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* National Measurement System Act 2007

Original Language Title: * National Measurement System Act 2007

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Laws of MALAYSIA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONLINE VERSION of the PRINT TEXT that UPDATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Act 675 2007 National MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ACT As at 1 July 2013 2 NATIONAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ACT 2007 date of Assent......... August 29, 2007, the date of publication in the Gazette......... 30 August 2007 3 laws of MALAYSIA Act 675 NATIONAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ACT 2007 ARRANGEMENT of SECTIONS part I preliminary section 1. Short title and commencement 2. Application of the 3. Interpretation part II UNITS MEASUREMENT 4. Units of measurement 5. Measurements shall be expressed in units of measurement 6. Realization and maintenance of National Measurement Standards 7. Kebolehkesanan measurement 8. Kebolehkesanan measurement of outside Malaysia PART III NATIONAL MEASUREMENT STANDARD LABORATORIES 9. National Measurement Standard laboratory 10. National Measurement Standard Laboratory function 11. National Measurement Standard Laboratory power 4 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 section 12. Minister's power to appoint the organisation with specific measurement units, etc.

PART IV NATIONAL MEASUREMENT COUNCIL 13. The establishment of the National Council for measurement of part V GENERAL 14. The power to make regulations 15. The power to amend Schedule 16. Saving table 5 laws of MALAYSIA Act 675 2007 National MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ACT an act to provide for the standardisation of measurement units based on the International system of Units, the establishment of standard measurement and kebolehkesanan measurement and coordination of the national measurement system, and for matters connected therewith.
[February 15, 2008, P.U. (B) 44/2008]

Enacted by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows: part I preliminary short title and commencement 1. (1) this Act may be cited as the National Measurement System Act 2007.

(2) of this Act come into force on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette.

(3) the Minister may by order published in the Gazette postponing effect all or any provisions of this Act in respect of any agency, Department or organization or with respect to certain measurement field.
6 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 Application 2. (1) this Act shall apply throughout Malaysia.

(2) this Act shall not apply to the use of units of measurement in ─ (a) any International Convention;
(b) any agreement between the Government in the field of navigation through sea, air traffic and transportation platform; and (c) the armed forces.

Interpretation 3. In this Act, unless the context juka other ─ ―it barometer ‖ means any tool used to measure physical quantities that can be surveys;

‖ ―It reference materials means any material that nature used for tentukuran barometer or valuation method of measurement, or setting the value to the materials;

certified reference materials ‖ ―it means a reference materials issued by the National Measurement Standard Laboratory or by any person or other body, recognized by the National Measurement Standard Laboratories;

‖ ―It Ministry means Ministry charged with the responsibility for standards and accreditation;

―It quantities can survey ‖ means nature body berfenomena or material can be distinguished in qualitative and quantitative basis was determined;

National measurement system ‖ ―it 7 Council means the National Measurement Council established under section 13;

National Measurement Standard Laboratory ―it ‖ means laboratory established under section 9;

‖ ―It Minister means the Minister charged with the responsibility for standards and accreditation;

national measurement system ‖ ―it means technical infrastructure and organizations relating to measurement in Malaysia that allows individuals and organisations in Malaysia make measurement in authoritative and accurate and that can be traced to the National Measurement Standards;

standard measurement ‖ ―it means a material measure, barometer, or measuring system targeted to define, realise, conserve or reproduce units or one or more of the value of the quantity to be used as a reference in the measurement quantities can the survey;

‖ ―It National Measurement Standard means a standard measurement or reference materials created, maintained or due to that maintained by the National Measurement Standard Laboratory or organisation appointed under subsection 12 (1) to be used as the basis for assigning values to a quantity that can survey;

‖ ―It basic unit means one of the seven units of measurements as specified in the first schedule that are based on the international system of Units;

‖ ―It means a unit of measurement of the quantity of a particular survey, which can be defined and applied in conventions, which other quantities of the same kind as compared to specify relative magnitude at the quantity;

‖ ―It procurement unit means a unit measurement obtained from the combination of the base unit;

8 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 International ‖ ―it System Unit means a coherent unit measurement system as described in subsection 4 (2) and the abbreviation SI ‖ ―it's wherever referred to in this Act shall be recognised as a reference to the international system of Units;

Universal ‖ ―it uniform time scale means that time maintained by National Measurement Standard Laboratories and the abbreviation UTC ‖ ―it's wherever referred to in this Act shall be recognised as a reference to the universal uniform time;

‖ ―It Malaysian Standard time means the time given by the universal uniform time plus eight hours based on the time zone of the Eastern Longitudes 120 º.

