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Test The Material Constitutional Court Number 114/puu-X/2012 Year 2012

Original Language Title: Uji Materi Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 114/PUU-X/2012 Tahun 2012

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e applicant to lose

the guarantee of obtaining "fair legal certainty". Norm that

is contained in the phrase "except against a free verdict" does not provide a strict injunction for the Public Prosecuting to not be able

cassation, thus placing the applicant in an unacquired position

certainty Fair law. That is, on the basis of such words ' s formulation

there is no certainty for the applicant about whether the General Prosecuting may or should not file a cassation to the Supreme Court.

7. That the terms of the 5-letter terms (c) are the terms of a loss specific or actual or at least a potential that, according to reasonable reasoning, can be certain. That specifically and actual State Court of Lubuk Sikaping dated June 19, 2008, registration case Number

55 /PID/2007/PN.Lbs has dropped a ruling against the applicant

stating that the applicant is not legally proven. And convincing


guilty of committing a criminal offense to him, so

the state court of Lubuk Sikaping has acquitted the applicant from

all charges of the General Prosecuting. On the basis of this fact which was originally

The applicant obtained certainty that on the basis of Article 244 of the Criminal Code

The General Prosecuting should not apply, be harmed when

under the same section the General Prosecuting Act has submitted cassation

to the Supreme Court on 9 July 2008. The loss because at first

it must be free to be in a position of NOT SURE TO BE FREE. When on

July 9, 2008 The General Prosecuting filed a cassation, the loss is

the loss of assurance of this certainty will occur because on the basis of reasonable reasoning can be ensured that the Supreme Court will received the casings submitted by the Public Prosecuting.

8. That on the condition of the number 4 terms (d) is the existence of a causal relationship between the loss and the expiring Invite-Invite to be tested. The applicant's loss is the loss of guarantee of legal certainty due to the formula that is not

firmly on Article 244 of the KUHAP. If the formulation of Article 244 of the KUHAP

expressly determines: for any reason and however against a free ruling then the Public Prosecuting is prohibited from submitting a cassation, then the applicant shall not be harmed by the formula "definitely"

like this.

9. That the terms of the terms of the 5-letter (e) are the possibility that by the request of a request then the constitutional loss of the postured will not or may no longer occur. That the applicant is being affirmed as a constitutional right

The applicant is in recognition, assurance, protection, legal certainty

the fair and equal treatment in front of the law. The words "Fair"

here are a certainty, although "certainty" is a certainty

that allows the General Prosecuting to apply for the

all free rulings, but the applicant feels as fair as

is based on a certainty. If from the beginning it can be certain that

on the basis of Article 244 of the General Prosecutions it may be cascative then

The applicant will not be feeling the loss. Thus if the phrase " except

against the free verdict " omitted from Section 244 of KUHAP then Article


244 to be certain, if being "definitely" then Constitutional Rights

The postulate applicant will not or no longer occur because the applicant will feel fair cause is indeed understood as a certainty

which It is the right of the General Prosecutions to comply.

10.That under the postules described above, then the applicant

has fulfilled the provisions of Article 51 of the paragraph (1) MK Act and has fulfilled

the terms as stated in the Putermination Number 006 /PUU-

III/2005, so that the applicant has a legal position ( Legal Standing)

to act as the applicant in the request testing request-

Invite this.

Additional Argument

1. That the law is present for the seekers of justice with the paradigm

that if the seeker of justice faces a matter

the law, then not "the seekers of justice are to blame" then the law enforcement is the one. do something against existing laws, including reviewing applicable principles/norms, doctrines, substances as well as procedures.

2. That the law is present in the middle of society as not just

according to black-and-white words from the rules (according to the letter),

but according to the deeper spirit and meaning of (to the very

meaning) of the Act or the law. The law is not only executed

with spiritual intelligence. Running the law should be with

determinations, empathy, dedication, commitment to the plight of the nation

to dare seek another path to truth, justice, and certainty

the laws of the seekers of justice.

3. The Decree of MPR RI Number III of the Year 2000 has established a legal source

and the order of the order of law as an orderly source

the law in Indonesia is:

1) The 1945 Constitution.

