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* Northern Corridor Implementation Authority Act 2008

Original Language Title: * Northern Corridor Implementation Authority Act 2008

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Laws of MALAYSIA ONLINE VERSION of the PRINT TEXT that UPDATES Act 687 ACT NORTHERN CORRIDOR IMPLEMENTATION AUTHORITY 2008 As at 1 January 2014 2 ACT NORTHERN CORRIDOR IMPLEMENTATION AUTHORITY 2008 date of Assent.................. 5 February 2008 date of publication in the Gazette............ February 14, 2008 3 laws of MALAYSIA Act 687 ACT NORTHERN CORRIDOR IMPLEMENTATION AUTHORITY 2008 ARRANGEMENT of SECTIONS part I preliminary section 1. Short title and commencement 2. Interpretation 3. General Warranty PART II AUTHORITY 4. Authorities 5. The objective of the authorities 6. 7 authority functions. The Power Authority 8. Additional functions of Authority 9. Membership of the Authority 10. The appointment, revocation and resignation of 11. Vacation of Office 12. Filling vacancy 13. Remuneration or allowance 14. Disclosure of interest 4 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 section 15. The authority may establish committees 16. Northern Corridor economic region 17. Delegation of functions and powers of the authority 18. Statements, reports, account information and PART III, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS and SERVANTS AUTHORITY 19. The Chief Executive of 20. Intake services officers and other servants Authority 21. Financial assistance to members, officers, servants and other persons PART IV directions, POLICIES and STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT in the NORTHERN CORRIDOR ECONOMIC REGION 22. Responsibility Authority 23. Preparation of draft development plans WEKU 24. The approval or rejection of the draft development plan WEKU 25. Review or variation of WEKU development plan 26. The obligation to take out about development plans WEKU 27. Strategic development of the prescribed part V COORDINATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT ENTITIES in the NORTHERN CORRIDOR ECONOMIC REGION 28. Main coordinator agency 29. Arrangement with government entities 30. Responsibility Government entity Authorities the implementation of the Northern Corridor 5 PART VI FINANCIAL section 31. Fund 32. Expenses shall be charged on the Fund 33. Conservation Fund 34. 35 reserve fund. 36 bank accounts. Power to borrow 37. 38. Investment Expenses and the preparation of the estimate of 39. Financial year 40. Act statutory bodies (accounts and annual reports) 1980 PART VII GENERAL 41. Power to employ 42. The power to establish the company 43. Offence for providing false or misleading information 44. Offence for unauthorized modification of information in the custody of the authorities of the 45. Obligations of confidentiality 46. Offences by body corporate 47. Protection against legal action and legal proceeding 48. Public authorities Protection Act 1948 49. Public servants 50. The power to make regulations 51. Things done in anticipation of this Act made 52. Saving table 7 laws of MALAYSIA Act 687 ACT NORTHERN CORRIDOR IMPLEMENTATION AUTHORITY, 2008 an act to form a Northern Corridor Implementation Authority, to provide about directions, appropriate policies and strategies in relation to socio-economic development in the Northern Corridor economic region, to provide for the coordination between government agencies to promote trade, investment and development in the Northern Corridor economic region , and to provide for matters connected or incidental thereto.

Enacted by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows: part I preliminary short title and commencement 1. (1) this Act may be cited as the Act of the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 2008.

(2) of this Act come into force on such date as the Prime Minister, after consultation with the State authority may, by notification in the Gazette, and the Prime Minister may set different dates — (a) for the commencement of this Act in the area or different parts of the Northern Corridor economic region;

8 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (b) for the commencement of different provisions of this Act in the Northern Corridor economic region; and (c) for the commencement of different provisions of this Act in the area or different parts of the Northern Corridor economic region.

Interpretation 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires — "Government entity" means — (a) the Federal Government, or any State Government, the State authority or local government; and (b) any Ministry, Department, Office, agency, authority, Commission, Board, Council, Committee or other body, incorporated or unincorporated, for the Federal Government, or any State Government or local government, whether established under law or otherwise;

"Committee" means a Committee established by the authority under section 15;

"State Planning Committee" means the State Planning Committee for the State, established under section 4 of the town and country planning Act 1976 [Act 172];

"open spaces" means any land, whether or not something is bounded, which arranged or reserved for concerted wholly or partly as a public flower gardens, public parks, sports fields and public recreation, wind dining public public or walking as a public place;

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 9 "Approval" means any approval of any Government entity, whether under any written law or not, and includes approval for or in respect of licence, permit, pass, registration, taxes, tax exemptions and incentives, which are required for or related to trade, investment and development in the Northern Corridor economic region;

"State Government" means the Government of a State;

"Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer appointed under subsection 19 (1) and includes any officer directed under subsection 19 (6) in order to perform the duties of the Chief Executive Officer;

"Fund" means the Fund the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority established under section 31;

"fix" means set by regulations;

"State" means the State of Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang and Perak and "State" shall be construed accordingly;

"Chairman" means the Chairman of the authority specified under section 9;

"Authority" means the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority established under section 4;

"State authorities" means the State authority for a State;

"the local planning authority" has the meaning assigned to it in the town and country planning Act 1976;

"local authority" has the meaning assigned to it in the local Government Act 1976 [Act 171];

"National physical plan" has the meaning assigned to it in the town and country planning Act 1976;
10 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 "WEKU development plan" means a draft development plan approved by each WEKU and every State Government according to section 24, and includes any variation of WEKU development plan by virtue of section 25;

"structural plan" has the meaning assigned to it in the town and country planning Act 1976;

"local plan" has the meaning assigned to it in the town and country planning Act 1976;

"The Northern Corridor economic region" means the area or areas specified by the Prime Minister in accordance with section 16.

General warranty 3. (1) for the avoidance of doubt, nothing-nothing in this Act shall be construed as to reduce or limit the rights, powers and functions of Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang or silver or any Government entity.

(2) the provisions of this Act shall be read together with any written law relating to any Government entity and does not cut any of the rights, powers and functions given to any Government entity under any written law.

PART II the AUTHORITIES Authorities 4. (1) a body corporate by the name "Northern Corridor Implementation Authority" was established.

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 11 (2) the authority shall have perpetual succession and a common seal.

(3) the authority may sue and be sued (s).

