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Railway Transport Safety Protection

Original Language Title: 铁路运输安全保护条例

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(December 22, 2004 74th Executive meeting of the State Council on December 27, 2004, People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 430, published as of April 1, 2005) Chapter I General provisions article in order to strengthen safety management of railway transport, railway safety and the smooth flow of transport, protection of personal safety, property and other legitimate rights and interests, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on railways and the People's Republic of China Law on production safety, this Ordinance is enacted.
    Article People's Republic of China territory of railway transport safety protection of railway transport safety protection and related activities governed by this regulation.
    Third railway transportation safety management safety first, prevention policies.
    Fourth competent Department under the State Council is responsible for the country's railway transportation safety supervision and administration.
    Railway authorities established by the competent Department under the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the railway authority) is responsible for safety supervision and management work of railway transportation in the region.
    Article along the local people's Governments and local people's Governments at or above the county level work safety supervision and management departments shall, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, to work with railway transportation safety, strengthening the railway transportation safety education, implementation of protection joint responsibility, prevention and suppression of railway transport safety, coordination and processing of matters relating to transportation safety.
    Sixth Division of responsibilities for the public security authorities, maintenance stations, trains and other railway premises security and law and order along the railway.
    Seven railway transport enterprises shall strengthen the management of railway transport safety, establish and improve the safety management system, security management institutions, the funds necessary to ensure railway transport safety.
    Rail staff should stick to their posts, according to procedures standard operating and committed to ensure transport safety.
    Eighth State railway authorities and railway management institutions should be public health emergencies, sudden railway public order incidents, major natural disasters and fire, a rail transport accident and others that affect railway transportation safety and smooth flow of unexpected events, develop contingency plans.
    Railway transport enterprise shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions, establish and improve the enterprise's emergency plan, a clear emergency, relief and other matters.
    Nineth no unit or individual may disrupt, damage or illegally occupied the railway transportation facilities, equipment, railroad signs and railway land. Any units and personal are has protection railway transport of facilities, and equipment, and railway logo and the railway with to of obligations, found damage, and damaged or illegal occupied railway transport of facilities, and equipment, and railway logo, and railway with to and the other effect railway transport security of behavior, should to state railway competent sector, and railway management institutions, and police organ, and place levels Government or about sector report, and report, or timely notification railway transport enterprise.
    Receiving the report or reports of departments or informed of railway transport enterprise shall be dealt with in a timely manner in accordance with their respective responsibilities.
    Make outstanding contributions for the maintenance of railway transport safety unit or individual, should be given recognition awards. Railway safety article in chapter II railway railway lines should be established safe havens on both sides.
    Railway line security reserves of range, from railway line embankment slope feet, and cutting slope top or railway bridge outside side up to outside of distance respectively for: (a) City urban, many Yu 8 meters; (ii) city suburb residents residential, many Yu 10 meters; (three) village residents residential, many Yu 12 meters; (four) other area, many Yu 15 meters. Railway lines of specific area of safe havens, by the railway authorities put forward the proposals, local people's Governments at or above the county level in accordance with the railway transportation safety and economical use of the principle of delimitation.
    Railway to meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph, by the railway authorities designated railway lines in the railway land reserve.
    Railway safety reserves and highway control areas, river management or water management and protecting the ranges overlap, by the railway authorities and highway authorities, water conservancy administrative departments, after consulting local people's Governments at or above the county level designated.
    Railway transport enterprise shall set up stakes in railway security protected area borders, and set the walls, fences and other protective facilities.
    Railway within enterprise or organization need a safety reserve of railway lines and references defined in the first paragraph of this article.
    11th in the railway lines within the protected area, in addition to the necessary railway construction, operation, emergency activities, no units or individuals shall implement the following acts: (a) the construction of buildings and structures, (ii) Earth-fetching, sand-digging and trenching, and (iii) mining operations; (iv) stacking, hanging objects.
    No unit or individual is allowed to fire in railway safety reserves and keep their cattle and the cultivation of trees and other plants of the railway lines and the road looks.
