Name of law
Law amending the Law on Veterinary
Name Bill
Bill amending the Law on Veterinary
Date of adoption
Number / year Official Gazette
DECREE № 19 Pursuant to Art. 98 pt. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the "Official Gazette" Law amending the Law on Veterinary adopted by HLIІI National Assembly on February 4, 2016 || | Released in Sofia on February 12, 2016
President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
stamped with the state seal.
Minister of Justice: Catherine Zaharieva
Law amending the Law on Veterinary Activity (prom. SG. 87 of 2005 .; amend., SG. 30, 31, 55 and 88, 2006, issue. 51 and 84 of 2007, pcs. 13, 36 and 100 of 2008, pcs. 27, 35, 74, 95 and 102 of 2009, pcs. 25 and 41 2010 pcs. 8 and 92 in 2011, pcs. 77, 82 and 97 of 2012, pcs. 7, 15, 66, 68, 83 and 99 of 2013, pcs. 98 2014 . and SG. 14 of 2015)
§ 1. In art. 6 words "Executive Director of the Food Safety Agency" is replaced by "the Minister of Agriculture and Food" and after the word "determined" is added "by order".
§ 2. In art. 7, para. 1 pt. 1 The following amendments and additions:
1. A new letter "b":
"b) implementation of measures for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses;".
2. Previous letters "b" and "c" become letters "c" and "d".
§ 3. A Art. 8:
"Art. 8a. The activities of persons under Art. 8 is carried out subsequent control (verification) under conditions and procedures specified by the Minister of Agriculture and Food. "
§ 4. In art. 12 be made the following amendments:
1. The previous text becomes para. 1 and the words "Ministry of Defense" are deleted.
2. A par. 2:
"(2) Veterinary activities in the Ministry of Defence structures directly subordinate to the Minister of Defence and the Bulgarian Army is carried out by interdepartmental veterinary unit in accordance with this law."
§ 5. In art. 16 words "included in the state prevention program and the list of art. 118, para. 1 "are deleted.
§ 6. In art. 27 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 2 words' professional experience at least three years "shall be deleted.
2. In para. 4 the word "regulation" is replaced by "regulation".
§ 7. In art. 30 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 2:
a) in item. 2, 'and a document certifying the professional experience of the manager "shall be deleted;
B) pt. 5, the words "veterinary medical" are replaced by "veterinary" and the words "national council" are replaced by "the regional board of the regional college."
2. In para. 4 the word "regulation" is replaced by "regulation".
§ 8. In art. 35, para. 2 pt. 5 after the word "register" shall be added "to the regional college."
§ 9. Article 36 is amended as follows:
"Art. 36. (1) The punishment under Art. 28, para. 1 pt. 3 of the professional organization of veterinarians in Bulgaria chairman of the district board of UAS within three days of the imposition of the sentence shall notify the Director of the RFSDs and the owner or user of the holding that the veterinarian has signed a contract Art. 137a or 137b.
(2) Within three days of receiving the notification under par. 1 Director RFSDs issue an order to stop registration to practice as a veterinarian until the entry into force of punishment under par. 1.
(3) The order under par. 2 reported and may be appealed under the Administrative Code. The appeal shall not suspend the execution.
(4) Within 7 days after the entry into force of punishment under par. 1 chairman of the district board of UAS notify the Director of the RFSDs and the owner or user of the holding that the veterinarian has signed a contract under Art. 137a or 137b. The notification a copy of the order of art. 29, para. 5 of the professional organization of veterinarians in Bulgaria marked "entered into force".
(5) Within three days of receiving the notification under par. 4 Director RFSDs issue an order to stop registration to practice as a veterinarian until the expiration of the sentence. "
§ 10. In art. 39 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, p. 4 the words "state prevention program and programs for the surveillance and eradication of animal diseases" are replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses."
2. In para. 2:
a) pt. 5, the words "on paper" shall be deleted;
B) pt. 6 after the abbreviation "RFSDs" insert "Statements";
C) pt. 7, the words "vets" are deleted;
D) in Item. 14, letter "b" words "state prevention program and programs for the surveillance and eradication of animal diseases" are replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses ".
§ 11. Article 46a is amended as follows:
"Art. 46a. Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety inform the European Commission and the competent authorities of the Member States to implement measures for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses under veterinary legislation of the European Union. "
§ 12. Article 46b is repealed.
§ 13. Article 46c is amended as follows:
"Art. 46c. (1) The prices at which pays the implementation of measures under the program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses are determined by a tariff approved by the Cabinet on a proposal by the Minister of Agriculture and Food. The tariff shall be published in the "Official Gazette" and published on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
(2) designated under par. 1 prices can only be changed in accordance with the inflation index established by the National Statistical Institute. "
§ 14. In art. 46d para. 1, 'implementation of the measures under Art. 46b and "are replaced by" the implementation of the programs under Art. 46z, 46i and art. 118, para. 1, including "and the words" provided for in the programs under Art. 46b "shall be deleted.
