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Lhasa Tourism Management

Original Language Title: 拉萨市旅游管理办法

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Urban tourism management

(The 12th ordinary meeting of the Government of the city of Lasa, 21 August 2013, considered the adoption of Decree No. 47 of 4 September 2013, No. 47 of the Order of the People's Government of Lasa, which came into force on 1 November 2013)


Chapter I General

Chapter II

Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V Legal responsibility

Annex VI

Chapter I General

In order to strengthen the city's tourism management, regulate the tourism market order, guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of tourist consumers, operators and tourist practitioners, protect national resources and promote the development of the city's tourism industry, and develop this approach in line with the laws, regulations and regulations of the State, Tibetan Autonomous Region.

Article II provides for the development of tourism industry development planning, protection and development of tourism resources, implementation of tourism management, construction of tourism facilities, tourism operations and tourism activities within the city's administration.

Article 3

Article IV. Governments of municipalities, districts (zones) should strengthen their leadership in tourism efforts, integrate the tourism industry into national economic and social development planning, increase financial inputs, establish comprehensive coordination mechanisms for the sound tourism industry and promote the development of tourism industry in coordination with relevant industries.

Article 5 is responsible for the management of tourism throughout the city and for the integrated planning, coordination and monitoring of the development of the city's tourism industry.

Regional (zone) tourism administration authorities are responsible for the day-to-day management of tourism in the current administration and related operations authorized.

The executive authorities, such as development and reform, public safety, business, health, transport and tax, should be governed by their respective responsibilities by law with respect to tourism oversight management and services.

Article 6. The Government of the people at all levels of the city and its relevant sectors should provide recognition and incentives to units and individuals that have made a significant contribution to the development of the tourism industry.

Chapter II

Article 7.

Article 8

In accordance with the specific planning for the development of the city tourism industry, the People's Government has developed specific planning for the development of the tourism industry in the current administrative region, which was approved by the municipal tourism administration authorities.

Article 9. The Government of the city and the Government of the people of the rich and urban resources (zone) should establish dedicated funds for tourism development, in accordance with the needs for tourism development, to include in the annual financial budget and to increase progressively.

The Special Fund for Tourism Development is earmarked by the Tourism Administration and is responsible for the supervision of the financial and auditing sectors.

Article 10 Governments at all levels of the city should strengthen their collaboration with neighbouring areas and tourist cities, inter alia, information-sharing, complementarity and development of tourism cooperation.

Governments of municipalities, districts (zones) should increase their inputs to training in tourism, broaden training channels and improve the quality of tourist practitioners.

Article 11

The Government of the city is leading the city's tourism promotion campaign. The municipal tourism administration authorities are responsible for the development of strategies and annual tourism promotion plans in the city, the long-term tourism market development strategy and the organization of implementation.

The Government's tourism promotion and marketing requirements are covered by specific funding for tourism development, and the tourism administration authorities should be well placed in the Government's tourism promotion of funds disbursements, use and regulation.

Article 12. The Government of the urban, district (zone) should take preferential measures such as microcredit, loan breaks, encouraging farmers to participate in the tourism industry in a variety of forms, enabling farmers to develop local-specific tourism projects and to develop rural tourism industries.

The executive authorities of the city, district (zone) should strengthen the development of tourism information, establish a network of sound tourism information and improve service functions.

The municipal, district (zone) tourist executive authorities should promote and guide tourist operators in standardizing, regulating services, and make available to society the lists of tourist operators who meet national standards, industry standards and local standards and have access to the corresponding service quality.

The municipal, district (zone) tourism administration authorities should conduct surveys and assessments of tourism resources, establish tourism resource files, guide resource protection and development in the tourism region.

Article 14.

Article 15. The development of tourism resources can take the form of contracting, renting, secession of ownership and business rights and promote the development and use of tourism resources. The law also provides for the provision.

Units and individuals that have access to the operation of tourism resources should develop and build tourism services facilities in accordance with the approved special planning for tourism industry development and conduct environmental impact assessments in accordance with the law.

