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Change Of Office Hours Of The Establishment

Original Language Title: změna vyhlášky o úředních hodinách provozovny

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101/2015 Sb.


of 22 March. April 2015,

amending Decree No 355/2013 Coll., on Office hours

the establishment, the labelling and the establishment of the registered office and on the activities that is

the insolvency practitioner shall provide in the establishment

The Ministry of Justice provides under section 5a paragraph 2. 8 of law No.

312/2006 Coll., on insolvency administrators, as amended by Act No. 294/2013


Article. (I)

Decree No 355/2013 Coll. on the official working hours of the establishment, the labelling

and the establishment of the registered office and on the activities which the insolvency practitioner is obliged to

provide in the establishment is amended as follows:

1. In article 3, after paragraph 1, insert a new paragraph 2 is added:

"(2) business hours of each facility must be set so that

the insolvency practitioner in each establishment ensures the activity referred to in section 4.

Office hours no establishment shall not be determined to work at the same time

the day when the insolvency administrator or the advertised companion, if

insolvency administrator public company regularly provides

activities at the headquarters of the insolvency administrator. ".

The former paragraph 2 becomes paragraph 3.

2. In article 3, paragraph 3. 3, after the word "place", the words "at the entrance to

facility concerned ".

3. In paragraph 3, at the end of paragraph 3 the following sentence "the information Board shall

be placed throughout the closure of an establishment. ".

4. In section 4, paragraph 4. 1 at the end of subparagraph (c)) is replaced by a comma and dot

the following point (d)), which read as follows:

"(d)) registration period and the transitional conclusion of the reasons of the establishment.".

5. In section 4, paragraph 4. 2 the initial part of the provision, the words "the law,"

the words "insolvency practitioner or the advertised companion, if

insolvency administrator of a public company, ".

6. In section 4, paragraph 4. 2 of the introductory part of the provisions for the word "shall" be inserted

the words "their continuous physical presence in the establishment at all

for Office hours. "

7. in section 4, paragraph 4. 2 (c)):

"(c)) negotiations with the debtor.".

Article. (II)

The effectiveness of the

This Decree shall take effect on the first day of the fourth calendar month

following the date of its publication.


JUDr. Pelikán, Ph.d., v. r.