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Chinese People's Liberation Army Active-Duty Soldier Service Ordinance

Original Language Title: 中国人民解放军现役士兵服役条例

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People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree People's Republic of China Central Military Commission No. 578

                   Will be revised after the promulgation of regulations of the people's Liberation Army soldiers in active service, as of August 1, 2010.

                   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao

                       Chairman of the Central Military Commission Hu Jintao

The July 26, 2010

Chinese people's Liberation Army active-duty soldier Service Ordinance (September 23, 1988 People's Republic of China State Council, People's Republic of China Central Military Commission 14th order issued on April 27, 1993, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, on the decision to modify the people's Liberation Army soldiers in active service Ordinance Amendment for the first time on June 30, 1999, the State Council and the Central Military Commission on revising the people's Liberation Army soldiers in active service Ordinance second revision of decision

The State Council on July 21, 2010 at the 120th Executive meetings, on March 29, 2010 Executive meeting of the Central Military Commission amended by)

Chapter I General provisions

First in order to improve the system of servicemen, boost quality, strengthening the construction of people's Liberation Army more revolutionary, modernized and regularized, in accordance with the People's Republic of China military service act the relevant provisions of, this Ordinance is enacted.

Second serving soldiers is in accordance with the law, approved by the military service organs of active service, and in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance were granted the rank of conscripts and NCOs.

Third article soldiers must firm set contemporary revolutionary people core values, loyal to CPC, loyal to country, love Socialist, wholeheartedly serving; loyal to duty, hard study military technology, skilled master weapons equipment, has implementation diversification military task of excellent skills; strictly comply with national of legal, and regulations and army of doctrine, and Ordinance, respect led, obey command, follow command; at any time prepared war, resistance aggression, defend country.

Article fourth PLA (hereinafter referred to as the General staff) who PLA troops, commanders at all levels shall be responsible for the unit's soldiers.

Relevant departments of the State Council and local people's Governments at all levels, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance as well as the relevant laws and regulations to assist army troops.

Chapter II administration of soldiers in active service

Five citizens in accordance with the law, the people's Liberation Army fulfilling military service obligations, must be approved by the military authorities at the county level.

Soldiers on active duty, from the date of active service military service agencies, to force a retired order date calculation.

Sixth period of conscript service for 2 years. Article seventh noncommissioned officers selected from the expiration of active service of conscripts, or appointed noncommissioned officers cadets who graduated from military academies or directly from the citizens of non-military departments with specialized skills to recruit.

Petty Officer must possess the following basic conditions:

(A) voluntary national defence cause;

(B) to perform the work;

(C) have graduated from junior high school or higher education;

(D) good health and of good character. Article eighth Sergeant graded system of active service. Sergeant grade years of active service as follows: junior officers up to 6 years, mid-level noncommissioned officers up to 8 years, senior noncommissioned officer on active duty for more than 14 years.

Junior noncommissioned officers, middle-level officers in the highest years of active service, shall be determined according to post staffing time of active service.

Petty Officer classification authority for approving the active service as follows: junior non-commissioned by the (Brigade) level approved intermediate non-commissioned by Division (Brigade) level a unit; senior noncommissioned officer approved by the army units, prior permission should be escalation troops head the General Staff Department.

Units shall be approved by the Sergeant escalation troops head the General Staff Department to register.

Nineth sergeants serve as apart from Vice, monitor units other than administrative or professional and technical leadership, management positions, training must be approved by the military colleges.

Noncommissioned officers in positions of technical work, shall be subject to the appropriate professional and technical training and meet the standard of skill level.

Directly from the citizens of non-military departments with specialized skills in recruiting sergeant, shall be subject to military training and professional training.

Article tenth soldier post of Deputy squad leader, squad leader, or the equivalent of the monitor, and officers appointed by the battalion units.

In combat, due to the impact of casualties when operational command, platoon Unit Officer and may appoint deputy squad leader, squad leader or equivalent to the monitor's position, but the fighting gap should be immediately reported to the record.

Other than deputy squad leader, squad leader sergeant served as units of administrative or professional and technical leadership, management positions, by the (Brigade) level officers and termination.

11th deployment of soldiers use shall be strictly in accordance with the regulations of the prepared.

12th soldier in the army, Division (Brigade), Corps-level organization-wide mobility, by in and out of the unit commander on the common level authorities; in the context of military units across the army units mobilized, by approval of the troop commander of the military region level organs work Department; mobilization of military units, approved by the competent departments of the General staff troop.

13th the newly recruited soldier must be trained; professional and technical professional and technical training of the soldiers must be at least 3 months; monitor must be at least 3 months of intensive training.

Article 14th army should be an annual comprehensive assessment of soldiers, assessment results for use as soldiers, promotion, rewards and punishments, and the basis for selecting non-commissioned.

Chapter III soldier ranks

15th rank of soldiers in accordance with the military service are divided into:

(A) officers: first class Sergeant, Master Sergeant II, three Sergeant, four-class Sergeant, staff sergeant, Sergeant, corporal;

(B) military service: fine soldiers, Pvt.

16th soldier ranks in accordance with ranks are divided into:

(A) the senior noncommissioned officer: first class Sergeant, Master Sergeant, three, Sergeant II;

(B) mid-level noncommissioned officers: four-class Sergeant, staff sergeant;

(C) junior NCO: corporal, and Sergeant;

(Iv): a fine soldier, Pvt.

Rank of soldiers, privates as the lowest rank, the first Sergeant rank.

Article 17th before the Navy, the air force enlisted rank respectively as "Navy" and "air force".

Rank 18th soldier award, promotion, in my post, the active service life and moral grounds.

Grant, promotion of the 19th rank of soldiers:

(A): compulsory military service in the first year of active service, awarded the rank of privates; privates in the second year of active service, was promoted to first-class soldiers.

(B) primary noncommissioned officer: expiry of the finest soldiers in active service selection for junior NCOs, promoted to corporal; corporal has completed 3 years of continued active service, was promoted to Sergeant.

(C) intermediate Sergeant: Sergeant has completed 3 years of active service selection for mid-level noncommissioned officer, was promoted to Chief Petty Officer; Petty Officer has completed 4 years of active service continued, four promoted to Sergeant.

(D) the senior noncommissioned officer: four Sergeant selection completed 4 years of active service as a senior noncommissioned officer, promoted to the three-level Master Sergeant; three-level Master Sergeant has completed 4 years of active service continued, promoted to second Sergeant second Sergeant completed 4 years of active service continued, promoted to Sergeant level.

Directly from the citizens of non-military departments with specialized skills in recruiting sergeant, granted the ranks for the first time, according to their duration of study at universities and the professional work time.

Graduation of students in military academies and non-commissioned rank promotions, mutatis mutandis, the same year the Army Sergeant's rank level.

20th years of active service for a rank of soldiers should be in accordance with the provisions of article promoted privates was appointed as the monitor for the first year of active service duty, promoted to the upper ranks of soldiers.

Article 21st soldier rank of authority for approving the grant, promotion:

(A) the level, Sergeant, Master Sergeant by the Commander of the military region level II authority; level III Master Sergeant from the army unit commanders approved four-class Sergeant, staff sergeant youshi (Brigade) level officer approval; Sergeant, the corporal by the Corps (Brigade) level officer for approval.

(B) officers of the rank of soldiers from company level units approved; private opportunities as a squad leader in the first year of active service for the upper rank of soldiers, approval of the main officers from the battalion level units.

Grants, promotion to the rank of 22nd soldiers, by officers of the company level units before the team announced grant NCO rank, promotion, approved by unit commanders to order.

23rd soldier in the rank of colleges and training institutions during the promotion, of which I am a subordinate unit to handle. Rank of soldiers in hospital during the promotion, the original units for processing.

Soldier hospitalized due to illness and not because of an injured or disabled or sick time, calculated for more than six months in a row, rank suspend promotion, suspension of periods of not less than six months; health eligible to continue after the end of active service, shall make a promotion.

Article 24th soldiers suspected of violating the law during the period under review, rank not promoted reviewed without violating, and regular promotions. 25th high rank of soldier and the soldiers of lower rank, rank high for a superior.

High rank soldiers in positions belonging to the soldiers of lower rank, position high as superior.

Soldiers must be in accordance with the provisions of article 26th wear commensurate with their rank insignia.

Grant, promotion of the rank of 27th soldiers approach, provided by the General staff.

Fourth chapter soldiers rewards and punishments 28th in combat, training, service and outstanding performance, has made remarkable achievements, as well as soldiers and people making a larger contribution to the country, shall be rewarded.

Reward items, conditions, approval and implementation procedures in accordance with the regulations of the Central Military Commission. Article 29th for violation of discipline and intentionally or negligently causes losses to the State, the army and the people, or have a negative impact among the masses of soldiers, should be disciplined.

Dispose of items, conditions, approval and implementation procedures in accordance with the regulations of the Central Military Commission.

Article 30th soldiers on active service during the removal of disciplinary action, approval certificate issued by the certification and send their dossiers sent back to the original call for the military service organs at the county level; discharged from punishment, the approval certificate issued by the certification and send someone a deportation, the local people's Governments shall be received.

The fifth chapter soldiers treatment

31st military enjoy supply system benefits and allowances in accordance with rank kimono active life.

Sergeant wage system and the system of periodic replenishment, the basic pay wages, military time salary by rank level, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and military benefits and subsidies.
Article 32nd soldiers enjoy the insurance treatment under the State and the army.

33rd deputy squad leader, squad leader, or the equivalent of monitor positions and unit administrative or professional technical leadership, management positions as soldiers, sent to duty allowance in accordance with the provisions.

Soldiers acting officers during the agent according to the provisions and duties corresponding to the allowance. Article 34th soldiers on active service during, enjoy free medical treatment.

Appropriate arrangements in accordance with the provisions of the relevant departments of special post the soldier's convalescence.

35th soldier has a difficult family life, can give appropriate subsidies.

Family of the 36th NCO army, employment, mobility and Petty Officer education for their children, enjoy the national and social campaigning. Senior non-commissioned Navy officers as well as other conditions stipulated by the State, Division (Brigade) level political organ, their spouses and minor children, no independent life ability of children in war, is rural to urban Hukou, the local people's Government shall be granted to settle in.

Troops move prevention mobilization or petty officer, dependents can be obedience.

37th Army noncommissioned officers ' families in accordance with war conditions are, separation payments and Medicaid issued by the army.

Article 38th Sergeant sacrifices, died, their dependents transferred management of the people's Government arrangement, according to the State Council and the Central Military Commission on sacrifice and deceased dependents of military officers handed over management of the people's Government of arrangement provisions. 39th officer in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the army, housing subsidies, housing and rent subsidies.

Army Sergeant to the families, the implementation of apartment housing and home ownership housing policies and specific measures shall be prescribed by the relevant military headquarters.

Sergeant is a military spouse to visit teams, provided by the Corps-level units in accordance with the provisions of the temporary housing.

40th noncommissioned officer in accordance with the following provisions, and enjoy the benefits of family leave and vacation: (A) the unmarried Sergeant not to live with their parents, corporal twice to visit their parents leave term, each holiday 20th; Sergeant Sergeant above enjoy once a year to visit his parents leave, public holidays on 30th.

Married officers not to live with their parents, enjoy a visit every two years of parental leave, public holidays on 20th.

(B) married Sergeant not to live with their spouses, see spouse leave every year, holiday for 40 days.

(C) married Sergeant, parents not living with their spouses, but their spouses and their parents or one parent has lived in one place, visit spouse leisure activities only; with spouses, parents were not in a life, within a year at the same time meets the conditions for visiting spouses and visit their parents, enjoy a family visit and leave for 45 days.

(D) do not enjoy visiting parents and visiting spouses leave senior noncommissioned officer, every year to enjoy a vacation, holiday less than 20 years of active service on 20th, 30th completed 20 years of holidays.

Sergeant family vacation en route without time and reimbursed travel expenses in accordance with the standards.

On the edge of the plateau, coastal defence and special position of Sergeant, can increase vacation, and the specific measures shall be prescribed by the General staff. 41st executive task force Sergeant stopped to visit relatives and holiday.

When the State promulgates or military emergency preparedness need to be recalled, the NCO should be an immediate end to visit relatives are visiting relatives, holidays, vacation, returns to this part.

The sixth chapter soldiers released from active service

42nd soldier to meet one of the following conditions, shall be discharged:

(A) the expiry of conscript service was not selected as the Sergeant;

(B) official uniform service level provides the maximum term is not selected for high level officers, during the term of active service levels due to post staffing constraints cannot continue in active service;

(C) after 30 years of active service needs to retire or 55 years of age;

(D) due to war, business, disability due to illness after being assessed levels of disabilities, can not adhere to normal work;

(E) the expiry of ill health or medical end, proved by military hospitals and health departments at and above the Corps level verification, unfit to continue in active service;

(F) adjustments for army needs to retire;

(VII) building needs from active service and from country to country;

(H) the soldiers family members in case of serious illness, major disasters and other unexpected changes, absolutely necessary to my maintaining normal family life, soldiers home and the seat of County veteran's resettlement authorities proved that Division (Brigade) level unit commander, authorities released from active service;

(IX) other reason unfit to continue in active service, Division (Brigade) level unit commander organ from active service.

Article 43rd term of active service age of conscripts, in conformity with the People's Republic of China 20th and other relevant provisions of the law on military service, Division (Brigade) level unit commander's authority, you can retire in advance.

44th wartime soldier was hospitalized with injuries after the treatment, the hospital proved to be in active service, is no longer introduced back to their units, or behind or above the regiment level units in military hospital procedures and demobilized.

Article 45th soldier discharged, in accordance with the provisions to retire allowances; chronic, issued in accordance with the provisions of Medicaid.

Article 46th soldier on his way home from active service of breaking, along the military authorities should help local authorities discourage stop constitutes a crime, by the local judicial organs according to law.

47th army conscripts and demobilization officers, shall be from the date it issued retired command forces in the 30th to the settlement veteran's resettlement authorities report; assessing levels of disabilities, to people's Governments at the county level shall, within 60 days of placing authorities transfer the application for pension.

48th and demobilized soldiers, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State properly rehoused.

49th soldier discharged, in accordance with the People's Republic of China of the relevant provisions of the law on military service reserve, determined by the force of their reserve rank.

The seventh chapter by-laws

50th article of the Ordinance shall apply to the Chinese people's armed police force. 51st article of the regulation come into force on August 1, 2010.