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To Correct Errors In The Law Of The Czech National Council On Changes In The Scope Of The Org And Min.

Original Language Title: o opravě chyb v zákonu ČNR o změnách v org. a působnosti min.

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87/1988 Coll.


about correcting errors

in the Czech National Council Act No. 61/1988 Coll., on changes in the Organization and

the scope of the ministries and other central bodies of the State administration of the Czech

the Socialist Republic

1. In article I in Czech and Slovak editions of the laws is incorrectly

stated: "... in the text of the laws of the Czech National Council No. 34/1979 Sb. ...".

Should: "..., as amended by the laws of the Czech National Council No. 34/1970 Sb.";

2. in article I, section 16 in the Czech edition of the laws are missing in the markup

section number. Should: "section 16".

The editorial staff