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LAW NO. 20.701 PROCEDURE TO GRANT ELECTRIC CONCESSIONS Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Single article.-Enter the following modifications in the decree with force of Law No. 1, 1982, of the Ministry of Mining, General Law of Electrical Services, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the decree with force of law Nº4, 2007, of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction: 1. in Article 11 (1), the following second indent: " The granting of concessions shall not exempt the concessionaire from compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, in particular those governing matters. (2) Amend Article 19 in the following direction: (a) Replace the literal (d) by the following: " (d) In the case of transmission and distribution lines, a layout and the adjacent safety strip, both preliminary, and the preliminary location of the substations, with indication of the area in which the it is considered necessary to carry out the studies and measurements, the vertices of which will be plotted using UTM coordinates, indicating the spindle used for these effects. The application must include the precise mention of the regions, provinces and communes in which the studies and measurements will be carried out and indicate those localities, which are included in the last census, that are located within the area. The application must include a map highlighting the preliminary area of the concession requested. "b) Replace, in the literal e), the disjunctive conjunction" or ", between the terms" sections "and" for their total termination ", by the conjunction copulative "y". (c) The following second and third subparagraphs are added: " The Superintendence shall have a period of 15 days from the date of the submission of the provisional grant application to review the antecedents submitted by the applicant. which shall only do so on the basis of the requirements set out in the preceding paragraph. If the above mentioned requirements are met, the Superintendence shall declare the application admissible, publishing the full text of the application on its website, indicating the date of its submission. If the Superintendence of the review of the antecedents has failed to comply with any of the above mentioned requirements, it shall inform the applicant of such situation. Such communication shall indicate the background that has been omitted or needs to be supplemented. The applicant shall accompany or supplement them within a period of 15 days from the date of notification of the previous communication and may request the extension of the extension for a further period of seven days from the office of the applicant. maturity of the first. If the background is insufficient or not submitted within the relevant time-limits, the Superintendence shall discard the application for a plan by resolution, which shall terminate the proceedings. If the background is sufficient, the Superintendence shall declare the application admissible, publishing it on its electronic site as referred to in the preceding paragraph. ' 3) Amend Article 20 as follows: (a) Replace the first subparagraph with the following: " Article 20.-Within 15 days of the declaration of admissibility referred to in the preceding article, the application for a provisional grant shall be published on behalf of the applicant for three consecutive days in a national circulation journal and three consecutive days in a regional circulation journal corresponding to the territories covered by the application for a concession. It shall also communicate an extract of the application by means of three radio messages to be issued within a period of 15 days, in different days, by one or more radio stations which transmit or cover in the capital of the provinces or provinces. indicated in the respective application. Both the application and the map included in it will be published on the website or other support of the Superintendence and in a prominent place of the affected municipalities. To this end, the Superintendence must send to the Ministry of National Assets and the respective municipalities within three days of the declaration of the admissibility of the application, copy of the application and the map of the the area requested, which the municipalities must display within three days of their receipt, for a period of 15 days in a row. The fact that the Superintendence or the municipalities do not carry out the previous publications will not affect the concession procedure but only the responsibility of these bodies. " b) Modify the second indent, which has become third, as follows: i. Replace the expression "counted from the date of publication in the Official Journal" by the phrase "counted since the last publication in a national circulation journal, which may not be later than the last publication in a daily newspaper" regional circulation ". ii. Interleave, between the comma that follows the word "interested" and the expression "may", the expression "by itself or duly represented,". iii. Replace the phrase "the claims in that which affects them" by "their observations to the application for grant, which shall be based on the failure to comply with any of the requirements set out in the previous article." iv. 'The Superintendence shall inform the applicant of the claims to the applicant within a maximum period of 30 days.' By ' The Superintendence shall inform the applicant of the observations in order to reply within a period of time. not more than 30 days, with any claims other than these being rejected out of hand. ' Replace the final paragraph with the following: " The Superintendence will settle on the request for interim concessions, within a maximum period of 20 days from the expiration of the period specified in the previous paragraph, prior to the authorization of the National Directorate of Borders and Limits of the State, if it corresponds according to the provisions of the decrees with force of law Nº4, 1967; Nº7, 1968, and Nº83, 1979, all of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The decision giving the Superintendence shall be reduced to public deed. '4) Amend Article 21 in the following sense: (a) Intercalase in the first subparagraph, between the comma following the words' Official