2) MPR Determination.

3) Act.

4) Regulation of the Government Replacement Act (PERPU).

5) Government Regulation.

6) The President ' s governing Decree


7) Regional Regulations.

4. Drs. M. Sofyan Lubis S. H,

Article 244 Law Number 8 of 1981 on KUHAP does not know

The Free Free Termination. As for the reason the Attorney/Public Prosecutor persists

the case against a purely free ruling has always taken a subterfuge, among others

1) the courts of the State or High Court (judexfactie) have been wrong

applies the proof law as referred to in Article 185

paragraph (3) and paragraph (6) KUHAP; 2) ways of prosecuting judexfactie

not implemented according to the provisions of Undang-Undang; 3) Putermination

Judexfactie is not a pure free ruling (vrijspraak), but rather

the verdict " free Not pure ".

Whereas the law used the Prosecutor/Public Prosecutor

in filing the case against a free ruling is always the same

that is to refer to the Justice Minister's Decision No. 14-PW.07.03

Year 1983 of the 10th December 1983 on Additional Guidelines

KUHAP (TPP KUHAP) implementation of the 19th TPP KUHAP

there is a statement, " Against a free verdict cannot

be appealed; but are aware of the situation and conditions, For the sake of law,

justice and truth, against a free verdict can be expected to be cascaded.

It is base that by the request of the request, then

The constitutional loss postured will not or no longer occur.

5. That on the terms of the terms of the 4 letter (a) above regarding the Constitutional Right of the applicant given by the Constitution of 1945 then the applicant confirms that the Constitutional Right of the applicant is the right of recognition, assurance, protection, legal certainty that

fair and equal treatment in front of the law as set in

Article 28D paragraph (1) of the Constitution of 1945 as a consequence of Indonesia as

State of Law [article 3 paragraph (1) UUD 1945].

6. That on the terms of the terms of the four-letter (b) above then the Constitutional Right of the applicant has been harmed by the Act of the tested. While the existence of Article 244 of the KUHAP contains the norm with word formula-

the word is so firm that it resulted in th the KUHAP is a source of uncertainty

the law, so that if the phrase is omitted from the provisions of Article

244 KUHAP would provide legal certainty, because thus

being a fair certainty, whether for the defendant or the Prosecuer


General because both can definitively apply for cassation, not

depending on the outcome of the court ruling. Neither the court ruling

in the form of a ruling that puns the accused, absolve it purely

or impure it all may be cascative.

C. Petitum

That based on the legal reasons outlined above,

then the applicant pleads for the Constitutional Court to grant the

thing as follows:

1. Grant the entire applicant request.

2. Stating that the phrase "free" in Article 244 of Act Number 8

The year 1981 on the KUHAP is pure free or also includes free

not pure;

3. Stating that the phrase "except against a free verdict" in Section 244

Act No. 8 of 1981 on KUHAP is not

means and does not have a binding legal force because

contrary to the 1945 Constitution;

or 4. Stating that the phrase "except against a free verdict" in Section 244

Act No. 8 of 1981 on KUHAP is not

means conditional (conditionally unconstitutional) unless

is interpreted with expressly forbids the Attorney General to apply

the memory of the case to the Supreme Court against a free ruling with

any reason including pure free or unpure free reason;

5. Ordering a loading of this ruling in the Republic of the Republic news

Indonesia as it should be. Or if the assembly of judges of the Court

The Constitution argues for another, please the ruling that is fair (ex aequo

et bono).

