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Article 1 Purpose-scope

1. The purpose of the provisions contained in the first and second parts of this law is to: (a) to ensure the continuous supply of public passenger transport services; (b) the design, organisation and operation of public networks; Transnational road passenger transport links between them and ensure the road transport of passengers from residential areas to urban or residential centres or to other housing or destination of work, training; Historical or tourist in-interest, c) ensuring the provision of high quality standards; (d) the adjustment of the allocation of exclusive rights for the transfer of public trans-urban lines or networks, as well as the adjustment of any kind of compensation to compensation for the performance of the road passenger transport market; The obligation to provide public trans-urban passenger transport.

2. The provisions included in the first and second parts of this law shall not apply: (a) in civil road passenger transport of passengers, (b) passenger transport by tourist or private use of buses; (c) in the case of passenger transport by means of a non-discriminatory and continuous basis for passenger transport;

Areas outside the urban or long-urban network.

Article 2 Definitions

For the purposes of applying this law: 1. " Long-distance passenger transport passengers;

": Passenger transport of passengers carried out with suitable vehicles, buses or coaches of a kind outside urban areas shall be offered indiscriminately and on a continuous basis in the passenger-side common one; (long-distance line) and allow passengers to be embarkated and disembarking on a pre-defined point (s).

2. "Long-distance road transport network" means the set of pre-defined hyperurban lines within the geographical boundaries of a region of a region, including hyperactive lines having the starting point or the engine. In this area.

3. "Road Passenger Road Transport Passenger Road": Passenger transport carried out by appropriate urban or urban type, within areas classified as urban or include lines designated as urban, even And if they extend beyond the urban areas.

4. "Regulatory Authority": the Regulatory Authority of Passenger Transport recommended by this law.

5. "Region": the self-governing body of public law provided for in Article 3 (1). No 1. 3852/2010 (1 87) and is the second degree of local government.


First, From the Official Proceedings of the KD, 1 October 2013, Meetings of the Work Decorator of the Work

The following draft law was adopted by the House of Parliament:

Non-urban passenger transport of passengers-Regulatory Authority for Transport and other provisions

6. Regional unity: regional authorities (laws) of each region as defined in Article 3 (2). 3 of n. 3852/2010

7. "Superurban line": the pre-defined successor, which follows buses running public long-distance passenger transport and which takes the starting point, the intermediate stops and the motor.

8. "Oversight lines of freedom of choice": tocks beyond the network of passenger road passenger transport services, for which the final authority is licensed and is carried out in a competition-free regime with superurban buses. -where.

9. 'Regulation': Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 (OJ L 315)

Article 3 Public passenger transport of passengers

1. The public long-distance passenger transport of passengers shall be offered to the public without discrimination and on a non-discriminatory basis, forming Services of General Economic Interest (SRSG) in accordance with Article 14 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union And are regulated by the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, the laws and regulations adopted by them.

2. The national system of public passenger transport services consists of the network of long-distance lines and the necessary infrastructure.

Article 4 Passenger road passenger transport network

1. The network of public passenger road passenger transport services serves the long-term needs of passenger movements with scheduled programming, in which each person has access to the designation.

2. Long-distance public passenger transport services within the defined geographical areas, the minimum transport requirements and the maximum tariffs for passengers and baggage are defined by the competent Regulatory Authority; In accordance with the terms of this law.

3. Passenger road passenger transport outside urban areas and engraved urban lines shall be integrated into the network of public passenger transport modes, even if local transmissions are allowed within the boundaries of the municipalities.

4. Long-distance lines of road passenger transport which exist before the entry into force of this law shall retain their designation until they are repealed or amended in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

5. Areas or lines, which at the beginning of this law have been classified as aspire, shall retain the designation.

Article 5 Competent authorities

1. The Regulatory Authority for Passenger Transport, which is compatible with this law, is the competent authority under Article 2 of the Regulation, which has the authority to take over public passenger transport services throughout the Community. To ensure the supply to the public of public passenger transport without discrimination and on a continuous basis.

2. The Regions are the competent local authorities in accordance with Article 2 of the Regulation, which have the competence within their geographical boundaries: (a) to supervise the entities providing public services;

(b) to impose sanctions on operators carrying out passenger transport services;

(c) to propose to the Regulatory Authority on: (aa) the definition of long-distance leavers;

(b) the granting of exclusive rights by the Member States;

(c) the granting of compensation for all types of passenger transport in the case of public transport services;

(d) the fixing of an integrated public passenger service in order to fulfil obligations in respect of public passenger services;

(d) propose to the Regulatory Authority the award of the contract within the meaning of Article 2 (m) of the Regulation;

The provision of public trans-urban passenger transport services without competition, where this is allowed by the Regulation and the present law, e) to collect data on the operation of the

In accordance with the standardisation and frequency set by the Regulatory Authority (f), they should be admitted to the Regulatory Authority;

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

Article 6 Performing public superurban public

Passenger transport

The execution of public trans-urban passenger transport is carried out by persons carrying out the freezing of road passenger transport by bus-by-passer or a civil type of each category which meets the technical specifications of the applicable law. The competent authorities of the competent authorities of the Member States and the competent authorities of the Member States have received notification of this type of legislation.

Article 7 Grant of exclusive rights

Or loss of life

1. The detailed rules concerning minimum standards are laid down by decision of the Regula tion Authority.


Activities to be fulfilled in the performance of public passenger transport services. For this reason, the Regulatory Authority takes into account the demographic and demographic data, the needs of passenger movements in each regional capacity, the cost of the minimum supply of long-distance public transport services. (i) passengers, but also the need to access passengers in the trans-European transport network against a reasonable person.

2. The Regulatory Authority may entrust the public trans-urban road passenger transport services by granting a-exclusive right to provide such services or compensation, if this is necessary for the protection of the continuous supply of public roads. Passenger transport of passengers at the specified minimum requirements level.

3. The award of public long-distance public supply contracts with the grant of exclusive rights or compensation is made by means of a competition or by way of exception by direct agreement, in accordance with the Regulation, in this case. Law, the regulatory acts adopted by the Commission and the specific rules laid down by the Regulatory Authority, respecting the principles of transparency, impartiality and proportionality.

Article 8 Ensure continued provision of long-distance passenger transport

1. The Regulatory Authority has an obligation to ensure the continuous and smooth transport of passengers throughout the network of public passenger transport by passengers.

2. In the event of the interruption of the services of over-the-road passenger or passenger transport services, the Regulatory Authority has the right to take emergency measures in accordance with Article 5 (5) of the Regulation, as specified in Article 5 of the Regulation. The provisions of this law.


Article 9 Programme of long-distance

1. The Regions are planning the trans-urban passenger transport network of each regional unit of their geographical boundaries and propose to the Regulatory Authority the definition of long-distance passenger lines.

2. The proposed long-distance lines should cover key long-distance connections, eliminate the requirements of the passenger public and ensure the best possible access for passengers to the network of public road hauliers Translators.

3. Regions during the design of the network shall take into account the population and geographic data, the need to move passengers, in particular from the most

In the case of remote areas, there are also the advantages and disadvantages of the underdeveloped road transport network.

Article 10 Key guidelines for design

1. In the design of the network of public passenger transport services, it is important to ensure that the basic transport links between local and municipal units are covered by the administrative centres of the municipalities. Of the municipalities with the administrative centres of the Regional Unions, the Regional Unions with the administrative district of the Region and the districts of the districts and districts of the Region of Athens and Thessaloniki, or Administrative centres of other regional and local regions.

2. The design of the network must take into account, and the needs of the passenger audience, from and to other cities or urban centres or intended for holiday or summer holidays, which do not address administrative centres of municipalities, regions or regions. Uniform or the district.

3. In the design of the network of public passenger road passenger transport lines connecting local communities or communities with the centres of the Municipalities and Dominant positions or between them.

4. The design of the network must take into account the specific needs of learners or learners to the training centres and the work-related workplaces.

5. Especially with regard to the Region of Attica, the regional section of the islands, and the Regional Section of Thessaloniki, the design of the trans-urban road passenger transport network relates only to the long-distance lines within geo - Of their graphic boundaries as well as the long-distance line Athens-Thessaloniki.

6. Decision of the Regulatory Authority sets out the rules and criteria to which the design of the trans-urban transport network by the Regions should be corresponded.

Article 11 Description of long-distance

1. Each long-distance line includes the release, the successor, the intermediate stops for embarkation or disembarkation of passengers and the vehicle (arrival site).

2. Wherever possible, the starting point and the engine of each measuring machine will be done in no time as a functioning bus terminal.

3. Long-distance road passenger cars are classified as "common" when all the intermediate positions of a successor, "the-ea", when performing certain positions of a successor and "superfast" when from the starting point up to the point of departure. A vehicle is not performed by means of embarkation and embarkation stops.


Article 12 Movement of passengers-Minimum number of passengers

Ed mandatory values

1. The Regions must accompany their programme for the network of road passenger transport services with detailed information on passenger traffic per line on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis, in order to show that (i) medium-and long-term adjustment of passenger traffic within the calendar year.

2. The proposals submitted for each programme of the trans-urban road passenger transport network should include the number of minimum sub-debtors, their periodicity and the time allotment of the cartons within it; A time clock.

3. By decision of the Rising Authority, the criteria to be taken into account for the determination of the minimum mandatory values in each line of passenger transport, and the criteria for determining the time limit should be laid down. To ensure that all categories of the passenger are to be serviced and that all categories of passengers are served.

Article 13 Regional planning experience

Hyperurban lines

1. The proposals of the Regions for the network of public road passenger transport by road within the geographical boundaries and the definition of key lines and schedules must be removed from details of the passenger. In addition, the Commission adopted a communication on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the European Union.

2. On the basis of the current annual ceilings for passengers and the existing data on the economic viability of the interpolated passenger road passenger transport lines, the Regions shall propose for each line of over-urban road transport: In the case of passengers, the granting of exclusive rights or the granting of compensation.

3. The Regions may request the necessary data for existing transnational passenger transport services by entities to whom the interurban transport of passengers is delegated and which they supervise.

Article 14 Cleanup of transnational lines

Passenger road transport

1. The Regulatory Authority defines long-distance public passenger transport services. For those lines there is an obligation to provide a public service of general economic interest.

2. For the definition of long-distance public passenger transport services, the proposals of the Regions and all the population and geographic data, existing road links, social and passenger needs, are taken into account, but And the passenger traffic, as well as the financial data available.

3. For each long-distance public passenger transport line, the Regulatory Authority will determine whether it will be entrusted with an exclusive right of cancellation or compensation.

4. The Regulatory Authority sets out the criteria, the procedure and the conditions for determining the long-standing public road passenger transport lines, the starting points, the watches, the intermediate positions and the motor vehicles.


Article 15 Superurban bus services

1. Stations of hyperurban buses mean that are appropriate to accommodate the needs of a planned arrival and departure of vehicles engaged in public long-distance passenger transport, as well as accommodation, boarding, Transport, disembarkation and service of the passengers in general, as well as loading, loading, unloading and luggage storage and any other relevant operation.

2. The setting up and operation of long-distance coaches requires the authorisation of the competent authority, issued in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 79/2004 (A΄ 62).

Article 16 Network of public trans-urban buses

1. In the network of public passenger transport of passengers, all coaches of public transport owned by the public or other entities of the public sector or to the Council of Public Sector and Private Sector are included in the network.

2. The urban bus stations in the public network are under an obligation to serve as far as possible all the long-distance lines of the public passenger transport network.

3. With a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, incentives may be laid down for the construction, repair, renovation and general development of urban and urban buses A network of public trans-urban passenger transport services.

4. The transfer of the operation of the public trans-urban bus stations may be independent of the ownership thereon.

5. The facilities of the long-distance coaches of the public network may be made available for the service of all types of passenger transport, to the extent that the operation of public trans-urban passenger transport services does not interfere.

Article 17 Existing urban bus stations

1. Existing State Bus Stations may, at the request of their owners, be included in the network of public trans-urban transport networks;


Passenger shutters as start-up and arrival stations, or as intermediate bus stops performing all kinds of long-distance buses.

2. The Regulatory Authority determines the way and means of integrating the woven overurban bus stops in the public passenger transport system, as well as the duration and other terms of the relevant contracts.

3. Private staff participating in the public sector shall take all the obligations laid down in the provisions laid down in the provisions.

4. Private superurban buses, which will not be integrated into the network of public passenger transport, may also serve public passenger transport operators.

Article 18 Right of access to staff

Of the public network

1. All the vehicles of the entities operating as public passenger transport modes have a right of access to a level playing field in the field of trans-urban trans-urban road transport services; Vans, in exchange for the payment of an exchange for the use of their facilities and their overall infrastructure.

2. Decision of the Regulatory Authority lays down rules on the right of access and the non-aligned obligations of the operators of long-distance coaches that are part of the public network.

3. The operators of cross-border bus stops forming part of the public network shall conclude contracts with entities performing public long-distance passenger transport, at least for the duration of the finished transport project.

Article 19 Rules for the operation of superurban

Bus station (s)

1. By decision of the Rising Authority, the rules governing the operation of long-distance coaches which are integrated into the public transport network in order to ensure: a) the orderly and orderly functioning of the facilities, (b) the uninterrupted and equal conditions of access to the premises of all entities operating long-distance passenger transport, (c) access to and service of passengers.

2. The bodies responsible for the conversion and operation of long-distance coaches of the public network have an obligation to comply with the principles of operation set by the Regulatory Authority, to make the appropriate staff available and to Meet the minimum requirements for the services offered.

3. The Regulatory Authority sets out the rules governing the operation of private long-distance buses to ensure the service of the passengers.

4. Supervision of long-distance bus services shall be supervised by the competent departments of the Regions, which impose the penalties provided for in the case of infringements of the provisions laid down.

Article 20 charging rules for the use of installations

Of long-distance bus stations

1. By decision of the Regulatory Authority, rules are laid down for the charging mode of operators with public road passenger transport services for the access and use of long-distance bus stations in the public network.

2. The Regulatory Authority must take into account that the charges of operators engaged in public passenger transport by road for access to and use of long-distance long-distance buses in the public network should cover costs. Operation and maintenance of the necessary facilities in accordance with the minimum level of the offered services and the reasonable profit of the operator.

3. The Regulatory Authority sets the maximum and lower charges for operators of public passenger road passenger transport, as well as the adjustment of the scope of the charges.

4. When the operators involved in the urban buses are engaged in other activities, in particular if they carry out passenger transport, they shall be required to keep separate accounts for the revenue from the transfer of the superstars. The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the With a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the arrangements for the implementation of this provision are set out.


Article 21 Award of long-distance road transport

1. Long-distance passenger transport by way of public service of general economic interest which is entrusted to third parties following a public open competition.

2. Exemption shall be granted directly to the direct award of public passenger transport services in the cases provided for in Articles 5 and 5 of Regulation (4) and (5) of the Regulation.

Article 22 Contracting and supervisory authority

1. The Regulatory Authority shall issue open competitions concerning the award of public passenger road passenger transport services by means of an exclusive right of transfer or compensation and shall conclude contracts with the Contracts; - ...

2. The Regulatory Authority assigns the provision of public trans-urban passenger transport services in the cases referred to in Article 5 (4) and (5) of the Regulation.


Regulation and this law. 3. The Regions are responsible for supervising the

Bodies carrying out public long-distance passenger transport services, monitoring of the implementation of the relevant contracts and the enforcement of the penalties provided for.

Article 23 Publication of information

For official competitions

1. The Regulatory Authority is required to publish the information set out in Article 7 (2) of the Regulation in the Official Journal of the European Union, at least one year before the notice of competition.

2. The Regulatory Authority publishes the same information and in any other appropriate manner, such as posting on its website or publications in the press.

Article 24 Notice of competition

1. The competitions for the award of public passenger transport services are proclaimed by geographical areas, which contribute to the inter-regional limits of the Regional Units.

2. On the basis of a proposal from the Region, it is possible that the Regulatory Authority, exceptionally, proclaims competition for geographical areas smaller than the limits of a Regional Unity but not greater than that of the region, (i) a long-distance network of hyperurban networks with functional stress on the specific geographical area.

3. The proclamation of the competition shall specify the boundaries of the geographical area and all the defined long-distance lines constituting the network of public hyperurban lines of the geographical area concerned.

4. The network of the hyperurban lines of the geogram area includes the defined urban lines linking cities or urban areas located within the boundaries of the geographical area with Athens or Thessaloniki or cities. In other regions, without prejudice to Article 10 (5) of this law.

5. For over-urban lines that have their due process or their motor in another Regional Union, the notices shall specify the percentage of other Contractors to be determined by other Contractors.

6. For each geographical area a Contractor is proclaimed.

Article 25 Determination of an exclusive right

Of transfer or and loss of life

1. The notice of competition describes the hyperurban lines for which it is danced in the Contractor exclusive right of repute and those for which it is granted additionally and compensation.

2. For each long-distance line defined in the pre -

The minimum requirements for: (a) the type of vehicles, (b) to the frequency of the diaries at a time allotted per day of the week, taking into account the holidays, local holidays and habits, but also of the seasons; In this context, the Commission has decided to initiate the procedure laid down in Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 519/1999.

3. The notice of competition includes the symbol of the long-distance network of public passenger transport services in a Regional section.

4. Open competitions do not relate to individual long-distance lines but to public passenger transport networks by geographical area.

Article 26 Determination of the charge ceiling

Passenger and baggage

1. The Regulatory Authority shall specify clearly in the preconditions: (a) the amount of the maximum authorised passenger charges per kilogram of extended cartilage; and (b) the maximum permissible weight of non-co-operating passengers, the maximum A passenger canister for baggage beyond the maximum permitted weight, as well as the maximum authorised weight for unaccompanied non-attached persons.

2. In order to determine the maximum charge threshold, the Regulatory Authority shall take into account the estimated cost of the implementing body of the required minimum public service for road hauliers, which shall be allocated per kilogram.

3. For the calculation of the total cost of the institution, account shall be taken in particular of the movement of the necessary vehicles, staff members, third parties, the cost of administration of the company of the Contractor for this purpose. Project, depreciations as defined by the accounting and tax provisions, the general budget expenditure, the maintenance and repair costs and the transparent and transparent costs associated with the implementation of the project.

4. For the determination of the maximum charge threshold, account must be taken of the reasonable profit of the operator of the enforcement agency of the required passenger transport services as specified in paragraph 6 of the Annex to the Regulation. Case 1370/2007.

Article 27 Defining the granting of compensation

1. Where provision is made for the provision of compensation for the performance of long-distance passenger road transport, the rules laid down in Article 6 and of the Annex to the Regulation shall apply.

2. Losses of income due to the issue of reduced or registered passenger tickets, such as-girls, students, students, other students, students, students, students, students, students, students, students, other students, students, other students, students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, other students, students, students, other students, students, other students, students, students, other students, students, other students, students, students, other students, students, other students, students, students, other students, students, students, other students,

3. The invitations to tender shall provide for the manner and the procedure for the calculation of the annual


(i) the way in which the amount of compensation paid, the way in which it is paid to the Contractor, and the way in which it is repaid or the way in which it is repaid or the way in which it is superseded.

Article 28 Duration of award contracts

1. The contracts for the award of public trans-urban passenger transport services shall have a limited period of time which may not be less than eight (8) years and exceed 10 years.

2. Decision of the Regulatory Authority lays down rules on the criteria for which it is possible to provide for an extension of the contractual period of the contracts with the Contractors up to 50 % of the agreed time limit, The terms and conditions of Article 4 (4) of the Regulation.

3. In the invitations to tender, apart from the duration of the contract with the Contractor, it must be determined whether, in the particular case, it is possible to extend the contractual period, the duration and the conditions for the award of the contract. The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Article 29 Conditions for participation in the competition

1. In the invitations to tender, the conditions for the participation of interested parties in each competition must be clearly and fulfilled.

2. The tenders may participate in the operations of any legal form performing road passenger transport, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 either alone or in joint ventures.

3. The tenderers must have or acknowledge that they can have adequate and adequate staffing and organisation, as well as a sufficient number of appropriate vehicles.

Article 30 Offers of contestants

1. The tenderers shall submit a bid for all the long-distance lines included in the network of the geographical area for which the competition is concerned.

2. The bids of the tenderers shall include the amount of charge they offer, which may not exceed the maximum charge, as well as an analytical table of the services offered in addition to the minimum required, such as those offered by the tenderers. List of variables on the existing network.

Article 31 Rules for the evaluation of tenders

Of the tenderers

1. Decision of the Regulatory Authority

Rules for the assessment of tenders of the diagonal, so that the appointment of contractors for the position of long-urban road passenger transport is carried out in a comparable and transparent manner.

2. The main criterion for the evaluation of the tenders is the discount on the maximum charge. Consideration should be given to any further offered discounts for passengers, as well as the services offered by long-distance (watches) services other than the minimum required. Quality criteria such as the restriction of transports and other international standards of gross quality transport are also assessed.

3. The notices should describe in detail how the tenders are to be assessed and the quality of the individual assessment criteria.

Article 32 Rules for tenders Standard issue contracts

1. The Regulatory Authority lays down rules for the anangements relating to the award of public passenger road passenger transport services, where the procedure and stages of competitions are envisaged, the pre-conditions and the supporting documents of the passengers. Interested parties, reasons for the exclusion of tenderers, the opening-up of tenders, the appointment of the promoter, the possibility to join the tenderers and other details.

2. The notices are accompanied by standard contracts, detailing the contractual obligations of the Contractors.

Article 33 Contracts with Contractors

1. The Regulatory Authority concludes contracts with the Contractors, based on the pilot contracts and the offer of the contractor.

2. The notices shall describe the supporting documents to be provided by the contraaor, as well as any other condition that must be met before the signature of the agreement with the Contracting Authority.

3. The Contractor shall assume the performance of the ultra-static road hauliers on the day specified in the contract. This day shall be considered as a starting point for the duration of the contract.

4. If the Contractor does not fulfil the required conditions or refuses to come forward for the submission of the contract within the prescribed time, he shall be defaulted and forfeited the tendering letter in the tender.

5. If the Contractor who has emerged from a competitive procedure has been declared fallen before the contract has been signed with the Contracting Authority, it may either invite the latter in the final evaluation to a tenderer or if he does not exist or his tender is judged. It is not appropriate to re-launch the competition and to take the planned measures to safeguard the continuous supply of public passenger transport services.


Article 34 Change in conditions of duration of contracts

1. If, during the period of validity of the contracts with the Contractors, the needs of the passenger audience have been identified, following a proposal by the Contractor or the competent regional authority, the Regulatory Authority may authorise the removal of hiefs (i) hyperurban lines or the creation of new or other changes, especially as to the frequency or the translocation of the woven cloths.

