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In The Case Of The Agricultural Sector, The Agricultural Sector And The Other ...

Original Language Title: Agricultural cooperatives, forms of collective organization of the agricultural sector and other...

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Article 1 Definitions-Purpose-Legal form

1. Rural Cooperative, hereinafter 'AS', is this-a non-legal association of persons, which is set up and pursues, with mutual assistance and the other, its members, collective economic, social, cultural development and promotion. The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee and the Committee of the European Fishermen, livestock, poultry, agricultural, agricultural, agricultural, agricultural, agro-technicians, eco-technicians and other partners of any sector or activity in the agricultural economy shall be considered as such. The Forestry Cooperatives and their associations do not apply to the provisions of the present law.

2. The AS is a legal person governed by private law and has a commercial status. It shall develop all types of activity in order to achieve its objectives under the law and its statutes.

3. For the purpose of fulfilling its objectives, the AS may constitute legal persons, to be involved with consumers or other partners, with legal persons of the public or private sector, with charitable organisations, with local organisations. Self-management (TAB), with other organisations of other currencies and with natural or legal persons within the framework of the

Transnational and/or inter-professional cooperation. The AS may also establish branches, annexes or offices within and abroad.

4. For matters which are not regulated by this law, the provisions of commercial law and civil code shall apply.

Article 2 Women's cooperatives

1. For the recommendation, members of which, in accordance with the relevant statute, may be made exclusively for women, hereinafter referred to as women, a minimum of five (5) founding members shall be required.

2. If the members of the female club are less than ten (10), it is not necessary to elect an administrative board unless it is provided for by its statute. There is no provision for the election of a Board of Directors, the administration of a woman's seat shall be exercised by all members or by a member elected by them as an official in accordance with the terms of the Statute.

3. By decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food and in the case of a case-by-case partner, specific measures for the development and implementation of positive actions for the AS and the female Des, such as information actions, networking; The Committee of the Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European


First, From the Official Journal of the RIS, 21 April 2016, No. Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Rural Cooperatives, forms of collective organisation of rural areas and other provisions

Article 3 Region-Headquarters

1. The seat of the AS, where its administration is located, and the region of AS are defined by its own destruction.

2. The name of the AS is mandatory for the purpose or the object of its activity and includes its status as a rural, as well as its headquarters. In the event of the AS, a distinctive title may be included. The Committee shall be distinguished from each other with the same purpose and the same region. The interest is compulsorily used in the transactions and legal acts of the AS. The members of the AS shall report the day, the seat, the Tax Register (FM), as well as the AS, in accordance with Article 20.


Article 4 Conditions of establishment-Registration of Articles

1. The constitution requires a constitution and its signature by at least twenty (20) persons who possess the conditions of Article 6, as well as the registration of the statutes in the register of agricultural cooperatives. Is held in the Peace Court of the seat of the AS. From this entry, the AS acquires legal personality and commercial personality. A minimum of ten (10) persons is required for the setting-up of a fishing vessel and for the establishment of fishing vessels exclusively for organic products.

2. For the purposes of the registration of the Statutes, a request to the Court of Justice shall be made by the temporary Administrative Board of the AS. The magistrate, acting within thirty (30) days of the lodging of the application, shall prescribe or refuse registration of the statutes. The Justice of the Court of Justice shall refuse registration where the necessary elements of the Statutes referred to in Article 5 are missing, or shall contain provisions contrary to law. If it denies the registration, it shall call upon the provisional administrative board and shall indicate the necessary corrections. According to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice Jurisdiction.

3. After the entry, the Registrar shall send within thirty (30) days to the competent authority referred to in Article 18 a copy of the register with the date of registration.

4. The procedure laid down in this Article shall be followed in order to amend the Statute of the AS.

5. The number of persons referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be required for:

This is a law with less than twenty (20) members, as they have an annual turnover of more than one hundred thousand (EUR 100 000) and (b) those that are operating at the time of its entry into force.

This law has less than twenty (20) members and have their seat on islands outside of Crete and Evia, as well as in mountainous areas as defined in Council Directive 81 /645/EEC, as is the case at a time.

Article 5 Type-Content of the Statute

The statutes of the AS shall be drawn up by a private party which is dated and signed by the institutions and in order to be valid must specify at least: a) The name and address of the institution or the institution;

(b) The day-to-day, seat and region of the AS, the name and address of the founder members. (c) The purpose, the means to achieve the objective, and

The activities of the AS. (d) the conditions for entry, severance and transfer;

Of the members, as well as the rights, obligations and penalties imposed for the non-fulfilment of their obligations to the AS. (e) the conditions for convening and operation;

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof, The value of compulsory and optional

(g) the extent of the responsibility of the members; h) The fixing of the minimum rates for each of the members of the group, the extent of the responsibility of the Member States, the extent of the responsibility of the members.

(i) the duration of the AS to be used for the disposal of waste material. (j) The definition of a temporary administrative board for

The adoption of the statutes and time for the convening of the first general meeting of the administrative bodies. The solution and liquidation of the AS. The auditors referred to in Article 21 of the first company

Their use and their mutual.



Article 6 Member of AS

1. A member of the AS may become a natural person, who has full capacity for justice, is employed in any branch or activity of the rural society served by the activities of the AS, fulfils the conditions of the statutes And it is acceptable to use its services. If provided for in the statutes of the AS, a member

It may become another AS and another legal person whose activity is exclusively subject to one of the branches of the agricultural economy and is served by the activities of the AS. The participation rate of the legal representatives shall be determined by the Statute.

2. The Statutes may provide for registration


In the member states-investors, conditions and conditions of entry and exit, their rights and obligations. The members-investors are natural or legal persons who can contribute to the attainment of the AS's objectives, but are not obliged to deal with it. They have voluntary agreements without the right to vote, elected and elected.

Article 7 Registration-Withdrawal-Delete AS

1. The Management Board of the AS shall decide a statement of reasons-land one for the acceptance or the request for a person to be registered as a member of the AS in its first session-after the submission of the application. The General Assembly shall decide on applications for registration not accepted by the Management Board. The membership is acquired from the date of the decision to accept the application by the Management Board, or if it has not been accepted from the date of the decision to accept the application by the General Assembly and provided that the An applicant has paid the amount of the value of the compulsory partnership provided for in the Statute, according to Article 9. No members shall be entered in the course of the three (3) months before the date on which the elections are held for the appointment of the members of the institution and the supervisory board. The founding members acquire the cooperative status from the settlement of the register in the register of agricultural cooperatives held in the Court of Justice and provided that they have paid the percentage of the mandatory The partnership provided for in the Statute, in accordance with Article 9.

2. Each member of the AS may withdraw from him at any time, once the Management Board has been informed in advance. By way of derogation from the preceding subparagraph, the Statutes may, for specific reasons, see the mandatory residence of the members of the AS for a certain period, in accordance with its obligations.

3. The deletion of an AS may be decided upon by a reasoned decision of the Board after a hearing of the member. The statutes of the AS shall determine the reasons and the procedure for the deletion of the members.

4. The member may appeal against the decision to delete it at the General Assembly of the AS. The pre-flight should be included under the responsibility of the Governing Council as a matter of the agenda at the first meeting of the General Assembly following the review of the application, which is held within six (6) months from the date of the application. Court of Justice The decision of the General Assembly on the appeal shall be taken with a secret ballot following a hearing of the Members who have been deleted. The loss of the property of members shall be effected by notification of the decision to reject the decision of the General Assembly or the time limit laid down in the action referred to in this paragraph has lapsed.

5. After leaving or deleting the member of the AS, its cooperative shares are returned to the

Their nominal value within one (1) year from the date on which the member lost his cooperative activity.

Article 8 Beneficiaries and obligations

1. The rights and obligations of the member to the AS are defined by the Statutes, in accordance with Article 5 (d), which must contain mandatory provisions: a) Membership of the general assemblies

Of the AS. (b) The right to vote and to stand as a candidate. (c) Participation in the distribution of surpluses

(d) Participation of the participant in the activities; and

In the transactions of the AS, in accordance with its objectives, without discrimination. In particular, the Statutes shall specify the types of participation or the minimum conditions of participation, as well as the reasons and the procedural steps taken by them. E) The obligation to abstain from activities;

Angular with those of the AS or by acts which do not in any way harm the behaviour of the AS. (f) The participation of the members in the cooperative

(g) The right to information on rights in respect of human rights

And the obligations of members, the state of affairs and the financial situation of the AS. (h) The right of the member to receive copies or

The sections of the Statutes and the Rules of Procedure, if any, the books of the AS, the decisions of the administrative bodies of the AS and its annual financial statements, and the manner in which these rights are exercised.

2. The member of the AS shall exercise its rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the terms of the AS and the decisions of the administrative bodies of the AS.

3. The statutes of the AS provide for the percentage of production that each member is required to provide to the AS, which may not be less than 80 % of the annual production of the member. The General Assembly of the AS shall decide each year on the volume of products, whether or not, to be obtained, in accordance with the production of each Member State, as derived from the single farm/rearing declaration, and a Having regard to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EC) No 32003/2003 on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women The statutes of the AS shall provide for the percentage of all types of supplies necessary for the needs of the holdings or their domestic economy, which the member is required to receive from the AS.

4. By decision of the General Assembly which shall be composed of the increased quorum referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 13 and the majority of paragraph 2 of Article 14, a member may be exempted from the obligation referred to in paragraph 3 if: (b) prior to his/her presence in the AS, he/she had entered into an agreement on the basis of the obligation to comply with the above obligation or other serious reasons.


(i) the sale of their products to third parties, provided that the AS has been informed in time for the duration, volume and other details of the contract; and (c) the AS is unable to absorb the offer offered.

5. The non-delivery of the production to the AS or the non-supply of supplies by it, in accordance with paragraph 3 of its member, shall entail the deletion of this part in parallel with any other sanction provided for in its Statute.

6. The personal work provided by the member of the AS to him, according to his needs, is a case in point (d) of paragraph 1 and is not deemed to be provided in the context of a foreign-working relationship. The AS shall issue a document in accordance with paragraph 1. Point 10 of Article 8 of this Regulation. 4308/2014 (A-251) for the personal work rendered. The value of personal work shall be transferred to the provision of the AS of the relevant management use and shall be distributed to the beneficiary members in accordance with Article 23 (4).


Article 9 Cooperative capital-Partnership

1. The partnership is the minimum financial contribution of each member in the capital of the AS. Each member shall participate in the AS (1) compulsoryand shall have one vote in the general meeting of the AS. The amount and conditions of payment of the tranche are laid down in this Article and the Statute. The partnership is indivisible and equal to all members. The change in the value of the AS partnership shall be made by decision of the General Assembly and by amending its Statute. The Statutes may provide for terms and conditions for the acquisition by each of the members of optional shares without the right to vote. Optional shares are held by the members-investors referred to in Article 6 (2), which provides for their registration. The statutes may provide for protégements of optional fortifications.

2. If any of the members present and operating at the time of the entry into force of this law are in possession of other mandatory orders or to return them to their nominal value, increased or decreased, depending on the results of the current legislation. In accordance with the conditions laid down in the Statute, they shall be used for the last financial year.

3. Fifty percent (50 %) of at least the nominal value of the cocorporate tax is paid by registering the member. The balance shall be paid no later than one year after its registration, unless the statutes provide for a shorter period.

4. If the Statutes do not prohibit the transfer of the company, it shall only be possible on a decision of the management board of the AS, in addition to which it fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 6.

5. In the event of death of a member of the AS, the

(ii) where, at the request of or where there are more than one beneficiary, the person who has been nominated by a written agreement shall enter into all the rights and obligations of the member who has died, provided that the conditions laid down in the article are fulfilled.

6. In any other case, the cooperative portions of the member who died shall be assigned to their names in their nominal value, at their request, within one (1) year from the date of death of the limb.

Article 10 Liability and obligations of members to third parties

1. The liability of the member of the AS for its obligations to third parties is ancillary and is limited to the limit laid down in the statutes and which may be equal to the amount of the compulsion or an integer multiple of Of this amount.

2. The member shall be responsible for paragraph 1 and, on his exit from the AS, for liabilities created when he was a member or for previous charges, which he accepted during his writing.

3. Claims of third parties, under the responsibility of the member of the AS referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, shall be barred after five (5) years from the end of the year in which they were born.

4. The responsibility of the member shall cease after one (1) year after the end of the bankruptcy or liquidation of the AS, unless in the course of the year he has been opposed to the action.

5. No personal booking of the members of the AS for the obligations of the AS to third parties and the Symposium, as well as obligations between members and AS.

6. The lenders of the AS to satisfy their claims against the member shall not have the right to the property of the AS or of the surplus uses or of the cooperatives, compulsory or optional members of the other members.

7. They shall not be subject to the seizure or reception of insurance measures, for the debts of the members to third parties:

The information given to the AS. (b) The products of the production of the members which are

(c) The value of the products referred to in subparagraph (d) The mandatory and optional co-operation is provided to the AS for sale or for sale on the market. 8. Confiscation is not permitted in the hands of the AS as

Third, funds obtained from credit institutions as a loan for an account, as well as benefits in kind of the AS to its members.


Article 11 Administrative instruments

(a) The General Assembly, (b) the Management Board; and


(c) the supervisory board, where the number of members of the AS is greater than thirty (30). If the members of the AS are less than thirty (30), the election of a supervisory board shall not be required unless otherwise stipulated in the Statute.

Article 12 General Assembly-Disabilities-Convening

1. The General Assembly is the supreme body of the AS. The general meeting shall in person have all the members who have fulfilled all their financial obligations to the AS. The General Assembly of each member shall have one vote. The General Assembly shall decide on any matter for which no decision is to be made by another body. At the beginning of the meeting, the General Assembly shall be elected by the members of the Chairperson, the Secretary-General and the Committee. It shall not be elected as chairman of the General Assembly of the Administrative Board of the AS.

(a) The amendment of the Statute; (b) The merger, the extension of the duration, the solution

And the revival of the AS. (c) The election and revocation of the members of the Executive Board;

(d) The approval of the annual financial statements

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof, (f) The change in the value of the partnership. (g) The imposition of a contribution to the members.

