Key Benefits:
Article 1 Definitions
For the purposes of applying the provisions of this Code:
1. "Public property" means the sum of the assets available with an heir, inheritance or a donation in favour of the Danish or legal person of public law or for the benefit of the public interest. 'Public property' means the legal person who manages and represents, if available, the legal person who manages and represents. The terms'community property', 'property' and ' e -
A human legacy is identified. 2. "Systatic act": the will or the act of donation, with
For the purposes of the preceding subparagraph, which shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
3. "Public Benefit": any national, religious, philanthropic, educational, cultural and generally beneficial to society, in whole or in part, purpose.
4. 'Fee Principle': is the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Secretary-General of the relevant decentralised Dii-tion, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, which shall exercise the relevant responsibilities by their respective Divisions.
5. "Council": the collective body under the name of a Council of Public Benefits which is known to the competent authority, shall be set up in accordance with Articles 6 and 8 and shall have the competences referred to in Article 7.
6. "School Inheritance": Inheritance whose heir is unknown or has not yet been found or is not certain to have accepted it.
Article 2 Obligations of the Court of Justice
1. The Symposium has an obligation to ensure the faithful and accurate execution of the will of the will and donors.
2. The provisions of this Code shall be implemented in a complementary manner, in so far as the relevant issues are not at all regulated or regulated in the constituent act. The rules of public order of code superpower in each case.
3. Competence of the General Secretariat of the Management Committee shall exist, without prejudice to paragraph 4 and any special provisions, in the following cases: (a) When the purpose of the estate is fulfilled by:
The main reason for this is the boundaries of a decentralised Diviustion, regardless of where the region is located. (b) Where there is no implementation of the preceding measure, any ancillary purposes shall not affect the competence.
(c) In the case of a meticulous beneficiary of the case, the property shall be located in the middle of the territory of a Member State.
(d) For all the issues related to management of the property, the number of real estate agents is to be found in the following areas:
Movable property which is within the jurisdiction of the decentralised Administration, other than those in property belonging to the direct management of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and those without a condition to the Symposium.
4. In other cases the Minister is responsible
First, From the Official Journal of the IBC, 29 August 2013, Meetings of the Work Decorator of the Work
The following draft law was adopted by the House of Parliament:
Code of community benefits, school heirs and other provisions
Economic and monetary policy. The Minister for Economic Affairs also exists, exceptionally: a) For the supervision and management supervision of
(b) For the supervision of the Committee for Total and Clothing;
(c) For the purpose of clearing and supervising community service activities,
(d) For substances in Chapter I of this Regulation, substances which have the main assets in the rest of the world or their purpose is primarily carried out.
(e) For the supervision of goods for which the value of such products is subject to the direct management of the Ministry of Finance.
(b) the amount of the sum of 10 million euro (EUR 10 million) or the purpose of which is to be carried out throughout the whole period. In order to include the substance of this case in the competence of the Minister for Economic Affairs, the adoption by him of a specific decision shall be required.
5. If there are any doubts between the departments of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the services of the central administration concerned for the existence and scope of these powers, the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Internal Affairs, following the opinion of the Central Council of Public Benefits in Article 6.
6. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs, the competences provided for in this Code may be transferred to the General Secretariat of the Central Bank.
Article 3 Acceptance of substances for the benefit of the public
1. The fortunes in favor of the Court accept or be the Minister for Economic Affairs. Where clearance has been preceded, the relevant decision shall be issued following the submission of the report of the liquidator or head of the Board of Directors or the consul in cases where the purge is carried out by those institutions. A summary of the acceptance or disclaimer, including a detailed and precise description of the particulars, shall be published in the Governing Council of the Government.
2. The symposium cannot be renounced by an heiress who has been inducted into it. The symposium shall be deemed to have always been accepted by the beneficiary with the benefit of the inventory. The act of acceptance has, after its publication, a position of an heiress in favour of the Court of Justice in 1956, 1962 and 1963 AK. The transfer of movable property is automatically required by the adoption of the act of succession and immovable property with the transcription of Article 1192 of the Civil Code.
3. Donations in life of goods consisting of-exclusively from movable items are recommended and with a document or even without a document, if these mobiles were delivered to the Symposium.
4. The public shall not be obliged to provide insurance for the execution of such assets, as well as in any other case required by the provisions of the provision of security.
5. Inheritance for public interest purposes issued by the heir or the heir or persons al-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. A-foot-and-mouth disease and cleared in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
Article 4 Judicial Secretariat Responsibilities,
Contributors, Foreigners, Credit Institutions and other persons
1. When published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Registrar of the Court of First Instance of the Athens Court of First Instance shall have an obligation to transmit a copy of the minutes of the publication of the will to the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Finance, within the first 10 days of the month.
2. The Secretary of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice Or the termination of the function or the resigning of a probationary or liquidator with the content referred to in paragraph 1 or to the disclaimer of heirs in which a provision for benefit is contained in a provision.
3. The notaries shall be required to transmit to the decentralised administration of their headquarters the copies of the legacy inventory transactions and copies of the donated donations, where these include classes for public interest purposes, in the first one; For the first month, the following month should be taken.
4. The Secretary of the competent court shall be required to transmit to the Central Board of the court a copy of a decision for the solution of the court, within the first 10 year of the day-to-date of its decision. Where the institution is disbanded without a court order, the obligation to inform the Central Bank of the headquarters of the headquarters of the Office for the dissolution of this institution, as well as the winding-up liquidators, shall be informed.
5. Credit institutions, insurance companies and any other natural or legal person with whom he agreed to pay a financial amount or to deliver another asset for the benefit of his/her beneficiary, the Symposium, or Any other natural or legal person shall, as soon as they have been informed of the time of death, inform them of the tax office.
6. By decision of the Minister of Finance, the terms and conditions for payment of payment to persons demonstrating assets in this code, paid after the winding up and the advent of the goods, are laid down. The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of Justice of the European Communities. They shall not be entitled to payment of a fee.
Officials, political and military, who are obliged by their official duties to contribute to the identification of assets in favour of the Court of Justice.
Article 5 Provisional administration of property
Until the definition of a liquidator, the competent authority manages and provisionally manages the assets and assets. The temporary administration shall include emergency measures to ensure the property and the divestment of movable property of a small value or to wear, as referred to in Article 24 (2).
Article 6 Central Council of Public Benefits
1. Recommended by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Council of Public Benefits, which is composed of the following members: a) A Vice-President of the Legal Council of
State or Legal Advisor of the State, as President, (b) a Legal Advisor or the President of the Legal Council;
(c) the Head of the Directorate for the Public Benefit Directorate;
(d) an active member of the Economic and Social Committee;
(e) an active member of the Technical Chamber of Greece with experience in investments and by the Securities and Exchange Commission
Greece is a certified real estate agent, with a specialist-the industrial or mechanical engineering or mechanical engineering. Depending on the nature of the issues to be discussed,
They may be called officials from the purpose of the Ministries' property, who are participating in the debate without the right to vote.
2. The members of the Council of the Legal Council of the State are proposed by the President of the Council of State. The sub-elements and members shall be proposed with their alternates by the President of the Chamber concerned. If the persons are not promoted within one (1) month from the invitation, they shall be selected by the Minister for Economic Affairs. The Central Board of Public Benefits Contracts -
A decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs to be designated as a secretariat and deputy staff of the Directorate for Public Benefits shall be set up.
3. The term of office of members shall be three years and may be renewed for a single time, with the exception of the Head of the Public Benefit Directorate, who may serve for more than two terms. The term of office of the members and members of the Court of Justice shall not be tolerated. After the expiry of their term of office, the members of the Council shall continue to exercise their duties until they are replaced. The Council may validly operate until it is replaced by a number of members, who have either left or left for any reason or have lost the property on the basis of
If the other members are sufficient, the quorum is sufficient.
4. The Council recommends officers of the Directorate-General for Public Benefits. For technical issues, the Head or staff of the Technical Department of the Technical Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Housing of the Ministry of Finance.
5. Adjunctions to the provisions of this Code shall apply the provisions of Articles 13, 14 and 15 of the Code of Administrative Procedure ratified by Article 1 of the Code. NO 2690/1999 (45).
Article 7 Powers of the Central Council
Public Benefits of Property
(a) For the acceptance or disclaimer of property to be taken into account
A public value of more than one hundred thousand (EUR 100 000). (b) For the sale or use of immovable property,
More than 500 000 (500,000) euro. (c) For each topic for which it is provided
(d) In order to resolve issues of general importance, specific provisions of this Code or other law or other law which are referred to by the Economic and Social Committee.
The Committee of the Regions calls on the Council and the Commission to draw up a report on the implementation of the Structural Funds in the framework of the Structural Funds.
Article 8 Public Benefit Council
Decentralised Administration
1. In each of the decentralised Management Board, it is recommended that the Board of Public Benefits of the Central Bank (CIFs) is established. (a) a member of the main staff of the Legal Affairs Committee;
Council of the State, as President, (b) the Head of the Directorate for Public Benefits;
(c) a Head of the Board of Directors of the Headquarters of the Central Bank of Cyprus;
(d) an active member of the Economic and Social Committee;
(e) an active member of the Technical Chamber of Greece with experience in investments and by the Securities and Exchange Commission
Greece, certified, real estate, with a specific capacity of a political or mechanical engineering or architect. If the composition of the Council is not possible
With the participation of the members of the Economic or Technical College of Certification, in accordance with points (d) and (e), and this is confirmed by a document by the Competent Authority, it is possible to participate and members of the relevant Chamber without having The planned certification. Depending on the nature of the issues to be discussed,
It may be called for by officials of the purpose;
The competent ministry or regional departments, who are participating in the debate without the right to vote.
2. The members of the Council are proposed, with their payments, by the President of the Legal Council of the State, as regards the member of the N.C.C. and the Minister for Economic Affairs as regards the member of the Member State. The data provided and proposed are given to their alternates by the President of the Regional Chamber of the Chamber concerned. If the persons are not proposed within one (1) month from the invitation, they shall be selected by the Director-General for the decentralised management. The Council of the European Communities, the Council of the European Communities,
The Management Committee shall be set up by a decision of the relevant Directorate-General for Research and Development (hereinafter referred to as 'the Directorate').
3. Article 6 (3) and (5) shall apply to the Councils of this Article.
4. The Council recommends officers of the Directorate-General for Public Benefits. In the case of technical matters, officials from the Technical Assistance Office of the Technical Directorate-General may be listed in accordance with the Management of the decentralised agencies.
5. The Regional Council has responsibilities in place of those of the Central Council for the substances which are subject to the competence of the General Secretariat of the relevant decentralised administration, which may refer to it. Any other issue.
6. With a presidential decree, issued on a proposal by the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs, it may be recommended to the Committee of the Regions Joint Benefits of Assent Administration for the exercise of the responsibilities of the Presidency. Within the limits of the Restrictions-let, as well as the sections of the Directorate-General of the Releases of the relevant decentralised Dii-ion for the exercise of the responsibilities of the Directorate-General for the Public Benefits of the relevant Disciplinary Board. Command within the boundaries of the district. Any other details necessary for the implementation of the preceding subparagraph shall be determined in accordance with each other.
Article 9 Compensation of members of the Council
The Chairperson, the members, the rapporteurs and the secretariat of the Central Council and the Governors of the Central Board may be entitled to reimbursement in accordance with Article 21 of the Law. 4024/2011 (P. The compensation shall be borne by the appropriations referred to in Article 65.
Article 10 Reporting of ingredients-Variation of purpose
1. Property to be used in favour of public interest shall be used in the manner specified by the intermediary or donor. It is prohibited to change both the above public benefits and the way, and
The conditions for the management of the property, as well as the arrangements for its administration.
2. If there is a doubt about the content of the will of the refundable or of a donor or a doubt, it shall be resolved by Article 825 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice.
3. In the preceding paragraph, it also appears, in the process of voluntary by-time, on whether the will of the refractor or donor cannot be taken, for any reason, at all or at the most. The Committee of the Committee on the Development of the Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and European Committee and the Committee of the European If, after the adoption of the legal decision of the preceding paragraph, the method of making use of it has been made for any reason, it shall be possible to exploit the property, in accordance with the manner described by the attributeur or the A donor, without requiring the adoption of a new decision, by decision of the administrative board notified to the competent authority within thirty (30) days.
4. The application to the court shall be submitted by the competent authority after prior hearing of the administration of the property. The application shall be submitted by any other natural or legal person who has a legal interest and shall be notified to the competent authority on a penalty of inadmissibility. A summary of the application submitted shall be displayed on the website of the competent authority one (1) at least one month before the same date and remains until the previous day of the hearing. The same summary shall be posted in the seat of the Headquarters of the Central Board of Directors, the Public or Local Authorities of the headquarters of the property administration and shall be posted on their website.
5. By way of exception to the preceding paragraphs, the value of the property does not exceed the amount of twenty thousand (20,000) euro, paragraph 2 and 3 of the court is the sole Court-Marker of the seat of the competent authority, which Shall judge in accordance with the procedure of voluntary jurisdiction. The application shall be written by the Head of the Directorate of the Common Fisheries Policy of the competent authority or by any other person with a legal interest, without requiring his representation by a lawyer. On the other hand, as regards the notification of the application, the posting and the setting-up of more specific terms and conditions for the application of the court's decision, the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply.
Article 11 Consequences of decisions
1. If, in the light of the content of the judgment in the preceding Article, it is necessary to amend the body or statutes of the holder and manage the property before-save, the legal person must be A (1) year from the date of notification to that or the knowledge of the decision, to submit to the competent authority a proposal for a modification of the Statute or the Statute;
Of static; In the event of an emergency, the definitions of the judgment may be taken before any modification of the Statute or body may be required. This paragraph shall not apply if the judgment concerns only a transitional asset.
2. If the application of Article 10 is sought to order the assets of a joint institution in another for the fulfilment of a common interest, this shall be relied upon in the relevant proceedings. The transfer of assets and assets shall automatically be transferred to the final decision and of the acronyms, with the transcription of Article 1192 of the Civil Code, and the institution to which the data are transferred shall be transferred. Without prejudice to the rights, obligations and legal relationships of the transitional institution with third parties, the issuing of trials shall continue on its face without any interruption against them and without requiring a declaration of their repetition. The management of the transitional institution for the management of removable property shall be maintained until the transfer of the transfer is maintained.
Article 12 Public Benefit Register (National Register of Nationals)
Inheritance (s)
1. A Joint Public Benefit Register (National Heritage Register) is hereby established in which the substances in this Code are registered.
2. The Department of Public Benefits of the Ministry of Economy serves as the Central Public Benefit Registry Service. The Central Office is responsible for: (a) the original registration (registration) in the register; and
Any subsequent additional entry, change or deletion of existing registrations relating to its community-beneficial properties, in accordance with Article 2, (b) direct, time-sequence, reception and
The storage of data transmitted. In the measure carried out in the Register of
In the case of personal data, the Directorate for Public Benefits is the responsibility of the staff member, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2472/1997 (' 50).
3. Each Directorate of Public Benefits of the From-Central Administration acts as a special Reserve Service which, without prejudice to more specific provisions, is responsible for the initial registration (registration) in the Non - Any additional registration, alteration or deletion of existing registrations concerning its non-member assets, in accordance with Article 2. Any property benefiting from a property shall be subject to a single authorisation;
In accordance with the allocation of functions referred to in Article 2.
4. The Central and the decentralised Services Non -
They shall have the exclusive competence to make alerts and changes in the register. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs it may be
(a) the work of the partial or total agreement of the existing ones, at the time of the adoption of the present Code, to private individuals. During the execution of the project, the contraaor shall be under the instructions, the supervisor and the control of the competent officials of the competent authority. After the completion of the project, the Central and the decentralised non-food services are responsible for registration in the Registry.
5. The General Secretariat for Information Systems (GIFs) of the Ministry of Finance is responsible for: (a) the organisation and supervision of the base or the gait;
(b) the normal, continuous and safe operation of the register, as well as the website of the register;
An information system in the register, including but not limited to the database of the register, the registration, registration, and updating of the register, the supporting equipment and accountancy; (c) the accreditation of the laws of the Member States, (c) the accreditation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States.