(4) subject to and for the purposes of this Act, the authority may, upon such terms as he thinks fit — (a) enter into contracts;
(b) acquire, purchase, take, hold and enjoy any kind of movable and immovable property; and (c) transfer, assign, surrender, refund, charge, mortgage, mendemiskan, assign it, transferred, or in any other way dispose of, or make any arrangements regarding, any movable or immovable property or any interest vested in the authorities.

The objective of the Authority 5. The objective of the authorities is — (a) to promote and accelerate the development of the Northern Corridor economic region in order to become a world-class economic region and destination of choice for investment, employment and life; and (b) to ensure that social development and sustainable development now in moving the economic growth in the Northern Corridor economic region.

12 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 authority functions 6. Subject to subsection 22 (1), the function of the authority is — (a) to establish the directions, policies and strategies relating to the development in the Northern Corridor economic region and other functions related thereto as provided in part IV;

(b) to recommend to the Government entities related policies, laws and actions shall apply to the Northern Corridor economic region may deem necessary to achieve its objectives under this Act;

(c) to coordinate the implementation of activities carried out by government entities in the Northern Corridor economic region as provided in part V, including — (i) to recommend standards, guidelines, best practices and processes and procedures, administration of the uniform shall be adopted by the Government for the Northern Corridor economic region; and (ii) to monitor the implementation of standards, guidelines, best practices and processes and procedures, uniform administration in facilitating the development of the Northern Corridor economic region;

(d) to make inquiries about, to conduct studies on the check, collect, analyze and publish statistical information and factors that affect or are related to the development, business or investment and to disseminate information, statistics and the factors to investors or potential investors, whether local or foreign, in the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority in 13 Northern Corridor economic region and to relevant Government Entities;

(e) to recommend to the Government entities related incentives shall apply to investors in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(f) to promote, stimulate, facilitate and improve competitiveness at the international level the Northern Corridor economic region as a center of agriculture, manufacturing, education, trade, investment and logistics, and tourist destinations;

(g) to encourage, stimulate, facilitate, coordinate and operate in the Northern Corridor economic region — (i) economic and social development;

(ii) agricultural development, including modernization, diversification and commercialization of the agricultural sector;

(iii) development of the industry, including the development of added value activities and new industries;

(iv) tourism development, including development of medical tourism, health tourism and eco-tourism;

(v) development of infrastructure and logistics;
(vi) development of Arts, culture and heritage, (vii) human capital development, including the development of technical and vocational institutions and centres of excellence for research, education and training;

14 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (viii) development of infrastructure or education facilities;

(ix) development of medical and health facilities; and (x) sustainable development, including protection, conservation and management of the environment;

(h) to promote private sector investment in the development referred to in paragraph (g);

(i) to provide advice and consultancy to investors or potential investors in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(j) to establish and review the criteria for incentives directly and exclusively managed and administered by the authorities as may be approved by the Federal Government from time to time which shall apply to investors in the Northern Corridor economic region, and to receive, process, evaluate and provide incentives to qualified investors;

(k) to plan, implement in stages, prioritising, coordinate and review the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph (f) and (g) and any other activities in the Northern Corridor economic region characterized by the authorities as having strategic importance to the Northern Corridor economic region or in the interest of the Northern Corridor economic region;

(l) to assist relevant Government Entities in reviewing and assessing the implementation of the activities referred to in paragraph (f) and (g) in the Northern Corridor economic region; and the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 15 (m) to undertake any other functions conferred by or under this Act and to perform any other function that is in addition to, incidental to, or arising from any of the functions described in this section or in the success of the objectives of the authorities.

The Power Authority 7. Subject to and for the purposes of this Act, the powers of the authority including powers — (a) to carry out or be involved in any commercial activity or enterprise makes a profit, subject to the approval of the Federal Government;

(b) for mendayausahakan and to conduct studies on areas of development and redevelopment possible, to propose a plan that outlines the activities of the development or redevelopment including identifying suitable locations and other important variables for that purpose and to conduct studies to determine whether the undertaking and conduct development projects or redevelopment can be carried out;

(c) to promote, recommend, facilitate, assist in coordinating, organizing, developing, and working on strategies and initiatives to enhance competitiveness in the international goods and services in the Northern Corridor economic region, including strategies and initiatives relating to — (i) development of regional and world class brand with strong;

16 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (ii) dissemination of best practices or modern or international standard for adoption by manufacturers or service providers;

(iii) the achievement of pentaulihan or international certification by the business;

(d) to develop, promote, recommend, facilitate, manage, coordinate and operate social development initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and income inequalities in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(e) to require — (i) all relevant Government Entities to provide any assistance and submit any information in their possession as may be required by the authorities to enable the authority to carry out its functions under this Act;

(ii) all government entities, companies and corporations, and body and others, whether local or foreign, who are responsible for or involved in conducting or intending to conduct development in the Northern Corridor economic region to submit a report, containing such particulars and information as may be prescribed by the authority, in respect of their activities or activities proposed by them;

(f) to coordinate and assist relevant Government Entities in reviewing and evaluating the development, including the development of the agriculture, manufacturing and services, infrastructure and public facilities in the Northern Corridor economic region;
The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 17 (g) to make recommendations to State authorities and local authorities in the Northern Corridor economic region in relation to the functions and services of local government including local planning control and regulation, approval and control of all building and operation of the building, repair and removal of building nearly destroyed and dangerous, and prohibition, the closure and demolition of the building of class , design or appearance within the Northern Corridor economic region;

(h) to cooperate with or act as authorized agents for, or otherwise acting in conjunction with or on behalf of, any Government entity, any company or Corporation, or any body or person, whether local or foreign;

(i) to contact directly or indirectly any investors or potential investors, whether local or foreign, with a view to promoting investment in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(j) to encourage, facilitate, assist and co-ordinate the conduct of activities referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d) by any Government entity or any person, whether local or foreign or association by them;

(k) to establish or expand, or encouraging the establishment or expansion of, the company or other body to carry out any of the activities referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d) either under control or partial control Authorities or independently;

(l) to make (or by an entity under its control or the control of the separanya referred to in paragraph (k)) partnership or make any arrangement for profit sharing, a combination of interests, cooperation, joint venture, reciprocal concession 18 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 or otherwise, with any person, company or body, or any business, activities or transactions can be carried out in order to achieve direct or indirect objective of authorities and to take or otherwise acquire shares and securities of any company and sell , hold, reproduce with or without guarantee or otherwise deal with shares and securities;

(m) to underwrite or otherwise acquire and hold any securities and to dispose of the securities upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by the authority;

(n) subject to and in accordance with any written law, to establish, manage and operate any investment fund, whether in relation to the property,

stocks, shares or otherwise, and to dissolve the investment fund upon such terms and conditions as may be specified by the authority;

(o) to apply for and receive the alienation or transfer of title in the Northern Corridor economic region for development;

(p) to dispose of capital assets and to use the proceeds of the disposal;

(q) to appoint any agent as it thinks fit for the purposes of its functions;

(r) to impose fees, costs or any other charges as it thinks fit to carry out any of its functions or powers; and (s) to do all things expedient or necessary for or incidental to the performance of its functions under this Act.

