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State Police Regulations No. 9 In 2008

Original Language Title: Peraturan Kepolisian Negara Nomor 9 Tahun 2008

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tection against an offender or a participant in public opinion;
B. ensuring the freedom of the opinions of the opinions of other party interventions;
.,, c. organizes safeguards to guarantee security and public order in accordance with the applicable procedures.
.,, (1) Against the public-face delivery activities, conducted in a manner in accordance with the provisions of the law, Polri is obliged:
., a., a. receive notifications about the public address and make STTP;
., b. coordinate with the organizers of activities and related elements in the supervision frame of various activities;
., c. performing security of public opinion delivery activities so that implementation is going smoothly and orderly;
., d. Doing security in the neighborhood for no intervention from the other side.
.,, (2) Against the public opinion of the public in violation of the law can be performed as follows:
., a., a. Persuasive efforts, for activities to be carried out in an orderly fashion and in accordance with the rule of law B. a warning by the apparatus of a person who violates the law;
.,, c. awarding alerts to the staging of public-face delivery of the opinion, may be criminalised in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws plus 1/3 (one per three) of the principal criminal;
., d. The termination of the Cloud Service is a violation of the Cloud Service. e. dissolution of the masses;
f. the arrest of the offender of the law and detention offender, if necessary;
G. search and seizure of evidence items;
h. Any other police force that can be accounted for.
.,, (3) Actions as referred to in paragraph (3) are applied at the behests of the security duties on the field with regard to the principles as referred to in Section 3.

The Fourth Part
Notification Proceed and Activity Service

Paragraph 1
Activity Notification Procedure

Section 15
.,, (1) The delivery of the opinion in public is required to be notified in writing to Polri's low level of Polsek where the public opinion of the public opinion will be performed.
., (2) The written notice is made by the concerned, the leader, or the handler of the group and delivered directly to the local police officials.
.,, (3) Notice as referred to in paragraph (1) and verse (2) the slowest 3 x 24 (three times twenty-four) hours before the activities began, it has been received by the local Polri.
.,, (4) The written notice does not apply to scientific activities within the campus and religious activities.
.,, (5) the notification letter as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) contains:
., a., a. intent and purpose;
B. places, locations, and routes;
c. time and long;
D. form;
e. the charge;
f. name and address of the organization, group or individual;
G. The props are used; and/or
h. Number of attendees

Paragraph 2
The Activities Service

Section 16
(1) After receiving a notice letter, Polri is obliged:
., a., a. examine the correctness and completeness of the notice in addition to the substance as referred to in Article 15 of the paragraph (5), also covering the identity of the responsible and supplemented with a photocopy of KTP/SIM;
., b. promptly provide an STTP with a gust of related police units, related agencies, owner/location of the public address/objective delivery/target location;
.,, c. coordinating with the public address of the public opinion delivery for security planning, directives/directions to executors for the sake of submission and order of opinion;
., d. In the event of a notification of a common face-to-face event plan, the route and/or time expected to create a flock of Kamtibmas, then police officials continue to issue STTP with the inclusion of the audience. account of suggestions for unimplemented activities referred to or switching places, routes and/or time by underlining the deliberation asas;
., e. coordinate with the authority of the agency/agency that will be the purpose of public opinion delivery;
f.   Prepare for secure location, location, and route.
.,, (2) In the event of a change of activity plan regarding the venue, time and route, then the participant is obliged to notify the concerned apparatus at least 1 x 24 (one time twenty-four) hours, prior to implementation of the plan adjustment. Security.

The Fifth Part
Activity safeguards

Section 17
.,, (1) In order to provide security protection against the host of public opinion delivery, Polri is obliged to:
., a., a. conduct an activity location survey;
., b. preparing planning activities including personnel, equipment and operating patterns/patterns;
., c. conduct coordination with the surrounding environment and the performing of activities;
., d. provide direction to the organizers to prepare for safeguards in their environment;
., e. Provide a security facility with equipment or settings for the sake of public opinion-delivery activities.
.,, (2) In order to guarantee the freedom of the opinion of the intervention of other party interventions, Polri is obliged:
., a., a. prevent tampering with the execution of public opinion delivery activities by other parties;
B. prevent the occurrence of mass clashes;
., c. prevents other parties from conducting activities that interfere with the implementation of public opinion delivery activities.
.,, (3) In order to organize safeguards to ensure security and public order, Polri is obliged:
., a., a. conducting settings, guards, escorts and patrols;
B. prevent participants from performing unlawful actions;
., c. doing oppressors to events that disrupt kamtibmas proportionally;
., d. coordinate with other apparatus elements in order to ensure security and public order;
., e. Another act for the sake of the public-faced public opinion.

Section 18
In order to prevent and anticipate the possibility of an increased escalation of the situation in public opinion delivery activities, Polri is obliged to do activities:
., a., a. The security of the security elements in order to detect the possibility of interference and documenting the course of the demonstration activities;
., b. setting, security, escort and security by the Samapta unit and traffic together with the organizing committee;
.,, c. the preparation of the technical supporting elements of security among other negotiators, public address;
., d. the preparation of the tactical support elements of the security of the related f' s Personnel Task and Oblicity

Section 13
In the implementation of public opinion delivery by citizens, the government apparatus is obligated and is responsible for:
a. protecting human rights;
B. appreciate asas legality;
c. appreciate the principle of presumption of innocence; and
D. hosting security.

Section 14
(1) In the implementation of public opinion delivery, Polri is in charge of:
., a., a. provide security proth the situation and conditions;
., c. Evidence related to violations of public order between other sound systems, bat tools, props, expropriation immediately or later in accordance with the situation and conditions;
., d. Evidence related to anarchist action is carried out immediately or later in accordance with the situation and conditions;
e. Evidence forfeiture procedures are paying attention to procedures in the KUHAP.

The Seventh Part
The Resolution Of The Case

Section 26
.,, (1) Investigations of public opinion delivery cases can be performed by procedure:
., a., a. Tilang's oppressor;
B. light felon;
c. Quick case investigation;
D. The investigation is common.
.,, (2) The investigation procedure is common with the mempedomani of KUHAP and its implementation provisions.

Section 27
Setup of public opinion delivery cases must be prioritised for the acceleration of the handling and the completion of the record in the following manner:
., a., a. The coordination with the public prosecutor must have started from the beginning of the investigation;
., b. a simple case file was attempted in a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days already submitted to the Public Prosecutor (JPU);
.,, c. in terms of JPU assessing that the Perkara File is still less complete, then the investigator together with JPU complements the flaws according to JPU ' s direction until the file is declared complete;
., d. be attempted in a maximum of 1 (one) months of the file already being transferred to the court.


Section 28
.,, (1) In order to guarantee the exercise of independence of public opinion delivery, aside through a preventative and repressive approach, but also through the pre-emptive efforts namely through the coaching of harmonious relationships between officers with Society.
.,, (2) To create a harmonious relationship, carried out efforts and activities as follows:
., a., a. The socialization of the provisions of the independence of public hearings in the public to be able to understand and obey the applicable rules;
., b. Understanding to all officers regarding the procedures of execution of service tasks, safeguards, handling of the freedom of freedom of opinion in public, so that the execution of tasks in the field can be performed professionally and proportionally;
.,, c. each of the regional leadership is required to perform and maintain good relationships with all potential communities, especially those of the public group who are active in public opinion;
., d. Any leadership leadership is required to coordinate with the relevant agencies and other people's potential in order to realize the undeniable power of anarchist action;
., e. any leadership of a police force is required to facilitate or be a mediator between the parties that convey the public opinion and the party that is subjected to the public opinion of the public opinion;
., f.   need for a fundraising effort or an official who is often subjected to public opinion to be open/transparent in order to accommodate activist activist activists so that anarchist actions can be minimized.


Section 29
In order to improve Polri's ability to perform service tasks, security, handling of the public opinion delivery of the independence case, the need to be made up of coaching efforts that continue through the priorities as follows:
., a., a. The routine training of the officer's emotional control to have a mental toughness in the face of physical or psychic pressures, especially in the face of mass-fishing anarchists;
B. Continuing mass control unit training;
., c. increase in the completeness of mass control and innovation of equipment to support the agility of service tasks, safeguards, handling of the freedom of public hearings, which meet the standards of human rights;
., d. improving intelligence early detection capabilities through increased professionalism and intelligence capabilities;
., e. An increase in the Cloud Service can be used to support the Cloud Service, and may not be used for the Cloud Service.
., f.   increased coordination of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) element in order to support the agility of the completion of the ballast and the devolution to the court.


Section 30
In order for acceptance of the notification and the issuer of the independence STTP delivered public opinion, prepared the administration as follows:
a. a notification file receipt form;
B. notification of the notification mail agenda;
c. STTP agenda book;
D. STTP expedition book; and
e. form of STTP and its attachments.

Section 31
The administrative, operational and logistical expenses required in the holding of the service, security and handling of the public advance opinion delivery are charged on the service budget.

Section 32
The execution of the public service, security and handling of public opinion delivery cases is reported to the upper unit.

Section 33
The Polri unity that issued an STTP performing the documentation includes:
a. The identity of the leadership, administrator, and figure of an organization/group;
., b. establishment acte, base budget and household budget (AD/ART), if any;
c. The activities and political aspirations of an organization/group/individual.


Section 34
When these rules are in effect, all regulations on the manner of the Hosting, Service, Security and Handling Affairs of the General Muka, are stated to remain in effect as long as it does not conflict with the rules of the law. this.

Section 35
This Kapolri Regulation is starting to apply at the set date.

In order for everyone to know, this Capolri Regulation is promulred by its placement in the News of the Republic of Indonesia.

.,, Set in Jakarta
on November 7, 2008

Promulgated in Jakarta
on November 13, 2008

s that go beyond its authority;
., e. the actions of the apparatus that conduct violence, persecution, harassment, violating human rights;
f.   conduct other acts that violate the rules of the legislation;

Paragraph 5
The Evidence Control Standards

Section 25
The following standard of evidence handling is as follows:
., a., a. Against all evidence related to a violation of the law of light or of an anarchist/criminal act must be expropriation;
., b. against traffic violations committed in the public face-to-face delivery: vehicles, documents, and other equipment carried out immediately or later in accordance wi