(d) to ensure the integrity, integrity and integrity of persons and to ensure the integrity, integrity and integrity of the database;
The completeness and safety of the data. In the measure carried out in the Register of
In the case of personal data, the General Secretariat for Information Systems is the controller, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2472/1997 (' 50).
6. By joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and in the case of a competent minister, the distance link of the register with other specific registers and records of public services and bodies may be decided and the specific conditions laid down, The technical details of the interconnection of the provisions on the protection of personal data, and the technical details of the interconnection.
Article 13 Structure of the Register-Budget
1. The Registry is composed of the General Public Benefit Index, the Folder and the Merida.
2. The Directorate-General for Public Benefits and Merida shall be kept electronically as records of one or more database, accessed by electronic means, used and e-referred to by the Central Register Office; and The Separated Registry Services and are installed and monitored by the General Secretariat of the Secretariat-General, in accordance with Article 12.
3. The General Index shall be entered in alphabetical order in the name of the host or donor;
Cork of this Code. 4.a. The Envelope is drawn up and kept separate
For each property of this Code from the beginning. In the Folder it includes: (aa) The name of the property and the legal form
Which has its management. (bb) The constituent act, the body and any of them;
There are judicial decisions and regulations. (cc) The composition of the Board of Directors,
As well as the management and representation of the assets. (d) Detailed status of real estate and movable property
(i) the assets of the property, with the value of one of them, resulting in the objective of determining the values or the assessment of the competent tax authority, or an estimate of the estimated value of the assets and the value of the assets; Current market-related market position. In the case of divestment or acquisition of assets, a new balance sheet shall be submitted. (e) budgets, balance sheets and accounts; or
Accountability. (f) Other uses at the discretion of the service;
Documents and data. In the Department of Public Benefits of Ypur -
The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures to ensure that the Member States comply with the principle of equal treatment for men and women. Such records shall include the items in (a) to (d) of this paragraph. C. As long as the Envelope is kept in electronic or electronic
Is kept as a record of one or more databases, accessible from distance by electronic means, which operate under the supervision of the National Register Service and the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat. If the dossier is kept in electronic form, access to these documents shall be made via the Merida.
5. The clearing and administration bodies of the property shall be required to inform, without undue delay, the relevant services for any change in the data of the Fakel. The breach of this obligation shall bear the consequences and penalties of Articles 71 (2) and 72 (1). Elements that have not been announced in a timely manner are not opposed to the Court of Justice or third parties.
6. The Merida shall be established and maintained by the competent authority separately for each property of this Code. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, acts and information entered in the Merida shall be determined.
7. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, it is possible to set up any specific issue and a need for detail on the respect of the Merida, the Fakel and the General Directory.
Article 14 Functioning and publicity of the register
1. The registration in the register shall be carried out independently by the competent Registry Service. The documents to be included which are not produced by the competent authority shall be submitted by winding-up institutions; and
The management of the property, by their choice, in the form of a statement or a digital format. In the latter case, the documents shall be submitted by electronic means and by means of a digital signature of the issuer of each document, which shall comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 2 and 1 of Articles 2 and 3, in contrast, in point (d). SEE PART ONE, NO 150/2001. By decision of the Ministry of Finance, the date for the opening of the entries to the General Index and the Merida, the date for the opening of the documents by the interested parties in digital format, as well as any relevant details.
2. The Registry Services shall be responsible for and without undue delay, digital copies of applications for registration, registration documents, supporting documents and supporting documents and any other evidence submitted to the Registry. Where these have not already been subjected to an electronic form and enter them in the Register.
3. The registration in the register shall be subject to the prior payment by the person responsible for the administration of the fee to the competent authority. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs shall determine the amount of the registration fee for all entries by the competent authority. The same decision lays down the procedure for the registration and performance of the registration fee, the payment of the fees, the procedure for checking it and the necessary detail. The above fee is 50 % (50 %) revenue of the Special Budget of Article 34 and 50 % (50 %) revenue of the competent authority. The competent authority shall have the above revenue for the operation of the Registry.
4. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10, any registration in the register shall be subject to correction, with respect to the facts, statements, documents and other evidence recorded or justified by the legal facts, statements, documents and other evidence. The tabulations have been altered. The correction and change shall be made either ex officio by the competent authority or at the request of the institutions of the property and management of the property.
(a) Each person concerned may, in writing or in electronic form, submit to the Registry Services a request to be given instead of-documents, breaks of the acts and data appearing in the Merida or Certificates. In the same way anyone has a special interest in requesting copies, breakfasts or certificates of the acts and data held in the Envelopment and not recorded in Merida. (b) The copies, dissolves or certifications;
(c) In a decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, they shall be granted on paper or electronic form until 1 January 2015.
The procedure, the conditions and any necessary detail for the implementation of the preceding subparagraphs (a) and (b). A decision shall specify the manner in which copies or copies of copies or extracts shall be issued in paper or electronic form and each relevant detail.
(d) For the purposes of issuing the copies and extracts referred to in this paragraph, the applicant shall, in advance, pay to the competent institution a single special fee. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs shall determine the amount of the fee, which shall be the case in the case of the Registry Office.
6. The competent Registry Services shall transmit, with each appropriate means, to interested persons who submit an application and demonstrate a specific legal interest, the information recorded in the Merida of this property.
7. By joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and the competent Minister concerned, the right of each person to obtain, upon request and payment of a corresponding fee to the competent Registry Service, the right to obtain a corresponding fee shall be adjusted. From the point of view of access to the electronic archives of the non-eat and self-recovery of stored data on these data. By the same decision, the amount of the above fee, which is a resource of the relevant register and may be adjusted by a decision, the conditions under which this right is exercised, by way of a decision, shall be determined by the same decision. The provisions of the n. 2472/1997, the procedure for checking the connection of these conditions and any relevant details.
8. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Internal and Administrative Reform and Electro-Government Governance sets out the issues that govern respect, organisation, technical preparation, technical management and general The operation and publicity of the register, the procedure followed in the case of extended defences in the Register or the extended defence of data storage, for technical reasons, the cooperation of the Registry Services; Other services, authorities and bodies for the collection, notification, control and control Data, events, events, and documents relating to the obligor and any other relevant issues.
9. The information system of the register shall be operational by 1.1.2015 at the latest. A decision by the Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs may extend the provisions of the preceding subparagraph. The pre-condition of the necessary logistical equipment, accountancy and the commissioning of the services related to the operation of the database may be carried out since the entry into force of this Code.
Article 15 Luck of non-reported substances
1. The competent property administration body is under-charged, within three (3) months after the entry into force of this Code, to announce the existence of the substances in the services which comply with the dossiers and the register and to pay within six (6) by the announcement of all documents required for the preparation of the dossiers. If the first three (3) months prior to the announcement has elapsed, the penalties provided for in paragraph 2 (a) of Article 71 shall be imposed on those responsible. If at the time -
6 (6) of the six (6) month deadline for the provision of such data shall not be charged against those responsible for the penalties referred to in paragraph 2 (a) (a) of Article 71 and the property, together with the respective administration; It shall be deemed to be automatically dissolved as long as the dossier referred to in paragraph 4 cannot be completed. At the request of the Court or of each of the legal interests referred to in Article 10 of this court, it shall not decide on their fate.
2. The obligation to make an announcement shall also take place, except for the Ministry of Finance, authorities responsible for the reserve referred to in Article 1, in order to establish the register referred to in Article 12.
3. If a request is made to the court pursuant to paragraph 1, the competent authority shall designate a temporary agent for the emergency management tasks of the substance, the tasks of which shall last until the decision of the tribunal.
4. At the end of the deadline of nine (9) months of paragraph 1 and within six (6) months after that expiry, the competent authority shall carry out its own-initiative meeting of the containers and the Registry on the basis of the information in its possession.
5. When a property is made available for the purpose of the entry into force of this Code, it shall be entered in the Register under the responsibility of the competent authority, regardless of the legal form or actual classification it is located in.
Article 16 Register of executors, liquidators,
Managers of Public Benefits or Institutions and Funerals School Inheritance
1. The Ministry of Finance is established and maintains a register of natural and legal persons, from the one selected by a draw by the competent authority, the persons appointed by it to be elected representatives of public interest, and (i) executors, when not defined by the constituent act or there is a need to replace the designated ones, and the funeral arrangements for school heirs. Exceptionally, where the competent authority of the chairman of the Board of Directors is present, a person shall be appointed by choice of the authority, without drawing up a draw, with experience and know-how of the tasks involved. Persons appointed shall have their place of residence or professional seat at the place where they are to perform their duties.
(a) lawyers, notaries, accountants, accountants and taxis shall be entered in the register, in their application and in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 (1):
However, in the case of non-member countries, the Commission will have to take account of the fact that, in the case of the Member States, the Commission is required to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Member States comply with the principle of equal treatment for men and women.
The provision of legal or financial services, which
In the performance of the tasks of the executor, a clearing house, or a school-based beneficiary, to use as a set-up of only natural persons who qualify for the case. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs,
The procedure for the notification and application by the parties concerned of the registration in the register, and any other particulars necessary for the registration of the register.
3. If the competent authority is of the opinion that the value of the property exceeds the amount of three million (EUR 3 million), it shall designate as a liquidator or a funeral of a meticulous heiress or executor, if necessary, a legal person from the grandchildren. In the Register, otherwise it designates a natural person from the grandchildren in the register. The competent authority shall have the right, in any case, to replace the designated, if by eighteen (18) months of operation of the operation; it shall not complete its work or fail to make any progress; or if the value of the The substance exceeds the limit referred to in the preceding subparagraph.
4. Upon acceptance of the appointment for the discharge of the tasks specified in paragraph 1, natural persons who are registered in the Register shall be required to deposit each year for three (3) years after the completion of the project. Their or any deletion, a statement on their assets.
5. The registrants in the Registry shall be deleted by a decision of the Registry of the Registry following their request or if they infringe the obligations of the Registry.
Article 17 Determination of a liquidator
1. When the winding up or the execution of the benefit or work is not entrusted with the constituent act to the heir or the heir or executor, it shall be appointed a liquidator of the heirs by decision of the competent authority after a draw, at the time of the drawing-up of a decision. Point 1 of Article 16. The person appointed shall, within a period of 15 (15) days from the date of notification of the act of appointment, make a written statement in writing to the competent authority, otherwise the appointment shall be refused and the nominee shall be removed from the register. Article 16
2. If no executioner is appointed with the will, the heir or the heir who is specifically charged with the execution of a common purpose or a project or the administration of the recommended community shall be declared to the competent authority if they accept that Take up the duties of the liquidator or executor for the benefit or project.
3. Natural persons appointed in accordance with Articles 16 to 21 shall not be reappointed prior to the adoption of final accountability on their work.
4. The person designated as the executor of the case or commander shall declare whether the definition of the designation is attributed to the competent authority in writing to the competent authority within fifteen (15) days from the day of the notification. Public authorities.
It was invited to take up his duties or in any manner of knowledge of his appointment. The competent authority to which a decision has been made to accept the appointment by the Executive Board shall examine whether the grounds of Article 18 are satisfied and in a positive case it may replace it in accordance with Article 19.
5. When, with a constituent act, the commander is appointed and as the executor of the will, the submission of a new declaration of acceptance shall not be required; this property shall be acquired by the institution of the institution.
6. The liquidator, the executioner and the commander of the action shall be deemed to exercise, after acceptance of their appointment, a public office and shall be subject to supervision and control of the competent authority.
Article 18 Incapacity for appointment-Discount
1. They shall not be appointed liquidators or performing agents or institutions: (a) minors, (b) those who are in a court of law, full or professional who are in possession of their duties; (c) those who have failed and have failed to fulfil their obligations; (d) those who have been convicted of misdemeanors or persons who have been sentenced to imprisonment for longer than three months of imprisonment.
2. The liquidators, executors or institutions governors shall be automatically deduced from their office if, in the course of the performance of their duties, an obstacle to the proceedings referred to in paragraph 1, (c) and (d) of paragraph 1 or if Shall be sentenced to any penalty for punishable offences committed in the performance of their duties.
3. The nominees must immediately declare the existence or the occurrence of incapacity for the authority. The same obligation also applies to those who exercise the parental responsibility of the underage child, the court representatives, the receivers of bankruptcy and the prosecutors, in any event of conviction.
Article 19 Replacement
1. The liquidators of property, executors and governors shall be replaced by the competent authority if they experience or renounce or impose a disciplinary measure, in accordance with Article 71, or thereafter, for a long period, or They shall designate an intellectual or physical illness which may interfere with the performance of their duties or contravene provisions of the covenant or of this Code, as well as if they are generally in the performance of their duties. Replacement terms are also the comparison of these factors, the anions, the ions, the glands and their wife to the estate. In the event that a liquidator or executor is a legal person, a conflict of interests referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be understood to be that of the members of the legal representative or of the partner who has the control of the legal person and the person concerned. Of persons, persons, brothers and wives of their own to the estate.
Before the replacement, the competent authority shall inform the person concerned and invite him to be heard within a time-limit (10) days from the performance of the call. The promotion may be extended, at the request of the interested, up to ten (10) days, for a good reason.
2. When the constituent act is defined more than once by a executor of the probate, the occurrence of a discourse in the face of one or some of them does not necessarily imply the replacement or alteration of the vacancy or vacancy, unless It is made compulsory by the will or stated by the others that they wish to replace it. In this case, if not otherwise specified in the will, the filling of posts shall be carried out ex officio by the competent authority referred to in Articles 16 and 17. Until the vacancy of the vacancy is carried out, the rest carry out their duties.
3. If the appointment or resignation of an executor is renounced or a commander appointed by the will, due to his or her status as a state-of-the-art, the replacement shall be appointed by his/her person in his principal place. While he is prevented, renounced or waived, or if no replacement is made, the replacement shall be appointed by the competent authority in accordance with Articles 16 and 17.
4. When a replacement executor is appointed, the appointment shall be valid until the end of the liquidation. When an institution commander is appointed, his term of office shall be determined by the decision to appoint him.
5. When the constituent act is defined as the replacement of the executor of the will or governors of the institutions, the appointment shall be made by the decision of the same institution. The audit of the competent authority shall be limited to the examination of any associated code of appointment, in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the conditions of the constituent act. The information provided by the competent authority on a code of conduct shall be charged to the institution to replace the designated body. The management operations carried out by them or their contract shall not be affected by this type of operation. Until re-filling the position, the last subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall apply.
6. If the definition of a replacement or executor of an institution or a body governed by the provisions laid down in the constituent act is impracticable, the definition shall be in accordance with Articles 16 and 17. Similarly, and if not designated as an executioner in the constituent act or otherwise, the person defined therein shall not be replaced by his replacement.
7. After notification of the decision to replace it, the replacement shall be obliged to refer to the immediate delivery of the assets to the new liquidator or executor or commander of the estate and to report to account.
Article 20
1. The liquidator, the executor and the appointed institution may resign to the competent authority, without heresy or delay. The person who resigned does not get rid of the accountability.
2. Until the appointment of a replacement and the delivery of the assets to him, he/she shall resign his/her duties as regards his/her urgent and urgent obligations.
3. If you resign as a person in the register referred to in Article 16, it shall be deleted.
Article 21 Assignment of management controls
To audit firms
1. In order to carry out the statutory audits of the management of the management and the compilation of estimates of the value of the items of the Codex referred to in Article 26 (d. 60/2007). Auditing offices of the n. 3693/2008 (A174). The framework agreement is set up for the whole of the country, with a decision by the Economic and Social Committee, irrespective of the competent authority. The terms and other details of the case-by-case procedure are set out in the contract notice.
2. The award of a contract under the framework of the framework agreement may concern all types of regular checks of the goods or temporary controls or temporary checks decided upon by the competent authority. Where the Minister for Economic Affairs is not the competent authority, an emergency check shall be sought in a document by the competent authority from the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Finance.
3. The proclamation of the framework agreement of this article is made within nine months of the beginning of the present day.
4. The contraaor of the contractor or contractors of the framework agreement on the conduct of the checks and inspections shall be paid by the contracting authority of the framework agreement and shall be borne by the property in favour of which it is active and at the expense of which It shall be certified with a financial list of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and shall be held in accordance with the provisions on revenue collection. In particular as regards institutions, the remuneration shall be cleared by the contracting authority and shall be paid under the mandate of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Finance directly from the institution.