[2.2] weighed that in order to prove its control, the applicant has

submitted a written proof tool that was given a proof of P-1 proof up to the proof

P-8 as follows:

1. Proof of P-1 Photocopy of the State Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia

Year 1945;


2. Evidence P-2 Photocopied Act No. 8 of 1981 on Law

Criminal Event;

3. Evidence P-3 Photocopy Verdict Number 55 /PID.B/2007/PN.LBS;

4. Evidence P-4 Photocopied Letter of Director General of Aid and Social Security

to the Regent Agam on the Implementation of the Program

Fatality Cow, dated 8 November 2004;

5. Evidence P-5 Photocopied Cooperation Agreement between the Department of Social Affairs

Republic of Indonesia with Agam County Government

No. 53 /HUK/2004 and Number 9 of 2004 on

The Poor Poor Facir Handling Program Through

Cut Beef By Utilizing Waste

Cow Cut;

6. Evidence P-6 Photocopy of the State Prosecutor's Cassation Case Lubuk Sikaping,

July 9, 2008;

7. Evidence P-7 Photocopy Counter-Memory Of The Cassation Memory

In Criminal Cases Broken Up By The Court Ruling

The Bottom Of The Act Is dated 19 June 2008, With The Register

Number 55 /Pid.B/ 2007 PN-LBS;

8. Evidence P-8 Photocopied Article KUHAP does not know the Free Breakup not

Pure written by Drs. M. Sofyan Lubis SH.

[2.3] A draw that against the applicant's request, the Government

captions in the February 13, 2013 trial, as


The Legal Occupation of the Petitioners Regarding the legal position of the para Government applicants submit

fully to the Assembly of Judges to assess and decide;

The subject of a request against the request for testing submitted by the applicant, the Act

a quo has already been submitted. testing and being disconnected by the Constitutional Court, at

of which Number of Discourse 17 /PUU-VIII/2010, verdict Number 56 /PUU-IX/2011,

and Putermination Number 85 /PUU-IX/2011. Against some of the disconnect that

states the applicant does not meet the qualification and its verdict is


The applicant ' s request is not acceptable. The Constitutional Court's consideration

against all three applications ago it is related to Article 244 of the Penal Code is

not the authority of the Constitutional Court, as it relates to

the application in law enforcement itself.

The government is aware of some of the Constitutional Court ' s ruling yet

examining the subject matter. Accordingly, the Government fully cees

to the Constitutional Court to decide on it;

Under Article 60 of the Constitutional Court and Article 42

Rules of the Constitutional Court are regulated that against the matter, the charge, paragraph,

section, and/or part of the legislation that has been moed to be tested

cannot be moored back testing except for any other reason or reason

that is different. However, after divorcating the applicant's request that

is mohoned for testing is the same section and the section as the test stone

also the same, that is Article 1 of the paragraph (3) and Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution that is between

other related with justice and certainty of law. Accordingly, according to

The Government even though the Constitutional Court ' s ruling against all three ruling

has previously been declared unacceptable, the Government remains on

its stance is that the plea cannot be submitted to the Court

Constitution, in other words that the current plea was filed

by the applicant is indeed as true as different or as if different but

in essence there are similarities of intent and purpose. Therefore, already

if the Judge Assembly gives the ruling that the applicant is not

meets the qualification as the applicant who has a legal position

as defined in Article 51 of the Law Number 24 Year

2003 on the Constitutional Court as amended with the Invite-

Invite Number 8 of 2011 on Changes to Act Number 24

In 2003 on Constitutional Court.

That against the matter request, the section asked for testing there

in the KUHAP bill it is only located that altered but the norms remain

same. That is, the Government argues that the norm is appropriate and

does not conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

in 1945, as it remains necessary in order to provide balance

or It gives a sense of justice to society itself. Therefore,

for the Government not to be stuck in giving the caption then according to


Government saving that is delivered on the trial-

previous trial, and which is delivered by the experts, mutatis

mutandis applies also to answer the request The Act

tested by the applicant;

[2.4] weighed that against the request of the applicant, DPR

delivering the written caption received at the Court of Justice on

on 21 February 2013, describes as follows:

5. That as an Indonesian consequence is the State of the Law [Article 1 of the paragraph

(3) the Constitution of 1945], certainly the law must be enforced and as a citizen

that should uphold that law [Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution], well

it is the defendant even as a Public Prosecutor.

6. That according to the applicant of the phrase "except against a free ruling"

that Section 244 ofAP which states that " Efforts


the law is the defendant 's right or the public prosecutor' s right to not

accept a court ruling that is a resistance or an appeal

or a criminal or penal right to apply

review in terms as well as in the manner set in

This Act ".