Journal 'and the words' (b) Intercalase in subparagraph (a) of the first subparagraph, between the word 'provisional' and the point and comma followed by the phrase ', which shall be counted from the publication of the decision giving it'. (c) Replace the second indent by the following: " Provisional concessions shall be granted for a maximum period of two years, renewable for a further period of up to two years. The request for an extension shall be submitted at least six months before the expiry of the period of the concession, the extension of which is requested, and shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article. " (d) The following third indent shall be inserted: New: " If the extension of the area granted in a provisional grant is requested, such a request will be dealt with as a new application for the additional area to be affected. The application shall be accompanied by a record relating to the area deemed necessary to occupy, in accordance with points (c) and (d) of the preceding Article 19, the other records being incorporated into it. (5) Enter the following amendments to Article 22: (a) In the second subparagraph: i. Intercalase, between the comma following the term "shall determine" and the expression "when", the phrase "in accordance with the procedure referred to in Title XI of the Third Book of the Code of Civil Procedure,". Replace the word "affected" by the phrase "owners of the affected properties or other stakeholders". b) Add the following third indent: " In qualified cases, prior to granting the permission referred to in the first subparagraph, the judge may require the dealer, at the request of the owner or other interested parties, to surrender one or more channels. to ensure payment of the compensation corresponding to the previous subparagraph. The measure shall expire in conjunction with the expiry of the period of the concession or its extension. '6) Amend Article 25 as follows: (a) Replace, in its first subparagraph, the expression' the Minister of Energy with a copy to the Superintendence so that it is "by the phrase" before the Superintendence with copy to the Ministry of Energy for that ". (b) to replace, in the second subparagraph of subparagraph (d) of the second subparagraph, the comma following the word "referred to" by a point followed and to replace the word "but" followed by the phrase "Without prejudice to the foregoing". (c) Intercalase, in the point (e) of the second subparagraph, following the words 'In the case', the words 'hydraulic power stations', and replace the term 'transport' with the word 'transmission'. (d) Intercalase in point (h) of the second subparagraph, between the expression "impose" and the point and comma followed, the phrase " and, if applicable, authorized copies of the scriptures or documents in which the voluntary predials are established constituted in favour of the petitioner ". (e) The following third, fourth and fifth, new points are added: " The Superintendence shall have a period of 15 days, counted from the date of the submission of the application, to review the antecedents submitted by the applicant, which shall do only in (a) the basis for compliance with the requirements set out in the previous subparagraph. Of the (a) the application shall be declared admissible by means of a decision, and the full text of the application shall be published on its website, indicating the date of its submission. If the Superintendence of the review of the antecedents has failed to comply with any of the above mentioned requirements, it shall inform the applicant of such situation. Such communication shall indicate the background that has been omitted or needs to be supplemented. The applicant shall accompany or supplement them within a period of 15 days from the notification of the previous communication and may request an extension for a further period of seven days, before the expiry of the first period. In the event that the background is insufficient or not submitted within the relevant time-limits, the Superintendence will discard the request for a plan by resolution, which will be reported to the Ministry of Energy, which will end the procedure. If the background is sufficient, the Superintendence will declare the application admissible, publishing it on its electronic site as indicated in the previous paragraph. In cases where other laws require the quality of the dealer to apply for special permits or permits, the applicant referred to in this Article shall be deemed to have the quality of the dealer for the sole the effect of initiating the formalities corresponding to those authorizations or permits, and must prove that the respective concession is in the process of the Superintendence. The above shall be verified by means of a communication from the Superintendence to the respective body, at the request of the applicant. ' 7) Replace Article 27º by the following: " Article 27º.-Declared the admissibility, the special plans to be referred to in point (h) of Article 25 (h) shall be placed by the applicant, at his expense, in the knowledge of the owners of the properties concerned. The notification may be made in court or notarially. In the case of fiscal goods, the Superintendence shall directly inform the Ministry of National Goods of such special plans. The notification shall state that the drawings were delivered to all those who were notified in accordance with the preceding paragraph. In the act of notification or certification, together with the plan, an information report drawn up by the Superintendence describing the particulars to be contained in the special drawing of the easements, the procedure to be presented shall be submitted. comments or objections within the concessional procedure and the name, address and single tax role of the applicant and his legal representative. Where persons whose individuality or residence is difficult to determine are to be notified or who, by their number, make it difficult to practice due diligence, the applicant may have recourse to the Judge of Letters competent to order notify in accordance with Article 54 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The applicant must demonstrate the fact that the plans for the easements have been notified, referring to the Superintendence copy of the notarial certificate, of the certification of the judicial receiver who carried out the (8) The following Article 27a: "Article 27a.