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"Simplification Of Procedures On The Enhancement Of Entrepreneurship"

Original Language Title: Simplification of procedures on the enhancement of entrepreneurship on tourism, restructuring of...

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Article 1 Organised for tourist activities

1 a. The 'organised tourist activity holder' is defined as the area where a single design is being developed, in order to operate primarily as an organised area for the development of recreational and leisure activities. Of the definition, activities. B. 'Organised touristic activity' (s)

(') The following definitions shall apply: (aa) Tourist Terminals;

(PEA) in Article 29 of the Law. 2545/1997 ('254 '), as amended by Article 4 of this law. (bb) The Organized Development Areas;

The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Communities. 2742/1999 (207), in which exclusive or principal use is the use of certain leisure activities. (cc) The Areas of Special Rate of Risk Management

(f) Article 24 of the Law. 2508/1997 (A' 124), where recreational uses are permitted. (d) Public Property, of which the main part -

For the purposes of Article 12 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1035mm, the Commission shall, in accordance with the relevant authorised measures, comply with the provisions of Article 12 (1) of the Regulation. 3986/2011 (152) is the definition-recreation or creation of a window;

Of the tourist village or the combination of para-uses. (e) Areas for which Special Projects are issued

Spatial Development Strategies for Strategic Investments (IACS) of article 24 of n. 3894/2010 (A204) for investments in the tourism sector.

2. The conditions, the procedure and the minimum required area for the demarcation, the designation, the designation, or the setting-up of organised tourist activities referred to in paragraph 1b, shall be defined by the relevant provisions of each category. (i) an organised tourist-related event receptor.

3. The creation of organised tourist activities in all areas covered by categories A, B, D, Z΄ and coastal areas of category IV of Article 4 of the Directive is hereby authorised. 24208/4.6.2009 Joint Decision of the Ministers for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works, Internal Affairs, Economic and Financial Affairs, Development, Development and Food, Culture, Tourism, Transport and Communications and Communications; The Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Regions.

The most recent guidelines for each category of area may be determined by the current Special Framework for Regional Planning and Sustainable Development for tourism.

4 a. The setting-up of an organised tourist activities with a maximum level of 0,05 shall be permitted:


First, From the Official Journal of Z΄, 1 August 2013, Meetings of the Work Decorator of the Work

The House of Parliament:

Simplifying procedures for strengthening entrepreneurship in tourism, restructuring of the Greek Tourism Agency and other provisions


(aa) In the mountain areas of category VI (4) of the No. 4. 24208/4.6.2009 Joint Decision of Environment Ministers, Spatial Planning and Public Works, Internal Affairs, Economy and Finance, Development, Rural Development and Food, Culture, Tourism, Tourism, Transport and Communications Merchant Marine, Aegean and Island Policy. The organisers of tourist activities in this case should be associated with functional installations and infrastructures for the environment, geological, geological, architectural, historical, religious, etc. The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party and the Economic and Financial Committee of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European Right. (bb) In the islands of Group II of the category E '

Article 5 of Article 5 of Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 2075/90 is replaced by the following: 24208/4.6.2009 Joint Decision of Environment Ministers, Spatial Planning and Public Works, Year of Tourism, Economic and Financial Affairs, Development, Agro-Development and Food, Culture, Tourism, Transport and Communications Marine, Aegean and Island Policy. In the islands of Crete, Rhodes, Corfu and Evia

The maximum permitted duty rate provided for in the current legislation for each category of organised tourist activities. The organised tourist potential of this case must be associated with functional installations and infrastructures for the promotion and exploitation of environmental, geological, geological, architectural, historical, religious and cultural activities. Or cultural elements of the area, which are either located on the site of the registrar or within the relevant section. For the creation of organ-based receptors,

The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European 24208/4.6.2009 Joint Committee on the Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works, Internal, Economic and Financial Affairs, Development, Rural Development and Food, Culture, Tourism, Transport and Communications, and Marine, Aegean and South-Asia Policy with a surface area of less than 90 square metres, the guidelines of the relevant Special Framework Programme for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development for Tourism are applied. In the islands of the case bb)

This paragraph shall not apply to the definitions in Article 9 (IV) of the EC Treaty. 24208/4.6.2009 Joint Decision of Environment Ministers, Spatial Planning and Public Works, Year of Tourism, Economic and Financial Affairs, Development, Agro-Development and Food, Culture, Tourism, Transport and Communications Marine, Aegean and Island Policy. D. In the fields of education of the organised sub -

Be included and areas subject to special protection regimes, such as areas of archaeological or historical interest, forests and wooded areas, and areas of land;

To the national system of protected areas of the n. 3937/2011 (60). In the case of organised tourist activities, including areas referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the areas covered shall be governed by the specific laws of each Member State. In this case, in the relevant act of approval or definition or demarcation and the establishment or creation of each organised branch of tourism activities, the consequences of the creation and functioning of the activities should be assessed in particular. Organised tourist activity receptors in these areas and the impact on the landscape of the proposed interventions and the compatibility of the compatibility of the receptor with the specific characteristics and conservation objectives, The protection and promotion of these areas. In the case of projects and activities taking place in protected areas of the Natura 2000 network, environmental licensing shall be carried out on the basis of the relevant provisions of the specific Presidential and Ministerial Decisions. President of the Commission. In the event of a lack of relevant provisions, a Special Ecological Assessment, in accordance with Article 10 of the Law, shall be submitted as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study. 4014/2011 (1999).

5. The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation shall also apply to the complex tourist occupations referred to in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law. EUR 4002/2011 (180), as amended by this law.

Article 2 Additional tourist accommodation

1. A. At the end of case C of par. I would like to thank the Commission for its support. ), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2160/1993 (1 118), as added: Article 8 of the Law 4002/2011, added as follows:

" For the application of this law as installers of special tourist infrastructure includes conference centers, golf courses, seagoing centres, serenity centres, ski resorts, thematic parks, Training Centres for Sports Tourism, Water-storage facilities, as well as the following special facilities for certain types of tourism: intensive care units, a range of tourism centres, regeneration centres, wellness centres, wellness centres and aesthetics and training centres. A decision by the Minister of Tourism may also specify other types of tourism business or facilities as a tourist infrastructure, forming part of complex tourist accommodation. ' Other: In indent (b) of Article 8 (2)

Of n. A sub-indent is added as follows: " ss. The management bodies of the complex tourist

It is necessary to maintain all the rooms and facilities of the complex tourist accommodation required in accordance with the applicable standards for the service of furnished residences at full length; (i) for the duration of the year.

2. The par. Point 6 of Article 8 of. 4002/2011 is replaced by:

' 6.a. The arrangements of the preceding paragraphs may be applied to the five - (5) star (5) star hotels of par. Point 1A of Article 2 of the Agreement. 2160/1993, which have been manufactured in stadiums of at least 50 000 tonnes and which fulfil or qualify for the other conditions set out in this Article, provided that: (aa) they have a special function or net in force;

Have the last five years of special operation and have ceased operations; (bb) to be transferred or for long-term treatment

They have not been subject to undergraduate law grants over the last five years. If this is not the case, the amount of the aid or the amount of aid granted for these parts shall be refunded and (cc) the date of implementation of the measure.

Equal to or less than 0,15. Other: In the case of the law to be carried out by the

For the purposes of this Regulation, the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/90 shall be applied in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/90.

5 % of the antimatter value of the tourist activities corresponding to the rate of variation exceeding 0,15. The antimatter value is determined according to the system of objects of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The contribution shall be paid by transferred independent property at the latest by the drawing-up of the relevant contract. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and

There is a definition of the procedure for imposing the levy, the payment procedure, the payment procedure and any relevant details. (bb) Whether or not demolish the parts or parts of the turret;

Of stationary installations, corresponding to an assembly exceeding 0,15. (cc) Whether the field is required to cover the

Percentage of the excess of 0,15 rate of application. For the purpose of this Regulation, the Council adopted a decision on the following:

Greater than 0,20 either demolish the part or sections of the tourist facilities, corresponding to the rate of variation exceeding 0,20 or a-cohort field covering the percentage of the excess of 0,20 Administration. D. In the cases referred to in this paragraph,

At least 50 000 tonnes of hotel accommodation have been made available to the hotel in the hotel rooms at least 50 000 t. The potential to be sold or paid-temporally, within the meaning of paragraph 2 (a), of the fixed-term furnished dwellings cannot be Exceed 30 % of the total surface area of the complex tourist accommodation and the minimum number of tourist-furnished marbles;

For the purposes of this Regulation, it shall be fixed in 100 tonnes per unit of account. For the purposes of applying this paragraph,

Arrangements which have been settled in accordance with Articles 5 to 7 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3843/2010, or has been settled in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of the Law. 4014/2011, considered to be a legal tender and taken into account for the calculation of the law as a materialised rate of use. F; The provisions of this paragraph shall apply.

And the hotel accommodation referred to in Article 30 (2). Regulation (EEC) No 4067/2012 (1 79), for which a complete dossier was submitted for the adoption of an eco-authorisation prior to the entry into force of the authorisation. The Committee of the European Parliament, the Committee of the European Parliament, the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European ' (2)

3. Article 8 of the Law EUR 4002/2011 is added as follows:

' 8. The hotel accommodation, which, according to the provisions of this law, form part of the tourist accommodation, may be taken into account in the period of time of refertification of the n. SEE PART ONE, NO 1. The percentage of the above-mentioned hotel, which may be subject to a timeshare regime, may not exceed 70 % of its total capacity in the case of a new complex tourist accommodation. In the case of an existing hotel accommodation, which is converted into a complex tourist occupation, the above percentage shall be determined by the provisions of the Law. 1652/1986 (A-167) and No 1652/1986. A. 9953/DEU/1789/ 11.12.1987 Decision of the Secretary of State for the National Economy (B΄ 719). '

4. A. At the end of the first indent of paragraph 1. 1 of Article 9 of the Law. 4002/2011 new verses are added as follows:

' For the purpose of issuing the above joint ministerial decision, the interested party shall, in addition to the documents required for the suitability of the land-level in the decision to determine the technical and operational specifications referred to in paragraph 5, and Development of a spatial vision as a self-contained part of the ICM, describing and substantiating key spatial positive options and inclusion in the site of the project, in particular with regard to proposed projects and activities in The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (i) the existing situation in the tourism sector with reference to qualitative and quantitative characteristics (concerns of tourist demand and supply, situation of general and specific tourist infrastructure, etc.), And the basic spatial characteristics of the wider area, at least at the level of the relevant section. In the event of a complex tourist accommodation on an island, with the exception of the islands of Crete, Rhodes and Corfu, as well as the island of Corfu,


The Committee on the Environment, the Committee on Regional Policy and the Committee on Regional Policy, Regional Planning and the Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Planning. In the same report, the compatibility of the proposed project with the data of the existing spatial and economic planning and the broader development objectives of national, regional or local scale is also established. By a decision, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the specific procedures may be laid down and the other provisions governing the application of the provisions of this paragraph may be laid down. ' Other: At the end of (a) of paragraph 2

Article 9 of the Law In addition, new verses are added as follows: " Matters for the protection of the environment issued or issued by the authority of Article 21 of the Law. 1650/1986, as is the case, they are in line with the guidelines of the current Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Plan for the definition of land use and conditions and restrictions. ' Other: In the last paragraph of Case C (C),

Graph 1 of Article 9 of the Law. After the word 'works,' the words'or natural feet' are added after the word 'works'.

5. At the end of the second paragraph b. Point 3 of Article 9 of the Law The following is added to the following:

" Especially since the complex tourist accommodation includes a golf course of 18 holes at least, the percentage of potential to be sold or paid for long-term tourist furnished houses is increased as follows: aa) at 55 % of the total Of a given surface area

Of the complex tourist accommodation, provided that the total cost of the tour does not exceed 0,10, bb) 70 % of the total area of the area;

Of the complex tourist accommodation, provided that the non-delirium does not exceed 0,05. If it is established by an act of the Head of State,

In the case of the Special Promotion and Departure Service of Article 12, the closure of the golf course, with a view to the permanent withdrawal of the golf course, is revoked by the Special Service of the Complex Tourist Cattle. And is fully refundable from the issuing of the relevant accreditation of any subsidy for the hotel accommodation and golf course. '

6. The case of par. Point 3 of Article 9 of the Law EUR 4002/2011 is replaced by the following:

' e. The minimum requirements for tourist-furnished dwellings are set at 100 tonnes per tonne-owned property. For all construction of tourist-furnished accommodation, the terms of reference of the New Eco-building Regulation are applicable. 4067/2012 ('79) These conditions are not applied for weft-in-house-to-eyes, which are converted into tourist-furnished dwellings, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 (6), for which the existing at the time of issue 'residence permit' means a residence permit. '

Article 3 Hotels of co-ownership

1. At the end of par. Article 2 of the Law As in the case of 2160/1993, the following is added:

' D. Hotels of property (condo hotels) are hotel accommodation in 1A

Of this Article, category 3 or 4 or 5 stars which, in the form of persons or divisions, are permitted to set up horizontal and vertical owners and to set up or transfer rights and rights to third parties. Long-term treatment is co-financed for a minimum of ten (10) years. '

2. A. The creation of co-ownership hotels is due to existing hotel accommodation in Article 2 (1A) of the Law. COM (93) 653 final Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2160/93 with a view to the adoption of a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2160/93 with a view to the adoption of a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2160/93 with a view to the adoption of a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993.

The arrangements laid down in Articles 5 to 7 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3843/2010 and Article 24 of n. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

They have had the last five years of a Special Operation and have ceased their operation. The percentage of potential to be sold or out of business

Long-term property of non-proprietary hotels may not exceed 50 % of the total surface area of permanent establishments. C. The management bodies of the hotel co-owner -

However, it is necessary to maintain the whole of the public spaces and facilities of the hotel in operational capacity throughout the year. The investment expenditure of the for sale or the maximum

The Committee of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Otherwise, the amount of aid or grant awarded shall be refunded. E. The provisions of paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 9

Of n. Regulation (EU) No 4002/2011 applies to co-ownership hotels.

3. The co-ownership hotels are governed by Rules of Property and Property, drawn up by the owner of the car and approved by the Minister of Tourism and adopted by the Minister of Tourism. This Regulation, which is entered in the course of the establishment of horizontal and vertical agreements, shall specify in particular: a. The rights and obligations of owners, or

(i) Employees' self-fees and restrictions on their rights, as well as other user-driven rights, b. The rights and obligations on the common interest;

Sites, premises, installations and services, and their restrictions, c. The management and operation organisation and the issues;

(i) related to the administration of the co-ownership hotel, as well as the supervision and exercise of control over the individual owners of the property;


Other: The minimum availability of hotels and tourism services to the owners or employees of self-employed dierent properties on an annual basis and e. The common costs and the mode of calculation and

(ii) to the owners or employees of the self-appointed owners, the way and the type of exploitation of the communal premises, works and services and any other necessary details. A decision by the Minister of Tourism is adopted on a standard operating schedule and the minimum content is set. The person authorised in accordance with the above Regulation shall be annexed to any transaction with a view to the establishment, alteration, transfer or transfer of certain goods or innuenes to the self-contained property of any property which is not covered by the above Regulation. Are provided for in paragraph 1 and commits them.

4. The owners or employees of the self-appointed property shall not be able to pay or sub-account for the property to third parties only in accordance with the conditions and restrictions laid down in the relevant Regulation.

5. For the issuance of a special service, a foreign vessel is required to submit the oral questions referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 150 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 4070/2012 of the Council of the European Union, of the European Union, of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Lithuania, of the European Union, of the one part, and the Republic of Slovenia, of the other part.

6. The relevant rights, as well as the rights-long-term securities acquired on hotel-owned lotteries, shall be reduced to the margin of the relevant registers of the relevant Substers/Graphic Design (s). The practical arrangements for the long-term management or transfer of horizontal properties shall be the relevant act.

Article 4 Areas of Complete Tourist Development


1. In par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty No 2545/1997 shall be added as follows:

' c. Other natural implants or other natural or artificial works, and parts that permeate areas used for the creation of PUTH are not such as to feed them. In order to maintain its uniform status and where the natural or artificial plant presents high-risk elements (national pathways, e-parchial traffic routes, beverages, chemicals, etc.), it is necessary to ensure that it is possible to do so. The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Service and the Committee of the Environment, Public Service and the Committee of the Environment, Public Service and the Committee of the European The President-in-Office of the case referred to in paragraph 3 of paragraph 3 of this article on the designation and demarcation of the WHO shall determine the necessary, for the purposes of the functional integration of the land, technical projects. With the same presidential decree, they can be found and joined to the extent of the WTO or to carry out rural roads that are

Cross-border, as well as defining the necessary projects to ensure the access of third-party owners and other users served by the slow agricultural routes. In the case of public agricultural roads the relevant proposal for the adoption of a Presidential decree is signed by the Ministers for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and Rural Development and Food. '

2. The par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty No 2545/1997 is replaced by:

' 2.a. The WHO are developed by the same body of action and exploitation in one or more sections within the same Regional Unification. The area in which the FUTH is developed, or in the case of more than half a day, must have a surface of at least 800 straits and be owned by at least 80 %. The PUTIs are an organised receptor of -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Transport and Tourism and the Committee on the Environment, Public health and the Committee on the Environment, Public Transport and Tourism The adequacy of these investments is judged in the process of delimitation and designation of the WHO. The WHO is allowed to include all of them.

The uses referred to in Article 8 of 23.2.1987 of the Presidential Decree (' 166). Of the above uses, the use of a dwelling is permitted within the WTO only on the condition that the Tourist Development Programme of the FYROM includes a minimum of five and/or four-star tourist and/or four-star tourist areas with a total Capacity of at least 1,000 beds and at least two specific tourist facilities. Facilities for a special tourist infrastructure forming part of the Advanced Tourist Catalan-of the within WHO are taken into account for the achievement of this condition. '

3. The second indent of paragraph 3. Article 29 of the EC Treaty 2545/1997, as replaced with par. Article 51 of the EC Treaty 3105/2003 (A-29) is replaced by:

' 5.a. In the event that the scope of the WTO does not apply, it is permissible to: (i) the establishment of divided properties (horizontal and vertical) on any part of tourist facilities, if any; (ii) the establishment of only vertical properties on the market; Tourist facilities, as well as (iii) the basis of contracts, drawn up between the carrier of the WTO and third parties, a concession to third parties with legal and legal rights thereon. In exceptional cases, horizontal agreements may be set up;

On the basis of the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of Articles 8 and 9 of Articles 8 and 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 2692/89, the Commission has decided to extend the scope of Regulation (EEC) No 2078/89 on the application of Article 85 (3) of the Treaty to certain categories of goods and services provided for in Articles 8 and 9. For the purposes of this Regulation, the Commission shall submit to the Council a proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 4002/2011 in complex tourist accommodation establishments which, in accordance with the specific provisions of this law, may be transferred or suspended for long-term contracts. Condition for the establishment of self-fees

(i) more divided properties or the granting of rights to third parties shall constitute the full-term;


The establishment of the main infrastructure projects, the implementation of which has been undertaken by the agency of the WTO, as well as the establishment of an agreement on the ownership and operation of the WHO, in accordance with the standards of the Co-ownership; and For the purposes of this Regulation, the Court of Justice shall have the power to adopt the measures referred to in paragraph 1. Decision of the Minister for Culture and Tourism (B' 195). This Regulation applies to all within the framework of the WTO or the settlement of such land and functions, regardless of whether they are separated from natural or artificial legs, drama, rafts, etc. All authorized to be installed on it

Use is subject to the conditions and limitations of the plan for the design of its tourist facilities from 20.1.1988 of the Presidential decree (Dl 61) with the exception of those defined differently below. The dorsal, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7 of Section IV (specific provisions and limitations) of the provisions mentioned above in the respective lands, may not exceed 5 % within the limits of the relevant UTF. Contents of the WHO Code .. For the calculation of the maximum transfer and the other terms and limits of transactions, the areas of the WTO shall be understood as a single contract. '

Article 5 Special provisions for organised receptors

Tourist activities;

1. For tourist facilities, which are located within organised tourist activities and within a complex tourist area and for non-tourist establishments, which are approved within For the purposes of this Regulation, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply. Article 2 of Article 2 of the first paragraph of Article 2 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 209/1998 (169) on the required minimum requirements for roads, applicable to areas within the limits of settlements of 1923, without a single city plan or within the boundaries of a population of 2000. (i) the delimitation of the structure of the national central banks in accordance with the provisions of the Staff Regulations;

2. For the management of all types of authorised premises within the areas of organised tourist activities and of complex tourist accommodation, including golf courses, the current rate of application shall be applied to Of the total area, including the extent of golf, the permitted potential in beds of any hotel manufactured within the hotel is calculated on the basis of the technical specifications of the E.O.T. on it. If the total area is deducted from the total area, the minimum amount is deducted from the total amount of the reserve. The current inscriptions for installing the golf course.

3. The buildings of tourist accommodation in organized tourist activities, and in complex tourist accommodation, are placed at a distance of at least fifty (50) metres from the line of ale as defined in accordance with

Applicable provisions. Tourist furnishings in complex tourist accommodation, the non-tourist facilities within POTA and the tourist facilities within organised tourist activities, up to and including 7.50 metres, are situated in the following areas: A distance of thirty (30) metres at least from the eel line as defined in accordance with the provisions in force.

4. In organized tourist activities, in complex tourist accommodation, as well as in tourist accommodation of five (5) stars, which have a total face on a beach of more than 100 metres, it is permitted, on the basis of a total of Up to 20 % of the total on the beach of a person, the status of restaurants and recreation, accommodation, sanitation, facilities for children and children, up to a maximum of 3.5 metres up to the line or at a distance 10 (10) of-tyres at least from the pellet line if no beach has been established.

5. It is permissible to grant the right of validity, beach, continuous or adjacent sea space, in accordance with the current provisions in force, on the front of complex tourist accommodation or tourist accommodation of five (5) stars, or Four (4) star strength of at least three hundred (300) beds or organised tourist-related activities for the manufacture or packaging of woven overheads on all or plate-or-floats, up to 30 metres wide, up to 3 metres And height above sea level to 1 measure for embarkation and disembarkation, By vessels of up to 8 metres, customers of the tourist accommodation. If the construction is permanent, the classes of the relevant environmental legislation are adhered to. In the case where the construction is incorporated into an existing tourist occupation with approved environmental conditions, the environmental principle of an amendment to the approval of Environmental Terms of the Tourist shall be submitted to the competent authority. In accordance with Article 6 of the Law. 4014/2011.

6. It is permissible to grant the right of validity, beach, continuous or adjacent seawater, in accordance with the provisions in force, for the manufacture of (wooden) runways, up to 30 metres, up to 3 metres in width, Which end up on a platform, a maximum of 100 metre-tractive measures, carrier cell or permanent roofs, pergolas, rest and service elements, subject to the following conditions: The facilities will be included in an organisation;

A list of tourist activities or a complex tourist occupation or a tourist occupation of five (5) a-star or four (4) star strength of at least three hundred (300) beds. For the purposes of the construction, its provisions shall be complied with;

For environmental legislation. If the structure is incorporated into an existing package of tourist activities or complex touristic or tourist destinations five (5) or four (4) star strength of at least three hundred (300)


In accordance with Article 6 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1676/1999, the Council of the European Union, in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1696/1999, is hereby approved by the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission. 4014/2011.

7. If an organised tourist activity holder is located in the administrative boundaries of two or more persons, it is possible by decision of the General Secretariat of the Management Board, following the recommendation of the competent regional authority. A Tourist Service, the law of the law and the other administrative divisions on the organised tourist activities holder shall be included in one of these entities.

8. Private forests and wooded areas are allowed to open roads and other accompanying projects for the purpose of exploring complex tourist accommodation and tourist-related tourist activities. In this case, the total population of the road population shall not be allocated to the maximum authorised rate of 20 % of the forest or the forest to be disposed of for tourist and sports facilities in the areas referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4. Article 51 of the EC Treaty 998/1979, as replaced by Article 55 (13) of the Law. 4030/2011.

Article 6 Deployment of compound

Tourist accommodation

Article 150 of n. Paragraph 3 shall be added as follows: 4070/2012 (' 82)

' 3. For the adoption of the Special Service of the Tourist Party of Articles 8 and 9 of the Law. In addition to the supporting documents listed in para. 1, the following justification is required: Joint decision of the Environment Ministers, E -

The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Article 9 of the Law 4002/2011, or an administrative act of approval or creation or establishment or establishment of an organised tourist activity holder within which the complex tourist occupation is to be constructed. Co-ownership and operation regulation

Par. Article 8 (3) of the Law (') Other: I would like to make a point of order.

(i) the establishment of a special tourist infrastructure for the establishment of a special tourist infrastructure which is included in the complex tourism by the part where these supporting documents are not or are not covered by the scheme; Justifying paragraph 1. '

Article 7 Youth hospitality Hostels

1. At the end of the "A" case. Article 2 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as amended by: 2

Article 35 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

' f. Youth accommodation Hostels: As youth hostels are characterized primarily

Hotel accommodation in 1A, within e-gekiri designs of cities and settlements, which are used by resident persons with a side-card of International Youth Associations and International Youth Associations. Youth hostels are under the supervision of the E.O.T. .. "

2 a. Businesses in the hospitality of young people belong to natural or legal persons for profit-making and are housed in premises, which fulfil the technical and functional specifications of this paragraph, such as Power-on. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, the technical and functional specifications, the safety conditions, and the other terms and conditions, which must be met for the creation of the youth hostels, are defined. These specifications shall also specify the common areas of the youth hostels, which must be sufficient to cover the potential in beds, the required supporting documents and any details of the granting of the Special Functional body. With the same or a decision, the classes of youth hostels, the required conditions and the criteria for classification, the exceptions to it, the procedure for the transfer of the reconstructed hotels and others, may be defined. Tourist accommodation in guesthouses of youth hostels from the category and functional form in which they belong to classes, the required franchisees, the tourist controlled development areas for the creation of hostels for young people, the maximum The authorised number per area and every necessary detail. In the case of young people, they will be able to take care of beds, see sections or sections of them for up to one year. Repair or retrofitting of existing facilities

The Committee of the Committee of the European Point 1A of Article 2 of the Agreement. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria. Youth hostels are regulated by regulation -

The administrative and operational arrangements drawn up by the owner of the undertaking and approved by the Minister of Tourism. This Regulation sets out: (a) the management and operation organisation and the issues that allow the administration of the youth hostel, b) the hotel services available to the users of the youth hostel, c) (d) the conditions and conditions for the exploitation and distribution of the values of the values of the values of the values of the species or by means of measurements, common costs and the means of calculation and distribution to users or persons, the way and the means; and A process of clinking, seeing at the same time, whether or not the deposit is guaranteed. And any other necessary


Specificity. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, a standard operating regulation is adopted and the minimum content of this regulation is set. Youth hostels for young people are allowed on -

In the case of students, students, students, teachers, teachers, lecturers and researchers, the hospitality and residence of students. Youth hostels for young people may be affected by educational and public educational institutions in all grades. E. Owners of existing hotels or mouthpieces;

The Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament 4030/2011 (1 249). For the application of this case, the timelimits referred to in Article 43 of the Law. 4030/2011 extended until 31.12.2018. F; The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 2 (7)

N. Regulation (EEC) No 2160/92 is not applicable to hostels for young people.

Article 8 Ministry of Electronic Services

Tourism and E.O.T.

1. By decision of the Minister of Tourism may: (a) remove the obligation to submit a paper; and

To establish the possibility of electronic submission of the data and supporting documents provided for in the legislation adopted for the approval of category B projects in accordance with Article 1 of the Law. (b) The electronic subo procedure shall be determined by the competent authorities of the Member States in accordance with the procedure laid down in Regulation (EC) No 4014/2011, the approval of the authorities of the Member States and the granting of special tourist facilities and the provision of special tourist infrastructure.

(c) To determine the information system and the technical specifications of the electronic archives (s) and the technical specifications of the electronic archives.

(d) to define the information system and the information system for the information and communication services offered to the public and to the public;

(e) to lay down procedures and techniques for the adoption of the necessary administrative acts to the public authorities;

Deletions of the digitisation of the Archive of the Ministry of Tourism and the Department of Tourism; (f) To lay down the conditions for access and disposal

Information systems, electronic services and information referred to in this Article. G) To specify any other matter relating to

The electronic service of stakeholders and engineers with a view to ensuring that it is transparent and accountable.

2. Following the publication of the Order 1: a) All types of communication, transaction or submission

Data between public authorities and citizens for the submission, approval, update, revision, revocation and cancellation of approval of project suitability for the project

(b) The handling of the extradition procedures, informed by the competent authorities of the Member States, may be carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 3 (2).

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Credits, Revision, Revision, Revocation, Revocation and Cancellation of the eligibility of projects of category B, studies and administration may be carried out by the-verbal and technical instruments offering clarity and transparency to each citizen. Every approved stage and intermediate step, decision or stage shall be published without delay on the Internet.

3. The necessary common cartographic backgrounds and other types of geospatial data required to ensure the homogeneity and quality of the data and supporting documents shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 3 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 4030/2011 and shall be provided via the services provided by the provisions in force.


Article 9 Functional regularisation of tourism

1. The par. Article 166 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (' 82).

' 7.a. In the current and in-service operations, at the date of publication of the present tourist information, a licence is granted on condition that the management body of the Member State will submit an application until 30 April 2014 accompanied by the Legal basis for a transfer of rights granted by the representative of the public authority or the ministerial decision granting a concession, an EC Approval of Environmental Conditions in force or a certificate of submission for approval or renewal The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European 10.1 of Article 160 (b), (d) and (e). Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012, FEK, or, for the purposes of the pre-n. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 2160/93, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 21601993, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 2160/1993; For tourists who are used by the Board of Trustees of the Public Assault (HR) under Article 2 of the Law. 3986/2011, the application of this paragraph may also be submitted by T.A.I.P.A., and the relevant management body shall be obliged to give it any assistance, except for tourism, of which the managing body is the Ministry of Agriculture. -Tourist. The administrative body concerned shall, in each case, bear the consequences of the application of the application. At thirty (30) working days from

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European If, instead of a Decision of an Approval of the Regions in force, a certificate of approval is submitted for the approval or renewal of the environmental conditions, the applicant shall be required within one (1) year following the granting of the authorisation.


To take part in the Department of the Department of Tourism, Decision of the Environmental Environmental Approval Authority (A. P. O.). If this is not the case, the authorisation shall be withdrawn unless it is concluded that the non-timely performance of the SNP is due to the fault of your service. As soon as the authorisation is granted

The Directorate-General for the Protection of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3843/2010 and Article 24 of n. Regulation (EC) No 4014/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2011 amending Regulation (EEC) No 4014/2011 on the establishment of the tourist industry in the form of a concession for the establishment of a concession contract with a corresponding modification of the concession or the concession contract. A ministerial decision granting a concession, specifying in addition the terms and conditions of payment. The adjustment of the conventional exchange may be performed retrospectively and up to five (5) years, resulting from the evidence of the dossier that the increase of the approved seagoing or land-based zone has been carried out in Prior to the date of submission of the application in the first paragraph of that paragraph. In the case of non-compliance with the terms of the amended concession for the preceding subparagraph, the concession may be denounced or the sub-decision granting a concession to be withdrawn and its authorisation. The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Relations and the Committee of the European

2. Article 166 of the Law In addition, 4070/2012 is added as follows:

' 10. Applications for the siting of tourism products which have been submitted before the entry into force of the application. Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 shall be governed by the rules of procedure of the ne. 2160/1993. '

Article 10 Spatial planning of tourism

1. The par. Article 31 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as amended by Article 160 of the EEC Treaty. Regulation (EC) No 4070/2012 should be amended as follows:

' 1.a. Marina may be created at the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism or any natural person or legal person who is public or private. The natural or legal person must be a carrion, hoarder or superseer of the coastal zone, whose presence is interested in the location and manufacture of arina. B. For the purpose of the siting of arins, the following provisions apply:

Articles of this Article and Article 29. Specially, the siting of arins, which fall within ancient-logical spaces, historic sites or traditional houses, or within the areas referred to in Article 19 of the Law. 1650/1986, as applicable, or located within the coastal zone of Attica, which is regulated by the provisions

From 1/3.5.2004 of the Presidential decree 'Establishing a protection zone, land use and terms and conditions of sale in the coastal zone of Attica a-from the Falitiko Ores to Agia Marina Kipias' (Δ΄ 254), or have a land area that exceeds 20,000 volumes are done in two stages, according to the orchs in the following cases of this para graph. During the first stage, the general plan becomes

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Health. With the above presidential decree: aa. Defined on a map of 1:500 or 1:1000

An exact extent of the land and sea of the molten zone. B. The permitted land uses are defined.

The area, on the land area of the tourist ley. Among these uses may include sports facilities, office/bank/buildings/buildings, tourist facilities, business premises, service shops, restaurants/cafes/entertainment venues, Maximum-chronic level, joint/cultural buildings, green spaces, buildings/accommodation and storage facilities, fuel stations, and facilities for non-commercial transport. G. Specific conditions and restrictions are defined as follows:

(i) for the construction, extension, conversion, construction and installation of buildings and installations, and the area of the suspended fence. The rate of use may not exceed 0,2 in the whole area of the belt. Ss. The general environmental conditions for the

The establishment of the arina, following a Strategic Environmental Impact Study, drawn up in accordance with Article 6 and published in accordance with Article 7 of the Joint Decision No 107017/2006 of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs, the Environment And the Deputy Minister of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation (B' 1225). Other: For the adoption of the above Presidential decree -

The person concerned shall submit to the competent services of the Ministry of Tourism a topographical plan: 1:500 or 1:1000, to which the data of the sub-cases, (bb), (b) and (g) of the preceding indent shall be printed; As a self-contained part of the SICM, in which the main orientated options of the planned project are documented and documented, in particular with regard to the proposed land use and terms and conditions of use, in conjunction with and with the (i) the nature of the terms and conditions of the neighbouring regions, the existing transport infrastructure and the Other services, as well as the basic spatial features of the wider area, at least at the level of the residential section. In the same report, the compatibility of the proposed project with data for the specific spatial planning framework is also being established.


(i) the development of a regional or local scale with a view to the wider development of national, regional or local scale. The above presidential decree may modify any applicable general and specific trigger arrangements applicable to the area of arina, in particular as regards the boundaries of the land area, as well as the permitted areas within it; and In the light of the special and complex nature of the marina, this is necessary in view of the specific and complex nature of the report, and the general spatial function of the wider region is not overthrown. If within the land area of the area or within that boundary there are no demarcated waters, the above presidential decree is also defined as the temporary delimiters of the above-domes, as well as the minimum distances for the Erection of buildings and installations, which may not be less than 20 metres from the provisional demarcation. For the determination of the former delimiters, the interested, in addition to the non-determinants defined in the preceding subparagraphs of this case, shall also submit a detailed report, together with hydrological, hydrological, and Environmental data on the basis of which the temporary delimiters of the waterfalls are extended, and shall furthermore capture the relevant delimitation in the topographical plan of the first subparagraph of this case. E. The procedure for the previous cases has been

In the case of any revision or a substantial modification of the general design of the contraa, it shall be used in accordance with the provisions of Articles 30 (1) (b) and (b) of the Regulation. 5 and 41 of this law. With joint decisions by the Ministers for Tourism and the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, and following an opinion from the Committee on Tourism, the Ministers for Education and the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Regions Clinical trials. In the case of the preceding subparagraph, the purpose of the amendment shall be subject to a strategic environmental assessment procedure, if assessed, in accordance with Joint Decision No 107017/2006 of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs, The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection (B2-1225), are likely to have significant effects on the environment. F; The adoption of the presidential decree -

The second stage of the location in which they are adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers of Tourism and the Environment, Energy and Climate Al-Rabis, the proposed measures for the creation of the market, the required accessions, and Excavation works for the opening of inland zones, and/or the design of protective islets, the necessary infrastructure, installations and buildings on the land area and environmental conditions for the construction, conversion, Manufacture, adding or trimming of the arina, as well as the operation of the marina, after Compliance with the procedure laid down in the

Article 3 (2) and (3) of the Law 4014/2011, except in the case of sub-cases and zze. For the adoption of the above decision, a prior opinion of the Tourist Board shall be required, after submission to the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Tourism of the supporting documents set out in paragraph 2. Paragraphs 3 to 5 ';

2. The last subparagraph of paragraph 2 (c) of Article 31 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as last amended by Article 160 of the EEC Treaty. 4070/2012, replacing it as follows:

'Buildings are rising up to the end of the line'. 3. The case (d) of par. Article 31 (2)

N. Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as replaced by Article 160 of the EC Treaty. 4070/2012, replaced by the following:

" (d) Factor of Environmental Impact Assessment with accompanying documents and documentation (in duplicate). '

4. The par. Article 31 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as amended by Article 160 of the EEC Treaty. Regulation (EC) No 4070/2012 should be amended as follows:

' 3. For the purpose of authorising the siting and environmental conditions of the marins, other than those laid down in paragraph 1 of paragraph 1, the following procedure shall be followed:

It shall have the completeness of the supporting documents submitted and transmit the Environmental Impact Study dossier (to a single copy) to the competent authority of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, regardless of its Concentration of the arina in subcategory A1 or A2 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 4014/2011, in order to further follow the procedure provided for in Article 3 (2) (b) and (3). 4014/2011, except in the case of sub-cases and zze. It shall also forward a complete set of supporting documents to the Court of Justice in order to give its opinion within thirty (30) days of receipt of the relevant dossier on the formation of the new marina. In the event of a reply from the person concerned within the above deadline, an agreement on the introduction of the new arina shall be agreed. '

5. The par. Question No 4, Art. 31 Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as amended by Article 160 of the EEC Treaty. Regulation (EC) No 4070/2012 should be amended as follows:

' 4. Within four (4) months following the submission of the application with all the supporting documents referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article, the Tourist Board shall decide on the marksmanship of the arina and opinions on it. A request for treatment within a deadline of twenty (20) days from notification to the applicant shall be made against the Commission's opinion. For the approval of the siting or modification

Of the permitted land use, conditions and restrictions of entry, required accessions or excavation works for the opening of indoor-basins, channels and/or the design of protective islets, the necessary infrastructure works, The Committee of the Environment, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European People 's


The manufacture, addition or modification and operation of the marina is issued, with a view to the Ministry of Tourism responsible for Tourism, a joint decision by the Ministers for Tourism and the Environment, Energy and the Committee of the Regions following an opinion delivered by the Commission Tourist of the Lions. This decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. '

6 a. In par. Article 31 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as replaced by Article 160 of the EC Treaty. A new subparagraph shall be added as follows:

' This period shall be extended for as long as it is not possible to provide the required documents without the responsibility of the management body of the marina. ' Other: The third subparagraph of Article 31 (9)

Of n. Whereas, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, it shall be replaced by:

A decision on the siting of this Article may be withdrawn by decision of the Minister of Tourism following an opinion of the Tourist Li Committee. '

7. In par. Article 31 of the EEC Treaty No 2160/1993 are hereby added as follows:

' For the purpose of pre-authorisation and authorisation for the establishment of health centres of Article 80 of the n. For the purposes of Article 12 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 3463/2006, and for the issuing of any licences for travel within a tourist area (including tourist resorts and anchoring services), the Office referred to in Article 12 of the Regulation shall be responsible for the issuing of licences. 4002/2011, as it stands. The provisions of Articles 151, 152, 153 and 154 of the Law shall apply for the purpose of granting pre-approval and authorisation. 4070/2012, as applicable. The procedure laid down in Article 12 (2) shall apply to the granting of an authorization. 3 on the case of a sub-case (c) and (c) of the case. For the purposes of Regulation (EC) No 4002/2011, as the case may be, it shall be added to the law. In lieu of an agreement, a statement of the mechanism shall be made in order to ensure compliance with the conditions and restrictions applicable to tourists. '

8. Article 31 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as replaced by Article 160 of the EC Treaty. A new paragraph 10.4 is added as follows:

' 10.4. In the case of the interior of the interior, canals, channels and/or the formation of protective devices for the creation of tourist buses, including tourist and tourist resorts, hooks and hotels, the above-mentioned For their own right at the Greek public. The project as a result of the excavation is recorded as a public building, including in the area of tourism, and can be used for its general needs and to be allotted without form to its management body. As a result of a decision by the Minister for Tourism or with a concession for a period of time, it will not extend beyond the time limit for the tourism season. With the completion of the works of the marina, the management body must refer to the redeeming of the eel in accordance with the provisions laid down in the text, in which the continuity of the suspension must be secured either by means of a bridge or another. Technical project, or each

Another appropriate way. ' 9. A. .. In par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC)

The words'For the adoption of the Ministerial Decree-Concession of a concession in addition to as a' to the supporting documents required and the adoption of a 'environmental condition' and replaced by ' No environmental authority ' The future authorisation of tourist shelters and anchoring zones is the Ministry of Environment for Energy and Climate Change. ' Other: In par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty Decision No 2160/1993

Article 31 (3) shall be replaced by a reference to Article 31 (3) and (4). '; Other: In par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty Decision No 2160/1993

To the par. Question No 4, Art. 31 Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993 is replaced by the reference to paragraph 1. Point 6 of Article 31 of the Law NO 2160/1993. Other: In par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty Decision No 2160/1993

To the par. Article 31 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993 is replaced by the reference to paragraph 1. Question No 4, Art. 31 No 2160/1993 and the reference to par. Question No 4, Art. 31 Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993 shall be replaced by the following: Point 6 of Article 31 of the Law NO 2160/1993. Hey, (Parliament adopted the resolution) Point 7 of Article 34

N. The phrase 'with the decision-making of the Minister for Development published in the Government of the Government of the Government' and the second paragraph is deleted 'in the section and in the relevant OTHA'. Shall be replaced by the words'in the relevant Chamber'. In par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty Decision No 2160/1993

In paragraphs 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10 of Article 31 shall be replaced by reference to paragraphs 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Article 31.

Article 11 Settlement of tourism issues

1. The case (a) of par. Article 30 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2160/93, as amended by Article 158 (2) of the Treaty. 3 of n. 4070/2012, replaced by the following:

' (a) The number of recreational craft or shelters of pleasure or shelters, at a distance of less than five (5) nautical miles, operates a spaceport and an authorised tourist vessel. A ban on vessels for which the tourist management operator of the tourist industry certifies the lack of a single currency. '

2. A joint decision of the Ministers for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Tourism, which is adopted following an opinion of the Athens Tourism Organisation, may be presented with due and non-substantial changes to the Its provisions from 1.3/5.3.2004 p.m. (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) of Regulation (EC) No 2533/98 of the European Parliament and of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, To identify outdoor facilities of tourism, sports and recreation, provided that the following conditions are cumulative, the addition of which is specifically documented in the relevant product;


(a) the limits and total, per band, general terms and limits are not altered; b) does not alter the basic printout, for which each zone or region is intended; and (c) not to be altered. Include or are not included in the area or areas covered by specific legal protection schemes based on forest or archaeological legislation.

3. The par. Article 31 (5) of the Law Decision No 2160/1993, as is the case, is replaced by the following:

' 5. Following the adoption of the authorisation, the managing body shall be required to notify prior notification of the accounts and other services provided by the Tourist Office in the Ministry of Tourism '.

4. For the purposes of the adoption of operational regulations and the prior notification of measuresand planned to specific maritime sports arrangements, the provisions of Article 31a of the Law shall apply mutatis mutandis. NO 2160/1993. This provision shall not apply in the case of naval-related installations operating within the area of the sea.

Article 12 Functioning of the statutes

Area of tourism and tourism

At the end of Article 46 of the Law Paragraph 3 (3) is added as follows:

' 3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to commercial shops located within the land area of tourists. By decision of the management body of the tourist and then a-notification to the Department of the Department of Tourism, the statutes of the preceding subparagraph may operate, with respect to staff, Sundays and (i) the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Economic and Social Committee.

Article 13 Sticks of snow centres

And mountaineering shelter

1 a. By a joint decision of the Ministers of Pervenants, Energy and Climate Change and Tourism, the existing ski resorts of the country are defined: a. Hel, Kalavryta, Regional Section A -

No, no, no. Menalon, Tripoli, Arcadia Regional Section, Briefing, Velvet, Karpenisi, Regional E -

Eurytania, d. Pelion, Regional Unity of Magnesia, eh. Pertoulium, Regional Section Trikala, f. Bern (Vitsi), Regional Section of Kastoria, g. Karakolou Metsovo, Epirus, Regional E -

Ioannina, or. Prophet Elias Metsovo, Epirus, Regional

Section Ioannina, i. Sunrise of Metsovo, Epirus, Regional Associate

Ioannina, i. Basilicas, Grevena Regional Units; and

Ioannina. K. Biggles Poisodium, Regional Section Floree -

-Oh, my God! Elatochori, Regional Section of Pieria, Selum, Regional Section The default. 3-5 Naoussa wells, Regional Section H -

-Oh, my God! Kumaktsalan (North), Regional Section

Pella, p. Lahlia, Regional Section of Serres, q. Falakru, Regional Planning Module, r. Parnassos, Parnassos, Regional Associations -

Viotia/Fokida/Fthiotida. Pangou, Regional Section of Kavala. Document Number, Regional Policy, Regional Policy

Cartwright section. For the demarcation of its ski centers

The preceding paragraph shall draw up topographical diagrams of the extent or areas on which the snow centres are extended, in a scale of 1:5000 and in the reference system CSTO ' 87. In the topographic graph of a scale of 1:5000, the high measuring stations, the existing installations and buildings, the access roads and the description (width and engraving) and the extent of the area or areas with full range are included in the topographical plan. Description (name of peaks, table of abbreviations) and subject to the relevant Service of the E.O.T.

2 a. In existing and in operation, at the date of publication of the laws of this law referred to in paragraph 1, which have not been authorised, the provisions laid down by the administrative provisions in force shall not apply. Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism until 31 December 2014, provided that the management bodies of the ski centres will submit to the competent authorities of the European Union, by 31 December 2013, by 31 December 2013. 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, T/11754/2003 Decision of the Secretary of State for Development "Conditions for issuing a special session in ski-setting companies" (B' 1536), as amended and in force with the DIAMM/1624/19.1.2011 Joint Decision of the Ministers Interior Decentralisation and Electronic Discrimination, Economic and Political and Tourism and Tourism " Weakness of the procedure for the award of a Special Sute Operation to snowmobiles. Inclusion of the process in the Uniform Centres, as well as an insurance policy covering all risk and civil protection against third parties and a certificate of submission for the approval or renewal of environmental conditions The competent authority. The supporting documents of the preceding subparagraphs may be further amended by a decision of the Minister of Tourism. At 60 (60) days of submission

Of the application, the competent authorities shall issue the authorisation to operate a ski centre. The applicant shall be required within 5 months of the authorisation to submit the ICM to the competent service of the Department of Environment, Energy and Class of Energy and to the Agency and to add to the competent authority on a case-by-case basis; or Of the Ministry of Tourism,


PO when approved. If this is not the case, it shall be revoked. The arrangements for this paragraph shall apply.

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Public Health Article 53 of the EC Treaty 4042/2011 (24).

3. At the end of par. Article 40 of the EC Treaty A new subparagraph shall be added as follows:

" By means of a joint decision of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Tourism Ministers, the technical and functional specifications, the relevant supporting documents and every detail for the administration of the Special Operating Unit are laid down. "Of the storm cellar."



Article 14 Transfer of the S.O.T. Special Service.

Article 12 of the Law 4002/2011 in the Ministry of Tourism

1. The Ministry of Tourism is appointed by the European Parliament as a set of services, responsibilities, positions and staff, the Special Promotion and Promotion Service of Article 12 of the Law on Tourism. Regulation (EU) No 4002/2011 comes under the Minister for Tourism.

2. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, which is published within two (2) months following the publication of the present law, the relevant issues relating to the transfer of the service referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are regulated. Until the adoption of the Subsection of the Decision, the responsibilities of the Special Promotion Agency and the Authorisation of Tourist Investments in the article continue to be exercised by the EET.

3. The verses second and third of par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty EUR 4002/2011, as replaced by the par. Article 148 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012, replaced by the following:

"There is a staff member of the Department of Tourism or the E.O.T. of the category of Architects or the Civil Engineering Department".

4. The second and third subparagraphs of paragraph 1 (a) of the paragraph Article 12 of the EC Treaty As the case may be, 4002/2011 is as follows:

" The office is headed by an employee of the Department of Architecture or the Civil Engineering Department of the Ministry of Tourism or the E.O.T.

5. In par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty For the purposes of this Regulation, the following indent shall be added as follows:

' c. For the purposes of applying the preceding cases, prior approval of an agreement between the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities shall be granted by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, which shall be issued by the Office of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. It shall be accompanied by the appropriate justifiable justification. The Office for Official Publications of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as 'the European Court of Justice') is hereby approved by the Court of Justice.

At the end of the year, the number of working days was reduced. In the Directorate-General for the Evaluation of the Agency, the Directorate-General for the Development and Revision of the Financial Regulation of the Tourist Board of the European Communities has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Operation of the Town Planning Office of the Special Service for Promotion and Authorisation of Tourist Investments. '

6. The first subparagraph of paragraph (b) (b). Article 12 of the Law The following shall be replaced by the following:

' b. It acts as a standstill service in all its stages, as well as for the necessary approvals and revisions of new and/or emerging master hotel accommodation (4) or five (5) star strength upper Of 300 beds, special tourist infrastructure facilities in tourist accommodation of the above categories or in complex tourist accommodation as well as of the complex tourist accommodation provided for in Article 8 of this Regulation.

7. The first, second and third paragraphs of point (b) of par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

" In the Special Promotion and Supply of Tourist Investment Service, twenty-eight (28) organisational positions of staff, which are covered by officials, permanent or indefinite periods, are recommended. In these positions, officials of the Publications Office may be placed or to be transferred with the corresponding abolition of their office of officials from the public, as well as by legal persons of public law including law and order. These positions may be broken down by secondment of staff from the departments of the Court of Justice, legal persons governed by public law in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants and Servants of the European Communities. The period of secondment shall be fixed in three years with the possibility of renewal for an equal period of time. ';

Article 15 Reconstruction of external offices, tourism-integrated and operational arrangements

External S.O.T. offices.

1. Article 23 of paragraph 343/2001 (1 231), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' Article 23 1. External Services operate at a level

Section of the External Trade Union Directorate .. These services constitute the Foreign Offices, which are structured as follows: (a) United Kingdom and Ireland Office;

(b) Office A, based in New York, New York and New York, London and Ireland. (b) New York office, based in New York.

(c) Germany's Office of Germany, with headquarters in Frankfurt, and the local authorities.

(a) the local authority area of the Federal Republic of Germany.


(d) Austrian office with headquarters in Vienna and the local area of Austria, Switzerland and Hungary. E) Italy's office with headquarters in Milan and the region;

(f) France's Office, located in Paris and the region of France.

(g) Russia's office with headquarters in Moscow and the region;

The Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. (except Baltic). (h) The Netherlands Office based in Amsterdam; and

(i) local authority in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg; (i) Nordic headquarters in Stockholm; and

Local government of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Baltic States. E) Serbia's headquarters in Belgrade and the region

(i) local authorities in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. K) Romania's headquarters in Bucharest and

Of the local authorities of Romania and Bulgaria. Turkey's office with headquarters in Istanbul

And local area of Turkey. (m) Israel office based in Tel Aviv and region

(n) Cyprus Office of Cyprus with headquarters in Nicosia and Area

(o) China's Office, based in Beijing and the local area;

(p) Poland, based in Warsaw and in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.

(q) Brazil Headquarters in Sao Paulo, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

(i) the territorial integrity of the countries of South America;

2. By a presidential decree, issued on a proposal by the Minister of Tourism, it may be recommended or repealed. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, it may be sent to the Office of the Offices or of the Annexes and to carry out their headquarters.

3. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, following a recommendation by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, a regulation on the external operation of the E.O.T. services, in particular their structure, responsibilities and tasks, shall be established. In the service of staff, their relationship with the Central Service of the TEC and any other matter of operation of these services. '

2 a. In a joint decision of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Finance, Administrative Reform and Electoral Governance and Tourism, it is possible to recommend positions of tourist integrations in the embassies or the general consulates or consulates in cities. Where there is no home office of an E.O.T. .. These posts may be seconded by officials of the Department of Tourism or the E.O.T., or to be recruited on-the-spot staff with a contract of employment for a certain period of time or to conclude contracts with a similar legal status in accordance with the law. Legislation of the place of employment. With the same decision, particular issues can be settled. For qualifications

Applicants shall apply Article 27 of paragraph 343/2001 for the qualification of candidates for the payment of positions in Foreign Services of the European Union. The tourist integrations are housed in the buildings of the local embassies, consulates or Greek missions abroad. Officials seconded by the Ministry of Tourism will receive medical attention as specified in Article 17 of the Law. 2685/1999 (1), as is the case. Officials seconded by the Publications Office shall receive a foreign card as specified in Article 5 of the Law. No 2160/1993, as it stands. A foreign influence shall be borne by the budget of the institution of origin of the officials. The contracts for the recruitment of on-the-spot staff

They shall be affected by the head of the embassy or consulates at the request of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors and the approval of the Minister of Tourism and after the approval of the Commission of the European Communities. This staff is supervised by the Directorate for External Service of the E.O.T., is not posed or placed in the Central Office of the E.O.T. .. The level of remuneration of the staff of this category is determined by a joint decision of the Economic and Social Committee, and their salaries will be borne by the budget of the European Medicines Agency. For the rest, the employment contracts of this staff are in accordance with the law of the place of employment, and this also applies in respect of the working and security arrangements of those workers, in the event of an on-the-spot inspection. In the case of nationals of the Member State in which they are nationals of the Member State in which they are nationals of the Member States of the European Union, they are nationals of the Member States of the European Union. Foreign persons, household and other additional remuneration or allowances shall not be paid in any event to the officials of this category other than the licence, Easter and Christmas holidays provided that they are provided for in The law governing the employment relationship of the staff of that article. A necessary condition for the conclusion of similar working or work contracts is the knowledge of the language of the place of employment or of English and the possession of a qualification or professional experience similar to the duties of the place or the subject matter. Of the contract.

3. The sub-indent 1 of paragraph A1 of the para. Article 18 (d) 343/2001 (1 231), as opposed to paragraph 18 (1 231), was replaced by par. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4049/2012 (1 35) is replaced by the following:

' 1. Class of IP and TE-irrespective of branch-grade 28 with a degree at least 1 '.

4. Article 25 of paragraph 343/2001 shall be replaced by the following:

' Article 25 The positions referred to in Article 18

Are allocated as follows:

A. .. Two categories of IP or TE in each of the United Kingdom and Ireland offices, USA, Germany, France, Russia, Scandinavia, the Netherlands and China.

Other: A category of IP or TE position in each of the other offices and annexes. '


5. Article 30 of paragraph 343/2001 is replaced by the following:

Article 30 Handling of temporary services

Needs in the E.O.T.

1. In the event of a vacancy before the expiry of the three-year period, the position shall be covered by the tables referred to in Article 28 (3) and for the time remaining until the three-year period. If this is not possible, it is permissible to fill this position: (a) posting a staff member of the Central Office

The Court of Justice of the European Communities or of the Ministry of Tourism, with a reasoned decision of the Secretary-General of the Court of Justice of the European Communities or of the Minister of State, without an opinion from the departments of the department, provided that the period until the fulfilment of the three-year period does not exceed the year. Or (b) the transfer of an official of the Central Office of the European Union, following a unanimous opinion of the official Council, provided that the period remaining until the fulfilment of the three-year period exceeds the year. In this case, the posting or transfer shall be made without a request from the staff member.

2. In the event that it is not possible to fill an empty organisational position of the Foreign Office of the European Union during the proceedings of the preceding Articles: (a) the transfer of a staff member of the Central Y, by decision of the General Court, At the request of the Board of Directors, and without a request from the official or (b) the posting of a staff member of the Central Office of the Ministry of Tourism with a decision of the Minister of Tourism, following an opinion delivered by the Secretary of State, Staff members and without a staff member's request. With the document communicated to the official, it is necessary for the transition to its new position, which may not be less than two (2) months.

3. For the treatment of temporary staff, the secondment of staff of the Central Bureau of the E.O.T. may be seconded to an External Service, even if there is no vacancy, with a reasoned decision of the General Secretariat of the European Court of Justice. Without an opinion from the official board. The duration of this period cannot exceed one (1) net.

4 a. By decision of the Secretary-General of the Court of Justice, without the opinion of the Board of Directors, the secondment of an official of the EET serving at the Office of Foreign Affairs, to another Foreign Office, or to reinstate it to the Central Office, shall be authorised. Addressing emergency services. B. A decision may be taken on the basis of a decision.

The Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. The duration of the parallel function may not exceed one of the tasks.

5. The transfer or secondment shall automatically cease when the time limit laid down in its decision is terminated.

The staff member at the end of the transfer or secondment shall be compulsorily returned to the Office without any other formality.

6. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of this Article, in the document communicated to the staff member, the secondment or transfer shall be submitted to the institution for the transition to its new position of time, which may not exceed two (2). -Months ".

6. Subcase b of par. (2) Article 27 (2) (d) 343/2001 shall be replaced by the following:

' (b) they shall not be removed from their duties in the services they serve for disciplinary action, service failure or the performance of their duties. This condition shall not apply if candidates have been acquitted or restored. '

7. Employees of the Hellenic Organization of Tourism (E.O.T.) who, during the publication of the n. No 4049/2012 were to be placed in the positions of heads of foreign offices of the E.O.T. remain in place until such positions were filled in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25-32 of paragraph 343/2001, as is the case. In exceptional cases where services require a withdrawal of the secondment prior to the application of the provisions of Articles 25-32 of paragraph 343/2001 as applicable, the withdrawal shall be made by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors.

8. In Article 29 (d) 343/2001, paragraph 7 shall be inserted as follows:

' 7. An official who has already served on one or more terms abroad and has returned to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the course of the proceedings referred to above, may, on the basis of a contract notice, participate in the judgments for re-transfer, or Secondment to the same or another E.O.T. office abroad."

Article 16 Suspension of operation of an external E.O.T.

If the operation of an external office of the E.O.T., the permanent staff or staff with private-law work of indefinite duration which is deodorised and serving in them is suspended, it shall return to the organic matter. The working conditions of an indefinite or indefinite period or contracts of work of the staff member shall be reported in accordance with the law applicable to them. By decision of the Board of Directors, the specific issues for the implementation of this regulation are regulated.


Article 17 Setting up of training and training matters

1. It is recommended that the Ministry of Tourism Department of Tourist Education is composed of: (a) School of Higher Schools (ETF) and School Xe -

(i) the general design of the Higher Tourist Plan (s);

Education and training of the Guided School.


• The introduction to modernise-up-to-date programmes of higher school studies and tour guides.

• The supervision of Higher Schools and the School of Schools with a view to the faithful implementation of their curricula.

• The supervision and coordination of procedures for the recruitment of temporary and administrative staff for the functioning of the Schools.

• The notice of admission of students to the Foreign Language Schools.

• The identity card version of the Foreign Language Professional.

• The keeping of the Guided Guides. • The organization of language extension examinations

Guided tour guide tour. • The implementation of monitoring programmes a -

In addition, the number of pupils or teachers for the acquisition of diplomas has been published.

• The management of each issue relating to the higher schools and the doctrines faculties is not assigned by the legislation in force in another organic unit.

• The financial programming, the programme, the recruitment of teachers, the raft, the implementation of the student traineeship programme-developed-audit-monitoring of human resources assessment - High Schools and School of Guides.

• The Handbook of Entry-Records-with-Records-Classifications in Higher Schools and Guided Guides.

• The proposals for setting up-abolition of all Guided Guides.

• Programming and monitoring of the implementation of rapid training programmes in the field of competence of the guide. (b) Professional schools (EPC) and Inti -

(ii) vocational training (IEK) which is responsible for:

• The General Training Plan at the level of ESDP and I.E.C. ..

• The recommendation for the establishment-abrogation-the suspension of the operation of the RDP-IEK specialties.

• The introduction for modernising-up-to-date programme of courses of study-IEK.

• The programme of recruitment of Training staff to ESDP-IEK.

• The recommendation for a notice of import of E-PAP students and of measures to ensure the impartiality and transparency of the EDP-denominated introduction system.

• The introduction of the following entries for entries, with-to-IEK listings.

• The design-implementation of a traineeship programme for student students and the monitoring of human resources evaluation-IEK.

• The monitoring of the implementation of an IPPC educational programme (teaching curriculum, absences, scores, etc.). (c) Training and Interconnection for the Purchase of R & D

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and the Environment, Public Health and Public Health

The European Parliament and the Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

• The planning and implementation of a Lifelong Learning Programme at the public and private sectors of tourism.

• The preparation of proposals from the Ministry of Tourism at the Ministry of Education and the award of grants to their representatives for further studies in the field of education and training.

• In cooperation with the National Centre for Public Administration, the Ministry of Public Administration and the Ministry of Public Administration, in collaboration with the National Centre for Public Administration.

• To record the needs of the labour market with the aim of informing graduates of all the training courses for job vacancies.

• To monitor the professional course of graduates of the tourist education departments and to inform them of programmes to comply with the Ministry and other public and private bodies.

2. In the Directorate and the Sections of the Management Board, the Governing Council of the Economic and Social Committee shall be selected as the heads of the Administrative Board of the Economic and Social Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Employees and Employees. (Doc. N. 3528/2007) as applicable.

3. The Directorate for Tourist Education falls within the competence of the Directorate-General for Tourism Policy and Organisation, and provides all possible support for the implementation of the competencies of the Governing Council of Quality Assurance. Tourist Education, as described in par. Amendment No 8 to Article 4 of the Law 4109/2013 (PARAGRAPH 16). The validity of points 6209/ 29.3.2013 and 9212 /

25.4.2013 Decisions of the Minister of Tourism take place from the date of their adoption.

Article 18 Watchtower

1. It is recommended in the Ministry of Tourism Observatory (hereinafter referred to as Observatory). The aim of the Pyrorro is to take advantage of the data and findings of the Tourism Account, the tourism market and the presentation of tourism, with a view to supporting documentation on good practice. Its function and the proposal to the number of developmental measures in the field of tourism aimed at highlighting all the relevant sections of the domestic tourism product.

2. The Watchtower is formed by a decision of the Department of Tourism and consists of the Director-General of Tourism Policy and Organisation of the Department of Tourism, the Director-General for Investment and Development of the Ministry of Tourism, two A representative of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT), a representative designated by the Hellenic Tourist Board of Greece, a representative designated by the Hellenic Tourist Business Association (EL.STAT), a representative appointed by the Hellenic Tourism Organisation (EL.STAT), a representative appointed by the Hellenic Tourist Board. Two individual holders of at least a Master's degree


Studies on a cognitive subject related to the activities of the tourism observatory. The same decision shall be laid down by the President of the Court of Justice and his deputy.

3. The Watchtower is supported administratively by the Directorate-General for Tourism Policy and Organisation, in which a specialised university training course can be detached from the public and legal persons governed by public law. The decision of the Minister for Tourism and the case-by-case of the Minister without the consent of the relevant services. For the rest, the provisions of the v. Regulation (EC) No 3528/2007 'Code of conduct of civil servants and servants of civil servants'. (1 26) as is the case.

4. The Watchtower has access to any element necessary to achieve its objectives. Public authorities and agencies are obliged to ensure that their access to files and data is unimpaired and to provide all necessary information and data with any legal reservation regarding the protection of personal data. By law 2472/1997 and 3471/2006 as applicable.

Article 19 Setting-up of orders

Committees on issues of tourism

The par. Point 13 of Article 1 of n. 3270/2004 is replaced by the following:

' 13. (a) By decision of the Minister of Tourism, a Permanent Coordinating Committee for Tourism and the General Secretariat for Tourism and the General Secretariat of Tourist Affairs and Staff of the Ministry of Tourism and a General Secretariat Sector from each Ministry. The committee is prepared by the Minister of Tourism. The purpose of the Committee is to: (a) the drawing up of proposals on certain aspects of the definition in cooperation with the competent authorities of the Member States, the ODA, the UN and other bodies; (b) the submission of proposals to the relevant ministers; The aim is to coordinate actions and harmonisation of policies affecting tourism. Joint decisions by the Minister for Tourism and the case-law of the Ministers responsible for the examination of the matters and the preparation of these proposals are hereby adopted. (b) By means of a joint decision of the Ministers of Tourism, I shall be informed of the decisions of the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice.

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions The committee is appointed as coordinator of the Regional Section of the Regional Section, the Regional Section Managers and Regional Public Service Managers and a representative from the local tourist agencies and one representative of the local and regional authorities. A representative from the local, commercial and industrial company. The committee takes a one-off course on a daily basis.

A provision, for purposes of tourism, as well as for monitoring and control of the subject areas, and proposes appropriate measures to control the distribution, cleanliness, creditworthiness and decent occurrence of all the places in the country which have The European Union and its Member States will be able to join the Union. In particular, technical matters shall be governed by the Joint Ministerial Decision referred to in the first subparagraph of this Article. The coordinator, depending on the issues on the agenda, may invite the directors or other bodies of public services and other actors in the region to be invited to the conferences; c) By common decision of the Minister Internal Affairs and

The Minister of Tourism advises the Minister of Tourism, the Minister of Tourism as President and as members of two representatives of the Ministry of Tourism, a representative of the Central Union of Municipalities and a representative of the Union of Peri. The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. The Commission's work is to highlight and examine the problems which negatively affect tourism, at local and regional level, the labelling of the causes and the proposed way of their integration. The Committee shall be convened by its President when it considers this necessary. In the Commission, the Minister of Tourism can, by means of the Central Bank and the Board of Directors, also call on the authorities and regional authorities, or representatives of specific areas, to cooperate on matters relating to their competence. (d) The data (d) and (e) shall be repealed. '

Article 20 Medical and economic tourism

1. The special terms and conditions, as well as all kinds of questions relating to the activity of medical tourism, will be regulated by a joint decision of the Ministers for Health and Tourism.

2. Article 8 of the Law The following paragraph is added 3498/2006:

' 4. If the reasons for the removal of the recognition of a natural resource are discontinued, a new application for such recognition shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 4. '

3. The par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty No 3498/2006 is replaced by:

' 3. The Committee for the Protection of Natural Resources is subject to the Ministry of Tourism and is supported in its work by a permanent secretariat and staff at the Tourism Policy Directorate of Tourism.

4. Article 13 of the Law See paragraph 4 of 3498/2006 as follows:

' 4. Entities taking over the distribution of a single currency against an economic exchange shall be eliminated by:


(a) the construction of the necessary technical works for the extraction or maintenance or improvement of the performance and maintenance of the quality of natural natural resources or their protection;

(c) the establishment of a cash-distribution fund;

Natural resource. 5. At the end of the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 of the

Article 39 of the Law 4049/2012 (A'35), the following is added as follows:

' Within a period of four (4) years from the date of publication of the regulatory act referred to in Article 16 of. As the case may be, the above mentioned Group of Local Authorities or their development activities, submit for approval to the E.O.T. financial engineering study of an investment project of the individual natural resource, described below. In detail the investment programme, details of the tourist activity of the region are given and the prospects for sustainability of the investment are listed. The economic study is approved by a decision of the Minister of Tourism, following a recommendation from the Directorate for Regional Services (Department of Legal Sources). Recovery projects shall be completed within a period of five (5) years from the adoption of the above mentioned decision. In the event of the presence of the above mentioned intentions, the administrative acts of a concession or straightening shall be found to be self-righteous. The Directorate for Coordination of Regional Services (Sources of Legal Sources) of the E.O.T. issues an act of self-determination for the self-determination of the concession acts and the holders of the premises and their premises. '

6. Existing in the publication of n. 3498/2006 hydrotherapy establishments continue to operate with the relevant attestations issued by the E.O.T. until the expiry of the time-limits laid down in paragraph 1. Article 39 of the EC Treaty 4049/2012, which extend until 31 December 2014. In the case of undertakings which have not provided the justifications provided for in paragraph 1, paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following: Article 39 of the EC Treaty 4049/2012, a deadline of eight (8) months from the date of publication of the present deadline is hereby definitively sealed and the use of the source is subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice.

7. In n. The following Article 8a is added:

' The management bodies of recognised natural resources shall be obliged every 10 years to submit an update to the competent authority of the E.O.T., the following supporting documents: hydrogeological studies, radiological exposure, microbiological, physical, chemical, etc. The Committee of the Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. If the new evidence shows that the necessary conditions are not met, the procedure for recognising the recognition of a specific natural resource in Article 8 shall be applied. '


Article 21 Hellenic Chamber of Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

1. A CEMH service and a Stasis Service is recommended at the Greek Hotel in Greece (X.E.U.). By joint decision of the Ministers for Development and Competitiveness and Tourism, the terms and conditions of operation are defined, the connection with the Central Office of the FEMH and the Secretary of State, as well as any other necessary details.

2. By decision of the Board of Directors of the European Union, members of the company or of natural persons who are active in the field of tourism may become members. By decision of the Board of Directors of the European Union, the conditions and conditions, as well as the level of the members' contribution, are regulated in particular.

Article 22 Available funds

The provisions of paragraph 1. Article 4 of Article 4 of the Law 1100/1980 (1 295), as applied, are also applicable to the management of the cash reserves of the Hellenic Hotel in Greece.

Article 23 Settling of real estate for tourist purposes

In the last subparagraph of Article 6 (17) of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2160/93, as amended by Article 39 (3) of the Treaty, 3105/2003, the words'as well as the bodies set up or set up by the persons referred to above' shall be added and a new subparagraph shall be added as follows:

"The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to the payment of immovable property of the Local Government Organizations (OTC)".

Article 24 Special arrangements for land and plots

Tourist accommodation

1. Article 39 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3734/2009 (8) is replaced by the following:

' 1. It is permissible to grant a Single Special Sute Functional Facility between main or non-essential hotel accommodation, without which it is necessary to have received a Special Operating Sor, without any prior information. With the following conditions: The main hotel accommodations are the main hotels,

Existing or erected, to be of the same origin and ranking in stars, and the main hotel accommodation, existing or re-classified, be of the same form and classification as keys. The courts on which they are erect or have a -



In this context, it is necessary to take account of the fact that there is a need for a better understanding of the needs of the tourist industry. In the case of a physical or artificial one, the possibility of bridging the issue, or of the act or integration of the veterinarian, by a technical project should be ensured and a certificate of the competent authority responsible for construction approval must be established. Of the project concerned, where it is carried out by the owner. C. Tourist accommodation shall be either owned or owned by owners;

Do not use the same natural or legal person as a person. D. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

(b) in accordance with the legislation of the Member State concerned. During their operation they will not be performed

No modification (augmentation or reduction) of the occurrence or coverage of each of the associated tourist accommodation.

2. The mandatory common areas and facilities, including entry, reception and catering premises, may be located or constructed only in one occupation subject to the condition that the whole of the area is covered. The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a Council Directive on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the coordination of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States.

3. The existing tourist accommodation is not allowed to increase the total number of clinics of the associated tourist accommodation.

4. In the event of a future independence of a tourist accommodation, its self-catering accommodation should fully cover the current technical and functional specifications and request it The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of Article 3 (2) of the Treaty.

2. Allowed to land or stadiums, which are located up to 200 metres from an existing or erected main or main hotel occupation, the manufacture of bonded dexamees, alpha-children, theatres, thematic restaurants, par, A snack bar, assembly of delocker rooms and warehouses and general supporting facilities for the purpose of the tourist accommodation and their functional integration with the tourist occupation under the condition that the safe and safe Free movement of personnel, visitors and people, between the occupant and the Installations;

3. Access to tourist accommodation shall be made by recognised as a shared or private action or by way of a period of work which has either been agreed upon by an act and has been or has been recognised by a judicial decision; With a minimum width in accordance with paragraph I. 3a of the Second Chapter of the Annex to Section 43/2002 (1 43), as applicable.

4. Land or plots, which belong to the same particular-octane, or have been paid with long-term care by the agent and are cut from a rural or municipal area or by -

However, in the case of the main hotel, where the main hotel accommodation or land is to be erected, such land or land is an integral part of the building and is considered to be a single market and is applied in the same way. Area, for tourist facilities, conditions of sale, for the contract of this area, and all required authorizations and foreseeable circumstances are issued by the competent services for the whole of this area; By placing in each section of the vessel or land the part of the rate of vibration to be considered.

Article 25 Determination of trade for the use of egial

The exchange referred to in Article 13 (4) of Article 13 (4). Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2971/2001 (1 285) on the granting of a simple use of wind and coastal areas other than tourism (postal services) in the Member States of the Member States, which is paid into the European Union, is calculated for the year 2013 by multiples; A quarter (1/ 4) of the mean single two-bed room after bath, without other inducements, such as this is stated in the EUA for a hotel business on the number of beds. Any completed contracts shall be adjusted as from the entry into force of this Regulation in accordance with the provisions of the preceding subparagraph.

Article 26 Amendment of Article 54 of the Law 3498/2006

The second subparagraph of Article 54 of the Law No 3498/2006 (1 230) is replaced by the following:

' By joint decisions of the Minister of Tourism and by the case of a case-by-case Minister, the specifications, conditions and conditions of operation are laid down, the necessary supporting documents and financial charges for their lawful operation, Administrative penalties for infringement of the above conditions and conditions and any other necessary details for the establishment and operation of such undertakings. ';

Article 27 Amendments to the authorisation documents

Tourist accommodation

1. Article 150 of n. As amended, Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012, as applicable, shall be used as follows: The second subparagraph of paragraph 2 (e). 1

Article 150 of the EC Treaty As the case may be, 4070/2012, as follows:

' In cases where there is no connection to a computer network, the certificate of good functioning of the system shall be issued by the Directorate-General responsible for Regional Unification, in accordance with the provisions laid down. ' Other: In par. Article 150 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012, as

In addition, cases are added and the following cases are added:

' or. Evidence of trespass testimony, as follows:


The above ilks are awarded in favor of Elliniko Dimosi in any tax office in ECE 3741. I. Environmental Terms Approval Decision

(A. P. O.) for category A or Standard Periods-Voluntary Network Operations (PPC) where applicable, for new category B projects in accordance with Annex VI of the No. Council Regulation (EC) No 1958/2012 (B 21) decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change. In the case of existing categories B, no P. D is required." Other: The case of the par. Article 150 (2)

N. No 4070/2012, as applicable, is repealed. 2. The last paragraph of Article 2 (2)

Article 152 of the 4070/2012, as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

" Any change to the natural or legal person involved in the tourist occupation is consistent with the adoption of a new Special Operating Sor.

The submission of the supporting documents referred to in points (a) and (b) and (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 of the above Article 150, as well as evidence of a deposit equivalent to 20 % of the po - In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of that Article. In the case of the right-wing parties, the person concerned shall submit to the competent authority of the Internal Market every eight years, a declaration of Article 8 of the Law. 1599/1986, as the case may be, that there has not been a change in the data, which he added for the clearance of the right-wing Chamber, as well as an attestation of the relevant dual-machine part of the TEE or the DMV. In accordance with his professional rights, that the judicial system does not comply with the requirements of Article 2 (1). 3766/2009, as applicable. '

Article 28 Setting-up of special tourist products

Public service bus service

Article 6 of the Law As follows, paragraphs 4 and 5 are added as follows:

' 4. For the purposes of the grant of the approval of the approval of the replacement of a special tourist bus for public use in the application of the provisions of this Article, the application of the provisions of this Article shall be submitted to the F.O.T. The documents required by the case in case of contracts, and the supporting documents provided for in paragraph 1. 14340/3.11.2011 Decision of the Minister for Culture and Tourism 'Procedure for the approval of special tourist bus services' (B΄ 2537).

5. Tourist Enterprises of Road Transport, which have put into circulation particularly tourist buses or before the entry into force of the number. Council Regulation (EEC) No 14340/3.11.2011 of the Minister for Culture and Tourism 'The procedure for authorising the placing on the market of special tourist bus services' (B2537) or in application of this Article, shall be required to deposit a guarantee letter, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. As referred to in paragraphs 1d and 2 of the Decision referred to in paragraphs 1 (d) and (2) of the TEC concerned within a period of four (4) months from the publication of this law. '

Article 29 Touring of tourist buses

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law The following shall be substituted for the following: 711/1977 (2)

' The transport project carried out, by way of exclusivity, by the specific tourist buses of public use, consists of carrying out occasional services and secretarial services to be used for the purpose of joining the group of persons. And baggage, prohibited by any means of transport, as follows: ';

Article 30 Modification of provisions of n. 4093/2012

1. The provision in case 1 of paragraph H. 2 of paragraph H of Article 1. 4093/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 1. Tourist offices and car rental agencies, as defined in paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 2 of the Law, are hereby authorised. In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993 ('118), and to companies and companiesof Passenger Car Rates, which have been agreed in accordance with Article 6 of the Law. 3109/2003 (' 38) and Article 87 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012 (A' 82), the total allocation by way of a pre-state guide with a corresponding contract with a maximum of 12 (12) hours, Private Use of Automobiles prohibited by transport of passengers with a vehicle equivalent to cars. In the case of transport modes, all kinds of wheeled passenger cars-mini-bus to 9 seats are included. '

2. The second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of the Subpara -

Graph H. 2 of the first article of n. 4093/2012 (1 222), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' (b) They shall fall within the category of EURO 5 or V or later. '

Article 31 Properties of the Hellenic Olympic Committee

The premises of the Greek Ollie Commission in Ancient Ollie, which had been built without an eco-licence, were considered to be in the publication of this law as an existing law. The legality of these establishments is determined by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice, which is issued following a recommendation by the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat. For the rest, the provisions of subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) of the Treaty are applicable. Article 5 of the Law EC 10-1992, POINT 1.5.3.

Article 32 Setting up of special taxes

And excise duties on the n. 342/2005

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 7 of the Law 3342/2005 is replaced by the following:

" In the gross income of enterprises referred to in Article 1 of the Law. 339/1976 (A-136), as is the case, operating in the Total Assets are required in the v. 339/1976, end of 0,5 % in favour of the relevant O-TA in the administrative boundaries of each establishment. '

Article 33 Provisional installations in properties

N. 342/2005

The par. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law of n. As applicable, 3342/2005 is replaced by the following:

' 4. In the surrounding area of the installations of the total units referred to in Article 9, the construction or installation of temporary and planned installations and installations for the service of temporary, temporary and short-term events, Such as outdoor markets, holiday festivals, exhibitions and concerts lasting up to four months. For the construction or installation of the construction and installations referred to in the preceding subparagraph, a decision of the Minister of Energy, Energy and the Climate Change shall be adopted at the request of the managing body. Installation, with which the covered surface is approved and the demarcation of pre-preserved and solved structures and installations, as well as the required works, by way of derogation from any existing provision. The above decision also specifies the safety and safety requirements to be met by construction and conditions, as well as their shelf-life. For the adoption of the above decision, the managing body of the installation shall submit to the Directorate for Economic and Financial Regulations of the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, a technical report in which Describe the


(i) any work, a topographical plan or a draft general provision, a statement of entrustment and the taking of the study and a statement of responsibility for the composition of the operations and of the installations by a responsible engineer. The temporary or mobile washing machines and facilities shall be dismantled within ten (10) days from the end of the event without prior authorisation or approval of a public authority. The construction or installation in the environments

The premises of the establishments of the Total Article 9 of temporary and unprocessed products and installations for servicing over a period of more than four months shall be approved by a joint decision of the Ministers; Economic and Social Committee opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EC) No 32451999 amending Regulation (EC) No 32451999 amending Regulation (EC) No 32451999 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of

Article 34 Marina Zea

1. The land, sea and the general lyrical, adjoining or other facilities and works within the areas of Tourist Li a Zea, as illustrated by position and layout in the topographic graph (no. Project: 744, scale 1:1,000), which was considered by the Department of Property of the Real Estate Company SA and the Technical Service of the Ministry of Economic Affairs are classified as legal as existing. In the above surveyor, a copy of the document is published in light of the present law in the Official Journal of the Government, which is reflected in the figures Z1-Z2-Z3-Z125-Z126-Z126-Z126-Z126-Z126-Z127-98-98-98-98-98-98-98-98-98-97-Z1 and the land area of Tourist Li; A Zea.

2. For the operation or modification or extension or extension of the facilities of Tourist Li Zea, the provisions of Articles 29 to 34 of the Law shall apply in their entirety. Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as amended and amended by the present law.

Article 35 Temporal compensation

At the end of Article 31 of. Paragraph 4 (4) is added as follows:

' 4. The provision in paragraph 3 shall not apply to the partial compensation of the n. 1652/1986 (1 167) This is also the case where the debtor is placed under the special clearance of Article 106a of the Codex Alimenti. CASE 3588/2007, 153). '

Article 36 Special provisions for tourist accommodation

1. In Article 9 (1) (c) of Article 9 (d), the following subparagraph is added:

' The minimum mandatory distance from adjacent uses is considered to be the distance between the extreme point of view of the neighbouring use of a single area by means of a permanent, reception and focus of tourism. The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

' 2. Tourist occupations which have been integrated into each of the following areas:

To settle in accordance with the provisions of Law 3843/2010 and 4014/2011 or operational adjustment, they shall be subject to a lower class if the reception and focus groups fall below the minimum mandatory values of their category beyond 20 %.

3. The last paragraph of par. 12 of Article 4 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, supplemented by para. I would like to make a point of order. Regulation (EEC) No 2741/1999 (1999), amended and amended as follows:

" Invasion of protection. Infringements shall be entered in the amount of EUR 300 (EUR 300) per person per person or per camper or per transport instrument imposed by the attaching of the contraa police or judicial body and shall be collected in accordance with Article 104 of the EC Treaty. Traffic code (BOS) of the n. NO 2696/1999 (57). Checks on the penalty of fines imposed by the police officer present during the audit shall be carried out. '

4. During the environmental licensing process of major, non-core and complex tourism catalysts, the creation of a single-load unit may be authorised to meet the water needs of the stationary catalyst. In the environmental licensing process, Article 18 of Directive 2008 /98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and the repeal of certain Directives (Official Journal of the European Union) European Union L312/3, 22.11.2008).

Article 37 Charges for the former General Secretariat for Cultural and Tourist Infrastructure

By a joint decision of the Ministers for Tourism and Culture, the procedure, the competent services and any necessary detail for the delivery and receipt of the file of the General Secretariat for Cultural and Tourist Submit, which in point 98/2012 (1 160) was transferred to the Department of Tourism and was noted in the General Secretariat of Tourism and Investment.

Article 38 Abolition of Article 187 of the EEC Treaty 4070;

2012 on the recommendation of the legal person governed by private law with the competition Anhony Promotion and Development Company

The publication of Article 187 of the Law is hereby repealed. 4070/2012 providing for the creation of a legal person governed by private law with the marketing of "Marketing Greece Antonimo Promotion and Development of Tourism".

Article 39 TRADE Rates

1. At the end of par. 9 of Article 2 of the Law 3986/2011 new verses are added as follows:

"Especially in the case of the lee or tourist of the concessionaire, the concessionaire shall automatically enter, without requiring the consent of the counterparties"


And regardless of the existence of any contractual conditions which restrict or restrict this entry, in the contractual rights and obligations arising from the applicable agreements relating to the operation of the fishing industry or tourism; and Movable and immovable property within the land or sea life of those related to their operation. For the purposes of this entry against third parties, no notice shall be required for them or their consent. Without prejudice to the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 86/1979, the contracts may be denounced by the Registrar of the Court of Justice on the basis of a prior notice of two months or more, where such a law is provided for by law or law. In the event of a conflict between the parties involved, the parties agreed. The counterparty for the early termination of the contract has an exclusive right to compensation in respect of the Dome, which may not exceed three (3) monthly payments or a quarter of the annual contribution. '

2. Article 5 of the Law 3986/2011 added paragraph 10 as follows:

' 10. By decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Maritime and Aegean, as well as Rural Development and Food, issued after the Court's report and published in the Governing Council of the Government, it may be supervised by the Management Entity; In the area of which the management of the wetlands is managed, the obligation to withdraw the use of movable and immovable property situated within the jurisdiction of the concessionaire, in order to provide the concessionaire with expenditure Council Regulation (EEC) No 30131/ EEC on the common position of the Council: (i) the necessary projects for the installation of fishing vessels from the existing one or a tourist attraction in that shelter. Once these projects have been completed, they shall be delivered free of exchange to the management organisation responsible for the use, management and marketing of '.

3. (a) At the end of Article 12 (7) of the Law. 3986/2011, as applicable, shall be added as follows:

' In the case of immovable property, which provides for more than one reception area of holiday-tourist areas, the possibility of a non-exhaustive list of basic public works may be provided for in the field of urban development. By the host area, if the functional autonomy of each zone is established. In the event that the period of the holiday-tourist village is extended to the whole of the public property or to a zone of participation, it may be envisaged in the relevant section of the relevant study the possibility of a full-scale holdup of basic services. A community-based infrastructure project, provided that each, in an autonomous time, a phase of execution of the infrastructure projects will be contrary to a surface area of 50 (50) strata at least. In the above cases, the transfer of real and nuisance to third parties in each host zone or to any unionary unit, for which the projects are completed, is authorised, after the certification of the relevant work by the Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. ' (b) Article 12 of the Law 3986/2011 is added rather than

Paragraph 9, as follows: The Presidential decrees at the present time may

To include arrangements for the public immovable property zones and coastal areas with a view to the creation of tourist or tourist facilities in Article 14A which are located in the border area. Article 13. In these cases, the joint ministerial decisions referred to in Article 13 are adopted in addition to the pre-accession instruments for the creation of tourist or tourist facilities, the required accentutions and projects. Excavation for the opening of internal-door, channel and/or protective islets, the necessary infrastructure, as well as the premises and buildings on the land-zone, following submission of the supporting documents set out in paragraph 1. Article 31 of the EEC Treaty 2160/1993, as applicable. In the above cases, in the case of decisions referred to in Article 13, the Minister for Tourism is also involved. For tourist-like, used self-propelled

At the end of the Court, the latter may initiate the procedure for the establishment, extension or amendment of the procedure in accordance with Article 31 and Article 34 of the Law. NO 2160/1993. The same applies to the change in the use of the area of an existing one and/or an extension of this area in a tourist area. For the preparation of the CCI, Article 12 (2) (b) of the present Regulation is applicable. The President-in-Office of the Council of the European Union Article 31 of the EC Treaty The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to submit a proposal for a Directive on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the protection of the environment. Article 31 (1) of the EC Treaty Article 34 of the EC Treaty They are also signed by the Minister for Economic Affairs. In the case of tourists in the present case, the Tourist Department of the Tourist Department of the Department of Tourism considers, as an absolute priority, the geographical and depth markings of an existing situation, which bear a reduced responsibility. A declaration by the author. '

4. After article 15 of n. Add-thro 15A as follows: 3986/2011

" Article 15A Operating authorisation

1. The operational licensing of tourism facilities and infrastructures referred to in Articles 2, 31 and 34 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993, as the case may be, is subject to the relevant provisions.

2. To authorise and permit the establishment and operation of the health requirements of Article 80 of the Law. For the purposes of Article 11 (2) (a) of Regulation (EEC) No 3463/2006 and of the right-hand columns in investment projects developed within the ECHR with the uses of Article 11B (2), (3) and (4A). 3986/2011, the competent authority is the Office of Article 12 of the Law. 4002/2011, as is the case. The provisions of Articles 151, 152, 153 and 154 of the Law on the establishment and authorisation of establishment and operation shall apply mutatis mutandis. 4070/2012, as applicable.


3. For the issuing of licences for the establishment and operation of the two-way clinical within public real estate, the Minister for Health, in the case of the procedure and the supporting documents provided for in paragraph 247/1991 (A΄ 93) and in the first instance, 517/1991 (1 202). The promotion and final approval of a plot of land is granted by the competent department of the Ministry.

4. Without prejudice to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Decision, joint decisions by the Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs shall be defined as 'Standard Functions' for the operational authorisation of establishments; and (i) the activities of the assets in question under the provisions of this law; The owner of the investment or the legal right by him shall submit to the General Secretariat of the Department of Public Interest of the Ministry of Finance, and a signed declaration of the activity of the activity in the relevant Standard Operating Facility (P.M.). This Declaration of Origin shall have the position of a declaration by the owner of the investment or of the future law by him at the time. No 1599/1986, whichever is the case. In the event of inaccurate or false declarations, the declarant shall be subject to the sanctions referred to in Article 22 (6). The Court of Justice of the European Union, as well as the administrative and criminal penalties applicable to the conditions and conditions of operation of that activity, shall be applicable. '

5 a. In par. Article 177 of the EEC Treaty 3986/2011 with-the phrase 'or in favour of the special successor,' the words'or in favour of the Court of Justice, provided that any other right has occurred, other than that of the area to be used'. In par. 5 of Article 17a of the Law. 3986/2011

The words'or for the benefit of the special successor,' the words'or in favour of the Court of Justice, provided that the Court of Justice has received any other right, other than ownership of the area to be used'. ' In par. Point 6a of Article 17a. No 3986/2011

In the case of expropriation on the ground, the last paragraph shall be added:

A zone of one or a tourist ly regarded as the vessel of expropriation has been fulfilled if necessary for the operation of the ley-line works. ' Other: In par. Point 7 of Article 17a of the Law 3986/2011

The words "referred to in the second subparagraph" shall be inserted as follows:

' A new declaration of expropriation, broken down or non-attached, at any time on the land area of the land or tourist area, shall be permitted in so far as the area to be expropriated is necessary for the recovery of the lymphatic or tourist waste; and A-dependence on its own. '

Article 40 Fishing in tourism

1. The par. Article 175 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is amended as follows:

' 1.a. Fishing in fisheries is the special form of fisheries.

To provide tourist infrastructure linked to fisheries, sponge fishing, aquaculture and related practical and technical, traditions and local traditions, local products, traditional cuisine, and Local gastro-no. B. The terms and conditions, as well as all of nature,

As matters relating to the safety of passengers and shipowners, to professional fishing vessels engaged in fishing, will be regulated by a joint decision of the Ministers for Rural Development and Food, Tourism and Shipping and the Aegean. Other: All issues relating to extradition

In the case of tickets, in their way of disposal and related to the exercise of fishing, they will be regulated by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Rural Development and Food, Tourism and Maritime and Aegean. '

2. The par. Article 177 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012, hereby:

' 3. By way of derogation from the current provisions in force, fishing vessels or spongiform encephaloters shall be permitted to be equipped with a professional fishing licence, on-board visiting tourists for their participation in fishing activities only. '

3. The par. Article 178 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012, hereby:

' 5. The provisions of this law shall apply to any contrary provision of the General Regulations. '

4. The par. Article 182 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012, hereby:

' 2. The activity carried out by the fishing vessel may be lifted for one year by decision of the competent authority for the approval of the activity of a service if the person responsible for the fishing vessel infringes the applicable legislation on fisheries. In the case of fisheries legislation or the tourist legislation. This penalty shall apply in addition to the criminal, administrative and disciplinary sanctions provided for in the provisions of the applicable legislation. After the expiry of the extended period, the person concerned may re-submit supporting documents and follow the procedure for the exercise of the activity. '

5. The par. Article 182 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012, hereby:

' 3. If within a period of five (5) years, the potency of the fishing gear has been taken twice in accordance with paragraph 2, the fishing gear for the fishing industry, spongy or aquaculture or the aquaculture sector shall not be allowed in the following year. Ship-ship-the professional fishing vessel. '

Article 41 Committee of Tourist Lee

1. The par. Article 30 of the EC Treaty Decision No 2160/1993, as is the case, is replaced by the following:

' 2.a. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, 10 members of the Tourist Board are to be set up. The Commission consists of the Secretary-General of the Tourist Group.


The Ministry of Tourism and Development of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Ministry of Tourism and Development of the Ministry of Tourism, the Head of the Directorate-General for the Development of Tourism and Spatial Planning. Ministry of Tourism, the Head of the Directorate-General for the Supply of Antiquities of the Ministry of Education and Religion and Culture and Culture, one (1) representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, one representative of the Ministry of Education and Religion. A representative of the Ministry of Defence, a representative of the Ministry of Defence, a representative of the Of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, a member of the Ministry of Marine and Aegean and has at least an attorney present. Representatives of the Ministries shall be appointed by the Minister concerned. The establishment decision is defined as the Prop -

On behalf of the Commission, the General Secretariat for Tourism and Investment from the Ministry of Tourism Deputy to the Head of the Directorate-General for Investment and Development of the Ministry. The same decision shall set up the replacements of the Commission and the Commission's secretariat with its alternate. '

2. The validity of this article is two (2) months after the publication of this law.


Article 42 Transitional provisions

1. The staff transferred in accordance with Article 14 of the present from the E.O.T. in the Ministry of Tourism are classified on a salary scale of the category or training degree, according to its typical qualifications and the total time. In the case of a service and receiving the remuneration of the host service, any additional remuneration or remuneration and special obstacles to any term of office shall be abolished. In the case of the main and supplementary insurance of the staff, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply. Amendment No 17 to Article 4 of the Law. No 3513/2006 ('265), as is the case.

2. The period from the date of entry into force of this law until the publication of the acts of transport and the undertaking of a personal service, in accordance with the provisions of that law, shall be considered for each consequence as a real year. Staff of this staff at the branch office.

3. The total time of service of the transferred staff, which has been distributed to the originator, as well as the time spent at the Symposium or in NIFF and has been recognised as a service time, is subject to a time of real service on the issues Degree of degree of degree and salary progression and for any other consequence.

4. The service costs of the services offered to the Ministry of Tourism, in accordance with Article 14 of this Law, will be charged for the year 2013 the budget of the originator. From the year 2014 onwards, they will be chargeable to the budget of the Ministry of Tourism with a corresponding reduction in the budget.

I'm telling you, E.O.T. .. five. For the compound interest authorisation procedures;

In the present case, it is not the case that the provisions of Article 1 (a) of Article 1 (a) of Article 1 (4) of Regulation (EC) No 1418/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council are to be amended as follows: (iii) a maximum rate of increase if, before the date of publication of the present law, one of the following instruments has been issued: Positive opinion of Pre-Arctic Perivolos;

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law, the Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions 1650/1986, as opposed to Article 2 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3010/2002 and Articles 3 and 6 thereof. H.P. 11014 /703/F104/14.3.2003 Joint Ministerial Decision (B΄ 332), b. Positive opinion of the preliminary draft

In the context of Environmental Requirements (RDP) in accordance with Article 2 of the Law. 4014/2011, c. A positive opinion on the appropriateness of

Or positive approval of an architecture study by the E.O.T.

6. Article 108 (1) of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

' The validity of the above regulation shall start 10 days from the publication of this law. '

Article 43 Repealed provisions

1. Since the entry into force of this law, any general or special provision which is contrary to or otherwise regulated the matters governed by the provisions of this law shall be repealed.

2. Since the entry into force of this law, the last three paragraphs of Article 31 (2) and the last subparagraph of Article 34 (4) of the Law shall be repealed. No 2160/1993, as is the case.

3. The entry into force of this law shall be repealed. Article 30 of the EC Treaty NO 2160/1993.

4 a. The publication of the present law shall be published in the Annex. Article 148 of the EC Treaty NO 4070/2012. Other: Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

The data (d) and (e) of the para. Point 13 of Article 1 of n. 3270/2004. Other: The publication of this law repeals -

This is the case in the case of paragraph 1 (a). Article 150 of the EEC Treaty 4070/2012. Other: The publication of this law repeals -

Article 159 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012. Hey, The publication of this law repeals -

Article 187 of the EEC Treaty 4070/2012. F; From the publication of this law, the article

Article 175 (2) and (3), Article 176, Article 178 (1), Article 179, paragraphs 4 and 6 of Article 180, Article 181 and paragraph 2 of Article 184 of the Law. 4070/2012 against.

Article 44

1. After the end of Article 11 (1). 3409/2005 ' Recreational diving and other miscellaneous


Classes'(A΄ 273) is added as follows:' The same decision may be provided by the same decision;

(i) the establishment of a programme for the development of a programme of political development pursuant to Article 100 (5) of the Treaty; 3852/2010 (A-287), which will specify the projects, programmes and services of a cultural nature within the visits of the archaeological sites, as well as the issues relating to the management, management, monitoring and exploitation of the results; The Committee of the European People's Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of

2. At the end of par. Article 3 of the Law 4109/2013 (1st 16), as replaced with par. Question No 2, by Mr Desselo 4155/2013 (1 120) and the following subparagraphs apply:

" By decision of the Minister of Political and Sports, published in the Court of Appeals, the secondment of senior staff to the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, as well as its disposal, may be suspended. To meet the requirements of the Scientific Committee (OJ), point (a) of paragraph 6 of this Article and to allow its secondment, by way of derogation from the relevant provisions, to cover all service needs and for better Value-poetry of human potential, in organic-see and Special Services Ministry of Culture and Sports. During the secondment of the following staff, his salary shall be borne by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. '

Article 45

Commitments due until 30.6.2013 to 30.6.2013 of the Greek Dept. To EEDAP SA by Submission Projects, NEPD Water Project Construction, Construction and Maintenance of Counterfeit Projects, etc., as well as its tax liabilities The Greek public will be designated by a joint ministerial decision of the Ministers of Transport, Infrastructure and Networks and Finance Ministers. Any debts incurred, the amount of which will be due,

It will be determined in detail and by year in the reference to paragraph 1 of this Article, and the Ministerial Decision will be covered by the special provisions laid down in the State Budget for the clearance of the accounts. The responsibility of the agencies of the General Government in the framework of the Economic Policy Programme. The above liabilities will be repaid with a single

A reference to the common ministerial decree referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and provided that EEDAP SA renounces any other claim and appeal. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

The second and third paragraphs of point (b) of Article 26 (1) shall apply. NO 2939/2001.

Article 46 Setting up for self-serving occupations

1 a. Chapter 3 of the Treaty. Decision No 530992/1987. (B 557) under the heading ' Technical measures;

E.O.T. records for the creation of self-service occupations " is abrogated from the entry into force of this paragraph, in accordance with paragraph 8. Other: The authorisation of self-service catalyses -

(tourist furnished villas and dwellings) takes place at a stage without prior approval of a plot of land or land and an architectural study. The procedure, the content of the licensees, the relevant details of the provisions of this Article, the terms, meaning and description, as well as the technical and functional specifications of the At the end of the year, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education and Science. By decision of the Minister of Tourism,

The technical and functional specifications for the non-core hotel accommodation and to be determined by reference number. Decision No 530992/1987 C.E.O.T.

2. Tourist furnished villas are defined as non-residences, with at least 100 volumes, which-have independent external access, exhibit self-sufficient land/land and buildings, and they are not the main hotel tourist Matters within the meaning of Article 2 of the Law. No 2160/1993 (1 118), no provision of services. For the administration of the Special Operating Unit

For tourist furniture, the applicant shall submit the following supporting documents to the competent authority of the E.O.T. and electronically referred to in Article 8 of this law: Request-Responsible Declaration, according to the

(a) point (a) of paragraph 1 Article 150 of the EC Treaty NO 4070/2012 (PARAGRAPH 182). Other: Mounting diagram of the plot/land,

In accordance with the ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 1b of this paragraph, the term 'constructed' shall be marked and reduced by the 'residence'. C. A copy of the license agreement, in accordance with the

In point (c) of par. Article 150 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012. Other: A safety certificate in accordance with the applicable standards;

File d of par. Article 150 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012 for the whole installation, issued by the relevant Fire Service, for the purposes of this Article of strength above twenty (20) beds. E. Responsible mechanical or electric declaration

Technical or mechanical energy technology, or any mechanical or mechanical equivalent of a diploma or diploma or as to the adequacy of the facilities for the disposal of sanitary waste in accordance with the legislation in force In the case of the waste water treatment plant, the waste water treatment plant will be used as a means of transport. F; Responsible statement by the applicant or the applicant

In accordance with Article 8 of the Law, the 1599/1986 (1 75), which states that the residue is in conformity with the technical specifications described in the Ministerial Decision of paragraph 1b of the Annex. Proof of testimony to the contrary, in accordance with

Referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 150 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 4070/2012 as amended by this law.


Where the upper chambers are equipped with a normal right-hand line, the supporting documents provided for in (b), (c), (c) and (c) shall be provided. Article 154 of the EC Treaty NO 4070/2012 (PARAGRAPH 182).

3. The Special Operating Unit (E.S.L.) of the tourist furnished villa is issued by the relevant Department of Homeland Security. (LP), with special reference in the case of the presence of colombotic dexamea. The Special Operating Unit shall be issued, without prior approval, within ten (10) working days after the submission of the supporting documents and if all the legal conditions are met. If the 10 (10) working day deadline has elapsed, it shall be concluded that the Special Operating Unit has been issued in accordance with Article 14 (4) of the Law. 3844/2010 (A ' 63) and the person concerned may request a certificate from the competent authority for granting the authority which benefits it.

4. The Special Operating Sor is an indeterminate term. The supporting documents whose validity expires are obligatory before their expiry, otherwise the Special Section shall be revoked by a decision of the Head of the Department of Regional Tourism of the E.O.T. The relevant service of the E.O.T. shall keep for each of them;

A well-furnished manor folder, to which all the legally required legal grounds are required to be used for the administration of the Special Issuer of Lecture, which shall take into account a special register (MEIP).

5. Ownership of property, bearing the characteristics and specifications of the tourist furnished, may be applied uniformly and not by means of natural persons, without the right to further sub-contracting, for a period of at least one During the week and no more than three (3) months total per year, the sequential treatment of the sequential treatment beyond the quarter of the same year. The owner of the property is not required to make a request to the tax office concerned or to be insured to any entity for that activity, and is required to be notified previously with a Special Tourism Officer. The Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union. In the application-a statement provided for in point (a) of paragraph 2 of this article will be stated that the manor is operated in accordance with the present document, which will be reflected in the Special Operating Service and which will be issued when issued. Is sent by the E.O.T. service to the tax office concerned. In addition to the two real estate of the same owner, it shall be prohibited. For the recovery of the investment, in accordance with the

This document shall be drawn up by a simple private agreement.

A reduction, which, as a minimum, contains a description of the property, the Special Register of the E.O.T. (MOTE), address, data of the owner with the ADF and the tax office of the owner, evidence of the worker, the period of salary and the height of the half. The above agreement shall be considered by the tax office concerned within a period of 15 days from its conclusion and, however, until the day of commencement of the payment. In this way, the income from the tourist furnished villa is taxed automatically in accordance with the provisions in force on income tax. The income tax is calculated on the basis of the income tax.

6. The E.O.T. and the relevant audit bodies of the Ministry of Finance are responsible for either self-regulation or by introducing a close control line even after the granting of the Special Sor-Operation, to control operations. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Regulation.

7. In all the different and generally promotional entries of such tourist furniture, which are displayed in Greece or the foreign language in radio or television stations, the daily or magazine type, websites or Internet blogs, or on web sites, are mandatory for the registration number (FTE) in a way that can be clearly and clearly understood by the addressee of the septicaemia. In the offenders of this provision, including holders or managers of the upper instruments, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply. Article 165 of the EC Treaty 12-2001, point 1.14. To the owner of a villa, he/she does not pay

In addition to the provisions of the provisions of Article 3 (3) of this Regulation, the provisions of Article 3 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/33 shall be replaced by the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3795/63. 4 of n. At the same time, the Council adopted Regulation (EEC) No 2160/1993 (1 118), imposed by the Regional Tourist Office of the E.O.T. and attested to the tax authorities of 50 thousand (EUR 50 000) in favour of the State Budget. The same will apply to any person who can pay any kind of residence as a tourist occupation. In order to enforce the protection, it shall be called upon, on the basis of evidence, to give details within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the relevant call. In the case of the Court of First Instance, the Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance had failed to fulfil its obligation to comply with the provisions of the Treaty. Point 6 of Article 4 of this Regulation. NO 3270/2004.

8. The entry into force of this Article begins two (2) months from the publication of this law.


Article 47 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall be initiated by its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, unless otherwise specified by the provisions in force.


Athens, 2013