§ 15. In art. 46e words "surveillance and eradication of animal diseases and state prevention program" is replaced by "Art. 46z, 46i and art. 118, para. 1 ".
§ 16. In art. 46e everywhere the words "state prevention program and programs for the surveillance and eradication of animal diseases" are replaced by "programs under Art. 46z, 46i and art. 118, para. 1 ".
§ 17. In Chapter Four, Section II is creating art. 46z - 46k:
"Art. 46z. (1) National Programme for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses importance for the European Union contains the data of art. 12, paragraph 2 of Regulation (EU) № 652/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 laying down provisions for the management of costs associated with the food chain, animal health and welfare, health plants and plant reproductive material, amending Directives 98/56 / EC, 2000/29 / EC and 2008/90 / EC regulations (EC) № 178/2002, (EC) № 882/2004 and (EC ) № 396/2005 of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/128 / EC of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) № 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and the Council and repealing decisions 66/399 / EEC, 76/894 / EEC and 2009/470 / EC (OB, L 189/1 of June 27, 2014), hereinafter referred to as "Regulation (EU) № 652/2014".
(2) Programme under par. 1 shall be submitted to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry for approval by April 15 of the year preceding the year for her performance.
(3) The Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety program sent under par. 1 of the European Commission for approval by May 31 of the year preceding the year for her performance.
(4) program implementation under par. 1 Food Safety Agency shall report to the European Commission pursuant to Art. 14 of Regulation (EU) № 652/2014.
Art. 46i. Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety draw up a program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses national importance to be approved under Art. 46z, para. 2.
Art. 46k. (1) Measures programs under Art. 46z and 46i are included in the program of art. 118, para. 1.
(2) When the programs under Art. 46z and 46i are approved for a period shorter than the period of the program under Art. 118, para. 1 measures referred to therein are implemented for the period for which they are approved.
(3) When the programs under Art. 46z and 46i are approved for a period longer than the period of the program under Art. 118, para. 1 measures referred to therein for the period after the expiry of the program period are included in the program for the next period. "
§ 18. A Chapter Four" A "in art. 46l and 46 meters:
"Chapter Four" and "
MAKING ANIMAL activity at universities
Art. 46l. (1) Veterinary activities under Art. 2 pt. 3 takes place in a veterinary clinic, veterinary clinic (office) or veterinary laboratory university.
(2) Persons who operate the sites under par. 1 does not belong to UAS.
Art. 46 m. The modalities for implementation of activities under Art. 46l, para. 1 and subsequent control shall be determined by an ordinance issued jointly by the Minister of Agriculture and Food and the Minister of Education and Science. "
§ 19. In art. 51 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 7 finally added "hereinafter" Regulation (EC) № 21/2004 ".
2. In para. 8, the words "Regulation (EC) № 504/2008 of 6 June 2008 implementing Council Directive 90/426 / EEC and Directive 90/427 / EEC concerning the methods of identification of Equidae (OJ, L 149 / 3 of 7 June 2008), hereinafter "Regulation (EC) № 504/2008" are replaced by "implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262 of the Commission of 17 February 2015 laying down rules in accordance Directives 90/427 / EEC and 2009/156 / EC as regards the methods for the identification of equine animals (Regulation of equine passport) (OB, L 59/1 from March 3, 2015), hereinafter referred to 'Regulation (EU) 2015/262 ".
§ 20. In art. 51a, the words "five days after the birth of the animals" shall be replaced with "maximum periods pursuant to Art. 4a of Regulation (EC) № 1760/2000, Art. 4, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) № 21/2004 and art. 12, paragraph 1 of Regulation (EU) 2015/262 and terms according to the ordinance under Art. 51, para. 9 ".
§ 21. In art. 76, para. 2 pt. 2 after the word "certificate" add "invoices" and after the word "documents" insert "including accounting."
§ 22. In art. 108, para. 2 made the following amendments:
1. In item. 1 and 2 "and Art. 120, para. 1 "are deleted.
2. In pt. 4 after the word "measures" insert "program" and the words "and Art. 123, para. 1 "are deleted. 3
. In pt. 5, the words "state prevention program" is replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses."
4. In pt. 8 initially added "storage".
§ 23. In art. 117 made the following amendments:
1. A new paragraph. 2:
"(2) The Executive Director of NVS determined by an order teams to confirm or reject the suspicion of an outbreak of diseases for which there is a risk of rapid and mass distribution or lead to cause significant economic losses. Teams operate in any doubt. "
2. A par. 3:
"(3) The required performance of the teams under par. 2 shall be determined by instruction of the Executive Director of NVS. "
Third. Former para. 2 becomes para. 4.
§ 24. Article 118 is amended as follows:
"Art. 118. (1) The Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety draw up a program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses.
(2) Programme under par. 1 covers a period of three years, develop and submit for approval to the Minister of Agriculture and Food 31 July of the year preceding the period for which the program will apply.
