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Gansu Grassland Fire Prevention Measures

Original Language Title: 甘肃省草原防火办法

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Gang Province's approach to fire prevention

(Summit No. 53 of 19 March 2010 of the Government of Gangong Province to consider the adoption of the Decree No. 66 of 29 March 2010 on the People's Government of Gangang Province, which came into force on 1 May 2010)

Chapter I General

Article 1, in order to strengthen fire prevention, to prevent and combat spoilers, to protect heral resources and to secure the lives and property of the people, to develop this approach in the light of the laws and regulations such as the Zangger Prevention Regulations.

Article 2, this approach applies to the prevention and rescue of natural and mangrove fires in the territorial administration of the province. The forest area and urban areas are not applicable.

Article 3. Rain fire prevention has been carried out by the executive heads of all levels of the people's government responsible for the management and sectoral, unit leadership.

Governments at all levels should incorporate special funds for fire prevention into the current financial budget and guarantee the prevention and recovery of past fires.

Article IV. The Government of the people at the district level should establish the Ministry of Rain fire Prevention, which is based on the authorities of the Ministry of Command and is responsible for daily fire prevention. The main duties of the command are:

(i) Leadership, organization of command, extortion, investigation, arrangements for the deployment of firefighting measures to coordinate grass-root fire protection efforts in the current administration area.

(ii) The publication of an early warning information from the grassland fire police, the decision to launch and stop the explanatory fire response and to coordinate the implementation of the residues, transport, financial security, etc. of the past fire.

(iii) To study important issues related to fire prevention.

Article 5

The relevant sectors of the population at the district level should be able to work on fires in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

Article 6. The Government of the communes should strengthen its monitoring of the fires in the current administration area and establish a village obligation to combat the fire.

Article 7 should establish an information bank for grassland fire defence experts and establish an emergency response expert group to provide decision-making advice for fire recovery efforts.

The Rain-Chief-Chief-Chief State and the Districts should also form the corresponding anti-drug technology organization.

Article 8.

Article 9. Governments at all levels should organize regular fire awareness education and raise awareness about the safety of the citizen's past fire. In the past fire area and its traffic routes, a fire-fighting propaganda brand and a warning card are to be established.

The media, such as radio television, the press, should conduct a campaign of fire defence. Schools in the grassland area should carry out fire prevention education.

Any unit and individual have the obligation to prevent the fire, report the fires, protect herals and participate in the bloodshed. However, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, minors and the elderly must not be mobilized to fight spoilers.


Article 10, the provincial fire defence authorities, based on the scope of herbath and the level of risk of fires, divided the entire province into the very high, high, medium and four levels of fire-fighting.

Article 11. The authorities of the veterans at the district level, in line with the top-level fire-planning, prepare the current administrative regional fire-planning and report to the Government of the same-ranking people.

Article 12. The Government of the people at the district level should organize units and units to strengthen the necessary firearming and monitoring facilities, fire spousal breaks, fire protection roads, fire storage units (stills) and infrastructure-building, such as grassland fire protection tools, fire extingencies, observation and communications equipment.

Emphasis should be placed on the necessary fire-fighting materials to ensure the effective supply of the material needed to combat the fire.

The authorities of grassland fires at all levels should organize equipment such as a firefighting tool, extinguish firearms, clothing, observation and communications equipment, for regular inspections, maintenance and updating, to ensure emergency security of the material needed to combat the fire.

Article 13 Implementation of the grass-roots construction project should be accompanied by the development of a plan for the construction of fire-fighting facilities.

Article 14.

Article 15. The communes of the communes, the communes of the communes of the communes of the grassland fire should be divided in accordance with the specific circumstances used by the grassland operation, the establishment of a fire-fighting responsibility regime, the signing of a fire-fighting letter, and the regular conduct of a fire-fighting inspection.

With regard to more than two administrative areas, the Government of the people concerned should establish a fire-fighting fire-fighting regime, identify the area of inter-agency fire prevention, strengthen information communication and monitor inspections and ensure emergency disposal.

Article 16 conducts activities such as the demolition, survey, prospecting, the establishment of a pipeline, the opening of mining and engineering construction, and provides the following materials for approval by the provincial grassland institutions. In the context of specific implementation, the pre-emption of fires should be presented to the local district-level fire defence authorities.

