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Law For The Development Of Academic Staff In The Republic Of Bulgaria

Original Language Title: Закон за развитието на академичния състав в Република България

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Name of law Law for the development of academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria Named the Bill the Bill for the development of academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria date of acceptance 13/05/2010 number/year Official Gazette 38/2010 Decree No 122

On the grounds of art. 101, para. 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria


To be published in the Official Gazette the law for the development of academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria, adopted by the National Assembly of the HLI, 15 April 2010, readmitted on May 13, 2010.

Issued in Sofia on May 19, 2010.

The President of the Republic: Georgi Parvanov

Stamped with the State seal.

Minister of Justice: Margarita Popova


for the development of academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria

Chapter one


Art. 1. (1) this Act regulates the social relations connected with scientific degrees and academic posts in the Republic of Bulgaria.

(2) principles for acquiring scientific grades and taking up academic posts are:

1. the autonomy of universities and scientific organizations and related decentralization of procedures under this Act;

2. free choice of scientific development and objectivity in his assessment;

3. ensuring public interest connected with the quality of the educational process and scientific research, through the introduction of uniform State requirements and national control of their observance;

4. international recognition, exchanges of experts and information to carry out the procedures, with a view to the completion of the single educational and research area.

(3) the specific terms and conditions for the acquisition of scientific degrees and academic positions are determined by the relevant regulations of universities and scientific organizations in compliance with the uniform State requirements.

Art. 2. (1) the academic staff includes holding academic positions in universities and research organizations, as well as other persons under the law on higher education.

(2) scientific degrees are: 1. "the doctor" (scientific and educational);

2. "doctor of Sciences".

(3) Academic posts are:

1. "Assistant";

2. "Assistant Professor";

3. "Associate Professor";

4. "Professor".

Art. 3. (1) the procedures for the reception of regular and part-time graduate students, as well as for academic positions in accredited by the national evaluation and accreditation agency (NOAA) professional directions and specializations are opened by decision of the higher school and scientific organization for a competition. The competition is announced in the Official Gazette and on the website of the relevant higher education institution or scientific organization, the Ministry of education, youth and science and NOAA.

(2) Applicants submit documents according to the requirements of the relevant higher education institution or scientific organization within a period of not less than two months after the notice in the Official Gazette.

Art. 4. (1) the evaluation of the dissertation and of candidates for academic positions, "Assistant Professor", "docent" and "Professor" is performed by the scientific jury is validated for any specific procedure with an order of the Rector of the higher school or to the head of the scientific organisation at the suggestion of the Faculty Academic Council, respectively.

(2) the members of the scientific jury are selected from a national list of juries in scientific fields and if possible and in directions and specialties. In cross-disciplinary theme, at least one member of the jury must be on the other scholarly field, to which disertacionniât work is relevant. The selection is carried out by two separate groups-the external and internal members of the higher education institution or scientific organization. The national list includes Bulgarian citizens – empowered individuals and foreign scientists at the suggestion of universities or research organisations, the Ministry of education, youth and science and NOAA. The scientific jury is foreseen and one alternate.

(3) the jury shall conduct its meetings under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down by the regulations of universities and scientific organizations. At the first meeting, the jury shall elect one of its members as its Chair and checked and the implementation of the procedural requirements. The decisions of the jury and of the Board shall be taken by open ballot and a simple majority.

Chapter two


Art. 5. (1) the scientific degrees "doctor" and "doctor of Sciences" is acquired only in universities and scientific organizations, received accreditation for training in the degree "doctor" from NOAA, under the conditions and pursuant to the law on higher education.

(2) scientific degrees "doctor" and "doctor of Sciences" are open-ended and shall be valid throughout the country.

(3) Acquired overseas degrees are recognised by universities or research organisations in the Republic of Bulgaria under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down by the regulations, in accordance with the regulations and international treaties to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.

Art. 6. (1) the PhD is acquired by a person with the title "master" protected dissertation under the conditions and in accordance with this law.

(2) Disertacionniât labor is prepared by full-time, part-time or private training received accreditation from NAEA doctoral program of higher education or scientific organization. The preparation is possible and in the distance form of learning.

Art. 7. (1) the adoption of regular and part-time graduate students is done through competition, which takes place not earlier than one month after the expiry of the time limit for the submission of documents referred to in art. 3, al. 2.

(2) applicants for doctoral students of private preparation offered for discussion in the relevant Department, Department or Institute a draft of the thesis developed in its main part, and bibliography.

