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Tianjin City Over The Transfer Of Infrastructure Management

Original Language Title: 天津市城市基础设施移交接管管理办法

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Referral of the management approach to the urban infrastructure of the city

(Adopted at the 69th Standing Committee meeting of the People's Government of Oxford, 1 April 2011, by Decree No. 38 of 13 June 2011, published as from 1 August 2011)

Article 1, in order to regulate the transfer of urban infrastructure, identify the rights, obligations and obligations of construction units and conservation management units, ensure the regular use of urban infrastructure and develop this approach in the light of the relevant legislation.

The second new construction, alteration and expansion of the urban infrastructure government finance construction project, which is followed by the transfer of conservation management units by construction units.

The urban infrastructure described in this approach includes:

(i) Urban roads, roads, bridges and subsidiary facilities;

(ii) Public transport sites (stays);

(iii) Urban public drainage facilities and rivers;

(iv) Road lighting facilities, landscape lighting facilities and subsidiary facilities;

(v) Parks, greenfields, square brackets;

(vi) Other urban infrastructure.

The transfer of urban infrastructure should uphold the principle of interlinkages, harmonization and long-lasting management.

Article IV builds the administrative authorities to organize the transfer of urban infrastructure with the relevant authorities. Relevant urban infrastructure authorities, such as urban parking forests, transport ports, water and municipal roads, have been able to transfer related work in accordance with their respective responsibilities to urban infrastructure.

Article 5 Construction units should require the construction of urban infrastructure in accordance with planning design requirements, quality standards for engineering construction and technical norms, and be transferred to the conservation management units in a timely manner after the facility is completed.

Prior to the process of handover, construction units are responsible for the management of urban infrastructure.

Article 6 Conservation management units should take over urban infrastructure in a timely manner and, after taking over over, the conservation management of urban infrastructure is required in accordance with the relevant provisions and technical norms.

Article 7. Building administrative authorities shall be invited to participate in the relevant conservation management authorities when they are authorized by law for urban infrastructure construction projects. Comments and recommendations on conservation management proposed by the conservation management authorities should be retained in a complete record of language; they should be adopted with respect to the principles and standards that are consistent with national and present municipalities.

Article 8. The construction units shall, within 15 days of receipt of the construction work permit, process the conservation management request to the relevant conservation management authorities and provide the following material:

(i) The name of the construction unit, the legal representative;

(ii) The name, place, structure, size, subsidiary facilities of the project;

(iii) Explore, design, construction and the associated qualifications of the institution;

(iv) Other material required by law, regulations and regulations.

The construction units have not been processed for the conservation management clearance process, and the establishment of a post-harvest management unit could refuse to take over.

Article 9. Upon receipt by the conservation management authorities of the submissions, the conservation management units shall be established in a timely manner and shall be informed in writing, within five working days of the date of receipt of the request material, of the following matters:

(i) The name, address and contact of the conservation management unit;

(ii) The city infrastructure is transferred to the relevant requirements for taking over;

(iii) Matters requiring participation by conservation management units in the construction process.

The conservation management authorities cannot determine in a timely manner the conservation management units, which are replaced by the conservation management authorities in activities related to the construction process.

Article 10 Building units shall notify the conservation management units to participate in the following activities:

(i) The construction map of urban infrastructure;

(ii) Changes in the design of functionality;

(iii) Accreditation;

(iv) Other activities that are expressly required by the conservation management authorities to the construction units.

The participation of the conservation management units in the pre-partment activities identified issues that were sufficient to have an impact on the management of conservation, and should be informed in writing by the construction units. The parties did not consult on this matter in accordance with article 18 of this approach.

Article 11. The completion of the urban infrastructure should involve the construction of administrative authorities and the municipal, district (areas) conservation management authorities; the construction units should be renovated and recorded in cases where they do not meet the requirements of the completion inspection criteria.

Article 12. The construction units shall provide the following handovers to the conservation management units within 30 days of the completion of the clearance process:

(i) The completion of the inspection reports and the completion of the receipt certificate;

(ii) The construction of construction contracts in the case;

(iii) Technical material related to construction works and the status of the routing line.

Article 13, after receipt of the handover of material, shall complete the relevant verification work, such as on-site verification, within 15 working days of the date of receipt of all material.

Urban infrastructure can be transferred by verification, and the conservation management unit shall enter into a transfer agreement with the construction units within five working days after completion of the verification process.

After verification by the Conservation Management Unit, urban infrastructure does not have the conditions for the transfer and should be addressed in consultation with the construction units; consultations are incomplete and are governed by article 18 of this approach.

Article 14. The handover shall contain the following elements:

(i) Names of construction units, conservation management units;

(ii) Details of the relevant handover;

(iii) Work quality maintenance responsibility agreement;

(iv) Other matters to be agreed by both parties.

Article 15. The Conservation Management Unit assumes responsibility for urban infrastructure conservation from the date of the transfer of the approval of the agreement, except where the parties agree otherwise.

Article 16 requires the transfer of fixed property rights in urban infrastructure, which is governed by the relevant provisions of the State and the city.

Following the procedures for the management of the urban infrastructure, the conservation management units should approve, on time, the total number of new facilities and report to the management authorities; the conservation management authorities should send the total number of new facilities and the cost of conservation management to the financial sector prior to the transfer of a month prior to the transfer of the costs associated with the quality of the work. The financial sector, in accordance with the results and budgetary arrangements, provides for the timely payment of conservation management costs after the transfer of the contract and oversees the use of the costs.

Article 18 Construction units and conservation management units have disputed during the construction and transfer of urban infrastructures and should be addressed in consultation. There was no consultation, coordinated by the relevant conservation management authorities established by the executive authorities. There has been no coordination but the decision of the Government of the People's Government to build administrative authorities.

Article 19 Construction units should be transferred without the transfer, management units should take over without taking over, and be held accountable under the law by their superior authorities, supervisors and other directly responsible personnel directly responsible for the units. Their legal responsibility should be held in accordance with the law because of delays in the transfer or delay of taking over a major liability accident.

Article 20 This approach has been completed before the implementation of the urban infrastructure, which is qualified but not completed for the transfer of time, and the construction units and the conservation management units should be transferred within 30 days of the date of operation of the scheme; the dispute over the transfer process is governed by article 18 of this approach.