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 19 additional Functions the authority 8. In addition to the duties imposed on and the powers vested in the authority by this Act, the authority may carry out any other functions, exercise such other powers and spend any money for any purpose as may be delegated or assigned to it by the Federal Government or any State Government with the approval of the Prime Minister, and in doing so the authorities shall be deemed to fulfill the purposes of this Act and the provisions of this Act shall apply to the authority in respect of the implementation of the function the exercise of that power, and spending the money: provided that accounts for the Fund shall be kept separate and apart from the accounts of the Fund.

Membership of the Authority 9. (1) the authority shall consist of the following members: (a) the Chairman, who is the Prime Minister;
(b) the Deputy Prime Minister;
(c) the Menteri Besar or Chief Minister, as the case may be, for each State;

(d) two Federal Ministers who shall be appointed by the Prime Minister for such period and upon such terms as may be determined by the Prime Minister;

(e) a representative of the public service who shall be appointed by the Prime Minister for such period and upon such terms as may be determined by the Prime Minister; and 20 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (f) two members from the private sector with experience or appropriate qualifications who shall be appointed by the Prime Minister.

(2) Deputy Prime Minister shall preside at a meeting of the authority in the absence of the Prime Minister.

(3) subject to the approval of the Prime Minister, any member of the Authority described in paragraph (b) to (e) may appoint an alternate member, who can be a member of the authority, to attend the meetings of the Authority during his absence.

(4) when attending the meetings of the authority in lieu of a member, an alternate member shall for all purposes be deemed to be members of the authority at the meeting in respect of which he was appointed in lieu of the Member.

(5) the authority may invite any other person to attend any meeting or deliberation of the authority for the purpose of advising it on any matter under discussion, but any person attending shall be entitled to vote at the meeting or deliberation.

(6) the Chief Executive shall be the Secretary to the authorities.

(7) the provisions of the Schedule shall apply to the authority.

The appointment, revocation and resignation of 10. (1) a member of the Authority appointed under paragraph 9 (l) (f) shall, subject to any conditions specified in the instrument of appointment, hold office for a term not exceeding two years, and are eligible for re-election at the discretion of the Prime Minister.

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 21 (2) the appointment of any Member under paragraph 9 (l) (f) may at any time be revoked by the Prime Minister, without giving any reason for the revocation.

(3) a member appointed under paragraph 9 (1) (f) may at any time resign his Office by letter addressed to the Prime Minister.

Vacation of Office 11. Office of a member of the Authority appointed under paragraph 9 (l) (f) be blank — (a) if he dies;
(b) if it has been proved against him, or he has been convicted of, a charge in respect of — (i) an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude;

(ii) an offence under any law relating to corruption or under section 45; or (iii) any other offence punishable with imprisonment (whether imprisonment only, or in addition to or in lieu of a fine) for more than two years;

(c) if he becomes bankrupt;
(d) if he is of unsound mind or otherwise unable to meet its obligations;

(e) if he fails to attend meetings of the authority three times in a row without the permission of the Chairman;

22 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (f) if his resignation is accepted by the Prime Minister; or (g) if his appointment is revoked by the Prime Minister.

The filling of casual vacancies 12. If any person ceases to be a member of the authority by virtue of any provision of this Act, another person shall be appointed to replace it in accordance with the provisions of the case.

Remuneration or allowance 13. (1) there may be paid to members of the authority, including an alternate member, any remuneration or allowance as determined by the Prime Minister.

(2) any person invited to attend any meetings or discussions of the authority under subsection 9 (5) may be paid such allowances and other expenses as determined by the Prime Minister.

Disclosure of interest 14. (1) any member of the authority or a Committee has or acquires an interest directly or indirectly by itself, through a member of his family or its affiliates in connection with any matter discussed by the authority or Committee shall disclose to the authorities or relevant Committee, as the case may be, the fact of his interest and the interest of the type.

(2) a disclosure under subsection (1) shall be recorded in the minutes of meetings of the authority or Committee

relevant, as the case may be, in which the matter is discussed and, after the disclosure, the Member — the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 23 (a) shall not be present during any discussion or decision making authority or the relevant Committee, as the case may be, on the matter; and (b) shall not be counted for the purpose of forming a quorum of The relevant Committee or, as the case may be, when the matter is discussed or decided.

(3) any member of the authority or the relevant Committee did not disclose his interest as provided under subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

(4) no action or proceeding authority or Committee may ditidaksahkan on the ground that any member of the authority or the relevant Committee has violated this section.

(5) for the purposes of this section — "family member", in respect of a member of the authority or of a Committee, including — (a) his spouse;
(b) the parent, including the parent's spouse;

(c) children, including adopted children or child ur;
(d) other siblings, including sibling his spouse; and (e) a husband or his wife or his sister; and 24 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 "allies", in respect of a member of the authority or of a Committee, means — (a) a person who is a member or employee of the trustee (s);

(b) a firm in which the Member or any nominee of his, is a partner;

(c) partner to the Member;
(d) the trustee of a trust under which the Member or a member of his family is a beneficiary; or (e) any corporation within the meaning of the companies Act 1965 [Act 125], for which the Member or any nominee of his or her family member is a Director or has a substantial holding of shares in such Corporation.

The authority may establish committees 15. (1) the authority may from time to time establish such Committee upon any terms and by any Member may deem necessary or expedient to assist the authority in the performance of its functions under this Act.

(2) the membership of a Committee established under subsection (1) may include an individual or more from the private sector.

(3) the authority may revoke the appointment of any member of a Committee without assigning any reason for the revocation.