(3) Začislâvaneto of the successful candidates, the candidates accordingly with approved projects under par. 2, is carried out by decision of the faculty, the Science Council accordingly higher school or scientific organization.

Art. 8. (1) the training of doctoral candidates is carried out according to the plan, under the conditions and pursuant to the law on higher education and the rules of the relevant higher education institution or scientific organization.

(2) the regular and private training with duration of up to 3 years and zadočnata and distance – up to 4 years.

(3) in exceptional cases, the relevant rules regulated in higher education or scientific organization, the period may be extended, but not more than one year.

Art. 9. The scientific jury on defence of the dissertation consists of five academic persons appointed by the national list, at least half are external to the University or research organization. At least one of the members of the jury must be a professor.

Art. 10. (1) the members of the jury draw two reviews, one of which, the person and three opinions. The reviews and opinions must end with a positive or negative score.

(2) the reviews and opinions shall be made within three months of the selection of the jury and, together with the avtoreferata of the dissertation is published in Bulgarian and English on the website of the University or research organization. The materials shall be sent to the Ministry of education, youth and science and NOAA.

Art. 11. (1) within one month after publication of the reviews and the opinions jurors held an open session for defense of the dissertation.

(2) is considered to be successfully protected dissertation, received protection at least three positive ratings, as each Member of the jury publicly announces its score.

(3) failed to secure a dissertation is returned for processing. The return shall be notified to the Ministry of education, youth and science and NOAA. If the applicant desires, not later than one year after the return is announced a new procedure for protection, which is final.

(4) the scientific degree "doctor" is acquired from the day on which the work was successfully protected disertacionniât.

Art. 12. (1) the scientific degree "doctor of Sciences" is acquired by a person with a master's or doctoral degree, which is a protected dissertation subject to this law.

(2) Disertacionniât work under para. 1 contains published an original theory, theoretical or empirical generalization, a decision of great scientific and applied problems of modern science.

(3) Disertacionniât work under para. 1 be prepared individually and the candidate is assigned by the order of art. 7, para. 2 and 3.

Art. 13. (1) the protection of thesis is done publicly in front of a jury of seven persons chosen academic of the national list, under the conditions and by the procedure of art. 9, at least three professors. Four are outsiders to the appropriate higher education institutions or scientific organization.

(2) protection shall apply mutatis mutandis the provisions of art. 10 and 11. Three members of the jury shall prepare reviews, other – opinions. Two of the reviews are by professors and at least one review, from externally to higher school or scientific organization person.

(3) the scientific degree "doctor of Sciences" is acquired from the day on which the work was successfully protected disertacionniât.

Art. 14. (1) the scientific degrees "doctor" and "doctor of Sciences" authenticate with a degree awarded by the University or scientific organisation under the established order, which shall be sent, within three days, the Ministry of education, youth and science.

(2) the diploma under para. 1 is issued to Bulgarian language and, if requested by the person shall be issued and the application in English.

Chapter three


Section I


Art. 15. (1) the academic posts are found in high schools and in scientific organizations under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down by the law and with their rules.

(2) the academic Office shall be held under the terms of the main contract. Habilitirano a person occupying an academic position may participate in accreditation only one high school.

(3) the transition from the academic Office of the same or of a corresponding academic post in another higher education institution or scientific organization, including from other European countries, can be made without competition and choice on the decision of the host higher education institutions or scientific organization and under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down by the regulations.

(4) in the higher schools and faculties of Arts and sports to hold academic positions may apply for the area concerned with specific creative and sporting achievements.

(5) upon termination of the employment contract through no fault of the person habilitiranoto preserves all personal rights, arising from the academic Office.

Art. 16. the persons occupying the academic posts are subject to periodic performance appraisal at least once every 5 years.

Section Ii

Taking up academic posts "Assistant" and "Assistant Professor"

Art. 17. Higher education institutions and scientific organizations may appoint persons to the position "Assistant" on temporary contract.

Art. 18. (1) the academic title "Assistant Professor" takes up only by a person with a Ph.d. "in the scientific field.

(2) in medical universities or faculties and university hospitals, higher education in arts and sport faculties, or in military high schools, as well as in higher education institutions of Ministry of Internal Affairs Office "Assistant Professor" may be occupied by persons without a Ph.d. ", where this is provided for in the rules of the school.

(3) the academic title "Assistant Professor" shall be held on the basis of competition and choice.

