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Amendments To The Cabinet Of Ministers Of 1 December 2015 Regulations No. 678 "action Programme" Growth And Employment "in Support Of Specific Target 3.2.1." Increasing The High-Value-Added Products And Services In The Export Ratio " Event

Original Language Title: Grozījumi Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 1. decembra noteikumos Nr. 678 "Darbības programmas "Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 3.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Palielināt augstas pievienotās vērtības produktu un pakalpojumu eksporta proporciju" pasākuma

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Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 240 in 2017 3 may (pr. No 22 5) amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of 1 December 2015 regulations No. 678 "action programme" growth and employment "in support of specific target 3.2.1." increasing the high-value-added products and services in the export ratio " measure" promoting the international competitiveness of the "implementing rules" Issued under the European Union's structural funds and the cohesion fund the 2014 – 2020 programming period the control law paragraph 13 of article 20 do cabinet 2015 December 1 Regulation No 678 ' operations in "growth and employment" in support of specific target 3.2.1. "raise high added the value of exports of goods and services ratio " measure" promoting the international competitiveness of the "implementing rules" (Latvian journal, 238, 254 2015. no; 2016, 194. no) the following amendments: 1. Replace the introductory part of paragraph 7, the number "8 531 938" with the number "10 034 796". 2. Replace paragraph 7.2 "3 124 663" with the number "4 627 521". 3. Make paragraph 9 by the following: "9. the planned Measures the total attributable funds is 60 620 418 euros, including the European regional development fund – 51 527 355 euro, State budget funds-Euro 4 002 637 and the private, local government and the regions-the programming of the co-financing of eur 5 090 426. Project applications for the implementation of measures eligible for funding, the total plan maximum 56 922 756 eur, including the European regional development fund-eur 48 384 341 (reserve amount is eur 3 143 014), the national financial budget – eur 3 758 496 (reserve size is 244 141 euro) and private, municipal and regional planning at least 4 779 919 co-financing the eur (reserve size is 310 507 eur) providing for the outcome indicators and financial indicators according to the provisions of Schedule 6 and 7 point. Apply the European regional development fund shall not exceed 85 per cent of the total eligible project funding, including: 9.1. This provision referred to in paragraph 11.1 direct regulatory authority – 35 964 378 €, including the European regional development fund – 30 569 720 euros, State budget funds-1 573 117 euro and the private, local government and the regions-the programming of the co-financing of eur 3 821 541; 9.2. the rules referred to in paragraph 11.2. direct regulatory authority – 20 958 378 €, including the European regional development fund: 17 814 621 euros, State budget funds-euro and 2 185 379 private, local government and the regions-the programming of the co-financing of eur 958 378. " Prime Minister Māris kučinskis Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of economy of Ašeraden of Arvil