(3) The program par. 1 approved by the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture and Food 31 October in the year of its preparation and contains:
1. list of diseases against which NVS carry out measures for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses;
2. species and number of animals to which the measures set out in it; 3
. types of measures under p. 1 schemes for their implementation and deadlines for their implementation;
4. the necessary funds for its implementation.
(4) Programme under par. 1 is published in the "Official Gazette".
(5) The owners, respectively users of holdings are required to establish an organization and assist veterinarians to implement measures under the program on par. 1.
(6) If any of the measures under the program on par. 1 is not fulfilled due to violation of par. 5 Director RFSDs written notify the regional directorate of the State Fund "Agriculture" within 7 days of the finding of infringement.
(7) State and local authorities are obliged to contribute according to their competence for the implementation of measures under the program on par. 1. "
§ 25. Articles 119 and 120 are canceled.
§ 26. Article 121 is amended as follows:
"Art. 121. The program of art. 118, para. 1, if necessary, may be amended pursuant to its approval, indicating the additional funds for its implementation. "
§ 27. Article 123 is repealed.
§ 28. In art. 132 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1:
a) in the text before item. 1 preposition "of" is replaced by "respectively users of holdings by";
B) p. 10 words "for the implementation of measures under the programs for supervision and eradication of animal diseases and prevention program of the state of their animals" are replaced by "facilitate the implementation of measures under the program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses "
C) t. 11, 'surveillance programs and eradication of animal diseases and state prevention program "is replaced by" program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses "
D) in Item. 12 letter "b" shall be amended as follows:
"B) means of official identification that are damaged, scrapping and are available at the owner, respectively user of holding on cessation of its activities, the destruction and coverage Integrated Information System NVS;"
e) point 15 shall be amended as follows:
"15. transmitted into an object of art. 259, para. 1 or 2 dead animals, their passports and animal products; where dead animals are disposed of outside the object of art. 259, para. 1 submit their passports to the appropriate official veterinarian, a report is prepared; "
e) in Item. 19 words" made events on state prevention program "be replaced with" the measures of the program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses "
G) the item. 24:
"24. immediately notify the veterinarian service holding the official veterinarian for Animal Health, which is responsible for the municipality, in deteriorating health of animals in the house. "
2. In para. 2 after the number "13" is added "and art. 39, para. 2 pt. 14 ". 3
. In para. 3 pt. 1:
a) letter "a" is amended as follows:
"a) cattle - a passport under Regulation (EC) № 1760/2000 by an official veterinarian;
B) a new letter "b":
"b) hoofed animals - a passport under Regulation (EU) 2015/262; where the issuing authority is not a Food Safety Agency, the passport shall be certified by an official veterinarian; Executive Director of NVS gives and takes power to issue a passport to other issuing authorities under Regulation (EU) 2015/262; "
c) the previous" b "becomes" c ".
4. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) The persons under par. 1 available to the official veterinarian controlling the object, a copy of the document under par. 3 pt. 1, 'c' and so on. 2 within three days of its issuance. "
§ 29. In art. 133 be made the following amendments:
1. In pt. 5 after the words "para. 1 and 2 "is added" and installations of art. 259A ".
2. In pt. 6 the words "state prevention program and programs for the surveillance and eradication of animal diseases" are replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses."
§ 30. Article 137B is amended as follows:
"Art. 137B. When 31 October owners or users of sites registered under Art. 137, or owners of animals kept for personal use are not under contract under Art. 137a, respectively art. 137b, UAS coordination with the Director of the RFSDs determined veterinarian, to conclude treaties. "
§ 31. In art. 138 made the following amendments:
1. A new paragraph. 2:
"(2) For violations under par. 1 pt. 2, found in animals which extract raw materials and food, led to an immediate danger to the health of people or animals, the director of RFSDs issued an order, which includes ordering the killing of animals on site and targeted for disposal object for disposal of animal by-products. "
2. Created al. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7:
"(3) Killing is done in the presence of a commission appointed by order under par. 2, the composition of which includes a registered veterinarian contracted under Art. 137a or 137b.
(4) To make a killing committee drawn form.
(5) The Commission under par. 3 performs transmission of animal carcasses on site for the disposal of animal by-products.
(6) The Director of RFSDs shall notify the Executive Director of NVS within 7 days from the cancellation of the certificate.
(7) The Executive Director of the Food Safety Agency sent written information to the State Fund "Agriculture" for cancellation of the certificate. "
Third. Former para. 2 becomes para. 8 and there is a second sentence: "The appeal shall not suspend the execution."
§ 32. In art. 139, para. 1 made the following amendments:
1. Point 1 is amended as follows:
"1. growing, movement or transport of animals, which was not carried out a formal identification, and animals that are not fulfilled measures provided for in the program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses; ".
2. In item. 2 after the word "removal" insert "or unregulated replacement." 3
. A t. 3a:
"3a. placing on animals outside the holding unaccompanied (owner and breeder), unless the animals are housed in fenced pastures ".
