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Amendments To The Cabinet Of Ministers Of 24 May 2005, Regulations No 351 "rules For General Nursing Staff And Supporting Documents Recognised By Applying A Special System For The Recognition Of Professional Qualifications, The

Original Language Title: Grozījumi Ministru kabineta 2005. gada 24. maija noteikumos Nr. 351 "Noteikumi par vispārējās aprūpes māsas izglītību un profesionālo kvalifikāciju apliecinošiem dokumentiem, kurus atzīst, piemērojot speciālo profesionālās kvalifikācijas atzīšanas sistēmu

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Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 656 in 2016 (4 October. Nr. 50 12) amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of 24 May 2005, regulations No 351 "rules for general nursing staff and supporting documents recognised by applying a special system for the recognition of professional qualifications," Issued in accordance with the law "About the regulated professions and the recognition of professional qualifications" in article 36, paragraph 6, and article 54 the first part done Cabinet 24 May 2005 a Regulation No 351 "provisions on general nursing staff and supporting documents that recognises the application of the special system for the recognition of professional qualifications "(Latvian journal, 2005, nr. 84.; 2007, nr. 149.119.2014, no;) the following amendments: 1. Replace the reference to which the provisions of the basic law issued in numbers and the words" paragraph 5 of article 36 "with numbers and the words" paragraph 6 of article 36 ". 2. Replace 2.1.19 in words and numbers "of 29 June, 1979" with the words and figures "from 1 January 1986". 3. Replace 2.1.23 in words and numbers "of 29 June, 1979" with the words and figures "from 1 January 1986". 4. To supplement the provisions of the following paragraph in the 2.1.31: "the Principality of Liechtenstein – 2.1.31. from 1 May 1995;". 5. Express 2.2. subparagraph by the following: "2.2. gives the right to use such a relevant country specific professional title: 2.2.1. The Republic of Austria: Diplomiert-und Krankenschwester, Diplomierter Gesundheit-Gesundheit-und Krankenpfleger; 2.2.2. The Kingdom of Belgium: "(ERE) hospitalier(ère)/verpleegassistent(e) (e), Infirmier hospitalier (ERE) (ERE)/Ziekenhuisverpleger (-verpleegster)"; 2.2.3. Czech Republic: všeobecná všeobecný ošetřovatel; sestr, 2.2.4. The Kingdom of Denmark: sygeplejersk; 2.2.5. the French Republic: Infirmier (ERE); 2.2.6. The Hellenic Republic: Διπλωματούχος ή νοσηλεύτρια ή πτυχιούχος νοσοκόμος, νοσηλευτής; 2.2.7. in the Republic of Estonia: õd; 2.2.8. in the Republic of Ireland: Registered General nurse (RGN); 2.2.9. the Republic of Iceland: hjúkrunarfræðingur; 2.2.10. the Italian Republic: Infermier professional, Infermier;
2.2.11. in the Republic of Cyprus: Εγγεγραμμένος Νοσηλευτής, Γενικής Νοσηλευτικής Νοσηλευτής (τρια);
2.2.12. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Registered Nurse – adult; 2.2.13. The Republic of Lithuania: Bendrosio in a slaugytoj praktiko; 2.2.14. the Principality of Liechtenstein Krankenschwester, Krankenpfleger:; 2.2.15. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: "; 2.2.16. Republic of Malta: tal-Ewwel Livell Infermier Registry you; 2.2.17. The Kingdom of the Netherlands: verpleegkundige; 2.2.18. the Kingdom of Norway: sykepleier; 2.2.19. The Republic of Poland: Pielegniark; 2.2.20. the Portuguese Republic: Enfermeir; 2.2.21. the Slovak Republic: sestr; 2.2.22. Republic of Slovenia: diplomiran of diplomiran of sestr, in medicinsk zdravstvenik; 2.2.23. the Republic of Finland: sairaanhoitaj, sjukskötar; 2.2.24. The Kingdom of Spain: the students of Enfermer/a/a, Graduad/a en Enfermerí;
2.2.25. the Swiss Confederation: infirmièr, Pflegefachfra, Pflegefachmann, infirmier, infermier, infermier; 2.2.26. Republic of Hungary: ápoló; 2.2.27. The Federal Republic of Germany:-und Krankenpflegerin/Gesundheit Gesundheit-und Krankenpfleger; 2.2.28. Kingdom of Sweden: sjukskötersk;
2.2.29. In the Republic of Bulgaria: сестра Медицинска;
2.2.30. Republic of Romania: asistent medical generalis;
