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People's Republic Of China Rules For The Implementation Of The Statistics Law

Original Language Title: 中华人民共和国统计法实施细则

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(December 16, 2005 People's Republic of China State makes No. 453, announced since February 1, 2006 up purposes) State decided on People's Republic of China statistics method implementation rules for following modified: a, and will sixth article modified for: "statistics and sent of survey team, and County above place levels government statistics institutions is national implementation statistics regulations and statistics system of organ, is responsible for supervision check statistics regulations and statistics system of implementation, maintenance statistics institutions and statistics personnel of terms, Investigate and punish acts contrary to the statistical legislation and statistical systems. "One paragraph is added as the second paragraph, provides that" the statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level to investigate and punish illegal practices that occurred within their respective administrative regions; sent investigation teams in national statistical offices of illegal practices in the Organization's implementation of the survey, carried out by the Organization of the survey team is responsible for investigating. "Second, the 21st is amended as:" the State shall establish a data quality monitoring and evaluation system and strengthen the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the important monitoring and evaluation of statistical data. "Three, and will 22nd article first paragraph in the of third items modified for:" in State led Xia, with about sector organization major of conditions power census, organization, and coordination national social economic sample; "seventh items modified for:" unified led and management statistics sent of survey team; "increased a paragraph as second paragraph, provides:" statistics sent of survey team bear statistics layout of the survey task, law independent carried out statistics survey, independent reported statistics information.
    "Four, removed from the 23rd article in the sixth. Five, and will 26th article first paragraph in the of second items modified for: "according to national about provides, submitted and provides statistics information, on this units plans of implementation situation and business management of benefits, for statistics analysis and statistics supervision;" six, and will 33rd article first paragraph modified for: "Enterprise career organization has statistics method 27th article first paragraph by column violations one of of, by County above government statistics institutions or statistics sent of survey team be warning, and can at 50,000 yuan following of fine. "The second paragraph is amended as:" individual statistical 27th one of the offences listed in the first paragraph of the Act, the people's Governments above the county level statistical agency or NBS sent investigation teams be warned and may be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.
    "This decision shall take effect on February 1, 2006.

    People's Republic of China according to the detailed rules for the implementation of the statistics law in this decision be modified accordingly, republished. Attachment: People's Republic of China rules for the implementation of the statistics law (amended in 2005) (approval of the State Council on January 19, 1987, February 15, 1987 Bureau approval of the State Council on June 2, 2000, the first amendment, June 15, 2000 the Office under the State Council on December 16, 2005 modified People's Republic of China decision on the detailed rules for the implementation of the statistics law second amendment) Chapter I General provisions article in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on statistics
    (Hereinafter referred to as the Statistics Act) provides that these rules are formulated.
    Article referred to in the law on statistics statistics, refers to the use of various statistical methods for national economic and social development of surveys, statistical analysis, and provision of statistical information and advice and to exercise statistical supervision activities collectively.
    Classification of statistics on national economic and social development projects, provided by the National Bureau and adjusted. Thirdly, countries with plans to use modern information technology equipment statistics institutions at all levels, and to establish and improve national statistical information automation systems.
    In accordance with the needs of various departments under the State Council, there are plans to use modern information technology equipment and its control system of statistical agencies in this sector. People's Governments at or above the county level shall include national statistical information project in the development plan.
    National statistical information construction, the unified leadership by the National Bureau, classification of statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level are responsible for.
    Fourth responsibility for work and statistics institutions and statisticians, the implementation assessment and reward system, and constantly improve the work quality and efficiency. Statistics institutions and statisticians shall independently exercise the following powers: (a) the survey right – surveys, collect relevant information, convene a meeting of the investigation, inspection and records and documents relating to the statistics.
    Statistical investigation shall, in accordance with the Statistics Act and the relevant regulations of the State, provide statistics and circumstances, shall not be false, conceal, refusing or delaying to report, not forged or tampered with. (B) statistical reports – the right survey made by statistics and collation, analysis, statistical report to the higher authorities and the departments concerned.
    No unit or individual may obstruct or to withhold the report, shall not distort statistical data. (C) statistics – right of supervision according to statistical surveys and statistical analysis, statistical monitoring of national economic and social development, checking the implementation of national policies and plans, assess economic, social and work performance, audit and disclosure of problems, check for making false statements on or concealing, falsifying or altering the statistical data, make recommendations for improvement.
