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National Public Electronic Procurement System And Other Provisions

Original Language Title: National Public Electronic Procurement System and other provisions

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Article 1

1. The provisions of the first chapter are applied to the award and implementation by the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in public contracts, pre-morals and services within the meaning of the Presidential Decree 59/2007 ('63); and Decision No 60/2007 (' ' 64) (Directives 2004 /17/EC and 2004 /18/EC).

2. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to contracts falling within the scope of application of the law. 3978/2011 (1 137), in accordance with Articles 17 and 24 thereof, and to the contracts concluded under Article 346 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), including (i) and contracts concluded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and classified as confidential or their conclusion and disburse must be accompanied by special Safety measures. In a joint decision of the Ministries of Management and Electronic Governance, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the Ministry of the Interior, the foundations excluded from the field are defined in particular. At the same time, the Commission has made a number of comments on the application of this Regulation.

Article 2 Definitions

For the purposes of applying the provisions of this Chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (a) National System of Electronic Donors.

(RESOLUTION): Completed information system, which includes all the information necessary for the submission of supplies, programming, approval, procedure for the award of contracts, the award of contracts and contracts referred to in Article 1 (1). At present, according to the legislation, the use and implementation of Information and Communication Technologies. (b) Web site or electronic gateway ESHADIS:

Web site of the Ministry of Development, Addendum, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks in which the ESHIS operates with the name on the Internet "PROMETHEUS" (and in Latin "PROMETHEUS") and with electronic address (c) Users: The economic operators referred to in Article 2 (2). 8

In the case of the Court of First instance, the Court of First In the case of the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union Point 1 of Article 1B of the Law 2362/1995 (1 247) used in the context of the performance of their duties. (d) Electronic data: Each deductible total

Data in electronic format, which represents information stored in each instrument used by a computer-computer system,


First, From the Official Record of Proceedings, 22 May 2013, No Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

National Electronic Public Contracts System and other provisions

Electronic, agnosive or otherwise, for inclusion, storage, production or reproduction of data which cannot be read directly, as well as any information, electronic or other material in which any information, image, symbol, or any other material is recorded; or Sound, self-propellant or in combination, provided that the article in question does not entail any legal consequences and is not intended nor is it appropriate to demonstrate facts that may have a legal effect. E) Electronic file of the ESHADIS: The structure

A set of data or documents, which are accessible on the basis of specific criteria and processed through the ESHICP. The processing contains, in particular, indexing, management and archival documents. Part of the electronic authority-ESHIS is the Central Electronic Register Registry (CEMC) of n. 4013/2011 (1 204).

Article 3 Scope

1. The Contracting Parties shall be obliged, through the adoption of the provisions of Article 9, to make use of the ESHPT at all stages of the procurement procedure. 1 of Article 1 of this Regulation, i.e. from the submission of the application to the signature and execution of these contracts with a budget of more than sixty thousand (60,000) euro, including VAT.

2. The conclusion and execution of the contracts referred to in Article 1 (1) of paragraph 1 of this Decision by the contracting authorities using the ECHR shall be in accordance with a relevant Regulation established by the Presidential Decree of Article 7. 1.

Article 4 Contracting authorities

1. They are defined as national central authorities within the meaning of Article 2 (2). Article 17 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 60/2007 and Article 2 (2) (c) thereof. 8 and Article 22 of Council Regulation (EC) No 59/2007, which carry out competitions at national level: (a) The Directorate-General for the State (s) of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks; The Health Department of the Ministry of Health.

2. By Joint Decision of the Minister for Development, Addendum, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and the competent Minister responsible can be defined as other Central Authorities, as well as the terms for the provision and inclusion Public procurement contracts, the cases of public procurement which are not concluded by Central Authorities, the categories of goods, services and works, which may constitute a single unit of omnification and for The procurement of goods and services may be used for the use of techniques and equipment; Public procurement (framework, dynamic purchasing systems, electronic auctions, electronic catalogues, central authorities) and any relevant issue for the implementation of this Regulation.

3. The Central Authorities, which are governed by specific provisions for the award of public contracts,

In accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, they shall be used in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

Article 5 Support of the NAPIS

1. The support of the ESHICP shall be entrusted to the Planning and Information Division of the Directorate-General for Public Procurement of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat.

2. The Section referred to in paragraph 1 may also act as a registration authority for the registration of users of the NAPs within the meaning of Article 20 of the Law. No 3448/2006, as applicable.

3. The responsibilities of this section shall be subject to: (a) Control of registration conditions; and

(b) The monitoring, the information, the multitudes, the

The maintenance and management of the electronic portal of the ESA, part of which is the Central Election Registry (CCMI), as referred to in Article 11 of Law. 4013/2011 (1 204). (c) Supervision of good use and safety

Of the ESHICP system. (d) The issue of communication and interoperability;

The EEAPs and the coordination with the contracting authorities and other entities of the public sector, as well as other information systems of the public administration, with corresponding systems of Member States of the European Union and/or third countries, and European Commission services. E) Compliance with the ESHIDIS electronic file.

Article 6 Operation of the ESPIS

1. Users acquire the right to use the ESA if they have the appropriate credentials required, in accordance with the safety policy of the European Union.

2. The following: a) The use of the ESHICP shall be subject to registration; and

Authenticating users. The inclusion and development of foreign and foreign users of the ESA is done by means of a pre-written electronic form, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and in addition to the provisions of Article 31 of the Law. 3979/2011, p. 150/2001 and CND. (Box of Electric Governance-YSG/F 40. NO 4/1/1989 - (B). (b) The electronic submission of tenders;

Certificates, certificates, declarations, declarations referred to in Articles 43 to 48 and 50 of paragraph 60/2007, and of the documents, certificates or publicity referred to in Article 43 (2), (3) and Article 44 (45) of the EC Treaty It shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Decision, of the Presidential Decree 59/2007 and 60/2007, of the n. 3979/2011 and the DSB.

3. Timing services are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Ministerial Decision YSG/F.40.4/163/2012 of the Secretary of State for Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance (B ' 401) by third parties with non-national or foreign institutions. Certification;


The Committee of the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European People 's The provision of the timing services shall be demonstrated by means of an electronic confirmation of the operators to the user of the services, which shall be transmitted to the user via the ESA in a secure encrypted manner and which is in place. A document of certain chronology. The contracting authority or the General Secretariat of the Commission shall not allow the intervention in the timing procedure as described above. Until the date of entry into force of this Regulation,

The Central Government, as referred to in Article 9 of the Statute, shall be drawn up electronically within the context of the operation of the ECHR, provided that the time-frame is provided under relevant contracts concluded between the Y; Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, on the one hand, on the one hand, and the Certification Authority of Article 20 of the Law on the other. On the basis of a decision by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the Committee of the Regions would like to see a number of other bodies involved.

4. In cases of technical weakness of the operation of the ESS, which certifies that it cannot be replaced within certain time limits, the Contracting Authority carrying out a procurement procedure may change the way The conduct of the procurement procedure, so that a total or partial solution can be made without the use of ICT, with a reasoned decision. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Hypo-dos, Transport and Networks, every single detail is determined for the accreditation process and the certification of the malfunctioning of the ESHIS and the early-information process. The economic operators and the continuation of the process without the use or partial use of ICT, as well as the possible extension of the procedure for the conclusion of the public contract, in accordance with the provisions laid down.

5. In each case, the provisions of Article 39 and Annex XXIV of paragraph 59/2007, Article 36 and Annex X of the X. 60/2007 and the n. 3979/2011 and the DSB.

Article 6a

1. In the ESA, a register of registered suppliers and service providers, functionally linked to the Registry of the Employers' and Research Registers, held in the SGDE of the Ministry of Development, A-competition, Infrastructure, Transport and the Media. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness -

Conformity, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks determines the terms and conditions, the process of registration and deletion in the Registry, the mode of operation of the use of the NTSB, the interoperability of the system with existing registers of operators, And other relevant issues.

2. In the ESA it is kept in the Register of Evaluators for public procurement. In this register,

They are all those who can be evaluators, in accordance with the legislation, provided that they have five years experience in their area of expertise. Evaluators shall be classified in categories according to their profession and/or their specificity and shall be selected according to the nature and nature of the competition. At the stage of the evaluation of the technical offers, it shall not appear on the merits of the tenderers. The selection of evaluators to be made up of the evaluation committee of the individual competition, the composition and functioning of which shall be determined in accordance with the provisions laid down, shall be conducted by means of an electronic draw between the evaluators. The categories of specialties required by the objective of the competition. The selection of the Evaluators to make up the E -

Contest for the Evaluation of the Contest is performed by means of the ECHR between the categories of categories-specialties required by the object of the competition. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and in the case of case-law, the terms and conditions for the registration and deletion in the Register, such as-frances-specialties Evaluators, professional and scientific bodies involved in the evaluation aspects and each specific issue for the implementation of this paragraph.

Article 7 Relevant provisions

1. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the technical details and procedures are defined: a. The creation of the electronic portal ESHIS, the

Its content and its content, in accordance with the provisions of the HR, the demise of users, the way in which the tender documents are to be erased and the creation and administration of copies using ICT, the respective identifiers and credentials And the particular themes and methods of registration, origination, security policy of the website and the implementation of the text for the protection of personal data of the users of the NAPIS, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 39 and Annex XXIV of paragraph 59/2007, Article 36 and Annex In the case of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom has failed to do so. 3979/2011 and the DSB. Other: Determination of the content of the rules

And details of the use of the tools for the use of the tools and information, the use of standards and sub-programmes, the management of the electronic protocol, the electronic notification, of the The procedures for the electronic entrustment and management of contracting public contracts, adherence to the electronic archives and documents of the ESHICP in the National Electronic Register of Public Procurement (CEMs), the electronic catalogues, Electronic data


In the case of the auctions, the purchasing power systems, electronic orders, electronic invoices, electronic payments. The terms and conditions for the submission,

Notification, movement of documents through the NAPHIS, the type and content of the documents, the determination of the time of receipt and the calculation of the reserves, any information to be communicated and access by the economic operator concerned; As well as the access and proof of access to documents through the ECHR and copies. D. The interoperable connection of the ESHORIS with the vessels

Information systems of the public sector, such as those of the contracting authorities, all kinds of public sector entities, the Single Independent Public Procurement Authority (NGADIS), the Uniform Codes, other registration authorities, and Offices, General E-register, tax and insurance authorities, judicial and prosecutorial authorities, as well as the information systems of other countries of the European Union and the European Commission; and TED and SIMAP for example. Hey, The definition and implementation of training measures

(i) users, through related programmes and in training and education, or in the drafting of codes of practice. F; The exact location of the ESHICP, as well as

The terms and conditions which ensure, at the level, the uninterrupted and correct functioning of the location of the location.

2. The compilation, keeping, processing, storage, indexing and search of electronic mail and archives, relating to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the present and in particular to the specifications, standards, instruments of compliance, The technical standards for the electronic management of archives and the search for documents and data, as well as the guidelines for organisational and security measures, are regulated by the Presidential decree provided for in its provisions. Article 15 of n. 3979/2011.

Article 8 Final, transitional and repealed provisions

1. Until the date set out in paragraph 2 of Article 9, the bodies of the Central Government as defined in paragraph 2 shall apply. Article 1B of the EEC Treaty 2362/1995, they may use the whole or part of the ECHR, in accordance with the detailed provisions laid down in the relevant declaration and/or decisions of the Single Programming Programme, where appropriate.

2. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, it is possible to implement the implementation of the DSB for the purposes of this period for a period not exceeding three years from implementation. At the present time, as well as the time when all or some of the relevant provisions of this law are to be applied to all or some of the relevant provisions of this law,

Public procurement, for all or for certain contracting authorities and to all or parts of the entrustment and performance of public contracts.

Article 9 Entry into force

1. The entry into force of Articles 1 to 8 of the present law shall commence from its publication in the Official Journal of the Government, subject to the provisions of this Article.

2. The entry into force of Article 3 concerning the Government of the Republic of Cyprus as defined in paragraph 2. Article 1B of the EEC Treaty 2362/1995, as applicable, begins on 1 July 2013.

3. The entry into force of Article 3 with regard to the General Government, as defined in paragraph 3. This is the first step in this direction. 2362/1995, as is the case, begins on 1st April 2014.

4. The entry into force of Article 3 of this law in respect of the whole of the United States of America as defined in paragraph 1. Point 1 of Article 1B of the Law 2362/1995, as applicable, commences on 1 October 2015.

5. Without prejudice to the provisions of the abovementioned documents, especially for the public works contracts of the Central Government, the application of this principle shall apply from 1 July 2014.


Article 10 Amendments to n. 3419/2005 (297)

1. The second indent of paragraph 1. Article 2 of the Law Is replaced by the following:

' b. The acceptance, entry and verification of the legality of the applications and the accompanying documents, as well as the verification of the legality of the legal acts, declarations, documents and other elements relating to obligors; and Justify registration, change or remission, with a view to setting up a company, a limited liability company, a limited liability company and a limited liability company, a limited liability company, a limited liability company and a limited liability company. A company, when it is performed by the "Service of a base", as provided for in Invented legislation. The net and locality of the service is determined on the basis of the principal activity and the main occupation or the establishment of the debtor, respectively. In the case of branches or agencies, the principal activity and location of the service shall be determined by the principal activity and the seat of the branch or agency, instead of-storey. Each obligor is subject to a single DCI service. For companies whose members are required to subscribe to a Chamber, as a servant of the Court, the Services of these Chambers shall be appointed. '

2. Article 8 of the Law Is replaced by the following:


' Article 8 Other conditions of registration

And conditions for the granting of copies, extracts and certificates

1. The registration and any change to the Secretariat, as well as the issuing of copies, extracts of the acts and data appearing in the Merida or Certificates, shall be subject to the prior payment of the relevant fee as described. In paragraph 4.