2. For the adoption of the proposed changes, the Regulatory Authority takes into account the existing exclusive rights of the Contractor, as well as the right to compensation and makes the necessary arrangements, including the economic Consequences.

3. On the basis of the arrangements adopted by the Regulatory Authority, a contract is signed with the Contractor, a modification of the original.

4. If the Regulatory Authority finds the need for a change in the basis of changing the requirements of the passenger public, it may propose appropriate modification of the agreement. If the Contractor refuses to modify, the Rhythm -

After taking into account the views and reasonable interests of the Contractor, the Authority may decide to impose appropriate arrangements.

5. Decision of the Regulatory Authority sets out the conditions, conditions and procedure for amending the initial contracts or setting-up arrangements.

6. If the Regulatory Authority does not take a decision within three (3) months after the submission of the proposal, it considers that the proposal was rejected.

Article 35 Contractors of the Contractors-Implementation of contracts

1. The supervision of the Contractors shall be exercised by the competent authorities of the competent regional authority.

2. The competent authorities of the local competent regional authorities shall monitor and verify whether the Fund is to comply with its contractual obligations and the provisions of the text in question, establish any infringements and impose on them. The sanctions provided for by the sanctions.

3. By decision of the Authority, rules are laid down to monitor the manner in which the Contractors have been executed-as the Contractors' findings, the finding of the infringements and the measures imposed by the infringements, the imposition of penalties, the objections of the In the case of sanctions, the types and procedures for the enforcement of penalties, the investigation of passenger capacity, and the investigation of the quality parameters of the pre-transport project.

4. The administrative fines imposed against the Contractors are revenue from the Regulatory Authority.


Article 36 Direct award as an exceptional measure

1. In the event of the interruption of public passenger transport by road or a imminent risk of interruption in one or more geographical areas, the Regulatory Authority may take emergency measures to safeguard the continuity of passenger road transport. Of services consisting either of the award to a third of the work of public passenger transport services without the notice of competition or in the period of the duration of the contract with the Contractor other than any foreseeable limits Without the competition project.

2. The duration of the entrustment or extension of an agreement beyond the prescribed period shall not exceed two (2) years.

3. In the event that the situation with the emergency measures of the previous records cannot be addressed, the Regulatory Authority, by its decision, may require the provision of public trans-urban road passenger transport to bodies that are able to They shall, in whole or in part, respond in terms similar to those applicable to Contractors of similar services in order to ensure as far as possible the continuous service of the public passenger. The imposition of an obligation cannot exceed the

A year. 4. The Regulatory Authority sets out the rules for the

Conditions and the procedure of directly entrustment or enforcement as exceptional measures.

Article 37 Restrictive transport project

1. On a proposal from the Region concerned, the Regulatory Authority may entrust the work of public passenger transport services without competition to undertakings fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 29 of this Law, if the average annual value Of the services concerned is estimated at less than one million (EUR 1 million) or if the annual project is less than three hundred thousand (300,000) kilometres.

2. The limits of the preceding paragraph shall be doubled if the direct assignment concerns a small or medium-sized enterprise, which uses no more than twenty-three (23) vehicles.

3. The above arrangements may apply, in particular, to remote geographical areas or dew, where the necessary transport project is restricted.

4. Regionalisation of Regionalities in smaller geographical areas with a view to reducing the necessary transport project and implementing the article, is not permitted.


5. The Regulatory Authority sets out the specific conditions and conditions for direct procurement to third parties due to limited transport projects.

Article 38 Assignment to public service

1. At the request of the institution concerned and a proposal from the Region concerned, the Regulatory Authority may entrust the provision of public trans-static road passenger transport without competition to domestic operators within the meaning of Article 2 The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union

2. The award of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the conditions laid down in Article 5 (2) of the Regulation.

3. The decision of a local public authority within the meaning of Article 2 (c) of the Regulation, for the period from the same public passenger transport undertaking, is possible under the conditions laid down in Article 5 (2) of the Regulation; and Subject to the approval of the Regulatory Authority.

4. The Regulatory Authority sets out the rules on the basis of which it is possible to take over public passenger transport of passengers by competent local authorities or to assign to domestic operators.

Article 39 Publication of information for direct award

1. The Regulatory Authority is required to publish the information provided for in Article 7 (2) of the Regulation one (1) year prior to the appointment of public passenger transport by road.

2. The Regulatory Authority is required to publicise the information referred to in the preceding paragraph and in any other appropriate manner, such as by posting on its website or by way of publication in the press.

3. The obligation to publish information shall include the cases referred to in Article 36 of this law.

Article 40 Call for expressions of interest

1. In the cases referred to in Articles 37 and 38 of the present law, the Regulatory Authority, within three months of the publication of the information referred to in the preceding Article, is required to issue an invitation to make a declaration of interest for the transport project. (i) stationary passenger transport services which it intends to award without competition.

2. Interested parties must have at their disposal at least two (2) months from the publication of the invitation to indicate their interest in writing.

3. In the event of an interest shown by more operators, the Regulatory Authority invites them to -

Tender bids for the project concerned and can either directly assign to any other party offered the lowest fare or to negotiate negotiations for the selection of the Contractor or to award a public-controlled entity -Rain.

4. The Regulatory Authority sets out more specific rules for the process of expression of interest, the submission of tenders and the evaluation of the interested parties and the award criteria.

5. In the cases referred to above, the award procedure is compatible with the body responsible for carrying out the work of the passenger transport project, which may not be less than eight (8) years and not more than 10 years, Possible-an extension of up to 50 % of the compatible time frame under the terms and conditions of Article 4 (4) of the Regulation.

6. The Regulatory Authority may revise the following direct contracts, in particular in the cases referred to in Article 5 (7) of the Regulation.

7. In any event, the decisions of the Regulatory Authority for the award of long-distance road transport passengers without competition shall be brought before the courts.


Article 41 Interurban free choice lines

1. The Regions of its own motion or on a proposal for a passenger transport operation of any legal form may submit a dossier to the Regulatory Area with a documented proposal for the creation of a new line of transurban road transport; (i) for which no exclusive distribution or right of compensation has been granted or has not been awarded directly or is not provided by a public servant.

2. The proposed long-distance lines are defined by the Regulatory Authority, which assesses the proposed proposals on the basis of a criterion for ensuring a more extensive network of long-distance road passenger transport services and better service. Passenger.

3. The Regulatory Authority sets out the starting point, the intermediate positions and the motor of the ultra-urban, free choice, conditions and conditions of operation, as well as the mode of dispute settlement, without being bound by The proposals submitted.

4. In the long-distance lines of free choice there is no exclusive right to transfer, nor is it allowed to benefit from any form of household surplus.

5. Any undertaking has the right to perform long-distance passenger transport, and fulfils the conditions laid down by the Regulatory Authority, it may be incorporated into the programme of long-distance freechoice lines.


Article 42 Procedure for the determination of superbourgeois

Of a free choice programme

1. The Regulatory Authority sets out the elements and justifications that should be included in the "Exhaust Prompt Execute Exhaust Project without an exclusive distribution", which is submitted by the Regions.

2. The Regulatory Authority is required to complete the examination of the dossier submitted within six (6) months after which it approves the proposed proposal or rejects a statement of reasons.

3. If the Regulatory Authority decides to create a long-standing selection, it shall make the proposed line and public call for expressions of interest. After two (2) months from the public

Call for expressions of interest, the Regulatory Authority, taking into account and the interest shown, determines the undertakings which will provide the free choice lines, the minimum requirements and the mode of operation of the line Free of charge. The invitation specifies the criteria and the procedure

Selection of candidates for the programme under review. 4. Each person concerned may offend the

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment.

Article 43 Licence for the execution of cartilages in free-choice lines

1. The Regulatory Authority sets out the data to be submitted to it by the operators requesting a licence to carry out a series of free-choice schedules.

2. The parties concerned shall receive an authorisation of up to five (5) years, to which the obligations and their rights are fixed. In any event, the duration may not exceed the date of termination of the project of the superstar transport provider in the area concerned.

3. The operation of long-distance free elections shall not be allowed to compete or cause a competitive disadvantage in other long-distance road passenger transport lines, for which an exclusive exploitation right has been established. Or is either resisted or indemnified by any kind or directly assigned.

4. The provisions of this law shall not preclude the application of the provisions on free competition or the exercise of the rights of interested parties arising therefrom.

5. Passenger transport of passengers with the exclusive right to and/or compensation may carry out long-distance terms in terms of free choice, subject to its clear accounting separation. I am also in favour of this.

Article 44 Rules of operation of the lines

Free choice

1. The long-distance lines of free choice contribute to public passenger transport by road and are subject to the supervision and control of the Regulatory Authority, which has the exclusive competence to impose sanctions.

2. The Regulatory Authority examines any complaints about compliance with the operational obligations of long-distance free choice and may impose interim regulatory measures to remove the breach.

3. By decision of the Authority, the conditions, procedures and criteria laid down in the long-term freedom of choice lines, as well as the organisation and functioning of the lines, the arrangements for the integration of new businesses, are laid down. Equal conditions and any necessary detail.


Article 45 Monitoring of application of provisions

Of Regulation 181/2011

1. The Regions are responsible for monitoring the implementation of the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 on the rights of passengers with long-distance road transport and the imposition of sanctions.

2. The Regulatory Authority examines objections against decisions on complaints of breaches of the provisions of the Regulation as well as against decisions against decisions imposing sanctions against the competent authorities of the regions.

Article 46 Rules on rights of passengers

1. By decision of the Rising Authority the rights of passengers other than the EU Regulation 181/2011, as well as the procedure for examining the penalties and sanctions against the offenders.

2. In the decision of the final authority of the previous paragraph on passengers' rights, a voluntary procedure for the dispute settlement dispute settlement procedure may be provided for in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 181/2011.


Article 47 Power provisions for long-distance

Passenger transport

The provisions relating to the organisation and operation of public passenger transport services continue to apply until the completion of the procedures for the award of public transport services, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 519/1999. This is a law.


Article 48 Collection of data and data on network design

1. By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the details and manner of data collection and data necessary for the design of the hyperurban lines in each regional section are defined.

2. The same decision specifies the bodies that have the obligation to provide information and data on long-distance long-distance passenger transport, as well as the penalties for non-compliance.

Article 49 Procedures-Implementation schedule

1. The Regulatory Authority of Passenger Transport is retained and staffed by 31 March 2014.

2. Until 31 July 2014, the RAA shall draw up an action plan and a timetable for implementing the arrangements of the first part of this law, including as a minimum the following: The deadlines for development of the RAA.

And notification to the Regions of the law provided for in the preceding years and data. B. The deadlines for submission by the Regions to

The REM of the cooperative scheme and other data. C. The deadlines for processing and finalising

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Member States comply with the principle of equal treatment for men and women. The deadlines for the financial allocation to be awarded

Passenger road passenger transport. E. To ensure the financing of the financing of the

In the case of angular or other procedures, as well as the anticipated amounts of compensation of the Contractors. The deadlines and the procedures for carrying out

Tender procedures or direct award procedures in accordance with Regulation 1370/2007 and this law. The deadlines for the evaluation of tenders,

The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party will be voting in favour of this report.

Article 50 Labour and labour costs

The point (aa) of paragraph 2 of Article 5 (2) of paragraph 2 (d. 246/2006 (A΄ 261) is replaced by the following:

' (aa) fulfil the health conditions for the intended location. The relevant appropriateness shall be certified by medical practitioners in accordance with the applicable case and shall be demonstrated by means of a medical certificate issued during the last six months prior to the submission. The medical certificate shall be used for the duration of the employment relationship or, at the latest, within twenty (20) days after the KTEL or KTEL SA, or the companies of Article 29 of the Law. 588/1977, in writing and with proof of

The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

Article 51 Temporary authorisation of existing staff

Long-distance bus

At the time of arrival and departure of long-distance buses or KTEL, which operate without any service for any reason, it shall be granted, upon request, provisional authorisation until the outsourcing of the superbourgeois. The Commission will be able to take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of this law. A precondition for the granting of this premium;

The authorisation is also the lodging of a certificate for the safety of their establishments from the relevant institution.


Article 52 Amendments to the provisions of n. 2963/2001

1. In par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty No 2963/2001 (A ' 268), as amended by the I would like to make a point of order. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (' 82), the following subparagraph shall be added:

' Reverse balance of appropriations, up to the amount of the additional payment, shall be made available for the satisfaction of applications submitted (until 31.7.2009) for the investment aid of subparagraphs (b), (b) and (c) of paragraph 2. This Article shall be subject to compliance with the conditions, conditions and procedures laid down in the text of the text. '

2. The par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2963/2001 (Part II) is replaced by the following:

' 3. Buses put into circulation pursuant to Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the provisions of Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Treaty ('23 ') must be up to fifteen (15) years old, from the year of manufacture of the framework, such as this, including. '

3. In par. Article 3 of the Law (') No 3697/2008 (' 194 ') is added as follows:

' l. The account of 1 % of the case referred to in Article 13 (1) of Article 13. 2963/2001 a-by the annual gross receipts of urban and hyperurban KTEL SA and KTEL, the PPC and RO-AM. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Y -

On the other hand, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

4. At the end of par. Article 13 of the Law The following indent shall be added 2963/2001 (A-269):

' e. The amounts of cases (b) and (c) of this Directive may also be used for other purposes, which are related to the well-regulated operation of the KTEL SA or KTEL, because of the impact of exceptional circumstances and the needs. The use of these amounts is possible if no decision has been taken


Referred to in the second paragraph of this Article. ' 5. The sub-indent (i) of paragraph b (b). 2

Article 3 of the Law Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

' b. (i) With a commitment to carry out the transport of persons, together, on behalf of natural or legal persons who are members of the bus, who are members of the bus, and those who are to be replaced. In this context, the capital of the SA is composed of the assets of the following KTEL, measured according to the provisions of Article 9 of the Law 2190/1920, and payment in gold, which cannot be less than the minimum. Provided for in-house companies. Shareholders of the non-member companies may become members of the TTEL referred to in paragraph 1, provided that they participate in the taking-up of the capital by payment in cash, as well as in proportion to the participation they had in the period. KTEL."

6. In n. The following is inserted as follows: 2963/2001 (A΄ 268)

' Article 3a

Where in n. Regulation (EEC) No 2963/2001 (A΄ 268) refers to 'bottomup or leasing of buses' means the undertaking to carry out a transfer of persons and where it is referred to as 'paid' means the shareholder of the firm, respectively, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2963/2001. Subparagraph (i) of Article 3 (2) of Article 3 of the same law. '

Article 53 Recommendations for the establishment of long-distance coaches

The case of paragraph 2.5. The following shall be substituted for Article 2 (2) of paragraph 2 (d) 79/2004 (Part II 62):

" At a distance less than 100 metres from Schools or Parish Churches. This distance may be reduced to 50 metres, with a unanimous opinion of the Council of Ministers. This distance is radial from the outline of the site of the stadium and the building of the Temple or the School. '

Article 54 Obligation to submit an insurance policy

For the issue of an authorisation or operation of an ICM bus ownership

Obligations for the submission of an insurance policy in accordance with Article 13 of Law No 258/2005 (1 316) in each case of a marketing authorisation or an act of departure or transfer of a public debt owned by the legal The persons of KTEL, KTEL SA and the companies referred to in Article 29 of the Law. 588/1977 is the members of the Board of Directors and the shareholders of these bodies.


(P. EC)


Article 55 Recommendation

1. An independent administrative authority is hereby established with the "Regulatory Authority of Passenger Transport" (P.A.E.M.), which is based in Athens.

2. The RSA receives administrative and operational independence and economic autonomy.

3. The RSA shall act independently of the undertakings or bodies or public authorities performing or supervising public long-distance passenger transport.

4. Every year R.A. submits to the Speaker of the House and the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

Article 56 Setting up of the RAA.

1. The R.A. consists of the President, the Vice-President and three members.

2. If, for any reason, any of its members shall cease or leave or lose their property, the REM shall have a legal constitution if the other members are sufficient to ensure that there is a quorum at its meetings.

3. The President, the Vice-President and members of the R.A. are appointed by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks following an opinion by the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Transparency of the House, in accordance with Article 14 (2) and Article 43a of the Rules of Procedure. Speaker:

4. The appointment of the members of the R.A. shall be published in the Governing Council of the Government and shall be valid from the date of publication.

5. The members of the R.A. are persons of the prestigious prestige that are distinguished for their scientific and professional competence or expertise in the technical, economic or legal sector or in the field of transport.

Article 57 Independence of the members of the REM. -Unpacked

1. The members of the R.A. are senior member states and enjoy operational and personal independence in the performance of their duties.

2. Members of the R.A. may not hold a position of a public or other official in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks or to work or hold an administrative position in bodies or legal entities supervised by it or to be members. Other a -


Independently of the principle or elected bodies or officials of Local Government.

3. It does not constitute an ambiguity for the members of the R.A., the exercise of teaching duties by the Administrative Board of the Hellenic Republic, the exercise of a member of the Legal Council of the State, as well as the practice of the lawyer. Member States shall, without prejudice to the fact that, during their term of office, no services are provided to persons providing services for passenger transport or participating in cross-border services issued by the RAA.

4. The members of the R.A. are not allowed to operate or participate as partners or shareholders in undertakings engaged in the carriage of passengers or passengers by road, or to hold positions in the administrative or administrative bodies. Linked to a relationship of dependent work or other permanent nature with professional cooperation with similar undertakings or to confer a benefit on passenger transport services for as long as it takes place and for two years. After the expiry of the period.

5. The details of the previous paragraph are available for the members of the R.A. and when they are held in the face of both spouses and relatives by blood or by marriage to the second degree.

6. Members of the R.A. who fall within the scope of this Article are automatically deductible from their point of view. The determination of the deduction shall be made by decision of the

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, who shall at the same time replace the remaining member for the remainder of the term of office, with the procedure referred to in Article 57 (3) of this law.

Article 58 Obligations of members of the REM.

1. The members of the R.A. have an obligation to respect impartiality and objectivity in the performance of their duties.

2. During their term of office, but also three years after their departure with any person, the members of the R.A. have a duty of discretion.

3. Members of the R.A., who, during their term of office, acquired from an heiress of companies or shares in companies engaged in passenger transport, have an obligation to abstain from the exercise of rights. Participation and management of similar undertakings. The same requirement applies to spouses and family members.

If you have any other medicines, please contact your doctor or your doctor immediately.

4. Members of the R.A. shall submit a statement in the year of an asset statement, as provided for by the n. 32003, POINT 3.4.1.

Article 59 Designs-Staff Regulations

1. The term of office of the members of the R.A. shall be five years and shall be automatically extended until the appointment of new members. The term of office of each member may be renewed only.


2. The President of the R.A.E.M. is full and exclusive. The vice president is a job-worker.

3. With a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Networks, the President, the Vice-President and the members of the Vice-President and members of the Committee shall be determined in accordance with the provisions laid down. The relevant expenditure shall be borne by the budget of the RAA.

4. During the term of office of the President and the Vice-President of the R.A., the exercise of any public works, as well as the exercise of functions in any position at the public, in NIS and in legal persons of the wider public, is suspended. In the case of the public sector. In the case of the members of the R.A., the exercise may be exercised in accordance with the

The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure.

5. The President and Vice-President of the R.A., if they come from a public sector body, as defined in Article 1 of the Law. 2190/1994, after expiry of their term of office, they shall automatically return to the position they had before their appointment. For the President or the Vice-President, if -

The Administrative Staff of the Board of Directors shall be authorized by the competent bodies of the SNC.

6. The term of office of the President or Vice-President of the R.A. shall be deemed to be a real service for all consequences and shall not be interrupted during the course of its term of office. If the position they have taken or which they have evolved is not, or has been, repealed, they shall return to the same degree before the same branch and to the same extent, by joint decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the The case of the competent Minister responsible. The provisional position shall be automatically repealed with regard to their withdrawal.

7. Member of the R.A., subject to the provisions of the Civil Service and Staff Regulations, if during his or her term of office, after his or her service to the service from which he comes, to the degree of the Director Or the Director-General, returns to his service and his term of office shall expire automatically.

Article 60 Discipline liability of members

1. All members of the R.A. shall be liable to disciplinary action for infringements of their obligations under this law.

2. The disciplinary proceedings of the members of the R.A. shall be referred to the same disciplinary board as provided for in Article 24 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3891/2010 on the members of the Regulatory Authority of Railways (RAA). Member of the Commission. Member of the Commission.

3. The disciplinary proceedings before the Disciplinary Board shall be initiated by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

4. With the Internal Operation and Management Regulations, the issues relating to disciplinary measures and the disciplinary procedure of the members of the R.A. ..


Article 61 Discount-Replace

1. If, during the term of office of the R.A., it is issued at the expense of the final judgment in respect of an offence involving an obstacle to an official or a discount of a civil servant in accordance with the provisions of the Staff Code or any other; Mr President, I would like to thank the President-in-office for his work.

2. If a member of the RH is referred in order to be tried for a criminal offence involving an inability to appoint a public official or to any member of the staff member, he shall be automatically suspended for his term of office, without the adoption of an unsolicited judicial A decision.

3. If a member's seat is vacant for any reason, such as in particular due to death, resignation or deprivation, the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and the Board appoints a new member for the remainder of the term of office. The same applies to the case of suspension of the

Member of the Commission for the duration of the term of office. In all the above cases for the appointment of the

An opinion of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and the Transparency of the Parliament. The relevant decision of the Minister for Infrastructure,

The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Article 62 Representation of the RAA.

1. The RSA has a legal capacity and is automatically present as a party to the courts in all manner of trials.

2. The President, and when the Vice-President is prevented, represents the R.A. against any other authority or against third parties, judicial and extrajudicial.

3. The R.A. may decide to designate a member or a member to represent it for a deliberate act or action or category of operations or operations.


Article 63 Meetings-Quorum

1. The RSA shall meet at its Chair at the request of the President at least once a month. It may also meet at home or by means of electronic means (teleconference).

2. The Secretary of State shall perform an official of the R.A. M. appointed by decision of the President. The line shall be present at the meetings.

3. At the meetings of the Committee other than the President, the Vice-President and the members of the Committee of the Regions, a representative of the Union of the Regions of Greece and a representative of the Panel-Folklore Automobile Industry Association, are entitled to participate in the meetings of the Committee of the Regions. (i) societies, as defined by such bodies. The R.A. may invite you to attend its meetings,

To provide information or to provide information, services and/or third parties, who are in any event prior to the vote. Details are laid down in the Internal Market and Management Regulations.