Article 22 Clearance of assets
1. Within a period of ten (10) days from the acceptance of the appointment, the property liquidator of this Chapter shall carry out an inventory of the property in respect of which the provisions of Articles 840 and 841 of the Policy Code apply. Dishonry. The inventory is called representatives of the tax office and the police authority, who have written the relevant inventory report, and may be present in all interested parties. The value of the assets of the property indicated in the report
To be determined by the representative of the tax office. A copy of the inventory report shall be sent to the competent authority within three (3) working days of its completion.
2. If there is a good reason for making an immediate inventory of the property, it shall be carried out by order of the liquidator of the property by a notary of that place, applied and so on-the provisions of Articles 827. E-as 840 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The discharge and the inventory of the assets shall be carried out by the liquidator following the removal of the law, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 832 to 841 of the Code of Civil Procedure and paragraph 1 thereof. 1.
3. The clearing actions shall include, in particular, the advent of the property at the disposal of the liquidator, the taking of measures for the maintenance or maintenance of its data, the recovery of claims and the payment of debts or the burden of the property; The establishment of movable and immovable property, the settlement of movable or immovable property and the conclusion of contracts if they do not conflict with the purpose of the rapid liquidation of the property, the legal representation, the contract and any other action relating to verification of the property; Particulars of the property and rights or requirements thereon, in accordance with the provisions Of this Code.
4. The provisions of Articles 1914, 1916, 1917,1920 and 1921 of the Civil Code shall be applied to the liquidators of the present proceedings.
Article 23 Money, valuables, securities, requirements
1. Debt amounts deposited with credit institutions or in the Deposits and Loans Fund (IFRS), taken by the liquidator, by means of: (a) a copy of the will, a public certificate and a certificate that it is not Another will or a copy of the donation document was published and (b) a copy of the appointment and its acceptance. The figures are certified and collected as public revenue by the tax authorities.
2. Securities of interest with interest and cash receipts, jewellery, gold, other items of particular value and important documents shall be delivered for safekeeping, by order of the liquidator, to credit institution or to the VAT, and shall be issued, In all or partially, the decision of the competent authority and the product of the sale shall be attributed to the tax office of the tax office and shall be certified as revenue. The divestment of securities and securities that are the subject of a negotiation in the Athens Stock Exchange takes place through this.
3. The capital or interest requirements of any reason, shall be established as public revenue, after an invitation from the liquidator to the debtor for payment of the debt within a period of thirty (30) days from notification of the invitation. The vacancy shall be carried out on the basis of the constituent act and the securities, public or private documents, on which the claim is based. If there are no such titles and the claim is questioned by the debtor, it is sought to identify the legal basis.
4. Claims and money, located on the other, are collected by the competent consul and the product is sent by check to the tax office responsible for establishing this amount as a public revenue.
Article 24 Divestment and settlement of movable and immovable property
1. Property of the property shall be retained as such, if their realisation is not deemed necessary for the payment of the inheritance or otherwise specified in the constituent act. The retained properties are traded and are private property of the public sector. The disclosure of particulars of the substances contained in articles
The purpose of the rapid liquidation of the property shall be 22 to 32. After the expiry of the liquidation, the person concerned shall be entitled to terminate the liquidation before the end of the liquidation. The complaint acts after the expiry of a quarter to the expiry date. For the sale of immovable property, approval of the
To the competent authority. 2. The divestment of movable and immovable property
The liquidator shall be carried out by the liquidator in the former, following the publication of at least two (2) months related notice on the website of the Ministry of Finance and any other websites considered appropriate For the best possible publicity and after the submission of tenders on behalf of interested parties. The published notice includes the terms of the sale, as well as the method of redemption of the lump sum or at interest rates of up to three (3) years, depending on the value of the products to be sold. In the case of disposing of movable property subject to deterioration or their value does not exceed three thousand (3 000) euro, the relevant communication shall be suspended for at least 10 days. For the purposes of the sale of movable property and large movable property, the value of certified assets is required by certified estimates. Where no tenders are submitted, the liquidator may refer to movable property for the divestment of immovable property, the persons who are entitled to a payment. The competent authority may, in any event, decide to:
The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Monetary Committee and the Committee of the European People 's
3. If the highest bidder is at least equal to eighty-five percent (85 %) of the estimated value, the electorate shall conclude the contract after prior notification of the competent authority, which may Within one (1) month to order the conclusion of the contract with a specific reasoned decision. The practical side of the deadline shall be the consent of the competent authority. Prior authorisation of the competent authority is required for the divestment of immovable property.
4. If the buyer does not enter or refuse to sign the relevant contract within a reasonable period of time, which in any event may not exceed six (6) months, a financial penalty shall be imposed on the purchaser.
10 per cent (10 %) of its tender, which is attested and collected as a public revenue, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Revenue and subsequently, may be called the second highest bidder for its signature. However, if the sale price offered by the seller is at least equal to eighty-five percent (85 %) of the estimated value. For the conclusion of the contract, the prior approval of the competent authority is required for the conclusion of the contract.
5. If the property to be sold is paid, the provisions of Articles 614 and 615 of the Code shall be medicated.
6. Comms, jewellery, and other special types of hardship that are the subject of the activity of the trade repository of the Postal Building are derived from it. Motor vehicles, other transport instruments or other movable property may be issued by the Management Directorate of the Minister for Economic Affairs.
7. The proceeds of the liquidation shall be certified as a public revenue by an inherited right of the Court or, in accordance with the Chapter and Article of the Budget, of the State. The relevant constituent elements shall be sent by the liquidator to the Head of the Board of Directors of the last residence of the donor or the donor. He is responsible for a certificate of income for the rest of the world, the Head of the tax office of foreign residents.
8. Property ownership of the property is carried out by the liquidator of the highest bidder, following the publication of at least twenty (20) days in the case of a notice on the website of the Ministry of Finance and any other Websites deemed appropriate for the widest possible publicity. For the reallocation of immovable property of more than three hundred thousand (EUR 300 000) a-an estimate of their salary value by the individual assessors. For lower-value immovable property, the assessment shall be carried out by the liquidator with appropriate comparative data. Where no tenders are submitted, the liquidator may appeal to real estate agents for the immovable property of the property, who are entitled to a payment. The competent authority may, in any event, decide otherwise on the property of the property.
9. If the offer is at least equal to eighty-five per cent (85 %) of the estimated value, the liquidator shall conclude the contract after prior notification of the competent authority, which may be within 15 minutes. (15) days to order that the contract be concluded, with a specific reasoned decision. The impractical side of the deadline shall be divided as a consensus of the authority. If the offer offered is less required for the conclusion of the contract with the prior approval of the competent authority. If the employee does not enter or refuse to sign the relevant agreement, a financial penalty of three (3) monthly shall be applied to the person concerned, a penalty which is attested and collected.
In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Public Revenue, it may then be called the highest bidder for the signature of the applicable law applicable to the three new territories.
10. The initial duration of half-life is defined in the time-limits prescribed by the law, by-account with the type of isthosis. After the expiry of the period of validity, the renewal may be agreed for or even shorter, with the same or non-discriminatory conditions, and the relevant salary shall be submitted to the competent authority for this purpose. With the wage earner, it is agreed to refer the question to the Commission.
The application of the measure in accordance with the provisions in force in force. Exceptionally, an exceptional adjustment may be agreed when there are exceptional reasons (in particular an unexpected change in the economic and market conditions). The relevant amending contract shall be submitted to the competent authority to inform it. The competent authority may, within a time-limit of 15 days (15), refuse to approve the contract in question, otherwise its agreement will be removed. To comply with the property under the same conditions as the initial straightening, the operator and the competent authority shall be informed.
Article 25 Inherited measures
1. If it is contained in a testament to the Treasury, the amount shall be certified by the Board of Directors of the Administrative Board and shall be collected by the institution as a public entity, following a written invitation from the Board of Directors to him and in the manner in which he/she is entitled. Is defined in the will, unless it is established that it did not exist at the time of the death of the will. If not specified in the will, the amount of the legacy shall be paid by the deceased within a period of three (3) months from the express or implied acceptance of the inheritance if the amount of the legacy is less than 50. Thousands (EUR 50 000) and within a period of six (6) months in any other case. After the expiry of the time set out in the will or the time limit referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the legal interest shall be suspended.
2. The deadlines for the preceding paragraph shall be retained by a decision of the Minister of Economic Affairs if there is no fault of the person liable for deprivation or for serious reasons for the failure of an early return of the legacy. Under certain circumstances, an obligation may be granted on the basis of payments if a lump-sum payment is considered to be difficult. The decision fixes the number of instalments, the date of payment of each instalment, the type and amount of the collateral to be provided by the debtor for the payment of the legacy. The instalments shall be remunerated at an interest rate equal to the current interest rate in the European Central Bank. In the event of a late payment, the Member
Is subject to the due date of hyperactivity.
Article 26 Debt and inheritance charges-Clearing expenditure
1. The Symposium is responsible for the debts of the beneficiary if they are proven to be legal. In the case of debt outstanding at the Symposium at the present time, it is responsible for the active part of the industry. The satisfaction of the lenders shall take place in the order provided for in the Code of Civil Law for the classification of lenders on the property forfeiture.
2. The payment of the debts and liabilities of the heiress and the clearing costs shall be carried out at the expense of its subsidiary, prior to the establishment of the relevant assets as an entry in the assets. If they do not exist, the payment shall be made at the expense of the appropriations referred to in Article 65 (1). If the liabilities and charges are, of course, deduced, they are paid by the liquidator, otherwise the e-approval of the payment is granted by the competent authority following the claim of the liquidator accompanied by the evidence of debt or debt. Expenditure. The authorisation of the competent authority is not required for the payment of debt to the public.
3. A decision by the competent authority may authorise the payment of the clearing costs of the beneficiary, or the allocation of an amount to the clearing house for the payment of urgent clearing costs, with the condition that a relevant statement of accounts is issued. The competent authority, following an opinion by the Council,
May defer payment of debt, in whole or in part, until the end of the liquidation.
Article 27 Representation in the court
Until the definitive accountability is adopted, the exalted representative represents the property before the courts in trials relating to its verification and determination. In order to conduct a claim or appeal, or in order to make the case, the liquidator shall request the approval of the competent authority. In seven cases, the liquidator shall act within the time limits and without prior approval and shall without delay communicate its action to the competent authority.
Article 28 debtors
Third parties, owners or debtors of assets or liabilities of the beneficiary, who pay or pay the claim to another third party, in the knowledge or otherwise, unaware that this third party is questioning the heiress or other right of the Chamber; They are not exempt from their obligation to the public. They shall be exempt from the lodging of the evidence at the Office of the Deposits and Loans until the irrevocable settlement of the dispute, judicial or extrajudicial. Where the debt is due, it shall not be published.
The deposit, is caused by a request from the liquidator
Or the competent authority, the designated guarantor, in accordance with Articles 725 et seq. Of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Article 29 Mergers of the Declaration-Authorization,
Issuance of common things
1. If the Symposium is to be considered to be an heir, it shall include the liquidation of the whole inheritance in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, after the expiry of the liquidation and by its proceeds, the amount corresponding to the recipients of the Board after deduction of expenditure on liquidation shall be deducted. A decision may, before the conclusion of the report, be allowed, provided that it does not hamper its work, the performance of the heirs or of the whole or the proportion of the product of the cleanup to the heirs. Of the Doth.
2. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, acting on the basis of an opinion from the Council, the Board of Directors may consent to the other beneficiaries of the liquidation of the whole heiress in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, if the Request the heirs. Consensus is mandatory for the public when the heirs are the beneficiaries by at least fifty percent (50 %). In all cases, the heirs have the right to bear the status of the heirs and the course of the work of the liquidation and to submit observations.
3. If the beneficiary includes a percentage of indivisibility, either movable or immovable property, and the maintenance of ownership is not deemed to be carried out by the Minister for Economic Affairs, it is permitted to acquire the percentage of one of the circumstances. From the other. The provisions of Article 24 shall apply when a percentage of the Court's indivisibility is applied. In any other case, it shall be made public, and if it is decided by the competent authority of a cloud, the public shall make it in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of this law, in accordance with a notice of invitation to tender. (1) at least one month before the expedited divestment to contribute to the divestment. In the case of a refusal or an impractical part of the deadline, the public shall be represented as a representative and for their reasons. The value of the divestment shall be deposited at the Office of the Deposits and Loans Fund, in proportion to the portion of each of the circumstances, after deducting the relevant costs and charges borne by each of them.
4. The immovable property entered in the Symposium by a percentage of indivisibility by inheritance, inheritance or donation shall be carried out by the liquidator in accordance with the provisions of Article 24. The other members are under an obligation to participate in the process of equal treatment and if they refuse to apply paragraph 3 accordingly. The balance shall be collected by the liquidator and shall be assigned, in each case, after deduction of the proportion of expenditure. If the property is unpaid,
And there is a need for a solution to the equation, the discharge may be raised for the account and the underlying circumstances of the treatment of the salary, after approval by the competent authority.
Article 30 A reward-Expenditure
1. At the request of the liquidator accompanied by a statement of actions and a reference to the time of employment and expenditure to which it was submitted, it shall be granted, after approval by the competent authority, the employment time commensurate with the time of employment; Operations to which it has carried out the assets of the cleaned-up property and the costs incurred in carrying out its work. The fee shall be calculated as a percentage of the value of the property and may not exceed five per cent (5 %) when the value of the property does not exceed one hundred thousand (100,000) euro and one per cent (1 %) for the excess. By decision of the competent authority, an advance payment may be granted.
2. Expenditure relating to costs and benefits to persons acting as a result of their activity (in particular lawyers, notaries, engineers, auditors and members of staff) shall be replaced before their action for approval by The competent authority, which must respond within one (1) month after their submission. The receipt of the abovementioned deadline shall be equivalent to the approval of the expenditure. Exceptionally, the liquidator shall be carried out by the liquidator without prior approval by the competent authority of any urgency necessary to preserve and safeguard the elements of the property. The expenditure referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall only be subject to expost control as to the urgency of the matter.
3. If there is no assets, mutual funds and expenditure shall be paid out of the resources referred to in Article 65 (1), where no assets are incurred, the amounts paid or credited shall be repaid or agreed.
Article 31 Project End-Accountability
1. The office of the liquidator of the property ceases to approve the final accountability of his work. Accountability shall include a full report on the general clearing and administration of the property and the evidence thereof.
2. The liquidators have the liquidators and each end of the calendar year. The Minister for Economic Affairs may request a partial account or information at any time during the liquidation. A summary of the audit is carried out by the Economic Review, following the request of the Minister for Legal Affairs. The accountability of the liquidator, final or partial, is also notified to the co-inheritors of the Chamber.
3. The Minister for Economic Affairs shall send a final account to an audit firm referred to in Article 21, to verify and verify its information. If,
The definition of control and verification is a good thing; it shall approve the accountability. If the definition achieves irregularities in the management or management of the law, it shall forward it to the Economic Commission for the purpose of carrying out an audit and/or oscillation. The Economic Review may, in any event, carry out the monitoring of the management of property audited by audit firms.
4. If audit findings are found, within the meaning of Article 40 et seq. Of n. 2362/1995 (1 247), the provisions on public servants shall apply. Any damage caused by the management and disposal of the property in breach of the terms of the constituent act and of the provisions of this Code shall be counted as such, whether or not there is a defect, with a reasoned decision of the Court. The competent authority.
5. The Court of Auditors shall, in accordance with the provision laid down in Article 81 of the Treaty, communicate to the Court of Auditors an appeal to the Court of Auditors. 4129/2013 ('52), otherwise the provisions of this law are not applicable. The amounts charged shall be certified and collected in accordance with the provisions of the Indirect Revenue Code and shall be transferred to the property, with the exception of the relevant Chief Executive Officer.
6. If the liquidator is invited to account and refuses, it shall be verified by checking or in any other manner if there are any defects or damages.
Article 32 Property in favour of the Armed Forces
The provisions of this Chapter shall also apply to the substances that are without a condition in the National Defence Fund, the National Fleet Fund and the Air Defence Fund, to which the proceeds of the liquidation proceeds.