PART II UNITS of MEASUREMENT Units measurement 4. (1) the only units of measurement to be used throughout Malaysia are known as Units of the International System.

(2) International System Unit shall consist of ─ (a) basic unit as set out in part 1 of the first schedule;

(b) procurement unit as set out in part 2 of the first schedule; and (c) all duplication and subgandaan base unit as set out in part 3 of the first schedule.

(3) without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1), other measurement units permitted for use with Units of the national measurement system is the International System 9 as specified in the second schedule.

(4) the Malaysian Standard time shall be the basis for civil time measurement.

Measurements shall be expressed in units of measurement 5. (1) when this Act comes into force, every quantity that can survey shall be made in compliance with the requirements under this Act, and if not made such measurement shall be considered void.

(2) if ─ (a) mention is made in any written law relating to units of measurement quantities can survey; and (b) there is a unit of measurement of the quantity of other survey can have the same name, the reference shall, unless the opposite is found to be the purpose, be deemed to be a reference to units of measure under this Act.

(3) no nothing in subsection (1) shall affect the validity of any measurement made in units of measurement quantities can survey which, at the time the measurement is made, was the unit of measurement of the quantity which may be the survey.

Realization and maintenance of National Measurement Standards 6. (1) the National Measurement Standards shall be realised in such manner as may be prescribed in regulations made under section 14.

(2) National Measurement Standard Laboratory shall maintain or cause to be maintained the National Measurement Standard as may be found necessary by the 10 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 Minister for assigning a way with it measurement quantities can survey can be made in respect of the units of measurement quantities can survey it.

(3) National Measurement Standard Laboratory shall maintain or cause to be maintained reference materials certified as may be necessary to provide for a way to it can survey measurement quantities can be made in respect of the units of measurement quantities can survey it.

Kebolehkesanan measurement 7. (1) any measurement made for the purpose of any written law shall be located to National Measurement Standards as set out in this Act.

(2) Kebolehkesanan the National Measurement Standards to measurement can be achieved by reference to, the comparisons with or procurement of National Measurement Standards either directly or indirectly, through a series of continuing with any one, or a combination of any means that involves the use of one or more appropriate measurement standards and National Measurement Standards.

(3) where the existence of kebolehkesanan for Standard Measurement

National is not possible or not relevant, other ways to create confidence about the results of such measurement shall be carried out through appropriate method in accordance with the procedure established in accordance with a written standard used at this time as established by a National Measurement Standard Laboratory.

Kebolehkesanan measurement of outside Malaysia 8. (1) if there is no kebolehkesanan to National Measurement Standards as specified in the national measurement system Act 11 this created within Malaysia for any measurements made for the purpose of any law, such measurements can be traced to the measurement standard laboratories of other countries or to tentukuran laboratories in other countries recognized under subsection (2).

(2) National Measurement Standard Laboratory can recognize any standard laboratory measurements or any lab tentukuran outside Malaysia as a laboratory for the purpose of kebolehkesanan under subsection (1).

(3) before recognizing any laboratory under subsection (2), National Measurement Standard Laboratory must be satisfied with the ability of the laboratory measurements and that standard measurement or reference materials maintained by the lab is on enough accuracy for the purpose of kebolehkesanan.

PART III of the NATIONAL MEASUREMENT STANDARD LABORATORY Laboratory National Measurement Standards 9. (1) the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette designate a laboratory as a National Measurement Standard Laboratory.