(i) the adoption of the annual budget for the development of the AS and the corresponding budget;

(i) discharge in respect of each of the members of the Executive Board;

The Committee of the European The adoption of the Internal Rules of Procedure

And the Staff Regulations Staff Regulations. The decision on the purchase and sale of real estate. The decision to establish and operate from

The members of the AS ' Group of Producers or Organisations, corresponding to the production sectors and commodities of the AS. (n) the definition of the auditors referred to in Article 21;

The financial use and the determination of their remuneration. The decision to discharge paragraph 4 of the ar -

Article 8 of the obligation laid down in paragraph 3 of Article 8. (p) Any other matter provided for in this Protocol

Law and the statutes. 3. The General Assembly may, by its decision, be

Shall respect the exercise of its powers, the cases referred to in paragraph 2 and in paragraph 2 to the Management Board.

4. The General Assembly shall be convened in a regular meeting by the Management Board with an invitation to include the themes of the deliverable dimension, one (1) time and meeting at headquarters.

Of the AS within six (6) months after the end of the management session. The procedure for convening the assembly and management of its business is governed by the Statute.

5. The General Assembly shall be convened in extraordinary meeting by the Management Board for reasons provided for by the law or by the statutes or when it is imposed by the interest of the AS.

6. The one (1/ 5) of the members of the AS may be asked by the Management Board to convene a general meeting of the General Assembly with the mandatory reference to its request for discussion. The supervisory board of the AS may request the Executive Board of the convening of an emergency general meeting, where it is necessary following a check carried out. If the Management Board does not convene the General Assembly within twenty (20) days after the application, the above members or the supervisory board shall have the right to be convened.

7. In PO with more than five hundred (500) members, the statutes may provide for the election of a representative general meeting. The members of the representative general meeting shall be elected by the General Assembly referred to in paragraph 1. The minimum number of members of the representative general meeting is set at 400 (400) members. The number of four hundred (400) members of the representative general meeting shall be increased by 30 % (30 %) for the additional members of the AS with a (501) to three thousand (3,000) members. With more than three thousand (3,000) members, the number of members of the representative general association cannot be less than 1 500 members. The exact number of members of the representative general meeting, their duties and their way of reflection shall be laid down in the Statute. The AS operating a representative general agreement.

A general summary of the whole of the members of the AS may be convened following a request from at least one twentieth (1/20) of its members to the Management Board, for important reasons relating to the economic situation and/or the (iii) a significant reduction in the activities of the AS.

8. The convening by the Administrative Board of an extraordinary general meeting of the full members of the AS shall be compulsory when the agenda includes the matters referred to in Article 13 (3) (b) and (c) of Article 13.

Article 13 General Assembly Quorum

1. The General Assembly shall meet, if at the beginning of the meeting the number of members present or represented in it and having the right to vote is greater than half (1/ 2) of the total number of members of the I-I am voting.

2. If there is a lack of a quorum at the beginning of the meeting, the General Assembly shall meet, without a new invitation, in the same place, on the same day and as for the next week and on the same subject matter of the original agenda. In this recursive


A meeting, a quorum exists, whatever the number of the members representing or represented by the AS who have the right to vote.

3. Exceptionally, in the case of decisions relating to: (a) Change in the objective of the AS, (b) merger with another AS, (c) solution of the AS, (d) modification of the AS's statutes, (e) exemption provided for in Article 8 (4)

An obligation referred to in Article 8 (3), the general meeting shall be composed of a quorum and

Shall present a legal tender, if at the beginning of the meeting, or at least two thirds represented (2/ 3) of the total number of members of the AS having the right to vote. If a party does not take place, the General Assembly shall meet in a subsequent meeting, in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 2 and shall be quorum, present at the beginning of the meeting. At least half (1/ 2) of the general number of members having the right to vote.

4. The Statutes may specify other specific matters in which decisions are taken to ensure that the quorum of paragraph 3 is established.

Article 14 General meeting decisions

1. The General Assembly shall decide on the matters referred to in the final provision by an absolute majority of the members, unless otherwise specified by this law or by the Statute. Decisions of the General Assembly are obligatory for all members of the AS, even if they disagree or are absent.

2. By way of exception, the General Assembly shall act by an increased majority of two thirds (2/ 3) of the members for: (a) The change of the purpose of the AS. (b) The merger with another AS. C) The solution of the AS. (d) Modification of the statutes of the AS. (e) The exemption in Article 8 (4)

The obligation of Article 8 (3). The Statutes may lay down other matters in the

Where decisions are taken, the majority laid down in this paragraph shall be required.

3. The General Assembly shall decide on matters relating to: (a) Priorities. (b) Exemption from the responsibility of the members of the administration;

(c) Approval of the annual financial statements;

Referred to in Article 22. (d) Personal matters. E) Withdrawal of the members of the Board. (f) Delete an AS. (g) Any other issue, if one so requests.

(1/ 5) at least the members present at the meeting of the General Assembly where the decision is taken.

4. If the members of the Board of Directors do not comply with or approve the annual financial statements referred to in Article 22, the General Agreement shall be replaced by the following:

At the same meeting, at the same meeting, after reading the auditors' report, it shall decide on the withdrawal or the members of the Board of Directors. If the members of the Governing Council are withdrawn, the general meeting, at the same meeting, shall elect a provisional Executive Board, which shall be required to convene a new general meeting of the members of the AS within twenty (20) days. (i) the appointment of a new member of the Council.

5. The members of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to take part in the vote on the issues of the discharge from their responsibility.

Article 15 Admission of decisions of general meeting

1. Decisions of the general meeting which are instead of-in-law or in the statutes shall be void.

2. The nullity of the decisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall be declared by a decision of the Court of Justice of the seat of the AS, at the request of a member of the AS or of the competent authority referred to in Article 18 or of a third party, which shall be avenged in the proceedings of the Jurisdiction. The application shall be made within a period of thirty (30) days following the decision by the General Assembly and notified to the AS.

3. The judgment of the Court of Justice, issued in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall be subject to appeal, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. The competent authority referred to in Article 18 shall have the right to appeal. If the decision is not taken, the appeal shall be lodged within a period of three (3) months following the publication of the decision.

Article 16 Board and supervisory board

1. The administrative and supervisory board shall be elected by the General Assembly in direct, universal and secret ballot. Members of the administrative and supervisory board may be elected by natural persons members of the AS, as well as the legal representatives of the legal persons of the AS. The number of members is defined by the statutes and is always unnecessary. The members cannot be less than three (3). The term of office of members of the administrative and supervisory board is defined by the statutes and may not be less than three (3) years or less than five (5) years. The Presidents of the two chambers may only be elected for two (2) consecutive terms and are freely revoked by the General Assembly. The members of the administrative and supervisory board of the supervisory board shall not be allowed to comply. The members of the Administrative Board and of the Supervisory Board may not be subject to a general relationship between the first degree, either in the blood or by marriage.

2. If three (3) months prior to the election of the members of the Governing Council, the number of staff of the AS is greater than twenty (20) persons, in the Governing Council having a representative of the above staff as an additional member. The representative shall participate with the right to vote only on behalf of staff.


3. The Board of Directors shall represent the AS, in the first instance, and out of court. Such representation may be entrusted to the Chairperson or to another member or to the Director-General referred to in paragraph 11. The Management Board may also delegate the exercise of its powers to a member of this or an executive or an official of the AS.

4. The Management Board shall meet at least once (1) a month and shall be responsible for deciding on each issue concerning the administration of the AS, the management of the property and its affairs and the pursuit of its purpose. The responsibilities of the Governing Council shall be laid down in the Statute.

5. The supervisory board controls the acts of the Board of Directors and compliance with the provisions of the law, the statutes and decisions of the General Assembly. The supervisory board has the right and obligation to take note of any book, document or element of the AS and to monitor the course of the PM's cases. The supervisory board may submit proposals to the Board of Directors, for the improvement of economic conditions, the development of the AS and the proposed programmes for the cooperative training of services and heretics, as well as of the Of the following: The supervisory board, if it finds infringements of the law, of the facts and decisions of the general meeting, indicates to the Management Board that they should remedy them with a relevant report and shall convene a general meeting when it considers that the These are serious violations which may harm the interests of the AS. In the cases referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the supervisory board shall submit its related report and the competent authority referred to in Article 18.

6. The administrative and supervisory board shall be situated in a quorum when the present members are more than the absent, in no case may the present members be less than three (3). The Management Board and the Supervisory Board shall decide by an absolute majority of the members present.

7. The members of the administrative and supervisory board shall be personally and severally liable for any damage caused to the AS in the exercise of their duties by malice or heavy duty. The requirements of the AS shall be extinguished five (5) years after the AS has established the damage, except in the case of damage caused by deceit, in which case it shall be barred after ten (10) years. In any event, the third subparagraph of Article 937 of the Civil Code shall apply to the limitation period of the AS against the members of the administrative and supervisory board.

8. A member of the administrative and supervisory board may not vote in its meetings on matters relating to the member, the spouse or relatives of the blood or by marriage or by marriage to a second degree.

9. If the President or a member of the administrative and supervisory board is a party to the PM, he shall be represented at the respective trial by a member of his/her expert, specifically authorised by the AS for that purpose, unless the General Assembly appoint specialists. Representatives.

10. Members of the administrative and supervisory board shall not be remunerated. A decision of the General Assembly may be provided for by the President of the Executive Board;

(i) the Council, if the turnover of the AS exceeds 10 million (EUR 10 million). The statutes of the AS may provide for the provision of

(i) the members of the administrative and supervisory board: a) Exodus of movement, permanent and severance of the

Services other than Regional Unity where the seat of the AS is located, and (b) representation expenses for their participation in

Meetings of these councils. The height of running costs, by name and irregular;

The members of the administrative and supervisory board shall be determined by decision of the General Assembly following a recommendation by the Governing Council.

11. The Statute may provide for the appointment by the Executive Board of a Director-General or Director to be entrusted with a partial or total exercise of the powers and responsibilities of the Governing Council, except Those which, in law or in the statutes, require collective agreements, as well as the management and management of the AS's business. The appointment of a Director-General or a Director to the AS with a turnover of more than one million (EUR 1 million) is compulsory. By decision of the Governing Council, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Director-General or Director shall be laid down. The Director-General or Director-General shall be selected by the Management Board following a notice published in one of the daily newspapers of the Regional Unity of the seat of the AS, and if such a periodic review is not issued. Regional ity of the seat of the AS and in one of the daily newspapers of all traffic, as well as on the website of the AS, if available.

12. The provisions of the v. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3213/2003 (A-309), the Chairmen of the Administrative Board and the Directors-General or Directors of the AS having an annual turnover of more than two million euro (EUR 2 million). This provision shall also apply to the CIUs of the National AS and the CIUs of Article 31 and the Rural Partnership Agreements of Article 33.

13. All members of the administrative and supervisory bodies shall attend once, during the first six (6) months of their term of office, the basic co-operative education for issues such as the aim, philosophy and manner of organisation, The management and operation of the AS, in the form of funds organised by the association of Article 39. In the event of a refusal or an omission of omission, members shall be composed of members who satisfy the condition laid down in this paragraph, in accordance with Articles 5 and 7 of Article 17.

14. A meeting of the Steering Board may be held by means of a teleconference, provided that this is provided for by the Statutes, to which the technical safety requirements, the conditions for informing the members, the procedure of (i) the participation of women in the labour market;

Article 17 Principles

1. The elections to the members of the executive and supervisory board of the AS, as well as the representatives of other legal persons who participate;


The AS shall be conducted by a Committee of the Regions chaired by a court officer appointed by the Court of First Instance of the AS. If a document of the Court of First Instance ascertains the absence of a legal officer, a lawyer shall be appointed by a proposal of the Bar concerned, and at the request of the AS. The lawyer concerned, who designates the lawyer, shall determine the amount of his remuneration. If the members of the AS are less than one (30), the elections shall be carried out without the presence of a judicial officer, unless otherwise provided by the statutes. The election procedure and the members of the members of the Committee shall be determined by the Statute. For the first time, it shall be kept by the Committee on the Rules of Procedure. The percentage of female candidates to be elected members of the administrative and supervisory board corresponds to a minimum in the percentage of female members of the AS. Any 10-one number shall be rounded to the next whole unit.

2. The election of members of the administrative and supervisory board shall be carried out by means of a formal vote and with a single ballot. The lists shall be entered in alphabetical order of the names of candidates.

3. The number of sentences may not exceed one third (1/ 3) of the whole number of members of the administrative or supervisory board. If a clash is obtained, the immediate integer is valid. Ballot papers containing a number of cross-sections other than those laid down in the statutes or without a cross shall be void.

4. They are the ones who gathered the most votes. If there's a tie, there's a connection. Those who are not elected are in charge of the number of votes received.

5. Attenants occupy positions of regular members until the end of their term of office.

6. The Management and Supervisory Board in the first, after their election, a meeting shall be set up in accordance with the Statute. The statutes may provide for the possibility of

And the conditions for reallocation of the claims to the Management Board. If no such provision is made in the Statutes, the redistribution of the funds shall be made, if decided, by two thirds of the total of its members. When a fraction is incurred, the right of an integer is immediately affected.

7. If the position of the board of directors or of the members of the board is vacant and there are no longer-term members, the Board of Directors, acting by a decision of the other members, shall fill in the vacancy with the election of the member of the AS. The above-mentioned members shall determine their status until the convening of the first regular or extraordinary general meeting, which validates their election or, contrary to the case, elects a new member. If the majority or all of the members of the Governing Council resign, and there are no longer members, start-up shall be carried out.