4. The RSA shall be composed of a quorum and shall meet until at least three (3) members, including the President or, absent, the Vice-President. The quorum shall be present throughout the whole of the

PRESIDENT. - The debate is closed. 5. If successive meetings are held,

They shall be subject to a different time, the legality of the composition of the R.A. shall not be affected by any harmonisation of the members involved.

6. For the operation of the Hellenic Republic, the provisions of this law and the Management and Management Regulations and the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure are applied (v. 2690/1999, P. 45).

Article 64 Invitation to members-Meetings

1. The President of the R.A. shall determine the date, time and place of the meetings, to draw up the text of the items to be discussed and invite the members to participate.

2. Each member of the REM has the right to request the inclusion of the item on the agenda in writing. The President is required to include the proposed issue in some of the next three consecutive meetings since the submission of the application.

3. The invitation of members, which shall include the agenda, shall be notified to the members of the R.A. at least 40 hours before the meeting. The notification may be made in any appropriate manner, as well as telex, telegram, telefax or electronic mail. This time-limit may, in the event of an emergency;

In the event of a decision by the President, the invitation must be written in writing.

4. Invitation of the members of the R.A. shall not be required when the meetings are held in non-member countries, set by a decision, which shall be communicated to its members. Invitation not required, as well as a member of

REM has stated before the meeting, his inability to participate in it, or when the latter is known to the President.

5. If at the meeting of a member of the RAWU which had not been invited, the meeting shall be a party. If there have been any imperfections in relation to the subpoena, the R.A. shall meet legal, if this member is present at the meeting and shall not contest it.

Article 65 Compulsory convening of the REM.

1. The President shall have an obligation to convene the RAM if the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, which identifies and


The issues to be discussed. 2. In the case of the preceding paragraph

Revocation of the REM should be made within five days of receipt of the relevant application. If the deadline is exceeded, the Vice-President shall be required to convene the REM without delay.

3. The convening is obligatory and when they request it at least two members of the R.A. with their request to the President, to which the questions of the interpretation of the order should be laid down. The President may clear the proposed issue;

The agenda for the next part-session from the submission of the application, if it is not more than 10 days from receipt of the application. In a different case the R.A.E.M. is called a no -

However, it may be necessary to consider whether or not it is necessary to do so by inviting the applicants.

Article 66 Conduct of meetings

1. The meetings of the R.A. are discussed and decisions taken only on the matters dealt with in the agenda. Exceptionally, they can also be discussed.

Which are not included in the agenda if all members are present and agreed to discuss them.

2. The President of the R.A. declares the opening and the end of meetings, directs the work and takes care of the implementation of the law and its orderly functioning.

Rule 67 Minutes of meetings

1. The meetings of the Committee shall be drawn up, in particular, on the names and status of the members, the place and the time of the meeting, the issues discussed with a coherent but comprehensive reference to the (i) the content of the vote and the outcome of the vote and the decisions taken.

2. In practical terms, the opinions of the members and their names have been consulted.

3. If a meeting of the Committee is to be held in a simple opinion, it shall be mandatory for all the individual opinions which have been delivered and put to the vote.

4. The Minutes shall be drawn up by the member or staff member of the R.A. responsible for this task by the President and authenticated by the President.

5. The minutes of the meetings, and the files of the cases dealt with by the R.A. are accessible to the direct interest, unless they have a confidential charger.

Article 68 Resolutions of the RAA.

1. The decisions of the Hellenic Republic are taken by the

A polaric majority of the members present and a clear vote. If there is a tie, the president's vote will prevail.

2. If the discussion of the case takes more than one meeting, the decision shall be taken by the members at the last meeting.

3. The decisions of the R.A. must be specific and are recorded in a separate book. Within five (5) days from this entry, they are listed on their website and notified to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

Article 69 ' Control of decisions of the RAA.

1. The regulatory decisions of the RMI are to be applied to the Council of the Court of Justice for annulment. The application for annulment may also be made by the Minister for

2. The individual administrative acts of the RAWU before the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice.

They shall be brought before the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks within thirty (30) days of notification of the contested measure to the person concerned. The Minister decides on the application within thirty (30) days following its submission, otherwise it is considered that the application was dismissed with an application for annulment at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens.

3. According to the other decisions of the Hellenic Republic, in particular those relating to the imposition of sanctions, an appeal may be brought before the Administrative Court of Appeal.

4. The time limit for the application of the application for annulment or the application, and the exercise thereof, do not preclude the enforcement of the contested decisions of the Hellenic Republic. Suspension may be granted by the competent court;

In accordance with the provisions in force. 5. Discussion of an appeal against a decision

REM concerning the imposition of fines is admissible if 10 % of the imposed fines have been paid.

6. According to the decisions of the Administrative Court of Appeal against applications for annulment or appeals against the actions of the Hellenic Republic, an appeal or an appeal may be brought before the Council of State in accordance with the provisions in force.


Article 70 Rules of Procedure

1. The Regulatory Authority of Passenger Transport (RAM) has the authority to adopt regulatory acts to regulate passenger transport of passengers, in accordance with this law and in particular to lay down provisions which (a) to adjust the conditions and the way in;


(b) to stop long-distance coaches and to grant compensation to public passenger transport services, (b) to bus stations, and to non-member countries;

Infrastructure in general, integrated into the public trans-urban transport network for passengers and ensuring access to them, in the way of charging for the use of staff, as well as in the way of integration into the public private network (c) the necessary organisation and obligations in respect of the organisation and obligations of the Member States;

(d) to ensure safety and quality of service providers that are engaged in public long-distance passenger road vehicles including free choice lines;

(e) the rights of passengers in the right of passengers by means of passenger transport services;

(f) in the manner in which the open competitions are to be conducted, as a European and national law, and in the manner in which they are exercised;

(g) for the award of long-distance road passenger transport services by means of an exclusive distribution system or compensation, (g) the conditions, the procedure and the way;

(i) direct transfer of transport services to transnational passenger transport modes, or (h) the design and qualification criteria;

In the case of long-distance contracts in line with the exclusive right of transfer or with the right to compensation, the criteria and the way in which the lines are to be defined

(i) freedom of choice and regulation of the rules of operation to ensure the quality of services to the public; (j) in the manner in which the ceiling is laid down;

In the case of passengers or for certain categories of passengers in the hyperurban lines with the exclusive right to transfer and/or the right to compensation, a) the penalties applicable to offenders

Of the present law and of the regulations or decisions of the R.A., in the process of checking and finding infringements, the recovery of the fines imposed and the objections of the parties concerned against decisions imposing fines, Conditions and technical details

For the installation and operation of equipment for the use of passengers, the electronic issue of tickets and the collection of tickets and telephone systems for bus traffic management, (m) the implementation of quality standards; and Systemic -

(n) monitoring of the services provided by public passenger road passenger transport services, (n) in the manner of compliance with data for the area

(o) the procedures for various aspects of the field of transport and the collection and processing of data;

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Corner of rail transport project.

Article 71 Rate-of-payments

1. The RSA has the competence to take regulatory measures in addition to the provisions laid down in the contracts with the Contractors and other entities to ensure the continuous supply of public passenger transport services.

2. Also the R.A. has the competence to take regulatory measures to ensure that all users have access to public passenger transport services and all operators engaged in long-distance road transport services (i) passengers in the stadium and other facilities that are integrated into the public network.

3. In order to ensure the proper functioning of Passenger road passenger transport, the RSA has the competence to address directives or recommendations and to impose appropriate regulatory measures as appropriate.

4. In exceptional cases, and when the P.A. has sufficient evidence that the infringement of provisions of the text involves a direct, serious and imminent threat to public safety, public policy or public health or will cause serious harm to the public. (i) economic or operational problems in the operation of the urban road passenger transport market, which may take exceptional temporary measures to remedy the situation, before a final decision is taken, the decision taken after Hearing of the undertaking concerned.

5. The decision of the RSA on temporary measures is directly enforceable and may impose a minimum of five thousand euro (5 000) euro for each day of non-compliance.

6. The procedure for the adoption of interim measures is defined by the Rules of Procedure. The interested party may present his views and propose rehabilitation measures. If these are to be judged, the RSA shall withdraw the provisional measures and cancel the proposed measures by the undertaking.

7. The interim measures of the R.A. shall be valid for three months, which, in the event of completion of the compliance procedures, may be extended for a further three months.

Article 72 Proclamation of competitions-Agreements

1. The RSA is responsible for the contract notice for the award of public trans-urban road passenger transport services by granting an exclusive licence and a discharge and the signature of the relevant contracts with them Contractors in accordance with this law.

2. Also the R.A. are responsible for the direct award of long-distance road passenger transport contracts in accordance with this law, as well as for the conclusion of contracts for the execution of transnational passenger road transport services. Of a merciful choice.


3. In exceptional cases, the RSA is responsible for the imposition of a contract with or without the competition of a railway project in accordance with the provisions laid down.

Article 73 Complaints for breach of rights

Of passengers

1. The RSA shall consider complaints of breaches of the Regulation and of the provisions of this law and of these delegated provisions.

2. The Regions shall examine complaints of passengers or other entities in breach of the provisions of the EU Law 181/2011 or of this law and the delegated provisions on the rights of passengers.

Article 74 Hearing action

1. For the purpose of detecting infringements of the provisions on long-distance passenger transport of passengers or on the range of applications which have a complex technical charger, the R.A. shall hear persons who have specific knowledge of the subject matter; or In any event, either in writing or in writing of a complaint, any person having a legal interest.

2. The procedure for conducting the hearings and any other necessary details are laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the R.A., which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and on the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Article 75 Other responsibilities

1. The RSA processes and proposes to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks the legal provisions on passenger transport of passenger transport.

2. Draw and submit recommendations to each of the relevant ministry or independent authority on its competence.

3. It shall exchange information and cooperate with the respective bodies of the other Member States of the European Union, in terms of its responsibilities, and in each action for the coordination of non-profit-making bodies at European level.

4. After the request of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, or of its own motion, the Committee shall be informed of all matters relating to its powers.

5. The R.A. may acquire the ownership of acine-the infrastructure for the construction of offshore passenger road transport projects, proclaims tenders and entrusts to third parties the construction of a network infrastructure for the public network And to ensure that they are financed in any legal manner. It may also participate in Council acts;

(i) a private sector (s) for the acquisition, manufacture, processing and operation of infrastructure projects, in particular over-urban buses.


Article 76 Resources

1. The appropriations for the operation of the R.A. and the payment of compensation to the Contractors are signed in the budget of the R.A., which is attached to the State Budget. The budget shall be drawn up by the President of the

P.I.E. M., who is also the authorising officer of its expenditure.

2. 0.5 % of the current interest rate applicable to passenger transport of passengers, as well as on gross receipts from the user charges for public transport or other non-urban buses, removable housing (i) aid or compensation of all kinds, to be placed on a special account and the revenue of the RAM.

3. The contribution of the preceding paragraph shall be retained by the KTEL SA and the KTEL of n. 2963/2001 implementing a long-distance transport operation from its first date from the date of entry into force of this law and shall be paid every quarter and not later than one month after the end of each quarter. In the event of the payment of the amount charged against the undertaking by the debtor, it shall be certified as revenue for the benefit of the Hellenic Republic and shall be charged in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors.

4. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the detailed arrangements for the calculation, collection, management and performance of the resources referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be laid down.

5. Under the Rules of Procedure and the Management of Article 81 of this Law, other resources may be provided for the benefit of the R.A., in particular by fees for the processing of contracts for the award of long-distance long-distance contracts; or Provision of other services.

6. The resources of the R.A. are also all kinds of subsidies, grants, research funding and any other revenue generated by the European Union and international organisations.

Article 77 Budget-Balance audits of financial assets

1. The RSA has an obligation to draw up a budget for the next year to be submitted to the Minister for Economic Affairs.

2. For each financial year, which coincides with the calendar year, the R.A. has an obligation to prescribe and publish balance sheets and financial statements, as specified in the Internal Operating and Management Regulations. Article 81 of this law.

3. The audit of financial data, annual accounts and financial statements is made by


Two auditors or audit firms. 4. The RAA is subject to the repressive control of

Court of Auditors.

Article 78 Positive financial results

1. If, from the financial management of the RAWU, a positive financial result results from the financial management of the year, a percentage of that effect shall be attributed to the State Budget as revenue, in accordance with the provisions laid down.

2. The percentage not exceeding 80 % of the positive results, as well as the relevant details, shall be determined by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

3. The amount remaining at the RAA is available to form a reserve fund to meet its operational needs.


Rule 79 Vice-President-Vice-President

1. The President of the Hellenic Republic shall have the powers provided for in this law and in the Rules of Procedure and the Management of Article 81.

2. The President presides all of the services of the R.A., manages their function and exercises the power to the staff.

3. The President shall be responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the R.A. and its generally effective functioning.

4. The President may decide to authorize other members of the R.A. or officers from the Board of Directors to sign a 'Chairperson' mandate or other acts of its competence.

5. The Vice-President shall deputise for the President when he is obstructed, and shall exercise the powers vested in me by a decision of the RMG.

Article 80 staff of the RAA.

1. The R.A. has the same staff. For its staffing, thirty-three (33) staff positions have been recommended for private-law work of indefinite duration as follows: (a) 10 (10) Special Staff Regulations in accordance with Article 2 of Council 50/2001 (A-39), (b) 20 (20) Staff positions and (c) three (3) lines. The total number of staff posts and the above -

This distribution can be modified by the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Market and the Management of Article 81.

2. The coverage of the above-mentioned staff positions is as follows: (a) Two (2) positions from twenty (20) positions taken together;

Have been notified under Article 30 of the Law. 3891/2010 as a seating position of regular staff with the law of the law of the railway company

(b) Twenty-three (23) posts from twenty-eight (28), are transferred to the RAWU.

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, 3891/2010 as Special Staff Regulations of Personal Staff with private-law work of indefinite duration of the Regulatory Authority of Railways (RSA) are transferred to the RSA. (c) Five (5) posts of regular staff will be recruited from these posts by 13 (13) to the work of regular staff with a private-law employment relationship.

(d) Three (3) placements for secretarial support will be carried out by means of transfers of extra staff from the wider public sector.

The President and Vice-President of the Vice-President of the Commission are covered by the contributions by institutions of the wider public sector.

3. The staff referred to in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the first paragraph of this Article shall be taken in accordance with Article 1 (1). 3 of n. After approval by the Commission of the PYS, (1 280), as amended and adopted by the Commission, the Minister for Administrative Reform and the eGovernment of the Ministry of Administrative Reform. This is a very good thing, Mr President. 3833/2010 (40).

4. In the vacant posts of regular or special scientific staff of the RAWU, staff with a working relationship of public law may also be involved. With the transfer, the work relationship is converted into a private-law work of indefinite duration. In terms of wage and general administrative development, the provisions relating to the matter to be taken into account, taking into account the overall past, are applied. The staff member may choose to continue to be insured with the same principal and supplementary insurance institutions. In a different case, the provisions for sequential insurance apply.

5. In order to meet the staff needs of staff at the time of the first application, joint decisions of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the relevant Minister for Transport are hereby authorised to be transferred and e - It shall be organised in the organisational positions of the READC, at the time of each contrary provision, staff responsible for public sector bodies, as defined in Article 14 (1). No 1. 2190/1994, if it has the formal qualifications required for recruitment in the respective positions. The choice of zero-to-date and integrated g -

The Committee established by a decision adopted by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, on the one hand, and the other conditions and conditions for the interested parties.

6. In order to meet the needs of the Hellenic Republic, it may, after its proposal and by a derogation from any contrary provision, be subject to a joint decision by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the case of the competent Minister, to be seconded. (b) the application of Article 14 (1) (a) of Regulation (EEC) No 8151b to the effect of Article 14 (1) of Regulation No 17. No 1. 2190/1994 for a period of three years, which may be renewed for a further period.


The staff seconded by it shall continue to receive the remuneration of the position held by the institution of origin in accordance with the respective classes.

7. The remuneration of the staff of the RSA. (the effects of the effects) are determined, in accordance with the provisions laid down therein.

Article 81 Internal function and management

1. Following an opinion delivered by R.A.E. M., a joint decision of the Ministers for Administrative Reform and Electric Governance, Economic and Social Affairs and Infrastructure, Rules of Procedure and Management Committee of the Management and Management of the Hellenic Republic.

2. In the Internal and Management Regulations, in particular: (a) the internal organisation and functioning of the R.A., (b) the organisation, where the structure is provided for;

The services of the R.A. and their responsibilities, as well as personnel positions, (c) the number of staff posts, the allocation of staff,

(d) referral questions; (e) any other matter relating to its operation; and

The exercise of its powers. 3. The R.A. may make an award;

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to set up a European Agency for Safety and Safety in Europe. The conclusion and consolidation of such contracts shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant provisions of the relevant legislation and by the Rules of Procedure and the Rules of Procedure.

Article 82 Legal Service-Lawyers

1. It is recommended that a Legal Adviser (1) be taken into account, after approval by the Commission of the PYP, (1 280), as the case may be, with a standing anti-fraud lawyer, who has at least two years of legal experience, By the President of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Communities and of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

2. The Legal Service of the R.A. has, in particular, the following responsibilities: (a) the judicial representation of the Authority; and (b) legal support for actions and decisions;

The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

3. The Legal Service may not, for as long as it provides legal services to the RAWM, provide corresponding services with any legal relationship to natural or legal persons carrying out passenger transport or operating in long-distance Bus station.

4. It is also recommended that a (1) position of a lawyer with a command is also recommended, which is taken as well as the number-one-dog.

5. With the proposal of the President the R.A. may appeal to the services of an external lawyer.

A decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs sets out the remuneration for the services of an external lawyer following the recommendation of the President of the Hellenic Republic.


Article 83 Permitted sanctions

1. In the event of an infringement of this law or of the provisions adopted in its authorisation, the following provisions shall be applied in a cumulative or cumulative manner: (a) recommendation for compliance with specific provisions;

(b) EUR 5 000 to EUR 50 000 in the form of legislation within a reasonable time;

In the case of serious infringement or non-compliance with a recommendation, (c) EUR 10 000 to EUR 100 000;

Case of relapse. 2. The above administrative penalties require the Pe -

On the other hand, the Commission considers that, in the event of a breach of the principle of equal treatment, the Court of First subparagraph shall apply to the Court of First Details of the procedure for finding and enforcing penalties are set out in the Rules of Procedure of the RSA.

3. According to the decisions of the Committee of the Regions, the person concerned has a right to raise objections to the Court of Justice of the European Communities, which have the character of an open appeal. The submission of objections shall be made in writing;

From the performance of the relevant decision of the act. The submission of objections has suspensory effect.

4. The RAA reserves the right to implement the provisions of this law and the provisions adopted under its authority. Also, the RSA has the authority to impose sanctions in cases of breach of obligations by the holders of licences to serve free choice lines.

5. The R.A. maintains a parallel control and sanction division.

6. The decisions of the R.A. for the imposition of fines are notified to the interested parties. If the debt is paid by the full amount of protection imposed within thirty (30) days of the notification to that of the relevant decision of the Court of Justice, it shall be automatically reduced to two thirds of the amount imposed.

Article 84 Establishment and enforcement of fines

1. The fines imposed in accordance with the preceding Article shall be certified and collected in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors in the name and on behalf of the RSA.

2. At the request of the person concerned, under the decision imposing fines, the R.A. may fix the payment of the amount of the added value in instalments.






Article 85 Amendment of the provisions of the Law Special Report No 3891/2010 and presidential decrees 1 6 0/2 0 7, 41/2005 and


1. The last paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 27 of the EC Treaty No 3891/2010.

2. Article 28 of the Law CAS No 3891/2010 is amended as follows: Indent 6 shall be replaced by the following: The RAA reserves the right to take account of the differences between Member States.

They shall be responsible for the matters of its competence and shall adopt, for the parties, a decision within a maximum of two (2) days from the submission of all necessary information. The dispute settlement procedure, as well as any other relevant issues, is set out in the Rules of Procedure of the RSA. ' Other: Indent 9 shall be replaced by the following: Processes and proposes legislative framework

The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks in its field of competence. ' Other: After case 17 cases are added

18 to 27 as follows: It shall hold hearings, either of its own motion or of the

A written complaint of any person having a legitimate interest in the finding of breaches of the provisions of the railway law and of any other case in respect of which it is expressly provided for in this law.

19. It publishes the Hearing Regulation, which regulates the issues relating to such conduct, in accordance with its jurisdiction, in accordance with the law.

20. It sets out regulatory and administrative acts with which each procedure is regulated and subject to its responsibilities.

21. It shall undertake the monitoring and surveillance of the implementation of the common agreement in Article 14 (3) to (5) of the first subparagraph of Article 14 (3) (d) 41/2005 between the Governing Council and the Court of Justice and the intermediary of its parties in the event of a dispute.

22. Contributing to the provision of the incentive system to the infrastructure manager to reduce the cost of providing the infrastructure and the level of access charges, which is recommended to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and to the Y; The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

23. Exercises the tasks of the Iron-Transport Safety Authority, as provided for in Article 15 (d. 160/2007 (A΄ 201), as applicable.

24. Exercises the tasks of the Iron-Transport Safety Authority provided for in n. 3911/2011 (12), as is the case.

25. Exercises the tasks of the "National Authority for the Safety Authority" foreseen in paragraph 104/2010 (1 181), as applicable.

26. Exercises the tasks of the "Competent Authority" of the Regulation on International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (RID) of p.a. 35043/2524/2010 (B΄ 1385), as applicable.

27. Exercises the tasks of the "Competent Authority" for the railroads and the cars of the company. D13/0/121/2007 (Bl 53), as applicable. '

3. Article 29 of the Law The following shall be added to 3891/2010

' 4. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Networks, adopted on the basis of a recommendation by the RAA, shall be set out in favour of the RSA as resources for the exercise of its supervisory, control and regulatory powers, (a) on the revenue of the railway undertakings;

(b) the revenue of the manager of the infrastructure manager from the

(i) charges for the use of railway infrastructure, as well as (c) the revenue of the maintenance companies;

The material from the maintenance service contracts, valued as a percentage of the above revenue, if applicable or otherwise. The same decision lays down the level of fees,

The institutions, the procedure for the collection of fees and any other relevant issues. '

4. Paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the Law. EUR 3891/2010 is replaced by the following:

' 1. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Administrative and Electronic Governance and Electronic Governance, Transport and Networks, following an opinion from the Committee, the Internal Audit and Management of the Authority will be adopted. This Regulation sets out in particular: (a) the internal structure and operation of the RAA, the

A description of the responsibilities of the units and the positions of responsibility of the staff, b) the total number of its organic positions;

Staff and their division into categories of Personal Staff posts and categories of staff positions, as well as by branches and specialties, (c) the way in which its resources are managed, (d) concerns and (e) each Another issue related to the functioning of the RSA.