(2) National Measurement Standard Laboratories shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

National Measurement Standard Laboratory function 10. The function of the National Measurement Standards Laboratory is ─ (a) for the realization of, create and maintain or cause to be maintained the National Measurement Standards for the purpose of section 6;
12 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 (b) to disseminate units of measurement that can be traced to the National Measurement Standards;

(c) to maintain or cause to be maintained a uniform time universal;

(d) to conduct research and develop technology measurement and standards of measurement;

(e) to approve the design of the barometer;
(f) to coordinate and promote the national measurement system;

(g) to assist the Council in matters relating to technology measurement and standards of measurement;

(h) to publish and disseminate technical information relating to standards and measurement technology measurement; and (i) to perform any other functions as may be required and found necessary by the Minister.

National Measurement Standard Laboratory power 11. (1) National Measurement Standard Laboratory shall have power to do all things reasonably necessary or expedient for, or incidental to the exercise of its functions.

(2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), National Measurement Standard Laboratory power shall include power ─ (a) to effect a measurement standard for international comparisons;

National measurement system 13 (b) to cooperate and work closely with other measurement laboratories and institutions of higher learning in the field of measurement;

(c) to represent Malaysia in international measurement activities;

(d) to impose fees and other charges as may be prescribed by the Minister by regulation;

(e) to issue a certificate in respect of any reference or recognize a certificate in respect of any reference materials issued by any other person or body;
and (f) to perform any other functions as required by the Minister.

Minister's power to appoint the organisation denngan specific measurement units, etc.

12. (1) the Minister may, with the advice of Council, by order published in the Gazette, appoint any organization in Malaysia to undertake duties as may be prescribed by regulations made under subparagraph 14 (2) (f) (i) with respect to ─ (a) specific units of measurement;
(b) specific certified reference materials;
(c) category specific units of measurement; and (d) specific categories certified reference materials.
(2) the Minister's power under subsection (1) may only be carried out if National Measurement Standard Laboratories cannot carry out any of its functions under section 10.
14 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 (3) organization that appointed under subsection (1) shall be under the supervision of a National Measurement Standard Laboratory technical and shall be subject to the duties and powers and the terms and conditions as may be prescribed in regulations made under subsection 14 (2).

PART IV NATIONAL MEASUREMENT COUNCIL establishment of National Measurement Council 13. (1) a Council known as the National Council for Measurement ‖ ―it was established consisting of the following status of Member who shall be appointed by the Minister: (a) a Chairman;
(b) a representative of the Ministry;
(c) a representative of the National Measurement Standard Laboratories;

(d) two other people representing the Government, who shall be appointed from amongst those involved in standard measurement and measurement technology; and (e) not more than five other members who have the experience, knowledge and appropriate expertise in matters relating to standards of measurement and measurement technology.

(2) the Minister shall appoint a Deputy Chairman from among the members appointed under paragraph (1) (b) to (e).

National measurement system 15 (3) Functions is ─ (a) to advise the Minister on all matters relating to the objectives of the national policy for the activities of the measurement system; and (b) to advise the Minister and submit recommendations for consideration and approval of the Minister in respect of the measurement thing ─ (i) can enhance international confidence in the national measurement system in Malaysia;

(ii) can support obligations of Malaysia at the international level with respect to the survey activities;

(iii) can facilitate the Government's trade policies of national and international legal matters, or international relations;

(iv) be able to take care of public interest in the areas of health, safety and the environment;

(v) enables scientific research and development carried out; and (vi) facilitate economic development beneficial to Malaysia.

(4) the provisions of the third Schedule shall apply to the Council.

16 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 part V GENERAL power to make regulations 14. (1) the Minister may make such regulations as are necessary or expedient to give effect to that or to carry out the provisions of this Act.