-Within 15 days of the date of notification of the notification, in the case of the notification, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph." 8. following the declaration of admissibility of the application for final grant, a extract thereof shall be published on behalf of the applicant, three consecutive days in a national circulation journal and three consecutive days in a regional circulation journal corresponding to the territories covered by the application for concession. The extract must contain the date of submission of the grant application; the identification of the petitioner; the name of the project; the location of the project, with indication of the region (s), province (s) and commune (s) where it will be located; list of affected premises, where the information required by Article 25 (e) (e) and the particulars referred to in points (i) and (k) of Article 25, as appropriate, and the fact that the information relating to the application for a concession on the website of the Superintendence or other support. The applicant shall also communicate to its coast an extract of the application by means of seven radio messages. The statement to be communicated shall contain the date of submission of the grant application; the identification of the petitioner; the name of the project; the location of the project, with indication of the region (s), province (s) and commune (s) where shall be located; the concession area requested, if applicable, as referred to in point (k) of Article 25º; and the fact that the information relating to the application for concession is found on the website of the Superintendence. These messages must be issued within the time limit set out in the first paragraph of this article in different days by one or more radio stations that transmit or cover in the capital of the or the provinces indicated in the respective application. The legal representative of the means of communication, or who is appointed, shall provide the applicant with a record of the issuing of the messages, indicating the date and time of each issue, reproducing the text effectively disseminated and the the name, frequency and address of the radial medium. In any case, the last radio message shall be issued at least one day before the last publication referred to in the first subparagraph. The applicant shall accompany the publications of the grant application made in accordance with the provisions of the first subparagraph. In the same way, it will have to hand over to the Superintendence the certificates in which the radio broadcasts are recorded. The Superintendence shall certify the date on which the applicant has established the notifications referred to in the previous Article and the publications provided for in this Article. ' 9. " Article 27º.-The owners of the affected properties notified in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 27º may, within the period of thirty days from the date of notification, make their observations before the Superintendence. or oppositions to the grant application. If they have been notified in accordance with Article 54 of the Code of Civil Procedure, they may request a copy of the special plans referred to in Article 25 (h) from the Superintendence within a period of 15 days. counted from the notification by warnings. The Superintendence shall make the plans at its disposal, no later than the following working day, counted from the time they were requested. In such a case, the period of thirty days indicated in this paragraph shall be counted from the fact that the Superintendence puts the plans at the disposal of those who have requested them. For their part, the persons concerned may submit their observations or objections to the Superintendence within 30 days of the last publication made in accordance with the first subparagraph of the previous Article. For these purposes, it may also be possible to request the special plans of servitude, in accordance with the foregoing paragraph. In such a case, the period of thirty days indicated in this paragraph, will be counted since the Superintendence puts the plans at its disposal. The applicant may require the Superintendence to certify the maturity of the preceding periods. The comments may be based only on the erroneous identification of the property concerned by the concession or the owner of the concession, in the fact that the security strip covers non-declared premises in the grant application as affected by the or in the non-compliance with any of the requirements referred to in Article 25. The oppositions shall be based on one of the circumstances set out in Articles 553 and 54th, with the evidence that they are accompanied by the evidence. The observations or objections submitted by both the owners of the properties concerned or other interested parties which do not comply with the above, as regards the grounds on which they are to be founded and the time limit within which the They should be formulated, they will be discarded outright by the Superintendence. The owners or other interested parties who have made representations or oppositions shall be notified, for all legal purposes, of the respective application for a concession. For the purposes of this Chapter, the persons referred to in Article 21 (2) of Law No 19,880 shall be deemed to be interested. " 10) Replace Article 28º by the following: " Article 28º.