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Police Inspector Bill

Original Language Title: 公安机关督察条例

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People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 603 of the police supervision Ordinance Executive meeting of the State Council on August 24, 2011 169th amendment passed, will now be published in the revised regulations of the police inspector, as of October 1, 2011.

                       Prime Minister Wen Jiabao
August 31, 2011 police inspector Bill

(June 20, 1997 People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 220, posted August 24, 2011 the 169th Executive meeting of the State Council amended by)

First in order to perfect the supervision mechanism of public security organs to guarantee public security organs and people's police shall perform their duties, authority and discipline, according to the People's Republic of China the people's police law provides that this Ordinance is enacted. Second Inspector of the Ministry of public security led the police inspector of the Commission, responsible for the Ministry of public security units and lower-level public security organs and people's police to perform their responsibilities, supervise the implementation of the exercise of authority and discipline, accountable to the Minister of public security.

Inspector of the Ministry of public security agency Office of the Inspector of the Ministry of Public Security Committee functions.

Local people's Governments at or above the county level Police Inspectorate responsible for public security organs belong to the corresponding level and lower-level public security organs and people's police to perform their responsibilities, supervise the implementation of the exercise of authority and discipline, public security organs at a higher level supervision institutions responsible for public security organs and the Executive heads.

Local people's Governments at or above the county level public security organ's Inspectorate for law enforcement service bodies, made up of professionals and teams.

Third Inspector established the Ministry of public security, chaired by the Ministry of public security, a member of the Deputy leadership.

Police Inspector General established the people's Governments at and above the county level, Executive heads also by public security organs.

Article fourth Inspectorate of public security organs and people's police shall perform their duties, the exercise of authority and discipline the following matters, site Inspector:

(A) the police deployment, important measures, implementation of the activities of the Organization;

(B) significant social order maintenance and the focus of the activities area, place the administration of public security organization implementation;

(C) the disposition of security incidents;

(D) the admissible in criminal cases, security cases, filing a case, investigation, investigation, punishment and the implementation of the mandatory measures;

(E) order, transportation, Government, immigration, border control, fire protection, security and other public security administration in the implementation of laws and regulations;

(F) the use of weapon or police apparatus as well as police vehicles, police logos;

(G) the disposal of citizen alert, request assistance and complaints complaints;

(H) the morale civilization policing, enforcement of and compliance with the provisions of the;

(I) management and police protection;

(J) the public security organs and people's police shall perform their duties, the exercise of authority and discipline and other conditions.

Article fifth Inspectorate can be public security organs belong to this level and lower-level public security organs sent inspectors inspectors also may instruct subordinate Inspector the Inspectorate of public security organs for specific matters.

Sixth local people's Governments at or above the county level shall Inspectorate of public security organs to investigate violations of should be up one level report of the Inspectorate of public security organs investigated and dealt with lower Police Inspectorate of ineffective, the superior police inspector the Inspector may direct.

Article seventh Inspectorate can participate in this sending inspectors-level public security organs or police work Conference of public security organs at lower levels and significant deployment of police activities.

Article eighth Inspectorate shall conduct review of police activity, listening to State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and people's views on public security organs and people's police.

Nineth Inspectorate of public complaints of public security organs and people's police violations that are taking place, should be out in a timely manner, in accordance with the provisions for on-site disposal, process the results and feedback from complainants in a timely manner.

Complaint of the complainant had to petition and administrative reconsideration or administrative proceedings, Inspectorate complaint material should be handed over to the relevant authorities.

Article tenth Inspectorate level police units and subordinate public security authorities refused to implement the law, regulations, and decisions and orders by superior, can be ordered to perform; public security organs belong to the corresponding level or lower-level public security organs to make wrong decisions, orders, may decide to withdraw or change this executive-level public security organs after approval of the heads of the Executive.

11th inspectors at the scene police found Inspector mails, you can take the following measures, on-site disposal:

(A) violations of the provisions morale can be corrected on the spot;

(B) the stipulated use of weapon or police apparatus as well as sign of the police vehicles, police can seize weapons, firearms, police vehicles, police logos;

(Iii) violating serious, bad influence, and implementation of the site supervision tasks refuses or obstructs the inspectors and, if necessary, can be taken away from the scene.

12th Inspectorate that police violated discipline needed to stop performing their duties, confinement measures, decided by the Inspectorate, this grade police inspector's approval before implementation.

Stops the execution of duty 10th over a period of 60 days following; more than closed the period 1st to 7th.

13th Inspectors believe police need be disciplined or lower rank, cancel the police ranks, Inspectorate shall submit a recommendation, transferred to the relevant departments according to law.

Police Inspectorate found in the supervision of public security organs suspected of a crime, and transferred to the judicial organs according to law. 14th police to stop carrying out their duties and confined disagrees with the decision, can be stopped performing their duties or are closed to the public security organ to take decisions during the complaint with the public security organs at a higher level.

By the Inspector of the Ministry of public security made the decision to stop carrying out their duties, confinement, admissibility of organs, as Inspector of the Ministry of Public Security Committee.

The admissibility of complaints of police refuses to stop carrying out their duties, shall be from the date of receipt of the complaint within 5th revocation decision to discontinue the performance of their duties; against the closed complaints, after receiving a complaint from the time make a decision whether or not to lift the closed within 24 hours.

Complainant, stop executing his duties, decided not to stop execution of confinement.

Admissibility of the public security organs think stopped performing their duties, incarceration is the wrong decision, should be removed, and within an appropriate range for the parties to eliminate prejudice, restore reputations.

15th Inspector on supervision, must seek truth from facts, act in strict accordance with, and subject to supervision.

Public security organs and people's Police Inspectorate and inspectors shall perform their duties and the functions of the Act should be maintained.

16th inspectors shall satisfy the following conditions:

(A) principles, dedicated, honest, not swayed by personal considerations and discipline;

(B) have a college education and legal expertise, knowledge of public security;

(C) with 3 years of experience in public security and organizational management skills;

(D) specialized training.

Article 17th inspectors perform Inspector tasks, should wear Inspector mark or present a compliance document.

Inspector mark model formulated by the Ministry of public security and compliance documents. 18th article of the regulations come into force on October 1, 2011.