expenditure on or after 1 January 1986 on plant and machinery or other facilities used in connection with the hotel's business, the company may apply to the Minister for approval so that subparagraph 29 (7) (iii) the Act on the capital expenditure relating to business hotel : provided that capital expenditure is done within five years from the date of approval given under section 30KA law repealed laws.
(2) if the Minister gives approval in respect of an application under subsection (1), 29 (7) subparagraph (iii) of this Act shall apply with regard to the expenses.
Application to obtain encouragement from similar type is 50. (1) where a company has been granted approval in respect of an incentive under section 5, 12A, 12B, 26, 30KA or 30Q law repealed laws but on January 1, 1986 or at any time after the period of release are not yet commenced or the company have yet to commit the capital expenditure for the purposes of section 26, 30KA or 30Q law repealed laws, companies can apply for an Investment Promotion incentive 103 under this Act if the incentive was substantially dipohonkan of similar to boost approval has been granted under the law repealed laws.
(2) if the Minister gives approval in respect of an application made under subsection (1), the approval granted under law repealed laws shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
Application for investment tax allowance by the company that has given encouragement under the law repealed laws 50A. The company that has given encouragement under the law repealed laws that only eligible to earn investment tax allowance under section 26 in respect of an activity encouraged or promoted in addition to activities or products for which the encouragement was given under the repealed laws laws.
Eligibility under the law repealed laws to obtain industrial adjustment allowance 50AA. A company which has given encouragement or investment tax credit under the law repealed laws only apply to get the industrial adjustment allowance in respect of an activity or product manufacturing terkilang other than activities or products for which encouragement has been given under the law that repealed laws or in respect of capital expenditure other than capital expenditure for which the investment tax credit has been granted under the law that repealed laws :

Provided that if a company has been given the encouragement or investment tax credit under the repealed laws laws to carry out the same or similar products manufacture after the end of the period for which the investment tax credit or encouragement is given, the company can apply for the industrial adjustment allowance only in respect of capital expenditure in relation to the activity or the products made by the company after the end of the period for which the investment tax credit or encouragement that has been given.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 327104 Eligibility under the law repealed laws in order to obtain a reduction of income allowance or export larasan 50B. (1) where a company has given encouragement under section 5, 12A or 12B law repealed laws that, the company is entitled to a reduction of income larasan or statutory income, as the case may be, under section 32, 33, 34 or 36 or export allowance under section 39 at the end of the period of tax relief under law repealed laws that.
(2) subject to subsection (3) and (4), if a company has been granted approval under section 26 or 30P law repealed laws that, the company is entitled to a reduction of income larasan or statutory income, as the case may be, under section 32, 33, 34 or 36 or export allowance under section 39 at the end of a period of five years mentioned in paragraph 26 (3) (b) or 30Q (2) (b) the law repealed laws that.
(3) companies that have been granted approval under section 26 or 30P law repealed laws that may, at any time during the period set out in paragraph 26 (3) (b) or 30Q (2) (b) the law, surrender the approval by notice in writing to the Minister, and if the Minister is satisfied that the reasons for surrendering the approval, or that the company has complied with the terms and conditions imposed under subsection 26 (7) or section 30P any other provision of law repealed laws that, surrender shall take effect from the date specified by the Minister in the notice of the approval of the surrender and the date shall not be earlier than the date the notice is received by the Minister: provided that in respect of the surrender notice received by the Minister on or after 1 January 1986 and on or before March 31, 1987 and when the Minister is satisfied as provided in this subsection , The Minister may, upon the approval of the surrender, stating a date not earlier than 1 January 1986 as the date of surrender shall be in force.
Promotion of investments 105 (4) where a company — (a) surrender of approval conferred upon him under section 26 or 30P law that repealed laws; and (b) surrender becomes effective in accordance with subsection (3), the company shall, with effect from the day following the date of delivery of the shuttle, are entitled to a reduction of income larasan or statutory income, as the case may be, under section 32, 33, 34 or 36 or export allowance under section 39.
Application under the repealed laws Law 51. (1) where an application made under the repealed laws law and its decision is still pending at the start date of the currency of this Act — (a) the authority shall consider the application defined in accordance with the provisions of this Act if the existence of a corresponding provision in this Act — (i) for an application like that; or (ii) for an application which, in the opinion of the authorities defined on the whole of the same nature or in respect of a matter on the whole of the same kind; or (b) if there is no equivalent provision in this Act or if the defined authority is satisfied that due to any reason whatsoever not practical to consider the application in accordance with this Act, the application shall be considered by the authority defined in accordance with the law that repealed laws.