8. Cannot be elected as a member of the administrative and supervisory board of the AS: (a) a natural person who has been convicted;

Sentence of the judgment in any penalty for: theft, fraud, embezzlement (common or service), e-quantum, forgery, forgery, infidelity, infidelity, bribery, infringement of duty, false attesting document, error of document, error and transfer Of drugs and for the offences referred to in Article 28. (b) a member of the AS not complying with his obligations;

As provided for in this law and in the Statute. The fulfilment of the obligation referred to in Article 8 referred to in Article 8 shall be established in writing for each member who is a candidate before the President of the Administrative Board before the beginning of the electoral process. Of which the election is hitting as many

Provided for in the last three paragraphs of Article 16 (1). D) Anyone who works in the AS with any relationship

Work or project. For the purposes of this paragraph, except for

Under the second subparagraph of paragraph (b), each candidate for the administrative and supervisory board shall be required to make a solemn declaration to the chairman of the Committee of Appeals. 1599/1986 (1 75), which states that the ams of these cases do not appear in their face. If, during the term of office of the institution,

For a member of the existence of any of the forms referred to in this paragraph, this member shall be automatically forfeited by a member of the institution and the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 7 shall apply.

9. The articles of association set out the rules of procedure for the election of the administrative and supervisory board, as well as the representatives of the AS in other legal persons where they participate, which are not regulated in this law.


Article 18 State surveillance of agricultural cooperatives

The supervision of the AS is carried out by the Ministry of Development and Food by the Directorate for Economic Control and Inspection, hereinafter referred to as the 'principle'. Monitoring shall concern the coexistence and assistance of the work of the AS, the determination of the legality of acts and the proper application of the provisions of the law, the statutes and decisions of the administrative bodies, and shall include, in particular, the (i) compliance with the provisions of the laws, regulations and decisions of general assemblies, the interpretation of Article 19, and the assessment thereof, the verification of the truth of the financial statements and the general nature of the funds; And information held by the AS and the verification of the payment of the value of the Or other financial obligations of their members or other financial obligations.


Article 19 National Register of Agricultural Cooperatives

And other collective bodies

1. The AS, the CIUs of Article 31 and the CIPs referred to in Article 31, the Agricultural Companies, in accordance with the provisions of Article 33, the necessary co-ordinates referred to in Article 32 and the fund referred to in Article 39 shall be divided into the National Register. Agricultural Cooperatives and other collective bodies, in the following register, which is maintained by the competent authority and is a digital database.

2. By decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food, the form, the content, the registration procedure, the maintenance of the register, and any other relevant subject matter.

3. The AS shall be exempt from the obligation to register them in the General Commercial Registry (GEMH), in the non-food sector of the n. (') 3955/2011 (' ' 89) and the Chambers of Commerce of their region.

Article 20 Registration of agricultural cooperatives

In the register

1. The AS shall be required to submit an application for registration under Article 19. Their application shall be lodged within one (1) month from the date on which the Court of Justice shall comply with Article 4, in accordance with Article 4.

2. At the request of their registration, the AS is required to submit electronically to the competent authority: (a) A copy of their articles of association and a certificate;

(b) Status of the founding members of the AS with the names of the members of the Association of Agricultural Cooperatives.

In accordance with Article 9 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 519/96, the Commission shall submit to the Council a proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 1890/89 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1056/89 on the common organisation of the market in wine. (c) Concise operational plan of three (3)

Years for their operation, describing their activities in specific production areas, the quantities to be managed, planned actions and any investment projects which they intend to undertake for Implementation. The data submitted by the AS, verification

Shall be placed by the competent authority and on the basis of their information, the AS shall be registered or not in the register. From this registration, the AS shall be provided with a register which shall appear on each document they issue and on their website, if they have one. For the acquisition of VAT by the Public Economic Service (TEC), the AS shall attach to it a certificate of registration to the register which is headed by the competent authority and shall indicate the register. After the election of the final administrative council,

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the

A review of the administrative and/or supervisory board of the AS referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 17 (1).

3. By 30 June each year, the AS shall be obliged to submit electronically to the register regular declarations indicating any changes in the data referred to in paragraph 2 and: (a) Annual financial statements;

Article 22. (b) The audit report of the auditors referred to in Article 21. (c) the proof of dispatch of the list;

In accordance with paragraph 12 of Article 16, persons to the competent control bodies of the statement of assets. (d) Statement by the President of the Administrative Commission

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 8, the members of the AS shall deliver their production and/or pre-feed their supplies.

4. The AS shall be deleted from the register for reasons relating to the non-submission of the documents and supporting documents annexed to the regular declaration referred to in paragraph 3 and the non-compliance with the provisions of the law and the statutes, such as the reasons for the They are specified in the ministerial decision of paragraph 5.

5. Decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food shall specify the criteria for the evaluation of the regular declarations referred to in paragraph 3, in addition to the documents and supporting documents attached to the regular declaration referred to in paragraph 3, and The procedure for electronic submission, the reasons for and the procedure for the removal of the AS from the register and the arrangements for each relevant issue. A decision lays down the administrative penalties imposed by the competent authority, in the event of a short-term operation of the AS, and any issue relating to the exercise of State supervision.

Article 21 Control

1. The financial, accounting and management control of the annual financial statements referred to in Article 22 of the AS and, where appropriate, of the annual financial statements, shall be carried out annually, subject to Graph 2, by one (1) at least a statutory auditor or a so-called 'office'. 3693/2008 (1 174), for the AS for which the conditions for regular control of the financial statements of the legal entities are met. In accordance with Article 2 of the Law, 4308/2014 (A-251). 4336/2015 (1 94). The other AS shall be carried out by one (1) at least a verifier authorised to exercise an economic order, in accordance with point (d) of this Regulation (1 176).

2. The AS with less than fifty (50) members and their annual turnover is up to fifty thousand (50 000) euro, may submit their financial statements to the ec-so of paragraph 1 of each three (3) Continued administrative use cumulative.


3. They cannot be designated as the auditors and officers of the AS that are controlled or related to them by blood or by marriage up to a second degree.

4. The auditors and their alternate alternates shall be appointed by the previous regular General Assembly of the AS, except for the auditors of the first financial year designated by the statutes. The auditors shall be appointed by their decision or by the statutes. The auditors may be reappointed for up to five (5) continuous uses.

5. The auditors shall be required to submit their audit report together with the necessary information to the Management Board of the AS, at the latest thirty (30) days prior to the general meeting, and to submit a copy thereof. Of the Annex to the competent authority of Article 18. The definition should specify the course of the AS's financial position in the context of its statutes and its annual action programmes. The Management Board of the AS shall be required to announce the above statement in the first post-audit session of its members and to call in writing the auditors five (5) at least days before the meeting of the General Assembly, for To be a part of it. The auditors shall be required to attend the general meeting and provide any information or clarification requested. If there are indications from the audit that transactions have been carried out by the provisions of the Penal Code or special criminal laws, the auditors shall be required to submit within ten (10) days the door to the competent authority. Public Prosecutor's Office and inform the competent authority of this submission.

6. The AS is under an obligation to set up the auditors appropriate space, all accounting records, data (supporting documents) and accounts and provide all other information and information that the auditors need to carry out its operations. Of his work. The auditors shall check in particular: (a) the legality of decisions and acts

Of the administrative bodies of the AS. (b) Accounting and in particular if the principles were respected

(c) The economic situation of the AS, resulting from the entry into force of the

(d) The management class of the annual financial statements and the report on the management of the management of the management of the management board.

The quality of the expenditure. The main purpose of the audit is to establish any irregularities, abuses or other infringements committed and to the identity of the persons responsible.

7. The auditors, in their request to the Management Board, to which they refer the matter to be discussed, may request the convening of an extraordinary general meeting. The Board of Governors shall convene the General Assembly within one (1) month from the date of the request, with the subject matter of the request referred to in the request.

8. On the other hand, for the purpose of carrying out the audit by the statutory auditors or audit firms. 3693/2008, in accordance with paragraph 1, the provisions of Law 4336/2015 and 3693/2008 shall apply.



Article 22 Administrative use

1. Management use may not contain more than twelve (12) months.

2. At the end of the period of use, the accounts of the AS shall be closed, the inventory of its assets shall be drawn up, the annual financial statements shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. 4308/2014 and submitted by the Management Board to the ordinary general meeting together with the report of the auditors referred to in Article 21 and the management report of the Governing Council for the year ended.

3. The Management Board shall draw up a programme of action and development of the AS for the next financial year, which shall be accompanied by a budget estimate and submit it for approval to regular general consultation.

4. The AS has an obligation to publish annually its financial statements on the AS website, if it has, as well as the website of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the slower-20 (20) days prior to The date of convening of the annual regular general meeting, the Commission shall adopt them.

Article 23 Management balance-Legs -

Profits-Printed books

1. If the gross income of the AS is deducted from all items of expenditure, losses, depreciation and amortisation of the optional portion, the balance sheet shall be the management balance of the use. The management balance includes surpluses and profits. The surpluses come from the co-operation of the AS with its members and members-investors who trade with the AS. The remainder of the surplus is deemed to be derived from transactions with third parties and constitutes a profit. For tax considerations for the distribution of surplus and reserve maintenance, discrete accounts for the formation of surpluses and profits are kept.

2. The AS, by decision of the General Assembly, may provide its services and to third party members of the AS, who do not have any optional parts. The volume of trade with third parties in relation to its members is determined by the statutes. The purchase of third-party products from the AS and the supply of such supplies may not be more favourable than the respective trading conditions of the AS with its members.

3. The surplus is held 10 % (10 %) for the formation of a regular reserve. This reservation ceases to be compulsory when the final reserve reaches the total amount of the total number of mandatory parts of the AS and it is reported if the regular reserves of the total amount of the shares in the AS are completed. European Union. The suburban environment may provide for a higher proportion of the


Reservation. The part of the surplus transferred to the regular reserve shall be deemed to be the contribution of the members. If the statutes provide for the participation of the optional shares in the surplus, the amounts attributable shall be deducted before any other use of the surplus.

4. The balance of surplus, which remains after the reservation in paragraph 3, is available for: (a) Performance in the members, depending on the transactions

The Council of the European Union (b) Development of the AS. (c) Support for social purpose activities; and

The implementation of sustainable development actions of the Community in which the AS is active, as a percentage established by the AS. For the purpose of this effect, a part of the coins referred to in paragraph 1 may be made available by a decision of the general meeting. (d) Training and training of the members of the AS,

At least two per cent (2 %) of the pleas.

5. By decision of the General Assembly, the amounts referred to in point (a) of paragraph 4 may remain in the AS as individual interest-bearing deposits of the Member States. The interest rate to be paid in this case shall be determined by decision of the General Assembly and may not exceed the bank's borrower's interest rate.

6. The regular reserve includes: (a) The total of the profits, as defined in the para -

Paragraph 1 shall, after their tax assessment, be made available for the fulfilment of the objective of paragraph 4. (b) The detention of paragraph 3. (c) The revenue accruing to the AS by the

(d) Any other revenue for which no difference is defined;

The Committee on the Rules of Procedure 7. The AS shall keep the accounts (records) and the

The relevant information (supporting documents) provided by the n. 4308/2014, as well as the following books considered by the Court of Justice of their headquarters: a) Book of members. (b) Books on the practices of their governing bodies. (c) Any other book provided for in the Statute.



Article 24 Merger

1. Two (2) or more of the AS may be merged with either the setting-up of a new AS in which the merged AS are joined together or by the absorption of one or more existing AS by another one already operating.

2. The merger shall be effected if the AS originating from the merger has a positive financial position.

3. The merger with the creation of a new AS requires:

(a) A draft terms of merger drawn up in writing by the administrative boards of the AS which are confused. The draft terms of merger shall contain at least -

In the following points: (aa) the name, the registered office of the AS;

They shall be merged, the registration of their statutes and the amendments thereto in the register of agricultural cooperatives kept in the Court of Justice and their registration number in the non-register referred to in Article 19, as well as the following: And the action proposed for the new AS resulting from the merger. (bb) The mode of distribution of cooperatives

And the value of the new AS partnership. (cc) Any special conditions or benefits may be granted;

(b) the use of mandatory and optional fortifications. (d) The date from which the operations of the AS

Which are merged to be accounted for as accounts for the new AS. (e) The terms of representativeness, the

Where the number of members'natural persons' members exceeds 500 (500) members, the joint general meeting of the members of the merged AS may be representative in accordance with Article 12 (7). (f) compliance with a minimum of its provisions;

(b) Decision of the general meetings of each of the members of the European Parliament and of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Them to be merged with the one referred to in Article 13 (3) and by a majority of Article 14 (2). This decision concerns the approval of the merger and the draft terms of merger. Members of the AS who do not wish to merge, may withdraw, in accordance with the terms of the Statute. (c) The publication of a summary of the draft contract

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on the common position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a European Parliament and Council Directive on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as a whole (1), Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 (1) thereof, and in particular Article 3 (1) thereof,

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, The same general meeting shall elect the temporary management board of the new AS resulting from the merger. The decision of the present case is sent to the competent authority on the basis of a joint request from the Member States in question. E) Submission of the new AS's statutes

Provisional administrative board of the new AS, in the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice, for its registration, in accordance with Article 4. (f) Registration of the statutes in the register

Agricultural cooperatives of the competent Peacekeeper, with a reference to the number of the Magistrate's act, in accordance with Article 4. The Magistrate, in order to ...


The registration of the statutes shall be governed by the provisions of this Article.

4. From the date of registration of the statutes, the merger and all the assets of the merged AS are the property of the new AS. The transfer of the assets and liabilities of the AS merging into the new AS shall be carried out in accordance with their current book value. In the case of real estate, existing anti-exist values or start-up values apply, where the antimatter system of determination does not exist.

5. The action of the Magistrate, in accordance with Article 4, shall be the act of the Magistrate in accordance with Article 4.

6. The new AS is automatically replaced by the merger, in all the rights and obligations of the AS which were merged, and in their respective trials, which continue without any more specific wording. From the AS.

7. The members of the merging AS are autonomous members of the new AS with all the rights and obligations laid down in the statutes of the new AS.

8. The co-operative capital of the new AS is formed by the sum of the value of the cooperative societies of the members of the merging AS. Any refund of the value of the members of the members, which will be withdrawn on the terms of the statutes of the AS to which they are involved shall be deducted. If cooperative shares are unequal, the joint general meeting of the case (d) of paragraph 3, by decision, shall define the manner in which the remaining portion value of the new AS is to be adjusted.