    Relevant departments and units of statistical agencies and staff, exposing problems and recommendations, should be processed in a timely manner, responding. Fifth article County above place levels Government, and the sector, and the enterprise career organization, should according to national statistics task and this area, and this sector, and this units of need, in following aspects strengthening on statistics work of led and supervision: (a) led and support statistics institutions, and statistics personnel and other about personnel implementation statistics regulations and statistics system, accurate, and timely to completed statistics work task, strengthening statistics work modern construction; (ii) absorption and Organization statistics personnel participate in discussion about policy and plans, and
    Study the question of economic and social development, play a statistical service and supervision; (c) deployed under a reunification of the country, organizing and implementing major census of national conditions and strength; (d) the approval of survey plans, effectively approved personnel and requirements for the survey.
    Article sixth of the NBS and its local investigation team, statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level are national execution statistics regulations and statistics system of authority, is responsible for the implementation of the regulations on supervision and inspection statistics and statistical systems, maintenance of statistical agencies and personnel terms of reference, to investigate and punish acts contrary to the statistical legislation and statistical systems.
    Statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level to investigate and punish illegal practices that occurred within their respective administrative regions; sent investigation teams in national statistical offices of illegal practices in the Organization's implementation of the survey, carried out by the Organization of the survey team is responsible for investigating. Second chapter statistics survey plans and statistics system seventh article County above levels government statistics institutions and about sector according to following three class situation, respectively established statistics system, prepared statistics survey plans, according to provides by review organ approved Hou implementation: (a) national statistics survey, is refers to national basic situation of Statistics survey, including statistics separate developed of and statistics and State about sector common developed of Statistics survey project.
    State plan in the new survey, major projects, by the National Bureau of statistics reported to the State Council for approval; regular, General Survey of the project, by the National Bureau for approval.
    All localities, departments and units must be in strict accordance with the State programme implementation of national statistical surveys. (B) sectoral survey, refers to the professional Survey Department. Sectoral survey plans and survey programme, organized by the Department of statistics institutions prepared the relevant function bodies in this sector. Among them, the survey object falling within the jurisdiction of the Department, approved by the leaders in this sector, statistics or the statistics institutions of local people's Governments at the corresponding levels on record; respondents were beyond the jurisdiction of the Department of statistics, statistics or the statistics institutions of local people's Governments at the corresponding level for approval, one of the most important, reported to the State Council and the local people's Governments at the corresponding level for approval.
    The Department governing system in the survey approach, proposed by the National Bureau of statistics in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council and submitted to the State Council for approval before implementation. (C) the survey refers to the local survey of the needs of the local people.
    Approval of survey plans and survey programme approach imposed by the people's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and statistics institutions, reported the National Bureau for the record.
    Eighth survey of departments and local must not overlap, conflict with the national survey.
    National surveys and sector surveys, Survey Division, by the National Bureau of statistics in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council and provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's government statistical agencies specifically agreed.
    Nineth integrated Coordination Office of the people's Government at or above the county level shall require statistical information should be collected from the statistical bodies and relevant departments of the people's Governments at the corresponding level; do need direct surveys, survey plans and survey programmes shall be compiled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Statistics Act and these rules, and approved before implementation.
    Relevant departments of the people's Government at or above the county level shall organize the implementation of departmental statistical investigations, timely submission to the people's Governments at the corresponding level of statistical agencies should be basic statistics or a combination of statistical information.
    National Bureau of statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level should be regularly and freely to the people's Government departments to provide the same level of comprehensive statistical information. Survey of tenth survey programme in accordance with project preparation. Survey projects, refers to a certain period of time to achieve the purpose of a specific survey and organize the implementation of the survey.
    Survey project plan shall set out: the project name, inquiry, investigation, survey, survey, surveys, survey, survey of the main content. Prepare survey plans, survey plan must be compiled. Survey programme shall include the following information: (a) for the purpose of completing the survey object statistics questionnaires and instructions, (ii) comprehensive statistical table for the finishing report and instructions; (c) the survey of staffing and resources required and their sources.

    11th people's Government at or above the county level shall statistical agencies and departments statistical agencies for approval of survey plans and survey the necessity, feasibility and scientific nature of the programme should be a rigorous examination; do not meet the provisions of this rule shall be returned for revision, or rejected. Prepared and review statistics survey programme, should followed following principles: (a) in has approved implementation of various statistics survey in the can collected to information of, shall not repeat survey; (ii) sample, and focus survey or administrative records can meet need of, shall not business sent full statistics survey table; one-time statistics survey can meet need of, shall not for regular statistics survey; by years Statistics survey can meet need of, shall not by quarter statistics survey; by quarter statistics survey can meet need of, shall not by months statistics survey
    Month following the progress of the survey must be strictly controlled, and (iii) the preparation of the new programme of statistical surveys prior to trial or seek the views of relevant localities, departments and grass-roots units, and feasibility, to ensure practical, pay attention to survey benefits (iv) survey of staffing and resources required should be guaranteed. 12th State establishing the cyclical census system.
    Periodic surveys by the unified leadership of the State Council and local people's Governments at all levels, organization of statistical agencies and relevant departments to jointly implement, what is needed is funded jointly by the Central and local fiscal burden.
    Regular sample surveys shall be by way of basic statistical surveys and administrative records, identification of the statistical units and their geographical distribution, establish a scientific sampling frame, in accordance with the principle of random selection to represent a sample of units in the population, to reduce sampling error.
    13th procedures approved pursuant to the provisions of the statistical questionnaire, table number, must be indicated in the right corner tables, approved or registered agency, approval or for the record number, expiration date.
    Did not have enumerated in the preceding paragraph or within the effective period of statistical questionnaires, related object has the right to refuse to fill in the surveys, statistical agencies are entitled to revocation.
    Definitions set out in article 14th survey programme, the ambit of investigation, calculation methods, categories, surveys, statistical code, without the approval of the survey programme office, no unit or individual is allowed to modify.
    Chapter III administration and publication of statistical information article 15th place, departments and units should be sound statistical information audit system to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of statistical information. Departments, enterprises and institutions to provide statistics, by this sector, the unit leaders or heads of statistics audit, signed or sealed and report it. Financial statistics are provided by financial and accounting agencies or accountants and examined by the head of the financial accounting, signed or sealed.
    People's Governments at or above the county level statistics institutions and statistics provided by the census officers, Township, town, by the people's Governments at the corresponding level heads of the statistical agencies or Township and town audit, signed or sealed by the interviewers and report it.
    16th leading bodies to develop policies, plans, and check the implementation of the policy, plan, assess economic, social and work performance, reward and punishment, you need to use statistical information, in accordance with the provisions of the law on statistics article 13th, signed or sealed by statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics statistical information shall prevail.
    17th statistics institutions of the people's Government at or above the county level must do the statistics information consulting services, making full use of socio-economic information for the public service can be made public. Comply with the relevant national provisions, in the law on statistics and statistical system providing statistical information, the implementation of paid services.
    Specific measures shall be formulated by the National Bureau of statistics in conjunction with the Department in charge of price under the State Council.
    18th all localities, departments and units must implement the national provisions relating to the confidentiality of statistical information management to strengthen the confidentiality of statistical information management. 19th all localities, departments and units must be statistical data file system.
    Statistics archives transfer of custody, calling and, should comply with the national provisions relating to records management.
    20th State shall establish a system of statistics regularly published articles. The statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics survey, released by the National Bureau. Relevant departments under the State Council survey made by statistics published by the relevant departments of the State Council, in which statistics with the National Bureau of Statistics survey of repetition, cross shall in consultation with national statistical offices, published by the relevant departments under the State Council.
    Relevant departments of the State Council published statistical data, should be submitted to the NBS published 10th record.
    Local people's Governments at or above the county level statistics institutions and relevant departments published their statistical survey of local statistical data, apply mutatis mutandis to the preceding paragraph shall apply.
    21st State shall establish and improve the quality of statistical data in monitoring and evaluation systems, strengthened in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities important statistical data for monitoring and evaluation. Fourth chapter statistics institutions and statistics personnel 22nd article statistics perform following duties: (a) according to about legal, and administrative regulations and national about policy and plans, developed statistics work regulations, developed statistics work modern planning and national statistics survey plans, organization led and coordination national statistics work, supervision check statistics regulations and statistics system of implementation; (ii) sound economy accounting system and statistics index system, developed national unified of basic statistics report system
    ; Developed or and about sector common developed national statistics standard, validation sector statistics standard; (three) in State led Xia, with about sector organization major of conditions power census, organization, and coordination national social economic sample; (four) according to national developed policy, and plans and for management of need, collected, and finishing, and provides national of basic statistics information, on economy and social development situation for statistics analysis, and statistics forecast and statistics supervision;
    (Five) review State the sector prepared of Statistics survey plans and Statistics survey programme, management state the sector business sent of Statistics survey table; (six) check, and validation, and management, and announced, and published national of basic statistics information, regularly released national economy and social development situation of Statistics Bulletin; (seven) unified led and management statistics sent of survey team; (eight) organization guide national statistics scientific research, and statistics education, and statistics cadres training and statistics books published work;
    (I) the exchange of international statistical work and statistical science.
    Sent by the National Bureau of investigation teams undertake the task assigned by the National Bureau of investigation, according to the independent survey carried out independently reported statistics.
    23rd article County above place levels government statistics institutions perform following duties: (a) completed national statistics survey task, implementation national statistics standard, implementation national unified of basic statistics report system; (ii) developed this administrative within of statistics work modern planning, and Statistics survey plans and Statistics survey programme, unified led and coordination this administrative within including Central and place units of statistics work, supervision check statistics regulations and statistics system of implementation; (Three) according to this administrative within developed plans and for management of need, collected, and finishing, and provides basic statistics information, on this administrative within economy and social development situation for statistics analysis, and statistics forecast and statistics supervision; (four) review this administrative within the sector of Statistics survey plans and Statistics survey programme, management this administrative within the sector business sent of Statistics survey table; (five) according to national about provides, check, and validation, and management, and announced, and published this administrative within of basic statistics information; province, and Autonomous regions, and municipalities Government statistics institutions regularly released this administrative within economy and social development situation of Statistics Bulletin; autonomous, and County, and autonomous, and city, and District Government statistics institutions according to this level Government of decided, released this administrative within economy and social development situation of Statistics Bulletin; (six) organization guide this administrative within the sector, and units strengthening statistics based work construction, strengthening statistics education, and statistics cadres training and statistics scientific research work
    ; Statistics bodies within the administrative area of the cadres and township statisticians conduct assessment and reward.
    Statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level by the local government and higher statistics agency under the dual leadership of above levels in the statistics business statistics agencies under leadership. 24th article Xiang, and town statisticians implementation Xiang, and town integrated statistics of functions, perform following duties: (a) completed national statistics survey and place statistics survey task, implementation national statistics standard, implementation national unified of basic statistics report system, implementation statistics regulations and statistics system, supervision check statistics regulations and statistics system of implementation; (ii) according to national about provides, collected, and finishing, and analysis, and provides and management HONGO, and town of basic statistics information; (three) Organization Guide HONGO, and town the units, and
    Personnel strengthening the construction of rural infrastructure work, improve the system of township and town statistical account and statistical file system, organized Township the following statistical operations. Township and town people's Governments shall, in accordance with the Statistics Act and other relevant provisions and the needs of their statistical work, set up full-time or part-time enumerators, establishing and improving Township statistics information network.
    Statistician, Township, town, and townships and towns affected by people's Governments at the county level in the statistics business statistics network statistics agency leadership.
    The statistical work of the village, by the villagers ' Committee designate a person responsible for, its statistics by Township census officer for business leadership. 25th article County above levels Government about sector of statistics institutions or statistics head implementation this sector integrated statistics of functions, perform following duties: (a) Organization Guide, and integrated coordination this sector the functions institutions (including production, and marketing, and infrastructure, and labor personnel, and financial accounting, institutions) of statistics work, common completed national statistics survey, and sector statistics survey and place statistics survey task, implementation statistics regulations and statistics system, supervision check statistics regulations and statistics system of implementation;

    (Ii) developed this sector of statistics work modern planning, and Statistics survey plans and Statistics survey programme, organization guide this sector and jurisdiction system within enterprise career organization of statistics work, strengthening statistics team and statistics based work construction; (three) according to national about provides, to superior led organ and this level government statistics institutions submitted and provides this sector of basic statistics information, with plans and other about functions institutions on this sector implementation policy, and plans and business management benefits of situation, for statistics analysis, and
    Statistical forecasting and statistical supervision and (iv) Management Department of statistical questionnaires and basic statistical information, (v) in conjunction with the Department of personnel and education bodies, to organize and guide the Department of education statistics and statistical training; the Department statisticians to assess and reward; strengthening of statistical research in this sector.
    Concerned statistical agencies of the people's Government at or above the county level setting should be based on the actual needs, in line with the principle of simplification and efficiency, in accordance with the provisions of the Statistics Act. 26th article Enterprise career organization of statistics institutions or statistics head implementation this units integrated statistics of functions, perform following duties: (a) Organization Guide, and integrated coordination this units the functions institutions and subordinates institutions of statistics work, common completed national statistics survey, and sector statistics survey and place statistics survey task, developed, and implementation this units of statistics work plans and statistics system, implementation statistics regulations and statistics system, supervision check statistics regulations and statistics system of implementation; (ii) according to national about provides,
    Submissions and to provide statistical information on the plan of implementation and the effectiveness of management, statistical analysis and statistical supervision and (iii) managing the survey tables and basic statistical information; (d) in conjunction with the relevant functions of the entity institutions improve measurement, detection system, establish and improve the original records and account statistics and accounting system.
    Statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics of enterprises and organizations in the statistics business, local government statistics institutions and statisticians, Township, town guide.
    Small and medium enterprises and organizations not only statisticians, you can specify the personnel specialized in statistical work. 27th heads of statistics, means on behalf of the Department or unit the primary responsibility for its implementation responsibilities under the Statistics Act personnel.
    No statistical agencies shall, in General, by the officer in charge of statistics of the statistical conditions of professional and technical positions.
    28th all localities, departments and units shall, in accordance with relevant State regulations and operational requirements, set up statistics of professional and technical positions.
    29th with officers of the professional and technical positions of mobilization, each Party shall solicit comments from the region, the sector, the statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics of observations which have intermediate professional title transfer of the staff of the above statistics, should ask the superior statistical agency's permission. Local statistical organs of the people's Government at or above the county level mobilization, shall obtain the consent of statistics institutions agreed at a higher level.
    Townships and towns the mobilization of statisticians, statistical agencies should ask the county people's Governments agreed.
    Ministries and institutions in charge of statistics of redeployment should seek the views of higher authorities and local government statistical agencies.
    30th National Bureau of statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level, training for statisticians should systematically, strengthen personnel's professional ethics in statistics education, improve the professional quality of statistics.
    National Bureau of statistics institutions of local people's Governments above the county level and additional and complementary to the statisticians should be transferred from the statistical expertise of personnel selected.
    Fifth Chapter Award and punishment 31st article County above levels government statistics institutions, and the sector, and the enterprise career organization, should in accordance with national or Enterprise career organization of provides, on has following performance one of of statistics personnel or collective, regularly appraisals, give award: (a) in reform and perfect statistics system, and statistics method, aspects, made important contribution of; (ii) in completed provides of Statistics survey task, guarantees statistics information of accuracy, and timely sex aspects, made significantly results of;
    (Three) in for statistics analysis, and statistics forecast and statistics supervision aspects, has innovation, made important results of; (four) in using and promotion modern information technology aspects, made significantly effect of; (five) in improved statistics education and statistics professional training, for statistics scientific research, improve statistics science level aspects, made important contribution of; (six) insisted facts, law do, with violation statistics regulations and statistics system of behavior for struggle, performance highlight of; (seven) expose, and report statistics violations active of. Awards include: Communication Awards, merit and recording work, promotion, promotion, a title of honour and can send the prizes, bonuses.
    Bonus according to the countries or enterprises and organizations in related expenses. 32nd article following behavior, belongs to statistics method 27th article first paragraph by said plot more heavy of violations: (a) false, and concealed, and forged, and tampered with statistics information amounts larger or accounted for should reported amounts of share more of; (ii) false, and concealed, and forged, and tampered with or refused reported statistics information, two years within again occurred of; (three) false, and concealed, and forged, and tampered with, and refused reported or repeatedly late reported statistics information, was ordered corrected and refused to corrected of; (four) false, and concealed, and forged, and tampered with, and
    Refused reported or repeatedly late reported statistics information, caused serious consequences or bad effect of; (five) in accept statistics check Shi, refused to provides situation, and provides false situation or transfer, and hidden, and destroys original statistics records, and statistics Taiwan account, and statistics report and and statistics about of other information of; (six) using violence or threat of method block, and resist statistics check of; (seven) statistics law finds of other behavior.
    33rd enterprises and organizations of the statistics law 27th one of the offences listed in the article, the people's Governments above the county level statistical agency or NBS sent investigation teams be warned and may be fined not more than 50,000 yuan.
    Individual businesses have the law on statistics article 27th one of the offences listed in the first paragraph, the people's Governments above the county level statistical agency or NBS sent investigation teams be warned and may be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.
    34th article of any units or individuals listed in the second paragraph of article 29th of the Statistics Act violation, by the people's Governments above the county level statistics agency ordered corrective action and confiscate the illegal gains and illegal income more than 1 time fined not more than 3 times; no illegal income, and may be fined not more than RMB 30,000 yuan.
    The sixth chapter supplementary articles article 35th People's Republic of China outside the Organization, individuals need to People's Republic of China territory of survey activities, shall entrust the People's Republic of China territory of foreign qualifications in the survey organisation.
    Statistics survey range limited to province, and autonomous regions, and municipalities administrative within of, should holding about proved file and Statistics survey programme, to province, and autonomous regions, and municipalities Government statistics institutions proposed application, by province, and autonomous regions, and municipalities Government statistics institutions approval; statistics survey range across province, and autonomous regions, and municipalities administrative of, should holding about proved file and Statistics survey programme, to statistics proposed application, by statistics approval.
                                                                                                                      As of the date of promulgation of the 36th article of the rules.