(2) That against the applicant's opinion stating that

the a quo provision does not provide an express ban on the Prosecution

General so that it should not apply for cassation. House of Representatives view,

provisions of Article 244 of the Penal Code provide legal protection,

equal treatment before law and legal certainty for

all defendants declared free based on verdict

court (vrijspraak), so this has been in accordance with the provisions

Article 28 D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution that reads " Everyone is entitled

upon the recognition, guarantee, protection and legal certainty that

is fair and the same treatment before the law ".

(3) That based on the expert description Dr. Mudzakir in the case

No. 17 /PUU-VIII/2010 on May 18, 2010, delivered

that in its implementation, there are two categories of free ruling

that is pure free ruling And the verdict is not pure. The verdict

pure free is an unproven deed not proven

legally and convincingly, meaning there is no evidence to support

against the indictment filed by the Prosecutor. Whereas the verdict

is not pure, it can be seen with 3 (three) indications that (1) is

the difference in interpretation of the legal interpretation, (2) existence

the difference in judgment regarding the evidence submitted at the trial,

and (3) the possibility of a difference in assessment regarding

interpretation of the application of the law against the evidence submitted at

the trial. Against all three differences, it is natural and

deserves to be completed by the Supreme Court.

(4) That two categories of such free ruling, in practice

are made possible by the Decree of the Minister of Justice Number

M. 14-PW.07.03 1983 dated December 10, 1983 on

Additional KUHAP (TPP KUHAP) Guidelines, in items

19th which stated that " Against free verdict cannot be


appeals for appeal, but devotes the situation and conditions, for the sake of

law, justice and truth, against a free ruling can

be held for casings ". This is in accordance with the view of the applicant

stating that in its implementation, the legal basis that

is used by the General Prosecuting to apply cassation to

the Supreme Court is the Decree of the Minister of Justice Number M. 14-

PW.07.03 Year 1983 dated December 10, 1983 on Additional

Guidelines of the Implementation of KUHAP (TPP KUHAP).

(5) Based on the description above the House of view, against the implementation

of a norm/provisions Act is not an authority

Constitutional Court to examine and disconnect, given

Court authority The Constitution is to test the legislation

against the Basic Law of 1945.

(6) Thus, according to the House provisions Section 244 of the Criminal Code

does not conflict with Article 28D of paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution.

Thus our Representative of the House submitted for the material

consideration for the Supreme Court of Justice of the Constitutional Court to

check, disconnect, and prosecute the case a quo and may provide

the verdict as follows:

1. "Received the House of Representatives";

2. Stating that the provisions of Article 244 of the Penal Code do not conflict with

Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution.

3. Stating that the provisions of Article 244 of the KUHAP remain in force

binding laws.

[2.5] A draw that the applicant has delivered a written conclusion

which was accepted in the Court of Justice on 14 February 2013 which

on the applicant remains with its stance;

[2.6] A draw that the Government has delivered the caption

written and conclusions received in the Court of Justice on the date

21 March 2013 which were on the The Government stays with its stance;


[2.7] weighed that to shorten the description in this ruling,

everything that happened in the trial was quite appointed in the news of the event

the trial, which is one unitary one

this verdict.


[3.1] Draw that the intent and purpose of the applicant's plea

is to invoke the constitutionality testing of Article 244 of the Law No. 8

of the Year 1981 on the Law of Criminal Events (State Sheet)

(in 1981) Number 76, an additional leaf of the Republic of Indonesia Number

3209, subsequently called KUHAP) against Article 1 of the paragraph (3), Article 27 of the paragraph (1),

and Article 28D of the paragraph (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia (1) Indonesia Year

1945 (next called UUD 1945);

[3.2] Weighing that before considering the subject matter,

Constitutional Court (hereafter called the Court) first would


a. The Court's authority to prosecute a quo; and

b. (legal standing) Applicant;

Against those two, the Court argues as follows:

