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Youth Societies And Youth Development Act 2007

Original Language Title: Youth Societies And Youth Development Act 2007

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1Pertubuhan youth and youth development laws of malaysia Act reprinting 668 Societies Act youth and youth development 2007 As at 1 November 2014 issued by the Commissioner of law revision, under the authority of law revision Act 1968 2014 2 laws of Malaysia Act 668 Societies Act youth and youth development 2007 date of assent......... July 18, 2007 date of publication in the Gazette............ 26 July 2007 3Pertubuhan youth and youth development laws of malaysia Act 668 Societies Act youth and youth development 2007 arrangement of sections part i preliminary section 1. short title and commencement 2. interpretation part ii Administration Act 3. appointment of Director General, Deputy Director General and Director 4. appointment of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar, officials and other servants 5. power of Registrar 6. power of delegation of part iii youth organization Chapter 1 Registration 7. application for registration 8. power of Registrar require information 4 laws of Malaysia Act 668 9. registration and refusal of registration 10. certificate of registration Chapter 2 Provisions applicable to registered youth organization 11. applicable to registered youth organization 12. Head of the youth organization 13. loss of eligibility applicable to holders of the post, advisers and employees of registered youth organization 14. representation 15. conditions the cessation of disqualification 16. inspection of documents and the value of the evidence of a copy certified by the Registrar of 17. change the name, place of business and the rules of the youth organization registered 18. Branch 19 youth organization. liability of registered youth organization in respect of contracts made by the branch 20. cancellation and suspension of 21. power of Registrar to make certain orders in respect of registered youth organization 22. information provided by registered youth organization 23. the Registrar approves the temporary order for audit and dissolution of 24. person in charge of providing information 25. as a result of the order of the Minister under section 33, the refusal of the registration of youth organization by the Registrar under section 9 and the cancellation of the registration of youth organization under section 20 26. application of section 25 for registered youth organization branch unlawful 27. the youth organization property vesting provisions revoked its registration to the registered youth organization the new section 5Pertubuhan youth and youth development chapter 3 Disputes and dispute resolution Panel section 28. disputes 29. a panel of dispute resolution Chapter 4 Appeal 30. appeal Chapter 5 General provisions 31. registered youth organization shall act in accordance with the Constitution of the 32. youth organization deemed to be established in malaysia, 33. Minister's power to declare a youth organization as illegal part iV youth development 34. policies with regard to youth development part V National Youth Consultative Council 35. National Youth Consultative Council 36. Functions of Council 37. membership of the Council 38. the Council may invite others to a conference or meeting 39. the term of Office of 40. revocation of appointment and resignation of 41. vacation of post 6 laws of Malaysia Act 668 42. filling vacancy 43. Committee 44. Secretariat of 45. remuneration or allowance 46. 47 Council Conference. disqualification as a 48. the earmarking of funds part Vi holding body youth organization at the national level Chapter 1 General provisions 49. body master youth organization at the national level 50. The function of the body holding youth organization at the national level 51. annual report Chapter 2 Financial Allocation and assistance 52. application for annual allocation body holding youth organization at the national 53. the financial allocation approval and assistance 54. accounts and audit body holding national youth organization part Vii Youth Development Research Institute Chapter 1 General provisions 55. Youth Development Research Institute of 56. seal of the section 7Pertubuhan youth and youth development 57. 58. The functions of the Institute Power Board Institute Chapter 2 Research Institute of youth development 59. the Board of Directors of 60. membership of the Board of 61. the powers and functions of the Board 62. 63. the term of Office revocation of appointment and the resignation of 64. vacation of post 65. delegation of functions and powers of the Board 66. committees of the Board 67. remuneration and allowances 68. power of Minister to give directions 69. validity of acts and proceedings Chapter 3 provisions relating to staff of 70. Chief Executive Officer of 71. the appointment of officers of the chapter 4 Financial 72. establishment of Fund 73. expenses shall be charged on the Fund 74. expenses and the preparation of the estimate of 75. Conservation Fund 76. power to invest 77. account and report of 78. 79. financial procedure financial year section 8 laws of Malaysia Act 668 part Viii offences section 80. youth organizations against the Law 81. penalties for managing, etc., a youth organization illegal 82. penalties for attending meetings, etc., the youth organization illegal 83. penalties for people who allow the youth organization illegal in 84 premises. penalties, as inciting etc., someone to be a member of the youth organization the unlawful 85. fees or penalties for getting help for the youth organization that unlawful 86. penalties for posting, etc., a youth organization propaganda campaign against the law 87. penalty for acting on behalf of or represent a youth organisation unlawful 88. penalty office bearer of the youth organization whose registration has been cancelled 89. of use flag, symbol, coat of arms, badges and other insignia for 90 youth organization. liability of holder of Office in respect of the offence by 91 youth organization. youth organization that uses a triad ceremony deemed youth organization that unlawful 92. penalties for misuse of money or property of 93 registered youth organization. penalties for displaying or using the certificate of registration that was revoked 94. penalties for fraud 95. penalties for providing false information 96. presumption 97. assumptions about the composition, etc., of 98 youth organization. 99 expert evidence. the whistleblower protection 100. forfeiture 101. certain offences can not be guaranteed and to be registered 9Pertubuhan youth and Youth Development Division iX enforcement and investigation section 102. 103 enforcement officers. powers of enforcement officers 104. disclosure of card power 105. checked power 106. disclosure of documents, etc.
107. the seizure of documents, etc.
108. application for search warrant 109. the power of the magistrate to issue a search warrant 110. power to enter premises without a warrant or notice 111. Search and seizure without warrant 112. power to avoid part X a variety of 113. public servants 114. public authorities Protection Act 1948 115. obligation of secrecy 116. representation in civil proceedings 117. prosecution 118. protection of 119. disqualification cost proceeding, damages or other relief, etc.
120. amendment of schedule 121. regulations regulations 122. 123. General offences General power Minister 124. the transitional provisions of 125. Prevention of anomalies of the first schedule second schedule of the third schedule of the 10 laws of Malaysia Act 668 11Pertubuhan youth and youth development laws of malaysia Act 668 Societies Act youth and youth development 2007 an act to register youth organization, encourage and facilitate the development of youth in malaysia in terms of education, research and human resources, to set up national youth Consultative Council, to establish Youth Development Research Institute , and to provide for matters connected therewith.
[The whole Malaysia — 31 December 2007 [P.U. (B) 455/2007];
except for Sabah and Sarawak — October 1, 2010, [P.U. (B) 414/2010].
enacted by the Parliament of malaysia as follows: part i preliminary short title and commencement 1. (1) this Act may be cited as the Societies Act youth and youth development, 2007.
(2) of this Act come into force on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, and the Minister may set different dates — (a) for the commencement of this Act in different parts in malaysia;
12 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (b) for the commencement of different provisions of this Act; or (c) for the commencement of different provisions of this Act in different parts in the country.
Interpretation 2. in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires — "youth activities" means any activity involving youth among its objectives include the following: (a) to develop youth;
(b) to increase the kesetianegaraan among the youth;
(c) to disseminate the principles of the rukun negara;
(d) to create awareness among the youth on the elements and the negative value;
(e) to enable the youth to have awareness of culture, environment, sports, health, spirituality and social welfare;
(f) to provide opportunities for the participation of youth in community development programmes for rural and urban areas;
(g) to provide opportunities for leadership training, skills and entrepreneurship; and (h) to help youth adapt and form a positive attitude in the face of challenges and insistence of life through the use of components of the education and life skills;
13Pertubuhan youth and youth development

"body holding national youth organization" means a youth organization that is registered under this Act and is recognised as the parent body of youth organization at the national level under section 49;
"youth" means a person who is aged not less than fifteen years and not more than forty years;
"Institute" means the Youth Development Research Institute established under section 55;
"Chief" includes the President, the President, Chairman or any highest position which refers to the position of the youth organization;
"Director General" means the Director-General in charge of the youth who are appointed under subsection 3 (1);
"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Institute established under section 59;
"Council" means the National Youth Consultative Council established under section 35;
"Minister" means the Minister charged with the responsibility for Youth Affairs;
"panel" means a panel of dispute resolution under section 29;
"Office" means any person who is the President or Vice President, or Secretary or Treasurer of an organisation or any branch of the Organization, or a member of the Committee or the organising body, his organization or any of its branches or holds any Office or position in the organization or branch of an organisation which is equal to any of the said occurrences;
"Registrar" means the Registrar of societies Youth appointed under subsection 4 (1);
14 laws of Malaysia Act 668 "establishment" includes any club, company, partnership, or association regardless of the type or purpose, whether temporary or permanent, which contains seven or more persons but does not include — (a) any company registered under the provisions of any written law relating to the company that is currently in force in malaysia;
(b) any company or association constituted under any law;
(c) any trade union that is registered or required to be registered under the provisions of any written law relating to trade unions in force in malaysia;
(d) any company, association or partnership formed for the sole purpose to carry out any legal arrangements law has the object to obtain the profit by the company, association or partnership, or by the members of the perseorangannya;
(e) any such cooperative, registered, under any written law;
(f) any organization or association that has been given a certificate by a person or an authority appointed under the provisions of law in force in relation to the registration of the schools and that organisation or association that form part of the curriculum of a school; or (g) any school, the Management Committee of a school, the parent or the parent and teacher who is registered or exempted from registration under any law for the time being in force regulating the school;
15Pertubuhan youth and youth development "youth organization" means any organization that has the following characteristics: (a) has a name that contains the word "youth" or a word that has a meaning similarly or equal to youth;
(b) all members must be aged not less than fifteen years and not more than forty years or any combination or group membership organisations shall be aged not less than fifteen years and not more than forty years; and (c) has the objective to conduct youth activities;
"registered youth organization" means a youth organization registered under subsection 9 (1).
Part ii Administration Act appointment of Director General, Deputy Director General and Director 3. (1) the Minister shall appoint a public officer to be the Director-General for the purpose of carrying out or implementing policies or instructions issued by the Minister under part iV relating to youth development.
(2) the Minister may, from time to time, appoint from amongst public service, any number of Deputy Directors General, directors, Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and any such other officers as may be necessary to assist the Director-General to implement its functions and duties under this Act.
16 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (3) all officers appointed under subsection (2) shall be subject to the supervision, direction and control of the Director General.
Appointment of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar, officials and other servants 4. (1) a Registrar youth organization shall be appointed by the Minister.
(2) the Minister may appoint a Deputy Registrar of societies of youth and such number of Assistant Registrar youth organization, officials and other servants shall be under the direction and control of the General Registrar.
(3) the Registrar shall have the authority and perform the functions conferred upon him by this Act, and in his absence the powers and functions of such can be owned or carried out by the Deputy Registrar.
(4) the Assistant Registrar may perform all the powers and functions conferred upon the Registrar by or under this Act, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by the Registrar.
(5) all officials and other servants who are appointed under subsection (2) shall be deemed to be public servants for the purposes of the Penal Code [Act 574].
Power Of Registrar 5. In addition to the powers, duties and functions assigned to the Registrar by this Act and any regulations made thereunder, the Registrar shall have and may exercise all the powers, perform all the duties and perform all functions as may be necessary for the purpose of enforcing and carrying out the provisions of this Act.
17Pertubuhan youth and Youth Development Authority delegation 6. (1) the Registrar may, in writing, delegate any power conferred upon him under this Act, except the power of delegation under this section, the Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar appointed under subsection 4 (2).
(2) any delegation under subsection (1) shall be subject to such restrictions and limitations as may be specified by the Registrar in the delegation instrument.
Part iii youth organization Chapter 1 Registration application for registration 7. (1) every youth organization, other than in respect of which an order made under section 33 in force shall, in the prescribed manner apply to the Registrar for registration under this Act.
(2) every youth organization shall be registered with the Registrar except — (a) any body established under any act prescribed under the first schedule; and (b) any youth wing to any organization other than the youth organization.
(3) every youth organization registered under the Societies Act 1966 [Act 335] shall, within twelve months from the start date of the commencement of this Act or for any period agreed upon by the Minister, apply to the Registrar to be registered under this Act.
18 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (4) until the Registrar approves the registration of any youth organization under subsection (3), the Societies Act 1966 shall continue to apply to any youth organization.
Power of Registrar require information 8. (1) the Registrar may, in respect of any application for registration under subsection 7 (1) or any other provision of this Act or the regulations, request any further information and make such inquiries, as he may deem necessary.
(2) If a person who makes any application failed to provide further information requested, or answering inquiries made, under subsection (1), to the satisfaction of the Registrar, the Registrar may refuse the application.
Registration and refusal of registration 9. (1) when an application under subsection 7 (1) is accepted, the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of this section and such conditions as the Registrar may deem fit to impose, to register the youth organization making the application.
(2) the Registrar may reject the registration of any youth organization if — (a) he is satisfied that the youth organization is a branch of any youth organization whose registration has been cancelled under paragraph 20 (1) (c) or under the Societies Act 1966;
(b) he is not satisfied that the society has complied with the provisions of this Act and the regulations made thereunder; or (c) a dispute exists among members of the organization about the person who will be bearers or will hold or administer any property that organization until the dispute is resolved.
19Pertubuhan youth and youth development (3) the Registrar shall refuse registration of any youth organization if — (a) turned out at the Registrar that the establishment was illegal in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any other written law or may be used for illegal purpose or for any purpose that is harmful or contrary to peace, welfare, security, public order or kemoralan in malaysia;
(b) the establishment was declared by the Minister as unlawful under section 33;