Article 33 Property subject to direct management
Of the Ministry of Finance
1. Assets in favour of the Public or special purpose or project are subject to their clearance in the direct management of the Department of Economy, in the following cases: a) If the performance of the public utility is expected to be carried out,
Be placed with the constituent act expressly at the Council or if it is not assigned to other natural or legal persons. If the purpose or work of the project has been entrusted to a particular Minister by virtue of its competence, the property shall be subject to the direct management of the Ministry of Economy by decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and shall be made available for the purposes of the (b) If the property has been settled for public interest, it shall be defined in the terms of reference and those fixed in the decision.
In favour of persons who are unknown or not adequately addressed, and without being designated as an executioner, in which case it is considered to have been in favour of the Court of Justice for the purpose of carrying out the joint benefit laid down in the constituent act. A fortune has been made to believe -
(d) If the management of property has been entrusted to persons, the institution of the place of business shall be entitled to the benefit of the institution of the place of business.
(e) If it is found, after the announcement of the market in question, they shall be replaced by the following:
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 15 thereof, Article 50 (2) and Article 50 (2) thereof,
2. Under the direct management of the Ministry of Finance: a. Property of dissolved particles, if not determined;
The general meeting was different in the articles of association or was not decided otherwise. If the purpose of the dissolved body is public interest, the property is available to fulfil the same purpose. In a case-by-case case, a decision is adopted by the Minister for Economic Affairs to determine such a purpose. B. Assets of legal persons set up
In the rest of the world, in the form of a public utility or other form, in order to fulfil the objectives of the present Code in the field or for the sake of the Greek communities, or purposes of Greek interest, which have ceased to exist and are with anyone else. Type in credit institutions, unless otherwise specified in the constituent act or the statutes. The revenue from these assets shall be made available exclusively for the performance of relevant public interest purposes by decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs. The local Greek consular authorities are obliged to report to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Foreign Affairs of the aforementioned legal persons and the status of their function and property. Inheritance and propagation of Articles 40 to
The Court of First Amendment No 49, which has been dealt with in favour of natural or legal persons, with the condition of the execution of a public utility or project, which is not accepted for any reason and is not designated as a substitute.
3. For the purposes of subjecting the contents of this article to the direct management of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, a decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister or the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall be issued after their liquidation. In the case of foreign residents of legal persons. The decision shall specify the details of the administration and management of such property and the manner in which the public benefits are performed, in accordance with the constituent act.
Article 34 Special budget
1. The revenue and expenditure of the assets under the direct management of the Ministry of Economic Affairs;
Be recorded in the Special Budget for Public Benefit, which is submitted and conveyed together with the General Budget of the State, as a Annex thereto. Revenue from the budget shall be the amounts collected during the financial year or transferred from fixed or available funds. Costs of the budget shall be the liabilities effected during the course of the year in respect of the performance of the purpose of the substance and relating to the execution of works, the maintenance of immovable property, the payment of legal costs, and Security and general administrative and property management costs. Furthermore, for each property a special budget shall be drawn up, a balance sheet and a balance sheet.
2. Capital and income of the products referred to in the preceding paragraph, after being certified as an input from the relevant Boards, shall be entered in the Special Budget of Public Benefits and collected with the provisions of the K.E.D.
Article 35 Positioning of funds
1. The financial management of the funds from the exposure of the products referred to in the preceding Article is carried out by credit institutions and the Court of Deposits and Loans. The funds and surpluses of their management shall be placed or invested, if not otherwise specified in the constituent act, on the basis of the Minister of Finance, following an opinion of the Council, in the following ways:
(a) In an interest-bearing deposit of a maturity or a currency. (b) Real estate. (c) In terms of interest or interest, or another title,
(d) On holdings of capital funds. (e) In the case of credit-credits loans, the loan will be repaid by the Bank.
In the case of non-profit-making institutions, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice. (f) In multitudes (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), stored in credit institutions' boxes of credit institutions, the Board of Investigations and Designs or the Bank of Greece.
Other assets or other assets, if their placement or investment is considered to be most profitable and secure and the execution of the common purpose or project, defined in the constituent act, is not prevented. By way of exception and under the same procedure, the investment in securities of the foreign product of the proceeds of the debt securities as well as the investment of funds and surpluses from the management of the funds, located in the External, to other assets in the outside, where they are deemed to be beneficial and beneficial in this way.
2. For the preceding paragraph, as well as more secure management of their heads, the competent authority may request a written opinion of a special financial contribution, which shall be selected for this purpose after public An invitation to contain all relevant information. The consultant shall be selected by the competent authority,
Carry out the assessment and evaluation of the tenders submitted, the reliability and reliability of the candidate's tender, and the amount of the requested remuneration. The Special Budget of the Public Benefit services shall be paid by the Council and the Economic and Social Committee. The competent authority shall not be guided by the opinion of the Council for the management of the funds but shall be freely consulted. After the submission of its opinion, the consultant cannot be expected in any way to manage the funds.
Article 36 Administrative acts
1. Unless otherwise specified in the constituent act, the divestment and valuation of the properties of the properties of this capital shall be carried out at the time of liquidation in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 applied accordingly.
2. In the course of the execution of the purpose, the sale of real estate is carried out by the Real Estate Company (ET.A.D.) SA. (B 2779) by application of the provisions governing it, at the request of the Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, and their application by the competent authorities of the Member States, pursuant to Articles 4 and 5 of Article 42.
3. The divestment and disposal of movable property shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 24.
4. If the mode of placement or investment of the property specified in the constituent act is manifestly unattainable or invalid, and if it is not expressly prohibited by the constituent act, it is permissible for the investment or placement of the property with another Manner in accordance with Article 35.
Article 37 Projects
1. If the performance of the task is to be performed, the execution of a project shall be awarded after the discharge or even before it if its work is not obstructed by the Ministry, in accordance with the relevant provisions for the execution of public works; and The preparation of studies and at the expense of the special budget and article of the Special Budget of the United States.
2. If the relevant department does not show, the award and execution of the project is awarded to the Anniversary of the School of School Buildings (O.S.K.) SA ". (b) in accordance with the provisions in force in this area, in accordance with the decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs. The projects with a budget of less than a hundred thousand euro (100,000) euro without VAT shall be awarded by the State Department of the project in accordance with the provisions of Article 45 (3) to (7).
Article 38 Scholarships-Competition
1. The selection of fellows at the weight of fortunes that are used in direct management of the tablet is made, e -
Where it is not otherwise specified in the constituent act, with a competition carried out by the Commission. To this end, it is submitted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs for the purpose of conducting the competition, specifying the number of scholarships, the amount of scholarships and other conditions. Necessary for compliance with the conditions of the constituent act.
2. The competitions are executed by a decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching, which depends on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Education and Religion, Culture and Sports for three (3) At least-ness prior to the day of the competition and at the premises of the Ministries of Ministries. The notice shall specify the place and mode of conduct of the competition, the criteria for selection of the sub-tenderers if they are not defined by the constituent act, the assessment procedure, the method of payment of the loans, the start and the duration of the tendering procedure. (i) the provision of such services, the reasons for their interruption, the obligations of the farmers and any relevant details;
3. When conducting a contest is difficult or costly for property, owing to particular characteristics of the property or other exceptional reasons or special terms of the constituent act, it may be omitted by the Minister's decision. The selection of the holders shall be carried out under conditions laid down in that decision.
4. The decision to approve the practices and appointment of the fellows depends on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Education and Religion. A contract shall be signed between the scholarship holder and the Minister for Economic Affairs.
5. The President, the members of the competition committees and the secretariat, may be paid a fee, fixed by a decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and charged with the property at the expense of which the competition is preached.
6. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education and Religious Affairs, the Ministers for Competition, the issuing of the questions, the submission and judgment of objections and the annulment of the minutes, shall be set out in a joint decision. (i) the amount of the grants after the suspension of the registration of the sub-foodstuffs, the training and maintenance of the sub-foodstuffs and any other details;
Article 39 Grant amount-Number of scholarships
By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, the ceilings for monthly study grants are laid down. The amount of the monthly grant shall be fixed by the contract notice, unless otherwise specified in the constituent act of the property. The notice may increase the amounts laid down in the contract if they are deemed to be manifestly inadequate or reduced if they are considered excessive, depending on the economic circumstances or to increase and reduce the number of In the case of an individual who is defined in the constituent act, according to the adequacy of the income of the property.
Article 40 Executive Board
1. Property to be used for public interest purposes in other persons, other than the Dome, is always accepted with the benefactor of the programme and cleared by the executors designated by the will, in accordance with its provisions. Of the Code and complementary to the provisions of Articles 2020 to 2027 of the Civil Code. If the designation as the executor of the will has not been foreseen by the constituent act, his replacement, the property shall be cleared and administered by the competent authority appointed by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 16. Up to 21.
2. In the case of several executioners, the liquidation shall be carried out jointly. If they disagree, the competent authority decides. In exceptional and urgent cases, each performer may take the necessary steps to maintain the property without the consent of others and may be present in a court of law. The executors shall be in full accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and shall be responsible for the acts adopted jointly or for those who have consented.
Article 41 Clearance of the assets-Distribution
1. The executor shall, after a decision by the competent authority, be obliged, and if not otherwise specified in the will, to deliver to the heir any item of the heiress belonging to the heiress to the heiress if no It shall be difficult to do so, in the event of condominium, of the provisions of Article 29. In the event of disagreement on the ownership of the property, the Court of Justice shall rule on the place of property in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 682 et seq. Of the Code of Civil Procedure.
2. Unable to dispose of an item of inheritance subject to the management of the executor of the heir, unless otherwise specified in the will. Exceptionally, the decision may be authorised by the competent authority, if the item is clearly visible to the heir.
3. After the end of the liquidation, the executor shall distribute the inheritance in accordance with the will, with the approval of the competent authority. In the event of disagreement between the parties, a court order shall be carried out.
Article 42 Administrative acts of the executioner
1. During the liquidation of the property, the executor shall carry out operations which are specific to the purpose of the cleanup, such as the inventory of the property, the receipt of interim measures, the recovery of claims and;
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 8261/ (2) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, Payment of debts and burdens of the heiress, the dissolution or continuation of a commercial or industrial undertaking, the boarding and investment of heirs, as well as any other act relating to the rights and obligations of the property. Unless otherwise specified in the will, the provisions of Articles 22 to 28, by way of derogation from Article 2021, shall apply to the action of these acts accordingly.
2. The divestment of property of the property which is deemed necessary for the liquidation or achievement of that purpose shall be adopted by decision of the competent authority. For the rest, the provisions of Article 24 shall apply to divestment and consolidation.
3. The provisions of paragraph 10 of Article 24 shall be similar to the provisions of this Article.
4. If it is decided by a decision of the competent authority, issued following a request by the executor, that the rebuilding or substantial rebuilding of property for the most beneficial owner is made, the delegation may be consulted. In the case of a total or partial charge, which is weighed down by total or partial expenditure, against long-term growth of the acne. The contract shall define the duration of the conversion, which may not exceed 50 (50) years and the payment, throughout the period of conversion or part thereof, is at least adequate for the purpose of the property. The publication of the decision of the competent authority requires the preparation of a technical study on the costs of recoveries-preparation or rebuilding of the property and of the duration of the conversion. If the resources are not available for the preparation of the study, an invitation to tender shall be published in each of the interested parties to submit a substantiated proposal for the transfer of the property and opinions on the most appropriate proposal by the Council. The delegation of reconstruction or reconstruction shall be carried out following the negotiation of the performer with an open invitation, which shall be published on the website of the competent authority, at least three (3). If any of the other ingredients are considered appropriate, please contact the patient. The competent authority shall approve the practice of the negotiation and conclusion of the contract. The work shall be omitted after its completion, qualitatively and quantitatively, by the Committee of Receipt set up by the competent authority, to which a technical staff member of the authority and the representative of the property shall be appointed. In the course of the negotiations, the Commission can take part in the negotiations.
The public or body of the public sector following an opinion of an audit firm referred to in Article 21, concerning the expenditure and the salary value of the property after rebuilding it.
5. All proceeds from the liquidation of the inheritance shall be deposited by the executor of the will in an interest-bearing deposit, according to the needs of the defendant, and the type of deposit serving the property, to a credit institution or to the Fund. Deposits and Loans, if not specified otherwise in the will.
6. The proceeds of the liquidation of property, the funds of which are intended for the execution of a common purpose, shall be deposited in the preceding paragraph until such time as the purpose is practicable, unless otherwise specified. In the will.
7. A decision by the competent authority on a proposal from the executor shall be permitted to invest in other assets in accordance with Article 35, unless otherwise specified in the will.
8. For the payment of debts and charges of inheritance, the provisions of Article 26 shall apply mutatis mutandis for the duration of the execution of the property by the executor.
Article 43 Selecting a common purpose or project
1. The executors of wills or other persons entrusted with a testament to the choice of the benefit or project or the manner in which it is carried out or of the institution or public institution or other legal person to whom the public benefit is to be made available shall be required. To submit a declaration of their choice to the competent authority or to the consulate of the residence or their residence. Where the absence of any choice or declaration is found, or where the selection is assigned to the public, the selection decision shall be adopted by the competent authority in accordance with the opinion of the Council.
2. If the submission of a selection declaration in paragraph 1 is delayed, the competent authority shall send a written invitation to the persons who have the right to make a statement in writing within a reasonable time. If the designated deadline has lapsed, the choice of the objective or project shall be based on the decision of the competent authority on the basis of an opinion from the Council.
3. In the same way and the same procedure becomes the choice of the benefit or work of the project or the way in which they are executed, if the choice by those who have the right does not concern a public utility or project within the meaning of Article 1 of the Code, or if It is not in accordance with the provisions of the constituent act and whether or not they comply with the notice of the competent authority for the selection of another institution or a new purpose or a new purpose or work or method of execution or if it has elapsed. The deadline for which it has been established. In the event of disagreement, the Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction under Article 10 of the Code.
Article 44 Exposition of purpose
1. When it comes to a common purpose which is paid off, the executor of the estate shall submit to the competent authority a report on how the purpose is to be carried out, with a budget of the required expenditure. The authority approves or rejects the proposed method of execution within forty-five (45) days a-from the submission of the report, otherwise it is decided that the purpose is to be carried out, as it has been prepared.
2. The fulfilment of the objective may begin before the end of the liquidation of the property if its work is not terminated, with the approval of the competent authority.
3. By decision of the competent authority, it may be expected, for the absolute minimum period of time, the award and execution of the project or the purpose, in case of an emergency.
4. If the amounts set out in constituent acts for the performance of public interest purposes or projects are not sufficient, they may be increased by a decision of the competent authority, on a proposal by the executor or of the governors of the institutions, depending on the competence Of the property and where this does not impinge on the transaction. In the case of more purposes, the proportion specified in the constituent act shall be respected. The above amounts can be adjusted with
The same procedure in case of a change in the economic conditions.
Article 45 Assignment and execution of projects
1. For the purpose of implementing a project for reconstruction, renovation, repair and maintenance of real estate, the performer shall submit to the competent authority a proposal for the project to be carried out, with the necessary data relating to it and an approximate budget of the expenditure. The proposal shall be forwarded to the Ministry, with the views of the competent authority responsible for the adequacy of the assets and the possibility of its disposal for the performance of the project. The proposal shall be adopted in whole or in part by the Ministry within three (3) months after its submission and is defined as the way in which the project is to be carried out and implemented in accordance with the provisions of the constituent act. When the project to be carried out is intended to invest in the beneficiary's funds, the approval shall be provided by the competent authority.
2. The award and execution of works, including the technical studies required, shall be carried out, at the request of the executor, by the technical departments of the competent authority as well as the Ministry or the departments responsible for the implementation of the project. They carry out their works by applying the provisions of the provisions of Law 3316/2005 (A-42) and 3669/2008 (A-116), with the adoption of the provisions laid down in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article.
3. If the budget of the project, as shown in the approved study, does not exceed the amount of EUR 100 000 (EUR 100 000), without VAT, a draft invitation to tender shall be conducted by the institution responsible for carrying out its execution. Project; The tender may also be carried out by the executor of the will if he has submitted a request for a request to the institution, and this has been expressly rejected by the competent technical service due to a lack of performance or, in silence, with the practical expiry of a period of three months. For the first time, For the purpose of conducting the competition, following the submission of at least three (3) written tenders, the preparation of the planned project, with a maximum of not more than fifteen thousand (EUR 15 000), without VAT, shall be carried out.