-The Superintendence shall inform the applicant, within five days after the date of its presentation, of the observations and oppositions of the owners of the the property concerned or other persons concerned, which are found to be the cause of the case referred to in the previous Article and which have been submitted within a period of time, in order for the latter to, in turn, make his or her observations or observations to them amendments to the draft which it considers relevant within 30 days. In the event of any modification of the application, the new antecedents shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 25 and 25. Once the time limit has expired to reply to all the observations or objections which have been submitted, the applicant may require the Superintendence to certify that circumstance, the date from which the time limit for the application shall be taken into account. Evacuate his report. " 11) Amend Article 29 in the following direction: (a) Substitute, in the first subparagraph, the expression "maximum of one hundred and twenty days from the date on which the application was made" for "15 days from the date of receipt of the report of the Superintendence", and delete the final sentence, 'The report of the Superintendence shall take a decision on the observations and oppositions which have been made by those affected by the easements.' (b) Replace the second paragraph with the following: ' To evacuate your report, the Superintendence shall have sixty days, counted from the expiry of the time limit for responding to all observations or oppositions which have been submitted, or from the expiry of the time limit for submitting them, if it has not been done, or from the record of having constituted voluntary servitude with respect to all owners of premises affected, which would not have been notified, as appropriate. The report of the Superintendence shall only act on those observations and oppositions founded on grounds established in this law which have been formulated by the owners of the properties concerned or by other interested parties within the (c) The following third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh points are inserted: " The grant decree, which shall contain the particulars of points (a) and (b) of Article 25 and the approval of the plans of easements which are impose, must be published on the website of the Ministry of Energy within 15 years days, counted from the date of its publication in the Official Journal and shall be reduced to public deed by the concessionaire within 15 days from the date of the last publication. In the case of projects to establish electricity transmission lines, the applicant may at any time divide the concession which it requests in two or more tranches. Notifications made prior to the division of the grant application shall be deemed to be valid for all purposes, provided that the layout in the affected area and notified has not changed in relation to that division. The decree that gives a ruling on each tranche will indicate the concession to which it belongs. The decree will also state that, if for any circumstance, any of the tranches cannot be executed, the removal of the facilities that occupy national public goods, fiscal or private land, must be done within the time limit. and under the conditions set by the Superintendence. The division referred to in this Article shall not affect in any way the prohibition of fractionation provided for in law No 19.300. "12) Add the following Article 31a:" Article 31a.-The difficulties arising between two or more holders of electricity concessions, or between them and holders of mining concessions, geothermal energy concessions, groundwater exploration permits or water harvesting rights, administrative concessions or special operating contracts for the use of substances not susceptible to Mining concession in accordance with Article 7 of the Mining Code, on the occasion of their exercise or on the occasion of their respective tasks, shall be subject to the decision of an arbitrator referred to in the final paragraph of Article 223 of the Code. Organic of Courts. In the determination of the costs to which the judgment of place, the judge arbitrator shall consider as criteria for determining whether there has been a plausible reason for litigating, among others, the existence of projects or works in execution in the area object of the granting, right or permission, or the carrying out or development of activities directly related to the concessions, rights or permits granted, which are the subject of the dispute. In any event, it shall not constitute an obstacle to the granting and the exercise of concessions or electric easements to the existence of other rights, permits or concessions constituted in him or the premises by third parties. " 13) Add the following Article 34th (a): " Article 34a.-Any time in a summary judgment as referred to in Title IV of Book III of the Code of Civil Procedure, the judge decrees the suspension or cessation of the works which are carried out by virtue of of an electrical concession, the effects of such a standstill or suspension of works shall be suspended if the (a) a dealer in the current account of the court sufficient to respond to the demolition of the work or to the compensation of the damage which, if any, could be followed in such trials, if that is the case; sentenced by final judgment, as appropriate. For these purposes, within three days of the date of the decision which decreed the cessation of the works, or within three days of the date of the decision referred to in Article 565 of the Code of Civil procedure, as appropriate, the judge shall determine the amount of the course referred to above. The suspension of the effects of the order for the cessation or suspension of works shall take place from the moment when the amount of the said course is entered in the court. The questions raised in relation to the amount of the security fixed by the judge shall be dealt with as an incident, which in any event shall not affect the suspension of the order to suspend or suspend the works if the dealer has entered the course initially set by the judge. In case the report of experts is requested in the processing of the incident, the expenses and fees that arise in this case shall be the responsibility of the holder of the concession or permit, and the expert shall be appointed by the competent judge. However, if the applicant has been defeated in the judgment, he shall be sentenced to the payment of the expert report, without prejudice to the payment of the other costs to which he may be convicted under the general rules. If, when the incident fails, it is determined that the amount of the caution is greater than the initially set, the concessionaire must enter within the next fifteen working days the difference in the court, on the penalty of lifting the suspension of the order of cessation. If the amount of the course is lower than the one initially set by the court, the judge shall make available to the concessionaire the surplus, where appropriate, within three days of the date of the decision. " 14. Article 39º by the following: " Article 39º.