And the exercise of its powers. ' 5. Article 32 of the Law EUR 3891/2010 is replaced by the

The following:

' Article 32 Administrative declarations

1. In case of breach of the provisions of the n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3891/2010, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament and of the Council on Information on the relevant laws of the Member States, the RAA.


The person responsible for finding the infringement and enabling him to state his views in the context of a hearing and to restore legality within a reasonable period of time.

2. The RSA may in particular its reasoned decision and after prior hearing of the interested parties to require the termination of the infringement, either immediately or within a reasonable period of time and taking appropriate and proportionate measures which (a) Recommendation for compliance with a specific provision which is aimed at ensuring compliance with the principle of equal treatment for men and women;

(b) Prompt up to 15 % of annual turnover in the event of a relapse in the event of a relapse.

Of the undertaking responsible for the use of the contraa, or its intended use. The determination of the protection shall be taken into account, inter alia, of the nature, gravity and duration of the infringement.

3. In the event of serious and repeated infringements of the legislative framework and the conditions for the grant of the permits provided for, the RAA may send the licences granted or withdraw them. In such a case, the RAA may effect effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties and penalties to cover the period of each infringement, even if the infringement has subsequently ceased to exist.

4. In the event of infringement of the competition rules on the market for railway services, the RSA may in particular give a reasoned decision and after prior hearing of the interested parties to impose the provisions laid down in that decision. 3959/2011, as applicable, sanctions.

5. The decision of the RSA shall be notified to the undertaking concerned within 10 working days of its receipt. Before such notification, the RSA shall not publish its decision or its decision to any third party and in any way.

6. In the event of enforcement of the administrative penalty, if the person liable for payment is paid within thirty (30) days of notification of that decision, the person concerned shall be automatically reduced to two thirds of the decision. Amount imposed.

7. In exceptional cases and when the RSA has the following indications that the breach of the terms of the text of the text involves a direct, serious and serious threat to public safety, public policy or public health or to consular Serious domestic or operational problems in the operation of the railway market, may take exceptional temporary measures to remedy the situation, before a final decision is taken, taken after hearing the Concerned Enterprise; The decision of the RAA concerning interim measures is directly enforceable and may impose an administrative order of up to one hundred thousand (EUR 100 000) for each of the reforms. The undertaking concerned shall then be given the opportunity to expose them from -

And to recommend rehabilitation measures. If these are found to be sufficient or by its final decision, the RSA shall withdraw the provisional measures and validate the measures proposed by the undertaking. The provisional measures of the RSA are valid for up to three (3) months, which, in the event of the completion of the compliance procedures, may be extended for a further three (3) months.

8. The provisions referred to in this Article shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors. The RSA may provide for the payment of the amount of the fee in instalments. '

6. Article 33 of the Law CAS No 3891/2010 is amended as follows: Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: The fines imposed shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty.

In accordance with the provisions of the ICRC for the benefit of the public. ' Other: After paragraph 2, paragraph 3 is added

As follows: ' 3. The RAA may take temporary temporary

The Committee of the Committee of the European Article 32 of the EC Treaty 3891/2010. '

7. Article 34 of the Law. CAS No 3891/2010 is replaced by the following:

" Article 34 Review procedures

1. According to the regulatory decisions of the RAA, an application for annulment is sought before the Council of State. According to the judgments of the Court of Justice, sanctions are imposed, and the Board of Appeal of the Administrative Court of Athens. According to the other administrative decisions of the RSA, the application for annulment is carried out before the Administrative Court of Appeal.

2. The time-limit for the exercise of the application for revocation or appeal, where appropriate, and its exercise shall not suspend the performance of the contested decisions, unless at the request of the claimant or the claimant, A reasoned decision, suspended in whole or in part, of the act, in accordance with the provisions in force.

3. For the admissibility of the Discussion of the Board of Appeal against the decisions of the Board of Appeal in the case of the Board of Appeal, which are imposed on the Board of Appeal, the Court of Justice shall be required to deposit at the Court of Justice equivalent to 30 % of the Board of Appeal. (i) the amount of five hundred thousand (500,000), which may not exceed the amount of 500 000 (500 000).

4. In the decisions of the Administrative Court of Appeal, issued in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, a request for an appeal or an appeal may be brought before the Council of State, in accordance with the provisions in force.

5. The RSA maintains data on the issues of the abovementioned appeals, the duration of review procedures, and the number of decisions to be taken for interim measures. This information shall be forwarded to the European Commission following a reasoned request. '


8. After article 34 of n. The following shall be added 3891/2010:

' Article 34A

1. Where in the applicable legislation reference is made to the National Council of Railway or to the Office of Dance, the Regulatory Authority of Railway shall be taken.

2. The amount of the infringement for the grant of a public licence provided for in paragraph 1. Article 22 of the EC Treaty It may be adapted by a decision of the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. '

9 a. Paragraph 21 of Article 2 of paragraph 41/2005 is replaced by the following:

' 21. Marketing Authorisation Holder: The Regulatory Authority for Rail, entrusted with the issue of the licences of a railway undertaking ". The par. Article 38 of the first paragraph of Article 38 of the EC Treaty

There is: ' 1. The Rising Body is defined as the Rhythm-RN -

Of the Railway. ' Other: In Chapter IX, paragraph 41/2005, entitled ' Permissions

"Each reference to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks is replaced by" Licence Holder ". Paragraph 47A is added in point 41/2005 as follows:


" Article 47A Penalties

1. Anyone who uses the National Railway Agency without the permission of case 1 of Article 2 of the present time, is served with a minimum of six (6) months in prison.

2. The tribunal may impose and de-charge the equipment used at the end of the infringement of the preceding paragraph. '

10. Paragraph 160/2007 (A΄ 201) is amended as follows: 1. Article 3 (b) is replaced by the following:

'(b)' Railway Transport Safety Authority ':

The Railway Regulatory Authority of Article 22 of the n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3891/2010 (1 188), hereinafter referred to as 'the Authority', which takes over the tasks relating to the safety of the iron and steel industry in Greece or any body of two Member States in which the Member State has delegated these tasks to ensure a single The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Economic and

2. Article 3 (d), as in force, shall be replaced by the following:

'(d)' infrastructure manager 'means any body or inspection responsible in particular for the installation and maintenance of the railway infrastructure, or parts thereof, as defined in Article 2 of the 41/2005 ('60'), as is the case, which may also It includes management of the control and safety systems of the substructure. The tasks of the manager of the substructure of a network or part of a network may be submitted to different operators or undertakings. '

3. In accordance with Article 3 (n), in so far as it applies,

(n) '(n)' railway undertaking ' means any railway undertaking:

An undertaking as defined in point 41/2005 (1st 60) and any other public or private undertaking, the activity of which is the provision of services for the transport of goods and/or passengers, provided that the undertaking is It ensures that they are bound and drawn. They are also included, undertakings providing only traction, '.

Article 12 (1) shall be replaced by the following:

' 1. The Authority shall decide on the issue of safety certification or safety authorisation without delay and at the latest within four (4) months of the submission of all necessary information and any supplementary information requested. If the applicant is required to submit supplementary information, such information shall be submitted immediately. '

5. Paragraph 1 of Article 15 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks is hereby established. The Bank shall be subject to the Ministry of Commerce Executive Board. The responsibilities of the Safety Authority for Rail Transport are entrusted to the Regulatory Authority of Rail of Article 22 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3891/2010, which is independent of the organisation, the legal form and the decision-making of any railway undertaking, sub-contractor or applicant for the above. '

Article 19 (1) shall be replaced by the following:

' 1. The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is obliged to carry out investigations after serious railway accidents at the initiative of the President. The objective of the investigation is to improve rail safety for the prevention of accidents. '

7. Paragraph 1 of Article 24 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The Commission shall issue safety recommendations, which shall be addressed to the Authority and, where necessary by the nature of the recommendation, to other bodies or bodies of the country or other Member States. The Authority and the other body or authority of the country shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the safety recommendations issued by the Commission and other third-party investigation bodies are taken. And, where appropriate, followed by the necessary legal acts. '

11. D. 104/2010 (1 181) is amended as follows: In the first paragraph and in the case of the second paragraph,

Referred to in paragraph 1, as well as in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 30, the words'the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks' shall be replaced by 'the Authority'. In Article 32, the words' the Ministry of Infrastructure,

Transport and Networks'is replaced by' the Authority '.


Article 86 Amendments to the provisions of the Law 3891/2010

Regarding TRAINOSE SA.

1. In n. Article 9A is added as follows:

" Article 9A Investments by third parties

Iron and Steel Infrastructure

1. By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the construction and general expansion of works on the National Railway Infrastructure, as defined in case 16 of article 2 of the first paragraph of article 41/2005 (1st 60), as well as connection works, is hereby approved. -industrial, craft, commercial and related sites and installations with the national railway infrastructure, with the costs of the natural or legal person concerned. The study and construction of the projects will be subject to the approval and supervision of ERGOSE SA under the applicable provisions. For the purposes necessary for this purpose, the provisions setting the necessary expropriations for works of ERGOSE SA shall apply. Compensation for these expropriations shall be borne by the natural or legal person concerned.

2. The projects referred to in paragraph 1 may relate to the financing in whole or in part of the study, preparation and general implementation of the required improvement or extension of the National Railway Infrastructure and has the character of a donation from The natural or legal person concerned to the Greek public.

3. The specifications of the above projects in the National Railway Infrastructure are defined by the Management-in the Infrastructure, in accordance with the relevant safety and interoperability requirements for railways and accompanying projects. After their completion, the projects form an integral part of the National Railway Infrastructure and are included in the Infrastructure Manager.

4. The approval decision referred to in paragraph 1 shall be adopted on the basis of a recommendation by the Infrastructure Manager and shall be determined, the executing body of the project, the financing conditions, the rate or the amount of participation in the total expenditure, the way And the time of cover, the procedures and instruments of management, supervision and acceptance of the works, and any other necessary conditions for their implementation. '

2. The last paragraph of par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty No 3891/2010.

3. After par. Point 6 of Article 10 of the Law Add paragraphs 7 and 8 as follows:

' 7. TRAINOSE SA entrusts the sound and factory maintenance of the rolling stock which is used in the "Hellenic Society for the maintenance of a rolling stock of rolling stock" ("EESSA"). For a duration of ten (10) years, with market conditions. The provisions of paragraph 4 shall apply to the conclusion of the contract.

8. The Greek Symposium may entrust to the EAW-STD the maintenance of the rolling stock of long-standing movable property or its use,

Under Article 8 of the present Regulation, it shall not apply to the Bank or third parties. The award shall be made by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Networks, on the basis of the charging principles set out in paragraph 5 of this Article. The provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article shall apply to the conclusion of the contract. '

4. (a) par. Article 12 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 3891/2010

' 2. The conclusion of WIM contracts in passenger rail transport is approved by the Regulatory Committee on Passenger Transport (RAWN) in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 1370 /2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October. 2007, ' for public passenger rail and road transport and the abolition of Council Regulations (EEC) No Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69 REGULATION (EEC) NO 1107/70 ' (OJ L 315/9.12.2007). ' (b) After par. Point 6 of Article 12 of n. 3891/2010

Paragraph 7 is added as follows: " 7. The provision of PSOs on board rail -

Road transport for the years 2014 to 2018 is due to the company TRINNOIN S.A. In this connection, a contract between the Greek Government is signed by the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the TRAINOSE which sets out inter alia the range of services provided, such as Are covered by the contract, the methodology for the calculation of the withdrawal of the Bank, the method of monitoring the implementation of the contract, the control mechanisms and all other relevant issues. The total amount of allowances for the years 2014 to 2018 may not exceed the amount of EUR 50 million (EUR 50,000,000) per year, with the remainder of the provisions of paragraph 6 of this paragraph. With the exception of the proposed contract, the provision of PSOs in passenger transport services is entrusted by the R.A. with a tendering procedure in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Regulation 1370/2007 through more contracts. PSOs, which are limited to a specific geographical region or a particular successor. The subject of the specific procurement contracts is determined by the RSA, taking into account the regional passenger transport needs and the need to ensure passenger rail transport between specific areas. '

Article 87 Certification of entities responsible for maintenance

In the case of non-marketable assets

1. The entity responsible for the maintenance of commercial vehicles (FSF), which applies for the award of a relevant certificate by the Railway Transport Authority, in accordance with paragraph 1. Under Article 14a (4) (d) 160/2007, it shall submit a fee for the administrative costs of the examination of the dossier and the related checks, amounting to: (a) eight thousand (EUR 8 000) for the initial grant;

The certificate in case it carries out all the functions referred to in paragraph 1 of


Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (b) five thousand (EUR 5 000) for the initial allocation;

The certificate, in the event that one or more of the functions (b) to (d) of Article 4 (1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (c) four thousand (4,000) euro, are assigned to the certificate;

A certificate that includes all the functions referred to in Article 4 (1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (d) two and a half thousand (2,500) euro in case of renewal;

A certificate that does not contain one or more of the functions (b) to (d) of Article 4 (1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (e) two thousand (2,000) euro in case of substantial;

The updating or modification of the certificate at the request of the holder or the requirement of the Railway Transport Safety Authority.

2. By joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the level of the infringement referred to in paragraph 1 to be adapted to the actual certification or to be made different. Categories of violators, depending on the actual needs of the rail market.

Article 88 Certification of maintenance bodies

1. Body carrying out one or more of the functions (b) to (d) of Article 4 (1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011 and applying for the maintenance of maintenance to the Authority (a) six thousand (a) six thousand (6 000) euro for initial allocation of the administrative costs of the examination of the examination of its Member State and of the relevant controls, amounting to: I -

The maintenance function, in the event that it performs all functions (b) up to (d) paragraph 1 of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (b) two thousand (2,000) euro for initial allocation;

The maintenance function, for each of the functions (b) to (d) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 (4) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (c) three thousand (EUR 3 000) in case of renewal;

The maintenance component certificate, which includes all three functions (b) to and (d) of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (d) a thousand EUR (EUR 1 000) in the case of renewal;

The maintenance functions, for each of the functions (b) to (d) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 445/2011 of 10 May 2011, (e) eight hundred (800) euro in case of material e -

To record or amend the certificate with -

At the request of the holder of the maintenance certificate or the requirement of the Sea Safety Authority.

2. By joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the level of the infringement referred to in paragraph 1 to be adapted to the actual certification or to be made different. The categories of violators depending on the actual needs of the rail market.

Article 89 Procedure and supporting documents

And adjustment of the height of violators

1. The certificates referred to in Articles 87 and 88 may not be transferred, issued or transferred to any third party, universal, special successor, associated or connected organisation, to an heir or any other organisation; and Working or unit functioning, without the prior written approval of the Railway Safety Authority of the Member States of the European Union. The same shall apply if the holder of the certificate changes a legal form, a legal form, a company type or other essential elements of his substance and identity, as well as if any reason ceases to exist even if there is an extension of the certificate. It is then reconstituted with the same or other name, legal form, company type or other essential elements of the substance and its identity.

2. In the cases referred to in paragraph 1 of this certificate, the holder of the certificate shall submit an application to the Railway Safety Authority, accompanied, in the cases referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, with an amount of EUR 1 000 (EUR 1 000) against - A structural fee to cover the administrative costs incurred. The latter shall re-examine whether the conditions for the issue of the certificate are fulfilled and whether the certificate is issued, updating the data changed, or rejecting the application.

3. By joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the procedure, supporting documents and other documents submitted to the C-Public Transport Safety Authority for its administration A maintenance organisation responsible for maintenance and certification functions. The relevant controls of the C-Public Transport Safety Authority and the conditions for the validity or withdrawal of these certificates and any relevant issues shall be laid down in accordance with a decision.

Article 90 Balances in favour of OSE

The Hellenic Railway Agency (IACS SA) is exempt from the obligation to deposit a guarantee letter for 20 % (20 %) of the estimated expenditure referred to in Article 3 (7) of the Rules of Procedure of the Rules of Procedure of the Civil Service Tribunal (Case 2882/2001). (1 17) for expropriations which are declared in favour of OSE by the Greek public for the purpose of the development of the rail infrastructure and of which


The estimated cost of the compensation is covered by a-recorded credit in the Official Investment Programme. The provision of this subparagraph shall apply to compulsory expropriations which have already been declared in favour of OSE by the Greek Government and have not taken place until the present publication is published. Any acts issued in respect of a declaration of release for the above purpose of correspondence shall be returned to the CIU by the Office in which they were submitted.

Article 91 Notification of rolling stock by OSE

The last paragraph of indent (d) of paragraph 1. Article 8 of the Law EUR 3891/2010 is replaced by the following:

' The rolling stock of the above mentioned cases (c) and (d) remains in the CIU and is divested by the same, in accordance with the current rules applicable to the sale of old and useless rolling stock, and the product of the sale. It shall be deposited in a special account in favour of the Dome. '

Article 92 Certification of machinery drivers

The par. Article 11 of the Law 3911/2011 (A-12) is replaced by the following:

' 5. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Health, the forms certifying the fulfilment of the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be laid down, the period of validity of the tests, the specialties of the doctors Required, the procedure and conditions to be met by the doctors by the Authority and their registration in the register kept by the Authority, the rights to be submitted to the Authority, the compensation of the recognized doctors and any Revaluation, as well as any other relevant issues. Under the same decision, the method of proving the reports referred to in Article 31 (3) of Annex I, the di-and oral questions submitted to the Authority, and any other relevant issues. '

Article 93 Cutting or sabotage of ferrous material

In Article 291 of the Penal Code (e.g. 283/1985, A-106), paragraph 4 is added as follows:

' 4. Any person who takes the purpose of an act of misappropriation or intentionally destroys, in whole or in part, any material or material intended from its position or by its construction for the operation of the railway or its safety. The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

Article 94 Amendment of Article 14

In p. 41/2005

1. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. The following shall be substituted for Article 14 (3) of Article 14 of the first paragraph of Article 14 (1 60):

" The Infrastructure Manager provides incentives to reduce the cost of using the infrastructure and the level of charges either with an agreement concluded between the Infrastructure Manager and the Ministers of Finance and Infrastructure, At least three (3) with a joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. '

2. The first subparagraph of paragraph 2. 4 of Article 14 (d) 41/2005 shall be replaced by the following:

'With the agreement or the decision of the preceding paragraph, arrangements shall be made between:'.

3. The par. The following shall be replaced by Article 14 (5) of first paragraph 41/2005:

' 5. The State funding referred to in paragraph 1 shall be at least 70 % of the expenditure and shall be paid once a month to the Management Committee. For the purpose of determining the relevant operational plan of the Infrastructure Manager submitted to the Interministerial Committee on DECO, it shall be taken into account. 3429/2005.

Article 95 Admission of debts arising from differences in temporary and definitive compensation for expropriation

For railway projects

1. The amounts that arise as a difference between the temporary and final compensation for the treatment of railway works, which has been received by the beneficiaries, shall be sought by the person concerned for recovery as undue payment. Paid and assigned as revenue of the Public Investment Fund, applicable to the cause of the provisions of the Revenue Code of the Revenue and Revenue Code.

2. The relevant provisions relating to the taking of administrative, compulsory and judicial measures for the collection of revenue from the Court of Justice shall also apply to the present case.

3. With a decision of the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Networks, the documents shall be drawn up, showing the debt of the persons required to pay the differences in the amounts unduly paid, the manner in which they are due. (i) the cancellation of the debt of an individual in public services as part of the revenue and expenditure programme, the recovery procedures and all relevant issues.

Article 96 Deposits of staff in the Technological Educational Institute of Athens

At the end of par. Article 23 of the EC Treaty The following is added to 4111/2013 (1):

" With the preparation of the Internal Rules of Procedure of the Hellenic Society for the Conservation of the Iron/Steel Rolling Stock Company (N.S.A.), if overstaffing occurs, this staff shall apply the provisions of the article. His first v. 4093/2012 (A-222), as amended by Article 91 of the Law. NO 4172/2013 (1 167) It is permissible to meet needs in its staff

H.E.S.T.Y. S. A. S. A staff posting staff who have been ...


The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and the Committee on Article 14 of the Law 2190/1994, where he gathers the s-children for the corresponding position. The secondment shall take place at the request of the person concerned;

In accordance with the joint decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the Minister concerned, I have no opinion. The duration of secondment may be fixed up to

Three (3) years, without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Article 68 of the Code of Conduct for Civil Engineers and Officials of the Civil Service. NO 3528/2007 (26). The staff seconded to the National Intelligence Agency.

In accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 3 (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 3191/ 1999, the Council of the European Union shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, take account of the provisions of the Treaty on European Union. The distractions are automatically dismissed and the detacular returns to its organic position as soon as the SNC ceases to belong to the wider public sector. The duration of the secondment shall be deemed, for each consequence, as the time of the actual service of the depot in the position which it holds.

Article 97 Projects of OSE SA

1. The organs of the company "ERGA OSE SA" In the case of 'projects', as defined in the provision of Article 10 (1), they shall be defined in the provision of Article 10 (1). No 1. Council Regulation (EC) No 2465/1997 (2), as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2465/1997. Article 180 of the EC Treaty 3669/2008 (A-116), by a decision of the supervising Minister, published in the Official Journal of the Government.

2. For the public authorities of "ERGA OSE SA" 'works', the provision laid down in Article 15 (2) (c) of the Treaty. 4 of n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3669/2008 (A ' 116), as regards the possibility of adding to the declaration of additional conditions, where appropriate by the type or complexity of the project to be awarded, it shall be exercised by the Contracting Authority (Contracting Authority) of the company, after Having regard to the opinion of the Technical Advisory Committee,

3. The provisions of Article 9 (1) Five, 11 par. 6 on p. 12 (2). 1 and par. 3 and 27 of the Code of Asa-gastic ballots (bc. 2882/2001, A-17), which are valid for the public, are applied accordingly and to all NIS, which have the right and obligation to pay the relevant contributions, for (i) to carry out, in support of other forms of the wider public sector, non-discrimination in order to carry out co-financed projects of the highest national importance and benefit-for the national economy and the community.