Which includes the support of the performer in the award procedure and the performance of the project as an operating supervisor. For the purpose of the award of the project, based on the study undertaken by the
A summary notice on the submission of written tenders was issued. The notice shall be posted on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the entity within the territorial limits of which the project is to be carried out for at least twenty (20) days before the date of submission of tenders.
4. When the cost of the project, including the cost of the study, does not exceed the amount of EUR 20 000 (20,000), the project shall be awarded to the person concerned who submitted the lowest bid, at the invitation of the successful tenderer. Interested and submit three (3) tender documents.
5. The award of the project is communicated to the competent authority, which has the right to control the execution of the project at any time. The payment of the mutual assistance of the contractor and the contractor is made by the executor of the contract with the basis of the contract.
6. The work shall be taken qualitatively and quantitatively by the Receipt Committee set up by the competent authority and consists of one of its technical staff, an official of the Ministry and a third person, a public official, or A private individual with a knowledge-based knowledge. The receipt takes place in a-xi (6) months from the date of the hit, otherwise it will be self-righteous. Upon receipt of the receipt shall be submitted to the competent authority responsible for the expenditure with the relevant supporting documents.
7. If more projects are to be carried out, it shall be drawn up by the implementing programme for projects to be carried out within the financial year. The programme shall be submitted to the competent authority at least three (3) months before the start of the relevant financial year. The programme shall be approved by the competent authority and the Secretary-General.
8. By decision of the Minister of Finance, the specific terms of the draft tender and the direct award carried out by the executor of the will for the preparation of the study and the award and execution of the project, the terms of the tender procedure may be laid down. A contract signed between an executive and an annual and/or a contractor and the documents required by the department or the executor, as the case may be, for the repressive control of the competent authority and all the required details for the Application of this Article. Until the adoption of the decision, the relevant procedures shall be carried out under the responsibility of the executioner.
Article 46 Inheritance for public interest purposes
1. When funds are passed on to charitable institutions or other than the Public Benefit Party, the legacy will be notified to the Ministry of Finance in writing. For the rest, Article 25 shall apply.
2. Provision of probes or legal acts in life, with which a property is made available for the establishment of a temple, if not otherwise, carried out by the executioner or
An heir to an heir or an heir and if such persons are inert or imponed in any way the execution of the project, execution and representation shall be taken by the relevant Metropolitan. In the case of a church or place of worship of worship or religion other than that of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ, the execution and representation is assumed by the Ministry of Education and Religion.
Article 47 Scholarships-Competition
If the constituent act provides for the award of grants or assistance, financial aid and prizes from persons other than the non-contributory scheme, the provisions of Article 56 shall apply accordingly.
Article 48 Failure of a competition-Procurement-Services
1. When reasons of urgency require the resignation of the tenderer, the decision of the competent authority may be authorised, without any by-angular conclusion or modification of contracts concluded, administration and administration. Of the objectives or projects of the present Chapter.
2. Provisions for pre-morals and services shall be agreed upon by a tender and shall be submitted to the competent authority for approval. The competent authority shall adopt the contracts within a period of time (1) after their submission, after the adoption of the approval. Contracts or services, the subject of which in value does not exceed 20 000 (20,000), without VAT, shall be made in writing directly by means of at least three (3) tenders.
3. By decision of the Minister of Finance, the specific terms of the invitations to tender may be laid down, the terms of the contracts signed and the exemption from the obligation to conduct a competition in cases of urgency.
Article 49 End of work and accountability
Payment of payment and expenditure
1. The office of the executor of the executor shall cease to approve the final report on the seat of the estate, if it appears in the will that it does not have the same duty to fulfil the purpose, failing that. Where the constituent act shows that the designated performer has no duty to purge or prosecute the cause, he shall not be accountable. For the rest, as regards the content of the accounts,
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 31 thereof,
2. The executors shall be granted, if not expressly provided by the will, remuneration and expenses, in accordance with the provisions of Article 30.
Article 50 Establishment of a community benefit institution
1. Property, which is available in accordance with Article 1 (1) of this Regulation, is an institution governed by the provisions laid down in the constituent act, where the execution of the pleadings is assigned to natural persons. Persons or legal persons recommended by it. In particular, it is an independent institution for the availability of property in the form of legal persons for public-purpose purposes, when it is defined as a special form of administration.
2. Property, which is occupied by existing bodies, bodies, local authorities and other legal persons, with a intended purpose which is adequately identified and different from that pursued by the existing legal entity. A person, without specifying a particular form of administration, is the property group appointed by the property of the legal person as a self-employed capital.
3. If it is not specified in particular or is not sufficiently inferred from the constituent act, the intended purpose shall be deemed to have been acquired for the purpose of serving the purpose, which shall be pursued by the person concerned and shall form part thereof. To the rest of his estate. If the objective is the same as for the administration of the existing legal person determined by his or her body or body, the purpose of the administration is to apply to the administration of the existing legal entity. In the preceding subparagraph, the above special form of administration shall be complied with as far as possible. If a disagreement arises as to how the provisions of this paragraph are applied, the competent authority shall decide after a-an opinion of the Council, either on its own initiative or at the request of any interested party.
4. A property of any kind which comes to an institution or other legal person as a clone, an heiress or a free-charge, with any type or even an individual, shall be compulsorily notified to the competent authority.
Rule 51 Approval of a recommendation
Community benefit-Dissolution
1. For the establishment of a joint institution as a special person, a President shall be issued a presidential decree, with a proposal from the Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs. The institution of the institution, which shall be composed of the executive or governors of the institution, shall be composed of the institution of the institution in accordance with those laid down in the constituent act or by the competent authority in the event that they do not. The proposers may amend the draft submitted by the executioner or the interpreters, subject to compliance with the conditions of the constituent act.
2. The institution dissolves in the preceding paragraph, for the reasons set out in the
The institution or in any case provided for by the law. The President-in-Office of the Council, acting on a proposal from the Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs and the Minister for Economic Affairs, shall be adopted on the basis of a proposal by the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Secretary of State, which has signed the act of establishment of the joint institution and may provide for the establishment and winding-up of the institution; In addition, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union.
Article 52 Institution of institution
1. The institution of the institution shall specify the form, the authority, administration and representation of the institution, the financial management, the means and the purpose of the objective, and shall comply with any deficiencies in the terms of the constituent act. If the institution is defined as an even number of members of the Governing Council, it shall be regulated in it and the decision-making matters in the event of a tie. Amendments to the Statute shall be adopted in accordance with Article 51 (1).
2. When a self-management capital is recommended in a public-interest institution or a legal person of any form or becomes a recipient of a significant sponsorship for the purpose of achieving its purpose and the conditions of the administration and operation of the administration are set. (i) the application of the sponsorship may be made to the institution. The amendment shall be carried out by a decision of the competent institution concerned and the approval of the competent authority, if deemed necessary and not contrary to the will of the donor or the donor. Any such dispute shall be settled by the court referred to in Article 10.
Article 53 Supervision
1. Property referred to in Article 50 shall be cleared in accordance with Articles 41 and 42 of this Regulation and shall be subject to the supervision of the competent authority. The organisation may determine the scope of the supervision of the competent authority, taking into account the origin of the property.
2. Institutions which are exempt from specific provisions of the supervision of the competent authority of the present code shall, in any event, be obliged to review their budget and account in accordance with the provisions of Article 59.
Article 54 Merger of institutions-Agreements
1. The merging of institutions and the establishment of a new single institution shall be permitted, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 51 (1), following the agreement of their administrations, subject to the type of document, if they are fulfilled. The same materially beneficial purpose and for the purpose of its effective execution. The body of the new institution contains all the elements of the merging institutions of the merging institutions and defines the single purpose, which corresponds to the wishes of the founders. The new institution responsible for
As a universal successor to the rights and obligations of the merging institutions, and any proceedings with a party to a party from one of the merging institutions, continue in the name of the new institution, without its violent interruption. And without requiring a declaration of their repetition.
2. For the study and execution of major projects and the provision of services of any kind, in the context of their objectives, public utilities may conclude programmes and other contracts with the public or scientific bodies and others. Legal persons governed by private or public law, which have the same or similar purpose. The contracts shall be approved by the competent authority and shall be subject to the audit of the Court of Auditors, when their budget exceeds the limits laid down by the Court of Auditors for the control of the public procurement contracts. To be used.
Article 55 Distribution of assets
For more purposes-co-inheriting
1. If a property has been occupied by an institution for the performance of more purposes and does not arise from the constituent act, the distribution of it shall be distributed by a decision of the governors of the institution authorised by a decision of the competent authority. No, no, no.
2. If the institution is settled as an heir, the provisions of Article 29 concerning the Symposium as an heir shall be used accordingly.
Article 56 Grant of grants
1. If a constituent act has been awarded to an institution the award of grants and is not provided for by the Convention or the Agency of the Agency, the scholarships shall be awarded following a written notification to the competent authority. The regional service of the Ministry of Education and Religion and the competent authority: (a) the call and conditions for the award of grants and the suspension of these on the Foundation's website and its publication in an appeal And (b) the decision of the Board of Directors to grant the grants. The competent authority may monitor compliance with the conditions of the constituent act, the Agency and the law and to request the modification of the conditions for the award or decision of the Board of Directors to be granted within a closed deadline. 15 (15) days from each notification only for reasons relating to the infringement of the terms of the constituent act, the Agency or the law. After the expiry of the period referred to above, the competent authority may not request a recommendation. If the constituent act or the Agency foresee
A competition shall be conducted and if not specified in the constituent act or in the Agency, the competition shall be carried out in accordance with Article 38;
A notice drawn up by the institution established within thirty (30) days from the competent authority following an opinion by the competent regional authority of the Ministry of Education and Religion.
2. Following the selection of the sub-inmates, an agreement between them and the institution of the institution shall be concluded on the basis of the terms of the notice or decision, if no notice has been obtained. Special issue of the award of grants by the Member States may be regulated by the decision of Article 38 (6).
3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply, as appropriate, and in cases where a constituent instrument has been entrusted with the establishment of financial aid, assistance and prizes, if not otherwise specified in the recommendation. The act.
Article 57 Setting up of institutions for the recovery of institutions
1. With the approval of the competent authority, it may be authorised in one or more institutions to constitute expert bodies for the recovery of their property or to entrust such recovery to existing establishments or undertakings, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the competent authority. Are put into the approval decision. The management and recovery of the substance by these entities shall be subject to the control of the competent authority and the administrative bodies of the institution responsible for their acts and omissions.
2. If the method of administration is found to be effective for the institution, the decision referred to in paragraph 1 may be revoked in accordance with the same procedure.
Article 58 Administrative acts
1. The provisions of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Article 42 of this Code shall apply to the divestment and settlement of institutions.
2. By decision of the competent authority, the acquisition of immovable property by the institutions shall be adopted either by means of negotiations or otherwise provided by law, such as, in particular, an auction, exchange, counter-supply, judicial or judicial cooperation. E-Cucusate distribution. For the purposes of the decision, it is necessary to demonstrate that a market investigation has been carried out and an assessment of the suitability of the vehicle for the purpose of the acquisition.
3. For the conclusion and execution of contracts for the award and execution of works and other contracts of institutions, the provisions of Article 45 shall apply, unless the institution has an organised technical service, in which case, in this case, it shall entrust the The adoption of the studies and the implementation of its projects under the provisions of the provisions of Law 3316/2005 and 3669/2008 or any existing special legislation. A draft competition for the execution of works shall be permitted, in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 5 of Article 45, where their budget does not exceed the amount of the projects.
$40,000 (140,000) euro without VAT .. In this case study and supervision of the project are directly assigned if the expenditure concerned does not exceed forty thousand (40 000) euro without VAT.
4. It shall be prohibited to conclude contracts in the preceding paragraphs with the persons who administer or manage his or her property, the spouses and relatives of those persons by blood or by marriage to the third degree, as well as And the legal persons controlled by them, unless otherwise specified in the constituent act of the institution. No individual person is considered to be controlled by the above -
Persons, if any of the conditions laid down in Article 42e of Mr Law 2190/1920. Exceptions shall be made to the heterogeneity in favour of the institution concerned with the persons referred to in the preceding subparagraph even without the provision of the constituent act.
5. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, A-Development and Competitiveness and Contracts, and Networks and the Secretary of State, as well as the objective of the Minister, following an opinion of the Council, a Regulations may be adopted and Project Execution Institutions, on the basis of the general principles governing the procurement and execution of public works, with the adaptations deemed necessary and serve their particular nature and needs.
6. By joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, Social Security and Social Security and the Minister responsible for the purpose of the Minister's purpose, the maximum remuneration for employment with any relationship and managerial staff may be established. The institutions and the allowances of members of their administrations, provided that they are not defined differently in their constitutions, on the basis of their qualifications, their time of employment and the remuneration of the employees of the private sector.
Article 59 Budget Budget
1. Institutions shall submit each year to the competent budgetary authority, a balance sheet and balance sheet. They shall also set up management and value-value management plans every two years.
2. The budget and the balance sheet of the institutions' revenue and expenditure, as well as their balance sheets, shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the presidential term in Article 34 (3). If more objectives are achieved, they appear in the budget in particular. Together with the balance sheet, a balance sheet of the institution's estate, including the general statement of assets and liabilities at the end of the financial year and all changes in the balance sheet, shall be drawn up and presented. The assets of the institution during the financial year, which are set out in special accounts. The budget, balance sheet and balance sheet shall be posted on the website of the institution, if any, and are sent for suspension on the website of the institution.
To the competent authority. The omission of an annexation on the Internet is an infringement of an obligation, in accordance with Article 71 (2a).
3. The financial management of the institutions is annual and coincides with the calendar year. For certain categories of institutions it may be decided by the competent authority to specify a different management period if there are specific reasons. The budget of revenue and expenditure shall be submitted to the Commission.
Three (3) months before the beginning of the financial year, the balance sheet together with the balance sheet at four (4) months from the end of the year. If there is any undue delay or refusal to submit the budget and accounts, the competent authority shall immediately issue and notify the institutions of the institutions, which shall be required to deposit the institutions. To refuse the deposit of the deposits, as well as the execution of a payment of payment at the expense of those deposits, which are directed against the institution for any damage suffered by the institution concerned. The treatment in this case may also raise the Symposium.
4. The budgets and accounts are approved by an act of the competent authority. The purpose of the approval act is to amend the amounts of the revenue and expenditure shown in the budget or to draw up new revenue and expenditure on grounds of law or agreement with the definitions or purpose of the constituent act or if the Expenditure shall be deemed to be excessive in relation to the objective pursued and the provisions to be fulfilled, in which case the latter shall be cut to the reasonable measure. Until the adoption, the management of revenue and expenditure of the institution shall be based on the budget adopted by the previous year. If the budget is not adopted within four (4) months of its submission and the administration of the budget and expenditure cannot be acted in accordance with the preceding subparagraph, the adoption of the new budget by the competent authority shall be withdrawn.
5. A decision of the Minister of Economy may set out the details of the preparation of the budgets and accounts, the contents of which are submitted and the books, which are kept by the institutions, the payment method. The costs of the institutions and the collection of their revenue and other related issues.
6. In the fortunes of this chapter, each four (4) years of audit of the management of the audit offices referred to in Article 21 shall be carried out. The provisions of paragraphs 3 to 6 of Article 31 shall apply to the submission of a report, the existence of an audit by the Economic Review and the debiting applied. The competent authority may request that the Economic Inspectorate be carried out at any time. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs,
It is limited to carrying out management control by the so-called offices in fortunes with annual revenues generated by more than fifty thousand (50 000) euro or with more than two million (2 million) euro.
7. The provisions of this and the provisions of this Article shall also apply to its products;
Article 50 (2). A separate budget, a-account and balance sheet shall be submitted for each chapter of self-management.
8. The conclusions of the audits carried out in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7 shall be submitted to the Commission for the opinion and Transparency of the Parliament.
Article 60 Appropriations and expenditure
1. No change is permitted, neither transfer of capital, from capital to capital or article in an article of the budget, without prior approval of the competent authority. Exceptionally, the competent authority may adopt, within a time-limit of 15 days from the submission of a relevant request, the payment of expenditure beyond the provisions of the budget resulting from reasons of force majeure or unforeseen needs. To serve their purpose. The practical nature of the above-mentioned above is considered to be the approval of the payment.
2. No expenditure at the expense of institutions shall be allowed without prior indication in the approved budget unless it concerns the repayment of any debt to the public.
3. Any expenditure incurred in contravention of the provisions of this Code and of the regulatory acts adopted in its authorisation or of the constituent act or body or without the budgetary or excess of the appropriations Listed therein shall be jointly and severally borne by the governors or trustees, who act as a mandate for the expenditure and shall be charged by an act of the competent authority after an audit by an Economic Inspector or an audit firm referred to in Article 21. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, The debiting may also be extended to officials-managers of the institution, provided they are responsible or complicit in non-monetary expenditure. The provisions of Article 31 (4) and (5) shall apply accordingly.
Article 61 Student inheritance
1. Information and information coming to the public or the legal persons of the public sector for the existence of an heir without an apparent inheritance; it shall be transmitted to the Central Board of the last residence of the recipient; or The Ministry of Economic Affairs, which carries out the verification of the data of the beneficiary, is likely to have the existence of an heir or to be informed of its actions. A special information obligation is provided by the International Economic Service (Tax Office) of the beneficiary, e-after a full moon from his death, without showing his heirs, in order to appoint a gardener or to make sure the heir apparent. Due to the right of the Court.
2. If there is a need for a certain garden, and
The Minister for Economic Affairs, the Secretary-General, shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance. If the evidence is likely to be that there is no heiress other than the Chamber, the appointment of a gardener shall be omitted and an application shall be made to the court of the inheritance for the confirmation of the Dauphin's heir rights, in accordance with Article 1868 of the Civil Code and with the appropriate application of paragraph 5 of this Code.
3. The competent authority shall appoint a gardener for the administration of the inheritance and the verification of the donor's heirs when the clergy is unknown or is not certain to have accepted the heiress. For the appointment of a gardener, the Registrar of the Court of Justice shall be informed without delay. Inherited hereditary right may at any time ask for the certificate of the right to be certified, by application to the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice, which shall be notified to the competent authority on a penalty of inadmissibility.
4. Adjunctions to the provisions of this Chapter apply Articles 1867, 1868 and 1870 of the Civil Code.
5. If there are no specific results of the work of the gardener and any replacement thereof after two years from the original deadline or any relevant period of time and is likely to be the opinion of the Council, there is no other In addition to the Symposium, his work is deemed to be suspended and the recognition of the donor's heiress is sought in accordance with Article 1868 of the Civil Code. Before the application is submitted, the competent authority shall be invited by the competent authority in order to announce their right to a deadline of three (3) months. The invitation shall be published in two (2) final reports of the marketing year and shall be displayed on the website of the competent authority for at least one month and the deadline for the announcement shall begin on the rollout of the publications.
6. With the recognition of the donor's beneficiary, it is assumed that the legacy is induced on it without a condition and for its liquidation if the provisions of Chapter II are applied.
Article 62 Appointement-Tasks-Expiry of the project
1. The funeral of a meticulous heiress shall be appointed as referred to in Article 16 by the competent authority of its own motion or at the request of a public authority or of any person with a legal interest, after having been consulted by the Council for its capacity. Inheritance as a reference to the provisions of Articles 17 to 20, 22 to 24 and 26 to 28.
2. For the purpose of verifying the data of the beneficiary, the gardener may request information, certifications and copies of public documents from any public or local authority, courtiers, hypothermic agents, individual offices, and And notaries. The
Authorities and persons are obliged to issue the requested information, certificates or copies of duty free, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the request.
3. The office of the gardener ceases and the gardener delivers the property to the heir or the cleaner, after informing the competent authority, if a judicial decision to recognise the right of the beneficiary is notified to him or if it is to be notified to the competent authority. The beneficiary of a third party with a decision of the authority adopted on the basis of an opinion from the Council.
Article 63 Accountability of a garden-A reward
1. After the end of his work, the funeral of a school heir has an obligation to answer to the competent authority. The accountability includes a report by the administration of the property that was carried out.
2. The institution of a meticulous inheritance shall submit to the first month and thereafter every quarter from its appointment, a separate table with the data of the asset and liability of the beneficiary, with the entry of the receipts or payments and a summary A report on investigations carried out to identify the assets and beneficiaries of the funds. Within two (2) years, the competent authority shall inform the competent authority of the final results of its activities by providing a report and all the data collected by competent authorities and information.
3. Article 30 shall apply to the remuneration and costs of the funeral.
Article 64 Folders and Register of School Heritage
1. The competent authorities shall draw up and keep records and registers of school heirs. (a) The name of the beneficiary; (b) the type and the valuation of the property; (c) the references and reports of the funeral; and all the data relating to management and administration; correspondence; In chronological order, the invitations from the authority to the gardener and his/her reason. For the rest, the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of this Regulation shall apply.
2. The funeral arrangements for school heirs shall, within three (3) months from the date of entry into force of this Code, declare the existence of the heirs for which they are responsible to the competent authority and to pay within six (6) months. From the announcement of the information of the previous paraflet on paper and electronic format. If the deadline of three (3) months for the notification is passed, the persons responsible for the announcement shall be made to the persons responsible for the notification. 2, in the case of Article 71. If, at the end of the period of six (6) months in which such information is intended to be added, it is not charged, the penalties provided for in paragraph 1 shall be imposed at the expense of the persons responsible. 2, in the case of Article 71, and the competent authority shall proceed to replace them.
Article 65 Resources
1. The State Budget provides for each special appropriation for the establishment and maintenance of the register of Articles 12 to 14 and for the administrative and supervision costs of the property contained in this Code. The revenue of the budget shall be as follows:
In Article 71 and the amounts of the right to use and compensation of expenditure collected in accordance with Article 14 (3) and (7). This appropriation is not supported by a transfer of amounts.
By other codes. 2. To treat expenditure of its properties
This Code requires an annual deduction of revenue by five per cent (5 %). By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, this percentage may be adjusted and the most specific details of the reservation may be determined.
The amount from the deduction shall be shown in the specific budget referred to in Article 34 and shall be made available for the costs of the competent authority in the performance of its duties resulting from this Code.
Article 66 Advance payment
1. For the payment of any kind of payment, expenditure and winding-up of property, which shall not be subject to the necessary periods, it may be set up in accordance with Articles 46 to 53 of the Law. 2362/1995 (1 247) fixed advance in favour of the Directorate for Public Benefits of the Ministry of Finance or of the Central Administration, which is managed by the Director or Deputy Director. After the discharge, these amounts shall be recovered from the assets or income of the property and shall be assigned to the account from which they were issued.
2. For the payment of all types of fees, expenditure and costs of school fees, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply.
Article 67 Management of deposits
1. Inherited, bequeath, executors, liquidators, liquidators, and governors of institutions and/or schools of school heirs shall deposit with or even more interest accounts in the course of the day-as, the building or medium-term financial accounts Amounts derived from substances contained in this Code and are directly related to the competent authority for the items of accounts, with a justification of their number and the purpose of the deposit.
2. Credit institutions, in which there are securities of public interest, are obliged, without special permission, to collect at the end of the shares or any benefits thereof and to deposit them to the account concerned. From the date of expiry, the amounts of goods and other benefits become self-contained.
3. When it is recommended that an usufruct or a payment be made on a movement of values or cash, the ownership of which is owned by the Public Benefit or Public Benefits, or in favour of a creditor, the usurer or a trustee shall deposit it to a credit institution. Or to the Deposits and Loans Fund if not specified in the will. By way of exception, by decision of the competent authority adopted after an opinion of the Council, it may be possible to manage the above data, following the provision of a security.
4. The transfer or conversion of the deposits of the preceding paragraphs shall be carried out by order of the di-and the competent authority, or the credit institution shall be liable for any damage caused.
Article 68 Information
The competent authorities, liquidators and regulators, the executors and the funeral arrangements shall be entitled to seek legal or natural persons who may own assets (such as in particular credit institutions). Institutions, insurance companies, Central Securities Depository) information on these data and control of the verification of these properties. The information requested shall be provided without payment of any fee or fee.
Article 69 Non-hazardous substances
1. The competent authority shall be entitled, in addition to the executors, executors, executors and governors of public interest institutions: (a) to carry out applications and lawsuits in respect of
(b) to expedite enforcement in respect of any substance, which has been made available to the public or to other institutions, b) to expedite enforcement of the law;
(c) to seek the adoption of interim measures for the application of the law;
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100a of the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 100a thereof,
A property in favour of a community of interest or public interest or concerns the validity of their actions, with the submission of proposals and without the notification by an order of intervention, (e) to request the retrial or to be called for
The retrial, if a trial is interrupted with a party to a party, one of the persons referred to in the first subparagraph and for reasons relating to such persons.
2. The introductory documents of the proceedings referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be communicated to the competent authority, by any person or other, unless otherwise specified in the present Code, in a sentence of inadmissibility of the debate, Of course, and of its own motion. For the rest, the provisions relating to the proceedings of the Court of Justice shall apply.
Article 70 Notification of documents
The notification of invitations to tender or other documents from the competent authority to the liquidators of heirs, bestows and gifts, enforceable conditions, governors of institutions of institutions of school or other persons, shall be carried out by telematics; or Electronic mail, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Law. 2672/1998 (EU-290) or with the competent authority and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 47 to 57 of the Law. NO 2717/1999 (1997).
Article 71 Disciplinary and administrative penalties
1. Legal persons or officials of legal persons governed by public law, participating in the verification or liquidation of the property of this Code, as well as those exercising a temporary administration, as referred to in Article 5 of this Code; Of the Code, which shall be subject to those issues at the discretion of the competent authority, which may impose a disciplinary penalty on them in order to carry out the tasks specified in this law or for a failure to fulfil their obligations. Carry out these.
2. A forecast of up to ten thousand (10,000) euro is subject to: (a) In executors, administrators, funerals
School-based heirs, institutions or bodies governed by this law, who do not provide the forecast items of their management or do not submit the budget and accounts within the legal deadlines. Or are not subject to any inspection or examination carried out by the competent authority or does not report thereon or provide information on the economic situation of the utilities and property or does not comply with the necessary books or Comply with the provisions of the Code and the Component (s). B) In credit institutions Of which, in the case of
(c) In the case of notaries, judges and lawyers, the competent authority shall inform the competent authority of any information requested by the competent authority or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Code.
Non-compliance with the provisions of this Code and their obligations under this Code;
The other 3. The above fines are imposed following a call
Of the debtor in order to provide, within a reasonable time, instructions on the competent authority or person concerned. For institutions or servants of the Court of Justice or of legal persons governed by public law and for administrative officers, the service shall be served on the service or the seat of the legal person, for all persons residing in their place of residence. The provisions are imposed by the competent authority, with -
Having regard to the opinion of the Council, the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors shall be certified by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors and shall be collected as a public revenue in accordance with the provisions of the CEE.
4. Prompt is required regardless of the sub-charge for the recovery of the damage caused by them and irrespective of their criminal liability.
Article 72 Penalties
1. Those who procrastinate or withhold property which have been made available to the Public or Public Benefits, as well as the caretakers and debtors, who attribute the debt owed to the opposite parties of the Court or of the beneficiaries, Provisions of the constituent act and this Code, as referred to in Articles 258 and 259 of the Penal Code, with regard to criminal offences and hours of criminal offences to public servants.
2. The provisions of Articles 235 to 263A of the Pan-Law Code shall also apply to the executors, administrators, liquidators, school-holders, governors of institutions and regions which have been allocated to the public. (i) the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Communities;
3. Courses performed by the above persons in the performance of their duties, are judged by the Chambers of Appeal of the Court of Appeal (Article 111 of the Penal Code).
4. Operators, liquidators, administrators, and fundraising agents, who continue to exercise their position or act in their place of business, notwithstanding their replacement or termination, In accordance with the provision of Article 259 of the Penal Code, the Code of Conduct for Public Servants, regardless of their other civil liability in order to correct the damage caused.
Article 73 Books-Items
1. For each property of this Code, special books and data are kept, in which their data and their economic impact are shown in general. Books and data are subject to the control of the competent authority. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, issued within three (3) months from
The entry into force of this Regulation may be adjusted with regard to the type and content of the books and particulars, the conduct of the checks and any other necessary details. The conclusions of the audits carried out by the audit offices referred to in Article 21 in accordance with this paragraph shall be submitted to the Chamber of Deputies and Transparency Committee. Without prejudice to Article 59, its assets
This Code with an annual revenue of more than ninety thousand (50,000) euro or with an active larger than two million (2 million) euro is subject to management control by the control offices of Article 21 every four (4) years. The provisions of paragraphs 3 to 6 of Article 31 shall be applied for the submission of each report. The competent authority may request a sampling check from the Economic Commission at any time.
2. Institutions and other assets of the present Code shall respect a specific sectoral accounting plan with codes of revenue and expenditure in conjunction with the provisions of the Sectoral Presidential Decree 205/1998 and 15/2011 An accounting plan applicable to the Symposium and the NIFs .. A presidential decree, issued in a proposal by the Minister for Economic Affairs, sets out the specific sectoral draft of the preceding subparagraph and the entry into force of this Regulation and may set up categories of institutions or property for which, Exceptionally, the application of the sectoral accounting plan is pro-active. The provisions of this Regulation shall be applied in payment terms.
N. In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Law on the Court of Auditors, which has been ratified by the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors has been ratified by the Court of Auditors in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Court of Auditors. NO 4129/2013
Article 74 Disembarkation-proceedings pending-Arbitration
1. A decision by the competent authority following an opinion by the Council shall be required for the preparation or removal of the mortar or phasing-out of items of items in Chapter I, Part I and II of this Code.
2. For the drawing up of a contract or an agreement to divide the proceedings or the abolition of proceedings in disputes concerning the property of Chapter VI and of this Code, an approval of the relevant decision of the Governing Council shall be required by the competent authority, By the Council's opinion.
Article 75 A contentious inheritance of an heir
Of the Directive
1. In the proceedings against the Doomsday for the performance of a law or a part thereof, the Court shall be regarded as a good faith of the heir.
2. The right of afforestation with which the property of this Code is subject to this Code shall be exercised within a period of five (5) years from the date of its publication.
3. The Symposium is entitled to demand the costs of cleaning, administration and management of heirs, which is required to pay. Expenditure shall be established and collected in accordance with the provisions relating to the collection of revenue.
Article 76 Dissolution of property
1. Without prejudice to specific cases of the Code, property which is idle for a period of more than five years shall be dissolved by a decision of the Court of Justice. The judge decides on the fate of the property and its determination to serve the same or other common cause. If the property is wound up after dilution, it shall be activated in accordance with this Code.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply if there is an ex-State for the purpose of property. In that case, the competent authority shall have the right to exercise the rights of the property in the court proceedings, even if it is not a party to the proceedings.
Article 77 Amending provisions of the Code
Political detentions
1. A. Exotic shall be installed as an heir to an heir which has no heir apparent only with a public will. If you have a written will not in writing.
Life at the time of the entry into force of this law has been rendered exotic as an heir to an heir who does not have an heir apparent, the court prescribes a graphic reality in order to prove the authenticity of the writing and of the I'm a member of the probate. In this case, at least thirty (30) days before the meeting, shall be required at the trial of the Greek public.
