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Law Amending The Law On Social Services (Municipal Board's Organisation Of Citizens ' Free Choice Of Supplier Of Home Help And Fritvalgsbevis)

Original Language Title: Lov om ændring af lov om social service(Kommunalbestyrelsens tilrettelæggelse af borgernes frie valg af leverandør af hjemmehjælp og fritvalgsbevis)

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Law on Social Services Act

(The municipal management organisation of citizens ' free choice of home aid and free-election certificate)

We, by God's grace, the Queen of the Danes, do our thing.

The parliament has adopted the following law, and we know that the following law has been approved by Parliament's consent :

§ 1

In the Act of Social Services, cf. Law Order no. 810 of 19. July 2012, as amended by Section 12 of Law No 1380 of 23. December 2012 and Section 1 of the Law No 1400 by 23. December 2012, the following changes are made :

1. § 91 ITREAS :

" § 91. The local authorities shall provide the basis for the choice of recipients of assistance under sections 83 to choose between two or more suppliers of this assistance, one of which may be local to the local authority.

Paragraph 2. The local authorities shall, in order to comply with the obligation to comply with paragraph 1, 1 as a minimum

1) enter into contract with two or more suppliers, or

2) offer recipients a free choice of certificate, which grants citizens who have been searched for assistance after Article 83, access to the individual citizens themselves entering an agreement with a cvr registered company for the execution of the aid, cf. however, paragraph 1 3.

Paragraph 3. The local authorities may, in exceptional cases, take a decision that a citizen may not receive the aid provided for in paragraph 1. 2, no. 2.

Paragraph 4. The local authorities shall guide the citizens who receive a free choice of evidence after paragraph 1. 2, no. 2, on the scheme.

Paragraph 5. The municipality Board shall determine the value of the free choice, cf. paragraph 2, no. 2, for each of the categories of benefits referred to in Article 83, which the municipal board has decided to offer in the scheme. The Municipality Board shall count on the supplier the citizen has chosen, cf. paragraph 2, no. 2, at the price that corresponds to the value of the free-election evidence, cf. paragraph 6.

Paragraph 6. The Social and Integration Minister shall lay down detailed rules on the return obligation for the supplier ' s return obligation, cf. paragraph 2, no. 1 and 2, and on the organisation of the free-election certificate, cf. paragraph 2, no. 2, and rules on the basis for the calculation basis and publication of the value of the free choice. `

2. § 92 revoked.

3. I § 93, paragraph. 1, is replaced by ' § § 91, 92, 94 and 94 b ` to : "§ § 91 and 94".

4. § 94 b revoked.

§ 2

Law no. 314 of 28. April 2009 amending the Social Services Act (Providing Suppliers and Ticket to Personal and Praedifying Service) is hereby amended as follows :

1. Section 2 (2). 2, revoked.

§ 3

Paragraph 1. The law shall enter into force on 1. April 2013.

Paragraph 2. Citizens who, before the entry into force of the law, have selected a service certificate in accordance with section 94 b of the Law on Social Services and who has employed a person or signed agreement with a company to carry out the help, however, may continue with this scheme to and with the 30. September 2013, according to the current paragraph 94 b.

The spout in Copenhagen, the 23rd. March 2013

Under Our Royal Hand and Segl


/ Karen Vengeup