2.2.31. In the Republic of Croatia: the sestr of opć of njeg medicinsk/medicinsk opć of njeg, in tehničar prvostupnik (baccalaure) sestrinstv/prvostupnic (baccalaure) sestrinstv. " 6. Make paragraph 6 by the following: "6. This provision Before 2.1.18. the date referred to in the Republic of Poland issued the qualification document for the sisters that gives the right to use the professional activities of nurses in the profession appropriate professional and certified education which does not satisfy the laws of the Republic of Latvia the provisions laid down in the curriculum requirements for the nursing professional qualification, apply a special system for the recognition of professional qualifications, if nurses education and professional qualification of the Bachelor diploma obtained on the basis of one of the training programs, which shall identify: 6.1. The Republic of Poland of 20 April 2004 on the amendments to the Act "the Act on professions of nurse and midwife" article 11 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland, 2004, Nr. 92, 885. poz. and 2007, no 176, 1237. poz.) and the Minister of health 11 May 2004 on the detailed provisions of the conditions of the study nurses and midwives who received secondary education program culminating in a (mature) and are graduates of medical Lyceum and medical school, the nursing and midwifery education program (Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland, 2004, No. 1170. poz. 110, and 2010, Nr. 65, 420. poz.); 6.2. The Republic of Poland on 15 July 2011 Act for nurse and midwife profession to article 52.3 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland, 2011, no 174, 1039. poz.) and the Minister of health June 14, 2012 rules for detailed conditions for higher education for nurses and midwives who received secondary education program culminating in a (mature) and are graduates of medical school or post-secondary educational institutions the nurse and midwife educational programs (Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland, 2012, 770. poz.). " 7. Add to paragraph 10, after the word "apply" with the word "special". 8. Make the following paragraph 11: "11." applicant for recognition of professional qualifications, which is before this provision 2.1.29. date referred to in the Republic of Romania to qualification documents issued by the sisters, which gives the right to use a professional transaction sisters profession appropriate names and a certified education does not comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia the provisions laid down in the curriculum requirements for the nursing professional qualification, apply a special system for the recognition of professional qualifications, the When the Republic of Romania the competent authority issued the document certifying education and professional qualifications, as well as that person for at least three years without a break in the five-year period prior to the date of issue of this document actually and legally worked in general nursing profession with full responsibility for the patient's health care planning, organization and implementation. One of the following professional qualifications obtained supporting documents is: 11.1 certificate of professional competence (General nursing profession) (Certificat de competenţ-profesional de asistent medical generalis) for the post-secondary education program, issued by the educational institution, şcoală postliceală and proving that this education started before 1 January 2007; 11.2. the higher education of nurses responsible for general care (Diplomă de absolvir de asistent medical generalis), showing short-term studies higher education institution and that this education started before October 1, 2003; 11.3. the higher education of nurses responsible for general care (licență de Diplomă de asistent medical generalis), which shows long-term studies higher education institution and that this education started before October 1, 2003. " 9. Add to the informative reference to directives of the European Union with point 6 and 7 by the following: ' 6) the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications; 7) the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013-2013/55/EU directive, amending Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) no 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the internal market information system (IMI Regulation). " 10. To express the attachment as follows: "Cabinet of Ministers of 24 May 2005, regulations No 351 general nursing qualification documents that it will be issuing country the right to pursue the professional activities of nurses responsible for general care profession has been recognised in the EU and comply with the laws and requirements of the education requirements for general nursing vocational qualification 1. the Republic of Austria

The name of the issuing authority certificate attached 1. Diploma of education in general health care and nursing kopšanāDiplom über die Ausbildung in der allgemeinen krankenpflege-und Gesundheit 1. General health care and nursing of skolaSchul für Gesundheit-und Allgemeine krankenpflege-2. Diploma "nurse qualified/qualified nurse" Diploma al Diplomiert Krankenschwester, Diplomierter of "Krankenpfleger" 2. General nursing school Allgemeine Krankenpflegeschul 3. Diploma of professional universities bachelor study programme "health care and patient care" finished 3rd the professional University Council/Professional School Diploma über den Abschlus des Fachhochschul-Bachelorstudiengang "Gesundheit-und krankenpflege" Fachhochschul 2. Fachhochschulr you/the Kingdom of Belgium, the issuing authority shall Add the name certificate 1. Diploma of nurse (common) piešķiršanuDiplom the degree of verpleger/verpleegster/gegradueerd Diplôme ' d "(ERE) gradué(e) (e)/Diplom ein (a) graduierten Krankenpfleger (-pflegerin) 1. recognized education is an iestādesD of opleidingsinstituten/Les établissements d '/Die anerkannten reconnu Enseignement Ausbildungsanstalten-nurse 2 (common) diploma in de ziekenhuisverpleegkund/brevet d infirmier hospitalier ' (ERE) (ERE)/brevet ein (a) Krankenpfleger (-pflegerin) 2. the responsible German community examination of komisijaD bevoegd is the Examencommiss van de Gemeenschap/Le Jury the Vlaams compéten d ' Enseignement de la Communauté française/Der Prüfungsausschuß der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft zuständig is 3. Care Assistants to van verpleegassisten diplomsBreve (e)/brevet ' hospitalier (ERE d/brevet Pflegeassistentin 3. the Republic of Bulgaria a name issuing authority certificate Added Bachelor's diploma of higher education with professional qualifications "nurse-Диплома за висше" University на образователно степен образование Бакалавър "с" квалификационна-професионална "квалификация" Медицинска сестра Университет 4. Czech Republic name issuing authority certificate attached 1. Diploma for completed studying nursing program of study the area of study ' General nurse "(Bachelor, Bc.) 1. A University or recognized by State Diplomas of the ve studijním programu o ukončení Studio ošetřovatelství ve studijním of obor-všeobecná sestr (bakalář, Bc.) Vysoká škola zřízená nebo uznaná stát takes 2. Diploma of completed studies in the field of study "qualified General nurse" (qualified specialist, DiS.)
2. the University recognised by the State or by a certificate on completion of diplomas o ukončení Vysvědčení o absolutori ve studijním obor to the Studio diplomovaná všeobecná sestr (diplomovaný specialists, DiS.) Vyšší odborná škola zřízená nebo uznaná stát 5. The Kingdom of Denmark shall be the name of the issuing authority certificate certificate attached on the professional Bachelor education in nursing professional school-Bev uddannelsen til professionsbachelor i have for sygeplej» Professionshøjskol 6. The French Republic name issuing authority certificate attached hospital nurses 1 d ' Et diplomsDiplôm you ' d "(ERE) health ministrijaL of ministèr de la santé – 2. Hospital nurse diploma, issued in accordance with the 1999 29 December Decree No 99-1147Diplôm d ' d '" état (ERE) délivré en vertu du Décret 99-1147 du 29 décembr from the 1999 7. Hellenic Republic name issuing authority certificate attached 1. Athens University nursing diploma Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής chapter/μίου Αθηνών Παν 1. universitāteΠανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών-2. Athens Technological education institutions (Τ. Ε. Ι.) Nursing Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Τεχνολογικών Εκπαιδευτικών diploma Ιδρυμάτων (Τ. Ε. Ι.) 2. Educational and technological Department of the facts education authority Τεχνολογικά Ιδρύματα Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτω Εκπαιδευτικά Εθνικής Υπουργείο 3. Sisters-officer degree Πτυχίο Αξιωματικών Νοσηλευτικής 3. Protective Υπουργείο Εθνικής ΄Αμυνας 4. the Ministry of health and welfare, Ministry of higher education nursing diploma in former Tehnoloǧisk education diploma winners 4. Health and welfare Πτυχίο Αδελφών Νοσοκόμων πρώην Ανωτέρων Ministry Σχολών Υπουργείου και Πρόνοιας Πρόνοιας Υγείας Υπουργείο Υγείας και 5. Health and welfare, Ministry of higher education of nurses and nursing caregiver diploma 5. Health and welfare Πτυχίο Νοσοκόμων και Επισκεπτριών Αδελφών Ministry Ανωτέρων Σχολών Υπουργείου και Πρόνοιας πρώην Υγείας Υπουργείο Πρόνοιας και Υγείας 6. Nurses graduate Chapter 6. facts of national education and the Department of higher professional technical education center Τμήματος Νοσηλευτικής ΚΑΤΕΕ Υπουργείου Πτυχίο Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων Εθνικής 7. Peloponnese University Department of Nursing Diploma, University of Peloponnese Πτυχίο 7 Νοσηλευτικής Πελοποννήσου 8 Πελοποννήσου Τμήματος Πανεπιστήμιου Πανεπιστήμιο. the name of the Republic of Croatia attached the certificate issuing authority certificate 1 "general care nurse/General care medical equipment technician 1. Average special education program qualification "general care nurse/general care medical equipment technician"-Svjedodžb of the opć of the sestr of "medicinsk njeg/opć of njeg in medicinsk tehničar-strukovn-Srednj" the berth of izvod škol program za stjecanj is a sestr is not "opć of njeg medicinsk/medicinsk opć of njeg" by tehničar 2. "first degree Certificate in higher education (Bachelor) diploma" nurse 2. Republic of Croatia University Medical fakultātesHorvātij University of the Republic higher education institutions (colleges) in the Republic of Croatia "Svjedodžb (baccalaure) sestrinstv prvostupnik/prvostupnic (baccalaure) sestrinstv" in Medicinsk in the Republic of sveučilišt fakultet u Hrvatskoj u Hrvatskoj Veleučilišt Sveučilišt Republic of the Republic of Estonia u Hrvatskoj 9. the name of the issuing authority of the Republic Added certificate 1. Diploma with qualifications "nurse" õe erialal Diplomas 1. Medical College of Tallinn Tallinn Tartu Meditsiinikool Tartu Meditsiinikool Medical College of Kohtla-Järva Medical College of Kohtla-Järve Meditsiinikool-2. Sister of primary education diploma 2. Tallinn health College of diploma põhikoolitus Tallinn Tervishoi Õe a diploma for basic 3 Kõrgkool nurse specialty põhiõp of diploma 3. Õe Tartu health care College of Tartu Tervishoi Kõrgkool 10. Republic of Ireland

The name of the issuing authority certificate attached 1. Registered General nurses 1. sertifikāts1 Medical Nursing Board (until 1 October 2012) An Bórd altranais (the Nursing Board) [up to 1 October 2012]-certificate of Registered General nurse Irish nurses and midwives Council [of 2012 2 October] Bórd altranais agus Cnáimhseach na hEireann a maximum (the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) [from 2 October 2012] 2. Irish nurses and midwives Council undergraduate diploma in nursing (General care) 2 third-level 2 educational institution that served the Irish nurses and midwives Council approved Bachelor's level study programme in nursing [September 2002] B. sc. in Nursing Studies (General) approved by the NMBS in Third-level Institutions delivering the B. sc. in Nursing studies approved by the NMBS [as of September 2002] 3. Irish nurses and midwives Council approved Bachelor's degree and master of the children (integrated) aprūpē2 3. Third-level educational institution that gave the Irish nurses and midwives Council approved undergraduate level courses in child and General (integrated) care [September 2006] B. sc. in Children's and General ' (Integrated) Nursing approved by the NMBS in Third-level Institutions delivering the b. SC. in Children's and General ' (Integrated) Nursing approved by the NMBS [as of September 2006] notes. 1 The professional formal qualifications entitle its owner to the recognition of professional qualifications by applying a special system for the recognition of professional qualifications, if it provided of one of the Member States of the European Union citizen who acquired such qualifications in Ireland. 2 information on the qualifications were included to ensure that the Irish higher education institutions graduates receive the right to the recognition of professional qualifications by applying a special system for the recognition of professional qualifications, without needing to register in Ireland, because such registration is not a qualification process. 11. the Republic of Iceland name issuing authority certificate attached 1. B. sc. nurses specialty b. SC. hjúkrunarfræð í 1. University of Iceland, Íslands-Háskól 2 B. sc. nurses specialty b. SC. hjúkrunarfræð Akureir í 2. University of Akureyri Háskólinn á 3. Nurse diploma 3. Iceland Hjúkrunarpróf nurse School of Hjúkrunarskól Íslands 12. the Italian Republic name issuing authority certificate attached 1. Professional nurse diploma diploma di infermier professional 1. skolasScuol of the riconosciut of national recognized a Dallas State-2. University diploma in nursing diploma di laurea in infermieristic UniversitāteUniversità 2 13. the name of the Republic of Cyprus in the attached certificate issuing authority 1. diploma of general nursing nursing school 1 Δίπλωμα Γενικής Νοσηλευτικής Νοσηλευτική Σχολή-2. Cyprus University of nursing diploma 2. Cyprus University of Πτυχίο Τεχνολογικού Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου Νοσηλευτικής Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου 3. Cyprus European University nursing diploma 3. European University of Cyprus Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Ευρωπαϊκού Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Ευρωπαϊκό 4. Nicosia university diploma of Nursing-nursing Bachelor's degree University of Nicosia 4 Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας-BSc in Nursing Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας University of Nicosia 5. diploma of general nursing 5. Frederick University, Faculty of Health Sciences Πτυχίο Γενικής Νοσηλευτικής Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας, Frederick Πανεπιστήμιο 14. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the name of the issuing authority certificate added to the nurses and midwives Council or one of its predecessors issued the qualifications for a nurse responsible for general care qualification required for the completion of the training required by the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, article 31 and existing professional standards relating to adult care nursing reģistrēšanu3 nursing and midwifery Council or one of its predecessors approved educational institution – A qualification approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council the or one of its predecessors as the bodies attesting to completion of training for general nurses required by article 31 and the standard of proficiency as required for registration as a Registered Nurse – adult Education institutions in its register approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council the or one of its predecessors bodies note. 3 The information on the statement of qualifications replaced the previous entry for the United Kingdom to ensure that uk education institutions graduates receive the right to the recognition of professional qualifications by applying a special system for the recognition of professional qualifications, without the need to register, since such registration is not the acquisition of professional qualifications, part of the process. 15. the Republic of Lithuania, the issuing authority shall Add the name of the certificate 1. Higher education diploma, which granted a general practice for nursing professional qualifications 1. University-Aukštoj mokslo diplomas, nurodant the bendrosio of the slaugytoj of suteiktą profesinę kvalifikaciją praktiko Universitet 2. Higher education diploma (no university studies), which granted a general practice for nursing professional qualifications 2. College Aukštoj mokslo diplomas (universitetinė in studijo), nurodant a bendrosio a slaugytoj a the suteiktą profesinę kvalifikaciją praktiko College Undergraduate 3 Diploma (Bachelor's degree in nursing and general practice for nursing professional qualification) University Undergraduate diploma 3 (slaugo of Bachelor of laipsn is the kvalifikacin bendrosio of the slaugytoj and the profesinė praktiko) 4 of professional Bachelor Universitet (professional Bachelor's degree in nursing and general practice for nursing professional qualification) 4. College Diploma of Bachelor of Profesinio (slaugo in the kvalifikacin the laipsn the Bachelor profesinio is a bendrosio of the slaugytoj and praktiko profesinė) College 16. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg of issuing the attached certificate, Name 1. Nurses ' Et diplomsDiplôm d d Hospital ' 2. "you nurses higher education diploma Diplôme ' d d ' hospitalier gradué(e) Et a diploma education , vocational training and sports ' ministrijaMinistèr de l Education Nationale, de la formation professionnell» et des sports – 17. Republic of Malta's name added to the certificate issuing authority a scientific degree or diploma in nursing studijāsLawrj jew diploma fl-istudj to tal-infermerij ta ' Malta Malta universitāteUniversit ' "-18. The Kingdom of the Netherlands to name the certificate issuing body Added 1. Nurses have Adiploma in ' 's verpleger a Diploma A, verpleegster A, verpleegkundige A 1. Government appointed Commission's examination of the Door een van overheidsweg-examencommiss-2. benoemd nurses posts higher education diploma diploma (Middelbare Beroepsopleiding verpleegkundige MBOV The diploma of "verpleegkundige) 2. Government appointed Commission's examination of the Door een overheidsweg van examencommiss 3. Nurse benoemd diploma to Bachelor's degree diploma the diploma of" verpleegkundige HBOV (hogere Beroepsopleiding verpleegkundige) 3. Governmental appointed the Commission's examination of the Door een van overheidsweg-examencommiss Professional 4 benoemd nurse diploma – 4. līmenisDiplom beroepsonderwij of the qualification of the diploma of "verpleegkundige Kwalificatienivea-4 4. Government-designated exam Commission Door een van overheidsweg is aangewezen opleidingsinstelling 5. Nurse diploma with the highest professional education the hogere beroepsopleiding verpleegkundige grāduDiplom-Kwalificatienivea Government of 5 5. designated exam Commission Door een van overheidsweg is aangewezen opleidingsinstelling 19. Kingdom of Norway name issuing authority certificate attached 1. Certificate of the nurse training school-1 beståt Sykepleierutdanning Høgskol Vitnemål for the 2. Certificate of Bachelor's degree in nursing at University Vitnemål 2 for the bachelor i the fullfør grad sykeple Universitet 20. Poland Republic

The name of the issuing authority certificate attached 1. Diploma of higher studies, completion of nursing speciality under the name "master" Nursing ukończeni studiów wyższych na kierunk of Dyplom of pielęgniarstw ° n ' magister pielęgniarstw tytuł "authority, which shall carry out the education of high school level recognized by the appropriate authorities of the Instytucj of the kształcen poziom prowadząc na wyższym uznan przez właściw władz – of a diploma for higher 2 Professional completion of nursing study/specialty brand called" Bachelor of Nursing ukończeni studiów wyższych Dyplom "of kierunk in the specjalnośc/zawodowych na pielęgniarstw z licencj of pielęgniarstw tytuł" you "21. The Portuguese Republic name issuing authority attached 1. the certificate of general nursing diploma course 1. Sister school diploma do curso de-enfermag geral de ESCOLAS Enfermag shall be 2. Higher education undergraduate diploma in nursing 2. Nursing graduate diploma/Carta de curso de bacharelat enfermag em Escola Superior de Enfermag of shall be 3. Nurses course of licensee's license 3. Nursing School; Health care graduate diploma/Carta de curso de Licenciatura em Escola Superior de enfermag by the Enfermag; Escola Superior de Saúd of 22. Romania attached the name of the issuing authority certificate 1. Higher education in general nursing diploma part time courses 1. University-Diplomă de absolvir de asistent medical to cu studii generalis superioar scurtă durată de Universităţ 2. Higher education for nurses responsible for general care diploma full time courses Diplomă de licenţă 2 campus de asistent medical to cu studii generalis superioar lungă durată de Universităţ 3. The certificate of professional competence (General care) 3. National Education Ministry Certificat de competenț» profesional ( de asistent medical generalis) for Educaţi Național 23. Ministerul Slovak Republic name issuing authority certificate attached 1. Diploma in care "masters" ("Mgr.") 1. University/University DIPLOMA – ošetrovateľstv "magister" ("Mgr.") Vysoká škola/Univerzit 2. Diploma in care "bachelor" ("Bc.") 2. Graduate School/University DIPLOMA "bakalár ošetrovateľstv" ("Bc.") Vysoká škola/Univerzit 3. Diploma qualified General nurse 3. Medical staff high school DIPLOMA sestr-všeobecná zdravotníck diplomovaná Stredná škola 24. Republic of Slovenia name issuing authority certificate diploma Added, which gives the name "qualified nurse/nurse graduate" University Univerz 1-diploma, s podeljuj a strokovn in the se kater naslov "Diplomiran the diplomiran in the sestr/medicinsk zdravstvenik" 2. higher special education school At Oka strokovn's 25 Shaul were plowing through the Finnish name issuing authority certificate attached 1. Nurses degree 1. Health-care institutions – Sairaanhoitajan tutkint/Sjukskötarexamen Terveydenhuolt-oppilaitokse/ 2. Hälsovårdsläroanstalter social and health sector to higher education vocational degree, nurse 2. Higher education vocational Sosiaal-if ammattikorkeakoulututkint, sairaanhoitaj terveysalan (JMC)/Yrkeshögskoleexamen inom hälsovård och Det område, social sjukskötar (YH) Ammattikorkeakoulu/Yrkeshögskolor 26. the Kingdom of Spain the name of the issuing authority certificate attached 1. University Diploma Nursing Students in de Títul en Enfermerí of Universitario 1. Ministry of education and culture of the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura the Rector of a university rector de una Universidad El-2. Bachelor diploma de māszinībāsTitul en Enfermerí Graduad/a 2. rektorsEl rector of the University de una Universidad 27. the name of the issuing authority of the Swiss Confederation of the attached certificate qualified nurse with specialization in general nursing, graduate nurse with specialization in nursing care in the General State recognised specialised higher education institutions – the EU infirmièr the ESinfirmier of diplômé diplômé Ecole supérieur de la santé» Pflegefachfra diplomiert HF HF Fachschulen für höhere diplomierter Pflegefachmann Gesundheit infermier dipl.- SSS-infermier Dipl. The specializzat of the Scuola SSS superior per le in the Ecole supérieur of the profession of sanitar Dela diplomiert Pflegefachfra HF-santé diplomierter Pflegefachmann HF Fachschulen für höhere Gesundheit infermier a dipl. SSS-infermier Dipl. The specializzat of the Scuola SSS superior per le profession in the 28 sanitar. Republic of Hungary's name added to the certificate issuing authority 1. Nurses certificate 1. Vocational Training Authority – Ápoló bizonyítvány Szakképző iskola 2. Nurses certificate 2. Higher education institution in Felsőoktatás intézmény Ápoló oklevél 3. Qualified medical nurse diploma 3. Higher education institution of Felsőoktatás of Oklevel ápoló oklevél intézmény 29. The Federal Republic of Germany the name of issuing authority a certificate attached to a certificate of the State examination in nursing State Examining Board-Zeugnis über die Staatliche Prüfung in der krankenpflege-Staatlicher Prüfungsausschus in
30. the Kingdom of Sweden, the name of the issuing authority certificate attached nurses exam University or high school-"Sjuksköterskeexamen Universitet eller högskol Prime Minister Māris kučinskis education and Science Minister Karlis Šadursk a