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Forced Liquidation Of «La Ginestra Limited Liability Social Co-Operative Society In Liquidation», Insaronno And Appointment Of Liquidator.

Original Language Title: Liquidazione coatta amministrativa della «La Ginestra societa'cooperativa sociale a responsabilita' limitata in liquidazione», inSaronno e nomina del commissario liquidatore.

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The MINISTER of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT having regard to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers December 5, 2013, # 158, embodying the organisational regulations of the Ministry of economic development, for the responsibilities of supervision of cooperative; Having regard to the Decree-Law No 95 July 6, 2012, converted into law August 7, 2012, # 135; Having regard to the judgment of the Court, no 149/14 July 4, 2014 Busto Arsizio, with which it was declared the company insolvent cooperative "La Ginestra limited liability Cooperative company in liquidation '; Considered what emerges from the updated Chamber, made ex officio at the competent commercial register, in relation to corporate officers, at the registered office and the fulfilment of obligations relating to deposits; Having regard to the proposal by which the Directorate-General for the supervision of, the cooperative system and the outcome of the investigation conducted commissarial managers, proposes the adoption of the submission of the cooperative in question to the forced liquidation procedure; Visto l'art. 195 of Royal Decree March 16, 1942, n. 267, and considered the need to dispose of the receivership; Visto l'art. 198 Royal Decree March 16, 1942, # 267;
Decrees: Art. 1 The societa ' cooperativa «La Ginestra limited liability Cooperative company in liquidation», established in Saronno (VA) (tax 01620470128) is placed in receivership, according to art. 2545-l of the civil code. Considered the specific job requirements, as resulting from the CV, he is appointed liquidator Dr. Giancarlo Della Torre was born in Busto Arsizio (VA) on February 19, 1956, domiciled in Via Torquato Tasso # 66.