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The National Archives Of Indonesia Regulation Number 35 Year 2012 Year 2013

Original Language Title: Peraturan Arsip Nasional RI Nomor 35 TAHUN 2012 Tahun 2013

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rchives Schedule of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia are listed in the Attachment which is an inseparable part of this Regulation.

Article 3
(1) archival records for the archive of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia as referred to in Section 2 of the paragraph (2) are determined for active retention and inactivated retention.
(2) In determining active retention and inactivated retention based on the criteria as follows:
a.   active retention is set with consideration for the liability of liability in the processing unit; and
B.   inactive retention is set with consideration for the interests of the related work units and the interests of the institution.
(3) Active Retension calculated since the archive was created and registered to the subject matter in the completed manuscript.
(4) Inactive Retension is calculated since the archive is completed its active shelf life.

Section 4
(1) The description referred to in Section 2 of the paragraph (2) of the recommendation that sets the archive is destroyed, re-assessed, or otherwise patented.
(2) The recommendation poured in the description of the designation of an archive type is destroyed, redeemed, and amended to be set upon consideration:
a.   A description of the file is not found in the file.
B.   a permanent description is determined if it is considered to have a historical use value; and
c. The revalued description is specified in an archive which is considered to be potentially a dispute or dispute.

Section 5
The rule of the Head begins to apply to the specified date and if later there is a fallaness will be done to the fix as it should.

So that everyone knows it, ordering the invitational of the Chief Regulation with its placement in the News of the Republic of Indonesia.

Specified in Jakarta
on December 28, 2012


It is promulred in Jakarta
on 11 February 2013


2010 on the Appointing of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia;
5. National Archives Regulation of Indonesia No. 03 Year 2006 on the Organization and Tata Works of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia as amended last by the Rule of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia Number 05 2010;
6. Joint Regulation of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia and Head of the State Board of Staff Number 08 of 2012 and Number 15 Year 2012 on the Archives of Retention Archives Of Civil Servants and State Officials;



Article 1
In this Chief Regulation, which is referred to:
1. The subsequent Retentions of the Archive called JRA is a list that contains at least the term of storage or retention, the type of archive, and the description of the recommendations on the designation of an archive type are destroyed, assessed. back, or was used to be used as a depreciation and archive rescue guideline.
2. Archive is recording activities or events in various forms and media in accordance with the development of information technology and communication created and accepted by state agencies, local governments, educational institutions, companies, organizations Politics, civic organization, and individuals in the exercise of community, nation, and country life.
3. Civil Servants is a civil servant as referred to in Law No. 8 of the Year 1974 on the PoyPokok Keemployers as amended by Law No. 43 of 1999.
4. The schedule of Retension Archive Keemployers is a retention schedule about Civil Service Personnel in the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
5. Individual files are an archive created in the course of the career travel of the civil servants in the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
6. The Documentation Documentation Archive is an archive created in the course of a civil servant career journey created in the process of coaching by the authorities.
7. Data Personnel is information about the development of a civil servant career compiled based on the archives of the staffing documentation in the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
8. Archival depreciation is the activity of reducing the number of archives by moving the inactivated archive from the processing unit to the malleable unit, extermination of the archive that is already of no value to the provisions of the laws, and the submission of the archive Static to the National Archives of Indonesia.
9. The value of Guna Archive is an archive value based on its usedness for the benefit of archive users.
Ten. Primary value is an archive value based on archival use for the interests of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
11. A secondary value is an archive value based on the use of the archive for the purposes of other agencies and or of common interests outside the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia and used as a material for evidence and materials of national responsibility.
Twelve. An archive type is an archive or document that is configured in accordance with a system of ballast or managed by a unit, as a result of the same accumulation or the process of ballast, or the same activity, having a special form, or because of Some of the other relationships, arising from the creation, acceptance, or use thereof.
Thirteen. The retention of the Archive is the term of the storage required to be performed against an archive type.
14. Active Retention is the minimum saving period of an archive type in the Processing Unit.
15. An Inactive Retention is the minimum of an archive type in the Kearsipan Unit/Archive Center.
-16. The file was not found in the file.
17. A Permanent Description is a description stating that an archive type has a secondary value or permanent value, is required to be submitted to the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia as proof of responsibility in accordance with the scope of the authority. Each one
18. Re-rated is the caption that an archive type has not been determined whether or not it was destroyed or amended, so that the assessment and review should be made.

Article 2
(1) The Retension Schedule Archive of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia is used as a guideline in archive depreciation related to the archives of the staffing in the environment of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia.
(2) The Retension Schedule Archive of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia contains the type of archive, retention, and captions.
(3) The provisions of the Workforce A