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Administrative Measures For The Large-Scale Religious Activities In Tibet Autonomous Region

Original Language Title: 西藏自治区大型宗教活动管理办法

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Management of large religious activities in the Tibetan Autonomous Region

(The 11th ordinary meeting of the People's Government of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, held on 3 July 2012, considered the publication of the Government Order No. 112 of 10 August 2012 concerning the implementation of 1 October 2012.

Article 1 regulates and strengthens the management of large religious activities, effectively upholds normal religious order, ensures social public safety and develops this approach in line with the relevant provisions of the State Department's Religious Affairs Regulations and the Regulations on the Safety of Large-scale Activities.

Article 2 refers to the large religious activities described in the present approach, which refer to religious activities that are spontaneous or legally registered in traditional religious sites, religious groups that are consistent with national legislation and religious trajectory, historical practice, popular participation, and are expected to reach a certain range of religious activities.

Article 3 governs religious activities in accordance with the principle of territorial management, ranking responsibility and “ Whoever is responsible”, ensuring that activities are carried out in accordance with the law, security and order.

Article IV prohibits all religious activities without traditional practice. Religious activities that have been held in history and are now naturally interrupted or banned must not be resumed.

Article 5, in accordance with the usual practice, the brave has spontaneous religious activities in the traditional religious sphere, with the participation restricted to the area of the district, which is responsible for security management by the Government of the county and its relevant departments; and the participation is responsible for security management beyond the scope of the district by the Regional (Community Government) and its relevant departments.

Article 6

(i) Be expected to be involved in the number of arrivals (including monks, with the same as) in the previous year, with the approval of the Government of the people of the location (communes);

(ii) It is expected that the number of participants is more than 500 and 5,000, with the approval of the Government of the people of the location (market, area);

(iii) It is expected that the number of participants is more than 5,000 and 1000, with the approval of the regional offices (the Government of the city);

(iv) It is expected that the number of participants is more than 1,000, and is approved by the Government of the people of the autonomous region.

In accordance with the principle of territoriality, the management of religious activities or the application of religious groups for the organization of large religious activities are subject to the approval of the Government of the people, as set out above. Following the approval by the Government of the People of the Autonomous Region, the religious affairs sector of the autonomous self-government was reported by the Regional Agency (the Government of the People's Republic of the city) and made recommendations to the Government of the People of the Autonomous Region. The Government of the Territory (communes), districts (markets, districts) has submitted the status of approval to the self-government sector for religious affairs.

Article 7 requires the submission of the following material to the approval unit:

(i) Applications for religious activities to be held;

(ii) Programme for activities. These include the short history of the temple of the proposed activities, including the history of religious activities, as well as the time, place, lines, content, size, main ceremony, geographical scope and related responsibilities, key responsibilities, specific responsibilities;

(iii) Security programme. The Government of the People's Government or the Territorial (communes) of the location is mandated by the Government of the People's Government to develop the relevant departments with the management organizations of religious activities, including the leadership of security, maintenance of on-site order, fire safety, transport control, responsibilities for personnel evacuation, hygiene protection, and safety preventive measures;

(iv) Profile of emergency response. The Government of the People's Government or the local (community) of the location, including the principles of work, organizational leadership, responsibilities, classification, forecasting and early warning, emergency disposal, preventive measures and emergency security;

(v) Risk assessment reports. The Government of the People's Government or the local (communes) of the location (community, area) organizes the relevant sectors of the Risk Assessment Leading Group to study, including the overall risk assessment, risk classification, risk forecast analysis, risk response measures.

Article 8 was approved by the Government of the People of the Lands (market), District (community, area) and was submitted by the application of the application by the application of the application unit to the approval unit by 30 days prior to the proposed event. The Government of the people of the self-governing region has issued quarterly approvals for large religious activities in the area (communes), which are submitted to the Government of the People of the Autonomous Region by 30 days prior to the scheduled holding of religious activities, and by the religious affairs sector of the self-government area.

Article 9 places of religious activity invite religious teaching staff other than the place to engage in religious activities, while complying with article 6 of this approach, the procedure for approval is in compliance with the following provisions:

(i) To be invited to belong to this district, with the approval of the religious affairs sector of the Government of the Territory at the district level;

(ii) To invite the people to go beyond the present district and are local (market) and, after the review of the religious affairs sector of the two districts involved (markets, districts) the people's Government, to report on the local (community) office (the people's Government) for approval;

(iii) To invite the religious affairs sector of the self-government area to be approved by the self-government sector, after the examination of the two territorial (commune) branches of religious affairs (the Government);

(iv) To invite persons belonging to the outside province (in the self-government area and in the immediate municipalities) to implement the Tibetan Autonomous Region, in accordance with the S Tibetan Autonomous Region.