    No unit or individual is allowed to rail lines protected area sewage, drainage, dumping of waste and other harmful substances. 12th railway line safe havens within the existing buildings and structures, endanger the safety of rail transport, by the competent railway authorities and railway authorities or local people's Governments at or above the county level shall be ordered to take the necessary safety precautions.
    To take security measures still cannot meet the safety requirements shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State dismantle. Demolition of railway lines in the protected areas of buildings, structures, should be given reasonable compensation according to law.
    However, except for the dismantling of illegal construction of buildings and structures. 13th railway transport enterprise production management personnel should be on the railway line for regular inspections and maintenance. Security issues found in the inspections, should be dealt with immediately and cannot be dealt with shall promptly report to the heads of the enterprises concerned.
    Inspection and treatment of retained records. 14th railway line and the adjacent buildings, structures, equipment and so on (except interacts directly with the rolling equipment) may enter a State railway architectural clearance.
    Entering the railway construction clearance, railway authorities have the right to stop, removed.
    15th no unit or individual shall at the railway bridge (road and railway bridge, the same below) across within 1000 m of the River upstream and downstream enclose Tideland for cultivation, extracting groundwater, River Dam, pontoon and construct affect or jeopardize the safety of railway bridge facilities.
    Within the limits prescribed in the preceding paragraph, is required to enclose Tideland for cultivation, extraction of groundwater, River Dam, pontoon and other activities, shall carry out the safety demonstration, prior to the approval of the relevant administrative departments should seek the views of the relevant railway authorities.
    16th article any units and personal shall not in railway bridge across of river Shang downstream of following range within mining sand: (a) bridge long 500 meters above of railway bridge, River upstream 500 meters, downstream 3000 meters; (ii) bridge long 100 meters above 500 meters following of railway bridge, River upstream 500 meters, downstream 2000 meters; (three) bridge long 100 meters following of railway bridge, River upstream 500 meters, downstream 1000 meters.
    Relevant departments according to law at the railway bridge across the River upstream and downstream of designated ban area is greater than the scope of the ban provided for in the preceding paragraph, in accordance with its delineation of the scope of the ban to implement. 17th article any units and personal shall not in railway line sides from embankment slope feet, and cutting slope top, and railway bridge outside side 200 meters range within, or railway station and the around 200 meters range within, and the railway tunnel above center line sides the 200 meters range within, built, and established production, and processing, and store and sales flammable, and easy burst or radioactive items, dangerous items of places, and warehouse.
    However, established in accordance with relevant regulations of the State railway transport refuelling facilities and handling except for the transport of dangerous goods.
    18th in railway line embankment slope on both sides, cut the top, lateral railway bridges within 1000 meters and above the railway tunnel within 1000 metres on either side of the center line, and prohibit mining, quarrying and blasting operations.
    Within the limits prescribed in the preceding paragraph, from the construction of roads, water projects and other public works, absolutely necessary to implement the quarrying, blasting shall after consultation with the railway transport enterprises, to take the necessary safety precautions.
    19th road and railway bridge by the local railway transportation enterprises and road administrations or enterprises regularly check and maintain the road, ensure the safety of road and railway bridge is in technology.
    Road and railway bridge piers, beams and other common part of inspection and maintenance by the railway transport enterprises and jointly responsible for the roads Department or the road venture, according to the principle of fair and reasonable share of the cost.
    20th important railway bridges and tunnels, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State by the Chinese people's armed police force is responsible for guarding. 21 on the railway bridge across the river downstream of the dredging operations, affecting the safety of railway bridges, should carry out a security assessment, and channel management in the relevant sector in the approval should be sought before the competent railway or the railway authorities, after making sure that safety or security measures adopted, according to the dredging operations.
    But the River, except for channel maintenance and dredging operations. 22nd railway construction unit building, rebuilding and extension project of safety facilities, must be the main part of the project designed, built and put into production and use.
    Investment in safety facilities shall be incorporated into the construction project budget estimates. 23rd article across, and through railway line, and station field, erection, and laying bridge, and people line aisle, and pipeline, and aqueduct and power line, and communications line, and oil and gas pipeline, facilities, or in railway line security reserves within erection, and laying people line aisle, and pipeline, and aqueduct and power line, and communications line, and oil and gas pipeline, facilities, involved railway transport security of, according to national about provides handle; no provides of, by construction project units and railway transport enterprise consultations, shall not endanger railway transport security.

    Implementation of construction projects in the preceding paragraph shall comply with safety rules for the construction of the railway, traffic safety and transport safety are not compromised. Project design and construction plan should inform the railway transport enterprises.
    Railway transport enterprise shall be sent to the construction site safety supervision.
    Railway safety has been laying oil and gas pipelines in protected areas, and near the laying of the railway communication line, there are security risks, should take the necessary safety precautions.
    24th the ship by rail bridges, shall conform to the bridge navigation clearance height and strictly abide by the rules of navigation. Bridge navigation buoys, bridge frames, bridge water gauge is responsible for setting and maintaining railway transport enterprises.
    Surface buoy by railway transport enterprise is responsible for setting, channel management is responsible for the maintenance, maintenance fees required in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. 25th under railway bridge, culvert road shall be in accordance with the relevant standards set height limits on vehicle signs and high limit protection. Height limits on urban road signs, traffic management by public security organs Department or designated by the local people's Government departments to set up and maintain; the height limit of the highway signs, the Highway Administration departments to set up and maintain.
    High limit protection in railway bridges, culverts, road construction set, is maintained by the railway transport enterprises.
    Motor vehicles through the road under railway bridges, culverts, and shall observe the height limits, limits width provisions shall not impact of high limit protection.
    Under railway culvert culvert management unit is responsible for the day-to-day management, maintenance, and prevent blockages, water retention, to ensure normal traffic.
    Article 26th railway safety on the road and cut roads in protected areas, road management departments or road management enterprises shall set up security to prevent vehicular access to the railway line and is responsible for the maintenance of the facility.
    Road and bridge across the railway line and roads Department or the way business should be set to prevent vehicles and other objects fall safety protection facilities and be responsible for the maintenance of the railway line.
    27th laying, placing, erecting railway signal and communication (electrical) cable shall conform to the standards set by the State, and accept the supervision and management of the information industry Department of the State Council.
    Railway transport enterprises, telecommunication enterprises that provide services for railway transport, railway signal and communication should be strengthened (electrical) cable maintenance and administration.
    28th no unit or individual may unlawfully set up or expand the railway crossing, the pedestrian underpass. Set or widened railway crossing, and people line aisle, should to railway management institutions proposed application, and by following program approval: city within set or widened railway crossing, and people line aisle, by railway management institutions with city planning sector according to national about provides since received application of day up 30th within common made approved or not approved of decided; city outside set or widened railway crossing, and people line aisle,
    By railway authorities in conjunction with the local people's Government in accordance with relevant regulations of the State from the date of receipt of the application within the 30th joint approval or disapproval of the decision.
    Decided to approve, approved by the railway authorities send documents approved by the railway authorities notify the applicant in writing and state the reasons.
    29th train speed meet the State standards, construction, reconstruction of rail and road intersection, you should set up interchanges.
    Road traffic, train speeds reach the national standards, construction, reconstruction of roads and railway crossings, should set the interchange.
    Existing primary road, secondary road, city road level crossing with the railway crossing, should gradually converted to interchanges.
    Setting railway grade separation crossing of peace should conform to national safety standards.
    30th article railway and road cross at set interchange by needed costs according to following principles determine: (a) new, and alterations railway and both road cross of, by railway sector bear construction costs; road sector proposed over both of road construction standard construction and increased of costs, by road sector bear; (ii) new, and alterations road and both railway cross of, by road sector bear construction costs; railway sector proposed over both of railway line construction standard construction and increased of costs, by railway sector bear;
    (C) alteration interchange of existing rail and road crossings, railway and road sectors in accordance with the principle of fair and reasonable sharing construction costs.
    31st rail and road intersection guarded level crossing, you should set up warning lights, warning signs, railroad grade crossing road marking or security protection facilities; unguarded railroad crossing, shall, in accordance with national standards set up warning signs.
    Warning lights, set by the railway transportation enterprise safety protection facilities, maintenance; warning signs, railroad grade crossing road, where the road markings railway crossing and administrative departments, maintenance. Article 32nd fault occurred at railway crossings or when the load drops, failures should immediately be vehicle or drop the load moved to the railroad crossing stop line or railway lines outside to 5 metres of rail safety.
    Cannot be removed immediately, and shall report immediately to the railway crossing guards; in unguarded level crossing, shall immediately take measures stopped the train at the crossing at both ends, and notify the nearest railway station to take urgent measures.
    33rd tracked vehicles through the railway level crossing, shall in advance notify the railway crossing management departments, and under the guidance of their help, through.
    34th at the following locations, railway transport enterprise shall be in accordance with the standards set are easy to identify warnings, protection mark: (a) at both ends of the railway bridges, tunnels, (ii) light railway signal and communication (electrical) cable laid, the site, and (iii) of electrified railway catenaries, automatic blocking power supply line and near railway continuous power lines and other electricity infrastructure prone to dangerous places.
    Chapter III article 35th of railway operation safety design, production, maintenance or import new railway rolling stock shall meet the standards set by the State, and to apply to the competent Department under the State Council for type certification, production licenses and maintenance certificate or a type-approval certificate, pass the review by the competent Department under the State Council shall issue appropriate certificates.
    36th article in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State production of railway rolling stock, maintenance or import, before entry into service shall be subject to acceptance of the railway authorities under.
    37th application for a type certificate, production license, maintenance of certification, type-approval certificates and specific procedures for railway rolling stock acceptance by the competent Department under the State Council separately.
    38th article production railway turnout and turned point equipment, and railway communications signal control software and the control equipment, and railway traction power equipment of enterprise, should meet following conditions and by State railway competent sector finds: (a) has according to national provides standard detection, and test qualified of professional production equipment; (ii) has corresponding of professional technicians; (three) has perfect of products quality guarantee system and management system; (four) near 3 years within no products quality accident.
    Railway turnouts and its switching equipment, railway signal and communication software and control equipment, railway traction power supply system in accordance with conditions prescribed by the State professional inspection, Inspection Agency inspection, inspection, can be used.
    For hazardous chemicals and radioactive material railway tank car and other production and testing, inspection of the container, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative rules and management.
    39th article of the regulation article 38th directly relate to the safety of rail transport other than railway equipment, instruments, tools, and safety testing equipment, product compulsory certification system (has been subject to for industry products production license system of railway products excepted), related products, rules of application for certification by the certification and accreditation administration departments of the State Council jointly developed in conjunction with the railway authorities.
    40th for railway transport safety protection facilities, equipment, containers and containerized transport equipment, tarpaulins, transport, loading and securing material or device packaging and freight loading reinforcement shall conform to relevant national technical standards and specifications.
    41st railway transport enterprises shall establish, and improve and strictly implement the railway transportation facilities, equipment, rules and regulations for protection of safety management and inspections, strengthen rail transport facilities, equipment, inspection and maintenance, does not meet safety requirements should be replaced immediately to ensure railway transport facilities, good performance and safe operation of equipment.
    On statutory holidays and traditional festivals, such as rail transport during the height of railway transport enterprises shall strengthen rail transport safety checks to ensure transport safety. 42nd railway locomotives and running round the driver of the vehicle shall be subject to the Railway Department after passing the examination before they can post.
    Specific measures shall be formulated by the competent Department under the State Council. 43rd railway transport enterprises should enhance safety education and training for employees.
    Employees of the railway transport enterprise shall be in strict accordance with the procedures stipulated by the State, use, management of railway transport facilities and equipment.
    44th railway transport enterprise shall be the passengers, train staff and other personnel who entered the station to comply with safety regulations of rail, railway stations and other places announced.
    45th railway transport enterprise shall be designated by the competent Department under the State Council in accordance with the national standards of security management information system for railway transport, and is equipped with a dedicated security personnel, is responsible for system protection.
    46th railway transport enterprise shall be in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the competent Department under the State Council, and passenger security checks of carry-on and checked baggage. Staff engaged in security checks, should wear safety checks marks, shall perform inspection duties, and the authority to refuse any additional security checks of passengers into the station by bus.

    47th passenger shall accept and cooperate with the railway transportation enterprise in the station, train to implement security checks shall not be illegal carrying, carrying knives, switchblades and other regulatory tools, or illegal to carry, keep a consignment of fireworks, firearms, ammunition and other dangerous or prohibited items.
    Shall accept the railway passenger station bus, station staff to boot.
    48th article railway transport checked people checked goods, and luggage, and package Shi shall not has following behavior: (a) Punic reported, and lied about goods name, and nature; (ii) in general goods in the entrainment dangerous goods, or in dangerous goods in the entrainment ban distribution loaded of goods; (three) Punic reported, and lied about goods weight or loading, and boxing over provides weight; (four) other endanger railway transport security of behavior.
    49th article railway transport enterprise should on carrier of goods for security checks, and shall not has following behavior: (a) in non-dangerous goods handle station, and lines, and dedicated railway carrier dangerous goods; (ii) without approved carrier super limited, and super long, and overweight, and set heavy goods; (three) carrier refused to accept security checks of items; (four) carrier not meet security provides, and may against railway transport security of other items.
    Article 50th carrier of railway transportation of dangerous goods, shall satisfy the following conditions: (a) according to the standards set by the State testing and inspection of facilities and equipment; (b) meet the conditions set by the State of drivers, technology management, handling personnel, and (iii) have a sound safety management systems; (d) the emergency response plan for accidents.
    51st article handle dangerous goods railway transport of checked people, should has following conditions: (a) has national provides of dangerous items production, and store, and using or business sales of qualification; (ii) transport tool, and transport packaging, and mount reinforcement conditions and the dedicated facilities, and equipment meet national provides of technology standard and security conditions; (three) has meet national provides conditions of master dangerous goods railway transport business and related knowledge of professional technicians, and transport handling personnel and escort personnel;
    (D) the emergency response plan for accidents. 52nd applied for businesses engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods, consignment, shall submit to the railway authorities to ensure compliance with article 50th, 51st provides evidence of the condition. Railway authorities should be made from the date of receipt of the application within the 20th approve or not to approve the decision.
    Approved by decision, issue the relevant qualification; were rejected, it shall notify the applicant in writing and state the reasons.
    53rd article handle super limited, and super long, and overweight, and set heavy goods transport of carrier, should has following conditions: (a) Mount reinforcement, and transport tool and the other facilities, and equipment meet national about technology standard and security requirements; (ii) has meet national provides conditions of professional technicians, and management personnel and job personnel; (three) has sound of security management system; (four) has accident processing emergency plans. Article 54th overload, long, overweight, transport of concentrated weight goods, carrier shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State railway to the State authorities or the railway authorities to apply. State Railways authority or the railway authorities shall from the date of receipt of the application within the 7th to approve or not to approve the decision.
    Approved by decision, issue the relevant qualification; were rejected, it shall notify the applicant in writing and state the reasons.
    55th transport of dangerous goods shall be in accordance with State regulations, use of dedicated facilities, equipment, the shipper shall be equipped with the necessary escorts, equipment, protective equipment and emergency equipment, and always escorts of dangerous goods, under the supervision of event of theft, loss, leakage, and so on, should be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State reports in a timely manner.
    56th handling dangerous goods transport staff and handling personnel and escorts should grasp the dangerous nature of the goods, the use of hazard characteristics, packaging characteristics and contingency measures in case of accidents.
    Main responsible on the carriage of dangerous goods and Safety Manager, should be by rail management company of its knowledge management capacity assessment and qualified before the appointment.
    57th of dangerous goods the shipper and the carrier shall, in accordance with the national practice for packaging, handling, shipping, preventing dangerous goods leak, explosion.
    Article 58th Special drugs shipper and packing, loading, and escort carriers in accordance with State provisions, prevent the special drugs during transport was stolen, robbed or lost. Fourth chapter social public of obligations 59th article any units or personal shall not implementation following against railway transport security of behavior: (a) illegal intercept train, and blocking railway transport; (ii) disrupt railway transport scheduling institutions, and transport command sector and the station, and train of normal order; (three) destroyed railway line, and platform, facilities, and equipment and the subgrade, and slope, and drains and protection forest, and slope Lawn; (four) in railway line road placed, and abandoned obstacles; (five) hit train; (six) unauthorized mobile line Road of locomotive vehicles, or unauthorized opened train door; (seven) split stolen, and damaged or unauthorized mobile railway facilities, and equipment, and locomotive vehicles accessories and security logo; (eight) in railway line road walking, and sat lying or in not set flat make crossing, and people line aisle of railway line road through; (nine) in not set pedestrian channel of railway bridge Shang, and tunnel within passage; (10) over, and damaged, and mobile railway line sides protection wall, and fence or other protection facilities and standard pile; (11) opened, and close train in the truck valve, and
    Cover and the damage Shi seal State; (12) opened train in the container box door, damage box, and cover, and valve and the Shi seal State; (13) loose, and unlock, and mobile train in the goods mount reinforcement material and reinforcement device; (14) drill car, and Bache, and jumped car; (15) from train Shang throwing threw debris; (16) illegal sold or acquisition railway equipment; (17) other against railway transport security of behavior.
    60th article any units or personal shall not implementation following endanger railway communications, and signal facilities security of behavior: (a) in buried has underground light (electric) cable facilities of ground above for drilling, stacked weights, and garbage, burning items, dumping corrosion sex material; (ii) in underground light (electric) cable sides the 1 meters of range within built, and built buildings, and structures; (three) in underground light (electric) cable sides the 1 meters of range within dug sand, and take soil and set may caused light (electric) cable corrosion of facilities;
    (D) where there is Guang Yu ye (electrical) cable signs within 100 meters on each side dug sand, broken down vehicles and other optic (electrical) cable security operations; (e) other acts that may endanger the safety of railway communication and signal facilities.
    61st article any units or personal shall not implementation following against electrified railway facilities of behavior: (a) to electrified railway catenary throwing items; (ii) in railway power line wire sides the 300 meters of regional within rose put kite, and balloon; (three) climbing tower, and railway locomotive vehicles or in Tower Shang erection, and installation other facilities; (four) in Tower, and pull around 20 meters range within take soil, and piling, and drilling or dumping harmful chemical items; (five) touch touch electrified railway catenary;
    (Vi) other acts against facilities for railway power lines.
    Fifth chapter supervision 62nd State railway authorities and railway authorities on railway safety should be the law, supervise and inspect the implementation of the regulations.
    63rd State railway authorities and railway authority has the right to check, combat occupation, damage to railway transport facilities, equipment, flags, land use and other acts in violation of this Ordinance.
    64th State railway authorities and railway authorities should strengthen supervision and inspection of railway transportation peak of transportation safety, strengthen rail transport the key the security status, vital facilities, equipment, and emergency plans for the safe transport of the establishment and implementation of supervision and inspection.
    65th State railway authorities and railway authorities and geological disaster prevention and control of local people's Governments at various levels shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ordinance to strengthen the railways along the geological disaster prevention, emergency response and management and so on. 66th State railway authorities and railway authorities and the State production safety supervision and administration departments, local people's Governments at or above the county level work safety supervision and management departments should establish regular communications system and transportation security coordination mechanism. Found significant safety problems, railway transport enterprise shall promptly report to the relevant railway authorities and the local people's Governments.
    The local people's Governments that endanger the safety of rail transport along the railway, of railway and railway transport enterprise shall promptly inform the relevant management bodies. 67th State railway authorities and railway authorities to detect security risks, shall be ordered to immediately remove.
    Before major security risks excluded or excluded from transport safety cannot be guaranteed in the process, shall order the withdrawal of workers from hazardous areas, ordered to temporarily suspend or cease using major safety concerns ruled out before restoring transport. 68th railway transportation safety accidents, railway transport enterprise shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State reports in a timely manner.
    Serious and extremely serious rail accidents, shall immediately report the railway authority, State railway authorities and the local people's Governments at or above the county level departments, state production safety supervision and administration of production safety supervision and management departments.
    Rail transport accidents, railway departments of the State Council, railway administration and above the county level people's Government, the railway transport enterprises shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of start emergency response plan for accidents in a timely manner. Investigation and handling of accidents in accordance with the relevant provisions of that investigation and handling of accidents.

    69th railway transport safety inspectors perform safety inspection duties, no unit or individual may obstruct.
    Railway safety inspectors from carrying out their duties, shall wear marks or to produce documents.
    70th sixth chapter legal liability for breach of the provisions of section 11th, by railway regulatory agency ordered corrective action and give a warning, the unit may be of less than 5000 Yuan and 50,000 yuan fine for individuals and to a fine of up to 200 Yuan more than 2000.
    71st article 14th in violation of this Ordinance, shall be formulated by the competent department or railway management agency ordered corrective action and more than 5000 Yuan and fined not more than 50,000 yuan.
    72nd in violation of the provisions of section 15th of the Ordinance, by the water conservancy administrative departments concerned, where the railway bridge shall be given administrative punishment.
    16th article of the 73rd article violates this Ordinance, by a relevant Department in charge shall command a correction, where the railway bridges, fines of between 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
    74th article 17th in violation of this Ordinance, by the railway authorities ordered removed; fails to dismantle, torn, the unit fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan of personal fines of between 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. 75th article violation this Ordinance 18th article provides, in railway line sides embankment slope feet, and cutting slope top, and railway bridge outside side up the 1000 meters range within, and the in railway tunnel above center line sides the 1000 meters range within, engaged in mining of, by geological mineral competent sector in accordance with national about mineral resources management of legal, and regulations give administrative punishment; engaged in quarrying and the blasting job of, by railway management institutions ordered corrected, at 20,000 yuan above 100,000 yuan following of fine; constitute crime of,
    Criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
    Article 19th of the 76th article violates this Ordinance, by the railway authorities or by the Road Management Department shall order rectification refuses, the railway management bodies or by the other road administrations specify units for maintenance and repairs, maintenance and repair costs by refusing to perform road management departments, railway or road transport enterprise business enterprises themselves.
    Article 21st of the 77th article violates this Ordinance, by parent channel, Channel Management Department ordered corrective action and managers directly responsible and other persons directly responsible, given demerit until the removal of the sanctions.
    78th article 23rd in violation of this Ordinance, shall be formulated by the competent department or railway management agency ordered corrective action and may be fined not more than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
    79th in violation of provisions of the second paragraph of article 24th of this Ordinance shall be formulated by the competent department or by the Transportation Department ordered corrective action to the direct responsible person in charge and other direct liable persons, demerit-recording or demerit penalty.
    80th article violates provisions of the second paragraph of this section 25th, traffic management Department shall be given administrative punishment by public security organs.
    Violate the provisions of the 25th article of the Bill, the railway authorities shall order rectification, of up to between 5000 and 1000 Yuan fine.
    81st road ventures in accordance with this regulation article 26th set safety protection facilities, maintenance, managed by the Railway Agency ordered corrective action and fines of between 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
    Road management departments in accordance with this regulation article 26th set safety protection facilities, maintenance, by the superior path Management Department ordered corrective action and directly responsible for the charge and the other persons of less than 500 Yuan and more than 5000 Yuan fine.
    82nd article violates article 28th of this Ordinance specified in the first paragraph, ordered by public security organs removed and given administrative penalty according to law.
    83rd article 31st in violation of this Ordinance, by the railway authorities or by the road administration ordered corrective action and directly responsible for the charge and the other persons of less than 500 Yuan and more than 5000 Yuan fine.
    84th article 32nd, 33rd, in violation of this Ordinance, by the railway authorities fined not more than RMB 500 Yuan more than 5000 Yuan constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
    85th article 34th in violation of this Ordinance, the competent Department under the State Council shall order correction for railway transport enterprises, more than 1000 Yuan and 10,000 yuan fine.
    Article 36th 86th article violates this Ordinance, shall be formulated by the competent department ordered corrective action and fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan.
    Article 38th of the 87th article violates this Ordinance, without testing, inspection of railway turnouts and its switching equipment, control equipment and railway communication and signal control, railway traction power supply system, the competent Department under the State Council shall order rectification, fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan.
    88th article 39th in violation of this Ordinance, without a mandatory product certification directly related to safety of railway transport railway equipment, instruments, tools, and safety testing equipment, shall be punished according to relevant laws and administrative regulations.
    89th 40th article in violation of this Ordinance, shall be formulated by the competent department or railway management agency ordered corrective action and fines of between 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
    47th article of the 90th article violates this Ordinance, illegal carrying, carrying passengers or take consignments of dangerous goods, contraband items into the station, vehicle, shall be subject to administrative punishment by public security organs. 91st article violation this Ordinance 48th article provides, railway transport checked people checked goods, and luggage, and package Shi Punic reported, and lied about goods name, and nature, Punic reported, and lied about goods weight or loading, and boxing over provides weight, or has other endanger railway transport security of behavior of, by railway management institutions at 1000 Yuan above 10,000 yuan following of fine; in general goods in the entrainment dangerous goods, or in dangerous goods in the entrainment ban distribution loaded of goods of, at 5000 Yuan above 50,000 yuan following of fine
    Constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
    49th article of the 92nd in violation of this Ordinance shall be formulated by the competent Department fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
    52nd 93rd in violation of this Ordinance provides that the unauthorized carrier, shipping of dangerous goods, shall be formulated by the competent department or at the railway authority fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
    54th 94th in violation of this Ordinance provides that unauthorized to handle overload, long, overweight, transport of concentrated weight goods, shall be formulated by the competent department or at the railway authority fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.
    55th article of the 95th article violates this Ordinance, shall be subject to administrative punishment by public security organs.
    96th 57th, 58th article in violation of this Ordinance, shall be formulated by the competent department or at the railway authority fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan. 97th article violation this Ordinance 59th article, and 61st article provides of, by police organ on personal at warning, can and at 50 Yuan above 200 Yuan following of fine, plot serious of, at 200 Yuan above 2000 Yuan following of fine; on units at warning, and at 5000 Yuan above 20,000 yuan following of fine, on directly is responsible for of competent personnel and other directly responsibility personnel at 200 Yuan above 2000 Yuan following of fine; constitute violation security management behavior of,
    By the public security organ shall be given administrative punishments constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
    Article 60th 98th in violation of this Ordinance, the public security organ shall order rectification in cases of personal to a fine of up to 200 Yuan more than 2000; the law of more than 5000 Yuan and fined not more than 50,000 yuan, directly responsible for the charge and the other persons between 2000 Yuan and 200 Yuan fines; constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.
    99th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, to railway transport enterprises or other units, resulting in the loss of personal property shall bear liability.
    100th railway transport enterprise fails to perform the obligations imposed by the Ordinance, except as provided in this Ordinance, the competent Department under the State Council, or the railway authorities shall order rectification, depending on the seriousness of between 100,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan fine, the directly responsible person in charge and other direct liable persons, more than 1000 Yuan and 10,000 yuan fine.
    101th article violation this Ordinance of provides, State railway competent sector, and railway management institutions, and police organ, and County above place Government and about sector found railway transport security hidden not timely law processing, on violations not law be punishment, or not perform this Ordinance provides of other duties of, on has responsibility of competent personnel and other directly responsibility personnel according to plot weight, law give downgraded until fired of administrative sanctions; constitute crime of, law held criminal. 102th State railway authorities and railway management institutions found in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, but the Department does not have to deal with, and shall promptly inform the transfer or competence to deal with the sector, should be dealt with according to their functions and competence to deal with sector, and to transfer the information sector.
    Refusing to handle, the persons in charge and other direct liable persons according to the circumstances, demotion until dismissal of administrative sanctions according to law constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. Seventh chapter supplementary articles article 103th the regulations come into force on April 1, 2005.
                                                Issued by the State Council on August 15, 1989, the railway transport safety protection regulations repealed simultaneously.