(i) Applications;

(ii) Verification by the authorities in the area of the town of the city of the location;

(iii) The use of herbicide and construction of approval documents, implementation units and personal documents;

(iv) The availability of firefighting equipment and the pre-emption of fires;

(v) Evidence of the consent of the grassland users or contractors;

(vi) Provision of advice from the management of natural protected areas within natural protected areas;

(vii) Reimbursement of the recovery fee for herbicide;

(viii) The training of qualified personnel for firefighting technology for more than three grassland fires.

Article 17

In the course of her fire, the authorities at the district level should strictly implement the twenty-four-hour regime to ensure the safe and timely disposal of fire information.

Article 19 prohibits the use of fires and the use of gun hunting in her grassland during her fire.

It is imperative that the following provisions be observed:

(i) There is a need for fire, and fire prevention measures should be taken to extinguish the fire.

(ii) The need for the production of fires should be approved by the local authorities of the people's grassland fire protection authorities.

(iii) Contaminated heralths, such as sanitary diseases, which require burning measures, should be submitted to the provincial fire defence authorities, with the approval of the Government of the people at the district level. Precineration should be preceded by the construction of fire-free zones and the organization of live fire defence agents.

(iv) The burning, burning, burning of crops and residues along the natural grassland and artificial lands should be reported to the communes of the town and organizers' fire prevention measures. The communes' Government has also been backed by the authorities of the town to the veily authorities.

(v) The dumping of fire-destruction wastes at her grassland should take fire-fighting measures to reserve fire protection authorities in the district.

In the course of the fire, mechanical equipment engaged in field operations in the grassland should be installed to comply with fire safety operations.

Article 21 During her fire, grass-root authorities at all levels should conduct a safety examination of wild fire safety activities that may trigger spoiler fires, along with sectors such as safe production supervision. It was found that fires were hidden and that the responsible person concerned should be informed of measures taken to eliminate the sparkation of fires; the refusal to take measures to prohibit the use of wilder operations in herbn.

Article 2 below is delineated as a priority area of fire.

(i) Scillary poultry, heating bush, heating bush, swings, swingbnung, milbing, temperate, tybing, typhoons, typhoon, trenching, trenching, treasury swing, low-wingnung, marshes and herbs;

(ii) Exhibitions, band pastorals and herders;

(iii) Multi-year planting areas;

(iv) The grassland natural protected areas, the Metropolitan area;

(v) Regional activities such as mining, construction and tourism.

Local Governments and relevant units focusing on the fire area should establish professional fires, as required; the village concerned should establish a farmer fire squad. It should conduct annual training and fire-fighting exercises, and be subject to the command and mobilization of the Government of the people at the district level.

Article 23, in the course of the fire, has occurred in high-ware, drought and wind, etc., where the Government of the more than the people of the district should dedicate the area of heavy fires, high-brain fires, grassland natural protected areas, polar monuments, the original forest area adjacent to the original forest grassland area and the area where significant loss of human life or property is likely to result in spoilers of fire.

The fire control area should be delineated and the time limit for fire control should be set for timely publication to society. All wild fires are prohibited in the area of fire control.

Article 24 vehicles entering the area of fire control should be obtained by means of fire fire fire fire fires issued by the authorities at the district level above and subject to fire control.

Article 25 units and individuals carrying out activities such as sex tourism and video screening should be established to develop sound fire protection systems, to develop fire prevention measures, to be equipped with firefighting equipment and to receive training in fire prevention techniques.

Article 26 Provincial authorities and meteorological authorities should work together to establish an early warning system for swings. Meteorological authorities should be able to communicate and issue their work at the grass-roy level, in accordance with the actual needs of fires, and to communicate fire alert information to the Office of the Ministry of Rainbustry.

The firefighting authorities at all levels should make available to the society the firefighting telephone.

Chapter III Responsibilities for spoilers

Article 27 provides units and individuals engaged in spousal monitoring and in the production of activities in the grassland, and discovers that the fires should be reported in a timely manner to the local people's Government or to the grassland fire authorities. Other units and individuals that have found fires should also be reported to the local people's Government or to the grassland fire authorities in a timely manner.