(c) the Registrar is satisfied that the organization does not exist;
(d) the name of the establishment to be registered — (i) turned out at the Registrar is confusing or misleading to the general public considered about the nature or purpose of the organization is actually or nearly resemble the name of another organization can deceive the public up or member of one of the establishment;
(ii) is the same as any other youth organization existing; or (iii) is, in the opinion of the Registrar, not desired; or (e) of the Constitution or the rules of that organization does not contain provision for all matters specified in the second schedule or any other matter required by the Registrar.
(4) where the Registrar has refused the registration of an youth organization under this section, the provisions of section 25 shall apply for the youth organization.
(5) any body who contravenes any of the conditions imposed upon him by the Registrar under subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding three thousand dollars.
20 laws of Malaysia Act 668 certificate of registration 10. the Registrar, when registering a youth organization under subsection 9 (1), shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form to the establishment, and such certificate shall, unless proved to have been revoked, be conclusive evidence for all purposes that the society has been duly registered under this Act.
Chapter 2 Provisions applicable to registered youth organization applicable to registered youth organization 11. the following provisions shall apply to registered youth organization: (a) movable property of any youth organization, otherwise vested in the trustee, shall be deemed to have vested at the time the body organising the youth organization, and can, in all civil and criminal proceedings, described as property of the organizing body of the youth organization with proper title if known;
(b) immovable property of any youth organisation may, if not registered in the name of trustee, notwithstanding the provisions of any written law to the contrary, registered under the name the youth organization, and all instruments relating to such property shall be valid and take effect as if the instrument was completed by a registered owner, provided that the instrument executed by three Office bearers who at the time of the youth organization , that their appointment was confirmed by a certificate from the Registrar and sealed with the seal of the youth organization;
21Pertubuhan youth and youth development (c) a youth organization may sue or be sued in the name of any one of its members as may be disclosed to registrars and registered by the Registrar as a public officer the youth organization for that purpose, and, if no such person is registered, it is competent for any person having a claim or demand against the youth organization to sue against the youth organization in the name of any office bearer of the youth organization;
(d) No suit or proceeding by or against any youth organization in any civil court can be halted or terminated due to people who bring or against whom the suit or proceeding is brought or continued, dies or is no longer holds the position that (s) he has to sue or be sued, but the same suit or proceeding may be continued in the name of , by or against that person's successors;
(e) (i) no judgment in any suit against any youth organization may be exercised against the person or property of the person who brought the suit against the property but the youth organization;
(ii) application to per laksanaan shall bear the judgment, details of the parties sue or be sued, as the case may be, on behalf of the youth organization and the application shall require the judgment is enforceable against the assets of the youth organization;
(f) any member of that — (i) fails to pay a membership fee in accordance with the methods of youth organization which he sits, he is bound to pay;
(ii) to whom he owed money to youth organization;
22 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (iii) take possession or hold any property youth organization in contrast to methods of the youth organization; or (iv) damage or destroy any property of the youth organization, can be sued for membership fees or money or damage arising from such acts had incorrectly, hold, damaging or destroying the property: provided that if the defendant is successful in the legal costs awarded, and the defendant can choose to claim the cost of a legal officer (s) that were taken or from the youth organization and in case of youth organization She can get execution against the property of the youth organization;
(g) any member of that — (i) stealing or misusing with cheat or make for his own use, any money or other property;
(ii) the purpose or intention of destroying or damaging any property youth organization; or (iii) falsify any instrument the bonds, bonds, security for money, receipts or other instruments expose the youth organization to fund losses, can be prosecuted and punished as if he is not a Member; and (h) if there are any specific provisions in the rules of a youth organization, not less than three-fifths of the number of members for any of the youth organization living in malaysia may decided that the youth organization dissolved once or at the time of the dispute, and all necessary measures should be taken to dispose of 23Pertubuhan youth and youth development and resolve property the youth organization , claims and liabilities, in accordance with the rules, if any, the youth organization of the case and if there is no such method, then it must follow as directed by the pengelolanya body: provided that if any dispute arises between a member of the organising body or a member of the youth organization under paragraph (h), the dispute shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of sections 28 and 29.
Head of the youth organization 12. any member appointed or elected Chief in any youth organization at the national level shall hold office for a term not exceeding six years continuously.
Loss of eligibility applicable to holders of the post, advisers and employees of registered youth organization 13. (1) subject to subsection (2) and (4), a person shall be disqualified from being, and cannot become or remain, as an office bearer, adviser or employee of a registered Youth Organization — (a) if he has been convicted of any offence under this Act;
(b) if he has been convicted of any offence under any law and sentenced to a fine of not less than five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not less than one year or to both;
(c) if there are any detention order, restrictions, regulatory supervision, residential limited, banishment or deportasi under any law relating to public order or security of malaysia or any part thereof, or with crime prevention, preventive detention, residential limited, banishment or immigration in force against him;
24 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (d) if he is a bankrupt that has yet to be released;
(e) if he is and has been found or declared as not of unsound mind;
(f) if he dies; or (g) subject to section 14, if he is found to be eligible to hold office concerned by the Registrar for any reason as deemed appropriate and necessary by the Registrar.
(2) loss of eligibility a person under paragraph 1 (b) shall cease at the end of a period of five years commencing from the date of the person convicted is discharged from custody or the date of the penalty imposed, as the case may be.
(3) loss of eligibility of any person under paragraph 1 (c) shall cease as soon as the person is released from the relevant order.
(4) loss of eligibility for any Office due to bankruptcy shall cease when order acceptance and judgment has been cancelled.
(5) where the Registrar informed by notice signed, a youth organization that any office bearer, adviser or employee of the youth organization have been disqualified under subsection (1), the youth organization shall immediately enforce the disqualification.
(6) any person who lost eligibility under paragraph 1 (a), (b) or (c) may apply to the Registrar to be exempted from the disqualification, and the Registrar may, if he thinks is fit to do so, provide exceptions to it for a period as may be prescribed by the Registrar and subject to the limitations, restrictions, terms or conditions as may be decided to impose.
25Pertubuhan youth and youth development