2. Article 813 of the Code of Civil Procedure is replaced by the following:
' Where, in law, the court may appoint a special gardener for the conduct of proceedings, the appointment, the replacement, and termination of the proceedings shall be made by the judge-tomorrow of the heirs. From the same court it is possible to certify that there is no other heir outside the Court. '
3. Article 825 of the Code of Civil Procedure a-reads as follows:
" Article 825 Legal aid to the State
Or public interest purposes
Any doubts or questions relating to the interpretation of a case or other act with regard to inheritance, inheritance or donation of the State or public interest, provided that it refers to the manner in which it is wound up and in general The Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities and of the Court of First Instance
A command that supervises community property. If the property is subject to the supervision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, the Court of Appeal is the Court of Appeal. '
Article 78 Modification of provisions of n. 3852/2010
1. In par. Article 81 of the EC Treaty The following is added to 3852/2010 (A' 87):
' (e) In the management of a legacy, it shall act with the public community in which it exercises its duties in the cases provided for in accordance with the law. Council Regulation (EC) No 2539/97 (OJ No L 244), as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 2539/97 ('), or in its act of incorporation, the participation of a local council or of the mayor, which is repealed with the present law. '
2. Article 82 of the Law. The following shall be added: 3852/2010
(k) in the administration of a legacy, with the local community in which it exercises its duties, in the cases provided for, in accordance with the law. Or in the act of incorporation of the President of the local council or of the mayor, which is repealed with the present law. '
3. Article 83 of the Law. The following paragraph 4A is inserted after paragraph 4 (4):
' 4A. Members of the Council of the European Union shall participate in the management of a legacy member of the community performing their duties, in the cases provided for, in accordance with the law. Or in the act of incorporation, the participation of members of the local council or of the members of the public council, which is repealed with this law. '
4. Article 84 of the EC Treaty The following paragraph 4A is inserted after paragraph 4 (4):
' 4A. Members of the council of the local community shall participate in the management of an heir with a seat of the community performing their duties, in the cases provided for in accordance with the law. Or in the act of incorporation, the participation of members of the local council or members of the municipal council, which is repealed with the present law. Where these were designated as members of the administration of the legacy member of a local community council, which at the time of the entry into force of the present list of less than 300 inhabitants, the substitution of such members is required. The relevant provisions amending the Legacy of the Certificate. ';
5. In par. Article 160 of the EC Treaty Case 3852/2010 is hereby established as follows:
' (g) In the management of a legacy, the capital of the regional unit in which he/she carries out his/her duties, in cases where it is supervised by the act of incorporation or otherwise, the participation of the chief of staff shall be entrusted to the management of an heir. The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure.
6. In article 163 of n. 3852/2010 added paragraph 2, as follows:
' 2. Members of the Regional Council shall participate in the management of a legacy unit in which they are elected, in the cases provided for by the act of incorporation or otherwise, the participation of members of the law; The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union
Article 79 Setting up of a register
Public Benefits-Schools of Inheritance
1. The Directorate for National Heritage of the Ministry of Economy of Article 13 of the Law 284/1988 (1 128) is to be used in the Directorate of Public Benefits and has the structure and responsibilities of this article.
2. The Addresses of National Inheritance of the From-centralized Administration of Presidential Decree 136/2010 (A΄ 229), 138/2010 (A231), 139/2010 (A232), 140/2010 (A1233), 141/2010 (A'234), 142/2010 (AK-235), 143/2010 (A΄ 236) are subject to Runs Management Central.
3. The Directorate referred to in paragraph 1 shall be established in the form of a 'Public Benefit Regime' - School of Inheritance, with responsibilities: a) the appointment and administrative supervision of the institutions;
(b) the compliance of the legacy of the legacy, the institutions and the institutions;
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council In order to inform the President of the Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union.
Article 80 Adjustment of amounts
The amounts and financial limits set out in the Code and in the acts adopted pursuant to its provisions may be adjusted by a decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs.
Article 81 Amendment of bodies
Institutions or statutory bodies governed by this Code and approved in the past with a formal or equivalent legislative act may be amended or supplemented in accordance with Article 51 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area. Code of conduct.
Article 82 Transitional and repealed provisions
1. Where not otherwise specified, the provisions of the Code shall apply to the public utilities existing at its entry into force, irrespective of their manner of incorporation. Public benefits which have been exempted by special provisions of 2039/1939 continue to be exempted from this Code and the supervision of the competent authority but are subject to an obligation to submit for verification purposes.
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 59 thereof, Procedures, which have already begun, shall be considered valid unless they are already repealed, hereinafter referred to as procedural measures, in accordance with the provisions of the Code.
2. The legal form of the already existing property shall not be reversed with the provisions of this Code.
3. Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this Code shall also apply to substances for which the competent authority is another, other than the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Secretary-General. Specific provisions concerning the establishment and enforcement of certain substances shall continue to be altered by a presidential decree, in accordance with Article 51, in order to harmonise them with the provisions of the Code.
4. Until the adoption of the Presidential decrees and other regulatory acts provided for in this law, the provisions of this Code shall apply to date, as long as they do not comply with the provisions of this Code.
5. Until the conclusion of the framework agreement of Article 21 of the present Treaty, control of the benefits of property and the assessment of the market value of waste for the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. These are different classes. For this transitional period, those who manage fortunes with an annual revenue of more than fifty thousand (150,000) euro or with an asset of more than ten million (10 million) euro should be assigned, with the cost of the property, Her annual report card to a sworn auditor. The balance sheet and the balance sheet for the
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 (1) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 21 thereof, Audit offices in Article 21. The provisions of Article 31 (3) to (6) of Article 31 shall apply to the submission of the report.
6. Until the entry into operation of the Registry of Article 16, the appointment of liquidators, executors, trustees of the property or institution and the death of school-holders shall be carried out by the Council of the competent authority. A-from the table held by the Ministry of Finance.
7. (a) Cases before the entry into force of the Code are to be checked by the Economic Inspectorate and for which an audit mandate has been issued and the audit has begun by an Economic and Financial Supervisor, remain and shall be completed (b) Returning to the competent authority and constituting a -
Control of the audit firms, the cases for which relevant orders have been issued by the Economic Inspectorate but no control action has taken place until the entry into force of the provision of Article 21. (c) Trade fairs of the Economic Inspectors
In the case of investigations, the provisions of this Regulation shall apply, in any event, and shall bring about a legal effect.
8. Without prejudice to the provisions of the other provisions of this Code, the entry into force of this Code shall be deleted: (a) the (v) 2039/1939 (A455), (b) the n. 430/1970 (A-25), (c) n. (d) Articles 1865, 1866, 1866, second and 1869 (1) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)
Civil Code, (f) Any general or special provision relating to
The, regulated by it or contrary to its provisions.
9. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, any referral to the Court of Justice of the European Union of 2039/1939 or, in general, in the legislation on National Heritage shall be understood as from the entry into force of this Code that it is made in its respective provisions.
Article 83 Recommendation-Purpose-Supervision-Chair-Duration
1. It is recommended that a non-company with the company "E-TRAINING AUTHORIZATION ENTERPRISE SA" is recommended. (.A.A.P.). The European Commission has a key role to play in the management, management and use of the property on which it maintains property-and the administration and management of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens or the legal persons or entities covered by it. In its jurisdiction.
2. In the Internal Market, the administration, management and use and other real estate on which they reserve assets or which carry out the administration and management of the other legal persons referred to in Article 1 may be included. Par. 4 of n. 590/1977 (146), following a decision of the legal persons concerned and the observance of the procedures for this purpose.
3. The E.U. Operates in accordance with the rules of the private economy, does not fall within the category of bodies and undertakings of the public sector or the wider public sector as defined in the n. 2190/1994 (A-28) and not applicable to it, and to companies whose capital is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, in the European Economic Area, the provisions governing companies which are directly or indirectly to the public, with the exception of those Expressly defined in the provisions of this Chapter. Provisions relating to undertakings, businesses or bodies, in general, of the wider public sector, do not apply to the above companies, unless explicitly stated that they are applied to them.
4. The Committee shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Service Act, unless otherwise specified in the provisions of this Chapter.
5. The HEA is based in the name of No Attica, which is defined by its Statute.
6. The duration of the E.U. Is ninety-nine (99) years after the entry into force of this law. This grant may be extended by decisions of the General Assembly, provided that the purpose of the European Convention has not been fulfilled.
Article 84 Shareholders-Equity-Revenue
1. The Greek public and the Holy Archdiocese of Athens are the Greek public.
2. The EOU's equity capital is trilateral-thousands (300,000) euro, divided into a thousand (1,000) denominations, denomination of three hundred (300) euro each, is taken and covered by the shareholders by fifty percent. 100 (50 %) from the Greek public and fifty percent (50 %) from the Holy Archdiocese of Athens.
3. ETAP's shares are non-transferable. 4. AAR's revenue is: a) The exchange from the use of real estate
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 1. (b) Interest, dividends and any kind of returns
(c) Any other revenue from any source, or any other revenue from any source. 5. The revenue of the E.U. From any property of any property
The rights of administration, management and recovery shall be granted to the European Economic and Social Committee, after having deducted its operational expenditure and following the creation of a reserve in accordance with the provisions of Mr D. 2190/1920, as the case may be, 50 % of the Greek public and by 50 % in the Holy Archbishop of Athens. In the case referred to in Article 1 (2), the Holy Archdiocese of Athens has the means further to the institution which has granted the rights of administration, management and use to the European Commission. The proceeds of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and the other legal persons referred to in Article 1 (2). 4 of n. 590/1977 available, in particular, for the service of the ecclesiastic, proactive and philanthropic work of these persons and the Church of El-oil. The specific conditions and the procedure for recovery and
The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Article 85 Statutes-Administration-Services-Management
1. The statute of the European Parliament, including its provisions, which are regulated by the provisions of this law, is adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Education and Religion, Culture and Athlete-p, which is issued following a unanimous opinion of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens and published in the Issue of Anonym Companies and Companies Restricted Liability of the Government of the Government. The Company's articles of association may be amended and codified in accordance with the provisions of Mr 2190/1920.
2. The Board of Directors (Board of Directors) of the European Central Bank is in line with a decision of the general meeting of shareholders for a term of five (5) years, which may be renewed for an equal period of time. To him -
A (1) member is indicated by the Minister of Finance, one (1) member indicated by the Ministry of Education and Religion, and the remaining three (3) members are indicated by the Holy Archdiocese of Athens. As President and CEO of the E.A., they are elected members of the Board of Directors by the Holy Archdiocese of Athens. The Director of the Internal Revenue Service is fully committed to the tasks and duties of administration and management of the E.U. Within the limits provided by Mr. Law 2190/1920. In case of vacancy of a member of the Board before
A new member shall be appointed for the time of his term of office from the end of his term of office.
3. During the rest of the rights of the Greek public, as a shareholder of the Hellenic Republic, they are exercised by the Minister for Economic Affairs.
Article 86 Reviews on the turnout
The rights of administration, management and property use in the European Union.
1. In the Internal Market, the rights of management, management and use of the property referred to in Article 1 (1) and (2), with the exception of the change in ownership of the property, are included in paragraphs 1 and 2. To this end, a contract is concluded between the European Economic and Social Committee and, where applicable, the title of the property or the body exercising the administration and management of each of them, following the submission of the latter's request, which includes the conditions For the advent of the above rights in the European Union and after the adoption of a decision by the Administrative Board of the European Commission,
2. The rights of administration, management and administration of each property shall be included in the SNAG, free of trade and free of charge, without payment of any tax, tax, tax or other weight, for a period of time which may not exceed 90 %. Nine (99) eu. In addition, the revenue assigned to the persons referred to in Article 2 (5) shall be exempt from any tax, fee or other charge.
3. The current ownership status of the minutes referred to in Article 1 (1) and (2) at the time of the transfer of these rights to the EASP is not affected.
4. Any final judicial recognition in respect of property ownership, on which the rights of administration, management and recovery have been brought to the European Court of Justice, shall be without prejudice, at the time of the agreed period, to the following: Exercise by the S.A.R. of the administration, management and recovery of the property carried out in accordance with Articles 1 to 7. In the event of publication of a copy of the judgment which is recognised as the property of the Court, the Holy Archdiocese of Asa or any other legal person referred to in Article 1 (1) (c). 4 of n. Council Regulation (EEC) No 590/1977 on a property in respect of which the rights of administration, management and recovery have been brought to the Court of Justice by the preceding subparagraph.
5. After, in any way, the end of the administration, management and use of its acne by the SNAP, it returns to him.
Which granted it to the European Economic and Social Committee, or to anyone who is entitled to exercise it during that time.
Article 87 Management-Management-Utilization of buildings
1. The SNAP shall exercise the administration and the management of the properties referred to in Article 1 (1) and (2) in order to be used.
2. The use of the real estate by the European Commission is carried out in all appropriate ways, with the exception of the co-establishment and transfer of rights in relation to them, and preferably by: (a) Resolve.
(c) Assignment of asset management to third parties; (c) Assignment of asset management
-to third parties. 3. By way of exception to the preceding paragraph,
It is possible, where this is expressly provided for in Article 4 (1) of Article 4, the establishment of a surface area by the SNAR on real estate used in accordance with Articles 19 to 26 of the Law. 3986/2011 (152), for a period not exceeding the time allowed for the concession to be used.
4. The procedure for the award of contracts for the valuation of the real estate by the European Investment Bank is determined by a Decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors.
Article 88 Setting up of special purpose companies
1. In order to optimise the use of the real estate of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 1, the European Investment Bank may contribute to specific Special Purpose Entities (E.E.C.), the total of the shares of which will be owned by the SNAP, and to which they will be included. A decision by the Board of Directors of the rights of administration, management and recovery of the property or the property group. This possibility will be expressly referred to in all the provisions of Article 4 (1) of Article 4, the administration, management and valuation shall be carried out in terms of similarity to those who are made available by the Committee for the Evaluation of Technological Development.
2. The provisions of Article 1, paragraphs 3 to 5 of Article 2, Article 3 (2), Article 4 and Article 5 (2) and (3) of Article 5.
Article 89 Urban maturation of buildings
1. Following the conclusion of the contracts referred to in Article 4 (1), the provisions of the legislation covered by Articles 11 to 17B of Chapter VI shall apply to the economic maturation of the buildings. 3986/2011.
2. The applications of Article 12 of the Law 3986/2011 the European Economic and Social Committee, or, where appropriate, the European Parliament, which is in accordance with the previous article. There are a number of relevant procedures that have been initiated by the European Economic and Social Committee following its recommendation.
Article 90
1. The indent of Article 5 (8) of the Law 3863/2010 (Α115) as amended by Article 138 (g) of the Law. 4052/2012 (A' 41).
2. The first subparagraph of Article 1 (3) of the Law 1759/1988 (1 50) is replaced by the following:
' They shall also be subject to the insurance of the present law and persons employed or providing a service or service to natural persons or to the public or private persons of public or private law or to independent authorities with any other means of public or private law. If, for employment, their employment or their employment, they are not subject to an explicit provision of law in the insurance of another main insurance fund. This provision shall also apply to retired or foreign insurance institutions. '
Article 91 IntraCommunity trade
1. In par. Article 39A of the EC Treaty (EC) No 2238/1994 (CCT) (A151), the following paragraph shall be added:
' Especially for the underlying transactions, in respect of transactions involving one or more associates, the obligation to settle transactions relates to transactions in excess of EUR 20.000 per transaction category linked. '
2. The provisions of paragraph 2. Article 39A of the EC Treaty 2238/94 (K. F) are replaced by the following:
' The documentation file shall be drawn up by the end of the fourth month after the end of the pilot period. It is accompanied by an information summary, which is submitted electronically to the General Secretariat of Information Systems of the Ministry of Finance within the same deadline and includes information on its functional identity. An undertaking, such as the group to which it belongs, the functions it carries out and the risks it takes, together with a list of intra-Community transactions to be carried out within the relevant management period. And a short description of the elimination of drug-related documentation. The documentation shall be kept in the undertaking and made available to the competent control authority within a reasonable period of time which may not exceed thirty (30) days. '
3. The par. Point 17 of Article 11 of the Law 4110/2013 (' 17) is replaced by the following, as follows:
' The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 5 shall apply to intragroup transactions carried out in management periods beginning on or after 1 January 2012, as well as over a 12-month period beginning before the date of entry into force of the Treaty. 1.1.2012 and on 31.12.2012 and after. Especially for the management periods for which
The deadline for drawing up the dossier and the submission of the summary table of information shall end until 19 September 2013, the summary dossier shall be drawn up and the summary table shall be submitted by 20 September 2013. For transactions carried out in the Member States,
The Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. 3775/2009 (management periods for which the deadline for the submission of a declaration of income tax is due from 1 January 2011 onwards) and until the date of entry into force takes into account the documentation provided for in In accordance with Article 26 of the Law. 3728/2008. The audit shall be carried out by the competent tax authority as defined in paragraph 1. Article 39 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 2238/1994 (K.P.E.), which shall also specify the intra-Eurosystem transactions in the event of non-compliance with, or to keep, an incomplete or inaccurate dossier, repealed by Article 39 (6), as applicable before the amendment Of the present law. '
Article 92 Central Unit for State Aid
And Committee for Supervision and Control of Gaming (E.R.P.)