In the course of her fire, article 28 imposes a zero-reporting system for firearms. The fire defence authorities at all levels, as well as the grass-root mediators, should report to the highest level in a timely and accurate manner information on the fire.

Following reports of fires received by the local people's Government or grassland fire authorities, immediate staff should be organized to carry out control and combat rescue measures to verify the time, place, the extent of the fire, the geo meteorology, the distribution of vital facilities, trends in fire development and threats, and to report to the superior fire defence authorities.

The spoiler fire outside or province threatens the security of the pastoral, and it should also report on the extent of the fire from the province's borders and the threat of the past.

The Government of the people at the district level should determine the level of fire, in accordance with the circumstances of the past fire, and launch the corresponding fire response.

No units and individuals may be diverted, dismantled the fire facility equipment, shall not block the road of fire, prevent the opening of fire blocks, and shall not crowd out the radio channels designated by local radio management bodies for fire protection, without disrupting and affecting the normal use of radio stations.

Article 32, which should organize and mobilize local fire brigades, forest police, professional firefights and mass fires trained and hitherto; units and individuals who have been rescue orders must be quickly removed from designated sites to invest in the recovery process.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army and the China People's Armed Police Force are required to participate in the spoilers of the past fire and to be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the military's participation in the war-torn response.

Article 33 XIII should establish a dedicated vehicle, equipment, equipment and facilities management system at all levels to conduct regular inspections to ensure the need for firefighting.

Specialized vehicles for fire protection should be installed in the light of the required spraying maps, markings. The special vehicle for fire protection and the temporary pumping and requisitioning of vehicles for the implementation of firefighting missions are exempted from the cost of movement of vehicles, in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 34, which occurs more than abode, should immediately be sent to firefields by the provincial fires command and the grassland fire defence authorities, to organize, coordinate, monitor fires and to manage firefighters and supplies across the city.

In the event of a general grass-root fire, the local town's fire command and the grass-root fire authorities should be sent to fire sites, organize, coordinate, monitor fire strikes and implement the mediation of fire-fighting materials across the urban area.

In the event of a fire that threatens the safety of the forest area, the authorities of the grassland fire should notify forest fire authorities in a timely manner.

The occurrence of spousal fires across the province and the threat to the original security of the province should be reported in a timely manner to the provincial fire defence authorities, which are reported by the provincial grassland fire defence authorities and to inform the relevant provincial authorities of the fires. The provincial and municipal authorities should immediately be sent to the field to organize, coordinate, monitor fire prevention and rescue.

Article XV provides for a uniform system of dissemination of fire information. More generally, information on spoilers was published by the Provincial Government's fire defence authorities.

Chapter IV Post-disaster disposal

Following the explanatory fire, the authorities concerned should conduct a thorough examination of the fire site, remove the remaining fire and retain sufficient firefighters. Those who have been inspected by the grass-root fire authorities are eligible to withdraw.

Following the explanatory fire, the Government of the people concerned should organize the timely rehabilitation and rescue of the victims, guarantee the basic lives of the victims, prepare disaster-prone sanitation and prevent the occurrence and dissemination of infectious diseases.

As a result of disaster relief needs, emergency expropriation units and personal supplies, transportation tools, facilities, equipment or occupation of their homes, land should be returned in a timely manner and compensated.

Following the extinguishing of the fire, the authorities of the grassland fire should conduct investigations and observations on the time, location, causes and perpetrators of the fire in a timely manner with the relevant sectors such as public security.

The authorities should make statistics on the number and number of deaths and injuries of persons, the impact of pastures, the types and quantities of naturalized livestock, the types and quantities of wildlife affected, the construction and protection of grassland and the consumption of goods and other economic losses, and assess the impact of the spoiler fire on the lives of pastoralists, the production of livestock, the ecological environment and report thereon.

Article 39 of the fire protection authorities should strictly carry out spoilers statistics, report to the top-level fire protection authorities, as required by the statements of her fires statistics, and transmit them to the public security sector, statistical institutions.

Article 40

(i) The participation of national workers in the payment of wages and travel during the fighting;

(ii) National workers participate in the cost of living benefits during the fighting, non-State workers are involved in misliving and living benefits during the fighting, as well as other expenses incurred during the fighting, the redeployment of units and personal material equipment, transport instruments, etc., in accordance with the standards set by the Government of the Provincial People, paid by fire-related units or perpetrators; the perpetrators' units or perpetrators cannot be determined by the commissioner; and the firefighting units, the perpetrators or agents are incapable of paying part of the Government.

Article 40 provides medical assistance and pensions to persons who have been injured, maimed or killed for their participation in the fire.

Chapter V Legal responsibility

Article 42, in violation of the provisions of this approach, provides that the authorities or other relevant departments and staff at the district level have one of the following acts, which are redirected by their superior administrative organs or by an inspection authority; in the event of a serious nature, the person directly responsible is disposed of in accordance with the relevant provisions; constitutes an offence punishable by law:

(i) To be informed that the fires are not reported or reported in a timely manner;

(ii) No pre-empts for the preparation of a fire response, as prescribed;

(iii) Approval of activities such as wild fires that do not meet the requirements of heroic fire or manoeuvres, explosions, surveying, prospecting, laying (please) routes and construction of works;

(iv) Procedural fire passes for unqualified vehicles;

(v) Exhibiting reports, false reports or giving the other to cover the reported fire;

(vi) No measures taken in a timely manner to combat spoilers;

(vii) In violation of the regime of firefighting, prompt reports of delays in the discharge of duty;

(viii) Other acts that are not carried out by law.

In violation of this approach, units such as the production operation of the grassland were not established or failed to implement the fire liability regime, which was corrected by the authorities of more than 2,000 people at the district level or by the former supervisory authority.

Article 44 prevents the opening of fire blocks by theft, destruction, misappropriation, removal, dismantling of plant equipment, blocking the fire protection route, crowding out radio stations designated by the radio management body, disrupting and affecting the normal use of radio stations and individuals, in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and regulations, and criminal responsibility under the law.

In violation of this approach, there are one of the following acts, which are committed by the authorities of the above-mentioned people at the district level or by the former supervisory authority to put an end to the offence, to take fire measures, and to fines of up to 5,000 dollars for the responsible person concerned, in respect of the liability unit of responsibility:

(i) No activities such as the unauthorized use of fires outside the grassland or the conduct of manoeuvres, explosions, surveying, prospecting, construction (please) routes and construction of works;

(ii) Unauthorized activities in the field of operational sex tourism, video screening;

(iii) The absence of a ban on fire protection from the grassland fire control area;

(iv) Contrary, voucher of documents, documents.

Article 46, in violation of the present approach, contains one of the following acts, which is committed by the authorities of the above-mentioned people at the district level or by the former supervisory authority to put an end to the offence, take fire measures to eliminate the sparkation of the fire and impose a fine of up to 2.0 million dollars for the responsible person concerned, and imposes a fine of over 2,000 dollars for the responsible units; refuse to take fire measures, eliminate the hidden spoilers of the fire; and take fire protection measures by the authorities of more than the district.

(i) No fire-fighting measures have been taken in the area of fire during her fire;

(ii) A motor vehicle operating and garbed in herders, a device not installed by machinery or a fire cover;

(iii) Drivers or passengers who took over the bush in public transport instruments;

(iv) mechanics engaged in field operations in grassland do not comply with fire safety operations or do not take fire measures against mechanical equipment for wild operations;

(v) In the area of fire control over the grassland fire;

(vi) The drafting of spoilers, such as wild fires, is not sufficient to hold criminal responsibility;

(vii) Denial of fire inspection by firefighters, and no measures are required to eliminate the hidden fire.

Article 47 contains one of the following acts in her grassland during the fire period, which is fined by the authorities at the district level over the pasture of fire or by the former supervisory authority over the amount of 2,000 dollars in the unit of responsibility, and a fine of over 1000 dollars for the responsible person concerned:

(i) Scillary fire and the use of gun hunting;

(ii) The unauthorized use of fires in production activities in herders;

(iii) Unauthorized burning of vectors;

(iv) Be burning, burning, burning of crop residues without reference to the adjacent areas of natural grassland and artificial grassland;

(v) In the absence of a case, the dumping of fire-destruction wastes is likely to trigger.

Annex VI

Article 48 is implemented effective 1 May 2010.