(7) any person who contravenes any provision of subsection (1), other than paragraph (1) (e) and (f), or any limitations, restrictions, terms or conditions imposed under subsection (6) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or both of each.
(8) for the purposes of subsection (1), the "Office" includes — (a) a member of any Sub-Committee or other body established or constituted by the organizing body registered youth organization, or by organizing a branch of the youth organization;
(b) any person who is responsible for the management of any Affairs or the conduct of any activity, a registered youth organization or any branch of the youth organization; and (c) any person appointed or authorized to represent, or acting on behalf of, a registered youth organization or any branch of the youth organization, in any matter, other than a person who is not a member of the youth organization, taken by the youth organization to represent, or acting on behalf of, youth organization or any branch of that organization in his professional capacity or through contractual arrangements.
(9) any person who, immediately before this section comes into his powers, was an office bearer, Advisor, or employee of a registered youth organization, can continue their respective positions until the end of the current period of his Office or appointment or termination of his contract of service, as the case may be, even if he is disqualified under subsection (1).
26 laws of Malaysia Act 668 Representation 14. (1) the Registrar may provide notice to any holder of the post of youth organization registered to make representations to the Registrar before the holder of the post can be removed in the qualification by the Registrar from Office under paragraph 13 (1) (g).
(2) the representation can be present personally or by production of documents or both before the Registrar.
(3) representations shall be made within thirty days from the date of the notice by the Registrar to the bearers.
(4) any office bearer of a registered youth organization is disqualified from Office may appeal to the Minister against the decision of the Registrar within thirty days from the date of the decision.
(5) the decision of the Minister against an appeal is final and cannot be challenged in any court in the country.
the cessation of disqualification requirements 15. the cessation of disqualification of a person's Office registered youth organization shall be subject to the condition that he has not attained the age of forty years at the date of termination of the disqualification.
Inspection of documents and the value of the evidence of a copy certified by the Registrar 16. (1) subject to subsection (2), a document filed with the Registrar in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any regulations made thereunder and any copy of any certificate, order, notice or any other document issued by the Registrar under this Act shall, on the fee paid — (a) inspected by any person; or (b) obtained by any person from the Registrar: 27Pertubuhan youth and youth development provided that persons applying to inspect or obtain a copy of the expressed purpose that he wills and the Registrar is satisfied that the purpose is the purpose of the legal law, and examination or the copy is not requested by or on behalf of any youth organization which is illegal.
(2) No person, other than a person who the Registrar is satisfied that a member of a youth organization registered, may examine or obtain from the Registrar the youth organization account or copies thereof.
(3) a copy of or extract from any document received at the Office of the Registrar certified as a true copy of or extract signed and sealed by the Registrar shall, in any proceedings is admissible in evidence without any further proof.
Change the name, place of business and the rules of the registered youth organization 17. (1) no registered youth organization may — (a) change the name or place of his affairs; or (b) amend kaedah-kaedahnya, without the prior approval of the Registrar, and an application for any changes, or amendments to the rules of his model to be made to the Registrar within sixty days from the date of the decision to make changes or amendments to it.
(2) where any registered youth organization fails to comply with this section, the youth organization of the registered and every holder of his position commits an offence under this Act and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars.
(3) for the purposes of this section — (a) the phrases "alter" and similar expressions shall include a new method and resolution canceling rules; and 28 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (b) the expression "rules" include the goals and objectives of the establishment of the youth organization, or that can be conclusions accordingly, or the use of the Fund, eligibility for membership and to hold any Office, methods of appointment or election to any Office, rules which the youth organization administered and, method and manner with and in which any of the above amended.
Branch 18 youth organization. (1) no registered youth organization may establish a branch without prior written approval of the Registrar.
(2) the Registrar may refuse to give consent for the establishment of a branch registered youth organization if — (a) the rules of the registered youth organization does not provide for the establishment of any of its branches; or (b) the rules of the registered youth organization branch is such up to make branch youth organization registered as a body which is independent under the control of the youth organization.
(3) If a registered youth organization set up a branch without prior approval of the Registrar, such established branch shall be a youth organization that is against the law: provided that a branch of any registered youth organization established and that existed immediately before this Act comes into power must not be deemed to be a youth organization which is illegal if within six months from the commencement of this Act or any further period not exceeding three months , as permitted by the Registrar, the youth organization to apply to the Registrar in writing to his approval under this section, and in considering the application, the Registrar shall have all the powers conferred upon him under subsection (2).
29Pertubuhan youth and youth development (4) the provisions of this Act, other than subsection 7 (1), sections 9 and 10, shall apply to any branch of the youth organization registered under this section as if the branch is a youth organization registered under part iii of this Act.
(5) where the approval to establish a branch has been given, the branch shall be established within three months from the date of the approval unless the Registrar has given the extension of time.
Liability of registered youth organization in respect of contracts made by the branch 19. (1) Notwithstanding section 18, a registered youth organization cannot sue or be sued in respect of any contract made by any of its branches or by any office bearer of the branch, unless the contract — (a) has been made by the branch in accordance with expressed authority provided to the branch by the Committee or the organising body of the registered youth organization; or (b) it is a contract of the class or description specified that the branch is authorised generally or specifically by the registered youth organization to enter into contracts, and, the provisions of paragraph 11 (c), (d) and (e) shall be construed accordingly in the application thereof to any suit, proceeding, judgment, or the application for implementation in respect of any contract made by any registered youth organization branch.
(2) without prejudice to subsection (1), if a branch, which is in this subsection referred to as "inferior", branch was under the control of and accountable to an other branch, called "superior", branch in 30 laws of Malaysia Act 668 of this subsection, the upper branch can sue or be sued in respect of contracts made by the subordinate branch if — (a) the contract made by virtue of a real written permission given by the superior branch; or (b) the contract is a contract of the class or description of contract the subordinate branch authorized by the senior Branch to make it: provided that a branch shall in any case be deemed to be under the control and accountability to an other branch if the upper branch members are nominated or elected or otherwise chosen from members of the lower branches.
Cancellation and suspension of 20. (1) subject to subsection (2), the Registrar may in the following matters, cancel the registration of any youth organization registered under section 9:

(a) upon its dissolution by registered youth organization shall be verified in the manner required by the Registrar or when its closure by the Registrar in accordance with this Act;
(b) on the order made by the Minister under section 33;
(c) if the Registrar is satisfied that — (i) that the registration had been made due to fraud or error or misstatement in any material particulars;
(ii) that the registered youth organization may be used for illegal purposes or for purposes prejudicial to or against the peace, welfare, security, public order, or kemoralan in malaysia;
31Pertubuhan youth and youth development (iii) that the registered youth organization pursuing other objectives youth organization is registered;
(iv) that the registered youth organization has willfully violated any provision of this Act or any regulations made thereunder or any of his model or that of any member of the registered youth organization usually already be in breach of the provisions of subsection 4 (1) of the Sedition Act 1948 [Act 15] any other act or expression of paragraph 3 (1) (f) of the Act applies;
(v) that the registered youth organization has ceased to exist;
(vi) that the registered youth organization were not in compliance with an order made by the Registrar under section 21;
(vii) that the registered youth organization has not complied with the provisions of section 31; or (viii) that the registered youth organization has violated the provisions of section 91; and (d) when a registered youth organization i tu be the youth organization that is unlawful under subsection 23 (6) for failing to provide the information in writing.
(2) if the Registrar intends to cancel the registration of any registered youth organization under paragraph 1 (c), the Registrar — (a) shall notify one or more holders of the position of the youth organization of his intention to cancel the registration of the youth organization; and (b) shall give the opportunity to him or them to submit reasons in writing why the registration should not be cancelled within thirty days from the date of the notification.
32 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (3) the Registrar may, within the period specified in paragraph (2) (b), by order in writing suspend all or any of the activities of the youth organization — (a) if it considers it necessary to do so — (i) in the public interest; or (ii) in the interest of the registered youth organization; or (b) to prevent the youth organization from directly contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, any regulations made thereunder or any method of the youth organization.
(4) an order made under subsection (3) — (a) may contain such conditions as it deems necessary or expedient by the Registrar; and (b) shall remain in force until the order or the youth organization registration cancelled.
(5) an office bearer or any person who manages or assists in the management of youth organization that fails to comply with an order made under subsection (3) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and in case the offence continues, to a fine not exceeding five hundred more dollars for each day the offence continues after conviction.
(6) where the Registrar cancels the registration of any youth organization under this section or under any other provision of this Act, the provisions of section 25 shall apply for the youth organization and the cancellation shall be published in the Gazette.
Power of Registrar to make certain orders in respect of registered youth organization 21. (1) if the Registrar is satisfied that it is necessary to do so in the interest of any registered youth organization, or in the interest of public order, security and Youth 33Pertubuhan youth development or guarantee or otherwise in the public interest, the Registrar may at any time, after giving the youth organization an opportunity to make representations to him, make an order in writing — (a) requires the youth organization, within the time specified in the order , provides that the rules or its Constitution that the office bearer of the youth organization shall be citizens of malaysia, and subsequently require the youth organization ending position of any person, who is not a citizen of malaysia, who holds office immediately before the order is made; or (b) prohibits the youth organization of the holding, directly or indirectly, any consolidation, relationship, relationships, or any other business, with any organization, organization, or any other body outside malaysia with any authority, Government or otherwise, in any country, territory or place outside malaysia.
(2) the Registrar may at any time, after giving the registered youth organization an opportunity to make representations to him, make an order in writing require the youth organization, within the time specified in the order, amend its Constitution or rules, so that — (a) to comply with, or are consistent and in accordance with the provisions of this Act or the regulations made thereunder; or (b) delete any ambiguity or obscurity, or assign a purpose more clearly and accurately in any provision; or (c) provide for any other matter the Registrar found necessary, reasonable or expedient to required.
34 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 (3) where the Registrar makes an order under subsection (1) or (2), he may enter into the order, or make or give at any time, any requirements or instructions consequential or incidental damages relating to such order as it considers necessary or expedient to be made or given.
(4) the Registrar may, by application in writing is made to him by a registered youth organization, extending time conferred by it to the youth organization in any order made under subsection (1) or (2) if he is satisfied that the youth organization has given a good reason in its application and is fit and proper to grant the extension.
(5) for the purposes of subsection (1), the "Office" includes persons specified in paragraphs 13 (8) (a), (b) and (c).
(6) any youth organization who contravenes any order given by the Registrar under subsection (1) or (2) or any requirement or direction made or given by him under subsection (3) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifteen thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.
information provided by registered youth organization 22. every registered youth organization shall submit to the Registrar within sixty days after the annual general meeting is to be held or if no annual general meeting is held, within sixty days after the end of each calendar year — (a) a copy of the true and complete any amendment to the rules of the youth organization made since the date of registration or date of the last statement;
(b) a list of the true and complete Office bearers and the number of members of the youth organization who is resident or is in malaysia on the date the statement or, if no office bearer of the youth organization who is resident or are in malaysia, 35Pertubuhan youth and youth development name, address and occupation in malaysia to be authorized to act for or on behalf of the youth organization , and the number of such members together with a true and complete list of office bearers for all branches, if any, the youth organization;
(c) the address or place of business of the youth organization;
(d) the accounts for the financial year on for the youth organization together with the balance sheet and financial position at the conclusion of the last financial year for the youth organization;
(e) the name and address of any organization, Association, or any other body of persons, incorporated or unincorporated, outside malaysia which the youth organization in such a way associated or merged;
(f) a description of any money or property, any interest or financial gain received by the youth organization from any source outside malaysia and other details related; and (g) any other information as may be required by Registrar from time to time.
The Registrar approves the temporary order for audit and dissolution of 23. (1) the Registrar may, at any time by notice, order any registered youth organization so as to give him — (a) a copy of the true and complete about the rules of any of the youth organization in effect on the date of the order;
(b) a list of the true and complete Office bearers and members for any of the youth organization or any of its branches residing or is in malaysia on the date of the order;
36 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (c) a statement of the true and complete number of meetings have been held by any of the youth organization or its branches in malaysia within six months immediately before the order stating the place of the meeting is held;

(d) properly audited accounts;
(e) the name and address of any organisation, association or any other body of persons, incorporated or unincorporated, outside malaysia merged with the youth organization and other details related to it;
(f) a description of any money or property, any interest or financial gain received by the youth organization from any source outside malaysia and other details related to it; or (g) any other information as may be required by Registrar from time to time.
(2) a notice given under subsection (1) shall state the time of not less than fourteen days during that period the information shall be given: provided that the Registrar may, in its discretion, upon application made to him and shown sufficient reasons, give any extension of time.
(3) for the purposes of this section, "acted properly" means were audited by an auditor approved by the Registrar, and the Registrar may give the approval and approved auditor shall make a report on the accounts examined by it in any form required by the Registrar.
(4) where the particulars required to be given under subsection (1) is not given within the period specified in the notice, or within the extended period allowed by the Registrar, the Registrar may make an order for dissolution of the youth organization.
37Pertubuhan youth and youth development (5) If before the expiry of thirty days from the date of order while the particulars are required to be given under subsection (1) have such a Registrar may cancel the order.
(6) upon the expiry of thirty days from the date of order in the meantime or, if there is an appeal, when the appeal is rejected, the order shall be absolute and registered youth organization shall be deemed to be a youth organization which is illegal and its registration shall be cancelled.
(7) any registered youth organization which, by reason of the failure to comply with an order under this section, the registration has been cancelled under section 20, shall not be entitled to apply for registration until the order has been complied with or unless it is proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar that it is impossible to comply with the order.
Person in charge of providing information 24. (1) the duty imposed on the youth organization registered by section 22 and 23 shall be binding upon every office bearer and the person who manages or assists in the management of any of the youth organization in malaysia: provided kept up that any Office or other person shall not be so bound unless the order given by the Registrar were presented to him.
(2) where a notice, order, or other document be served on the person who has cease to be bearers of a youth organization, he shall forthwith deliver the notice, order or document to the existing positions or, if not known, shall return it to the Registrar who sent it, and any person who fails to do so commits an offence and shall, on conviction , to a fine not exceeding three thousand dollars.
38 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 (3) where any registered youth organization fails to comply with all or any part of an order is given under section 22 and 23, every person referred to in subsection (1) which was delivered with such order commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars unless he proves up to the Court is satisfied that he has put in place properly and have the wisdom not to comply with the order on the ground outside his control.
(4) where any information supplied to the Registrar to comply with any order given under section 22 and 23 are false, incorrect or incomplete about any material details, the person providing such information commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars unless he proves up to the Court is satisfied that he has good reason to believe that the information is true , correct and complete.
as a result of the order of the Minister under section 33, the refusal of the registration of youth organization by the Registrar under section 9 and the cancellation of the registration of youth organization under section 20 25. (1) when any order made by the Minister under section 33 or when the Registrar refused registration of any youth organization under section 9, or when the registration of any youth organization revoked under the provisions of this Act, from the following shall apply: (a) the property of the youth organization shall be immediately vested in the general meeting, for the purpose of winding up the Affairs of the State of affairs of the youth organization;
(b) the general meeting shall proceed with the winding up of managing the Affairs of the youth, and after resolving all debts and liabilities of the youth organization and the costs of the winding up shall pay the excess assets, if any — (i) by order of the Minister, to the consolidated fund if registration of the youth organization has been rejected or cancelled by order of the 39Pertubuhan youth and youth development under section 33 or on the ground set out in paragraph 9 (3) (a) or subparagraph 20 (1) (c) (ii) or, if members of the youth organization of such request; and (ii) in any other case, to the members of the youth organization in accordance with the rules of the youth organization, or if there is no such method, then the general meeting shall prepare a scheme for the use of the surplus assets to the approval of the High Court;
(c) an application for the approval of the scheme shall be made by originating summons and may be amended by the Court in such manner as he may deem proper according to the circumstances of the case;
(d) upon approval of the Court to the scheme or the amended scheme, obtained the surplus property, which is the subject of the scheme shall be held and used by the general meeting in accordance with the terms and for the purposes specified in the court order; and (e) for the purpose of winding up the Affairs of the youth, the general meeting shall have all powers under any written law relating to bankruptcies or winding up for the purpose of resolving youth organization property under this Act.
(2) the Registrar may, with the agreement of the Minister, suspend the coming into operation of this section to the extent and for such periods as he may deem expedient.
(3) the Registrar or the Director-General of insolvency may require — (a) the organizing body of the youth organization, which is the organising body that existed immediately before start the currency of subsection (1) in relation to the youth organization;
(b) any member of the body of the Organizer; or 40 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (c) any person who at that time or that were previously used to be Office bearers, members or employees of the youth organization, to give to the Registrar or the Director-General of insolvency, as the case may be, or to any other person as may be specified by the Registrar or the Director-General of insolvency, any information relating to the property, Affairs, business, account or the youth organization , or any other matter relating to the youth organization, which may be required for the purposes of this section.
(4) subject to subsection (5), nothing done by any person mentioned in subsection (3) in compliance with that subsection is not to be an offence under this Act, provided that the matter is done otherwise according to law.
(5) any person referred to in subsection (3) that does not comply with any requirements of the Registrar or the Director-General of insolvency, under that subsection, or do any thing beyond the field, or inconsistent with, any of the requirements of the Registrar or the Director-General of insolvency under subsection (3), commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both.
(6) for the purposes of subsection (3), the "Office" includes any person referred to in paragraph 13 (8) (a), (b) and (c).
(7) for the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that if the property of a registered youth organization vested in the general meeting under paragraph 1 (a), the property of every branch of the youth organization, whether it is a branch of the legal law or not, be also vested in the general meeting and this section shall apply to every such branch and their wealth.
41Pertubuhan youth and youth development the application of section 25 for registered youth organization branch unlawful 26. If a branch of a youth organization registered — (a) has been declared as illegal through an order of the Minister under section 33;
(b) be notified by the Registrar to the Director-General of insolvency as a youth organization that is unlawful under subsection 18 (3); or

(c) has, in any manner, be a youth organization that is unlawful under subsection 86 (1), the provisions of section 25 shall apply to the branches registered youth organization and their wealth by the same way as they apply for any registered youth organization and their wealth, and a reference to the organizing body registered youth organization in subsection 25 (3) and (5) shall accordingly be construed as a reference to the organizing body of the youth organization branch.
The youth organization property vesting provisions revoked its registration to the registered youth organization the new 27. (1) any new youth organization which was established to replace the registered youth organization that was revoked by the Registrar under section 20, may apply in writing to the Director-General of insolvency for vest all assets, debts and liabilities of the old youth organization and a branch that has been vested in the general meeting under paragraph 25 (1) (a) to the newly registered youth organization.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs 25 (1) (b) (ii), the general meeting may, if he is satisfied that — (a) the new youth organization has been registered under this Act;
42 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (b) of the Constitution and rules of the new youth organization similar to the Constitution and the rules of the old youth organization;
(c) the majority of the people who became a member of the old youth organization that is valid immediately before the cancellation of its registration is a member of the new youth organization; and (d) of the body organising the new youth organization has given a written undertaking stating that the new youth organization will take over responsibility for all debts and liabilities of the youth organization of the existing old, applying to the High Court for an order to vest all assets, debts and liabilities of the old youth organization and all of its branches at the new youth organization.
(3) the Court may, if it is satisfied on all matters referred to in subsection (2) to approve the application as submitted by the Director-General of insolvency with such modifications or variations as he thinks fit and necessary.
(4) the application shall be made by originating summons which shall be published in the Gazette and advertised in newspapers in the national language and English, distributed in malaysia.
(5) any person who may be affected or aggrieved by the decision of the Court, on its properties as a member of either the old youth organization or a new youth organization or as a creditor of the old youth organization may apply to the Court to attend and make representations thereon in accordance with * the rules of the High Court.
* NOTE – the rules of the High Court 1980 [p.u.(a) 50/1980] was repealed by rules of the Court of 2012 [P.U. (A) 205/2012] — see rules 1 method 1 and rules 94 method 1 the rules of Court of 2012 [P.U. (A) 205/2012] m.b.p. 1 August 2012.
43Pertubuhan youth and youth development (6) any person who is a member of the old youth organization that is valid immediately before the cancellation of its registration and who is not a member of the new youth organization is not opposed to the application of the Director-General of insolvency shall be released from all debts and liabilities of the old youth organization and all of its branches when the order as requested by the Director-General of insolvency is made.
(7) when an order vesting provisions made by the Court under subsection (3), all property contained in such order shall vest accordingly to the new youth organization without any transfer of rights, transfer of title or the assignment further.
(8) it shall be lawful for the Director-General of insolvency to do or take any action as may be necessary to manage any property or discharge of debts and liabilities of the old youth organization even if the application under subsection (2) is pending in court.
(9) general meeting shall publish an order under subsection (3) in the Gazette and mengiklankannya in the newspapers the national language and English, distributed in malaysia, and then Director-General of insolvency shall be missed completely from all responsibility and liability in the matter.
(10) all costs and expenses incurred by the general meeting in this respect shall be paid out of the assets of the old youth organization and all of its branches and shall be given priority overcome debt and other liabilities.
(11) all deeds, bonds, agreement, instrument and arrangement work immediately before existed before the publication in the Gazette the decision of the Court under subsection (3) shall have effect and the full effects against or favor to a new youth organization and fully enforceable and effective, of the new youth organization.
(12) the provisions of subsection 25 (3), (5) and (6) shall apply in relation to this section in the same manner as it applies in respect of section 25.
44 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 Chapter 3 Disputes and dispute resolution Panel Disputes 28. (1) any dispute that cannot be resolved in any youth organization may be referred to the Registrar for decision.
(2) any party to the dispute that is aggrieved by a decision made by the Registrar may appeal to the dispute resolution panel.
Dispute Resolution Panel 29. (1) the dispute resolution panel shall consist of — (a) the Secretary-General of the Ministry responsible for youth as Chairman; and (b) two other members appointed by the Minister.
(2) in carrying out its duties and functions in decision making, the panel may direct the parties to the dispute to disclose any documents or appear before the panel or give any direction that it considers appropriate.
Chapter 4 the appeal of appeal 30. (1) any registered youth organization, office bearer or a member of the youth organization or any person aggrieved by the decision of the dispute resolution panel under section 29 or any decision of the Registrar in any of the following matters: (a) cancellation of the registration of youth organization under section 20;
45Pertubuhan youth and youth development (b) refusal to register the youth organization under section 9;
(c) refusal to give exemption under subsection 13 (6) to the qualified person to hold office in any youth organization;
(d) refusal to approve the name change or place of business of the youth organization, or amendments to the rules of his method under section 17;
(e) refusal approved the establishment of a branch of the youth organization under section 18;
(f) cancellation of the registration of youth organization under section 31;
(g) an order prohibiting the person is not a citizen from holding positions in a youth organization or prohibit the combination, Association, relationship, or other business with any organization outside of malaysia and other matters specified in subsection 21 (1);
(h) Decree to amend the rules or Constitution of the youth organization bawahsubseksyen 21 (2);
(i) refusal to approve an auditor or approve an auditor under subsection 23 (3) which is not accepted by the youth organization;
(j) make an interim order for the dissolution of the youth organization under subsection 23 (4); or (k) refusal of consent under section 13 to be an office bearer, may, within thirty days from the date of the decision of the dispute resolution panel or the Registrar, appeal against such decision to the Minister.
(2) the Minister may confirm, reject or vary the decision of the dispute resolution panel and the decision of the Minister or Registrar shall be final.
46 laws of Malaysia Act 668 Chapter 5 General provisions registered youth organization shall act in accordance with the Constitution of 31. be the duty of every registered youth organization in carrying out its activities to handle its affairs to ensure that it is consistent and appropriate in accordance with and comply with the provisions of the Federal Constitution and the Constitution of the State, and if any of the activities or Affairs of any registered youth organization in any way violate, harm or restrict or pointing ignore — (a) the democratic system of Government headed by a constitutional monarchy of malaysia , and in the States, by sultan constitutional or yang di-pertua negeri;
(b) the position of islam as the religion of malaysia, with other religions practiced in peace and harmony;
(c) the use of the national language for official purposes;
(d) the position of the Malays and the natives of sabah and sarawak; or (e) the importance of valid standard of other races, as provided under the Constitution or any State Constitution, the Registrar may cancel the registration of the youth organization of the youth organization after giving an opportunity to make representations to him.
Youth organization deemed to be established in malaysia, 32. (1) subject to subsection (2) a youth organization deemed to be established in malaysia, although it is formed and has a head office or principal place of affairs outside of malaysia, if any office bearer or his 47Pertubuhan youth and Youth Development are living or in malaysia, or if any person in malaysia to manage or assist in the management of the youth organization or obtain or collect money or fees on behalf of the youth organization.