Art. 19. The candidates for participation in the competition filing for admission and the following documents:

1. curriculum vitae;

2. diploma of the educational and scientific degree "doctor";

3. medical certificate;

4. a certificate of conviction;

5. certificate of experience, if any;

6. list of publications, inventions and other scientific and applied research.

Art. 20. (1) the competition is held by the scientific panel, which includes academic persons and consists of a Chairman and four members. Two members of the jury are external to the University or scientific organization and included in the national list under art. 4, al. 2.

(2) the jury shall be determined no later than two months after the notice in the Official Gazette.

Art. 21. (1) to participate in the contest allowed applicants who meet the legal requirements and the requirements of the higher school or scientific organization.

(2) all applicants shall be informed in writing of the outcome of the admission procedure within 14 days after the selection of the jury.

(3) the entry examination shall take place not later than one month after the dispatch of the notice referred to in paragraph 1. 2.

Art. 22. (1) every Member of the jury evaluates candidates individually.

(2) the President of the jury shall submit a summary report-conclusion of the results of the competition not later than 7 days after the meeting by the faculty, respectively the Scientific Council of the University or scientific organization, with a proposal for the conduct of the election.

(3) when more than one candidate, passed the competition, the jury makes a reasoned proposal for the choice in his report to the Council.

Art. 23. (1) Fakultetniât, respectively, the Scientific Council shall conduct the election not later than 14 days after the proposal of the jury.

(2) candidates who have appeared in the contest shall be notified in writing of the outcome of the competition and choice.

Section Iii

The academic title "docent"

Art. 24. (1) the academic title "docent" is occupied by a person after the acquisition of the PhD.

(2) the academic title "docent" shall be held on the basis of competition and choice.

(3) competition for the occupation of the academic title "docent" opens, if you can provide the teaching or research usage in accordance with the rules of the institution or scientific organization.

Art. 25. The competition is held by the scientific panel, which includes academic persons of National list under art. 4, al. 2 and consists of a Chairman and six members. At least three of the members of the jury are external to the University or scientific organization and at least three are professors.

Art. 26. (1) the Applicants submit documents and writings, research and creative achievements in defense of the doctoral dissertation, as well as the original report of the scientific contributions of work and citations. Only publications in peer-reviewed journals.

(2) within 14 days after the expiry of the time limit for the submission of documents the scientific jury defines two independent reviewers, of which at least one is a professor. The other members of the jury shall draw up opinions. The reviews and opinions are concluded with a positive or negative conclusion.

Art. 27. (1) within one month before the closing session of the scientific jury on the website of the relevant higher education institution or research organization published the documents prepared by the participants in the procedure summaries of their writings in defense of the doctoral dissertation, as well as reviews and the opinions of the members of the jury. The materials are published in Bulgarian and in English.

(2) Scientific jury held the contest within 6 months of the notice in the Official Gazette.

(3) Scientific jury assesses applicants according to their research output, and when – and according to their teaching experience. The judges ranked the candidates with public votes and offers them for selection of faculty/Academic Council. Proposal to the Council shall be prepared by the Chairman of the scientific jury and shall be signed by all members within 7 days.

(4) Fakultetniât, respectively, the Scientific Council shall decide on the selection of "Associate Professor" on a proposal from the scientific jury. The election takes place under conditions and by an order determined by the rules of the institution or scientific organization, not later than one month after preparation of the proposal.

Art. 28. the Associate Professor, delivers a public academic lecture to academics in higher education institutions or scientific organization.

Section Iv

The academic title "Professor"

Art. 29. (1) the academic title "Professor" is occupied by a person after the acquisition of scientific degree "doctor", which presented original research papers, publications, inventions, PhD and other scientific and scientific-applied research or creative achievements assessed in the aggregate. In the rules of the relevant higher education institution or scientific organization may provide for binding and other conditions.

(2) the scientific jury is composed of seven members, at least four of them are professors and at least three are outsiders. Prepare three four reviews and opinions. For other terms and conditions of borrowing the scientific title "Professor" is subject to the provisions of section III.


Art. 30. (1) the Minister of education, youth and science shall control observance of the uniform State requirements.

(2) For the open and outstanding procedures for obtaining a degree, as well as for academic positions, control is only for procedural violations and is done through own-initiative inquiries or signal of an interested party.

(3) the signal under para. 2 must contain the name and address of the applicant, a description of the procedure relates to violations, as well as an indication of the evidence supporting them. The time limit for the submission of the signal for the participants in the procedure is three days of becoming aware of the fact, and for third parties – 7 days from the publication of the information in the Official Gazette, according to the website of the University and scientific organization.

(4) the Minister of education, youth and science shall appoint inspection and shall decide within 14 days of receipt of the signal.

(5) upon the inspection shall verify all procedure, notwithstanding the signal. Examination ends with findings of the regularity of each stage of the procedure.

Art. 31. (1) the Minister of education, youth and science can request information and documents from universities or research organisations with regard to the controlled procedures.

(2) in the event of a violation, the Minister of education, youth and science or authorized by him Deputy Minister has the right to stop the defense of the dissertation, or contest respectively choice of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. In order to stop a period shall be fixed for it to be corrected and notified of the higher school or research organization.

(3) the suspension is only once and for a period of up to one month.

(4) high school or scientific organisation are obliged to eliminate infringements found and to submit evidence, within the time limit referred to in paragraph 1. 2.

(5) the procedures for acquiring the scientific degree and academic position shall be resumed by order of the Minister of education, youth and science or authorized by him Deputy Minister if violations are removed.

(6) where the Minister does not issue an order to resume after the expiration of the one-month period of the suspension, the procedure can be resumed from the Rector of the higher school, respectively head of the scientific organization. In dissent, the Minister may file a complaint under art. 33, para. 3 or to propose withdrawal of accreditation to the NAEA.

Art. 32. (1) the Completed procedures for the acquisition of academic degree and academic dismissal may be appealed in front of the arbitration violations admitted essential advice to NOAA. These violations are essential, which would affect the final result.

(2) the Arbitration Board shall be constituted to NOAA for each dispute concerned and consists of four members and a Chairperson.

(3) the injured party, high school or scientific organization, the Ministry of education, youth and science and NAEA choose one arbitrator and the arbitrators elected President-elect. When selecting a Board of arbitration each Party shall submit a replacement article.

(4) the Arbitrators shall be selected by the national list under art. 4, al. 2. the requirement is that they were not involved in the procedure in another quality.

(5) the Chairman of the Arbitration Board shall elect a lawyer with at least 10 years of legal experience, included in the national list.

Art. 33. (1) proceedings before the Arbitration Board began an appeal to the party concerned, brought by the higher school or scientific organization within 14 days of its notification.

(2) the right to lodge a complaint and have other stakeholders who did not participate in the procedure with private rights on its subject. The appeal shall be lodged within 14 days of becoming aware, but not later than one month after the notice on the website of the higher school and scientific organisation for the completion of the procedure.

(3) in exceptional cases where breach of public interest may lodge a complaint the Minister of education, youth and science or the President of the NAEA, within two months of the notice on the website for the completion of the procedure.

(4) the master of the higher school, respectively head of the scientific organization can revoke the ruling decision, after receiving the opinion of the complaint from the Faculty Academic Council, respectively. Otherwise, he shall forward the complaint and all documentation with its opinion to the NAEA within 14 days of the notice of appeal with the transcript and to the Ministry of education, youth and science.

Art. 34. (1) within one month of receipt of the documents referred to in art. 33 elected composition of the arbitrators. The same held first session within 14 days after their selection, which dealt with the complaint, the attached documentation, opinion of the higher school or scientific organization and the opinion of the Ministry of education, youth and science.

(2) the Second meeting, held exceptionally in the stated requests for new documentary evidence, that for good reasons are not able to be present at the first meeting. The time limit for holding a second meeting is up to 14 days after the first session.

(3) within 14 days after the meeting is schedule a closing meeting at which the vote is held, reported to the individual arbitrators and announced the decision. Decision shall be adopted by a simple majority.

(4) the decision of the Arbitration Board may confirm the decision of the higher school or scientific organization, or to cancel, send a new procedure of another composition of the scientific jury. The repeated solution of universities and scientific organizations is not subject to appeal to the Arbitration Board.

(5) the decision of the Arbitration Board under this Act shall not be subject to judicial review.

(6) For the outstanding questions regarding the proceedings, including administrative and technical organisation, charges, expenses and other regulations of the Arbitration Board to NAEA.

Art. 35. (1) Exempt from the academic Office-person: 1. where it is found that the works or substantial parts of them on the basis of which the degree was obtained or is busy academic post, written or created by someone else;

2. which protected dissertation or an academic position is selected in a procedure in which a member of the jury or the Faculty/Science Council has given an opinion, as a result of a crime established by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

3. which has received a negative score in two consecutive certificates.

(2) in the cases referred to in para. 1, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall take and earned a degree.