4. In item. 8, the words "state prevention program" is replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses."
§ 33. In art. 139A par. 1 is amended as follows:
"(1) When an infringement of Art. 139, para. 1, p. 1, 2 and so on. 4-9 official veterinarians immediately notify in writing the Director of the RFSDs issuing an order form for withdrawal of animals to the state or killing them on the spot and directing them to the disposal facility disposal of animal by-products. "
§ 34. Article 139b is amended as follows:
" Art. 139b. (1) In case of violations of art. 139, para. 1 pt. 3 and 3a, found in animals which extract raw materials and food, official veterinarians inspect on the official identification and implementation of measures envisaged in the program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses and clinical examination of the animals and immediately notify in writing the Director of RFSDs that depending on the results of the inspection and review:
1. issue an order form for withdrawal of animals to the state, killing them on the spot and directing them to the disposal site or facility for the disposal of animal by-products - in the absence of official identification and / or failure of the measures envisaged in the program for prevention , surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses and / or abnormalities in animal health status; killing of animals and target them for disposal shall be made in accordance with Art. 139A para. 1-4;
2. issue an order form for withdrawal of animals to the state and directed the slaughter in an abattoir - the presence of official identification in implementing the measures envisaged in the program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses and no deviations in the health status of the animals.
(2) In the cases under par. 1 pt. 2 Director RFSDs organized:
1. stay of the animals to transfer their organizations for food or banking institutions providing social services, according to Art. 36, para. 1-3 of the Rules for the implementation of the Social Assistance Act (prom. SG. 133 of 1998 .; amend., SG. 38, 42 and 112 of 1999, pcs. 30, 48 and 98 2000 d .; corr., No. 100 of 2000 .; amend., SG. 19 and 97, 2001, issue. 26, 46, 81 and 118 of 2002, pcs. 40 of 2003, SG . 115 of 2004, pcs. 31 and 103 of 2005, pcs. 54 and 93, 2006, issue. 101 of 2007, pcs. 26 2009 n. 27, 41, 43 45 and 50 of 2010, pcs. 63 of 2011, pcs. 17 and 73 of 2013, pcs. 55 of 2014 and SG. 63 of 2015);
2. notification of the organizations under it. 1 presented in the area within two hours of the issuance of the order under par. 1, p. 2; 3
. ensuring data continuity information on the food chain of animals targeted for slaughter;
4. gratuitous transmission of animal organization so. 1.
(3) If within 12 hours of notification under par. 2 pt. 2 does not appear representative organization under par. 2 pt. 1 Director RFSDs take action under Art. 139A.
(4) Where it is established that the information under par. 2 pt. 3 can not be provided within 24 hours of detention animal Director RFSDs take action under Art. 139A.
(5) Upon the issuance of an order for withdrawal of animals to the state and directed the slaughter in an abattoir not be issued veterinary certificate for movement of animals.
(6) The order under par. 1 may be appealed under the Administrative Code. The appeal shall not suspend the execution. "
§ 35. Article 139c is amended as follows:
" Art. 139c. (1) For the transfer of animals are drawn transceiver protocol form signed by a representative of the organization of art. 139b para. 2 pt. 1 and RFSDs.
(2) The organization of which they are transmitted animals is required within three days of slaughter them in writing to inform the Director of RFSDs who issued the order under Art. 139b para. 1 pt. 2, when and in what abattoir slaughter took place and who were granted extracted from animal products intended for human consumption. "
§ 36. Article 139D is amended as follows:
" Art. 139D. (1) When an infringement of Art. 139, para. 1, p. 10-16 depending on the type and severity of the offense shall be issued:
1. act to implement the measure under Art. 131, para. 1 - the official veterinarian;
2. ordering the dissolution of the holding in the case of art. 139, para. 1, p. 15 - by the Director of the RFSDs.
(2) Upon application of the measure under par. 1 pt. 2 animals from the holding target for slaughter.
(3) The costs for the massacre under par. 2 are borne by the owner of the animals.
(4) The acts under par. 1 may be appealed under the Administrative Code. The appeal shall not suspend the execution. "
§ 37. Article 139d is amended as follows:
"Art. 139d. (1) The costs of disposing of the carcasses of animals killed by art. 139A, the cost of art. 139b para. 1 pt. 1 and par. 2 pt. 1-3 and disposal costs of animal products derived from the slaughter of the animals are covered by the budget of the Food Safety Agency.
(2) Responsibility for the animals and costs after delivery are borne by the organization to which they are submitted. "
§ 38. In Chapter Six, Section II, Art. 139e:
"Art. 139e. (1) In cases of art. 139b para. 1, in the case of an equine animal injected with electronic transponder within the meaning of Art. 2 letter "n" of Regulation (EU) № 2015/262, director of the RFSDs immediately make a written request to the mayor / deputy mayor of the settlement to provide accommodation for the animal within 72 hours in a suitable room and then to consult in Integrated information system NVS inform the animal owner about his whereabouts.
(2) transfer the animal under par. 1, a transmission-reception protocol signed by the owner or person authorized by him and a representative of City Hall. The owner or authorized person shall transmit a copy of the transfer and acceptance protocol registered veterinarian, who has a contract under Art. 137a or Art. 137b, who introduces him to the Integrated Information System of the Food Safety Agency.
(3) If within the period under par. 1 owner or authorized person has not received the animal, director of RFSDs issue an order under Art. 139b para. 1, p. 1. "
§ 39. In art. 141, para. 1, p. 1, 'and art. 120, para. 1 "are deleted.
§ 40. In art. 143 par. 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) In case of destruction of breeding animals and bees from apiaries registered under the Decree № 47 of November 11, 2003 for the production and marketing of elite and pedigree queen mothers and offspring (swarms) procedures for keeping a register (prom. SG. 103 of 2003 .; amend., SG. 26 of 2008, No. 67 of 2011 and SG. 94 of 2012) , the commission includes a representative of the territorial unit of the Executive Agency for selection and reproduction in Animal breeding. "
§ 41. in art. 144 par. 1 is amended as follows:
"(1) Compensation for animals is determined by:
1. market prices for the month preceding the occurrence of disease or
2. assessment, including breed affiliation and breeding value made by the Executive Agency for Selection and Reproduction in livestock animals, which are subject to a breeding program approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Food or by a competent authority of another Member State. "
§ 42. In art. 146 words "average market price for the area designated" be replaced with "market price on species available."
§ 43. In art. 147, para. 1 after the words "date of" insert "or death."
§ 44. In art. 148 pt. 1 after the words "date of" insert "or death."
§ 45. In art. 165 par. 5 is amended as follows:
"(5) The license is for a period of 5 years and for persons transporting animals off to defined in Art. 6, paragraph 7 of Regulation (EC) № 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64/432 / EEC and 93/119 / EC and Regulation (EC) № 1255/97, is open-ended. "
§ 46. In art. 174 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 2 words "a document for paid fee of art. 175, para. 1 "are deleted.
2. Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:
"(3) Upon registration of the dog's veterinarian put a microchip with ISO 11784 and insert the data into integrated information system of NVS."
Third. In para. 5 'tattoo or "are deleted.
§ 47. In art. 175, para. 2 t. 6 is amended as follows:
"6. dogs who accompany or guard livestock grown in a registered holding. "
§ 48. Article 221 is amended as follows:
" Art. 221. The state veterinary control is carried out with respect to:
1. production, trade and marketing of raw materials and foodstuffs of animal origin;
2. transport conditions and the vehicles that transported the objects of art. 220, para. 1; 3
. production of products derived from animal by-products;
4. holding of exhibitions for raw materials and foodstuffs of animal origin. "
§ 49. In art. 224, para. 2 pt. 5 after the word "subjects" is added "in pursuit of the activity."
§ 50. In art. 229, para. 2, the pt. 5:
"5. a copy of an effective administrative act issued under Chapter Six of the Law on Environmental Protection and / or pursuant to Art. 31 of the Biological Diversity Act. "
§ 51. created art. 229a and 229B:
"Art. 229a. (1) The operators who deal with shipments of animal products and / or products derived from them, not keep them originating from a Member State other state - party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation or from third countries recorded and entered into the register under Art. 232, para. 2.
(2) The operators under par. 1 submitted to the Director of RFSDs the headquarters of the operator's application for registration form, which indicate unique identification code in accordance with Art. 23 of the Commercial Register Act or BULSTAT. The model shall be published on the website of NVS.
(3) The application shall be a document for paid fee determined by the tariff of art. 3, para. 4 of the Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety.
(4) The applicant shall be notified in writing to the identified deficiencies and / or inaccuracies in the documents under par. 2 and 3 within 7 days of application, specifying a deadline for their removal.
(5) Where incompleteness and / or inaccuracies are not corrected within the prescribed period, the Director of RFSDs reasonably refuse registration.
(6) Within 14 days of submission of the application or removal of deficiencies and / or inaccuracies director RFSDs register operator and issue a registration certificate or reasonably refuse registration.
(7) Within three days of the occurrence of a change of name / business name and / or address / headquarters operators under par. 1 shall notify the Director of RFSDs and implement document certifying the change and a document for paid fee determined by the tariff under Art. 3, para. 4 of the Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety.
(8) Within 7 days of receipt of the notification under par. 7 Director RFSDs registering the change in the register under Art. 232, para. 2 and issue a certificate for the change.
(9) The refusal under par. 5 and 6 are reported and can be appealed under the Administrative Code.
Art. 229B. (1) The operators of art. 229a within the 10th day of the month following the quarter are obliged to provide RFSDs the headquarters of the operator information obtained and / or distributed consignments of animal products and / or products derived from them, originating from a Member State , other state - party to the Agreement on the European economic Area, the Swiss Confederation or by third parties. The information is provided in a form approved by the Executive Director of NVS. Information can be submitted electronically in compliance with the requirements of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature.
(2) Regional Offices Food Safety collate and summarize the information under par. 1.
(3) Regional Offices Food Safety within the 20th day of the month following the quarter, provide the headquarters of the Food Safety Agency summary information under par. 1. "
§ 52. In art. 231 make the following additions:
1. In para. 1 after the word "number" insert "and operators of art. 229a - registration number. "
2. In para. 2 after the word "subjects" is added "and operators."
§ 53. In art. 232 be made the following amendments:
1. The previous text becomes para. 1.
2. A par. 2:
"(2) The operators of art. 229a are registered on RFSDs that contains:
1. number and date of issue of the certificate of registration;
2. registration number of the operator; 3
. name / company name and / or address / headquarters of the operator;
4. number and date of the order for cancellation of registration. "
§ 54. In art. 233 words "keep a national registry of objects of art. 229, para. 1, which comprises "are replaced by" leading national registries of objects of art. 229, para. 1 and operators of art. 229a, which comprise ".
§ 55. In art. 234 make the following additions:
1. In para. 1 shall be added "and operators of art. 229a '.
2. In para. 2 finally added "respectively operator."
§ 56. A Art. 236a:
"Art. 236a. (1) The registration of operators Art. 229a para. 1 is deleted and the certificate shall be canceled by order of the Director of RFSDs:
1. at the request of the operator;
2. in gross or systematic violations of statutory requirements; 3
. for non-compulsory administrative measure;
4. in systematic obstruction of veterinarians in carrying out their inspection activities.
(2) The order under par. 1, p. 2-4 can be appealed under the Administrative Code. "
§ 57. In art. 257, para. 1, p. 6 after the word "registered" insert "under Art. 51 or. "
§ 58. A Art. 259A:
"Art. 259A. (1) Disposal of animal by-products and products derived from them can be carried out if necessary in incineration and co-incineration registered in RFSDs.
(2) Installations under par. 1 may be stationary or mobile and meet the conditions set out in Annex III, Chapter II, Section I of Regulation (EU) № 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) № 1069/2009 the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78 / EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks border under that Directive (OB, L 54/1 from February 26, 2011), hereinafter referred to as "Regulation (EU) № 142/2011".
(3) Mobile installations are registered in RFSDs in whose territory the seat of their owner or user.
(4) mobile installations can be disposed of by-products and products derived from them throughout the country in compliance with Regulation (EC) № 1069/2009.
(5) Owners or operators of mobile equipment shall notify in writing the Director of RFSDs whose territory will operate 24 hours before disposal of animal by-products and products derived therefrom in this territory. "
§ 59. Art. 260 be made the following amendments:
1. The previous text becomes para. 1.
2. A par. 2:
"(2) The requirements under par. 1 shall not apply to installations of art. 259A. "
§ 60. In art. 262, para. 1 make the following additions:
1. In the text before item. 1 after the words "or 2" is added "and installation of art. 259A para. 1 ".
2. In item. 2, the second sentence: "This document does not apply to register the installation of art. 259A para. 1. "
§ 61. In art. 263 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) The registration of objects of art. 259, para. 1 and 2 and installations of art. 259A para. 1 is indefinite. "
2. In para. 2 after the word "objects" insert "and installations".
§ 62. In art. 264 in the text before item. 1 after the word "subjects" is added "and installations".
§ 63. In art. 265, para. 1 after the words "and 2" insert "and installation of art. 259A para. 1 ".
§ 64. In art. 267, para. 1 in the text before item. 1 after the words "or 2" is added "and installation of art. 259A para. 1 ".
§ 65. In art. 269 everywhere after the word "subjects" is added "and installations".
§ 66. A Art. 270a:
"Art. 270a. Owners or operators of installations of art. 259A para. 1:
1. introduce a system of self-control;
2. identify those responsible for the system of self-control and periodically summarize and analyze the results. "
§ 67. In art. 271b, first sentence the words' Commission of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) № 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption and implementing Directive 97/78 / EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive (OB, L 54/1 from February 26, 2011) "is deleted.
§ 68. In art. 272 finally added "and installations of art. 259A para. 1 ".
§ 69. In art. 273 make the following additions:
1. In para. 1 after the words "objects" is added "storage".
2. In para. 2 finally added "and objects of art. 259, para. 2 ". 3
. A par. 3:
"(3) The persons operating in objects of art. 259, para. 2, must organize the collection and storage of animal products from their designated areas and submit them for disposal objects of art. 259, para. 1. "
§ 70. Article 274 is repealed.
§ 71. In art. 275 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 after the words "or 2" is added "and installations of art. 259A para. 1 ".
2. In para. 2 after the word "owner" shall be added "respectively users" and the words "and 2" insert "and installations of art. 259A para. 1 ". 3
. In para. 3 after the word "owners" shall be added "respectively users."
4. Paragraphs 4 and 5 are amended as follows:
"(4) the state budget are costs:
1. collection, transport, storage and disposal of dead animals from holdings registered under this Act;
2. collection, transport, storage and disposal of dead animals and animal by-products derived from the slaughter of animals in facilities for personal needs; 3
. collection, transport, storage and disposal of animals in art. 141, para. 1 and germ products, raw materials and foodstuffs of animal origin, animal products and products derived therefrom under Art. 141, para. 2, except in cases of art. 142, para. 1 in which the expense of the owners of the animals.
(5) The costs of performing services under para. 4 pt. 1 and 3 are provided in the form of state aid through the State Fund "Agriculture". "
§ 72. In art. 277, para. 5 in the text before item. 1, 'Regulation (EC) № 504/2008 "are replaced by" Regulation (EC) № 2015/262 ".
§ 73. In art. 411 the number "200" is replaced by "400" and the number "400" is replaced by "600".
§ 74. Article 413 is amended as follows:
"Art. 413. (1) A veterinarian or manager of veterinary institution that does not fulfill an obligation under Art. 39 shall be punished by a fine of 400 to 2,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 1000 to 4000 Levs.
(2) When a result of the breach of the obligation under Art. 39 have been significant economic loss or danger to the health of large numbers of people or animals if the person under par. 1 is not subject to more severe punishment, a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 10 000 to 20 000 Levs. "
§ 75. created art. 415a and 415b:
"Art. 415a. (1) In violation of the prohibition of art. 49, para. 1 owner, respectively user of holding and the person making vaccination is punishable by a fine of 500 to 1,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 3000 to 5000 Levs.
(2) Where an offense under par. 1 is committed by a legal entity or sole trader, a pecuniary penalty of 1,000 to 5,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 5,000 to 15,000 lev.
Art. 415b. (1) Whoever violates the requirements of Art. 118, para. 5 is punishable by a fine of 50 to 200 lev, and for repeated offense - from 300 to 1000 Levs.
(2) If as a result of violation under par. 1 have been significant economic loss or danger to the health of large numbers of people or animals if the person is subject to more severe punishment, a fine of 1,000 to 2,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 2,000 to 4,000 lev.
(3) Where an offense under par. 1 is committed by a legal entity or sole trader, a pecuniary penalty of 1,000 to 5,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 5,000 to 15,000 lev.
(4) Where the result of an offense under par. 1 have been significant economic loss or danger to the health of large numbers of people or animals, the legal entity or sole trader shall be imposed proprietary sanction of 10 000 to 20 000 Levs, and for repeated offense - from 20 000 to 40 000 Levs "
§ 76. In art. 417, para. 1 after the number "20" is added "and 24".
§ 77. A Art. 417a:
"Art. 417a. (1) Whoever unlawfully used means of identification or improperly perform replacement of such funds shall be fined from 200 to 1,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 1,000 to 2,000 lev.
(2) Where an offense under par. 1 is committed by a legal entity or sole trader, a pecuniary penalty of 1,000 to 5,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 5,000 to 10,000 lev. "
§ 78. A Art. 418a:
"Art. 418a. Who does not fulfill its obligations under Art. 134, para. 1 and 2 is punishable by a fine or a pecuniary penalty of 200 to 500 lev, and for repeated offense - from 500 to 1000 Levs. "
§ 79. In art. 420 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1 the words "50 to 300" are replaced by "200 to 1000" and the words "100 to 500" are replaced by "1000 to 2000".
2. In para. 2 the words "300 to 500" are replaced by "800 to 1500" and the words "500 to 1,000" are replaced by "1500 to 4000".
§ 80. In art. 420a para. 1 the number "150" is replaced by "300".
§ 81. In art. 421 words "100 to 300" are replaced by "300 to 500" and the words "300 to 500" are replaced by "500 to 1,000".
§ 82. In art. 422 is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) Any person who violates the prohibition under Art. 151 shall be punished by a fine of 200 to 500 lev, and for repeated offense - from 500 to 1000 Levs. "
2. Paragraph 3 shall be repealed. 3
. In para. 4 words "para. 1-3 "is replaced with" para. 1 ".
§ 83. In art. 424, para. 1 the words "100 to 200" are replaced by "200 to 500" and the words "200 to 400" are replaced by "500 to 1,000".
§ 84. created art. 426A and 426b:
"Art. 426A. Who does not fulfill an obligation under Art. 173 shall be punished by a fine of 50 to 500 lev.
Art. 426b. Who does not fulfill an obligation under Art. 174, para. 4 is punishable by a fine of 200 lev, and for repeated offense - 500 lev. "
§ 85. In art. 430 words "100 to 200" are replaced by "200 to 300" and "200 to 300" are replaced by "300 to 500".
§ 86. A Art. 431A:
"Art. 431A. Who does not fulfill an obligation under Art. 200 shall be punished by a fine of 20 to 200 lev, and for repeated offense - from 300 to 1000 Levs. "
§ 87. A Art. 436a:
"Art. 436a. Who does not fulfill an obligation under Art. 55 shall be punished by a fine of 300 to 1,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 500 to 2000 Levs. "
§ 88. Article 449 is amended as follows:
" Art. 449. (1) Whoever violates the requirements of Art. 7 paragraphs 1-3 of Regulation (EC) № 999/2001, shall be fined from 5,000 to 10,000 lev, and for repeated offense - from 10 000 to 20 000 Levs
(2) Where an offense under par. 1 is committed by a legal entity or sole trader, a pecuniary penalty from 10 000 to 20 000 Levs, and for repeated offense - from 20 000 to 50 000 Levs. "
§ 89. Article 449a is repealed.