(2) no youth organization can be deemed to be established in such a way, if and as long as — (a) it is organized and operates entirely outside malaysia;
(b) there are offices, place of business or place of the meeting maintained or used in malaysia by the youth organization or by anyone on his behalf;
(c) no express on all or any member of the youth organization are stored in malaysia; and (d) no fees collected or obtained in malaysia by the youth organization or by anyone on his behalf.
Minister's power to declare a youth organization as illegal 33. (1) the Minister may, by order, declare, any youth organization or branch or category or evidence of any youth organization that in its opinion, used or are being used for purposes prejudicial or contrary to public order or kemoralan and safety of malaysia or any part thereof, as unlawful.
(2) an order made under this section shall be published in the Gazette and shall become effective for cancel immediately the registration of any of the youth organization, if it has been registered under this Act and no youth organization against whom an order has been made under this section may be registered as such.
(3) the provisions of section 25 shall apply for any youth organization that is affected by an order made under this section.
48 laws of Malaysia Act 668 part iV youth development policies with regard to youth development 34. (1) the Minister is responsible for holding or issuing policies or direction on matters relating to youth development of the field of education, research and human resources and in the hold or issue a policy or directive in this regard, the Minister shall consult with the State authorities.
(2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), policy or instruction can be made for all or any of the following matters: (a) development of knowledge of youth;
(b) development of attitudes of youth;
(c) organizational development and youth leadership;
(d) development of entrepreneurial and vocational youth;
(e) to foster a healthy lifestyle among the youth;
(f) facilities for social interaction for youth;
(g) sharing of youth in development; and (h) linkages and international networks among the youth.
(3) the Minister may, from time to time, give the Director General the instructions of a general and in accordance with the provisions of this Act on the exercise of the powers and discretion given to the Director General and the tasks to be implemented under this Act and the regulations made thereunder in respect of all matters pertaining to youth development, and the Director-General shall perform any command such.
49Pertubuhan youth and youth development part V National Youth Consultative Council National Youth Consultative Council 35. a Council with the name "National Youth Consultative Council" is established.
36 Council functions. The Council's function is to act as a consultative body in matters relating to youth development.
Membership of Council 37. (1) the Council shall consist of the following members: (a) the Minister as Chairman;
(b) the Secretary-General of the Ministry responsible for Youth Affairs;
(c) the Director-General;
(d) a representative of each State Government in charge of Youth Affairs;
(e) a representative of the Ministry in charge of the Federal District;
(f) not more than ten representatives from government agencies that handle Youth Affairs the Minister may determine;
(g) not more than twenty-five officers of the Ministry responsible for Youth Affairs, appointed by the Minister;
50 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (h) all members of the House and members of the Working Committee, the highest body of the master youth organization at the national level; and (i) not more than twenty people which in the opinion of the Minister is able to contribute effectively to the development of youth, who are appointed by the Minister.
(2) the Minister may appoint temporarily any member of the Council to undertake the functions of the Chairman for the period when the Chairman is unable, due to illness, holidays or any other reason, to perform its functions.
(3) members who are appointed as Chairman under subsection (2) shall, during the period he function of Chairman under this section, be deemed to be the Chairman.
the Council may invite others to meetings or Conference 38. the Council may invite any person to attend any conferences or meetings of the Council for the purpose of advising or helped him on any matter under discussion.
The term of Office 39. (1) subject to such conditions as may be specified in the instrument of appointment, a member of the Council appointed under paragraph 37 (1) (i) shall hold office for a term not exceeding two years.
(2) a member of Council appointed under paragraph 37 (1) (i) shall be eligible for re-election.
Revocation of appointment and resignation of 40. (1) the Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of any member of the Tribunal under paragraph 37 (1) (i) without giving any reason about the revocation.
51Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) a member of the Council may at any time resign his Office by giving fourteen days notice in writing to the Minister.
Vacation of post 41. Office of a member appointed under paragraph 37 (1) (i) shall be vacated, if — (a) has been proved against him or her have been convicted of any offence — (i) involving fraud, corruption, dishonesty or moral turpitude; or (ii) punishable with imprisonment, whether imprisonment only, or in addition to or in lieu of a fine, for more than two years;
(b) he found to be of unsound mind or otherwise unable to perform his duties;
(c) he has been declared bankrupt;
(d) he did not attend the Conference for three consecutive times-also without the consent of the Chairman;
(e) he has imposed the detention order, residential limited, banishment or similarly with it under any law relating to security and public safety in force;
(f) the resignation is received by the Minister;
(g) appointment is revoked by the Minister; or (h) he was dead.
52 laws of Malaysia Act 668 Filling vacancy 42. When a person is no longer a member of the Council, the Minister may appoint another person to fill the vacancy and any person so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the posts.
The Committee 43. (1) the Council may establish such committees as it considers necessary or expedient to assist it in the performance of its functions.
(2) the Council may appoint any of its members to be the Chairman of the Committee.
(3) the Chairman of a Committee may, with the consent of the Council, appoint any person to sit on a Committee.
(4) the Committee may invite any person to attend any meeting of the Committee for the purpose of advising it or assist it in any matter under discussion but that person is not eligible to vote in a Conference, meeting or deliberation.
Secretariat of 44. (1) a joint secretariat comprising the Council of officers who departments responsible for youth and youth organisations holding bodies at the national level shall be responsible for carrying out the functions of the Council.
(2) the Minister shall appoint a public officer to be the Secretary to the joint secretariat shall be responsible for the Administration and management of the day to day affairs of the Council and of the joint secretariat as a whole.
53Pertubuhan youth and youth development remuneration or allowance 45. the Chairman and the members of the Council or of the Committee and any person invited to attend a conference or meeting of the Committee may be paid such remuneration or allowances at such rates as may be determined by the Minister after consultation with the Minister of finance.
46 Council Conference. (1) the Council shall hold the recent session not less than twice a year at any time and at any place determined by the Chairman.
(2) the quorum for the Conference shall not be less than half of the total membership of the Council be filled.
(3) any decision of the Council shall be made in negotiations.
Disqualification as a 47. (1) any member of the Council representing the youth organization affiliated with the parent body organisation of youth at the national level that no longer hold positions in his organization respectively or the registration has been cancelled under this Act, shall be deemed to have ceased from being a member of the Council.
(2) any member of the Council shall be deemed to have ceased from being a councilman when he ceased to hold office in the body holding youth organization at the national level.
The earmarking of funds 48. Minister after consultation with the Minister of finance, may approve an earmarking of funds of the year for the Council of its functions.
54 laws of Malaysia Act 668 part Vi holding body youth organization at the national level Chapter 1 General provisions Bodies holding youth organization at the national level

49. (1) the Malaysian Youth Council is the parent body of youth organisations at the national level that combine and coordinate all youth organization affiliated with it.
(2) the objectives of the parent body organisation of youth at the national level is — (a) encourage and motivate youth organization so as to play a positive and effective to society and the nation;
(b) stimulate and create relationships, cooperation, understanding and friendship among youth organization with youth or with international youth organization;
(c) encourage a balanced development youth organization in various fields; and (d) foster responsibility, patriotism and the spirit of volunteering among youth organization.
The function of the body holding youth organization at the national level 50. The function of the body holding youth organization at the national level is — (a) to channel the voice of youth to the Government;
55Pertubuhan youth and youth development (b) to cooperate with the Government in carrying out programmes and activities related to youth development of the field of education, research and human resource development; and (c) to perform any other functions under this Act.
annual report 51. body master youth organization at the national level shall, on or before 31 March of each year, submit to the Minister a report with respect to the program and its activities undertaken in the previous year and shall provide any further information required by the Minister.
Chapter 2 the earmarking financial assistance Application for annual allocation body holding youth organization at the national level 52. (1) the parent body organisation of youth at the national level may apply to the Minister for finance and the earmarking of aid for the purposes of carrying out its functions under section 50.
(2) for the purposes of subsection (1), the parent organization of youth at the national level shall prepare estimates for every financial year.
(3) the parent body organisation of youth at the national level shall submit to the Minister an estimate of the annual expenditure for the following year in such form and contain such particulars prescribed by the Minister.
56 laws of Malaysia Act 668 financial allocation Approval and assistance 53. After receiving an application under section 52, the Minister may, after consultation with the Minister of finance approve any financial allocation or assistance subject to such terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary.
accounts and audit body holding youth organization at the national level 54. (1) the parent body organisation of youth at the national level shall cause the account and other records relating to its operation should be maintained, and shall prepare financial statements for each financial year, i.e. from 1 January to 31 December.
(2) the financial statements of the parent body organisation of youth at the national level shall be audited every year by an auditor appointed by the parent body organisation of youth at the national level.
(3) the financial statements of the parent body organisation of youth at the national level shall be audited within six months from the end of every financial year and during that period, the parent body of youth organization at the national level shall submit a copy of the statement of account in the manner required by the Minister to be submitted to the Minister together with a copy of the auditor's report prepared by the auditor so appointed.
Part Vii Youth Development Research Institute Chapter 1 General provisions Research Institute of youth development 55. (1) a body corporate by the name of "Research Institute of youth development" established a perpetual succession and a common seal.
57Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) the Institute may sue or be sued against it in the name of him.
seal of the 56. (1) the common seal of the Institute shall have a sign approved by the Institute and the said seal may from time to time be broken, changed, altered and made new as it deems fit by the Institute.
(2) the seal shall be kept in the custody of the Chief Executive Officer or any other person authorized by either the Chief Executive Officer or by any other person authorised by the Chief Executive Officer in writing.
(3) all deeds, documents and other instruments purporting to be sealed with the common seal and authenticated in accordance with subsection (2) shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been validly executed.
(4) any deeds, documents and other instruments, if executed by a person not being a body corporate, is not required in order to be sealed may be executed in the manner similar by a member of the Institute or the Institute an employee duly authorised for that purpose.
(5) the common seal of the Institute shall be officially and judicially noticed.
57. The functions of the Institute The functions of the Institute are — (a) to act as the national youth development research centre;
(b) to collect, manage and disseminate information and maintaining records of all matters relating to youth development;
58 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (c) to conduct, facilitate or finance research related to the development of youth;
(d) to provide technical services, advice, consultancy and related services with respect to the youth development;
(e) to establish and maintain relationships and cooperation with other relevant institutions within and outside malaysia for the purpose of enhancing youth development;
(f) to analyse, assess and make recommendations regarding youth activities organized by youth organizations, government bodies, non-governmental organizations or any other private sector organization;
(g) to carry out education and awareness programmes to encourage youth development;
(h) to cooperate, coordinate and participate in youth development programmes or activities related to the research conducted by national or international organizations; and (i) to perform any other matter it considers fit to enable it to perform its functions effectively or incidental to the performance of its functions.
Power 58 Institute. (1) the Institute shall have power to do all things necessary or expedient or in connection with the performance of its functions.
(2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the authority of the Institute shall include power — (a) to enter into contracts;
(b) to acquire, purchase, take, hold and enjoy every type of movable or immovable;
59Pertubuhan youth and youth development (c) to transfer, assign, surrender, return, mortgage, charge, pledge, assign the mendemis, transferred or otherwise disposed of, or make any business of any movable or immovable property or any interest therein, which vested in the Institute;
(d) to carry out or coordinate activities relating to youth development and research services relating thereto;
(e) to impose fees or charges for services rendered by the Institute;
(f) to collect and receive money in relation to any activities or services provided by the Institute or the use of the facilities of the Institute;
(g) to make any negotiations and agreements or arrangements that may absolutely deem fit for discharging its functions;
(h) to acquire, hold, dispose of or provide rights in relation to any research results carried out by or on behalf of the Institute or in respect of the results of any research undertaken by any person or organization;
(i) to assign any person or body to carry out research or development or both of each;
(j) to carry out and coordinate any activities that may absolutely deem fit for the purpose of protecting and developing the youth of malaysia; and (k) to do all things expedient or necessary or incidental to the performance of its functions under this Act.
(3) the Institute may, in fulfilling any function in the case of appropriate business activities for gains or benefits by the company which may be established from time to time under the companies Act 1965 [Act 125] and the company can only be established after approval by the Minister with the consent of the Minister of finance.
60 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (4) the Minister may make regulations for prescribing any activity or interest or set the terms and conditions of any activity or interest of any Member, officer or servants of the Institute in relation to any company which is established under subsection (2) or to any company, enterprise or undertaking.
(5) any omission or non-compliance and of any act done or trying to do the opposite with the provisions of the regulations is an offence under this Act and the offender can on conviction liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.
Chapter 2 the Board of Directors of Youth Development Research Institute Board 59. a Board known as the Board of Directors of Youth Development Research Institute was established.
Membership of the Board

60. (1) the Board shall consist of the following members who shall be appointed by the Minister: (a) a Chairman;
(b) the Director General;
(c) the Chief Executive Officer; and (d) seven members who, in the opinion of the Minister, have experience and showed ability and professionalism in matters relating to youth development of the field of education, research or human resources, or otherwise appropriate appointed due to the special knowledge and experience, one of whom must be a representative of the parent body organisation of youth at the national level.
61Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) the Minister may appoint any member of the Board to carry out the functions of the Chairman — (a) if the Chairman is unable to perform his functions because of illness, holidays or other reasons; or (b) during any period of vacancy the Chairman.
(3) a member appointed as Chairman under subsection (2) shall, during the period he function of Chairman under this section, be deemed to be the Chairman.
(4) the Chief Executive Officer shall be the Secretary of the Board.
(5) five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of any meeting of the Board.
(6) subject to this Act, the Board may determine its own procedure.
(7) the provisions of the third Schedule shall apply to the Board.
The powers and functions of the Board of 61. (1) the Board shall be the executive body of the Institute and may exercise all the powers granted to the Institute, except other than those provided for by this Act or any regulations made under this Act.
(2) the Board shall include conducting all activities and do all things necessary or beneficial to the Government, control and administration of the Institute.
62. The term of Office (1) subject to the terms and conditions specified in the instrument of appointment, a member of the Board shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years.
62 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (2) a member of the Board shall be eligible for re-election.
Revocation of appointment and resignation of 63. (1) the Minister may at any time revoke the appointment of any member of the Board in addition to the members under paragraph 60 (1) (b) and (c), without giving any reason for the revocation.
(2) a member of the Board, other members under paragraph 60 (1) (b) and (c), may at any time resign by giving notice in writing to the Minister.
Vacation of post 64. Office of a member of the Board shall be vacated: (a) if he dies;
(b) if it has been proved against him, or he has been convicted, top, a charge in respect of — (i) an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude;
(ii) an offence under any law relating to corruption; or (iii) of any offence punishable with imprisonment, incarceration alone or in addition to or in lieu of a fine, for more than two years;
(c) if his actions, whether in connection with his duties as a member of the Board or otherwise, has affected the reputation of the Board;
(d) if he becomes bankrupt;
63Pertubuhan youth and youth development (e) if he is of unsound mind or otherwise is unable to meet its obligations;
(f) in the case of the Chairman, if he fails to attend meetings of the Board without the consent of the Minister;
(g) in the case of a member of the Board in paragraph 60 (1) (d), if he fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board without written permission of the Chairman;
(h) if his appointment is revoked by the Minister;
(i) if his resignation is accepted by the Minister; or (j) if the Minister is satisfied that the Member has not presented himself three times in a row at the meetings of the Institute without permission or reasonable grounds.
Delegation of functions and powers of the Board of 65. (1) the Board may, subject to conditions, limitations or restrictions as he thinks fit, delegate any of its powers or functions to any member or any Committee member.
(2) any functions and powers delegated under this section shall be implemented and carried out in the name of and on behalf of the Board.
(3) a delegation under this section does not preclude the Board from discharging its own or carry out at any time, any of the functions and powers delegated.
Committees of the Board 66. (1) the Board may establish such committees as it considers necessary or expedient to assist it in carrying out its functions under this Act.
64 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 (2) the Board may appoint any person to be a member of any Committee established under subsection (1).
(3) a Committee established under this section may elect any of its members to be Chairman and may regulate its own procedure and, in the exercise of its powers under this subsection, the Committee is subject to and shall act in accordance with any direction given to the Committee by the Board.
(4) the meetings of a Committee established under this section shall be held at any time and at any place determined by the Chairman of the Committee that, subject to subsection (3).
(5) a Committee may invite any person who is not a member of the Committee to attend any meeting of the Committee, for the purpose of advising it on any matter under discussion but that person shall not be entitled to vote at any such meeting.
(6) a member of the Committee or any person invited under subsection (5) to attend any meeting of a Committee may be paid such allowances and other expenses as determined by the Board.
(7) a member of a Committee shall hold office for such period as may be specified in the instrument of appointment and shall be eligible for re-election.
(8) the appointment of any member of a Committee may at any time be revoked by the Board without assigning any reason therefor.
(9) members of a Committee may at any time resign his Office by giving notice in writing addressed to the Chairman of the Board.
remuneration and allowances 67. Member of the Board, other than the ceo, may be paid such remuneration or allowance out of the Fund as may be determined by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of finance.
65Pertubuhan youth and youth development power of Minister to give directions 68. (1) the Board is responsible to the Minister.
(2) the Minister may give the Board directions of a general nature relating to the functions and powers of the Board and the Board shall give effect to such directions.
Validity of acts and proceedings 69. No act done or proceeding taken under this Act may be questioned on the ground that — (a) the existence of any vacancy in the membership of, or defects in the formation of the Board; or (b) the existence of any omission, defect or ketidakteraturan that notwithstanding the merits of the case.
Chapter 3 provisions relating to the staff of the Chief Executive Officer of 70. (1) the Minister shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Minister to carry out the functions of the Institute.
(2) the Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible for the Administration and management of the functions and Affairs of the day to day of the Institute as a whole.
(3) the Chief Executive Officer shall have general control over the other Institute officials.
(4) the Chief Executive Officer shall perform such additional duties as directed by the Minister and the Board from time to time.
(5) in fulfilling its duties, the Chief Executive Officer shall act under the authority and the General instructions of the Board.
66 laws of Malaysia Act 668 71. Appointment of officers (1) the Chief Executive Officer, with the approval of the Board, may appoint such number of officers as he thinks fit and necessary, which shall be paid remuneration, allowances and benefits, and his appointment shall be made, upon terms which in the opinion of the Board is suitable for carrying out the functions of the Institute.
(2) the Chief Executive Officer shall, with the approval of the Board determining the conditions of service of its officers are subject to the rules and the agreement of the Minister of finance.
Chapter 4 Financial Establishment Fund 72. (1) a fund known as the "Fund Youth Development Research Institute" was established.
(2) the Fund shall consist of — (a) any money appropriated by Parliament from time to time;
(b) research grant of the Minister;
(c) all moneys received by the Institute through grants;
(d) all moneys derived from the sale, disposal, leasing or rental, or any other business about, any property vested in or acquired by the Institute;
(e) all moneys derived as income from investments by the Institute; and (f) all other moneys lawfully received by the Institute.
67Pertubuhan youth and youth development expenses shall be charged on the Fund 73. Fund shall be expended for the purposes of the following: (a) to pay the remuneration, allowances and expenses of other members and officers of the Institute, including the granting of loans and downpayment, retirement allowance, retirement benefits, pensions and remuneration;
(b) pay any expenses incurred by the Institute include legal fees and legal costs and fees and other costs;

(c) pay any expenses, costs or other expenses made, received or deemed fit by the Institute in the execution of its functions;
(d) acquire land and any assets, and constructing buildings, and perform any other work in carrying out any of its functions; and (e) generally, to pay such expenses for performance of its functions.
Expenses and the preparation of the estimate of 74. (1) the expenditure of the Institute to the extent of any amount allowed by the Minister for any one year shall be paid out of the Fund.
(2) before 1 september each year, the Institute shall submit an estimate of expenses, including expenses for research and development, for the ensuing year in such form and contain such particulars as may be directed by the Minister.
(3) the Minister shall, before 1 January of the following year, notify the Institute the amount authorised for expenditure generally or the amount that is allowed for each type of expenditure based on estimates provided under subsection (2).
68 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 (4) the Institute may, at any time, submit to the Minister an estimate of additional expenses for any one year and the Minister may allow the whole or any part of the additional expenditure is included in the estimated additional expenditure.
Conservation Fund 75. be the duty of the Institute to conserve the Fund with the performance of its functions and exercise of its powers under this Act with such uncertain that way so that the total revenue of the National Institute of sufficient to pay all sums properly chargeable to revenue account, including depreciation and interest on capital, from year to year.
Power to invest 76. (1) the Institute can invest in government securities or other securities as may be approved in advance in writing by the Minister of finance, money Fund, which is not needed immediately for current expenses, by the authority from time to time to change any investment, subject to approval in writing in advance by the Minister of finance obtained in respect of any changes as a result of any investment in securities other than government securities.
(2) the Institute may store, either in the fixed deposit or current account, any money that is not invested temporarily in any bank in malaysia who holds a valid license under the provisions of * banking and financial institutions Act 1989 [Act 372] or the Islamic Banking Act 1983 [Act 276] and given the prior approval in writing for this purpose by the Minister.
account and report 77. (1) the Institute shall cause to be kept proper accounts for the Fund and shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year, * NOTE – this Act was repealed by the 2013 Financial Services Act [Act 758] in force on 30 June 2013 — see section 271 of the Act 758.
69Pertubuhan youth and youth development cause to be prepared for that financial year a statement of accounts of the Institute, which shall include a balance sheet and income and expenditure account.
(2) the Institute shall as soon as may send a copy of the statement of account certified by the Auditors and a copy of the Auditors ' report to the Minister who shall cause to the statement and the report laid before both houses of Parliament.
(3) of the statutory bodies (accounts and annual reports) 1980 [Act 240] shall apply to the Institute.
78. financial procedure subject to this Act and the approval of the Minister, the Institute shall determine its financial arrangements themselves.
Financial year 79. the Institute's financial year shall begin on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.
Part Viii offences illegal youth organization law 80. (1) for the purposes of this Act, any youth organization that follows it is a youth organization that is against the law, that is to say — (a) a youth organization or its branch which has been declared as illegal by the Minister under section 33;
(b) a youth organization or its branch which is not registered under section 9;
70 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (c) a branch of a youth organization, if the branch has been established contrary to subsection 18 (1), or continue to exist across from proviso to subsection 18 (3); and (d) a youth organization or a branch whose registration has been cancelled under section 31 and 20.
(2) if any youth organization was unlawful under subsection (1), or its registration is revoked under this Act, every branch of the youth organization shall immediately thereafter became illegal and the approval of the Registrar for its establishment shall be deemed to be void.
Penalties for managing, etc., a youth organization illegal 81. any office bearer and any person who manages or assists in the management of any youth organization that is against the law commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.
Penalties for attending meetings, etc., the youth organization illegal 82. any member or person acting as a member of any youth organization which is illegal or attend a youth organization which is unlawful or which pay money or give any assistance to or for the purpose of youth organization that is against the law and with the knowledge that the youth organization was against the law commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding three thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
71Pertubuhan youth and youth development Penalties to those who allow youth organization which is illegal in 83 premises. any person knowingly allows a meeting of a youth organization that is against the law, held in any House, building or place that is owned, occupied or controlled by him commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.
Penalties for inciting, etc., a person to be a member of a youth organization illegal 84. (1) any person who incites, induces or invites another person to become a member of or assist in the management of any youth organization that is against the law commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or both of each.
(2) any person who uses any violence, threat or intimidation towards any other person in order to induce another person is a member of or assist in the management of any youth organization that is against the law commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
Fees or penalties for getting help for the youth organization that unlawful 85. any person who obtain or attempt to obtain from any other person any fee or aid for the purposes of a youth organization that is against the law commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
72 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 penalties for posting, etc., lies youth organization that unlawful 86. (1) any person who print, distribute, transmit, exhibit, sell or display for sale, or send through any media or without power or valid reason, had any stickers, newspapers, books, magazines, periodicals, posters, circulars, Declaration, statement a valid photo ID, a letter or any document or other writing issued or as if issued by, or on behalf of or for the benefit of a youth organization that is against the law commits an offence and can be , on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.
(2) any stickers, newspapers, books, magazines, periodicals, posters, circulars, Declaration, statement a valid photo ID, a letter or any other document or writing and nothing of books, magazines, periodicals, posters, Declaration, newspaper, letters or any other documents or writings in respect of which that person has been convicted shall be dilucuthakkan.
Penalty for acting on behalf of or represent a youth organisation unlawful 87. (1) any person who in any other manner acting on behalf of, or representing, or help, whether in a professional capacity or otherwise — (a) any youth organization that is unlawful;
(b) the holder of his Office;
(c) body pengelolanya; or (d) of the organizing body of its branches, in respect of any matter concerning the youth organization, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both.

73Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) subsection (1) shall not apply to an appeal by the youth organization that is unlawful under section 30, or for any proceeding in any court in respect of any matter involving that organization.
Penalties against the office bearer of the youth organization whose registration has been revoked 88. If registration of any youth organization has been cancelled under section 31 or paragraph 20 (1) (c), any holder of the post of youth organization who de-registered that — (a) at any time after the cancellation, be bearers of other youth organization; or (b) after the expiration of thirty days from the cancellation, continues to be an office bearer of the any other youth organization, without the prior written permission of the Registrar commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.
Of use flag, symbol, coat of arms, badges and other insignia for 89 youth organization. (1) no any youth organization can use any flag, symbol, symbol, emblem or other insignia without the approval of the Registrar.
(2) the Registrar may impose such terms as to enable any flag, symbol, symbol, emblem or other insignia displayed the youth organization.
(3) any person or organisation for youth that exhibit any flag, symbol, symbol, emblem or other insignia without the approval of the Registrar or contrary to any conditions imposed by the Registrar commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding three thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
74 laws of Malaysia Act 668 liability principle in respect of offences by youth organization 90. (1) where any offence under this Act — (a) whether or not any person has been convicted in respect of; and (b) are made or capable as was done in the name of or on behalf of any youth organization established by, under or pursuant to this Act;
Every holder of a position in the youth organization or every person who manages or assists in the management of the youth organization at the time of the offence committed, shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to the penalty prescribed by law, thereon unless he proves up to the Court is satisfied that the offence was done without his knowledge and he has undertaken all reasonable efforts to prevent the Commission of the offence.
(2) in any prosecution under this section against a person office bearer or any person who manages or assists in the management of any youth organization specified in subsection (1), any documents found in the possession of any office bearer or assist in the management of the youth organization, or in the possession of a member of the youth organization, it shall be prima facie evidence of its contents for the purpose to prove that nothing has been done or purporting to have been made by or on behalf the youth organization.
Youth organization that uses a triad ceremony deemed illegal youth organization law 91. (1) every youth organization, whether registered or not, who uses ritual societies, shall be deemed to be a youth organization which is illegal.
75Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) for the purposes of subsection (1) ritual triad means any ceremony which is usually used by the Group triad, any ritual similar to the ceremony and part of the ceremony.
(3) any person who became or acts as a member of the triad groups or attend group conspirators or appears to have, or have in his custody or control, any documents, accounts, lists of members, seals, banners, symbols or other things, in relation to a triad group, whether that organization was set up in malaysia or not, shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding fifteen thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both.
Penalties for misuse of money or property of 92 registered youth organization. (1) any member of the registered youth organization or the Registrar may make a complaint to the court sessions that any office bearer or a member of the youth organization — (a) be in possession or control of any property other than the youth organization based on rules of the youth organization;
(b) withhold money youth organization in which unlawful;
(c) willfully using any money the youth organization for purposes other than those specified in the rules of the youth organization and the provisions of this Act.
(2) if the Court is satisfied that the circumstances set out in subsection (1), the Court shall, if it deems it necessary to reduce it, order bearers or members of the youth organization of the registered so as to deliver property or pay the money to the trustee of the registered youth organization.
76 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (3) a complaint made under subsection (1) shall not be entertained unless the Court is satisfied that the complainant, at the date of the complaint, is a member of the youth organization in connection with their wealth the complaint is made.
(4) any person who is bound by an order under subsection (2) who fails to comply with these terms and the instructions in the order within the time specified in the order, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars.
(5) an order made under subsection (2) shall not affect or preclude a prosecution or civil proceedings against any office bearer or a member of the youth organization.
Penalties for displaying or using the certificate of registration that was revoked 93. any person displaying or using any certificate of registration youth organization whose registration has been cancelled or copies thereof knowing that the registration certificate has been revoked commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit.
Penalties for fraud 94. any person, with intent to mengeliru or memfraud, give to any person a copy of any rules, laws, regulations or other documents in addition to the rules of a youth organization with excuses — (a) that there are rules of the existing youth organization;
(b) that there are other methods for the youth organization; or 77Pertubuhan of youth and youth development (c) that the rules are the rules a registered youth organization while the youth organization is not registered, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.
Penalties for providing false information 95. any person who gives to the Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Assistant Registrar, any information or document required under this Act or the regulations made thereunder, that whether he knows or has reason to believe are false commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit.
the consideration of 96. in any proceedings under this Act — (a) if it is proved that a body holding youth organization at the national level, organizations, associations, voluntary organisations or youth clubs exist, it shall be deemed that the body holding youth organization at the national level, organizations, associations, voluntary organisations or youth club is a youth organization within the meaning of this Act, unless the contrary is proved;
(b) it shall not be necessary for the prosecution to prove that a youth organization that has a name or that it has been constituted or is usually known under a particular name; and (c) in the event of a youth organization was described as a youth organization that is against the law, the burden of proof that it is a valid youth organization, shall be on the person who is charged with it.
78 laws of Malaysia Act 668 presumption regarding the composition, etc., of 97 youth organization. (1) where any documents, accounts, lists of members, seals, banners, symbols or other things relating to, or be in respect of any youth organization, found to be owned, maintained or controlled by any person, he shall be deemed, until the contrary is proved, that such person is a member of the youth organization and the youth organization shall be deemed, until the contrary is proved, to have been prevailing at the time the document , accounts, list of members, seals, banners, symbols or something else that's available.
(2) where any documents, accounts, list of members, seals, banners, symbols or other things relating to, any youth organization is found — (a) is in the possession, custody or control of any person, he shall be deemed, until the contrary is proved, that the person is to assist in the management of the youth organization; and

(b) hidden in any building, it shall be deemed, until the contrary is proved, that the aforementioned are owned by residents of the building.
(3) when the Court finds that there are reasonable reasons for suspecting that any place entered into or searched in accordance with legal power as provided by or under this Act, immediately before or at the time of the entry, used by or for the purpose of a youth organization that is against the law, any person found in the place at the time of the search or that are found to leave the place immediately before or at the time of the entry , shall, unless it has reasonable cause it is regarded as a member of the youth organization which is illegal.
98 expert evidence. in any prosecution under this Act, shall not be any objection to the admissibility of expert evidence that the expert is not or has never been a member of for any youth organization which is illegal.
79Pertubuhan youth and youth development whistleblower protection 99. (1) except as provided in subsection (2) and (3), no witness in any civil or criminal proceedings may be required or permitted to disclose the name or address of the whistleblower or fill in the information received from it or declare any matter that may lead to the informant unknown.
(2) where any books, records, accounts, documents or data that becomes evidence or dikomputerkan that can be inspected in any civil or criminal proceedings contain any entry in which any informer named described or which might lead to the informant known, the Court shall cause to such closed all entries from sight or deleted only to the extent necessary to protect the informer of the unknown.
(3) if in proceedings for any offence under this Act, the Court after a full investigation of the case believe that the informer was deliberately made in aduannya a statement of material which he knows or believes is false or does not believe to be true, or if in any other proceedings the Court is of the opinion that justice could not be made solely between the parties in the proceedings without knowing the whistleblower , the Court may require the production of the original information, if in writing, and may allow the investigation and may require full disclosure to the Court, with respect to the informant.
Forfeiture of 100. any books, accounts, writings, banners, insignia or other property owned by any youth organization that is unlawful shall, after obtaining the order of sessions Court judge or magistrate, dilucuthakkan and given to the Registrar or Assistant Registrar for disposal in such manner as difikirnya fit.
80 laws of Malaysia Act 668 certain Offences cannot be guaranteed and to be registered 101. every offence against the provisions of section 13, 21, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 and 91 shall be deemed to be offences that can be captured and who cannot be guaranteed under the law relating to criminal procedure and shall also be deemed to be registered under the law relating to registration of criminals.
Part iX enforcement and investigation enforcement officers 102. for the purposes of this Act, the Minister may appoint any officer from the Ministry responsible for youth as enforcement officers to perform such duties relating to enforcement and investigation under this Act.
Powers of enforcement officers 103. someone enforcement officers shall have all the powers necessary — (a) to investigate any offence under this Act;
(b) to carry out any investigation under this Act; or (c) to enforce any of the provisions under this Act.
Power 104 card disclosure. (1) an enforcement officer when exercising any of its powers under this Act shall declare his Office and shall disclose to a person against whom action will be taken or from whom information will be required, the card as directed by the Registrar to be brought by the officer.
81Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) card of the powers specified in subsection (1) shall be issued by the Minister.
Checked power 105. (1) an enforcement officers may, by notice in writing, require any person who knows about the facts and circumstances of a case to attend before it and to be examined orally and shall lose in writing any statement made by the person examined.
(2) any statement made by any person under this section is admissible as evidence in any proceedings in the Court under this Act against the person or against any other person.
Disclosure of documents, etc.
106. in carrying out an investigation or inspection under this section enforcement officers may — (a) require any person to produce to him any books, minutes book, register, account statements, documents, any details or other goods whether in physical form or electronic intermediaries; and (b) to examine, make copies, take extracts from, remove and detain any book, minutes book, register, account statements, documents, any details or other goods either in the form of physical or electronic medium.
Seizure of documents, etc.
107. If one enforcement officers conducting an investigation under this Act has reason to believe that an offence has been committed against this Act, he may seize any books, minutes book, register, documents, account statements, any details or other goods whether in physical form or electronic intermediaries presented 82 laws of Malaysia Act 668 under section 108 and any book , minutes book, register, account statements, documents, any item or other items shall be admissible in any proceedings in the Court under this Act against the person or against any other person.
Application for a search warrant 108. If an enforcement officers have reasonable cause to believe that any premises has been used, is being used or to be used for, or there is in any premises, the evidence needed to prove the Commission of an offence under this Act, he may apply for a search warrant to a magistrate through the information written oath.
The power of the magistrate to issue a search warrant 109. If the magistrate is satisfied that any offence committed under any of the provisions of this Act, he may issue a search warrant to enforcement officers, at any reasonable time either day or night and with or without the help of — (a) to enter the premises, by force if necessary;
(b) to search and seize and melucut right of any book, book of hours, express, account statements, documents, any details or other goods whether in physical form or electronic intermediaries — (i) in relation to an offence that has been committed;
(ii) in relation to an offence suspected to have been committed; or (iii) reasonably believed to be used as evidence of the offence has been committed;
83Pertubuhan youth and youth development (c) break open any door or gate in the premises or any fences, blockades, gates or other barriers to the premises, so that can enter into it;
(d) to move with hardness of any barriers to entry, search, seizure or removal; or (e) detain every person residing in the premises until the completion of the premises searched.
Power to enter premises without a warrant or notice 110. someone enforcement officers shall, for the purpose of ensuring whether the provisions of this Act or any regulations made thereunder or any conditions of registration under this Act are adhered to, have the power without warrant or notice at all reasonable time to enter any premises and make an investigation or inspection when there is a reason the premise that judiciously used or are being used for purposes prejudicial to or against the interests of the security of malaysia , public order or kemoralan.
Search and seizure without a warrant 111. If an enforcement officers have reason to believe that, due to the delay to obtain a search warrant under section 109 — (a) the investigation will be affected;
(b) the purpose of the entry is likely to be blocked;
(c) books, the minutes book, register, statement of account, any item or other items sought may be moved or interrupted; or (d) the information sought may be interrupted or destroyed, 84 laws of Malaysia Act 668 he can run inside, and in respect of the premises, all the powers adequately instead-by he was authorized to do so by a warrant issued under that section.
The power to prevent