(4) a member of the Committee may at any time resign his Office by giving notice in writing to the Chairman of the authority.
The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 25 (5) a Committee may regulate its own procedure in accordance with any policies, guidelines or regulations issued or made by the authority from time to time under this Act.

(6) a Committee shall be subject to and act in accordance with any instructions given to the Committee by the authorities.

(7) the authority may at any time discontinue or change the membership of a Committee.

(8) meetings of a Committee shall be held at any time and at any place determined by the Chairman of the Committee.

(9) a Committee shall cause — (a) the minutes of all its meetings to be maintained and stored in a proper form; and (b) a copy of the minutes of each meeting are forwarded to the authority within fourteen days from the date of the meeting related.

(10) any minutes made of meetings of a Committee shall, if it has been duly signed by the Chairman of the Committee, be admissible in evidence in all legal proceedings without further proof.

(11) every meeting of a Committee in respect of which the proceedings have been made about minutes and signed in accordance with subsection (9) and (10) shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all members at a meeting duly qualified to act.

(12) a Committee may invite any person to attend any of its meetings, for the purpose of 26 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 advising it on any matter under discussion, but that person shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting.

(13) the members of a Committee may be paid such remuneration or allowance as determined by the Prime Minister and to any person invited to attend any meeting of a Committee may be paid such allowances and other expenses as determined by the Prime Minister.

(14) the Chairman of any Committee may authorize a member to use live video connection, television or multimedia communication facilities or appropriate others to take part in any meeting of the Committee concerned.

(15) no act done or proceeding taken under this Act may be questioned on the ground that — (a) any vacancy in the membership of, or any defect in the establishment, of a Committee; or (b) there is any omission, defect or ketidakteraturan that are not touching the merits of it.

Northern Corridor economic region 16. The Prime Minister may from time to time, with the consent of the relevant State authority specified in paragraph (a), (b), (c) and (d), specify by notification in the Gazette an area or areas within the State-State in which the authority shall carry out its functions under this Act and the area or areas that collectively shall be known as the "Northern Corridor economic region";

(a) the authorities of the State of Perlis, in respect of any area or areas within the State of Perlis;
The Northern Corridor Implementation authority 27 (b) the authorities of the State of Kedah, in respect of any area or areas within the State of Kedah;

(c) the authorities of the State of Penang, in respect of any area or areas that are in Penang; and (d) the authorities of the State of Perak, in respect of any area or areas within the State of Perak.

Delegation of functions and powers of the authorities of the 17. (1) the authority may, in writing, delegate any of its functions and powers, other than powers to borrow money, to get loans or to make subsidiary legislation, to — (a) the Chairman;
(b) a member of the authority;
(c) a Committee; or (d) an officer of the authority.
(2) without prejudice to subsection (1) and the other provisions of this Act, the authority may delegate to a member of the authority or a Committee or an officer of the authority, the authority to authorize expenditures from the Fund or any other vested in and under the control of the authorities to the extent prescribed by the authorities.

(3) a member of the authority, Committee or officer, as the case may be, delegated with functions or such power was bound to observe and take into account all conditions and restrictions imposed by the 28 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 and all requirements, procedures and as defined by the authorities.

(4) any function or power delegated under this section shall be implemented and carried out in the name of and on behalf of the authorities.

(5) a delegation under this section shall not prevent the authorities from performing or conducting himself at any time any of the functions or powers delegated it.

Statements, reports, accounts and information 18. (1) the authority shall give to the Prime Minister, and any public authority as directed by the Prime Minister, any statements, reports, accounts and information concerning the property and activities of the authority as required or directed by the Prime Minister from time to time.

(2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the authority shall, within six months after the end of each financial year, cause to be made and sent to the Prime Minister and, if directed by the Prime Minister, to any other public authority a report which deals with the activities of the Authority during the previous financial year.

(3) the report under subsection (2) shall be in such form and shall contain any information relating to the proceedings and policy of the authority as may be prescribed by the Prime Minister from time to time.

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 29 PART III CHIEF EXECUTIVE, officers and SERVANTS of the AUTHORITY Chief Executive 19. (1) the authority shall appoint a Chief Executive on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.

(2) the Chief Executive shall be responsible for — (a) the conduct, administration and general management functions, activities and Affairs of the day to day authority;

(b) preparation of programmes, schemes and projects for the consideration of the authority;

(c) the implementation of all programmes, schemes and projects authority; and (d) implementation of the decisions of the authority and direction of the Chairman.

(3) the Chief Executive shall have general control over the officers and servants of the authority.

(4) the Chief Executive shall perform any other duties as directed by the authority from time to time.

(5) in fulfilling its duties, the Chief Executive shall act under the authority and direction of the General authorities.

(6) if the Chief Executive does not exist in Malaysia temporarily or temporarily incapacitated due to illness or for any other reason for discharging its duties, the authority may direct any other officer to perform the duties of the Chief Executive during the absence or inability of the temporarily.
30 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 Recruitment Services officers and other servants Authority 20. (1) subject to any regulations made under subsection (2), the authority may, from time to time, employ any number of officers and servants as may be deemed appropriate and necessary by the authorities and on such terms as it thinks fit to carry out the purposes of this Act.

(2) the authority may make regulations in respect of the conditions of service of officers and servants of the authority.

Financial assistance to members, officers, servants and others 21. The authority may provide — (a) the payment of retirement benefits, remuneration and other allowances as determined by the Authority to the officers and servants of the authority;

(b) subsidies, grants, financing or credit facilities, with or without interest, for the purpose of purchasing a home or vehicle, and financing or loan courtesy of the other, to members, officers and servants of the authority;

(c) subsidies, grants, financing or credit facilities, with or without interest, for the purpose of medicine to members, officers and servants of the authority, and their dependants;

(d) financing or credit facilities, with or without interest, for the purpose of education or scholarships to members, officers and servants of the authority or any other person; and the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 31 (e) donation to any person, upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by the authorities.

PART IV of the directions, POLICIES and STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT in the NORTHERN CORRIDOR ECONOMIC REGION Responsibility Authority 22. (1) in the performance of its functions under this Act, it is the responsibility of the authorities to — (a) ensure that such functions are exercised in such a way that can ensure the success of the policy of the Federal Government and each State Government for the time being in force relating to the Northern Corridor economic region development, and policies contained in the development plan WEKU;

(b) pay attention to and act in accordance with the general framework of — (i) the national policy for development and land use control;

(ii) national physical plan; and (iii) general policy each State authority in respect of development planning and the use of land and buildings; and (c) consult with relevant Government Entities that have jurisdiction over activities related

or thing intended to be undertaken or implemented by the authorities.

32 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (2) without prejudice to any other provisions of this Act, in the exercise of its responsibilities under subsection (1), the authority shall — (a) assist each State Government to co-ordinate development in the Northern Corridor economic region, and for this purpose, the authority shall prepare a draft Development Plan and formulate strategies and WEKU initiative for the implementation of development plans in the private sector and WEKU public for adoption by local planning authorities in the relevant Territory Economic Corridor North pursuant to subsection 24 (5);

(b) integrating policies and planning strategies of the Federal Government, every State and local planning authorities related in the Northern Corridor economic region as far as the planning policies and strategies can be used for or in connection with the Northern Corridor economic region;

(c) implement strategies and initiatives for the development of agriculture, manufacturing and services in the Northern Corridor economic region and attraction of investments to the Northern Corridor economic region development plan, according to WEKU;

(d) identify the infrastructure necessary for economic and social development of the Northern Corridor economic region development plan according to WEKU, develop and recommend strategies and initiatives for the preparation of the infrastructure, to receive and assign any money appropriated by Parliament for the provision of the infrastructure and assist relevant Government Entities in reviewing and assessing the construction, implementation, operation and penyenggaraannya;

(e) recommends that the criteria to be met by government entities and private contractors in respect of the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 33 preparation, or the ability to set up, infrastructure or services required, according to the development plan WEKU for economic and social development of the Northern Corridor economic region;

(f) identify the needs of human capital or skills necessary for economic development of the Northern Corridor economic region and develop strategies to ensure that the requirements or the skills developed and maintained;

(g) integrating national and State strategies in the formulation of strategies in the draft development plan WEKU in relation to environmental protection, conservation and management of natural resources located in the Northern Corridor economic region; and (h) integrating scientific research and technology and commercial exploitation within the framework of the Northern Corridor economic region's economy.

Preparation of draft development plans WEKU 23. (1) for the purposes of paragraph 22 (2) (a), the authority shall prepare a draft Development Plan for the corridor economic region WEKU North.

(2) the draft development plan WEKU shall contain a written statement and — (a) shall formulate, with detail as deemed appropriate by the authorities, his proposal for framework, vision and objectives the overall development of the Northern Corridor economic region, which shall include a strategy for the development of the physical, economic and social the Northern Corridor economic region;

34 the laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (b) shall formulate, with detail as deemed appropriate by the authorities, his proposal for the planning and implementation of initiatives for the realization of the strategy referred to in paragraph (a), which shall include initiatives relating to — (i) the functions of the authority under paragraph 6 (b) and (c);

(ii) increase the quality of living environment in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(iii) the management and improvement of social development in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(iv) the management of land use in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(v) performance or increase the international competitive advantage for goods and services in the Northern Corridor economic region, including activities relating to branding, research, commissioning over standards and international marketing;

(vi) development of human capital related sector or related industry human capital, which includes activities relating to education, training and research;

(vii) development and expansion of the tourist attractions in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(viii) the attraction of investments to the agriculture, manufacturing and services in the Northern Corridor economic region;

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 35 (ix) development of the agricultural sector, including its diversification and pemodenannya, pengkomersialannya;

(x) development of industrial sectors, including the development of value-added industry and new industry;

(xi) provision of incentives for the agriculture, manufacturing and services in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(xii) the protection, management, preservation and enhancement of natural environmental resources, agricultural resources, coastal ecosystems, high-sensitive land, forests, parks and open spaces in the Northern Corridor economic region, including — (aa) the environmental protection of sensitive areas described in national physical plan;

(bb) the repair of water management, energy and waste in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(xiii) preparation, integration, repair, expansion, centralization, coordination and improvement of the management and monitoring of utility infrastructure and services in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(xiv) development of transport-oriented development in the Northern Corridor economic region;

(xv) enhancement of infrastructure and logistic services or transportation in the Northern Corridor economic region, including — 36 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (aa) increase internal, correspondence transport nationally and internationally for the movement of goods and people;

(bb) the preparation and management of an integrated public transport system, coordinated and mutually connected, which shall be consistent with the overall framework, vision, objectives and strategy referred to in paragraph (a); and (c) be able to formulate, with detail as deemed appropriate by the authorities, recommendations, policies and strategies that can be used for the area around the Northern Corridor economic region in the State of Perak as far as recommendations, policies and strategies that reasonably required to achieve the proposed

referred to in paragraph (a) and (b); and without prejudice to the generality of foregoing, recommendations, policies and strategies that can be used for the area around the Northern Corridor economic region in the State of Perak can include matters relating to safety, protection and improvement of the environment and preservation of natural resources.

(3) the draft development plan WEKU shall contain, or accompanied by, any maps, diagrams, illustrations, reports, drawings, models and descriptions as may be thought fit by the authorities for the purpose of explaining or describing the proposed in the draft Plan WEKU, or as in any particular case specified in the instructions given by the State Government; and maps, diagrams, illustrations, reports, drawings, models and materials description shall be considered to be part of the development of WEKU.

(4) in formulating its proposal in the draft development plan WEKU, the authority shall — Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 37 (a) consult with individual State Governments, about any proposals relating to the State;

(b) ensure that the suggestions generally comply with the socio-economic development plan and the structure plan for the State as may in the circumstances at the moment, whether it was effective or not; and (c) must take into account — (i) any other information and considerations relevant in its opinion: (ii) any information or other consideration may state government ordered him to to take into account any suggestions in relation to the State;

(iii) national policy, when relevant; and (iv) State policy, when relevant.

The approval or rejection of the draft development plan WEKU 24. (1) where the Authority has prepared a draft development plan WEKU, the authorities shall submit the draft Plan the WEKU to each State Government for his approval.

(2) the State Government can only withhold his approval for the draft development plan WEKU if it considers that the draft development plan WEKU or any part thereof is not prepared in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 23 (4) (a) or (b) or subparagraph 23 (4) (c) (ii) or (c) (iv).

38 the laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (3) for the avoidance of doubt, the State Government cannot withhold his approval if any of the requirements are not met in respect of a proposal in relation to other States.