2. Copies of copies, extracts from the press and data appearing in the Merida and Plates shall be made at the request of the interested party in writing or electronic form, or, where appropriate, in the case of a written or electronic form. Section C. E. MI. .. In the same way anyone who has a special interest may request copies, extracts, or certificates of the acts and data held in the file and shall not be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

3. The copies, copies or certifications shall be issued in paper or electronic form until 1 January 2015 and thereafter exclusively in electronic form.

4. (a) For the purposes of issuing the copies and the annexes referred to in paragraph 2, the following shall be paid by the competent authorities of the competent General Secretariat of the European Communities or in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

In this case, the relevant fee is the revenue of the Central Union of Chambers (K. EE) by the amount of 50 % (50 %) and 50 % (50 %) revenue of the relevant service in the Hellenic Republic. (c) The general budget of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat

For the needs of the Supervisory Board and the Central Office of the Hellenic Republic.

5. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, determine the level and procedure and conditions for the collection and performance of the above fees, which is uniform for all services. Registration at the OPM .. The same decision shall be laid down, by the same decision, by the payment procedure, the procedure for checking them, and the way in which the copies or copies of copies or extracts shall be issued, in printed or electronic form, and any necessary detail for the payment of copies or copies thereof. The application of these paragraphs.

6. By joint decision of the Minister for Development, Advice, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and as the case may be, the right of each interested party to acquire, upon request and payment of the corresponding (i) the right of access to the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities; the right to access the archives of the General Secretariat;

7. The same decision lays down the amount of the above fee, which is a resource of the C.E.C., the conditions under which this right is exercised, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2472/1997,

A procedure for checking the linkage of these conditions and any relevant details. '

3. Article 16 of n. Is replaced by the following:

" Article 16 Publication of the General Tax Law

1. (a) The commercial publicity is carried out by: (aa) the entry, initial or subsequent registration, in

C. Amend, in accordance with the procedure provided for in this law, and (bb) the publication on the website of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice.

Or, where applicable, the Bank of the European Communities, in accordance with Article 5 (4) of the acts and elements for which a financial obligation is charged. (cc) Specific to the persons liable for

In Article 13 (2a), the provisions of the special legislation which provide for registration formalities shall not be affected. In this case, the completion of the commercial budget shall also require compliance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 (2a). (b) The Internet site of the G.E.B. is the " E -

Official Journal of the European Union ". The publication of the Official Journal of the European Communities is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, under the title "Official Journal of the European Communities", published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

For companies with limited liability, they shall be subject to a specific sub-list under the heading 'Official Journal of the European Union'. The invitations and any other forms of communication with its successors, the notices concerning the design of the companies (conversion, merger, split, secession, etc.) are displayed in a special section of this message. (d) Information, data and changes to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

They shall be published in a separate sublist under the heading 'Official Journal of the European Union/Customs Code'.

2. The persons referred to in Article 1 (1) and (2) of Article 1 or their representative shall be responsible for submitting to the competent authorities of the acts and data for which the publicity is to be made.

3. (a) The persons and associations of persons in Articles 1 and 2 of Article 1 shall not be able to contravene the acts and particulars in respect of which the reporting formalities have not been complied with in paragraph 1 unless otherwise provided for in paragraph 1. They prove that the third parties knew them. Acts or particulars which have been published shall not be opposed to third parties before 15 days after publication, provided that the third parties prove that they were not able to meet them. (b) In the event of a non-disclosure of the text in question,

The persons referred to in Article 1 (1) and (2) of Article 1 shall not be able to replace the contents of the text to be made available to the General Secretariat. Third parties may invoke the


(c) Third parties may invoke acts of the third party which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities; (c) third parties may invoke acts or proceedings;

Data for which the financial statements have not yet been completed, in accordance with the above, if the lack of publicity makes the operations or elements powerless. '

4. Article 17 of the Law Is replaced by the following:

' Article 17 Administrative penalties

By decision of the competent authority responsible for transfers to the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice, it shall, at the expense of the nationals or of their legal representatives who contravene the provisions of that law and of the legal acts adopted under its authority, EUR 600 to EUR 30 000, depending on the nature and frequency of the infringement. The above provisions are the revenue of the registration service in the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice. In the event of a registration service, the above provisions shall constitute 50 % of the revenue of the registration service in the Hellenic Republic, which is subject to the obligor and by 50 % of the revenue of the EU. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the procedure for the enforcement and collection of fines and any other relevant issues is determined. By decision, the amount of the protection may be adjusted. '

5. Where the provisions of laws 3853/2010 (1st 90) and 3419/2005 provide for the adoption of a joint ministerial decision to the co-signatory ministers, the Minister of Tourism is to be appointed.

6. The Automated World WET. As provided for in n. No 3419/2005 (A '297) is repealed and the competence to register in the OPM of the acts and particulars entered therein is entrusted to the owners of the Sections I and B' of the Directorate-General for Credit and Credit and to the initiators of the Directorate Assault-Business and Analog of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development of the Ministry of Development, A-competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, according to the reason for the exercise of supervision and control of their legality. Listed in the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities.

Article 11 Amendments to n. 4072/2012 (P. 86)

For the conversion of companies

1. The par. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 (Α-86) is replaced by the following:

' 3. The capital of the private capital company shall be determined by the partners without restriction, and may be non-exclusive. The partners shall participate in the company with capital, extra-capital or guarantee contributions, in accordance with Articles 77 to 79. '

2. The par. Article 77 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 repeals.

3. The last paragraph of par. Article 91 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is repealed.

4. The par. Article 106 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 (Part II 86), as follows:

' 2. The remainder of the procedure is followed for the remainder of the procedure required for the setting up of the new form. From the entry to the Secretary-General of the Commission of the European Communities, the private limited liability company continues under the new partnership. The legal personality continues and the issuing trials continue in the name of the company in its new form, without any interruption in the proceedings. The administrative authorisations issued in favour of the participating company continue to exist. If the conversion is to be made to other capital goods,

However, it is necessary to have a prior assessment of the assets and liabilities of the transferred private company, in accordance with Article 9 of the Law 2190/1920. In this case, if the company's share capital is less than the minimum capital provided for by the law for this company, the difference shall be covered by new entrants. The registration of the conversion in the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Communities

From the Office of the Department of Justice, in accordance with the rules laid down in n. 3419/2005.

5. The par. Article 107 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 (Part II 86), as follows:

' The provisions on the formation of a private capital company shall apply to the conversion. The registration of the conversion to the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall be made by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 3419/2005.

Article 12 Amendments to (d) 397/1988 (1 185)

1. The case (c) of par. Article 4 (1) of point 397/1988 is replaced by the following:

'(c) General Official Register'. 2. The case (c) of par. Having regard to the Treaty

(d) 397/1988 shall be replaced by the following: " (c) A general commercial register in which the

(a) Monitoring of the operation of the General E;

It should be used as a means of reducing the risk of infection. (b) The provision of instructions to DCI services; and

(c) the study and introduction of measures for the legislative measures to be implemented by the competent authorities of the Member States, which are responsible for the implementation of the legislation of the Member State concerned;

(d) Cooperation with the Supervisory Board of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

C. E. M. and the Central Union of Greece (CCEU) as an administrator of the Base of the Hellenic Republic. '

3. The case 9 of par. Article 3 (2) (b) 397/1988 and paragraph 2 (b). Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law It's 3419/2005.


Article 13

Paragraph 6 of the 'B' case. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2647/1998 (1 237) is amended as follows:

' The approval of a merger between companies (Articles 69 to 77 and Article 80 of the Law 2190/1920). In case the merging companies are located in regional units of a different region, they are the ones in which the company is located. '



Article 14 Amendment Article 121

The second subparagraph of Article 121 of the Law 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' They may be, in particular, words, names, names, illustrations, illustrations, drawings, letters, figures, colours, sounds, including musical phrases, the product or its packaging, and the transparent synapses. (gans) ';

Article 15 Amendment to Article 131

The par. Article 131 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 4. When the case is changed during the period in which the case is held before the Submission of the Parties or the Administrative Commission of the Parties or the competent Administrative Courts or of the Council of State, the expert or the Catholic The Court of First instance referred to the Court for a second reading.

Article 16 Amendment to Article 132

The par. Article 132 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 1. Exclusive or non-use of national or international trade in Greece may be granted for part or all of the covered products or services and for the whole or part of the Greek Territory. The agreement on the licensing of use is written in writing. Either the beneficiary, with a statement or the licensed recipient, shall request registration of the concession in the register. '

Article 17 Amendment of Article 136

The cases (c) and (d) of par. Article 136 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced as follows:

(c) if the applicant is represented by a representative of a lawyer, the name, address and telephone number, and the e-mail address; (d) if the deposit is made by a lawyer,

Retirement. The signature of the depositor in that authorisation is sufficient, without a knowledge of this knowledge, '.

Article 18 Amendment Article 138

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 138 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' If this is not the case, the examination of the declaration shall not be completed by an act of the Office. '

Article 19 Amendment of Article 139

1. The par. Article 139 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' If there is no grounds for refusal referred to in Article 123 or paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 124, the declaration shall be accepted, the decision shall be notified to the depositor or the opposing party to the depositor, with a hand in the Service of the Parties, with Any appropriate means, preferably by electronic mail or by fax, while at the same time as the decision on the General Secretariat for Trade (GSC) is made on the website of the Secretary-General on the basis of a date from the date of deposit. '

2. The second subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 139 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is amended as follows:

' The decision to reject the decision shall be notified to the depositor or his opponent, where appropriate, to the Office of the Agency, with any appropriate means, preferably by electronic mail or by fax, and shall be published in the Official Journal. Internet site of the GSC. '

Article 20 Amendment Article 140

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 140 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is repealed.

Article 21 Amend Article 142

1. At the end of par. Article 142 of the EC Treaty Second subparagraph is added 4072/2012 as follows:

" A certified copy of the opposition, by an act of discussion and a call to it, shall be communicated on a case-by-case basis to the depositor or the opposing party, by means of an appeal, 10 (10) full days prior to the meeting of the Administrative Commission. In the case of non-member countries, the Council adopted a common position on the proposal for a Council decision.

2. At the end of par. Article 142 of the EC Treaty A new subparagraph is added as follows 4072/2012:

' A certified copy of the additional reasons shall be notified in respect of a copy of the additional pleas in respect of the depositor or his opponent, with a court of appeal, five (5) days prior to the meeting of the Administrative Committee. '


Article 22 Amendment to Article 144

1. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 144 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 2. The application shall be lodged with a document deposited with the Agency and shall be examined by the Management Committee. '

2. The second subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 144 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is repealed.

3. The par. Article 144 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 3. The Office shall inform the President-in-Office of the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

4. The par. 4. Article 144 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 4. Additional reasons for the appeal may be raised fifteen (15) days before the Board of Directors meeting it. '

5. Article 144 of the Law 4072/2012 added paragraph 5 as follows:

' 5. The procedure laid down in Article 145 shall apply to the review of the application. '

Article 23 Amendment Rule 145

1. In par. Article 145 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added: 4072/2012:

' The Administrative Commission shall be responsible for the acceptance or rejection of the opposition, the application and Article 144 of this law, of the application for revocation or invalidity, of the intervention, and of any dispute arising between The Office of the Agency and the depositors or beneficiaries of this law. '

2. The first three verses of par. Article 145 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 2. The Administrative Commission of the Parties shall operate on a quarterly basis, which shall be composed of a member of the Legal Council of the State, as President, an official of the General Secretariat of the United Nations Economic and Social Committee, on a proposal for a preliminary draft law, or Article 14 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/90 on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons 2190/1994, except for the General Secretariat of the Commission of the European Union, category C of the United States of America. By an act of the President, the rapporteurs shall determine the cases brought for consideration in the sections of the Administrative Committee. '

3. The first subparagraph of paragraph 3. Article 145 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 4. The term of office of the members of the Management Committee shall be two years and shall be renewed once. '

4. The last paragraph of par. Article 145 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is repealed.

5. Article 145 of the Law. 4072/2012 added paragraph 9 as follows:

' 9. A person who has a legal interest may refer to the Administrative Commission of the Parties. The Paris -

A document shall be obtained by means of a document deposited with the Registrar and shall be notified to the parties by the Registrar of the Court of Justice for a period of time before the debate. '

Article 24 Amendment to Article 146

The par. Article 146 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 1. Decisions of the Administrative Commission of the European Communities shall be subject to an appeal before the administrative courts within sixty (60) days after notification of such decisions. '

Article 25 Amendment Article 147

In par. Article 147 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 added as follows:

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice

Article 26 Amendment Article 156

The par. Article 156 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 repeals.

Article 27 Amendment of Article 159

The title of article 159 of n. 4072/2012 is replaced by:

'Repetition from the right'.

Article 28 Amendment to Article 160

The title of article 160 of n. 4072/2012 is replaced by:

"Deduction from the right".