The authority of the Court

[3.3] weighing that according to Article 24C of the paragraph (1) Constitution of 1945, Article 10

paragraph (1) letter a Law Number 24 of 2003 on the Court

The Constitution as amended by Act Number 8 of the Year

2011 on Changes to the Law Number 24 Year 2003 concerning

Court Constitution (State Of The Republic Of Indonesia Year 2011 Number

70, Extra Sheet) State of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5226, next

called the MK Act), and Article 29 paragraph (1) letter of the Law No. 48 Year

2009 on the Power of Justice (State Sheet of the Republic of Indonesia

Year 2009 Number 157, Additional Sheet of State of the Republic of Indonesia Number

5076), one of the constitutional powers of the Court is courting at


The first and last level of the verdict is final to test the Invite-

Invite against the Basic Law;

[3.4] Draw that because the applicant is expected to be

testing. The constitutionality of the in casu Act Article 244 of the KUHAP against

Article 1 of paragraph (3), Article 27 paragraph (1), and Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, then

The court of law to prosecute a quo;

Legal Occupation (Legal Standing) The applicant

[3.5] A draw that is based on the Article 51 verses (1) MK Act, which can

apply for testing the Act against

Against the application for the material testing of Section 244 of the Criminal Code,

The DPR delivered the following statement:

(1) That it needs the DPR to convey, the provisions of Article 244 of the Penal Code set

regarding the efforts The laws of the laws that can be done by the parties

that have direct legal interests, that are the defendants and

The General Prosecutions. The a quo provision has been consistent

rules by the definition of "legal efforts" as set

in Article 1 of 12 of the KUHith saksama

request the applicant and the proof of the applicant, listen to the caption

The government and read the Government ' s written caption, as well as read

the written caption of the House of Representatives, the Court argued as


[3.12] That the constitutionality testing of Article 244 of the KUHAP, either overall

that section or simply the phrase, "except against a free verdict", has been four


times the testing, and has been disconnected by the Court with the ruling

which stated the request (para) the applicant is not acceptable;

[3.12.1] That in the Court ruling Number 17 /PUU-VIII/2010, date On July 25, 2011, the Court in paragraph [3.12], page 51, among others, considered, " The applicant ' s control in this plea, more

complies with its constitutional loss in the running of the advocate profession

instead of being personally harmed by the prevailing norm Invite-

Invite a quo. Therefore, according to the Court, there is no loss

constitutional Applicant with the enactment of the Act a quo ";

[3.12.2] That in the Court ruling Number 56 /PUU-IX/2011, 15 March 2012, in paragraph [3.3], page 57, among others considering, " ... Article 24C paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution determines that one of the authority

The court is courting at the first and last degree of its verdict

is final to test the Act against the Basic Act.

The court argued, the provisions of Article 24C paragraph (1) of the Constitution of 1945 must

It is defined that which may be the object of testing to the Court is the material

the charge of the verse, section, and/or part in the Act of which the Court of Justice is required. conflicting

with UUD 1945. It is further outlined by the provisions of the Invite-

Invite that the applicant is clearly deciphing " the charge material in

the paragraph, section, and/or section of the Act is considered to be contrary to

The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 " [vide Article 51

paragraph (3) of the letter b of the MK Act]. Against paragraph, article, and/or section

The Act that is legally promulred and by the applicant

The postulate in accordance with the 1945 Constitution is not an object of testing

the Act. "

[3.12.3] A draw that in the Court ruling Number 85 /PUU-IX/2011, on March 27, 2012, in paragraph [3.3.1], pages 46-47, among others considered, " ... against the petitioner's request for

The court declared the phrase " ... except for the free verdict " in the Article

244 KUHAP, not contradictory to the 1945 Constitution and has the power

binding laws, the Court as in consideration of the termination Number

56 /PUU-IX/2011 date 15 March 2012 considered among others that,

" The court argued, the provisions of Article 24C paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution must


It is defined as the object of the test to the Court is the material

charges of verse, section, and/or part in the conflicting Act

with the 1945 Constitution. It is further outlined by the provisions of the Invite-

Invite that the applicant is deciphing clearly, " the charge material in

paragraph, section, and/or section of the Act is considered to be contrary to

The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 " [vide Article 51

paragraph (3) of the letter b Act MK]. Against paragraph, article, and/or section