(2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations in respect of all or any of the following purposes: (a) to set the name, symbols, definitions and the use of procurement units of measurement;
(b) to set the name, symbols, definitions and use of multiples and subgandaan to be used with the base unit and the procurement unit measurement;
(c) to prescribe the use of the units as specified in the second schedule;

(d) to prescribe the requirements and interpretations kebolehkesanan measurement;

(e) to prescribe the requirements for the approval of a barometer;

(f) to set with respect to an organization that appointed under subsection 12 (1) ─ (i) duties and powers of the Organization;
(ii) the terms and conditions of the Organization; and (iii) any other matter relating to the appointment of the Organization;

National measurement system 17 (g) to prescribe fees and other charges;
(h) to provide for the general implementation of the functions, the exercise of the powers and discharge the duties of the National Measurement Standards Lab under the provisions of this Act.

The power to amend table 15. The Minister may, on the advice of the Council, by order published in the Gazette, amend, change, modify, add to, delete from or replace the Schedule to this Act, and the schedule is amended, changed, altered and added, cut or replaced such, shall come into force and shall be deemed to be an integral part of this Act from the date of such publication, or from any earlier date or later as specified in the order.

Saving of 16. (1) there is nothing in this Act may affect the validity of any measurements that have been made under any law or by any equipment, device, tool or machine that has been designated as barometer under any law before start the currency of this Act.

(2) If on the date this Act comes into power proceedings involving measurement has been commenced or pending, the proceedings shall be continued under the Act under which the proceedings initiated instead-by this Act is not made.

18 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 FIRST SCHEDULE [Subsection 4 (2)] of the international system of Units (SI) part 1 BASE UNIT the Base Unit, names and symbols: the quantity of Units and symbols the definition of length-meter (m)

The meter is the length of the path of light in the vacuum direntasi at lat 1/299 792 458 time per second.

kilograms (kg) mass of the Kilogram is the unit of mass; It is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram.

LAT time seconds (s) Seconds is jangkasama the duration of 9 192 631 770 high-energy emission produced equal to the transition between two level hiperhalus on the State of the caesium 133 atom policy.

an electric current ampere (A) Ampere is constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors, infinite length, cross-section too small and located 1 metre distance in vacuum will produce between two conductors and equal to 2x10 – 7 newton per meter of length.

thermodynamic temperature kelvin (K) Kelvin is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of water tigaan point.

National measurement system Units and symbols Quantity 19 definition of luminous intensity (cd) Kandela kandela was luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that radiates monokiomatik beam at frequency 540 x 10 12 hertz and have the intensity of radiation in the direction corresponding to (1/683) watt per steradian.

amount of substance mole (mol) 1. Mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains the same basic entities much by the number of atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12 atoms.

2. When the Mole is used, the basic entities must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles or groups of such particles is disclosed.