§ 90. In art. 449b para. 1 after the word "owner" shall be added "respectively user."
§ 91. In art. 449v after the word "owner" shall be added "respectively user" words "from 1000 to 2000" are replaced with "5,000 to 10,000" and the words "from 2000 to 5000" are replaced by "10 000 to 20 000 ' .
§ 92. In art. 472 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 after the words "Art. 426 "insert" 426A, 426b. "
2. In para. 4 after the words "Art. 426 "insert" 426A, 426b "and the words" sanitation "are deleted.
§ 93. § 1 of the additional provisions be made the following amendments:
1. In t. 70, the words "carcass collection facilities" are deleted.
2. Section 75a is amended as follows:
"75a. "Official animal identification" is marking the animals with a unique means of identification under the terms and conditions of Art. 51, para. 5-9 and subsequent inclusion in the Integrated Information System NVS. "
Third. A t. 79a:
"79a. "User" means any person who carries out whether gainful or activity in a site or facility subject to veterinary control, which is not his property. "
§ 94. In other texts of law the words" state prevention program and surveillance programs and eradication of animal diseases "," state prevention program and programs for the surveillance and eradication of animal diseases "," state prevention program and programs for the surveillance and eradication of animal diseases "," state prevention program "and" the state prevention program and measures for surveillance programs and eradication of animal diseases "are replaced by" program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses "and the words" carcass collection facilities "are deleted.
Transitional and Final Provisions
§ 95. The provision of State aid under Art. 275, para. 5 apply after a positive decision by the European Commission for compatibility with the rules on state aid. State aid is not allowed until the date of the positive decision of the European Commission.
§ 96. (1) Within five days of the entry into force of this Act NVS draw up a program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses for the period January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2018 . and submit it to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry for approval.
(2) The program on par. 1 approved by the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture and Food no later than 20 days after the approval under par. 1 and contains:
1. list of diseases against which NVS carry out measures for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses;
2. species and number of animals for which the measures provided for therein; 3
. types of measures under p. 1 schemes for their implementation and deadlines for their implementation;
4. the necessary funds for its implementation.
§ 97. Within three months of the entry into force of this Act the Executive Director of NVS determined by an order teams Art. 117, para. 2.
§ 98. Owners of dogs that are identified by a tattoo are required within one year from the entry into force of this Act submit them to the veterinarian for placing a microchip.
§ 99. In the Law for the Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety (prom. SG. 8 2011 .; amend., SG. 38 and 102 in 2012, pcs. 15 2013 SG. 61 of 2014 and SG. 57 of 2015) is amended as follows:
1. Article 7 shall be amended as follows:
"Art. 7. Regional Directorates of Food Safety under Art. 4 para. 1 pt. 2 are constructed according to the administrative-territorial division of the country and are legal entities in the structure of NVS, which are managed by directors. "
2. In art. 8, para. 2 the word "not" is deleted. 3
. In art. 13 pt. 2 the words "state prevention program and list" are replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses."
§ 100. In the Hunting and Game Protection Act (prom. SG. 78 of 2000 .; amend., SG. 26 of 2001, pcs. 77 and 79 of 2002, No. . 88 2005 pcs. 82 and 108 in 2006, pcs. 64 of 2007, pcs. 43, 67, 69 and 91 of 2008, pcs. 6, 80 and 92 of 2009 No.. 73 and 89 of 2010, pcs. 8, 19, 39 and 77 of 2011, pcs. 38, 60, 77 and 102 of 2012, pcs. 15 2013 .; Decision № 4 the Constitutional Court of 2013 - SG. 62 of 2013 .; amend., SG. 60 of 2015) in art. 42, para. 3 words "state prevention program" is replaced by "program for prevention, surveillance, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses."
§ 101. In the Medicinal Products Act (prom. SG. 46 of 2007 .; amend. Pcs. 110 of 2008, pcs. 41 and 82 in 2009, pcs. 98 2010 pcs. 39 and 60 of 2011, pcs. 54 and 84 of 2012, pcs. 14 and 38 of 2015) in art. 83, para. 1, p. 2 the words "veterinary treatment" are replaced by "veterinary".
§ 102. In the Law for the professional organization of veterinarians in Bulgaria (prom. SG. 84 of 2007 .; amend. Pcs. 8 2011 and SG. 37 of 2015) is amended as follows:
1. In art. 5 para. 1 p. 3 is repealed.
2. In art. 20, para. 2 pt. 9, "veterinary treatment" are replaced by "animal health".
§ 103. Law shall enter into force on the day of its promulgation in the "Official Gazette", with the exception of § 24 - in terms of art. 118, para. 2 and 3, which come into force on January 1, 2018
law was adopted by the 43rd National Assembly on February 4, 2016 and was affixed with the official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva 981