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Public Energy-Saving Ordinance

Original Language Title: 公共机构节能条例

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People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 531 on July 23, 2008 to the public energy-saving Ordinance adopted by the 18th Executive meeting of the State Council, are hereby promulgated and take effect on October 1, 2008.
August 1, 2008, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao public energy-saving regulations chapter I General provisions article to promote the energy efficiency of public institutions, improve the efficiency of energy use in public institutions, play a role in the energy efficiency of public institutions in society, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on energy saving, this Ordinance is enacted.
Public bodies referred to in article II of the Ordinance refers in whole or in part using Government funds for State organs, institutions and organizations.
Article III public institutions should strengthen the management of energy, technically feasible and economically reasonable measures be taken to reduce energy consumption, reduce, combat energy waste, effective and rational use of energy. Article fourth for energy conservation by the State Council Department responsible for supervision and administration of the energy efficiency of public institutions nationwide.
Management Office of the State Council working bodies in the Energy Conservation Department under the guidance of the State Council, is responsible for promoting, directing, coordinating and monitoring the energy efficiency of public institutions work.
The State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level offices agencies working under the guidance of the Energy Conservation Department at the same level, responsible for the energy-efficient supervision and management work of public bodies.
Education, science and technology, culture, health, sports and other competent authorities at all levels of the system in similar offices agencies working under the guidance of the management, public entities within the system energy saving work.
Fifth the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level administration agencies should be carried out in conjunction with the departments concerned at the energy efficiency of public institutions public awareness, education and training, popularizing energy-saving science.
Article sixth heads of public agencies responsible for the energy-saving work of the entity.
Public bodies work responsibility system and evaluation system of energy saving, energy saving targets should be used as the head of a public body content of the evaluation.
Seventh public agencies should establish and improve the energy-saving management of rules and regulations, carry out the promotion, education and job training to enhance staff awareness of energy conservation, develop energy-saving habits, improve energy-saving and management level. Eighth energy-saving work in public institutions should be subject to public supervision.
Any unit and individual have the right to report waste of energy by public bodies, should report to the relevant departments of the investigation in a timely manner.
Nineth in public institutions have made remarkable achievements in energy-saving work units and individuals, in accordance with State regulations be commended and rewarded.
Chapter II energy conservation planning article tenth State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level offices agencies shall, jointly with relevant departments at the same level, according to the local government energy-saving medium-and long-term planning, these public agencies energy conservation programs are formulated.
County public agencies energy conservation programs should be included under the jurisdiction of the township (town) content of the energy efficiency of public institutions.
11th public institution saving plans should include guidelines and principles, present situation and problems, energy-saving, energy-saving targets and indicators key links, subjects, safeguard measures and other aspects of content.
12th the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level administration agencies should be energy-saving energy-saving plans by public bodies goals and targets, down to the local level public institutions on an annual basis.
13th public institution units should be combined with the characteristics of energy consumption and the previous year, annual energy-saving targets and implementation plans, or have to take energy-saving management energy-saving measures, ensure energy conservation targets are met.
Public institutions should be annual energy-saving targets and implementation plan of the Office of local government management agency records.
14th chapter three energy-saving management of public bodies should carry out the system of energy consumption metering, can distinguish species, energy system energy consumption for household, classifications, measurement and real-time monitoring of energy consumption, discover and correct use of energy waste.
15th a public body shall designate a person responsible for energy consumption statistics record of energy consumption measured raw data, establish the statistical account.
Public bodies shall before March 31 in each year, to the Office of the people's Governments at the corresponding level management bodies submit reports on their energy consumption in the previous year.
16th State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level offices agencies shall, jointly with relevant departments at the same level in accordance with administrative privileges, depending on the industry and public bodies ' energy level and characteristics of different systems, development of energy consumption, the financial sector based on energy consumption energy consumption expenditure standards.
17th public agency shall, within the scope of energy consumption using energy, enhanced energy consumption expenditure management over energy consumption using energy, shall be filed with the local government authorities a description of the Agency.
18th public institutions shall, in accordance with the compulsory purchase or give priority to purchase provisions, procurement included in government procurement of energy-saving products, equipment list and products in government procurement list for environmental labeling products, equipment, may be purchasing State has been officially eliminated energy-consuming products and equipment.
19th State Council and the provincial government procurement supervisory and administrative departments shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments to improve the energy-saving products and equipment government procurement list, priority will achieve energy-saving products certification for products and equipment included in the Government procurement list.
State and provincial-level people's Governments shall be energy-saving products, equipment, products, government procurement list directory for centralized procurement of equipment to include.
20th public agencies new buildings and renovation of existing buildings should strictly implement the relevant national building energy-saving design, construction, commissioning and acceptance of the regulations and standards, the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level building departments for the implementation of the relevant national rules and standards should strengthen supervision and inspection.
The State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for examination and approval departments for fixed asset investment projects, should strictly control the construction scale and standard of public institution-building projects, integrated energy-saving investment and efficiency, energy-saving evaluation and review of the construction project; not through energy-saving evaluation and review of the project, shall not approve or approve construction.
21st State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level administration agencies in conjunction with the departments concerned of the public institution existing building with energy saving reformation plan, and their implementation. 22nd public institution shall, in accordance with the provisions of the energy audit, energy systems and equipment used for the employer running and technical and economic evaluation of energy use, according to the audit results to take measures to improve energy efficiency.
Specific measures for energy conservation by the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council.
23rd article energy audit of content including: (a) check out buildings completed acceptance information and with can system, and equipment Taiwan account information, check energy-saving design standard of implementation situation; (ii) check electric, and gas, and coal, and oil, and municipal thermal, energy consumption measurement records and financial Bill, assessment classification and points items of total energy, and per capita energy and units area energy; (three) check with can system, and equipment of run status, review energy-saving management system implementation situation;
(Four) check Qian once energy audit reasonable using energy recommends of implementation situation; (five) find exists energy-saving potential of with can link or parts, proposed reasonable using energy of recommends; (six) review annual energy-saving plans, and energy consumption fixed implementation situation, verified public institutions over energy consumption fixed using energy of description; (seven) review energy measurement apparatus of run situation, check energy statistics data of authenticity, and accuracy.
Energy conservation measures for the fourth chapter 24th public institutions should establish and improve the energy management system and system procedures, strengthening energy-consuming systems and equipment operation, maintenance, inspection, implementation of low-cost and no-cost energy-saving measures. 25th public institutions shall set up energy management posts, the implementation of energy management system.
Operating position for key energy systems, equipment shall be equipped with professional and technical personnel.
26th public bodies can adopt energy management contract, principal energy-saving services for diagnosis, design, financing, reconstruction, operation and management. 27th public bodies choose property management service, you should consider its energy management capabilities.
Public institutions and property services property services companies enter into contracts shall set forth the energy management goals and requirements.
28th public institutions to implement energy-saving retrofit, energy audit and analysis of return on investment should be carried out, and clear indicators for energy saving, energy-saving and energy-saving measure after the index assessment and evaluation.
29th public institutions should be reduced and air conditioning, the standby power consumption of electrical equipment such as computers, copiers, turn off electrical equipment in a timely manner.
Article 30th public institutions shall strictly follow state regulations on air conditioning room temperature control, making full use of natural ventilation, improved air conditioner operation and management.
31st public bodies for the purposes of elevator intelligent control system should reasonably set elevator open quantity and time, strengthen operation and maintenance.
32nd public office building should make full use of natural light and using energy-efficient lighting, optimized lighting system design, circuit control, popularization and application of intelligent controlling device, strict control of external floodlighting of buildings, as well as external decorative lights.
33rd public bodies for the purposes of network computer room, canteen, water should be room, boiler room and other parts of the energy focused situation monitoring, take effective measures to reduce energy consumption.
Article 34th official car of a public body shall, in accordance with standard prefers low energy consumption, low pollution and the use of clean energy vehicles and strict implementation of the scrappage scheme.
Public institutions shall, in accordance with the provisions used official cars to develop energy-saving drive specification, advance energy accounting system.
Public institutions should actively promote the socialization of corporate car service, staff members are encouraged to use public transport, non-motorised transport. Fifth chapter to monitor and protect the 35th State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level offices agencies shall, jointly with relevant departments to strengthen supervision and inspection of levels for energy efficiency of public institutions. Supervision and inspection of the contents, including: (a) the annual energy-saving targets and implementation of programme formulation, implementation;

(Ii) energy consumption measurement, and monitoring and statistics situation; (three) energy consumption fixed implementation situation; (four) energy-saving management regulations established situation; (five) energy management post set and energy management post accountability implementation situation; (six) with can system, and equipment energy-saving run situation; (seven) carried out energy audit situation; (eight) corporate with car equipped with, and using situation.
For energy-saving rules and regulations are not sound, more than energy consumption using energy major public institutions, focused supervision and inspection should be carried out.
Article 36th public bodies shall cooperate with the energy saving supervision and inspection, truthfully explain the situation and to provide relevant information and data, and may not refuse or impede. 37th article public institutions has following behavior one of of, by this level government management organ Affairs work of institutions with about sector ordered deadline corrected; late not corrected of, be informed, and by about organ on public institutions head law give disposition: (a) not developed annual energy-saving target and implementation programme, or not according to provides will annual energy-saving target and implementation programme record of; (ii) not implemented energy consumption measurement system, or not distinguish with can type, and with can system implemented energy consumption points households, and classification, and Points items measurement, and on energy consumption status for real-time monitoring of; (three) not specified hand is responsible for energy consumption statistics, or not truthfully records energy consumption measurement original data, established statistics Taiwan account of; (four) not according to requirements submitted Shang a annual energy consumption status report of; (five) over energy consumption fixed using energy, not to this level government management organ Affairs work of institutions made description of; (six) not established energy management post, or not in focus with can system, and
Equipment to operate professional and technical personnel, and (VII) not in accordance with the provisions of the energy audit, or not based on the audit results to take measures to improve energy efficiency; (VIII) refuses or obstructs the energy saving supervision and inspection.
38th article public institutions not implementation energy-saving products, and equipment government procurement directory, not according to national about forced procurement or priority procurement of provides procurement included energy-saving products, and equipment government procurement directory in the of products, and equipment, or procurement national expressly eliminated of with can products, and equipment of, by government procurement supervision management sector give warning, can and at fine; on directly is responsible for of competent personnel and other directly responsibility personnel law give disposition, and to informed.
39th is responsible for examination and approval Department of fixed assets investment projects does not pass the energy-saving evaluation and review be ratified or approved by the public institution-building projects, the directly responsible person in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given administrative sanctions.
Public sector construction through energy-saving evaluation and review of the projects, the relevant authorities shall order rectification; directly responsible in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given administrative sanctions.
40th public agency violates the required Super standard, in preparation to purchase official cars or refuses to discard the high energy-consuming, high-polluting vehicles, the directly responsible person in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given administrative sanctions, and the people's Governments at the corresponding level control agencies services agencies that work in accordance with the relevant provisions, take back of vehicles, auctions, is ordered to return the handle.
41st public establishments in violation of regulations can result in a waste of energy, by the local government agencies that work in conjunction with relevant departments of organs of management energy-saving modification of the submissions, public bodies should be implemented in a timely manner.
42nd management offices of Agency staff in the energy efficiency of public institutions in the supervision and management of abuse, negligence, malpractice, constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; does not constitute a crime, he shall be subject to punishment. Sixth chapter supplementary articles article 43rd the regulations come into force on October 1, 2008.