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Law On The Amendment Of The Electoral Code

Original Language Title: Закон за изменение и допълнение на Изборния кодекс

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Name of law Law amending the electoral code Bill name WALL of the electoral code acceptance date 14/02/2013 number/year Official Gazette 17/2013 Decree No 29

On the grounds of art. 98, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria


To be published in the Official Gazette the law amending the electoral code adopted by the National Assembly of the HLI 14 February 2013.

Issued in Sofia on 19 February 2013.

The President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev

Stamped with the State seal.

Minister of Justice:

Diana Kovatcheva


amending the electoral code (promulgated, SG. 9 of 2011; Decision No. 4 of the Constitutional Court by 2011 – 36 PCs by 2011; amend., SG. 45 by 2011.)

§ 1. In art. 5, al. 1, item 1, the words "through a preferential vote" shall be deleted.

§ 2. In art. 12, al. 2 the word "three" is replaced by "5".

§ 3. In art. 13 the following modifications are made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 the words "organizational and technical preparation of the elections" shall be replaced by the "organizational and technical preparation and support of the elections, including equipment and supplies".

2. in the Al. 2, second sentence, the words "organizational and technical preparation of the elections" shall be replaced by "para. 1. "

§ 4. In art. 18, al. 4 creating the third sentence: "the members of the precinct electoral commissions and the committees under art. 233, para. 7 and art. 242, para. 7 working with an employment or service, are entitled to unpaid leave for work the day before and for two days following election day, such leave shall be counted for employment or work experience.

§ 5. In art. the following 20 amendments:

1. In paragraph 8. 2 the second sentence shall be replaced by the following: "When adopting the decision lacks the necessary majority, believe that there is a decision to reject, which is subject to appeal in accordance with this code."

2. Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:

"(4) the members of the electoral commissions signed protocols and rate decisions by a dissenting opinion when you don't agree with the decision or as specified in the Protocol, specifying the particular opinion."

3. in the Al. 7, first sentence, the words "of every" are replaced by "the ticket" and add "registered by the procedure of art. 29, para. 1, item 10, according to art. 33, para. 1, item 19.

§ 6. Art is created. 20: "the presence of observers

Art. 20. The meetings of the electoral committees may attend as observers. Observers may attend upon receipt of the election papers and materials under art. 187 in the transmission of newsletters, papers and other materials of the art. 233, para. 7 and under art. 242, para. 7, including the introduction of protocols of precinct electoral commissions under art. 233, para. 4 and art. 242, para. 4. "

§ 7. In art. 21, para. 1, after the words "in the election to" add "for MPs".

§ 8. Art is created. 21A:

"Seal of the precinct electoral commissions in elections for members of European Parliament art. 21A. Precinct electoral commissions for election of members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria have a stamp, stamped with instructions from the signed Protocol with the results of voting at a polling station. "

§ 9. In chapter two, section II is creating art. 22A:


Art. 22. (1) the Central Electoral Commission is a legal person the budgetary allowance based in Sofia and the major authorising officer.

(2) the budget of the Central Electoral Commission shall be drawn up, implemented and reported in accordance with the law on the Organization of the State budget. "

§ 10. In art. 26 the following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1:

(a) in item 1) add "and adopt rules for organization of activity";

(b) in item 2) creates a second sentence: "Provides the creation of a website of district electoral commissions and the municipal electoral commissions.";

in point 3) shall be replaced by the following:

"3. methodological guidelines for the work of electoral commissions for the implementation of this code not later than 60 days before election day; training of district and local electoral commissions not later than 15 days of their appointment and the members of the precinct electoral commissions outside the country before departure; "

(d) in point 7) add "and members of the committees referred to in art. 233, para. 7 and art. 242, para. 7 ";

e) in point 8 the word "considered" is replaced by "is obliged to examine all";

is so created) 13A and 13B:

13. advocates registered outside the country of the kandidatskite lists of parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties to election day and issue certificates stating the number of the polling station in which they will exercise their rights on election day;

13b. keep a log of the advocates outside the country on lists, which publishes on its website; "

(g) in paragraph 16), after the words "in the election to" insert "MPs for";

h) in item 17, the words "the numbers of ballots" shall be replaced by ' serial numbers on ballot ";

and so on are created) 21A and 21B:

"21A. shall keep a register of sociological agencies under art. 137 b, which publishes on its website;

21 b. keeps a register of observers under art. 101 (b), which publishes on its website; "

k) in paragraph 22, after the words "its decisions" insert "verbatim records of its meetings," and after the word "election" a comma and add "scanned and electronically received copies of the protocols of precinct electoral commissions, regional and municipal electoral commissions";

l) are so 22A, 22B and 22 c:

22A. "broadcast its meetings in real time on the Internet through the website of the Commission, which previously announced project on its agenda;

22B. establish and maintain an electronic public register of complaints submitted to the Commission, and the decisions on them;

22. in the water and keep an up-to-date list of the persons with voting rights on the data from the population register – national database "population", while providing an opportunity to every voter can consult the list in a uniform civil number; "

m) in 25 creates a second sentence: "the explanatory campaign begins not later than 15 days before the expiry of the relevant deadline, by which derive rights and obligations for citizens in connection with the election.";

n) in paragraph 26, after the word "day" is added "register observers – non-governmental organizations and their members or explicitly authorized representatives, for each type of choice, including new and partial elections";

o) in paragraph 35, the words "in the elections for President and Vice President of the Republic and to municipal councillors and mayors ' shall be deleted;

p) in paragraph 36, the words "20:00" are replaced by "21:00".

2. in the Al. 2, item 1 the words "updated forecasts" are deleted.

3. in the Al. 4:

and so is created):

1. at the request of the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union, carried out the verification of the circumstances referred to in the declarations of the Bulgarian citizens, submitted in the State concerned, and shall forward the information within 5 working days of receipt of the request; "

(b) in item 2) creates a second sentence: "the explanatory campaign begins not later than 15 days before the expiry of the relevant deadline, by which derive rights and obligations for nationals of another Member State of the European Union, in connection with the election."

4. in the Al. 5:

a) in item 3 finally creates the second sentence: "the explanatory campaign begins not later than 15 days before the expiry of the relevant deadline, by which derive rights and obligations for nationals of another Member State of the European Union, in connection with the election.";

(b)) shall be item 3 (a):

3. at the request of the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union, carried out the verification of the circumstances referred to in the declarations of the Bulgarian citizens, submitted in the State concerned, and shall forward the information within 5 working days of receipt of the request; ".

5. in the Al. 6, after the word "declare" insert "immediately".

6. in the Al. 7 the words "para. 1, item 5, 6, 21, 26 and 29 "are replaced by" para. 1, item 5, 6, 21, 26, 27, 29, 39 and 40.

7. in the Al. 8, the words "and 13" shall be replaced by "13 and 13A.

§ 11. In chapter two, section II is creating art. 26 (a):

"Administration of the Central Electoral Commission

Art. 26. (1) the activity of the Central Electoral Commission is supported by the Administration, the structure and organization of the work of art. 26, al. 1, item 1.

(2) the activities of the Administration is carried out by civil servants and by persons working in the employment relationship. For employees with an employment relationship shall be applied art. 107 (a) of the labour code. The number of employees can be up to two thirds of the number of members of the Central Electoral Commission.

(3) the administrative leadership of the administration of the Central Electoral Commission by the glaven Secretary.

(4) under the conditions and in accordance with procedures laid down by the regulation under art. 26, al. 1, item 1, the Secretary carries out the powers in the service and the employment relationship with the employees in the Administration, owns, controls the movement of funds in the budget of the Commission and enter into contracts on behalf of the Commission. In the absence of the Secretary for each case its functions are performed by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission official.

(5) For the administration of the Commission shall apply the law of the Administration, unless otherwise provided in this code. "

§ 12. In art. 28, para. 3, after the words "para. 2 "insert" and the direction of the Commission ".

§ 13. In art. 29 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1:

a) in item 10 the word "candidates" is replaced by "kandidatskite lists of political parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees until election day," and after the word "evidence" is a comma and add "indicating the number of the polling station in which they will exercise their rights on election day";

b) item 10 shall be (a): "10A. keep a log of the advocates on the lists for the election of MPs, the President and Vice President of the Republic and for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria, which publishes on its website; "

c) in item 11, the words "the ballots" shall be replaced by "in the ballot";

(d) in paragraph 13), the words "for MPs and", the words "in the elections for President and Vice President of the Republic" and the words "statements and" shall be deleted;

(e)) including 15 the word "considered" is replaced by "is obliged to examine all";

is created that is):

' 16A. within the time limit referred to in item 16 scans and sent to the Central Electoral Commission Protocol with data from the vote in the electoral district (the area) and publish it on the website; "

g) point 17 shall be replaced by the following:

"17. also available for the signature of the members of the Commission, the participants in the elections or their representatives and proxies and observers from the photocopy the signed Protocol with the results of the vote in the electoral district (the area), stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and signed by the President, the Vice-President and the Registrar;"

(h)) are n. 20, 21, 22 and 23:

20. "broadcast its meetings in real time on the Internet through the website of the Commission, which previously announced project on its agenda;

21. maintain website, which publishes its decisions and minutes of its meetings;

22. scan and publish on its website the protocols of precinct election commissions not later than 48 hours from the end of the election day and send them to the Central Electoral Commission;

23. establish and maintain an electronic public register of complaints submitted to the Commission, and the decisions on them. "

2. in the Al. 2, first sentence, the words "on the date of their adoption" shall be replaced by the words "without delay" and add "and by posting on its website.

3. Paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:

"(3) the decisions of the District Election Commission under para. 1, 2, 3 and 10 may be appealed within three days of their announcement before the Central Election Commission, which shall take a decision within three days of a decision which shall be declared immediately and not subject to appeal. The decisions of the District Election Commission under para. 1, item 7, 8 and 9, including refusals to register may be appealed within three days of their announcement before the Central Election Commission, which shall take a decision within three days by a decision subject to appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court by the procedure of art. 26, al. 8. "4. Al is created. 4:

"(4) in case of appeals against decisions of the District Election Commission limits the administrative code shall not apply."

§ 14. In art. 31, para. 3, after the words "para. 2 "insert" and the direction of the Commission ".

§ 15. In art. 32, para. 2, after the word "receive" is added "at the expense of the State budget".