1. The three-month deadline for the staffing of the State Aid Unit, as defined in paragraph B (11) of paragraph B of the first v. (') No 4152/2013 (' 107) is hereby extended by three months.
2. Since the entry into force of this law: They are transferred to the European Parliament.
Casino Supervision of the Ministry of Tourism and the Casino Committee of n. No 2206/1994 (2), with the exception of the control and supervision of the issues relating to the anti-price benefits, which are compatible with the requirements of the casinos. A decision by the Minister of Tourism is defined as the department of the Ministry of Tourism, which is responsible for the monitoring and supervision of the injured parties. Casino Commission is hereby repealed. Without prejudice to those defined in the above-mentioned
Paragraph (a) of this paragraph all the responsibilities of the Ministry of the Surveillance Casino of the Ministry of Justice shall be exercised by the European Parliament. Where in n. 2206/1994 the Minister for Tourism is expected to be understood as the SNC. The Ordinance of Management and Casino of the Casino Operation [T/6736 (B΄ 929/4.7.2003)] continues to apply until it has been replaced by the Rules of Conduct and the Control of Gaming. Article 29 of the EC Treaty (MILLION ECU) Other: Staff, serving on 31.08.2013
At the Ministry of Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism, a decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs for a period of six months from the date of entry into force of this law is suspended. This period may be extended, following a proposal by the European Parliament, under the auspices of the Minister for Economic Affairs. A decision may terminate the secondment before it expires. At the end of the period of secondment, the losers return to their organizational positions. E. Until the staffing of the Board of Auditors
Opinion of the Committee of the 3229/2004 (1 38), the casino control is performed by officials serving in the European Union.
3. A. In paragraph 1 and in the second subparagraph thereof,
Article 4a (2) and (1) and (3) of Article 4b thereof. Council Decision 02/11/6/2013 and Decision of the Secretary of State to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Economic Affairs (B΄ 1414) since, after the words "up to the recommendation" or "up to the recommendation", the words "and complete" shall be added. At the end of paragraph 4 of Article 4B of the
Note: Joint declaration by the Prime Minister and the Minister for Economic Affairs (B1414), as follows, has been added to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Economic Affairs (B1414), as follows:
' The Management Committee for the Account shall be set up by a decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs with the decision to appoint its members. A decision will be taken on the basis of the organisational plan under the Special Management Plan until the new institution has been set up and fully operational. Acts of the Commission during its preparatory phase shall be ratified by the publication of this law. '
Athro 93 Greek Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.)
And Council of Economic Homepage (SARS)
1. At the end of par. Article 2 of the Law A new paragraph is added as follows: 3832/2010 (1 38)
" By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, ELSTAT has been adopted. The Council of the European Communities and the Council of the European Communities and the relevant departments of the Tax Administration "Special Regulations of Officials", published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, are listed in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Special Regulation sets out, inter alia, the procedure for the transmission of data relating to isolated statistical units and are subject to tax secrecy with respect to security rules and procedures and encryption of data. And the obligations arising therefrom for the competent authorities for transmission and reception of these data. '
2. At the end of par. Article 8 (3) of the Law A new subparagraph shall be added as follows:
' The provision of the preceding subparagraph shall not apply where data are classified as confidential. '
3. A. At the beginning of par. Article 76 of the EEC Treaty (') 4170/2013 (Α-163), and before the existing paragraph, the first paragraph shall be as follows:
" The remuneration of the special scientific staff of the Advisory Board of Economic Experts (SARS) is the same as those provided for in the special scientific staff of the Independent Administrative Affairs (IOA). ' Other: The provisions of this paragraph shall apply from
Article 94 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Administrative Reform and Computer Governance
1. In par. 13 of Article 7 of the Law. The last subparagraph shall be added as follows:
' Text whose content satisfies the conditions for registration in more than one issue, in accordance with the above paragraphs, shall be published in the first publication of a non-binding instrument, even if the original signature He has ceased to be responsible at the time of the second publication. '
2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply from 1 January 2013.
Article 95 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Public Order and Citizen Protection
Article 2 of the Law Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3845/2010 (' 65), after paragraph 1, paragraph 1f shall be added as follows:
' 1f. The entire staff of the European Union is excluded from 1.1.2013 from the payment system of the Single Payment Authority. The audit of the salary and other expenditure of the Committee shall be carried out by the competent Directorate-General of the General Accounting Office of the State. '
Article 96 Conditions of competence
Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace
1. The paragraph of par. Article 12 of the Law The following shall be substituted for 4109/2013 (A16):
' The transfer of ownership of the above-mentioned third parties, as well as the transcription and registration of the Books, shall be exempt, irrespective of any tax, levy, levy or right-in favour of the Court or of any third party; Including the transfer tax, levy, levy or rights in favour of the Court of Justice or of any NITO, insurance organisations or third parties, rights of attorneys, lawyers, judges, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, etc. And rights-of mortgage-holders and of the Coronary offices. '
2. After the first paragraph of the case of ar. Point 13 of Article 12 of n. The following subparagraph is added as 4109/2013:
' Beneficiaries and requirements of the merged entity, mutual or against any third party, including the Dome and any NITO, which had been born in favour of the merging companies but not implemented in time, Shall be carried out by the acquiring company within four (4) months after the entry into force of this law. '
3. The par. Point 15 of Article 12 of n. 4109/2013 is replaced by:
' 15. The absorbing company is run by a 13-member Board of Directors consisting of the President, the Managing Director, a representative of the supervising Minister of Macedonia and Thrace, a representative of the Region of Central Macedonia, A representative of the Thessaloniki Association of Northern Greece, a representative of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, a representative of the European Association of Exporters of Northern Greece, a representative of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a representative of the North-West Bank of Greece. Bio-Technical Chamber of Thessaloniki, a representative of the Professional Professionals Thessaloniki, a representative of the Greek Association of Thessaloniki-Greece
The Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the Court of Justice of the European Union. If the status of the President is identical to that of the Governing Council then the shareholder shall appoint two members to the Board of Directors. By a joint decision of the Minister of Macedonia and Thrace and the Minister of Finance, the Board of Directors of the company is appointed. All other matters relating to the formation of the Board of Directors, the appointment of its members, the operation of the Board, and any relevant details, shall be governed by the statutes of the company and the relevant decisions of the Board of Supervisors; Macedonia and Thrace. The term of office of the appointments of the Board of Directors shall be three years and may be renewed. Until the definition of the persons referred to in the first subparagraph, the Board of Directors of the company shall be established and functioning. ';
Article 97 Provisions of a Minister of State
1. A. The allowances of the President and the members of the Central Manufacturing Committee (CDI) and of the Central Committee for Codification (CEC) do not apply to the provisions of paragraph 1. That is not the case, Mr President. 4024/2011 (226). Other: Any other contrary provision of law and ministerial decree
Decision repealed. 2 a. The true meaning of the provisions of paragraphs
5 and 6 of Article 5 of the Treaty. 3323/2005 (Α-61) is that the staff, which has been engaged in a private contract for an indefinite period under the provision of paragraph 5 of this article for the staffing of the Government of the Government of the Government of Education, and Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 (2) of the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty on European Union, the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, Joint ministerial decisions. By decision of the Prime Minister, the above -
Others may be transferred, at their request and independently of their time of service, to the vacant posts of the General Secretariat of the Government or to positions set up in the General Secretariat of the Government with the act of transport In the industry or in the area where the employees are transferred. Employees must have the qualifications of the industry or of the specialist, the positions to which they are transferred. The transfer may be carried out at the vacant or recommended position of a relevant or similar branch or of a specific category, if the official has the qualifications of the industry or of the speciality in which he is transferred. In the case of transport of the above staff at recommended positions and for the time being, an equal number of seats with a private-law working relationship of the General Secretariat of the Government of the General Secretariat is not met. By decision of the Prime Minister the above staff may be transferred to another Office, public service or legal person governed by public law, regardless of their time of service. With the transport operation the position may be abrogated.
Held by a member of staff in accordance with the needs of the General Secretariat of the Government. In addition, paragraph 3 of the sub-paragraph Z.1 of paragraph G of the v. 4093/2012.
Article 98 Priority areas of priority areas
Licences which have submitted applications for specialisation by 31.12.2012, in the priority series of the NSAs that have been consolidated in accordance with the n. 4052/2012, they shall be placed for exercise in accordance with the priority series as established for a hospital unit prior to consolidation and for the time allowed for such exercise. In case of exhaustion of one of the rows,
The Committee of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Order of precedence, in order to indicate them in the order of precedence. The details relating to the above procedure
A statement may be made by the Minister of Health. A decision by the Minister for Health is also determined.
The procedure for the placement of doctors for specialisation in the legal units changing form.
Article 99
A. .. Items i to iv of the indent of ar. Article 45 of the EC Treaty As amended by Article 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 3205/2003 ('297'), as amended by Article 4 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3868/2010 (' 129). Article 62 of the EC Treaty 3918/2011 (1 31) and par. Article 66 of the EC Treaty 3984/2011 (1 150) is replaced by the following:
' i In all zones, specialised doctors in all areas receive a daily allowance not exceeding seven (7) active seven days each month. Other: In the Zone, the Directors and Managers receive a daily allowance not exceeding seven (7) appeals, of which up to five (5) active reports and up to two (2) day-to-day appeals. The other qualified doctors receive a monthly allowance of no more than 11 (11) reports, of which up to seven (7) active reports and up to four (4) day-to-day appeals. Iii - In the Zone, qualified doctors receive a monthly allowance not exceeding seven (7) reports, of which Directors and Management Coordinators receive up to four (4) active reports and up to three (3) preparation days. Daily and other specialised seven (7) reports, of which up to five (5) active reports and up to two (2) day-to-day appeals. Iv. In the Azone, qualified physicians receive a monthly allowance not exceeding six (6) reports, from which the Directors receive up to three (3) active reports and up to three (3) day-to-day staff and the Other specialised six (6) appeals, of which up to four (4) active reports and up to two (2) day-to-day appeals. For
The Coordinators of the Co-operative of the 'Zone' are in force in force 6 of the n. 3754/2009. Qualified physicians of all grades regardless of the belt, such appeals, active or mixed-up or primacy, as required by the needs of their respective parts and up to the amount of the maximum compensation, as defined in Article 2 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2727/1999, shall be amended as follows: In paragraphs ii to iv. ' Other: Mixed sources of NHS and EKAB doctors and panes -
To the extent that they have been implemented from 1 January 2013 to the publication of the present version may be reduced by way of derogation from the provisions on the condition that the expenditure in question is within the limits of the appropriations allocated to each Member State. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health.
Article 100
1. The contracts for the transport of primary and secondary education from the place of residence in the course of study, including the transfer of students of pupils and artistic schools, EPAL and ASAS, as well as special education schools Are concluded for the school year 2013-2014, in accordance with the provisions of 24001/ 11.6.2013 et seq. (V1449). In cases where such contracts are not drawn up by the beginning of the school year or, for whatever reason, they may be executed, the transfer shall be made by extension of the contracts which have been extended or set up in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. In the n. 4089/2012. In cases where the transfer of pupils took place with contracts drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) (a) of Regulation (EC) No 519/1997. 35415/ 28.7.2011 et seq. (B1701), which have been resolved automatically in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 4089/2012, they shall be reintroduced and the relevant Peri-way shall be automatically and without any other provisions in all the legal and legal rights and obligations of the municipalities of the territorial authority, which have established the relevant contracts.
2. The extensions are made following a decision by the Regional Council and until the signing of the conventions of the invitations to tender opened by the Regions in accordance with the provisions cited above. 24001/ 11.6.2013 et seq. (B1449), in which case the relevant contracts are automatically and partially dissolved.
3. The contracts extended, as referred to in paragraph 1, shall be carried out until their solution to the costs incurred in June 2013.
4. For as long as the provisions of the above-mentioned paragraphs result in the inability of the contracting parties to do so, as well as for any new format, the Regions assign each of them to a decision by the Economic Commission, then by - Without publication of a contract notice, with no less than or equal to that which had been formed in June 2013, for existing arrangements, or with the costs arising from similar arrangements, in order to be new.
5. The contractual cost of the paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article may not be subject to the maximum compensation resulting from the application of the marketing authorisation number. 24001/ 11.6.2013 et seq. (V1449)
Article 1
In Case No 24001/ 11.6.2013. (A1449), with effect from its publication, the following changes:
V. At the end of the subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Article 5, the words'this paragraph' shall be replaced by 'this Article'.
VI! At the end of paragraph 1 of the Annex, the words'equal weighting of 1 to 1,5 per-account with the same form of road network shall be replaced by the following:' shall be 0,90 to 1,3 according to the same form of road network; In accordance with the further provisions of paragraph 2 of paragraph 2, in accordance with paragraph 2. ';
VII ... In Article 2, Chapter C, paragraph 2, subparagraph (e) (b), sub-indent (iii) after the word 'EDP', the word 'EDP' is added and in the same sentence the word 'experimental' is written.
VIII) The following shall be added at the end of Article 2 (3) (a) (a): " Contracting authorities, taking into account local conditions, the non-application of the contract, but also the competition, may cost the following measures: Less than those defined, in accordance with the Mathematics of the Pararti, maximum values. '
Article 102 Entry into force
The validity of Articles 1 to 82 shall begin two months from the publication of this Code to the Governing Council of the Government. The validity of the other articles hereof begins with
Its publication in the Official Journal of the Government.
Athens, 2013
Article 102 Entry into force
The validity of Articles 1 to 82 shall begin two months from the publication of this Code to the Governing Council of the Government. The validity of the other articles hereof begins with
Its publication in the Official Journal of the Government.
Order of the Court to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and its execution as the law of the State.
Athens, 2013
It was considered and placed the Great Seal of the State
Athens, 2013
Article 1 Definitions
For the purposes of applying the provisions of this Code:
1. "Public property" means the sum of the assets available with an heir, inheritance or a donation in favour of the Danish or legal person of public law or for the benefit of the public interest. 'Public property' means the legal person who manages and represents, if available, the legal person who manages and represents. The terms'community property', 'property' and ' e -
A human legacy is identified. 2. "Systatic act": the will or the act of donation, with
For the purposes of the preceding subparagraph, which shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
3. "Public Benefit": any national, religious, philanthropic, educational, cultural and generally beneficial to society, in whole or in part, purpose.
4. 'Fee Principle': is the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Secretary-General of the relevant decentralised Dii-tion, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, which shall exercise the relevant responsibilities by their respective Divisions.
5. "Council": the collective body under the name of a Council of Public Benefits which is known to the competent authority, shall be set up in accordance with Articles 6 and 8 and shall have the competences referred to in Article 7.
6. "School Inheritance": Inheritance whose heir is unknown or has not yet been found or is not certain to have accepted it.
Article 2 Obligations of the Court of Justice
1. The Symposium has an obligation to ensure the faithful and accurate execution of the will of the will and donors.
2. The provisions of this Code shall be implemented in a complementary manner, in so far as the relevant issues are not at all regulated or regulated in the constituent act. The rules of public order of code superpower in each case.
3. Competence of the General Secretariat of the Management Committee shall exist, without prejudice to paragraph 4 and any special provisions, in the following cases: (a) When the purpose of the estate is fulfilled by:
The main reason for this is the boundaries of a decentralised Diviustion, regardless of where the region is located. (b) Where there is no implementation of the preceding measure, any ancillary purposes shall not affect the competence.
(c) In the case of a meticulous beneficiary of the case, the property shall be located in the middle of the territory of a Member State.
(d) For all the issues related to management of the property, the number of real estate agents is to be found in the following areas:
Movable property which is within the jurisdiction of the decentralised Administration, other than those in property belonging to the direct management of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and those without a condition to the Symposium.
4. In other cases the Minister is responsible
Code of community benefits, school heirs and other provisions
Issued by the following law passed by the House: