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Act On Public Roads

Original Language Title: Bekendtgørelse af lov om offentlige veje

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The division of roads and the road authorities

Chapter 2 General provisions on the administration of the road

Chapter 3 Weather Planning

Chapter 4 Safety of road plants

Chapter 5 Expropriation and tariff

Chapter 6 Access to public roads

Chapter 7 Relationship to rail

Chapter 8 Expires of road area in matriclen.Revd

Chapter 9 Submission of public and public roads

Chapter 10 Public paths

Chapter 11 Various countenor over public roads

Chapter 12 Various provisions


Publication of law on public roads

In this way, the law on public roads is announced, cf. Law Order no. 671 of 19. August 1999, with the changes resulting from paragraph 2 of Law No 1. 172 of 19. 1 March 2001, section 16 of law no. 466 of seven. June 2001, section 56 of law no. 145 of 25. In March 2002, Section 1 of Law No 156 of 12. 1 March 2003, section 1 of Law No 1. 233 of 2. April 2003, section 70 of Law No 431 of 6. June 2005, section 1 of law no. 583 of 24. June 2005, Section 96 of Law No 538 of eight. June 2006 and section 1 of the Law No 320 of 30. April 2008.

Chapter 1

The division of roads and the road authorities

§ 1. For the purposes of this law, public roads, streets, bridges and spaces are open to ordinary traffic and are administered by State or municipality under this law.

Paragraph 2. The public roads are divided into highways and the local authorities.

Road authorities

§ 2. SECRPM 1) shall be the chief administrative authority of the main road and shall, by the way, exercise the powers granted to the minister by that law.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport may, in the Ministry of Transport, set up the authority to exercise the powers conferred on it by the Transport Minister.

Paragraph 3. The Minister for Transport may lay down rules on the access to decisions taken under the authority of paragraph 1. 2, including the fact that the decisions must not be taken for the transport minister.

Paragraph 4. The administration of the main roads shall be given to a Directorate-General for the Ministry of Transport. The procedure for the activities of the Directorates shall be determined by the Minister for the Transport Minister.

Paragraph 5. The municipal boards are the administrative authority for the municipalities.

Paragraph 6. For the purpose of this law, the law referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply. 4 and 5 authorities referred to.

§ 3. (The case).


§ 4. The decisions of the Municipal Management Board shall be subject to appeal to the Minister for Transport in respect of legal issues in accordance with this law. however, paragraph 1 2.

Paragraph 2. The decisions of the board shall be able to appeal to the Minister for Transport in accordance with Article 49.

Paragraph 3. The time limit shall be four weeks from the date on which the decision has been issued. In the case of a decision on which public proclaim is made, the time limit for publication shall be considered. However, where there is a particular reason for that, the public office may, in advance of the declaration of the weighting board, disregard the overrun of the draft deadline.

Paragraph 4. Decisions which may be lodged shall contain information concerning the appeal may be made by the authority and the time limit for the submission of a complaint.

Paragraph 5. Complained by a decision does not release the complainant to comply with this. However, the draft authority may decide that the appeal shall have a proratory effect.

Paragraph 6. Decisions to be complained in accordance with paragraph 1. 1, may not be brought before the courts until this redress is used. Search targets shall be estimated within 6 months of the notification of the Authority ' s decision.


§ 5. Disputes between the local authorities on road transport are determined by the minister of transport.

Paragraph 2. Disputes between a road management and a supply company of cables in and over road area, cf. sections 101 and 106 are determined by the minister of transport.

Norms and so on

§ 6. The Minister for Transport may lay down general rules and standards for the construction, maintenance and operation of the public roads, including the conditions for the environment, for the grading conditions and for such conditions, which are, incidentally, of relevance to : the uniformity of the road network and road safety.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport may lay down guidelines for the allocation of road-traffic measures in intersection of roads under different road hayboards.

Paragraph 3. The Minister for Transport may lay down rules on the use of telematics in the road sector, as well as provisions on the collection and dissemination of information for road safety traffic safety and traffic-traffic.

§ 6 a. The Minister for Transport may lay down rules for the payment for establishment, administration and operation of road-service guidance for enterprises.

Paragraph 2. If the one in paragraph 1 In the case of payment, interest shall be added to the interest rate in accordance with the interest-tent law. Furthermore, the Minister for Transport may lay down rules for payment for remininers relating to the payments made.

Paragraph 3. If the payment after several memory letters is not being given, the road-board may, without further notice, strip the establishment of the right to the road and take the road to the road.

Road sector tasks, by the way

§ 7. The Minister for Transport is responsible for a synthesis road and traffic planning and for the studies that are needed for this.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport may be undertaking technical, economic and statistical studies which are of significance for planning, facilities and maintenance of the main roads or for the road to the road as a whole, and to lay down rules for the municipal management board ; participation in the provision of the necessary data and planning basis.

Paragraph 3. The Transport Minister can create databases containing information about the public road network. The Minister for Transport shall lay down detailed guidance on the contents of the databases and on the reporting of the information on the public road network.

Road Registry

§ 8. The road boards shall draw up a list of all public roads under their board of directors.

Paragraph 2. The Minister shall lay down general guidelines for the preparation and publication of the directories.

§ 9. (The case).

Chapter 2

General provisions on the administration of the road

§ 10. It is the responsibility of the road-boards to keep their public roads in the same condition as the nature and size of the transport sector.

Paragraph 2. The road boards determine the works to be carried out on their roads and shall keep the costs associated with securing and other preparatory actions, facilities, operation and maintenance of these roads, unless otherwise determined.

Paragraph 3. A municipal guidance board may be able to make the work referred to in paragraph 1. 2, carry out a second road-board measure and offer an offer on works that are offered by a second weighing board in tendering procedure. The Minister for Transport lays down detailed rules on this

§ 11. In specific cases, the Minister for Transport, with a separate appropriation for the Finance Bill, can make contributions to municipal road purposes.

§ 12. (The case).

§ 13. When new roads are built and made up, there may be provision for the provision of the road to certain species of public fertility to be determined. The decision is made by the road-board after negotiation with the police, however, for the main road transport minister after debate with the Minister for Justice.

Main roads

§ 14. It is determined by law which public roads are to be the main roads and the new main roads to be taken. The decommissioning of public roads as major highways is also taking place.

Paragraph 2. Determination of the admission and abandonments of main highways in the context of minor road transport, the regulation of intersections, etc. may be taken by the directorate.

Paragraph 3. Before legislative proposals in accordance with paragraph 1. 1 shall be submitted and before a provision shall be made in accordance with paragraph 1. 2, must be negotiated with the municipal authorities in whose territory the road runs.

Paragraph 4. When a main road is transferred to the municipality, the terms of the transition should be set in the absence of a consensus between the Guidance and the future road hauliers of transport.

§ 15. (The case).

§ 16. Before a projected major major road transport system is brought to completion, the local authority authorities, in whose territory the route of the road is to be granted, must have access to their views.

§ 17. The Minister for Transport may, by means of a public authority, grant such authorisations and derogations as regards the main roads, as provided for by this law by the Guidance Board.

§ 18. Where the main roads are or are developed as motorways, care must be taken for the provision and operation of additional facilities, the location immediately of which is considered to be of particular importance for the transport and the transport of goods ; Travel.

Paragraph 2. The transport minister may for the purposes set out in paragraph 1. 1, forpagate such areas, where appropriate for expropriation, obtained for the weighting, possibly with a particular purpose to the purpose and to end the agreement with the tenant for the provision and operation of fixed installations or buildings ; Prenowned land.

Paragraph 3. After the minister's rule, the rules set out in paragraph 1 1 and 2 shall apply to other main road routes.

§ 19. The costs of any necessary lighting on main roads shall be included among the ship ' s and operating expenses.

Paragraph 2. However, the Antilated and Operating Expenses for Lighting on Main road routes which flow through urban areas with close, continuous settlement shall be borne by the municipality. However, these costs may be borne by the Treasury, where the light is significantly designed to ensure the safety of the main road.

20. Where a main road sander is applied to a municipality or a joint local authority company costs to rearrange or transfer of wires or tracks, these costs shall be borne by the Treasury Fund.

§ 21. (The case).

§ 22. (The case).


-23. The local authorities shall determine the new local authorities ' routes and the existing local countours to be closed down. The city council may record public roads and private common roads as Community roads.

§ 24. Before a decision is taken on the construction of, abandonating or implementing major works on the local authorities, including significant changes in the cross-profile and so on, which are relevant to the capacity of the road, the Directorates must have : The opportunity to make a statement if the local authority of the municipality is cutting, will cut, or have, or have a connection with an existing or planned main road or the route of the route or the route of the route of the route.

§ 25. (The case).

Chapter 3

Weather Planning

SECTION 26. The road boards shall draw up, taking into account the other plans in the area of plans for the construction of new roads, the greater planning of existing roads and other major works, including essential changes to the cross-profiled transverbial system ; performed on their road network.

§ 27. Road plans for main roads are confirmed by the minister of transport.

Paragraph 2. Before a main road sander is sought on the road plan, the road boards, in whose territory the road runs, must be given the opportunity to express their views.

§ 28. Before a municipal roadside installation is accepted at the local authority's roadside plan, the municipalities whose roads will cut or be connected to the planned road-installation site shall be given the opportunity to express their views.

§ 29. Moreover, if a municipal road installation will cut or have a connection with any existing or planned main road or comprising route or an existing route number, the road-directorate shall have the opportunity to express their opinion before the installation on the road to the installation, The local counleboard's weather plan.

-$30. When a final decision has been taken in accordance with the preceding paragraphs, the installation shall be recorded on the basis of the road ' s roadway plan.

Paragraph 2. It shall be the responsibility of any weighing board to keep a record of the facilities that are taken at its roadside plan.

§ 31. The Minister for Transport may lay down detailed rules for the publication of the road plans and design of the road plantations.

§ 32. Where a road installation is engaged at the roadside, the road safety management board may ensure its implementation by applying the provisions set out in this Act of Section 35 and acquired properties in accordance with the rules laid down in Chapter 5 of this Act, when this is deemed necessary for the purpose of : avoid undue costs for subsequent implementation of the installation.

§ 33. If a guidance board wishes to give up an installation engaged at the roadside plane, be held in the same manner as specified in section 27-29.

Paragraph 2. Once the installation has been deleted from the plan, the road board shall be responsible for the removal of the construction lines and other safeguards of the installation.

Chapter 4

Safety of road plants

§ 34. When the person on board considers that road traffic is concerned a public route should be given the possibility of extending to a wider width, or that the best way to do so is to make provision for the provision of the building lines. The rule lines shall normally be determined in relation to the midterms of the road. On both sides of the road, the distance between the two sides of the road shall not exceed 100 m for main roads and other route numbers and 50 metres in other local countenets. If only a structure line is taken on the one side of the road, the distance to the opposite side of the road shall not exceed the abomentioned objectives.

Paragraph 2. Where it is desirable for the free-cross-cross-crossing point of view, it may be desirable to establish a different location of the building line other than the one in paragraph 1. 1 Provided, the Directors shall be able to decide.

Paragraph 3. In the areas in front of a barley line, new setting-up must not be rebuilt, including by building or reconstructing the incinerated or demolition, just as essential changes must not be made to existing setting-up. In such areas, non-sporting spaces, graveyards, tankerers, pitchforks or other installations shall not be made to the sporting spaces, graveyards, grapey or other installations.

Paragraph 4. If an estate etc is not entered with the grounding line in the future height of the road, it shall not be entered in the building line or the road-line, but must be moved so much further back, which corresponds to 2 times the difference in addition to it ; sufficient width for passage, at least 1 m.

$35. In order to ensure the implementation of new roads and the admissions of existing roads, and to ensure the free list of such roads, the Directors may decide that construction and the plants referred to in section 34 may be required, the tender species shall be kept behind the structure lines indicated on a board of the road board. There may also be provision for the connectivity of the road to other routes as well as to the extent to which the adjacent areas will be directly accessible to the area. Barley lines may be imposed for a period of not more than 10 years. The Byggelinjet can be extended by up to 10 years at a time.

Paragraph 2. Before determination is taken in accordance with paragraph 1. 1 in the case of major highways, the local authority authorities, in whose territory the road is to be granted, must have access to a statement.

§ 36. When a road record is prepared according to the rules laid down in Chapter 3, or construction lines to ensure that the road is prepared under the rules laid down in Section 35, the road-board shall be prohibited from the fact that a property affected by it may be prohibited by the road to safety of the goods ; planning shall take place the measures referred to in Article 34 (1). 3. such a ban may only be reduced for a period of one year and cannot be reduced more than one year.

Paragraph 2. It is incumbent to a municipal management board to submit a report to the board of directors prior to the authorisation of a construction which may be presumption to be contrary to a road-line road which is not guaranteed by the building line. If the Council does not, within two months of the notification of such notification, no prohibition shall be imposed in accordance with paragraph 1. 1 against the intended use of the property, the building permit may be drawn up in accordance with the usual rules.

§ 37. Subject to sections 34 and 35, and on the extension of the barley lines according to section 35, public knowledge shall be made public in the case of the instructions of the governing board, as the Directors Board shall send notification to the owners and users, if any ; properties are directly affected by the entry and if the notification is shown by the register. In the cases referred to in section 35, the Board of Directors prepared the plan at the municipality office in the municipalities affected by the plan, or on other residents conveniently, is provided. The notification shall also be sent to the public authority.

Paragraph 2. The rule line regulations, which are public knowledge, must be respected from the date of knowledge of the proprietors and users, as well as users and holders of rights over property, regardless of when their rights are acquired.

Paragraph 3. When the time limits laid down in section 4 have expired and the decision of the complaints has been taken, the guidance counselor shall be concerned for the way in which the structures are laid down, specifying their home meal.

Paragraph 4. The board of directors shall inform the board of the owner's request to inform this of the location of the construction owners on his property. Before building work, the construction worker shall be carried out either on a public road border area, duly noted in section 34, or on a register number on which provisions are listed in section 35, the developer is obliged to do so ; the guidance board shall seek to obtain information as to the extent to which the work will run counter to the site-inline clause.

§ 38. If the owner of an area subject to structure lines according to section 34 or 35, is cut from the use of the area which is economically reasonable and sound, taking into account the location and other nature of the area and which corresponds to the utilisation of the area, where other adjacent or surrounding area is carried out, the owner may claim the area of the area taken over by the trustees against compensation. The owner of an area that is not insignificant on the scale of the building lines after Article 35 may also be taken over by the Directors ' Board of Directors when the building owners prevent the disposal of the area, and there are special personal reasons for the owner to covet the area taken over. If the area is only part of an estate, the owner may claim the entire property if the remaining part of the property is so small or so taxed that it is not considered appropriate to be preserved as separate property or utilized in a reasonable manner.

Paragraph 2. The request for takeover must be lodged within six months of the following section 34 of the owner of the owner within 6 months, or if the complaint has been lodged within six months of the final decision ; of the complaint has been notified to the owner. Where special reasons are available, the governing board may permit the request for takeover to be submitted after the time limits set out. For building lines imposed according to section 35, no notice shall apply to the request for takeover.

Paragraph 3. Designup the owner's request in accordance with paragraph 1. Paragraph 1 shall refer the matter to the yeyeties referred to in sections 57 and 58 to the tariff authorities referred to in sections 57 and 58.

Paragraph 4. The task authorities shall decide whether or not to claim ownership by paragraph 1. 1 shall be accommodated and shall lay down compensation for the area ' s inheritance in accordance with the rules of section 51.

Corner clipping

§ 39. Thus, when a property's border on public road, private or private intercourse cuts each other under an angle that is less than 135º, it is therefore intended to build a new building on the basis of the ground or the conversion of a building which is to be used for the purpose of the construction of the goods in the first place or in the case of the construction of a private in the same way, cut off by a line with a length of at least 5 m. For older areas with predominance, it can be determined that the length of the line is reduced to 3 m.

Paragraph 2. Paragraph 1 shall also apply to estates which appear or be altered by means of emissions, matriculating or area transfer when the property concerned is adjacent to such a corner.

Paragraph 3. When a property of the type or area transfer shall have access by a private or private common path, adjacent to another private joint road, a published private common path or a public road in such a way that they are adjacent to the Community ; road-limits cut each other under an angle less than 135º, in accordance with the rules laid down in paragraph 1, the angled corners shall be cut in accordance with the rules laid down in paragraph 1. 1. The requirement for corner cutting shall apply only to property from which there is unction or area transfer, and the requirement shall not apply to the field or bulkhead, provided that there is no change in their use.

§ 40. Corner cutting must be carried out in such a way that the cut-off line produces equal angles with the two adjacent road limits.

Paragraph 2. The provisions of this Regulation shall apply only to the extent to which existing stock does not preclude the corner cut-off.

Paragraph 3. In the case of a comprehensive road transport sector within larger areas, the corner of the intersection of the road (for public roads) may be defined differently in the context of the overall road transport sector (s) in the context of road transport (s).

Paragraph 4. The area of the cut-off areas of the public road shall be considered as part of the road surface area by the relevant guidance board. The costs of the relocation, if necessary, shall be borne by the person who is lodyou.

Paragraph 5. Designated cut-off corner areas, which are solely a private one-off road, must be taken as a means as a way of determining the detailed rules for the adulthood. The costs of this shall be distributed between the two sides of the road, on the basis of the rules on the distribution of costs to private common roads.

Paragraph 6. The provision in section 38 shall apply mutatis mutilation to the corner of the corner.

§ 41. Corner cutting as described in section 39 and 40 may, by the way, municipal road authority be required for expropriation in accordance with the rules laid down in Chapter 5. The future municipality shall, in such case, be the cost of the relocation and the area of land as a road.

§ 42. The advisory board may grant exemption from and repeal provisions taken pursuant to sections 34 and 35. In the case of provisions taken pursuant to section 35, the weighting board shall, where the derogation from or repealing provisions will significantly affect the plans for the construction of the road, prior to obtaining the opinion of the authorities which have expressed the opinion ; Say the construction line after paragraph 35 (3). 2.

Paragraph 2. The advisory board-in respect of private-weighing the road authority-may be granted exemption from the provisions of section 39 and 40.

Chapter 5

Expropriation and tariff


§ 43. When the common interest demands it, the person on the board may initiate expropriation of public road and stibuing. The same applies to private road and installations, when these are necessitates

1) equipment works, etc., on a public road, cf. paragraph 2 and § 69,

2) decision or provision on the establishment or use of access to a public road, cf. ~ ~ Seventy-eight and 79, or

3) a decision on the provision of road access in the context of the abandonstration of public and general roads, cf. Chapter 9.

Paragraph 2. The extension may take place for new installations, the extension and alteration of existing installations, accessories and necessary additional measures, including parking spaces, parks, seating, stormy places, storage spaces, noise-cutting sites, noise-cutting sites ; measures, faunapascases, replacement biotopes, and similar measures to compensate for the treatment of a weighing procedure in the natural state, plantations and the like, for the acquisition of road materials and stuffing and filling of the filling. Expropriation may also take place in the interests of utilization, operation, security, visibility, protection and operation in an appropriate manner, including the safety of road-crossing roadmap or road-crossing, to the decommissioning or blocking of existing overruns. crossings and road and pathways as well as for the recovery of the interconnected connections. In addition, for main road systems, expropriation may be carried out to such additional facilities, where the location immediately in the context of the road is deemed to be of particular importance to the transporters and travelling life.

Paragraph 3. In the field of expropriation, the following :

1) The property rights of recruits for areas, buildings and devices attached to areas or buildings, and accessories for this purpose.

2) Final or temporary restrictions shall be made at the disposal of the owners or acquired the right to exercise a particular raw material raw material.

3) Enorably or temporarily, the acquisition or cancellation of or revocation of the rights of use, servitude and other rights of flat-rate properties.

§ 44. In the case of expropriation to the acquisition of property rights, all rights to or over the expropriated, unless otherwise determined in the individual case.

Paragraph 2. In the cases referred to in Article 43 (2), 3, no. 2, in the case of expropriation of the property, the proprietor of all other rights must be respected by the proprietor of the property, unless otherwise determined in the individual case.

Preparations and studies

§ 45. Each of you shall tolerate the preparation of the preparatory measurements, the level of the ninth and other technical preparatory work and studies necessary for the implementation of a plant referred to in this law, by the governing board of his property.

Paragraph 2. Subject to the measures referred to in paragraph 1, 1, at least two weeks prior to the publication of a separate communication to owners and users of the property or, where this is not possible, be published in one or more of the local leaves.

Paragraph 3. The damage and disadvantages caused by the measures shall be replaced, where appropriate, where appropriate in the context of ex post expropriation. In the absence of a minable agreement on the amount of the replacement, this shall be fixed in accordance with the rules laid down in § § 51-58.

Expropriation Authorities

§ 46. Expropriation to main road systems shall be carried out in accordance with the rules applicable in the procedure for expropriation relating to immovable property.

Paragraph 2. However, when the circumstances speak, the Minister for Transport may decide that expropriation and tariff should take place at municipal measure. The rules laid down in this chapter shall, where applicable, be used with the necessary relief measures.

Paragraph 3. Propriation for municipal road installations shall be subject to the rules laid down in this Chapter. The Minister for Transport may, on the request of a guidance board, permit the application of expropriation to be subject to the rules of the law on the immovable property procedure.

Implementation of the expropriation

Site business

§ 47. When a municipal weighing board will seek the measures referred to in section 43, carried out by expropriation, it must be given a ubiquitous business.

Paragraph 2. For use at the scene, the weightboard shall draw up a plan relating to the execution of the expropriation of expropriation with the list of owners and users who will be affected by the expropriations required to implement the proposed measures ; measures. The material shall contain information on the extent to which the areas concerned are concerned and a brief indication of the changes in the existing conditions, the measures will cause for the property (land register with expropriation plan).

Paragraph 3. The advisory board shall publish at least 4 weeks ' notice of time and place for the location of the site of the site for the location of the site for the location of the Directors-Board of Directors. The publication shall serve as a source of information to any person who, who owns, uses, panthaves or in any other capacity, has a legal interest in the execution of the expropriation. A list of expropriation plans for at least four weeks prior to the site of the site must be for inspection at the place of local authority or other for the residents, and the publication shall contain information on this subject.

Paragraph 4. In the case of the site, the road-board shall notify the weightboard at least 4 weeks ' notice to owners and users, in accordance with the area register, in writing, in so far as the necessary information on addresses, etc. can be obtained In the same way, others which, according to the information available, must be deemed to have a legal interest in the interest of the proposed expropriation or by the measures, in the interest of the measures envisaged. The cover shall contain information on the presentation of the expropriation plan and the content of the provision in section 48 (4). 3. The part of the area of the area of the area of the area concerned, which relates to the property of the owner or user concerned, must be included.

§ 48. In the area of the crime scene, at least one member of the local authority councils is a directory and a member of this municipal council manager runs the business. If it was passed by the store, it's a protocol.

Paragraph 2. In the case of the site, the proposed expropriation and its scope must be accounted for, including, in addition to each presentation, the manner in which the measures envisaged will affect his property or rights, on the conditions of access to access ; the arrangements shall be fixed and the arrangements made in respect of cut-off areas. As far as possible, these shall be sought to replace the folder. The Board of Directors may, at the scene of the scene, make proposals for the replacement of the replacement items, which shall include the replacement items. Proposals to this effect shall be made subject to the promotion of the expropriation of the road and the acceding of the guidance board.

Paragraph 3. Owners, users and others who are directly or indirectly affected by the expropriation shall have access to the site or within three weeks of this presentation of comments with regard to the measures envisaged, including those intended for the purposes of : submit proposals for amendments, just as they have access to making the views they consider should have an impact on the provision of compensation.

Paragraph 4. Where, at the end of the crime scene, agreement is reached on the amount of the compensation or other matters relating to the proposed expropriation, the Agreement shall be recorded in the Protocol, stating that the Agreement has been concluded, subject to the proviso of the Agreement, the promotion of the expropriation of languages on the basis of the site under the heading and subject to the accessions of the guidance board.

Exitation Decision

§ 49. When it's in section 48, paragraph 1. On the basis of the decision taken, the guidance board shall take the decision on whether and, if so, how the expropriation and the measures to be carried out shall be taken on the basis of the decision taken. However, the decision on the execution of the expropriation may be taken before the expiry of the period specified if the price of expropriation may be considered insignificant in relation to the size and value of the property concerned, and obtained under the site of the site, accession to the planned measures by all the owners and users and others directly or indirectly affected by the measures.

Paragraph 2. Notification of the content of the expropriation determination and the implementation of the measures, together with the transcript of any given in the Steer Protocol, and by the governing board of the governing board, contracts shall be sent to owners and users, other liable officers ; and other legal interested parties who have given a meeting at the site of the site. The communication shall in proportion to each contain information on the limitations of his rights at the execution of the expropriation, and the entry into force of the claim to appeal for the application of the application and the deadline for such notification. Any audited area register must be included.

Paragraph 3. If there is not, before the governing board pursuant to paragraph 1, Paragraph 1 shall decide on the execution of the expropriation, the amount of the compensation, or if such agreement is not taken by the governing board, shall be able to do so in the context of the notification as referred to in paragraph 1. 2 submit proposals for the setting of the replacement items covered by this Regulation. The notification under paragraph 1. In the case of paragraph 2, the provision shall be made to indicate that compensation will be determined by the tariff authority if the substitution proposal is not accepted before one of the weighed of the weighted board does not exceed 4 weeks from receipt of the request. Similarly, information on the subject matter of the tariff authority should be granted if written replacement is not put forward.

Paragraph 4. Measures carried out by expropriation shall not be carried out before the expiry of the draft deadline, cf. Section 4 (4). 3, unless this has been acceted by the owners and users concerned.

$50. (The case).

Replacement of the State

§ 51. The replacement shall be subject to the general rules laid down by the law in respect of the implementation of the measures referred to in sections 43 and 45.

Paragraph 2. For the purpose of the replacement, it will be that the increase in value to be achieved by the remaining property is deemed to be achieved. As a result, the replacement may be completely disposed of when the measure proposed by the weightboard can be estimated to result in greater benefit to the owner than the loss to be incurred by the measure.

Paragraph 3. In cases where expropriation of a part of a property means that the remaining part of the property is so small or so described that it is not considered appropriate to be preserved as separate property or utilized on a reasonable amount ; means the owner may require the entire property to be passed. Under the same circumstances, the owner may require a portion of the property when this part is cut off by a road line.

Paragraph 4. If the compensation for a property value degradation may be considered to appear in the face of the value of the resteep value, the road management board may require the entire property to be delivered.

Paragraph 5. Areas to be cut by a road line which cannot be weighed may be required by the road board if the compensation for their value degradation or the cost of providing access to them must be considered to appear in it, apparently. the value of the land ' s value.

Paragraph 6. The provisions of paragraph 1. 3-5 shall, with the necessary relaxation, apply when expropriation is carried out in the cases referred to in Article 43 (3). 3, no. 2 and no. 3.

Paragraph 7. In the absence of any general agreement with the guidance board, in the cases referred to in paragraph 1. 3-6, the decision of the taxing authorities shall be taken, cf. § § 57 and 58.


§ 52. If the maximum amount of the compensation is not obtained no later than eight weeks after the amount referred to in section 49 (4), The decision on expropriation or, if the expropriation of expropriation has been impacted, within four weeks of the final decision of the complaint, shall be incumbated to the governing board of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors ; Decision, cf. § 57.

§ 53. In writing, at least 4 weeks 'notice, the parties shall be notified in writing at least 4 weeks' notice.

Paragraph 2. The Commission shall inform the Commission of the information available on this matter after which the parties have access to the Commission to explain the views which, in their opinion, should affect the setting of the replacement.

Paragraph 3. The task of the Taksabation Commission, regardless of the assertions laid down for this purpose, may take a decision on any issue of compensation provided that the parties have had the opportunity to make their comments in relation to it.

Paragraph 4. The authorization of the board shall, where necessary, be accompanied by reasons and the position of the Commission for the circumstances in which the parties invoke. The verdict shall specify the value of the steel in trade and in the habit or at the time of on-call time the deterioration in which the value of this is done is made in this value. If the owner or other drawbacks are being carried out, the replacement shall be provided as a special item.

Paragraph 5. A replacement fixing may, in exceptional circumstances, be specified in the terms of the ruling or deferred, but no longer than the completion of the installation. Compensation for area payment shall always be fixed immediately where the owner is requesting it.

Paragraph 6. The text of the order shall be sent to the Parties, together with information on the availability of the replacement question for the overcharging Commission, and the time limit for this purpose, cf. § 54.


§ 54. The warding of a yeering commission may be brought to the subject of the take-over commission, cf. § 58. The conclusion of the agreement at the meeting of the parties may be made by declaration to the Commission ' s Protocol. In addition, the application shall be made by written request to the chairman of the charging Commission no later than 4 weeks after the award of the authorization by the rate of commission shall be the party of the party. However, where there is a particular reason, the chairman of the Commission may, in advance of the declaration of the other party, allow a case to be brought before the take-over commission, regardless of the request to be made after the expiry of the said declaration ; deadline.

Paragraph 2. The provisions of section 53 (3). 1-5, the necessary relaxation shall be applicable to the case handling by the overhead commission. The award of the order shall be sent to the Parties.

Paragraph 3. If only the question of the compensation provided for under Section 61 may be submitted for the takeover commission, the overtaxing Commission may decide on the matter on the basis of written opinions by the parties. The President may decide that the matter can be settled by written referral to Members without having to meet.

§ 55. The statement of a decision of a tariff or take-over commission shall be sent to anyone who has a legal interest in it and shall forward the request.

§ 56. In the case of a replacement in connection with the execution of an expropriation of someone not covered by the expropriation, and the replacement questions relating to the expropriation of the execution in advance for the handling of the claim shall be : at the request of the person concerned, on the request of the person concerned, the subject of the review board, which may take the matter to the board if it considers that it is appropriate for the Commission ' s commission. If the case is accepted into reality, the provisions of section 51 to 55 shall apply with the necessary relaxation.

Taksational authorities

§ 57. For the settlement of the compensation question, cf. Section 52, will reduce the transport minister take-off missions and set up their business areas.

Paragraph 2. A take-off commission is made up of three members. The Minister for Transport refers to a six-year period, a President who is to have a legal graduate degree. The chairman shall appoint a case two members from a municipal list, cf. paragraph 3.

Paragraph 3. In each municipality, the municipality Board shall appoint two persons who are recorded on a list of members of the tariff management committee which comprises the municipality's operation in each municipality of the Administrative Board.

§ 58. The Minister for Transport will dismiss over-takeover committees, in accordance with paragraph 54, to verify the decisions taken by the tariff management committees. The Minister shall lay down the business areas of the overhead.

Paragraph 2. A takeover commission is made up of five members. The Minister for Transport refers to a six-year period, a President, who is to have a legal graduate degree, and two permanent members with alternates. The chairman shall appoint another two members from a municipal list, cf. paragraph 3.

Paragraph 3. In each municipality, the municipality Board shall be appointed on a list of members of the overhead commission which comprises the municipality's function time, which includes the municipality.

Paragraph 4. A take-over commission is a decision-making process when the President and at least two other Members are present. In the event of ballot, the President's voice is crucial.

§ 58 a. The Taksacs and the take-over missions are independent bodies whose members are not subject to instructions on the individual case decision.

$59. In the case of compensation for take-off and take-off missions, the board shall designate a surveil.

Paragraph 2. The Board of Takity and the take-over commission may summon exceptional experts to give advice. Remuneration to the experts shall be determined by the Commission.

§ 60. Members of the tariff and take-over commission must have proper insight into property assessment.

Paragraph 2. No one may, as a Member, surveor or expert, participate in the processing of questions for a yelization or take-over commission when :

1) they are interested in the outcome,

2) they are related or sulfur in up or descending lines or in the sidebar as near as the sister-in-law with anyone interested in the outcome or are the spouse, guardian, adoptive or foster father or mother, adoptive, or foster child,

3) he / she is a member of the governing board which has taken a decision on expropriation,

4) In any case, there are circumstances that are suitable for questioning the impartiality of their comments.

Paragraph 3. No one can join as a member or referred to as a case expert in a case of a takeover commission when he has contributed to the processing of the rate of handling by the proceedings. However, it may be in accordance with section 59 (5). 1, designated surve-by both at the rate of charge and the handling of the overhead proceedings.

Paragraph 4. It shall, as soon as possible and before the commencement of the negotiations, inform the Commission of the Commission as soon as possible and before commencement of the negotiations. Where one of the parties in question makes available for the availability of inhabilitability, the other Party shall have access to the decision on this subject before a decision is taken.

§ 61. When a party to take care of its interests to the trustees during the course of the proceedings, the necessary expenses of expert assistance, including to the lawyer, auditor and so on, may subject the guidance board to the road board to devise one, appropriate compensation for this.

§ 62. Taxation and take-off missions may, with the approval of the minister of transport, take secretarial assistance. The minister lays down rules for remuneration for Presidents and secretaries for commissions and for members of the Commission. Remuneration may be fixed in the form of predetermined fixed amounts.

Paragraph 2. The cost of remuneration for the chairmen and secretaries shall be borne by the treasury, while all other expenditure incurred by the Commission shall be borne by the Board of Directors.

Repayment of the State

§ 63. The amount of the state-owned amounts shall be the date of the decision on the implementation of the execution referred to in section 49 (5). However, a different time of initial time may be set when the circumstances are therefore under way. Compensation shall be carried out with an annual interest rate corresponding to the didate established by the Danish National Bank at the time of the expropriation decision.

§ 64. The board of directors has to pay replacements without undue delay. The authorities and holders of other rights, if right, are things that may be required before the expropriation is required in order to claim the compensation paid. Before the payment of the payment, the advisory board shall obtain information on the claims made by rightholders whose addresses can be reported by the court judge.

Paragraph 2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1 1 may, however, be disbursed to the property owner without the consent of the members of the encumbers or other rightholders, when the weighting board considers that the rate of expropriation in relation to the size and value of the property is negligible and does not pose any danger ; for pan-security.

Search Target

§ 65. The search for expropriation in accordance with this law must be taken within six months of notification of the decision.

Paragraph 2. Decisions which may be verified in accordance with the provisions of sections 4 and 54 cannot be brought before the courts before this test possibility is used.

§ 66. The Minister for Transport may lay down detailed rules for the processing of expropriation sagers and for take-off and take-off committees.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for the Environment, the Minister for Justice, may lay down detailed rules on the procedure for matricularial, respectively, the things that are to be corrected, leading to expropriations of expropriations which are subject to this law.

§ 67. (The case).

Special rules for dealing with certain laws

§ 67 a. The provisions of paragraph 1. 2-6 shall apply to compensation cases which are brought in for the handling of the water-drain slots and the water supply law, except for cases covered by the water flow slop section 72 or water supply law, section 42.

Paragraph 2. The matter shall be subject to the Commission ' s request for the commission by written request to the President of the Commission. The request shall include the requirements of the complainant, a short presentation of the facts on which the claim is based, and an indication of the documents and other evidence which the complainant intends to invoke. The request shall be supplied to the resides of the documents which the complainant intends to invoke, insofar as they are in their possession.

Paragraph 3. The provisions of section 51, 53-56, 58 a, section 59 (5) shall be subject to the provisions of Article 51 of the case. 2, section 60, section 62 (2). Paragraph 1 and paragraph. TWO, ONE. indent and 66 equivalent use.

Paragraph 4. The task authorities may require a party to pay the cost of the case to another party. The task authorities may provide that the complainant shall provide security for the payment of the case costs, which they were subject to. If the time limit is not set by one of the tariff authorities, the case shall be rejected.

Paragraph 5. The task authorities may require a party in full or in part to pay the cost of the taxing authority for the costs of the case, with the exception of remuneration for chairmen and secretaries. There's the panting out for the amount.

Paragraph 6. The free process may be granted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Legal Agreement.

Chapter 6

Access to public roads

§ 68. For the purposes of this Act, this law shall be accessible to the public road for driving traffic movements from adjacpropriating properties or from private common routes.

Paragraph 2. Transition is understood in this law access to the public road for walking ferrys; from adjacent properties or from private common paths.

Paragraph 3. In the case of road or connectivity, this law is understood to be a public road to public roads or paths.

Access conditions in connection with installations or the restructure of public roads

§ 69. In the case of new road installations and the construction of existing roads, the Directors shall decide whether and, if so, to the extent that may be permitted to allow access to the road from the properties of the adjactura. If the road plant has access to the public road to the public road or to part of the property, the weightboard shall, as far as possible, secure the property other reasonable ways.

Paragraph 2. If the property is not made available to the public road or to cut off parts of the property, the property owner or may be entitled to compensation in accordance with the rules in section 51-58. In assessing whether the necessary route is established, account shall be taken of the fact that the changed access conditions give the property a more remote location in relation to public road, to a settlement or a location, whole or partially discarve a property from its previous clientel/or on the property in future expenditure on non-employment, maintenance or the maintenance of the road.

Paragraph 3. Any access to the property or part of this without providing any other access to the public road shall be the responsibility of the weightboard to inherit the property, in whole or in part, against compensation in accordance with the rules in section 51-58.

Installations of new adflows to public road

§ 70. Overruns and crossings and routes for roads and paths to a public road may not be established without the permission of the guidance board.

Paragraph 2. Established there to a municipality road access as referred to in paragraph 1. However, less distance than 100 m-in agglomerations, however, in less distance than 50 metres-from a main road, the Directorates shall also be obtained.

Paragraph 3. Where appropriate, the subject of road-technical or road-related reasons may be subject to authorization pursuant to paragraph 1. Parages 1 and 2 shall make a requirement for the location, design and use of the corridorings referred to in paragraph 1. 1, including the width of the adden, whether free listing of corner areas, of the nature and extent of the behaviour of that access and the use of the same access by several property. The board may also make the authorisation conditional on the public road taking into account the changed traffic conditions by means of centre rebate, channelling, light-signalling and the like. The advisory board may require that the costs of the aforementioned measures shall be borne by the weightboard of the road or path connected to the public road or, in the case of overdrive or transition, in exceptional cases, person or user. The road board may require itself to claim the measures provided for in this paragraph against the reimbursement of expenditure.

Utilization of existing accesses to public road

§ 71. Overruns and outlets shall not be used without the permission of the guidance board for access to any other properties other than those in respect of which they are laid.

Paragraph 2. If an overrun is requested solely for the movement of the agricultural operations of the earth (land) used for the second movement, the permit shall be required of the road management board.

Paragraph 3. An existing crossing or crossing may not be used without the permission of the guidance of the premises of estates which are or to be amended by the extraction, matriculation or area transfer.

Paragraph 4. The exit and exit outside the approved overdrive and road connections shall not take place without the permission of the Directors Board.

Paragraph 5. When use of access as referred to in paragraph 1. However, 1-4 is requested by the local authorities of less distance than 100 m-in agglomerations, however, in smaller distance than 50 metres-from a main road, the Directorates shall also be obtained.

Paragraph 6. Authorisation pursuant to paragraph 1. 1-5 may be conditionally referred to in section 70 (3). 3.

Transitional provisions

§ 72. For all the main roads and such local authorities, which are considered to be of particular importance to the perverting of traffic, shall be taken in accordance with the rules laid down in Section 73 of the lasting restrictions applicable to the connection of new roads and paths, installations of new overruns and outlets, in general, other than markers, as well as access to the road, including the use of existing access rules (access provisions).

§ 73. The rules governing access shall be laid down by the governing board

Paragraph 2. On the one hand, consideration of the fixing of access rules must be taken into account, on the one hand, that the road must be able to serve as a satisfactory road safety and safety-related road safety, and on the other hand to the building. that have already taken place along the road, as well as for available planning arrangements.

Paragraph 3. Before the rules are laid down, the governing board shall negotiate with the authority responsible for the local authority level for the area.

Paragraph 4. Where there is disagreement between the governing board and the authority referred to in paragraph 1. 3, on whether to lay down rules on access, or to the more detailed content of the transport, the dispute of the Transport Minister shall be determined in accordance with the Minister for the Environment.


§ 74. On the fixing of provisions pursuant to section 72 and 73, the governing board shall make up the state of knowledge in the Stateside and the Steal. Information on the content of the provisions of the destination is indicated in the knowledge. At the same time, information on the content of access rules must be given to the authorities referred to in Article 73 (3). 3.

Paragraph 2. The access provisions in which knowledge is included in the State must be respected both by owners and users who are affected by the access provisions of panthavers and other holders of rights over those properties, regardless of when their : rights acquired.

Notify. Dedication. Tinglysation

§ 75. The advisory board shall, as soon as possible and within 6 months of the announcement of knowledge, inform any owner and user of properties which may be deemed to be affected by the access provisions laid down for the individual access provisions laid down for each individual person ; Property.

Paragraph 2. In the course of the notification, a period of not less than six months from the date of receipt shall be given to the Board of Directors to submit objections regarding the access rights which has been attributable to a property. The notification shall also include information on the content of paragraph 78.

Paragraph 3. The advisory board shall have access provisions laid down in the properties to be considered to be affected by the provisions.


SECTION 76. Where the time limit laid down in section 75 (5), 2, has expired, the weightboard shall carry out any correction of the provisions laid down.

Modification and termination of access provisions

§ 77. The road board may, at any time, amend or repeal the access rules in accordance with the rules in section 73.

Space Inherit

§ 78. If the owner of an area as a result of decisions and provisions taken pursuant to section 70 to 73 shall be cut from the use of the area economically reasonable and sound, taking into account the location and other nature of the property and which are equivalent to that of the property ; to the utilisation of other adjacent or surrounding area, the owner may claim the area as completely or partly by the weightboard, unless the weighing board may indicate other appropriate access to the area.

Paragraph 2. The request for takeover shall be made within six months after the owner has been informed of the decision or the provisions, or whose objection has been submitted in accordance with section 75 (5). 2, or complaints lodged after section 4, within 6 months after the owner has received notification of the decision or appeal. Where special reasons are available, the governing board may permit the request for takeover to be submitted after the time limits set out.

§ 79. If the weightboard considers that a requirement after Article 78 is justified, it shall draw up proposals for the provision of other appropriate access to the area or to make tender for replacement for the takeover of the area.

Paragraph 2. If the trustees find the claim unjustifiable, or does not reach between the governing board and the agreement between the weightboard and the agreement on the proposed replacement amount, the case shall be referred to the yetAuthorities referred to in § § 57 and 58.

Paragraph 3. The task authorities shall decide whether the owner ' s claim in accordance with Article 78 may be considered justified and, if so, whether the proposed change of access conditions by the weightboard may be satisfactory. If this is not the case, the taxing authorities shall replace the area ' s inheritance by the rules of Section 51, cf. § § 53-55.

Notification of derogations from access provisions

$80. Exceptions from the level of access to knowledge can be made, therefore, when weighty reasons are therefore, and this is compatible with the reasons for the access provisions.

Paragraph 2. Exceptions shall be granted by the governing board

§ 81. (The case).

$82. Pending access provisions pursuant to section 72 and 73, the road management board may require that the extraction, matriculation or area transfer, where the new property or the transfer area is transferred to a public road, or the registration of the premises ; a new road in connection with a public road is being postponed until one year.

§ 83. The Environment Minister, 2) respectively, the Minister for Justice may lay down detailed rules on matricularial corrections, respectively, of corrective measures, which are provided for by the provisions of this Chapter.

Chapter 7

Relationship to rail

§ 84. The President-in-Office of the Transport Minister may, having obtained a declaration from the person concerned, on board and on board the Board of Directors, on the board of directors or the road board, to initiate or extend temporary incts to ensure the conduct of cross-rail crossings. The cost of such expenditure shall be borne by the Treasury.

Paragraph 2. However, in the case of the installation or development of such a viaduct in the annual cost of the railway, the railway shall hold an amount corresponding to the capitalised value of the savings and other benefits. If agreement is not reached on the amount of the amount, this shall be determined by the Minister.

§ 85. The Minister for Transport shall lay down, by means of a negotiated procedure with the Minister for Justice, by means of a safety precaution of crossings between railways and roads, which are open to ordinary movements, including the rules of view areas, light-signalling devices ; auto-bombers.

§ 86. Proposals for new or changed safety measures in the crossings between the rail and roads that are open to ordinary movements shall be submitted to the Transport Minister for approval. Proposals shall be prepared by the weightboard or the road authority, in accordance with the relevant railway and police services.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport may, after obtained the opinion of the weighing board, the road authority, and the railway board, on the road board, or the railway system, to set up new security measures in the crossings referred to in paragraph 1. 1, or to improve existing security measures.

Paragraph 3. The Minister for Transport may, after collecting the opinion of the authorities referred to in paragraph 1. 1, allow the security measures referred to in paragraph 1 to be covered by the security measures referred to in paragraph 1. 1, less extensive if traffic trends in the intersection make this justifiable.

Paragraph 4. The costs of establishment, operation and maintenance of security measures shall be borne by the Treasury.

Paragraph 5. Rule of paragraph (1) 4 shall not apply where the safety measures or improvements to these are caused by new equipment, on the road or the network, or when the amount of the measures previously paid by the road management board, respectively, road authority or railway management shall be reduced. In such cases, the construction, operation and maintenance of the person concerned shall be subject to the road authority, the road authority, or the railway system.

§ 87. The transport minister may permit the transport minister to permit the railway, either by means of legislation or, by the way, to guard cross-crossing crossings, which are open to normal traffic. a condition that light-signalling equipment shall be set up by rail. The solution of manually operated bombers with automatic bomb plants shall not be considered to be the lifting of the abovementioned security. The costs of installations, maintenance and operation of the security measures in question shall be taken into consideration in their entirety by the railway.

Chapter 8

Separation of the area of the area of the premises. Vengeance

§ 88. The property rights of the road authorities to new-acquired road areas shall be ensured by the landings of the area of the land.

Paragraph 2. Vengeance cannot be won over public roads, if land is divorced in the premises.

$89. It shall be the responsibility of the governing board to ensure that all the main roads and the local authorities are separated into the premises as public road areas unless special circumstances apply.

Paragraph 2. If a road is to be taken as public, the weighting board shall have the necessary change to the matrix.

Paragraph 3. The Minister for Transport may, after having negotiated with the Minister for the Environment, lay down detailed rules for the separation of road areas and alteration to the premises.

Chapter 9

Submission of public and public roads

Public roads

§ 90. Where, in accordance with the rules laid down in Chapter 2, the decision on the abandonment of a public road and the road is not maintained as public under the second weighing board, the road management board shall decide on the extent to which the road must be maintained as private ; access for a single property, which is a private property for several properties or to be used as a road area.

Paragraph 2. The road must be upheld in whole or in part as it is, if it is the only access road to a property or any of its soles, and there is not, at the same time, to set up other road access, or, incidentally, of importance to a property.

Paragraph 3. If the road is maintained as a private way for a single property, the road-management authority may be responsible for the owner of this area of the road area. Section 91 (1). 5 shall apply mutatis mutis.

Paragraph 4. In the case of the future of the future, the governing board shall decide on the property road to serve as a road area, and whether or not who is the owner of the road surface area. Provisions on weather and access to the road must be set at the measure by the road management measure.

Paragraph 5. The board's decisions in accordance with paragraph 1. 1-4 shall be made known in the representative ' s petals according to the rules of the road management board. Consumers and users of properties which may be deemed to be affected by the decision shall at the same time be informed of this. The aid shall contain information on the provisions of paragraph 1. 2 and 6, and section 91.

Paragraph 6. If the way or the part of this is not maintained in private, a period of at least eight weeks shall be given to the trusteboard to make claims that the road should be maintained in accordance with paragraph 1. Paragraph 2 of the board of the road board shall be required to submit the decision to the tariff authorities referred to in sections 57 and 58 within eight weeks after the decision has been notified to the person concerned.

Paragraph 7. Decision that a public road is to be closed and transferred to private cannot justify compensation claims against the road board.

§ 91. If no provision is made for the maintenance of a closed public road as private, the area of the road area, irrespective of the premises of the trade, shall be offered by the owners of the premises to the road to the border of the road ; for take-over amounts determined by the guidance board.

Paragraph 2. In the absence of a minable agreement on the amount of the take-over amount, this shall be fixed in accordance with the rules laid down in § § 51-58.

Paragraph 3. Where the whole or part of the road is provided in a local level, the weightboard may, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, be able to : 1 and 2 free advice from the road area. The same applies when a gruntjer does not wish to take over the area for the fixed amount.

Paragraph 4. The advisory board may, in exceptional cases, belong to the owner of an adjactent property to take over an area of the area of road.

Paragraph 5. The board of Directors shall ensure the rectification of the changing ownership in relation to the dismantling of roads as public.

§ 92. In the case of a weighting or weighting of the road, the weightboard of the rules in section 90 may offer smaller, closed areas that cannot be considered to have a traffic impact on any property, to the owners of the adjacking properties in accordance with the rules in section 91.

Paragraph 2. If a weighting or weighting is carried out, it may be determined in connection with the execution of the expropriation, the ways in which the weighed area is to be kept.

Almene pathways

§ 93. The local authorities shall, at the request of the owner of a property, decide on the road to which a general road runs, decide on whether or not the road to be closed shall be repaid or maintained as before. The local authority may take a similar decision by its own operation. Where the road is decided on or kept, the decision shall at the same time be decided on whether or not the road to future must be public or private.

Paragraph 2. The decision shall be published in the general post of the municipal board's determination and must be communicated ;

1) owners of the properties that are bounds to the road,

2) owners of other properties, which are of particular interest to the issue of the future situation of the road, and

3) as far as possible, the owners of the areas belonging to the road.

Paragraph 3. The notification shall specify a period not less than 8 weeks for the submission of objections to the decision that the road must be decommissioning or rewritten. The communication shall also include information on the content of paragraph 1. $4 and $94 and 95. Where the road is decided in private, the notification shall contain information on the property to be used as a means of access and that the weather for private Community roads will be made available to the Council of Communes Management.

Paragraph 4. If the municipality Board rejects an objection pursuant to paragraph 1. The decision shall be required for the tariff authority referred to in sections 57 and 58 within the eight weeks after the decision has been notified to the persons concerned.

$94. No path which, according to the map file, is the only access to an independent property or a claim may be closed down by the decision unless, at the same time, provision of other access is taken.

Paragraph 2. Determination of a general route or the acquisition of other accessions may be carried out by expropriation in accordance with the rules laid down in Chapter 5.

§ 95. Where a general road is decided and no one can reimburse its entitlement to the road surface area, this must be provided by the mid-term of the road, on offer to the owners of the road to the frontier of payment of the costs incurred in the area ' s free-charge. If a grunting does not receive such an offer, the road authority may have a free space of the area offered to the person concerned. In specific cases, the authority of the road authority may conscribe the owner of an adjactent property to inherit a decommissioned area.

Paragraph 2. The local authorities shall ensure that the conversion and abandongation of general roads are taken into account in the premises.

Chapter 10

Public paths

§ 96. For the purposes of this law, public paths shall be understood to be reserved exclusively for the ordinary, cyclarised and riveting movements of the Member State or municipality under this law.

Paragraph 2. The paths referred to in this chapter include only paths that do not form part of the public roads.

§ 97. The road board can build and reduce public paths and take over the public paths and private common paths as public. The board of directors may decide that a private non-governmental approach should be in a state of public service, but is, moreover, maintained as a private one.

-98. The road boards shall draw up a list of all public paths under their board of directors.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport lays down general guidelines for the preparation and publication of the inventories.

§ 99. It is the responsibility of the road-boards to keep the public paths in the state of use and to hold the costs associated with it. Runs a public path above a private common street, the road management board shall conduct a proportionate share of the costs of the road to non-maintenance and maintenance.

§ 100. The laws of the law on public roads shall be used to apply the necessary relief to public paths.

Chapter 11

Various countenor over public roads

Upgrading and so on of road area

§ 101. In the area of the public road area, no change shall be made without the consent of the guidance board, including the exhumation or inclusion, as is not to be excavated, plunged or carried out other similar measures, so that the road area, as near the road area, must be carried out ; this or any weighing marks, the skeleton and so on damage.

Paragraph 2. The permit shall not be carried out without the approval of the road-board or to the surface area of the area other than 3 m, and the slope of the graders or the refill on the road must not be steep than the difference between 2 and the height difference.

Paragraph 3. The public roads, including public roads under construction, allow construction, excavation or fulfillment, must take the measures which shall be necessary in order to prevent the danger or the disadvantage of the behaviour and the conditions of the work ; in order to ensure against the exposition or damage to the area or the wiring, cables, standby, etc. that have been placed in the area. If the nature of the soil necessitates, the Directors may require the observation of special security measures, or to reduce slots, or to establish a greater distance from the road, in which excavation or fulfillment ; must not be carried out.

Specific raw material over the area of road

§ 102. Without the permission of the guidance board, it may not be used for a public road from being used for the public sector.

1) the permanent or temporary placement of waste, material, materials, tangible property, cages, boilers, bots, vending machines, signs, fences or the like,

2) the placing on the market of vehicles with a view to the sale or rental of the goods ;

3) the placing of vehicles in the context of the repair, filling of driftnets, cleaning or the like when this is done in the context of a business enterprise.

Paragraph 2. If, without authorization, items etc. shall be subject to the provisions referred to in paragraph 1. 1, and the person concerned does not comply with an injunction to remove these, the weighting board shall be entitled to the payment of the claim by the road person concerned. If it is brought to the detriment of the system, the trustee and, in urgent cases, the police shall be entitled to remove it without prior notice of the person responsible for the person concerned.

Paragraph 3. Renditions which may have anchorages in the area of road surface shall not be located at a time of winter at a distance of less than 10 metres from the road surface.

Paragraph 4. Waste water must not be diverted on roads or to their ditches or cables. The second supply of water may only take place with the permission of the guidance board.

§ 103. In the case of public roads, flat-rate objects, signs or so do not be placed in such a way as to allow them to be covered by the area of the road. However, carnapper, open balcony, winded windows and similar buildings raised 2.8 m above the sidewalk shall be fitted without the permit of the guidance board until 1 m from the driver ' s licence or cycle path. The same applies to ports, doors, shutters and windows, which are designed to open up to so far as their sub-edge is kept at a height of at least 2,2 m above the sidewalk.

Paragraph 2. The board may require trees and other plantations on, above and in the area of road, cut, cut, tribal or trimming. The same applies to trees and other plantations in the area of road surface, when the order of the road or the conduct of the road to the system makes it necessary. If the requirements of the governing board are not complied with within a time limit, the road-board may allow the work to be carried out by its measure at the expense of the owner.


§ 104. For the establishment or extension of the pliers on or on a public road, the permit of the road management board shall be required. The authorization may be limited to time. Authorisation shall be suspended if the holder of the permit is abandoning the establishment. The same applies if the tancan is not set up and the company has not been taken in service within 2 years of the notification of the authorisation. Transfer of tancans shall not be carried out without the approval of the guidance board.

Paragraph 2. However, for the establishment or extension of the pliers or at the local authorities of less distance than 100 m-in less distance than 50 m-from a main road road shall also be obtained from the Directorates.

Paragraph 3. Where it is deemed necessary for road-technical or road-related reasons, the trustee may be subject to authorization pursuant to paragraph 1. The provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 shall make a requirement for the location, design, layout and use of the facilities referred to in paragraph 1. 1, as well as the weighting board, permit the granting of such measures to be carried out on the public road, which necessitates the tanner plant and by the costs incurred in full or in part borne by the holder of the tanning plant. The advisory board may require itself to be required to claim the measures provided for in this paragraph against the reimbursement of expenditure.

Paragraph 4. The Minister for Transport will be able to provide general guidance for guidance on the guidance of the guidance on the construction and operation of seaweed installations at the public road.


§ 104 a. The Minister for Transport may lay down rules for the construction and use of tracks (rail tracks, traction tracks, trackleyard tracks, rowtracks, etc.) on or above the road.

Paragraph 2. The advisory board may grant authorization to installations of the provisions referred to in paragraph 1. 1 mentioned track.

Paragraph 3. The Minister for Transport may decide that the rules set out in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be adopted. 1 shall also apply in full or in part already for existing trackers.

§ 105. Before permission is granted in accordance with section 101 to 104 a, the board of the road board shall negotiate with the police.

Wiring works

§ 106. Working on wires or other than the local authorities, including the necessary relocation of wires and so on for the purpose of road regulation or conversion, is paid for by the person concerned unless otherwise specifically by agreement or decision ; decreed by an expropriation commission established under the procedure for the execution of the immovable property or decision by a municipal board pursuant to the Clause of the water supply law, sections 37 and 38, cf. § 40.

Paragraph 2. The same rules as referred to in paragraph 1. 1 in the case of works on main roads, unless otherwise provided by Section 20.

Paragraph 3. Working on wires in or above public roads is carried out by the articulating owner unless otherwise specified in particular. However, the guidance system may be required to perform the construction of a road worker in the case of wiring,

1) where there is a need to coordinate wiring other work on the road surface area,

2) when the box owner does not comply with the conditions laid down in accordance with the authorisation of paragraph 1. 4, or

3) where the corresponding weight is concerned, when consideration of similar weight.

Paragraph 4. Projects for the formation of new or changes in existing subterranean wires and to affixing or moving the constant weeping, illuminating and similar leagrs. before the start of the work, the Directors shall be approved by the governing board. However, the Executive Board may, without special authorisation, allow urgent repairs to be carried out where the notification is made at the time of the following notification to the Directors Board.

Paragraph 5. Notwithstanding any contraceptive provision in the legislation, permission from the guidance board shall be required from the guidance system for the placing of longitudinal cords on or in areas of main road roads, which are built or constructed as motorways.

Parking Tax

§ 107. For use of specially made public parking lot and motor vehicles, the road-board may charge a levy to cover the costs of the recovery and operation, including in the performance of the supervision of the parking lot motor vehicles.

Paragraph 2. Furthermore, the advisory board in consultation with the police may decide that where a restriction of the availability of motor vehicles is desirable, a parking levy which may be set aside for the period in which motor vehicles are to be determined may be levied ; Parked.

Chapter 12

Various provisions

Road signs, traffic spelling, etc.

§ 108. In estates, including buildings, along a public road, the road-board or municipal board may affix

1) Indication of road names,

2) road spelling and reference cards,

3) light-signalling devices and cables,

4) lighting bodies with associated wires for the light of the road, signor signs, road signs, and reference cards,

5) public transport equipment and utilities and utilities and supply installations and

6) markings for nivellement and marking in connection with the affixing of signs etc.

Paragraph 2. Subject to the measures referred to in paragraph 1, 1, for at least two weeks, the owners and users of the relevant properties shall be given in writing.

Paragraph 3. Any injury or inconvenience caused by the affixing, presence or maintenance of the plainas and other signs referred to in paragraph 1. 1 shall be replaced by the competent authority. In the absence of a memorial agreement, the amount of the compensation shall be fixed by the tariff authority referred to in § § 57 and 58.

Implementation of international conventions and EU rules

-109. The minister of transport shall lay down rules concerning the implementation or application of international conventions and EU rules on the roads covered by this law ; the Transport Minister may, in particular, lay down rules for notification of bullered and prohibitions and parties responsible for providing information.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport may, in connection with the issue of rules pursuant to paragraph 1. 1 stipulate that the rules should apply to private roads.

§ 110. (Aphat)

Wegn versus road

§ 111. Where it is deemed necessary for road-technical or road-related reasons, the road-management may decide whether or not on properties bordering on public roads, the fences must be set up and maintained on the road and, where necessary, to decide on the hegnets. shaping.

Paragraph 2. If a property is not put on a public road road and the area of the property nearest the road is used for regular traffic, the road-board may, when deemed necessary by road-technical or road-related reasons, may decide that : the rules relating to the private-community law on the implementation and maintenance of such roads shall be applicable to the area concerned.

Paragraph 3. Out-of-office law in accordance with the law of access limitation, with the effect of the direct access to the road, the construction and maintenance of the road, where appropriate, the road, where appropriate, may be obtained, where appropriate, where appropriate. Against the road. However, in the case of exposures, matriculating or land transfer, where a new property or area is bounds to the road, the road management may require that the owners concerned have to set up and maintain safe, unbroken fences against the road.

§ 111 a. Where a public authority is subject to a property over-view, the police may, regardless of who is entitled under the servitude document, to give the required obligation to comply with the service provision.


§ 112. Amounts which have been retainted by a weightboard or municipality of the law may be recovered by means of a deposit in the property concerned with preferential rights as for municipal property taxes.

Paragraph 2. Condition attached to permits or approvals granted under the law or regulations laid down under the law is binding on owners and holders of other rights over the property, without regard to when the right has been set. The board allows the condition of the property to the property at the expense of the owner.

Paragraph 3. Amount in accordance with paragraph 1. 1 may also be recovered in accordance with the rules for the recovery of personal taxes in the source tax law.


§ 113. With fine punishment, the one who

1) in violation of section 34 (1). 3, section 35, paragraph. One, section 39, section 40, section. Paragraph 1, and section 74 (4). 2,

2) begin, use or, incidentally, implement any measure without obtaining authorization or approval as specified in the law or under the law, or implementing any measure that requires : prior authorisation, otherwise than authorised by the competent authority,

3) will override the conditions laid down in the authorization or approval pursuant to the law or under the law, or pursuant to the law,

4) omits to comply with an injunction or prohibitions issued under the law or in accordance with the law in accordance with the law ;

5) intentionally, prejudice or damage to the marking, etc., which are carried out in the context of the measures referred to in section 45 and 108.

Paragraph 2. In the rules which are made out under the law, penalties may be imposed on penalties for infringements of the provisions laid down in the regulations.

Paragraph 3. Companies can be imposed on companies, etc. (legal persons) punishable by the rules of the penal code 5. Chapter.

Corrigendum to illegal conditions

§ 114. It shall be incumbated to the owner of a property as well as the person who has committed the infringement, to enrich it in the case of the infringement, unless the derogation has been granted by the State, after having given the local authority to the authorities ; competent authority to give an opinion on the granting of a derogation.

Paragraph 2. If an owner or a holder of a property does not warrant an announcement of the correction of an illegal relationship, the sentence may be imposed on him by a time limit imposed by the imposition of consecutive fines to the correction of the ratio.

Paragraph 3. Where a judgment has been issued to make an illegal connection not comply with the time limit laid down in the judgment, and the recovery of periodic penalties cannot be claimed that the person concerned may comply with the person concerned, the competent authority may, make it necessary for the holder ' s enrichment against compensation from the owner or the person who has committed the offence.

Paragraph 4. The police shall provide the authorities in accordance with the rules referred to in the law following a negotiated procedure between the Minister of Transport and the Minister for Justice.

The entry into force, etc.

§ 115. The law shall enter into force on 1. However, in April 1972, the provision of Section 124 shall be in force in the notice of the law in the law.

Paragraph 2. The Minister for Transport lays down the transitional rules that are necessary for the implementation of the law.

§ § 116-118. (Transitional provisions, omitted).

§ 119. The Act of the Act shall

1) Main road road, cf. Law Order no. 321 of 2. July 1970 on Main roads,

2) law on the governing board of the public roads, cf. Law Order no. 369 of 5. August 1970,

3) Act on grants to the public roads, cf. Law Order no. 367 of 22. July 1970,

4) Section 23 of the building code, cf. Law Order no. 206 of 15. ' May 1970.

§ § 120-124. (Transitional provisions, omitted).

§ 125. The law does not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Law No 233 of 21. April 1999 on the amendment of the law on public roads, the law on private coils, the right to the immovable property and the Baneboard, etc., if section 1 relates to sections 2, 35, 37, 38, 47, 53, 53, 54, 58, 58, 58, 58 and 60, contain the following entry into force and transitional provisions :

§ 5

Paragraph 1. The law shall enter into force on 1. July 1999, cf. however, paragraph 1 2.

Paragraph 2. (Entry into force, omitted).

Paragraph 3. (Transitional clause, excluded).

Paragraph 4. For building lines that are required to secure new roads and forciting existing roads before the entry into force of the law, cf. paragraph 1, the 10-year period referred to in section 35 (3) begins. ONE, THREE. pkt;, in the law of public roads as inserted at § 1, nr. 2 running from 1. July, 1999.

Law No 583 of 24. June 2005 on the amendment of the law on public roads, the law on private non-public roads, on the grounds of public roads, the maintenance of the winter maintenance and the maintenance of roads, as well as the rule of expropriation of immovable properties (Proposal) of the local authority reform, in the case of sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 to 11, 14, 16, 17, 20 to 24, 28-30, 34, 35, 46-48, 57, 58, 67, 67, 67 a, 70-73, 89, 96, 104, 106 and 114, contain the following entry into force, and transitional provisions :

§ 6

Paragraph 1. The law shall enter into force on 1. January, 2007, cf. however, paragraph 1 2.

Paragraph 2. § 1, no. 33 and 34, section 4, no. 6, section 5, no. 6, and section 6 (4). 6, enter into force on 1. July 2005.

Paragraph 3. With effect from 1. In January 2007, the roads listed in the Annex are classified on the roads of the county which have so far been controlled by the county as a main road.

Paragraph 4. With effect from 1. In January 2007, municipality's no. 170, Rønne-Åceby, and municipality's no. 171, Åceby Åceby Nexe, as head highways.

Paragraph 5. In the case of road roads, which are not completed by the county council, the road haumen shall be transferred to the weighing board which will take over the route in question. Cases relating to municipal route no. 170 and 171, which, in the case of the entry into force of the law, is not completed by the Municipality of Bornholm, is transferred to the Directorates.

Paragraph 6. (Transitional clause, excluded).

Law No 320 of 30. April 2008 amending the Law on public roads and the Act on Private Conduct (Transposition of Conventions and EU Rules), where section 1 of new Article 109 is concerned, the following entry into force shall include :

§ 3

The law shall enter into force on the day following the announcement in the law.

Department of Transportation, the 22nd. May 2008 Carina Christensen / Knud Erik Andersen


Countries that are classified as head highways by 1. January 2007

Frederiksborg Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Favrholm-Karlebo Overdrive
Frederikswarm-Dogs Site
Karlebo Overdrev-Stenholts Vang
Isterwa-est-ebelholt Kloster (ice wastside road)
Roskilde Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Roskilde-Solred-Cove Bugt-Motorway
The Vedv-Holpelkexpressway
Vestsjællands Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Sisters Ringvej and Bragesvej, Ringsted
Næstknow Slagelse
Storstroms Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Nykøbing Falster-StorAC Bridge
Newbuyers Falster-Gedser
Næstknow Slagelse
Rttestrup Øverup
(Næstat Omfartsvej west)
Fyns Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Nørre Aaby-Udby
Nørre Aaby-Baaring
Sønderjyllands Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Kolding Gablager.
Ribe-Tønder-Boundary Limit
Ribe Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Ribe-Tønder-Boundary Limit
Lunderskov-Hoist fraud
Vejle Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Kolding Gablager.
Ringkøbing Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Ringkøbing Holstebro
The ring road in Holstebro
Aarhus Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Skuling throat (MolsmotorRoad) lamp
Aarhus Grenaa
The Ring Road Vejlby-Viby
Tear strup Ebeltoft ferry port
The ring road in Randers
Viborg Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Thisted-Remove Delete
Nordjyllands Amt
Weather Number
From km
For km
Thisted-Remove Delete
Aabybro-Fourth-tear slev
The Ring Road on Bouet.
Nørresundby Aabybro
Markings Frederiksport
Aggersund-Removing Deletes
Whole country.
Official notes

1) The Ministry of Transport, Transport and Transportation and the Minister for Transport and the Energy Minister have been amended as a result of the Transport Ministry and the Minister for Transport as a result of a royal resolution of 23. November, 2007.

2) The reference to the Minister for Housekeeping has been in the whole legal order changed to the Minister for the Environment as a result of a royal resolution of 27. November 2001, cf. Notice no. 1107 by 20. December 2001, amending the ministries ' business.