Article 98 Installation studies of buildings

OSE SA in Thriassio Field

The application studies of the buildings of OSE SA in Thriassio Field are approved by decision of the Ministers for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and Environment, Energy and Climate Change,

Published in the Official Journal of the Government-as, after the adoption of the approval by the TEC of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. The above studies, which should be drawn up in accordance with the terms and conditions of sale, have been approved with the attention of the Committee. Note: 32115/2005 (D850) Decision of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Health and have been amended with Note: Regulation (EEC) No 21853/2008 (ADD 281) Decision of the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works, has a position of an econ omic licence and the facilities which are to be manufactured on the basis of these are considered to be legitimate in all respects, provided that they fulfil the conditions laid down by the Associated with studies of studies and studies.



Article 99 Fees and specific business taxes

Of public utility

1. Public service undertakings carrying out a transport project are excluded from Article 15 (d). 24/1958 and are not imposed on those provisions in favour of those provisions in favour, for differences, which are placed on the premises and on the premises of the public service. The surfaces of the stops, the stops and their vehicles.

2. Charges, special taxes, third party rights provided for in Articles 1, 2, 3, 7 and 10 of the Law. Articles 1, 2 and 3 of Law No 25/1975 (' 74). No 429/1976 (A-235). Article 24 of the EC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 2130/1993 (2), (2). Article 5 of the Law 3345/2005 (1 138) is not subject to public joint ventures (ICRC), which carry out transport activities, for their real estate, whether or not to be used for their activity and the smooth implementation of their work.

3. For the dimensions, specifications, other conditions and conditions for the installation of slides in areas and surfaces (streaks, attitudes and conditions) of the fixed track in the Region of Attica, decides by the entity in which It is a matter of remedying these premises. Article 2 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 2946/2001 applies to

Such spaces.

Article 100 Modification of n. 3920/2011

1. Article 2 of n. Add paragraph 5 as follows: 3920/2011 (A-33)

' 5. The first subparagraph of Article 2 (2) of the Act of 10 February 1976, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. 352/1976 e-hereinafter referred to as 'SY', S.A. and O.SY. Limited procedures. '

2. In par. Article 3 of the Law The following subparagraph is added 3920/2011 (A-33):

' (c) The benefit resulting from the write-off of the debts of the companies pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph shall be exempted from the public debt.


(i) the 3920/2011, by any tax, fee or any other charge in favour of the Dome or third party. A-change from income tax is provided with the requirement of benefits on a tax-exempt reserve, which, in the case of its capital or capitalisation, is subject to the provisions of Article 106 (3). Of the Income Tax Code. In particular, in the case of an account of the accumulated accounting losses of the members of the OASA which have occurred up until the time of the merger with the tax-exempt reserve requirement, they shall not apply from the publication of the application. 3920/2011, the provisions of Article 106 (3) of the EC Treaty

3. Article 13 of n. The following is added paragraph 3 as follows: 3920/2011 (A-33)

' 3. The organs of the FAA SA and the FASS. SA, who decide or are aware of the projects carried out by them are defined, by way of derogation from paragraph 1. Article 19 of the EC Treaty By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, 1418/1984 (A-23), as he said. '

Article 101 Modification of Road Traffic Code

And other provisions

1. The par. Article 52 of the Code of Road Cycle (v. 2696/1999, (57) is replaced by the following:

' 4. (a) On the basis of circulatory studies carried out or approved jointly by the relevant departments of the relevant region or area concerned, or of the Agency or the Agency, where appropriate, for the road services sector. In the case of non-compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 187185and by decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, with the exception of the area of competence of the OAU, roads or lanes may be defined, in which only means of public transport by means of transport by persons, (b) For the area of competence of the OAS, the defendant is responsible for the safety of the vehicle.

A number of routes or lanes, in which only a number of road agents, including trajectories, including trajectories, are made by decision of the Minister of Transport, Transport and Networks, following a recommendation. Of the Agency based on the strategic and operational planning of the OAU and on the basis of studies undertaken by the OAU on the priority measures for public transport against other vehicles, as well as for the Installation of specific markings and for any measure to ensure the unhindered traffic Of vehicles of a-state transport and safe and comfortable transport of passengers. With a decision taken following a relevant study and proposal by the competent authorities for the preparation or approval of circulatory studies, the circulation of two-or two-wheel motor cycles may be permitted in the precursors or strips, (i) topotopes and bicycles, as well as the application of these measures for certain sectors and hours. In all cases of determining the routes or lanes of this case, the choice of route

On the other hand, the Commission's proposal for a regulation on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women should be based on the principle of equal treatment. The labelling of the labelling, the fitting and maintenance of the separators are part of the competence of the bodies supervised by the institution concerned and the costs involved. C) The specifications and technical characteristics of the

(d) For the area of competence of the SADA, the Council of the European Union, the Council and the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

Expenditure relating to the construction and maintenance of the lanes of public road transport of persons shall be borne by the corresponding entity, while the costs of installing and maintaining the electric control instruments shall be borne by the Leitur Agency; (e) The infringement of the decisions adopted by the

Authorisation of this paragraph shall be based on the provisions referred to in paragraph 6 of that Article for infringements of measures restricting or prohibiting traffic. (f) By joint decision of the Ministers for Public Health

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection. Up to three (3) months.

2. In par. Article 81 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

" Passenger vehicles, instead of a spare wheel, may be equipped with a Repair of Visits or with specific driving continuation systems. By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications, the technical and operational programmes shall be defined and any other details necessary for the implementation of the preceding subparagraph. '

3. School buses that were put into circulation before the entry into force. 25665 /1831/12/ 15.5.2013 (BM 1174) Decision of the Minister for Infrastructure Transport and Networks shall continue to circulate and be transferred until the expiry of their authorisations, subject to technical conditions and conditions under which They were put into circulation.

4. By decision of the Minister for Transport and Networks, the conditions and conditions for the placing on the market of school buses are laid down, which have infants and pupils within the urban area, as determined by the competent bodies.

5. At the end of par. Article 11 of the Law The following subparagraph shall be added: 803/1978 (1 123), as applicable:

" The launch and arrival of buses that conflicts with international bus lines, as well as the passenger landing and disembarkation of passengers, may take place at the International Buses of the International Buses. The establishment and operation of the above stages,

It is subject to authorisation granted by the Transport and Communications Department of the relevant Peri-Ferry. With a presidential decree, issued with a proposal


The Minister for Transport and Networks and co-signature of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change sets out the terms and conditions of the establishment and operation of the International Buses of the International Buses (e.g. position, land use, etc.). (i) an internal provision, sanitary facilities, and the procedure and conditions for granting the highest level of service. The use of Stathmos International Buses

At the starting point/ter of international bus lines (in Greek territory), it is necessary to grant an international regular bus licence, after the end of three (3) years after the delivery of the above-mentioned presidential term. Of the order.

Article 102 Amendment to Article 1 of the Law NO 2898/2001

1. The par. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law 2898/2001 (1 71) is replaced by the following:

' 1. It is recommended that the Council of Civil Associations of Thessaloniki (STDs) consisting of: A representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure,

As President, the President, appointed with the task of setting up the S.A.P.D. A representative of the Ministry of Economy,

Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the establishment of a European Centre for the Development of Industry (presented by the Commission) A representative of the Ministry of Macedonia and

Thrace, proposed with his deputy from the Minister of Macedonia and Thrace. A representative of the Regional Council

Of the Region of Central Macedonia, which is extended to its deputy, by decision of the Regional Council. E. A representative of the Regional Union

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy A representative of the Workers' Group.

Of Thessaloniki, which is proposed by his/her payer, by decision of the Board of Directors of the Thessaloniki Business Centre. The Director of the Traffic Management Department -

Of winning, with his deputy, Deputy Director of Traffic of Thessaloniki. The SAARC is constituted by a decision of the Minister

Infrastructure, Transport and Networks published in the Governing Council of the Government. Until the entry into force of this Decision, the SAI shall continue to operate as soon as the present law is effective. '

2. The par. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 2898/2001 (1 71) is replaced by the following:

' 11. It is recommended in a credit institution of the Member State's own bank account, to which the OASTH shall deposit directly, on the same day or at the same time, until the following business day after payment of each instalment of its final payment. Article 8 (7) (o) of Article 8 (7 %) on each instalment received by the OASTH from the Greek public. The above amount, which does not increase the annual anti-weighted payment to the OASTH, cannot exceed five-hundred-hundred-week-old (EUR 570,000) euro, as well as to fall short of -

000 (EUR 400,000) per reference year, irrespective of the amount of the counter-payment. The above percentage, as well as the maximum and minimum prices for the financing of the SATH, may be amended by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. The OASTH, after the written order of the President

The SOS or any other body, special authority-in order to make a decision of the SARS, it is obliged to pay, from the above special account, every diaper of the S.A.S.T. for the purpose of the realisation of its objectives (such as asymmetry, loss of life). (i) special workers, technical and secretarial support). By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Y -

The maintenance and management of the above special account may also be raised in another body. The same decision shall be laid down in each relevant detail. '

Rule 103 Amendment of the provisions of paragraph 74/2008

And bc 431/1995

1. The case (a) of par. The following shall be substituted for Article 3 of Article 3 (d) 74/2008 (1 112):

' a. The number of sub-categories D1, D1 + E or the D, D + E-holders who are licensees of a corresponding category or subcategory granted up to 9 September 2008. This exemption is valid until 9 March 2014. After that date, the holders of the above-mentioned

Driving licences are obliged to hold a passenger manifest after they have followed a periodical training programme, in accordance with the provisions of this decree. '

2. The par. 2 of Annex II to paragraph 74/2008 (1st 112) is amended as follows: (a) In point (c) below the sentence " Side 1

It contains ", is inserted in the list after the entry for France" F: France " the entry:

"HR: Croatia". (b) At the point below the sentence " Side 1

Includes', is inserted in the list after the entry' carta cailiochta fiomana ', the entry:

'kvalifikacijska kartica vozač' (c) The second paragraph of point (b) below

Sentence 'Side 2 includes' is replaced by the following:

' These particulars in a national language other than the following: Bulgarian, Spanish, Czech, Danish, German, Estonian, Greek, English, French, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish and Swedish, are valid if the issue is bilingual and includes the particulars in at least one of the pre-listed languages, subject to other provisions of this Bulletin. Present annex '. (para. 4 of Part A of the Annex to Council Directive 2013 /22/EU of 13 May 2013 adapting to certain Directives in the field of transport policy, by reason of the accession of the Republic of Croatia.

3. In the list referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 6 (d) 431/1995 (A΄ 245), which has been added to Article 4 (d) 38/2008 (' ' 68 '), a


Following entry after the entry for Germany:

Croatia HR godi nja naknada za uporabu javnih cesta koja se pla registraciji motornih i priklju nih vozila

(para. 1 Part A of the Annex to Council Directive 2013 /22/EU of 13 May 2013 adapting certain Directives in the field of transport, by reason of the accession of the Republic of Croatia.


Article 104 Categories for EURO 5 and EURO V

1. The case of par. Article 89 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

" (d) The EEG cars of TAXI for the first time in circulation shall be Euro 5 or EURO V or newer technology. It may be-and a certain number of the last two years, of their entry into circulation, including. '

2. The case of par. Article 92 of the EEC Treaty 4070/2012 is replaced by the following:

" (d) E.D.H. cars, which are first in circulation, must be EURO 5 or EURO V or newer technology. It may be carried out over the last two years, the year of entry into circulation, including. '

Article 105 Repayments for the employees of the Member States

With driver

1. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, there are discrepancies and other evidence that can be used by private individuals (IMs) with a driver's guide. The transfers in case 1 of the sub-paragraph H2 of the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Article shall be carried out. 4093/2012 (A-222), as is the case.

2. In case 2 of paragraph H2 of the paragraph of Article 1 of the article. 4093/2012 (1 222), as applicable, add sub-cases (d), (e) and (f):

' d. Have a good knowledge of a language other than Greek. E. To be graduates of at least Lyceum;

A type or a corresponding educational grade of the alien. F; Insurance information of the worker concerned;

Of which 3. The last paragraph of indent 2 of the Suba

Paragraph H2 of the paragraph H of Article 1 v. 4093/2012 (1 222), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' To prove the connection of the above-mentioned cases, the undertakings in case 1 are required to keep in their records and to exercise any control by the competent authorities: for the connection of the case (a) a certificate of criminal law General use of the driver, sub-case b. A certified copy of the driving licence, subcase (c) a medical certificate, sub-case (d) certificate of at least B2-level glossaries during the Common European Framework Report of the Court of First Instance with a high school diploma of any one or a corresponding title In the case of foreign school students and the evidence for the insurance of the driver by the insurer I-CA. '

Article 106 Modification of provisions of n. REGULATION (EEC) NO 4070/2012

And the n. 3534/2007

1 a. In par. Article 82 of the EC Treaty The following indent is added: 4070/2012 (A ' 82):

(c) I.E.D. from five (5) to seven (7) Special Transport Positions (IMMEs) without a counter. ' Other: The par. Article 82 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (2

Displayed as follows: ' 5. The car is the car's car. The car is one of the most ...

Which carries out a successor following an advance payment made by the passenger in person or by telephone or by means of a special TAXI radio network or electronically or in any other way. The allocation shall be made by payment of the forecasted antimatter and any special increase in the case of an EEG-TAXI car, or of the agreed condition if it is an E.D.-SPECIFIC or E.D.H.-SPECIFIC car. ' Other: The par. Article 82 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (2

Displayed as follows: ' 8. Prefix: The ex-ante level of ADD.

A car from a natural or legal person, with a boarding house located either within or outside the headquarters of the national car. If the embarkation is within the limits of the registered office of the car, then the disembarkation may be at a point either inside or outside it, while in the event that boarding is outside the seat limits, the boarding must be Within it. The pre-accession strategy for EMH cars and IMMEs is mandatory. '

2. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 84 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (2), as well as the provisions of Article 6 (1) (b). 3109/2003 (' 38) repealed.

3. The first subparagraph of paragraph 3. Article 85 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

The licence is issued by the competent authority of the Member State concerned, after payment of a fee which does not exceed the administrative costs of the authorisation procedure and the amount of which is determined by a joint decision by the High Authority. Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

4. The case (a) of par. Article 86 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

' a. Type of driving licence. (TAXI, SPECIFICATION or SPECIFIC),


Vehicle registration and its framework number, '.

5. Article 87 of the Law. In addition, paragraphs 4 to 10 are added as follows:

' 4. The creation and operation of anonymised companies and co-operators by the owners of RICHs for the sole purpose of their transfer are permitted. The granting of a licence for the establishment of an annualcompany and co-operatives is carried out by the head of the company or the company.

5. In case of co-ownership of a car, all co-owners are required to participate in the takeover of the capital with a corresponding payment of cash. The transfer of the shares of the antonian company

It shall be made to those successors, as well as to other natural persons, who fulfil the requirements of the relevant conditions for the transfer of MIT cars under Article 102 of this law. In this case, the transfer of the shares shall be carried out at the same time as the transfer of the relevant car and by the holder of all obligations of the shareholder or partner.

6. A. The above mentioned companies are governed by the provisions of Law 2190/1920 and its law. The equity capital of the anonym company formed

It is divided into cash and cannot be less than the minimum provided for non-resident companies. The shares of the non-member companies are names;

Stationary: 7. The Recommendation and the functioning of the co-operatives

The provisions of Law 1667/1986 (1 196), as is the case. Co-operatives are involved, exclusively, owners of S.E.C. cars. The functioning of the companies is regulated by the law and the articles of association.

8. In order to set up companies or cooperatives in the preceding paragraphs, they shall be submitted to the competent authorities together with the corporate document, copies of the registration certificates of the ICO, the owners of which Persons and persons responsible for the legal declaration that they do not participate in another anonymissive company or co-fit with a similar purpose.

9. Shareholders of the antonian company or the partners of the co-companies grant, in use, the company or co-operative of their EEG cars. The conditions of use of the cars, the compensation of these owners, and any relevant issues, shall be determined by a decision of the general meeting of the company or of the company or the constituent assembly.

10. Participation in the capital of the non-member company and of the partnership and correspondingly the allocation of votes is proportional to the percentage of each shareholder in the car. For the purposes of the application of this framework, the Court of Justice is defined as one unit, which has two votes. Each vote is equivalent to 50 %. Since most of the co-owners of a car collect 50 %, they are represented in the exercise of the right to vote by one of them. '

6. The par. Article 88 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

' 4. The pre-accession of E.D.H. is carried out by the passenger by private or by telephone or by special radio networks or electronically or by any other means by means of the anticipated antitrust and any special increment. In such cases, the taxi meter shall be operated from the boarding point of the port. '

7. Article 91 of the Law. 4070/2012 is replaced by the following:

" Article 91 Special rules of operation of cars


1. Public-sector vehicles for the specific use of motor vehicles (EIDMIX) and special transport (IMMEs) are a category of motor vehicles which carry out transmissions by means of prior notification by means of tuberculosis or legal persons Adjust-to-mind currency. The specific allocation of the car together with the driver is concluded either in writing or through a telephone switchboard or any other non-originating telecommunication carrier by the service provider.

2. It shall be prohibited to take into account the following joint arrangement with the customer without prior contact with the client. It is also prohibited in any way to approach customers from EEG drivers or IMMEs, when they are found in motion or in stasis or posture (pizzas). The breach of this provision violates the disciplinary measure of the removal of the driver's licence. The case is examined as a matter of priority by the Disciplinary Board of Article 103 of this law.

3. Drivers of E.D.H. cars and IMS-IMT provide passenger transport services only if they are equipped with the evidence of the isthosis, indicating the name of the slipper, the date and time of the equation, the An agreed fee, as well as the location of the receiving and disembarkation of passengers.

4. The trade exchange for the provision of services with an ICM or IMMET may be determined either by means of the admission of passengers in a detailed and non-exhaustive list for the service provider of at least the monthly or free period. To negotiate with the customer. The above-mentioned meaning is binding on the provider, posted on the Internet on a special website that the provider has to maintain for this purpose and is valid for a minimum of one (1) month from his post.

5. Each service provider with E.D.H. Cars-MIGHT or INMEMBT is required to keep a record of the last hundred and eighty (180) calendar days with all telephone and telecommunication channels that have been received for straightening, As well as the contracts it has performed during the same period.

6. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Counsel, Transport and Networks, the terms and conditions of the management of the E.R., as well as any other necessary details are determined. '

8. The case (a) of par. Article 92 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:


' (a) have at least three (3) doors for the entry and exit of the passengers and the driver. '

9. After Article 92 of the Law. Article 92A is added as follows: 4070/2012


By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the conditions and conditions of the registration of the ICMG are laid down, the procedure and the rate of conversion of the circulars by region, the technical characteristics The Committee of the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European Parliament, and the Committee of the European It is permissible to replace current passenger cars with new cars, with new or-a fast-track record of the last two years, of the year of entry into service of passenger cars of more than 2,500 cubic centimetres. The conversion of circulating passenger ships in the category SPECIFIC shall be unchanged for a period of two (2) years. '

10. The case of the par. Article 95 of the EC Treaty 4070/2012 is replaced by the following:

' or. Have already had a licence to drive a minimum of category B '.

11. (a) The case (c) of par. Article 98 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

' c. The collection of a number of currencies for the TAXI drivers and dierent drivers for the drivers of EIDMIX and IMMEM drivers. ' (b) par. Article 17 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3534/2007 (

Is being delayed 12. Article 99 of the Law 4070/2012 is replaced by e -

: " With a presidential decree issued with a proposal

The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, regulates the operating rules of the cars (TAXI, INFORMATION and IMMEMBT), the obligations of owners, holders and drivers in the service of passenger services. In this context, the Committee of the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European With the same presidential decree, the conditions for the disposal of cars (TAXI, INFORMATION and IMMEs) are regulated for the implementation of transport operations, indications and signs, seats of the seats, the use of the measures and the installation. Of those on the ground, as well as the administrative penalties applicable to the infringement of the obligations arising from the Regulation, and any other relevant issue, for those matters which are not regulated by this law. With the same presidential decree, the following provisions may be repealed. '

13. The case under Article 100 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

' (d) When a car is found to be in an immobility beyond one year of the registration of the marketing authorisation and the State plates for any reason. In this case, a decision of the Contingers concerned shall be revoked.

In the case of a car, a car has been removed from the vehicle for a period of one (1) month. In the case of a member of the High Court of Justice in immovable property with the registration and state-of-the-state plates for furniture six (6) months after the expiry of the timelimit for the withdrawal of the marketing authorisation and removal of the On the basis of a decision of the relevant Peri-ferret, the marketing authorisation is retracted and the State plates of the cars concerned are removed for an additional period of six (6) months. In the case of a residence permit and state registration plates for an additional six (6) months after the expiry of the period of time of the withdrawal of the marketing authorisation, the registration and state registration number for an additional six (6) months after the expiry of the period of validity of the licence and removal of the licence. In the case of the State registration plate, then, with the decision of the housemaid, the authorisation is definitively withdrawn. '

14. The second paragraph of Article 105 of the Law. The following subparagraph shall be added to the following subparagraph: ' With the same decision, a maximum ceiling may be fixed in each case. '

15. RadioTaxi service announcement shall be made in the Region concerned by submitting the following supporting documents: Destructive legal personality, in which

This means that all of the cars that have been included in the RAG are included. Description of the electronic communication system;

It should be noted that the use of this medicinal product is not recommended. 16. One (1) Radiotaxis is permitted in a

Headquarters-Administrative unit of Article 83 of the Law. 4070/2012 (' 82) since 50 % of the total number of IFIs has been included in Radiotaxi. -FDI of the Headquarters of the Headquarters.

17. Second Radio Taxi may operate as long as at least 30 % of the total number of IFIs has been included. -Automobiles, for the men-administrative units in the case of par. Article 83 of the EEC Treaty 4070/2012 or at least 150 BC/TAXI cars, for the seats-single administrative units referred to in paragraph 2 of paragraph 2 of the same Article. 4070/2012.

18. The provisions of paragraphs 15, 16 and 17 of this Article and any other provisions relating to Radio of the text of text shall not apply to the cases of legal persons implementing electronic communications For the purpose of service, except for radio frequencies, for the service of Passenger Automobiles.

19. The legal persons who have been granted the installation and operation of special radios for E.D.H. vehicles in application of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions of the Directive 482/1987 (2 220) and 587/1988 (1 282) or have been subject to a General License Having regard to the opinion of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union, Article 28 of the EC Treaty In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 3431/2006 (Part 13), they shall be considered as 'Radio taxis' in accordance with this Article of this present Article.