§ 16. In art. 33 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1:

a) in 11 the words "statements and" shall be deleted;

(b) in paragraph 13) the word "considered" is replaced by "is obliged to examine all";

in the 19) the words "candidates for municipal councilors and mayors ' shall be replaced by ' kandidatskite lists for municipal councilors and mayors of parties, coalitions and initiative committees of Parties until election day," and after the word "evidence" is a comma and add "indicating the number of the polling station in which they will exercise their rights on election day";

(d)) shall be so 19A:

' 19A. keep a log of the advocates on the lists in the elections for municipal councilors and mayors, who publishes on its website; "

(e)) including 20 the words "20:00" are replaced by "21:00";

is created that is):

21. within the time limit referred to in item 21 scans and sent to the Central Electoral Commission records for the election of municipal councillors, Mayor of the municipality and Town Hall and publish them on its website; "

g) point 22 is replaced by the following:

"22. also available for the signature of the members of the Commission, the participants in the elections or their representatives and proxies and observers from the photocopy the signed Protocol of the type of choice with the results of the vote in the electoral district, stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and signed by the President, the Vice-President and the Registrar;"

(h)) were established that 28, 29 and 30:

"28. maintains a website which publishes its decisions and minutes of its meetings;

29. scans and publish on its website the protocols of precinct election commissions not later than 48 hours from the end of the election day and send them to the Central Electoral Commission;

30. establish and maintain an electronic public register of complaints submitted to the Commission, and the decisions on them. "

2. in the Al. 2, first sentence, the words "on the date of their adoption" shall be replaced by the words "without delay" and add "and by posting on its website.

3. in the Al. 3 in the first sentence, after the words "municipal electoral Committee" insert "with the exception of those referred to in the second sentence" and the second sentence: "the decisions of the municipal election Commission under para. 1.14, 15 and 16, including refusals to register may be appealed within three days of their announcement before the Central Election Commission, which shall take a decision within three days by a decision subject to appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court by the procedure of art. 26, al. 8. "4. Al is created. 4:

"(4) to review the decisions of the municipal election Commission limits the administrative code shall not apply."

§ 17. In art. 36, para. 1 is hereby amended as follows:

1. In paragraph 4, the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

2. Point 8 is replaced by the following:

"8. also available for the signature of the members of the Commission, the participants in the elections or their representatives and proxies and observers from the photocopy the signed Protocol of the type of choice with the results of voting at a polling station, stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and signed by the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary."

§ 18. In art. 39, para. 1 item 9 shall be amended as follows:

"9. also available for the signature of the members of the Commission, the participants in the elections or their representatives and proxies and observers from the photocopy the signed Protocol of the type of choice with the results of voting at a polling station, stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and signed by the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary."

§ 19. In art. the following 44 amendments:

1. In paragraph 8. 2 the first sentence shall be replaced by the following: "Bulgarian citizen who satisfies the conditions referred to in art. 3, al. 1 or 2 and would like to vote, stating that no later than 30 days before election day in writing through a sample application, signed by hand and submitted in person, by letter to the diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Bulgaria in the State concerned, or by an application via the website of the Central Election Commission, as the electronic applications are published immediately on the website of the Central Election Commission in accordance with the requirements of the law on the protection of personal data. "

2. Create a new para. 3 and 4:

"(3) the Central Electoral Commission shall forward the information referred to in para. 2, second sentence, received through the website of the Commission to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summarizes data on individual countries and sends them to the heads of the diplomatic and consular representations of the Republic of Bulgaria for entry of persons listed under para. 1.

(4) persons who are not entered in the list under para. 1, can appeal against their failure to be within three days from the publication of the list before the Central Election Commission, which shall take a decision within three days of a decision which shall be declared immediately and not subject to appeal. "

3. The current paragraph. 3 it al. 5.

4. The current paragraph. 4 it al. 6 and in the second sentence, after the word "States" insert "and the Central Electoral Commission, received pursuant to para. 3. "

5. the Previous para. 5, 6 and 7 shall become al. 7, 8 and 9.

§ 20. Create art. 48A and 48B:

"The deletion from the list under art. 187, para. 1, item 7 before election day

Art. 48. (1) the list under art. 187, para. 1, item 7 shall be published on the website of the municipality not later than 10 days before election day and contains the names of the person, number and the address of the polling station. Any person may consult the list.

(2) any person who is entered in the list, but is entitled to vote, may ask to be removed from the list under para. 1 a written application to the Mayor of the municipality or region or City Hall.

(3) the application shall be lodged within three days from the publication of the list under para. 1 and contains evidence and documents for the cancellation of the person from the list.

(4) the mayor shall immediately examine the application and decide by reasoned decision.

(5) the refusal to delete from the list under para. 1 shall be communicated to the applicant immediately and can be appealed to the District Court within 24 hours of the announcement. The Court examines the appeal in open court within 24 hours from receipt of the applicant's summons to her and the Mayor. Judgment of the Court of Justice shall be declared immediately and not subject to appeal.

(6) a voter who is deleted from the list under para. 1 shall be entered in the electoral list of the authorities referred to in art. 40, para. 1 to show the list of the sectional Election Commission on the basis of the relevant decision to delete from the list.

Deletion from the list under art. 187, para. 1, item 7 on election day

Art. 48 (b) (1) a voter who on election day found that was inscribed in the list under art. 187, para. 1, item 7, shall have the right to vote, if you provide a certificate from the municipality, that is no reason, or there is no justification for its inclusion in the list.

(2) the certificate shall be issued by the municipality on election day in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission, based on the evidence and documents certifying that the person is entitled to vote.

(3) upon presentation of the certificate referred to in para. 1 voter shall be deleted from the list under art. 187, para. 1, item 7 and all of its data shall be entered in the additional page of the electoral roll by the President of the sectional Election Commission in his/her permanent address. The certificate applies to the electoral roll, as in the "remarks" box notes the reason for registration – "certificate from the municipal administration".

(4) the refusal of the sectional Election Commission to carry out a complete may appeal to the District Election Commission, respectively the municipal electoral Committee, which shall decide on the appeal immediately. The decision is not subject to appeal. "

§ 21. In art. 59, para. 1 make the following amendments and additions:

1. In paragraph 2, add "and address in the relevant locality or electoral district."

2. Section 5 is repealed.

§ 22. In art. 63, para. 1 item 3 shall be repealed.

§ 23. In art. 67, para. 3 the words "updated forecasts" are deleted.

§ 24. In art. 72, para. 1 Add "except in the cases under art. 93, para. 4 of the Act on civil registration ".

§ 25. In art. 74, para. 4, item 1 and 2 the number "25" is replaced by "30".

§ 26. In art. 82, para. 3, s. 7 establishes the third sentence: "any voter can participate in only one subscription.

§ 27. In art. 84, para. 4, item 5, after the word "account" shall be inserted after "the decision establishing the Coalition".

§ 28. In art. 89, para. 3, t. 11, third sentence: "any voter can participate in only one subscription.

§ 29. In art. 91, para. 4, item 5, after the word "account" shall be inserted after "the decision establishing the Coalition".

§ 30. In art. 95, para. 5.6, after the word "account" shall be inserted after "the decision establishing the Coalition".

§ 31. In art. 101 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:

(1) Kandidatskite lists of political parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees may have advocates who assist them and represent their interests before the State authorities, public organizations and electoral commissions. "

2. paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

"(2) A ticket may be represented by an advocate at a polling station on election day."

3. in the Al. 3 the words "the candidates included in a ticket, including the candidates for mayor, raised by ' shall be replaced by ' kandidatskite lists for municipal councilors and mayors of" and the words "two advocates" are replaced by "an advocate".

4. Al are created. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11:

"(4) the total number of advocates of each ticket to the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee cannot exceed the number of polling stations in the electoral district.

(5) Advocates register up to election day on a proposal signed by the Member representing the party or coalition of parties representing persons or by persons explicitly authorized by them. The proposal of initiative Committee shall be signed by the initiative Committee person. In cases where the proposal is submitted by authorised persons, the necessary authorization.

(6) transmit the certificate Zast″pnik″t on the sectional Election Commission, which checks the data in it and apply it to the list of advocates. The certificate is an integral part of the list.

(7) the names and the single civil zast″pnika number is entered from the sectional Election Commission in the list of advocates, and then zast″pnik″t. This list shall be signed by the President and the Secretary.

(8) a person may be an advocate of a single ticket in one polling station. Polling station referred to in the certificate of zast″pnika, cannot be changed.

(9) an advocate may be registered, a person who has attained the age of 18 years, is placed under guardianship and not serving a custodial sentence.

(10) Each party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee may register additional proxies, proxies to replace under para. 5. The total number of additional advocates of each ticket to the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee can be up to one-third of the number of polling stations in the electoral district. Additional registered advocate, advocate substituting is not present on election day, or when there is a proposal for a replacement, made by the party, a coalition of parties or initiative Committee before election day or polling day. The district, respectively municipal election Commission shall issue a certificate of additional registered advocate, which recorded the names of Office and notes that the certificate of an advocate's Office annulled.

(11) paragraphs 1-10 shall apply to the advocates outside the country. "

§ 32. Art is created. 101a:

"Representatives of political parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties

Art. 101. (1) at the polling station on election day may present only one representative of the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee.

(2) the total number of representatives of the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee cannot exceed the number of polling stations in the electoral district.

(3) each party, a coalition of parties or initiative Committee shall draw up a list of the names, the single civil number, number and date of the authorization of the persons authorised to represent them on election day.

(4) the list under para. 3 shall be signed and transmitted to election day of the district municipal electoral commissions, respectively in the corresponding electoral district by the Member representing the party or coalition of parties representing persons or by persons explicitly authorized by them. When the list is from the initiative Committee, it shall be signed by the initiative Committee person. In cases where the proposal is submitted by authorised persons, the necessary authorization.

(5) the district electoral commissions, respectively municipal published the list on its website in accordance with the requirements of the data protection act.

(6) the representative of the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee is legitimized by his proxy. The names, the single civil number, number and date of the authorization of the representative of the party, the coalition of parties or initiative Committee shall be entered by the sectional Election Commission registration list of representatives. This list shall be signed by the Chairman and the Secretary.

(7) the representatives of the political parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees are required to wear on election day only insignia in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission, as on a white background with black letters is written as. The representatives, who wear distinctive signs outside the approved by the Central Electoral Commission, are removed from the polling station by a decision of the sectional Election Commission. The decision may be appealed to the district or municipal electoral committee which shall decide without delay. "

§ 33. Art is created. 101 (b):


Art. 101 (b) (1) the Central Electoral Commission registered by election day the observers – members or explicitly authorized representatives of registered non-governmental organizations, on the basis of an application that applies to a list of the names, number and single civil Attorney authorized members or as expressly authorised representatives of the organization.

(2) the application and the list shall be signed and transmitted to the Central Electoral Commission of the Member representing the registered nonprofit organization or by a person expressly authorized by him. When the application and the list shall be submitted by an authorised person shall be presented and the corresponding proxy.

(3) the total number of registered observers from a registered non-governmental organization, may not exceed the number of polling stations in the country.

(4) the Central Electoral Commission registers as observers and foreign representatives on the basis of a request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to which is applied a list of their names.

(5) the list of the names of representatives, respectively, authorized members or explicitly authorized representatives, registered as observers shall be published on the Commission's website in compliance with the requirements of the data protection act.

(6) the observer is legitimized with his certificate. The observer shall submit the certificate of the sectional Election Commission, which checks the data in it and enter them in the list of observers. This list shall be signed by the Chairman and the Secretary.

(7) in the cases under art. 20 and registered as observers for the type of selection Bulgarian non-governmental organisations may present no more than one observer.

(8) Observers are required to wear on election day only insignia in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission, as on a white background with black letters is written as. The observers, who wear distinctive signs outside the approved by the Central Electoral Commission, are removed from the polling station by a decision of the sectional Election Commission. The decision may be appealed to the district or municipal electoral committee which shall decide without delay.

(9) on its activities the observers cannot be remunerated by the parties, coalitions of parties initiative committees and their candidates. "

§ 34. In art. 102, para. 2 the second sentence shall be replaced by the following: "when it is cancelled the registration of an independent candidate, the termination is effective and its proxies."

§ 35. In art. 104 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, after the word "service" is add "except for the candidates for municipal councillors.

2. a new paragraph. 2:

(2) candidates for municipal councillors, who occupy public office must use the leave for days during which time participate in events of the election campaign. "

3. the Previous para. 2, 3 and 4 shall become respectively al. 3, 4 and 5.

4. The current paragraph. 5 get al. 6 and in her words "para. 1 – 3 "shall be replaced by" para. 1, 3 and 4 ".

§ 36. In art. 108, para. 2 the number "32" is replaced by "35".

§ 37. In art. 118 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, item 6:

a) in point (d) add "and address in the relevant electoral district";

(b) the letter "d") is hereby repealed.

2. in the Al. 2 the number "32" is replaced by "35".

§ 38. In art. 125 al. 7 shall be amended as follows:

(7) the decision of the municipal election Commission under para. 6 can appeal to the Central Electoral Commission by the procedure of art. 33, para. 3. "

§ 39. In art. 126 the following modifications are made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, item 5 (c) shall be repealed.

2. in the Al. 3 the number "32" is replaced by "35".

§ 40. In art. 133 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 the words "their proxies" are replaced by "advocates".

2. a new paragraph. 4:

(4) there shall be no election canvassing in State and municipal establishments and institutions. "

3. the Previous para. 4 and 5 become respectively al. 5 and 6.

§ 41. In art. 135 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. Create a new para. 1 and 2 and al. 3, 4 and 5:

"(1) it is prohibited to putting the election and political propaganda materials outside of the election campaign in the national road network and municipal roads.

(2) signals to set election and political propaganda materials in al. 1 shall be submitted to the Governor, the Mayor of the municipality, respectively.

(3) an order for the removal of election and political propaganda materials shall be issued forthwith by the Mayor of the municipality, district or City Hall or the regional Governor.

(4) the order shall be served on the person in whose benefit is the material.

(5) in the event that the person in whose favour the campaign material is agitacionen, not remove it within three days from the date of issuance of the order, the material is removed from the Governor, the Mayor of the municipality, district or City Hall, where necessary, may request the assistance of the Ministry of the Interior. "

2. The current paragraph. 1 it al. 6.3. The current al. 2 it al. 7 and in her words "para. 1 "shall be replaced by" para. 6. "

§ 42. In art. 137 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 the word "Permission" is replaced by "registration" and the word "issue" is replaced by "place" and the second sentence: "the Central Electoral Commission shall issue certificates of registered interviewers."

2. in the Al. 3 the words ' 19.00 "are replaced by" 20:00 ".

§ 43. In Chapter 8, section IV creates art. 137:

"The publicity of information of the contracting authority and funding

Art. 137. (1) on the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the Decree of the President of the scheduling options by election day, including any disclosure of the results of public opinion surveys or polls on the occasion of the election carried out by media service or otherwise, in the communication must contain information for the contracting authority of the consultation or study, the Agency the survey, carried out or consultation, and sources of funding.

(2) the information referred to in para. 1 shall be full and clear, as in a printed or other textual material is in a separate field in a conspicuous place and takes up no less than 5 per cent of the total area of the material, and in audio and audio-visual material broadcast on electronic media, or in the presentation to the public – once at the beginning and once at the end of the material or presentation.

(3) the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2. 1 and 2 shall also apply in cases where the material and political propaganda of parties, coalitions of parties, action committees and candidates contain or make reference to the results of public opinion surveys or polls.

(4) persons who carry out public opinion surveys or polls on the occasion of the elections and/or disclose results from them, may not invoke professional, commercial or other secret protected by law, to dodge the information under para. 1. "

§ 44. In Chapter 8, section IV creates art. 137 (b):

"The polls on election day

Art. 137 (b). (1) the Central Electoral Commission registers agencies that will perform the polls on election day, on the basis of an application, signed by the Member representing the relevant agency or expressly authorized by him/her.

(2) the person representing the pollster, presents in the Central Election Commission a list of the names and uniform civil number interviewers and the numbers of the polling, which will take place outside the anketiraneto. When the application and the list shall be submitted by an authorised person shall be presented and the corresponding proxy.

(3) the Interviewers are required to wear on election day only insignia in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission, as on a white background with black letters is written as. They identify themselves with the issued certificate for them.

(4) a person cannot be both anket′or and observer.

(5) the Agency is registered to conduct polls on election day, could not participate in the elections and observers.

(6) the Interviewers may not carry out sociological studies directly in front of the polling stations. "

§ 45. Art is created. 138 (a):

"Announcement of contracts on the Internet

Art. 138. Media service providers shall announce on its website the full content of the contracts concluded with all registered for participation in the elections parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties, within three days from the signing of the Treaty. "

§ 46. In art. 152 establishes al. 3:

"(3) for the purposes of the election campaign, it shall be prohibited to free use of public administrative resource."

§ 47. In art. 154 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, the words "EUR 1000" shall be replaced by "a minimum wage".

2. Al are created. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9:

"(5) where the amount of funds is over 1000 EUR, the Court of Auditors shall carry out a conformity check between the amount of donated or granted funds for the election campaign and the amount of the income of the person. The audit covers the period from the production of the previous elections of the same type until the day of submission of the declaration under para. 1 or 2.

(6) to check the President of the Court of Auditors requires information from the National Revenue Agency and other competent bodies and institutions.

(7) the authorities and bodies referred to in paragraph 1. 6 are required within one month of receipt of the request to submit the necessary information to the Court of Auditors.

(8) the officials performing the verification shall have the right of direct access to the electronic database of the bodies and institutions in the Al. 6. the provision of access does not relieve the authorities and institutions under para. 6 from the obligation to submit in writing information requested by the Court of Auditors.

(9) the Court of Auditors declared the results of the verification via the register under art. 158. "

§ 48. Art is created. 156:

"The determination of the persons responsible for the revenue, expenditure and accounting

Art. 156. (1) Each party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee shall determine the person or persons responsible for the revenue, expenditure and accounting of the party, the coalition of the parties and the initiative Committee in connection with the election campaign.

(2) the parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees within 5 days of your registration to participate in the type of choices presented to the Court the names and positions of the persons referred to in para. 1, and in the event of a change in persons – within three days from making the change. "

§ 49. In art. 158, para. 4 after the word "sent" is added "within three days".

§ 50. In art. 159 the following modifications are made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 the words "political parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees" shall be replaced by "the person who represents a party or initiative Committee and the persons representing the coalition of parties", and the words "of them" are deleted.

2. in the Al. 2, the words "EUR 1000" shall be replaced by "a minimum wage".

§ 51. In art. 162, para. 4, after the words "in the election to" add "for MPs".

§ 52. In art. 165 words "ballots and envelopes in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission" shall be replaced by "General" newsletter.

§ 53. In art. 166 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1:

a) point 3 is replaced by the following:

3. check box to place the sign "X", reflecting the will of the voter, in which is displayed the number of the party, the coalition of parties or independent candidate; "

b) point 4 shall be replaced by the following:

"4. the names of candidates, occupying the first three places in the kandidatskata leaves the party or coalition of parties or the name of the independent candidate;"

in section 5) is repealed.

2. paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

"(2) the lines of individual parties, coalitions of parties and independent candidates are separated from each other by a blank line and thick black horizontal line."

3. in the Al. 3:

a) in the first sentence the words "the number under para. 2 "are replaced by" the serial numbers on the ballot of parties and coalitions of Parties shall be established ";

(b) in the third sentence), after the word "Designated" is added "sequence".

4. in the Al. 4, the words "the ballots" shall be replaced by "in the ballot.

5. Paragraphs 5 and 6 shall be read with the following adaptations:

"(5) the name of the electoral district number shall appear on the top line on the ballot. The requisites under para. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are displayed sequentially from left to right of a single horizontal row for each party, a coalition of parties or independent candidate. After the names of the independent candidate shall bear the name "independent". In the ballot for voting outside the country name and the number of the electoral district shall be replaced with the text "ballot for voting outside the country".

(6) the out of country vote only with the ballot for parties and coalitions of parties, that does not contain the requisites under para. 1, item 4. "

6. Create a new para. 7 and para. 8:

(7) on the back of the ballot shall be given two locations for placement of the stamp of the sectioned Electoral Commission.

(8) where a party or a coalition of parties is not registered in the corresponding election ticket area in the ballot not picked her for her number and leave a blank line. "

7. The current paragraph. 7 it al. 9 and in her words "Ballots began to be printed" are replaced by "the ballot begins to print.

§ 54. In art. 180 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

2. in the Al. 2, after the words "elections" is added for the "MPs".

§ 55. In art. 183, para. the words "for MPs ' or ' shall be deleted, and after the words" or newsletters in elections to "add" for MPs ".

§ 56. In art. 184 the following modifications are made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 everywhere the words "6:00" are replaced by "7 o'clock", and the words ' 19.00 "are replaced by" 20:00 ".

2. in the Al. 2 the words ' 19.00 "are replaced by" 20:00 "and the words" 20:00 "are replaced by" 21:00 ".

§ 57. In art. 187 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1:

a) in paragraph 2, after the word "vote" is added "or COB with ballots for voting depending on the type of elections";

b) in point 3, the words "for MPs and" shall be deleted;

in t. created) 6a, 6B, 6 c and 6 d:

' 6a. the form for registration list of advocates;

6 b. form a list of representatives of parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties;

6. form of the list of observers;

6. form of the list of persons who have received a photocopy of the signed Protocol of the type of choice; "

d) in item 9, the words "for MPs and" shall be deleted;

e) in item 10 the words "statements and" shall be deleted;

f) in 11 words ' in elections for President and Vice President of the Republic and the election of municipal councillors and mayors ' shall be deleted;

g) in item 14, the words "for MPs and" shall be deleted;

h) creates item 14 (a):

"14A. insignia of the members of the precinct electoral commissions under art. 192. "

and) section 15 is amended as follows:

"15. equipment and supplies and other support and technical materials."

2. in the Al. 2:

(a)) in the text before paragraph 1 the figure "6" is added "6a, 6B, 6 c, 6 d, and after the figure" 14 "14A" is added ";

b) in paragraph 2 the words "in the elections for President and Vice President of the Republic and the election of municipal councillors and mayors ' shall be deleted.

3. in the Al. 3 after the figure "6" is added "6a, 6B, 6 c, 6 d, and after the figure" 14 "14A" is added ".

§ 58. In art. 190 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, after the words "in the election to" insert "MPs and for" and after the word "lists" is added "for MPs and".

2. in the Al. the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

§ 59. In art. 191 the following modifications are made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 everywhere the words "6:00" are replaced by "7 am".

2. in the Al. 6 the words "5:00" is replaced by "6:00".

§ 60. In art. 192 following amendments and supplements shall be made: 1. In para. 1, the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

2. in the Al. 2 the words "one of the advocates under art. 101, para. 2, one representative "are replaced by" advocate under art. 101, para. 2 or 3 representative under art. 101 (a), para. 1 "and the second sentence:" in electoral unit may attend only one registered Observer of the same organization. "

3. in the Al. 4, after the words "elections" is added for the "MPs".

4. in the Al. 5, after the words "elections" is added for the "MPs".

§ 61. Art is created. 192:

"Distinguishing marks of the members of the precinct electoral commissions

Art. 192. Members of the precinct electoral commissions are required to wear distinguishing marks on election day, in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission, as on a white background with black letters is written position. The distinguishing signs are printed by the Central Electoral Commission. "

§ 62. In art. 193 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 the first sentence, the word ' may ' shall be replaced by "shall".

2. in the Al. 2 the words "is only one of the advocates under art. 101, para. 2, one representative "are replaced by" present only an advocate of art. 101, para. 2 or 3 representative under art. 101 (a), para. 1 "and the second sentence:" in electoral unit may attend only one registered Observer of the same organization. "

§ 63. In art. 194 words "for MPs to the President and Vice President of repub Licata and for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria" are deleted.

§ 64. In art. 195 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1 creating the second sentence: "in cases where the personal (green) passport or ID card is expired, damaged, destroyed, lost or stolen or in process of issue, voters are allowed to vote if presented a certificate for the issuing of identity papers."

2. in the Al. (3) in the second sentence the words "extension of the validity or" shall be deleted.

§ 65. In art. 197 the following endorsements are added:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, after the words "the identity of the voter" is added "respectively by the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3, "and after the words" document of identity "is added" respectively the number of the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3.

2. in the Al. 3 everywhere after the words "according to the document of identity" is added "relevant certificate under art. 195, para. 1 or 3.

3. in the Al. 5 after the word "identity" adds "or the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3.

4. a para. 7:

"(7) where a voter has voted with the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3, respectively President of the sectional Election Commission member noted on the certificate that the person has voted, the date of the vote and the number of the polling station. "

§ 66. Art is created. 197:

"Rules for voting in the elections for MPs

Art. 197. (1) for production of elections for MPs by a member of the voter receives the sectional Election Commission newsletter from the book of ballots, which is stamped with the seal of the Commission at the time of its receipt, and then goes into the booth to vote. Ballot broke off the book with newsletters at the time of its receipt by the voter.

(2) in the cabin can be located only one voter.

(3) the Voter shall vote by:

1. put the sign "x" with a pen, writing with a blue color in the box in front of the name of the selected party, a coalition of parties or initiative Committee, which expresses the his vote;

2. fold the ballot in a manner that prevents visible marking;

3. out of the cab and the Fed folded newsletter of Member of the Commission, that stamping it again with the seal of the Commission;

4. placed folded ballot in the ballot box;

5. the signature on the electoral roll.

(4) after the vote, the voter gets back his papers, including the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3, and leaves the premises.

(5) entry on the ballot of the special characters, such as letters, numbers, or other characters, making the voice invalid. "

§ 67. In art. 198 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. the title shall be replaced by the following: "rules for voting in the elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria".

2. in the Al. 1, the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

3. in the Al. 5, after the words "documents" insert "including the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3.

4. in the Al. 7 the word "candidates" is replaced by "kandidatskite" lists.

§ 68. In art. 199, para. 4 after the word "identity" is added "including the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1 or 3.

§ 69. In art. 200, para. 4, after the words "documents" insert "including the certificate referred to in art. 195, para. 1. "

§ 70. In art. 201, para. 1, after the words "elections" is added for the "MPs".

§ 71. In art. 205 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 2 the words "modular box with ballots in elections for MPs and members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria" is replaced by "modular box with ballots and envelopes in elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria" and after the words "the cob with ballots in the elections to" add "for MPs".

2. in the Al. 6 the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

3. a new paragraph. 7:

(7) "After the entry of the data in the list in elections for MPs voter receives from members of the Commission writing pen with a blue color, and the newsletter from the book of ballots, which is stamped with the seal of the Commission at the time of its receipt by the voters vote. sign" X "with a pen, writing with a blue color in the box with the number of the selected party , a coalition of parties or initiative Committee, which expresses the his vote, and fold the ballot in a manner that prevents bookmarking to appear for a party, a coalition of parties or initiative Committee. Folded ballot is given to members of the Commission, which it is stamped with the seal of the Commission again, and then places the ballot voter being fashioned in the ballot box, signature on the electoral roll and received back their documents. In the "remarks" box of the list the members of the Commission entered hours of the vote. "

4. the Previous para. 7 and 8 shall become al. 8 and 9.

5. The current paragraph. 9 it al. 10 and the number "19" is replaced by "8".

6. The current paragraph. 10 it al. 11 and the number "20" is replaced by "9".

7. The current paragraph. 11 becomes para. 12.

§ 72. In art. 209, para. 2, the words "for MPs and" shall be deleted after the words "misspelled ballots in the elections to the" insert "MPs," and the words "individually packaged, sealed and removed from the countdown" are replaced by "count before opening the ballot box, packaged separately, sealed and removed from the counting table."

§ 73. In art. 210 words, "one of the advocates under art. 101, para. 2, one representative "are replaced by" advocate under art. 101, para. 2 or 3 representative under art. 101 (a), para. 1 "and the second sentence:" in electoral unit may attend only one registered Observer of the same organization. "

§ 74. In art. 211, para. 2, first sentence, the word "three" is replaced by "four", and the word "three-layered" is replaced by "fourfold" and the third and fourth sentences: "In elections for MPs, the President and Vice President of the Republic and members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria the Protocol contains the names of political parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees as registered for participation in the elections. The names are printed in the Protocol according to the serial number on the ballot, respectively the number of the ballot of the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee. "

§ 75. In art. 212 is hereby amended as follows:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

2. in the Al. 6 the words "an extract from the Protocol" shall be replaced by ' the fourth copy of the Protocol for the type of selection. "

3. Paragraph 7 shall be amended as follows:

(7) the members of the sectional Election Commission, applicants, advocates, representatives of political parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties and observers, upon request, receive a copy of the signed Protocol of the type of choice, stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and under written by the President, the Vice-President and the Registrar before his surrender in the district, according to the municipal election Commission. The signed Protocol shall be kserokopira at a polling station. The names and number of the person the single, civil work, kserokopieto is entered from the sectional Election Commission the list of persons who have received a photocopy of the signed Protocol for the type of selection, then the person is signed. The list and shall be signed by the President and the Secretary. "

§ 76. In art. 213 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1:

(a)) shall be so 11A, 11b and 11 c:

"11. the number of unused ballots and envelopes, depending on the type of elections;

11B. the number of ballots received by the order of art. 187;

11. the number of destroyed by the sectional Election Commission newsletters on other occasions; "

(b)) that are 15, 16, 17 and 18:

"15. the number of proponents, entered on the list for registration of advocates;

16. the number of representatives of parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties entered on the list of representatives;

17. the number of observers entered on the list of observers;

18. the number of certificates under art. 48B. "

2. in the Al. 2 figure "14" replaced by "18".

§ 77. In art. 214, para. 2, after the words "to the ballots in the election for" insert "MPs," and the words "for MPs and" are deleted.

§ 78. In Chapter 10, section I created art. 215:

"Packaging and sealing of election papers and materials

Art. 215. After the counting of votes and election materials packed and sealed with paper tape. In elections for MPs, for President and Vice President of the Republic and to municipal councillors and mayors paper tape is stamped with the seal of the Commission and shall be signed by the members of the Commission. "

§ 79. In Chapter 10, section II to create art. 215 b-215 is:

"The establishment of the fact and the nullity of votes in elections for MPs art. 215. (1) (b) in establishing the results of a ballot vote corresponds to one vote, which may be real or virtual.

(2) the voice is valid if:

1. the ballot is in the model;

2. the ballot contains two pieces of seal of the Election Commission, and sectioned

3. only in one of the check boxes on the ballot has marked an "x" with a pen, writing with a blue color that expresses the vote of the voter.

(3) voice on al. 2 is effective and when:

1. in the ballot there are deviations due to defects and errors in manufacturing, or when on it there is mechanical damage or stains;

2. the voter from the sign "x" with a pen, writing with a blue color, goes beyond the box on the ticket, but does not go into the box to another list;

3. There is no special ballot included characters such as letters, numbers, or other characters.

(4) the voice is invalid when:

1. the ballot is not the master;

2. There is no marked "X" with a pen, writing with blue color in any of the check boxes for the vote;

3. There are marked with "X" or other symbol with a pen, writing with blue or other color, in more than one check box on the ballot;

4. the sign "X" with a pen, writing with a blue color, affects more than one check box on the ballot and unable to establish clearly the will of the voter;

5. the ballot contains two stamps of the sectioned Electoral Commission;

6. on the ballot has a printed special characters, such as letters, numbers, or other characters.

(5) the number of voters electors is equal to the number of objects found in the ballot box bulletins.

Rules for opening the ballot box in elections for MPs

Art. 215. (1) in the ballot box is opened, the ballots are removed one by one, they are placed face down and counted.

(2) when the vote was included in a second electoral URN, it opens with the first URN.

(3) Newsletters are arranged in stacks, as follows:

1. pile of ballots, which are not in the model;

2. stack of ballots entered in them with special characters, such as letters, numbers, or other characters;

3. stack of ballots in the form in which it is reflected with character "x" with a pen, writing with a blue color, the vote of the voter;

4. stack of ballots in the form in which it is reflected the vote of the voter;

5. stack of ballots in the established pattern:

the vote marked a) with an "x" or other symbol and with a pen, writing with blue or other color, for two or more lists or with marked with a "x", which affects more than one check box on the ballot and unable to establish clearly the will of the voter, or

(b)) that do not contain two pieces of seal the sectioned Electoral Commission; These newsletters are destroyed with the inscription "destroyed" on each ballot;

6. stacks of ballots in the established pattern with marked vote with character "x" with a pen, writing with a blue color to a ticket containing two stamp of the sectioned Electoral Commission.

(4) When the validity of someone's vote is challenged, the decision of the Commission after the case described in the Protocol. The Protocol applies to the Protocol of the sectional Election Commission, such as the back of the ballot shall contain the number of the decision.

Counting of votes cast in the elections for representatives art. 215. (1) the sectional Election Commission counts the votes in the ballots.

(2) the number of votes declared invalid is equal to the sum of the number of ballots under art. 215 c, para. 3, items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

(3) the number of actual votes equal to the number of ballots under art. 215 c, para. 3, item 6.

Type of Protocol in elections for MPs art. 215 e. (1) every copy of Protocol of the sectional Election Commission is of a piece with separate pages.

(2) prior to the completion of the Protocol shall be drawn up draft, which in form and content is the same with him.

Entry of data in the minutes after the opening of the ballot box when elections for MPs art. 215. (1) after the opening of the ballot box and count the votes in the Protocol of the sectional Election Commission consistently fit:

1. the number of ballot papers found in the ballot box;

2. the number of votes declared invalid;

3. the number of actual votes;

4. the number of votes cast for each party, a coalition of parties or independent candidate;

5. the number of applications, objections, appeals and decisions taken on them.

(2) the data referred to in para. 1 shall be entered in the minutes in words and numbers. "

§ 80. In art. 216 in the title add ' in elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria ".

§ 81. In art. 217 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. in the title, add "in the elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria".

2. in the Al. 4:

a) in paragraph 1, the words "including empty envelopes" are deleted;

(b)) shall be item 1 (a):

"1a. the stack of empty envelopes;".

§ 82. In art. 218 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. in the title, add "in the elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria".

2. In paragraph 1, the words "paragraph 1, 2 and 3 ' shall be replaced by" paragraphs 1, 1A, 2 and 3 ".

§ 83. In art. 219 in the title add ' in elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria ".

§ 84. In art. 220 in the title add ' in elections for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria ".

§ 85. In art. 222, para. 3 creating item 3 (a):

"3A. stack ballots in the established pattern, in which is reflected the vote of a voter;".

§ 86. In art. 223, para. 2 the words "3 and 4" shall be replaced by "3, 3A and 4.

§ 87. In art. 226, para. 3 make the following additions:

1. an item 3 (a):

"3A. stack ballots in the established pattern, in which is reflected the vote of a voter;".

2. In paragraph 4 (a) add "the sign" x "affects more than one check box on the ballot and unable to establish clearly the will of the voter or".

§ 88. In art. 227, para. 2 the words "3 and 4" shall be replaced by "3, 3A and 4.

§ 89. In art. 232 al. 2 shall be amended as follows:

(2) Election papers and voting materials from outside the country are transmitted from the precinct electoral commissions outside the country of the head of the diplomatic mission or consular post or a representative authorized by him. Electoral papers and materials shall be sent by diplomatic bag first, but no later than 14 days after election day to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for transmission to the Central Electoral Commission, where it is stored until the next election. "

§ 90. In art. 233, para. 6, second sentence, the word "extract" shall be replaced by "copies".

§ 91. In art. 236 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, first sentence, the word "two" shall be replaced by "three", and the word "two" shall be replaced by "three-layered".

2. in the Al. 2, the words "for MPs and" shall be deleted, and after the words "in the election to" add "MPs".

3. a para. 3:

"(3) the Protocol of the District Electoral Commission shall contain the names of political parties, coalitions of parties and initiative committees as registered for participation in the elections. The names are printed in the Protocol according to the serial number on the ballot, respectively the number of the ballot of the party, a coalition of parties and initiative Committee. "

§ 92. In art. 237, para. 1, after the words "as well as" insert data "under art. 213, para. 1 and under art. 215, para. 1 in elections for MPs and "and the words" under art. 220, para. 1 in elections for MPs and "shall be replaced by" referred to in art. 220, para. 1 and 2 in the elections ".

§ 93. In art. 239 is hereby amended as follows:

1. the title shall be replaced by the following: "receiving the signed and sealed copy of the signed Protocol to the Commission".

2. in the Al. 1 the word "extract" shall be replaced by "Third instance".

3. Paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:

"(2) the members of the District Electoral Commission, applicants, advocates, representatives of political parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties and observers, upon request, receive a copy of the signed a protocol under art. 235, para. 1, stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and signed by the President, the Vice-President and the Registrar before his surrender in the Central Electoral Commission. The signed Protocol shall be kserokopira in the District Electoral Commission. The names and number of the person the single, civil work, kserokopieto is entered by the District Election Commission in a list of persons who have received a photocopy of the signed Protocol, the model approved by the Central Electoral Commission, after which he was signed. The list and shall be signed by the President and the Secretary. "

§ 94. In art. 242, para. 6, second sentence, the word "extract" shall be replaced by "specimens".

§ 95. In art. 243, para. 3 in the first sentence, the word "two" shall be replaced by "three" and the word "two" shall be replaced by "three-layered" and, in the fifth sentence, add "and kept until the next election".

§ 96. In art. 244, para. 1 create item 17 (a), (b) 17, 16 and 17 in (d):

"17. the number of proponents, entered on the list for registration of advocates;

17 (b). the number of representatives of parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties entered on the list of representatives;

17. in the number of observers entered on the list of observers;

17. the number of certificates under art. 48 (b); ".

§ 97. In art. 248 make the following changes:

1. the title shall be replaced by the following: "receiving the signed and sealed copy of the signed protocols of the Commission".

2. in the Al. 1 the word "extract" shall be replaced by "Third instance".

3. Paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:

"(2) the members of the municipal election Commission, applicants, advocates, representatives of political parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties and observers, upon request, receive a copy of the signed protocols under art. 243, para. 1, stamped on each page with the seal of the Commission and signed by the President, the Vice-President and the Registrar before his surrender in the Central Electoral Commission. The signed Protocol shall be kserokopira in the municipal election Commission. The names and number of the person the single, civil work, kserokopieto is entered by the municipal electoral Commission, in a list of persons who have received a photocopy of the signed Protocol of the type of choice, in a form approved by the Central Electoral Commission, after which he was signed. The list and shall be signed by the President and the Secretary. "

§ 98. Article 252 shall be repealed.

§ 99. In art. 272 para. 4 is repealed.

§ 100. In art. 279, para. 1 creating the second sentence: "partial and new elections for mayor be scheduled only in the settlements, which, at the date of termination of the powers of the mayor shall meet the requirements of art. 16 item 1 of the law on administrative-territorial unit of the Republic of Bulgaria. "

§ 101. In art. 280 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 10, the words "organizational and technical preparation of the partial elections" shall be replaced by the words "organizational and technical preparation and support of the by-election, including equipment and supplies".

2. an item 12:

"12. the time limits provided for in the code, relating to the preparation and production of election, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the time limits referred to in item 1-11."

§ 102. In art. 285, para. 3 the words "within the period referred to in paragraph 1. 2 ' shall be deleted.

§ 103. In art. 287 words "organizational and technical preparation of new elections" shall be replaced by the words "organizational and technical preparation and support of the new elections, including equipment and supplies".

§ 104. In art. 288. 1 the words "para. 5 or 6 "shall be replaced by" para. 7 or 8.

§ 105. Art is created. 288:

"Use of public administrative resource

Art. 288. (1) who violates the prohibition under art. 152, para. 3, is punished with a fine of 300 to 1000 EUR

(2) when the offence under para. 1 was committed reactivation, the penalty is an amount of 1000 to 3000 pounds. "

§ 106. Art is created. 288 (b):

"During consultations and sociological studies

Art. 288 b (1) Who contravenes the provisions of art. 136, art. 137, para. 3 or art. 137 a, is punishable by a fine or penalty payment in the amount of 2000 to 5000 EUR

(2) when the offence under para. 1 was committed reactivation, fine or pecuniary penalty in size from 5000 to 10 000 LEVs. "

§ 107. Art is created. 289:

"Violation of the rules for the election campaign art. 289. (1) who violates the prohibition under art. 133, para. 4, is punished with a fine of 300 to 1000 EUR

(2) when the offence under para. 1 was committed reactivation, the penalty is an amount of 1000 to 3000 pounds. "

§ 108. Create art. 296 and 296 (b):

"Refusal to provide photocopies

Art. 296. (1) the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or the Secretary of the Election Commission who sectioned refuses to provide a photocopy of the signed a protocol under art. 212, para. 7 or refuses to sign the kserokopieto, is punishable by a fine of 500 to 2000 BGN.

(2) the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or the Secretary of the district, respectively municipal electoral Committee who refuse to provide a photocopy of the signed a protocol under art. 239, para. 2, respectively of the signed protocols under art. 248. 2 or refuses to sign the kserokopieto, is punishable by a fine of 800 to 3000 BGN.

Failure to publish the protocols

Art. 296 (b). President of the District Council, respectively municipal electoral Committee, which is not published on the Internet site of the Commission the protocols scanned precinct electoral commissions, as well as scanned protocols of the municipal election Commission, respectively, is punishable by a fine of 800 to 3000 pounds. "

§ 109. Art is created. 297:

"Violation of the requirement for placement of agitacionen material

Art. 297. (1) who violates the prohibition under art. 135, para. 1 shall be punishable by a fine or penalty payment in the amount of 1000 to 3000 BGN.

(2) when the offence under para. 1 was committed reactivation, fine or pecuniary penalty in size from 3000 to 10 000 BGN.

(3) the acts for which the infringement is established under para. 1 shall be drawn up by officials authorised by the Governor or by the Mayor of the municipality.

(4) the penal provisions shall be issued by the Governor or by the Mayor of the municipality. "

§ 110. In art. 300 following amendments and supplements shall be made:

1. In paragraph 8. 1, after the words "art. 288 "insert" (a) (b) 288, 288, 289 and ".

2. in the Al. 2:

a) in paragraph 1, after the words "art. 296, para. 2 "insert" art. 296 a, para. 2, art. 296 (b) ";

b) in paragraph 2, after the word "Parish" is added "art. and (b) 288, 288, 289 and "and the words" and article. 296, para. 1 "shall be replaced by" art. 296, para. 1 and art. 296 a, para. 1. "

§ 111. In § 1 of the additional provisions the following endorsements are added:

1. In paragraph 18:

a) in paragraph (a), after the word "Europe" is added "of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and other parliamentary assemblies";

b) in (b), after the word "members" shall be inserted "or explicitly authorized representatives".

2. Create t. 21, 22 and 23:

"21." Canvassing "is a call for support for a specific person, party or coalition of parties to participate in the elections. The name and symbols of the party and a coalition of parties, placed on objects that do not contain a call for support, are not considered canvassing within the meaning of this code.

22. "Public administrative resource" are funds, facilities, vehicles, equipment and any other movable and immovable property – State or municipal property, provided for use by the administration.

23. "Re" is the infringement committed within three months of the entry into force of the Decree, which was imposed a penalty for the same offence. "

§ 112. In § 5 of the supplementary provisions the following amendments and additions:

1. In paragraph 4, after the words "the ballot for voting in elections to the" insert "for MPs ' and the words ' in elections for MPs and" are deleted.

2. In item 5:

a) in paragraph (a), after the words "receive the same" number "is inserted in the ballot, respectively";

b) in (b), the words "the same number of ballots" shall be replaced by ' the same number on the ballot ";

c) in (c), after the words "the Republic of Bulgaria or" insert "of the numbers in the ballot for the election."

3. In paragraph 10, the words "the candidates included in a ticket, including the candidates for mayor, raised by ' shall be replaced by ' kandidatskite lists for municipal councilors and mayors of" and the words "two advocates" are replaced by "an advocate".


§ 113. (1) upon making the election for members of the European Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2014, allowing for electronic voting over the Internet via Internet terminals.

(2) voting on para. 1 is produced in up to 20 polling stations. Polling stations for the vote shall be determined by the Central Electoral Commission by lot on the methodology adopted by the Commission not later than 5 days from the date of the election schedule. Voters who participate in the vote, must meet the conditions under art. 3, al. 2 or 3 and have a permanent address or address of residence in the territory of the relevant section.

(3) the Central Electoral Commission receives data about voters in the Al. 2, third sentence of the Directorate General for civil registration and administrative service, Ministry of regional development and public works and shall notify voters of the opportunity to vote no later than 10 days from the date of the election schedule.

(4) the voters who want to vote over the Internet, apply through the electronic site at al. 16. the Voter, who has stated that it will vote on the Internet, I can vote with a paper ballot, except in the cases referred to in para. 25 and 29.

(5) Voting on the Internet is equivalent and is produced in conjunction with the vote with paper ballots on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

(6) For voting on the Internet are mandatory general requirements relating to vote with paper ballots.

(7) the authorities carrying out organizational and technical preparation of the elections, including the administration of the Central Electoral Commission, conducted awareness campaign on e-voting by media service providers, as well as through the sites of e-Government.

(8) Voting over the Internet and data processing of produce, monitored by the Central Electoral Commission and the authority under para. 13.

(9) the costs for the preparation and implementation of voting over the Internet and for the processing of the results of it are part of the cost of production of the election and shall be borne by the State budget.

(10) the results of the voting on the Internet are reflected in areas matching multi-mandate electoral districts for the election of MPs.

(11) the voice of every voter, submitted over the Internet, is reported in the area at his/her permanent address or the address of the residence in the Republic of Bulgaria.

(12) the Central Electoral Commission issued and published in the "Official Gazette" methodological guidelines for voting on the Internet no later than 55 days prior to election day. The guidelines are published on the Commission's website and on the website under para. 16. (13) To Council of Ministers created a specialized authority for materiel and technical control of the vote on the Internet no later than three days from the date of the election schedule. In the performance of their duties, the members of the authority are officials within the meaning of the criminal code.

(14) the vote over the Internet takes place using electronic means of communication and information processing, included in special technical system. The development of the system, in the framework of the system for processing of the results of the election. The Central Electoral Commission lays down additional requirements for the appliance and software part of the system. The system shall be designed, implemented and maintained in a manner that:

1. ensure the easy and understandable access to mechanisms and how to vote;

2. provides instructions for voters in voting activities;

3. ensure the professional relationship with the register to vote over the Internet;

4. ensure that only persons who fulfil the conditions laid down in para. 2, third sentence, and are duly registered, can vote;

5. ensure that voters voters will have no additional costs beyond the usual expenses for communication via the Internet;

6. provides reliable and fast identification of the identity of the voters;

7. ensure equal in volume and quality information for each of the participating in the elections a political entity;

8. ensure the secrecy of the vote and therefore a declaration of the freedom of voters;

9. prevent the buying and manipulation of votes, as well as any other improper influence on the electoral process;

10. offers in a clear and distinct form options for voting for the various political entities;

11. provides opportunity for easy navigation of the user software, and in particular of electronic newsletters;

12. does not require voter special skills beyond what is necessary for the use of the Internet terminals;

13. allows the use of standard Internet browsers, including their older versions;

14. ensure the opportunity for submitting votes for no more than 5 minutes;

15. ensure that each elector submits only one vote and that every vote counts and is stored exactly once;

16. match the highest ISO standard for quality and durability of the used hardware and software;

17. ensure maximum reliability against external interference and unauthorized access, including against hacker attacks;

18. in the event of interruption of the electoral process due to the emergence of a compelling external circumstances, stores the data and allows extension after removal of these circumstances;

19. a summary of the results and allows sending them electronically to the Central Electoral Committee immediately after the completion of the vote;

20. ensure the integrity and secrecy of the prehv″rlânata information through data encryption and protection of communication links;

21. supports the electronic journal of the electoral process by marking of all features and deviations from the prescribed arrangements;

22. ensure easy maintenance of hardware and fast removal of technical malfunctions;

23. allows the observation of the electoral process by independent authorities;

24. allows audit and inspection by the authorities.

(15) in voting over the Internet through voter choice made its e-newsletter, realized on a Visual, audio or tactile Terminal. The ballot provides the ability to choose a political entity participating in the elections.

(16) not later than 7 days from the date of the election scheduling authority under para. 13 detect electronic interactive site for registration and voting of voters stated desire to vote over the Internet, as well as for the provision of information in connection with this vote. The site contains information about the action to Internet voting, by explicitly stating that it is forbidden the use of proxy-servers. The site offers the same in shape and balanced information for participating in the election political entities. The site allows voting by Internet in the period with a duration of 72 hours, which is set at 21:00 on the day preceding the polling day on the territory of the country. In the period 30 days after the completion of voting in the country the site offers information on the results of the election.

(17) the voters under para. 2 who wishes to vote over the Internet, says that through the site under para. 14 not later than 25 days before the election day, indicating the name, personal identification number, mailing address, email address and telephone number, as well as other ways of communicating.

(18) the Voter indicates the desired of it way to obtain the password for the vote: 1. by registered letter of the postal address indicated by him;

2. personally by the municipal administration in his/her permanent address or the address of residence.

(19) the voters declare that:

1. will vote only in terms of para. 1;

2. not to use proxy-servers;

3. I'm not going to vote in polling stations, except in the cases referred to in para. 25 and 29.

(20) the information referred to in para. 17 shall be processed and stored in compliance with the requirements of the data protection act.

(21) not later than 12 days before election day, the Central Electoral Commission shall forward to the General Directorate for civil registration and administrative service at the Ministry of regional development and public works data about voters in the Al. 17. In the electoral lists in the signature of those voters officially printed text "voting on the Internet", or abbreviated as "them". These voters are not allowed to vote in polling stations, except in the cases referred to in para. 25 and 29.

(22) within the period under paragraph 1. 21 Central Electoral Commission sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a list of names of voters at al. 17. These voters are not allowed to vote in polling stations abroad, except in the cases referred to in para. 25 and 29.

(23) following the receipt of the application referred to in para. 17 authority under para. 13 checks whether the applicant satisfies the conditions referred to in para. 2, third sentence, according to the information submitted by the General Directorate for civil registration and administrative service at the Ministry of regional development and public works information. The authority referred to in para. 13 may ask the applicant additional information through the following means of communication from him.

(24) where it is established that the applicant satisfies the conditions referred to in para. 2, third sentence, the authority under para. 13 issue passwords for voting. The password is the 10-character code, containing letters, and special characters in RI. In the cases referred to in para. 18, item 1 password is sent by registered mail in a double sealed envelope to the mailing address given by the voter, not later than 20 days before the election day. In the cases referred to in para. 18, item 2 the password is sent in a double sealed envelope of the municipal administration not later than 18 days before election day. Immediately after sending the password authority under para. 13 shall inform the applicant by e-mail address, by phone, by fax or by any other manner specified by him.

(25) the voters under para. 17 have the right to give up the voting over the Internet. Voters say her refusal through the site under para. 16, certify your identity with your number and a single civilian in Al obtained. 18 password, not later than 12 days before election day. Voters who have declined to vote over the Internet, restored the right to vote at a polling station at its permanent address, or address of residence, as the text under para. 21 shall be deleted ex officio. The names of the voters shall be deducted from the list under para. 22.

(26) the authority under para. 13 shall establish and maintain a register of voters, stated a desire to vote over the Internet. In the register are tallied and voters over the Internet voters.

(27) the vote through the site under para. 16 includes the following stages:

1. the voter enters the e-mail address of the site;

2. Enter your voter single civil number as the username and use the password under para. 24;

3. in the case of three failed attempts to identify access for this user is terminated, the termination shall not apply for the relevant IP address;

4. After successful identification under item 2 voter receives an electronic newsletter, which contains the same options for voting and is designed in the same way as the paper ballot, as is provided for the option not to vote for none of the entities participating in political elections;

5. after the voter has made his choice, the system requires confirmation of the choice;

6. the voter can change his choice three times, as after any change required the confirmation of the new selection;

7. After confirming the selection under item 5 or 6 the voter's voice is recorded and stored in electronic absentee;

8. after recording the votes in the box under item 7 voter receives a message for completion of the voting procedure;

9. after the vote, the information for the selection disappears from the Internet terminal and becomes unavailable to subsequent users of this Terminal; the information also is deleted for the identity of the voter and the user name and password.

(28) after the voter has voted in terms of para. 27, access to the IP address of it to the site by al. 16 get blocked for a period of two hours. Voting is not permitted the use of proxy-servers. When you try to vote through a proxy-server receives a message for voters that, like his password is blocked for three hours. With each successive attempt to vote through a proxy-server receives a message for voters that, like his password is blocked for 6 hours. The voters have the right to vote three times by the procedure under para. 27, is valid only as the last vote.

(29) where due to compelling circumstances vote under para. 27 and 28 is discontinued, the Central Electoral Commission shall immediately inform the district electoral commissions, which shall notify the precinct electoral commissions. The Central Electoral Commission shall immediately notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Registered to vote under para. 17 voters have the right to vote on election day at polling stations on its permanent address or at his address of residence in the country, as well as in polling stations abroad.

(30) immediately after 21:00 on the day preceding polling day, data from voting over the Internet should be summarized and transmitted in electronic form, signed with an electronic signature, the Central Election Commission.

(31) the data from the vote over the Internet are reflected in regions, indicating the number of voters who have not made a choice. The results of the vote by regions and country total are obtained, bringing together data from the vote with paper ballots and voting data on the Internet.

(32) current data and preliminary results from the vote over the Internet and of the vote with paper ballots are published on the website of the Central Election Commission after summing up their areas. Data from the vote on the Internet for political parties, coalitions of parties, action committees and candidates are not disclosed until 21.00 hours on election day.

(33) the Central Electoral Commission may communicate the data on the number of voters who voted on the Internet, and before the time limit referred to in paragraph 1. 32.

(34) the final results of the voting are published on the Internet as follows:

1. immediately after their announcement – on the site under para. 16, the website of the Central Election Commission, and other sites of e-Government;

2. no later than 30 days after their announcement – in a special bulletin of the Central Electoral Commission and the technical medium.

(35) for the purposes of voting on the Internet:

1. "electronic voting" is a vote in which at some stage of submitting voter voice uses an electronic device;

2. "e-newsletter" is an electronic model on Visual, audio or tactile Terminal the voting ballot containing oppo s to choose from when the paper newsletter, as well as an additional option to not vote for any of the entities participating in political elections;

3. "electronic voting" is a secure and anonymised numbers of choice of the voter in the e-voting; the voice is real, when the choice is for participating in elections and political entity is invalid when it is selected the option not to vote for any of the political entities;

4. "electronic absentee" is an electronic device for storing electronic votes;

5. "Internet point" is a device for inclusion on the Internet, such as a desktop computer, laptop, workstation, Tablet, iPhone, Smartphone and other; the terminal can be Visual, audio or tactile type;

6. "password" is the individual 10-character code, containing letters, numbers and special characters that is used to access and identification when voting on the Internet;

7. "political entities" are registered to participate in the elections, parties, coalitions of parties, action committees and candidates for which the voter may submit your vote;

8. "equal suffrage" in the e-voting is ravnopravniât access to electronic voting system of the willing to vote this way voters, not necessarily to all voters.

§ 114. (1) in the production of by-elections for the mayors of the municipalities, where the municipality has a population of up to 30 000 voters, prebroitelna creates a Committee to carry out the counting of votes.

(2) the Central Electoral Commission shall appoint a Committee on a proposal from the prebroitelnata District Governor, made not later than 30 days before election day, after consultations and on the proposal of the parliamentary represented parties and coalitions of parties and parties and coalitions of parties which are members of the European Parliament, but I do not have parliamentary. Prebroitelnata Commission shall be appointed no later than 25 days before the election day under the conditions and by the procedure of art. 30 and 31. The number of members of the prebroitelnata Commission is equal to the number of members of the municipal election Commission. The provisions of the Code concerning the municipal electoral commissions apply to prebroitelnata Committee.

(3) the Central Electoral Commission:

1. exercises the methodological guidance and control over the activity of the prebroitelnata Commission and shall adopt decisions relating to the application of this paragraph;

2. determines the order for the recount and to organize the work of the prebroitelnata Committee, and validate models of documents of prebroitelnata Commission no later than 20 days before election day; When the counting of the votes may attend the persons under art. 210;

3. provide to the participants in the elections of technical media, outcome of the vote for mayor of the municipality and published it on the Internet; publish the outcome of the Protocol of prebroitelnata Commission in the special bulletin, containing and technical media, not later than 40 days after polling day;

4. in the National Archive fund a copy of the minutes of the prebroitelnata Board.

(4) the municipal electoral Committee:

1. supply Commission prebroitelnata with forms of the Protocol on the results of the vote; the factory number of the Protocol shall be entered in the record of the transmission and reception; If there is a difference in the factory number of the individual lists of record, that fact must be described;

2. transmit to the Central Electoral Commission minutes of the prebroitelnata Board.

(5) Before polling day the sectional Election Commission receives from the municipal administration and by the municipal electoral Commission electoral papers and materials under art. 187, para. 1, item 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 6B, 6 c, 6 d, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, as well as:

1. Forms of the Protocol for the conduct of election day; the factory number of the Protocol shall be entered in the minutes for the transfer and acceptance of election papers and materials; If there is a difference in the factory number of the individual lists of record, that fact must be described;

2. Forms of statements and drafts of Protocol for the conduct of election day;

3. the seals for single use.

(6) in the opening of election day, the President of the sectional Election Commission verified the presence of books and materials in the Al. 5, the ballot box and whether or not it is empty. After checking the URN closes with seals for one-time use and shall be sealed with paper tape, sealed and under written by members of the Commission. When you turn on the second electoral urn it closes and sealed with seals and disposable paper strips, sealed and signed by the members of the Commission, and the vote continues. This circumstance shall be entered in the course of election day.

(7) in the Protocol of the sectional Election Commission shall be entered particulars under art. 213. (8) Plombiranite polling booths, as well as specimens of the Protocol for the conduct of the election day of municipal and Central Electoral Commission shall be transmitted by the President or the Vice-President, the Secretary and a member of the sectional Election Commission proposed by various parties and coalitions of parties, the prebroitelnata Commission. The Protocol of the s Election Commission dination is transmitted in the municipal election Commission nerazplasten. During transport to the Commission prebroitelnata polling booths are guarded by officials of the Ministry of the Interior.

(9) upon acceptance of the Protocol for the conduct of election day and the ballot box dination of s Election Commission prebroitelnata Commission compares the production number of the Protocol the protocol number listed in the transmission and adoption of electoral documents and materials, as well as verifies the integrity of seals, stamps and signatures on the ballot box.

(10) Prebroitelnata Commission opens the ballot box of the sectioned Electoral Commission and check whether their contents corresponds to the data entered in the course of election day of the sectional Election Commission. When prebroitelnata Commission finds obvious factual errors in the Protocol, they shall be recorded and shall be signed by the members of the sectional Election Commission under para. 8.

(11) in the case of acceptance of the Protocol prebroitelnata Commission shall issue a signed receipt that contains numeric data from the Protocol. After returning to the area of the section members of the sectional Election Commission under para. 8 put this receipt to the copies of the record.

(12) following the adoption of the minutes of the Committee of the Protocol instance prebroitelnata, intended for the municipal administration, and other papers and materials transmitted by members of the sectional Election Commission under para. 8 in the municipal administration by the procedure of art. 242, para. 7 and 8.

(13) following the opening of all polling booths, transmitted by the precinct electoral commissions, and performing verification under paragraph 1. 10 prebroitelnata Committee pulls out of all electoral ballots urns, mix them and count the number of votes cast for mayor of the municipality.

(14) Prebroitelnata Commission sets out the results of the vote and draw up a protocol for the selection of the Mayor of the municipality pursuant to Chapter 10, section IV.

(15) Prebroitelnata Commission passed the Protocol by the procedure of art. 231 and 242.

(16) on the basis of the data from the Protocol of prebroitelnata Commission municipal electoral Commission determines the outcome of the election and shall draw up a protocol for the selection of the Mayor of the municipality in accordance with Chapter Eleven, section II.

(17) when the data entered in the minutes of the sectional Election Commission do not match with the contents of the ballot box, as well as when prebroitelnata Commission finds a discrepancy between the production number of the resulting report and passed the sectional Election Commission officials, who have committed the offence, a fine of up $ 200. When the integrity of seals, stamps and signatures on ballot box is damaged, the officials who have committed the offence shall be imposed a fine in the amount 2000 BGN. Offence shall immediately inform the Commission prebroitelnata the municipal electoral Committee. The acts establishing the infringement shall be drawn up by the municipal electoral Commission, and the penal provisions shall be issued by the Governor in accordance with art. 300. (18) For the outstanding questions in this paragraph shall be subject to the provisions of the code.

(19) the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2. 1-18 shall not apply to by-elections, for which at the date of entry into force of this law, has promulgated the Decree of the President of the Republic for their calling.

§ 115. (1) upon making the election for municipal councilors and mayors in 2015 to create experimental counting committees, which carry out the counting of votes cast for the relevant types of elections in the territory of two parishes with a population of up to 30 000 voters. The municipalities in which the counting of votes from counting committees shall be determined by lot by the Central Election Commission not later than 60 days before election day.

(2) the Central Electoral Commission shall appoint committees prebroitelnite on a proposal from the relevant District Governor, made not later than 30 days before election day, after consultations and on the proposal of the parliamentary represented parties and coalitions of parties and parties and coalitions of parties which are members of the European Parliament, but I do not have parliamentary. Prebroitelnite committees are appointed not later than 25 days before the election day under the conditions and by the procedure of art. 30 and 31. The number of members of the committees prebroitelnite is equal to the number of members of the municipal election Commission. The provisions of the Code concerning the municipal electoral commissions apply to prebroitelnite committees.

(3) the Central Electoral Commission:

1. exercises the methodological guidance and control over the activities of the commissions and prebroitelnite shall adopt decisions relating to the application of this paragraph;

2. determines the order for the recount and to organize the work of the committees, as well as the prebroitelnite establishes the models of the documents of the prebroitelnite committees not later than 20 days before election day; When the counting of the votes may attend the persons under art. 210;

3. provide to the participants in the elections of technical media the results of voting for the relevant types of elections and publish them on the Internet; publish the results of the protocols of prebroitelnite committees in a special newsletter, containing and technical media, not later than 40 days after polling day;

4. in the National Archive fund a copy of the minutes of the prebroitelnite committees.

(4) the municipal electoral Committee:

1. supply the Commission with prebroitelnata forms of protocols on the results of the vote; the factory number of the Protocols shall be entered in the record of the transmission and reception; If there is a difference in the factory number of the individual lists of protocols, that fact must be described;

2. the Central Electoral Commission shall transmit to the protocols of the prebroitelnata Commission.

(5) Before polling day the sectional Election Commission receives from the municipal administration and by the municipal electoral Commission electoral papers and materials under art. 187, para. 1, item 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 6B, 6 c, 6 d, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, as well as:

1. Forms of protocols for the conduct of election day; the factory number of the Protocols shall be entered in the minutes for the transfer and acceptance of election papers and materials; If there is a difference in the factory number of the individual lists of protocols, that fact must be described;

2. Forms of statements and drafts of protocols for the conduct of election day;

3. the seals for single use.

(6) in the opening of election day, the President of the sectional Election Commission verified the presence of books and materials in the Al. 5, the ballot box and whether or not it is empty. After checking the URN closes with seals for one-time use and shall be sealed with paper tape, sealed and under written by members of the Commission. When you turn on the second electoral urn it closes and sealed with seals and disposable paper strips, sealed and signed by the members of the Commission, and the vote continues. This circumstance shall be entered in the course of election day.

(7) in the records of the sectional Election Commission shall be entered particulars under art. 213. (8) Plombiranite polling booths, as well as copies of the protocols for the conduct of the election day of municipal and Central Electoral Commission shall be transmitted by the President or the Vice-President, the Secretary and a member of the sectional Election Commission proposed by various parties and coalitions of parties, the prebroitelnata Commission. The protocols of the s Election Commission dination are transmitted in the municipal election Commission nerazplasteni. During transport to the Commission prebroitelnata polling booths are guarded by officials of the Ministry of the Interior.

(9) upon acceptance of the protocols for the conduct of election day and ballot box from the sectional Election Commission prebroitelnata Commission compares the factory number of the protocols with the numbers of the protocols listed in the Protocol on the transmission and acceptance of election documents and materials, as well as verifies the integrity of seals, stamps and signatures on the ballot box.

(10) Prebroitelnata Commission opens the ballot box of the sectioned Electoral Commission and check whether their contents corresponds to the data entered in the records of the conduct of the election day of the sectional Election Commission. When prebroitelnata Commission finds obvious factual errors in the minutes, they shall be recorded and shall be signed by the members of the sectional Election Commission under para. 8.

(11) upon acceptance of the protocols prebroitelnata Commission shall issue a signed receipt that contains numerical data of the protocols. After returning to the area of the section members of the sectional Election Commission under para. 8 put this receipt to copies of the protocols.

(12) following the adoption of the minutes of the prebroitelnata Commission copies of the protocols, intended for the municipal administration, and other papers and materials transmitted by members of the sectional Election Commission under para. 8 in the municipal administration by the procedure of art. 242, para. 7 and 8.

(13) following the opening of all polling booths, transmitted by the precinct electoral commissions, and performing verification under paragraph 1. 10 prebroitelnata Committee pulls out the ballots of all polling booths, mix them up and counts the number of votes cast for each type of choice.

(14) Prebroitelnata Commission sets out the results of the vote and be drawn up for each type of selection pursuant to Chapter 10, section IV.

(15) Prebroitelnata Commission transmits the protocols in accordance with art. 231 and 242.

(16) on the basis of data from the records of the municipal election Commission prebroitelnata Commission shall determine the results of the election and be drawn up for each type of choice under Chapter Eleven, section II.

(17) when the data entered in the minutes of the sectional Election Commission do not match with the contents of the ballot box, as well as when prebroitelnata Commission finds a discrepancy between the factory number of the received and transmitted by the sectional Election Commission protocols, of officials who have committed the offence, a fine of up $ 200. When the integrity of seals, stamps and signatures on the ballot box, has been compromised, the officials who have committed the offence, a fine of up $ 5000. Offence shall immediately inform the Commission prebroitelnata the municipal electoral Committee. The acts establishing the infringement shall be drawn up by the municipal electoral Commission, and the penal provisions shall be issued by the Governor in accordance with art. 300. (18) For the outstanding questions in this paragraph shall be subject to the provisions of the code.

§ 116. Within one month from the entry into force of this law, the Central Electoral Commission shall adopt regulations under art. 26, al. 1, item 1.

§ 117. This law shall not apply to the by-election, for which at the date of its entry into force, has promulgated the Decree of the President of the Republic for their calling.

§ 118. In the Administration Act (promulgated, SG. 130 of 1998; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 2 of 1999 – issue 8 of 1999; amend., SG. 67 of 1999 No. 64 and 81 of 2000, 99/2001;, Corr 101/2001; amended by 95/2003, no. 19 of 2005, no. 24 , 30, 69 and 102 in 2006, PCs. 46 and 78 in 2007, PCs. 43 and 94 since 2008, PCs. 35 and 42 by 2009, PCs. 24 and 97 from 2010, PC. 69 by 2011, issue. 15 and 82 by 2012 and St. 15 of 2013) in art. 19, para. 6 create item 5 and 6: "5. be leaders of the headquarters of the party, a coalition of parties or initiative Committee;

6. use at the expense of the State budget motor vehicles owned by the relevant ministries and departments, to participate in the election campaign for the elections. "

§ 119. In the radio and Television Act (promulgated, SG. 138 of 1998; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 10 of 1999 – No. 60 of 1999; amend., SG. 81 (1999), 79/2000, no. 96 and 112 of 2001 No. 77 and 120 of 2002, no. 99 and 114 from 2003, no. 99 and 115 of 2004. , PC. 88, 93 and 105 by 2005, issue. 21, 34, 70, 80, 105 and 108, 2006, issue. 10, 41, 53, and 113 in 2007, PCs. 110. Since 2008, PCs. 14, 37, 42 and 99 from 2009, PCs. 12, 47, 97, 99 and 101 of 2010, PC. 28, 99 and 105 of 2011, issue. 38 and 102 from 2012 and St. 15 of 2013) in art. 13 is a new para. 4:

"(4) media service providers shall announce on its website the full content of the contracts concluded with all registered for participation in the elections parties, coalitions and initiative committees of parties, within three days from the signing of the Treaty."

§ 120. In the Penal Code (official SG. 26 of 1968; Corr. 29/1968; amend., SG. 92, 1969, no. 26 and 27 of 1973, no. 89 of 1974, no. 95 of 1975, no. 3 of 1977, 54/1978, no. 89 of 1979, no. 28 of 1982; Corr, 31/1982; amend. , PC. 44 of 1984, PCs. 41 and 79 since 1985; Corr, PCs. 80 of 1985; amend., SG. 89 of 1986; Corr, PCs. 90 of 1986; amend., SG. 37, 91 and 99 of 1989, PCs. 10, 31 and 81 of 1990, St. 1 and 86 of 1991; Corr, PCs. 90 of 1991; amend., SG. 105 of 1991, PCs. 54 of 1992, issue. 10 since 1993, PCs. 50 of 1995; Decision No 19 of the Constitutional Court from 1995 – PCs. 97 of 1995; amend., SG. 102 of 1995, PCs. 107 of 1996, PCs. 62 and 85 of 1997; Decision No 19 of the Constitutional Court from 1997 – PCs. 120 of 1997; amend., SG. 83, 85, 132, 133 and 153 of 1998, PCs. 7, 51 and 81 of 1999, issue. 21 and 51 by 2000; Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 14 of 2000 – PCs. 98 by 2000; amend., SG. 41 and 101 of the 2001 PCs. 45 and 92 by 2002, PCs. 26 and 103 of 2004, PCs. 24, 43, 76, 86 and 88 of 2005, St. 59, 75 and 102 in 2006, PCs. 38, 64, 57, 85, 89 and 94 in 2007, PCs. 19, 67 and 102 by 2008, PCs. 12, 23, 27, 32, 47, 80, 93 and 102 of 2009, PCs. 26 and 32 from 2010, PC. 33 and 60 by 2011, issue. 19, 20 and 60 by 2012.) in art. 167, para. 3 the words "to six" is replaced by "from one to six.

§ 121. In the code of criminal procedure (official SG. 86 of 2005; amend., SG. 46 and 109 from the 2007 No. 69 and 109 in 2008, issue 12, 27, 32 and 33 by 2009, issue 15, 32 and 101 of 2010, issue 13, 33, 60, 61 and 93 from 2011; Decision No. 10 of the Constitutional Court by 2011 – issue 93 of 2011; amend. , PC. 19, 20, 25 and 60 by 2012.) in art. 172, para. 2, after the words "as well as for crimes of" art "is added. 167, para. 3 and 4, art. 169 d "and a comma.

§ 122. In the law on special intelligence means (promulgated, SG. 95 of 1997; amend., SG. 70 (1999) 49/2000, 17/2003, no. 86 of 2005 No. 45 and 82 of 2006, 109/2007, no. 43 and 109 in 2008, issue 88, 93 and 103 of 2009. , PC. 32 and 88 from 2010, PC. 1 and 13 of 2011, issue. 44 by 2012.) make the following additions: 1. In art. 13, para. 1 creating a t. 6:

"6. the district prosecutors ' offices – offences under art. 167, para. 3 and 4 and article. 169 d of the Penal Code. "

2. In art. 14, para. 1, after the word "relevant" is added "administrative".

§ 123. In the law for the administrative offences and sanctions (official SG. 92, 1969; amend., 54/1978, no. 28 of 1982, no. 28 and 101 of 1983, no. 89 of 1986, no. 24, 1987, no. 94 of 1990 No. 105 of 1991 No. 59 of 1992, no. 102 of 1995. , PC. 12 and 110 of the 1996 issue. 11, 15, 59, 85 and 89 of 1998, PCs. 51, 67 and 114 in 1999, St. 92 of 2000 PCs. 25, 61 and 101 in 2002, PCs. 96 of 2004, PCs. 39 and 79 since 2005, PCs. 30, 33, 69 and 108 of 2006, St. 51, 59 and 97 of 2007, PC. 12, 27 and 32 of the 2009 PCs. 10, 33, 39, 60 and 77 from 2011, issue. 19, 54 and 77 by 2012.) in art. 34, para. 1, after the words "as well as" insert "the electoral code, the law on political parties".

§ 124. In the law on the judiciary (official SG. 64 of 2007; amend., SG. 69 and 109 of 2008 25/, 33, 42, 102 and 103 of 2009, 59/2010, no. 1, 23, 32, 45, 81 and 82 by 2011; Decision No. 10 of the Constitutional Court by 2011 – issue 93 of 2011; amend. , PC. 20, 50 and 81 by 2012 and St. 15 of 2013) in art. 195, para. 1 item 2 is amended as follows:

"2. takes up position in State bodies, with the exception of a member of the Central Electoral Commission, the municipal authorities or the institutions of the European Union;".

The law was adopted by 41-Otto National Assembly on 14 February 2013 and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.

 President of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva: