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Regulations On Controlling Marine Environment Pollution From Ships

Original Language Title: 防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例

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People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 561

                      The prevention of pollution from ships of the marine environmental regulations on the administration of the State Council on September 2, 2009 at the 79th Executive Council, are hereby promulgated and take effect on March 1, 2010.

                        Prime Minister Wen Jiabao

The September 9, 2009

Regulations on controlling marine environment pollution from ships

Chapter I General provisions

Activities related to job first in order to control the ship and its pollution of the marine environment, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on marine environmental protection, this Ordinance is enacted.

Second ship and its related operating activities People's Republic of China jurisdiction governed by this regulation.

Article III prevention of marine pollution by ships and related operations environment, applying the principle of putting prevention first and combining prevention.

Article fourth of State transportation departments under the jurisdiction of the port area in the waters of non-military vessels outside the waters of Hong Kong and non-fishery, non-military prevention of ship pollution of the marine environment.

A maritime administrative agency specifically responsible for the control of ships in accordance with this Ordinance and the relevant activities of pollution of the marine environment supervision and management.

Article fifth transportation departments under the State Council shall, in accordance with control of the ship and the activity needs of pollution of the marine environment, organizations combating marine pollution from shipping and related activities of environmental emergency response plan, approved by the State Council after the implementation.

Coastal districts of local people's Governments above city level shall, according to the State Council for approval of combating marine pollution from shipping and related activities of environmental emergency response plan, and in accordance with the actual situation of the region, prepare appropriate control marine pollution from shipping and related activities of environmental emergency response planning.

Article sixth of State transportation departments coastal districts, and local people's Governments above city level shall establish and improve the prevention and control of marine pollution from shipping and related activities environmental emergency response mechanism and the prevention and control marine pollution from shipping and related activities environmental emergency plans.

Seventh maritime administrative agency should be under control of the ship and the activity needs of pollution of the marine environment, in conjunction with the Marine Department to establish and improve marine pollution from shipping and related activities of environmental monitoring, monitoring mechanisms, strengthen shipping related activities and monitoring, monitoring of pollution of the marine environment.

Eighth State transportation departments, coastal districts local people's Governments above city level shall be in accordance with the prevention of marine pollution by ships and its related activities of environmental emergency response planning, establish professional first responders and emergency response equipment, equipped with special facilities, equipment and devices.

Nineth no units and individuals to find the ship and the activity has caused, or is likely to cause pollution of the marine environment shall immediately report to the maritime administrative agency.

Chapter II control of the ship and the job activities

The General rules of the marine environment

Article tenth of the structure, the equipment, the equipment shall comply with the relevant national control of vessel pollution of the marine environment of the technical specifications and People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to an international treaty requirements.

Ship shall be in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations or the State Council Department of transportation, as well as People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to an international treaty requirements, make the prevention of pollution from ships and carry on board the marine environment certificate, instrument.

In the 11th vessel owner, operator or administrator shall, in accordance with the Transportation Department regulations, establishing and perfecting the management system of safe operation and the prevention of pollution from ships.

The maritime administrative agency shall set forth the safe operations audit the management system and the prevention of pollution from ships, the examination and issue the certificate of compliance of vessel safety management.

12th port, dock, loading and unloading station and engaged in ship repair unit shall be equipped with loading and unloading of cargo types and throughput ability to adapt or build ships pollution monitoring facilities and pollutants to a reception facility, and keep them in good condition.

13th port, dock, loading and unloading station and engaged in ship building and repairing, fishing units, dismantling operations should be developed about safe operation and pollution prevention management system, in accordance with the relevant ship and its related activities of pollution of the marine environment of norms and standards, equipped with appropriate pollution prevention equipment and devices, and through special acceptance of the maritime administrative agency.

Ports, terminals, Terminal, and engaged in ship repair units, salvage, dismantling operations should be regular checks, maintenance is equipped with pollution control equipment and devices, ensuring pollution prevention equipment and equipment in accordance with shipping and its activities related to job requirements of pollution of the marine environment.

14th owner, operator, or Manager, as well as on the operating unit should be the prevention and control of ships and related activities marine environment pollution emergency plan, and approval of the maritime administrative agency.

Ports, terminals, terminal operators should be the prevention and control of marine pollution from shipping and related activities environmental emergency plans, and report to the maritime administrative agency for record.

Ships, ports, terminals, Terminal and other related operations should be in accordance with the emergency plan drills are regularly organized, and make records.

Chapter III emissions of pollutants from ships and receives

Article 15th in the People's Republic of China sea areas under the jurisdiction of discharge into the sea by garbage from ships, sewage, oily, noxious substances effluent, emissions and other pollutants and ballast water shall comply with laws, administrative regulations, People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to international treaties as well as the requirements of the relevant standard.

Ships did not meet emissions requirements set forth in the preceding paragraph should be discharging pollutants into port reception facilities or are received by the receiving unit for pollutants from ship.

Ships not to delineate marine nature reserve, seaside scenic, important fishing areas and others in need of special protection waters discharged pollutants from ships.

16th ship disposal of pollutants, should be recorded in the appropriate logbook.

Ships should be done using the garbage record book for ships on the ship for 2 years after use of oily water, sewage containing toxic substances record book on the ship retained for 3 years.

17th ship pollutants unit that receives garbage from ships, oil residue, oily water and noxious substances received work, shall be subject to approval of the maritime administrative agency.

18th receiving unit receiving ship pollutants pollutants from ships, the ship pollutants to receive documents issued by, and signed by the master.

Ship pollutants receive documents to the maritime administrative agency for pollutants receive proof, and will receive a certificate saved in the corresponding pollutants in the record book.

Article 19th pollutant receiving unit shall, in accordance with the national provisions relating to waste disposal process of pollutants from ships, and pollutants from ship receiving and handling of the maritime administrative agency for record.

Fourth chapter relating to operating activities pollution prevention

20th ship clearing routes, tank cleaning, oil, handling, transfer, repair, salvage, dismantling, dangerous goods packing, tank filling, pollution cleanup jobs, and underwater operations such as ship operations, shall comply with the relevant procedures, and to take the necessary safety and pollution prevention measures.

Personnel involved in the activities provided for in the preceding paragraph, shall meet the safety and pollution prevention expertise and skills.

21st the ship does not comply with requirements of the dangerous goods contained, may not carry dangerous goods terminals, loading and unloading terminals for the loading operation is prohibited.

Dangerous goods list published by the national maritime administrations.

22nd carrying dangerous goods entering and leaving the harbour the ship, the carrier, the owner or his agent, shall apply to the maritime administrative agency, approved to be in and out of ports, transit stop or loading and unloading operations.

Article 23rd vessels carrying dangerous goods, published by the maritime administrative agency shall have a corresponding safe handling and pollutant processing capacity of the docks, loading and unloading station for loading and unloading operations.

24th the owner or agent shall deliver the ship carrying dangerous goods shall ensure that cargo packaging and labelling complies with the relevant safety and pollution prevention requirements and accurately indicate that the goods in the transport document of the technical name, number, category (), number, precautions and emergency measures, and so on.

Owner or agent of unknown delivery of vessels carrying dangerous goods, should be assessed by the national maritime safety authority identified agencies to conduct hazard assessments, clear goods properties and the safety and pollution prevention requirements in order to deliver the ship carried.

25th maritime authority delivery of vessels carrying dangerous goods should be declared and undeclared or declared content are not realistic, you can follow the transportation departments under the State Council to take out of the box, such as identification. A maritime administrative agency identification dangerous goods, cargo owner or agent shall be present and responsible for moving goods, opening and packing of the goods.

Deemed necessary by the maritime administrative agency, you can track the line inspection, re-inspection or extracted samples, relevant units and individuals shall meet.

Article 26th bulk liquid dangerous goods transfer operations of the ship, the carrier, the owner or his agent shall apply to the maritime administrative agency, informed the work sites, and be accompanied by transfer operations programme, operating procedures, pollution prevention and control measures and other materials. The maritime administrative agency shall, within 2 working days from the date of acceptance of the application approval or disapproval decision.

Within 2 working days to make a decision, approved by the head of the maritime administration, and can be extended by 5 days. 27th of ship fuel for job qualification in law shall be submitted to the maritime administrative agency for record.

The maritime administrative agency shall supervise and inspect the ship fuel for the job, and found not to meet the safety and pollution prevention requirements, should be stopped.

28th marine fuel supply unit shall fill in fuel for the document, and provided ship to ship fuel for the documents and the fuel samples.

Ships and marine fuel supply units fuel supply documents should be kept for 3 years, and fuel samples properly stored for 1 year.
29th ship building and dismantling locations, water shall comply with the environmental function Division and marine functional zoning, and by the maritime administrative agency to seek local environmental protection authorities advice and marine authorities determined and published.

30th units engaged in the dismantling of ships in ship dismantling operations, should dispose of residues and wastes on ships, tanks (tank) oil barge, to carry out work space cleaning, washing, measuring, and inspected by the maritime administrative agency qualified before they can ship dismantling.

Units engaged in ship dismantling should clean ship dismantling site in a timely manner, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State treatment of pollutants from the dismantling of ships.

Prohibits washed beaches of ship dismantling.

31st marine traffic through People's Republic of China internal waters, territorial sea transfer of hazardous wastes.

By People's Republic of China sea areas under the jurisdiction of transferring hazardous waste, should obtain prior written consent of the Environmental Protection Department under the State Council, and route specified by the maritime administrative agency, regularly report the position of the ship.

Article 32nd ships dumping waste into the ocean, pulled out of the Hong Kong should be the seat of the maritime administrative agency approval documents submitted to the Marine Department confirmed visa processing ship out of the port side. Ship to dump wastes at sea shall faithfully record the dumping.

After returning to Hong Kong, should be pulled out of the maritime administrative agency to submit a written report at the port.

Article 33rd of bulk liquid dangerous goods carried by ships and other ships of 10,000 gross tons or more, the operator should be in or out of Hong Kong before the job front and achieve pollution cleanup job qualifications between the pollution cleanup job agreement, clearly both sides in the event of pollution accident by ship pollution clear rights and obligations.

Pollution cleanup job agreement with the ship operators of pollution cleanup job after the unit shall, in the event of pollution accident by ship, according to pollution response protocol for pollution cleanup job in a timely manner.

Article 34th units applied for pollution cleanup job qualifications to the maritime administrative agency shall submit a written application and submit their materials with the following condition:

(A) equipped with pollution removal facilities, equipment, materials and personnel in compliance with the provisions of the Transport Department;

(B) developing pollution cleanup job programmes in accordance with control of the ship and the activity requirements of pollution of the marine environment;

(C) waste disposal programme meet the State regulations on pollution control and prevention.

The maritime administrative agency shall accept the application within 30 working days from the date of completion of the review, and certificate of qualification issued to eligible units; do not meet the conditions, and notify the applicant in writing and state the reasons.

Fifth marine pollution accident emergency

Article 35th of pollution accident by ship mentioned in these regulations refers to the ship and its related activities of oil, oily mixtures and other marine pollution accidents caused by leakage of toxic and harmful substances.

Article 36th of pollution accident by ship is divided into the following levels:

(A) major pollution accident by ship, refers to more than 1000 tons of oil spill, or caused a direct economic loss of over 200 million yuan of pollution accident by ship;

(B) a significant pollution accident by ship, means more than 500 tons of oil spills from ships of less than 1000 tons, or caused a direct economic loss of more than 100 million Yuan less than 200 million yuan of pollution accident by ship;

(C) the larger of pollution accident by ship, refers to more than 100 tons of oil spills from ships of less than 500 tons, or caused a direct economic loss of more than 50 million Yuan less than 100 million yuan of pollution accident by ship;

(D) generally ship pollution accidents, refers to less than 100 tonnes of oil spill, or causing direct economic losses of less than 50 million yuan of pollution accident by ship.

37th ships in People's Republic of China pollution accident in sea areas under the jurisdiction or in the People's Republic of China pollution accident in waters outside the jurisdiction has caused or threatens to cause People's Republic of China pollution of sea areas under the jurisdiction, should immediately start the appropriate contingency plans and take measures to control and eliminate pollution, and to report to the maritime administrative agency.

Ship is found and its associated activities are likely to cause pollution of the marine environment, ships, ports, loading and unloading stations should immediately take appropriate emergency measures, and to report to the maritime administrative agency.

Reports of the maritime administrative agency shall immediately verify the information, and to the higher maritime administrative agency or the Transportation Department reports, and the coastal districts of local people's Governments above city level.

Article 38th of pollution accident by ship reports should include the following:

(A) the name, nationality of the ship, call sign or number;

(B) the owner, operator or manager's name and address;

(C) the time and place of the accident and related meteorological and hydrological conditions;

(D) the judge of the cause of the accident or the cause of the accident;

(E) the type and quantity of pollutants, loading on the ship location and other information;

(Vi) pollution;

(VII) have taken or intend to take pollution control, removal and pollution control measures, as well as the assistance required;

(VIII) transportation departments under the State Council shall report to the other matters.

To report new developments in ship pollution accidents, ships and units shall promptly remedy.

39th special major pollution accident by ship, or the State Council authorized the Transportation Department under the State Council to set up emergency response command structure.

Major pollution accident by ship, the relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipal people's Governments shall, together with the establishment of a maritime administrative agency emergency response command structure.

Large marine pollution and marine pollution accidents, about district municipal people's Governments shall, in conjunction with the establishment of a maritime administrative agency emergency response command structure.

The relevant departments or units under unified organization and command of the emergency command, Division of labour in accordance with the emergency plan, undertake emergency handling.

40th ship in danger of sinking, the crew before leaving the ship, all cargo should be closed as much as possible (the Cabinet), tank (tank) pipe valve, blocking cargo (Cabinet), tank (tank) vent.

Ship sinks, vessel owner or operator or manager shall promptly report to the maritime administrative agency bunker, dangerous goods and other pollutant nature of the location, quantity, type, load, and so on, and to take timely measures to be removed.

41st of pollution accident by ship or ships, and may cause People's Republic of China sea areas under the jurisdiction of pollution, the coastal districts of the municipal people's Government above, the maritime administrative agency according to emergency needs, can requisition units or individuals of ships and pollution prevention facilities, equipment, tools and other supplies, the relevant units and individuals shall cooperate. Expropriation of ships and pollution prevention facilities, equipment, tools and other materials used or the end of the emergency, shall be promptly returned.

Shipping and pollution prevention facilities, equipment, tools and other goods damaged, destroyed or lost after being requisitioned or expropriated, compensation shall be made. 42nd case of pollution accident by ship, the maritime administrative agency can take clear, salvage, towage, pilotage, transfer and other necessary measures to mitigate pollution damage.

Related costs related to cause pollution of the marine environment by ships, operating units.

Need to assume cost of ship under the preceding paragraph shall be paid before departure-related expenses or provide appropriate financial assurance.

Article 43rd dispersants to dispose of pollution accident by ship shall comply with the relevant national standards.

The maritime administrative agency shall promptly comply with the relevant national standards for directory of dispersants to the public.

Ships, units used dispersants to dispose of the ship pollution accidents, should be in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on marine environmental protection regulations.

Investigation and handling of the sixth chapter of pollution accident by ship

44th accident investigations dealing with pollution from ships in accordance with the following provisions:

(A) the special major marine pollution accidents by the State Council or authorized the Transportation Department and other departments of the State Council organized investigation and handling of accidents;

(B) the major marine pollution accidents investigation and handling of accidents organized by the national maritime administrations;

(C) the larger ship pollution accidents and marine pollution accident by maritime administrative organizations of the accident investigation and handling of accidents.

Marine pollution accident causing damage to fisheries, should involve the fisheries authorities in investigation and handling; damages are caused to the military port, should absorb the relevant military authorities involved in the investigation process.

45th ship pollution accidents, accident investigation and treatment of organs of the organization or the maritime administrative agency shall timely, objective, impartial nature of accident investigation, examining the accident scene, check the relevant ship, asking people, collect evidence, identify the cause of the accident.

Article 46th accident investigation authorities or maritime administrative agency according to the need for investigation and handling of accidents, you can withhold the corresponding certificates, documents, materials, if necessary, you can prevent a ship leaving port or ordered to suspend, change, cease operations temporarily ship.

47th commissioned agency investigation and handling of accidents need to be technical appraisal or inspection, testing, shall entrust the Transportation Department recognized institutions.

48th organized investigation and handling of accidents or the maritime administrative agency when conducting accident investigations, of pollution accident by ship parties and other persons concerned should faithfully reflect the situation and provide information, or forge, conceal, destroy evidence or otherwise impede the investigation.

49th organized investigation and handling of accidents or the maritime administrative agency shall, within 20 working days from the closing date of the accident investigation certificate of production accidents, and served on the party.

Accident report shall set forth the basic situation, the cause of the accident and liability.

Seventh ship pollution damage compensation

Those responsible for marine pollution damage from 50th should be to eliminate it, and compensation for the losses result solely from a third party intentionally or negligently, causing pollution damage to the marine, to eliminate it by a third party, and liability.

51st complete one of the following circumstances, after the prompt adoption of reasonable measures cannot prevent pollution damage to the marine environment, exemption from responsibility:

(A) war;

(B) irresistible natural disasters;

(C) the authorities responsible for lighthouses or other navigational equipment, negligence in the performance of his duties, or other wrongful acts. 52nd ship pollution accident indemnity in accordance with the People's Republic of China Maritime Code provisions on limitation of liability for maritime claims.
However, ships carrying persistent oil in bulk substances of People's Republic of China sea areas under the jurisdiction of pollution, limit of indemnity in accordance with the People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to by provisions of relevant international treaties.

Persistent oils referred to in the preceding paragraph, means any persistent hydrocarbon mineral oil. 53rd in the People's Republic of China ships sailing in the sea areas under the jurisdiction, all of its provisions shall, in accordance with the Transportation Department, insurance against civil liability for oil pollution damage from ships insurance or obtain the appropriate financial security.

However, the 1000 gt except for the following vessels carry substances other than oil.

Ship owners insure civil liability for oil pollution damage from ships insurance or the amount of financial guarantee shall not be less than the People's Republic of China maritime law and the People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to relevant international oil pollution compensation limits imposed by the Treaty.

Bear civil liability for oil pollution damage insurance commercial insurance institutions and mutual insurance companies, and by national maritime authority identified and after consultation with the insurance supervision and Administration Department under the State Council announced.

54th in accordance with this section 53rd requires insurance against civil liability for oil pollution damage from ships insurance or financial guarantees in the vessel, the owner shall hold a nationality certificate, on civil liability for oil pollution damage insurance contract or financial guarantee certificate, apply to the port of registry of the maritime administrative agency for civil liability for oil pollution damage insurance certificate or financial guarantee certificates.

55th to ships oil pollution accidents, national counterparts on emergency disposal, decontamination of necessary costs incurred, should be priority of claim in compensation for oil pollution damage from ships.

56th in the People's Republic of China receives the waters transporting persistent oils by sea cargo owner or his agent shall pay a compensation fund for oil pollution damage from ships.

Ship pollution damage compensation fund levy, the use and management of specific measures by the financial Department of the State Council in conjunction with the Transport Department. State establishment of oil pollution damage compensation fund management board, is responsible for compensation fund for compensation for oil pollution damage from ships.

Oil pollution damage compensation fund management board by the relevant administrative authority and payment of compensation fund for oil pollution damage from ships consisting of major shippers.

57th of ship pollution damage compensation dispute, the parties concerned may request the maritime administrative agency mediation can also apply for arbitration or bring a civil action to the arbitration body.

The eighth chapter legal liability

Article 58th of ships, about a job in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, the maritime administrative agency shall be ordered to correct; it refuses, the maritime administrative agency may order cessation of operations, the force unmount, prohibition of vessels entering and leaving the port and berthing, transit stay or ordered to suspend, change, departure, drove to the designated location.

59th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, the structure of the ship does not comply with the relevant national technology of controlling marine environment pollution from ships specifications or requirements of the relevant international treaties, by the maritime administrative agency fines of between 100,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan.

60th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, any of the following circumstances, by the maritime administrative agency in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on marine environmental protection shall be punished:

(A) the ship has not been achieved and to carry on board to fight marine pollution of the marine environment certificate, instrument;

(B) ships, ports, docks, loading and unloading stations not equipped with pollution control equipment and devices;

(C) ship disposal regulations prohibiting the emission of pollutants into the sea;

(Iv) the ship has not been faithfully record the disposal of pollutants;

(E) ships more than the standard discharge pollutants into the sea;

(F) engaged in ship dismantling on the water, causing marine pollution damage to the environment.

61st in violation of the provisions of these regulations, a ship has not been retained in accordance with the provisions on the ship ship pollution disposal records, or marine pollution disposal records and the amount of pollutants produced during the ship's operation does not meet, by the Maritime Administration Department fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.

62nd in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, marine pollutant receiving unit without the approval of the maritime administrative agency, arbitrarily engaged in garbage from ships, oil residue, oily water and sewage reception of noxious substances, by the maritime administrative agency of between 50,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan fine cause pollution of the marine environment, between 250,000 and 50,000 yuan fine.

63rd in violation of the provisions of this regulation, the ship is not in accordance with the provisions of pollutants receive proof, or is not in accordance with the provisions of the takeover for pollutants from ship ship pollutants receives and processes the maritime administrative agency for record, by the maritime administration to a fine of up to 20,000 yuan.

64th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, any of the following circumstances, by the maritime administrative agency fined not more than 2000 Yuan and 10,000 Yuan:

(A) proof of the ship does not comply with the requirements to keep pollutants receive;

(B) the ship's fuel supply unit do not fill fuel for documents;

(C) ships provide fuel oil supply unit in accordance with the provisions of the ship for the documents and samples of the fuel;

(D) ships and ships save fuel oil supply unit in accordance with the provisions for documentation and samples of the fuel.

65th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, any of the following circumstances, the Maritime Administration Department fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 Yuan:

(A) vessels carrying dangerous goods do not meet fitness requirements of dangerous goods;

(B) vessels carrying dangerous goods do not have the appropriate security handling and pollutant processing capacity of the docks, loading and unloading station for loading and unloading operations;

(C) the owner or his agent is not in accordance with the provisions for dangerous goods of unknown hazard assessment.

66th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, without the approval of the maritime administrative agency, carriage of dangerous goods by vessels in and out of ports, transit travel, for loading and unloading or transfer operations, by the maritime administrative agency the fines of between 50,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan.

67th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, any of the following circumstances, the Maritime Administration Department fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 Yuan:

(A) the sinking of ship accidents, ship-owner or operator fails to report to the maritime administrative agency the ship fuel and dangerous goods, as well as other pollutants, amount, type, load position;

(B) sinking of ship accidents, ship-owner or operator fails to take measures to clear the ship fuel and dangerous goods, as well as other pollutants.

68th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, any of the following circumstances, by the maritime administrative agency the fines of between 50,000 yuan and 10,000 Yuan:

(A) the carriage of bulk liquid dangerous goods ships and other ships of 10,000 gross tons or more, entered into the operator in accordance with the provisions of the pollution cleanup job agreement;

(B) lack of pollution cleanup job qualification units of pollution cleanup job agreement signed and pollution response operations. 69th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, of pollution accident by ship, ships, the job does not immediately activate emergency response plans, the vessel, the operating units concerned, by the Maritime Administration Department fines of less than 20,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan; directly responsible in charge and other direct liable persons, by the maritime administrative agency fines of between 10,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan.

Managers directly responsible and other persons belonging to the crew, and a withholding certificate of competency or other documents from 1 month to 3 months of punishment. 70th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, of pollution accident by ship, ship, operation units late, fail to report accidents, ships, relevant companies, by the maritime administrative agency fined not more than 50,000 yuan and more than 250,000; directly responsible in charge and other direct liable persons, by the maritime administrative agency the fines of between 50,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan. Managers directly responsible and other persons belonging to the crew, and a withholding certificate of competency or other relevant documents the penalties of from 3 months to 6 months. False claim and skimming of accident, the vessel, the operating units concerned, by the maritime administrative agency fined not more than 250,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan; directly responsible in charge and other direct liable persons, by the maritime administrative agency fines of between 50,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.

Managers directly responsible and other persons belonging to the crew and to revoke a certificate of competency or other relevant documents of the punishment.

71st in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, without the approval of the maritime administrative agency use of dispersants, the maritime administrative agency ships or units of between 50,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan fine.

72nd in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, of pollution accident by ship parties and other relevant personnel, investigation and handling of accidents not to organizations or reflect a maritime administrative agency and providing information, falsify, conceal, destroy evidence or otherwise impede the investigation, by the maritime administrative agency the fines of between 50,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan.

73rd in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, the owner of any of the following circumstances, the maritime administrative agency shall order rectification, and may be fined not more than 50,000 yuan; it refuses, fined not more than 50,000 yuan and more than 250,000:

(A) in the People's Republic of China ships sailing in the sea areas under the jurisdiction, its owner not insured pursuant to the provisions on civil liability for oil pollution damage insurance or obtain the appropriate financial guarantees;

(B) shipowners insure civil liability for oil pollution damage from ships insurance or obtain financial guarantee amount is lower than the People's Republic of China maritime law and the People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to relevant international oil pollution compensation limits imposed by the Treaty.

74th in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, People's Republic of China receives the waters at sea transporting cargo of persistent oil material goods owners or agents, failing to pay a compensation fund for oil pollution damage from ships, by the maritime administrative agency shall order rectification refuses, persistent oil can stop receiving such material goods in the People's Republic of China waters in loading and unloading, and transfer operations.

The owner or his agent fails to pay the compensation fund for oil pollution damage from ships should be added on a daily basis from the due date of the unpaid amount five out of 10,000 late fee.

Nineth chapter by-laws 75th People's Republic of China concluded or acceded to international treaties on the prevention of marine pollution by ships and related activities environmental provisions, apply the provisions of international treaties.
However, the People's Republic of China declared reservations except those on.

76th fishery departments above the county level shall be responsible for fishing in the waters of non-military vessels fishing vessel outside the waters of pollution of the marine environment and fishing port supervision and management, and responsible for protecting the ecological environment of fishing waters, is responsible for the investigation and handling of the People's Republic of China Law on marine environmental protection provisions of the fifth paragraph fourth of fishery pollution accidents.

77th Army environmental protection authorities responsible for military ships of pollution of the marine environment supervision and management and its pollution investigation and handling of accidents. 78th article of the regulations come into force on March 1, 2010. Issued by the State Council on December 29, 1983, the People's Republic of China abolished at the same time the regulations on prevention of pollution from ships.