The Act that is legally promulred and by the applicant

The postulate in accordance with the 1945 Constitution is not an object of testing

the Act. All laws that have been validly promulred

by the authorities must be considered in accordance with the 1945 Constitution until repealed

by the Act-forming or otherwise unconstitutional by the ruling

The court is based on a proposed plea with the provisions

it is contrary to the 1945 Constitution ". All considerations and amar

The court verdict concerns the constitutionality testing of Article 244 of the KUHAP

in Putermination Number 56 /PUU-IX/2011 dated 15 March 2012 mutatis mutandis

be a consideration in the the verdict of a quo, so the Court is not

authorities prosecute a plea quo; "

[3.12.4] That in the Court ruling Number 71 /PUU-X/2012, dated October 23, 2012, is being asked by the same applicant in the plea a

quo, in paragraph [3.6], among others consider, " ...according to the Court, the applicant's plea, whether or not to be postulated in posita or between posita

and its officers are in opposition to one another. On one applicant

postulate that Section 244 of the KUHAP is meaningless, on the other party the applicant

postulate Article 244 of the meaningful KUHAP, each with the consequences

as described above. In addition, if the dalil is in that posita

is associated with the petitum, then between that control and the petitum as well

contradictory. Furthermore, the applicant pleads for the termination of PN Lubuk

Sikaping over the case of the applicant to have a fixed legal force. Above

the base of the disputes between the postulate in the applicant's request

and between the control in posita with the petitum, then according to the Court,

the plea of a quo blurred (libel obscuur). Therefore, the Court is not necessary

consider further about the Court's authority, position

legal (legal standing) the applicant, and the subject of the plea; "


[3.13] A draw that is due to the testing of Article 244 of the KUHAP

either the entirety and the specific phrase in the section has not been

considering the subject of its appeal, then the subject of the request testing

the constitutionality in the a quo plea will be considered as follows:

[3.13.1] That Article 24 of the paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution determines, " The judiciary is performed by a Supreme Court and a body The judiciary is in

underneath it in the general judicial environment, the religious justice environment,

the military judicial environment, the judicial environment of the state enterprise, and by

a Constitutional Court ". Of such provision it is clear that the Court

The Supreme is the court the highest state of all four judicial environments that

is under it. As the highest state court of all four environments

the judiciary, it becomes absolute that the Supreme Cot if the phrase " except for the free verdict " in Section 244

KUHAP is omitted, then it will provide a fair legal certainty, whether

for the defendant and the public prosecutor as both definitively can

apply for cassation, not depending on the outcome of the court ruling, either

The court ruling is a verdict that convicted the accused,

freeing it purely or not purely, it is all allowed

to file a case of legal action;

The opinion Court

[3.11] weighed that after the Court examined wHamdan Zoelva, Anwar Usman, M.

Akil Mochtar, Harjono, Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, and Maria Farida Indrati, respectively-

each as Member, with the present by Saiful Anwar as Panitera

The replacement, attended by the House of Representatives or who represents,

The government or that represents, without the presence of the applicant/its ruler. Against


This Court ruling, Constitutional Court of Harjono has a different opinion

(dissenting opinion);



Moh. Mahfud MD



Achmad Sodiki


Muhammad Alim


Hamdan Zoelva


Anwar Usman


M. Akil Mochtar




Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi


Maria Farida Indrati


Against this Court ruling, Constitutional Court Judge Harjono has an opinion

different (dissenting opinion), as follows:

The applicant on the matter is concerned Article 244 KUHAP


" Against the verdict of criminal cases given at the last level

by another court other than the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court or the prosecution

general may submit an examination request kasasi to

Supreme Court except against rulings free. "


Of the section a quo that is the legal issue is the phrase "unless

against the free verdict".

The existence of section a quo cannot be separated by any other sections

in the KUHAP even of The KUHAP system is comprehensive. Bill Number 8

In 1981 replaced Het Herziene Inlandsch Reglement (Staatblad Tahun

1941 Number 44) known as HIR, connected with the Act

No. 1 Drt. 1951 (LN. 1951, TLN Number 81) which by the KUHAP Act

consideran weighed the letter (d) stated "it needs to be revoked because it is not

in accordance with the national legal query".