Article 29 Amendment of Article 161

The title of Article 161 of the Law 4072/2012 is replaced by:

'Absence of signal'.

Article 30 Amendment of Article 162

Article 162 of n. 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 1. An application for revocation for revocation or for revocation shall be submitted by means of a document lodged with the Agency by anyone who has a legal interest and shall be examined by the Administrative Committee.

2. The Agency shall inform the following immediately of the request for deletion, the number of the Protocol, which has been given to it and the date of entry into force of the Agreement.


A meeting of the Administrative Commission of the Parties to examine it.

3. It is not for the purposes of Article 124 to request a deletion for the reasons referred to in Article 124, which it had raised during the registration procedure, provided that they were found to be contrary to the provisions of the Administrative Committee of the Regions or the administrative courts.

4. The chambers and associations of consumers or their members may apply for revocation or penalty only in the cases referred to in Articles 123 and 160 (1) (c).

5. Examination of the application for deletion by reason of loss or invalidity shall apply to the procedure referred to in Article 145.

6. After a request from the proprietor of whose application the deletion is sought, the licensee must prove that during the five (5) years preceding the date of cancellation, the right to be deleted shall be required to prove that, in the course of the five (5) years preceding the date of entry into force, the competent authority of the Member State concerned shall have to prove that, in the course of the five (5) years preceding the date of the date of application, the The application of the application for annulment of the application for revocation had been made, in essence, to use the earlier mark for the goods or services for which it was registered and relied on for the purpose of justifying the application for writing or that there is (a) a reasonable cause for the use of this medicinal product if, at the time of the date, this date was from the date of entry into force of the At least five years registered. If they do not prove the above, the application for revocation is rejected. If the earlier date was used for part of the products or services for which it was registered, then, for the purposes of the examination of the application for deletion, it is only registered for that part of the products or services. Article 143 of this law shall apply mutatis mutandis to the procedure for the application of the proof of use of the earlier date of receipt and the time limits laid down by the Chairman of the Administrative Commission. An application for the deletion of a deposit made contrary to the good faith or deposit made in bad faith is exercised throughout the preparation of the date. '

Article 31 Amendment Article 177

The par. Article 177 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 4. The deadline for the application of the foreign depositors or beneficiaries against decisions of the Agency or the IOC shall be extended by 30 days. This extension shall also apply to the provisions referred to in Articles 138, 139, 143 (2) and 162 (8) of this law. '

Article 32 Amendment of Article 179

1. The case of ar. Article 179 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' k. Registration of restrictions on the right of establishment

Under Article 133 (1) and Article 147 (1) (b) of Article 133 (1) (b), EUR 40. '

2. The case of the par. Article 179 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

' p. Discussion of legal proceedings, cases and requests before the Administrative Committee, EUR 40. '

3. Article 179 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is added after paragraph 2 as follows and the replaced paragraph 2 is reduced to 3:

' 2. The non-payment of the fees referred to in the preceding paragraph shall constitute grounds for refusal. '

Article 33 Amendment Article 182

1. The par. Article 182 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 1. At the beginning of the entry into force of the heads of the Administrative Commission of the Communities and of the Administrative Jurisdictions shall be governed by the provisions of the Staff Regulations. '

2. The par. Article 182 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 2. Decisions to be published after the publication of this law and for six (6) months shall be subject to appeal, intervention and third-party proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be published after the expiry of the six (6) months and disposed of in whole or in part, in the course of the discussion of which the applicant was present and supported by written agreement on the acceptance of his statement. They shall be subject to an appeal in accordance with Article 144 of this law. '

3. The par. Article 182 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 4. The duration of the deadlines that had started before the entry into force of the Chapters I, I and III of the First Party shall be calculated in accordance with its provisions only if the duration before it is understood by them is greater than that. Which was provided for by the relevant provisions. '

Article 34 Amendment Article 185

1. The second indent of paragraph 1. Article 185 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

(b) Three representatives of the Directorate-General for the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Commission with their alternates, of which a representative of the Department of Trade and Industry and a representative of the Directorate-General for Trade and Industry Food and Drink of the General Secretariat of the Commission. '

2. Article 185 of the Law 4072/2012 is replaced by:


' 6. A Member, who has been absent unduly from 3 consecutive meetings of the EAW, even though a law has been called, in accordance with paragraph 3, by a decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. In any event, the provision of Article 13 (6) of the Administrative Procedure and the new member shall be applied in accordance with paragraph 4 for the remainder of the transferor's term of office. '

3. The third paragraph of paragraph Article 185 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by the following:

The Committee of the Regions shall, as appropriate, carry out other responsibilities of the Department of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Professions and Networks, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food (HR), the National Agency. The Hellenic Foundation for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EFET), the Hellenic Society of Printing (ELOT) and the General Secretariat of the State or representatives of private bodies, as well as individual experts-experts designated by the EES decision. '

4. Article 185 (12) shall be repealed.

Article 35 Amendment Article 186

1. Paragraph 1 (a) of Article 186 of the Law. 4072/2012 is replaced as follows:

'(a) Following a public consultation, opinions on the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks for the adoption of the regulations relating to:'.

2. The par. Article 186 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 2. In order to carry out its responsibilities, the EAW may request the technical and scientific support of the public sector, ELOT, the EFET, the General State of the State, the Ministry of Development and Food, or private bodies; The Committee of the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European

Article 36 Amendment to Article 187

The first paragraph of Article 187 of n. 4072/2012 a-Displayed as follows:

' By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the case of the competent Minister, following an opinion from the EAW, the Hellenic Sor Regulations shall be adopted, by category of products and services. '

Article 37 Amendment of Article 192

Article 192 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 8. The right to use the Sor is for an indefinite duration. The beneficiary shall be required throughout the period of use to comply with the conditions under which it is granted, as is the case at any time. To assess the conditions of use of the Sor guarantee;

In the case of temporary audits carried out by the Sor Institution, it is carried out in exceptional cases. The beneficiary shall pay at the end of use, otherwise his right shall be revoked. By decision of the Minister for Development, Defence, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, each issue relating to the application of the paragraph and the amount of the end of use. '

Article 38 Amendment Article 193

(c) Article 193 of the EEC Treaty. 4072/2012 and cases (d) to (f) are listed in c 'to' respectively.


Article 39 Non-marketing

Article 11 of the Law 3377/2005 (A202) is replaced by the following:

' 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the National Customs Code (v. 2960/2001, A'265), any kind of goods moving on the market in any way and which are either pirated or illegal or unlawfully manufactured or marketed in violation of the same tax. If you are not entitled to such legislation, the person who does not possess the required authorization or laws shall be confiscated and destroyed in any manner without prejudice to paragraph 5. A pirate product or product of a counterfeit or non-originating product shall mean that which infringes the right to intellectual property in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 (1) (a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 1383 /2003/EC.

2. The confiscation and destruction of products is subject to the Rules of Procedure of the People's Purchases and Child Services of Article 7a of the Law. 2323/1995 (1st 145) or by the Greek Police, the International Civil Service, the ILO and/or the United Kingdom. For the time being, the assistance of the EUAS is provided in accordance with Articles 159-162 of the Law 141/1991 (A58) or the LS in its place of responsibility, where necessary.

3. The instruments giving rise to the seizures of the products referred to in paragraph 1 or open-air transport, either in storage or in general premises, housing or non-smoking rooms, including accommodation, accommodation or premises, shall be drawn up. A foreclosure protocol, which includes the full details of the auditee, the number of the Court of Police Identity or the Passport, and the Police Department, provided that they are provided, the place, time and species seized in summary Inventory of nature and beneficiary, and the cause of the seizure. The attachment protocol shall be signed by the audit bodies and by the holder or the owner of the goods and a copy thereof shall be entitled to take the check, and the original shall be transmitted to the product concerned by the Authority.


4. The destruction of the goods is immediately and on the spot with each appropriate means, including the drop in the effluent or by the destruction of the commercial value of the product with an indelible colour (spray). Exceptionally, and if the destruction is not technically possible, the virgin products are packed in bags, transported in storage and destroyed, and destroyed. Derived products of destruction may be made available for recycling.

5. If, during the seizure procedure, only a missing person is the possession of the authorisation or the legal status of the animals, and if this cannot be certified, at the time of the audit, it shall be provided to the person concerned. Three days before the date of entry of the legal documents to the impound Authority, and the confiscated products shall be placed on a guarantee by the holder and shall be drawn up after the expiry of that period.

6. For the purposes of this Article, the audit bodies referred to in paragraph 2 shall have the audit responsibilities of the IEA.

7. Especially for the habitats located in the vicinity, for which there is a suspected infringement of intellectual property rights and for which the owner or holder opposes in writing at the time of the check Their destruction, packaged, sealed and seized by the competent authority in the hands of the holder, who is designated as intermediary. Subsequently, regardless of whether or not the complaint was submitted,

The competent authority shall draw up a foreclosure protocol by means of a full record of confiscated goods-of the kind and beneficiary, which it confers on the vessel, while at the same time being notified to the person concerned or the beneficiary of the beneficiary; A sample of the confiscated goods, which is charged within 10 (10) days from the date of notification of the Protocol, shall submit a report on the breach or of the rights of intellectual property. Where such a conclusion is not submitted

The confiscation of the rights of the beneficiary shall be effected within the time-limit referred to in the previous time. In the event that such a conclusion rules

On the violation of intellectual property rights, the holder shall be notified to the holder and, if he does not raise any objections within three (3) days, the relevant findings shall be destroyed by the competent authority with a relevant pension. Protocol. The costs of destruction shall be borne by the beneficiary and only for the confiscated chambers in accordance with the relationship protocol. In the case of submission of objections by

The holder of the goods shall, without delay, notify the holder of the goods and provide him with a 10 (10) days before he/she shall carry out his duties by law. If, until the expiry of that time-limit, the effect of the energy of the mark is not notified to the service, it shall be withdrawn.

Repression. 8. The beneficiary means: (a) the beneficiary of a right

Intellectual property or related rights, form or sub-sample, patent or complementary protection certificate, right-to create a new plant variety, protected by a protected designation of origin, protected A graphic indication and, more generally, any of the rights listed in paragraph 1; or (b) any other person authorised to use any of the rights referred to in point (a) or his representative; A beneficiary or a given user. The Plenipotentiary or opposition of the beneficiary shall be understood as:

Any person designated as the administrative officer in accordance with the Community or National Customs Request of the beneficiary, as established in accordance with Regulation No 1383 /2003/EC, to the competent authorities.

9. Customs authorities may arrange for consignments which are transported by means of which they are located or are placed in open-air storage, or are located in a storage area in general, or not, or are in the premises of a housing stock. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1383/2003 of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council, ... property. In order to bind the goods, the notification of this commitment to the beneficiary of intellectual property rights and the owner or owner of the goods, their destruction, their destruction costs and their release, The provisions of Regulation No 1383 /2003/EC shall apply mutatis mutandis.

10. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, they are set up in particular for the implementation of the present and every relevant detail. '

Rule 40 Coordination Centre for the Management

Of the CAP (CAP)

1. In the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, a collective body is hereby established with the name of the Coordination Centre for the Management of the Paratigue (SCAP).

2. The purpose of the CFP is to coordinate and work with the competent authorities for the treatment of phenolic virulence and indicative timings on the market of any type of goods, which circulate in contravention of its provisions Code of conduct for the purposes of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 719,7and in particular Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3193l of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal Intellectual property provisions of Community customs legislation and of the Community National Customs Code (v. 2960/2001, FIRST 265).

3. The diversity of the CFP extends throughout the EU.


(a) The coordination of the action of the competent authorities

For the closure of the Chamber of Commerce, in particular the Soma of the Economic Crime (S.D.O.E.), the Hellenic Police, the Greek Police, the Leipzig Party, the Municipal Police and the Eleftherian People's Markets and Children's Purchases Of the regions (ELEHR). The above public institutions are required to cooperate with the Centre and to provide all necessary information. (b) The organisation, in cooperation with the competent authorities,

(c) Management of complaints and information which has been carried out at local, regional or national level.

(d) The realisation of coordination meetings between the Commission and the Member States will be made available to the Member States.

Representatives of the central government, regional and local authorities or other bodies, such as the Central Union of Greece (CCEU), the National Association of Greek E-commerce (NSRF) and the General Combinations Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (CEUBEE).

5.The CFP is set up by a decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. A decision shall be defined as the Executive Officer of the CFP strain of the public sector, active or non-operational in the organisation, coordination and implementation of a wide range of control operations. The same decision may be determined, by way of derogation from the provisions laid down, and where the chosen person is not a member of the public sector in active employment, not more than a maximum of 60 % of the individual monthly. Remuneration of the General Secretariat of the Ministry.

6. The CFP consists of: (a) The Secretary-General of the Chamber as President. The

President, in the event of absences or ams, the Executive Officer of the CFP pays. (b) The Executive Officer; (c) A representative of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat;

(d) A representative of the Hellenic Police. (e) A representative of the United States of America. (f) A representative of the Group of the European People's Party.

(g) A representative of the Directorate-General for Customs;

(h) A representative of the Central Union of Municipalities of El -

Oiling (CCR). (i) A representative of the Union of the Regions (EMS). The members of the CFP with their alternates

They shall be indicated, on the basis of a call from the supervisor, in the case of (c) by the Secretary-General of the Consumer, for the purposes of subparagraphs (d) to and (i) by the relevant bodies.

7. The term of office of the members of the CFP shall be two years and may be renewed for another two years. The CFP is supported by the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs of the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs of the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs. A decision of the Minister of Justice may increase the number of members of the CAP and to participate in the

Representatives from other bodies referred to in Article 1 (1). 6. NO 1256/1982.

8. With the decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the specific issues relating to the organisation and functioning of the CFP, as well as any other relevant themes for the implementation of this Article, are regulated.



Article 41 Amendments to n. NO 2231/1994 (139)

National Time

1. At the end of par. Article 1 (3) of the Law No 2231/1994 shall be added to the following cases:

' r. 'Traceability' means the inseparable chain of events, which ensures that any result of an operation or a standard is associated with a reference to a higher level of accuracy and results in the final, highest level of measurement of the primary Pre-press. - " As "National Time" the standard natural size

Of time, as produced and maintained by the Hellenic Institute of Metrology, as a time scale UTC (EIM), which is the local representation of the International Coordinated Time-UTC. Mr. .. As "Greece time" the depiction of the National Debt -

An increase of two integers, according to the time zone to which Greece is subject. In periods of summer time, Greece Time is the National Time increased by three whole hours, according to the respective ministerial decisions. Mrs. .. 'Time labelling' means the labelling of each time

The reference, communication or trade transaction referring to the Hour of Greece. '

2. The case with par. Article 1 (4) of the Law 2231/1994 is replaced by the following:

' e. Development and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge in metrology. For the purposes of this Regulation, it shall issue relevant regulations, codes, guidelines and application documents. '

3. At the end of par. Article 1 (4) of the Law (b) a second subparagraph shall be added as follows:

' l. Certification of the use of terms "National Time" and "Time of Greece", as well as any derivative thereto, or even those which have the same meaning ".

4. Paragraph (g) of the par. Article 2 of the Law 2231/1994 is amended as follows:

' g. Specifies the amount of fees and revenue for each type of check, certificate or service provided by EIM. For this reason, it shall draw up a 'Service of Services and Verification Televisions' which is approved and updated by a decision of the Board of Directors, which shall be posted on the website of the EIT for the purpose of informing all '.

5. The case (a) of par. Article 6 of the Law 2231/1994 is replaced by the following:


' a. Calibration certificates issued for a particular device, device or measuring instrument subject to calibration. ';

6. The par. Article 6 of the Law 2231/1994 is replaced by:

' 3. An applicant's declaration of acceptance of the calibration fee and the conditions of cooperation shall be attached to the above request. The receipt of the requested medicinal product shall be subject to the payment of the licence fee. '

7. Article 6 of the Law. The following paragraph shall be added: 2231/1994:

' 5. Any entity providing time-consuming services to natural or legal persons shall be required to observe, for the time-limit system used, traceability at the Hellenic Institute of Metrology. '

8. The title and paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 7 of the Law 2231/1994 are replaced by the following:

Article 7 Maintenance and Management of Certificates

1.The Certificates granted by EIM shall be entered and entered in the relevant registers of the EIM Laboratories and shall be kept in conformity with confidentiality. Only the originals of the certificates shall be granted to the persons concerned. The certificates shall be accompanied by a sticker on an adhesive, which is clearly affixed to the calibrated or appliance, apparatus or device.

2. The reissue or renewal of a certificate of calibration shall require the procedure referred to in Article 6 (3). ';

9. Article 14 of the Law 2231/1994 shall be replaced by:

' 1. To those who impose or use organs, products or their cuts or any kind of commercial documents intended for the public or other similar instruments of publicity and transparency, they shall not be calibrated or controlled by the public. E.I.M. or from accredited by the National System of Quality Infrastructure (E. SY.D.) laboratory, or by any of the trifles, disclaims the powers of the European Parliament, as described in Article 1 (4) and Article 10 thereof. In this case, a financial contribution of EUR 5.000.00-EUR 30,000,00 is required, According to the severity of the operation and the size of the damage caused. In the event of a relapse, the advance may amount to the sum of the above amount.

2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Law, a decision of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice shall be subject to a decision of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice on the basis of a recommendation by the Secretary-General of the Commission. NO 2690/1999 (45). Any decision adopted in accordance with the Article shall be fully justified and must be communicated directly to the person concerned by a registered letter and/or fax.

3. This decision may bring an action before the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, within a period of thirty (30) days from the notification of the decision. '

10. The case a 1 of par. Article 1 (2) of the Law 1975/1942 (A-295) is amended as follows:

"(a) the body of the heavens and the veils."

Article 42 Input-output contracts in exhaust gas stations

The par. Article 320 of the EEC Treaty 4072/2012 (Part II 86), as follows:

' 6. At the end of Article 31 (7) of the Law Paragraphs 8 and 9 are added as follows:

' 8.a. By decision of the Minister for Development, Antitrust, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the administrative penalties applicable to infringements of the provisions of the input-output system, and in particular, shall be laid down, or (a) imposing administrative fines from one thousand (1,000)

Euro to five hundred thousand (500,000) euro, ab) suspension of the service licence

(b) in the case of liquid fuels, a definitive withdrawal of the authorisation

Liquid fuel outlet. B. A decision shall be categorised as above.

Infringements and specified: The procedure for imposing administrative penalties

And an appeal against their enforcement acts, vv. The type of sanction and the limits of the protection, bc. The competent control services and the on-board services;

A recommendation for a number of studies to be carried out in respect of infringements of the provisions of the emission-output system, The obstacles to the imposition of administrative penalties;

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Especially not the long-term placement of the system;

The input-output shall be subject to the suspension of the operation of the service, unless the agent has been able to show the audit bodies a contract with a specific date of installation and operation of the input-output system. In any event, a period of five (5) months from the date of compulsory application of the system in accordance with the legislation of the Member State shall, in any event, be fore the expiry of a period of five (5) months from the date of compulsory application of the system, in addition to the other penalties and the removal of the service licence in accordance with the rules. In the case of the present case. D. The type of penalty imposed and height

A decision shall be taken to take into account as criteria in particular the seriousness of the infringement, the consequences arising therefrom, the degree of causality and any relapse of the offender. For the purposes of the present, subtitle means any person within three (3) years of the performance of the decision or the confirmation of the imposition of fines for breach of provisions of the input-output system is re-bar. Any infringement shall in any event be more than a doubling of the protection and any other penalty that is expressly stated. The names of the offenders shall be posted on the website;

The head of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness,


Infrastructure, Transport and Networks on the Internet, without prejudice to the text of personal data protection legislation. In respect of the same infringement, only in respect of

(a) an instrument to this effect. Any imposition of a second penalty for the same infringement shall not produce any legal consequence. The application of the administrative penalties provided for in

In the case of these cases, it is not possible to impose any other administrative penalties laid down by the provisions laid down in Article 17 (1). 6. COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) NO 3054/2002 The administrative sanctions are independent of criminal sanctions. 1) With a minimum of six (6) months in prison;

(a) submit a false statement that the logistical balance;

The requirements of the legislation. (i) submit a false declaration of new publications;

To the competent authority. (m) Providing the data on the basis of intervention

It is not possible to do so by the tax mechanism or not by sending them.

9. With a penalty and a financial penalty of one hundred thousand (EUR 100 000), the number of non-contributor, where necessary, amend or modify by any means and form parts (materials, components, information, connections, interfaces, etc.). (a) or changes in the data of the participant, which are kept and/or sent to the database of the General Secretariat for Information and Communications, as well as those found in the audit that they are located; For example, the use of a non-refundable or dexterous system has not been included in the Input-output. ' "

Article 43 Amendments to n. NO 3325/2005 (68)

1. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 16 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3325/2005, as amended by Article 229 (2) of the Treaty, No 1. 4072/2012 (1 86), replaced by the following:

' 1. The activities referred to in Articles 17 to 40 of the Law. For the purposes of applying the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3982/2011 and operating laws within the Region of Attica, they may be able to synchronise their premises with the conditions laid down in the preceding paragraphs. In any event, for the modernisation and operation of the units after modernisation, the procedure described in Articles 19 and 20 of the Law should be followed. 3982/2011.

2. In areas of General Occupation, the following conditions may be performed under the following conditions: (a) Professional workshops, established by -

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament,

If the engine is not increased by more than 37 kW or more than 70 kW, the changing or filling of activity is not increased (para -

Other products), provided that the new activity belongs to those authorised to be established in a General Occupation in accordance with Article 17.

(b) In industry-craft industries, warehouses and mechanical facilities for the provision of low-density services and low-pressure units which were introduced prior to the entry into force of the Law 84/1984 and were exempted from the obligation If they are equipped with a permit to install and operate, the replacement or filling of their equipment shall be allowed, provided that the marking of the unit is not altered. Change of activity allowed if the new

The activity belongs to the low nuisance and is allowed by the land use of the area. Complex activity is permitted, if the

The activity in question belongs to the low population and does not change the degree of disturbance of the unit resulting in cumulatively after the activity has been completed. If the individual activities have a different threshold or grading criterion in the grade of the vehicle, it shall be taken that leads to the highest degree of disturbance. (c) In the areas where the use is provided

In the case of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom, it is not possible for the Commission to take the necessary measures to ensure that the aid is compatible with the common market and that it is necessary to comply with the principle of equal treatment for all Member States. The start of the five-year period is calculated from the last update. Change or completion of an activity is permitted,

If the same type is used and the same or less of a power mechanical equipment is used and does not alter the degree of agglutination of the unit and may be permitted from the land use of the area. D) In high-resistance units only the

(e) The most advanced modernisation of the existing plant and equipment, without any increase in the existing capacity. E) The most forward-looking modernisation of the existing plant and equipment.

The number of units is allowed to be within the limits that do not alter the degree of agglutination of the unit, such as those specified in p. 3137 /191/F.15/ 21.3.2012 (B 1048), as is the case.

3. For professional laboratories and units of no matter any degree of disturbance, which are located within the Organisational and E-Pilot Activities sub-holders as defined in paragraph 1. Article 41 of the EC Treaty No 3982/2011 is permitted to be synchronised in accordance with the most specific conditions of confidentiality of the Rector including the highest possible degree of disturbance. In the case of professional laboratories and units,

Regardless of the degree of disturbance, which are located in the Business Reception Countries as defined in paragraph 1. Article 41 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3982/2011 (such as EM, IF, area of use of the 5 and 6 p.m.), areas where the most important of these provisions are to be used for the creation of biotechnological industries, with the exception of biotechnological inventions; (a) Low-pressure groups are allowed to be treated in the same way as:

The condition or the filling of the machine equipment, provided that the degree of agglutination is not changed. Change of activity allowed if the new

The activity belongs to the low nuisance. Complex activity is permitted, if the


The activity in question belongs to the low population and does not change the degree of disturbance of the unit resulting in cumulatively after the activity has been completed. If the individual activities have a different threshold or a classification criterion in the grade of the vehicle, it shall be taken that leads to the highest degree of disturbance. (b) The object-to-market units shall be subject to the contraa.

Reconstituting or filling the machine with the condition that the marking of the unit is not changed. Change of activity allowed if the new

The activity belongs to the low or the mean nuisance. Completing activity may, if applicable,

(c) High-boding units are permitted to be secreted by the group without but-living the degree of nuisance of the resulting plant.

As long as the total, every five years, an increase in the output of the production equipment does not exceed 20 % of the current rate. The beginning of the five-year period is calculated from the last year. '

2. Paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article 16 of the Law. They shall be repealed.

3. The second indent of paragraph 3. Article 17 of the EC Treaty 3325/2005 is replaced by the following:

' Professional laboratories, as well as electro-handicrafts, of non-mechanical equipment equipped with a mechanical equipment whose engine power does not exceed thirty-seven (37) KW or temperature power at week 70 (70) KW! The establishment (establishment) of professional laboratories of categories Ag, bb and C of 5905 /Φ/15839/12.7.1995 of the Joint Ministerial Decision (B' 611) is only allowed in an independent building. '

4. The par. Article 17 of the EC Treaty 3325/2005 is replaced by:

' 2. In areas referred to in Articles 5 and 6 of Articles 5 and 6 of Law No 6 of 23.2.1987 and in areas where specific policy provisions are planned for the installation of biometrics-industries, the establishment of facilities for the establishment of biotechnologies is permitted. (iii) industrial and professional training workshops, as well as engineering facilities and warehouses, as defined in Article 17 of the Law. 3982/2011. '

5. The par. Article 19 of the Law 3325/2005 is replaced by:

' 2. Activities that have been established, but do not meet the requirements of the preceding para graph, in order to be able to be transferred anywhere within the boundaries of the Region of Attica, it is allowed to settle within the same limits. (a) In the case of Business Reception, as defined in the following conditions:

They are in par. Article 41 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3982/2011 (such as EM regions, IFs, Reception Areas of Articles 5 and 6 of the Bd. 23.2.1987, areas where most of the urban provisions are to be provided for the creation of biotechnological industries) and in Organizational Rector Rectors And Business Action, as defined in the paragraph. Article 41 of the EC Treaty

N. No 3982/2011, regardless of the size of their initial driving power. (b) Existing in the publication of the n. 3325

2005 (' 68) industrial-craft buildings located in non-project areas, provided that the unit being transferred is low or intermediate; (c) In cases of fire, fire, series;

Nagging expropriation and demolition, where the installation is carried out in industrial, industrial or industrial buildings, in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 6 of the Law. 3325/2005. '

Article 44 Amendments to the ne. 3982/2011 (1143)

1. The par. Article 17 of the EC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 2. A professional laboratory shall be the technoeconomic unit referred to in the preceding subparagraph, which cumulatively fulfils the following conditions: a) It shall be equipped with sound installations,

The installed engine power shall not exceed 37 KW or 70 KW. These limits do not include the validity of which is not directly related to the production process, as well as the validity of a sound installation intended solely for the protection of the environment by the activity concerned. It is to be classified as low-rent activities;

In accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. 3137 /191/F.15/2012 (B1048) Decision of the Ministers for Development, A-Planning and Shipping and the Environment, Energy and Climate Change. '

2. The case (l) of par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' (l) Computerised service facilities other than those described in the joint decision referred to in paragraph 2 and having a driving force greater than 10 kW;

3. In par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty No 3982/2011 should be added as follows:

' (m) Transport activities conducted in installations with an installed power not exceeding 10 kW. '

4. In par. Article 20 of the EEC Treaty The following paragraph shall be added:

' In the event of a transfer or a change of location of the non-aircraft equipment within the space of the event, the operator of the activity may co-operate the activity of the activity until it has been converted into service, if, before -movement or change of location of equipment shall inform the licensing authority and within 30 days of the transfer or change of the position of the machine-equipment, adding a new sound plan-line and responsible declaration of competent authority However, it is not possible to take account of changes in the structure of the building. In case of removal of mechanical equipment,

The operator of the activity may continue the activity of the activity until the authorisation is modified, if, before being removed,


It shall provide the authorising authority and within 30 days after deduction of a new sound accounting plan. '

5. The par. Article 31 of the EEC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 2. The Commission shall be set up by a decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure and Networks and composed of the following members: (a) The Secretary-General of the Industry, as President. (b) The Legal Adviser of the State which is responsible;

(c) The Director-General for the Support of the Industry of Industry.

Department of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. (d) The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Environment;

Environment, Energy and Climate Change. E) A representative of the Central Union.

(million) (f) A representative of the Association of Greek Bios;

(million ECU) (g) A representative of the Union of the Regions. (h) A representative of the Central Union of Municipalities,

(i) a representative of the Technical Group of the European Union;

Lad (ETU). (j) A representative of the Chamber concerned in the

Which the undertaking is engaged. If the appeal is dismissed as inadmissible

At the request of the establishment of an establishment permit in Article 3 of Article 3 of Law 78/2006 (1 80), the Commission shall preside over the General Secretariat of the Environment, the Secretary General for Energy and the Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and associated with the right of opinion instead of the Legal Adviser responsible for the General Secretariat of Industry, the Legal Adviser, who is responsible for the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Energy and Clothing And instead of the Director-General for Support of Industry, the Head of Industry Energy Directorate of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. For all Members of the Commission, they shall be replaced.

The other The General Secretariat of Industry is replaced by the Legal Adviser who is responsible for the General Secretariat of the Industry and the General Secretariat for Energy and Climate Change by the Legal Adviser who is responsible for the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. E-Energy and Climate Change course. These Legal Service shall be replaced by the respective Presidents of the Legal Council of the State. '

6. The par. Article 41 of the EC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 8. Business Park Management Company (E-DIC): The legal person in the form of an unnamable company of mr. 2190/1920 (1 37), which can succeed the ODA in the administration and management of the OPs in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. Part."

7. After the first paragraph of par. Article 47 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added:

' In this case, the percentages referred to in Article 46 (1) and (2) of that law shall be calculated on the final total area after the approval of the Extension of the Business Purge. '

8. The par. Article 48 of the EEC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 2. With the decision to approve the outcome of the management of the management of Article 58, common areas and public utility areas and facilities are compulsorily notifiable with a contract surrounding the type of an open-label document without consideration; The ownership of the EWS. '

9. At the end of par. Article 51 of the EC Treaty The following is added to 3982/2011:

'(l) in the case of external infrastructure projects in the case of EIOPA operations';

10. At the end of par. Article 52 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph is added as follows:

" In the event that the EIOP requests the approval of the MIP of the OP together with the joint decision-making of Article 47, the procedure for opinions of the Spatial Planning Council, Housing and the Environment (SPAIN) And the Law is carried out and completed in parallel with the opinion procedure of the Regional Council, Spatial Planning Directorates of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and the Agency for the Environment. Rhythm Design (where applicable). These opinions are sent to the Directorate for Industrial Planning and the Environment of the General Secretariat of the Environment for further action. The final recommendation to the competent Ministers for the approval of the trigger study by the Joint Ministerial Decision of Article 47 is in this case from the Department of Planning of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and "Climate Change."

11. Cases a 'and d' of par. Article 56 of the EC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced as follows:

' (a) The contribution to land consists of a percentage of the property of each property before its war, which amounts to 15 % (15 %) of the original land area. '

' (d) There are operational and environmental programmes such as negative reports from the Environmental Environmental Agency, precursors, problems with the horizon, traffic congestion, lack of sewerage or sewage disposal networks (ies), road networks, and '.

12. At the beginning of par. Article 56 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 3982/2011:

' 3. Following the adoption of the decision on an action for the establishment of an Enterprise Park for the established business premises, it is permissible in the context of the relevant legislation to issue construction permits or to take part in the performance of the construction work. (a) a written approval of the EPI which is sent to the competent authority office. ';

13. The case b of par. Article 57 of the EEC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' b. Rate of use up to 1.3 ". 14. At the end of par. Article 58 of the EC Treaty

N. The following paragraph is added as follows: ' The right to participate in the equity capital of

EWS have land owners in the OP to which EIOP is included, provided that it is owned by the Land. Land owners in the OP participate in the R & D in proportion to the area allocated to the OP.


And only for as long as they are owners of it. E-JEP can be established by only one owner, if he is the sole owner of land in the OP. The same land-owners in OPs who are able to pay a territorial scope to the OP or a building site may be transferred to the employee for as long as the lease takes place, and for their participation in the EWS. '

15. The par. Article 75 of the EEC Treaty 3982/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The deadline for the removal due to a change in the land of the existing non-existing assets, which expired or is due to expire until 31 December 2017, is extended until the date of that date. In order to apply the preceding subparagraph, operators must operate until then with authorised environmental conditions and have been provided, by 31 December 2016, to a new location. In any event, their transfer should be completed by 31 December 2017. After the date of this decision, the responsibility of the Licensing Authority shall cease to operate and the machinery shall be sealed in the premises of the establishment. For undertakings which will not be equipped with a permit to transfer to a new subject until 31 December 2016, the operation shall be shut down as from 1 January 2017 and sealing the machinery in accordance with the preceding subparagraph. Break-in procedures due to a change of land, which for this reason are in conformity, are suspended, according to the above-shelves, up to 1.1.2017 and 31.12.2017 respectively. 'Existing legislation' means activities which are authorised in force, as well as those whose authorisation is no longer in force, but which fulfil all the conditions for the renewal of the authorisation other than that of the authorisation. A condition of land use. The preceding subparagraphs shall not apply to undertakings located in an area designated in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of the Law. NO 3481/2006. '

Article 45 Amendment of the n. 3614/2007 (V-267)

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 4 of the Law 3614/2007 is replaced by the following:

' A decision on an intermediate management body may be revoked in whole or in part or in whole or in part. The terms of the actions taken, in accordance with the above-mentioned indent, may be amended in accordance with the above case, in so far as the time and mode of operation of the investments. '

Article 46 Rates for the ESYP

1. The par. Article 6 of the Law 4109/2013 (1 16) is hereby replaced by the following:

' 1. A legal person governed by private law with the "National System of Quality Assurance" and the distinctive title E.R.P. in Greek and "National Quality Infrastructure System-NQIS" in the English language, based in the Municipality of Athens. By decision

The Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, following a proposal by the Board of Directors, can be transferred to another site within the Region of Attica. The aforementioned Legal Person belongs to the wider public sector, has administrative and financial autonomy for the benefit of the public interest and is supervised by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. "The Hellenic Institute of Metrology", the "National System of Accreditation SA", are included as an independent functional unit with administrative, financial and accounting functions. And the "Hellenic Organization for Standardization S.A." "

2. In par. Point 6 of Article 6 of n. The following subparagraph shall be added: 4109/2013 (1):

" The properties of the President and the Governing Council may coincide with the same person. In this case, a fifth member of the Board of Directors shall be defined as a person of recognised competence and vocational training or professional experience in the thematic fields of the ESYP. '

Article 47 Letter of letters of letter

Social Security Forks

Contributors of the Social Security Institutions (FKA) with the anonymised company "ELLINIKA CHOTHERGEIA S.A.". (ELTA SA) ' for the provision of mail and mail delivery services, which have expired or expire by 30.6.2013, shall be extended under these conditions until the completion of the provisions laid down in the Law. 4053/2012 (A ' 44) of the tender procedure and the signing of the new contracts, and in any case not beyond 31 December 2013.

Article 48 Decision of Decision 2009 /750/EU

1. In the General Secretariat of Public Works (General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Employment, Transport and Networks, a Board of Directors is hereby established, consisting of: a) Legal Advisor or Parahedron of the Legal Council;

(b) The Director-General for Transport and Communications of the State Secretary to the Office of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, as Chairman, with his deputy.

Concession bases of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, with his deputy. (c) The Director of the UNCTAD Office

And Maintenance Works of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, with his deputy. The Commission shall be appointed by the Commission.

He was asked by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Employee of the General Secretariat of Public Works.

2. The Commission shall be set up by a decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and the term of office of the President, of the members and of the Secretary of State, shall be appointed for two years.


3. The Commission acts as an advisory body to facilitate mediation between charging agents in Greece and providers of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), which have concluded or are in negotiations The conclusion of a contract with those Toll Chargers.

4. The Commission refers to any dispute arising from contractual relations or negotiations between EETS Providers and Toll Chargers after one of them. The Commission for the exercise of its task shall state within 1 month of receipt of the request, if it has received all the documents necessary for mediation and to deliver its opinion on the difference within six months of receipt of the request. Of the request for intervention. The Commission shall examine, in particular, whether the contractual terms imposed by a Toll Charger on different EETS Providers are non-discriminatory and accurately reflect the costs and risks of the parties involved.

5. The Commission to carry out its work among others: Cooperation with the institutions of the Member States;

Member States and exchange of information on their work, basic principles and practices, b. It is authorized to request relevant information

From Toll Chargers, EETS Providers and third parties active in the provision of EETS within the country, and c. Is entitled to seek all information or documents

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council

6. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the particular issues relating to the functioning of the Council of Ministers, as well as all relevant issues relating to the implementation of the present action.

Article 49 Amendments to the Road Traffic Code

1. Article 94 of the Traffic Code ratified by the n. Regulation (EEC) No 2696/1999 (2), as amended and applied, shall be replaced by the following:

" Article 94 Driving licences-Penalties

Authorisations for drivers of candidate drivers

1. For the driving of motorbikes and light-cycle, motorcycle, four-wheeler and motor vehicles, the appropriate driving licence category is required. The categories of driving licences, the acquittal and the equivalence between the categories, as well as the granting, reporting and mutual recognition and exchange of these are defined in point 51/2012 (A΄ 101).

2. It is prohibited to drive motorvehicles and for four-or four-wheel motor cycles, non-motor cycles, quadricycles, and motor vehicles: a. From persons who do not hold a valid el -

A Greek driving licence of the appropriate category. THE

This prohibition shall not apply to persons who are trained in order to obtain a particular category of driving licence, provided that they are available in accordance with the relevant documents for that purpose. From persons who do not hold a valid el -

A Greek specific licence or a valid Greek certificate, which is required to drive special categories of road vehicles, even if they hold the licence in the previous indent of this paragraph of this paragraph.

3. They shall not be subject to the prohibitions in the first paragraph of paragraph 2 of this Regulation and if they have complied with the minimum required age for the granting of a Greek driving licence: Holders of a valid driving licence;

Of the category, issued by a Member State of the European Union or by the States Norway, I-Iceland, Liechtenstein. Holders of a valid international driving licence

Issued by any State other than Greece, and are not normally resident in Greece. C. The holders of a valid driving licence, which -

It has been issued by States outside the European Union, with which Greece has concluded a special agreement, which has been ratified by law and which do not have normal residence in Greece. D. Holders of a valid driving licence in respect of

In the case of international agreements or agreements which have been ratified by law, they do not have normal residence in Greece. E. Drivers of motorcars, hitchhikers, motorists,

Of the three-wheel, four-wheel and motor vehicles, which belong to the Greek armed forces or to the security bodies, if they are holders of a valid driving licence issued by their competent services. F; The members of diplomatic missions and consulates

Principles, as well as the members of international institutions and international institutions in Greece as well as members of their families, third-country nationals, other than the Member States of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, and Holders of a Identity Card issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, if they hold their country's driving licence, provided that it is accompanied by a certificate issued by your authority, for the right to (iii) driving a vehicle on the basis of the categories holding, closure of a post.

4. The one who is understood to drive motorcade-the, motorcycle, motor tricycle, light quadricycle, quadricycle and car and lacks or does not possess the appropriate driving licence, in accordance with the conditions and conditions of the Presidential Decree. At the time of paragraph 1 of the present day or his/her licence has been withdrawn or withdrawn for any reason, pending a prison sentence of one (1) to twelve (12) months, with an administrative penalty (EUR 200,00), as well as On-the-spot removal of the driver's licence form, if any, for thirty (30) days.


For the infringement relating to lorries, the specific provisions of the Law are applicable. NO 3446/2006 (49). For the relevant infringement concerning the special permit

Driving a passenger car driver (E.D.) of a car have the specific provisions of the v. REGULATION (EEC) NO 4070/2012.

5. The one who is taken to drive a car truck or a bus without having the appropriate Certificate of Professional Competence (P.E.I.) according to the defined in (1-112) (1st 112), which consists of an administrative board of four hundred (400,00) and by removing the driver's licence form, if any, for thirty (30) days.

6. With a presidential decree, issued on a proposal by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the conditions, procedure and required

(b) The conditions and conditions governing the exercise of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services for the purposes of the exercise of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services.

Guide to the instructor of candidate drivers, hitchhikers and motor vehicles and the functioning of School guides and the Theoretical Handbook of Candidate drivers (CHEP), hitchhikers, hitchhikers and motor vehicles. And criminal penalties for the para -

The provisions of this decree and the procedure for imposing them.

7. With decisions of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, it is decided: The procedure for granting, renewing, replacing

(i) exchange, exchange and any other relevant details relating to driving licences. The conditions and conditions of education and on -

(i) the training of examiners of candidate drivers, hitchhikers and motor vehicles, as well as the manner in which the committees of inquiry and the obligations of examiners are set up. The conditions and conditions of education of the sub -

In the case of non-refractory rollers, a number of motorised, motorcycle and car drivers with the introduction of mandatory values prior to the examination.

8. With decisions of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks-they are and are fulfilled in the annexes of the Bd. 51/2012 (A-101). '

2. Article 95 of the Road Traffic Code, ratified by Law No 2696/1999, as amended and applicable, is replaced by the following:

" Article 95 Power of driving licences-Sanctions

1. The validity of driving licences is defined in point 51/2012 (A΄ 101).

2. The one used to drive motorcyclists-the, hitchhikers, motor tricycle, light quadricycle, quadricycle and car while the corresponding driving licence has expired, with a median of two hundred (200) euro. At the same time, it is shown by the police or by the law of the law of the police.

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. For the related infringement relating to lorries,

The special provisions of N.3446/2006 (' 49) apply. For the relevant infringement concerning the special permit

A passenger driver's driving licence (E.D.) of a car has been implemented by the special provisions of Law 4070/2012 (1 82).

3. The one who is taken to drive a truck or bus while the Certificate of Professional Competence (P.E.I.) has expired, according to the orchards in paragraph 74/2008 (1st 112), which is structured with an administrative board of four hundred (400) euro. At the same time, it shall be provided by the police or semi-legal instrument or the Mixed Control List, its driving licence form and sent to the Transport and Communications Department of the Region which has granted it or to it in its territory. "Of which the holder will declare that he resides."

3. Article 96 of the Road Traffic Code, which was ratified by the n. As amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2696/1999 (2), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2696/1999 (2), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2696/1999 (2), and the delegated acts are repealed.

4. The par. Article 99 of the Code of Road Cycle, which was ratified by the n. 2696/1999, as follows:

' 1. It shall be prohibited to give a driving licence to a person who does not have a legal driving licence, as well as the necessary, where appropriate, a certificate of professional competence or to a person whose evidence has Removed for any infringement. In the second case, the prohibition applies only during the removal of such elements. '

5. Article 100 of the Traffic Code ratified by the n. 2696/1999, as amended and applicable, is replaced by the following:

' Article 100 Documents which the driver must bear

1. The road driver shall be obliged, when driving, to bear the legal driving licence, the registration of the vehicle, the proof of insurance, the proof of payment of the registration fee and the special driver's licence; E.D. Car, Professional Qualification Certificate (P.E.I.), the Professional Training Certificate-the Dangerous Goods Vehicle Driver (ADR) and the other documents required by the ADR agreement of n. 1741/1987 (A225) as Applicable, the Technical Control Panel, the Fuel Control Card, the certificate of good A tachograph, speed limiter attestation and associated autocracy, as well as any other document, termination, or certificate is required in accordance with the specific provisions of the Directive.

2. The one that infringes the provisions of the above paragraph on administrative fines of twenty (20) euro for the absence of each of the above documents. '


Article 50 Amendments to first paragraph 51/2012 (1st 101)

1. The indent in Article 3 (1) (d) (1) (1 101) is replaced by the following:

' f. Category B: Cars with a maximum permitted mass of up to 3,500

Kg and design and construction for the transport of eight (8), (maximum) passengers, except the driver. The cars of this category may be combined with a single unit, the maximum authorised mass of not more than 750 kg. Without prejudice to the provisions of the rules,

Of the type, the cars of this category may be combined with any given maximum permissible mass exceeding 750 kg, provided that the maximum authorised mass of this combination does not exceed 4,250 kg. In the case where the combination exceeds 3,500 kg, it is necessary to drive only through the completion of such training, in accordance with the provisions of Annex V, while the driving licence form carries on Category B of Community code 96. '

2. Article 5 (d) 51/2012 (A΄ 101) is replaced by the following:

' 1. Driving licences for AM, Al, A2, A, Bl, B and BE have administrative power 15 (15) years, from the day of the successful qualification and behaviour review or the day of its renewal, Where appropriate, and not in addition to meeting the age of 65 years of the authorisation holder. The driving licences for Cl, C1E, C, CE, Dl, DIE, D and DE shall have an administrative power of five (5) years, from the day of the successful qualification and behaviour review, or on the day of its renewal; Where applicable, and not for the fulfilment of the age of 65 years of the authorisation holder. The administrative validity of the driving licences renewed prior to the completion of the age of 65 for all categories of driving licences shall not be allowed to expire at the end of the 68th year of the holder's age; Let us! Since the age of 65 and until the end of 80 years, the administrative validity of all categories of driving licences may not exceed three (3) years from the day of the successful qualification and behaviour of the The granting of any category or the day of renewal of the category, as appropriate. The administrative validity of the renewed driving licences;

It is not possible to have the date of expiry of the age of 80 years before the age of 80 for all categories of driving licences, whichever is the same. After meeting the age of 80, the administrative validity of all categories of driving licences may not exceed two (2) years from the day of the renewal of the category.

2. In case of loss or inability to read or any other failure of its microprocessor

A driving licence form, as the term of validity of the licence, which is printed on the licence form.

3. In all of the above cases, less power can be prescribed for the health reasons of the holder of the driving licence.

4. The driving licence or categories of driving licences shall automatically cease to be valid if: End their time power or b. The person concerned ceases to meet the minimum requirements;

Specific physical and mental specifications of Annex III or c. The driving licence is worn or has been worn

It is altered to such a degree that it is difficult to control its data.

5. Categories of driving licences issued, before 19.1.2013, by Member States of the European Union or Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and their validity, from the date of the initial allocation or the last renewal, is More than that of the respective Greek categories of driving licences, they shall be renewed or replaced, as the case may be, over two years from the date on which the holder of the driving licence acquires his normal residence in Greece, in accordance with Intended to replace or replace the corresponding categories of Greek licenses Driving, issued before 19.1.2013. '

3. The last subparagraph of paragraph c of par. 1 of Article 6 of paragraph 51/2012 is replaced by the following:

' The above-mentioned ages for Class C categories are reduced to 18 years and for categories D and DE at 21 years without prejudice to the provisions concerning the Certificate of Professional Competence (WHO.) in drivers of these categories. If the applicant for the IT category has not met the age of 18 years, the written consent of the person exercising his/her competence shall be furnished on the request. '

4. The second subparagraph of paragraph (d) of par. Article 8 (2) of point 51/2012 is replaced by the following:

' At the time of the exchange, the holder of a valid authorisation shall not be obliged, from the publication of the present Presidential decree, to pay fixed-term paper and contributions in favour of third parties. These fees and contributions shall be paid when the Greek driving licence is renewed. '

5. The second paragraph of paragraph 5. 1 of Article 9 of paragraph 51/2012 is replaced by the following:

" For as long as the time of limitation or suspension or suspension or revocation or cancellation of the right to drive is allowed, the foreign licence may be exchanged in Greek, as long as it has its normal residence in Greece in order to These restrictions are implemented. '

6. In Article 9 of paragraph 51/2012, paragraph 3 is added as follows:

' 3. A driving licence shall not be granted to a person who has a normal residence in Greece if he is in the territory of a Member State of the European Union or Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. Driving licence in that State. '


7. The par. The following shall be substituted for Article 17 (1) of the first paragraph of Article 17.

' 1. In the offenders of the provisions of Article 11 (3) of that decree, a prison sentence of 1 to 6 months shall be imposed. '

8. In paragraph 51/2012, Article 21A is added as follows:

' Article 21A (Article 15 of Directive 2006 /126/EC)

1/2 Mutual assistance

By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the technical specifications, as well as the procedures for the implementation of the Union network of driving licences with a view to ensuring supervision, and In the case of each category granted, exchanged, replaced, renewed, or deducted and the conditions for the information of the foreign authorities shall be updated. ';

9. The third paragraph of national code 114 in case 12 of paragraph 3 of Annex I shall be replaced by the following:

' If, however, it has been placed on a driving licence of the abovementioned categories, granted before 10 September 2008, it shall continue to be carried out on each licence issued in Annex I of that decree, which is issued in Replacement of the old form, for whatever reason, the holder of the licence shall acquire the service of 12 months of driving, in which case the specific code or obtain a Certificate of Professional Competency is deleted. Of initial education. '

10. The second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of Annex VI to point 51/2012 is replaced by the following:

' The duration of the test and the distance to be performed shall be sufficient to assess the capacities and behaviour set out in point 2 of this Annex. '

11. Paragraphs (a) and (d) of paragraph 2.2. Of the Section A 'Medical Examination of Candidates and Guides' of Chapter III of Annex III to point 51/2012 (A΄ 101) are replaced by the following:

(a) Applicants for drivers who have exceeded their age of 65 and are going to be granted for the first time a driving licence, as well as the drivers who have exceeded their age of 80 and are going to renew the licence. Driving them. '

' (d) The drivers who have an obligation to renew the driving licence if their previous examination is made by an ICI. Excluding drivers issued by BoD for initial driving licences after the 65th year of their age and drivers with kinetic problems, which instead of the ICI, can be assessed by the State Institute, which is affected. Systemically with the project to assess the ability to drive Aimon with Disabilities, with problems of mobility or limb amputation or limb amputation (such as the INIOXOS/E.I.A.A. Centre), or the equivalent of the ICI. Shall be empowered to do so by the relevant provisions. '

12. The Annex V of paragraph 51/2012 (A΄ 101) objects as follows:

' ANNEX V Minimum requirements for driver training for short -

Category B vehicles with an authorised mass exceeding 750 kg, the combination of which exceeds 3,500 kg and is less than or equal to 4,250 kg (last subparagraph of the case in paragraph 1). Article 3.

1. The total duration of theoretical and practical training of drivers is defined in at least seven (7) hours.

2. Content of driver training. The training of drivers covers the knowledge, the

Qualities and behaviour as described in Section 2 of Annex II, as well as the other requirements of paragraph 7 of the same Annex. Particular attention shall be given to: - to the dynamic of vehicle traffic, to the assessor;

Security limits, in close chambers and in the case of the coupling (coupling mechanism), the correct loading and the security of safety. The practical part of the training includes the

The following tests: acceleration, deceleration, fatigue, braking, stopping distance, changing lanes, braking/avoidance, vibration of the moulding, decoupling of the vehicle from its motor vehicle and reconnect; Inflation.

-The candidate shall perform the practical part of the training and demonstrate the skills and behaviour in the public works.

-The totals of vehicles used for the training are subject to the category of driving licence for which the person concerned has applied. '

Article 51 National Security Council

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 1 (4) of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3897 /2010 (' 208) is replaced by the following:

"By decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the President and members of the Agency shall be appointed with their deputies."

Article 52 Economic questions relating to driving licences and certificates of professional competence

1. For the costs of the initial allocation of a licence from the categories AM or A1 or A2 or A or B, and for the extension from category B to one of the categories C or C1, or D or D1, the amount of EUR 50 (50) is paid; and It forms part of the regular budget of the State. The same shall be paid for each renewal of the right to drive.

2. To grant, or to renew, any category of driving licence, or to issue a copy of a driving licence, a licence fee shall be paid;


(a) a contribution to the benefit of third parties, as defined in the relevant provisions.

3. For each primary medical examination of a candidate driver or driver, the person concerned shall pay a remuneration to the doctor who carries out this examination, equal to the amount in force at any time as a threshold for the payment of the fees to be paid to the doctor. Bishop to the infirmary. Doctors of State nursing institutions or state health centres referred to in paragraph 1.4 of Annex III of Section 51/2012 do not pay compensation.

4. In order to address the costs of conducting the work of the examination of the drivers and drivers for each qualification examination and the inclusion of a driver or driver outside the scope of the Certificate of Professional Competence (P.E.I.), For each theoretical examination, the sum of ten (10) euro respectively shall be paid, which shall be the revenue of the regular budget of the Member State. For a guide to participate in an examination

For the granting of a Certificate of Professional Competence (P.E.I.) of initial education, regardless of the driving-general of a driving licence or to be granted, it shall pay for any theoretical examination of the acquisition of P.E.I. The amount of twenty (20) euro respectively, which is the revenue of the regular budget of the State, is also available for each qualification and driver's contribution.

5. For the printing of any driving licence, the amount of thirty (30) euro is paid which is the revenue of the regular budget of the State.

6. In any case of issuing a copy of any type of driving licence due to loss or theft, it shall be paid, in addition to the amount necessary for the printing of the licence and the amount of thirty (30) euro, which is the revenue of the regular Pi. Of the State's budget. The above amount is not paid in the case of

Loss of driving licence due to a partial (burglary) or total theft of a car or destruction of a fire or by a fire or plaque established by the competent authority documents.

7. The funds referred to in paragraphs 1, 4, 5 and 6 of this Article shall be adjusted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

8. Article 13 of paragraph 51/2012 and paragraph 1.5 of Annex III to paragraph 51/2012 are hereby repealed.

Article 53 Amendments to first paragraph 74/2008 (1st 112)

1. In Article 3, paragraph 74/2008, paragraph 3A is added as follows:

"Whenever the drivers of the above exceptions wish to acquire PEC, they are obliged to follow the initial training process."

2. The par. 5 of article 6 of paragraph 74/2008 is replaced by the following:

' 5. The theoretical examination is carried out by two departments of the relevant Department of Transport and Communications;

In the case of regional and local authorities, they belong to the ILO category, since they have a high-school or six-grade school-leaving certificate, one of which is at least one of the technical ones. The members of the Committee, together with their alternates, shall be appointed by the Vice-Chairman of the Regional Section responsible for Transport. '

3. The par. Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 74/2008 (1 112) is hereby repealed.

4. The first paragraph of par. Article 7 (5) of Article 7 (4) is replaced by the following:

" At the end of the periodical training, the Director of the School/Center for the Centre, who is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the periodical training programme, signs the relevant attestations. Successful monitoring of stakeholders. '

Article 54 Amendment No 208/2002 (1st 194)

In Article 11, paragraph 208/2002, paragraph 4 is added, which reads as follows:

' 4. Until such time as periodic technical control has been established with a maximum authorised mass less than or equal to 3500 kg in order to be used in a category BE, it shall be subject every year to compulsory inspection by the Commission. The Office for Transport and Communications of the Region of Peripheral Unity, which shall issue a certificate of conformity with the condition that a category B test of Class B test has been granted competence as an ASCB training. '

Article 55 Issues of Inspection Inspectors

1. The third subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 19 of the Law 2671/1998 (1 289) is replaced by the following:

" Inspectors Inspectors should be non-active category officials with a degree of at least a D and a 10-year readable public service or Apostles-at least four years of service after graduation, which have been distinguished For their vocational training, their service and their ethos. '

2. At the end of par. Article 177 of the EEC Treaty The following subparagraph is added 3669/2008 (1 116):

' The arrangements referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall also apply to inspectors-Inspectors of the Audit Board of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. '

Article 56 Amendment of n. 1955/1991 (ART. 112)

After par. Amendment No 8 to the tenth part of the article. New paragraphs are added as follows: 1955/1991 (1st 112)

' 9. In cases where realibration has already been declared for the benefit of public immovable property and some of them, for which the declared expropriation has not been carried out, they shall be replaced by the following:


It is necessary for the performance of the works to be carried out for the purposes of the Company, the alteration of the person of the benefit of the declared expropriation, in favour of the Company and of its objectives. This change is made by a joint decision of the Ministers for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the Ministers responsible for the supervision of the affected legal persons, published in the Official Journal of the European Union, and It shall be recorded after the write-up to the relevant records.

10. The Company shall, in the case referred to above, comply with the rights and obligations of the necessary expropriation, in respect of these immovable property, to take place in particular at each stage of proceedings conducted for this purpose. Further-triosis, without written pre-emptive, with a statement made in the minutes.

11. In the event that the above, the Company becomes the holder of the expropriation, the expropriation of the expropriation takes place at the expense of the Company and the expropriation is deemed to have been done in favour of it. '

Article 57 Grant of ENISA

In order to meet its housing needs, the Agency may be granted, for the year 2013 onwards, by credit for the regular budget of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. The decision of the Minister shall determine the amount of the grant and the procedure for the award of the amount concerned. The Instruments of Grant of the Agency to cover their respective needs in the current year shall be valid from the date of their adoption.

Article 58

1. The par. Point 6 of Article 3 of n. 4013/2011 (1 204) is hereby replaced by the following:

' 6. The term of office of the members shall be extended automatically until the appointment of young people. The time of extension of the term of office may not exceed six (6) months. The Authority may continue to operate, not from one quarter, if any of its members are elected or left for any reason or lose the property on the basis of which they have been nominated, provided that their replacements and so on They are often sufficient to form a quorum. ' This paragraph shall apply from the publication

In the Official Journal of the European Communities. 4146/2013 (90).

2. The par. Article 4 of the Law 4013/2011 is replaced by:

' 1. The members of the Authority in the exercise of their duties shall only be bound by the law and their consent. The President and the regular members of the Authority shall be

In this case, the Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance failed to fulfil its obligation to act in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 32541999 of 12 December 1977 on the common organisation of the market in fishery products.

To support the The members of full and exclusive employment held by any member of the Court shall, during their term of office, be exempt from the obligation to carry out their duties. The Deputy members of the Authority are not permitted

To carry out any unpaid or paid public works or any other professional activity which is not compatible with the property and the tasks of the Authority. In particular, they are not allowed to provide services in the context of the free exercise of their duties or functions to a contracting authority or to natural or legal persons who participate in competitions or enter into public contracts. It does not constitute an intangible for the members of the Authority, the exercise of teaching duties to the ICI, with a status of full or partial employment, and the performance of duties of a member of the Council of State. The members of the Authority, regularly and to replace them, do not

May, for five (5) years after the expiry of their term of office, provide a service with an attached mandate or by any legal relationship, to a company or an undertaking in respect of those cases, which they themselves dealt with or on which they have participated. Take a decision during their term of office. '

3. Article 4 of the 43/2013 (AD 80) is replaced by the following:

' The appropriations necessary for the operation of the ESDC and the performance of its tasks shall be entered in the annual budget. '

4. The first paragraph of par. The following shall be substituted for Article 12 (2) (d) 123/2012 (1 216):

" At the Regional Office of Thessaloniki, four (4) are allocated by the existing or recommended positions of special scientific or legal or mechanical skills, which will be headed by the Regional Office; The position of the President of the Regional Office of Thessaloniki corresponds to a position of Chief Executive of the Authority. The Regional Office of Thessaloniki is allocated an existing position of non-member staff in the IP of the Governing Council. '

5. At the end of par. Article 17 and paragraph 1 of Article 17. The following subparagraph is added to Article 18 (3) of Article 18 (d):

' In the first application of the provisions of this paragraph, the selection shall be made as a priority by the staff serving the Authority at the time of the selection. '

6. The sixth paragraph of paragraph 6. Article 11 of the Law 4013/2011 is replaced by the following:

' The provisions of this law shall not apply to contracts falling within the scope of application of the law. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3978/2011 (1), on the basis of Articles 17 and 24 thereof, and to the contracts concluded under Article 346 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) And the contracts concluded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and classified as confidential or the conclusion and execution of such contracts.


They must be accompanied by special security measures. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance, Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, in particular, the contracts excluded from the The application of this Regulation in accordance with the above. '

Article 59

In par. The Committee of the Rules of The following are added cases: 2436/1996 (1 192).

' i. Expenses for the compensation of State or private agents carrying out checks on bodies of measuring instruments or samples of products sent by the Directorate for Metrology of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Antitrust, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. Purchase of fuel samples and other products

For the purpose of carrying out quantitative or quantitative checks by the Directorate for Metrology of the General Secretariat for Trade, the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. '

Article 60

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 12 of the Law No 3897/2010 (A΄ 208), added to par. 6 of Article 1 of Law 511/1970 (1 91), as is the case with the amendment of this paragraph. Article 114 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012 (1 82), replaced by the following:

' The facilities for the disposal of liquid and gaseous fuels, synergy of vehicles, washing machines and platforms serving the means of transport of OSH companies SA and STASY SA and those in the n. 2963/2001 (A΄ 268), as well as local authorities (OTA) and their operations, as well as existing units of account and pressure of bulky objects and mass, located within the public sector, A derogation from the relevant provisions shall remain valid for five (5) years from the date of entry into force of this Regulation, provided that they are equipped with fire safety. ';

Article 61

1. The par. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 4049/2012 (A-35) a-Displayed as follows:

' 1. For the purpose of treating emergency expenses and of all kinds of additional costs, which are caused by the actual visits to museums and archaeological sites, after the end of their pre-determined working hours, The Ministry of Archaeological Resources and Offering (HR), by the organisers concerned, a cost-effective fee, the management of which, for the purposes of the relevant exceptional costs and additional costs, is managed by the above-mentioned Fund. The amount of the degressive end of the preceding subparagraph, in proportion to the exceptional costs incurred and additional costs for the off-working function of the archaeological sites and museums, is determined by the

Joint decision of the Minister for Economic and Social Affairs, the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports. A decision may be made to adjust the counterpart fee referred to in the preceding subparagraph. '

2. The par. Article 3 of the Law 4109/2013 (A ' 16) is replaced by:

2. The staff with a working relationship of a private court-an indefinite period of the "Credit Management Fund for the Execute Archaeological Works" (T.A.P.P.E.) which is repealed with the provisions of this article is transferred to the supervisors from the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion, Po-libou and Athletic, legal persons governed by private law, under the authority: "National Theatre", "National Museum of Contemporary Art", "National Museum of Contemporary Art", "El-Hellenic Centre for the Movement" and " European Multi-Cultural Centre of Delphi ". The transfer and distribution of staff in law

Persons referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be made by the decision of the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, published in the Government of the Government, in accordance with the operational needs of each law; A person? By decision of the same Minister, a summary of the

To be published in the Official Journal of the Government, the above staff shall be seconded by way of derogation from the relevant provisions to the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs; Having regard to the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. The posting and disposal of the same staff expires

Simultaneously with the repeal of the Commissioners referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article. To this end, the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion, the Deputy Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, shall be issued in this connection. Staff shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

The budget of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports is borne by the budget of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat.

3. The case of ar. Article 3 of the Law 4109/2013 is repealed. Cases (b) and (c) of that paragraph shall be counted in (a) and (b).

4. After the end of the first subparagraph of paragraph (b) of par. 13 of Article 10 of the Law. Reference: Council Regulation (EC) No 3207/2003 (A-302):

' The Director of the Board of Directors may also manage his annexes, regardless of the number, if they are based within the same limit. '

5. The par. Article 3 of Article 3 of the Law No 2273/1994 (1 223) is replaced by the following:

' 21. The administrative use of the Theatres begins on 1 January each year and ends on 31 December of that year. In particular, the management use that started on 1 September 2012 ends on 31 December 2013, that is, it has a more than 12 months. '


Article 62

1. (a) Since the entry into force of this law, the present area of the structure of the European network of "Patras-Athens-Thessaloniki-Thessaloniki-Evzoni" (PFC) from the level of the present law enters into force without consideration. The European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee, together with the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Public Health and Food Safety, Public Health and Safety at Work. Article 5 of the Law (b) The abovementioned transfer takes place in the second subparagraph of Article 2 (2) (c) of Regulation (EC) No 2938/2001 (1 178), including the elements referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph (b).

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 5 of the abovementioned law, the Inventory of the Inventory concerned has been written in accordance with Article 5 (5) of the abovementioned law, in accordance with Article 5 (5) of the abovementioned law. (c) The changes and changes in this section are carried out by the public at the latest within the month of entry into force of this law.

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice

According to paragraph 1 of this Article, the value of the assets transferred in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article shall be taken after the transfer. Article 5 of the EC Treaty 2938/2001.

2. The imposition of tolls on the US dollar-Thie by the A/C of Value up to the Methodist of Evzeau, during the period up to the utilisation of this from the Privatisation Fund for Private Property, is made by decision of the Minister Development, A/D, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. This Decision lays down the specific amount and arrangements for the collection of tolls, the way the vehicles are divided into categories and the operating positions of the tolls.

Article 63 Conclusion of Article 30 of the codification of legislation on the construction of public works

(n. 3669/2008)

Article 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the Construction of Public Works, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. EUR 3669/2008, paragraph 11 is added as follows:

' 11. In the procurement of public works, the provisions of the Civil Code, unless otherwise specified in this law, shall be applied. '

Article 64 Arbitration Procedure

In n. Regulation (EC) No 3614/2007 (A-267) is added as follows:

" Article 25A Arbitration Procedure

1. In the co-financed contracts of Public Works in which the Principal of the Project and/or Body is a public undertaking of n. The Court of First Amendment No 3429/2005, in which the dispute settlement procedure provides for the provisions of Articles 76 and 77 of the Law. Council Regulation (EEC) No 3669/2008 or Articles 12 and 13 of n. 1418/1984, all disputes arising between the Lord of the Project and/or the Contractor and the Contractor from the application or interpretation of the relevant Project Agreement or with this duty, all its period of validity, from the entry into force of the project They may, in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 3, comply with the Arbitration Procedure provided for in paragraph 5 of this paragraph, in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 3.

2. In the Declarations which will be opened after the entry into force of this Agreement, in relation to co-financed projects, the implementation, by choice of the provisions of Articles 76 and 77, may be envisaged for the settlement of disputes. Of n. 3669/2008 or the Arbitration Procedure of this Article.

3. The choice of the Arbitration Procedure in this Article shall be made by a written statement; a proposal, common to the Court of Justice and the Principal of the Project, to the institution and to the person supervising the project. Minister, on which he/she decides, within a period of 30 days, the Secretary of State. All such disputes, for the resolution of which the Parties have chosen, in the above provisions, shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions set out below. If the Parties have chosen in writing,

In the course of the proceedings, the procedure, as described in paragraphs 4 and 5, shall now apply to all other disputes which may arise between the Parties concerned.

4. The Contractor before recourse to the Process of Operation, must submit a objection. The Objection shall be exercised within an exclusive time-limit of fifteen (15) days after the Contractor has taken full knowledge of the act or omission of the anti-Semitic Party, which offends its legal interest and is carried out by the Contractor concerned. The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice The Contracting Party shall, within two (2) months from the date on which the objection has been delivered, issue and notify the Contractor to the Contractor for the relevant decision. In the event that the objection is rejected in its entirety or by default or by default, the Contractor may appeal to the Court of Arbitration, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5. The deadline for the exercise of the objection and the time-limit for the issue of a decision on the appeal shall suspend the deadline for review of the Arbitration. The appeal proceedings or the conduct of the Arbitration proceedings shall not have the effect of suspending the execution of the contractual work of the relevant Convention.


The project. By way of exception, the Contractor shall not be required to submit Objections, for those differences which have arisen or, until such choice, of the arbitration procedure, for which he has already been refused, expressly or implicitly, of the Contractor's objection; In accordance with the provisions of Article 76 or Article 12 of n. NO 1418/1984.

5. Any Party which considers that there is a dispute to be resolved may appeal to the Arbitration Procedure within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of the performance of the decision of the Standing Committee or the Standing Committee. In accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article, with the lodging of a request for the dispute to be lodged in Arbitration notified to the other Party. This request contains a clear description of the dispute and the applicant's behalf on behalf of the applicant. A copy of the application shall be notified to the President of the Council of State, who shall also carry out the relevant drawing of paragraph 7.

6. The Arbitration Court consists of three (3) Arbitrators. Each Party will appoint a Referee. In the event of the appointment of a Referee from the applicant within eight (8) days after the request for the dispute to be lodged in Arbitration, the second Referee will be appointed on behalf of the President of the Council. Of the State, of 10 days from receipt of the applicant's request.

7. The President of the Council of State, within three (3) days of the above notification of the application, shall designate a draw as an arbitrator, a Chamber of State, including the President and the Vice-Presidents.

8. Arbitration takes place in Athens, in Greek and is governed by the provisions 867 to 903 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The Court of Justice shall apply the provisions of this Regulation and the provisions of the text of the text. The decision shall be taken by the arbitrators by a majority. The arbitral tribunal shall, in the context of a dispute in this dispute, be empowered to order the conduct of such proceedings and to adopt interim suspensions.

9. The arbitration award shall determine the costs of the application and of the facts, where appropriate, and their distribution to the Parties. The decision shall be adopted as soon as possible and, however, not beyond the four (4) months after the date of appointment of the arbitrator. The arbitral tribunal may, at the request of either one of the Parties or on its own initiative, extend this deadline for a great reason.

10. The arbitral judgment shall be directly enforceable, shall not be subject to appeal and shall be binding on both parties, which expressly take the obligation to comply with it. By way of exception, an action for annulment of the arbitral judgment shall be taken on the grounds referred to in Article 897 of the Code. If the performance of the arbitral decision is likely to be a risk of damage the situation of which is irreparable or irreparable,

May not be ordered at the request of any of the parties to the full or partial suspension of the enforcement of the contested decision with the proviso of a guarantee or without a guarantee if the application for annulment is manifestly or depends on the Execution of the decision by granting a guarantee of the winning party.

11. In the event of participation in the arbitration proceedings or the signature for any reason for the arbitration award by a Referee, a reference to that fact is sufficient in the decision, which is always signed by the Referee.

12. The appeal to the Arbitration Procedure does not remove the possibility for the Parties to seek parallel settlement of the dispute between the dispute, without such attempts to resolve the suspension of such proceedings or proceedings. In the absence of a written agreement between the Parties.

13. (a) The provisions referred to in paragraph 1 may also apply to disputes which have already arisen between the Parties to the Agreement referred to above, by the application or interpretation of the relevant Agreement, or with regard to such contracts; Until the entry into force of this Article, where such differences have not already taken place, the Court of Justice may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 77 of the Law, apply to the Court of Justice of the European Communities. 3669/2008 or Article 13 of n. NO 1418/1984. (b) For those of the aforementioned Council Decision

No differences between the Parties to the entry into force of the present Agreement for disputes arising from the application of the Parties referred to in paragraph 3 for recourse to the arbitration procedure shall be declared within the jurisdiction of the Contracting Parties. Two (2) months from the written declaration of the first difference. If, for the first time, which emerges after the entry into force of the present Agreement, the parties to the proceedings shall choose, in the light of the foregoing, the dispute settlement procedure, which is to be applied in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, this procedure shall apply. (c) For those of the above-mentioned Member States, and for all other similar differences between the Parties.

Where differences have already arisen between the Parties to the entry into force of this Decision, for those recoveries, the selection of the Parties to appeal to the arbitration procedure shall be denominated in an exclusive time-limit of two (2) -not since the entry into force of this Regulation. In such a case, the agreement of the Contracting Parties to the choice of the provisions of this dispute settlement procedure shall, without prejudice to the provision of the provisions of this paragraph, be included. And a relevant statement of the Contractor of the Project of the Project with which he/she will apply from any of his or her objections, a request for treatment or an appeal, and that he shall take a reasonable period of time in any of the relevant action before the Court of Justice. Of the competent court or competent authority ';


Article 65 Secondary positions

Radio report of radio stations

1. Until the adoption by the SNP of the tender notice. Point 7 of Article 8 of. 3592/2007 (1 161), the radio stations which are understood as legal practitioners, in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) of the Act. Article 5 of the Law 3592/2007 may also use secondary sites other than those provided for in the licence or certificate issued pursuant to Article 53 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2773/1999 (A-295) or in the application for the administration of the certificate or any other document from the Authority which issued the certificate and the frequency maps concerned, provided that the best coverage is not technically feasible due to geological or other similar forms. The geographical region which they cover. The secondary positions of the Commission may be located outside the legislation referred to in the first sentence of Article 53 of the Law. NO 2778/1999. Following the publication of the notice referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the above-mentioned radio stations shall continue to be able to use secondary positions where they submit a request for participation in the relevant competitive procedure and up to the date of entry into force of the first subparagraph. (iv) the adoption of the relevant permits or decision-making by the European Parliament, in accordance with Article 8 of the Law. NO 3592/2007

2. The above-mentioned use of secondary sites is permitted only after approval of the Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, provided that the seamless and safe operation of each other is secured Means of a network or service that is not functioning.

3. For the purpose of granting the previous paragraph, the Competent Body shall submit to the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and the Department of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks for the use of The Commission considers that, in the case of the Member States, the Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 2376/ECSC, is subject to the conditions laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 2376/ECSC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 December 2003 on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women. E.P.T. A. T., in the Communications of the Armed Forces, the Policy Service Air Force, as well as in any other law as a functioning network or service. The technical study should, as a minimum, include the following elements: (a) radiant radiant radium (s), (b) an extract force (eirp), (c) theoretical field-coverage of the secondary location, based on an appropriate standard, (d) List of abbreviated abbreviations (APC ' 87) of the Reports.

4. The validity of the commission (eirp) from secondary locations may not exceed the validity of the commission position from which each radio station has already been issued in accordance with the relevant licence, installation and operation permit or certificate. The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the

5. The radio stations referred to in paragraph 1, which are already in force at the time of entry into force of the

In other cases, other places of employment, other than those provided for in the relevant authorization or to the related function of their legal function and the relevant frequencies, are deemed to be deemed to expire on the basis of these positions, provided that they are subject to the following conditions: Within three (3) months from the date of entry into force of this Article, submit to the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and the Department of Development, A-competition, Infrastructure, Transport and Network Application for the approval of the Paragraph 2 for specific subsection positions already used, Accompanied by a technical study, in accordance with paragraph 3. No penalties shall be imposed until the expiry of this deadline for the already established secondary positions.

6. In the event of the granting of the above approval, and in any event of the use of secondary issuers in contravention of the provisions of this Regulation, the relevant provisions shall be applied.

7. The second paragraph of paragraph 2. Point 15 of Article 6 of n. 2328/1995 (A' 159) after the words "for five (5) hours of each day", the sentence is added, provided that at the time of the networking, the distinguishing title of the stage, with which there is networking, will be reported at half an hour. And the start, duration and end of networking time ".

Article 66 Amendment of Article 100 of the codification of legislation for the construction of public works

(n. 3669/2008)

1. Point i of the case with par. Amendment No 8 to Article 100 of the codification of the legislation in the field of public works which was ratified by the Council. 3669/2008 a-denies as follows:

' i Total Capital Equity (I.K. to Total Liquor Total). As a Total of Capital Equity (I.K.), the size refers to the arm of the parent of the employer in the ME.U., as a 'Total Equity Tier', following the a-heresy of the Special Tax Free Reserves. In the case of operations, in the case of non-notified operations, the capital and the funds intended to be used for the Increase of Equity Capital. The above financial data shall be derived from the financial situation of the preceding year or a temporary financial statement established by an auditor and shall be published before the application is submitted. For the separation of the Special Tax Depository and the determination of the taxable person and not deducted from the "Total Equity Tier", a special certified auditor shall be set up. Total Obligations define the summation of

(i) short-term and long-term liabilities of the undertaking, with the exception of long-term charges which do not relate to bank loans, that these are determined by a certified check-out certificate, removable from certified helper; The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament and the Economic and Financial Committee of the European Union.


2. The second subparagraph of point (ii) of the indent of Article 100 of the codification of the legislation for the construction of public works, which was ratified by the n. EUR 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

' The sustainability indicators for enterprises that are classified in the fourth, fifth, fifth and seventh grades must be I. K. SY > 0.6 and K.E. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS REGULATION,

3. The par. 9 of Article 100 of the codification of legislation on the construction of public works declared by the United Kingdom. EUR 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

' 9. The sustainability indicators, as defined in Article 99 of this Code, are checked annually by the submitted activity report and must be kept in line with and during the regular review of the operations of the MJEP. In particular, for the first application of the

In the case of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice At the end of the sub-charging scheme, financial statements are made by a statutory auditor from which to cover the minimum limits of the sustainability indicators. In the event of non-compliance with the minimum limits of

On the basis of the above, the process of revision is followed by the Agency's initiative, which shall be completed within four (4) months after the expiry of the deadline. In the event of a demotion or remission due to the

(i) the use of the above-mentioned indicators, after the successful revision, the contractors are likely to be reclassified, making use of the ranking in the class of a degree prior to their demolition or deletion; Filing an application for an emergency review with the data on the financial statements of their next financial year. By decision of the Minister for Development, Competition -

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

4. Article 100 of the Law on Public Works, which was ratified by the n. EUR 3669/2008, paragraph 11, as follows:

' 11. Where the provisions of the MJEP are referred to for temporary financial statements, these sub-debtors will be drawn up in the last quarter of the month before the application is submitted. '

Article 67

In par. Article 3 of the Law 3908/2011 (1 8) is prepared as follows:

' f. For investment projects involving development

> Dosage and bioanalysis of medicinal products, pharmaceutical forms and devices, increased costs are expenditure on research on the basis of pre-production, for a excipients, evaluation of methods of analysis, on To highlight the similarity with the reference product, stability and bioequivalence with regard to drinking-poetry, quality assurance and quality control costs, certification and certification costs, and costs for use, Transfer of know-how through the purchase of rights-of intellectual property; and The Court of Appeal of the Court of Human

Article 68

The par. The following shall be substituted for Article 19 of v. 4146/2013 (A90):

' 6. In investment projects for RES, which do not belong to the hydroelectric and hybrid weights, to the non-lethal energy systems and to the production of energy from biomass and biogas, which will be submitted after 1 January 2014 Only tax incentives are provided. ' The entry into force of this Article shall be defined as:

Date of publication of the application. 4146/2013.

Article 69

The par. Article 76 of the EEC Treaty 4146/2013 does not apply in cases of forced expropriation which has been declared or intended to be declared or to be declared for the transfer of lignite deposits by the ICH or its successor, or any associated person, to Areas covered by the provisions of Article 20 of the Law. No 2446/1996, either for the purposes of Article 28 of the Law. 3937/2011.

Article 70

The par. Article 5 of the EC Treaty As follows: 4146/2013 (1 90), is replaced by:

' 4. For the application of the provisions of n. 3894/2010, as applicable, property belonging to the legal persons of par. Article 1 (4) of the Law 590/1977 (146), as well as other legal persons of the public or private law of the Church of Greece or of the Church of Crete or the Metropolitan of the Dodecanese, are understood as private property. Organisation for the realisation of the investment,

The concept of this law may also be the Church of Greece, acting by the Ecclesiastical Central Office of the Economy (EKYO) or the Church of Crete or the Metropolitan Dodecanese in the limits of their competence."



Article 71 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall start from its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, unless otherwise stated in its own provisions.

Athens, 2013