Key Benefits:
The Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity and the Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs,
In the light of article L. 236-9 of the Labour Code;
Having regard to Articles R. 236-40, R. 236-41 and R. 236-42 of the Labour Code;
Having regard to the orders of 9 February 2001 and 18 March 2002, as amended by the Order of 28 August 2002, for the approval of the experts to whom the Committee Health, safety and working conditions can be appealed;
In view of the opinions of the High Council for the Prevention of Occupational Risks of 5 and 13 December 2002;
In the opinion of the National Commission for Hygiene and Safety at the Work in agriculture,
Approved as experts to which the hygiene, safety and working conditions committee may Appeal, for a period of three years, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2005, the following bodies:
Alternatives Ergonomie, 20, avenue Adrien-Raynal, 94310 Orly, in the fields of occupational health and safety and the organisation Work and production;
CATEIS, 46, boulevard Longchamp, 13001 Marseille, in the field of work organisation and production;
ERETRA, 17, rue de la Capsulerie, 93170 Bagnolet, in the fields of health and safety at the Work and organization of work and production;
Ergos Ergonomics, Savoie Technolac, BP 261, 73375 Le Bourget-du-Lac, in the fields of occupational health and safety and the organization of work and production, with the Ergonomics specialty;
Essor Consultants, 14, rue Gorge-de-Loup, 69009 Lyon, in the fields of occupational health and safety and the organization of work and production;
GRETACT, 16, avenue Victor-Hugo, 92220 Bagneux, in the The field of work organisation and production, with the specialty ergonomics and design;
Indigo Ergonomics, 325, avenue de Verdun, 33700 Mérignac, in the fields of occupational health and safety and the organization of work; Production, with the ergonomic speciality;
Nuance Ergonomie, 7, passage from the Fonderie, 75011 Paris, in the fields of health and safety at work and the organization of work and production, with the speciality psychology of the Work and ergonomics;
Syndex, 27, rue des Petites-Ecuries, 75010 Paris, in the fields of occupational health and safety and the organization of work and production;
Technologia, 10, rue des Messageries, 75010 Paris, in the Health and safety at work and work organisation and production, with the speciality evaluation and risk control.
Approved as experts to which the Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions may appeal, for a period of two years, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2004, the bodies listed Following:
Ackia, 88 ter, avenue du General-Leclerc, BP 88, 92105 Boulogne Cedex, in the field of work organisation and production;
Actitudes, 9, rue Marcel-Sembat, 44100 Nantes, in the fields of health and safety at the Work and organization of work and production, with the ergonomic speciality;
ARETE, 35, rue de Metz, 75010 Paris, in the field of work organisation and production;
Artis Facta, 51, rue de l' Amiral-Mouchez, 75013 Paris, in the fields of health and safety at work and the organization of work and production;
CATEIS, 46, boulevard Longchamp, 13001 Marseille, in the field of health and safety at work;
CELIDE, 43 bis, rue D' Hautpoul, 75019 Paris, in the fields of health and safety at work and the organization of work and production;
Ergonomics and Skills, 2-4, villa Gagliardini, 75020 Paris, in the fields of health and safety at work And the organization of work and production;
Michel-Merit, 7, rue René-Hersen, 49240 Avrillé, in the field of occupational health and safety, with the ergonomic speciality and recourse to the psychodynamic approach of the work.
Approved as experts to which the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee may appeal, for a Duration of one year, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2003, the following organization:
Initiative Pluriels, 5, rue Saulnier, 75009 Paris, in the fields of health and safety at work and the organization of work and production.
Physical persons, employed persons, of the above recognised organisations may only carry out expert opinions on behalf of They.
This Order is taken without prejudice to the provisions of the orders of 9 February 2001 and 18 March 2002, Amended by the Order of 28 August 2002, referred to above.
Registration is granted on a precarious and revocable basis at any time by the Ministers responsible for labour and agriculture, pursuant to the provisions of Article R. 236-40 of the Labour Code in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of the above articles.
The Director of Labour Relations and the Director of Operations, Social Policy and Employment shall each be responsible for the execution of the present Order, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 26, 2002.
The Minister of Social Affairs,
for Work and Solidarity,
For the Minister and by delegation:
Director Job relationships,
J.-D. Combrexelle
Minister of Agriculture, Food,
Fisheries and Rural Affairs,
For the Minister and delegation:
By preventing the Director from Farms,
social policy and employment:
The chief engineer for rural engineering,
V. Metrich-Hecquet