(3) the withdrawal of a degree and the dismissal is made by the Rector of the higher school, respectively, by the head of the scientific organisation, at the suggestion of the Faculty/Academic Council.

(4) the Minister of education, youth and science or the party concerned has the right to appeal the revocation to the Arbitration Board within 30 days. It is pronounced with a final decision within one month.

(5) a member of the jury for the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2. 1, item 2 shall be deleted from the list, as he takes a scientific degree and shall be exempt from an academic position.

Art. 36. (1) the exemption from the academic Office under art. 35, para. 1, item 1 and 2 and the withdrawal of a degree in art. 35, para. 2 are reflected in the performance appraisals of the higher school or scientific organization, conducted the procedure, as well as members of the following jury in academic positions.

(2) in the case of external members of the jury waiver of academic duties under art. 35, para. 1, item 1 and 2 and the withdrawal of a degree in art. 35, para. 2 is reflected in the performance appraisals of the higher school or scientific organization to which they belong.

(3) all personal rights of a person, resulting from the scientific degree and academic position shall be deemed to be repealed.


§ 1. Within the meaning of this law:

1. ' higher education institutions and scientific organizations "include all high schools, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, agricultural Academy, scientific organizations, University hospitals, institutes, etc., received accreditation from NAEA;

2. "doctoral programme" is an accredited program of higher education or scientific organization in the field of higher education for the training of graduate students.

§ 2. In the rules of the institution or scientific organization and may be made for larger odd number of members of the scientific panel while maintaining the statutory ratios.

§ 3. (1) Private colleges may not carry out procedures for academic positions.

(2) the procedures for academic positions at al. 1 conducted by higher education or scientific organization, carrying out training in the same field of study, on the basis of a contract with the private college.

§ 4. (1) all notices in the website under this law include the date of publication. The date should coincide with the date of publication in the Official Gazette. Where the information is published only on the Web page, for the accuracy of the contents and the date shall be drawn up, signed by the Chairman of the scientific jury, respectively from faculty or scientific advice and by at least one applicant in the procedure.

(2) in proceedings under this Act, containing classified information, the meetings of the relevant bodies are closed and apply the requirements of the law on the protection of classified information.


§ 5. (1) the law on scientific degrees and scientific titles (official SG. 36 of 1972; amend., SG. 43, 1975 12/1977, no. 61 of 1981, no. 94 of 1986, 10/1990, no. 59 of 1992, no. 112 of 1995, no. 28 of 1996 and no. 54 in 2000) is repealed.

 (2) all rights, as payment, an advantage for participation in competitions and other related scientific degrees and scientific titles acquired under the conditions and by the order of the revoked law for scientific degrees and scientific titles are preserved.

(3) persons who have acquired scientific degrees and ranks under the conditions and by the order of the revoked law for scientific degrees and scientific titles, retain its research and scientific degrees and ranks after they cease to hold scientific or academic positions.

§ 6. Higher education institutions and scientific organizations are obliged to provide persons of welded posts "Assistant", "Senior Assistant" and "Assistant Professor", respectively "research fellow" III, II and 1st degree, which do not have PhD, začislâvane conditions for acquisition of the PhD in private training.

§ 7. (1) the ranks of members of the academic staff holding degrees obtained under the revoked law for scientific degrees and scientific titles are replaced with academic positions at the University or scientific organization, as follows:

1. "Assistant", "Senior Assistant" and "Assistant Professor", respectively "research associate" I, II and III degree "shall be replaced by" Senior Assistant ";

2. "Associate Professor", respectively "senior research associate II degree" shall be replaced by the words "Associate Professor";

3. "the Professor", respectively "senior research associate degree I" shall be replaced by "Professor".

(2) the ranks of members of academic staff who do not have degrees, obtained under the revoked law for scientific degrees and scientific titles are replaced with academic positions at the University or scientific organization, as follows:

1. "Assistant", "Senior Assistant" and "Assistant Professor", respectively "research associate III, II and 1st degree" shall be replaced by the "Assistant";

2. "Associate Professor", respectively "senior research associate II degree" shall be replaced by the words "Associate Professor";

3. "the Professor", respectively "senior research associate degree I" shall be replaced by "Professor".

(3) the persons referred to in para. 1 and 2 reserve employment with the relevant university or scientific organization. The persons referred to in para. 2, item 1 after acquiring a PhD hold office "Assistant Professor" without contest.