That the article is moded with the applicant with respect to the other with respect to the law. "

Article 191 of the KUHAP states paragraph (1): "if the court argued that

of the trial examination, the defendant's error of the conduct

was dismayed to him not to be legally proven and assured, then the defendant

is broken free ". While in verse (2) it is stated that: " if the court

argues that the doting of the deeds is proven,, but

it is not a criminal act, then the defendant is broken up

free of any lawsuit".

It is thus clear that KUHAP is distinguking between the two things

that. Article 191 paragraph (1) relates to the proof in the trial

which cannot prove that the defendant has done the deed which

is not disappointed, whereas the paragraph (2) in the trial has proven the defendant

perform But the deed is not a crime. The point of

the difference concerns the first two things a matter of fact (a question

of fact), while the second is a legal matter (a question of law).

The difference in such a way is appropriate and reasonable. The problem of the fact the source is

the trial of the evidence checks therefore the judge's conviction becomes important,

while the legal issue concerns the judge's opinion of the events that

happens. Accountability in the new criminal law is relevant if

is evident from the trial of a trial fact of a relationship between

a person who does so in the act of disappointments. If in

the trial cannot be proven by such a legal fact then

it should have been and that the defendant was acquitted. Who should be able to

determine there is a legal fact of the relationship between someone with a deed

a certain criminal, none other than the judge who examined the proof in


the trial is not another party. To them (the accused) who had undergone

a trial examination which was forced to be granted his rights was reduced due to his status

The defendant to whom his detention could be carried out, it turned out to be not obtained

the legal facts in the The legal trial that they (the accused) is that

commits an unimpediable deed, then must be rewarded and

protected for the sake of legal certainty. If the rights were not protected then would

be questioned what it means to be a trial, whereas

the trial is legally valid, so that the verdict should be respected.

The defendant in the trial came face to face. with the institution of both the public prosecutor

and the judge not dealing with his people. Protection that

is in compliance with guarantees of human rights.

With the demicfish the exclusion of the filing against the free ruling

as governed by Article 244 of the Criminal Code is a protection of the rights

humans against those whose rights were once violated due to their status

the defendant, after a valid court ruling.

KUHAP set out a comprehensive how to protect a person

that has been broken free. Article 67 of the KUHAP states that against the ruling

free cannot be appealed, so do the ruling out of all

the lawsuits. Protection against a person who has been broken free does not

alone by banning the filing of an appeal in a free ruling, even

the accused is entitled to demand damages as stated by Article 68

juncto Article 95 if the defendant is on trial turns out to be mistaken about him. One

the accused is tried erroneously about his person as well as it should be

free-broken and even legal mrmberi rights to claim damages.

So is KUHAP protecting someone's rights. Cassation is not the way

The Supreme Court is to keep an eye on a judge on the ground under it.

Cassation is an ordinary legal effort. As a legal attempt the kasation is intended

to provide protection to the required parties. To the defendant

who has been distrauted free by a court whose justice process is valid or not

the legal defect must obtain protection, only the way it is different is

not by means of giving the right to submit The case is, but instead of

the way the device cannot be held, in the way that there is a meaning or meaning

the judicial process that has been led. A free verdict is not compassion

the judge against the accused, but the right of the accused if it turns out to be


The public prosecutor is unable to prove a legal fact of the relationship between

the defendant with a criminal event which is charged to him. The prosecution

in general by KUHAP has been granted the right to reduce the defendant's an Zoelva, Anwar Usman, M.

Akil Mochtar, Harjono, Ahmad Fadlil Sumadi, and Maria Farida Indrati, respectively-

each as Member, at the day Tuesday, date twenty-six, March, year two thousand thirteen, and spoken in the plenary session of the Constitutional Court is open to the public on the day Thursday, twenty-eighth date, March, year two thousand thirteen, finished said at 11.40 pm, by the nine Justices of the Constitution, that is Moh. Mahfud MD, as Chairperson of the group

Member, Achmad Sodiki, Muhammad Alim,