9. The DAS that have been merged ceases to exist in the merger of the merger.

10. Within a period of fifteen (15) days after the registration of the Statutes in the register of the competent Peacekeeper, the provisional Board of Governors shall convene the members of the new AS in a general meeting within one (1) month for his election. The new administrative and supervisory board.

11. Upon completion of the merger the new legal person of the AS shall be entered in the register in accordance with Article 20.

12. The provisions of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case of merger with absorption.

13. The provisions of mr. 2190/1920 (1 37) are implemented in addition to issues that are not regulated by this article. The provisions of the development laws regulating matters referred to in this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 25 Bankruptcy

1. The AS shall be declared in a state of bankruptcy if the payment of its debts is paid.

2. The bankruptcy shall be declared by the competent court of the seat of the AS at the request of: (a) Any creditor, having a legal interest. (b) The Administrative Board of the AS. C) liquidators.

3. Clearance of AS shall be declared bankrupt if the distribution of its assets has not been completed in accordance with Article 27.

4. If a declaration of cessation of payment has been made or a declaration of bankruptcy of the AS by the management board of the AS, or if an application has been filed for bankruptcy by any creditor or liquidators, the Board of Directors or the Within ten (10) days of the general agreement imposing an exceptional contribution in order to avoid a declaration of bankruptcy. A balance sheet and a report by the Governing Council on the assets of the AS and the proposed exceptional contribution shall be submitted to the general meeting. The general meeting, with a decision taken by the quorum referred to in Article 13 (1) and (2) and the majority of Article 14 (1), shall apply to the members of an exceptional contribution, depending on the number of their sub-debtors and Within the limits of the liability provided for in the Statute. This levy shall be borne by the members who have left for any reason within the last year preceding the submission of the application for the declaration of bankruptcy. The contribution shall be paid within a period of thirty (30) days after the decision is taken at the general meeting. If this deadline has elapsed, the Management Board or the liquidators shall be required to submit a table for the exceptional contribution to the Court of Justice. The table is being declared enforceable by the Magistrate.

5. Within sixty (60) days after the deposit of the withdrawal of payment or from the notification to the AS of the application for bankruptcy, the Board of Directors shall be obliged to declare to the competent court whether or not the payment continues.

6. The court shall determine a case for the divestment of the application-declaration after the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 5 and, if it finds that the cessation of payments is terminated, declares the AS in bankruptcy.

7. From his declared bankruptcy the AS is dissolved. The bankruptcy of the AS does not entail the bankruptcy of its members.

8. If a bankruptcy is achieved, it shall be ratified by the competent bankruptcy court, in which case the PM shall be revived and continues his work. After the establishment of the contract, the creditors cannot turn against the members of the AS. The decision on the conclusion of the agreement shall be notified to the competent court of the Court of Justice for its registration in the register of agricultural cooperatives and the competent authority referred to in Article 18 for registration in the register.

9. The remainder of the provisions of the basic code are applied.

Article 26 Solution

1. The AS shall be dissolved: a) If the time of duration is expired, defined in

Statutes and not decided to extend it by the general meeting.


(b) By decision of the General Assembly, which shall be based on the quorum of Article 13 (3) and the majority of Article 14 (2). (c) If declared in bankruptcy proceedings. (d) By decision of the Court of Justice of the AS

Who are on trial in the following cases: aa) At the request of any person who has a legal obligation;

However, if the non-existence of its activity does not result in an abandonment of its purpose. (bb) At the request of the competent authority

18, if the AS has not submitted to the register referred to in Article 19 by the General Assembly the financial statements of three (3) consecutive management uses, and if the AS is deleted from the register.

2. If the total amount of equity of the AS, as shown in the balance sheet, becomes less than one fifth of the cooperative capital, the Management Board is obliged to convene a general meeting within a period of six (6) months. The use of the balance sheet, which decides on the adoption of a resolution plan for adoption by the Commission with the highest level of requirements or measures to increase own funds or the solution of the AS.

3. If the AS is resolved due to the end of its duration, it is possible to revive it by a decision of the general meeting convened by one fifth of the AS. The decision of the General Assembly shall be based on the quorum referred to in Article 13 (3) and by a majority of Article 14 (2). In the event of a revival, it is assumed that the AS has never been solved. Revival is excluded when the distribution of the property of the AS has begun.

4. The solution of the AS and the decision to revive para graph 3 shall be lodged with the care of the AS in the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice for its inclusion in the books of the mother of agricultural cooperatives and the competent authority referred to in Article 18 for its registration.

Article 27 Purge of a

1. The solution of the AS follows the stage of the hatchery, except in the case of the solution of the AS resulting from its declaration of bankruptcy.

2. The legal face of the AS is still present and functioning until the end of the sitting for its needs. The General Assembly of the AS shall retain its rights during the discharge procedure and shall act on the needs of winding-up and shall take decisions on any matter with regard to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 13 and by a majority. Article 14 (1). The appointment of liquidators shall automatically give rise to the power of the Governing Council. As far as the liquidators are concerned, the classes for the management board of the AS shall apply accordingly. Discussions and decisions of liquidators shall be summarized in the book of minutes of the Governing Council.

3. The liquidation shall be carried out by one (1) or more liquidators designated by the General Assembly;

A ban, unless the articles of association define otherwise. Notwithstanding the preceding subparagraph, in the case referred to in Article 26 (1) of Article 26, the liquidator shall be appointed by the court with the decision declaring the solution of the AS.

4. In the event of death, any failure to perform duties, resignation or inaction of the liquidators, at the request of a member or a creditor of the AS, the Court of Justice of the seat of the AS, which adjudicates on the procedure of the jurisdiction, appoints others Exectorates. The same applies if the general meeting is not clear to liquidators.

5. The liquidators within one (1) month from the addressee of the decision to appoint them shall be published in one (1) the daily period of a panelladic circulation and one (1) the daily reserve of the seat of the AS, and if not It shall be issued in one (1) periodic report on the location of the location of the AS and on the AS's website, with a summary of the decision ordering their clearance and appointment, inviting the operators to announce the Their requirements and common invitation, in accordance with Article 62 (6) of Decree 356/1974 (1) 90). The liquidators shall send that decision and the competent authority to register it in the register referred to in Article 19.

6. The liquidators have an obligation to make the statement of the assets of the AS cleared and to draw up a balance sheet, a copy of which shall be submitted to the competent authority, provided they have at their disposal the accounting records and data of the AS, and May be within a period of one (1) of the solution of the AS. The same obligation to draw up a balance sheet shall also apply at the end of the liquidation. If the clearance is extended, the balance sheet shall be drawn up at the end of each year.

7. The liquidators may dispose of the properties of the AS after four (4) months of its risk.

8. Within a period of four (4) months from the solution of the AS, a member or a creditor of the AS may ask the Court of Justice of the seat of the AS, which shall judge in the exercise of the jurisdiction, to determine the lower selling price of the real estate. Of the AS. The Supreme Court decision commits the liquidators and is not subject to regular or exceptional remedies. If, for one (1) year after the adoption of the decision of the Court of Justice, it is not possible to divulge the real estate of the AS, then the commitment of this paragraph shall cease to apply.

9. Creditors' claims against the under-wound shall be barred after three (3) years from the date of publication of paragraph 5.

10. The liquidators are obliged to close down the relevant affairs of the AS, to re-route the cooperative assets, to repay their debts and to collect the requirements of the AS. They may act and new acts, with these being served by the winding-up and the interests of the AS.

11. The annual financial statements and the financial statements shall be approved by the General Assembly. Each year the results of the liquidation of the sub -


They shall be sent to the general assembly of the members of the AS by stating the causes which have taken place at the end of cleanup. At the end of the liquidation, the exhibitors shall draw up the final financial statements and send their copies to the competent authority for their inclusion in the register of Article 19.

12. The proceeds from the liquidation proceeds shall be repaid in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. The optional parts are paid after the satisfaction of the Banking Institutions of the Hellenic Foundation, the Insurance Funds and the workers. The balance of the assets remaining available in another or other social purpose, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute and not distributed to the members.

13. If the clearance phase exceeds five (5) years, the liquidator shall be obliged to convene a meeting of the General Assembly, to which he submits a draft statement and termination of the clearance for approval. This plan shall include a report on the winding-up proceedings, the reasons for the delay and the measures proposed for its rapid completion. These measures may include a side-effect of the AS by rights, documents and applications, if their aspiration is unsuitable in relation to the added benefits or uncertain or requiring a large amount of time-to contracts, renegotiations, Contracts or the conclusion of new ones. If the draft is adopted by the General Assembly, the

A cleaner completes the liquidation, in accordance with the above plan. If the project is not approved, the representative or members of the AS representing one third (1/ 3) of the number of members may request his approval by the Court of Justice of the seat of the AS, which is on trial with the voluntary Jurisdiction. The court may amend the measures provided for in the plan, but may not add any measures not provided for therein. The net-cleaner is not responsible for the implementation of a plan approved in accordance with this paragraph.

14. The liquidators are required to communicate directly to the competent Prosecutor any punishable acts of the members of the administration in liquidation, which they have found or have been informed of in the course of their duties. This provision also applies to the liquidators of the Agricultural Cooperatives, the Associations of Agricultural Cooperatives (EEW), the Rural Cooperative Associations (CEAS), the Joint Agencies for Agricultural Cooperative Organisations (KAS) and Cooperative Associations Company (s) of n. (') Regulation (EEC) No 2810/2000 (' 61), which is in liquidation upon the entry into force of this law.

15. For the rest, the provisions on judicial clearance of inheritance are applied.

16. Which shall be wound up with the provisions of this law, as well as EAS, CEAS, KAS, and the n. In order to ensure that the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2810/2000 are wound up at the time of the entry into force of this law, they may, on the grounds of the liquidator, pay their production facilities, movable and immovable, in which the storage areas are included.

Of their products and which the AS uses for its production needs, as a priority to the OAS that is viable and have both the necessary production potential and the know-how for effective operation Of the units. The balance shall be valid for the duration of the liquidation. The liquidators shall communicate the intention to terminate this paragraph, with their invitation to tender, in accordance with paragraph 5.

17. The persons designated as the liquidators of the AS shall not be prosecuted, not subject to personal detention, nor any civil or other individual liability, for the debts of the AS to the public and social security bodies, regardless of their Time of attestation. No cleaning agents who have exercised or have been employed shall be able to be liquidated. This provision also applies to the liquidators of the Agricultural Cooperatives, the EAS, the CEAS, the VAS and the RUs of n. Regulation (EC) No 2810/2000, which has been wound up in any way.

18. The provisions of this Article shall also apply to liquidations of the AS, EAS, CEAS, KAS and RU which are wound up at the beginning of the present law.


Article 28 Criminal provisions

1. The term 'imprisonment' of three (3) months to one (1) year, provided that other provisions do not provide for a heavier penalty, a member of the Governing Council or a member of the European Parliament if:

The supervisory board or the person exercising the supervisory authority or the control of the AS is false or denies or withholds true facts, facts or events concerning the financial situation of the AS. (b) knowingly making false or fictibles;

(c) Refuses to deliver or hides from the supervisory board, or drawing up a false or false balance sheet.

Or by the person exercising control or supervision, the information or books or books shall in any way interfere with the exercise of control or supervision.

2. By imprisonment of one (1) month up to one (1) year, with-in other provisions there is no longer any penalty, what is the control of an AS, if-in the performance of his/her duties he knowingly provides false information or conceals or refuses Real-parent or incident involving the management or financial situation of the AS and their knowledge of the control carried out by it.

3. What is to be paid by one (1) month to one (1) year or with a financial penalty or both sentences at the same time, provided that other provisions do not give rise to a heavier penalty, which renders the meetings of the Governing Council or of the (i) the supervisory board or the general meeting of the members of the AS, using or under threat of physical violence or any other act or omission.


4. What is to be paid by one (1) month to one (1) year, if no heavier penalty is provided by other provisions, which: (a) Acts of administration or management or control

(b) Resolutions without right or with anyone else

(i) it attempts, in spite of the law, to alter the outcome of the election for the appointment of the administrative council, the supervisory bodies, members of the delegation of the general meeting referred to in Article 12 (7); and Representatives of the AS to other legal persons.

5. On the basis of the penalties referred to in paragraph 4, the members of the Administrative Board, the liquidators and the members of the Boards, to whom the Management Board has delegated the exercise of certain powers, shall be required for actions contrary to the provisions of the Treaty. Decisions of the General Assembly or for non-execution, in accordance with the law and the statutes of their duties, and of the omission of the balance sheet.


Article 29 Economic aid-tax


1. The contributions of members to the AS shall not be liable to a tax or to end of a card or any other charge in favour of a third party.

2. The legal tender, for insurance contracts drawn up or renewed by the intermediary, shall be paid to them.

3. The surpluses of the management use of the AS, which are distributed to members and members-investors, in-acting with the AS, in accordance with Article 23, are subject only to income tax of members irrespective of their payment or payment. Their individual retention as a deposit to the AS.

4. The AS can be included in the relevant development laws.

5. The AS merging, in accordance with the provisions of this law, shall be exempt from the obligation to pay all types of tax, end, end-of-charge, tax in favour of third parties, rights of legends, rights of grounds, proportionate rights In the case of these securities and any other exemption provided for in this case to Mr D. 2190/1920, Law No 1297/1972 (1 217) and the n. (') No 2166/1993 (' 137), provided that the conditions under which the exemptions are met are met. The transfer to the mortgage is free of charge. The provision of par. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law 4178/2013 (1 174) is not applicable in the case of a merger of the AS.

6. By decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Development and Tourism, Economic and Rural Development and Food, additional incentives may be set for the merger and development of the AS. Incentives refer to investment, the development of the AS, recruitment and training of managers, eligibility for project assignments and encouragement of initiatives and activities in the interest of

The Committee of the European Decisions shall specify the conditions and conditions governing the application of the AS to the above-mentioned vessels.

7. No legislative provisions providing assistance or exemptions from taxes, excise duties or other measures in favour of the Federal Republic of Germany, levies or charges in favour of any third party for the merger of undertakings, as appropriate and to the AS, provided that they are subject to the conditions laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation No 17. Fulfil the conditions laid down in the relevant provisions.

