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Educational Supervision And Regulation

Original Language Title: 教育督导条例

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 People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 624

The educational supervision Ordinance adopted executive meeting of the State Council on August 29, 2012 No. 215, are hereby promulgated and take effect on October 1, 2012.
  Prime Minister Wen Jiabao

September 9, 2012 chapter I General provisions

First in order to ensure the education laws, regulations, regulations and full implementation of the national education guidelines and policies, the implementation of quality education, improving the quality of education, to promote educational equity, promote the development of science education, this Ordinance is enacted.

Article on laws and regulations at all levels of education education supervisor, application of this regulation.

Educational supervision include the following:

(A) on the lower level people's Governments above the county level people's Government implement the education laws, rules, regulations and supervision at the national education guidelines and policies;

(B) the local people's Governments at or above the county level for schools and other educational institutions within their respective administrative areas (hereinafter schools) teaching supervision.

Implement educational supervision article should adhere to the following principles:

(A) to improve the quality of education and teaching for the Center;

(B) follow the rules of education;

(C) follow the laws, rules and regulations and the provisions of the national education guidelines and policies;

(D) to discharge the responsibilities of education relevant to the work of the Government steering and steering of school education and teaching are equally important, supervision and guidance;

(E) the realistic, objective and impartial.

Fourth educational supervision agency of the State Council the national educational supervision of implementation, developed the basic principles of educational supervision, guiding local educational supervision work.

Local people's Governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision of institutions to assume the administrative supervision of implementation.

Educational supervision institution under the State Council and local people's Governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision of institutions (hereinafter referred to as educational supervision institutions) under the leadership of the people's Governments at the corresponding level independent exercise of its supervisory functions.

Fifth educational supervision and funding people's Governments above the county level shall be included in the budget.

Chapter II Inspector

Sixth country Inspector system. Under the people's Governments above the county level education supervision needs, educational supervision agencies staffed with full-time inspectors.

Based on educational supervision work of education inspection body need to be employed part-time Inspector.

Part-time inspectors for a period of 3 years of continuous service, shall serve no more than 3 consecutive terms.

Article seventh inspector shall comply with the following conditions:

(A) adhere to the basic line of the party, love the Socialist education;

(B) in familiarity with education laws, regulations, rules and national education guidelines and policies, with the appropriate expertise and operational capacity;

(C) principle, fair, decency, honesty and self-discipline;

(D) have a university degree or above, major in educational management, teaching or educational research for more than 10 years, outstanding performance;

(E) has a strong organization and coordination ability and skills;

(Vi) health, capable of performing supervision works.

Subject to the conditions prescribed in the preceding paragraph officer examinations by the education inspection bodies, can be appointed by the people's Governments above the county level to inspectors or by the Steering Body for appointment as inspectors of education.

Article eighth inspector education steering bodies assigned to implement educational supervision.

Educational supervision agencies should strengthen the management of inspectors to implement educational supervision activities, the assessment of the fulfilment of their duties of inspectors.

Nineth inspectors implement educational supervision should objectively reflect the real situation, not withholding the fact or fiction.

Article tenth steering is steering unit in charge of inspectors of close relatives or if there are other possible effects of objective and impartial implementation of educational supervision, should be avoided.

Chapter III supervision of implementation

Article 11th educational supervisory bodies implement educational supervision on the following matters:

(A) the implementation of quality education in our schools, education level, education management and educational and teaching work;

(B) the building principals, teacher qualifications, position, appointment management system construction and implementation, admissions, school management and the quality of education, school safety, health system development and implementation, security situation in schools, teaching and living facilities, equipment, equipment and education conditions, such as guarantees, investment management and use;

(C) compulsory education universal and balanced development of all types of education at all levels of planning and coordinated development;

(D) the laws, regulations, rules and other matters stipulated in national education policies.

12th education inspection bodies implement educational supervision, may exercise the following powers:

(A) consult and copy financial accounts and other documents or materials relating to the Steering;

(B) were steering unit on supervisory matters to note on this issue;

(C) surveys on supervisory matters related issues;

(D) to the Governments or competent authorities for the purpose of steering unit or its official advice to reward and punishment.

Steering units and their staff on educational supervision bodies implement educational supervision according to law shall cooperate, refuse and obstruction.

13th people's Governments at the county level shall be responsible for supervision of the institution shall, according to the layout set up educational inspection areas of responsibility within the administrative area of the school, school within the area of responsibility assigned inspectors conduct regular supervision of the teaching.

Education inspection bodies according to the needs or the requirements of the people's Governments at the corresponding level of educational development, May 11th of the Ordinance stipulates that a item or several items on special steering by steering unit or on the 11th of the Ordinance stipulates that all matters to be integrated steering steering units.

14th ed regular supervision imposed on schools within the area of responsibility shall be not less than 2 times per semester.

Level under the people's Governments above the county level people's Governments shall, at least once every 5 years special supervision or consolidated supervision; County agencies responsible for supervision within the administrative area of the school, should be implemented once every 3-5 years consolidated supervision.

15th end of regular supervision, inspectors shall submit a report to the education inspection body and found illegal behavior or teacher-student life-threatening hazard of running, should urge the schools and departments in a timely manner. 16th educational supervision implemented special supervision or consolidated supervision shall first determine supervisory matters, set up a Steering Committee.

Steering Group made up of 3 or more inspectors.

Education inspection bodies can be combined as required the departments concerned to implement special supervision or a combination of the Steering, or you can hire professionals to participate in special comprehensive supervision or the supervision activities.

17th education inspection agencies special supervision or comprehensive supervision, should be prior notice in writing to the Steering unit supervisor. 18th educational supervision agency may require that the supervisory unit organizational self-assessment. Steering unit should be requested to carry out self-assessment, and self-assessment report submitted to the supervision authority.

Steering Group shall examine the Steering unit self-assessment report.

Steering Group was steering unit should be site visits.

19th composite education inspection agencies special supervision or supervision should be seeking public comments on the Steering unit, and held seminars or other forms of special listening to the views of students and their parents and teachers.

20th Steering Group should be steering unit self-assessment reporting, site visits and the public comment form preliminary steering.

Steering Group shall be initial steering feedback steering unit views were steering unit can defend themselves.

Article 21st educational supervisory bodies should be based on preliminary steering Steering Group comments, a comprehensive analysis was defence of the Steering unit, steering the Steering unit makes submissions.

Steering submissions should be steering the Steering unit make an objective and impartial evaluation of existing problems, it shall submit a rectification requests and recommendations.

Steering submissions on the 22nd was steering unit should be based on the rectification, educational supervision and rectification reports organization.

Educational supervision institutions should be verified by modification of the Steering unit.

23rd Special Steering or integrated supervision over educational Inspection Agency inspection report shall be submitted to the people's Governments at the corresponding level; education of local people's Governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for steering the inspection report should also be reported to the Steering Body on education at a higher level for the record.

An inspection report shall be announced to the public.

24th above county level people's Government or the relevant competent authorities shall report the steering to be steering units and their principal heads in the examination, an important basis for reward and punishment.

The fourth chapter legal liability

25th steering units and their staff has any of the following circumstances, criticized by the education inspection bodies and shall be ordered to correct; refused to correct, or if the circumstances are serious, in charge and other personnel directly responsible for, by the education inspection body to the Governments or departments offer suggestions on what punishment:

(A) refuse, obstruct education inspection body or inspectors to implement educational supervision according to law;

(B) to hide the truth, fraud, cheating education supervision organization or Inspector;

(C) under steering submissions for rectification and improvement report education inspection bodies;

(Iv) retaliation for inspectors;

(E) other serious impediment to educational supervision organization or inspector shall perform their duties.

26th inspector or educational supervision staff shall have any of the following circumstances, give criticism and education by educational supervision agencies; the circumstances are serious, shall be given sanctions, inspectors should also cancel the appointment or employment constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law:

(A) the negligence, delay supervision;

(B) fraud, favoritism and affect steering results fair;

(C) abuse of power, interference was steering units work.

Article tenth of the inspectors in violation of the Ordinance, should be avoided and are not avoided, give criticism and education by educational supervision agencies.

Inspectors in violation of this section 15th of the Ordinance provides that found illegal school or teacher-student life-threatening hazard and failed to supervise schools and related departments to deal, criticized by the Education Inspection Agency education; the circumstances are serious, shall be given sanctions, canceled appointments or employment constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

The fifth chapter by-laws    27th article of the regulations come into force on October 1, 2012.