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The Law On The Order Of A Set Of Traffic

Original Language Title: Laki järjestyksen pitämisestä joukkoliikenteessä

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Law on keeping order in public transport

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In accordance with the decision of the Parliament:


Flexible transport For the purposes of this Act, rail passenger services, tramway, metro and bus services.

The provisions of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conductor, the inspector, the fund or any other person belonging to a transport person who is responsible for maintaining order. In the form of a vehicle and which has a uniform or a badge indicating that position, or any other clearly identifiable symbol.


The passenger may not be disturbed by noise or by any other behaviour by passengers or the driver. He shall comply with the provisions of the driver necessary to maintain order or security.


The driver may refuse to take a person who has been drunk as a passenger, which, on the basis of his violent, threatening or noisy behaviour, is likely to cause a disturbance.

The driver shall have the right to remove the passenger causing the vehicle disruption, which, despite the driver's ban, has continued to cause the disruption. If the passenger cannot be removed immediately, the driver shall be entitled, if necessary, to catch him until such time as the removal is possible. The passenger shall be entitled, at the request of the driver, to provide the necessary assistance to remove or catch a passenger causing a disturbance. The driver shall also be entitled to take out the law of order in the open or open container (612/2003) Is intended to be a substance in the form of a traveller who, in spite of the ban, continues to enjoy the substance of the substance in the vehicle. The withdrawn intoxicating substance should be disposed of in evidence. (14.8.2009/644)

In the case referred to in paragraph 2, the driver shall be entitled to assistance from the police. (7.4.1995/499)

The passenger must not be removed from the vehicle if it poses a risk to his health.

§ 4 (13.6.2003/524)

If, in the event of resistance, the passenger must be removed or detained by the means of transport, in spite of the lifting of the removal or removal or the intoxicating agent, it shall be continued in the open or open container The consumption of a substance, the driver has the right to use, in order to remove or extract a passenger, or to remove a substance in an open or open container, the necessary means of force which may be considered to be justified when: Take account of the behaviour of the passenger and other circumstances. The same right is the driver who helps the driver. (14.8.2009/644)

Exexaggeration of the use of force is punishable under criminal law. (39/1889) Article 6 of Chapter 4 (3) and Article 7.

§ 5 (24.7.98)

The penalty for the opposition of a driver, a person assimilated to him, or a passenger who assists them upon request, shall be punished. Article 6 of Chapter 17 of the Penal Code -In.

ARTICLE 6 (27.6.2003/615)

The penalty for the disruption of public order and the safety of public transport by means of public transport is laid down in the order of order (2003) .

§ 7

This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 1977.

Entry into force and application of amending acts:


This Act shall enter into force on 1 October 1995.

THEY 57/94 , HaVM 20/94


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1999.

THEY 6/1997 , 117/1997 , LaVM 3/1998, SuVM 2/1998, EV 60/1998


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2004.

THEY 44/2002 , LaVM 28/2002 EV 261/2002


This Act shall enter into force on 1 October 2003.

THEY 20/2002 , HVM 28/2002,


This Act shall enter into force on 1 November 2009.

THEY 84/2008 , LaVM 11/2009, EV 95/2009