8. Provisions introducing incentives or exemptions of a domestic, tax or other nature for the conversion of commercial companies to commercial companies of another legal type shall be subject to the same conditions and for the conversion of forced labour. Cooperatives and their associations, in accordance with Article 32.

Article 30 Beneficiaries of financial aid, tax

Exemptions and incentives

The AS, the CCIC and the National AS referred to in Article 31, the co-operatives referred to in Article 32 and the Agricultural Companies referred to in Article 33, which are registered in Article 19, have a right of access: Financial aid, tax exemptions;

(i) the encouragement of Article 29, as well as the development laws and Union programmes, and (b) in all development programmes, which

They shall be declared by the Greek public or for their accounts and financed by national and Union funds.


Article 31 Branches of agricultural cooperatives

1. Two (2) or more of the AS with an object of activity involving a product or group of product groups may constitute one of the CIPs, hereinafter referred to as KAS. At the initiative of at least two thirds (2/ 3) of the AS active in a product or group of product groups, a Canadian National AS may be recommended at national level, hereinafter referred to as the CCT, by product or group of product groups. The CSIs and the CSBs may participate in the Rural Partnership Agreements referred to in Article 33, provided that their members are only AS.

2. The objectives of the CSR and CSUs include the coordination of the work of their members, the expansion of their activities at national and international level and the taking up of economic activities of a large scale. In the context of their purpose, the KAS and the CSDUs shall cooperate with AS on funding, marketing, export and import, standardisation, education and training, education and training, economic accounting, legal and Technical assistance, as well as on social concerns such as research, development of the communities whose members are active and environmental protection.


The activities of the KAS and the CSAS are complementary to the activities of the AS and are not in competition with them.

3. The procedure provided for in Article 4 shall be followed for the establishment of the CSIs and the CSFs. The supervision and control of the KAS and the CSIs shall be exercised by the competent authority referred to in Article 18. The KAS and the CCT shall be entered in the register referred to in Article 19 in accordance with Article 20 and shall be assessed in accordance with the decision of Article 20 (4). The statutes of the KAS and the CSFs shall lay down all the matters relating to their function, in accordance with the provisions of this law applicable to the AS.

Article 32 Conversion of Interactive Cooperatives

1. The conversion of the cooperators and their associations to the present law of this law shall be implemented by a decision of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food, following a decision by the General Assembly of its quorum. Article 13 (3) and with the majority of Article 14 (2) and their request to the competent authority or after the adoption of a relevant decision or to apply national law. The conversion shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of this Article and shall be completed at six (6) months after the entry into force of the Decision. With the expiry of the period, the special laws regulating the operation of the respective nagglomerations shall be abolished.

2. The process of conversion of forced co-fitting and their associations to an AS of the present law shall be carried out as follows: (a) The Union of the necessary co-operatives;

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (2) thereof,

Of each of the necessary co-operatives which are members of the Union merger, as well as of the General Assembly of the Union for the Committee of the Regions of the present law, with the quorum of Article 13 (3) and by the majority of the Article 14 (2). (bb) The administrative boards of all mergers

(i) the necessary co-operation between the Member States and the Union; they include the draft terms of merger regulation, which includes the terms of the merger and the value of the new AS. (cc) The members of the undertakings involved in the merger

They shall be convened in a joint general meeting, together with an invitation to their administrative advice. The Assembly adopts the draft convention on the conclusion of the Convention, the statutes of the new AS and the temporary administrative board, resulting from the merger. (b) Those who do not decide to do so

They shall be merged into an AS of the present law by amending their statutes for their adaptation to this law, which is adopted by the competent court, following a decision of the General Assembly which is taken by Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

The digits of Article 14 (2). The transferors shall receive the value of their corporate interests in accordance with the terms of the Union Statute within two (2) years after their departure. The legal personality of the AS resulting from the

The provisions of this paragraph shall be the universal transferee of the Union and the necessary co-operative members of the Union, and shall be replaced and replaced in full in each of the courts and obligations as well as in the proceedings. Trials, which he continues. For the conversion of this paragraph,

Complementary and proportionate to the provisions of Article 24.

Article 33 Rural partnerships

The Agricultural Partnership Agreements, hereinafter referred to as the EAW, are antonous companies active in any branch of the agricultural economy, which constitute AS and in which other EAW can participate. The shares of these companies are always nominal. In all cases where the right to a proposal is transferred, the AS and the RUs participating in the EAW shall be transferred. No shareholders may acquire shares beyond 20 % of the total number of shares in the EAW. In the event that the holders are less than five, no shareholder may acquire shares other than 50 % of the total number of shares in the EAW. For the rest, e. E. 2190/1920. An EAW of which 51 % of their equity is owned by AS are entered in the register referred to in Article 19. The Ministerial Decision referred to in Article 20 (4) shall specify the documents and supporting documents submitted by the AES to register them in the register and for the purposes of this provision.

Article 34 Professional organisations

1. Professional organisations are legal tender, non-profit-making, recommended, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code per sector of agricultural products and consisting of representatives of economic activities Linked to the production of these products.

2. Professional organisations shall be composed, functioning and recognised in accordance with national law and their complementary national implementing measures.

3. Interprofessional organisations are supervised by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and are recognized and controlled by the competent departments of the Ministry, depending on the sector of agricultural products concerned.

4. Only one (1) professional organisation is recognised at national level for each product or group of products.

5. Interprofessional organisations, within the framework of the purpose and their specific objectives, cooperate on a case-by-case basis with other bodies,


In particular the agri-food agreements referred to in Article 35 and the protection and management groups of the PDO/PAC/EPP/EPP/EPP/EPP/ED products.

Article 35 Rural activities of the Region

1. On the initiative of the country's regions, there should be urban non-profit-making companies with a view to: a) The promotion, promotion and promotion of nutrition;

The Committee of the Regions would like to see the following: The promotion does not include the use of quality, localisation and safety issues in local products. (b) The provision of documentation services, support services

And promote the products of the Region. The companies referred to in this Article shall bear honorations.

To which the term 'Agri-nutrition' is definitely included, accompanied by the name of the Region concerned. In islands, the initiative may belong to the same entity, in which case the name of the company, after the term 'Dietary Food', refers to the name of the company.

2. For the establishment of the companies referred to in this Article: (a) The Region concerned. (b) The municipalities of the region concerned each time. (c) The OAS of the Region. (d) Legal and natural persons who are carriers

(e) Higher education institutions, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities, research institutes, universities and research institutes.

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, and the Committee of the Regions, have a key role to play in this respect.

Article 36 Voluntary sale contracts

Agricultural products

1. With private written contracts of a certain amount, the future sale of agricultural products can be regulated. The AS and the AS may conclude the contracts referred to in this Article for the products of their members who are to be handed over to them for the purposes of their movement and trade. (a) The type and total volume of the goods to be sold shall be subject to the following conditions:

(b) The minimum duration of validity, which shall not be

May be less than one year. C) How to collect, store and maintain

(e) The way and the time of payment, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 7191/64, and in particular Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 10181/64.

Invented legislation. The reasons and manner of termination of the contract.

(g) The Code of Activity (CAR), as well as the Special Registration Number (DAC) in the Resource Register of Agricultural Products. Regulation (EEC) No 3955/2011 of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3955/2011, as well as the registration code for the first purchaser of the fishing sector for the obligor.

(i) the data from which the deposit is made;

Contract at the TEC. By decision of the Minister for Rural Development and

Food may be determined by the formula and the fir-in the contents of the contracts per agricultural product, which holds all the opposite will of the contracts.

Article 37 producer groups, producer organisations and

Productions Organisations Associations

1. The producer groups referred to in Article 27 of the Regulation (EU) No In accordance with the provisions of national law and supplementary national implementing measures, they shall be recognised and operated in accordance with the provisions of Union law and of supplementary national implementing measures.

2. Producers' organisations are autonomous legal entities of the cooperative or commercial law or clearly defined parts of them, with full legal capacity, which are established, recognised and operated, in accordance with The provisions of the Law and its complementary national implementing measures.

3. The organisations and groups of producers which are clearly defined parts of legal entities of the ordinary or commercial law operate with separate accounting and/or administrative management. A decision of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food shall be regulated by each subject relating to the application of this paragraph.

4. The Associations of Producers shall constitute autonomous legal entities of the cooperative or commercial law or a clearly defined parts of legal entities which are formed on the initiative of meeting producer organisations and recognised; In accordance with the provisions of national law and the complementary national measures implementing it, they shall operate and operate.

Article 38 Group protection and product management


1. In each of the delimited areas of production of agricultural products or food products with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), with a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) including non-alcoholic products and flavoured wines or for Each Guaranteed Traditional Product (E-OP) may be recommended for the protection and expansion of PDO, PGI or TSG, as appropriate, in the following form. The group consists mainly of producers and distributors of the product and its work is the pre -


(i) the management and promotion of products with the names of PDO, PGI and TSG, as well as the informing of consumers of these products.

2. The groups shall be non-profit-making and shall be recommended following a joint initiative mainly of producers and processors of agricultural produce or food referred to in paragraph 1. In these groups, all the professional categories involved in the production and marketing of PDO/PG/TSG products are represented proportionally.

3. The groups shall be recognised by decision of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, provided they cover two thirds of the production of the certified product PDO/PG/TSG. The groups recognised shall carry out the activities provided for in Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 and cooperate with the competent authorities, as well as the recognised international organisation of the sector, in so far as they are applied, for all The issues relating to any stage of the production, processing and marketing of these products and the checks provided for in paragraph 5.

4. The decisions of the recognized groups on the issues of general promotion of the term and the security of compliance with the specifications of the product, following their adoption by the Minister for Rural Development and Food, shall apply. Sub-debtors from all producers and processors of this product.

5. For matters relating to the protection and compliance with the product specification, the non-identified groups may have their own auditors, who have the possibility to carry out internal audits of the product. Production, processing, packaging and handling of the REP/PG/TSG. The findings of these audits shall be made available to the competent authorities. The control of this paragraph shall not replace the official controls of the competent authorities.

6. The financing of the identified groups shall be secured by the introduction of a levy on its members and by making use of Union or national programmes.

7. By decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food, the necessary conditions, criteria and procedures for the recognition of the groups are laid down. (a) The mode of proportional representation of the various

(b) In the light of the operational expenditure of the members of the Management Board, the Committee shall be responsible for the implementation of the operational expenditure of the group of producers and shareholders in the administrative bodies.

(c) Any issue relating to controls which conflicts with

The group shall, in accordance with paragraph 5. (d) The arrangements for cooperation between the parties to the

(e) The activities carried out and the activities carried out by the Member States shall be carried out by the Member States.

They shall take part in their work provided for in this law.

Article 39 Agricultural cooperative training fund

And training

1. It is recommended that a legal person governed by private law is non-profit-making in the form of a "A cooperative education and training fund", hereinafter referred to as the register, which is entered in the register of Article 19. The aim of the fund is to finance, coordinate and monitor the implementation of cooperative education and training programmes for the members of the AS, their administrative and political advisors, and the general public. The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. The Fund shall also provide financial support for the environment, protection against plant protection products, marketing, the management of the AS, the marketing of agricultural products, and a specific programme. Programmes for the development and updating of rural women with a view to promoting equal opportunities and the removal of gender inequalities in the cooperative society.

2. Members of the Court are all the ounders who are registered in the register of Article 19 and the Greek Agricultural Organization "DIMITRA".

3. The funds of the fund are derived from the distribution of the surplus, in accordance with Article 23 (4) of Article 23, from the European Union's education and training programmes, as well as from any other aid from the AS.

4. At the invitation of the competent authority of Article 18, the representatives of the agricultural cooperatives which in the financial year 2015 had a management surplus, and the representative of ELIG-DIMITRA, trained and published by law in six (6) (a) from the date of entry into force of this law, the institution of the place of residence. All operators who are registered in the register shall be members of the fund.

Article 40 Single digital basis for the traceability of cooperative agricultural products

1. It is recommended to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food a single digital database on the traceability of cooperative agricultural products. The digital base is intended to register the successor following all the cooperative products of the agricultural sector, whether or not transport, from production to consumption.

2. For the purposes of applying the provisions of this Article: (a) 'Quantity' is the possibility of

(b) "Products" are all products of the α-origin and the production process of a (1) product at all stages of production, processing and distribution.

(c) Cooperative products are the products which are used for the purposes of this Regulation.

Are produced and/or processed and/or moved by


The following shall be added to the register referred to in Article 19. 3. Fees for setting up, organising and maintaining

The single database is defined as the Directorate of Electoral Administration of the Ministry. The digital base shall be updated with a data entry from the AS which are registered in Article 19.

4. Decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food shall specify the technical specifications, the management and operation of the single database, in particular on the competent authorities responsible for the operation of the base and the obligors To submit, the data to be submitted, the way in which it links to other bases for the exploitation of their data, the cooperation of the competent authorities with other services and bodies of public or private individuals for the collection of data; And any other relevant issues.

Article 41 Establishment of Agency for the Management of Real Estate

And Equipments (ODIAGO)

1. A legal person governed by private law (NIS) is hereby established in the form of the Anonym Company, with the "Organisation for the Management of Real Estate, Gaines and Equipment SA" and a distinctive title "ODIAGO", hereinafter referred to as an organisation based in Athens. The Agency is under the control of the Court of Justice, governed by the provisions of Chapter I of n. In the case of the Court of First Amendment No 3429/2005 (1 314), it is responsible for the service of public procurement. The supervision of the Agency is carried out by the Minister for Rural Development and Food.

2. The Statute of the Agency is adopted by the decision of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food. The Agency shall be administered by an Executive Board, whose members shall be appointed by the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food. The term of office of the Governing Council shall be three years.

3. The members of the Board of Directors must be graduates and have an entrepreneurial experience and managerial skills.

4. Between the members of the Board of Directors, the chairman and the managing partner of the institution shall be elected. The President and the Governing Council, as well as the reimbursement of the members of the Executive Board for their participation in conferences, shall be determined by a decision of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food.

5. The body's equity capital is set at the amount of twenty-four thousand (24,000) euro, which is taken entirely by the Greek public. The capital will be paid within two months of the publication of the Statute of the Agency.