-The final concessions of electric service shall expire, before entering into operation: 1. If the concessionaire does not reduce to public deed the concession decree within the time limit set out in the third indent of Article 29º. 2. If the works are not started within the prescribed time limits and I will not measure force majeure or fortuitous case or another serious and qualified causal that exempts the concessionaire, which must be founded by the Superintendence. 3. If at least two-thirds of the works have not been executed within the prescribed time-limits and I shall not measure force majeure or fortuitous case or other serious and qualified causation that exempts the concessionaire from liability, which shall be established by the Superintendence. The expiration shall be declared by the President of the Republic by means of a supreme decree. The supreme decree rejecting the application for revocation shall be issued by the Minister of Energy under the formula "on the order of the President of the Republic." 15) Replaces, in the final paragraph of Article 54th, his final sentence, for the following: " Yes When an easement is established, the land used for its natural use shall be used, the provisions of the final paragraph of Article 69 (16) shall apply. ' (16) Substitute Article 63º by the following: " Article 63º.-If no agreement is reached between the dealer and the owner of the land on the value of these, the Superintendent, request of the concessionaire or the owner of the land, shall designate one or more task commissions composed of three persons, so that, by hearing the parties, they practice the one or the guarantees of the compensation to be paid to the owner of the property servant. In these cases, the greatest value that the land can acquire for the planned works will not be taken into consideration. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the applicant may require the designation of one or more task commissions from the expiration of the deadline to submit observations or oppositions of the last notified. The fees of the commissions shall be the responsibility of the concessionaire and shall be fixed by the Superintendent. The task force appointed by the Superintendent, by resolution, shall be composed of three professionals registered in the Register referred to in the following Article and shall not be composed of more than one member who belongs to the centralized or decentralized administration of the State. It will be up to the Superintendent to designate the members by lot in a public procedure, enough for the latter that the draw is announced five days in advance on the website of the Superintendence. In the same draw, the Superintendent shall appoint three alternate members, and determine their order of preference, in case any of the first members do not accept the position. Those who are appointed appraisers shall be found in a causal of inability of those referred to in Article 63b to declare it expressly and to be disabled from forming the corresponding task force. Such a declaration shall be delivered to the Superintendence within the time limit specified in the preceding paragraph. In such a case, the Superintendence shall designate, as replacement, the alternate appraiser. "17) It shall incorporate the following Article 63a:" Article 63a.-The S uperintrend will take a Register where the persons interested in integrating the appraisors referred to in the previous article will be registered. The Register will be electronic and the names of its members will be published on the website of the Superintendence. The application for registration must be sent to the Superintendence, in the form established by the regulation, having to comply with the following requirements: a) To accompany a certification of not having been convicted for a crime that deserves a penalty Pain. b) Credit, by affidavit, the data of your employer or activity you develop, and the professional links that you have with any company in the electrical sector. (c) a title, awarded by a university or a professional or technical institute of the State or recognised by the State, as appropriate, or technical training centres, and accredit a minimum experience of three years in the public or private sector, in Total, in the field of urban or rural real estate. Having complied with the requirements stated above, the Superintendent will proceed to incorporate in the Registry the appraiser, without further processing. The accreditation of the requirements referred to in points (a) and (b) of this Article shall be updated annually. "(18) The following Article 63b shall be inserted:" Article 63b.-A task force may not be incorporated by a committee of the the date of their designation or at any time within the 12 months preceding that date, have or have had an interest in the assessment. It is understood that there is an interest of an appraiser in any assessment in which he or she is benefited, in any form, (i) himself, his spouse or his relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity; (ii) the companies or companies in which he is director or owner, directly or through other natural or legal persons, of 10% or more of his capital; (iii) companies or companies in which one of the persons referred to above is director or owner, direct or indirect, of 10% or more than its capital, and (iv) the controller of the company or its related persons, if the director had not result elected without the votes of that or those. In addition, a task force may not be included in a commission which has an employment or service relationship with the concessionary undertaking or with the owners of the servants who are required to make use of it. The provisions of the second paragraph of Article 63º shall not be considered as a cause of conflict of interest. If, for any reason, a new appraisal is to be carried out and the amount of the compensation fixed in this case is greater than the previous one, the concessionaire may not continue the works until the difference is entered in accordance with the article. 