§ 8. (1) Close to the high attestation Commission within 8 months after the entry into force of the law. Specialized scientific councils cease their activities within 6 months from the entry into force of the law, as within this period shall be extended past their mandates.

(2) assets, liabilities and archives of the Higher attestation Commission pass to the Ministry of education, youth and science.

(3) the Council of Ministers shall, within the time limit referred to in paragraph 1. 1 determine the liquidation Commission.

(4) the liquidation Commission shall carry out the liquidation of the higher attestation Commission within three months of the determination.

(5) the costs of the winding up shall be borne by the approved funds of the higher attestation Commission on the budget and the budget of the Ministry of education, youth and science.

(6) legal relations with the President, the Vice-President and the Scientific Secretary, as well as with the members of the Presidium and the scientific committees of the higher attestation Commission shall be terminated by the Prime Minister, and employment with other officials from the administration of the higher attestation Commission – by the Minister of education, youth and science.

§ 9. (1) Open and outstanding to the enactment of law procedures before the higher attestation Commission completed in previous terms and conditions within the time limit under § 8 para. 1. in open procedures are considered to be those that have selected reviewers or fee paid.

(2) within two months of the entry into force of the law the Council of Ministers shall adopt regulations for its implementation. The rules regulate the uniform State requirements within the meaning of art. 1, al. 3 procedures for doctoral admissions and in accordance with Chapter 2, teaching standards usage when opening of academic competitions for persons under art. 24, para. 3 and other provisions for its implementation. In the period referred to in the first sentence and the Council of Ministers shall adopt the rules of procedure of the Arbitration Board.

§ 10. Within one month from the entry into force of the regulation for implementation of the law universities and scientific organizations prepare and adopt regulations on the conditions and procedures for the acquisition of scientific degrees and academic positions. The rules shall be adopted by the Academic Council of the University or by the governing body of the organization.

§ 11. Within three months of the entry into force of the law, the national evaluation and accreditation agency shall draw up a national list of the members of the juries and the arbitrators.

§ 12. The law on higher education (official SG. 112 of 1995; amend., no. 28 of 1996, no. 56 of 1997; Corr, 57/1997; amend., SG. 58 of 1997, no. 60, 66, 111 and 113 in 1999, 54/2000, no. 22 of 2001 No. 40 and 53 in 2002. , PC. 48 and 70 by 2004, PCs. 77, 83 and 103 from 2005, PCs. 30, 36, 62 and 108 of 2006, St. 41 since 2007, PCs. 13, 43 and 69 by 2008 and PC. 42, 74 and 99 of 2009.) make the following changes and additions:

1. In art. 48:

(a)) in the Al. 1, item 2, the words "Senior Assistant" shall be deleted;

b) paragraph 3 shall be amended as follows:

"(3) the academic posts," Assistant "," Senior Assistant "," docent "and" Professor "be occupied under the conditions and by the procedure of the law for the development of academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria and of the regulations of universities."

2. Article 49 shall be repealed.

3. In art. 50, para. 2 the word "three" is replaced by "two".

4. In art. 77, para. 3 the word "two" shall be replaced with "one".

5. In art. 87, para. 4, the words "as well as featuring in scientific committees and the Presidium of the Higher attestation Commission" shall be deleted.

6. the words "law on scientific degrees and scientific titles" are replaced by "the law of development of the academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria".

§ 13. Public libraries Act (promulgated, SG. 42 by 2009; amend., 74/2009) in art. 20 the words "law on scientific degrees and scientific titles" are replaced by "the law of development of the academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria".

§ 14. In the medial institutions Act (promulgated, SG. 62 of 1999; amend., SG. 88, 113 and 114 of the 1999 No. 36, 65 and 108 of 2000; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 11 of 2001 – issue 51 of 2001; amend., SG. 28 and 62 of 2002, no. 83, 102 and 114 from 2003, no. 70 by 2004. , PC. 46, 76, 85, 88, and 105 by 2005, issue. 30, 34, 59, 80 and 105, 2006, issue. 31, 53 and 59 since 2007, PCs. 110 since 2008 and St. 36, 41, 99 and 101 of 2009.) in art. 80, al. 1, item 1 Finally a comma and add "which are specialists in the fields of medicine, biology, chemistry and physics and other non-medical specialties".

§ 15. Within one month from the entry into force of the law the Council of Ministers shall submit to the National Assembly draft laws amending the laws, whose provisions must be brought into conformity with this Act.

The law was adopted by 41-Otto National Assembly on April 15, 2010, and on May 13, 2010 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.

President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: