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Basic Surveying And Mapping Regulation

Original Language Title: 基础测绘条例

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People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 556

                        Basic surveying and mapping of the regulations adopted by the State Council on May 6, 2009 at the 62nd Executive meeting, are hereby promulgated and take effect on August 1, 2009.

                        Prime Minister Wen Jiabao

The May 12, 2009

Basic surveying and mapping regulation

Chapter I General provisions

First in order to strengthen the basic surveying and mapping management, normative basis for surveying and mapping activities, protection of basic surveying and mapping service for the country's economic construction, national defense and social development services, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on surveying and mapping, this Ordinance is enacted.

Article in the People's Republic of China area and People's Republic of China engaged in fundamental surveying and mapping activities in other waters under the jurisdiction, this Regulation shall apply.

Basic surveying and mapping mentioned in these regulations refers to establish a unified national surveying and mapping datums and systems, based on aerial photography and get basic geographic information of remote sensing data, and preparation and updating of national basic scale maps, imagery, and digital products, establish and update basic geographic information system.

People's Republic of China territorial waters, the People's Republic of China of the landward side of the baseline of the territorial sea to the shoreline waters and People's Republic of China waters seas jurisdiction the basic surveying and mapping activities, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council and the Central Military Commission.

The third basic surveying and mapping is a public welfare undertaking.

The people's Governments above the county level shall strengthen leadership of the basic surveying and mapping work, basic surveying and mapping into the national economic and social development plans and annual plans, requirements are included in the financial budgets. State financial support for the basic surveying and mapping in remote areas and minority regions.

Specific measures formulated by the Finance Department in conjunction with the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration.

Fourth article shall follow the basic surveying and mapping work and manpower planning, principles of management, regular updates and security.

Fifth section surveying and mapping Administration Department under the State Council is responsible for the unified supervision and management of basic surveying and mapping work throughout the country.

Local people's Governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of surveying and mapping Administration (hereinafter referred to as competent Department of surveying and mapping Administration) responsible for the administration of basic surveying and mapping work unified supervision and management.

Sixth in fundamental surveying and mapping activities, the State encourages the use of advanced science and technology and advanced equipment, strengthen basic research and construction of Informationization surveying and mapping system, establish a unified geographic information public service platform, share the fundamental geographic information resources, improve the ability of basic surveying and mapping service.

Chapter II basic survey planning

Article seventh surveying and mapping Administration Department under the State Council in conjunction with the other relevant departments, military survey and Mapping Department, organization national surveying and mapping plans, after approval by the State organization.

Competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments at and above the county level shall, in conjunction with other relevant sectors of the people's Governments at the corresponding level, according to the country and on the basis of people's Governments at the surveying and mapping plans and the administrative situation, organized the preparation of the basic surveying and mapping of administrative planning, reported to the people's Governments at the corresponding level approval and reported to a higher competent Department of surveying and mapping administration after filing implementation. Article eighth before basic surveying and mapping plans to submit for approval, organizations should organize experts to demonstrate, and to seek the views of the relevant departments and units.

Among them, the basic surveying and mapping of local planning, involving the military restricted zones and military administrative zones or combat engineering should also seek the views of military authorities.

Basic surveying and mapping plan submitted to the approval documentation should be attached with the opinion adopted in and why.

Nineth Organization Department shall publish the approved basic surveying and mapping program.

Approved basic surveying and mapping to plan is the basis of basic surveying and mapping work, not be modified without statutory procedures; necessitates modification, should the original approval procedures submitted for approval in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.

Article tenth development and reform of the State Council in conjunction with the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration, preparation of annual plans for national basic mapping.

Local people's Governments at or above the county level development and reform Department in conjunction with the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration, preparation of the annual plan for the administrative area of basic surveying and mapping, and reported to the authorities at a higher level for the record.

11th competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level should according to the need to respond to emergencies such as natural disasters, development of appropriate basic surveying and mapping of emergency security plan.

Basic surveying emergency security plan should include: emergency protection system, equipped with emergency equipment and equipment, emergency response, emergency preparation and updating of basic geographic information data such as emergency safeguard measures.

Chapter III organization implementation of basic surveying and mapping projects

12th the following basic surveying and mapping project, implemented by the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the State Council organization:

(A) to establish a unified national surveying and mapping datums and systems;

(B) the establishment and updating of national fundamental geographic information system;

(C) organize the implementation of national basic aerial Photogrammetry;

(D) for national fundamental geographic information data;

(E) the preparation and updating of the national 1: between 1 million and 1:25,000 national basic scale maps, images and digital products;

(F) countries in urgent need of basic surveying and mapping projects.

13th the following basic surveying and mapping projects by the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities implement:

(A) established within the administrative area of unified geodetic network with national systems and vertical control networks;

(B) establishing and updating fundamental geographic information systems;

(C) organize the implementation of local basic aerial photography;

(D) access to fundamental geographic information based on remote sensing data;

(E) the preparation and updating of the administrative region 1:10,000 to 1:5,000 national primary scale maps, imagery, and digital products.

14th district of city and County shall be organized and implemented 1:2000 to 1:500-scale maps, images and the preparation and updating of digital products as well as local regulations, local government regulations determine the basic surveying and mapping projects implemented by the organization.

Article 15th organization of implementation of basic surveying and mapping projects, should be based on the basic surveying and mapping plans and annual plans of surveying and mapping, according to law the basic surveying and mapping projects.

16th basic surveying and mapping projects unit should have basic surveying and mapping project they have undertaken the appropriate level qualification of surveying and mapping, and do not go beyond the scope permitted by their level of qualification in basic surveying and mapping activities.

Basic surveying and mapping project undertaker shall have perfect secrecy and perfect security facilities, strict implementation of the provisions relating to State secrets laws, regulations.

17th engaged in fundamental surveying and mapping activities, should use the unified geodetic datum, height depth of baselines, benchmarks, benchmark of gravity, as well as the national geodetic coordinate system, of the plane coordinate system and height system, geocentric coordinate systems, gravity systems, implementation of national surveying and mapping technical specifications and standards.

Due to construction, urban planning and the need for scientific research, is absolutely necessary to establish independent of plane coordinate system should be linked to the national coordinate system.

18th above the county level people's Governments and their competent authorities should follow the scientific planning and rational distribution, the principle of effective use, taking into account present and future needs, strengthening the construction of basic surveying and mapping facilities and avoid duplication of investments.

State survey and mapping infrastructure funds, priority should be given to aerial photography, satellite remote sensing, data transmission and the basic surveying and mapping needs of emergency support.

19th State shall protect the basic surveying and mapping facilities. No unit or individual may appropriate, destroyed, dismantled or moved without permission based mapping facilities.

Destruction of basic surveying and mapping facilities, competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments at and above the county level shall take timely measures, organized repair, ensure that basic surveying and mapping activities normally.

Article 20th competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level shall strengthen basic aerial photography and mapping of high spatial resolution satellite images acquisition and distribution of integrated and coordinated, do the basic surveying and mapping in emergency support work, with appropriate equipment and facilities, the Organization to carry out training and exercises, and constantly improve the ability of basic surveying and mapping in emergency support services.

After the occurrence of natural disasters and other emergencies, competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level shall immediately start the basic surveying and mapping in emergency support plan, adopt effective measures, emergency preparation and updating of basic geographic information data.

The fourth chapter updates and utilization of basic surveying production

21st State applies a system of basic surveying production updates on a regular basis. Basic surveying and mapping results to update different parts of the cycle should be based on the national economic and social development needs, level of surveying and mapping production capacity, changes in the underlying geographic information and other factors identified.

Among them, the 1:1 million to 1:5,000 national primary scale map, image maps and digital products for 5 years at least once; in areas prone to natural disasters, as well as the national economy, national defense construction and social development of much-needed basic surveying and mapping results have to be updated in a timely manner.

Basic surveying update cycle to determine specific measures shall be formulated by the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration in conjunction with the military survey and mapping departments and other departments concerned under the State Council.

22nd competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level shall collect relevant administrative boundaries, names of places, water, transport, settlement and vegetation changes of geographical information, regularly updated basic surveying and mapping results.

The people's Governments above the county level departments and units shall be to the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration information gathering to support and cooperate with us.

Article 23rd according to the relevant departments of the State requires ratification or approval of the mapping project, the relevant departments in approval or approval should be written before seeking the views of competent Department of surveying and mapping administration at the same level, a suitable basic surveying and mapping results should make full use of the existing basic surveying and mapping results and avoid duplication of surveying and mapping.

Article 24th competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level shall take measures to strengthen the fundamental geographic information and preparation, processing, handling, and providing supervision and management, and ensure that the underlying quality of surveying and mapping results.

25th base project of surveying and mapping unit shall establish a sound basis for quality management system of surveying and mapping results, strict implementation of national surveying and mapping technical specifications and standards, on its complete base responsible for the quality of surveying and mapping results.

26th of basic surveying production use, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Council.

The fifth chapter legal liability
27th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level authorities and other relevant authorities would not determine the basic surveying and mapping project mapping qualification or do not have the corresponding qualification of surveying and mapping units, rectification, the persons in charge and other direct liable persons directly responsible shall be given disciplinary action.

28th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level departments and other departments concerned used his position to accept others ' property and other benefits, or neglects his duties, does not perform its functions of supervision or that the violation is not investigated, resulting in serious consequences, constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; does not constitute a crime, he shall be subject to punishment.

29th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, without the qualification certificate to engage in surveying and mapping of basic surveying and mapping activities, shall be ordered to desist from the illegal act, confiscate the illegal income and on surveying and mapping results and survey agreed to pay more than 1 time fined not more than twice.

30th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, basic surveying and mapping projects beyond the qualification limits of basic surveying and mapping activities, shall be ordered to desist from the illegal act, confiscate the illegal income and on surveying and mapping results, survey agreed to pay more than 1 time fined not more than twice, and can be ordered ordered to stop or reduce the level of qualification in serious, surveying and mapping certificate revocation.

31st in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, the implementation of basic surveying and mapping project, do not use national surveying and mapping datums and systems or failing to implement state provision of technical specifications and standards of surveying and mapping, rectification and give a warning, and may be fined a maximum of 100,000 yuan; for persons who are directly in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given sanctions.

32nd in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, seize, destroy, dismantle or move without authorization of the basic surveying and mapping, rectification and give a warning, and may be fined a maximum of 50,000 yuan; losses caused shall bear liability constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law; does not constitute a crime, the person directly in charge and other direct liable persons shall be given disciplinary action.

33rd in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, substandard basic surveying and mapping results, order a base project of surveying and mapping units and supplementary test or in serious cases, to order the rectification, reducing the level of qualification until the revocation of qualification certificate of survey and mapping; losses caused to a user shall bear liability.

34th article of the Ordinance reduced qualification level administrative penalties, revocation mapping certificates, certificates of qualification issued by the Department; other administrative punishment decided by the competent Department of surveying and mapping administration under the people's Governments above the county level.

The sixth chapter supplementary articles 35th article of the regulations come into force on August 1, 2009.