20. The case of par. Article 20 of the EEC Treaty Decision No 3185/2003 (A-229) is replaced by the following:


' d. The age limit for drivers of passenger cars is set at sixty nine (69) years. The special driving licence is compulsory at sixty-seven (67) years of age in accordance with the provisions of the renewal of special licences. The age limit of the school bus drivers o -

The Committee of the Committee of the European The case (c) of par. Article 14 (2)

N. (EC) No 2963/2001 (' ' 268) is replaced by the following: In the case of the following, the following shall be added:

Of their age. ' 22. The par. Article 26 of the EC Treaty NO 3710/2008 (A)

Is deleted; 23. The provisions of Article 121 (1)

Of the present law applicable to the immobility of the ICH cars.



Article 107 Amendment of the codified legislation

Construction of public works (bc. 3669/2008, 1st 116)

1. Article 99 (2) (a) of the codification of the legislation for the construction of public works (OJ C 3669/2008) is replaced by the following:

' (a) As an officer of the CIC, the turnover of the successful business of the enterprise, carried out by the construction of public and private projects in El-Lada and abroad, has taken place in the last three years. From the time the application was submitted. The undertaking may rely on its turnover, immediately preceding the previous year, if it does not use its last year and the experience of this year has not been used in previous years. Application. The above shall be determined as follows: '.

2. After the case in point (a) of Article 99 (2) of the codification of the legislation on public works contracts, which was ratified by the first paragraph of Article 99. 3669/2008, subparagraph (vi) is added as follows:

' vi. For public and private projects, which have been carried out abroad, by subsidiaries of undertakings in the rest of the world, only that resulting from a certified statement by the owner of the project or the manufacturer and corresponding A statement of revenue, certified by a certified auditor, for such operations. The above-mentioned words should have been included in the income tax declarations of the subsidiary company in the foreign, authenticated, authenticated by the competent authorities. In the case where the certificate is issued to the manufacturer, the competent authority of the country which has completed the project has to be appended to the conclusion that the commission has undertaken and constructed the project or part thereof; As well as the acknowledgement of the date for the award by the supplier to the undertaking

The construction of the project or parts thereof. ' 3. In the case (c) of paragraph 2 of Article

In addition, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the design and marketing of public works contracts. EUR 3669/2008 is added as follows:

" In the above amounts, it shall be taken into account for the calculation of the number of the class A3 class, but not to cover the minimum fixed and sound equipment, the fixed assets of all its activities. (i) the undertaking, and the private private sector, which are required to be purchased in the framework of a public contract, provided that this is provided for in the contracts. '

4. Indent (d) of Article 99 (2) of the codification of the legislation on the construction of public works, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

' 2. D) The items used as a hyper-set in the fractions α1, α2, α3 of the T-list T-classification, for the registration, classification and revision are defined as follows:

(i) for the third year the turnover is set at two million twenty-five thousand (2,025.000), the own funds in seven hundred and fifty thousand (750,000) euro and the fixed assets in one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) euro;

Other: For the fourth year, the turnover is set at four million hundred and twenty-five thousand (4,125,000) euro, the own funds in a million five hundred thousand (EUR 1 500 000) and three hundred thousand (300,000) euro,

Iii - For the fifth year the turnover is set at eleven million two hundred and fifty thousand (11.250,000) euro, the own funds in four million five hundred thousand (4.5 million) euro and EUR-for 900 000 (EUR 900,000);

(iv) for the sixth grade, the turnover is set at EUR 22 million (EUR 22,500,000), EUR 9 million (EUR 9 million) and fixed at one million euro (EUR 1 800 000);

V. For the seventh year the turnover is set at an hundred and thirty-five million (135,000,000) euro, the own funds at ninety million euro (EUR 90,000,000) and fixed to eighteen million (18 million) euro. '

5. Paragraph 7 of Article 99 of the codification of the legislation for the construction of public works, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

' 7. In cases of merger of ergonomics engagements in the ICMG or of the whole of the manufacturing sector, the Factor of Each of them is taken according to the total number as follows: a) For the first two, the Sum of the Factors

(b) For the third, the sum shall be added to the above sum.

50 % (50 %) of the Company's Party (s) and (d) for the fourth, in the above summation,

Forty percent (40 %) of the Factor Against this. For the merging companies, other than -


The order of business for the calculation of the Council's calculation shall not be added to the order of business.

Deletion of Class C to be determined by the undertaking submitting the review request. '

6. Indent (b) of Article 100 (4) of the codification of the legislation on the construction of public works, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. EUR 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

(b) At the time of the application, at the request of a bank, at least fifty thousand (50,000) euro or fixed data on the basis of the conflicting values or the values of such acquisition, of a total value of Ninety thousand (50,000) or cumulatively Deposits in a bank and fixed assets of a total value of fifty thousand (EUR 50 000). These fixed assets include land, buildings, buildings, sound equipment and transport equipment, except for passenger cars. The value of fixed assets shall be taken as an option by the undertaking either at the time of the submission of the application, certified by a notary or the value thereof, as determined by the definitive purchase contracts. Or the cost of their own construction, as registered in the company's books. For equipment and equipment, their value shall be determined on the basis of the provisions of Article 99 of this Regulation. '

7. Cases (b) and (c) of paragraph 5 of Article 100 of the codification of the legislation in the field of public works, which was ratified by the article itself. EUR 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

(b) At the time of submission of the application, deposits in a bank, at least a hundred thousand (100,000) euro or fixed assets based on the conflicting values or the values of such acquisition, of a total value of EUR 100 000 (EUR 100 000) or cumulatively Deposits in a bank and fixed assets of a total value of one hundred thousand (100,000) euro. For these fixed components, the provisions of paragraph 4 (b) shall apply. '

8. Paragraph 6 (a) of Article 100 of the codification of the legislation on the construction of public works, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. EUR 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

"6.a) Includes one (1) technical M.E.C. C, and one (1) technical M.E.C. C, at least."

9. Indent (a) of Article 100 (8) of the codification of the legislation on the construction of public works, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. EUR 3669/2008 is replaced by the following:

' 8.a) They include in their basic and complementary staffing the corresponding, for each class of minimum number of technical veneers in the M.E.C., as follows:

I. In the fourth grade, the main project category requires a staffing of at least two (2) technical M.E.C. C, and two (2) technical M.E.C. C technicians. For each additional category of projects up to and including the fourth, a supplemental strain of at least (2) of the Technical BICs is required. An additional strain is required for each additional category-one (1) technical MIC.

Other: In the fifth grade, for the main category of works, a staffing of at least three (3) technical ME.C. C techniques and two (2) technical M.E.C. C technicians. For each additional category of projects up to the date, a supplementary staffing is required in the three (3) technical MIC. For each category, an additional strain of one (1) technical MIC is required.

Iii - In the sixth grade, for the basic category of works, a staffing of at least five (5) technical M.E.K.C. C, four (4) technical M.E.C. C, and one (1) technical MIC. B΄ grade. For each additional category of projects up to and including the fourth, a supplemental strain of at least four (4) technical MQs is required. For the above categories, an additional strain of one (1) technical MIC is required by category.

Iv. In the seventh grade, a staffing is required in the fourteen (14) technical M.E.C. C, and twelve (12) technical M.E.C. C techniques. This staffing requires at least the ten (10) audio-visual media to be enrolled in three (3) project categories, one (1) technical M.E.C. to be enrolled in the category of electro-engineering works and one (1) technical MIC. Of a degree in the category of industrial and energy projects. Alternative for fourth, fifth and sixth classes

It can be replaced in the basic and supplementary staffing, one (1) technical M.E.M. C, with two (2) technical NGOs of the same degree and one (1) technical MIC. C grade with two (2) technical BICs. For the seventh grade they can be replaced both in the baseline and in the supplemental staffing, up to four (4) techno-techs with eight (8) technical ME.C. C technicians and up to four (4) technical BICs. Eight (8) technical BICs. For the above classes the executives for each additional

Category of works, other than the basic category, may be the same persons of the basic staffing in a corresponding category and class of the M.E.C. or other persons. '

Article 108 Amendment of Article 39 of the Law 3316/2005 (42)

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 39 of the EC Treaty 3316/2005 is replaced by the following:

" The Commission works in the General Secretariat of Public Works of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, consisting of thirteen (13) members, one of which is indicated together with his deputy from the Technical Chamber of Greece (T.E.C.), One together with his deputy from the Georgian Chamber of Commerce of Greece (GSEE) and one is indicated together with his deputy from the Association of Greek Companies-Studies Offices (S.E.G.M.), the Hellenic Association of Greece (CSR) and the Hellenic Foundation for the Development of Industry (SEA), the Hellenic Foundation for the Study of Greece (SEA), the Hellenic Foundation for the Study of Greece (SEA), the Hellenic Foundation for the Development of Industry (SEA), the Hellenic Foundation for the Development of Industry (SEA), the Hellenic Foundation for the Development of Industry (SEA), the Hellenic Foundation for Research, Technological Development and Energy. The Association of Directors of Directors of Central Macedonia (SEM). '


Article 109 Supplementary contracts for payments

In the case of study contracts awarded in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 7 in conjunction with Article 5 (5) (d). 3316/2005 and executed at the time of publication of this law, it shall be removed that the requirement under point (b) of Article 29 (1) of the above law for any supplemental measures in the species or size (quantity) has been fulfilled. (a) to ensure that the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 8331/ Conditions under points (a) and (c) comes from the execution of the initial work of the original Contract and di-and is based on it.

Article 110 How to calculate value and payment of the asphalt

In a joint decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the method of calculating the value of the premium is calculated, as well as the necessary supporting documents for the payment of insurance operations carried out by the Ministry of Finance. Have been or are executed in the framework of the procurement of public works contracts whose notice has been published or the award decision was signed, from 2.7.2008 to 19.3.2013. The additional expenditure, in relation to the previous year, resulting in the execution of the project by a possible increase in the value of the bitumen or of that quantity in the cases provided for in the law, shall be covered by the appropriations entered in the budget.

Article 111 Machine projects

Works of works which have been imported or manufactured in the Greek territory until 25.6.2010 and for which no approval decision has been issued until the above date, may be type-approved under conditions and conditions. The conditions in force at the date of import or manufacture. In the case of gas and particulate emissions

Of pollutants from internal combustion engines fitted to the machinery in question, the relevant provisions relating to the date of manufacture shall be applied. This Regulation applies to applications for extradition.

A type-approval decision to be submitted within 10 (10) months from the date of publication of the present present in the Governing Council of the Government. By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport

And Networks may be adjusted to the extent necessary for the implementation of the provision.

Article 112 Relevant connections to service stations

Liquid fuel within the villages

At the end of Article 23 of Disorder/1981 (A-303), as applicable, paragraph 4 is added as follows:

' 4. For service stations located in the residential area, which are before the year 1923 or within the limits of the delimited population of the population up to 2000 inhabitants and where the pre-said route is measured in terms of geometrics Its characteristics, the owner of the service, are required to adapt, by its own costs, the place of the service to the re-gadees at present planned, within the scope of the procedure laid down by the Is described in the provisions of point (c) of paragraph 3. In any event, the conditions set out in paragraph 1 of Article 6 must be fulfilled. '

Article 113 Amendment of the provisions of n. 3614/2007

At the end of par. Article 25 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3614/2007 (A-267), as applicable, shall be added as follows:

' The provisions of this paragraph shall also apply in all cases of co-financed contracts in respect of public works under which the contraaor referred to in Article 51 of the consolidation of legislation has been notified to the contraaor. Public works (bc. 3669/2008), advance payment, in application of the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 25 of the EC Treaty 3614/2007 as applicable. The order of the previous territory shall not apply to cases where the revocation of the contraaor has been initiated and is under way in accordance with Article 61 of that code. '


Article 114 Construction or separate components

Groups of vehicles

After Article 1 of Law 570/1970 (1 125), Article 1a shall be inserted as follows:

' Article 1a

1. "Construction component" or "separate technical unit" according to the definitions in Article 3 of the Directive. Regulation (EEC) No 29949/1841/2009 (B΄ 2112), established by means of a vehicle and authorised by EU regulatory acts or of the UNECE according to the procedure for issuing the type-approval of a vehicle in accordance with Article 84 of the Traffic Code (e. G. 2696/1999, ' 57), as applicable, may only be replaced: a. With a "component" or "separate technical"

A unit ' which has been type-approved with a regulatory act of the EU or of the ECE/ECE which has to be the same or younger with that regulatory act of the ec


Construction of a "component" or "separate technical unit" replacing it. With a "component" or "separate technical"

(ii) a group ' which is in accordance with the conditions and conditions laid down by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. This possibility is only given if the approval version of the 'component' or 'separate technical unit' is not provided for by the EU regulatory act or the AIF.

2. If the replacement of a "component" or "separate technical unit" in accordance with that article is or causes a change in the main characteristics of the vehicle, the requirements of the legislation in force for the change in force shall apply. Of characteristics. '

Article 115 Amendment of the n. Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012. 3710/2008,

Of n. Regulation (EEC) No 2773/1999 and

1. The par. Article 114 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4070/2012 (1 82) is replaced by the following:

' 8. The provisions of paragraph 1. 7 of Article 28 (d) 118/2006 ('119) shall apply in the case of the installation of right-hand liquid fuels, but also in the cases of addition or conversion of pumps and distribution of LPG, as well as in the case of the situation, The replacement, replacement in the same position or on the addition of right-hand gas cylinders to operate gas or liquid petroleum gas and exhaust gas stations and to stop gas and exhaust gas pumps, the Which are both within and outside the town plan areas with respect to the process of Par. Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (4),

2. The second indent of paragraph 2. Article 4 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 595/1984 (2), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' b. From the nearest point of view of the car or national action ten (10) measures in the case of the siting of a small or a part-time service, either within or outside the city plan area or within an area defined by the (a) a copy of Article 2 of this Regulation. The extra-distance safety distance is measured from the nearest end of the main highway or motorway and not the end of the side road (service road-S.R.). '

3. The case d of par. The following shall be substituted for Article 4 (2) of Article 4 (d. 595/1984):

' d. From dwellings, self-contained office buildings, branches, twenty (20) measures, measured from the nearest point of view of the above buildings, in the cases of siting of the iconic or semi-public service station, either within or outside the project Of the municipality or in an area defined by the Article 2 (a) of the present Regulation. '

4. The par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 7 thereof,

' 1. One (1) or two (2), whether linked to each other, either independent, underground or reserve, right-hand storage and supply of a total capacity of not less than two (2);

(i) measures and up to sixty (60) cubic metres of co-operation. '

5. The par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 7 thereof,

'Up to three (3) maximum devices (single, double, tri-pley or quadruple) distribution of LPG'.

6. The par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty 3710/2008 (A216), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' 1. The establishment and operation of liquefied gas (LPG) and gas (CNG) service stations and liquefied gas (CNG) stations in areas where the establishment and operation of liquid fuel stations are permitted, provided that, in the case of LPG, a mixture or gas station, (i) the combined capacity of the right-hand or right-hand gas (LPG) is up to 18 m3, and the safety positions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 are respected, as well as the other conditions for the period from 595/1984 (A2-218), as is the case, for the same reasons. Natural gas stations (CNG), small or partial, the safety distances of the article are respected. 19, and the other conditions of the United Nations Convention. Oike. No 5063/184/2000 (155) as applicable. '

7. The par. Article 10 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3710/2008 (1 216), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

' 2.a. For small or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas (CNG) stations operating in areas within a plan, where they are permitted to be set up and operated, they may be modified and adjusted, in accordance with The terms of p. 1224/1981 (1 303), as applicable, without approval of any other authority. ' Other: For the establishment and operation of new members or groups

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas (CNG) station (CNG), as appropriate, shall be applied in the case of their circulatory links as defined in paragraph 1 (2) (d. 1224/1981 (A-303) or by b.d. 465/1970 (A' 150) as applicable. (Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 6 of Article 6

N. Regulation (EC) No 2801/2000 (46) is replaced by the following:

In the case of liquid fuels, liquid fuels, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (CNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) or gas and compressed natural gas (CNG) gas (CNG) under the conditions, where applicable, of the number. Publication of the reference for preliminary draft: Bull. Oike. No 5063/184/2000 (BI155), as applicable, maintain their existing contact point. The authorization of these products shall be extended by the approval of the necessary additions and amendments and shall be renewed as a form of service or liquid fuel, LPG and compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) Of natural gas (CNG) or liquid exhaust and gas (CNG), ten (10) years of time. '

8. The par. Article 45 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2773/1999 ('), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

' 2. (a) In a Decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, issued within six (6) non-residents from the publication of the present Convention, the competent bodies, conditions and conditions of establishment and operation are laid down. The nature of the car, washing and washing machines in the motor vehicle, both in and outside the approved plans of cities and service stations and -


With the exception of the CNG and the liquid fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied petroleum gas (CNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquid gas (CNG) stations (b) By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Gas (CNG), as well as the conditions and conditions for the traffic connection of the following facilities or undertakings with national, sectoral, municipal and Community roads. Transport

And Networks, issued within six (6) months following the publication of the present in the Court of Appeal, the competent bodies, conditions and conditions for the setting up and operation of service stations are to be determined by the competent authorities. (CNG), liquid fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquid fuel and gas (CNG) liquids (CNG), and terms and conditions; and Conditions for the closure of the above facilities or operations with national, Provincial, municipal and legal routes.

Article 116 Automated car workshops

1. The par. 5 of Article 10 of the Law. EUR 3897/2010 (1 208) is replaced by the following:

' 5.a) The minimum benefit surface of the exhaust gas workshops of par. 14 of Article 13 (d. 78/1988 ('34), as is the case, is defined in fifty (50) square metres. In the field of expertise, it is permitted to have any basement or floor space, with the obligation to place at all levels of the premises of the workshop, certified gas-gas leakage detection equipment, Electrically connected via a special table and a backup with a siren and a distress beacon. For each type of exhaust gas (LPG or CNG), a separate detector is placed. The LPG leak detector shall be located at a distance of 30 cm from the ground. The CNG exhaust gas leak detector is located at a distance of 30 cm from the roof. The work of the qualification of par. (b) The work of the residency of the workshop shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Article 13 (d. 78/1988, as applicable). Article 14

13, paragraph 78/1988 (A-34), as is the case, may be carried out in workshops, including visits and maintenance of more than one of the specialties referred to in Article 13 (d. 78/1988), as is the case, with the obligation to do so. Levels of the premises of the workshop, certified gas-gas leak detection devices, linked to a specific table and a siren and a distress beacon. For each type of exhaust gas (LPG or CNG), a separate detector is placed. The exhaust gas leak detector shall be set at a distance of 30 cm from the net. The CNG exhaust leakage detector is set at a distance of 30 cm from the U-turn.

(c) Especially in the area of the work of the speciality of par. Article 13 of the first paragraph of Article 13 of Regulation No 78/1988, as applicable, is subject to a minimum of two detectors per type of exhaust gas. In the case where the maximum working space is greater than 50 volumes, a detector for every 50 volumes is placed. The above operations shall be carried out only on the ground for repairing the workshop. In the above cases, the calculation of the benefit of the surface of the workshops, to which repairs of more than one speciality, including the exhaust gases are being undertaken, is defined at 60 % of the sum of the minimum Of the benefits of the individual specialties. The same level of calculation also applies to the benefit area of the ancillary areas of the workshop (warehouse, WC) with a corresponding 40 %. '

2. The case (c) of par. The following shall be substituted for Article 14 (1) (d) 38/1996 (Part II):

' (c) A building permit or a licence or an annuity exemption from demolition or any other item certifying the legality of the building. In the case of an existing building, it is necessary to submit a single permit for the establishment of a workshop by the respective fight authority or service provider. There is no need to issue or revise the license or review of the eco-label in respect of the use of the (commercial), I (industry-manufacturer), L (car station) or K (storage), regardless of differentiation in terms of use. The Committee of the Environment, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European

Article 117 Arrangements for the implementation of Regulation (EC)

181/2011 on the rights of passengers in road transport

1. By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, they are regulated by category of road passenger transport, the scope of application, the national control bodies, the administrative penalties imposed and the other necessary details for implementation. Having regard to the provisions of Regulation (EC) Council Regulation (EC) No 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 51/28.2.2011) on the rights of passengers and passengers and amending Regulation (EC) No 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 51/28.2.2011). 2006/2004 '. Until 1 March 2017, the provisions of this Regulation shall not apply to international scheduled passenger transport between Greece and non-EU countries.

2. The administrative fines imposed in favour of the Federal Republic of Germany for the above infringements range from EUR 800 to EUR 1500, while in the event of a recurrence of the same infringement, the precursor shall be EUR 1500 to 1800 for the first time, 1810 to 2000. For the second time and 2010 to EUR 3000 for the third time and EUR 3000 for each subsequent sub-committee.

3. For the national regular or long-distance transport of passengers carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2963/2001 (1), as national audit bodies, shall be considered by the relevant Directorate-General for Transport and Communications of the headquarters of the KTEL and the relevant disciplinary boards and administrative sanctions;


The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament. The provisions of Articles 45 and 46 of this Regulation shall apply from the award of the implementation of transurban road passenger transport services in accordance with the provisions of this law.

Article 118 Modification of provisions of n. NO 3651/2008

The cases with the par. Point 6 of Article 3 (d). Article 4 and Article 4 (2) (2) of the Treaty Point 6 of Article 5 of n. (EC) No 3651/2008 (1 44) are hereby repealed.

Article 119 Modification of the provisions of the Law 3429/2005

1. In par. Point 15 of Article 14a. Fourth paragraph shall be inserted as follows:

' In the event that at least three bidders are successful in the process of free negotiation after a public call for the divestment of assets, and no legal tender or the submitted tenders are submitted. Are not considered to be compatible with the liquidator or creditors, in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 10 of this Article, then the information in question is of a very low value and the liquidator may Without a-trade balance, at its discretion, to public bodies or services or to a public service Institutions. This procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis to the cases referred to in paragraph 5a of this Article, added to Article 40 of the Law. 3844/2010 (PARAGRAPH 63). '

2. The par. Article 14a of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 3429/2005

' From the publication of the decision of the Court of Appeals on the position of the undertaking in a special winding-up and until the completion of the winding-up, any measure shall be prohibited, whether or not to perform an individual or collective action against the undertaking and to take the decision. A-error of measures against it. The prohibition on the debts of the company which had been set up before and after the adoption of the decision of the Court of Appeal should be prohibited. This provision shall also apply to undertakings which

They are in special liquidation at the date of its publication in the Governing Council of the Government. '

3. In article 14a of n. In addition, entries 21 and 22 are added as follows:

' 21. The liquidator and the authorizing officers do not have any criminal, civil, domestic or other liability: (a) for the debts of the winding-up of an undertaking to the public, legal persons of public law, insurance and others. Bodies, irrespective of the time of birth or confirmation of the relevant debt and (b) for all kinds of debt to workers because of a working basis with the undertaking in liquidation, irrespective of the amount of the debt incurred. Any claims from the above and in the cases in question are satisfied by the list of creditors, in accordance with Article 975 of the CCT. The relevant criminal law, administrative and civil prosecutions against the special agent or authorised organs

They cease from the present and existing criminal proceedings shall be put in the file by an act of the competent Prosecutor's Office.

22. Information relating to the discharge in question, which had been admitted before this article was subject to the provisions of this Article in an exemption or with the procedures for temporary importation and inward processing and of which they have been subject to the provisions of this Article. (b) in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1877/85, the Commission shall, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1877/85, be amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1867/85. They are moved within or outside the Greek Territory. The Court of Justice shall, in accordance with Article 975 of the ECSC Treaty, be satisfied in accordance with Article 975 of the Staff Regulations, and the liquidator shall not be liable for any administrative or criminal liability in respect of the payment of such claims. The Commission Assets of assets in the paragraph

Article 22 of that article, which have been in force until the date of entry into force of this Article, shall be deemed to be valid and valid in respect of the probable cause and effect of any administrative or civil proceedings against liquidators or those authorised by it. Ceasing to date, the existing criminal proceedings shall be entered in the file by the competent Public Prosecutor's Office. '

Article 120 Rates of I.K.T.E.O.

The par. Article 39 of the EC Treaty 2963/2001 (A΄ 268), as amended by the Treaty Point 5 of Article 16 of n. 3534/2007 (1 40) is replaced by the following:

" The private C.T.E.O. (I.K.T.E.C.) formalise the services of their services freely. An amount of EUR 1 (1) per person carried out by the I.K.T.E.O. - roadside technical check-with the exception of the audits-is attributed by the I.K.T.E.O. To the Greek public to cover the supervision costs and to-say the institution of the magazine Technical inspection of the goods and the treatment of abstinence in the country. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Networks determines the procedure and method of performance of the aforementioned amount by I.K.T.E.O. Until the version of the above decision is applied in proportion to the performance-the terms referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the No. F50/34524/4444 (BM 1280) Joint Decision of the above-mentioned Ministers. '

Article 121 Heavy duty rates for trucks

1. After Article 5 of the Law No 3887/2010 (1 174) is inserted in Article 5 (A), as follows:

" Article 5A Provisional immobility of Public Service Truck

The transport undertaking may put in place an appropriate standstill of F.D. at its disposal. For this purpose it lists the marketing authorisation and the state registration plate;


Look at the Ph.D. in the district transport service. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Hypo -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs, Transport and Labour, Social Security and Welfare are set up on the termination of insurance obligations of the carrier during temporary standstill. '

2. Holders of a licence for the exercise of international transport transporters who obtained the authorisation or equivalent certificate of professional competence due to prior professional experience without examination, in accordance with Provisions of paragraph 346/2001 (A-233) and the preceding provisions on the same subject, are exempted from the examinations for proof of their professional competence for carrying out national transport, provided that they prove that They were working as managers of international road haulage operators In the last 10 years before 4 December 2009. In these cases, the Transport Service of the Region grants a certificate of professional competence for the national and international road haulage services.

Article 122 Amendments to n. 2671/1998

The third paragraph of paragraph Article 19 of the Law 2671/1998 (1 289), amended by par. Article 55 of the EC Treaty 4155/2013 (A120) is replaced by the following:

" Inspectors should be non-permanent or with a working relationship of private-law employees (category IP or TE) with a score of at least one or two years of recognised public service or graduates of the National School of Public Service. At least four years of service after graduation, which have been distinguished for their vocational training, service performance and ethos. '

Article 123 Telecommunications administrations

1. For the radio stations of par. Article 65 of the EC Treaty Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4155/2013 (1), which has not been able to apply for the use of a secondary position within the period laid down in that provision, it shall provide a new period of six (6) months after its entry into force. 1. From the expiry of the time-limit laid down in the abovementioned provision and until the new deadline of six (6) months, no sanctions are applied or applied for the non-notified secondary sites. On the other hand, sanctions are not imposed or applied until a decision has been taken on the underlying applications.

2. The sixth and seventh verses of par. Article 6 of the Law The following shall be substituted: 4070/2012 (1 82)

' The President and the Vice-Presidents shall be chosen and appointed by the Council of Ministers, acting on a proposal from the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Regions.

Speaker: The other members of the European Parliament are appointed by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. The acts of appointment of all the members of the European Parliament shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. '

Article 124

1. A. In the Military and Civil Staff of the Tank Cleaners Cleaner (TEX), the Minesweeper, for every day of work in a minefield or a suspicious site, a special allowance of 90,00 euro shall be granted. The conditions and conditions for the granting of this compensation, together with the number of beneficiaries, shall be laid down by a joint ministerial decision of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs. OTHER: From the date of entry into force of this Regulation,

The military personnel of the TENO specialist narcissist, the V, par. 6 of Article 3 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 904/1978 (1 217), as well as those of Article 5 (2) and (4) of Article 5 of Law No 1033/1971 (1 232), and for the civil servants of the Tenth Minesweeper, the 'mineraliers' speciality is deleted from the par. F. 2/31081/0022/ 30.4.2012 (B 1399), issued in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 4024/2011 (1 226) and repeals the par. 5 of Article 5 of Decree 1033/1971 (1 232). "C." The provision of paragraph 1 of this Article

It shall apply from 1.1.2013. D; In par. Article 25 of the EC Treaty NO 3187/2003 ('

233), as replaced by Article 11 of the Law. EC 6-1990, point 1.1.3. Article 88 of the EC Treaty 3883/2010 (1 167) and par. Article 51 of the EC Treaty The last paragraph is added as follows: 4186/2013 (1 193)

' In the event that the commander does not endorse the decision of the above competent institution or, in the case of a case submitted by a candidate, he shall decide on a final decision on the position to be referred to the committee referred to in Article 1 (2). An EGTC is a member of the CAA or the Y-party of the GEN or the CMP, in the case of the USSR and the USSR, respectively, of two major sections or of the arms of the arms or arms of the United Nations High Representative, to which the SNC is subject, which shall be responsible for the implementation of the Convention. Are appointed by the Chief of the General Staff, as well as two teachers, members of the Teaching Board Research staff, appointed by the Academic Assembly of the ETUC, other than those involved in the body. The Committee shall be chaired by the most representative of the Committee. '

2. It is granted to the "Hellenic Petroleum Industry", ELVO, insurance and tax credit until 31.10.2013 without retention, by way of derogation from the applicable provisions, for the sole purpose of collecting funds due to ELVO.

3. A. In Article 13 the n. 1911/1990 (1 166), as amended by Article 17 of the Law. In addition, paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are added as follows:

' 9. In particular, those of the members of the armed forces or members of this article have graduated in the course of fulfilling their military obligation, from the School of Pre-Hour -


The Special Powers Association of Special Powers and the School of Aircraft, cumulatively, or the School of Submarines of Submarines of the United States of the United States Navy, reclated or reintroduced voluntarily for a short period of three (3) Years of actual military service in the Army or the Civil Service, respectively, regardless of the Claw of the Armed Forces serving or in the reserve of which they belong, if one year has not elapsed since the date of final termination By the Armed Forces due to the fulfilment of their military obligation And they have not been involved in the twentieth year of their age, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the draft law, at the date of the deposit of the di-and the initial reclassifications for initial reclassification or reclassification, without There is no need to take account of the specificity of the medicine.

10. The indicated in paragraph 9 above may request an extension of the reclassification or reclassification to two (2) even times, of a duration of five (5) years of actual military service. The reclassification and reclassification of such weapons and reserves, respectively, shall be made by decision of the Minister of National Defence after the entry into force of the relevant General Staff and the proposal of the Chief Executive of the General Staff of National Defence. By a joint decision of the Ministers of National Defence and Finance, issued in the same way, the number of armed forces involved and the number of invariable reserves for each year shall be determined by the General Staff Regulations. In any event, priority shall be given to the satisfaction of the units of the Civil Service Submarine Command Headquarters.

11. Depending on the branch of the Armed Forces, to which they are recalculated or reclated, they shall be assigned to the Special Powers of the Army Xeras or to the Administration of Underwater Destructions of the Polar Navy, the total number of It will be more than fifty (50) for all the Clubs, divided into twenty-five (25) for the Xerbas Army and twenty-five (25) for the Polish Army.

12. The above, in addition to the cases referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article, shall be dismissed and if they are judged by the competent health committee of a second I2. They are transferred to the headquarters of the Armed Forces Branch, to whom they served as short-term weapons, and their service lasted at least one (1) year.

13. For the rest, the provisions relating to and the other remeddations or remeddations for a short period shall apply mutatis mutandis. ' OTHER: The provision of paragraph 3 of this Article

Shall apply from the date of its publication to the Governing Council of the Government.

Article 125 Transferring other servants to the exclusion of all the positions of the industry

1. The par. Article 90 of the EC Treaty 4172/2013 (A΄ 167) is hereby replaced by:

' 1a. Positions may be abolished by category, branch or speciality in Ministries, autonomous public services, decentralised administrations, first and second degree local authorities and other legal persons of public law. Decision of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance and the Minister concerned, in the implementation of relevant decisions of the Government Council Reform, based on evaluation reports and plans Of staffing. Where all the positions of the cles are deleted;

At the same time, the Commission has decided to set up a European Agency for the protection of the environment. 2 Case of n. 4172/2013 are to be translated into or transferred automatically from the date of validity of decisions repealed or recommended by the decision-making or transport decision of the competent authority in the case of temporary posts; (i) a branch or a specialist equivalent to the basic degree of study which has the same or a higher class in the promoter or in any successor entity. In the case of post-class or vacant transfer, the competent administrative board shall issue a relevant credit act. Positions by category may be recommended,

A branch or a speciality in the above-mentioned entities, in accordance with the preceding subparagraph, by decision of the Ministers for Economic, Administrative and Electronic Governance and of the Minister concerned.

1 b. The positions, which were maintained in accordance with the decisions adopted pursuant to the provisions of this Article, shall be repealed with regard to the powers of the Council of Ministers and for officials serving in those positions. Paragraph 1a. '

Article 126 Voluntary mobility of civil servants

At the end of par. Article 81 of the EC Treaty No 4172/2013 shall be added as follows:

" Employees who are the holders of a postgraduate or dual-service diploma may be included in the mobility programme in accordance with Subparagraph G. 2 of par. G of the first article of n. 4093/2012 (A-222), if they submit an application-a solemn declaration to the competent authority of the entity in which they serve exclusively until 4.10.2013. The consequences of their integration into the mobility programme shall be taken from 23.9.2013. '


Article 127

1 A. The duration of the Programme 'Assistance to the Spy-what' and the working contracts of a certain time for the provision of the relevant services as defined in Article 2 (a) and (b) of Article 2 of the Act of 31 December 2011 The Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, which was ratified by the second paragraph of Article 3 (1) of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal. Regulation (EC) No 4047/2012 (1 31) was extended until 30.9.2012 with the Act of Legislative Contents ratified by the n. Regulation (EC) No 4082/2012 (1 196), and subsequently extended until 30.9.2013, with effect from 31.12.2012, Act No Positive Contents ratified with par. Article 20 of the EEC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 4147/2013 (1 98) is hereby extended until 30 September 2014. The contracts of employment in the programme in no case shall be converted into an indefinite period within the meaning of paragraph 1. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 2190/1994. OTHER: The "Help in the House" programme provides a

(a) to rightholders of the ' cat house pension fund;

(ii) pensioners of all the areas of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare and Pensioners of the Court of Justice (v. 4052/2012 as applicable), which are not served by other providers and b) in other categories of the population

(ii) social problems, the elderly and the disabled, the economically weak citizens who are identified in the 'home Social Security' programme, as laid down in the next paragraph. "C." Adoption of an integrated programme with a title

"Home Social Care" supervised by the Ministries of Labour, Social Security and Social Security and the Interior and is coordinated by the services of the General Welfare Department of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. The aim of the programme is to guarantee the living conditions of the elderly and the disabled in their homes, in order to ensure their residence in the natural and social environment, to avoid mismanagement. The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party will be voting in favour of this report. The Programme shall, in particular, have as its content: aa) the fight against the dependency of the elderly, and

(v) the organisation and systematic provision of social work, psychosocial counselling, nursing care, physical therapy, treatment and domestic assistance, (bb) the provision of services for di -

And support for their contacts with the competent health and welfare services; c) facilitating the facilitation of services;

Participation in cultural, recreational, social and religious activities. (aa) Holders of the programme are co-located.

(iii) certain categories of uninsured elderly and non-disabled, requiring home assistance services, or supporting and nursing services.

(bb) Criteria for the selection of beneficiaries are:

-age-income-the family situation-the health status-the temporary or permanent dependency. (cc) By decision of the Minister for Labour, Social

Insurance and Welfare specify the criteria listed above, the content of the Programme, the selection process of the beneficiaries and any other relevant issues. (d) They do not fall within the scope of the Pro -

A number of persons who are living in the care of every legal form or nursing mothers of the National Health or Private Sector for as long as they remain in the above-mentioned groups. D; (a) The Ministry of Labour, Social Security

And Providence is recommended for the National Committee for Social Care. The Commission shall be set up by a decision of the Minister for Labour, Social Welfare and Welfare published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and consists of:

-the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Health-the Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Interior-a representative of the Central Union of Municipi -

Group with the alternate nominated by the Board of Directors

-a representative of the Director-General of Social Affairs of Greece with the Deputy Director-General of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors;

-a representative of the ECHR with the deputy appointed by the Administrative Board of the Council;

(b) The National Commission is composed and analyses, however, in the field of social care in the field of social care, as defined by the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Welfare.

It follows and evaluates the actions of primary community care by providing advice to the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Security for the design and implementation of the programme "Home Social Care" (c) By decision of the Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Employment, and in other Ministries on the planning and implementation of relevant interventions.

Insurance and Welfare are regulated by the Commission's organisation and operation. UH ... The operation of the programme ' Home Common:

(a) Resources of the Ordinary Budget; (b) Resources of the State Social Fund; (c) Central Self-General Resources of the Organizations of Local Authorities;

(d) Resources of the NSRF 2007-2013 and the FTA 2014-2020. (e) Resources from European Union programmes; (f) Private resources under the development of R & D actions;

(g) Private resources in the context of the development of actions or operations;

The Committee of the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee of the European


F - For the seamless financing of the implementation of the 'House Assistance Assistance' Programme for the period from 1.10.2013 to 30.9.2014, resources: (a) from the account of the Invasion of the Pensioners in Insurance Generations Solidarity Fund (AGADE) up to EUR 35 million per year and if available balance is available from the monthly repayments of the n. 4019/2011, as the case may be, in the application of the 'Home care services' programme (v. 4052/2012 as applicable) and (b) a-from resources of the regular budget of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, and in particular Special Tax Office 33-220, c) from resources of Article 259 of the Law. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010 of the Ministry of Finance and (d) from the resources of the special contribution provided for in Article 138 of the Law. 4052/2012 for the financing of the 'Home Care for Pensioners' programme, up to a maximum of 5 million euro, provided the balance is available from the funding of the beneficiaries of the programme 'Home Care of Pensioners'; Are requested by other providers. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Labour -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Security and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Safety The management of these resources, the creation of a single electronic register of beneficiaries and the operational implementation procedures of the Programme are set out in a programme drawn up by the Ministers for Labour, Social Affairs and Employment. Insurance and Welfare, Interior, IKA-ETAM and the Hellenic Association of Local Resurrection and Self-administration SA (EBRD), including evaluation clauses for the implementation of the Programme. F. .. The "Help in the House" programme may be

Services'Home nursing' for the purpose of hospitalization and recovery of the patient in his own territory, provided that it fulfils the conditions (staff, equipment, etc.) established by a joint decision of the Ministers for Health and Labour, Insurance and Welfare. Decisions shall specify all the matters relating to the procedures for the implementation of the 'home-home nursing', as well as pilot areas. OR ... The members of the Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament and the European Parliament

They will continue to offer services and services of 30 September 2014 in the 'House' programme, which may, from 1 June 2014, conclude a programme contract with the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, IKA-ETAM and the EBRD for the service of: a) Benefit of the programme " Home Tax;

(b) beneficiaries of the programme 'home society';

(c) the beneficiaries of the programme for the elderly, and c) beneficiaries of the programme;

Prey." By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Labour -

Social Security and Welfare, Health and E-inferiority issued by 30 April 2014 are appointed for coordination, certification

Service providers, their control, financial management, financial management resources, the level, the criteria and the procedure for payment of the allowances according to the number of beneficiaries and the required number (i) workers, as well as any other necessary steps and procedures for the smooth implementation of the programme. I - The case b of par. Point 3 of Article 9

N. 4109/2013 (1 16) is replaced by the following: " (b) The three NIFs belonging to the Region

Central Macedonia ", namely the" Centre for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities of Thessaloniki (K.A.AP.) - Saint Demetrius ", the" Cro-Youth Therapy-the Holy Panteleimon of Thessaloniki "(Th.H.P.), the" Treatment Center, and Rehabilitation of Serres'Disabilities (K.A.A.)' is merged and is a new NPT with the oncology of a 'SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTATION CENTRE'. The "SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT OF CENTRAL MAKEDONIA" consists of three decentralised agencies (annexes) with the name "ANNEX EXTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PAYMENT-KIS", "ANNEX YEARS PURS" The seat of the "Centre for Social Welfare of the Region of Central Macedonia" is the seat of Thessaloniki, the seat of the Centre for the Social Welfare of the Region of Central Macedonia." I. In par. Point 3 of Article 9 of the Law 4109/2013 (16)

Indent (m) is added as follows: '(m) The' Centre for Children's Mary's Arren Papas -

In the case of the Court of Thessaloniki, it remains an autonomous legal entity. '

2 a. Where by law 3863/2010 (1 115), 3865/2010 (A120), 3986/2011 (A΄ 152), 4024/2011 (1 226), 4051/2012 (A40) and 4093/2012 (A΄ 222), it is observed that a deduction or reduction calculated on the sum of the pensions from any Source and for any reason, the amount of the withholding or reduction shall be made by 1 January 2013 in proportion to each institution or sector. In the case of death pensions, the provision laid down in

Retention or reduction from the provisions referred to in the first subparagraph shall be carried out in respect of each beneficiary amount. In cases where the persons concerned receive another contract from any source and for any reason, the provisions of the first subparagraph shall apply.

3. Item (i) of par. Point 15 of Article 9 of n. 3029/2002 (A-160) is replaced by the following:

" Collects, organizes, processes and evaluates and assesses what is necessary for the performance of its tasks, financial, accounting, demographic and other relevant data per person, but also aggregated data relating to insurance policies. IFRSs in the insurance institutions in the form of IFRS and are subject to this law and any other insurance body under the authority of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Welfare or Another minister. Data are collected from the above bodies


And/or any other body with such information. Especially for the information on the public sector;

There is no evidence that this is not the case. (Single Payments Authority), the inventory service and/or any other entity has it. By decision of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Security, these data are defined as the way in which they are granted to the E.A. (National Analog Authority) as well as any other necessary details. '

Article 128 Simplification of the procedure for granting licences

Movement and transfer of ownership of trucks of private use

1. From the date of the entry into force of the title of the commercial vehicle for private use of more than 4,000 kilometres, it is considered to be: Issued by the competent customs authorities

A classification certificate for imports from third countries, originating from other Member States of the European Union, the same lines as those produced under the customs inspection arrangements; or

Other: The certificate of transfer ownership certificate issued by the Designated Material Management Services (Department of Public Material, Customs, D. O. And CE). (b) for the marketing authorisation number (s),

Of the age of the vehicle. This authorisation is granted only with the submission of the

Certification of certificates. 2. The transfer of ownership of the property, in spite of the

In this case, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. In the case of the vehicle registration document of the lorry vehicle, a ban on the transfer of ownership of the vehicle before the expiry of the current limitation period should be prohibited, due to the removal of the exemption. In the case of charges and taxes, the operation of the transfer shall be carried out only if the fees due have been paid to the competent customs authority. In the case where the abovementioned limitation period for the customs release of the lorry has lapsed, the act of transfer shall be subject to approval by the competent customs authority.

3. The transfer of ownership of the vehicles referred to in paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 shall be transferred by means of a written agreement of the Parties, which shall be registered under their responsibility in the relevant post of marketing authorisation. The Member State responsible for the Transport and Communications Directorate of the Region, in which the transfer operation is carried out, holds the authorisation of the vehicle, which has been transferred immediately, through the machinery.

A new ON-LINE system will issue a new license to the buyer, which is delivered to the new purchaser.

4. By decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, it is permissible to extend the abolition of the book of change and ownership to other vehicles.

5. The application of the obligation to comply with the provisions of Decree-Law No 1146/1972 (Article 64) of the change and ownership of trucks for private motor vehicles weighing less than 4000 kilograms is hereby repealed.

6. For the rest, the provisions laid down for the right of entry into service of commercial vehicles for the private use of less than 4,000 kilograms apply.

Article 129 Transfer of responsibilities and Services of the EUSG to the decentralised Administration and the Regions

1. The existing Rehabilation Bodies (TAS) and the Fire-Key Rehabilation (LAGs) have been incorporated under the authority of the Member State. Point 3 of Article 9 of the Law No 867/1979 (2) and (2). Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law On the basis of the Commission's opinion, the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, (b) in accordance with Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2577/85, as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1875/87, as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1767/85.

2. The Rehabilation Service of Northern Greece (UASBE) set up by the provisions of the Treaty. Article 9 of the Law 867/1979 is administratively attached to the Decentralised Administration of Macedonia-Thrace, operates at the Directorate-level and continues with its inception to exercise the functions assigned to it, as soon as the balance is paid. Removing, as referred to in paragraph 7, positions established by that law in the above-central administration above.

3. The start of operation of the TAS, SG&A and YASBE in the decentralised Administrations is performed by the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Central Administration. Until the above-mentioned act the responsibilities of the above-mentioned Services are exercised by the Rehabilitation Service of the General Secretariat of Public Works (SGA).

4. The par. Article 3 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 1190/1981 is replaced by:

' 1. The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks may decide to transfer to the General Secretariat of the Regions and to the Head of the Rehabilitation Board of Directors (YAS) on the work of the rehabilitation of The dose should be reduced.

5. The responsibilities of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks as provided for in Law 867/1979 (A-24) and 1190/1981 continue to apply;


The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

6. The responsibilities and implementations of the below Special Service of the Special Services of Public Works and of the Special Service of the Special Service Maintenance Service of the General Secretariat of Public Works are hereby transferred to the Region on 31.10.2013 In which they are based as follows: The Special Service of the Public Works Council

In the case of the Republic of Cyprus, the Council adopted Regulation (EC) No 231/1999 (OJ No L 194), as amended and in force, in the region of Thessaly. The Special Service of Water Works Roe -

(') introduced in paragraph 26/1999 (1 22), as amended and in force in the Region of South Africa. The Execution of Attiki Maintenance Works

And Central Macedonia of the Special Service of Public Works for the Conservation of Self-mobiles that was set up in BCE 219/1997 (1 168), as amended and valid, in the Region of Attica and the Region of Central Macedonia, respectively. They are also transferred to the abovementioned Regions, a -

Accordingly, the responsibilities of the Heads of State, which are based on the Services of the General Secretariat of Public Works, to all the projects and contracts implemented by the above-mentioned Services. The exercise of the above responsibilities by the Periphi -

It shall enter into force after 10 (10) days following the entry into force of the joint decision referred to in paragraph 8 of this paragraph and as soon as they are paid in accordance with paragraph 7, positions set up by that law at the latest. Contain-es. Until then, these powers are exercised by the departments of the General Secretariat of Public Works, appointed by a decision of the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. The Services listed in this paragraph

The General Secretariat of Public Works shall be repealed in the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice on the basis of the decision of the preceding subparagraph.

7. Positions by category of industry and/or profession of one and with a relationship of private-law working relationship to staff of the organic units referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 6 of this Article of the General Secretariat of Public Works 31 October 2013, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 90 of the EC Treaty 4172/2013. The person concerned shall be made available, in accordance with the provisions of the same Article of that law and by way of derogation from 1, 1, 2, second paragraph 2 of the same Article. The transfer shall be carried out in accordance with the preceding subparagraph, in accordance with the provisions of Article 91 of the Law. 4172/2013. The staff who are not members of staff shall not be available.

Under the conditions laid down in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (c). Article 90 of the EEC Treaty 4172/2013, which are automatically translated into recommended personitions;

Category and industry corresponding to their formal qualifications in the SGA. Any decision on the transfer of staff to the staff of the

In the organisational units referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 6, it shall be published after 1.8.2013 and shall automatically be taken into account and the reporting staff shall be included in the arrangements at present.

8. The decentralised Administration and the Regions referred to in paragraphs 1. 2 and 6 of the present report shall automatically apply to all obligations and rights arising from all relevant contracts relating to the following sections, applicable to the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6. Article 8 of the Law 4018/2011 (1 215). By a joint decision of the Ministers for Internal Affairs and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks published in the Government of the Government of the European Union, it is necessary to set out a number of issues relating to the transfer of responsibilities and extensive projects and other related matters. This decision is issued within twenty (20) days from the entry into force of this Decision.

9. In the decentralised operations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 and in the Regions referred to in paragraph 6, they shall be established as from 31 October 2013 equivalent and corresponding to the positions referred to in paragraph 7. Staff, which are met by 31 December 2013, for the exercise of the transferred competencies in these services.

Article 130 Amendment of paragraph Article 17 5

Of n. 3371/2005

The third paragraph of paragraph 5 of Article 17 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3371/2005 (A-178) is amended and a fourth paragraph is added as follows:

' If, as a result of the corporate disclosures, the shareholders of the receiving or transferring company are receiving inputs to the Afghan market of a State other than Greece, in accordance with the terms of the above-mentioned prices, the Percentage of the required majority of the first subparagraph shall be 90 %. The preceding paragraphs of this paragraph shall not apply if, as a result of company planning, the shareholders of a consolidated, declaratory or moderated unit shall receive shares in an organised market in Greece. '

Article 131 Matches of EEDAP, EASTH SA

And EASTH Palion

1 a. After the first paragraph of Article 45 of the v. The following is added to 4179/2013 (1 175):

" The amount of the requirements of EYDAP S.A. is determined by this Joint Ministerial Decision, after taking into account the elements that have been approved by the General Meetings of EYDAP S.A., as of 30.6.2013. The specified in the above


Amount shall be repaid by way of derogation from the limitation period. ' Other: Any other claims on each other between

Greek Dome and EYDAP SA, headed from 9.12.1999 between the contract, signed in execution of Article 2 (2). 2 of n. Regulation (EC) No 2744/1999 'Prices of the Primary and other provisions' (ECDAs) and other provisions'('222)', and until the adoption of the present depreciation period.

2. Projects and studies of EASTH LAGs that were assigned and funded by EASTH SA after 26.7.2001, without signing between the two parties provided for in par. Article 24 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 2937/2001, as replaced by par. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 3316/2005, it is possible to transfer to the IA, following a decision of the administrative meetings of the two interested legal persons. The works of EASTH are considered to be the

Referred to in Article 5 (2) of the Convention signed on 27.7.2001 under Article 5 (2) of the Convention. Article 20 of the EC Treaty 2937/2001, between the EL-Greek delegation, UNIT and EASH S.A. As a value of the studies that may be transferred, in accordance with this provision, at the HSC, the expenditure incurred by the IM-AH SA is determined for their acquisition without VAT and which will result from the respective authorised holders. The Committee of the Committee of the European Parliament and the Committee of the Instead, the inextricable value of the transferred refunds will be the result of a valuation, in accordance with paragraph 2. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 2190/1920, which will be carried out by an auditor appointed by the person concerned by the interested parties for that purpose. The work of the auditor will be carried out in accordance with the International Standard Service Standard (ISRS) 4400, which applies to the "Proceedings for Execute Contributions to Contributions to Contributor-Legal Information". Delivery of the delivery-receipt to be signed between EASTS S.A. and the HSC, which will clearly describe the transferred assets and which are approved by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Macedonia and Thrace. The approval decision, with the co-ordinated protocols, shall be the title of a transcript, which shall, if necessary, be recorded free of charge in the relevant sub-groups. Such transfers shall be exempt from any tax, loss or other fee or other fee and contribution or right of the Dome, NITD or any third party. The provisions of the VAT Code are applied in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT). (EC) No 2859/2000. With the completion of the completion of the projects and studies by EASTH SA in UNIT, it is also possible to reduce the indebted debt of EASU SA to EASTH.

3. The second paragraph of Article 22i of the v. (') OJ No 2937/2001 (1 169), as inserted in Article 138 (5) of the Law. The following shall be deleted:

"Infrastructure, Transport and Networks" and are replaced by the words "of the supervisor".

4. At the end of article 22I of n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2937/2001 (1 169), as amended by the present date,

" By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and the supervising Minister, he may be appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. On the other hand, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 93 (2) of the EC Treaty in respect of the application of Article 93 (2) of the Treaty.

Article 132 Merger of the ICMG NO.M. S.A., THEMIS


1. Merge with the creation of a new anonym company. 1. The companies: (a) anonymised company with the investment

"Public Revolt of the Nursing Unit", the distinctive title "D. A. NO.M. S. A." And number M.A. 46490 /01/B/00/417, (b) a company with the company "THEMIS KA-TASKYMENTIC S.A." And number M. S. A. 38231/108/B/97/01 and (c) anonymised company with the association "Organ School Buildings Anomety Company", the distinctive title "OCc. SA" And number M.A. 42017/01/B/98/19, merged into a new company recommended by this law, based in Athens. The new company with the brand "KTIRAKES ANONYME COMPANY" and the distinctive title "KTIRAKES SUBMITIES S.A." It is a common interest company (ECO) and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3429/2005 as amended and applicable.

1.2. The merger referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Article, by way of derogation from the provisions of this Article, by way of derogation from the provisions of this Article. In the case of a measure which is not contrary to the provisions of the present Regulation, Articles 68 (1) (c) and (2) of the Treaty shall apply. 3, 75 and 80 par.1 of Mr D. 2190/1920 in conjunction with the provisions of Articles 1 to 5 of the Law. (Parliament adopted the legislative resolution)

1.3. The merger of this Article shall be effected, completed, and the results of the merger shall be automatically replaced by the entry in the Register of Anonyms of an Acquisitive Agreement, as referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article. This article, with the exception of the second merged company, which continues to retain its legal personality and fulfils its objectives up to 31.7.2015, of which it is responsible for it, self-governing, The effects of the treatment.

1.4. From the source of the results of the merger, and from now on, the purposes of the merging companies (DPRANMI SA, THEMIS CONSTRUCTURE SA, OSK SA) will be fulfilled by the new company "KTILIA-HOTEL SUBES S.A.", subject to the para graph 1.3 Of this Article.

2. Statutes of the new company


2.1. Subject to paragraph 1.4 of this Article, the main purpose of the new company is:

(a) The study, acquisition of land, construction, extension, renovation, repair, maintenance and equipment of buildings and general infrastructure of public interest, in particular buildings and infrastructure in general: (i) bodies and structures Education and training and their management bodies, as well as any other service or legal person supervised by the Ministry of Education and Teaching or falling under it, (ii) Nursing and neighbourhood units, facilities of The medical treatment of higher education institutions, and any other service, or A legal person who is supervised by the Ministry of Health or subject to this, (iii) judicial buildings, correctional arrangements, and statutes of any other service or legal person supervised by the Ministry of Justice, Transparency (v) any service or legal person supervised by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks or subordinated to it, (v) to be included in the approved programme for the implementation of the company.

(b) The provision of administration, supervision and follow-up of the execution of contracts, supplies, supplies and services, to the above items.

(c) The processing, training and implementation of short-term and long-term project execution and elaboration programmes and the monitoring of these implementation. The building of fully completed buildings with the key in hand.

(d) The award to a third party, with the relevant legal tender procedure and the measure deemed necessary or necessary, and the supervision of works, supplies or services, in order to fulfil the aims of the company, in accordance with the provisions of the Of this Article, as well as the award of contracts by means of the concession or contract of public and private sector or any other relevant method, in accordance with law.

2.2. In order to fulfil its objectives, the company may in particular:

(a) To be administered by the regular budget or the Investment Programme, and in general receiving national or Community funds, borrowing and raising funds, including the issuing of accounts, sub-related and other Securities or documents forming debt securities (securities), as well as to conclude contracts in relation to the above-mentioned ones.

(b) To engage, purchase, exchange and in any way acquire, dispose or sell any kind of immovable property, civil or otherwise, in accordance with the law.

(c) to make the financial equalisation of the securities and movable property.

(d) carry out any other activity which is directly or indirectly related to the above-mentioned purposes.

2.3. (a) The equity capital of the new company "Kappa Tau"

RAISING INFRASTRUCTURE. E." Is increasing due to confusion and rising to the sum of: (aa) the existing equity capital of the merging companies, now (bb) of the existing equity capital of the merged entity. CONSTRUCTION SA and (cc) of the existing share capital of the merging companies. Until 31.7.2015, the company's capital is composed of the sum of the equity capital of DEPOPM SA and SEK SA.

(b) The equity capital of the new company "KTILIA-HOTONES S.A." It is hereby incorporated into one (1) possession of the ownership of the Greek Dome.

3. Terms and consequences of the merger. 3. With the entry in the Register of Anonies -

Without prejudice to paragraph 1.3 of this Article, the merging companies shall be dissolved, without being wound up, their shares shall be cancelled, and all their assets (assets and liabilities) shall be cancelled. The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union In this paragraph 3.

3.2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1.3 of this point, the shares of the merged company Thi-MIS CONSTRUCTURE SA belonging to the TSO and represent (approximately one-thousandth of the unit) 0,198 % of its equity capital. The following company is not exchanged with new shares of the new company "KTIRAKES SA". Within a time-limit of two (2) months from the date of the merger (31.7.2015), the new "KTIRRAKES OF MINISTERS SA" shall be reimbursed by the TRADE for its cancelled shares on the basis of the actual value of these shares, which shall be replaced by the following: Article 13 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1671/1999 is hereby amended accordingly. 2 of n. 2238/1994 and which will not be less than the nominal value of the cancelled shares.

3.3. The merger shall be carried out by derogation from the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 2190/1920 and any other relevant provision, with the consolidation of assets and liabilities of the merging companies, as shown in the balance sheets with - The design of the merged Companies of 31.8.2011, which are transferred as evidence of the accounting and annual financial statements of the new company.

3.4. (a) All transactions carried out by the merging companies after 31.8.2011 shall be deemed to be carried out on behalf of the new entity and these amounts are transferred with a consolidated subscription to its books. The registration of an act on merger referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article in the Register of Anonymised Companies, subject to paragraph 1.3 of this Regulation.

(b) Where, between the liabilities of the merged entities there is a residual balance of current or previous uses, this has been shown.


The balance sheet and the balance sheet of the new company in the balance sheet. By way of derogation from any other provision, it shall be carried out in order to vote successively in five (5) seven financial years from the new company in the remainder of the company's balance.

3.5. (a) Without prejudice to Article 112 (2), No 1. 4055/2012, all assets and rights of the merging of the assets and liabilities of the merging parties shall be automatically transferred, without prejudice to any other wording, with the completion of the merger, without prejudice to Paragraph 1.3 of the present company, even if not specifically described in the merger document referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article.

(b) In particular, no administrative authorisations, approvals, declarations, certificates or plans are required for the transfer of the assets of the merging companies. In the case of vehicles, the transfer of the relevant marketing authorisations to the new company is not required.

(c) Within two (2) months following the completion of the merger, subject to paragraph 1.3. Of the present case, the management board of the new entity shall be required to carry out an inventory of all immovable property belonging to the new entity. In this context, the Commission has decided to set up a European Agency for Safety, Hygiene and Safety, Hygiene and Hygiene. The summary provided for in the summary provided for in the provisions of Article 9 of p. 533/1963 shall be registered free of charge in the relevant registers of the competent branch of the competent institution, and the duty-free shall also be free of charge. In the case of non-member countries, there is no evidence of any other type of activity.

3.6. Without prejudice to the rules of the law of the European Union, the Statute, the contribution and the transfer of the assets including the assets of the merging parties, any relevant act or agreement relating to A contribution or transfer of assets or assets or other rights and obligations, as well as any articles of law, incrimination or other rights, as well as any other contract, agreement or act, or a formality, or any other contract, which may be required for Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, H.P.E. and H.P.E. of the Government of the Government of the Government, shall be exempt from any tax or fee, any charge or other fee, levy or right in favour of the DID or the other NPT and insurance bodies or third parties.

3.7. Without prejudice to the rules of the law of the European Union, all kinds of increases in the capital of the new company and the issuing of each interest loan shall be exempt from any tax, finally, end of a map, in favour of the Court of Justice. For third parties.

3.8. Without prejudice to the rules of the law of the European Union, the new company shall be exempt from any tax, fee, levy or right in favour of it.

By the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Article 27 of Regulation (EEC) No 3634/2008 (' 9). No 3842/2010 (1 58) and par. Point 10 of Article 2 of the Law No 2308/1995, such as paragraph 10, was added to Article 18 (1) of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3212/2003 was replaced by Article 1 (6) of the Law. 3481/2006

3.9. Upon completion of the merger and during the transitional period of operation of the merger referred to in paragraph 6.1, the new company shall be jointly signed by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the Minister for Health, the Ministry of Health and The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs. Upon expiry of this transitional period during the period referred to in paragraph 6.1, the new company shall be supervised by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

3.10. The Joint Decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion, Infrastructure, Health and Social Sequence, Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (B) No 16/01/475/C/ 18.11.2011 (B) Should be discontinued. The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union D16/ 08 /496/C/ 30.11.2011 (B 2786), common position of the Ministers for Infrastructure, Transport and Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion, in its part concerning the transfer of lawyers and lawyers from companies with the "Public Works of Inudition of Nursing Mo-ins SA". And "THEMIS CONSTRUCTION S.A.", in the company with the association "Orgasm School of Schools". (Chapters 1 and B, Tables A1, A2, B1, B2).

4. Notice of merger 4.1. Within an exclusive period of one month from

(i) the entry into force of the present Regulation of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Health, Justice, Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Education and Religious Affairs, the merger, which has the Contents of par. Article 69 of the Law 2190/1920 and also includes the codified version of the statutes of the new company.

4.2. In the event of confusion, the merger and any other question relating to the actual operation of the merger, as well as the general operation of the new company, may be adjusted.

4.3. The relevant merger act is to be registered without delay in the relevant Companies Registry for each merging company and published in the Official Journal without requiring any further action by the supervisory authority or any other competent authority.

4.4. By means of a joint decision of the Ministers for Infrastructure, Justice, Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Health and Education and Religious Affairs, issued immediately after the adoption of the instrument referred to in paragraph 4.1. The Board of Directors of the new company, with a subsequent composition, in which the persons of experts and experts who may participate shall be composed of the Board of Directors.


(1) worker participation in the achievement of its objectives and one (1). Licences for the selection of the representative of the workers shall be carried out in accordance with Article 3 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3429/2005, as is the case. In the first instance, these principles are carried out within a period of one month from the publication of this law. The term of office of the new Board of Directors shall start from the entry of the accreditation act in the Register of A-nunitive Companies. Until the entry of the relevant act in the Register of Harmonised Companies and the definition of the Board of Directors of the new company, the existing Administrative Councils of the three merging companies shall continue to be operational.

4.5. By way of derogation from any provision to the contrary, the merger shall not require the decisions of corporate bodies of the merging companies, authorisations of any administrative, formal or other authority or other acts of any kind, With the exception of the explicitly mentioned ones.

4.6. From the entry in the Register of Anonysus E-matches of the merger to the merger referred to in paragraph 4.1 of this Article, subject to paragraph 1.3 of this Article, automatically and simultaneously without any other provision; For both the merging companies and one-third parties, the results of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 75 of Mr Law 2190/1920 and the results of this Article.

4.7. The existing administrative boards of the merging companies are obliged to take all appropriate measures without delay and to contribute to the conclusion of the merger in this Article.

5. Regulations, Works, Morals and Services

5.1. By decision of the Board of Directors of the new company, taken within three (3) months of the registration in the Register of Anonyms of the Acquisitive Instrument, an Internal Audit Scheme and Internal Audit of the new E shall be drawn up. Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, 3429/2005, as is the case.

5.2. The contracts for the elaboration, provision of services, pre-supply of goods and the execution of works concluded by the "KTIRAKES SUBMITIES SA" They are carried out in accordance with the provisions of national law on the award and execution of public contracts. The relevant conditions shall be established by means of the Works, Predes and Services of the new entity, drawn up by a decision of the Board of Directors to be taken within three (3) months of the entry in the Register of Anonyms. An act establishing a merger referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article and will be approved under the decision of the Ministers for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Health, Justice, Transparency and Humanitarian and Religious Affairs, which It shall be published in the Official Journal of the Government. In the Project Regulation, the new company's activities and services may be introduced in a number of ways;

The application of the provisions laid down in foreign law, with the exception of the law of the European Union and the provisions relating to the auditing of public contracts by the Court of Auditors on the award and execution of public contracts (i) contracts exclusively for the construction and use of nursing institutions.

5.3. By means of a joint decision of the Ministers of Pervenants, Energy and Climate Change, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and Justice, Transparency and Human Rights are determined on the basis of a proposal from the new company, the orifices and buildings. Conditions by way of derogation from any provision laid down after their publication in the Official Journal of the European Union shall have a place of residence permit.

5.4. These Regulations shall be amended or replaced by a decision of the Governing Council of the new company approved by the responsible Minister. The Management Board of the new company may decide on any other rules of operation of the company within the framework of its law and of its responsibilities.

6. Transitional period of operation. 6.1 From the entry in the Register of Anonies -

A transitional phase of a year in which the company is to operate with two distinct branches of the merger referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, under the influence of paragraph 1.3 of this Article:

(a) Health Infrastructure Division (Ministry of Health).

(b) Education and Other Infrastructure Branch (post-breakpoints of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and other bodies).

6.2. Each sector is transferred to each of the merging companies respectively, all the projects and studies which they carry out and/or have been assigned by ministerial decisions to the beginning of the present day, which continue to be They shall be adopted, assigned and implemented by the institutional framework applicable to each institution up to the date of entry into force of this Decision. They shall in particular remain in force until the completion of the projects and studies carried out, all the provisions and on-line arrangements relating to the institutional framework of the merging companies, as well as the individual regulations. For each of the merging companies, each of the merging companies, which is valid for each of the merging companies, is in force for each of the merging companies.

6.3. All staff, serving as a result of the voting of this law in the three merging companies, as well as lawyers serving with any legal relationship to them, as referred to in paragraph 1.3, shall be replaced by the following: The new company, in which they are transferred and providing their services with a working relationship. The positions of the pre-private and legal persons shall be laid down in the rules of procedure of the new body, which shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions referred to in paragraph 5.1. In these positions the


Above staff, with an act of the Governing Council, published in the Court of Appeal of the Government. The total time of service of the transferred staff, which has been distributed to the originators and the time it has been recognised as a service time, shall be considered as a real-service time for the issues of degree and salary; and For any other consequence.

6.4. It is maintained by the Ministries of: (a) Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, (b) Health, (c) Justice, Lifelong and Human Rights, and (d) Education and Religion, respectively, the awarding authority for the implementation of projects and co-supervision of (i) the operation of the three branches of the new company during that period of transition.

7. From the publication of this law to the Court of Government, any provision contrary to the provisions of this Article shall cease to apply.

Article 133

For LTD cars whose registered office has been registered in the United Kingdom of Hersonissos. Heraklion until 31.7.2012 as well as for E. D. cars of the

The Committee of the Regions, which was approved by a decision of the Member State concerned, has its registered office until 30.4.2013 and has been withdrawn, the Committee of the Regions issues a new decision by which all the EDCs are finally transferred. Vehicles included in the above decisions.

Article 134

Expenditure on payment of compensation for bonus payments, working of excluded days, night hours, overtime work to meet the mandatory hours, coverage of temporary or seasonal service needs of all types of staff, of the Monads Social Care (n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 4025/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council To the detriment of the budget appropriations of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare of the current year, by way of derogation from the relevant provisions.


Article 135 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall be initiated by its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, except for Article 119 beginning with its adoption.


Athens, 2013