(2) if approval has been given to a company under paragraph (1) (a), of this Act shall apply to the conditions for all purposes and in all its forms on the granting of it: provided that if approval has been given to a company that want to come enforce from a date prior to start the currency of this Act, this Act shall be deemed to apply to the granting of such begin from the date stated in the provision that even that date is earlier than the date of start the currency of this Act.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 327106 (3) if approval has been given to a company under paragraph (1) (b), the law that repealed laws shall continue to apply to the company for all purposes and in all its forms in relation to the grant of up to expire or until they cease to be of effect.
The Agreement Of The Minister Of Finance 52. In the exercise of its powers under section 48, 49 and 50, the Minister shall act with the agreement of the Minister of finance.
Application of section 27 and 29 of the law repealed laws 53. (1) where a company has incurred any expenses you or expenses approved before 1 January 1986 in connection with the promotion of exports from Malaysia, section 27 of the law repealed laws shall, regardless of the repeal, apply to expenses and expenditure approved it.
(2) If a company exporting products manufactured in Malaysia prior to 1 January 1986, section 29 law repealed laws shall, regardless of the repeal, apply in respect of the products.
Functions of public officers 54. For the purposes of section 45 to 50 and 53, any of the functions of an officer under the public law repealed laws can be carried out by any public officer referred to in section 42 of this Act or section 134 of the principal Act that his position on the whole corresponds to the position of an officer who followed him such functions have been carried out under the law.
Reference to the repealed laws law 55. Unless the context otherwise requires, a reference in the law of any of the provisions of the law repealed laws shall be construed in relation to the year of assessment the assessment year 1987 and later as a reference to the provision (if any) equal in this Act.
Promotion of investments 107 TABLE [Subsection 41 (3)] of the INCOME TAX rules (the PROMOTION of exports) 1986 citation and commencement 1. (1) these rules may be cited as the income tax (Export Promotion) 1986.
(2) these rules shall have effect in respect of expenses and expenditures approved on or after 1 January 1986.
Interpretation 2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires — "definite and expenses approved expenses" means expenses and expenses may be allowed as a deduction under rule 4.
Companies resident in Malaysia shall be entitled to deductions 3. Every company that is domiciled in Malaysia for the base year for year of assessment are eligible for deduction under these rules for that year.
Deduction for certain expenses and expenses 4. (1) subject to these rules, for the purpose of determining income under the principal Act larasan a company of its business for the basis period for the year of assessment, shall be allowed as deduction of any expenses and expenditure of the type referred to in paragraph diperihal (2) — (a) are made by the company during the basis period for the respect of the business; and (b) are made especially and in particular for the purpose of looking for an opportunity, or create or add request, in respect of the export of goods or manufactured agricultural products, manufactured, assembled, processed, packed, level or excluded in Malaysia.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 327108 (2) Expenses and expenses referred to in paragraph (1) is — (a) the expenses incurred in respect of publicity and advertising in any media outside Malaysia;
(b) the expenses directly related to the holding of the sample without apply any payments to prospective customers outside of Malaysia, including the cost of shipping the samples;
(c) the expenses directly related to conducting research export markets or export marketing information;
(d) the expenses directly related to providing the supply tender goods or agricultural products (i.e. not goods or agricultural products are the same type and detailed with custom manufactured, produced or maintained by the company) to prospective customers outside Malaysia;
(e) expenses in the form of fares in respect of a person's travel to a representative of the company such outside Malaysia as a journey that has to be done for the purpose of negotiating or enter into contracts for the sale of goods or agricultural products on behalf of the company or for the purpose of taking part in a trade fair or trade or industrial exhibition approved by the Minister, and the actual expenses, subject to a maximum of three hundred dollars a day , for accommodation and a maximum of one hundred and fifty dollars a day for food for the rest of the period starting from the time the delegates depart from Malaysia and ends with the return of the representative to Malaysia;

(f) expenses for giving technical information to people outside Malaysia in relation to generally with goods or agricultural products the company offered for sale, not including expenses for giving information techniques to the buyer after purchase;
(g) expenses directly related to the holding of a trade fair or show for trade or industrial exhibition held outside Malaysia and approved by the Minister;
(h) expenses due to services provided on public relations work in relation to exports;
(i) the expenditure is directly done as taking part in a trade fair or trade or industrial exhibition approved by Minister other than expenses described in subparagraph (e) and (g);
(j) expenditure as the cost of maintaining sales offices abroad to promote exports from Malaysia;
(k) professional fees incurred to design the packaging provided the goods are for export quality and the company employs local professional services.
Promotion of investments 109 (3) allowable deductions under this rule in addition to any deduction that may be allowed under section 33 of the principal Act.
(4) no such deduction may be allowed under this rule in respect of any expenses for sure, other than expenditure or payment types mentioned in subsection 39 (1) of the principal Act.
(5) if the amount of any expenses and expenses, which may be allowed as a deduction under these rules if not for this paragraph, exceeds the amount which in the opinion of the Director-General will be reasonably expected as is done in the normal course of business in respect of which the expenses and expenses was done, the Director-General may so far as excessive, it is not allow the amount as a deduction under these rules.
(6) for the purposes of paragraph (1), if two basic periods overlap, the same period between the stacked shall be deemed to be included in the basis period first that's it.
The pioneer companies 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 21, if a company has committed expenses and expenses allowed under rule 4 a company pilot — (a) for the purpose of computing its income for any accounting period in respect of the business the pintar pilot under section, there are no any deduction may be made under these rules;
(b) all allowable deductions under these rules that if it's not because of paragraph (a) be made for the purpose of its income from business recount pintar pilot under that section shall be gathered together, and the amount of agregatnya shall be allowed as a deduction under these rules for the purpose of determining its revenue from its business after the pioneer for the first period of the Foundation in accordance with the business after the pilot-for a year of assessment.
Is not terpakainya rules 6. These rules shall not apply on any expense and expenses mentioned in rule 4 and performed in relation to the export of any products which are exempted for the purposes of Chapter 4 and 5.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 327110 laws of MALAYSIA Act 327 PROMOTION of INVESTMENTS ACT 1986 LIST AMENDMENT law short title force amend the A656 Act of promotion of investments Act 01-01-1986 (Amendment) Order 1986 Act A715 promotion of investments Act 01-01-1986; (Amendment) Act, 1988 year of assessment 1990 and a year later the Act A751 promotion of investments Act 01-01-1989; (Amendment) Act 1990 s. 9, per. 10 (a), s. 13 to 17 and s. 22:01-01-1986 and the year of assessment 1987 and years later; s. 11 and 20:01-01-1990 and year of assessment 1991 and a year later; s. 4 to 7:01-01-1991 and the year of assessment 1992 and a year later the Act 438 free zones Act 1990 05-09-1991 Act A862 promotion of investments Act 01-11-1991: (Amendment) Act 1993 se. 2 (a): 27-10-1990; per 2 (d), 25 (a), 25 (c), subper. 25 (b) (i), s. 21, 23, 26 and 27: year of assessment 111 1993 promotion of investments and years later; s. 14 on or after 01-01-1994; se. 17 (a) and 17 (b): 01-01-1986 and the year of assessment 1987 and years later; s. 19, 20 and 22:01-01-1992.
A877 Act promotion of investments Act 01-01-1993 and (Amendment) Act 1994 the year of assessment 1994 and years later except s. 2:10-12-1992 Act A900 promotion of investments Act 29-10-1993 (Amendment) Order 1994 and the year of assessment 1994 and years later s. 4, 5, 7, 11, 12 and 15:20-10-1994 and s. 6 year of assessment 1991 and a year later the Act year 531 of the Finance Act 1995 28-10-1994 (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 1994 Act A993 promotion of investments Act 25-10-1996 (Amendment) Order 1997 P.U. (A) 170/2001 income tax Method 01-01-2001 ( Promotion of exports) (Amendment) Order 2001 P.U. (A) 267/2003 Income tax from the year (Export Promotion) (Amendment) 2002 2003 assessment law short title force amend from laws of Malaysia ACT 327112 laws of MALAYSIA Act 327 PROMOTION of INVESTMENTS ACT 1986 LIST of SECTION AMENDED Section of the powers to amend with effect from 1 Act A656 01-01-1986 2 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A715 01-01-1989 Act A751 01-01-1989 Act A862 27-10-1990 year of assessment 1993 and a year later the Act A900 29-10-1993 Act 531 28-10-1994 Act A993 25-10-1996 4 A862 Act 01-11-1991 4A A862 Act 01-11-1991 4B Act A900 29-10-1993 Act 531 28-10-1994 4 c A900 Act 29-10-1993 5 Act A751 01-01-1989 Act A862 01-11-1991 Act A900 20-10-1994 Act A993 25-10-1996 6 Act A715 01-01-1989 Act A862 01-11-1991 Act A900 20-10-1994 Act A993 25-10-1996 7 Act A656 01-01-1986 10 Act A656 01-01-1986 11 Act A656 01-01-1986 promotion of investments 14A 113 A656 Act 01-01-1986 Act A715 01-01-1989 Act A862 01-01-1991 14B A862 Act 01-01-1991 14C A862 Act 01-01-1991 16 Act A656 01-01-1986 18 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1991 Act A900 year of assessment 1993 and years later 21 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1991 Act A862 01-01-1991 21A A656 Act 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1991 21B A862 Act 01-01-1991 21C Act A862 01-01-1991 Act A993 25-10-1994 21 d A900 Act 20-10-1994 21E A900 Act 20-10-1994 21F A900 Act 20-10-1994 Act A993 25-10-1996 22 Act A862 01-01-1991 Act A900 29-10-1993 25 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1991 Act A862 01-01-1991 Act A900 29-10-1993 26 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1989 Act A900 29-10-1993 Section authority amend the effect from the laws of Malaysia ACT 327114 26A A862 Act 01-01-1991 Act A993 25-10-1996 26B A900 Act 20-10-1994 26C Act A900 20-10-1994 26D Act A900 20-10-1994 26E A900 Act 20-10-1994 26F A900 Act 20-10-1994 Act A993 25-10-1996 26G 531 Act 28-10-1994 27 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1986 A862 Act on or after 01-01-1994 27A A862 Act 01-01-1991 01-01-1992 27B Sizzler anti-ship Act A900 20-10-1994 27 c Act A900 20-10-1994 27D Act A900 20-10-1994 27E A900 Act 20-10-1994 27F A900 Act 20-10-1994 27G 531 Act 28-10-1994 28 Act A862 01-01-1991 Act A900 29-10-1993 Act 531 28-10-1994 29 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1986 Act A862 01-01-1986 01-01-1991 29A A862 Act 01-01-1991 Act A877 10-12-1992 Act A900 29-10-1993 Act A993 25-10-1996 Section authority amend the effect from the Investment Promotion Act 115 29B A862 01-01-1991 Act A993 25-10-1996 29C Act A900 20-10-1994 29D Act A900 20-10-1994
29E A900 Act 20-10-1994 29F A900 Act 20-10-1994 29 g Act A900 20-10-1994 Act A993 25-10-1996 29H 531 Act 28-10-1994 Chapter 2A A751 Act 01-01-1990 31A A751 Act 01-01-1990 31B A751 Act 01-01-1990 31C Act A751 01-01-1990 31D Act A751 01-01-1990 31E A751 Act 01-01-1990 32 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A862 01-01-1992 Act A900 29-10-1993 33 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A715 01-01-1989 Act A862 01-01-1992 33A A715 Act 01-01-1989 Act A862 year of assessment 1993 and years later 34 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A862 year of assessment 1993 and a year later the powers Section amend with effect from the laws of Malaysia ACT 327116 35 Act A751 01-01-1989 Act A862 year of assessment 1993 and years later chapter 4 Act A862 year of assessment 1993 and years later 36 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1986 Act 438 05-09-1991 Act A862 01-11-1991 Act A877 01-01-1993 Act A900 29-10-1993 36A A656 Act 01-01-1986 Act 438 05-09-1991 Act A862 year of assessment 1993 and years later
A656 Act 37 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1986 Act A862 year of assessment 1993 and a year later the Act 531 28-10-1994 38 Act A751 01-01-1986 Act A877 01-01-1993 Chapter 5 Act A656 01-01-1986 39 A656 Act 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1986 Act A862 01-01-1991 Act A877 01-01-1993 Act A900 29-10-1993 39A A656 Act 01-01-1986 40 Act A656 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1986 Section authority amend the effective Investment Promotion Act 117 40A A877 01-01-1993 Chapter 7 Act A900 29-10-1993 41A A900 Act 29-10-1993
41B A900 Act 29-10-1993 Act A993 25-10-1996 43A A656 Act 01-01-1986 Act A862 01-01-1991 Act A900 29-10-1993 45 A656 Act 01-01-1986 46 Act A656 01-01-1986 A656 Act 47 01-01-1986 A656 Act 48 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1989 50 A751 Act 01-01-1989 50A A656 Act 01-01-1986 50AA A751 Act 01-01-1990 50B A656 Act 01-01-1986 Act A751 01-01-1989 Act A862 01-01-1991 51 A656 Act 01-01-1986 A656 Act 53 01-01-1986 Table Act A751 01-01-1986 P.U. (A) 170/2001 01-01-2001 P.U. (A) 267/2003 From year of assessment 2002 Section authority amend the effective laws of Malaysia ACT 327118