66º. "19) Amend article 64th as follows: a) Replace the expression" of Good Men "with the voice" appraiser ". (b) The following second and third points are added: " If the report of the task force is not evacuated within 20 days of the last visit to the field according to the programme approved by the Superintendence, it shall apply to each of the members of the committee who have caused the delay, a fine of ten UTM. Without prejudice to the fine referred to in the foregoing paragraph, if the task force fails to deliver its report within the time limit, the concessionaire or the owner of the land may request the Superintendent to appoint a new commission. " 20) Amend Article 65º in the following sense: (a) Replace the expressions "of good men" by the voice "appraiser" and "the interested parties and those affected" by "the dealers and the owners of the affected properties". (b) The following second and third subparagraphs are added: " In the absence of a postal service allowing the delivery of the assessment by registered letter, the applicant may entrust the notification of the assessment to a notary public of the place, who will certify the fact. Where the notification by registered letter is not possible, the Superintendence shall instruct the concessionaire to notify the guarantor through the means of notification provided for in Article 27. In the event that the guarantee cannot be brought to the attention of the owners by some of the routes mentioned in the preceding incissos, either because it was not possible to determine the residence or individuality of the owners of the affected properties or because their number difficult considerably the practice of the diligence, the dealer will be able to appear before the judge of letters (21) Substitute Article 66º by the following: " Article 66º.-The value fixed by the task force, plus the twenty per cent of which it deals with, shall be replaced by the following: Article 70, shall be delivered to the owner and, if the owner is absent or refused to receive it, shall be entered in the current account of the Court in the order of the owner. " 22) next: " Article 67º.-Without prejudice to the existence of any outstanding claim, be the dealer or the owner of the property, the proof of payment or the entry of the value fixed by the appraiser commission will serve the dealer to obtain from the Judge of the respective Letters that he puts it, without further processing, in possession material of the land. At the request of the concessionaire, the judge may also decree the aid of the public force in order to enforce the decree of concession, with the right of disclosing, the power of the latter to be used if there is opposition to the takeover of material possession of the grounds or for the event of being without inders the servants, questions which must be ascertained by the agent of the public force carrying out the diligence and of which must be recorded in the file. In order to proceed according to the provisions of this paragraph, the judge will order that the owner of the predium be notified in advance, in the field recorded in the decree of concession, for which a copy of the resolution that the decree of the aid of the public force, which shall also contain a reference to that decree. The notification shall be carried out by a judicial receiver or by a notary public, as determined by the judge, as a minister of faith, and may also be practiced by a Chilean Carabineros official, in the same quality, and will be perfected at the time the copy is delivered to any adult person who is in the premises. If the minister of faith certifies that in two different days it is not in the case of an adult person to notify, it will be sufficient for such a copy to be deposited in the predium, thus being understood to be effected the notification even if the owner of the property is not found in (23) Substitute Article 68º by the following: " Article 68º.-The dealers or owners of the properties concerned may claim from the guarantor that they have been carried out by the Commission within the the period of 30 days from the date of its notification. From that moment on, the questions raised will be aired in accordance with the rules laid down in Title XI of the Third Book of the Code of Civil Procedure. " Transitional Article.-Persons registered in the Register of Men Good established in Supreme Decree Nº113, 2007, of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction, shall become part of the Register referred to in Article 63º bis of the decree with force of law Nº4, 2007, of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction, which fixed the recast, coordinated and systematized text of the decree with force of law No. 1, 1982, of the Ministry of Mining, General Law of Services Electric. ' Having complied with the provisions of Article 93 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Republic, and because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 8 October 2013.-Andres Chadwick Piñera, Vice President of the Republic.-Jorge Bunster Bettele, Minister of Energy.-Juan Ignacio Pina Rochefort, Minister of Justice (S). What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Saluda Atté. to Ud., Hernan Moya Bruzzone, Chief Legal Division Deputy Energy Secretary. CONSTITUTIONAL COURT Draft law on procedure for granting electric concessions (Bulletin No. 8270-08) The Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, who subscribes, certifies that the Chamber of Deputies sent the bill enunciated in the initialled, approved by the National Congress, in order to enable the Court to exercise the preventive control of constitutionality in respect of Articles 31a and 34a, respectively, contained in numerals 12 and 13 of the single article of the project and by judgment of 10 September 2013, in the cars Role No 2516-13-CPR, is hereby declared: 1. That the precept referred to in the first paragraph of Article 31a, as set out in the first paragraph of the draft law referred to in Article 31a, in the part from the beginning of that point to the first point followed by it, is organic and constitutional. 2.-That this Constitutional Court shall not issue a declaration, in preventive examination of constitutionality, in respect of Article 34a, contained in the number 13 of the single article of the draft law referred, for not dealing with matters of its own Constitutional organic law. Santiago, September 10, 2013.-Marta de la Fuente Olguin, Secretaría.