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Regulatory Region Number 3 2013 2013

Original Language Title: Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 TAHUN 2013 Tahun 2013

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8. Education Management is the setting of an authority in

hosting the national education system by the Government,

Provincial Police, Local Government, education organizers who

established the public, and units education for the education process

may take place in accordance with the national educational purpose.

9. The Education Manager is the Government, Local Government, agency

law organizer and education unit.

10. Hosting education is the execution of components

educational systems on the unit or educational program on the line,

the body, and the type of education in order for the education process to be able

takes place in accordance with the goals National education.

11. The education organizer is the Government, Local Government or



12. The educational path is the vehicle that the learers pass through to

develop a potential self in an educational process that

corresponds to the purpose of education.

13. Educational level is the educational stage set

based on the level of development of learers, the goals that would

be achieved, and the capabilities developed.

14. The type of education is a group based on the specificity

the educational purpose of a unit of education.

15. An educational unit is a group of educational services that

organizes education on formal, non formal, and

-informal lines on any kind of education and type of education, either

organized by local authorities or Society.

16. Formal education is a structured educational path and

a level consisting of primary education and education


17. "PAUD" is an

coaching effort aimed at children from birth until

with a six-year-old through giving

education stimuli to help. growth and

physical and spiritual development for the child to have a readiness in

entering further education.

18. The next Child Care Park (TPA) is incorrect

one form of an early child education unit on the educational path

non formal hosting of social welfare programs,

child parenting programs, and child education program since birth

up to aged 6 (six) years.

19. The next play group called Kober is one

form of an early-age child education unit on a non-

formal educational path that organizes educational programs and programs

welfare for children aged 2 (two) years up to 6 (six)


20. The next kindergarten is one

form an early childhood education unit on the formal education line

which organizes educational programs for children ages 4 (four)

years up to 6 (six) years.


21. The next Raudhatul Athfal called RA is one of the forms

an early-age child education unit on the formal educational path that

organizes an Islamic religious education program for children ages 4

(four) years up to 6 (six) years.

22. Primary education is an educational level on the educational path

a formal, secondary education that

is held in the Primary School educational unit and

Ibtidaiyah Madrasah or other forms of education. equal as well as being one

the continuation of education on education units that

shaped First Middle School and Madrasah Tsanawiyah, or

other forms are equal.

23. Secondary Education is an educational level on the educational path

formal which is the advanced elementary education in the form of the School

High Middle, Aliyah Madrasah, Vocational Middle School,

The Christian Theology Secondary School or any other form of equal.

24. Primary School, which is later abbreviated as SD is one of the forms

the formal education unit that organizes general education

on primary education level.

25. The Ibtidaid madrassa, later abbreviated as MI, is one of the "

forms of the formal education unit within the Ministry of Religious Affairs which

organizes a public education with the Islamic state of religion

on the primary education level.

26. Junior high school, which later shortened to SMP was

one of the forms of the formal education unit that organizes

a general education on primary education as a continuation of

SD, MI, or any other form Equal or advanced of the learnable results

that are recognized the same or equivalent of SD or MI.

27. The Tsanawiyah madrassa, later abbreviated as MTs, is incorrect

one form of formal education unit in the Ministry of Religious Affairs

which organizes general education with religious peculiarities

Islam on primary education level as a follow-up to SD, MI, or

another form of equal or advanced form of recognized learning results

same or equivalent SD or MI.

28. High school, which later shortened to high school is incorrect

one form of formal education unit that organizes

general education on secondary education as advanced


of SMP, MTs, or other forms of equal or advanced form of results

study recognized sama/equivalent SMP or MTs.

29. The madrasah Aliyah, later abbreviated as MA is one

form of a formal education unit within the Ministry of Religious Affairs that

organizes a public education with the Islamic religious peculiarities

on the middle of education as a follow-up to SMP, MTs,

or any other form that is equal or advanced of a learning result that

is recognized equally or equivalent in junior high or MTs.

30. Vocational high school, which further abbreviated SMK is

one of the forms of the formal education unit that organizes

vocational education on secondary education as

advanced from SMP, MTs, or form another equal or advanced

of the recognized learning results of the same or equivalent middle school or MTs.

31. The Vocational Aliyah Madrasah, which is further abbreviated as MAK, is

one of the forms of the formal education unit in the Chief Minister

The religion that organizes vocational education with the peculiarities

Islamic religion on the body Secondary education as a continuation of

SMP, MTs, or other forms equal or advanced from the results

study recognized equal or equivalent SMP or MTs.

32. The Christian Theology Middle School, later abbreviated to SMTK

is one of the forms of the formal education unit in binaan

The Minister of Religious Affairs which organizes general education with

the peculiarities of Christianity in the body " Bupati is the regent of Alor.

4. The Regional Device is the Alor County Area Device which

consists of the Regional Secretariat, the Council Secretariat, the Regional Service,

the Regional Technical Institution, Subdistrict, and Kelurahan in Alor County.

5. Service is a Regional Device Works Unit that carries out the tasks

principal and function in the field of Education.

6. The Head of the Service is the Head of the Regional Device Workforce which

carries out the principal and function duties in the field of Education.

7. Education is a conscious and planned effort to realize

an atmosphere of learning and learning processes for active learers

developing a potential for her to have spiritual power

religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble akhlak,

as well as the necessary skills of him, society, nation and

Indonesia, able to compete in national and international levels as well as

to be a democratic and responsible citizen;

f. implement educational governance that includes planning,

organizing, execution, supervision and control; and

g. embody the educational hosting of any kind and

a noble type of education, appropriate, efficient, effective, productive

and open in accordance with demands of need and change.



Section 4

Management and hosting education is based on the principle:

a. professional;

b. transparent;

c. account;

d. democratic;

e. participative;

f. fair and non discriminatory;

g. efficient and effective;

h. uphold human rights; and

i. local religious, cultural and kearifan value.






Section Parts

Rights and Liability Society

Article 5

Each citizen is entitled to:

a. obtaining a quality education;

b. hosting a community-based education;

c. obtaining special education and special services;

d. control, leverage, science development and


e. obtaining correct and accurate educational information;

f. host a local excellence-based education unit; and

g. plan, execute, monitor and evaluate

the management and hosting of education under the terms

the Laws of the Law.

Section 6

(1) Each citizen who is up to 18 (eight

thirteen) years is obliged to follow primary education and education

medium to end.

(2) In addition to the obligations as Referred to in paragraph (1), each citizen

mandatory society:

a. provide educational resource support for the continuity

hosting education;

b. create and support the latency of learning culture,

read, write, and achievements in its environment;

c. provide support in coaching and development

educator competence and education workforce.


The Second Part

The Rights and Obliges of the Parent/Wali Participant

Article 7

Each parent/guardian of the learnperson is entitled to:

a. selecting the preferred education unit as per the provisions


b. obtain information on the development of their child's education; and

c. obtain waive and/or be exempt from the costs of education

learers under the terms of the Legislation.

Section 8

People ' s/guardians protege are obligated:

a. Schooled, guiding, directing, educating and supervising

his son;

b. provides his child-wide opportunity to:

1) obtain an education;

2) thinks and expression according to the level of intellect and

his age;

c. providing school needs for The survival of the education

his son;

d. support the school committee's work/madrassa program.

Third Part

Attendees ' rights and obligations are Didik

Article 9

Every protege is entitled to:

a. obtaining religious education in accordance with its adhered religion

and taught by a religious educator;

b. get the acceleration program opportunity;

c. get educational and learning services in order

development of self-potential according to interest, talent and intelligence;

d. get scholarships and/or educational costs assistance from

Government, Local Government and communities; and

e. Got a score assessment of his studies.


Article 10

Every educated participant is obliged:

a. Completing the education program at the speed of the study accordingly

provisions of the Perundation;

b. obey, obey, respect, and appreciate the educators and power


c. following an extracurricular program set by the unit


d. learn every effective hour at school;

e. preserving clean, safe, beautiful, healthy, prosperous, prosperous and achievement culture;

f. maintain a means of infrastructure in the educational unit; and

g. Comply with the terms and conditions of this law, and any provision of the laws of the law.

Fourth Quarter

Rights and Obliges of Educability and Educability

Article 11

Educability is entitled:

a. get the award in accordance with work achievement, outstanding dedication

regular and/or serve in special areas.

b. obtaining income;

c. obtaining a teacher profession allowance and other legal benefits;

d. get the promotion of functional and/or structural offices in

the Service environment;

e. obtaining legal protection in carrying out the duties and rights

of intellectual property;

f. obtain an opportunity to increase the competency, qualification,

and teacher certification in the post;

g. acquiring and utilizing the means and learning of the learning;

h. has freedom to provide an assessment of the learlist;

i. Participate in graduation, awards and/or sanctions to

learers in accordance with education rules, teacher ethics codes and

rules-of-legislation provisions;

j. have the freedom to union in the organization of the appropriate profession

the provisions of the Act of the Act;


k. have the opportunity to play a role in the policy determination


l. carrying out a domestic and overseas work visit with

authorized financing; and

m. obtaining legal certainty in the form of decisions and agreements


Article 12

Educable is obligated:

a. carrying out teaching duties in accordance with the Rules of the Invitation-


b. carrying out tasks and functions in accordance with the educational background

and the field of expertise;

c. plan, execute, assess, guide and execute

other additional tasks related to the principal task;

d. enhance and develop academic qualifications and


e. motivating learnings to use study time outside of the hour


f. provide accuracy and create a culture of learning, culture

reading, culture researching, writing and publishing it in

print media and journals;

g. acted objectively and undiscriminated against the learnant in


h. maintaining and fogging the unity and unity of the nation;

i. uphold the laws, code of conduct a form of a noble, productive

and prosperous society in the area;


d. empowering the role as well as the society optimally in

hosting education based on management approach


e. developing the potential of educated participants into human beings who believe

and put their trust in God Almighty, noble, healthy,

science, competent, creative, independent, tolerance in cultural diversity,

kee>(5) The type of PAUD as referred to in verse (1) may be

general education, religious and special.

Article 21

(1) PAUD protege ages 0 (zero) until the age of 6 (six) years.

(2) Educant Cober or other forms are equivalent to 3 (three)

years up to 4 (four) years.

(3) TK/RA protégus or other forms are equivalent between 5

(five) years up to 6 (six) years.

Section 22

Grouping of educated participants for educational programs on TPA, Kober,

TK/RA or form others as equals are tailored to the needs,

age and/or child development.

Article 23

A PAUD protege on formal and non formal educational pathways can

move on to the same path and equal.

section 24

(1) The Management and Hosting of the PAUD is held

integrative and holistic.

(2) Further provisions on the procedure and governance of the management way

and the hosting of the PAUD are governed by Rules of the Regent.


Third Section

Basic Education

Article 25

(1) Basic education serves to instill values, attitudes, and taste

aesthetics as well as provide the basics of knowledge, capability and

reading prowess, writing and counting as well as the learning capacity

learners to proceed to secondary education and to

live in society.

(2) The basic education aims to have educated participants. ability

base as well as deepen reading competency, writing, counting,

knowledge, technology, skills, capable of developing potential

self as a personal, public and state of life

a democratic as well as responsible for it

in accordance with the rate Its psychological development that has

intellectual, spiritual and emotional balance as well as can

proceed to a higher level, type and educational path.

Article 26

(1) Basic Education organized through formal and

non-formal education paths.

(2) The Form the base education unit as referred to in paragraph (1)


a. SD/MI or other forms are equal; and

b. SMP/MTs or other forms are equal.

(3) SD/MI as referred to in paragraph (2) letter a, consists of 6

(six) levels.

(4) SMP/MTs as referred to in paragraph (2) the letter b, consisting of 3

(three) levels.

(5) The type of primary education as referred to in paragraph (2), may

be a general, religious, and special education.

Article 27

(1) Educations on SD/MI, or any other form of equal age

at least 6 (6) years.


(2) educated participants at SMP/MTs, or other equivalent forms are

SD/MI graduates or other forms are equal.

Section 28

The educated participants as referred to in Section 27 may be move to the path

or other equivalent education unit as per the terms of the invite-


Fourth Quarter

Secondary education

Article 29

(1) Public education serves to prepare an educated participant for

may proceed to higher education and/or for life in


(2) The vocational secondary education serves to prepare educated participants

being a productive person, able to work independently and accordingly

field needs.

Article 30

(1) General Secondary Education aims for:

a. form human qualities spiritually, emotionally and


b. forming human beings who control science, technology

and art;

c. form a human who has the skills and skills;

d. forming a responsible member of the public;

e. forming human beings who have an enterprise attitude; and

f. preparing students to follow higher education.

(2) vocational secondary education aims to:

a. form human qualities spiritually, emotionally and


b. form human beings who have skills and skills;

c. form human beings who have an enterprise attitude; and

d. provide a competency of vocational expertise to participants

learnability to work in a specific field.


Article 31

(1) Secondary education is organized through the formal educational path

and non formal.

(2) Secondary education is shaped:

a. SMA/MA;

b. SMK/MAK; and

c. SMTK or other forms are equal.

Article 32

(1) SMA/MA is grouped in the study program in accordance with

the need for further study in higher education.

(2) Majors on SMK/MAK or any other form an equal form

field of expertise.

(3) Each field of expertise consists of 1 (one) or more program of expertise.

(4) Addition and/or development of the skill program type

as referred to in paragraph (2) based on the development

science, technology and skills.

(5) Addition and development of the expertise programs

implemented the Local Government after getting input from


Article 33

Educable participants in secondary education as referred to in

Article 31 of the paragraph (2) is a citizen who has graduated from SMP/MTs

or an equal education unit.

Section 34

Educability as referred to in Article 33 may move the program

the study and the field of expertise on the line and the unit of education equivalent

in accordance with the laws.


Fifth Section

Non Formal Education

Article 35

(1) Non formal education serves as a substitute, enhancer

and/or formal education supplement.

(2) Non-Formal Education formal aims to form human beings that

have the skills of life, skills, enterprise attitude, and

competencies to work in a particular field, and/or

continue education to higher levels in order

embodied the national education goal.

Article 36

Unit non formal education is shaped:

a. course institution;

b. training institution;

c. study group;

d. community learning activities; and

e. Child and Youth Education, Taklim Assembly and educational unit

that is similar.

Article 37

The non formal education program includes:

a. life skills education;

b. early child education;

c. education of youth;

d. female empowerment education;

e. functional accency education;

f. Skills education and job training;

g. equality education;

h. religious education; and

i. Other education.

Article 38

Non-formal education educated participants as referred to in Section 36

are citizens who require a provision of knowledge and


(3) The form of the PAUD unit on a non formal educational path as

is referred to in paragraph (1), including the playing group, TPA, or other form

other equals.