Part 2 of the PROCUREMENT UNIT SI 1. Procurement Unit, the name and symbol of the SI: quantity Name Symbol specified in SI base unit pronunciation stated in the SI unit pronunciation other 1.1 space and time plane angle radians rad m. m-1 = solid angle of 1 steradian sr m2. m-2 = 1 spacious square meters m2 m2 m3 m3 m3 volume 20 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 Quantity Name Symbol expressed in SI base units pronunciation stated in the SI unit other pronunciation, speed velocity meter per second m/s m. s-1 acceleration meters per seconds squared m/s2 m. s-2 wave number reciprocal metre m-1 m-1 volume course cubic meters per kilogram of m3/kg m3. kg-1 frequency hertz Hz s-1 angular velocity radians per second rad/s m. m-1. s-1 = s-1 acceleration angle radians per second squared rad/s2 m. m-1. s-2 = s-2 1.2 linear mass Mechanics, linear density kilograms per metre kg/m kg. m-1 mass of space, surface density kilograms per square metre kg/m2 kg. m-2 density, mass density kilograms per cubic metre kg/m3 kg. m-3 force newton N m. kg. s-2 stress, stress pascal Pa m-1. kg. s-2 N/m2 work, energy, quantity of heat joule J m2. kg. s-2 N. m power, flux radiation energy flow rate, flow rate heat watt W m2. kg. s-3 J/s dynamic viscosity pascal seconds PA. s m-1. kg. s-1 kinetic viscosity square meters per seconds m2/s m2. s-1 moment force newton metres N. m m2. kg. s-2 surface tension newton per meter N/m kg. s-2 the flow rate volume cubic metres per m3/s m3. s-1 National measurement system 21 Quantity Name Symbol expressed in SI base units pronunciation stated in the SI unit pronunciation other seconds flow rate mass kilograms per seconds kg/s kg. s-1 1.3 Keelektrikan and Kemagnetan density current ampere per square meter A/m2 A. m-2 electric charge coulomb C, the quantity of keletrikan s. A capacity of electricity, electrical tension difference, intuitive electric volt V m2. kg. s-3. A-1 W/A electric field strength in volts per metre V/m m. kg. s-3. A-1 coulomb of electric charge density per cubic metre C/m³ m-3. s. Electric flux density of a coulomb per square metre C/m-2 m-2. s. A electrical resistance ohm Ω m². kg. s-3. A-2 V/A kapasitans farad F m-2. kg-1. S4. A2 C/V konduktans electric siemens S m-2. kg-1. S3. A2 A/V magnetic flux weber Wb m2. kg. s-2. A-1 V. s magnetic flux density tesla T kg. s-2. A-1 Wb/m² per ampere magnetic field strength meter A/m A. m-1 induktans henry H m2. kg. s-2. A-2 Wb/A ketelapan space henry per meter H/m m. kg. s-2. A-2 transparency space farad per metre F/m m-3. kg-1. S4. A2 22 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 Quantity Name Symbol expressed in SI base units pronunciation stated in the SI unit pronunciation other 1.4 Heat temperature celsius degrees celsius degree Celcius K flux density, heat exposure pancar Watts per cubic meter W/m2 kg. s-3 specific heat capacity, entropi joule per kilogram kelvin J/K m2. kg. s-2. K-1 heat capacity, entropy, of course load per kilogram mass in memory of joule J/(kg kelvin. K) m2. s-2. K-1 heat joule per kilogram of J/kg m2. s-2 thermal conductivity watt per metre kelvin W/(m. K) m. kg. s-3. K-1 the energy density per cubic meter heat joule J/m3 m-1. kg. s-2 1.5 Physical Chemistry and Molecular Physics concentrations (amount of substance) mol meterpadu mol/m3 mol. m-3 molar energy joule per Mole J/Mole m2. kg. s-2. MOL-1 molar entropy, molar heat capacity joule per Mole kelvin (J/mol. K) m2 kg. s-2 K-1. MOL-1 1.6 Emission and light luminans candela per square meter cd/m2 cd. m-2 index biasan (number) one 1 1 flux lumen lm cd berluminosti cd. SR 23 National measurement system Symbol Name Quantity expressed in SI base units pronunciation stated in the SI unit pronunciation other kecahayaan lux lx m-2. CD lm/m2 radiation intensity watt per steradian W/sr m2. kg. s-3 radiation per square metre steradian watt w/(m2. sr) kg. s-3 1.7 Ionizing Radiation (activity) keaktifan Bq becquerel s-1 dos terserap, energy course, kerma gray Gy m2. s-2 J/kg of equivalent dose, equivalent dose, dose equivalent environment directed, single, dose equivalent dose equivalent organ organ sievert Sv m2. s-2 J/kg exposure (x-rays and y) coulomb per kilogram C/kg kg-1. s. A terserap dose rate per seconds gray Gy/s m2. s-3 2. Procurement Unit shall include any other unit that can be expressed in SI base unit in algebra or base unit combination in pronunciation with other procurement unit SI by means of multiplication or Division of mathematical symbols.