(4) the authority shall publish the fact of approval of the draft development plan WEKU by each State Government — (a) on the internet web site of the authority, in the national language and English, along with development plans WEKU; and (b) release at least one in three local newspapers in the national language and one local newspapers in English, together with the mark with it development plans approved WEKU identifiable with a statement of the place where the development plan approved the WEKU may be inspected.

(5) after the Development Plan has been approved by each WEKU and every State Government — (a) in relation to any area in the Northern Corridor economic region for which a local plan has yet to receive the agreement of the State authorities, State Planning Committee for the area shall give an instruction to the local planning authority under paragraph 12 (3) (b) and subsection 12 (8) town and country planning Act 1976 to incorporate into the draft local plan for the area the any content development plans WEKU as it considers relevant or appropriate by the State Planning Committee; and (b) in relation to any area in the Northern Corridor economic region for which a local plan has received the agreement of the authorities of the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority State 39, State Planning Committee for the area shall give an instruction to the local planning authority under subsection 16 (2) town and country planning Act 1976 to change the local plan by inserting any content development plans WEKU as it considers relevant or appropriate planning Committee State.

Review or variation of WEKU development plan 25. (1) the authority and the State Government, may at any time, in association to review or vary development plans WEKU.

(2) section 24 shall apply, with the necessary modifications, in relation to a variation of the Development Plan as that section applies WEKU in connection with the preparation of draft development plans WEKU.

The obligation to take out about development plans WEKU 26. Be the duty of every Government entity and person, whether local or foreign, to take out about, and act in the manner consistent with — (a) the content of development plans the WEKU not included in a local plan pursuant to subsection 24 (5) in exercising its functions and obligations, in the exercise of its powers, and in carrying out its activities, in the Northern Corridor economic region; and (b) the content of development plans WEKU as described in paragraph 23 (2) (c) 40 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 which is not included in a local plan pursuant to subsection 24 (5), if any, in carrying out their functions and obligations, in the exercise of its powers, and in carrying out its activities in the area around the Northern Corridor economic region in the State of Perak.

Strategic development set 27. (1) the authority may prescribe any development or any area or areas in any State in the Northern Corridor economic region that may have a significant economic impact to the Northern Corridor economic region as a strategic development and strategic development areas specified, provided that any determination of the development or the area in any State can only be made with the agreement of the State Government for the State.

(2) any person or Government entity that intends to run — (a) any prescribed strategic development; or

(b) any development in the strategic development areas prescribed, shall first refer the development proposal to the authorities to get instructions before carrying out the proposed development.

(3) a direction given under subsection (2) is to ensure compliance and consistency with the content of development plans WEKU, which is not included in a draft local plan or local plan pursuant to subsection 24 (5).

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority part V 41 COORDINATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT ENTITIES in the NORTHERN CORRIDOR ECONOMIC REGION Agency webmaster 28. (1) the authority shall, in coordinating the implementation of activities carried out by government entities in the Northern Corridor economic region — (a) acts as the main coordinator or agent authorized agent on behalf of the relevant Government Entities in relation to the receipt, processing and description speed up approval and administrative action required in respect of the application for approval in respect of which the authority has made an agreement or arrangement under section 29; and (b) provide the necessary administrative assistance to each State authority in respect of matters relating to land in the Northern Corridor economic region.

(2) the authority may, in carrying out its role as stated in paragraph (1) (a) — (a) impose on the applicant any fees, costs or any other charges as may be prescribed in respect of the services provided by the authority; and (b) on behalf of the relevant Government Entities, collecting from the applicant any fees, costs or any other charges as required with valid by the Government entities related to the application.

42 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 arrangement with government entities 29. (1) subject to subsection (2), the authority may make an agreement or arrangement with any government entities in respect of — (a) the exercise by the authority and the Government entities are any of the functions and powers of their respective;

(b) the conduct or the provision of any works or services by the relevant authorities of the Government entity, or by the Government for the authority; or (c) collection by the authorities on behalf of the Government entities that any fees, costs or any other charges as may be required to be charged or charged by valid by the Government entities.

(2) any agreement or arrangement made under subsection (1) shall — (a) with the agreement of the Prime Minister in the case of an Entity of the Federal Government;

(b) with the agreement of the authorities of the State in the case of a State Government Entity; and (c) subject to and in accordance with the law regulating the powers and functions of the relevant government entities.

Responsibility Government entity 30. The responsibility of every Government entity to — (a) cooperate with and assist the authorities in performing their functions and in achieving the objectives of the authority under this Act;
The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 43 (b) where relevant, reference to and use of information, statistics and spread by the authority under paragraph 6 (d) in carrying out its functions and obligations, in the exercise of its powers, and in carrying out its activities, in the Northern Corridor economic region; and (c) give consideration to the recommendations of the authority for adoption, adoption or use of in the Northern Corridor economic region under this Act.

PART VI FINANCIAL Fund 31. (1) a fund known as the "Fund the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority" which shall be administered and controlled by the authorities was established.

(2) the Fund shall consist of — (a) any sum of money allocated by Parliament for the purposes of this Act, from time to time;

(b) any sum of money paid to the authorities from time to time for loans provided by the authority;

(c) all monies earned from handling any project, scheme or Enterprise financed out of the Fund;

(d) all monies earned or generated from any property, investments, fund investments, mortgages, charges or debentures acquired by or vested in the authority;
44 the laws of Malaysia ACT 687 (e) any other property, investments, fund investments, mortgages, charges or debentures acquired by or vested in the authority;

(f) the amount of money borrowed by the authorities for the purpose of fulfilling any of its obligations or discharging any of its obligations;

(g) the fees, costs and any other charges imposed by the authority under this Act;

(h) all monies earned from advisory and consultancy services and any other services provided by the authority;

(i) all sums of money or other property, in addition to the amount of money referred to in paragraph 28 (2) (b), which is in such a way become payable to or vested in the authority in respect of any matter incidental to the functions, powers and duties; and (j) all other moneys lawfully received by the authorities.