(4) The format of the PAUD on the educational path Informal, as intended

in paragraph (1), it is an education that is implemented in the form

family education or education that the community is doing


setting regional policy in the field of education In accordance with the


(2) The field policy in the field of education as referred to in

paragraph (1) is poured at least in:

a. section long-term development plan;

b. section medium-term development plan; and

c. regional law of education field.

(3) The area policy in the field of education as referred to in

paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) bind:

a. a related area device work unit;

b. the legal entity of the organizing unit of education;

c. unit of education;

d. formal, non formal and informal education organizers;

e. education board;

f. educators and education;

g. the school committee or any other type of name;

h. Educated participant;

i. Parents/guardians are educated; and

j. communities.

Section 58

(1) The Local Government directs, guides, supervision,

supervising, coordinating, monitoring, evaluating and

controlling the organizer of the unit, track, body, and type


(2) The Regional Government is responsible:

a. hosted, facilitating and co-ordinating all types

and the Education unit;

b. Completed a 9-year primary education study program,

12-year secondary education, and the blind education program



c. pushed the acceleration of the target attainment Millennium Development

Gold's (MDGs), SNP and RPJMD;

d. developing an educational curriculum;

e. evaluating and monitoring the maintainer and organizer of the unit

education; and

f. developing and preserving regional cultural arts education.

Article 59

(1) The Regional Government develops and performs the system

local education information online and compatible with

systems National education information.

(2) The area education information system as referred to in paragraph

(1) includes data and educational information on all lines, types,

types, units, education programs.

(3) Local Government encourages educational units to

develop and execute education information system appropriate

with authority.

(4) The area education information system as referred to in paragraph

(1) is designed to support education policy retrieval that

carried out the government region and accessible to parties

interests with education.

Third Section

Management by the Law Agency

Organizing of the Education Unit

Article 60

(1) the legal entity the organizer of the education unit responsible

against the unit and/or program The education that is hosted.

(2) The responsibility as referred to the paragraph (1) includes:

a. Ensure regular availability of educational resources and

sustainably for the education of the appropriate education services

with the SNP;

b. ensuring access of educational services for learers;

c. supervision and assist the unit and/or educational program



d. perform quality assurance, with guidelines on the policy

national field of education;

e. facilitate the unit accreditation and/or educational program;

f. Fostering, developing, and underlying educators and

education power.

Fourth Quarter

Management by the Education Unit

Section 61

The management of education by education units includes :

a. program planning;

b. the drafting and development of the curriculum;

c. host of learning;

d. Educator and educationist assistance;

e. management of the means and infrastructure;

f. study results assessment; and

g. control and reporting.

Section 62

(1) Management Unit PAUD, primary and secondary education

is exercised under SPM with the principle of MBS.

(2) The MBS Principles as referred to in paragraph (1) are self-reliance,

partnership, participation, openness and accountability.

(3) Further provisions regarding the hosting of MBS are set up with

The Bupati Regulation.



Article 63

(1) PAUD Curriculum, primary education, secondary education and

Religious education guideline on the SNP.

(2) Education Curriculum on non formal educational pathways, education

-based area excellence as well as special education and services

special use of the SNP, potential and local excellence.


Article 64

(1) Curriculum on primary education, secondary education and

non-formal educational pathways can be developed by the standard that

higher than the national standard of education accordingly. with the demands

and the need with guidelines on regulatory provisions


(2) Basic, medium and non formal education Curriculum composed and

developed by the respective educational units and verified

by the Regional Curriculum Developer Team facilitated by the Service.

(3) Curriculum Basic education and non-formal education are verified and

authorized by the Service.

(4) The secondary education curriculum is verified by the Developer Team

The Provincial Curriculum and is authorized by the Provincial Government.

Section 65

The development of the curriculum as referred to in Section 64

executed based on principle:

a. based competency, development, needs, participant interest

protege and environment;

b. diverse and integrated;

c. A response to the development of science, technology, art and


d. relevant to the needs of life;

e. thorough and continuous;

f. Learn as long as you can;

g. National and regional interests balance.

Article 66

(1) The formal education unit at the level of elementary education and

medium provides a special emphasis for science subjects

the technology base consists of from:

a. mathematics;

b. IPA;

c. entrepreneurial; and

d. Foreign language.


(2) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) are taught by the teacher

subjects in accordance with the higher education background.

(3) The provisions of the implementation of the subjects curriculum

as referred to in paragraph (1) is exercised according to the SNP and

the provisions of the laws.



Part of the decency

Intra School Organization

Article 67

(1) The formal education unit is required to direct, guide,

supervise, supervise, coordinate, mon gained education; and

e. Increase the warranty service (s) of the Cloud Service.

section 56

The management of education as referred to in Section 55 is based

on the annual work and budget program compiled in accordance with

the provisions of the laws.


Second section

Management by Local Government

Article 57

(1) The Regent is responsible for managing the education n

TK/RA/TKLB has a teaching experience of at least 3

(three) years in TK/RA/TKRB;

h. has a low-level III/c space group for employees

Civil lands and for teachers instead of the civil servant in the event

with the principal issued by the foundation or the institution

the authorities are evidenced by the inpasing decision letter;

i. A good value for the element of loyalty and good value

for other scoring elements as a teacher in the Assessment List

The employee's achievement for a civil servant or similar assessment

for non-civil servants Civil in 2 (two) last year; and

j. obtaining a good value for performance assessment as a teacher in 2

(two) last year or having a special achievement as a teacher

with area, provincial or national level achievements.

(2) In addition to the requirements as Referred to in paragraph (1) the teacher given

additional tasks as principal/madrasah must meet

special requirements include:


a. status as a teacher on the type or the school/madrasah

which corresponds to the school/madrassa in question

will be given additional task as principal /madrasah;

b. have a school principal certificate/madrasah on the type and the type

in accordance with his experience as an educator published

by the designated institution and specified Government.

Article 83

(1) The placement, removal, and dismissal of the Principal at

the Regional Government-organized education unit is conducted

Regents on the behalf of the Head of the Service.

(2) The Principal's term for 4 (four) years and may

extended for one next term.

(3) The term is extended a post as referred to in paragraph (2) if

has a very good performance assessment.

Section 84

Placement, displacement, and dismissal of Chief Madrasah/SMTK

on an educational unit held Ministry of Religion

conducted by the Chief Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Article 85

Placement, Beauty and Head of the Principal/Madrasah/

SMTK on a society-held education unit,

performed by the organizer of the concerned education unit appropriate

with the provisions of the laws.

section 86

Appointment, Placements, Transfer and Termination stops

PKBM, Kober, TPA and SPS on educational units organised

society, carried out by the organizers of the education unit

is concerned in accordance with the provisions of the laws.


Fifth Section

The task and responsibility of the Principal/Madrasah

Article 87

(1) Principal/Madrasah is responsible for hosting

the education activities included:

A. implementation of the mandatory program of 12 (twelve) years;

b. Encouraging the culture of reading, culture researching, culture

writing and publishing the results of the learnant's work;

c. encourages the lactate of hours to study outside of school hours for

learners; and

d. report on periodic duty and responsibility.

(2) Principal/Madrasah in carrying out the duties as

referred to in paragraph (1) is assisted by the Vice Principal/Madrasah.

(3) Further provisions of mechanism and layout

accountability for the execution of duties and head responsibility

schools/madrasas as referred to in paragraph (1) are set up with

Rules of Regents.

Section 88

(1) The PKBM Manager is responsible for the hosting of activities

education included:

a. implementation of the mandatory program of 12 (twelve) years;

b. encourage hours of mandatory study outside of school hours and

culture reading for learers;

c. report on the execution of tasks and responsibilities periodically;

(2) The Manager in performing the task as referred to the paragraph

(1) is assisted by the PKBM Secretary.

(3) Further provisions on mechanism and layout

the responsibility of execution of the task and the responsibility of the Manager

PKBM as referred to in paragraph (1) is governed by the Rules



Article 89

(1) Principal/Madrasah/PKBM, Kober, TPA and SPS are required to prohibit

any form of promotion of goods and/or services that do not have

direct relation to education.

(2) Principal/Madrasah/PKBM, KOBER, TPA and SPS are required to prohibit

activities deemed damaging to school imagery/madrasah and

demoralizing the learnable.



Section 90

(1) Each organizer of the educational unit is required to provide the infrastructure

and the means that adequate for educational purposes accordingly

the growth and development of physical potential, intellectual intelligence,

social, emotional, and psychiatric learers.

(2) Procurement of infrastructure and means necessary in

Government administration, Government

Regions, and communities.

(3) Infrastructure and educational means on purpose and

its functions are the responsibility of the organizer and/or maintainer

education unit.

Article 91

(1) The Local Government can provide infrastructure assistance and means

education on the organizer of the education unit that

organized society and/or organizer of the unit

education managed by the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

(2) The Regent set the standard of infrastructure and minimal means in the unit

early child education, primary education, secondary education,

and non-formal education in accordance with the rules of the invite-



Section 92

(1) The Regent may provide the award or ease to

the community and/or the business abusers who provide assistance

infrastructure and educational means.

(2) Awares or the ease as referred to in

paragraph (1), executed in accordance with the provisions of the laws.

Article 93

(1) Prasarana of the education of building buildings, is required to meet

administrative requirements and technical requirements as appropriate.

(2) The administrative requirements of the building are in question.

in paragraph (1) includes the status of land rights status, status

ownership of building buildings, permission to establish buildings, and permission

building use.

(3) Technical Requirements of the building as referred to in paragraph

(1), covering building order requirements and reliability requirements and

build building.

(4) The terms of the educational building building requirements as

are referred to in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), a(S1) or

Diploma Four (D-IV) of education or non fullness that


c. aged as high 56 (fifty-six) year at the time

appointment first as the principal of the school /madrasah;

d. healthy physical and spiritual based on the letter of the doctor;

e. never were subjected to moderate or severe disciplinary punishment

with applicable provisions;

f. has an educator certificate;

g. experience teaching at least 5 (five) years according to

type and school/madrasah respectively, except irequirements and procedures

the status of the education unit as referred to in paragraph (1) is set

with the Rule of Count.

Section 107

(1) The education unit not meeting the requirements can be closed.

(2) The educational unit as referred to in paragraph (1) that has

closed is prohibited from carrying out teaching activities and or

other activities.

(3) Further provisions regarding the unit closing procedure

education as referred to in paragraph (1) is set with

Rule of Regents.

Article 108

(1) Foreign education institutions may host an education accordingly

with the provisions of the legislation.

(2) An education unit organized by foreign education institutions,

is required to provide religious education, Indonesian language,

local citizenship and charge for the educated participants.

(3) The education unit is employed educators and power

education is required to conduct a joint cooperation agreement



(4) Foreign education institutions as referred to in paragraph (1), may

in cooperation with the existing educational institutions in the area, and compulsory

include educators and local education personnel.



Article 109

The admission of the learners is based on the principle:

a. Objectively;

b. transparency;

c. accountability; and

d. not discriminatory.

Article 110

The admission of the learer aims to:

a. provide an opportunity for school-age citizens to

obtain educational services; and

b. improving the quality of the hosting services and educational results

base and medium.

Article 111

(1) The acceptance of the leared participant due to the mutation is done with the condition:

a. The mutation of an interschool protege in the area was carried out after

received a recommendation from the principal of the origin;

b. The mutation of an educated participant from and to the school with the classification of accreditation

is the same; and

c. mutations of interregional protege, performed after obtaining

Head of the Principal's approval and head recommendation


(2) Further provisions on the acceptance and mutation of the learer

are set up with the Regent Ordinance.




Article 112

(1) Educency uses school clothes and their agility at

paths, cranes and types of educational units in the process learn.

(2) The use of school clothes and its agility as

referred to a paragraph (1) aims to show homogeneity and

the identity of the learer.

(3) Further provisions on the form, type and layout

the use of school clothes and its agility is set with

Regulation Bupati.



Article 113

(1) Each unit of education is required to perform a quality assurance


(2) The quality assurance of education as referred to in paragraph (1),

aims to meet the SNP.

(3) The quality assurance of education as referred to in paragraph (1),

is done in a gradual, systematic, and planned way in an

quality licensing program in accordance with the laws.

Section 114

(1) The Regent is obligated to perform quality assurance.

(2) The Regent may team up with the quality assurance institution

education, development center of education training and power

education, college, the world of effort and industry.




Part Kesatu


Section 115

(1) The education of the community in education includes the peranas

the individual, group, family, profession organizations, entrepreneurs and

correctional organizations in the holding, managing, and

education quality control.

(2) Peranas as referred to in paragraph (1), can

as the source, executor, and user of the educational results.

(3) The Perandan community in Education management as

referred to paragraph (1), may be in the form of planning,

organizing, staging and hosting control


(4) Perandan society in holding, managing and

education quality control can be exercised by the board

education and school committees/madrasas in education unit

by guideline provided It's

Second Section

Board of Education

Article 116

(1) The education board is the peranal container and the inner society

increased quality of education services including planning,

supervision and education program evaluations.

(2) The education board as referred to in paragraph (1) as

independent agencies are located in the county capital.

(3) The education board is responsible for providing consideration, advice, and

support power, infrastructure and means, as well as supervising in

ALIGNMENT education to the Regents.

(4) The education board performs its functions independently and



Article 117

(3) Member of the Board of Education as referred to in Section 116

amounts to the most number 11 (eleven) persons consisting of:

a. education expert;

b. education organizer;

c. businessman;

d. professional organization;

e. Religious or social-based education;

f. international degree of education;

g. local excellence-based education; and/or

h. Education board membership is 5 (five) years and

can be re-elected for 1 (one) times term.

(5) The education board member is appointed and dismissed by the Regent.

(6) The education board member may be terminated if:

a. resign;

b. deceased the world;

c. unable to carry out the task due to a fixed impediation; and/or

d. sentenced for felony criminal conduct

based on the court ruling that has acquired the force

the law remains.

(7) The provisions of the education board are further set up with

The Bupati Regulation.

Third Part

School Committee

Article 118

(1) School Committee/Madrasah is the peranal container of society

in improving the quality of educational services including planning,

supervision and evaluation of the education program on the education unit.

(2) Committee School/Madrasah takes consideration, advice,

and support, infrastructure and means as well as oversight

hosting education on education units.

(3) School Commiters/Madrasah as referp>

hosted by the public is specified with the Decision

The Head of the Service.

(4) the educational leniency permit as referred to the paragraph (1),

cannot be moved by way and/or in the form


(5) Further provisions of the unit opening procedure

education as referred to in paragraph (1) is set up with

Rule of Regents.

Section 106

(1) The status of the status of the education unit is done after meeting


(2) Further provisions regarding failover









That education is a conscious effort to allow humans to

develop its potential through the learning process and/or

another way known and recognized society. The Basic Law

State of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 Article 31 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3)

affirm that each citizen is entitled to an education and

therefore the Government is working on and hosting a

A national education system that enhates faith and ridiculees

as well as a noble ahlak in order to reflect the nation's life

which is regulated by law.

That the national education system has been set up in the Act

Number 20 of 2003 on the National Education System that

management and hosting education is set in Regulation

Government Number 17 Years 2010 on Management and

The Education of Education.

That the management and hosting of education on all lines,

the cranes, and the type of education by the Government, local government, and

The society must be synergistic. This is in line with the system's vision

national education is to empower all citizens

Indonesia to evolve into a qualified human so

able and proactive to answer the challenges of the times always changing.

That by due management and hosting of education

is one of the area's authority as mandated

in Act Number 32 of the Year 2004 on Governance


The area as amended several times, last with the Invite-

Invite Number 12 Year 2008 on the Second Amendment to the Invite-

Invite Number 32 Year 2004 on Local Government and

Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007 on the Division of Affairs

Government Between Government, Provincial Regional Government and

The Local Government/City Government then under Plan

Regional Long Term Development (RPJPD) Alor County (2005-

2025) and the Regional Intermediate Term Development Plan (RPJMD)

Alor County (2010-2014), formed the Regional Regulation on

Management and Hosting Education.

That the development policies poured in RPJMD include:

(a) contesting expansion and enlarging opportunities

education quality for all Alor County communities; (b)

assisting and facilitating child potential development in whole

from an early age to late hayat age. order to realize society

study; (c) improves readiness input and quality of the process

education to optimize the formation of the nation ' s personality

that is moral; (d) improves professionism and accountability

educational institutions as the center of knowledge outsourcing,

skills, experience, attitudes, and values based on national standards;

and (e) empower the role as well as society in the holding

and education management.

In order to achieve that goal, strategies undertaken in

development in the field of education, are: (a) the conduct of education

religion as well as noble salams; (b) the development and execution of the curriculum

competency-based; (c) educational and dialogic learning processes;

(d) evaluation, accreditation, and education certification empowering;

(e) increased professional education and education workforce; (f)

provision of adequate learning means; (g) educational financing that

in accordance with the principle of alignment and fairness; (h) staging

open and equitable education; (i) the execution of mandatory learning; (j)

implementation of education management autonomy; (k) role enablement

as well as society; (l) the center of homelessness and community development;

(m) the implementation of supervision in the national education system.


In order to realize the goals and strategies in the holding and or

education management, arrangements are required to meet the rights

and the fundamental obligations for the citizens in the field

education. Accordingly, the Regional Rule is required as

the legal basis for all the elements associated with education, and

binding on all parties.

That education is organized as an attempt to disengage

citizen life based on asas:

a. religious value; that all efforts made in

education must be based on faith and laughter to

God is Esa;

b. democratic; the existence of freedom of thought in developing an attitude

and the personality and talent capabilities of the potential

learnable participant;

c. persistence; education is organized to build a will

and develop the creativity of learnors and communities through

the learning process;

d. benefit; that the benefits of hosting education for

the well-being and prosperity of the community as well as the nation and the country

Republic of Indonesia;

e. not discriminatory; that in hosting education not

restricts, harass or ostracics both direct and

indirect ones based on distinction on the basis of religion,

tribe, race, ethnic, group, group, social status, economic status,

gender, mental and physical type, as well as age resulting

reduction, deviation or deletion, recognition,

execution or use of human rights and freedoms

in obtaining an education;

f. Empowerment and empowerment; that education is organized

as a process of educating and empowerment of learers

and society as long as it is;

g. balanced, balanced and aligned in the perilife; that education

is organized in a balanced, serated and aligned with

the perilife;


h. nation culture; that all efforts made in education

must be based on the culture of the Indonesian nation;

i. openness; that education organizer either who

hosted the community and the Government and Government

The area opens up to the rights of the people to obtain

the right and honest information as well as not discriminatory;

j. be responsible; that the embodiment of accountability, morals and ethics,

legal, and mental in the holding of education;

k. legal certainty; that rights and obligations of society, parents,

learers, educators, educationers, Government, and

Local Government, in the holding and management

education there is a legal certainty.


Article 1

Is quite clear.

Article 2

Is quite clear.

Article 3

Quite clearly.

Article 4

a. Professionalism is education

organized professionally based on expertise,

kamampuan and skill.

g to apply at the date of the invitation.

So that everyone knows it, ordering the Rules Invitation

This area with its placement in the County Area Sheet


Set in Kalabahi.

on May 6, 2013



promulred in Kalabahi

on 6 May 2013





based on their respective strategic plan

refers to RPJMD and RPJPD. Work programs and

annual budgets compiled unit education

formal education paths and educational units on the line

non formal education is based on strategic plans

each referring to the RPJMD and RPJPD.

Verse (2)

Pretty clear.

Article 57

Quite clearly.

Article 58

Verse (1)

It is pretty clear.

Verse (2)

The letter

It is pretty clear.

The letter b

Is quite clear.

The RPJMD is Plan

District Regional Development

Alor, is a development planning document

area for the annual 5 (five) period.


The d

It is pretty clear.

The letter e

Is pretty clear.

The letter f

Is pretty clear.

Article 59

Is pretty clear.

Article 60

Is pretty clear.

Article 61

Enough clear.

Article 62

Quite clearly.

Article 63

Clear enough.

Article 64

Verse (1)

Is pretty clear.

Verse (2)

It is pretty clear.

Verse (3)

It is pretty clear.

Verse (4)

The Provincial Government is

The Government of the East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Article 65

Enough clear.

Article 66

Quite clear.

Article 67

Quite clear.

Article 68

Quite clear.

Article 69

Quite clear.


Article 70

Pretty clear.

Article 71

Quite clear.

Article 72

Quite clear.

Article 73

Quite clear.

Article 74

Quite clear.

Article 75

Enough clear.

Article 76

Pretty clear.

Article 77

Quite clear.

Article 78

Quite clear.

Article 79

Quite clear.

Article 80

Quite clear.

Article 81

Quite clear.

Section 82

Quite clearly.

Article 83

Quite clear.

Article 84

Quite clear.

Article 85

Pretty clear.

Article 86

Pretty clear.

Article 87

Quite clear.


Article 88

Pretty clear.

Article 89

Quite clear.

Article 90

Quite clearly.

Article 91

Quite clear.

Article 92

Quite clear.

Article 93

Enough Clear.

Article 94

Pretty clear.

Article 95

Quite clear.

Article 96

Quite clear.

Article 97

Quite clear.

Article 98

Quite clear.

Article 99

Quite clear.

Article 100

Pretty clear.

Article 101

Quite clear.

Article 102

Quite clear.

Article 103

Quite clear.

Article 104

It is pretty clear.

Article 105

Quite clear.


Article 106

Quite clearly.

Article 107

Quite clearly.

Article 108

Quite clearly.

Article 109

Quite clearly.

Article 110

Quite clear.

Article 111

Clear enough.

Article 112

Quite clearly.

Article 113

Quite clearly.

Article 114

Quite clearly.

Article 115

Quite clear.

Section 116

Verse (1)

The role as well as the individual, families and groups as

educational sources can be an educator contribution and

power education, funds, infrastructure and means in

hosting education, and quality control

education services to education units.

Peranas an educational resource as a source of education

can be a the provision of expert power in its field and

nara source for formal education,

non formal education and informal education.

Peranas entrepreneurs as educational sources can

be provision infrastructure facilities and educational means,

funds, scholarships, and nara sources in hosting

formal education, non formal education and education



The role as a source

education can be a grant of scholarship, and the nara

source for formal education,

non formal education and education Informal.

Article 117

Quite clearly.

Article 118

Quite clear.

Article 119

Quite clearly.

Article 120

Quite clearly.

Article 121

Quite clear.

Article 122

Quite clear.

Section 123

Clear enough.

Article 124

Quite clear.

Section 125

Clear enough.

Section 126

Quite clear.

Article 127

Quite clear.

Article 128

Quite clear.


, attitude and life skills to

develop self, develop a profession, work,

strive independently and/or continue education to

higher rates.

The letter b

referred to the organizing study group

activities to accommodate and meet needs

learn a group of community citizens who want to learn

through a non formal educational path.

Letter c

In question the center of community learning activities

facilitates Host of various educational programs

non formal to realize society's own learning

in order to accommodate its needs will

education throughout the hayat, and assortment of, by, and

to the public.

Letter d

Which is referred to child and youth education

hosts Christian religious studies to

meet various community needs on the path

non formal education.

The letter e

referred to the assembly of the organizing talim

religious learning Islam to meet various

needs to learn society on non-formal education channels.

Article 37

Quite clear


Article 38

Pretty clear

Article 39

Pretty clear

Article 40

Quite clear

Article 41

Quite clear

Article 42

Quite clear

Article 43

Enough clear

Article 44

Pretty clear

Article 45

Pretty clear

Article 46

Quite clear

Article 47

Quite clear

Article 48

Quite clear

Article 49

Quite clear

Section 50

Clear enough

Article 51

Pretty clear

Article 52

Quite clear

Article 53

Enough clear

Article 54

Pretty clear

Article 55

Quite clear


Article 56

Verse (1)

The letter b

The local government's annual work and budget program

is based on the Term Development Plan

Regional Medium (RPJMD) and the Development Plan

Regional Long Term (RPJPD).

Letter c

annual employment and budget programs governing body

law enforcement units of education on track

formal education and/or the governing law body

education unit on non-educational channels forma