24 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 part 3 MULTIPLES of SI UNITS SUBGANDAAN and the name and symbol of the SI unit subgandaan and gain: Factor the abbreviation Symbol yotta Y 10 24 10 21 10 18 exa zetta Z E r 10 12 10 15 map tera T 10 9 10 6 mega giga G M k 10 2 10 3 kilo hecto h 10 1 deka da 10-1 10-2 desi d constantly c 10-3 Milli m 10-6 micro μ 10-9
Nano n 10-12 piko p 10-15 femto f 10-18 atto a 10-21 zepto z 10-24 National measurement system yokto y 25 SECOND SCHEDULE [Subsection 4(3)] other measurement Units permitted part 1 units internationally accepted for use with the international system of Units (SI): the name of the Symbol value in SI units: min 1 min = 60 s hour h 1 h = 60 mins = 3600 s day d 1 d = 24 h = 86 400 s
1 º º degrees = (л/180) rad: ' 1 ' = (1/60) ° = (л/10 800) rad seconds "1 ' ' = (1/60) ' = (л/648 000) rad litres l, L 1 l = 1 dm 3 = 10-3 m 3 tan t 1 t = 10 3 kg neper Psr 1 Psr = 1 bel B 1 B = (1/2) In 10 (PSR) 26 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 part 2 units accepted for use with the international system of Units (SI) , the value obtained in the experiment — the name of the Symbol value in SI units Note elektronvolt eV 1 eV = 1.602 17653 (14) x 10-19 J (a) unified atomic mass unit u 1 u = 1.660 53886 (28) x 10-27 kg (b) astronomical unit 1 ua ua = 1.495 978 706 91 (6) x 10 11 m (c) (a) Elektronvolt is the kinetic energy acquired by an electron in across the way was the ability of 1 V in vacuum.

(b) the unified atomic mass Units equal to 1/12 of the mass of 12 C nuklid element, which is not bond, at rest and in a State of essence. Atomic mass unit is also called as dalton (Da), in biochemistry.

(c) astronomical Unit is the unit of length; It is estimated equal to the average distance to the Earth-Sun. Value that is, when used to describe the motion of a mass in the solar system, the gravity constant is heliosentrik (0.017 207 098 95) 2 ua 3. d – 2.

Part 3 Units of measurement and units of measurement that can be used to temporarily: the name of the Symbol Value 1. Vast barn (its use is only permitted in Atomic and nuclear physics) b 1 b = fm 2 = 100 10-28 m 2 National measurement system Value Symbol Name 27 2. Kekilatan dynamic poise P 1 P = 0.1 PA. s = 10-1 PA. s sentipoise cP 1 cP = 1 mPa. s = 10-3 Pa. s

3. Kinematic viscosity stokes St 1 St = 100 mm 2/s = 10-4 m 2/s 1 cSt sentistokes cSt = 1 mm 2/s = 10-6 m 2/s 4. Keaktifan (source of radioactivity) and multiples and subgandaan curie curie Ci 1 Ci = 37 GBq = 3.7 x 10 10 Bq 5. DOS terserap rad 1 rad = 0.01 Gy = 10-2 Gy

rad and multiples and subgandaan rad 6. Exposure to Roentgen and multiples and subgandaan roentgen R 1 R = 0.258 mC/kg = 2.58 x 10-4 C/kg 7. Pressure Millimeter mercury (its use is only permitted in specific areas) mmHg 1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa bar and subgandaan bar and gandaannya bar 1 bar = 100 kPa = 10 5 Pa 8. The corner plane cycle (rotation) R 1 r = 2 л rad 28 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 Name Symbol Value 9. Optical systems 1 diopter diopter directed = 1 m-1 10. Land and farm are a 1 a = 100 m 2 = 10 2 m 2 hectare 1 ha ha = 0.01 km 2 = 10 4 m 2 11. Metric metric carats Carats (Use only permitted to show the mass of pearls and precious stones) ct 1 ct = 0.2 g = 2 x 10-4 kg 12. Angstrom long Å 1 Å = 0.1 nm = 10-10 m 1 nautical mile = 1852 m nautical knots 1 nautical miles per hour = (1852/3600) m/s 13. Volume (the forest management and timber trade) stere st 1st = 1 m 3 14. Mass quintal q 1 q = 100 kg = 10 2 kg 15. Daya kilograms-force kgf 1 kgf = 1 kp = 9.806 65 N kilopond and multiples desimal and subgandaan LR 29 National measurement system Symbol Name Value 16. Standard atmospheric pressure 1 atm = 101.325 kPa atm = 1.013 25 x 10 5 Pa technical atmosphere at 1 at = 98.066 5 kPa = 0.980 665 x 10 5 Pa torr Torr 1 Torr = 101 325 Pa 760 water meter 1 mH2O = 9.806 65 mH2 O kPa = 9.806 65 x 10 5 Pa 17. Energy, work, quantity of heat kilogram force meters = kilopond metre kgf. m IC. m 1 kgf. m = 1kp. m = 9.80665 J calories and desimal multiples and subgandaan cal 1 cal = 4.186 8 h 18. Power metric horsepower (cheval-vapeur) 1 metric horsepower = 0.735 498 75 kW = 735.498 75W 19. Stilb sb 1 sb Luminans = 10 kcd/m 2 = 10 4 cd/m 2 30 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 THIRD SCHEDULE [Subsection 13 (4)] the 1st meeting. (1) the Council shall meet at least once a year at any time and in any place designated by the Chairman.

(2) notice in writing of the meeting shall be given to members of the Council not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting.

(3) the Chairman shall preside at every meeting of the Council but the absence the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, or in the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, a Council member appointed by the members of the Council present shall preside at the meeting.

(4) five members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Council.

(5) every Member of the Council present shall be entitled to one vote.

(6) where on any question to be determined by the Council there are the same number of votes, many people who chaired the meeting shall have a casting vote.

The term of Office 2. A member of the Council shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years and are eligible for reappointment.

Revocation of appointment and resignation of 3. (1) the Minister may, at any time, revoke the appointment of any member of the Council without giving any reason for the revocation.
National measurement system 31 (2) a member of Council may, at any time, resign his Office by giving notice in writing to the Minister.

Vacation of Office 4. Office of a member of the Council shall be vacated: (a) if he dies;
(b) if there has been proved against him, or if he has been convicted on a charge in respect of — (i) an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude;

(ii) an offence under any law relating to corruption; or (iii) any other offence punishable with imprisonment, whether imprisonment only, or in addition to a penalty or in lieu of a fine, for more than two years;

(c) if he becomes bankrupt;
(d) if he is of unsound mind or otherwise unable to perform its duties;

(e) in the case of the Chairman, if he fails to attend meetings of the Council three times terturut-also without the consent of the Minister;

(f) in the case of a member of Council other than the Chairman, if he fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Council without the permission of the Chairman;

(g) if his appointment is revoked by the Minister; or (h) if he resigns and the resignation is received by the Minister.

32 laws of Malaysia ACT 675 Allowance 5. Members of the Council may be paid such allowance as determined by the Minister.

The Council may invite others to meetings 6. (1) the Council may invite any person to attend any meetings or discussions of the Council for the purpose of advising the Council on any matter under discussion, but the person invited shall not have the right to vote at the meeting or deliberation.

(2) a person invited under subparagraph (1) may be paid such allowance or fees as determined by the Council.

Minute 7. (1) the Council shall cause minutes of all its meetings to be maintained and stored in a proper form.

(2) any minutes made of meetings of the Council shall, if duly signed, is admissible in evidence in all legal proceedings without further proof.

(3) every meeting of the Council with regard to the commissioning minutes have been made in accordance with subparagraph (1) and (2) shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all members of the meeting have been duly qualified to act.

Procedure 8. Subject to this Act, the Council shall determine its own procedure.

National measurement system 33 Members should devote time to the business of Council 9. Every Member of the Council should devote time to the business of the Council as may be necessary to perform its duties effectively.

Council Secretariat 10. Council Secretariat was National Measurement Standard Laboratories.
34 the laws of MALAYSIA ACT 675 NATIONAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ACT 2007 LIST AMENDMENT of laws that amend the short title effect from ─ NIL ─ 35 laws of MALAYSIA ACT 675 NATIONAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ACT 2007 LIST amendment of section Power amend with effect from ─ ─ NO