Expenses shall be charged on the Fund 32. The Fund shall be expended for the purpose of — (a) to pay any expenses lawfully incurred by the authority, including the fees and the cost of survey and legal fees and other costs;

(b) pay the remuneration or allowance of members of the authority, any Committee or, officers and servants of the authority, including giving loans and down payment, retirement allowance, retirement benefits, pensions and remuneration;
The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 45 (c) pay allowances and other expenses person invited to the meetings of the authority or any Committee;

(d) pay any expenses, costs or other expenses incurred or accepted with valid by the authorities in the performance of its functions or exercise of its powers under this Act;

(e) purchase or rent a plant, equipment, machinery and materials, acquire land and other assets, and to erect the building, and exercise such other functions and the undertaking in the performance of its functions or exercise of its powers under this Act;

(f) to repay any money borrowed under this Act and the interest payable on money borrowed it;

(g) to grant financial assistance under section 21;
(h) provide incentives to investors in the Northern Corridor economic region which meet the criteria set by the authority from time to time;
and (i) generally pay any expenses for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

Conservation Fund 33. Be the duty of the authorities to conserve the Fund with the performance of its functions and exercise of its powers under this Act in such a way that with uncertain that the total revenues of the authority sufficient to pay all sums properly chargeable on revenue account, including depreciation and interest on capital, from year to year.

46 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 34 reserve fund. The authority shall establish and manage a fund the reserve fund.

Bank accounts 35. The authority shall open and maintain an account or accounts with any bank in Malaysia as it deems fit by authorities, and every account must be handled at the earliest time that can be by cheque signed by any person authorized by the Authority in that behalf from time to time.

Power to borrow 36. (1) the authority may, from time to time, with the approval of the Prime Minister and Minister of finance, borrow, at such rate of interest and for such period and upon such terms about the time and manner of repayment and otherwise as may be approved by the Prime Minister and Minister of finance, any sums required by the authority to meet its obligations or discharging any of its duties.

(2) the authority may, from time to time, with the approval of the Prime Minister and Minister of finance, borrow money through the issuance of any financial instrument on such terms, with the approval of the Prime Minister and Minister of finance, as he thinks expedient, for all or any of the following purposes: (a) the provision of working capital;
(b) implementation of the functions, the exercise of the powers and discharge the duties of the authority under this Act;

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 47 (c) the implementation of any additional functions carried out by the authority under this Act;

(d) redemption of any financial instrument or Authority has the right to redeem; and (e) any other expenses properly chargeable to capital account.

The investment of 37. Money the authorities, to the extent that money is not required to be expended by the authority under this Act, shall be invested in such manner as approved by the Prime Minister.

Expenses and the preparation of the estimate of 38. (1) the expenditure Authority up to any amount allowed by the Prime Minister for any one year shall be paid out of the Fund.

(2) before the beginning of the month of September each year, the authority shall submit to the Prime Minister an estimate of expenses, including expenses for development projects, for the ensuing year in such form and containing such particulars as may be directed by the Prime Minister.

(3) the Prime Minister shall, before the beginning of the following year, told Authorities the amount authorised for expenditure generally or the amount allowed for each description of expenditure.

(4) the authority may at any time submit to the Prime Minister a supplementary estimate expenses for any one year and Prime Minister may allow the 48 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 the whole or any part of the additional expenditure is included in the supplementary estimates.

(5) the Prime Minister may direct the Authority to submit a copy of the estimates or supplementary estimates, as the case may be, to any other public authority as specified in the instructions.

Financial year 39. The financial year of the authority shall be from 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.

Act statutory bodies (accounts and annual reports) 1980 40. Act statutory bodies (accounts and annual reports) 1980 [Act 240] shall apply to the authority.

PART VI GENERAL authority to employ 41. The authority may employ, appoint and pay agents, contractors and technical advisers, including advocates and solicitors, bankers, stockbrokers, surveyor, valuer and others, to conduct any business, to carry out any project, scheme or enterprise, or to do any act required to be performed or done in the performance of its functions, the exercise of its powers or perform its obligations or to carry out the purposes of this act better.

The Northern Corridor Implementation Authority the power to establish the company 49 42. The authority may set up a company under the companies Act 1965 to run and maintain, organize and manage any project, a scheme or enterprise that have been planned or carried out by the authorities in the performance of its functions or exercise of its powers.

Offence for providing false or misleading information 43. (1) any person who disclose or give, or cause any person to disclose or give the information to the authorities that he knows or he has reason to believe is false or misleading commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit.

(2) If a person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is a person who his profession regulated by any law, he may, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit.

(3) any company or Corporation disclose or give, or cause any person to disclose or provide information to or cognizant authorities that it has reason to believe is false or misleading commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars.

Offence for unauthorized modification of information in the custody of 44. (1) a person commits an offence if he did

any act, or cause any person to do any act, which he knew would cause 50 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 alteration without authority any information, statistics or other data, whether in electronic form or otherwise, in the possession, custody or control of the authorities.

(2) for the purposes of this section — (a) it is immaterial that the acts in question were not directed to — (i) any information, statistics or specific data;

(ii) any type of information, statistics or data; or (iii) any information, statistics or data stored in any specific location;

(b) it is immaterial whether a modification without the power to be, or intended to be, permanent or merely temporary;

(c) a modification of any information, statistics or data occur if — (i) information, statistics or data is altered or deleted;

(ii) any information, statistics or data inserted or added to information, statistics or the data;

(iii) any event occurs that reduces the ability of the authorities to gain access to information, statistics or data, and include any act which contributes to the occurrence of its modifications.

(3) any person guilty of an offence under this section shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 51 ringgit, or to a fine not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars if the Act was done with intent to cause bodily injury as defined in penal code [Act 574].

(4) If a person who commits an offence under this section is the one that his profession is regulated by any law, he may, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars if the Act was done with intent to cause bodily injury as defined in the Penal Code.

(5) any company or corporation that commits an offence under this section shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, or a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars if the Act was done with intent to cause bodily injury as defined in the Penal Code.

Obligations of secrecy 45. (1) except for any of the purposes of this Act or for the purpose of any civil or criminal proceedings under any law, there are no members, officers or servants of the authority, the members of a Committee or person invited to attend any meeting of the authority or any Committee may disclose any information which has been diperolehnya while performing his duties and who is not published in accordance with this Act.

(2) any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and shall, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

52 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 46 offences by body corporate. If a body corporate commits an offence under this Act, any person who at the time of the Commission of the offence was a Director, Manager, Secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate or is purporting to act on any such property or in any way or to any extent is responsible for the management of any Affairs of the body corporate or assist in the management of such shall be deemed to have committed the offence, unless the , taking into account the type of functions on the properties and all the circumstances, he proves — (a) that the offence was committed without the knowledge, consent or pembiarannya; and (b) that he took all reasonable steps and exercise all due diligence to prevent the Commission of the offence.

Protection against legal action and legal proceeding 47. No action, suit, prosecution or other proceedings may be taken or brought, instituted or made in any court against — (a) Prime Minister;
(b) the authority;
(c) any member of the authority, any member of a Committee, or any of its officers, servants or agents of the authority; or (d) any other person lawfully acting on behalf of the authority, the authority of the Northern Corridor Implementation 53 in respect of any act, default, neglect or omission done by him in good faith on such properties.

Public authorities Protection Act 1948 48. Public authorities Protection Act 1948 [Act 198] shall apply to any action, suit, prosecution or proceedings against the authorities or against any member of the authority, any member of the Committee or any of its officers, servants or agents of the authority, in respect of any act, default, neglect or omission done by him on such properties.

Public servants 49. Every Member of the authority, or any Committee, or any officer, agent or servants, while Authorities meet their obligations under this act as a member, officer, agent or servants, shall be deemed to be so public servants within the meaning of the Penal Code.

The power to make regulations 50. The authority may make any rules that expedient or necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act with better or for fixing anything possible, or desired, required under this Act and, without prejudice to the generality of the previous, regulations may be made to impose fees, costs and any other charges in any case determined by the authorities.

54 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 things done in anticipation of this Act made 51. All such acts and things done on behalf of the Authorities in preparation for or in anticipation of this Act made and any expenses incurred in relation thereto shall be deemed to have been authorized under this Act, provided that such acts and things done is in accordance with the intent and purpose of this Act is General; and all rights and obligations acquired or incurred as a result of the Commission of acts

or the matter including any expenses incurred in relation thereto shall be when this Act comes into force are deemed to be rights and obligations of the authority.

Saving of 52. (1) the provisions of this Act shall not apply to or touching — (a) in relation to a Government entity — (i) any project run by, or any projects approved or awarded to, any Government entity prior to the date of coming into operation of this Act; and (ii) unless directed otherwise by the Prime Minister, any project for any Government entity in respect of which approval or award is anticipated at the date of coming into operation of this Act; and (b) in relation to a person — (i) any project run by, or any projects approved or awarded to, any person before the date of coming into operation of this Act; and the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 55 (ii) any proposed project for any person in respect of which approval or award is anticipated at the date of coming into operation of this Act.

(2) the implementation or ongoing implementation of any project, or approval or award of any proposed project that is being awaited, with the exception of any proposed project related to it a direction has been made by the Prime Minister in subparagraph (1) (a) (ii), it is not affected by the coming into operation of this Act and for such purpose, it shall be dealt with as if this Act was not made.

SCHEDULE a [Subsection 9 (7)] meetings 1. (1) the authority shall meet at least twice a year and at any time and at any place determined by the Chairman.

(2) the Chairman shall preside at meetings of the authority.

(3) every Member present at meetings of the authority shall be entitled to one vote.

(4) a member of the authority who is the alternate member for the other Member of the Authority shall have one vote for members who voted that he act as therewith alternate member, in addition to her vote for yourself.

(5) the decision of the authority shall be made by unanimous vote of members present and entitled to vote at the meeting related.

56 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 participate directly via video connection, etc.

2. The Chairman may allow a member to use live video connection, television or multimedia communication facilities or appropriate others to take part in any meeting of the authority.

Without a resolution of the meeting 3. (1) a resolution is deemed to have been approved in a meeting of the authority if — (a) all members of the authority have been told about the proposed resolution, or reasonable efforts have been taken to inform all members of the authority on the proposed resolution; and (b) without a meeting, all members of the authority indicates agreement with the ruling in the manner determined by the authority under subparagraph (2).

(2) subparagraph (1) applies only if the authorities — (a) decided that the subparagraph is applicable; and (b) to decide on the method to it members of the authority shall indicate agreement on the resolution.

Seal 4. (1) the authority shall have a common seal which shall contain any designs approved by the authorities and the seal can be broken, changed, altered or made anew as it deems fit by the authorities.

(2) until a seal is provided by the authorities, a stamp bearing the words "Northern Corridor Implementation Authority" may be used and shall be deemed to be the common seal of the authority.

(3) the common seal shall be kept in the custody of the Chief Executive or any other person authorized by the authority, and shall be certified by the Chief Executive or authorized person or by any officer authorized by one of them in writing; and any deed, document or instrument purporting to be sealed with the seal, which confirmed Northern Corridor Implementation Authority 57 as specified in this subparagraph, shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been validly executed.

(4) Notwithstanding subparagraph (3), any document or instrument which, if executed by a person not being a body corporate, is not required in order to be sealed may be executed by the authority in such manner similar; and any other document or instrument may be executed on behalf of the Authority by any of its officers or servants of the authority authorized generally or specially by authorities for that purpose.

(5) the common seal of the authority shall be officially and judicially noticed.

Minute 5. (1) the authority shall cause minutes of all its meetings to be maintained and stored in a proper form.

(2) any minutes made of meetings of the authority shall, if duly signed by the Chairman, be admissible in evidence in all legal proceedings without further proof.

(3) every meeting of the authority in respect of which the minutes of the proceedings has been made in regard to subparagraph (1) and (2) shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all members at a meeting duly qualified to act.

The procedure 6. Subject to this Act, the authority may regulate its own procedure.

Validity of acts and proceedings 7. No act done or proceeding taken under this Act may be questioned on the ground that — (a) any vacancy in the membership of, or any defect in the establishment of the authority;

(b) there is any omission, defect or ketidakteraturan that are not touching the merits of it.

58 laws of Malaysia ACT 687 members of Authority should devote time to the Managing Authority 8. Every Member of the Authority should devote time to the Affairs of the Authority as may be necessary to meet their obligations effectively.

59 laws of MALAYSIA Act 687

ACT of the NORTHERN CORRIDOR IMPLEMENTATION AUTHORITY 2008 LIST AMENDMENT of laws that amend the short title effect from-No-60 laws of MALAYSIA Act 687 ACT NORTHERN CORRIDOR IMPLEMENTATION AUTHORITY 2008 LIST SECTION AMENDED Section Power amend with effect from-no-