Chapter III

Article 16, when travelling agencies operating in the city, hotels, tourist landscapes (points), tourist shopping sites, tourist horticulture, tourism products operating enterprises, tourism transport enterprises, tourism brokers, business registrations, etc., should be consulted by the business administration authorities.

The above-mentioned tourist operators should be registered by the municipal tourist administrative authorities within 30 days of the date of the licence of business.

To guide the guided tour service in this city and to obtain a guide from the self-governing area, the travel agency, the tourism broker, should register to the city's administrative authorities within 30 days of the entry into force of the self-government area.

The city's tourist landscapes (points) have a dedicated guided tourism system. Those who have been asked for specialization are organized by the City Tourism Administration, who are eligible for a full-fledged guide to the Lasa municipality's tourist landscape. Without access to the full-time Tourricane (Day) Tourism in the city of Lasa, the operation management units in the current city's tourist landscape area (point) cannot arrange for their guided services in the tourist landscape area (points).

Article 17

(i) Disadvantages of service, threats, beatings and tourists;

(ii) Forced retention of the tourism team or the unauthorized termination of the travel space;

(iii) Receive registration marks, brands, quality certification signs of other tourist operators or unauthorized use of the names of other tourist operators;

(iv) The sale of tourism products at less cost;

(v) The sale of floors (points) above the price of cheques, the travel vehicle (fare) or the sale of passenger premises higher than the contract price;

(vi) The sale of falsely false tourist commodities;

(vii) To promote the publication of false tourist information and to provide false publicity to the scope, content, standards and etc.;

(viii) Other acts prohibited by law, regulations.

The operators of the tourism industry should use normative transactions and checklists when they operate.

Article 19 requires the establishment of a travel agency, which shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the State Department's Regulations.

Travel agencies have established branches in the city and should be brought to the relevant procedures by the municipal tourist administrative authorities.

Article 20 shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, the autonomous region and the city, perform work contracts with practitioners of the sub-prime, service network sites (the municipality of the city, the Ministry of Business), guided tours, outreach personnel, and team personnel, to conduct relevant social insurance payments that do not meet the minimum wage standards of the city.

Tour guide management services should enter into a labour-used contract with the guided toured personnel to deal with social insurance payments that are not less than the minimum wage in the city.

The travel agency has engaged the guided tourers to the guided tours management services and should enter into contracts with the recruits and pay reasonable labour compensation.

Article 21 Business activities of the Travellers shall be subject to the following provisions:

(i) The activities of the solicitation, organization and reception teams, including through the establishment of an internal unit, the contracting of a wall and the signing of a book of duties;

(ii) The transport of tourists using vehicles with a licence for the operation of vehicles;

(iii) In entering into a tourism contract with tourists, the voluntary purchase of tourist accident insurance by tourists;

(iv) To comply with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the Travel Institute, the Tourism Regulations of the Tibetan Autonomous Region.

Article 2 Administrative authorities of the city should establish a system for the quality of tourism services in the city and for the publication of tourism information to society on a regular basis.

Article 23 herein is the city's hotels, which have been assessed by law, and the family hotels that have reached a rating level.

Because of the lack of access to the sub-group (hosting) and the absence of a rating hierarchy of family hotels, the use of sporadic, hierarchy or designation is not acceptable to the tourist team.

Article 24

(i) Urgent cancellation of the contract, price rise and profitability;

(ii) The unauthorized termination of tourism services;

(iii) Violations of additional costs to tourists.

Article 25 Operational management units in the tourist landscape (point) and their practitioners shall establish tourist services, security facilities and their markings in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national, self-government zones and shall not include:

(i) No cushion price in the tourist landscape (point);

(ii) To collect additional costs for tourist services such as tourist toilets, parking sites;

(iii) No relief for specific targets, such as active military personnel, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and full-time students, in accordance with the relevant provisions;

(iv) The sale of a national order prohibiting the sale of commodities;

(v) The forced sale of commodities to tourists and the extortion of tourists.

Article 26 The guided tourers shall engage in tourist service reception activities in accordance with the Regulations governing the management of guided personnel and the Module for the management of guided personnel.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the National, Self-Government Zone, tourism transport enterprises and their tourist vehicle drivers should be established to upgrade the quality of services and enhance security management.

Drivers of tourist vehicles shall not have the following acts:

(i) Involve private tourists and engage in the reception activities of the tourism team;

(ii) Disadvantages of service, threats, assaults and tourists;

(iii) In violation of contractual agreements, travel routes, reductions or increased tourism projects, and additional costs were charged to tourists.

Article 28 places of tourist purchase and tourist horticulture should be provided with qualified commodities and quality services for tourists in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national, self-government zones, without the following:

(i) The sale of commodities prohibited by a national order;

(ii) Price fraud, which is good, and the sale of false commodities;

(iii) Compilation with guided tours, tourist transport vehicles drivers and deceive tourists to purchase high prices and false products;

(iv) The unused price labelling of this city is not used.

Article 29 provides tourist services for tourist operators, travel, accommodation, transport, catering, etc. through the establishment of Internet sites, tourist shopping sites, tourist horticulture, tourism products business, tourism transport enterprises, tourism brokers, etc., to tourists, travel, accommodation, transport, catering and catering services, and should be registered with the municipal administration authorities within 15 working days of the website.

Article 33

Chapter IV

The Government of the city, the district (zone) is responsible for the safety of tourism. The municipal tourism administration authorities should organize regulations on security aspects of the current city's tourism industry, organize work on industry-specific safety advocacy, monitor and inspect tourism industry priorities within the framework of their responsibilities to implement regulatory and security precautions related to tourism industry safety management systems, organize the development of a safe emergency response to tourism, establish a tabust system for tourism emergencies, eliminate accidents, investigate violations of tourism safety provisions by law, and undertake appropriate management responsibilities under the law.

The relevant branches of the Government of the city, the district (zone) perform the safety of tourism in accordance with laws, regulations.

Article 32 Operators should establish safety management responsibilities, establish internal security management structures or specialized personnel, equip the necessary security equipment, facilities and effectively guarantee the physical, property security of tourists.

In the event of a safe tourist accident, the tourist operators should take timely measures to deal with them and report to the relevant administrative authorities, such as tourism, public safety, and to the people's government in the counties.

Article 33 operates special tourism projects and passenger freight and large-scale slaughter projects involving security, and their equipment, facilities should be in line with relevant safety standards in the State, the autonomous region, and periodically test.

The tourist operators should strengthen the day-to-day maintenance and maintenance of equipment, facilities and ensure their safe functioning, hidden security accidents and should immediately organize the elimination.

Article 34 should ensure that the services provided are in compliance with the requirements for the safety of the tourists, property and safety of the tourists; that they should make a true note and a clear warning to the tourists and take measures to prevent harm.

The guided tours should be guided by the fact that they may have a threat to the physical, property security of the tourists, making a true note and clear warning to the tourists and taking measures to prevent harm, as requested by the travel agencies.

Article XV Tourism landscapes (points) should be established according to the needs of the reception, with geographical boundaries markings and lobbying signs; there should be clear signals or warning signs for regions or projects with a certain risk, and the necessary protection facilities.

Article XVI Tourism landscapes (points) should determine the capacity of tourist reception facilities and the control of tourist flows, in accordance with requirements such as tourism safety, environmental protection, physical protection and quality of services.

When tourist landscapes (points) meet or are close to the standards of traffic control for tourists, operators in the tourist landscape (points) should conduct evacuations in a timely manner and take steps to enter or restrict access.

Article 37 tourists should be aware of the safety provisions and raise awareness of self-protection. To promote the participation of tourists in physical accidents.

The Government of the communes, districts (zones) should strengthen leadership, integration of resources, establish mechanisms for sound tourism law enforcement inspections, tourism complaints and safe accident response, and operate in the city, district (zone) tourism administration authorities.

Chapter V Legal responsibility

In violation of article 16, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, article 19, paragraph 2, and article 29 of this approach, the tourist operator has not been registered with the administrative authorities of the tourism industry to register the relevant procedures, which are being redirected by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry, forfeiture the proceeds of the offence, with a fine of up to $50 million; in the event of a serious nature, the suspension of the business.

In violation of article 16, paragraph 4, of this approach, the operating management units in the tourist landscape area (at the point of destination) are converted by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry; in the event, there is a fine of up to $300,000.

Article 40, in violation of article 17, subparagraph (i), subparagraph (ii) of this approach, is being corrected by an administrative authority responsible for tourism; in the event of a severe fine of €50 million for tourist operators and 500,000 dollars for tourism practitioners.

In violation of article 17, subparagraphs (iii), (iv), (v) of this approach, the administrative authorities of the tourism industry are responsible for the correcting of proceeds of the conflict; in the event of a severe fine of up to $50 million for tourist operators and fines of up to $50 million for tourist practitioners.

In violation of article 17, subparagraph (vi), subparagraph (vii), of this approach, the commercial administration is punishable by law.

Article 40, in violation of article 20 of this approach, is punishable by law by the human resources and the social security sector.

Article 42, paragraph (i), subparagraph (ii) and (iii) of this approach, is restructured by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry, in violation of article 21, paragraph (i), of the scheme; in the event, there is a severe fine of up to 5,000 dollars for the travel agency.

In violation of article 23 of this approach, the use of sporadic, hierarchical or identifiers has been changed by an administrative authority responsible for tourism and fines of more than 500,000 yen; in contravention of the reception of the tourism team, which is corrected by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry, forfeiture the proceeds of the offence, with a fine of up to $300,000.

Article 44, in violation of article 24 of this approach, is being restructured by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry; in serious circumstances, a fine of €300,000 for the operators of the hotels and 1OOO.

Article 42, in violation of article 25, subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of this approach, is redirected by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry; in exceptional circumstances, there is a fine of up to $100,000 for the operating management units of the tourist landscape (at the point).

In violation of article 25, subparagraph (iv), subparagraph (v), of this approach, the commercial administration is punishable by law.

Article 46, in violation of article 27, subparagraph (i), subparagraph (ii), subparagraph (iii) of this approach, is being restructured by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry; in exceptional circumstances, there is a fine of up to $100,000 for the tourism transport enterprise.

Article 47, in violation of article 28, subparagraph (i), subparagraph (ii), of this approach, is punishable by law by the business administration.

In violation of article 28, paragraph (iii), of this approach, the administrative authorities of the tourism industry are responsible for the correcting of proceeds of the law; in serious circumstances, the fine of up to $50 million for tourist purchases, tourist horticulture sites.

In violation of article 28, paragraph (iv), of this approach, the price authorities are punished by law.

Article 48 reproduces the tourist operators who have committed major complaints and major security accidents, which are rectified by the administrative authorities of the tourism industry; in the case of serious circumstances, a fine of €50 million for tourist operators.

Article 49 violates other acts under this approach, which are regulated by law, legislation, regulations, penalties and penalties.

In violation of this approach, the rights of the person of the person of the travellers and the property rights of the State, the collective or the travellers shall be subject to civil responsibility under the law.

This constitutes a violation of the Law on the Safety and Security of the People's Republic of China, which provides for the commission of criminal responsibility by law.

Annex VI

Article 50 of this approach refers to the use of tourism resources and facilities to conduct entry and visa procedures for tourists, solicitation, reception of tourists and the provision of remunerated services for tourists, such as transport, cruise, accommodation, catering, purchase, cultural recreation.

This approach refers to the natural resources, historical cultural resources and other social resources that can be exploited for the development of tourism industries, with economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits.

Article 50 of this approach refers to units and components involved in business activities such as travel agencies, tourist accommodations, tourism meals, tourist sites (points), web tourism, tourism vehicles, tourism products, tourism purchases. The alleged tourist consumers refer to individuals and units involved in tourism activities and receive paid services in accordance with the travel activities contract.

Article 52 of this approach refers to the establishment of labour relations with tourist operators and the provision of tourism services to tourists.

Article 53 of this approach refers to tourism products as a portfolio of tourist attractions and services for tourist operators through the development and use of tourism resources. The tourist destinations provide the tourists with the sum of the services required for a tourist activity.

Article 54