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National Census Regulations

Original Language Title: 全国人口普查条例

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People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 576

                        The Census Ordinance Executive meeting of the State Council on May 12, 2010 the 111th passed, are hereby promulgated and, as of June 1, 2010.

                       Prime Minister Wen Jiabao

The May 24, 2010

National Census regulations

Chapter I General provisions

First to science, to effectively implement the national census to protect census the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the data, in accordance with the People's Republic of China statistics law, this Ordinance is enacted.

The second purpose of the census is a comprehensive grasp of the basic situation of the country's population, to study and formulate population policies and provide a basis for economic and social development planning, provide demographic information for public service.

The third census in accordance with the national unified leadership and the Division of work, the principle of participation of local parties hierarchical responsible, organization and implementation. National census the unified leadership of the State Council, considering and deciding on major issues in the census.

Local people's Governments at all levels in accordance with uniform provisions and requirements of the State Council, lead the boundaries for census work.

During the census period, Governments at all levels established from statistical agencies and relevant departments of the census agency (hereinafter referred to as the census agency) is responsible for the Organization and implementation of the census work.

Villagers ' committees and residents ' Committee shall help local Government to mobilize and organize the community, doing census work in the region.

State organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions shall, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Statistics Act and the provisions of this Ordinance, participate in and cooperate with the census work.

Fourth census object should be in accordance with the People's Republic of China Statistics Act and the provisions of this Ordinance, is true, accurate, complete, and timely provision of information necessary for the census.

Census information from the object, it shall be kept confidential.

Institutions and census institutions, of the fifth census census instructors, Census (hereinafter census workers) terms of reference of the independent investigation, reporting, supervision according to law, and no unit or individual shall interfere.

Heads of local people's Governments, departments and units at various levels and shall not modify the census offices and census personnel law collection and sorting of census data shall not in any way require census agencies and census staff and other units and individuals to counterfeit or tamper with the census data, may not perform their duties according to law, or refuse and resist census census workers for offences retaliation.

Sixth people's Governments at various levels should use print, radio, television, Internet, and outdoor advertising media, publicity and mobilization of the census work.

The seventh census requirements, borne by the State Council and local people's Governments at all levels work together and included in the annual budget, paid on time and in full and ensure that in place.

Census unified management, funding should be earmarked and strict control of expenditure.

Eighth population census once every 10 years, ending every year 0 for the census year, standard de facto for the census year on November 1.

Nineth National Bureau of statistics in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council the National Census Programme (hereinafter referred to as the Census Programme), approved by the State Council.

Census of population shall be executed in accordance with the provisions of the Census Programme.

Tenth on the scrupulous implementation of the Ordinance, and devoted to their duties, adhere to principles, units and individuals that have achieved outstanding successes, recognize and reward in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Chapter object, content and method of census

11th census standard object refers to the Census point in the People's Republic of China of natural and People's Republic of China overseas Chinese citizens but did not settle, not included in the People's Republic of China short stay of foreigners in the territory.

12th main survey population and household Census of basic information, including name, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, educational attainment, industry, occupation, migration, social security, marriage, births, deaths, housing, and so on.

13th comprehensive surveys of the population census, in households registered.

The 14th census national statistical classification standard.

Chapter III population census organization

Register before the 15th census, the public security organ shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of the Census Programme account consolidation, and submit the relevant information to this level census agencies.

16th section should be divided into census before Census Registration district, census area based on villagers ' committees and neighbourhood areas divided, each census have been classified into a number of census district. The 17th census of each census district shall have at least one Member is responsible for the household registration survey.

Each census area should be at least one census instructors, arrange, direct, supervise and census-takers, or you can direct household registration.

18th census census staff and instructors should be with a junior high education, good health, strong sense of responsibility. 19th census census staff and instructors from State organs, social organizations, enterprises and institutions on secondment, or recruited from the villagers ' committees and residents ' Committee or community.

Secondment and recruitment efforts by the people's Governments at the county level are responsible for.

Countries encourage eligible citizens as volunteers to participate in census work.

20th census seconded instructors and surveyors of wages by the former employer paid its benefits remain intact and retain their original jobs.

Instructor life cycle of recruitment and Labor remuneration of enumerators, the Census funding arrangements in, paid for by the employer.

The 21st census agency census census staff and instructors should be training and national census issued to qualified staff instructors certificate or census certificate.

Instructors and the census enumerators perform tasks of the census should hold the Census instructor certificate or census certificate.

Before the 22nd census registration census instructors, enumerators should be census community mapping, preparation of the Census district head of household name dice.

23rd census instructors, Census household registration, shall provide the Census describes the purpose of the census, legal basis, as well as the rights and obligations of the Census object.

24th census should be required to provide census information, answer the questions truthfully, not withholding the information and shall not provide false information, and shall not refuse or impede the census work.

25th census should confirm signature or seal on the census form and be responsible for the authenticity of its contents.

26th census personnel should uphold seeking truth from facts, abide by professional ethics and of refuse and resist census work violations.

Census offices and census personnel shall not be forged, tampered with census data, shall not in any way require that any entity or individual to provide false census data.

27th Census quality control system, every aspect of the institution shall, in the implementation of the census the census exercise quality control and inspection, audit, review, and acceptance of the census data.

28th National Bureau of Organization for the harmonization of census data quality checks.

The fourth chapter management and publication of census data

29th the local census agencies at all levels should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the census programme data processing, and reported to the census data.

30th census summary information, apart from the outside should be kept confidential and should be released.

National and provincial, autonomous region, municipality directly under the main census data, published by the National Bureau of statistics in the form of bulletin.

Administrative areas of statistics institutions of local people's Governments announced the main census data, shall be approved by a higher people's government statistical agencies.

31st statistics institutions of the people's Governments at various levels shall do a good census data management, development and application of public inquiries, consulting and other services to the community.

Article 32nd original census information census, save in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, destroyed.

33rd obtained in the census to recognize or deduce the object identity of census data, no unit or individual shall not provide, disclose, not as a basis for specific administrative acts on the Census object shall not be used for purposes other than the census.

Census data shall not be used as the local people's Governments are performance evaluation and accountability purposes.

The fifth chapter legal liability

34th statistics institutions of local people's Governments, the Government or the relevant departments and units in charge of one of the following acts, disciplined by the appointment and removal or the supervisory organs, and be informed by statistics institutions of the people's Governments above the county level constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law:

(A) modify the materials, fabricate census data of the population census;

(B) requiring the relevant units and individuals to counterfeit or tamper with the census data;

(C) does not save in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, destruction of census data;

(D) illegal release of census data;

(E) shall perform their duties or refuse and resist census census workers or retaliate against the violations;

(Vi) this place, in this sector, the occurrence of serious violations of the Census oversight.

35th census agencies in organizing the implementation of census activities in one of the following offences, by the people's Government of the people's Governments at the corresponding level or by the statistical agency ordered corrective action and be communicated; directly responsible and other persons directly responsible, disciplined by the appointment or the supervision authority shall:

(A) does the Census Programme;

(B) falsifying or tampering with of census data;

(C) the Census provides no real census information requested;

(D) is not in accordance with the provisions of the programme submit census data;

(E) violation of the relevant provisions of the State, resulting in the census data is damaged, destroyed or lost;

(F) disclose or provide to others to identify information or deduce the Census object identity.

Census workers have one of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph, ordered to stop the implementation of the tasks of the census, be informed, be disciplined according to law.

Article 36th census object refuses to provide information necessary for the census, or provide false, incomplete, census data, statistical agencies above the county level people's Governments shall be ordered to correct, given criticism.

Obstructions of the Census census offices and census personnel to carry out population census work, the activities contravening public security management, the public security organs shall be punished.

37th statistics institutions of the people's Governments above the county level shall set up telephone hotlines and mailboxes, society of the census report of violations and monitoring.

The sixth chapter supplementary articles

Article 38th PLA servicemen, the people's armed police and other personnel of the survey content and methods, by the National Bureau of statistics in conjunction with the relevant departments and relevant military departments under the State Council.

Traffic census registration at very inconvenient time and method stipulated by the National Bureau of statistics in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council.

The 39th Hong Kong S.A.R., and Macau S.A.R. number of population, in accordance with the Hong Kong S.A.R. Government, Macau S.A.R. Government data.

Taiwan region's population, calculated according to the data released by the relevant authorities in Taiwan. 40th for timely population developments, national 1% between the two censuses of the population sample.

1% population sampling survey reference to these regulations. 41st article of the regulations come into force on June 1, 2010.