6. The aims of the organism are: (a) The development of agricultural production and the improvement;

(b) Research for rural development through the development of the rural economy through the best possible utilisation of public land suitable for rural development.

(c) The conservation and creation of viable rural areas in rural areas, rural development and rural development.

(d) Support for farmers in terms of cost-benefit analysis and the improvement of their performance by taking appropriate investment initiatives and the introduction of modern technology;

(e) The disposal of movable and immovable property in a pilot coder shall be used for the management of land and equipment and facilitating the installation of young farmers in production.

The Committee of the European Parliament, the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European The aid and the support of each activity

Which contributes to the development of the rural economy.

7. A presidential decree issued on the proposal of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Foodstuffs is defined as the property, movable and immovable property, which is granted to it, the procedure of the concession, and is regulated by each other. (a) the issue of the functioning of the body.


Article 42 Conditions of other areas of competence

Ministry of Rural Development and Food

1. Recommended by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, a committee entitled "National Committee for Agricultural Accounting Information Network" whose work is the selection of the publications of the Agricultural Accountancy Data Network (DGIL). The Committee is supported by the Department of Tourism and Rural Statistics of the Directorate for Strategic Planning, Rural Development, Evaluation and Development of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, which is the institution-link with the European Commission. By decision of the Minister for Rural Development and

The establishment, properties and definition of members, responsibilities, terms of office, and any matter relating to the work and the way in which the committee operates, shall be established.

2. Decision of the Ministers for Economic and Agro-Development and Food, the arrangements for the implementation of contracts between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Food and Feed Supervisors and the European Commission, the (i) the adoption of the amount and the allocation of the appropriations, the establishment and the setting-up of committees for the coordination, monitoring and receipt of the appropriations, and any issues relating to implementation, acceptance and evaluation; All the deliverables of the co-financed projects.

3. Article 4 of the 8/2012 (A' 11) is amended as follows:


(a) Article 4 (a) shall be replaced by the following:

' (a) The conditions relating to the sale of the vessel to which the installation is to be carried out (location, area, rate of service, record-keeping), as defined in the legislation. ' (b) The last paragraph of Article 2 (b) of the Article

4 shall be replaced by the following: " The above conditions of this indent b.

Any other binding requirements laid down in the provisions laid down therein may be made available. ';

4. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Development and Tourism and Rural Development and Rural Development, Special Services are restructured and Special Services for the Application of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food; and They shall specify their responsibilities.

5. The provisions of Article 10 (1) of Article 2 (1) of the Law 4336/2015 (1 94) are not applicable to the movements of the employees of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and the supervised bodies of the Ministry of Rural Development, Inspections, Inspections, autopsies, etc. Or sampling. For the above staff, a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food, up to 200 days of post-season transfer, may be determined annually.

Article 43 Matters of the Agency for Payments

And Control of Community Support for Guidance and Guarantee

The Joint Committee on Legal and Financial Support set up and set up in OPEKEPE with the provisions of Article 17 (2). Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2637/1998 (2), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2637/1998 (2), in the same way as the regulatory acts adopted pursuant to that authorization, it shall meet at least four (4) times of the normal working hours, except in the case of overtime. In the case of employment and after the expiry of the legal working hours of the services and the loss of benefits, it shall be reduced in accordance with Article 21 (1). 2 of n. 4354/2015 (1 176) since its entry into force.

Article 44 Amendment of provisions of Law 4061/2012 ('66 '),

No 396/1976 (1 198), 1565/1985 (1 164), 4039/2012 (1 15), 4186/2013 (A΄ 193) and

P.d. 107/2014 (1 174)

1. (a) The case in par. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law 4061/2012 is replaced by the following:

(f) Real estate in the Department of Rural Development and Food in accordance with Article 4 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3147/2003 (1), as amended and amended. Article 19 of the EC Treaty (EC) No 3208/2003 (A-303) and paragraphs 12 and 33 of Article 20 of the Law. (Parliament adopted the decision) 9.

Article 13 of the Law No 3147/2003, para. Article 4 of the Law 2215/1994 (' 77), as well as by means of donation or inheritance. ' (b) par. Article 1 (2) of the Law 4061/2012, such as this

Was added to Article 37 (2). Point 1a of n. 4235/2014, replaced by the following:

' 2a. The members shall be responsible for the management of the immovable property referred to in paragraph 1, where they have opened meals, sources and water dexterity for irrigation or forestry purposes. The Dor submits to the Directorate for Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine of the relevant Regional Unification and to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food on a map (1: 5 000) or from-the orthophocorphotmap to a projective system APC ' 87, where Illustrates the part of the property, which is used for the above purpose. The right to operation shall cease if the person has changed the use or condition to use it for that purpose. ' (c) Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 2 of the Law. 4061

The following shall be replaced by the following: At the Ministry of Rural Development and Food

(LATAT) is kept in the database where all the properties managed by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food are digitally depicted. The database held in the Payments and Control Agency of Community Support and Warranties (OPEKEPE) for the buildings administered by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food as specified in Article 1 It is carried out and incorporated into the above database held by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. The database is accessible to the Committees of the Land-of the Earth and Dispute Settlement of Article 14, the departments of the Regions of the country, the Monitoring and Legal Service of the decentralised agencies referred to in Article 17, OPEKEPE, And all interested in the application to the competent department of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

2. Each concession, which is made, in accordance with the provisions of Article 4, shall be entered in the view-phase database, with a view to the Property Management Department of the Ministry or the competent department of its Region. A country, if the concession act was issued by the Regional Commander. The concession act is described, clearly, in a position, in a position, in march and in the Greek geodetic reporting system. The same services shall enter into the database the acts of cancellation or revocation of concession decisions. ' (d) The case (s) of par. Having regard to the Treaty

N. (a) For the production of food products of plant or animal origin,

Of origin or for grazing, by use, of a low price, for real estate up to 100 (100) strata, to individual farmers, natural or legal persons as defined in Article 2 of the Law. 3874/2010 (1 151), to agricultural cooperatives and producer groups, as well as to the unemployed, to the Labour Party Agency (OPCA), following a communication from the


The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and the Environment, Public Health and Energy (e) par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty 4061/2012 replace -

Exists as follows: ' 4. The preparations are taking place in Athens in space.

And the time to be determined and notified by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, which is posted on the website of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and is posted on the bulletin board of the Central Service of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, one (1) month prior to the conduct of the tender. ' (f) par. Point 10 of Article 10 of the Law 4061/2012, as -

It shall be replaced by the following: For granting the use of immovable property, against

In accordance with subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) of Article 4 (2), the structure shall be carried out by the Land and Dispute Settlement Committee, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding subparagraphs. The proceedings shall be carried out at the seat of the Region in a place and time specified in the declaration. Each publication is communicated by a proclamation of the Region concerned, one (1) month prior to the conduct of the Republic, published on the website of the Region and the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. The proclamation is also posted on the bulletin board of the Central Office of the Region concerned. If several Land and Dispute Settlement Committees have been set up, the auction shall take place at the seat of the Commission in the territorial area of which the public property is located. Where in the above-written reports the Acceptance Committee refers to the Committee on Earth and Dispute Settlement. ' (g) The case (s) of par. Point 8 of Article 22

N. No 4061/2012, as added with par. Article 37 of the EC Treaty 4235/2014, replaced by the following:

(d) For the transfer of ownership of the drones, an accredited act of the relevant Peripheral is issued, which is transferred to the relevant Land Registry or registered in the competent authority and notified to the company " National Personal Log and Mapping S.A. " And to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food for the information of the digital age. ' (h) Article 24a of the Law 4061/2012 as this command -

Has been reported with par. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, 4235/2014 is replaced by the following:

" Article 24a Property classification

If the decision of the Land and E-Committee of Dispute Disputes does not raise the right of ownership in the property of the property, or if the right to buy in that property is recognised, the Reichskeeper shall issue an act of apportionment of the single immovable property, after An assessment of the Directorate for the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Region concerned, which is carried out in the relevant Land Registry or registered in the Official Journal of the European Union. The immovable property arising from the sale of the single property is included with a new code in the digital base of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, with a view to

The relevant department of the Region concerned. ' (i) Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 26 of the Law. 4061

The following shall be replaced by the following: Property administered by the Ministry of Agricultural

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Member States comply with the provisions of the Treaty on European Union. The competent authorities are required to transmit, without delay, the relevant implementing act, accompanied by a digital population file, to the Greek geostationary reference system, to the competent service of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Region concerned, in order to ensure that the relevant services are provided by the competent authorities of the Member States. To enter the changes in the data-related data.

2. The Forest Service sends to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and to the Region concerned the operation of an area covered by an ultimatum or declared as reforeable, agreed by a digital population file, In order to update the digital database, in order to update the digital database. ' (j) The case (s) of par. Article 36 of the EC Treaty

N. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof,

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Food and Food Department have been granted a specific purpose on the basis of provisions to be repealed with this law, but not limited to Article 123 of the Rural Code, Article 123 of the EEC Treaty. 4 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3147/2003 (1), (l) (d), 203/1969 (1 109), Articles 11 and 13. Council Regulation (EEC) No 1734/87 ('). Decisions by the Minister for Rural Development and Food (B΄ 837) and others continue to be governed by the provisions on the basis of which they were granted. '

2. The payment of the protection by the beneficiaries of the land, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2. Article 36 of the EC Treaty 4061/2012 (A'66) is made in two free installments, the first until 31.12.2016 and the second to 31.12.2017.

3. For the selection of the representative of the Pan-Hellenic Workers' Organisations participating in the Centre for the Development Council of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, provided for by the provisions of the law. 3881/1958 (A' 181) and of 27/2/1959 v., (A' 50) and maintained in force under No The decision of the Presidency of the Government, Georgia and the Economic and Financial Affairs (B' 579), the following procedure is followed: the Panhellenic organizations propose their representation within a timelimit set out in a written invitation. Minister for Rural Development and Food which cannot be less than ten (10) days. The Minister for Rural Development and Food shall designate the representative of the Panhellenic Organisational Organisations with his alternate from the persons proposed.

4. The par. Article 19 of the Law As amended by Regulation (EEC) No 396/1976 ('198 '),

2. The conditions, conditions and procedures for the operation and control of wineries in the cases of co-existence with the production facilities of dried grapes, dried grapes, grape juice or with sugar-used premises; and Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,


For the purposes of applying the provisions of the last subparagraph of paragraph 1, the provisions of the second subparagraph of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/1999 shall be applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of the Regulation. C. 3. Of article 7 of n. Regulation (EC) No 2969/2001, as added under Article 2 (2) of Article 2 of. 4336/2015 (1 94). '

5. Cases a (a) and (b) of par. Article 11 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

' (a) Anyone exceeding three times the same infringement of the cases, (b), (d) and (f) of the para graph 1. (b) Anyone who has more than one time shall suffer the same

In accordance with paragraph 1. '; 6. (a) par. Amendment No 8 to Article 9 of the Law No 4039/2012,

Exists as follows: " 8. In the case of adoption of stray animals

A new owner, a natural person or a party animal, who is not a resident of Greece or is not based in El-Lada, the adoption shall take place with their delivery to the new owner concerned or to the company. A law of his or his representative and his power of attorney shall be evidenced in writing by certain chronology, provided that the animals have been sterilised, marked and recorded in the web-based database with its full details Their temporary owner and the full details of the new owner, which are covered by an official Documentary evidence. ' (b) The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 4 of the

N. EUR 4039/2012 is replaced by the following: The electronic identification and registration and the sixth

The passport and health booklet, in accordance with Annexes 2 and 3, shall be carried out by veterinarians certified and referred to the veterinary surgeon in Greece. ' (c) par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty No 4039/2012,

Exists as follows: ' 3. The Annexes 1 to 5, referred to in

Provisions of this law form an integral part of it and may be amended by the decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food. '

7. After par. -Question No 4, Art. 44 A new paragraph 5 is added as follows:

' 5. (a) In the context of non-formal education, which is provided in an organised educational framework outside the formal education system and can lead to the acquisition of certificates of recognition at national level, a joint decision of the Ministries of Education, Research and Religion and A-Rural Development and Food, to be established, embezzled and merged entities of the formal education of this law, of the Department of Rural Development and Food (LFAT) and to set issues relating to organisation, di-pity, staff and The functioning of the institutions. The same decision sets out the conditions, conditions and procedures for the admission of pupils and the implementation of the classroom and practical training of the specialities of these bodies.

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment, and the Committee of the Regions, and the Committee of the Regions. Proposals from the professional bodies, professional bodies, the chambers and the OAED. C) After the introduction of the Greek Agricultural Fund,

DIMITRA, may be granted to him by decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Toro, provided that the relevant costs have been incurred in the budget approved and are in compliance with the limits of the BIC, approval to take In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 17 of this Act, non-formal training bodies of Article 17 of this Act shall be authorised. The first of his first article. 4093/2012 (222). By a joint decision of the Ministers for Education, Research and Religion and Rural Development and Food, they set out issues relating to the organisation, administration, staff and operation, as well as the inclusion of these bodies in organic farming. ELGO DIMITRA person. The same decision lays down the conditions, conditions and procedure for the admission of pupils and the implementation of the class-practice exercise of the specializations of these persons. '

8. (a) The sub-indent (c) of (1) and (3) of Article 4 (d) 107/2014 shall be replaced by the following:

' (b) The point of reference in the case referred to in paragraph 1 (c) of the Annex to the Regulation shall be replaced by the following:

Effect 3 of par. For the purposes of Article 4, paragraph 107/2014, the following shall be read:

(f) The entry in the digital database, acts of changes in the competence of the Minister for Rural Development and Food for the properties administered by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 4061/2012, whichever is the case." (c) par. Article 15 (2) of the first paragraph of Article 15 of the Treaty

There is, as follows: "2) Internal Audit Unit, there is a"

(i) a member of the P5 Inspection Inspectors or the Department of Finance. ';

Article 45 The issues of the Organization of Greek

Agricultural Insurance

For the recruitment by the Greek Agricultural Insurance Agency (ELGA) of private private law for a certain period of time the deadline referred to in Article 20 of the Law. 4305/2014 (A΄ 237) is defined here-ten (12) months and provided that the relevant provision has been made for wage earners in the budget approved. In particular, the six-month deadline of Article 20 of the Law. Council Regulation (EC) No 4305/2014 on the conclusion of agreements between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the A decision of the Commission of the Commission of the Council Act of 33/06 is extended by 60 days, starting from the date of publication of the present law.


Article 46 Amendment of the provisions of n. 4235/2014 (V32)

1. Article 56 of the Law. 4235/2014 (A32) is replaced by the following:

" Article 56 Producers' markets-Construction

1. (a) In each Regional Section, producer markets may operate. Producer markets participate exclusively in producers of agricultural products, with a view to the direct marketing of fresh agricultural products which themselves produce and/or processed agricultural products, the main component of which is (b) In order to participate in a producer market, the producers will be able to participate in the production process.

They must be registered in the Register of Agricultural and Rural Development (M.A. SA), according to laws 3874/2010 (A151) and 2520/1997 ('173), as each time they apply, submit a single payment application and a single statement. Crop/farming. Producers participate in the producers' markets of the Regional Associations in which they have their agendas, as well as on the markets for the regional integrations. (c) For the organisation of the producer markets, the producer markets of the region of Attica and the Region of Thessaloniki may participate in the production of producer markets.

For each regional unit, a self-managed operator of a non-profit-making nature by the producers themselves, is designated as responsible for their operation and an internal operational plan is established. Each producer market may operate either in a public space determined after the approval of the relevant Chamber or the relevant Peripheral Unity or in a private area under the responsibility of the producers.

2. (a) Manufacturing is the processing, small scale, agricultural products by the producer, in the field of agricultural housing or of its agricultural production. The basic component of the finished product must be of own production. Craft products are defined for immediate disposal by eco-art in the manufacturing areas, in periodic local events, on popular markets, in producers' markets and in retail trade and catering. Technical preparation of meetingstock

Agricultural products have only natural persons who are professional farmers registered in the Register of Agricultural and Rural Processing (M.A. SA), in accordance with laws 3874/2010 (A151) and 2520/1997 ('173), as they apply each time, A request for a single payment and a single declaration of all-lift/rearing, and the members of their family. In their economic activity, professional farmers can use as a basic ingredient of the final product agricultural products with a maximum of their total production. The producer participating in a rural partnership shall be entitled to use in his building business the part of its production which is not required to be available to the company, in accordance with the Statute.

(c) In the Directorate for Programming and Development

The Ministry of Rural Development and Food agrees with the Central Electronic Register of Crafts (KEMO), which registers the producers and the types of products produced within the framework of the cottage industry. A 10 (10) euro (10) euro is set for the registration and renewal of the writing.

3. (a) By decision of the Ministers of the Interior and of the Organization for Economic Cooperation, Development and Tourism and Rural Development and Food and Food themselves: aa) The competent bodies, the supporting documents and the

(i) a procedure for the initiation, location and closure of the producer markets. (bb) The operating rules of the producer markets;

The monitoring of compliance with these rules, the imposition of cross-border penalties against offenders, the control and surveillance procedures and any necessary detail for the implementation of paragraph 1. B) By decision of the Minister for Rural Development

Food products are defined as the product types, the terms and conditions of production, transport, disposal and exposure, the maintenance, organisation and operation of KIMO, the imposition of penalties, the competent authorities and each other. Relating to the application of paragraph 2. '

2. The first two verses of par. Article 62 of the EC Treaty 4235/2014 (A32) are replaced by the following:

' 2. By decision of the Minister for Rural Development and Food, the necessary supplementary, organisational and implementing measures shall be laid down for the implementation of the provisions of the regulations and decisions of the EU institutions and for the transposition of directives. (a) the common agricultural policy; (b) the areas of competence of the Ministry of Agriculture;

The Committee of the Regions would like to stress the importance of the Commission's proposal for a Directive on the protection of the health and safety of workers at the workplace. These measures include, in particular, the definition of

The establishment and setting-up of collective bodies, the definition of responsibilities and administrative procedures, and the establishment of administrative and criminal sanctions in a gradual manner. '

Article 47 Amendment of the provisions of n. 4152/2013 (0107)

The case 1 of paragraph E. 10 of the paragraph In the first article of the v. 4152/2013 (A-107) is replaced by the following:

' 1. A natural or legal person who is a member of a person who is a member of the family is obliged to employ every establishment of a host of Lebanese who is responsible for full-time dependant work. A natural or legal person producing and moving -

There is a need for propagating material of plant species to be of concern to the establishment of production and marketing of multiple plant species of plant species on the basis of a contract of dependent work. Employment and social policy The very small enterprises remain


For the purposes of this Regulation, the Commission shall inform the Commission of the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women. Commission Decision 2003 /361/EC (OJ L 124 /36/20.5.2003), may concern the person responsible for the contract with a temporary employment contract. Plants of type A, B and the parent plantations of a Member State within the meaning of the micro-enterprise may be responsible for the scientific basis of a part-time employment contract or with an independent contract basis. Services. A plant in the form of 'A' or 'B' or 'parent plantations' within the meaning of the micro-enterprise, and which consists of one or more production facilities and the presence of such material within its headquarters. In the case of an undertaking and its members, it shall be understood as a single installation for the employment of an officer responsible. By a presidential decree, with the proposal of the Minister for Rural Development and Food, it is set up each issue concerning the terms and conditions of employment in charge of the undertakings in the present case. '

Article 48 Amendment of the provisions of the n. 4036/2012 (8)

1. The second indent of paragraph 1. Article 35 of the EC Treaty 4036/2012 is replaced by the following:

' (b) Until 26 November 2016, the issuing of a contract may be made at the time of the sale of the agricultural products. In this case, the electronic recording in a special form of the sale of geo-gic medicines, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 36, may be subject to a prescription for the use of a geo-g-gc drug by giving full details of the elements of the scientific Issued it. '

2. After the c's case Article 35 of the EC Treaty A new indent is added (d) as follows:

(d) In case of packaging of agricultural products: (aa) intended to be used in open air

Crops of which the area does not exceed a thousand square metres (1000 t.) and (bb) do not carry a hazard pictogram with neckke;

A prescription or a point of sale is issued by the end of the year.

In accordance with Article 36 (5) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/35, it is necessary to establish a system for the sale of agricultural products, in accordance with Article 36 (5), which is subject to a constitutional position on the use of agricultural products, giving full details of the scientific evidence which issued it. In this case, the responsible person responsible for selling the sale is required to provide general information on the risks to human health and the environment from the use of agricultural products, in particular with regard to sources of information. Risk, exposure, proper storage, handling and application, as well as safe disposal, in accordance with current waste legislation, as well as related low-risk solutions. '

3. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (b). Article 50 of the EC Treaty 4036/2012 is replaced by the following:

(i) The content and type of the recipe for the use of agricultural products, the procedure and the way

The period of validity, the period of validity, the scientific method followed for the adoption and selection of the active substances and any relevant issue for the application of the cases referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 35. '

Article 49 Transitional provisions

1. The "National Register of Agricultural Cooperative Organizations and Professional Organisations" set up by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food with Article 2 of the Law 4015/2011 (1 210), in the context of the exercise of State supervision over the AS, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 12 of Article 12 of the Constitution shall continue to operate and be complied with in accordance with the provisions of this law and shall be complied with in the National Register of Agricultural Associations and other Collective Bodies referred to in Article 19.

2. Those who operate and are registered in the register of Article 2 of the Law. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4015/2011 on the entry into force of this law, it shall be required to amend their statutes in accordance with the provisions of this law and to adapt to the provisions of Article 4 (1) in respect of their number of members, Of one (1) year after its inception. After the expiry of the period referred to in the first subparagraph, the AS, which have not been adjusted, shall be deleted from the register.

3. The AS, who have not applied for a first registration in the register referred to in Article 2 of the Law. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4015/2011 and those registered in this register as inactive, at the entry into force of the present law, may, within one (1) year from the date of entry into force of this law:

Article 24, with another existing in the publication of this law, which is registered in the register of n. 4015/2011 or (b) decide their solution and their position in

A liquidation; 4. (a) The CEAS of n. Council Regulation (EC) No 2810/2000

In accordance with the provisions of Article 50 of the Law. (A ' 269) and operating at the time of the entry into force of the present law, they shall be required to be converted into a CCT or CAS, by decision of their general meetings, within one (1) year after the entry into force of this law. After the expiry of that period, non-transfered ERCEs shall not be subject to the provisions of this law. (b) The ERCEs other than those of a

Of the n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2810/2000, with a net financial position or a viability plan approved by the creditor with the highest level of requirements operating at the time of the entry into force of this law, they are required to be converted into an AS of this law. A period of six (6) months after its entry into force by the merger of their agricultural cooperatives, following a decision of the general meetings of the ERC and the KAS converted to the quorum of Article 13 (1) and (2) And the majority of Article 14 (1). Members of the PM who come from the post shall be automatically the natural persons who are members of the


The Committee of the Committee of the European Central Bank and the Committee of the European For the rest, the provisions of Article 24 shall apply. After the expiry of the period of six (6) months, CCI and KAS which have not been transferred shall not be subject to the provisions of this law.

5. The RUs of n. In accordance with Article 33 of Regulation (EC) No 2810/2000, which operate at the time of the entry into force of this law, they shall be required to be transferred to an RU of Article 33 by a decision of their general meetings within one (1) year after the entry into force of this law. After the expiry of that period, the provisions of this law are not subject to the provisions of this law.

6. EAS, CEAS and KAS of n. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 2810/2000, which has already been transferred to agricultural cooperatives or to a rural partnership, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. They may carry out, within three (3) months after the entry into force of this law, any act which has either been carried out or carried out, which relates to the merger or conversion process. These operations must be approved by the general advent of the new rural partnership or partnership.

7. Rural partnerships set up, in accordance with Article 6 of the. They shall continue to operate in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of this law at the time of entry into force of this law.

8. Professional organisations existing at the time of entry into force of this law continue to operate in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of this law.

9. Agrietary actions set up, in accordance with Article 9 of the Law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of this law, they shall continue to operate in accordance with Article 35.

10. Producers' organisations, producer groups and associations of producer groups existing at the time of entry into force of this law shall continue to operate in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 of this law.

Article 50 Repealed provisions

1. From the date of entry into force of this law: (b) Article 31 (1) and (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2810/2000 (' 61). Point 7 of Article 47

N. Article 44 and Article 47 (1) to (6) and (8) shall be maintained in force. (c) Articles 1 to 4 and 6 to 16, 18, 19 and 19a.

4015/2011 (1 210), as applicable. Article 61 of the EC Treaty 4277/2014 (PARAGRAPH 156);

As amended by the par. Article 57 of the EC Treaty 4305/2014 (1 237). (e) par. Article 25 of the EC Treaty NO 4315/2014 (269). Article 1 of the n. No 2732/1999 (0154), as applicable. Article 62 of the EC Treaty 4235/2014 (032). (h) Any other provision, general or special, which shall

In contrast, or otherwise regulates the issues that are regulated by the provisions of this law.

2. From the date of entry into force of this law, the date of entry into force of 30.11.1940 "Passage of carcases" (1 419).

Article 51

1. Article 97 of the Law 4368/2016 (A) is replaced by the following:

' a. By way of derogation from any other general or specific provision of law, central, decentralised and general services of the Ministry of Health, and legal persons governed by public law (NIFs) and legal persons governed by private law (NVAT), which are obtained by the Ministry of Health, by decision of the Board of Directors (Board of Directors) or of the Administration or, where appropriate, their competent body, may be responsible for the cleaning of the buildings of their responsibility and the environment. Of these, as well as for their feeding and guarding, to conclude individual project contracts; or Work or provision of services by 31 December 2017 with natural persons, who have been or are working in person, without any personnel, cleaning or storage or feeding of the above entities, on the basis of any other relationship, or Contract, concluded either directly to these entities or by third natural or legal persons. The natural persons who enter into contracts;

In accordance with this Article, they are subject to IKA-ETAM insurance. The cost of concluding these contracts shall be borne and cleared at the expense of the budget appropriations of the bodies referred to in paragraph (a) of the present and must be within the limits of the funds available to them in the budget; As they have been evaluated for the satisfaction of cleaning, feeding and storage needs. The agreed financial contribution of each individual to the

However, it is not possible to determine whether or not there is a legal basis for the application of the paragraph (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 3 (a) of the Regulation. In the form of the above-mentioned financial contribution, all the respective foreseeable periods, increments and losses in accordance with the provisions of the single salary shall be included as applicable. In the same way, financial compensation is not included and the employer's contributions are not deducted, and they are counted as a percentage in addition to this amount. By decision of the Minister of Health, they may

The specific issues relating to the dispute, the conditions and any other details relating to the basis of the provisions of this Article. Agreements concluded up to the date of publication

Of this law, in accordance with Article 97 of the Law. 4368/2016 (1), as applicable, fall under the arrangements laid down in this Article from the date of their contract, and the expenditure relating thereto shall be regarded as short-term and cleared at the expense of the budget appropriations of the above entities. '

2 a. After the second paragraph of paragraph Article 44 of the EC Treaty The following paragraph is 4368/2016 (1 21):

' The same applies to those involved in the case-law. A/C 7237/ 29.1.2016 notice of vacancies and


General Hospital and Health Centers-Health Centers-Health Centers, WHO-Multiplier Regional Medics, Postgraduate Programme-Peripherals, P.E.D.-Special Regional Clinics and Ships of the Ministry of Health and were not selected." Other: At the end of par. Point 6 of Article 44

N. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof,

(') No A/C 7237/ 29.1.2016 opening of vacancies and vacancies General Hospital-Centers for Health, Public Health Centers, Postgraduate Polygon-Regional Medics, Regional Medics, Special Regional Medics and Special Regional Clinics, and Of the Ministry of Health, after taking over the service to fulfil the compulsory service of the countryside. ' Other: The par. Article 44 of the EC Treaty 4368/2016 (1) a -

Displayed as follows: ' 5. The Governor of the competent State Department is assigned, a -

From the responsibilities of the Vice-President and in terms of the term of office of the case-holder of the case (c) of (c) (c). In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 106/2014 (1 173), the secondment of the Medical Board to a hospital in the country, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, Article 20 of the EC Treaty Council Regulation (EEC) No 1963/1991 (1 183) and the approval of the extension of the term of office of the field offices of rural areas in PIC. -State-of-the-art dispensary, P.E.D. -Health centers, P.E.D. -Po-Lyceum Regional Clinic, P.E.D. -Regional Medical and General Hospital-Health Centres in the country, as provided for in Article 8 of the Law. 4316/2014 (PARAGRAPH 270). The decision of the extension and the possibility of this acceptance, as well as the suspension of the countryside medical services which have been extended will be notified by the International Board of Directors within 10 (10) days at the competent authorities of the Member States. Ministry of Health." Other: In the first paragraph of the second paragraph of the second paragraph of the second paragraph.

Article 45 of the EC Treaty ('), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 3205/2003 (A297), as applicable, the words' of the territories i to i'n 'shall be replaced by' territories i to n '. This Decision begins on 4.12.2015.

3. Article 58 of the Treaty. 4316/2014 (A ' 270), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' 1. By decision of the Minister for Health, they are set up, merged and abolished public iEK of n. 4186/2013 (A ' 193) The Committee on Health and Welfare referred to in Article 24 of the same law, under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Health. The competence of the organisation and operation of the organisation belongs to the legal institutions, where they operate and constitute their annexes. The education and training framework of their educational framework belongs to the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning by the Ministry of Tourism, Research and Religion. A decision of the Health Minister is defined as the start of their operation (spring and spring semester), the specialty and the department in which they operate and are housed. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction and Health, each issue relating to the operation, staff of the IEK and any necessary details is required.

2. The organizational positions held by the teacher,

Administrative and other staff ('TE ') which shall be taken to the repealed potential of the n. 4186/2013 Professional Schools (EPC) Assistant to Nurses. The Ministry of Health, as well as the staff serving in them, has the same employment relationship in the same category, industry, grade and speciality in the management of the Ministry of Health. 4186/2013 of the Department of Health, which constitute annexes to the hospitals. The licences and the hours of the Governing Council of the ICI.E. C. 4186/2013 are governed by the provisions in force for the non-compulsory teaching staff of Deuteronomy. Empty organisational positions of the IP14 and the IP

18 of the National Health Ministers of the Department of Health are transferred and incorporated into the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Health. The organizational positions of the PIP17 are converted into

In this context, the Commission has decided to set up a European Agency for the Development of Industry, the European Parliament and the European Parliament. The transfer and integration of the above staff

Is to be obtained by an act of the commander of the hospital. The validity of the preceding subparagraphs shall refer to the

15.9.2015. At the first application of this qualification

The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. 1566/1985 (1 37), as it stands. Those who will henceforth receive training positions

Staff other than the above qualifications have to hold a certified competence for vocational training within the framework of the Lifelong Learning, as specified in the relevant Professional Training Programme Certification. The institutions of administrative and other staff ('TE ') of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Health shall be abolished in any way from-leave the posts of the staff responsible for them. Paragraph 2 (a) of the present

3. In the event of the repeal of IAS, the educational, administrative and other staff ('TE ') which has been taken into account in nursing (the educational and other staff {TE}) and administrative (administrative staff) A department of the Nursing Foundations falling within the territory of the same geographical region. '

4 a. In par. Article 73 of the EC Treaty 4368/2016 (' ' 21) '30.6.2015' is replaced by '31.3.2016'. Other: The validity of the provisions referred to in paragraph 1. Article 28 of the

Article 66 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3984/2011 (1 150) and Article 37 of the Law 4238/2014 (1 38) as extended, extended until 31.3.2016.

5. The positions of already in-service regular nursing, paramedical and other personnel, all sectors and categories, of the central service of the Health Department and their surveillance bodies, are emptied because of the occupation of young people Positions in other bodies by the above staff, following the success of this ASEP competition,


Shall be determined by the following in the mixing tables, by way of derogation from each general and specific provision. This provision is valid from the date of release-as of 4K (ΦEK 5 '/15.10.2015) and 5K (ΦEK 6' /27.10.2015) notices of ASEP. Any further details may be determined by a joint decision of the Minister of Health and by the case of a competent minister.

6 a. At the end of the second indent of paragraph (b). That is not the case, Mr President. The following paragraph is 4368/2016 (1 21):

' The issued by the relevant financial services of the IFRSs, under the provisions of Decree-Law 496/1974, financial aid intensities for the benefit of the health providers, other than pharmacists, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The document is accompanied by the documents of the competent bodies of the European Parliament certifying compliance and the outcome of the winding-up proceedings. The prudential supervision of the Court of Auditors on these financial payments shall be carried out on the basis of the same documents, with full access to the supporting documents on the basis of which the clearance was carried out. It is not uncommon. In any event, the Commissioner may extend the control to the border of the supporting documents supporting the expenditure concerned, even if they were not included in the sample. ' Other: At the end of the case (d) of par. Article 5

12 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3816/2010 (6), as amended, is added as follows:

' The administrative penalty of exclusion from a positive one shall also be imposed on the holder of a MAH, who shall not be brought before the Commission. ' Other: By decision of the Minister of Health, they shall be deleted;

The requirements of the Nursing Foundations of the ESU. (NPCT) vis-a-vis the State, which are provided by services provided to it (receivable banknotes) at the level of their annual financial operations by the State Budget (Fig. 210 /ECE 2325, 2326) for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, Independently of the time on which they are based, on the basis of the respective obligations of the IFRIC in respect of the abovementioned Nursing Institutions, which come from the listed services. The above entities are obliged to make the

Illustration of the results of the claims mentioned in the above paragraph of requirements and sub-charges, in the financial statements (balance sheets) of the year 2016.

7. In the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 (d). Article 21 of the EC Treaty 3580/2007 ('134 '), as is the case, after the words' primary health care ' is inserted as follows:

' or the budget of the European Parliament, if they cover a-nags of the SNB .. '

8. The term of office of the members of the Administrative Councils of the Nurses is extended by the end of and until the appointment of a new Commander and/or Deputy Diiki;

The, by way of derogation from any general and specific provision. This provision applies from 1.12016.

Article 52

At the end of the ninth paragraph of par. A. 1 of point 20 of n. The following subparagraph shall be added: 4354/2015 (1 176)

' For the year 2016, the relevant decisions of the NIFs and of the IFRSs that have been published or to be published in the middle of the year shall be valid from 1 January 2016. '

Article 53

1. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction, Finance and the Ministry of State, to which the responsibilities of the Directorate-General for Information and Communication have been delegated, a Special Communication Service is recommended; The design of a refugee and immigration policy, which is part of the Directorate-General for Communication and Communication and is intended to communicate to the public, the effective coordination of the communication actions of the participants. Authorities and departments, as well as the updating of the Greek representatives and The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the

2. The same decision shall specify the responsibilities of the Special Service, set out the organisation, organisation and composition of staff by category and industry, as well as any other details necessary for its operation.

3. At the same time, it is stipulated that this special service may be set up as a single administrative structure, which is to be preceded by a firm line specialist in the category of special posts, while the other provisions are applied. Article 53 of the Code of law for the Government and the Polish institutions, ratified by Article 1 (d) of Council Regulation (EC) No 63/2005 (1 98).

Article 54 Modification of provisions of n. 4354/2015

Article 18 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 4354/2015 (1 176) is amended as follows:

" The demonstration of dangerous and unhealthy labour. Article 15 of the EC Treaty On the same terms and subject to the same conditions, it shall continue to be paid at the same level under the same conditions and conditions to the beneficiaries designated by the Ministerial Decisions adopted pursuant to the above provisions and of those provisions. Article 67 of n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4235/2014 (2), except in the case of a full exemption from the duties or their work for trade union reasons, without prejudice to the subsequent alignment of the scheme with the corresponding European legislation, 31.12.2017. '


Article 55 Extension of short-term review

Updates of Article 4 of the n. 3869/2010 (130)

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 2 of Article 2 (2) of the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Law 4336/2015 (1 94), as replaced by Article 3 (1) of the article. 4366/2016 (1), replaced by the following:

' The debtors, whose main application was made on 19 August 2015, shall be required until 30 June 2016, and until such time as the request for their application has not taken place, to submit to the Court, where the application is complied with, A dossier of their application, updating the information referred to in Article 4 (1) and (2). 3869/2010. '

Article 56

The Commission adopted the following measures: DP0005159/586B EO 2015/7.4.2015 Joint Decision of the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction " Relief, with trade, of the right to use of soles, beach, grass and nostrils The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. 1), as applicable, extended until 30.4.2017. Contributions to the right of use to third parties who have expired or expire by 30.4 2016, shall not be retained.

Article 57

In par. Article 48 of the EEC Treaty 998/1979, as replaced by Article 36 of the Law. 4280/2014, second paragraph, as follows:

' In these areas the framework of the opening of roads shall be governed by the provisions referred to in paragraph 15 of Article 45 of this Regulation. '

Article 58

In n. Article 13a shall be added as follows:

' Article 13a Employment of irregular third-party citizens

Countries in the agricultural economy

1. If the working positions provided for in the Joint Ministerial Decision referred to in Article 11 (1) of this Regulation for the work in the agricultural economy are not covered by the procedure laid down in Articles 12 and 13 of this Regulation, the employer may submit At the competent authority of the central administration of the place by means of a request for exemption from third-country nationals who are deprived of the right of residence in the country in order to address an urgent need for rural development For the purposes of this Regulation, The application shall indicate the number of work subjects in accordance with the culture of culture;

(i) the area or livestock unit per worker under the common ministerial decision referred to in Article 11 (3), the data and citizenship of the citizens of third countries, the specific quality and the period of employment. (a) the Single European Act or the Single European Act;

Eating Article 9 of the n. Council Regulation (EC) No 3877/2010 (A-160), (b) the employer's statement of responsibility

A situation of force majeure if it is unable to conclude in good time working parties to meet the needs of its transfer, (c) provided for in Article 13 (3)

Supporting documents; 2. Applications are dealt with in chronological order;

(ii) to take account of the fact that, as a result of the completion of the internal market, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of the EC Treaty in respect of the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the territory of another Member State. Ministerial Decision of Article 11 (1). The authorisation granted for the exceptional employment of third-country nationals is a reason for postponement and the provisions of Article 24 of the Law shall apply accordingly. NO 3907/2011 (7). The competent authorities of the central administration shall send to the competent authorities of the Civil Service Directorate the instrument of approval granted. Where a return decision has already been issued, the competent police authority shall issue a statement of deferral by way of application of the application. Article 24 of the Law In accordance with Article 6 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 3907/2011, as long as there is no need for public order and security, in accordance with Article 6 (c). Where no refund decision has been issued, a refund decision shall be issued by the competent authority and, subsequently, a confirmation of a postponement shall be issued by application of the decision. President. - Thank you very much, Mr President. NO 3907/2011. The citizens of third countries, whose removal has been postponed, shall submit to the Region of the place their application for a work permit pursuant to Article 3 of that Regulation. 53619/735/2015 decision of the Ministers of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, Economy, Development and Tourism and Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity (B ' 2631). The Regione notifies the donors of the licences to be granted to the relevant OG correspondent and to the relevant department of the Labour inspectorates.

3. Employer employed by third-country nationals pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not be subject to the penalties provided for in Articles 85, 87 and 88 of the Law. 4052/2012 (41).

4. The citizens of third countries who are employed in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article in the agricultural economy shall be insured in the Agricultural Insurance Agency with work, pursuant to Article 27 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2639/1998 (1 205) and Article 20 of the Law. 3863/2010 (1 115).

5. With a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Development and Labour, Social Affairs and Social Solidarity and Social Solidarity, there are issues relating to the promotion of expenditure in this area.


(iii) the costs of the workers, the calculation of their taxable income and any other relevant issues. '

Article 59

1. In par. Article 2 of the Law In addition, the following indent shall be added after the case: 1474/1984 (1st 128):

' (j) The GEOTEE may, either by itself or by drawing up programme contracts with public and private sector bodies, provide its assistance and support to organisations, businesses, individuals and individuals in order to resolve their issues. In order to promote its objective, through studies, knowledge and advice, and to promote its links to educational institutions for education, education and training services, in particular through education and training. Programmes and other programmes, vis-à-vis a private sector, the amount of which is determined by the Decision of the Board of Governors of the EUMM. It may also implement and contribute to the implementation of programmes and actions financed by national resources, by the European Union or by international organisations. The resulting revenue shall be deposited with the EUMM's assigned revenue code and shall be made available exclusively for the purpose of the closing of its legislative objectives as laid down in this Article. For the most effective provision of such services, the GEOTEE may recommend paid allowances. '

2. In par. Article 13 of the Law 1474/1984, new cases will be added to the case as follows:

' (i) Revenue from the provision of advisory services, education, training and training services to organisations, enterprises, individuals and members of the EUMM. (j) Revenue from implementation and participation in pre -

Programmes and actions financed by national resources, the European Union or international organisations. '

3. After par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty A new paragraph 8 is added as follows:

' 8. For the controls on par. Article 14 of the Law See Part One, No 3460/2006 (A-105), as replaced by Article 27 of the Law. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3698/2008 (1 198), which shall be carried out outside the hours and in the case of Sundays and public health at the points of entry, exit and clearance, in the premises under a customs procedure, in slaughterhouses and in any other place where the dispute is concerned; Audits-inspections, including intra-Community movement, at the request of any natural or legal person governed by private law and where the fees are paid in return is determined for the auditors by a joint decision. Ministers of the Interior and of Administrative Reconstruction, Economic and Rural Development And Food. '

Article 60

The function of the Vocational Schools (EDP) of the n. The Ministry of Rural Development and Food is hereby extended for the years 2017-2018, 2018-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and ended on 15 September 2022.


Article 61 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall start from its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, other than in accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 16, the validity of which shall begin two years after the publication of the present law in its Official Journal. Government,


Athens, 2016