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Guizhou Provincial People's Government On The Second Batch To Cancel Delegation Of Management-Level Change Management Decisions Of The Merging Of Administrative Licensing Items

Original Language Title: 贵州省人民政府关于第二批取消下放管理层级转变管理方式合并的行政许可事项的决定

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Guizhou Provincial people's Government on the second batch to cancel delegation of management-level change management decisions of the merging of administrative licensing items (July 11, 2011 in Guizhou province, the people's Government of the 46th Executive Conference review by people's Government of Guizhou province, on August 15, 2011 released, 129th come into force on the date of promulgation), in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on administrative licensing, administrative examination and approval system reform provisions and provincial party Committee and provincial people's Government on the construction activities of the environmental requirements of provincial relevant departments directly under the implementation of administrative licensing matters concerning a comprehensive cleanup. Audited argues that provincial people's Government decided to release the second batch of removal, decentralized management hierarchy, change management and consolidation of administrative licensing items directory.

    Among them, canceled administrative licensing items 44, decentralization of management level of administrative licensing items 117, change the management mode of administrative licensing items 56, merged on 321 for 87. All regions and relevant departments to do a good job cancel and decentralization of the implementation of administrative licensing items and follow-up work, conscientiously strengthen the follow-up supervision, it is necessary to prevent disguised in a record, on behalf of the approved licenses, also to prevent certain administrative licensing items after you cancel or decentralized regulatory functions "vacancy" or "not in place".

    In accordance with the provincial party Committee and provincial people's Government, on environment related requirements for construction activities, deepening administrative reform, transform government functions, continue to deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, standardize the licensing process, innovation management, perfect the supervision mechanism, strengthening the supervision of power operation of administrative permission.

    The city and County Executive should be the decentralization of provincial administrative authorities of administrative approval items name, setting up bases, application, examination and approval procedures, the duration of the approval, fees and the need to submit application materials catalog and sample text in Office space and online publicity and calls for the establishment of a sound system, good service.

    This decision shall come into force as of the date of.

Appendix 1: Provincial Government decided to cancel the list of administrative licensing items (44 items)
│部│ 序 │      项目名称      │              法律依据              │     备注     │
│门│ 号 │                    │                                    │              │
│  │    │水溶性肥料、微生物肥│                                    │              │
Agriculture administration charge │ │ │ │ materials, provincial of the measures for Administration of registration of fertilizers (Ministry of Agriculture made the 32nd │ │ │ │ 1.
Other │ │ register permission, passed on June 12, 2000, to July 1, 2004 │ │
│业│    │肥料产品登记许可证初│修订)                              │              │
│委│    │审                  │                                    │              │
│ │ │ │ Production of animal feed products to the animal feed product safety and hygiene management measures │ │ │  │ 2.
Health and safety certificate of nuclear │ │ Enterprise (August 2, 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture made the 40th publishing, │ │
│││ │ 6th amended on November 8, 2007 Department of agriculture) │ │
│省│    │                    │                                    │              │
│人│    │                    │                                    │              │
│ │││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on statistics (people's Republic │ │
│ │││ Dutchrepublic, order of the President of the 15th, June 27, 2009 │ │ │ Terms │ 3.
│计划生育统计调查许可│布)                                │              │
│ │││ The administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │
│ │││ Of administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │
│育│    │                    │2004年6月29日公布)                 │              │
│委│    │                    │                                    │              │
│员│    │                    │                                    │              │
│会│    │                    │                                    │              │
│ │││ Of the drug regulations of Guizhou province (September 29, 2002 your │ │
Precursor chemicals production, │ │ │ │ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee III │ │ │ │ 4.
│ │ 11 camp record-keeping certification issued by the meeting, May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
Office │││ │ x session of the national people's Congress Standing Committee of the eighth │ │
│  │    │                    │议修正)                            │              │
│ │││, Forensic examination of the Guizhou province Ordinance (November 2005 25 │ the Guizhou Provincial Justice │ │ │ Secretary 5.
│ Japanese │ appraisers to accept other machine identification Ordinance XI session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province │ law │
│ │ Law │ │ frame employed for identification activities adopted at the 18th session) │ a procedure to amend the epigenetic │
│厅│    │                    │                                    │效            │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on urban and rural planning (Chinese │ │
Order of the President of the Republic of ││││, 74th, October 28, 2007 │ │ │  │ 6.
│外商投资企业从事城市│公布)                              │              │
│ │ │ │ To issue certificates to the planning service on administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │
│ │││ Of administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412 │ │
│房│    │                    │2004年6月29日公布)                 │              │
│和├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 7.
│ Qualification │ the urban house demolition unit urban housing units regulations (State Council Decree │ │
│ │ │ │ Approved No. 305, released on June 13, 2001), │ │
│ Set │││ of the gas regulations of Guizhou province (January 5, 2001 │ │
Office │││ │ 20th │ province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of Guizhou gas │ │  │ 8.
Sales catalog review │ │ gas appliances meeting, on May 28, 2004, Guizhou Management Ordinance by province │ law │
││││ Th people's Congress Standing Committee of the eighth would │ a procedure to amend the epigenetic │
││││ On the part of Guizhou province, adopted local laws and terms │ effect │
│  │    │                    │订案》修正)                        │              │
│省│    │                    │                                    │              │
│国│    │                    │                                    │              │ │ │ 9.
│ │ Calibration of surveying and mapping personnel assessment of the calibration of surveying and mapping personnel certification policy (│ │
│资│    │认证                │测法字[2006]6号)                   │              │
│源│    │                    │                                    │              │
│厅│    │                    │                                    │              │
││││ Of the Guizhou province, regulations on the management of urban public transport (Guizhou │ │
Th people's Congress Standing Committee 30th │ ││││ province, the Guizhou province city │
│ │ │ │ Urban public transport vehicles updated meeting, public traffic management in Guizhou province, on November 23, 2007 │ │ │ │ Road 10.
│ │ 11th approved according to the statutory procedures of the 18th session of the national people's Congress Standing Committee │ │
│ Road adopted at the │││ meeting of the Guizhou Provincial people's Congress Standing │ amendments take effect after │
│ Transport │││ Committee on revising part of the local laws and decisions │ │
│输│    │                    │修正)                              │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 11.
│ │ International road passenger transport lines of the People's Republic of China Road transportation regulations (State │ │
│││ Business license No. 406, │, released on April 30, 2004) │ │
│省│    │                    │                                    │              │
│ │││ Of the People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management │ │ │ │ 12.
Sunken │ │ inland navigable waters (State Council Decree, No. 355, on June 28, 2002 │ │
│海│    │物打捞作业许可      │公布)                              │              │
│事│    │                    │                                    │              │
│局│    │                    │                                    │              │
││││ The funeral regulations of Guizhou province (January 7, 2002 │ │
│ │││ │ Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial funeral │ │ │ 13.
Cross-province out of the body approved │ │ 26 meeting, Management Ordinance on May 28, 2004 │ law │
│ Political th │││, Guizhou province │ a procedure of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress amends the epigenetic │
│ │││ Eight times by the Office of the Guizhou province, some local regulations │ effect │
│  │    │                    │条款修改案》修正)                  │              │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on flood control (people's Republic │ │ │ │ 14.
Review │ dutchrepublic │ Dyke revetment forest harvesting, order of the President of the 88th, on August 29, 1997 public │ │
│  │    │                    │布)                                │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
Guizhou province, ││││ of the implementation of People's Republic of China │ Guizhou province, pending the implementation of the water law │
│ │││ Construction of the dam technology standards Act (September 23, 2005 │ th people of Guizhou province of the people's Republic of China │ │ │ 15.
¦ Review or approval on behalf of the Standing Committee of the 17th meeting) │ means the State water law │
│ │││, The Guizhou Provincial dam safety regulations (statutory procedure for politics │ │
│ │││ Water House, the 82nd, released February 2005 1 2nd) │ effect after │
│ │││ Of the Office of the Guizhou province's implementation of People's Republic of China │ Guizhou province, pending the implementation of the water law │
Reconstruction and extension of │││ reservoir dam safety ¦ Act (September 23, 2005 │ th people of Guizhou province of the people's Republic of China │ │ │ 16.
Identification conclusion approving │ │ Congress adopted at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee) │ means the State water law │
││││ Of the Guizhou province, dam safety regulations (statutory procedure for politics │ │
││││ House, the 82nd, released on February 12, 2005) │ effect after │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
│││ Flood flood avoidance facilities │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │ │ │ 17.
│ │ Approval of administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │
│  │    │                    │2004年6月29日公布)                 │              │
├─┼──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 18.
Sugar, frozen chicken, │ │ processing trade cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment of the │ │
Alumina import contract approval │││ │ project decision (guofa [2004]16) │ │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
││││ Of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation, General Administration of customs on │ │
││││ On trade of Taiwan's small management │ │ │ │ 19.
│ │ Notice of established small trading company (foreign trade and economic cooperation, No. 285, September 1993 │ │
│商│    │审批                │25日公布)                          │              │
│ │││ Cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment of the │ │
│ │││ Of the Office of project decisions (guofa [2004]16) │ │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
│││ │ International market development for SMEs of the cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment │ │ │ │ 20.
│ Capital projects (use │ where projects of decision (guofa [2004]16) │ │
│││) Funding plan for the record │ international market developing funds of SMEs, the Guizhou province │ │
││││ Implementation of the interim measures (financial enterprises of Guizhou [2010]87) │ │
│││ Of Hong Kong S.A.R., Macao │ the commercial performance management regulations (State Council Decree │ │
│││ SAR │ No. 528 performances by the doors, released on July 22, 2008) │ │ │ │ 21.
JI institutions applying for establishing a branch │ │ the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation and decentralized management hierarchy │ │
Review │ │││ frame of the decisions of the administrative approval items (guofa [2010]21 │ │
│  │    │                    │号)                                │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
│││ Restrictions on photography, video, video │ the Guizhou province national folk culture protection regulations (2002 │ the Guizhou Provincial ethnic │ │ │ 22.
│ │ Pronounced ethnic and folk cultural information on July 30 in Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress │ folk culture │
│││ And real photography, video │ service adopted by the Committee at its 29th session) │ │-laws statutory history │
│  │    │录音的审批          │                                    │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
│││ Abroad, overseas groups, │ the Guizhou province national folk culture protection regulations (2002 │ the Guizhou Provincial ethnic │ │ │ 23.
│ Human research or profit-making purposes often │ │ Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress on July 30 folk culture │
Folk │ │││ of the province adopted by the Committee at its 29th session) │ │-laws according to the statutory procedures │
│││ Culture come into force after approval of the study tours │ │ amendment │
│ │ │ Has important historical, culture of Guizhou province national folk arts │ Protection Ordinance (2002 │ the Guizhou Provincial ethnic │ │ │ 24.
Folk │ │ science value of Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress on July 30 │ folk culture │
│ │ │ The Office of information and real exit │ service adopted by the Committee at its 29th session) │ │-laws according to the statutory procedures │
│  │    │批                  │                                    │修订后生效    │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
││││ Cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment of the │ │
Xinjiang │ │││ rubbing covers projects of decision (guofa [2004]16) │ │ │ │ 25.
│ │ Domain, diplomatic, ethnic relations the State Bureau of Cultural Relics on the trial of rubbings of ancient │ │
Approval of │││ ancient carvings │ notice of the interim provisions on the stone ([79] heritage │ │
│  │    │                    │字第143号)                         │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
│││ │ Established installation of electrical appliances in the ancient buildings of the administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │ │ │ 26.
│ │ Approval of administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │ │  │    │                    │2004年6月29日公布)                 │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
│││ │ Set up production in the ancient building, on administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council establishing │ │ │ │ 27.
Approval │ │ fire chief of licensing decisions (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │
│  │    │                    │2004年6月29日公布)                 │              │
├─┼──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 28.
│ │ The entertainment Management Ordinance established entertainment business unit (State Council Decree No. 458 │ │
│ │││ Health audit, released on January 18, 2006) │ │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
││││ Of the patriotic health work in Guizhou province Ordinance (1995 9 │ │
││││ 27th, Guizhou Provincial people's Congress Standing Committee │ │
│ │││, Cloth, May 28, 2004 tenth │ who had stayed in the Guizhou province, Guizhou province, patriotic │ Wei │ │ 29.
│ Health pesticides congresses, Wei │ equipment │ adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee on Health Ordinance │
│ │ │ │ License some local regulations of Guizhou province │ according to statutory procedure of the revision amends articles ¦
│厅│    │                    │二次修正)                          │后生效        │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China regulations on the management of pesticides (State │ │
Order No. 216, ││││, released on May 8, 1997) │ │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤
││││ The administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │ │ │ 30.
Approval │ │ set up a bone marrow transplant hospital administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │
│  │    │                    │2004年6月29日公布)                 │              │
│省│    │                    │                                    │              │
│ │││ The State Council does need to keep quality of administrative approval items │ │
│ │││ Of the decision on the establishment of an administrative license (State Council Decree No. 412 │ │ │ Technology │ 31.
│ (Factory) │, motor vehicles, released on June 29, 2004) │ │
│ │ │ │ Operation mounted license of the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation and decentralized management hierarchy │ │
│ │││ Prison decision of administrative approval items (guofa [2010]21 │ │
│督│    │                    │号)                                │              │
│局│    │                    │                                    │              │
│省│    │                    │                                    │              │
│广│    │                    │                                    │              │
│播│    │                    │                                    │              │ │ │ 32.
│ │ Organization of regional radio and television section of the radio and television regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 228 │ │
│ Video │ approval │ │ exchanges, trading activities, published on August 11, 1997) │ │
│电│    │                    │                                    │              │
│视│    │                    │                                    │              │
│局│    │                    │                                    │              │
││││ The management of audio-visual products Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 341 │ │
│││, To apply for the establishment of a national audiovisual │, released on December 25, 2001), │ │ │ │ 33.
│ Products │ chain units of the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation and decentralized management hierarchy │ │
Nuclear │ │││ of the decisions of the administrative approval items (guofa [2010]21 │ │
│  │    │                    │号)                                │              │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 34.
│ Video │ rental units change the audio Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 341 │ │
Approval │ │ │ │ names, released on December 25, 2001), │ │
│新├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 35 smell.
│ Video │ rental units change the audio Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 341 │ │
Approval │ │ │ │ business scope, released on December 25, 2001), │ │
│版├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 36.
│ Video │ rental units mergers the management of audio-visual products Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 341 │ │
│││ Approve │ number, published on December 25, 2001), │ │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 37.
Merge │ │ video rental unit the management of audio-visual products Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 341 │ │
│││ Approve │ number, published on December 25, 2001), │ │
│  ├──┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────┤ │ │ 38.
Discrete │ │ video rental unit the management of audio-visual products Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 341 │ │
│││ Approve │ number, published on December 25, 2001), │ │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on statistics (people's Republic │ │
││││ Dutchrepublic, order of the President of the 65th, on May 15, 1996 │ │
│省│    │                    │订)                                │              │ │ Marketing │ 39.
│ Department survey programmes and adjusting │ statistical regulations of the Guizhou province (March 2000-24 │ │
│ │ │ Account look-up table Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee approval │ Japanese │ │
│ │││ Adopted at the 15th meeting, on May 28, 2004 │ │
││││ X session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                    │八次会议修正)                      │              │
│││ Religious community held religious teachers and │ the Guizhou province, regulations on the management of religious affairs (2000-7 │ the Guizhou Provincial religious │ │ │ 40.
Refresher courses, training courses allowed │ │ personnel Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 22nd │ regulations │
│││ Member Club adopted at the 17th meeting) │ according to statutory procedure amend │
│  │    │                    │                                    │后生效        │
│ │││ The regulations on the management of religious affairs in Guizhou province (2000-7 │ the Guizhou Provincial religious │ ¦ Taught 41.
│ │ The cross provides educational zone Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 22nd │ regulations │
│ │ │ │ Religious educational activities license adopted at the 17th meeting) │ according to statutory procedure amend │
│务│    │                    │                                    │后生效        │
│││ To invite foreign │ │ the Guizhou province religion religious organizations │
│││ Visit or │ the religious mission of the province, Guizhou province, regulations on the management of religious affairs (2000-7 │ regulations │ │ │ 42.
│ │ 22nd bodies, sites for religious activities and Guizhou province, statutory procedure for the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee │ │
│││ Teaches people were invited to visit the Member Club adopted at the 17th meeting) │ effect after │
│  │    │许可                │                                    │              │
│ │││, The administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │
│ │ │ Food ephedrine products and unilateral │ administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │ │ Products │ 43.
Approved │ │ production plan released on June 29, 2004) │ │
│ Drug │││ the management of ephedrine (the national food and drug supervision │ │
│ │││ Authority order number 12th, April 12, 1999) │ │
│ │││ Of the Governor the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council set up │ │ │ │ Tube 44.
Raw materials purchase and use │ │ ketamine administrative licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, │ │
│ │ │ │ To issue released on June 29, 2004) │ │
│局│    │                    │                                    │              │


Appendix 2: Provincial Government decided to decentralize the management levels of the list of administrative licensing items (117 items)
│部│ 序 │     项目名称     │                  法律依据                  │       备  注       │
│门│ 号 │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │按《关于调整贵州省基│
││││ Decision on the investment system reform of the State Council (guofa [2004]20 │ construction investment project approval, │
│││ │ Enterprise does not use government investment) │ approved, file permission access │
│││ The construction of significant and limit such │ the approval of enterprise investment projects of the interim measures (│ knowledge of the national development and Reform Commission (Guizhou investment modified │ │  │ 1.
│ │ 19th nuclear investment projects in fixed assets, issued September 15, 2004) │ [2010]2589) Accessories: │
Guizhou province people's Government Office │││ │ │ on the issuance of Guizhou Provincial Development and modification of the infrastructure investment in Guizhou province │
│││ Leather │ province Committee the main functions, Interior institutions and staffing of Tong │ list of projects approved (2010 │
││││ Know (Qian Fu (2009]170) │) permission to practice under │                │发│    │                  │                                            │行。

│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ Exhibitions │││ decision on the investment system reform of the State Council (guofa [2004]20 │ Guizhou province, according to the adjusted base │
│  │    │                  │号)                                        │本建设投资项目审批、│
│ │││ And guide the orientation of foreign investment regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 346, │ approved, file permission access │
││││ On February 11, 2002) │ knowledge (Guizhou investment modified │ │ │ 2 instead.
│ │ The approval of foreign investment projects approved by the foreign investment projects of the interim measures for the Administration (NDRC │ [2010]2589) Accessories: │
││││ 22nd, released July 23, 2004) │ the Guizhou Provincial capital investment │
Leather │ │││ of the national development and Reform Commission on foreign investment projects approved by the delegated │ list of projects approved (2010 │
││││ Permission notice (the change of foreign investment [2010]914) │) permission to practice under │                │委│    │                  │                                            │行。

│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│员│    │                  │                                            │按《关于调整贵州省基│
││││ Of the Guizhou province, bidding regulations (September 29, 2002 in Guizhou province │ construction investment project approval, │
│ │││ Approved by the ninth session of the 31st meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress pass │, file permission access │
│││ │ Early bidding of engineering construction project, Guizhou province, May 28, 2004 ¦ he knows th people's representatives (Guizhou investment modified │ │  │ 3.
│ │ Step programme approvals will be adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Province │ [2010]2589) Accessories: │
││││ Terms amendment of regulations amendments) │ the Guizhou Provincial capital investment │
││││ Of the construction project, Guizhou province │ list of project approval of the bid preliminary approval requirement (2010 │
││││ (Provincial governments, 89th, released December 29, 2005) │) permission to practice under │                │  │    │                  │                                            │行。

││││ The administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │
││││ Decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │
││││ Cloth) on the need to retain the State Council on amending the State Council administrative │ registered capital of 5 million Yuan to │
││││ Decided to approve project establishment of an administrative licensing decision (State Council between │ 50 million Yuan (excluding │
││││, Order No. 548, released on January 29, 2009) │ 50 million yuan) financing guarantee │
││││ Of the interim measures for the administration of the financing guarantee companies (approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, │ institutions decentralized to municipalities │ │ │ Province 4.
│ │ Established credit guarantee institutions the national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry, Ministry of finance, Ministry of Commerce, Chinese │ (State, land) people │
│││ And change approval │ Bank, the State administration for industry and commerce, the 3rd, March 8, 2010 │ (Administrative Office) determine approval │
│经│    │                  │布)                                        │门,贵阳市范围内注册│
││││ The Executive Office of the Guizhou Provincial people's Government on the issuance of financing take │, Guizhou province capital of 200 million Yuan financing │
│ JI │││ notification of interim measures for the administration of insurance institutions (Qian Fu ban FA [2010]96 │ guarantee institutions decentralized to Guiyang │            │  │    │                  │号)                                        │市审批。

│ │││ Guiyang City, the provincial people's Government on supporting and accelerating economic and social development │ │
│  │    │                  │意见》(黔府发[2010]15号)                  │                    │
││││ Decision on investment system reform of the State Council (guofa [2004] │ │
│息│    │                  │20号)                                      │                    │
││││ The administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │
│ │││ Decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ under the provincial people's Government on │
│  │    │                  │布)                                        │持贵阳市加快经济社会│
│ │ │ │ Enterprise does not use government investment of the interim measures for the approval of enterprise investment projects (│ 's view on the development of the national development and Reform Commission (Qian Fu │ Critical and restricted │ │││ building 19th, September 15, 2004) │ [2010]15), │
│ │ │ │ Technical transformation investment projects on the issuance of the investment projects approved, in Guizhou province, the interim job │ information Commission on adjusting technology in our province │ │  │ 5.
Notification of industrial, information of fixed assets │ │ (Guizhou investment modified [2004]1173) │ investment projects approved and │
Project approval │ │ │ │ investment ban on the issuance of the provincial Office of the provincial Government of Guizhou province economy and information technology │ permission notice (Qian │
││││ The main functions, Interior institutions and staffing of the Commission) through │ [2010]929) practice │                │  │    │                  │知》(黔委厅字[2010]3号)                   │行。

││││ Guiyang City, the provincial people's Government on support to speed up economic and social development │ │
│  │    │                  │意见》(黔府发[2010]l5号)                  │                    │
││││ Of the province, economic and information Commission on adjusting the approval of investment in technological transformation projects in our province and │ │
││││ File permissions notice (letter of Guizhou [2010]929) │ │
Development, production radio │ │││ of the People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (│ decentralized to the provinces in the State Department and within each branch (│ │  │ 6.
Effectiveness test │ │ shot Device Central Military Commission, the 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ Guiyang without branches, excluding │          │  │    │批准              │                                            │贵阳市)。

│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│省│    │其他外国驻华代表机│                                            │                    │
│││ Structure, foreign groups, businessmen │ │ delegated to each branch of the province (for │ │ │ 7-free.
Foreign user settings, │ │ People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (│ Guiyang City in the State and there is no branch, does not contain │          │││ Radio (station), Central Military Commission │ 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ Guiyang City).

│线│    │携带或者运载无线电│                                            │                    │
│  │    │设备入境审批      │                                            │                    │
│ │││ Radio frequency and radio the People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (│ decentralized to the provinces in the State Department and within each branch (│ │ │ Tube 8.
Call sign │ │ Central Military Commission assigned to 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ Guiyang without branches, excluding │          │  │    │                  │                                            │贵阳市)。

│  │    │                  │                                            │委托下放到省内各分局│
│局│    │                  │                                            │(因贵阳市未设分局,│
│││ In addition to Guiyang │ within the precincts of the People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (│ not included in the State Department and Guiyang), │ │  │ 9.
│ Radio (station) set up │ Central Military Commission, the 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ no communication or Web services │
│  │    │和使用审批        │                                            │线电台(站)设置和使│
│  │    │                  │                                            │用审批由省无线电管理│        │  │    │                  │                                            │局协调处理。

│││ │ Directly built on the grasslands of the People's Republic of China Law of grassland (People's Republic of China President │ │ │ │ 10.
│ │ Protection and animal husbandry, the 82nd, August 28, 2002, as amended) the requisition and occupation of grassland │ │
│││ The services of management of engineering facilities │ approval (Ministry of agriculture, the 58th, January 2006 │ │
│  │    │准                │27日公布)                                  │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Wildlife Conservation Act (people's Republic │ │
│││ National secondary protection of aquatic wild │ He Guo, order of the President of the 24th, August 28, 2004) │ │ │ │ 11.          Animal domestication and breeding licenses │ │ People's Republic of China aquatic wildlife protection law implementing regulations │ delegate delegation.

│││ │ To issue certificate (Ministry of agriculture, 1th, approval of the State Council on September 17, 1993, │ │
│  │    │                  │1993年10月5日发布)                         │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ State key │ transport, carry the People's Republic of China Wildlife Conservation Act (people's Republic │ │
│ │││ Protection of aquatic wild animals He Guo, order of the President of the 24th, August 28, 2004) │ │ │ │ 12.          │ │ The county or its products People's Republic of China aquatic wildlife protection law implementing regulations │ authority.

│││ │ (Ministry of agriculture, 1th, approval of the State Council on September 17, 1993, │ │
│  │    │                  │1993年10月5日发布)                         │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on road traffic safety (people's Republic │ │ │ │ 13.          Driver training │ │ tractor He Guo, order of the President of the 8th, released on October 28, 2003) │ delegate delegation.

Training licensing │ │││ of the tractor driver's training management approach (Ministry of agriculture, the 41st, │ │
│  │    │                  │2004年8月15日发布)                         │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ Province 14.          │ The sale and purchase of two national │ People's Republic of China regulations on the protection of wild plants (State Council Decree │ authority.

│││ Wild plants protection approval │ No. 204, released on September 30, 1996) │ │
│  │    │因科学研究、人工培│                                            │                    │ │ │ 15.          │ Education, cultural exchanges and other special │ People's Republic of China wild plant protection regulations (State Council Decree │ authority.

│││ Need to collect national secondary │ No. 204, released on September 30, 1996) │ │
│委│    │保护野生植物审批  │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │ │ │ Apart from State Department of animal husbandry and veterinary row People's Republic of China Law on animal husbandry (People's Republic of China President │ │ │ │ 16.
│ │ Order outside of the political authorities, the 45th, published on December 29, 2005) │ │
│ │ │ │ Other kinds of livestock and poultry production and management of breeding livestock and poultry regulations (State Council Decree 153th, 1994 4 │ │
│  │    │许可证核发        │月15日发布)                                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ The sale, purchase, use country of the People's Republic of China Wildlife Conservation Act (people's Republic │ │ │ │ 17.          Wildlife │ dutchrepublic │ second level protection, order of the President of the 24th, August 28, 2004) │ authority.

│  │    │或者其产品的批准  │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ At the local aquatic animals and plants of the People's Republic of China nature reserve regulations (State Council Decree │ │ │ │ 18.
│ │ Nature reserve, 167th, and released on October 9, 1994) │ delegate decentralized nature reserve tube │            │││ Views, tourism approvals │ People's Republic of China aquatic flora and fauna nature reserve management office │ institutions.

││││ Act (Ministry of agriculture, the 24th October 1997 17 release) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China nature reserve regulations (State Council Decree │ │ │ │ 19.
Vivid implant │ │ foreigners into the water the 167th, released October 9, 1994) │ delegate decentralized nature reserve tube │            Approval │ │││ nature reserve of the People's Republic of China aquatic flora and fauna nature reserve management office │ institutions.

││││ Act (Ministry of agriculture, the 24th October 1997 17 release) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China fishing vessel inspection regulations (State Council │ │
│││ 24 m fishing vessel early │ order No. 383, released on June 27, 2003) │ │ │ │ 20.
Inspection and │ │ inspection, operations on the granting of fishing vessel inspection Bureau in Guizhou, 11 Inspection Agency inspection │ │
│││ Interim testing │ inspection business reply (fish test (body) [2007]102 │ │
│  │    │                  │号)                                        │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│动│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│物│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
Wei │ │ │ │ entered into without a specified animal SARS the People's Republic of China on animal epidemic prevention law (People's Republic of China │ │ │ │ 21.
│ Ward animals, animals │ 71st President, August 30, 2007, as amended) │ │
│生│    │品检疫            │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│监│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│督│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│所│    │                  │                                            │                    │
││││ Of the phytosanitary regulations (Decree of the State Council, the 98th, May 1992 │ │
│省│    │调运种子、苗木和其│13日修订)                                  │                    │ │ │ 22.
│ │ His reproductive material, as well as transportation to the phytosanitary regulations implementing regulations (Ministry of agriculture, the 38th, │ │
│ │ │ Should lend the quarantine of plants and planting │ revised on July 1, 2004) │ │
│││ Products quarantine certificates issued by the phytosanitary measures, │ the Guizhou province (province, Zheng Wei, a warrant, 107th, │ │
│保│    │                  │2008年8月4日修正)                          │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Of the plants of quarantine regulations (Decree of the State Council, the 98th, May 1992 │ │
│  │    │对本辖区内的原种  │13日修订)                                  │                    │ │ │ Seized 23.
│ Farm, seed, nursery in │ the phytosanitary regulations implementing rules (Ministry of agriculture, the 38th, │ │
│ │││ And other breeding bases and quarantine revised on July 1, 2004) │ │
│ │││ Of the phytosanitary measures in Guizhou province (provincial governments, 107th, │ │
│  │    │                  │2008年8月4日修正)                          │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│农│    │                  │                                            │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on road traffic safety (people's Republic │ │
│ │││ Chairman He Guo, 47th, April 22, 2011 second amendment) │ │
Tractors and other agricultural machines to issue │││ │ the Guizhou Provincial agricultural machinery Management Ordinance (August 2, 1996, Guizhou │ │ │ │ 24 prison.
Armed certificate │ │ province people's Congress Standing Committee 23rd meeting │ │
││││ Pass, according to the Guizhou Provincial people's Congress on May 28, 2004 │ │
│理│    │                  │务委员会第八次会议修正)                    │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│总│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│站│    │                  │                                            │                    │
Hotel accommodation Special industry permit │ │││ the State Council to set administrative administrative approval items really necessary reservations allowed │ │ │ │ 25.
│ │ Decision to issue certificate (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │
│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │ │  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ Seal engraving business for special trade │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │ │ │ 26.
│ │ Decision to issue permits (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │
│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on fire (People's Republic of China President │ │ │ │ 27.
│ │ 6th large-scale mass activities in the province, announced on October 28, 2008) │ │
│ │││ Security license regulations on safety of large-scale mass activities (State Council Decree │ │
│省│    │                  │505号,2007年9月14日公布)                  │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │ │ │ Internet service business of the regulations on the administration of business sites of Internet access services on the Internet (State Council Decree │ │ │ │ 28.
│ │ Operating entities information network, No. 363, released on September 29, 2002) │ │
│安│    │络安全审核        │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Of the Office of the Chinese citizens travelling on private business to Hong Kong or Macao's temporary │ │
│││ Management of mainland residents going to Hong Kong and Macao pass │ (approval of the State Council on December 3, 1986, 1986 │ │ │ │ 29.
Traffic │ │ certificate, travelling to Hong Kong and Macao on December 25, the Ministry of public security published) │ │
│││ Certificate │ approval of the Ministry of public security on issuing permit for travelling to Hong Kong and Macao regions and endorsement by │ │
││││, Approval, issuance of notice to management specification (public border Hong Kong │ │
│  │    │                  │[2006]412号)                               │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China administration of the entry and exit of Aliens Act (Chinese │ │
││││ Order of the President of the people's Republic, the 31st, released on November 22, 1985) │ special circumstances foreigners in China ¦ │ │ 30.
│ │ The Ministry of public security on visa issuance of visa Board │ visa and residence permit, run by the provincial public security Department, │                ││││ Fan and notice to foreign port visa regulations (public │.

│  │    │                  │境[2004]30号)                              │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on fire (People's Republic of China President │ │
│││ The State big man │ 6th, released on October 28, 2008) │ │ │ │ 31.
│ Places and other special │ fire supervision and management of construction engineering regulations (Ministry of public security, the 106th │ │
Construction engineering design │ │ │ │ province, announced on April 30, 2009) │ │
│ │││ Audit of the Fire Services Ordinance, Guizhou province (Guizhou province, on September 17, 2010 tenth │ │
│ │││ Elimination session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress adopted at the 18th session) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││-Proof of the People's Republic of China Law on fire (People's Republic of China President │ │
│││ The State big man │ 6th, released on October 28, 2008) │ │ │ │ 32.
│ Places and other special │ fire supervision and management of construction engineering regulations (Ministry of public security, the 106th │ │
Construction works were completed in fire │││ │, released on April 30, 2009) │ │
FSO of │ │││ acceptance of the Guizhou province (Guizhou province, on September 17, 2010 tenth │ │
││││ Session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress adopted at the 18th session) │ │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China accounting law (People's Republic of China President │ │
│ Fiscal │ order │ │ intermediaries engaged in accounting, 24th, October 31, 1999, as amended) │ down by city and State, fiscal │ │ │ 33.                Approval │ │ bookkeeping business to the management of bookkeeping (Ministry, 27th, 2005 │.

│政│    │                  │1月22日发布)                               │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│厅│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │││ People on administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council of the establishment of an administrative license │ │ │ │ 34.          │ │ Entry and employment of aliens license decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 │ public authority.

│力│    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│资│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│源│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│和│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│社│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │││ Personnel from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │ │ │ 35.          │ Employment │ decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 │ public authority.

│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│保│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│障│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│厅│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China construction law (People's Republic of China President │ │
│ │││, 91st, amended on April 22, 2011) │ │ │ │ 36.
│ │ To issue construction permits management of the construction license (Ministry of construction, the 71st │ │
│住│    │                  │号,2001年7月4日修正)                      │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│房│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│和│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │报国务院及其有关部门│
│ │ │ │ Of urban and rural settlements in construction of the People's Republic of China town and country planning Act (People's Republic of China │ approval of medium to large and limits for │ │ │ 37.
│ │ Issued by order of the President of the 74th site submissions, released on October 28, 2007) project site on │ │  │乡│    │                  │                                            │书由省住建厅核发。

│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│建│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│设│    │                  │                                            │                    │
││││ The city Ordinance (State Council Decree, the 100th in June 1992, │ │ │ │ 38 of the Office.
│修剪、砍伐、移植城│22日公布)                                  │                    │
│││ Approval │ the city trees of urban green management in Guizhou province (provincial governments, 50th, │ │
│  │    │                  │2004年6月24日修正)                         │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │││ Over Highway, highway bridge of the People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │ │ │ 39.
│ Order │ car ferry standard 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ │
│  │    │车辆行驶公路的批准│                                            │                    │
│  │    │建设港口危险货物作│                                            │                    │ │ │ 40.
│ Place, implementation of health except │ the People's Republic of China Law on ports (People's Republic of China President │ │
│ │││ Damage special places 5th, released on June 28, 2003) │ │
│通│    │许可              │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ Shipped │ │ 41.
│ │ Engaged in port operations license the People's Republic of China Law on ports (People's Republic of China President │ │
│  │    │                  │令第5号,2003年6月28日发布)                │                    │
│输├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 42.
│ │ Set at the navigable rivers of the People's Republic of China waterway Management Ordinance (guofa [1987]8 │ │
Office logo approval for │ │ │ │, released on August 22, 1987) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ Within the purview of the building with a local │ the People's Republic of China Law on ports (People's Republic of China President │ │ │ │ 43.
Deep water │ │ port facilities, the use of the 5th, released on June 28, 2003) │ │
│  │    │岸线的许可        │                                            │                    │
│││ Built to wear (cross) road │ People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
│││ │ 19th and bridges, aqueducts and pipelines, on August 28, 2004) │ │
│││ Wear (cross) │ road regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │ │ │ 44.
│ Facilities, use of highway bridge and culvert │ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th │ │
│││ Build aqueducts and pipelines as well as │ discussion by, on May 28, 2004th people of Guizhou province │ │
│││ Road │ table the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│││ Set, laying pipelines, cables │ terms amendment of local laws and amendments) │ │
│  │    │等设施的批准      │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │
│││ Iron-wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles and │ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th meeting │ │ │ │ 45.
Road │ │ he might damage on the adoption, on May 28, 2004th people of Guizhou province │ │
│││ Implements road approved │ form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │
│││ Highway and road │ van province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th meeting │ │ │ │ 46.
Logo │ │ bounded sets off the road on the pass, on May 28, 2004th people of Guizhou province │ │
│││ Approved │ form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ ││││ Regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │
│││ On the highway an additional plane │ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th │ │ │ │ 47.
│ Fork crossing approval │ discussion by, on May 28, 2004th people of Guizhou province │ │
││││ Form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│公│    │                  │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │ │ │ Road in the highway construction control regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │
│││ State of buried pipeline in the region, photo │ province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th meeting │ │ │ │ 48.
│ (Electrical) cable facilities, or │ discussion through, according to th people on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
│ │││ Non-highway sign, standard form adopted by the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly of the Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │牌批准            │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │
│││ Cut down highways street trees allowed │ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th │ │ │ │ 49.
│ │ About to go through, according to th people on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
││││ Form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ On the sides of highways building │ regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 your │ │
│││ Between the road shoulder filled │ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 24th │ │ │ │ 50.
│ │ Discussion by improving ground elevation, according to th people on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
│││ Approved │ form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
││││ 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on road traffic safety (people's Republic │ │
│ │││ The highway relocation and construction workers He Guo, order of the President of the 47th, April 22, 2011 second amendment) increase in │ subjects "police │ │ │ 51.  │ Drive to occupy or dig the roads │ regulations of the road management in Guizhou province (September 23, 2001 │ traffic management sectors ".

│││ │ State province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee for approval and acceptance 24th │ │
││││ On the pass, on May 28, 2004th people of Guizhou province │ │
││││ Form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │地方性法规条款修改案》修正)                │                    │
│  │    │市际毗邻县乡镇间农│                                            │                    │ │ │ 52.
Passenger class line permits and │ │ Cun People's Republic of China regulations on road transport (State Council Decree │ │
│││ Provincial and municipal tourism │ No. 406, non-alignment, released on April 30, 2004) │ │
│  │    │包车客运许可      │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
Guizhou province, │││ city public passenger transport │ of the urban public passenger transport concession management │ │ │ │ 53.
│ │ Operation rights transfer license (July 30, 2005th people's Congress of Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │常务委员会第十六次会议通过)                │                    │
│ │││ City bus lines, operation of the Guizhou province city public passenger transportation franchise regulations │ │
Road │ │ │ │ car number, operating time, row (July 30, 2005th people's Congress of Guizhou province General │ │ │ │ 54.
│ │ Interval, ticket sales way adopted by the 16th session of the Commission) │ │
│运│    │变更审批          │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Lost the Guizhou province, regulations on the management of urban public transport (November 2007 23 │ │
│││ Operation of urban public transport enterprises │ x session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province 30th │ │ │ │ 55.
│业经营资格证客运资│会议通过)                                  │                    │
│││ │ To issue certificates to the Guizhou province city public passenger transportation franchise regulations │ │
││││ (July 30, 2005th people's Congress of Guizhou province General │ │
│  │    │                  │委员会第十六次会议通过)                    │                    │
│││ In high grading road │ on both sides of the People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
│││ Control areas │ laying pipe in the 19th district, on August 28, 2004) │ │ │ │ 56.
│ (Pole) wire, cables and other public │ the Guizhou province Expressway management regulations (May 30, 1999 │ │
Approved │ │ │ benefits │ province facilities in Guizhou province, the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress Nineth │ │
│  │    │                  │通过)                                      │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
│ │ │ Speed truck gross vehicle weight of less than 80 tons Super │ 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ │ │ │ 57.
High │ │ limited transport vehicles of the Guizhou province, regulations on the management of high grade Highway (May 30, 1999 │ │
│ │ │ Class roads approved │ in Guizhou province, the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress Nineth │ │
│  │    │                  │通过)                                      │                    │
│││ Iron wheels of car, track and │ People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
│ │ │ About him could damage the road surface machine │ 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ │ │ │ 58.
High-grade road │ │ the Guizhou province Expressway management regulations (May 30, 1999 │ │
│ │ │ Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee approved │ steered the Nineth meeting │ │
│  │    │                  │通过)                                      │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
│││ Special circumstances requires │ 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ │ │ │ 59.
│, │ Mining of high grade highway in Guizhou Province Highway Management Ordinance (May 30, 1999 │ │
│││ │ Approval of Guizhou province, the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress Nineth │ │
│  │    │                  │通过)                                      │                    │
├─┼──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 60.
Service │ │ crew of the People's Republic of China crew Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 494 │ │
License │ │││ agencies, released on April 14, 2007) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ In port and inland navigation of the People's Republic of China Law on ports (People's Republic of China President │ │
Mining │ │││ waters or shorelines on the 5th, released on June 28, 2003) │ │ │ │ 61.
│ Digging, blasting and may affect │ People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
Traffic safety in the │││ jobs or │ order No. 355, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│  │    │活动的许可        │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 62.
│ Registration │ the crew of the People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
Order No. 355, ││││, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ Province, 63.
│ │ To issue seafarers ' certificates of the People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
Order No. 355, ││││, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│地├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 64.
Issuing │ │ nationality certificate of the People's Republic of China ship registration Ordinance (State Council Decree │ │
│方│    │                  │155号,1994年6月2日公布)                   │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ Sea 65.
Check │ │ shipping access to the inland river port of the People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
Order No. 355, │││ certificate │, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│  │    │对在内河通航水域载│                                            │                    │ │ │ 66.
│ Transport or towing weight, Super │ People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
│││ Long, high and wide semi │ order No. 355, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│  │    │物体的核准        │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ Ship loading and unloading, transferring dangerous │ the People's Republic of China inland river transportation security regulations (State │ │ │ │ 67.
│ │ Order goods or dangerous goods No. 355, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
Port clearance of │││ │ People's Republic of China controlling inland water environment pollution from ships │ │
││││ Rules (11th of the Ministry, announced on August 20, 2005) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 68.
Polluted Harbor water │ │ ships of the People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
│ │││ Domain operation license, order No. 355, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 69.
Shipping dangerous goods │ │ People's Republic of China inland river transportation safety management regulations (State │ │
│││ With license No. 355, │, released on June 28, 2002) │ │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│航│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│││ In non-provincial and trans-regional │ People's Republic of China administration of water transport regulations (State Council Decree │ │
│ │ │ Waterway transport operations and waterway │ No. 544, December 27, 2008, as amended) │ │ │ │ 70.
Transport services business allowed │ │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │
│ │ │ │ Pipe decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │
│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│理│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│局│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│││ │ Prevention other than coal-fired power plants of the People's Republic of China environmental protection law (People's Republic of China │ │ │ │ 71.
│ │ President pollution leisure facilities in addition to or the 22nd, December 26, 1989) │ │
│  │    │置的审批          │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 72.
Experimental area to visit, travel │ │ People's Republic of China nature reserve regulations (State Council Decree │ delegate decentralized nature reserve tube │            │││ Swim trial or approval activity │ 167th, released on October 9, 1994) │ institutions.

│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ Core │ entered the nature reserve of the People's Republic of China nature reserve regulations (State Council Decree │ │ │ │ 73.
│ │ To area, buffer from the 167th, released October 9, 1994) │ delegate decentralized nature reserve tube │            │││ │ The State Council concerning the third instalment of cancellation and adjusted │ institution of administrative approval items.

│环│    │                  │定》(国发[2004]16号)                      │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ │ Borders the People's Republic of China nature reserve Ordinance (State Council Decree │ │ │ │ 74.
│ │ Foreigners into the natural protection, 167th, and released on October 9, 1994) │ delegate decentralized nature reserve tube │            │ │ │ │ The approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment of cancellation and adjusted │ institution of administrative approval items. │
│  │    │                  │定》(国发[2004]16号)                      │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on water pollution prevention and control (the people's Republic of China │ │
│ │││ Order of the President of the Office, the 87th, February 28, 2008, as amended) │ │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China rules for the implementation of the pollution prevention and control law (State │ │
Order No. 284, ││││, published on March 20, 2000) │ │
│││ In addition to coal-fired power plant emissions allowed │ People's Republic of China Law on air pollution prevention and control (the people's Republic │ │ │ │ 75.
Sewage allowed │ │ other provable He Guo, order of the President of the 32nd, April 29, 2000, as amended) │ │
│││ │ To issue licenses to the Guizhou Provincial Environmental Protection Ordinance (March 26, 2009, Guizhou province │ │
││││ The 11th session of the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress pass │ │
│  │    │                  │过)                                        │                    │
││││ The control of pollutant discharge reporting and registering of Guizhou province and pollutant discharge permit │ │
Management of ││││ (provincial governments, 31st, August 4, 2008 │ │
│  │    │                  │正)                                        │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │ │ Water across (through) │ River built in the People's Republic of China Law on flood control (People's Republic of China President │ │ │ │ 76.
│ Set projects (works) │ 88th, released on August 29, 1997) │ │
│利│    │位置和界限审批    │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│厅│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
Decentralization of provincial-leveled commerce │ │││ the State Council of the State Council concerning the fourth instalment of │ delegate cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items delegated to provincial city │
│ │ │ │ Imposed by the Administrative Department (guofa [2007]33) │ │ (State, land) Business Council and your │ │ │ │ 77.
│ Foreign-invested Enterprise (male │ the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of canceling and decentralization of economic and technological development zone management layers of administrative approval │ Yang and your │ │
│ │ │ Division) decision to establish and change approval │ project (guofa [2010]21) │ Yang high │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│厅│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│││ │ Engaged in archaeological excavation of the People's Republic of China Law on protection of cultural relics (People's Republic of China │ │ │ │ 78.          │ Remain in a few relics │ 84th, published on December 29, 2007) │ delegate delegation.

│  │    │作为科研标本的许可│                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ On repairing, copying, rubbing │ People's Republic of China cultural relic protection law implementing regulations (State Council │ │ │ │ 79.          │ │ Collection three cultural relics, order No. 377, released on May 18, 2003) │ delegate delegation.

│  │    │审批              │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ For the production of publications, audio and │ People's Republic of China cultural relic protection law implementing regulations (State Council │ │ │ │ 80.          │ Products │ order No. 377 of shooting collection, released on May 18, 2003) │ delegate delegation.

│  │    │二、三级文物的审批│                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on protection of cultural relics (People's Republic of China │ │
││││, Order of the President of the 84th, published on December 29, 2007) │ │ │ │ 81.          Allowed │ │ a heritage shops of the People's Republic of China cultural relic protection law implementing regulations (decentralization of │ entrusted by the State Council.

│││ │ Order No. 377, released on May 18, 2003) │ │
││││ The cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items of the State Council concerning the fourth instalment of │ │
│  │    │                  │定》(国发[2007]33号)                      │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 82.          │ │ Antique shops selling cultural relics of the People's Republic of China Law on protection of cultural relics (People's Republic of China │ delegate delegation.

Audit │ │││, order of the President of the 84th, published on December 29, 2007) │ │
│││ │ Set up the auction enterprises law, the Guizhou Provincial cultural heritage protection regulations (September 23, 2005, Guizhou province │ │ │ │ 83.          │ Industry engaged in cultural relics auction │ th decentralization of the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress pass │ delegate.

│  │    │活动的初审        │过)                                        │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on protection of cultural relics (People's Republic of China │ │
│││ President of the auction company auctions heritage │ 84th, published on December 29, 2007) │ │ │ │ 84.          Audit │ │ the Guizhou Provincial cultural heritage protection regulations (September 23, 2005, Guizhou province │ delegate delegation.

││││ Th the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress pass │ │
│  │    │                  │过)                                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ Key national heritage conservation │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │ │ │ 85.          │ One filming approval │ decision is for (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ delegate delegation.

│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Filming cultural relics protection units of the State Council on administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained administrative licenses │ │ │ │ 86.          │ │ Decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ delegate delegation.

│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ The administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │
││││ Decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │ │ │ 87.          Sample approval │ │ Museum Collections) │ delegate delegation.

││││ The management of Museum Collections (June 19, 1986 Ministry of culture │ │
│  │    │                  │发布)                                      │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
Construction of facilities for water supply pipe network by Wei │ │ │ │ the town water supply Ordinance (State Council Decree 158th July 1994 │ │ │ │ 88.
│统与城市公共供水管│19日发布)                                  │                    │
│生│    │网连接批准        │                                            │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │                    │
│厅│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │││ Into the forest and wildlife of the types of forest and wildlife nature reserve administrative policy │ │
│ │││ Type nature reserve (June 21, 1985, approved by the State Council on July 6, 1985 forest │ │ │ │ 89.          Real │ │ scientific research, teaching Ministry) │ delegate delegation.

│││ Check, study tours, shooting │ the tube type implementation of forest and wildlife nature reserve, Guizhou province │ │
│ │ │ Forest film, mountain climbing and other activities │ means rules (June 9, 1993, the provincial government approved province │ │
│  │    │批                │业厅1993年6月23日公布)                     │                    │
│││ Nuclear │ entered the nature reserve the People's Republic of China nature reserve regulations (State Council Decree │ │ │ │ 90.          View │ │ heart area for scientific research, 161th, released on October 9, 1994) │ delegate delegation.

│││ Measuring, investigating activity approved │ the cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items of the State Council concerning the third instalment of │ │
│  │    │                  │定》(国发[2004]16号)                      │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │1、冠省、市(州、   │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China governing the registration of Companies Ordinance (State Council Decree │), County Administrative Division used │
││││, No. 451, amended on December 18, 2005) │ │ Enterprise name, delegated to the │ │││ │ Enterprise name pre-approval of the provisions on administration of Enterprise name registration (total │ registration authority at the low level of State administration for industry and commerce.
│ │ │ 91.
│ │ Order 7th remember, released on July 22, 1991) │ 2, authorization of Guiyang, bijie │
││││ Of the implementation measures on the administration of Enterprise name registration (State administration of industry and Commerce │ region, in Southeast Guizhou, Guizhou │
││││ Order of the 10th, June 14, 2004, as amended) │ State, nuclear commerce and industry in qianxinan │
│  │    │                  │                                            │准冠“贵州”行政区划│        │  │    │                  │                                            │的企业名称。

│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤ │ │ 92.
│ │ Other than along the highways of the State Council decided to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │ │
│││ Of outdoor advertising registration │ licensing (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004) │ │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│││ │ Other than provincial institutions advertising regulations (guofa [1987]94) │ │ │ │ 93.
Other diversified advertising │ │ advertising regulations on detailed rules for the implementation of the (State administration for industry and commerce │, authority, State, │              │││ Advertising management in public institutions owned │ 18th, released on November 30, 2004) │ Board.

│  │    │格审批            │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Food Safety Act (People's Republic of China │ │ │ │ 94.
¦ Food circulation order of the President of the 9th district, released on February 28, 2009) │ │
││││ Of the food circulation and license management approach (SAIC │ │
│工│    │                  │44号,2009年7月30日公布)                   │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Of the People's Republic of China Act (People's Republic of China President │ │
││││ 42nd, revised on October 27, 2005) │ │
│ │││ Of the People's Republic of China governing the registration of Companies Ordinance (State Council Decree │ │
││││, No. 451, amended on December 18, 2005) │ │
│ │││ Of Government of the People's Republic of China registration regulations (State │ │
1th, ││││, released June 3, 1988) │ addresses in Guiyang, │
│ Tube │││ of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign joint venture enterprises (Shun, Zunyi, three Chinese │ │
Order of the President of the Republic of ││││, 48th, on March 15, 2001 second │ corporate enterprises with foreign investment and foreign │
│ │ │ Enterprise with foreign investments (Taiwan, │ order) │ investment partnership, foreign │ │ │ 95.
│ Investment from Hong Kong and Macao enterprises) and │ the registration management of foreign-funded enterprise licensing policy (national business lines ¦ investment branches, │
│ │ │ Branches established │ administration order of the 4th, released December 10, 2002) │ and approved to engage in contracting engineering, │
More, cancellation of registration │ │││ of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign co-operative enterprises (Chinese │ contract or fiduciary management │
││││ Of the order of the President of the Republic, the 40th, October 31, 2000, as amended) │ production and business activities of foreign │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on foreign-invested enterprises (People's Republic of China │ (regional) enterprises in its home city, │ ││││ Order of the President of the 41st district, announced on October 31, 2000) │ registration of the State industry and Commerce Bureau.

││││ Of the provisions on administration of foreign-invested partnership enterprise registration (national business line of │ │
││││ Administration, order of the 47th, released on January 29, 2010) │ │ ││││ Of the partnership established in China by foreign enterprises or individuals │ │
││││ Policy (Decree No. 567, November 25, 2009 │ │
│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on farmers ' professional cooperatives (Chinese │ │ │ │ 96.
Farmers ' professional cooperatives set up │ │ order of the President of the Republic, the 57th, released October 31, 2006) │ │
│││ State, change, cancellation of registration │ the registration of farmers ' professional cooperative management Ordinance (State Council Decree │ │
│  │    │                  │498号,2007年5月28日发布)                  │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on farmers ' professional cooperatives (Chinese │ │ │ │ 97.
Order of the President of the Republic of farmers ' professional cooperatives branch │ │ 57th, released October 31, 2006) │ │
│││ Establishment registration │ the registration of farmers ' professional cooperative management Ordinance (State Council Decree │ │
│  │    │                  │498号,2007年5月28日发布)                  │                    │
│  │    │                  │                                            │电能表、水表、煤气表│
│  │    │                  │                                            │(含天然气表)、衡器│
│  │    │                  │                                            │(含天平、秤(杆秤除│
│  │    │                  │                                            │外)、称重传感器、称│
││││ Of the People's Republic of China metrology Act (People's Republic of China President │ instrument), tanker (including │
││││ 28th, released on September 6, 1985) │ tax control device of fuel dispenser), │
││││ Of the metrological supervision and management regulations of Guizhou province (September 29, 2002 your │ car rental meters, heat meters, │ │ │ 98.
│ │ Manufacturing measuring instruments license state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 31st │ determination of measuring instrument of dust, methane, │
│  │    │                  │议通过)                                    │器(瓦斯计),应当向│
││││ Manufacturing and repairing measurement instruments license supervision regulations (national │ provincial quality and technical supervision departments │            ││││ General Administration of quality supervision, the 104th, published on December 29, 2007) │ applications.

│  │    │                  │                                            │申请制造其他计量器  │
│  │    │                  │                                            │具,应当向所在地省级│
│  │    │                  │                                            │质监部门或者省级质监│
│  │    │                  │                                            │部门依法确定的市、县│ │  │    │                  │                                            │级质监部门提出申请。

│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤          │  │    │                  │                                            │委托下放。

│││ Transportable pressure vessel, │ the regulations on safety supervision over special equipment (State Council Decree No. 549, cylinder filling units, Guiyang │ Chinese │ │ │ 99.
Licensing │ │ bottle filling units last revised on January 24, 2009) │ license by the quality and technology of Guiyang │ │  │    │                  │                                            │术监督局办理。
The remaining │    │  │    │                  │                                            │区的由省局办理。

││││ Of the People's Republic of China metrology Act (People's Republic of China President │ municipal quality and technical supervision Department is responsible for licensing │
│ │ │ │ Metrological bodies authorized quality 28th, released on September 6, 1985) │ relevant departments or units of measurement │
│ │ 100. │ │ the metrological supervision and administration of Guizhou province Ordinance (September 29, 2002 │ institutes, its internal │
│ │││ Province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee on compulsory examination and measurement of the 31st │ │      │  │    │                  │议通过)                                    │执行强制检定。

││││ The State Council does need to set administrative administrative approval items reserved │ │
│ │ │ Operation (factory) │ motor vehicles licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │ │ │ 101. │ │ maintenance, license) │ delegated to municipal, State,.

│ │││ Prison to the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation of administrative examination and approval and delegation of management layers │ │
│  │    │                  │项目的决定》(国发[2010]21号)              │                    │
│ │││ Pressure pipeline using the job people do need to keep the State Council set administrative administrative approval items │ │  │ │ 102. │ qualification │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ delegated to municipal, State,.

│  │    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│  │    │                  │                                            │1、审批发证权完全下 │
│  │    │                  │                                            │放的食品类别有:大  │
│  │    │                  │                                            │米、小麦粉、酱油、食│
│  │    │                  │                                            │醋、食用植物油、茶  │
│  │    │                  │                                            │叶、炒货制品、挂面、│
│  │    │                  │                                            │其他粮食加工品、食用│        │  │    │                  │                                            │动物油脂等。

│  │    │                  │                                            │2、审批发证权部份下 │ ││││ Of the People's Republic of China Food Safety Act (People's Republic of China │ food category.
Renewal of certificate │
│ │ 103. │ │ issued by order of the President of the 9th food production license, released on February 28, 2009) │ applications for reception, organization site │
││││ Food production permission management of (State administration of quality supervision, inspection and checking │ verification and approval by the city, │
││││ General Administration of the 129th, released on April 7, 2010) │ │ (State, land) level of quality and technical supervision departments │ │  │    │                  │                                            │负责。
Specific food categories │
│  │    │                  │                                            │有:饼干、方便面、膨│
│  │    │                  │                                            │化食品、糖果制品、蜜│
│  │    │                  │                                            │饯、蛋制品、淀粉及淀│
│  │    │                  │                                            │粉制品、豆制品、酱  │
│  │    │                  │                                            │类、调味料产品、方便│
│  │    │                  │                                            │食品、薯类食品、蔬菜│    │  │    │                  │                                            │制品、水果制品。

│  │    │乡镇设立广播电视  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │站,机关、部队、团│                                            │                    │
│ │ │ Province, enterprises set up │ radio and television regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 228, 1997 │ │
│││ Cable radio and television stations approving │ August 1 announcement) │ │          Wide │ │ 104. │ (municipal districts to set up radio │ provisional regulations on radio and television stations, approval and Administration (SARFT │ delegate delegation.

│││ Qiandan │ 32nd, a station, Central People's Government, announced on July 6, 2004) │ │
│播│    │位、省属企事业单位│                                            │                    │
│  │    │设立有线广播电视站│                                            │                    │
│电│    │审批除外)        │                                            │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Shadow of the regulations on the administration of ground receiving facilities for satellite television transmissions (Premier │ │
│  │    │                  │令第129号1993年10月5日公                    │                    │
│电│    │                  │布)                                        │                    │
Set ground satellite receiver set up │ │││ of the radio and television regulations of Guizhou province (January 12, 1996 you │ │          │ │ 105. television │ │ Shi received territory State decentralization of VIII session of the 19th meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's congresses │ delegate.

│││ │ Approval through, th people's Congress on September 29, 1997, Guizhou province │ │
│局│    │                  │常务委员会第三十次会议修订)                │                    │
││││ Of the implementation of the provisions on administration of ground receiving facilities for satellite television transmissions fine │ │
││││ (Formerly guangdianbu 11th, released on February 3, 1994) │ │
│  │    │内部资料性出版物准│                                            │                    │
│省│    │印证核发(宗教内容│                                            │                    │
│新│    │的内部资料、连续性│                                            │                    │
│ │ Smell 106. internal information, covering │ │ the printing industry regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 315, 2001 8 │ │
│出│    │重大选题、印数3000│月2日公布)                                 │                    │
│版│    │册以上及跨省印刷的│                                            │                    │
│局│    │内部资料出版物除  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │外)              │                                            │                    │
│ │ │ │ Fireworks retail licenses the fireworks safety management regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 455, │ │
│ │ 107. issue │ │ released January 21, 2006) │ │
│生│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│产│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │ │ │ Of dangerous chemical safety prison used the safety management of dangerous chemicals Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 591 │ new hazardous chemicals │
¦ Du 108. │ │, licensing, released March 2, 2011) │ real after the entry into force of regulation │                │管│    │                  │                                            │施。

│理│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│局│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│省│    │                  │                                            │                    │
│ │ Food 109. │ │ grain purchase license the grain circulation Management Ordinance (the State Council order No. 407, 2004 │ │
│食│    │                  │年5月26日发布)                             │                    │
│局│    │                  │                                            │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on drug management (People's Republic of China │ │
│││ President of the toxic medicine │ required for research and teaching, 45th, released on February 28, 2001), │ │
│ │ 110. approval │ │ product purchased, toxic drugs for medical use regulation (Decree of the State Council, 23rd, │ │
│食│    │                  │1988年12月27日公布)                        │                    │
Drug │ │││ of the People's Republic of China Law on drug management (People's Republic of China │ │
│ Products │ │ drug distribution (retail chain │ 45th President, released on February 28, 2001), │ │          │ │ Prison 111. │ and retail) quality management the Board issued │ about │ delegate for medicine quality control certification management decentralization.

│ │ │ Certificate │ fan of the Governor issued the notice on law (State food and drug [2003]25, 2003 4 │ │
│管│    │                  │月24日公布)                                │                    │
│ │││ Of the People's Republic of China Food Safety Act (People's Republic of China │ │
│ │ 112. │ │ order of the President of the 9th issue of the food service license, released on February 28, 2009) │ │
│││ │ The food service license issued by Regulation (Ministry of health, the 70th, │ │ │  │    │                  │2010年3月4日公布)                          │                    │
││││ The general aviation flight control Ordinance (the State Council and the CMC │ │ │ │ 113. │ l │ order No. 371 of unmanned free gas.
Posted January 10, 2003) │ │
│││ Or tethered balloon approved │ management measures of the balloon (China Meteorological Administration, the 9th, │ │
│省│    │                  │2004年12月16日发布)                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│气│    │防雷装置设计审核和│                                            │                    │
│  │    │竣工验收(涉及我省│                                            │                    │
│ │ │ │ The national economy and people's production of administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative licenses │ │
Major construction │ decision on │││ property (State Council Decree No. 412, June 29, 2004 public │ │
│局│114.│项目、重大技改项目│布)                                        │                    │   │││ │ Key projects and across regions of the lightning protection and disaster reduction management approach (CMA, 8th.
│                    │
│││ Lightning protection device design of projects published on December 16, 2004) │ │
│  │    │审核和竣工验收除  │                                            │                    │
│  │    │外)              │                                            │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on civil air defense (People's Republic of China │ │
││││, Order of the President of the 78th, released October 29, 1996) │ │
│ │ Province 115. construction, easy │ │ basement of the civil air defense regulations of Guizhou province (July 27, 1999, Guizhou province │ │
Construction approval │ │││ adopted by the ninth session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress for the tenth session, │ │
│││ │ People th people's Congress Standing Committee on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │员会第八次会议修订)                        │                    │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on civil air defense (People's Republic of China │ │
│ │││-Proof, order of the President of the 78th, released on January 29, 1996) │ │
│ │ 116. design review │ │ basement of the civil air defense regulations of Guizhou province (July 27, 1999, Guizhou province │ │
│ │ │ │ Ninth Standing Committee of the national people's Congress and acceptance adopted at the tenth session, │ │
││││ Th people's Congress Standing Committee on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
│办│    │                  │员会第八次会议修订)                        │                    │
│  ├──┼─────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────┤
│ │││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on civil air defense (People's Republic of China │ │
││││, Order of the President of the 78th, released October 29, 1996) │ │
│ │ 117. │ civil air defense engineering and equipment, set up │ the Guizhou provincial civil air defense regulations (July 27, 1999, Guizhou province │ │
│││ Effects of removing approval │ ninth Standing Committee of the national people's Congress adopted at the tenth session, │ │
││││ Th people's Congress Standing Committee on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ │
│  │    │                  │员会第八次会议修订)                        │                    │


Annex 3: the provincial government decided to change the way of managing the list of administrative licensing items (56 items)
│部门│ 序 │    项目名称    │                法律依据                │      备  注      │
│    │ 号 │                │                                        │                  │
│ │ │ Province people operating toll roads and │ People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China │ adjust for non-administrative license trial │ │ Home │ 1.
Toll-Road │ │ Government loan, order of the President of the 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ matter, non-administration allowed │ Fu │ │ │ │ the rates of toll road regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 417, │ clean up the working group.

│││ Standard approval │ announced on September 13, 2004) │ │
│省无│    │可能对无线电台  │                                        │                  │
│ │ │ Line (station) harmful │ People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (│ adjust for under the State Council and the town planning │ │ │ 2.  │ │ Radio wave radiation of the disturbance and the Central Military Commission, the 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ political consultations Department.

│局  │    │的工程设施选址定│                                        │                  │
│    │    │点审批          │                                        │                  │
│ │││ Engaged in processing of iodized salt salt iodization to eliminate iodine deficiency hazard regulations (State │ adjust to the competent provincial salt industry │ │    │ 3.
Specifies the 163th, │ │ Enterprise, announced on August 23, 1994) │ active under conditions │              │省盐│    │                │                                        │定。

│ │ │ │ The measures for the food salt monopoly of salt production enterprises (State Council Decree, 197th, 1996-│ adjust to the competent provincial salt industry │ │    │ 4.
│ │ Nomination announced May 27) ¦ active under conditions │  │    │    │                │                                        │出定点企业建议。

│││ Of main crop varieties in pushing │ People's Republic of China Law on seeds (People's Republic of China │ adjust for the main crops │ │    │ 5.
Audited │ │ wide application ago 26th President, on August 28, 2004) │ varieties feasibility │      │    │    │                │                                        │技术性审查。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤ │    │ 6.
│ Home │ agricultural transgenic biological mark of agricultural transgenic students Regulation (Ministry of agriculture order │ adjust for administrative confirmation │              │││ Identifies the review │ 38th, July 1, 2004, as amended) │.

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│    │    │                │                                        │主要为对内部机构的│
│││ For quality safety of agricultural products │ People's Republic of China Law on quality safety of agricultural products (Chinese │ management measures, adjusting for non-│ │    │ 7. │ │ Full detection mechanism assessment order of the President of the people's Republic, the 49th, April 29, 2006 │ administrative approval.
│    │    │                │布)                                    │行政许可清理工作组│            │    │    │                │                                        │处理。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
Introduction │ │││ of main crop varieties in the People's Republic of China Law on seeds (People's Republic of China │ adjust for the main crops │ │    │ 8.
│ Kind approval │ order of the President of the 26th August 2004 28 Amendment) │ introduction feasibility of │      │    │    │                │                                        │技术性审查。

│业委│    │                │                                        │主要对内部机构的管│
│ │ │ │ Seed testing machine of the People's Republic of China Law on seeds (People's Republic of China │ measures adjusted for non-line │ │    │ 9. │ │ Structure and personnel assessment, order of the President of the 26th, August 28, 2004) │ political approval.
│    │    │                │                                        │政许可清理工作组处│              │    │    │                │                                        │理。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
Clinical trial │ │││ the development of new veterinary drugs veterinary drugs regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 404, 2004-│ adjust to the new Veterinary Clinic │ │ │ 10.
│ │ Prior review published April 9) │ test security technology │          │    │    │                │                                        │性审查。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│ │││ Manufacture, transformation of fisheries ship the People's Republic of China fishing vessel inspection regulations (State │ │
│││ Ships (24 metres to │ order No. 383, released on June 27, 2003) │ adjustment for fishing vessel, │ │ │ 11.
│ Top) design drawings, on Guizhou fishing vessel, │ │ 11 tests, such as inspection machine design drawings and technical documents │
│││ Technical documents approved │ structure-inspection business reply (fish test (body) │ technical audit compliance │              │ │││ And started manufacturing, transformation [2007]102) │ search.

│    │    │前的初次检验    │                                        │                  │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ The Pest Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 326) 2001 │ adjust for the field testing of farm │
│││ Field efficacy trials of pesticide │ released November 26) │ technical security inspections │ │ │ 12.            │ Applications │ pesticide management measures for the implementation of the regulation in the first instance (38th │ audited the Ministry of agriculture.

│    │    │                │号,2004年7月1日修订)                  │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China National common language law (│ │
│││ Putonghua proficiency certificate │, Chairman of the people's Republic of China to the 37th, on October 31, 2000 │ adjust for Putonghua │ Teach │ │ 13.
And Chinese application level of │ │ book published) │ Chinese characters and application level of │        Yu Hall │ │ │ │ to issue certificates of the national common language Ordinance, Guizhou province (2007 │ administrative confirmation 5.

││││ 25th XI session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province │ │
│    │    │                │第二十七次会议通过)                    │                  │
│ │ │ │ Social forces to establish oriented of the regulation on national awards for science and technology (State Council Decree No. 265 │ adjust set for social forces │ │ Technology │ 14.
│ │ Social science and technology, December 20, 2003, as amended) │ prison administrative registration │              │ │ │ Registration │ the social forces for the establishment of the Office of science and technology management of award (technology │ tubes.

││││ 10th, released on February 5, 2006) │ │
│ │ │ Province issued by Taiwan residents to big │ Chinese citizens to visit Taiwan area regulations (State Council │ adjust to Taiwan residents for │ │ │ 15.
Settled certificate │ │ continental 93rd, released on December 17, 1991) │ Mainland administrative certificate │          │    │    │                │                                        │明服务。

│││ │ Legal profession qualification certificate of the legal profession qualification certificate management (Ministry of Justice order │ adjust for non-administrative license trial │ │ │ 16. Reexamination of │ applications │ 74th, released July 8, 2002) │.
Non-administrative license clear │    │    │    │                │                                        │理工作组处理。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on notary (People's Republic of China │ │
││││, Order of the President of the 39th, released on August 28, 2005) │ adjust for non-administrative license trial │ │ │ Province Division 17. Guizhou province for approval of establishment of │ │ notary of the notarial regulations (September 17, 2010 │, Guizhou province.
Non-administrative license clear │    │ Law Office │││ the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress 18th │ working group.

│    │    │                │议第二次修正)                          │                  │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│││ Related to Foreign Affairs, Guizhou province, Hong Kong and Macao │ the notarial regulations (September 17, 2010 │ adjusted for province, Guizhou province, the Ministry of Justice │ │ │ 18. │ Certificate specifies the handle the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress the 18th Club │ doors according to the subject specified.

│    │    │                │议第二次修正)                          │                  │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤ │ │ 19.  │ │ Established by Arbitration Committee of the People's Republic of China Law on arbitration (People's Republic of China │ adjust for administrative confirmation.

│││ │ Order of the President of the 31st, remember, released on August 31, 1994) │ │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China construction law (People's Republic of China │ │
││││, Order of the President of the 91st, amended on April 22, 2011) │ adjustment by the provincial architect tube │ │ │ 20.
│ B │ architect practice the People's Republic of China registered architects Ordinance (│ Commission under the State Council are responsible for the examination and │            │││ Registration │ 184th, released September 1995 23) │ register.

││││ Of the People's Republic of China registered architects, implementing rules for the regulations of │ │
││││ (Ministry of construction, the 167th, released on January 29, 2008) │ │
│ │ │ │ │ Engineering construction compulsory adjustment and construction projects on the skill │ │ │ 21 urban and rural areas.
│ │ Not yet clear standards of the regulations on the management of survey and design of construction projects (State Council Decree │ quality the Committee of experts on the operation │
Construction of │ │ │ │ No. 293, new technology, new technology, released on September 25, 2000) │ technical and safety trial │              │厅  │    │新材料的核准    │                                        │核。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ Of the gas regulations of Guizhou province (January 5, 2001 province │ │
│││ New construction, expansion, renovation │ the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress of the ninth pass │ adjust for gas engineering │ │ │ 22.
¦ Gas project project │, th people on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │ technical feasibility │            │││ Review │ table before the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ audit.

│    │    │                │部分地方性法规条款修订案》修正)        │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on land management (the people's Republic │ │ ││││ Dutchrepublic, order of the President of the 28th, August 28, 2004) │ adjust for construction land │
│ │ 23.
Construction project pre-Phanerozoic │ │ People's Republic of China implementing regulations of the land administration law (│ review matters and │    Order No. 256, ││││, published on December 24, 1998) │ submit a pre-trial report.

│ │││ Construction project management of pre-trial (Ministry of land and resources │ │
│ Chinese │││ to 42nd, as amended on November 12, 2008) │ │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China map compilation and publication regulations adjustment of map content for │ │ │ 24.
│ Map audit (examination) │ │ (State Council Decree, 180th, released July 10, 1995) │ legal audit, the Bank │      ││││ The map on the examination regulations (34th │ political approval of the Ministry of land and resources.

│    │    │                │号,2006年6月8日发布)                  │                  │
Highway construction project │ │││ of the People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China │ adjust for construction drawing design │ │ 25.
│ │ Design files, order of the President of the 19th, on August 28, 2004) │ document scientific technology │          Affiliation approvals │ │││ management the management of highway construction market (14th │ audit of the Ministry.

│    │    │                │号,2004年12月21日公布)                │                  │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
Preliminary │ │││ for approval by the Ministry of construction engineering survey and design regulations (State Council Decree │ adjust for the larger design │ │ │ │ 26.
The newly built or rebuilt │ │ design No. 293, released in September 2000 to 25) ¦ more scientific technical ¦            │ │ │ Express Highway project a larger design of the highway engineering change management approach (│ audit of the Ministry.

Approval │ │ lost │ │ changes 5th, published on May 9, 2005) │ │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│ │││ Provincial investment in the People's Republic of China Law on ports (People's Republic of China │ │
│││ Authorities, nuclear │ 5th President, announced on June 28, 2003) │ adjust for port engineering June │ │ │ 27.
│ And provincial traffic Director │ the port project acceptance policy (2nd │ meets design requirements, traffic, │  │ │││ Approval of port workers, published on April 12, 2005) │ technical audit.

│    │    │程竣工验收      │                                        │                  │
│ │ │ Ship entering or crossing the forbidden │ People's Republic of China inland river transportation │ adjust to the safety regulations for ships entering the forbidden │ │ │ 28 sea. │ │ Area license (State Council Decree, No. 355, released on June 28, 2002) │ the day-to-day supervision of the area.

│事局│    │                │                                        │                  │
│    │    │过船、过木、过鱼│                                        │实施主体:航务管理│
│││ Building design │ the People's Republic of China waterway Management Ordinance (│ sectors, fisheries and forestry primary │          │││, Design documents and applying │ [1987]8) │ Control Department.
│ │ │ 29.
│ Program │ and sluice dam of the Guizhou province, waterway transportation regulations (September 2007-24 │ adjust for the relevant design │ │
│││ Design of ship structures second │ │ x session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province, construction scheme of technology │        │ Aircraft │ │ │ 19 meeting of the construction programme) │ operation audit.

│务管│    │批              │                                        │                  │
Construction of associated with the waterway │ │││ of the People's Republic of China waterway Management Ordinance (│ │
│││ Bridge, wharf, aerial │ [1987]8) │ adjust to seek the transport │ │ │ 30.        │ Wire, underwater cables, │ the Guizhou province, waterway transportation regulations (8th │ the provincial government departments.

│││ Underwater pipeline across the River, ¦, September 24, 2007) │ │
│    │    │临河建筑物的同意│                                        │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China implementation rules for water pollution prevention and Control Act │ │
││││ (State Council Decree No. 284, released on March 20, 2000) │ │
│ Province Guizhou province, │││ of the environmental protection law (March 26, 2009 your │ │ │ │ Borders 31.
│ Temporary waste discharge permit nuclear of 11th National People's Congress Standing Committee of seventh │ │ State adjusted to the temporary sewage │ │ │ │ │ Adopted the Office of nurse) │ administrative controls.

││││ The control of pollutant discharge reporting and registering of Guizhou province and pollutant emissions allowed │ │
││││ Management measures (provincial governments, 31st 2008 8 │ │
│    │    │                │月4日修正)                             │                  │
│││ New │ in rivers and Lakes of the People's Republic of China Water Act (People's Republic of China main │ adjust for the water conservancy Administrative Department │ │ │ 32.
¦ Built, rebuilt or expanded, 74th │ seats, announced on August 29, 2002) │ or basin management organizations │        │    │    │排污口审核      │                                        │签署意见。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│    │    │                │                                        │调整为大坝主管部门│
││││ The dam safety management regulations (State Council Decree 78th │ the dam technology │ │ │ 33.          │ │ Dam is completed acceptance, released on March 22, 1991) │ reviews.

│    │    │                │                                        │实施主体:大坝主管│            │    │    │                │                                        │部门。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ Of the Guizhou Provincial flood control Ordinance (July 26, 2003, Guizhou province │ │
│││ Reservoir (Hydro) flood │ x session of the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress pass │ adjust flood for │ │ │ 34.
Plan and │ │ operation, on May 28, 2004 │ th people of Guizhou province's reconstruction of the material science │  │││ Flood prevention schemes and approval ¦ table Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ technical review.

│ Terms amendment of provincial water │││ local regulations amended) │ │
││││ Of the Guizhou Provincial flood control Ordinance (July 26, 2003, Guizhou province │ │
│││ Under construction in flood season of reservoir engineering │ x session of the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress pass │ adjust project lead on the single │ │ │ 35.
Programme approval │ │ safety in flood season, on May 28, 2004 │ th people of Guizhou province's flood control programme scientific │  ││││ Form the General Assembly adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou province │ technical review.

│    │    │                │部分地方性法规条款修改案》修正)        │                  │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│││ And flood control, water supply, │ the Guizhou province water conservancy facilities regulations (1996-11 │ │
│││ Power comprehensive utilization of Guizhou province on 29th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress │ │ months adjusted for the related materials ¦ │ │ 36.
│ │ Adopted at the 25th session of the water conservancy project to develop, according to the technical review of May 28, 2004 │ │              │││ Water resources allocation plan, du │ state province XI session of the national people's Congress Standing Committee of the eighth │ search.

│││ │ And flood in flood control programmes and projects on the part of Guizhou province, adopted local laws and modify the terms │ │
│    │    │调度运用计划审批│案》修正)                              │                  │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│ │││ Water Conservancy and hydropower construction project management of the construction project environmental protection regulations (State Council Decree │ adjust for environmental impact assessment by before │ │ │ 37.
│ │ The environmental impact report, No. 253, released on November 29, 1998) ¦ authorities related materials ¦        │    │    │(报告表)预审  │                                        │进行预审。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│││ │ The safety production management of construction project of water conservancy construction safety construction regulations (State Council Decree │ adjust for employer will guarantee │ │ │ 38.
│ │ Measures review, No. 393, released on November 12, 2003) │ card safe construction measures │      │    │    │                │                                        │关部门备案。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│││ Basic hydrological │ │ adjust for the employer, with the consent of the State │ │ │ 39.
Construction of upstream and downstream effects │ │ station of the People's Republic of China water regulations Ordinance (│ water Administrative Department under the State Council signed │            │││ Allowed │ No. 496 of hydrological monitoring project, released on April 25, 2007) │ views.

│    │    │可              │                                        │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China import and export regulations (│ │
│││ Free import of goods from │ order No. 332, released December 10, 2001) │ adjustment for auto imports │ │ │ 40.  Dynamic import licensing │ │ the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation concerning printing and distributing goods in │ implemented record management.

││││ Order to license management approach (foreign trade and economic cooperation │ │
│ │││ 20th, December 31, 2001 released) │ │
│    │    │国务院部委审批设│                                        │                  │
│││ For 30 million dollars │ cancellation and adjustment of administrative examination and approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment of the project │ business executive for │ │ │ 41.
│ Foreign-invested Enterprise (for │ decision (guofa [2004]16) │ tubes sector for filing tubes │              │    │    │括合同、章程)备│                                        │理。

│    │    │案              │                                        │                  │
│││ The provincial cultural relics protection │ │ adjusted for by the Administrative Department for cultural relics │ │ │ 42.
│ │ Unit control of construction that the People's Republic of China cultural relic protection law (people's Republic │ protection security │      │ │ │ │ He Guo of construction projects within the Office, order of the President of the 84th, published on December 29, 2007) │ technical review.

│    │    │的审批          │                                        │                  │
│││ Building, rebuilding, expansion │ the hygiene management regulations (guofa [1987]24 │ adjusted for by the Department of health administration │ ¦ Province 43.
│ │ Public construction projects) preventive health │ │              │ │ │ │ Preventive health review implementing rules of the regulations on public health (Ministry of health │ search.

││││, 80th, on March 10, 2011) │ │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on tax collection and Administration (Chinese │ │
Order of the President of the Republic of ││││, 49th, provincial tax authorities on April 28, 2001 public-│ adjust │ │ │ 44. │ │ Determine printed invoices) │ initiative based on criteria identified.

││││ Of the People's Republic of China management of invoices (State Council Decree │ │
││││, No. 587, revised on December 20, 2010) │ │
│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
│││ Urban land use tax trapped │ People's Republic of China interim regulations on urban land use tax │ belongs to the national tax receivables │
│││ Difficult to credit approval (annum │ (State Council Decree, the 17th, December 31, 2006, as amended) │ disposition, adjusted for non-line │ │ │ Province 45. │ Taxes below 100,000 yuan │ the State Council concerning the third instalment of cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items │ political approval.
│ │ │ Tax) │ decision (guofa [2004]16) │ political license cleanup │          │务局│    │                │                                        │组处理。

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ Of the State administration of taxation on printing (tax reduction or exemption of enterprise income tax ¦ belongs to the national tax receivables │
│││ Administrative measures for tax reduction or exemption of enterprise income tax ¦) notice (national tax [1997]99) │ disposal, according to the country's most │ │ │ 46.
│ │ Approval of the State Council concerning the third instalment of cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items │ under the new policy, adjusting for │        ││││ Decision (guofa [2004]16) │ records.

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ Of the People's Republic of China interim regulations on taxes of (State Council Decree │ belongs to national tax receivables │
││││, No. 224, July 7, 1997) │ disposal, according to the country's most │ │ │ 47.
│ Tax exemption filing │ the Guizhou Provincial Department of finance forwards (the State administration of taxation on the issue │ under the new policy, adjusting for │        ││││ Farmland occupation tax notice of tax relief measures) (Qian │ records.

│    │    │                │财税[2004]39号)                        │                  │
│ │ │ Province wide Special │ the Guizhou province, for radio and television broadcasting regulations (January 1996 12 │ │
│ │ │ Phone, frequencies, launch day │ eight 19th session of the national people's Congress Standing Committee of Guizhou province by province │ adjust for broadcast television │ │ Video │ 48.
│ │ Rate, antenna height and day Conference, September 29, 1997, eight people in Guizhou province │ administration │        │ │ │ │ Technical parameters such as threaded the 30th meeting of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly to amend the table) │ reviews.

│    │    │指配            │                                        │                  │
├──┼──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤ │ │ 49.
│ Print │ set up within the printing industry regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 315, │ adjust for real by the publishing sector │      │││ Factory (the) registration │ announced on August 2, 2001) │ register management.

│    ├──┼────────┼────────────────────┼─────────┤
││││ Of the printing industry regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 315, │ adjust for printed by the printing company │ │ │ 50.
│ │ Printing of books and magazines published on August 2, 2001) │ brushed the former Publishing Executive Branch │            │ │ │ Support │ prior record review of the new print production management rules (press and publication administration, public │ records.

│ Department order to sniff out │││ 19th, released July 18, 2003) │ │
│    │    │印刷经营者变更名│                                        │                  │
│    │    │称、法人代表或者│                                        │                  │ │ │ 51.
│ Residence or │, head of the printing industry regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 315, │ adjustment for the newspaper publishing sector │            │││ Camp site, the main registration │ announced on August 2, 2001) │ records. │
│    │    │事项或者终止印刷│                                        │                  │
│    │    │经营活动备案    │                                        │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on statistics (People's Republic of China │ │
│ │ Marketing │ │ published statistical information, order of the President of the 15th, June 27, 2009, as amended) │ adjust by the statistics Ministry │ │ Terms │ 52. │ │ Statistical regulations of the Guizhou province approved (approved March 24, 2000 │ doors on statistical information.

││││ Province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of 15th │ │
Adopted ││││, amended on May 28, 2004) │ │
│││ Of construction expropriated │ the regulations on religious affairs (State Council Decree No. 426, 2004 │ │
│ │ │ │ Years teaching groups, religious activities issued on November 30) │ adjust to seek religious affairs │ │ │ 53 taught things.    │ │ Site management using soil in Guizhou province, regulations on the management of religious affairs (July 2000 22 │ Department.

│ Service │ │ │ days, forests, houses in Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of the tenth │ │
│    │    │许可            │七次会议通过)                          │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China meteorology law (People's Republic of China │ adjusted for by the competent Meteorological Department │
│ │ │ │ Used in economic construction, order of the President of the 23rd, announced on October 31, 1999) │ doors on meteorological data and its │ │ │ 54.
The meteorological information and its │ │ the Guizhou Provincial meteorological regulations (November 25, 2009, Guizhou province scientific │ products │        │││ Product review 11th │ │ 11th people's Congress Standing Committee for review.

│    │    │                │议通过)                                │                  │
││││ Of the People's Republic of China earthquake disaster mitigation Act (people's Republic │ adjust work for seek earthquake │
│ │ │ │ Seismic monitoring observation He Guo, 7th President, announced on December 27, 2008) │ Department or institution for │ │ │ 55 earthquakes.              Construction project approval │ │ the earthquake monitoring and Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 409, │ see.

│    │    │                │2004年9月1日公布)                      │                  │
│ Chinese │ │ apply for overseas Chinese, │ the Guizhou province, implementation of People's Republic of China rights │ adjust by returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese Affairs work ¦ │ Service │ 56.
│ Overseas Chinese and the family members and the Hong Kong and Macao │ Protection Act policy (September 29, 1993, Guizhou province │ frame provides identification of │          Family identity │ │ │ │ cell adopted at the fourth session of the national people's Congress Standing Committee session, │ the political confirmation.

│    │    │                │2005年3月31日修改)                     │                  │


Annex 4: Provincial Government decided to merge the list of administrative licensing items (321 items)
│ │ Services │ ordinal name │ merged prior to the merger project name │ law │
│    │    │经营性收费公路车辆│                  │                                        │ │ │ Province 1.
│ │ Of toll charges 1, management of toll road │ People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China │
│ │ │ Approval │ │ order of the President of the 19th Government loan charges road,, on August 28, 2004) │
│ ├ ┼------------Scale │ ┤ toll charges to the toll road regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 417, │
│ │ │ The Government repayment of Government approval of the toll road │ │ announced on September 13, 2004) │ │ │ House 2.
│辆通行费的收费标准│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的批准            │                  │                                        │
│ 省 │    │                  │                  │                                        │ │ │ 3.
│ │ │ The Guizhou province in early bidding of engineering construction project tendering and bidding regulations (September 29, 2002 your │ │
│ Exhibitions │ │ │ │ programme license state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee 31st │
│ │ │││ 2, construction project meeting, May 28, 2004) │
│ ├ Modified ┼------------preliminary programme approval │ ┤ Guizhou province engineering construction project bid preliminary approval Board │
Leather │ ││││ (provincial governments, 89th, December 29, 2005 │ │ │ 4.
│工程建设项目邀请招│                  │布)                                    │
│ 员 │    │标许可            │                  │                                        │
│ 会 │    │                  │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │    │ 5.
│开办农药生产企业批│                  │                                        │
│    │    │准审核            │3、开办农药生产企 │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Industry and production had not yet developed country │ the pesticides management regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 326, 2001 │
│││ │ Production have not yet been developed country standards, industry standards but │ November 29 amendments) │ │ │ Province 6.
│, Industry standards but has substance standard │ │ │
│ 经 │    │企业标准的农药的审│初审              │                                        │
│ 济 │    │核                │                  │                                        │
│ 和 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ ││││ Decision on investment system reform of the State Council (guofa │ Interest │ │ 7.
Industrial, information of fixed assets │ │ │ [2004]20) │
│ │ │ │ │ The State approved investment projects to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
│ │ │││ 4, technological innovation investment licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ And industry, information technology-solid │ 29th) │
Nuclear │ │ │││ fixed assets investment projects of the interim measures for the approval of enterprise investment projects (national development and Reform Commission, │
│ │ │││ Technology investment projects, 19th, released on September 15, 2004) │ │    │ 8.
│ │ │ The provincial government approved ban on issuing < economy of Guizhou province and │
│││││ Production of the main functions, Interior institutions and staffing of the Commission Board │
│    │    │                  │                  │定>的通知》(黔委厅字[2010]3号)       │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │    │ 9.
¦ Radio frequency assignment 5, radio frequency and no │ People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (State Council, │
│ ├,-┼---------┤ Line radio call sign assigned │ and Central Military Commission, the 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ │ │-Free 10.
│无线电台呼号指配  │                  │                                        │
│ 线 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 电 │    │无线电台(站)设置│                  │                                        │ │ │ Tube 11.
│和使用审批        │                  │                                        │
│ │││ 6, radio stations (stations) │ People's Republic of China of the radio regulations (State Council, │
│ ├-┼----------┤ Settings and use approval │ and Central Military Commission, the 128th, released on September 11, 1993) │ │ │ 12.
│制式无线电台(站)│                  │                                        │
│    │    │强制备案          │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 13.
Veterinary drug advertising audited │ │ │ People's Republic of China Law on advertising (People's Republic of China │
│││││, Order of the President of the 34th, enacted on October 27, 1994) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 7, │ advertising content of the regulations on the management of veterinary drugs veterinary drugs (State Council Decree No. 404, 2004 │
Veterinary medicine Canton │ Search │ │││ Media release April 9 release) │ │ │ 14.
¦ Sue │ │ approval of the veterinary drug advertising review (State administration for industry and Commerce │
│││││ Council, the Ministry of agriculture, the 88th, December 22, 1998, as amended) │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │母种和原种《食用菌│                  │                                        │ │ │ 15.
│菌种生产经营许可  │                  │                                        │
│││ │ │ To issue certificate of the People's Republic of China Law on seeds (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 8 │ 26th President, crop seeds, August 28, 2004) │ │ │ 16.
Main crop seed production │ │ productions │ to issue business licenses to the management measures of edible fungus (Ministry of agriculture, the 62nd, │
│ │ │ │ │ Licensing announced on March 27, 2006) │
│ 业 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 17.
│农作物种子经营许可│                  │                                        │
│ 员 │    │证核发            │                  │                                        │
│ 会 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 18.
│渔业船舶初次检验  │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 9, 24 m fishing boat │ People's Republic of China fishing vessel inspection regulations (State │ │ │ 19.
│ │ Fishing vessel temporary test ship an initial survey, operating detected │ order No. 383, released on June 27, 2003) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤验和临时检验      │                                        │ │ │ 20.
│渔业船舶营运检验  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 21.
│ │ │ Animal feed products of feed and feed additives management regulation (State Council Decree │
Set up review │ │││ Enterprise 10, feed, feed additives │ No. 266, as amended on November 29, 2001) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Agents and animal feed production │ animal feed product safety and health regulations (agricultural │
│││ Animal feed and feed additive production │ order │ products 40th, November 8, 2007, as amended) │ │ │ 22.
│ │ │ Production enterprises to set up review of the feed manufacturer review (Department of Agriculture made the 73rd │
│    │    │                  │                  │号,2006年11月24日发布)                │
│    │    │实施学历教育、学前│                  │                                        │
│    │    │教育、自学考试助学│                  │                                        │ │ │ 23.
│及其他文化教育的民│                  │                                        │
│││-School establishment, │ 11, the establishment of privately-run schools and │ People's Republic of China private education promotion law (Chinese │
│││ State, merger, change and eventually engaged principal approval │ │ order of the President of the people's Republic, the 80th, December 2002, │
│    │    │止审批            │                  │28日公布)                              │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 24.
│民办学校聘任校长、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更举办者核准    │                  │                                        │
│ 省 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 教 │    │设立、分立、合并、│                  │                                        │
│ 育 │    │变更、终止中等学历│                  │                                        │
│ │ │ │ 12 of education and self-study examination by the Office, the implementation of secondary education teaching │ │ │ │ 25.
, Cultural lessons, preschool │ │ science education and self-study examination aiding school, │ │
│││ Education of Chinese and foreign (including our tutorial, preschool │ │ culture │
│││ O) │ Chinese and foreign cooperative education institutions (including Hong Kong and Macao │ People's Republic of China Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools Ordinance (Secretary of State for │
Approval of │││ │ set) cooperative education institutions and │ order No. 372, published on March 1, 2003) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤中外合作办学机构的│                                        │
│││ China (including Hong Kong, Macao) │ headmaster or principal administrator responsible for │ │
│    │    │作办学机构、住所、│人的审批          │                                        │ │ │ 26.
│法定代表人、校长或│                  │                                        │
│    │    │主要行政负责人变更│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审批              │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 27.
│大型群众文化体育活│                  │                                        │
Dynamic security clearance │ │ │││ of the People's Republic of China Law on fire (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 13, large mass │ 6th President, released on October 28, 2008) │
│││ Has a large fire hazard of │ │ security license regulations on safety of large-scale mass activities (State Council Decree │ │ │ 28.
│ │ │ Before the mass activities held No. 505, released on September 14, 2007) │
│ 公 │    │的消防安全检查    │                  │                                        │
│ 安 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 厅 │    │公务用枪持枪证、民│                  │                                        │ │ │ 29.
│ Gun (shooting sports gun │ 14, official, civilian │ People's Republic of China Law on gun control (people's Republic │ │││) │ To issue gun permits guns guns and hunting service │ Chairman He Guo, 72nd, published on July 5, 1996) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤置猎枪许可        │                                        │ │ │ 30.
│狩猎场配置猎枪许可│                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ Province 31.
│律师事务所设立审核│                  │                                        │
│ ├ The Secretary-┼---------┤ 15, law firms and │ People's Republic of China Law on lawyers (people's Republic of China │
Establish branch │ │ law │ │ law firm license │ established by order of the President of the 76th, October 28, 2007, as amended) │ ¦ Office 32.
│审核              │                  │                                        │
│││││ The State Council to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │ │ │ 33.
│ │ │ Human resources intermediary services licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│││ Structure and its business scope approved │ 16, the establishment of for-profit career │ 29th) │
││││ Agency, talent agency │ talent market in Guizhou province Ordinance (May 27, 2005 │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Fan │ State x, service organization and its business session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress 15th │
│    │    │                  │围审批            │会议通过)                              │ │ │ Province 34.
Run for-profit │ employment │ │ the Guizhou provincial labour market regulations (November 1996, │
│ │ │ │ │ Approval people 29th VIII session of the 25th meeting of the Standing Committee of Guizhou province │
│ 力 │    │                  │                  │通过,2004年5月28日修正)               │
│ 资 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 源 │    │介绍外国文教专家来│                  │                                        │ │ │ 35.
Overseas organizations working capital │ │ China 17, introduce foreign culture │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative │
Recognized │ │ │ │ group │ outside the home to work in China's licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│ ├-┼----------┤ Knitting accreditation and foreign professionals │ 29th) │ │ │ 36.
│ Home │ foreign experts to work in China to work in China license │ │
│ 障 │    │许可              │                  │                                        │
│ 厅 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │国务院履行出资人职│                  │                                        │ │ │ 37.
│ Responsibilities of enterprises hired contribution │ │ 18, the State Council of the State Council to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
│││ Foreign expert qualification │ │ the responsibilities of enterprises and enterprises of licensing decisions (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│    ├──┼─────────┤业、中等以下教育机│29日公布)                              │
│││ Secondary education establishments employed │ qualification │ the structure employing foreign experts to the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation and decentralized management hierarchy │ │ │ 38.
Foreign experts recognized qualification │ │ │ the decision of administrative approval items (guofa [2010]21) │
│    │    │认可              │                  │                                        │
│    │    │建筑业专业承包序列│                  │                                        │ │ │ 39.
│一级资质(不含交  │                  │                                        │
│ │ │││ Pass, water resources, civil aviation row concerning the fourth instalment of the State Council canceled and the adjustment of administrative approval items │
│    │    │业)审批          │                  │的决定》(国发[2007]33号)              │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China construction law (People's Republic of China │
│││ Engineering, unit b capital │ │ order of the President of the 91st, amended on April 22, 2011) │ │ │ 40.
│ Mass (not including transportation, water │ 19, construction │ the purview of the regulations on the management of survey and design of construction projects (State Council Decree │
│││ Lee, the civil aviation industry) approval, prospecting units, design │ │ enterprise No. 293, released on September 25, 2000) │
│ ├ ┼------------┤ Meter units and project supervisory │ the construction engineering quality management regulation (State Council Decree No. 279 │ │ │ 41.
│ │ Qualification │ approval of survey and design of construction projects, published on January 30, 2000) │
│ │ │ │ │ Qualification approved of the survey and design of construction engineering quality management regulations (Ministry of construction, │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ 160th, released June 26, 2007) │ │ │ 42.
│ │ │ Approved construction Enterprise qualification of the engineering supervision Enterprise qualification management regulation (Ministry of construction, │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ 158th, released June 2007 26) │ │ │ 43.
│工程监理企业资质核│                  │                                        │
│ 乡 │    │准                │                  │                                        │
│ 建 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 设 │    │施工单位的主要负责│                  │                                        │ │ │ 44.
│人、项目负责人、专│                  │                                        │
│││ Occupational Safety Manager │ 20, construction orders │ │
Qualification approval │ │││ Security Chief, │ the construction engineering safety management regulations (State Council Decree │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Directors, full-time safety ¦ No. 393, released on November 24, 2003) │
│││ Construction of Central enterprises safety │ home │ production management personnel of the State Council concerning the fourth instalment of cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items │
│││ Owner, project │ qualification │ approval decision (guofa [2007]33) │ │ │ 45.
│人、专职安全生产管│                  │                                        │
│    │    │理人员安全任职资格│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审批              │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 46.
│矿产资源勘查许可  │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Law on mineral resources (people's Republic │ │ │ 47.
│ │ │ Dutchrepublic prospecting rights changes, order of the President of the 74th, amended on August 29, 1996) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China implementing rules of the law of mineral resources (│
│││ For prospecting right transfer approval (│ │ 152th, works, released on March 26, 1994) │
│││, Sell, pricing, investment, and │ 21, authorization rights of trial │ measures on the registration administration of mineral resource exploration blocks (State Council, │ │ │ 48.
│ │, Reorganization, restructuring, out mineral rights registration, change, extend │ order No. 240, released on February 12, 1998) │
│││ Rent, mortgages) │ │ continued license regulations of the mineral resources in Guizhou province (March 24, 2000 │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ 15th state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee │ │ │ 49.
Ratifying │ │ │ prospecting rights reservations adopted by the tenth of May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's congresses │ │ │ 50.
│ Registration │ │ prospecting rights extend terms amendment of the Guizhou province, some local regulations amended) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 51.
│勘查许可证注销    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 52.
│ │ │ Mining license of the People's Republic of China Law on mineral resources (people's Republic │
│││││ Chairman He Guo, 74th, amended on August 29, 1996) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China implementing rules of the law of mineral resources (│ │ │ 53.
Transfer approval │ │ order │ mining rights 152th, released on March 26, 1994) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Measures on the administration of registration of mining of mineral resources (State Council Decree │ │ │ 54.
Mining rights │ registration │ 22, authorization rights of part mine │ No. 241, published on February 12, 1998) │
││││ Resource extraction and related matters │ the prospecting right and mining right management of transfer (State Council Decree │
│ ├ ┼------------│ ┤ License No. 242, released on February 12, 1998) │ │ │ 55.
Continue registration │ │ │ mining rights of the mineral resources in Guizhou province Ordinance (March 24, 2000 │
│││││ Province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of 15th │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Adopted, according to the Guizhou province, May 28, 2004, the tenth │ │ │ 56.
│ │ │ Area approval adopted by the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's congresses │
│││││ Of the Guizhou province, part of the local laws and modify the terms of the amendment) │
│ 省 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ ││││ Of the geological disaster prevention Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 394, │ │ │ 57.
│ │ │ Dangerous assessment of geological disaster on November 24, 2003) │
│ Chinese │ │ │ │ qualification examination and approval of the management measures of geological hazards risk assessment unit qualification │
Source │││ │ │ 23, b and c level in geological disaster (Department of land and resources, 29th, May 20, 2005 │
│ 厅 ├──┼─────────┤害危险性评估、治理│布)                                    │
│││ Class b, and class c geological hazard exploration, design, applying │ │ engineering geological hazard control engineering survey, design and construction of the pipe unit qualification │
│││ Risk assessment of qualifications, │ worker and the engineer qualification certificate │ policy (Ministry of land and resources, 30th May 2005 │ │ │ 58.
Hazard control engineering exploration approval │ book │ │ quality released 20th) │
│││ Design │ │ the construction quality, geology and geological disaster control management measures of project supervision unit qualification │
│ │ │││ Disaster management project management funding (Ministry of land and resources, the 31st, May 20, 2005 │
│    │    │质的审批          │                  │布)                                    │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 59.
│ │ │ Qualification of surveying and mapping of the People's Republic of China Law on surveying and mapping (People's Republic of China │
││││ 24 a, b, c, d level measured │ order of the President of the 75th, released on August 29, 2002) │
│ ├ ┼------------Qualification approval │ ┤ painted units of the survey regulations of Guizhou province (September 23, 2005, Guizhou province, │ │ │ 60.
│ │ │ In b, c and d survey and mapping practice th 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's congresses │
│    │    │业资格审批        │                  │通过)                                  │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 61.
│地方中、小学教学地│                  │                                        │
│    │    │图审定            │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China regulations on the management of map compilation and publication │ │ │ 62.
Printed or Expo │ │ local map 25, maps reviews (│ (State Council Decree, 180th, released July 10, 1995) │
│││ Audit shows ago │) │ map approval and management regulations (MLR 34th │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │号,2006年6月8日发布)                  │ │ │ 63.
│地方性专题地图印刷│                  │                                        │
│    │    │或展示前审核      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 64.
│ │ │ Providing secret surveying and mapping of the People's Republic of China surveying and mapping results management regulations (State │
│││ Approval │ 26, classified as State secrets │ order No. 469, published on May 27, 2006) │
│ ├ ┼------------│ ┤ Basic surveying data of the Department of State to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │ │ │ 65.
│ Chinese │ of basic surveying and mapping by State, using approval │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│    │    │料提供、使用审批  │                  │29日公布)                              │
│    │    │建设工程需要占用、│                  │                                        │ │ │ 66.
│ │ Mining road or Highway 27 and highway line of │ │
│    │    │改线的批准        │准和因建设工程需要│                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Occupy or dig the roads or │ People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China │
│││ Crossing, crossing the highway built │ crossing, crossing the highway built │ 19th President, on August 28, 2004) │
│││ │ Bridges bridges, aqueducts or highways, aqueducts or highways │ People's Republic of China Law on road traffic safety (Chinese │ │ │ 67.
Erection, buried within │ │ land use within the set up, submerged │ order of the President of the Republic, the 8th, October 28, 2003 │
│││ │ Set based pipelines, cables and other pipelines, cables and other equipment │) │
│    │    │准                │许可及验收        │                                        │
│ 省 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 68.
│使公路改线的批准  │                  │                                        │
│ 通 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ Shipped │ │ 69.
│公路建设项目的施工│                  │                                        │
│ │ │ │ │ Ratified the lost People's Republic of China Highway Act (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ 19th President, on August 28, 2004) │
│││ In addition to national and State transport │ │ the management of highway construction market (14th, traffic, │ │ │ 70.
│ Department priorities established by │ 28, within the purview of traffic-building, │, released on December 21, 2004) │
Road construction projects in │││ │ project construction and repair projects │ the Turnpike Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 417, │
│││ Road construction project licenses, acceptance of │ │ license announced on September 13, 2004) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Finish highway project (pay) acceptance policy (traffic, │
│││ Provincial highways, waterways, waterway │ │ 3rd, released on March 31, 2004) │ │ │ 71.
│ │ │ And its facilities construction project of the regulations on the administration of navigable channel construction (3rd, traffic, │
│ │ │││ Road rehabilitation project announced on March 12, 2007) │
│    │    │权限竣工验收      │                  │                                        │ ├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 72.
│在港口内进行采掘、│                  │                                        │
│ │ │ │ Blasting and other activities license 29, in port and inland waterway │ People's Republic of China Law on ports (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Navigable water or shoreline into │ 5th President, released on June 28, 2003) │
│ │ │ │ Or in inland navigable waters sea activities such as excavation, blasting the People's Republic of China inland river transportation security regulations │ │ │ 73.
│ │ │ License within the coastline, ports (State Council Decree, No. 355, released on June 28, 2002) │
│ 局 │    │采掘、爆破等活动的│                  │                                        │
│    │    │许可              │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 74.
│省际道路客运经营许│                  │                                        │
│││ │ 30, and interprovincial, interurban road │ People's Republic of China Road transport regulations (State Council Decree │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Passenger and class lines license │ No. 406, published on April 30, 2004) │ │ │ 75.
│省际、市际道路客运│                  │                                        │
│    │    │班线经营许可      │                  │                                        │
│ 省 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
││││ │ Road in Guizhou province, regulations on the management of urban public transport (2007 11 │ │ │ Road 76.
Urban public traffic management allowed │ │ │ 23 11th people's Congress Standing Committee of Guizhou province │
Shipped │ │ │ │ │ adopted at the 18th meeting of the Guizhou Provincial people's Congress │
Public transport │ │ │││ 31, lost city of the decision of the Standing Committee on revising part of the local laws │
│ 局 ├──┼─────────┤营企业经营资格和客│修正)                                  │
││││ Games qualification documents issued by │ franchise for the Guizhou province city public passenger transport management │ │ │ 77.
│ Certificate │ │ urban public transport (July 30, 2005 representatives of th people of Guizhou province │
│││ │ │ Adopted by the 16th session of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly to issue 2010 9 │
│    │    │                  │                  │月17日修改)                            │
│││ Waterway transport operations and │ │ People's Republic of China administration of water transport regulations (State │ │ │ 78.
│ │: Water transport services 32, waterway transport │ order No. 544, December 27, 2008, as amended) │
│ │ │││ Camp license works and waterways service industry of the State Department to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
│ ├ ┼-----------Business license ┤ │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │ │ │ 79.
│客船、危险品船投入│                  │29日公布)                              │
│ 航 │    │营运的审批        │                  │                                        │
│ 务 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 管 │    │过船、过木、过鱼建│                  │                                        │ │ │ 80.
Books, │ │ design of buildings task 33, boats, wood, │ the People's Republic of China waterway Management Ordinance (│
│ │ │ Design documents and construction scheme building design │ │ fish [1987]8) │
│││ │ Book, approving design documents │ the Guizhou province, waterway transportation and construction regulations (September 2007-24 │
│ ├ ┼------------Programme and sluice dam ship │ ┤ th people's Congress Standing Committee's second day, Guizhou province │
│││ Sluice dam ship building │ building design documents, applying │ 19 meeting) │ │ │ 81.
│ Design documents, approval of the construction program │ program │ │
│    │    │的审批            │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 82.
│建设项目的环境影响│                  │                                        │
Evaluation file approval │ │ │││ of the People's Republic of China environmental impact assessment law (Chinese │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Order of the President of the Republic, the 77th, October 28, 2002, │
│    │    │建设项目发生重大变│                  │布)                                    │
After │││, │ │ environment impact assessment of the People's Republic of China environmental protection law (the people's Republic │ │ │ 83.
│ Re-approval of a file (including │ │ dutchrepublic 22nd President, released on December 26, 1989) │
│ │ │ │ │ Batch of environmental impact assessment of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of radioactive pollution (Chinese │
│ │ │ Rings for more than 5 years construction │ 34, the construction project environmental impact │ order of the President of the people's Republic, 6th, June 28, 2003, │
│ │ │ Borders review) │ │ evaluation file and environment) │
│ ├ ┼------------Approval │ ┤ nursing facility acceptance of the construction project environmental protection regulations (State Council Decree │ │ Designer │ 84.
│ │ │ Established environmental protection of construction projects, No. 253, released November 29, 1998) │
│ │ │ │ │ Acceptance of the application by the Office of administrative measures on the environmental protection acceptance check of construction project (│
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Protection order of the 13th, December 27, 2001 │
│    │    │放射工作场所的放射│                  │布)                                    │
Acceptance of │││ protection facilities (including │ │ the radiation protection Regulation (national environmental │ │ │ 85.
│ Uranium, thorium and the associated radiological │ │ nursing order of 18th, released March 25, 1997) │
│    │    │性矿的放射性污染防│                  │                                        │
│    │    │治设施的验收)    │                  │                                        │
├──┼──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 86.
│社会团体成立登记  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │(含申请、筹备)  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 87.
│社会团体变更登记  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 88.
│ Deregistration │ 35 social groups, social groups and │ │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Agency (representative body) │ the social organization registration regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 250 │ │ │ 89.
│ │ Applications to set up community establishment, modification and cancellation of │, released on October 25, 1998) │
│    │    │体审查            │记                │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 90.
│社会团体分支(代  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │表)机构成立登记  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 91.
│社会团体分支(代  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │表)机构注销登记  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 92.
│民办非企业单位成立│                  │                                        │
│    │    │登记              │                  │                                        │
│ 省 ├──┼─────────┤36、民办非企业单位│                                        │ │ │ 93.
│ │ Private non-enterprise units change establishment, modification and cancellation of │ interim regulations on the administration of registration of private non-enterprise units of (Secretary of State for │
│ │ │ Register of Government order No. 251, │ │ remember, released on October 25, 1998) │
│ 厅 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 94.
│民办非企业单位注销│                  │                                        │
│    │    │登记              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │ │ 95.
│基金会成立登记    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 96.
│基金会变更登记    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │ │ │ 97.
│ │ 37 Foundation to cancel the registration, in addition to the Ministry of civil affairs under the State Council │ │
│    ├──┼─────────┤门登记外的地方性基│                                        │ │ │ 98.
│ Funds branches, representative of Gold Club and its branch │ the Fund management regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 400, │
│ │││ Constitute State registration (representative body) establishment, │ announced on March 8, 2004) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤变更、注销登记    │                                        │ │ │ 99.
│基金会分支、代表机│                  │                                        │
│    │    │构变更登记        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │100.│基金会分支、代表机│                  │                                        │
│    │    │构注销登记        │                  │                                        │
│    │101.│权限内建设水工程规│                  │                                        │
│    │    │划审查            │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Water Act (People's Republic of China main │
│ │ 102. rural collective economic organizations │ │ 38, permission to build hydraulic 74th │ seats, announced on August 29, 2002) │
│││ Reservoir │ │ approval process planning review of the People's Republic of China Law on flood control (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ 88th President, announced on August 29, 1997) │
│    │    │建设防洪工程和其他│                  │                                        │
│    │103.│水工程、水电站的防│                  │                                        │
│    │    │洪规划审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │河道管理范围内建设│                  │                                        │
│    │104.│项目审批          │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Water Act (People's Republic of China main │
│ │ 105.74th │ │ │ river channel sand mining license seats, announced on August 29, 2002) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Law on flood control (People's Republic of China │
Construction project of │││ River (engineering │ │ 88th President, announced on August 29, 1997) │
│ │ 106. ¦ facilities) construction programme │ 39 river management │ fan, permission of the People's Republic of China rivers management regulations (State Council Decree │
│││ Review Sha │ │ surrounding mining and construction projects within the 3rd number, published on June 3, 1988) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Approval ¦ related activities such as the River, Guizhou province, regulations (November 21, 1997 you │
│ │ │││ Ring gaskets, occupy or destroy the River State Province people's Congress Standing Committee 31st │
│ │ 107. │ the old course of the River, the old Dyke, original │ │ meeting, according to Guizhou province, May 28, 2004 tenth │
│ │ │││ Works like session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress adopted at the eighth meeting, │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Terms amendment of the Guizhou province, some local regulations amended) │
│    │    │跨行政区域的河道、│                  │                                        │
│    │108.│界河河道水工程项目│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审批              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 109. │ │ │ water licensing of the People's Republic of China Water Act (People's Republic of China │
│ ││││ 40, within the purview of construction projects, order of the President of the 74th, released on August 29, 2002) │
│ ├,-┼-----------│ ┤ Report on water resources assessment trial the State Council to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
Construction project water resources argumentation │ │ │ │ water and water licensing │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│ 利 │110.│报告书审批        │                  │29日公布)                              │
│ 厅 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│││ │ 41, by project of soil and water conservation construction project of soil and water conservation │ │
│ │ 111. approving development projects │ │ case programme approval and production built │ People's Republic of China soil and water conservation Act (people's Republic │
Soil and water │││ │ │ dutchrepublic project of soil and water conservation facilities, order of the President of the 49th, December 25, 2010, as amended) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤验收              │                                        │
│    │112.│保持设施验收      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │113.│大坝坝顶兼做公路审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤42、管理权限内大坝│                                        │ │││ (Permission) │ The crest of the dam and roads, dams │ the dam safety management regulations (State Council Decree 78th │
│ │ 114. construction of code │ │ and within the scope of protection management and conservation within │, released on March 22, 1991) │
│    │    │头、鱼塘审批      │建码头、鱼塘及险坝│                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤改变运行方式审批  │                                        │
│    │115.│险坝改变运行方式审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │因建设占用农灌水  │                  │                                        │
│    │116.│源、水利工程设施审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
Introduction │ │││ in the water area, or 43, permission to occupy farmland irrigation │ the Guizhou Provincial Water Conservancy Management Ordinance (1996 11 │
│ │ 117. │ │ within water, water, water engineering structures in Guizhou province │ 29th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress │
│││ Water intake, water approval │ or │ adopted at the 25th session in hydraulic engineering facilities) │
│ ├ ┼------------Range │ ┤ protection and management of the Department of State to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
│││ In the management of water conservancy project approval │ range │ related activities of licensing decisions (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│ │ 118. construction and │ │ │ other 29th) │
│    │    │营活动的许可      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │119.│占用农业灌溉水源、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │灌排工程设施审批  │                  │                                        │
│    │120.│外商投资无船承运企│                  │                                        │
│    │    │业设立及变更审批  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │121.│外商投资建筑业企业│                  │                                        │
│    │    │设立及变更审批    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │122.│外商投资印刷企业设│                  │                                        │
│    │    │立及变更审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资建设工程设│                  │                                        │
│    │123.│计企业设立及变更审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │124.│外商投资道路运输企│                  │                                        │
│    │    │业设立及变更审批  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │125.│外商投资商业企业设│                  │                                        │
│    │    │立及变更审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资非融资租赁│                  │                                        │
│    │126.│的租赁业企业设立及│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更审批          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │原国务院有关部门批│                  │                                        │
│    │127.│准设立的外商投资企│                  │                                        │
│    │    │业的变更事项审批  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资国际货物运│                  │                                        │
│    │    │输代理企业(不含涉│                  │                                        │
│    │128.│及国际快递业务的外│                  │                                        │
│    │    │商投资国际货物运输│                  │                                        │
│    │    │代理企业)设立及变│                  │                                        │
│    │    │更审批            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资股份公司  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │(不包括上市公司)│                  │                                        │
│    │129.│的变更事项(不包括│                  │                                        │
│    │    │公司为上市进行的变│                  │                                        │
│    │    │更)审批          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资企业(专项│                  │                                        │
│    │130.│规定的除外)不涉及│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批准证书记载变化的│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更事项审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │商务部批准设立的限│                  │                                        │
│    │131.│额以下外商投资企业│                  │                                        │
│    │    │(专项规定的除外)│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的变更事项审批    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资企业(专项│                  │                                        │
│    │132.│规定的除外)的非实│                  │                                        │
│    │    │质性变更事项审批  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以上外商投资企│                  │                                        │
│    │133.│业(专项规定的除  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │外)不超过限额的增│                  │                                        │
│    │    │资事项审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资股│                  │                                        │
│    │134.│份公司的设立及变更│                  │                                        │
│    │    │事项审批          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资城│                  │                                        │
│    │135.│市规划服务企业设立│                  │                                        │
│    │    │及变更审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资进│                  │                                        │
│    │136.│出口商品检验鉴定机│                  │                                        │
│    │    │构设立及变更审批  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资国│                  │                                        │
│    │137.│际船舶运输企业设立│                  │                                        │
│    │    │及变更审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资国│                  │                                        │
│    │138.│际船舶代理企业设立│                  │                                        │
│││ And change of approval delegated provincial │ │ 44, the State Council of the State Council concerning the fourth instalment of cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval items │
│ ├,-┼-----------Real │ ┤ business Administrative Department decision (guofa [2007]33) │
Limit │ │ │ │ │ application of foreign investment enterprises with foreign investment of the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation and administrative decentralization of management hierarchy │
│ Service │ 139. │ │ copying production (company) decision to establish and change │ approval items (guofa [2010]21) │
│ 厅 │    │及变更审批        │审批              │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资认│                  │                                        │
│    │140.│证培训和认证咨询企│                  │                                        │
│    │    │业设立及变更审批  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下涉及国际快│                  │                                        │
│    │141.│递业务的外商投资国│                  │                                        │
│    │    │际货物运输代理企业│                  │                                        │
│    │    │设立及变更审批    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资融│                  │                                        │
│    │142.│资租赁企业设立及变│                  │                                        │
│    │    │更审批            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资营│                  │                                        │
│    │143.│业性演出经纪企业设│                  │                                        │
│    │    │立及变更审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资保│                  │                                        │
│    │144.│险经纪企业设立及变│                  │                                        │
│    │    │更审批            │                  │                                        │ │    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商独资船│                  │                                        │
│    │145.│务公司设立及变更审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │原在商务部审核权限│                  │                                        │
│    │    │内的鼓励类产业且不│                  │                                        │
│    │146.│需要国家综合平衡的│                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资企业(专项│                  │                                        │
│    │    │规定的除外)设立及│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更事项审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资企业(专项│                  │                                        │
│    │    │规定的除外)的重大│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更事项(国家发展│                  │                                        │
│    │147.│改革委核准的限额以│                  │                                        │
│    │    │上增资事项和控股权│                  │                                        │
│    │    │向外方转移的转股事│                  │                                        │
│    │    │项除外)审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │交易额在限额以下的│                  │                                        │
│    │148.│外资并购事项审批  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │(专项规定的外商投│                  │                                        │
│    │    │资企业除外)      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资创│                  │                                        │
│    │149.│业投资和创业投资管│                  │                                        │
│    │    │理企业设立及变更审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外商投资注册资本1 │                  │                                        │
│    │    │亿美元及以下投资性│                  │                                        │
│    │    │公司的设立及变更事│                  │                                        │
│    │150.│项(含原商务部批准│                  │                                        │
│    │    │设立的投资性公司后│                  │                                        │
│    │    │续变更事项)审批  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │(单次增资超过1亿 │                  │                                        │
│    │    │美元除外)        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下中外合资、│                  │                                        │
│    │151.│合作医疗机构设立及│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更审批          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资图│                  │                                        │
│    │152.│书、报纸、期刊分销│                  │                                        │
│    │    │企业设立及变更审批│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下中外合作音│                  │                                        │
│    │153.│像制品批发企业设立│                  │                                        │
│    │    │及变更审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资非│                  │                                        │
│    │154.│油气矿产勘查企业设│                  │                                        │
│    │    │立及变更审批      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │限额以下外商投资非│                  │                                        │
│    │155.│油气采矿企业设立及│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更审批          │                  │                                        │
│    │156.│对设立演出经纪机构│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的许可            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤45、演出经纪机构设│                                        │
Change │││ to show brokers │ school │ about the change in the regulations on the management of commercial performance (State Council Decree No. 528 │
│││ Name, domicile, legal │ │ license number, July 22, 2008, as amended) │
│    │157.│表人或者主要负责  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │人、营业性演出经营│                  │                                        │
│    │    │项目的审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │对设立互联网上网服│                  │                                        │
│    │158.│务营业场所经营单位│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的许可            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│││ Internet service │ 46 │, Internet access services to the Internet online service business premises regulations (State │
│││ The operating entities change │ │ order No. 363 of business premises and business units, announced on September 29, 2002) │
│││ Place of establishment, change of address or │ license │ │
│    │159.│营业场所进行改建、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │扩建,变更计算机数│                  │                                        │
│    │    │量或者其他重要事项│                  │                                        │
│ 省 │    │的审批            │                  │                                        │
│ 文 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ ││││ Of the People's Republic of China cultural relic protection law implementing regulations (│
│ │ The Office 160. Chinese │ │ │ applications for cultural relics protection engineering works order No. 377, released on May 18, 2003) │
Quality certificate │ │ │││ management measures of the cultural relics protection projects (Ministry of culture, the 26th │
││││ │ 47, within the purview of cultural relics, released on March 17, 2003) │
│ ├ ┼------------Qualification approval │ ┤ engineering qualification management of survey and design method of the cultural relics protection projects (arts │
│    │    │                  │                  │物保发[2005]18号)                      │
│ │ 161. │ │ │ the construction funding to be protected on cultural relic protection project construction quality management office issued │
│ │ │││ Mass found law and cultural relic protection project quality management of investigation and design │ │
│││││ Notice (the State administration of cultural heritage [2005]18) │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │对设立中外合资经  │                  │                                        │
│    │162.│营、中外合作经营的│                  │                                        │
│    │    │娱乐场所的许可    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤48、中外合资、中外│                                        │
│││ Entertainment alteration, expansion of entertainment │ │ operation the entertainment Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 458, │
│ │││ Built business premises or change of establishment and related matters │ announced on January 29, 2006) │
│    │163.│场地、主要设施设  │更的许可          │                                        │
│    │    │备、投资人员,或者│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更娱乐经营许可证│                  │                                        │
│    │    │载明的事项的审批  │                  │                                        │
Production for communicable disease prevention │ │ │││ of the People's Republic of China Law on infectious disease prevention and control (the Chinese │ │ │ 164. the disinfection units and │ about us │ products │ order of the President of the Republic No. 17th.
Published on August 28, 2004) │
│││ For the production of infectious disease control │ 49, sterile products (a │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative │
│││ Approval of disinfectant products use medical supplies in addition to │ │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│    ├──┼─────────┤外)生产企业卫生许│29日公布)                              │
│││ Disinfectant products (one time │ │ the management of disinfection (Decree number 27th, 2001, │
│ │ 165. │ except medical supplies) │ │ released December 29) │
│    │    │产企业卫生许可    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │166.│计划生育技术服务机│                  │                                        │
Prenatal diagnosis of │││ structure in approving │ 50, family planning technical service │ the administration of family planning technical service regulations (State Council Decree │
│ ├ ┼------------│ ┤ Utilities engaged in prenatal diagnosis, No. 428, revised on December 10, 2004) │
│││ Family planning technical service │ │ and the use of assisted reproductive technology to the State Council concerning the abolition of the first group of administrative approval items │
│ │ 167. │ frame using assisted reproductive technology treatment infertility examination and approval of │ │ (guofa [2002]24) │
│    │    │治疗不育症审批    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 168. or personal settings │ │ │ units of the People's Republic of China narcotics control law (People's Republic of China │
│ Guardian approval │ │ │ │ therapy institutions, order of the President of the 79th, published on December 29, 2007) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 51, permission │ medical institutions in the management of medical institution regulations (Decree of the State Council, the 149th, │
│ │ 169. Human Organ Transplant Clinic branch │ │ set │ as well as medical institutions issued February 26, 1994) │
│││ Registration │ engaged in drug treatment services, │ the human organ transplant Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 491, │
│ ├ ┼------------Human organ transplant approval │ ┤ released on March 31, 2007) │
│ │ 170. drug off │ │ │ medical institutions of the Guizhou province, measures for the implementation of the medical institution Management Ordinance │
│││ Dependency treatment approval │ │ (21st, the provincial government, published on June 10, 1996) │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 171. │ qualification and practice registration │ │ People's Republic of China Law on practitioners (people's Republic │
│ │ Dutchrepublic │││ license, order of the President of the 5th, released on June 26, 1998) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 52, physician practice registration allowed │ the Guizhou province on population and family planning regulations (September 2009 │
│││ Practicing physicians, licensed Assistant │ │ 25th 11th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province │
│ │ 172. │ │ │ doctors, rural physicians, nurses adopted at the tenth session) │
│    │    │士资格考核认定    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤ │    │173.│护士执业注册许可  │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 53, nurse practitioner register allowed │ People's Republic of China nurses regulations (State Council Decree │
│││ Practicing physicians, licensed Assistant │ │ No. 517, released January 23, 2008) │
│    │174.│医师、乡村医师、护│                  │                                        │
│    │    │士资格考核认定    │                  │                                        │
│││ The establishment of provincial and municipal (State forest regulations, │ │ the Guizhou province (March 24, 2000 in Guizhou province, │
│ │ 175. │) │ 54, approving the establishment of provincial-level forest parks, city │ the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress 15th │
│ │││ (State, land) level forests public │ passed th people on May 28, 2004, Guizhou province │
│ ├ Lin ┼------------and merge, change Li │ ┤ Park Congress adopted at the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou │
│ │ │ Provincial, city (State, land) │ relationship, changing the geographical range │ terms amendment of some local regulations amended) │
│ │ 176. │ Forest Park merged, surrounding approval of │ │ the forest park of Guizhou province Management Ordinance (September 2008-26 │
More affiliations, change │ │ │││ day 11th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province │
│    │    │域范围的审批      │                  │四次会议通过)                          │
│    │177.│有限责任公司设立、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更、注销登记    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │有限责任公司分公司│                  │                                        │
│    │178.│设立、变更、注销登│                  │                                        │
│    │    │记                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │179.│股份有限公司设立、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更、注销登记    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │180.│股份有限公司分公司│                  │                                        │
│    │    │设立、变更、注销  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │181.│登记合伙企业设立、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更、注销登记    │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Act (People's Republic of China │
│ │ 182. │ partners │ │ established branches, order of the President of the 42nd, revised on October 27, 2005) │
│││ State, change and cancellation of registration │ │ People's Republic of China partnership (people's Republic │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ He Guo, order of the President of the 55th, revised on August 27, 2006) │
│ │ 183. │ individual-owned enterprises establishment, │ │ People's Republic of China the sole proprietorship enterprise law (Chinese │
│││ │ │ Modifications, cancellation of registration civil order of the President of the Republic, the 20th, August 30, 1999, │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │布)                                    │
│││ Sole proprietorship branch │ │ People's Republic of China Law on industrial enterprises owned by the │
│ │ 184. │ frame establishment, change and nullification │ │ (People's Republic of China President to 3rd April 1988 13 │
│    │    │登记              │                  │日发布)                                │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China governing the registration of Companies Ordinance (Secretary of State for │
│ │ 185. │ company │ owned by 55, corporate and branch │ order No. 451, amended on December 18, 2005) │
│││ A, change and cancellation of registration │ frame set up, change, cancel │ People's Republic of China management of partnership enterprise registration │
│ ├ ┼------------Registration │ ┤ (State Council Decree No. 497, May 9, 2007, as amended) │
│ │ 186. │ company │ │ under collective ownership of the People's Republic of China regulations on registration │
│││ State, change and cancellation of registration │ │ (State Council Decree, 1th, released on June 3, 1988) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China urban collectively-owned enterprises Ordinance │
│ │ 187. establishment, │ │ │ Consortium (State Council Decree, the 88th, released September 9, 1991) │
More, cancellation of registration │ │ │││ of the People's Republic of China country collective enterprise regulations │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ (State Council Decree, 59th, released on June 3, 1990) │
│ │ 188. │ │ │ registration of new enterprises to build on the measures for the administration of registration of a sole proprietorship Enterprise (national business lines ¦
│ │ │││ License administration, 94th, released January 13, 2000) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Provisional Regulations on the administration of registration of enterprise groups (business enterprise │
│    │    │企业集团设立、变  │                  │[1998]59号)                            │
│    │189.│更、注销登记的许可│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ 省 │    │全民所有制企业分支│                  │                                        │
│ 工 │190.│机构的设立、变更、│                  │                                        │
│ 商 │    │注销登记          │                  │                                        │
│ 行 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ 政 │    │集体所有制企业分支│                  │                                        │
│ 管 │191.│机构的设立、变更、│                  │                                        │
│ 理 │    │注销登记          │                  │                                        │
│ 局 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │事业单位、科技性的│                  │                                        │
│    │192.│社会团体设立企业法│                  │                                        │
│    │    │人登记            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │193.│非法人企业核准登记│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │194.│外资股份公司设立、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │变更、注销登记    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │外资股份公司分公司│                  │                                        │
│    │195.│设立、变更、注销登│                  │                                        │
│││ │ │ Remember the People's Republic of China Act (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Order of the President of the 42nd, revised on October 27, 2005) │
│││ Foreign (regional) company │ │ People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign joint venture enterprises (│
│ │ 196. │ institutional establishment, alteration, │ │, Chairman of the people's Republic of China the 48th, March 15, 2001, │
│    │    │注销登记          │                  │第二次修订)                            │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign co-operative enterprises (│
│││ │ │ Established people's Republic of China concerning joint ventures, 40th President on October 31, 2000, │
│    │197.│立、变更、注销登记│                  │修订)                                  │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Law on foreign-funded enterprises (people's Republic │
│││ Ventures-│ 56, foreign-invested enterprises │ He Guo, 41st President, announced on October 31, 2000) │
│ │ 198. establishment, modification, │ │ institutions (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao investment ¦ the People's Republic of China governing the registration of Companies Ordinance (Secretary of State for │
│││ Cancellation of registration │ company) and its subsidiaries │ order No. 451, amended on December 18, 2005) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Establishment, modification and cancellation of │ People's Republic of China regulations on registration (country │
│ │ 199. │ │ │ remember established Sino-foreign co-operative enterprises 1th, works, released on June 3, 1988) │
│││ State, change and cancellation of registration │ │ the establishment of partnership enterprises in China by foreign enterprises or individuals │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Management regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 567, in 2009 11 │
│    │    │中外合作经营企业分│                  │月25日发布)                            │
│ │ 200. │ institutions set up, change, │ │ the measures for the administration of registration of enterprises with foreign investment authorization (country │
│││ Cancellation of registration │ │ friendly administration, 4th, December 10, 2002 │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │布)                                    │
│││ Foreign-funded enterprises established │ │ the management regulations on foreign-invested partnership enterprise registration (country │
│ │ 201. │ │ │ business administration, cancellation of registration of foreign investment enterprises, the 47th, January 29, 2010 │
│    │    │业分支机构        │                  │布)                                    │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │202.│设立、变更、注销登│                  │                                        │
│    │    │记                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │203.│外商投资合伙企业及│                  │                                        │
│    │    │分支机构核准登记  │                  │                                        │
│ │ 204. │ metrological certification, review recognized │ │ People's Republic of China metrology Act (People's Republic of China │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ 28th President, released on September 6, 1985) │
│││││ Of the People's Republic of China product quality law (people's Republic │
│││││ He Guo, 33rd President, amended on July 8, 2000), │
││││ 57, │ product quality inspection machines of the People's Republic of China implementing rules of measurement (the State Council │
│ │ 205. │ nuclear │ certification structure measurement measurement accreditation certificates of competency (review │ recognize approval, State Metrological Bureau released February 1, 1987) │
│││ │) │ The Guizhou province, product quality supervision Ordinance (September 1993-29 │
│││││ VIII session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province fourth │
Adopted at the │││││ meeting, May 28, 2004, the second amendment) │
│││││ Of the metrological supervision and management regulations of Guizhou province (September 2002-29 │
│││││ In Guizhou province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee third │
│    │    │                  │                  │十一次会议通过)                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │206.│重要工业产品生产许│                  │                                        │
│    │    │可证核发          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │207.│电线电缆生产许可证│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核发危险化学品包装│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │208.│物、容器生产许可证│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核发              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │209.│泵生产许可证核发  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │210.│电焊条生产许可证核│                  │                                        │
│    │    │发                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │211.│建筑钢管脚手架扣件│                  │                                        │
│    │    │生产许可证核发    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │212.│建筑防水卷材生产许│                  │                                        │ │    │    │可证核发          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │213.│汽车制动液生产许可│                  │                                        │
│    │    │证核发            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │214.│电热毯生产许可证核│                  │                                        │
│    │    │发                │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Food Safety Act (people's Republic │
│ │ 215. licensing │ │ │ fertilizer production He Guo, 9th President, released on February 28, 2009) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China administration of production license for industrial products │
│ │ 216. nuclear │ │ │ Panel production license of (State Council Decree No. 440, July 9, 2005, │
│    │    │发                │58、重要工业产品生│布)                                    │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Licensing │ decentralization of the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of canceling and executive management levels │
│ │ 217. │ │ │ Special labor protection product approval of the project decision (guofa [2010]21, 2010 │
│    │    │产许可证核发      │                  │年7月4日发布)                          │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Food additive production supervision and management regulations (national quality │
│ │ 218. license │ │ │ of dangerous chemicals production supervision, inspection and quarantine, the 127th, April 4, 2010 │
│    │    │证核发            │                  │公布)                                  │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │219.│冶炼用耐火材料生产│                  │                                        │
│    │    │许可证核发        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │220.│橡胶制品生产许可证│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核发              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ 省 │221.│助力车生产许可证核│                  │                                        │
│ 质 │    │发                │                  │                                        │
│ 量 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ 技 │222.│摩托车头盔生产许可│                  │                                        │
│ 术 │    │证核发            │                  │                                        │
│ 监 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ 督 │223.│混凝土输水管生产许│                  │                                        │
│ 局 │    │可证核发          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │224.│水文仪器生产许可证│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核发              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │225.│岩土工程仪器生产许│                  │                                        │
│    │    │可证核发          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │226.│食品添加剂生产许可│                  │                                        │
│    │    │证核发            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │227.│D级锅炉制造单位资 │                  │                                        │
│    │    │格许可            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │228.│D级压力容器制造单 │                  │                                        │
│    │    │位资格许可        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │229.│B级压力管道元件制 │                  │                                        │
│    │    │造单位资格许可    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │230.│B、C级载货电梯制造│                  │                                        │
│    │    │单位资格许可      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ │ 231.-hydraulic elevator manufacturing │ │ │ c of the regulations on safety supervision over special equipment (State Council Decree No. 549 │
│││ Range │ │ 59, national licensing provisions, revised on January 24, 2009) │
│ ├ ┼------------Special equipment manufacturing units owned on adjustment, │ ┤ reform of administrative license of special equipment │
│ │ 232. │ │ │ sundries elevator manufacturing units funding license divisions (the State administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine 2009 67th │
│ │ │││ License notice, published on July 6, 2009) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │233.│自动扶梯制造单位资│                  │                                        │
│    │    │格许可            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │234.│自动人行道制造单位│                  │                                        │
│    │    │资格许可          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │235.│B级及以下起重机械 │                  │                                        │
│    │    │制造单位资格许可  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │锅炉压力容器中直径│                  │                                        │
│    │236.│小于1800mm的封头制│                  │                                        │
│    │    │造单位资格许可    │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │237.│锅炉安装改造单位资│                  │                                        │
│    │    │格许可            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │238.│压力容器安装改造单│                  │                                        │
│ │ │││ Licensing of the regulations on safety supervision over special equipment (State Council Decree No. 549 │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 60 │ number in the range, national provisions, revised on January 24, 2009) │
│ │ 239. ¦ elevator installation, alteration units owned special equipment installation, alteration, reform administrative licensing work of special equipment on adjustment, │ │
│ │ Qualification license │││ license divisions (the State administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine 2009 67th │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ Bulletin, published on July 6, 2009) │
│    │240.│起重机械安装改造单│                  │                                        │
│    │    │位资格许可        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │241.│大型游乐设施安装改│                  │                                        │
│    │    │造单位资格许可    │                  │                                        │
│ │ 242. │ │ │ Chinese TV show review the Department of State to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
Wide │ ├ ┼----------┤ │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│ 播 │    │                  │                  │29日公布)                              │
│ │ │ Chinese TV show (animated │ 61, Chinese TV show (│ radio and television regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 228, │
│ Video │ 243. │) shoot for the record and complete │ album) review │ announced on August 11, 1997) │
│ │ │ │ │ Television content regulations on the management of the review (Administration of the 63rd │
│ 视 │    │                  │                  │号,2010年5月14日公布)                 │
│ 局 │    │                  │                  │                                        │
│    │244.│设立出版单位审核  │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │出版单位变更名称、│                  │                                        │
│    │245.│主办单位或其主管机│                  │                                        │
│    │    │关、业务范围,合并│                  │                                        │
│    │    │或者分立审核      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │246.│报纸创办审核      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │247.│期刊创办审核      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │248.│报纸、期刊变更名  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │称、刊期审核      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ │ 249. terminate publishing │ │ publishing unit 62, publishing units established and │ the publishing regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 594, 2011 │
│││ The cancellation of registration │ registration │ change audit, March 19 to amend │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │250.│设立电子出版物单位│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审核              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │电子出版物出版单位│                  │                                        │
│    │251.│变更名称、主办单位│                  │                                        │
│    │    │或其主管机关、业务│                  │                                        │
│    │    │范围,合并或者分立│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审核              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │互联网出版机构变更│                  │                                        │
│    │    │名称、主办单位或其│                  │                                        │
│    │252.│主管机关、业务范围│                  │                                        │ │    │    │以及合并或者分立审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │253.│设立互联网出版机构│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审核              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │图书出版社、音像出│                  │                                        │
│    │254 │版社和电子出版物出│                  │                                        │
│││ Major selected │ 63 Edition, periodical, books, audio, video │ │
│││ Questions for the record annual │ │ publications Publishing House published regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 594, 2011 │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Publishing plan, major topics │ March 19 amendments) │
│││ Book publishers, video │ and major topics of journals of │ │
│    │255.│版社和电子出版物出│初审              │                                        │
│    │    │版社的年度出版计划│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审核              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │从事报纸、期刊、图│                  │                                        │
│    │256.│书批发业务的发行单│                  │                                        │
│    │    │位审批            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │257.│设立电子出版物发行│                  │                                        │
│    │    │单位审批          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │出版物发行单位变更│                  │                                        │
│    │258.│名称、业务范围、地│                  │                                        │
│    │    │址或者兼并、合并、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │分立审批          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │设立外商投资图书、│                  │                                        │
│    │259.│报纸、期刊分销企业│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的审核            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │对中外合作音像制品│                  │                                        │
│    │    │分销企业申请从事音│                  │                                        │
│    │260.│像制品连锁经营业务│                  │                                        │
│    │    │和利用信息网络经营│                  │                                        │
│    │    │音像制品的审核    │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ The publishing Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 594, 2011 │
│ │ │││ On the establishment of Sino-foreign cooperative audio-video March 19 amendments) │
│ │ 261. │ products distributors engaged in sound │ │ 64 wholesale, publications unit of the Department of State to set administrative administrative examination and approval items really necessary to be retained │
│││ Like │ products wholesale business to establish and change auditing, │ licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004, │
│    │    │审核              │批                │29日公布)                              │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ The management of Sino-foreign cooperative audio-video products distributors (│
│││ Of Chinese-foreign cooperative audio │ │ Department, Ministry of Commerce, the 28th, December 8, 2003, │
│    │    │发企业的重大变更,│                  │布)                                    │
│    │    │包括变更投资者、调│                  │                                        │
│    │262.│整投资者的权益比  │                  │                                        │
│ 省 │    │例、变更投资额或合│                  │                                        │
│ 新 │    │作条件、变更经营范│                  │                                        │
│ 闻 │    │围、变更经营年限以│                  │                                        │
│ 出 │    │及设立分支机构审核│                  │                                        │
│ 版 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│ 局 │    │对设立中外合作晋像│                  │                                        │
│    │263.│制品分销企业从事音│                  │                                        │
│    │    │像制品零售、出租业│                  │                                        │
│    │    │务审核            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │对中外合作音像制品│                  │                                        │
│    │    │零售、出租企业的重│                  │                                        │
│    │    │大变更(包括变更投│                  │                                        │
│    │    │资者、调整投资者的│                  │                                        │
│    │264.│权益比例、变更投资│                  │                                        │
│    │    │额或合作条件、变更│                  │                                        │
│    │    │经营范围、变更经营│                  │                                        │
│    │    │年限以及设立分支  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │机构)的审核      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │设立从事出版物、包│                  │                                        │
│    │    │装装潢印刷品和其他│                  │                                        │
│    │265.│印刷品印刷经营活动│                  │                                        │
│    │    │企业的印刷经营许可│                  │                                        │
│    │    │证审批            │65、从事出版物、包│                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤装装潢印刷品和其他│                                        │
│││ Printing industry operators in applying and │ print │ printing business activities of the printing industry regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 315, │
│││ Camp or changes in publishing business license │ print │ announced on August 2, 2001) │
│││ Set up and change approval, packaging print │ │ │
│    │266.│或其他印刷品经营活│                  │                                        │
│    │    │动或者兼并其他印刷│                  │                                        │
│    │    │业经营者,或者因合│                  │                                        │
│    │    │并、分立而设立新的│                  │                                        │
│    │    │印刷业经营者的审批│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │267.│印刷宗教用品的准印│                  │                                        │
│││ │ 66 to issue cards, printing of religious supplies and │ printing industry regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 315, │
│ ├ ┼------------Internal information │ ┤ religious content published on August 2, 2001) │
│ │ 268. │ information │ publications within the religious content approval │ │
│    │    │性出版物准印证核发│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │269.│设立音像出版单位审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核                │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │音像出版单位变更名│                  │                                        │
│    │    │称、主办单位、或其│                  │                                        │
│    │270.│主管机关、业务范  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │围,兼并或者合并、│                  │                                        │
│    │    │分立审核          │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │271.│设立音像制品制作单│                  │                                        │
│    │    │位的审批          │67、音像出版、复制│                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Unit set up, change auditing, │ the management of audio-visual products Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 595, │
│││ │ │ Of audio-visual products and producers of audio-visual products producers revised on March 19, 2011) │
│    │    │更名称、业务范围、│设立、变更审批    │                                        │
│    │272.│兼并其它音像制作单│                  │                                        │
│    │    │位,或者因合并、分│                  │                                        │
│    │    │立而设立新的音像制│                  │                                        │
│    │    │作单位审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │273.│设立音像复制单位的│                  │                                        │
│    │    │审批              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │274.│音像复制单位变更业│                  │                                        │
│    │    │务范围、兼并,或者│                  │                                        │
│    │    │合并、分立而设立新│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的音像复制单位审批│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │275.│音像制品批发单位设│                  │                                        │
│    │    │立审批            │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │音像制品批发单位变│                  │                                        │
│    │    │更名称、业务范围、│                  │                                        │
│    │276.│或者兼并、合并、分│                  │                                        │
Establishment of new audio and video products │ │││ State 68, set up audio and video products │ the management of audio-visual products Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 595, │
│││ Wholesale units of approval │ │ and the important thing as amended on March 19, 2011) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤项变更审批        │                                        │
│    │    │音像制品批发单位变│                  │                                        │
│    │    │更地址、法定代表人│                  │                                        │
│    │277.│或者主要负责人或者│                  │                                        │
│    │    │终止经营活动,应向│                  │                                        │ │    │    │原批准设立的出版行│                  │                                        │
│    │    │政部门备案        │                  │                                        │
│    │    │矿山建设项目和用于│                  │                                        │
│    │278.│生产、储存危险物品│                  │                                        │
│    │    │的建设项目的安全设│                  │                                        │
│││ Design review │ 69, within the purview of mine construction │ People's Republic of China Law on production safety (people's Republic │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Project │ He Guo and used for the production, storage, order of the President of the 70th, released on June 29, 2002) │
│││ Mining construction projects and construction used to save dangerous goods │ │ People's Republic of China Mine Safety Act (people's Republic │
│ │ 279. │ production and storage of hazardous substances safety facilities design │ │ purpose He Guo, order of the President of the 65th, released on November 7, 1992) │
│││ The safety of construction projects set up │ search │ completion acceptance of the coal mine safety supervision Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 296, │
│ │ │││ Application acceptance released on November 7, 2000) │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │280.│矿山建设工程安全设│                  │                                        │
│    │    │施竣工验收        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│││ Production of dangerous goods, │ │ the People's Republic of China Law on production safety (Chinese │
│ │ │││ Enterprise in charge of order of the President of the Republic, the 70th, released on June 29, 2002) │
│ │ 281. and Safety Manager │ │ │ People's Republic of China Mine Safety Act (Chinese │
│││ Of the safety certificate of the nuclear │ 70, dangerous substances │ order of the President of the Republic, the 65th, released on November 7, 1992) │
│││ │ Production, management and storage of │ production safety training regulations (national security │
│ ├ ┼------------┤ Mine Chief │ production administration 3rd, January 17, 2006 │
│    │    │                  │和安全生产管理人员│布)                                    │
│ ││││ Safety certification and production management of safety training (national │
│ │ 282. special operations certificate │ │ │ business unit special operations people, administration, State administration of coal mine safety supervision Bureau make the 20th, │
│││ Issuance of certificate issued by │ │ operation on December 28, 2004) │
│││││ The special operations personnel safety training and examination Management Board │
│││││ (The State administration of work safety, the 30th, │
│    │    │                  │                  │2010年5月24日发布)                     │
│ 省 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 安 │283.│烟花爆竹安全生产许│                  │                                        │
│ │ │ Certificate │ issued 71 │ the safety license, Fireworks production and enterprises Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 397 │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Industry, reconstruction and expansion safety ¦ on January 20, 2004) │
│ │ │ │ Production of fireworks and firecrackers production enterprises licensing │ the fireworks safety management regulations (promulgated by Decree No. 455 │
│ │ Prison 284. safety production allowed │ │ │ reconstruction and expansion, released on January 21, 2006) │
│ 督 │    │可证核发          │                  │                                        │
│ 理 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ 管 │    │经营第一类中的非药│                  │                                        │
│ │ 285. │ products │ │ precursor chemicals of the regulations on administration of precursor chemicals (State Council Decree No. 445 │
│ │ │ │ 72, the first non-drug class │, released August 26, 2005) │
│ ├ ┼------------│ ┤ Category of precursor chemicals to the non-drug precursor chemical production, the business license Office │
│││ In the production of the first class non-drug │ production, operating licensing │ law (the State administration of work safety, 5th, │
│ │ 286. │ products │ │ precursor chemicals released April 5, 2006) │
│    │    │审批              │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│││ │ 73, new production, storage of dangerous chemicals, the reconstruction and expansion of health │ │
│ │ 287. extension review │ │ save enterprise production and storage of hazardous chemicals │ │
││││ (Including the use of long distance pipeline │ the safety management of dangerous chemicals regulations (State Council Decree │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Transporting dangerous chemicals) │ No. 591, released March 2, 2011) │
│ │ 288. │ │ of dangerous chemicals construction project set up security conditions │ │
│    │    │产、储存企业审批  │查                │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│    │    │新建、改建、扩建建│                  │                                        │
│    │    │设项目和技术改造、│                  │                                        │
│    │289.│技术引进项目职业病│                  │                                        │
│    │    │危害预防评价报告审│                  │                                        │
│    │    │核                │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ People's Republic of China Law on occupational disease prevention (Chinese │
│││ High occupational built │ 74, building, rebuilding, expansion │ order of the President of the Republic, the 60th, released on October 27, 2001) │
│ │ 290. │ set project with facilities located │ │ career construction project was dying of People's Republic of China dust control regulations (State Council, │
│││ Meter health review acceptance │ │ victim prevention evaluation report released on December 3, 1987), │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ Nuclear facilities, protective design │ │ the workplaces where toxic substances are used to labour protection regulations (│
│││ Building, rebuilding, expansion, │ found acceptance │ order No. 352, released May 12, 2002) │
│ │ 291. │ │ │ continued in dust-exposed workers on occupational health management of the duties notice │
│││ Dust-proof facility design │ │ (central part ban FA [2010]104) │
│    │    │查、竣工验收      │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │    │高毒作业的建设项目│                  │                                        │
│    │292.│的职业中毒危害防护│                  │                                        │
│    │    │设施设计审查      │                  │                                        │
│││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on statistics (People's Republic of China │
│ │ 293. │ │ │ foreign investigation qualification, order of the President of the 15th, June 27, 2009, as amended) │
│││││ Of the People's Republic of China rules for the implementation of the statistics law (State Council, │
│ ├,-┼---------┤ │ Order No. 453, as amended on December 16, 2005) │
│ Commission │││ 75 │, foreign-related social survey funding statistical regulations of the Guizhou province (March 24, 2000 │
│ Terms │ States approve projects and │││ province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of 15th │
│ │ 294. │ │ │ meeting of foreign-related social survey project audit passed, according to Guizhou province, May 28, 2004 tenth │
│ │ │││ The eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress to amend) │
│││││ The management of related surveys (NSO 7th │
│    │    │                  │                  │号,2004年10月13日公布)                │
│    │295.│导游人员从业资格核│                  │                                        │
│ 省 │    │准                │                  │                                        │
Travel │ ├ ┼----------┤ 76, tourist guides qualification allowed │ the tour guides Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 263, │
│ Travel │ 296. │ │ │ announced on May 14, 1999 approved by the tour guide card) │
│ 局 ├──┼─────────┤                  │                                        │
│    │297.│临时导游证核准    │                  │                                        │
│ 省 │298.│筹备设立宗教活动场│                  │                                        │
│ 宗 │    │所的许可          │77、寺院、宫观、清│                                        │
│ ├ Taught ┼----------┤ Temple, the establishment of churches, religious affairs │ Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 426, 2004 │
│ │ │ │ Expansion, renovation of religious activities change, merger, Division, │ years announced on November 30) │
│ 务 │299.│场所的许可        │终止许可          │                                        │
│ 局 │    │                  │                  │                                        │
│    │    │新建、改建、扩建血│                  │                                        │
│    │300.│液制品生产单位审核│                  │                                        │
│    │    │批准              │                  │                                        │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 78, new, blood │ reconstruction and expansion of the People's Republic of China Law on drug management (the people's Republic │
│ │ 301. allowed │ │ the establishment of pharmaceutical production enterprise solution products manufacturers and drug │ Chairman He Guo, 45th, February 28, 2001, as amended) │
│││ │ Production (commissioned │ the regulations on the management of blood products (State Council Decree No. 208, │
│ ├ ┼----------┤) Enterprise license │ released December 30, 1996) │
│    │    │国家食品药品监督管│                  │                                        │
│    │309.│理局授权的药品委托│                  │                                        │
│    │    │生产的审批        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│││││ Of the People's Republic of China Law on drug management (the people's Republic │
│ │ 303. medical preparations permit │ │ 79, medical preparations assigned │ Chairman He Guo, 45th, released on February 28, 2001) │
││││ Business license, registration and │ the measures for the administration of registration of medical preparations (for trial implementation) (│
│ ├ ┼------------Transfer trial │ ┤ make medicinal preparations, food and Drug Administration made the 13th March 2005 │
│ │ 304. │ │ │ preparation and dispensing of medical institutions published on 22nd) │
│ 省 │    │制剂批准          │                  │                                        │
│ 食 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ Products │ 305. │ advertising │ │ approval of medical devices of the People's Republic of China Law on drug management (the people's Republic │
││││ │ Medicine Chairman He Guo, 45th, released on February 28, 2001) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ │ The supervision and administration of medical devices Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 276 │
│ │││ Prison │ 80, medical equipment, medicine, published on January 4, 2000) │
¦ Du 306. approval │ products │ drug advertising, health food advertising │ the administrative approval items really necessary to be retained by the State Council administrative │
Approval │ │││ │ tube licensing decision (State Council Decree No. 412, June 2004 29 │
│ 理 ├──┼─────────┤                  │日公布)                                │
│ │ 307. │ │ │ advertising review health food health food advertisement provisional regulations on review (food drug city │
│    │    │                  │                  │[2005]211号)                           │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 308. │ products │ 81, of class II medical devices class II medical device │ │
│││ │ Production registration certificate approval (note again │ the supervision and administration of medical devices Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 276 │
│ ├ ┼----------┤) Approve │ number, published on January 4, 2000) │
│    │309.│医疗器械产品再注册│                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 310. │ trading license (│ │ People's Republic of China Law on drug management (the people's Republic │
│││) License │ 82 and distributors (│ Chairman He Guo, 45th, released on February 28, 2001) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤) │ Enterprise license of the regulations on the management of blood products (State Council Decree No. 208, │
│ │ 311. run blood products management │ │ │ released December 30, 1996) │
│    │    │位审核批准        │                  │                                        │
│    ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
Medical toxic drugs to buy │ about us │ │││ of the State Council concerning the fifth instalment of cancellation and administrative decentralization of management hierarchy │
│ │ 312. toxicity │ │ approved medical use 83, toxic drugs for medical use │ approve projects of decision (guofa [2010]21) │
│ │││ Drugs purchase, wholesale business │ management of toxic drugs for medical use (State Council Decree 23rd │
│ ├ ┼------------, ┤ Allowed │, released on November 15, 1988), │
│    │313.│发企业批准        │                  │                                        │
│    │314.│迁移一般气象站或其│                  │                                        │
│││ Facilities approval │ │ People's Republic of China Law on meteorological (People's Republic of China │ │ ├ ┼----------┤ 84, migration, national weather service │ order of the President of the 23rd.
Released on October 31, 1999) │
│││ Migration national baseline climate │ station or review │ the Guizhou Provincial meteorological facilities Ordinance (November 25, 2009, Guizhou province, │ │ │ 315. │ │ │ the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress in the first instance, basic weather stations 11th │
│    │    │和迁移其他气象站的│                  │议通过)                                │
│ 省 │    │审批              │                  │                                        │
│ 气 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 316. artificial weather modification group │ │ │ the artificial weather Management Ordinance (promulgated by Decree No. 348 │
Woven │ │ │ qualification │ │, released March 19, 2002) │
│ ├ ┼----------┤ 85, weather │ the management of weather, Guizhou province (provincial government order │
││││ │ Qualification of organization and personnel funding 57th, released on October 29, 2001, the provincial government made the 77th │
│││ Artificial weather modification approval │ │ amended) │
│ │ 317. │ │ │ licensing of the Guizhou Provincial meteorological disaster prevention Ordinance (September 2007 14 │
│││││ X session of the Standing Committee of the national people's Congress of Guizhou province second │
│    │    │                  │                  │十九次会议通过)                        │
│ │ 318. │ │ │ basement construction approval of the People's Republic of China Law on civil air defense (people's Republic │
│││││ Dutchrepublic, order of the President of the 78th, released October 29, 1996) │
│ ├,-┼---------┤ 86, basement built │ the Guizhou provincial civil air defense regulations (July 27, 1999 your │ │
│ │ People 319. │ │ set-building, easy construction of basement easy approval │ state ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of the tenth meeting, │
│ │ │ │ │ Approval by, May 28, 2004, representatives of th people of Guizhou province │
│ ││││-Proof the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly to amend) │
│ 空 ├──┼─────────┼─────────┼────────────────────┤
│ │ 320. │ │ │ basement construction project of the People's Republic of China Law on civil air defense (people's Republic │
│ │ │ │ │ Jianlian He Guo, order of the President of the 78th, released October 29, 1996) │
│ │││ 87, basement design of the civil air defense regulations of Guizhou province (July 27, 1999 your │ │
│ ├ ┼------------Audit and acceptance │ ┤ state province to the ninth national people's Congress Standing Committee of the tenth │
│ │ 321. │ │ │ discussion on basement construction project through, May 28, 2004, th people of Guizhou province │
│││ Design │ │ the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly to amend the table) │ └──┴──┴─────────┴─────────┴────────────────────┘