112. (1) where the enforcement officers have reason to believe that any premises used by any youth organization that is against the law, the enforcement officers can immediately take any action as a personal need or by any other means to avoid the premises.
(2) enforcement officers, in carrying out its duties under this section, shall not be liable for any costs arising from action or damage to the premises prevented unless the damage is done willfully.
(3) any act done under this section in respect of the premises does not preclude prosecution against any youth organization that uses the premises contrary to this Act.
Part X miscellaneous public servants 113. all members and officers of the Institute shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of the Penal Code.
public authorities Protection Act 1948 114. public authorities Protection Act 1948 [Act 198] shall apply to any action, suit, prosecution or proceeding to the Institute or members of the Institute or the Institute's officer in respect of any act, neglect or default made or done by him in good faith or Institute or omission left by him in good faith, on such properties.
85Pertubuhan youth and youth development obligation of confidentiality 115. (1) except for any of the purposes of this Act or for the purpose of any civil or criminal proceedings under any written law or if otherwise allowed by the Institute — (a) no member of the Institute or the Institute's officer or any person attending any meeting of the Institute, either within the Office or during the period of her employment or thereafter, may disclose any information it considers during its functions and which are not published in accordance with this Act; and (b) no other person through any means having access to any information or document relating to the Affairs of the Institute may disclose the information or document.
(2) any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both.
Representation in civil proceedings in 116. whatever the law otherwise requires — (a) in any civil proceedings by or against the Institute; or (b) in any civil proceedings in which the other Institute required or allowed by the Court to be represented, or to be heard, or otherwise have the right to be represented or be heard, any person authorized in that behalf by the Institute may, on behalf of the Institute, such proceedings or present in such proceedings and may make all presence and application and do all such acts in respect of the proceedings , on behalf of the Institute.
86 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 Prosecution 117. No prosecution shall be instituted for any offence under this Act without the consent of the public prosecutor.
Protection 118. No person or member of a Committee established or appointed under this Act or any of its officers, servants or agents may be prosecuted in any court for any act done by him in good faith and in the exercise of any power or perform any duty under this Act.
Disqualification cost proceeding, damages or other relief, etc.
119. no person shall, in any proceedings before any court in respect of anything seized or detained in the exercise or purported exercise of any power conferred under this section, be entitled to the costs of the proceedings or any damages or other relief, in addition to an order for the return of thing seized or detained, or costs based on its value , unless the seizure or detention is made without reasonable cause.
Amendment 120 Table. the Minister may amend the schedule by order published in the Gazette.
121 regulations. (1) the Minister may make regulations to give full effect to the provisions of this Act.
87Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by subsection (1), the Minister may make regulations for or with respect to all or any kind of thing that follows — (a) prescribing the manner of registration of youth organization under this Act;
(b) prescribing the forms that can be used to carry out the provisions of this Act;
(c) prescribing the information to be given to the Registrar;
(d) prescribing the fees that can be collected under this Act;
(e) prescribing the manner of dispute resolution panels presiding or generally better for the conduct of its duties and functions are dispute resolution panel under this Act;
(f) the form of a register or other records shall be kept or maintained under this Act and the entry shall be made in the register and the record; and (g) prescribing any other matter that may be prescribed under this Act.
(3) any such regulations may provide that the contravention of any regulation is an offence against the rule and can set penalties penalties of a fine not exceeding two thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both for the offence and imprisonment.
122. General offences any person who commits an offence under this Act or the regulations made thereunder for which no penalty is provided specifically on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding three thousand dollars.
88 the laws of Malaysia Act 668 General Power Minister 123. the Minister may exempt any person or organisation for youth from all or any provisions of this Act by order published in the Gazette when satisfied that there are special circumstances to do so.
Transitional provisions 124. (1) all applications for registration as a youth organization and all applications for approval of such organization under the Societies Act 1966 pending at the date of commencement of this Act shall, on that date, cease to be dealt with under the Act and shall be managed under the provisions of this Act.
(2) any proceeding or cause of actions pending or existing immediately before the date of commencement of this Act under the Societies Act 1966 may be continued or commenced under the act as if this Act was not made.
(3) this Act does not affect the liability of any person prosecuted or sentenced for offences under the Societies Act 1966 before the date of commencement of this Act, or any proceeding brought or penalties incurred before that date in respect of the offence.
(4) any member appointed or elected office bearer of the youth organization who has attained forty years or has exceeded the age forty years prior to the effective date of this Act, shall be allowed to continue to hold his post until the end of its tenure.
Prevention of 125 anomalies. (1) the Minister may, by order, make such modifications in the provisions of this act as it considers necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing any inconvenience caused by the commencement of this Act provided that the Minister cannot exercise the powers conferred by this section after the expiration of two years from the date of commencement of this Act.
89Pertubuhan youth and youth development (2) in this section "modification" includes amendment, addition, deletion, replacement, adaptation, variation, alteration and disapplication of any of the provisions of this Act.
The first schedule [subparagraph 7 (2) (a)] 1. girl guides Act 1953 [Act 456] 2. Act the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (incorporation) Act 1965 [Act 540] 3. Scout-Scout Association Act (incorporation) malaysia 1968 [Act 409] 4. Act (corporate) St. john ambulance malaysia 1972 [Act 74] second schedule [subparagraph 9 (3) (e)] of the Constitution and the rules of the youth organization 1. things that the provisions thereof required to be made in the Constitution or regulations for every registered youth organization or its branch are as follows: (a) the name and the address or registered place of business of registered post for registered youth organization;
(b) the exact details about the nature of the design and color of any flag, symbol, emblem or other insignia used by the registered youth organization;
(c) the purpose or purposes of the registered youth organization was established, or that they want to access, or that the Group's money for it or any of them may be used;
(d) eligibility for membership, including details of any restrictions or limitations that may be imposed on the number, age, sex, religion, nationality, citizenship, residence quarter race or the name of the breed for those that can be admitted as a member of that organization;
(e) the method of appointment or selection for members;
90 laws of Malaysia Act 668 (f) the establishment and method of appointment of the Committee or the organising body and position, powers and functions of office bearers for the organisation and if applicable, a branch;
(g) that, if the Registrar requires, Office bearers for the Organization and every officer who perform executive functions in the Organization, shall be a citizen of malaysia;

(h) cause which the Organization will get its revenue, including rates and methods of payment of any entry fee and periodic fee as may be determined;
(i) the power or powers for expenditure from the funds of the Organization;
(j) the keeping of accounts of income and expenditure and the accounts to his broadcast each year;
(k) appointment of a person or persons of the Auditors;
(l) the quorum required to Transact in any meeting of the organization or body pengelolanya; and (m) the manner in which the Constitution or the rules of association may be amended.
2. If any registered youth organization to make provision in the Constitution or kaedah-kaedahnya for the establishment of the branch, shall in addition make provision therein concerning the method and manner in which the establishment of the branch will be approved by the establishment or body pengelolanya.
Third Schedule [subsection 60 (7)] the time and place of the meeting 1. (1) the Board shall hold meetings as may be necessary to perform its functions effectively and the meeting shall be held at the place and at the time determined by the Chairman, provided that the Chairman may not allow more than three months elapse between meetings.
(2) the Chairman shall convene a meeting if requested to do so by the Minister or by at least two members of the Board.
Quorum of 2. a quorum of the Board is half of the number of members of the Board.
91Pertubuhan youth and youth development casting 3. If on any question to be determined by the Board there are the same number of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to the votes normally.
the Board may invite others to meetings 4. (1) the Board may invite any person to attend any meeting for the purpose of advising it on any matter under discussion, but people who were present, were not entitled to vote at the meeting.
(2) any person invited under subsection (1) shall be paid such allowance as determined by the Board.
minute 5. (1) the Board shall cause minutes of all its meetings to be maintained and stored in a proper form.
(2) any minutes made of meetings of the Board, if duly signed, shall be admissible in any legal proceedings as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein without further proof and every meeting of the Board with the proceedings has been made such minitnya shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all members of the meeting have been duly qualified to act.
The procedure 6. the Board may regulate its own procedure.
Disclosure of interest 7. (1) a member of the Board who has any interest in any matter under discussion by the Board shall disclose to the Board the fact and the nature of the interest.
(2) for the purposes of subsection (1), a member of the Board shall be deemed to have an interest in any matter under discussion if he has any interest in any company that carries out similar activities or in connection with the matters discussed.
(3) a disclosure under subsection (1) shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board and after the disclosure, the Member who has an interest in the matter — (a) cannot take part or are present in any decision of the Board; 92 and the laws of Malaysia Act 668 (b) cannot be taken into account for the purpose of forming a quorum of the Board.
(4) no act or proceeding of the Board may be invalidated on the ground that any member of the Board has violated the provisions of this section 93Pertubuhan youth and youth development laws of malaysia Act 668 Societies Act youth and youth development 2007 list amendment law short title force amend from – No – 94 laws of Malaysia Act 668 laws of malaysia Act 668 Societies Act youth and youth development 2007 list section amended section power amend with effect from – there are –